#happy halloween folks
the-lumpfish-king · 8 months
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beefycupcakes · 8 months
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ayy-junipei · 8 months
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The Boy (2016)
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dwreader · 8 months
couple costumes
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2. loumand
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3. danlou
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4. lesmand
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dandydanthelion · 8 months
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"Baby, I may be crazy but I didn't lose it. No, I set it free."
this will wood song is literally julian, that will wood song is literally julian bUT we dont talk enough abt how 2econd 2ight 2eer is literally lucio!!!!!
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misha-69innit · 8 months
guy who's only fucked his car, fucking an angel of the lord: getting a lot of "my car" vibes from this
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somestorythoughts · 8 months
Rewatching the Nightmare Before Christmas because tis the season and I just realized:
Most of Jack's deal is that he's lost his drive and love for his work but another part of it is that he's lonely, he doesn't feel like anyone understands that.
And one of the first things we see, after the holiday trees at the beginning of the first song, is Jack in costume, alone.
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And then at the end, he's got that drive to create back, and someone who understands, and that's how the movie ends.
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I'm possible overthinking these but I thought it was interesting.
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xactodreams · 8 months
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witch-of-gastronomy · 8 months
The sun shines in the horizon, the air is humid and warm, this is the climate you're used to. The sunset paints the water surrounding the beach with a orange more intense than any pumpkin you ever saw, after all it was Halloween.
Your friends were awaiting you in the town square, there was a party waiting for you at the dawn of night, Halloween tradition are the words that come through your mind, you take a last glance at the beautiful ocean before getting up, yet you spot something unusual.
A pumpkin, floating on the sea, you blink in surprise only to see that it isn't there anymore, if you told this to someone, they would probably just reply with:
"Pumpkin? What pumpkin, I haven't seen any around here."
This train of thought only helps you become aware that you might not be on your best state of mind, the sun already settled and now you only have a moonless night to accompany you, without hesitation, you trudge towards your abode.
Through the large bushes and several trees surrounding the path, the unshakeable feeling of being watched returns, you thought you had already gotten over that. This is just another island you're living, it's isn't a harsh change, you think to yourself. Yet you decide to humor your fears and look back.
A pair of emerald eyes is watching you, deep in the forest, similar to a wolf. You can't get over the instinct to simply run towards home as fast as possible, you're sweating cold, loudly huffing as if you just ran the biggest marathon in your life, the wooden floor of your beach house loudly creaks with step of yours. You swore that you were able to walk without making a single noise.
You wonder what even was that, you're not sure if it followed you, and all you have is the gentle gust of air breezing through one of your windows, you remember that leaving them closed would make you overheat. As a way to clear your mind, you decide to check your phone, and to your surprise, you have a notification, thought the moment you process what it actually is, your body feels uneasy almost instantly.
You re-read it a few times in a attempt to assure that you're mistaken, yet by adjusting and cleaning your glasses with your shirt, it continues the same.
Before you can even begin to think about a solution, a rhythmic, loud knocking can be heard from your door. You don't think much about who could it be, by the time it might be your friends who might be worried that you fell asleep again.
Amidst the dark landscape outside your door, you are met with the same pair of emerald eyes you saw earlier, towering over you was a girl that you could only look at and feel that she was almost... Canine, as if she simply tracked you like a wolf, she greets you with a toothy smile.
"Sorry for knocking so loud at this time of the night, I was searching for you everywhere!! :B
She seems very enthusiastic about you, yet you don't remember seeing her once in your life. Yet your train of thought is interrupted as she walks inside, you instinctively walk back, yet her eyes continue locked with yours.
"I was surprised to know you were in hawaii, which is such a cool place to be!"
You continue walking backwards, each of your instincts is telling you to run away, the worse outcome of that notification happened and now you're backed into your own house out of all places.
Your breath runs short, you blink a few times before all the tension and stress get the better of you, the loud thud of your unconscious body hitting the ground, you can only hear some faint, seemingly worried
Eventually, you wake up from your unconscious slumber, being received with the same pair of glowing emerald pupils from before, yet your nose catches a particular scent, pumpkin pie.
Jade tightly hugs you, if you weren't so scared you'd understand why she was worried for you.
"You scared me good back there!!!"
You try replying, only to be immediately interrupted by her.
"Now that you're awake, we can enjoy our dinner together! You should be hungry by now.."
Against your wishes, your stomach gurgles, proving that your "date" was right. Before you could even react, a large slice of pie is pushed on your mouth, you can't help but eat. Jade eagerly feeds another slice, without even waiting for you to be done, again and again, slice by slice, the creaks from the chair you're sitting become increasingly louder in response to each pastry being fed to you. Your growing gut resting in your lap, yet the seemingly endless feeding continues. Despite the incessantly creaking chair, Jade adds a few more to hold your growing thunder thighs who inevitably spill out from each nook and cranny from the wooden furniture. Your ground reaching belly jiggles with even the slightest motion.
It only takes a final, sugary slice of cake being fed to you for all the three chairs to give in, your enlarged behind softening your fall, you can barely move, too full to keep going, yet you feel like you could do it again, your overstuffed, loudly churning gut is received with belly rubs from Jade, as a sign that you've been good during the whole ordeal.
"I expected the chairs to last longer... But you have your own chair now!"
You can tell by her voice that there will be seconds, and even thirds, this was the most unique date you ever had.
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childesnintendo · 8 months
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halloween 2004
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antleredoctopus · 2 years
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ok listen they’d 10000% get along until moria starts laughing
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geek-antic · 8 months
Trick or treat!
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(I'm soundwave:] )
Oh god I’m late uhh just take the whole bowl 🍬🍭🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍬
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novelconcepts · 8 months
wanted my heart (but i gave her my soul) [complete]
Taissa Turner doesn’t believe in the Wilderness, in spirits, in monsters. She definitely doesn’t believe in vampires. None of that stuff can possibly be real.
It can, however, still upend her entire life.
Chapter 1/4 - 1996
Chapter 2/4 - 1997
Chapter 3/4 - 1998 - 2001
Chapter 4/4 - 2021
M, 55.6k words
The thing that upends Taissa Turner’s life, in the end, is the sleepwalking. It’s infuriating, in its own way. She hasn’t sleepwalked in almost twenty-five years. She doesn’t do this anymore—this blackout-and-appear-somewhere-else thing. She’s stronger than this, more controlled than this. And yet, somehow, this is how she finds her world turned on its axis. Again. One minute, she’s…somewhere. Where was it? Wood. There was wood everywhere. Something towering over her. Something restraining her from all angles. And now: no wood. No tower. No pain. Strike that. A lot of pain, actually. A whole fuckload of pain.
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spaceoddeity · 8 months
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can we all pretend I posted this Vampire Gerry on halloween? Please and thank you
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tired-reader-writer · 8 months
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...comb on a kitty!
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hei3355 · 2 years
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