#ew aviyah
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First time drawing him in awhile
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Tag yourself meme with my ocs!
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I haven't posted art here in forever so here's the shit y'all missed
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Aviyah aesthetic board that took way longer than it should have
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Eddtober 21st
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Eddtober 31st
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Part 2 of art y'all missed
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Tord: I have a deep respect for Scotland because I was at a Ireland vs Scotland football match and their chant was, “We hate England more than you.”
Aviyah: One time at a Germany vs. Scotland game some German fans started the “Stand up if you hate England” chant, and the whole stadium stood up. I got up on Gerard’s shoulders so I could be standing higher than everyone else.
Tom: What didn’t we do?
Matt: Does this mean that England is the US of Europe?
Paul: Where do you think the US got it from?
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Drew some Chibis earlier for the ask-edd chat and kinda a celebration of the new Eddsworld era.
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I posted these on Deviantart, but I never got around to putting it on here. I made digital redraws of the thing I did way back with making the Eddsworld characters as Animal Crossing villagers. 
I might do this with some of the other background characters like Annya and Hellucard when I get the chance.
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Didn’t want to say this on the post I just reblogged so here we go:
Aviyah often forgets English words, so instead he does literal translations of the German. Especially with medical terms. You could be talking to him and his brain can’t come up with “hospital” on the spot, so he’ll instead just blurt out “sickhouse”. It still gets the point across, but it’s funnier if your doctor asks you about pain in your food tube vs your esophagus. 
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My Mission Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
I was going to leave My Mission alone as is, but the @strawberryrosewood did a word vomit fic and I got inspiration.
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I did a draw the squad thingy! 
No one’s used to Tom genuinely being happy. 
(The original meme is by QueenCookieMonster on Deviantart)
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hi I have a question abt one of ur ocs!!: what's up w aviyah? you mentioned he was a doctor in one of your fics and I've been kinda curious abt what he does n how he fits into the red army if he does at all . Like is he a scientist? Is he a licensed professional or does he have no credentials past "trust me bro" ?? or was his purpose changed for that one fic in particular ?? he seems rlly neat and I'd love 2 hear more abt him :>
Okay, okay. He's a licensed doctor, but he also likes to dabble in other sciences, primarily chemistry and astronomy. But he does have a doctorate, so he's legit.
He joined Red Army not long after moving to England. The only reason he did is because no other hospital or doctor's office would hire him. Mostly because a very tall man with a scarred face and an obsession with monsters would freak patients out. (As well as some deeper tr*nsphobic reasons within the staff of the places he tried to go to.) He isn't interested in the world domination part of the army, not that he thinks they can actually do it.
Tord found him on complete accident. They both happened to be in the same coffee shop, and he overheard Avi talking to the barista about how he still can't find work. In Tord's mind, he saw a big Frankenstein man that could lower Red Army's hospital bill. So, Avi was hired, and he moved closer to the Red Army base.
His purpose within Red Army is to make sure no one bleeds to death as well as making sure that Tord's robot arm stays connected to his nerves and doesn't cause further damage. When he isn't busy keeping them alive, he does research for Tord. Sometimes that means he's playing with chemicals to try and make new types of explosives, other times it means just googling stupid stuff.
Out of everyone in Red Army, he likes Paul, Patryck, AK, and Yanov. He's partial to Annya and Yuu, mostly because he rarely sees them in his office for anything. As for Tord, as much as he tolerates him, he would sell him to Satan for a single corn chip. He's grateful that Tord came to him and gave him work, but it doesn't dismiss the fact that Avi just finds him really, really, really annoying.
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Talksprites Hell Yeah
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Edited a pic of Edd to make my bois. Peeps on the ask-edd discord probs already saw this, but I figured I’d repost it here too because I do very little with my ocs here. (Mostly because I get nervous sharing my ocs online)
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