#except breeze
blood-starved-beast · 3 months
Do you think cause she's the goddess of nightmares that anyone who falls asleep next to or in close proximity to Melinoe has nightmares? Basically something like this:
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Only it's like, normal nightmares
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zerguette · 2 months
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I spent more time laughing at the pilots uniforms than actually drawing. Charles and Dmitri, bc yeah. I should have done Ellie and Henry but brain too tired, i just wanna doodleeeeee
Charles uniform is based off a certain uniform but also others (given he's experienced with many different ships, i prefered him having a special suit different to other pilots)
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bogkeep · 1 year
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i forgot how long it takes me to work on comms these days
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shrikeseams · 1 year
The thing is. If you can't ship an elf king or lord with the personification of their city/fortress, then what's even the point?
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bluevaractyl · 2 months
It is so funny to me that IRL everyone (including me) has always thought of me as the calm one, when actually this whole time my mind has been in a constant state of "fight, flight, or freeze" and just always picked "freeze."
Not even I know what I'm so anxious about...
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skyberia · 10 months
fellow bg3 players. is it just me & my skill issues or is the boss fight for shadowheart's quest like extremely hard for absolutely no reason
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confinesofmy · 3 months
the way that you guys talk about humidity is so weird to me considering that every winter i have to pump gallons and gallons and gallons of water into my air so that i don't constantly break out and so that i don't develop a dry rasping cough for several months. like if it was that arid AND 100° would you not die? would you not simply pass away?
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writer-room · 1 year
I know this is just beating a dead horse at this point but good god Warriors really does have so many opportunities to write all kinds of different complex tales and relationships, even just as shorts, and it makes me so so sad. Even just the smaller things, the ones that almost hilariously ignore the bigger plot going on around them.
We all know Breezepelt, but I personally wanna know about his kids! I want to know what kind of father he is to four whole daughters. He’s the guy known for having daddy issues, is he a terrible father? Is he just an okay one? Is he genuinely trying really hard to be good? I want to know!
What about the aftermath of Brokenstar’s reign? What happened to the apprenticed kits who survived the ordeal? Did they remain as paws but had an extended training time? Were they put back in the nursery and expected to just go on knowing what the outside world looked like until moons later? What about the apprentices named before they were adults, were they changed back to paws? What kind of generational trauma did ShadowClan carry from Brokenstar, from all the children who died and all the ones who grew up much too fast?
Dawnpelt was known for mainly one thing: the cat who believed, wholeheartedly, that Jayfeather killed Flametail. She is now also the mother of Sleekwhisker, a Darktail obsessed villain, Juniperclaw, who briefly joined Darktail, poisoned prey, and is now dead and guarding the border between StarClan and the Dark Forest. And then there’s Strikestone, who joined Darktail for a bit but then didn’t do much else except also die. Thats two children dead, one who is denied redemption despite his willingness to, and a third child whos very murderous. Does that not fuck someone up, at least a little?
Pouncestep is my personal favorite simply because she has become the background character in a family of main characters. Lightleap is slowly getting a little bit of spotlight thanks to Blazefire, but Pouncestep is just...there. Literally what is her life even like, watching all her important family members deal with the worst thing ever five times a week. Is she minding her own business. I hope she’s just vibing. I want a calm short with her ignoring all the plot.
Moonkitti brought this up already, but she was so right for it, cause...what about all the cats named in honor of the dead? Hollytuft? Sorrelstripe? Fernsong? Even new Bristlekit and Stemkit, and so many more---does that not mess with a cat? We know it messed with Nightheart, and while being named after and related to Firestar I’m sure does some things to a dude, we have other cats who do look eerily similar to who they’re named after. Lets not even start with Cinderheart. With this naming tradition becoming more and more common, one has to wonder if ThunderClan is gonna be filled to the brim with cats that have some INSANE identity issues.
#warriors#warrior cats#headcanons#thoughts#ideas#text post#talk#breezepelt#brokenstar#dawnpelt#pouncestep#naming#sleekwhisker#shadowclan#ignoring everything else about breezepelt including how he was suddenly redeemed for everything like it was all crows fault#(crow did not help at all. he was a horrific father. breeze still tried to kill a pregnant lady)#i want to know what kind of dad he is!! we just HEAR that he has daughters & thats it!! no shut up what kind of dad are you#villains who are actually okay fathers? WILD CONCEPT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT#breeze whos like awful with everyone except his mom his wife & his kids. obsessed with it. i want to see more of it. i want to see him try#'my father has failed me but i will not fail you' & then failing as all parents will always inevitably do & feeling awful about it#only to accept that. well hes going to mess up. all parents will. what matters is how he tries to fix it & move on.#and dawnpelt! angst aside i think she'd get so much sht for getting mad at jay then needing refuge then having evil daughter#the pettiness. through the ROOF it would be kinda funny. but also sad cause yknow. she kinda lost all 3 of her kids#shadowclan has to have the worst trauma ever. brokenstar was like. 10 years ago? ish? around then#we have multiple cats who lived that long. even if so few survived from that reign then THEIR kids most certainly had to live through stuff#child soldiers. cats who had to grow up way too fast. it had to take a hit on their psyche. id like to see the reasons why shadow has so#many villain stuff happen with them. no its not cause theyre evil its because literally the worst things ever have happened to them#and they are desperate and scared and so deeply deeply traumatized#and then just pouncestep living her best life and all the cats having identity issues#horrayyyy
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pallases · 5 months
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leafdrake-haven · 2 months
I miss my fan characters but also I’m so behind with working on them with the magic story. So like, I’ve put myself in a corner of if I want to write for them I need to catch them up but also I’m not even sure what they will be up to now. Like my “most recent” writing is Rhynn and Helis meeting on Perenia right after War of the Spark. That’s a whole catastrophe ago! XD I know I don’t have to worry about catching up and I can just write whatever I want but dang I don’t know where to start. I still never finished the second chapter of my Breeze story and I was soooo excited for it 😔
But I finally have a new keyboard again so actually writing posts and stories will be so much easier.
