#except today I got put on when I thought there was like 10 mins left
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Getting to play twice this season, feels good feels organic. Go tigers! 🐯
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (10)
Act 2
Warnings: angsty shit, future smut.
Wc: 1.8k (sorry for the short ass chapter-)
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You blinked sleepily, a finger poking your arm and insistently pulling you out of your slumber.
A whine left your mouth as you opened your eyes slightly, Felix's face hovering over yours.
"Lix-" You groaned, pushing him away and casting a quick glance at the clock on your wall. " It's a Saturday morning, fucking let me sleep." You rolled over, burying your face in the pillow as Felix let out a deep sigh.
"Y/n, this is important. There's something I thought I should let you know-"
"Fuck. Off." You growled, voice muffled by the pillow.
Felix sat there for a moment, contemplating his life choices. Why exactly did he think it would be a good idea to try and wake you up at 8 am on a Saturday?
If he told you the news now, you'd be mad at him for having disturbed your precious sleep. If he tells you when it's too late- god, you'd be pissed beyond doubt.
Either way, he'd have to face your wrath. Deciding he didn't want such a pretty morning to be ruined, he put it off. Was it the right decision? Guess he had to wait and find out.
He cast one last glance at your sleeping face, heart beating. He hoped you’d take it well...he doesn’t want to see you devastated again. 
Mentions of him always managed to do exactly that, though. 
He really wasn’t prepared for another night of crying and excessive wine drinking, patting your back as you asked the same question, again and again.
He wished he could let you know you were more than enough, worthy of the world. And he’d be sure to protect you. 
He wasn’t going to hurt you. Not again.
When you finally woke up, courtesy of your alarm, you sat up and slid out of bed. Stumbling out of your room, you headed to the bathroom, which seemed to be locked.
"Lix! Come out, I really need to pee!"
"Just a second!"
You groaned and rested your head against the door, letting your eyes flutter closed again. Felix was definitely a wonderful roommate- you'd gotten lucky in that department- but he always hogged the bathroom, and it infuriated you.
You still remembered the day you met Felix again. You'd moved back to the town after about five years, no longer wanting to live with your mom and her insufferable boyfriend. As soon as you graduated, you took advantage of your newfound independence to go back to where it all began.
Running into Felix had been a pleasant surprise. The two of you had gone to a café to catch up. He mentioned his need for a roommate, and since then you'd been inseparable. He re-introduced you to the boys, including Minho who you’d already been in touch with. They’d all been friends even after high school and throughout college, their old group intact. Well, except for him.
Chan had moved away just a few weeks after you had, according to Felix. It had been quite sudden, and there were barely any goodbyes, just like with you. Half the guys had been relieved, apparently. Especially Minho. 
Everything that had happened back in high school seemed extremely childish, now that you were an adult with a job and bills to pay. However, you still couldn't exactly find it in your heart to forgive Chan. He was your first love, after all...and those tend to turn bittersweet. He'd betrayed your trust and played with your feelings. Yes, you were young and naïve, but you should have seen it coming- you'd always thought he was too perfect for you. Too good to be true...
You almost fell forward when the door suddenly opened, snapping out of your thoughts as Felix caught you, chuckling.
"Take a shower, sleepyhead." He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he let you go and walked over to the kitchen, presumably to make breakfast.
You smiled as he left, sleepily removing your sweatpants and shirt when you heard your phone ring from on top of the sink. Pausing, you inched closer and grabbed it as you shut the door, lifting the phone to your ear after a quick glance at the caller ID.
"Minho! I was just about to take a shower-"
A chuckle from the other end. "Sure, I was just calling to remind you."
"Remind me? Of what?"
"We were planning to go to the mall today!" His indignant voice came shooting into your ears. You winced and giggled, clutching the phone tighter as a loud sigh came through.
"Chill, I didn't forget."
A huff. "Good. I'll pick you up in a bit."
You ended the call, a faint smile lingering on your face. Your unlikely friendship with Minho was one the universe itself probably didn't see coming, in all honesty. 
You still remembered how vile he used to be. Yes, he had a reason, but that didn’t exactly erase all the pain and discomfort he’d put you through. 
He’d shown massive regret, though. Proved that he changed for the better. Besides, you couldn’t exactly push him away after finding out what connected the two of you. So, you’d forgiven him...
You wondered if you would ever find it in yourself to forgive Chan the same way- if you ever see him again, that is. The pain he’d caused was worse. You’d trusted him...loved him, only to find out he’d been using you all along. That he was in love with someone else, even as he hugged you and kissed you. As you brushed your teeth, your mind drifted, memories made with him replaying in your head. The feeling of his soft lips pressed against yours...intertwined fingers, his arms wrapped firmly around you as a storm raged on, a similar one swirling in your heart.
You shook your head, rinsing your mouth as you reminded yourself that it was all in the past. There was no point thinking about Chan anymore. You had Felix and Minho, your best friends and the only people that mattered, currently. It was all you needed.
Chan’s grip on the steering wheel was loose, his eyes half-open as he drove. He was way too tired, and it was probably dangerous to drive in his state. He was already close, though.
He briefly averted his eyes from the road to check the directions Felix had texted him. Yes, he’d arrive any minute now.
His heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was back here, years later. He’d missed this town, to be honest. And yet, at the time, his parents’ transfer had felt like a blessing. A way to escape from the pain he’d felt at your betrayal, as well as your sudden departure.
Felix had told him. You were his roommate. There was a lump in his throat, nervousness and anxiety at the thought of seeing you again brimming up. He didn’t know if he was ready.
The initial anger he’d felt when he saw you with Minho had faded away. All that was left now was disappointment, a faint sadness lingering in the back of his mind at all times. 
