molliemoo3 · 20 days
Mum calling the iron wireless instead of cordless shouldn't be as funny as it just was
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intervento · 3 months
i’m unsure if anyone ACTUALLY uses this tumblr blog for updates on my fic’s, but i will be mentioning it anyway….
my fugio fic will not be getting an update this week because letting an idea come to YOU, isn’t exacfly a good idea. and! i also completely underestimated how hard it is to write a 1-2k word chapter in the span of 4 days while also having family stuff planned left and right !! 🤣🤣
i do intend for chapter 3 to be released next week, which means we’re still technically on schedule.. seeing as i specified weekly and bi-weekly updates! i cannot make any promises as i’m having a sleepover next week too 💀 but i’ll manage
BUT, good news. i have the following chapters planned out! chp 4 will finally be giorno pov and fugio first “date”
i also had the idea to have this AU be it’s own collection of works, seeing as i don’t think i will manage to experiment with dynamic’s within this casual(??) golden wind AU. i was hoping to write bruabba and naratrish stuff, but i’ll likely turn those into oneshots in the collection.
that’s all !!!
this post will be pinned until i publish chapter 3
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dazzlingqwq · 4 months
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click for better quality cuz its squished as fuck... anyway! drew @justasillywoomy 's oc that they requested!! sorry if the clothing looks off, couldnt exacfly see what was going on. oh yeah. drawn on autodesk sketchbook if anyone was wonderin.
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sappymix1 · 8 months
like sometimes calico critters just look like people. on priv ages ago i assigned everyone from the yard a calico critters alter ego and there was a rabbit that looked EXACFLY like ludwig it is just a thing that happens sometimes
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cestvreth · 9 months
Ah yes, going to bed at 8pm is exacfly how I imagined the start of my winter holidays
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maschotch · 3 years
@h0tch-r0cket has a linktree that has tgs filmography! The LAHR one isn’t a YouTube link so if YouTube doesn’t work that one should :)
!!! good to know!!
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sunstar121 · 3 years
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hehe kitty........ @doodledream
imagine going to help out ur friends fight for their country back and when u get home the anarchist that was kinda?? on your side has moved in next door, and later on he kinda inducts you into his secret society. how do you even react to that.
[I.D: Two pages of drawings of my dsmpsona. they are a pale orange cat hybrid with blue-green eyes, purple and brown hair, long claws, many piercings, and moles on their face. they wear a high-necked black tanktop, fur-lined brown jacket, black pants, black fingerless gloves, mukluks, gray toque, and a cloak that is coloured like a sunset. Labels in orange text on the first drawing reads: 'Chris Star / They/them / 17 • Pisces / Can talk to cats / Honorary Syndicate member / 9 lives / Orange cat hybrid / Lives in the tundra' As well as a small drawing of their cape.
The second page has an assortment of doodles: two cats (one black and white, the other siamese) labeled Webster and Mouse, a small comic of the Syndicate showing up at their door, and them nervously asking 'Can I help you??', them lying on the floor chatting with three cats, and a sketchy comic of them coming home after helping Pogtopia and seeing Technoblades cabin. A box labeled 'Misc Info' holds this text: '-huge gossip / -just wants to watch and not get involved / -wicked baker / -hehe kitty has nine lives....' and a list of their bros, including Phil, Ranboo, Techno, Niki, Tubbo, Ant, and Remy. end I.D]
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ko-neko-san · 4 years
If any of the artists on my ⭐personal growth⭐ playlist on spotify notice that notif, know I either discovered you during the shithole that was the first half of 2018 or sometime in the last year when I started figuring out what I want in life, and your music played a key part; OR I relate to the lyrics both in the past and now, having survived 2018. I thank you for existing so I might find it.
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seungminsmile · 5 years
previews are so slow today...i'm going to sleep
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romijuli · 5 years
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I feel like this is pre-emptive vengeance for something
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essieeeeeeeee · 5 years
started working on the first prompt someone sent me for a drabble, and man, writing's haaaaaaaard *whines*
how do ya'll authors do it and crank out 50k masterpieces like it ain't nothing
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the-light-of-stars · 7 years
After the ILITW finale I’ve got to say:
Maybe the real bullies were the friends we made along the way
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parkore · 3 years
im litrtally gonna throw up and cry why does chad jerma look exacfly like 1978 myers
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kbreezlaf · 5 years
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I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this 💜
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meganwinchester1999 · 3 years
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Thank you Megan!!
To say thanks for all your efforts asking me stuff over numerous questionnaires. Enjoy the shit tonne of questions...ahahaha 😁🙏🏻🤗
You're welcome, Mikey! Haha thanks for all of these 😊
5) I would really hope they would take care of me if I was drunk especially since I've never really had someone to take care of me while I've been drunk.
6) I guess for me it's not all about physical attractiveness. For me it's about the personality; they need to have a kind heart and all that.
9) No it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. I don't mind talking about sex 😊
10) Ooooo that's a tough one as I don't really have deep conversations with people including my family. I guess it would be one of my friends.
12) Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin, My heart goes la di da - Becky Hill, Happier - Marshmello ft Bastille, Believer - Imagine Dragons and Misery Company - Kaiser Chiefs
22) Two places I would love to go are Japan and India. Hopefully some day I will be able to go.
25) I guess one part I feel uncomfortable with is my stomach as I'm not exacfly the slimmest one out there.
136) I sleep with my doors closed, I always have as I hate sleeping with my doors open thanks to nightmares
140) Summer mainly because I'm a Summer baby.
141) That's a tough one...I guess night time as I like laying in bed haha
142) July because that's my birth month 🤣
80) I'm wearing black pants right now
81) I love Star Trek so much, I'm a massive Trekkie I have been since I was a little girl.
82) I love the new Spiderman. I watched it at the cinema the other week and I fucking loved it right away
124) After thinking about it a lot, yeah I really do believe in that.
125) Now that's a difficult one. I would really like to believe in true love but yeah I'm not too sure.
126) Yeah I'm always bored, even when I'm at work 🤣
127) Damn this is difficult. I guess being loved and cared for is one main thing.
45) Oh I hate getting out of bed in the morning, but one thing that does get me out of bed is work so I have to get up haha.
49) There are things I don't want certain people to know, but other people do know I guess.
50) Pink as I'm wearing the hoodie now haha.
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zeldasayer · 4 years
Would be cute if it was Reaser but she’s exacfly his age and married
Ok but wtf happened to that personal trainer who took the most stunning quarantine photos of Pedro ever?
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