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trickostars · 2 years
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I just drew this awhile ago but uh. Hypoparents! A thing now
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egginfroggin · 1 year
I just finished rereading the Mistborn trilogy, and my brain is so scrumknled by all the words, so the only coherent thought I'm having is that by the end of the trilogy the vast majority of the cast falls under either the "Looks like they could kill you; will actually kill you," or, rarely, "Looks like a cinnamon roll; will actually kill you" clique.
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shrikeseams · 1 year
AU where the dwarves steal the silmaril+nauglamir without bloodshed (just shove it into someone's back pocket and make a run for it I guess), and when Thingol (and Beren) try to demand it back they just point out that Beren stole it in the first place, so Doriath doesn't have a leg to stand on re: lawful possession.
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monsterfloofs · 10 months
Well I guess I’m inevitably curious. 🍓 for the gilded robot, V1C3 themself. (If you’re comfortable)
Oh, of course! ^^ )
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⚜️ I was actually up last night until about 2:30 working on their design JKXJCFBGX so I'll share the wip here too!
⚜️ I wanted to give them a design where they kind of fit into the impossible human beauty standard?? A waist that is so thin it would be impossible to have functional organs, and a stance that looks like a human foot would break under the conditions. (I may redesign their foot shape to be more like a ballet heel, because those look absolutely horrifying and also like a murder weapon to me personally sksksks)
⚜️ Some of the things on them are self modded of course! When they first came into being and started working they were a very plain black with no details.
⚜️ The gold detailing is inspired by art neuvo, it's so beautiful, I personally love it and I can imagine them enjoying some of the arts. Which is why those little flourishes are found in their design now. Also the masked face, because those extra details aren't seen in industrious work much anymore, everything is minimalistic and straight edged typically.
⚜️ I also think they have a few parts that they occationally swap out for asethetics as well, like having a few different stylings of foot models. They do enjoy style are artistic things and I can see them doing something like that =')
⚜️ V1C3 doesn't have pain sensors, not even touch sensory ones to process things like temperature. So hot and cold sensations are extremely limited, except for some relative knowledge about things they deem to be important. Like heat that can hurt technology or when they get overheated. But even those thermometers are just internal readings, not actually felt.
⚜️ That's kind of why when they turn back on those "sensory features" it's pretty meaningful, like them stepping out of their bubble, and being in-touch with the things around them. Because typically they don't see that as nessicary. It's like their little hooman person is adding features to them, having them feel curious enough to get those features to begin with. Slowly becoming less of this beautiful cold unfeeling thing, and more human like? Which if they connected the dots and realized this, they would be disgusted. X//Dc
⚜️ I found a song that fits their views about humanity sosososososo well 😭😭😭😭 It's absolutely perfect! Essentially I was put here to clean up your guys mess, and now you're complaining how I run things? Also realizing that V1C3 dealt with a lot of the dark underbelly of humanity makes a lot of sense why they would view humans so poorly. 😳 Also oh man oh man, how people can treat robots like replaceable tools. Who has room for emotions if you are treated like you don't have them anyway?
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lavenoon · 1 year
we've seen Dusk/Moon go non-verbal, but how would the boys react to Y/N having a non-verbal episode?
I should probably start with the disclaimer that this will be heavily biased by my own nonverbal episodes, which I realize are not universal but also very much where Moon gets his from
You'll also definitely get a bonus Eclipse despite him not being that involved (at this point in canon, at least), so he'll just get a generic "you" while for Sun and Moon I'll stick with Y/N!
Given the differences in circumstances if at home vs at work I'll differentiate between Sun & Dawn and Moon & Dusk, with some reverse coded boy info too.
Sun doesn't get nonverbal himself, but he's very familiar with Moon's episodes. He knows what usually triggers them (high stress/ overwhelm, sometimes delayed) so when Y/N chokes up trying to talk to him, looking so frustrated with themself barely managing words and half sentences, he immediately switches tracks. Easily flips the conversational script to 1) check in on them and 2) stick to yes/no questions. Post reveal in particular he will offer his company if they don't want to be alone, and would be content with any of the outcomes - whether they want to be alone (and rest!), or want to stay with him - he'll end up doing some woodworking perhaps, crafting a new project and either work silently or chatter away if Y/N would still like a bit of background noise.