You’d been the one to show him what happiness felt like. He’d felt it when cuddling your small frame- skin pressed against skin, your radiant smile etching itself into his brain. He’d felt it when you took him to that museum, showing him what true beauty was. 
He couldn’t forget what you felt like. He’d tried to, with numerous people. And yet...all he could think about was you. Even now, as an adult. And here he was, mere minutes away from having to see your face again.
Just be quick. In, out. Greet Felix, catch up with him a little and that’s it. Come on, Chan. You can do this...
He parked the car, swallowing as he stepped out. This was it.
You pulled up your pants just as you heard the doorbell ring. “Coming!’ You shouted, zipping up as you ran over to the door, opening it and glaring.
"Ah, finally! You're late."
"I had to drop Dea at school." Minho shook his head, entering your apartment and heading straight to the kitchen, the enticing smells luring him in.
"Oh. How is she? It's been a while since I saw her."
"She's good. Misses you a little. She asked me when we're all going to hang out again."
"Soon." You assured, knowing you weren't that busy the following week. Following him into the kitchen, you watched Felix flip the pancakes, looking up as Minho entered.
"Hey, Min. Didn't know you were coming today. Want some?" He tilted his chin towards the pan.
Minho smirked and grabbed one of the strawberries Felix had set aside, popping into his mouth and shaking his head. "No, thanks. We've got a movie to catch, so we have to leave right away." You pouted at that, crossing your arms. "But I don't wanna be hungry! Want pancakes." You mumbled.
The two men looked at you, eyebrows raised at your sudden display. Felix cringed, chuckling as Minho cooed at you.
"You're so cute." He pinched your cheek, looking back at his watch. "Ah fuck, we really have to go now, Y/n."
"But-" You looked over at Felix, who flashed you an apologetic grin as Minho grabbed your hand, practically dragging you over to the door.
"Wait!" Felix suddenly called out, cursing under his breath as he remembered what he was supposed to tell you. Fuck, he’d almost forgot.
"There's no time to waste! We'll be back later, Lix-"
It was too late. Felix was secretly glad Minho was taking you away though. Maybe he could quickly get things done with Chan, and get him to leave before you come back? No...it would be unfair to keep the truth from you. He didn't want you to run into Chan on accident, and quite possibly murder him when you get home.
Calming down a little, he turned back to his pan, just as Minho opened the door.
Your eyes widened as your eyes landed on the man standing in front of you.
No. It couldn't be...were you hallucinating? Or was that really Chan, frozen in place with his finger hovering over the doorbell?
Unfortunately, it wasn't a trick your brain was playing on you. Minho was staring at Chan too, shell-shocked as the latter's gaze drifted down to your intertwined hands.
A mass of uncomfortable feelings and emotions you'd repressed for years bubbled up to the surface, almost making you want to throw up. This couldn't be happening.
Chan felt the same way. So you were still with Minho? Fuck, the regret in him was raw, painful as it resurfaced. Suddenly, the anger was back.
The prolonged silence was suspicious to Felix. "Hey, guys...?" He frowned and left the kitchen, stopping in his tracks as he saw Chan and you, icy glares evident as you stared at each other.
"Fuck." He gulped, inching closer to the three. "Um. This was what I m-meant to tell you, Y/n. Surprise! Chan's back!" He giggled nervously, the anger in your eyes scaring him slightly as you turned to look at him.
Chan gritted his teeth, eyes still trained on your hands. “I’m back.” He repeated, glaring at you.
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outro-tearist · 3 years
paws of paradise - chapter 3 {bangtan ot7 x reader}
hi!!!!!!!! it's been a little longer than i thought to update this, but here it is! it's also summer so updates hopefully will be more frequent as i dont have school to worry about!
as per usual, i'd appreciate comments, thoughts, suggests, anons, anything! have a great day!
chap 1 chap 2 chap 3
That was what (Y/N) was doing, and had been doing for the past- How long had it been? The coldness that crept up onto Jimin had only happened yesterday, but the guilt overwhelmed her the more that she had thought about it. It felt like the incident had happened days ago when all she could think about was the crestfallen look Jimin had given her before he raced out of her shop.
It wasn’t his fault that he looked at Taehyung like he hung the stars in the sky. He was a gorgeous man, not to mention the genuine kindness he had shown any person he came across. It was hard to admit, but she had been very obviously jealous. Not only did that embarrass her, but it also made her feel worse for thinking those awful things about a dog owner just wanting to get his precious baby’s hair cut.
She decided to close the shop for today, officially saying she “needed more supplies”, but privately she knew she would not be able to focus.
Oh my god, Yoongi definitely saw her acting like a fool too! The blood that had flooded her cheeks seemed to swirl restlessly even more, just begging to be noticed and called out. He luckily hadn’t mentioned anything, probably to spare the shame she would feel in the moment.
Poor Jimin… He hadn’t done anything.... (Y/N) was being selfish and she recognized it as soon as they made eye contact. His appearance had startled her.
“Jimin! Hey..” (Y/N) started nervously as she saw the man enter through the back door like he usually did. He seemed shocked that he had been found so quickly, but awkwardly smiled back at his coworker.
“Oh. Yeah, hey.” Jimin said shortly. His curt tone had honestly hurt (Y/N) a little bit, but she took in a small breath and persevered.
‘It’s your fault he’s being distant,’ a horrible voice whispered in the back of her head. ‘He deserves more than you, someone better… someone more like Taehyung.’ It whispered again.
“I am so sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to dismiss you like that, I just- well, I got some bad news?” her last sentence sounded more like a question than an excuse, but Jimin had obviously softened after hearing her jittery voice.
