#except it is 4:15 in the morning and im going stir crazy
unhingedselfships ยท 2 years
Random thoughts I've had about Kimi on her bull and @majimemegoro 's Kadokura having to deal with that.
She's a top tier cleaner, well, when she's paid for it or being stubborn, her own spaces are a wreck, but just. Super uh. Unconventional about it. Does she own slippers that double as mops? Yes. Do the floors positively gleam when she leaves a room? Somehow also yes.
("I hate cleaning but I hate being told I can't even more. Mama absolutely used this against me.")
She cooks and its totally delicious. When asked for the recipe, the only response is "I have no idea I just keep adding things until it tastes right." Oddly she can replicate it, yet all attempts at writing it down or following along as she cooks fail.
("Iunno what y'all are doin' wrong. You just add things. It's not hard.")
She can recite the scientific names of most plants and the details of their care. She also kills every last one of them she touches. She's banned from the lawn. She also knows an alarming amount about naturally occurring poisons and how best to utilize avoid them.
("I wasn't allowed to touch the plants until after they were in the house. Rude.")
Speaking of alarming knowledge, she also knows a frightening amount about improvised explosives. And chemical weaponry. And a great many other dangerous things the 'average' girl wouldn't typically know about. She is extremely casual/nonchalant about this, as though it is in fact, perfectly normal.
("I dunno what to tell you, my parents are preppers. Guess I grew up weird.")
Surprisingly good at getting blood out of things. When asked she just shrugs and says that she grew up on a farm, and while she sucked at hunting, given she has no patience and too soft a heart for 'cute' things, she knows how to break down a body, and clean up when it's done.
("Dad had no stomach for butchery, so me and mama handled it".)
Inexplicably well liked when she runs into other people. She has no filter, and isn't exactly... Friendly. Will outright state she hates people. Yet really really good at small talk and getting people to trust her. However she's pretty straight forward and guiless so the most this gets used for is conning people out of the last of a snack. She gets her snack and for some reason also their entire life story. She rolls with it.
("No forreal tho, people will just, spill all their secrets while standing in line at the conbini. I don't even do anything but like. Smile?")
This. Turned into a random list of odd RGG!Kimi headcanons. I just. I'm very entertained by the idea of him and how he'd deal with... This disaster of a person XD
Especially just. He's trying to find a motive, pin down the reason she just won't leave. And she's just like "iunno". She genuinely doesn't know either, she's just attached now. And she doesn't know the why to that either, it just is, and that's good enough for her. She's never questioned her heart. And despite being significantly (I'm pretty sure?) younger, has such 'mom/big sis' energy for him. Which. Given she can barely take care of herself... Lmfao
("You're fired." "You don't pay me anymore. I'm a volunteer. You can't fire a volunteer." "Yes. Yes you can." "Mmm I disagree." - how I imagine this exchange)
RGG!Kimi, especially in iterations like this one, is so fun. She has a loose basis in actual upbringing, but twisted and exaggerated. I like toying with it.
She defies logic in ways that are so humanly confusing. People are weird. She's weird.
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