Dawn doesn't quite have that much leeway. If they're on a mission while the stress hits a bit too much, there probably are some other signs of Robin slowly but surely reaching their breaking point, and he would strive to get them out before. If that fails, and they struggle more with the actual words, he might try and switch to sign if yes/no isn't an option, and if it's a simple physical blockage of somehow not getting the words out. If it's too much and Robin starts shutting down he'll extract them with a fitting excuse and get them out of the social situation - if they still insist on finishing the mission (because Robin is a bit of a workaholic fool) he'll make sure they don't overdo it, and perhaps only set up some bugs or other little gadgets they might need. Back home they get pampered, no buts! Reverse Dawn has kind of lost here pre-reveal, because he too knows the signs from Moon, but Robin doesn't really trust him enough to be that vulnerable around him. He'll get them out faster, not knowing enough about how they handle these episodes, and very bluntly explains that he has an idea whats going on and there's no need to talk, so if they could just not fight him on this and get the non social parts of this mission done they'll all be home sooner. He does say it very matter of factly, which helps Robin feel not as defensive, and he doesn't mention it again unless Robin brings it up (until post-reveal, perhaps).
Moon... Moon seeing Y/N choke on words and obviously struggling overrides any hesitation he may have, even for pre-reveal reverse Moon. As far as he's concerned, nonverbal episodes are exceptional circumstances and normal social rules don't apply. (Not that he's a social rules expert to begin with). If somehow in (perceived) public (which to Moon includes the front porch) he'll make his first task getting out of that situation, and into a more private environment. He always hates being perceived by strangers when he's nonverbal, so he'll simply assume Y/N feels similarly. At the very least, privacy won't hurt. Same as Sun he switches to simple questions, and checks in with how much physical comfort they're okay with. He's touchy and craves contact/ physical reassurance, but knows that might not be the universal experience. If yes though, he won't hesitate to bundle them up and get them somewhere away from prying eyes where he can stick close and make sure they're okay with a very extensive cuddle session. They better kiss working that night goodbye. Reverse Moon isn't much different, despite being much more shy pre-reveal. He'll quickly admit to getting his own episodes, and would they like some company? The only difference is that the cuddling wouldn't be quite as touchy and perhaps opts for more of a little blanket fort as a small safe recluse instead, and also definitely wouldn't even think about getting up into their room. It might turn into a bit of a "bonding moment" where he opens up and Y/N gets to know their kind of quiet neighbor a little better, and they'll thank him for his help once they can talk again.
Dusk gets a bit more leeway than Dawn, given that there's no one else to appease. He might take a bit longer to realize what's going on if they're currently getting around via parkour or sneaking quietly anyhow. But once he does he's all business. Pre-reveal he might be a bit blunter, while post-reveal they're close enough for him to be gentler in his approach, but otherwise not much changes. He'll do a quick assessment - is this mission worth the strain, and what's the middle ground between Robin's workaholic opinion and his very "I'd say fuck work if I said fuck on the regular" approach. If the mission is cut short, he either ushers or outright takes them home, depending on the point in the timeline. If Robin insists they continue he'll keep a closer eye on them to notice the nonverbal cues, and will match their silence to not force them into their usual banter routine, before then taking or ushering them home.
Eclipse has never had a nonverbal episode - days where he's quieter, yes, but that's a mood thing. He was in their head when Moon had many many nonverbal episodes during the stress of the early days, heard the static bursts that laced his voice if he did force himself to talk, and the physical reactions that come with extended strain. Noises more than words, shaking, and then at times the blockage was so great that when Moon did end up getting something out of his voice box, it ended up being sobs. Eclipse wasn't in a position to help, and Moon wasn't in a position to accept it, anyway. Even after getting his own body Eclipse didn't feel confident enough to offer anything except quiet company or taking care of some chores while Moon retreated into his and Sun's room. So if you end up having a nonverbal episode? He needs to get this right. He can't let you down like he let down Moon. (Not that Moon would sign that - the early days were stressful, and he doesn't blame Eclipse. He wouldn't want his little brother to feel obligated to take care of him anyway). But Eclipse carries some guilt, and it means he'll be very, very careful. He'll speak quieter, softer, leaning down and closer as he reaches out but doesn't make contact yet. Makes himself smaller, and less overwhelming until he knows you're okay. If your reach out too, taking hold of his hands, he'll gladly offer all the physical contact that you want, but will ask before every escalation if it's okay. He remembers Sun's tricks and what helped Moon before, and will gladly use that. Easy questions, yes/no answers, do you want to go home/ to your room/ do you want or need this or that/ do you want him to stay/ do you want him to be quiet/ do you want distraction etc etc. He's attentive and entirely non judgemental, making sure you feel safe and understood even without the words to express yourself. He'll definitely ask about what he should do if it happens again once you can talk again, what was okay, what could be better, anything he missed entirely? He wants to be safe for you, and while he doesn't have much experience he'll do his best to take care of you as you need it
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mainfaggot · 3 months
a moment of Peace FINALLY holy shit (but waiting for the other shoe to drop. i was so on edge i almost broke a cup while washing it 5 mins ago)
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