“(Y/N), it’s not a problem. It did hurt my feelings, but I’m glad you’re telling me this now. I wish you would’ve told me earlier, but I won’t force you to tell me anything you don’t want to,” his smooth voice had felt like honey to her ears, slowly melting all her fears and anxieties that she had about not being forgiven.
Unfortunately, they quickly appeared again when rethinking her shitty excuse.
How was she supposed to explain that the “bad news” she had received was watching the man in front of her look so happy with someone else? It was an awful excuse and Jimin might be worried about her. (Y/N) would have to tell Jimin more about it later, she figured. All she had cared about at this point was just to get on speaking terms with her crush-- no. Her coworker.
“Thank you so much. Seriously. I don’t know what I would do without you, Jiminie.” (Y/N) tried to express her sincerity, but she was never the best with words anyways. It was all that she could muster up even with her head clogged with the image of Taehyung and Jimin practically glowing as they stared at each other.
Still, Jimin could seemingly read into her soul, knowing that she was as genuine as she could be through her words. She could not take her eyes off his kind eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows and structured face and plump lips and...
“You know I’d do anything to help you, honey. All you need to do is to say the words.”
Pulse quickening and face warming, (Y/N) knocked herself out of her trance once the word “honey” had left Jimin’s lips. Maybe this little work crush was turning out to be a little bigger than she thought…
She giggled like an airhead in response, and if Jimin had seen the bright flush that had spread across her face and neck, he didn’t show any signs other than a slight smirk.
“This is kinda sudden, but um… Can I hug you?” (Y/N) shyly asked. If Jimin’s excited face said anything, the warm hug that had enveloped her completely confirmed everything she thought she saw.
He gently cradled her head in one hand as his other arm pulled her into his surprisingly built chest from the shoulders. He smelled of vanilla and another gentle sweet scent that (Y/N) couldn't put her finger on. It didn’t matter now. What did matter, though, was the feeling of Jimin’s head digging into the top of her head and how he deeply inhaled. Letting out a content hum, (Y/N) wrapped both her arms around his waist and snuggled into the crook of his neck.
“Out of curiosity… where did you have to go yesterday?” (Y/N) asked into Jimin’s neck. He shivered for a split second, before responding:
“Oh, Taehyung asked me if I wanted to spend the day together. That’s why I popped in yesterday, he told me we could meet up in the shop then grab some food or someth- is everything okay?” Jimin’s perplexed and concerned voice inquired above her.
As soon as he said Taehyung, (Y/N) froze up. He skipped work, where he would be with her and the cute dogs and be getting paid, just to see Taehyung.
‘It doesn’t mean that much,’ she tries to reassure herself. ‘He’s just wanting to see possibly the most gorgeous man you have ever seen in your life. It means nothing.’
‘Liar. He doesn’t want to hang out with you.’ The mean voice in her head spat back.
“(Y/N)?” Jimin tried to pull away and bent down to see her face. “Was it something I said?”
“NO! I mean, no. I’m just. Glad you got to get out for the day. How was it?” (Y/N) forced herself to smile and look back into Jimin’s furrowed eyebrows.
“I guess it was good, but I was still pretty worried about you. Are you sure you’re okay…?” Jimin tried again, but (Y/N) shook her head defiantly.
“Yes, I’m sure I’m good right now. Give me the juicy deets about you and Tae yesterday!” (Y/N) once again forced herself into the supportive best friend role. Jimin deserves a great person to be with him, and if that person is Kim Taehyung before it’s her, she will help her coworker in any way she could.
(Why did it hurt so much when she referred to Jimin as her coworker?)
A blush formed its way across his cheeks as he thought about the patience his TaeTae showed him after he was swamped with thoughts of (Y/N) and if she was ok.
“It was really nice… he’s a great guy and I really like being with him. He just- he gets me in ways I feel like nobody else does, y’know?” Jimin softly admits as he finds a seat next to one of the grooming stations.
(Y/N) feels faint. She basically crumbles onto the ground right in front of Jimin. She looks up at him expectantly, waiting for more information that would completely destroy her heart.
‘That was you. You were the person who got me as nobody else has.’ She thought somberly, wishing she could voice out her feelings to Jimin. ‘Was I not enough?’
“He’s so patient and understanding and… I could talk about him all day,” Jimin sighs dreamily as he rests his beautiful cheek into his palm, “It might be a little soon, but I think he might be my soulmate.”
(Y/N) physically recoiled. This was the slap in her face that she had been expecting, but him voicing his feelings was like a horrible moment of finality. She tried to play her flinch off as getting dog hair off her clothes, and Jimin hadn’t even thought twice about it.
Fuck. That cut way too deep, way more than she had prepared for. She keeps her head low so Jimin can’t try to make any eye contact.
“I’m really happy for you Jiminie.” (Y/N) says dully, but with some sincerity. “You seem to be so much happier when he’s around. You deserve this.”
Jimin’s adorable teeth flashed at her as a full smile graced his already perfect face. “You really think so? Wait, is it that obvious?!”
“You look at each other like you’re meant to be. You two must be soulmates!” (Y/N) grits out despite the tears wanting to well. “You have to tell him and let me know what happens!!”
“I’m gonna call him and see if he wants to hang out again tonight! You’re the best, honey, I love you!” he shouts as he runs out of the back.
She can’t even manage a response as she walks to the back door, shuts it, and locks it.
(Y/N) can’t see straight. She can’t think straight either, as she whips out her cell phone and dials the first contact she sees on her phone. She hadn’t even meant to call anyone, truly, but it was too late to stop her sluggish mind from pressing onto a name.
“Hello?” Min Yoongi answers the phone. A response doesn’t come, except for a loud sniffle and another sob. “(Y/N)-ssi? What’s wrong?”
The dog groomer barely knows this man, how he even got into her contacts was beyond her, but all she wanted was somebody next to her.
“Can you- can- come here please? The shop?” (Y/N) barely got the words out of her sore throat but Yoongi seems to understand them.
“I- Ok, I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. Do you want to stay on the line with me?” he asks the sobbing girl gently. His soft voice was soothing and nice, but it didn’t matter much.
She couldn’t respond. Her head was filled with three words. Three words that meant so much that hurt so much just because of the context.
I love you.
Taunting and repeating in her head for seemingly hours, until the front door jingled. She saw Yoongi burst into the store quickly and that was the last thing she saw before she closed her puffy and swollen eyes.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Happy Holidays - BTS Style
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OT7 Imagine/Reactions
Hey guys! I thought it’d be fun to to an ot7 holiday oneshot with all the members! So the following are seven different prompts from my prompt list with the seven members! Enjoy, and happy holidays!
18. “Why are you still up?” - Jin
Christmas Day had passed and gone, you were sitting in the middle of the front room staring up at the lights on the Christmas tree. Tomorrow would mean it was time to take everything down and prepare for the new year.
“Why are you still up?”
Jin enters the room wearing his new fluffy robe you had bought him more as a joke than anything; but he insisted on wearing it all day. 
You shrug, keeping your eyes glued on the beautiful Christmas tree. “Just enjoying the last few minutes of Christmas.”
Jin comes up beside you, settling on the floor and sitting shoulder to shoulder. Grabbing a blanket from off the sofa he wraps it around the two of you, pulling you into his chest. 
“Mind if I sit with you?” Jin’s voice is soft as he studies your face, visibly relaxing when he sees that you aren’t upset. Just contemplative. 
Snuggling in closer to him, you laugh lightly. “Depends...did you bring snacks?”
Jin sighs, his hand delving into the deep pockets of his robe and pulling out a chocolate orange. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Sneaking a peck to his cheek, you giggle at how his cheeks redden in the dim light of the room. “Love you, too.”
20. “Merry Christmas, bub.” - Yoongi
It’s no secret that Min Yoongi doesn’t enjoy waking up early in the morning, and Christmas is no exception. That’s what he told you last night as you rolled out a sleeping bag in the front room, deeming it a perfect night to sleep before the Christmas tree. 
You realized fairly soon that the hardest part wasn’t convincing him to sleep out on the floor - it was getting him to wake up in the morning. 
You’d been patient, waiting until at least 7 before trying to wake him up. At first, he didn’t even budge. You poked and prodded at his puffy cheeks until he groaned, turning the other way. 
“Yoooongi,” you coo, laughing as he dives further into his sleeping bag. “Min Yoooongi!”
Yoongi groans again, kicking at his sleeping bag until he can see your smiling face. He frowns back up at you.
“Whadda you want?”
A glance at the time shows that it’s already 7:30, obviously time to get things rolling. “It’s Christmas, Yoongs! Get up, we’ve got to eat and open presents! We’re supposed to be over at Jin’s by 10-”
Yoongi wraps his arms around you, pulling you down with him until you’re squished up against his chest. “Five more minutes.”
Tipping your chin up, Yoongi dusts a kiss over the tip of your nose. “Merry Christmas, bub.”
Rolling your eyes, you give in, already beginning to keep time in your head. “Yeah yeah. Merry Christmas.”
6. “Snuggle season is the best season.” - Hoseok
“Is there any left?”
Hoseok peeks inside the giant pot of hot chocolate. “Yeah, you want a refill?”
I nod, handing over my giant mug that he gifted me earlier in the day. Hoseok makes a show of ladling the chocolatey drink into my mug, yelping when a bit hops out and nearly lands on his new sweater. 
“It’s out to get me!” He declares, handing me the drink with a wary glance. I can’t help but laugh, shrugging as I walk away. We’ve just started “The Polar Express” as a nice way to wrap up our Christmas. 
Hoseok steps over the couch from the back, making me hiss as he plops down beside me, nearly making me spill. “Hobiii,’ I mumble, carefully setting my hot chocolate down on the side table. 
“Whoops,” he nuzzles in close to me. “Sorry.”
The movie unfolds before us as we watch on and comment on different things we enjoy about the movie. 
“See, this is why winter is the best season,” I say. “I mean, what other season is so cozy? Just sitting and watching feel-good movies, drinking hot chocolate-”
“...snuggling....” Hobi mumbles under his breath, keeping both eyes glued to the screen. 
I raise my eyebrows. “...yes. Snuggling. But you can snuggle whenever.”
Hoseok shrugs, snuggling in even closer to me. “Yeah, but this is the season of snuggles.”
Laughing, I brush his hair away from his eyes and watch as they widen as the movie. “Is that your main point for why winter in the best? How on earth would you defend that in a debate?”
Giving me a quick glance before returning his attention to the movie, I refrain from laughing as Hoseok is clearly a bit embarrassed.
“It’s easy. Snuggle season is the best season.”
Dropping my head against his shoulder, I go back to watching the movie. “Can’t argue with that.”
I can feel Hobi’s grin even though I can’t see him. “My point exactly.”
2. “Do you think anybody has ever used an ice skate as a murder weapon?” - Namjoon
Sitting amidst the piles of wrapping paper and ribbons, I look across the room to where Namjoon sits in a similar situation. 
“Merry Christmas.”
Namjoon grins, grabbing a garbage bag and starting to shove the wrapping paper inside. “Merry Christmas.”
It’s quiet today, we’ll be meeting up with everyone else later in the day. For now, I’m content to sprawl out on the sofa with my new book that Namjoon got me. It’s a riveting true story, one that deals with betrayal, plot twists, and adrenaline inducing scenes. 
Namjoon sets up camp on the opposite sofa, immediately diving into his new book as well. It’s a self-help book that he’s been going on and on about for weeks - he made it all too easy to pick out his Christmas gift. 
The low tones of Christmas music playing from our speaker are the only sounds besides the occasional rustle of a page being turned. My book takes me on a ride, and before I know it hours have passed and I’m right in the middle of the action. 
Namjoon breathes deep as though reviving from a deep sleep, looking over at me from where he lays on the couch. “We should probably get going.”
Reluctantly setting my book down, I nod. “Does this mean that I actually have to get ready?” Namjoon throws back his head and laughs, completely understanding the sentiment as he runs a hand through his unruly hair. 
“Nope. I’m not going to, at least. You look great anyways.”
A few warm layers and a cold car later, Namjoon and I sing along to a few songs on the radio as we head across town. As the songs begin to change, I fall silent. Coming to a stop at a red light, I begin to ponder my book.
My face must reflect my contemplative state perfectly, because Namjoon chuckles beside me. “What are you thinking about?”
Blinking at him, I frown. “Do you think anybody has ever used an ice skate as a murder weapon?”
Now it’s Namjoon’s turn to blink at me. The light turns green, so I continue to drive, starting to wonder if I sounded a bit strange. 
Once we’ve pulled into Jin’s driveway, I turn off the car and face Namjoon. “Why haven’t you said anything?”
Namjoon lets out a startled laugh, looking at me with bright eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t even realize that I never answered you. I was...busy.”
Furrowing my brows I hop out of the car, Namjoon linking my arm through his as we make our way up the sidewalk. 
“Busy? With what?”
Namjoon’s head is pointed down as he grins, his dimple making an appearance. “I was busy falling in love with you all over again.”
My eyes grow wide before I burst out into laughter, Namjoon following suit. “You love me because of murder?” 
Namjoon nods his head. “Definitely. What more could I want?”
Rolling my eyes, I see that everyone is already inside Jin’s apartment. “You...wow. We’re messed up.”
Namjoon winks at me. “In the best way.”
7. “Your toes are like ice blocks! Noooo stop touching me!!” - Jimin
“That. Was. Amazing.”
Jimin comes huffing and puffing inside the house, tearing off his beanie and scarf as he spots me. Taehyung and Hoseok trail in after him. 
“I assume you had fun?”
Jimin laughs, his entire face lighting up as he begins to recount everything that happened on their sledding adventure. 
“...and then Tae fell off his sled and literally rolled down the rest of the mountain! I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life.” Indeed, he’s in the process of wiping tears from his eyes as he finishes his tale, the other two boys having disappeared into the kitchen where the promise of food proved to be too much of a temptation. 
I chuckle at the mere sight of Jimin, his cheeks still red from the cold and his eyes wide. “Sounds like a good afternoon.”
He nods, sliding onto the couch and laying down. He stretches his legs until he’s pushing against mine. I immediately hiss and retract my feet as his cold toes brush up against me. 
“Your toes are like ice blocks!” I shriek, only making Jimin tuck his toes under my legs in an effort to warm them up. “Noooo stop touching me!!” Jimin’s evil laugh rings in my ears as I glare at him, promptly standing up to go to a different couch. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Jimin shouts, launching off the couch and pulling me back down in a pile on top of him. “If you really love me, you’ll help me warm up.”
I snort. “Put some socks on! I’m not sacrificing my body heat for you!”
“Wait, so you don’t love me?” Jimin’s puppy dog eyes are hard to ignore; especially when he still has me locked in his arms. 
“Gahhh you know that’s not what I-”
“Well then say it if you-”
“C’mon Chim, just go put some socks on!”
Jimin shakes his head, chuckling. “I’m alright like this, thanks.”
Wriggling around until I finally break free of his grasp, I roll onto the floor with a triumphant shout. Jumping up and sprinting into Jimin’s room, I hurry back with a pair of thick socks, taking the opportunity to throw them at Jimin who remains on the couch. 
He shouts when the socks hit him on the side of the head. “Hey! What was that for?”
Coming up behind the couch, I begin playing with his messy hair. “That’s how I say ‘I love you’. Didn’t you like it?”
Jimin laughs as he slips his socks on. “It was perfect. But maybe we could take a less violent approach next time?”
I shrug. “Beggars can’t be choosers.” 
19. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to find fresh flowers in the middle of winter?” - Taehyung
You’ve been out searching for over two hours, so your state of mind isn’t necessarily the best when you finally roll into the apartment at nearly ten o’clock at night. 
Taehyung tends to be spontaneous - he has an affinity for sending you out on random adventures at the most inconvenient time - but tonight it was just cold enough to have you in a frustrated mood by the time you got back. 
Kicking your shoes off in the entryway, you’re just about to yell out that you’ve returned when you realize that all is not as you left it. 
The lights are darker, soft Christmas music is playing, and is that a poinsettia on the dining table?
Just as you’re standing there in wonder, Taehyung rounds the corner. He wearing a deep green sweater, just nice enough to tip you off. 
“Ah, you found some flowers!” He gushes, rushing over to you and taking the beautiful flowers that you just bought from your grasp. When he’d begged you earlier to go out and buy some fresh flowers, you certainly didn’t expect to be returning to this. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to find fresh flowers in the middle of winter?” You ask, still a little angry that Tae just sent you on a wild goose chase all around Seoul. Wandering into the dining room as though in a dream, the air is effectively knocked out of you when you see just what he’s prepared. 
Taehyung’s voice drifts in from the kitchen, where he’s putting the flowers in a vase. “I know, that’s why I sent you away! I knew it’d take you a while, and I had to get everything set up.”
It’s a wonder that he was able to get everything set up and ready to go in just a couple of hours. The entire dining room is decked out in candles, beautiful placements, and a few wrapped presents lying around. 
“Where’s everyone else?” You wonder aloud. After all, this is the shared apartment between all seven boys. Taehyung brushes past you, standing before the table and debating whether he should replace the poinsettia with the fresh flowers or leave it be. 
“Oh, they’re gone tonight. I convinced them to...get lost.”
You can’t help but laugh, your frustration from earlier dissolving as you watch Taehyung place the fresh flowers on a side table. 
“Ok, the food will be here any minute-”
The man in question turns to face you, pure innocence spelled across his face. “Yes?”
“What’s going on?”
“Oh,” Taehyung chuckles, realizing that he’s kept you in the dark. “Right. Well, I just wanted to do something nice with you. For Christmas. Before we have to leave and I won’t get to see you.”
You heart melts at his words, and you follow him to sit down at the table. “So you did all of this?” He nods. “It’s amazing, Tae.”
“You really think so?”
You nod. “I know so. Thank you, darling.”
Taehyung nods, opening his mouth but the sound of a knock on the door cutting him off. “Oh, that must be the takeout!” Taehyung scurries off, leaving you in a fit of laughter as you realize that Taehyung, for all his fancy tendencies, is still just Tae. 
The memory of the two of you eating cheap takeout on fine china is a memory you’ll keep for a long time.
5. “Where were you?” “Building a snow fort, duh.” - Jungkook
It’s freezing. Not the freezing that people say when they want to complain about how cold it is outside. Those people are weak. Those are the people that decide that they’d better stay inside because they can’t handle the slightest bit of cold.
No, today is actually freezing. Like, you think your toes my be amputated if you stay out here for much longer. 
Huffing, you pull out your phone to see if you’ve received a text from Jungkook. You haven’t. A quick check at your conversation shows you the same thing: Jungkook telling you that he’ll be right out, and to wait for him beside the back entrance. 
Well, you’ve been waiting for several minutes now outside the back entrance of the Bighit building, and you’re pretty sure you’d rather go inside and risk exposing your entire relationship to the world rather than dying a slow, cold death out here. 
You’re in the middle of contemplating what your final words should be when you hear Jungkook’s unmistakable laugh from behind you.
“You look like you're freezing!”
Whirling around, you see the man that has put you through all of this suffering wading out of the tall snowbank, his beanie pulled down low over his ears. 
“Where were you?” You mumble as your teeth chatter. Jungkook rushes over to you, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm you up. 
“Building a snow fort, duh.”
Oh, today might be the day you seriously consider murder. “Jeon Jungkook, I’ve been dying out here waiting for you! You couldn’t just-”
Jungkook shushes you with his woolen mitten, grinning at you like you’re confessing your love for him and not reprimanding him. 
“It’s warm inside the snow fort.”
You blink, your train of thought shifting gears. “Does your snow fort take deliveries?”
Jungkook laughs, looping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you along. “Oh, absolutely. Wanna check it out?”
Giving in, you sigh. “Yeah.”
“It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You still mad at me for making you wait?”
“...ask me again after I’ve eaten.”
Jungkook laughs, guiding you toward his snow fort and promising to call up some takeout as soon as possible.
Merry Christmas! 
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My whipping today
I should start with some background; I was staying over at my uncle's house with my cousin Bella (no real reason, just because). At the time things between my uncle and my cousin were a little tense, Bella has been known to be a troublemaker but especially around the time this happened she was getting into more trouble than usual. And I didn’t have a problem with it, Bella is my best friend but he’s her dad and I understand he’s in charge of keeping her in line at all. The thing was that it made him a little short with me and that annoyed me a little bit so I was a little short with him.
When I got up and had some breakfast my uncle was a little annoyed with my attitude and even gave me a swat over my pajama bottoms warning me not to act up anymore. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but my point is I was kinda on thin ice with my uncle. I guess thinner than I realized. Anyway I didn’t have to work until noon so I decided to go to the gym first.
When I got back I took a shower but I took a little too long. Before long my uncle barged in, turned the water off, and gave my butt a slap. I of course was a little shocked and tried to turn around and cover up. I had shampoo in my hair and was not ready to come out and go to work yet so after a quick lecture he made me turn around and gave me another spank. He told me to finish up ASAP and meet him in his room after I was done. I was pretty sure that meant he was going to spank me but I wasn’t sure until I got out and realized he took all my clothes.
At least I was able to dry off (wet butt spankings are the worst!) before putting on my hand bra/panties and making that awful long walk to my uncle's bed room. (I thought about wearing the towel down to his room but it was pretty obvious it was going to come off anyway.)
“Young lady that was the last straw” he said as I walked in his door
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you”
“Please uncle I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing and I have to go to work can we please skip the spanking. I’ll behave better I promise!”
His response was predictable.
He grabbed me by the hips and turned me sideways to slap my butt.
“Okay, let’s try to make this quick without letting you go too easy. Over my knee” he said as he sat down on his bed and pointed to his lap.
I laid over his lap and he started spanking me. Even with just his hand, my uncle gives notoriously hard spankings and this was no exception, considering all I really did wrong was take too long in the shower.
He spanked me really hard and totally steady, slapping the exact say part of my sitspot. One cheek and then the next. By the time the spanking was done I basically had two hand prints on my butt (I kid you not, I could literally see the thumb mark separate from the rest of the hand print). Usually I would get a periodic break where my spanker stops to rub and lecture or ask if I’m learning or whatever, but not this time. Obviously, it wasn't long before I had problems holding still. Pretty soon I was wiggling, then I was kicking, then I tried covering up my backside.
Eventually I found myself held down and that’s about when my uncle stopped to look at his watch and said:
“Okay, I know you need to go to work so 5 more good spanks and I’ll let you go”
(I’m certain he gave me 6 and I’m still salty about it)
“Okay young lady, up you get”
And with that I got off his lap and immediately went into a very embarrassing, butt naked, “spanky dance”.
My uncle gave a very quick lecture about behaving and following instructions and blah blah blah he doesn’t like to do this blah blah blah...then gave me one more slap and told me to get ready for work.
It wasn’t the worst spanking but this wasn’t exactly how I wanted to start my day before work. I only had like 15 minutes to get dressed and eat something before I had to be out the door. Which didn’t leave much time to collect myself or nurse my butt or anything. So I scrambled to get out the door on time, which I was able to do but not without forgetting my mask so I had to circle back which made me late.
When I showed up, I was maybe 10 min. Late, and my boss was giving me crap but all I could focus on was that my butt still hurt lol
Anyway, I never had a chance to get some lotion on my butt so I took my lunch break early and headed over to a CVS near my job to get some lotion. When I got back I applied some to my backside in the bathroom and it did not work as intended! OMG I don’t know what was wrong with it, it was just normal lotion but it felt like I rubbed poison ivy all over my already spanked butt.
It was probably the first time in my life I did a full spanky dance without immediately receiving a spanking.prior. So yeah...one of those days.
But the day didn’t end there…
Once I got out of work, it was about 8:30 and I had to go back to my cousin’s house. When I showed up I wasn’t expecting my uncle to be there and only Bella’s car was in the driveway so I thought it was safe to assume my uncle wasn’t home, right?
So I walk in the door, only expecting Bella to be there and don’t forget I was having a bad day. I just want to remind you of that before you read the next part.
I walk up to the stairs and yell:
“Bella, do you have any lotion? You’re asshole dad spanked the shit out of me this morning”
...no reply.
I walk up stairs to find Bella’s room very much empty. I was a little confused until I turned around to see my uncle standing in the hallway with his arms crossed with a very stern look on his face. My heart just sank and my confusion turned to fear.
“Uncle Jack? I didn’t expect you to be home”
Again, his response was predictable, a smack on my butt.
“I can only hope you didn’t”
For what felt like an eternity but was probably only a couple of seconds I just looked at him and he looked back at me. I think he was deciding how he wanted to handle it..
“Young lady, I’m not going to stand here and give you a long lecture. You already know what you did wrong. What’s going to happen is I’m going to take you downstairs, you’re going to take off your pants, you’re going to lay over my lap, and then you’re going to get a very hard spanking. Hopefully when it's all over you will have learned your lesson.”
He immediately followed up with a smack on my butt before grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me downstairs.
“Yes sir” I reluctantly agreed and followed him downstairs into the living room.
“Okay young lady. Pants down. Get in my lap. I’m not going to allow you to behave this way.”
I took down my pants, but thinking I might get lucky I didn’t pull down my panties. Much to my surprise, my uncle left them on as I went over his knee.
My butt was still a little sore and the spanks hurt so bad, I just wasn’t able to hold still and started kicking and wiggling almost immediately.
“Hold still” my uncle demanded as he embarrassingly grabbed me by the butt to pull me back in position and pushed my shoulders down before continuing the spanking. But now he started pulling my panties up my butt leaving my cheeks exposed.
“Up you get young lady” My uncle finally said.
I got up and he swiftly pulled my panties down. But foolishly, I pulled them back up.
“Please no, not on the bare. It’s so embarrassing please it hurts so much already”
He didn’t hear a word of it. He just pulled them back down, then put me back over his knee, and pulled my pants and panties clean off my legs.
:”You’re going to regret that” he said calmly
It wasn’t long after that before my uncle let me off his lap for a second time. Only this time I was instructed to get the spoon.
I walked as slowly as possible into the kitchen rubbing my butt and crying all the way there.
Once I got back my uncle made me “ask” him to please give me a spanking with the spoon (as if it weren’t embarrassing enough already).
“Uncle jack, will you please spank me with the spoon”
“Yes I will, now get back over my lap” he said as he put his hand on my butt and pushed me over his leg while grabbing the spoon with the other.
This time he must have known I was not going to be able to cooperate very well over the knee so he bent me over one of his legs and preemptively used the other to hold me down.
Now that I was pretty much totally restrained he started smacking me with the spoon.
Finally, my uncle set the spoon on my lower back and rested his hand over my butt.
“I hope you’re learning your lesson young lady”
“Yes sir I am”
“Good, I sure hope so but he aren’t done yet”
“Up you get, go fetch the paddle”
“No please, not the paddle! I learned my lesson! I promise!” I begged but didn’t get off of his lap
Of course it was useless. If my uncle told me to get the paddle, I was going to get a paddling.
As with the spoon, I waddled as slowly as I could to get the paddle, rubbing my butt all the way to my uncle's room where he kept the paddle and back.
Even though neither the spoon spanking or the hand spanking took too long, I’m sure you can understand how it was getting real old, and real embarrassing, going back and forth over my uncle's knee and fetching implements.
“Alright young lady, I’ll take that. You stand right there and bend over with your hands locked behind your knees”
“Please don’t spank me too hard” I said as I handed him the paddle and bent over like he told me to.
“Count them” he said, tapping my butt with the paddle.
“OUCH! One sir” I said as I immediately jumped up and rubbed my backside. He wasn’t spanking as hard as he usually did with the paddle but given how much my butt had been smacked that day, it was hard to hold still.
“Back in position” my uncle said as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down until I was bent over.
“OUCH! Two sir”
“OUCH! Three sir”
And I finally couldn’t take it anymore so I broke position and started rubbing my butt. My uncle responded by again grabbing my shoulders but this time pulling me back to the chair and back over his knee.
“Young lady, you are going to do as you are told!” he said before letting me back up.
“If you’re not going to stay in position, I want you to keep your hand on your knees, your knee slightly bent, and keep that butt out” he said tapping my butt with the paddle before I was even in position.
Now that I knew he was totally serious I stayed in position for the rest of the swats. Like I said, they weren’t full strength swings, but it was more than enough to keep me in tears.
With my back arched and butt sticking out, it was a pretty embarrassing position and I had to stay like that for the rest of the spanking. Periodically my uncle would slow down and use his hand to spank me, asking if I was learning my lesson or give me some kind of banal lecture.
He didn’t make me count them after that but there was a lot and it felt like forever! Finally he told me to stand up straight and put my hands on my head.
“We’re almost done here young lady” he said
‘You used some pretty gross language earlier, that and your attitude lately is why you’re here getting such a hard spanking isn’t that right?”
“Yes sir”
“And what happens when you use language you’re not supposed to?
“I get my mouth soaped”
“That’s right, now let's get your mouth and that butt in that bathroom to finish up your punishment” he said as he gave me a sorta light smack on my behind.
“Keep moving young lady”
I tried walking nice and slowly to the bathroom but was sped up by the occasional hard smack on my butt.
“Okay young lady, you can use your hands to cover up your front if you’d like. But keep your hands away from your bottom. You’ve still got some spanks coming.” He said once we reached the bathroom.
“Yes Sir”
Once we made it to the bathroom I got the usual uninteresting treatment. I had to stand in front of the mirror while my uncle wetted up the soap, stuck it in and out of my mouth, smacked my still naked butt, and lectured me. Finally he told me he thought I learned my lesson and gave me permission to wash my mouth out. Then he gave me a big hug.
“You know I don’t like spanking you like this” he said
“I know you don’t, I’m sorry” was my reply.
Then came the awkward part (because nothing up to this point was the least bit awkward). My uncle said something to the effect of
“That bottom is awfully red and sore. Now that your punishment is over so I can be a little nicer, how about I put some lotion on them” he said, putting his arm on my shoulder and guiding me outside the bathroom and back into the living room.
Now my uncle has seen and spanked my bare bottom more times than I count, not to mention I had just finished up my second bare bottom spanking of the day with him, so I guess I could only be so embarrassed by him rubbing some lotion over my bottom. That being said, I found it pretty humiliating.
It’s not like he hasn’t done it before, or even that I would say no if he asked if I wanted him to. It was just that every other time I’ve had someone rub my butt with lotion after a spanking, I’ve either asked them to do it or at least they asked me if I wanted them to first. I honestly don’t think he was trying to make it awkward or anything, I think he was trying to be nice actually, just felt pretty awkward.
Anyway he grabbed some lotion from the bathroom and we walked back down into the living room. He sat down in the same chair that he was spanking me in earlier. Not going to lie, even though I knew he wasn’t going to spank me, it was a little scary going back over his lap in the same exact position.
“Wow that is one very hot bottom” he said as he cupped his hand around my butt.
“I’d have to spank bella awfully hard before her butt got got this hot” I didn’t really know what to say, I felt a mix of mildly annoyed and embarrassed over the comments on the temperature of my bottom.
“Yeah, you spanked me really hard. It hurts a ton.” I wasn't trying to make him feel bad but I just didn’t know how to respond.
“Sorry, I hope this isn’t too embarrassing for you. I know you’re a grown woman now.” Felt a little stange for him to say that with my literally half naked over his lap, with my butt in his hand.
“No, it's okay” I said, totally lying through my teeth.
It was about then that he started rubbing the lotion. And I’m not going to lie, it was very reliving. Not like I was feeling great or anything, butt my backside was hurting pretty bad and the lotion did make it fell a lot better
We had some light, sorta awkward, conversation while I was over his knee and I was starting to feel very relaxed. Finally he asked if I felt better now and I said yes. Then he gave me a spank that I was not at all expecting and told me I could get up. It wasn’t a super hard spank but it shocked me and almost ruined the whole point of putting lotion on my butt.
Anyway, that’s pretty much what happened, Not my best day, but at least I learned something so hopefully I don’t get too many more spankings like that
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fandoms-writer · 4 years
Past and Present Pranks
Remus Lupin x Reader
This takes place during Order of the Pheonix, and Remus is still the DADA professor
Word count: 1.9k
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You were in the middle of talking about your History lesson when the Ministry’s Charms teacher came in. Professor Flitwick was taking an off year for personal reasons, and the Ministry decided that they needed an inside woman. They decided on a human cotton candy, as you like to call her, but your husband said to stop because you might call her that to her face one day, and you honestly couldn’t care less.
You’ve heard about her coming around and interviewing teachers, so it was only a matter of time until she came to you. She decided, of course, to come interrupt in the middle of one of the most important lessons of the class. She didn't even bother knocking when she arrived, she just barged in, just like Snape, but a little less dramatic. 
You composed yourself before addressing the pink lady,”What can I help you with, Professor?”
“Oh don’t mind me, this is just a routine check for the ministry. Just continue with your lesson,” she said with her haunting laugh.You tried, oh you tried, but every other sentence, she would say a snide remark under her breath. Some you would catch, others you wouldn’t. After about 30 mins of keeping your cool, she decided that she’s seen enough.
“Thank you for your time, Professor Lupin,” she said with that evil smirk.
“Of course,” I said, sarcasm coming out automatically. Once the door closed, you let the eyeroll out that has been there since she walked in. Thankfully, you were close with the students you had now, so they knew how you got. You felt comfortable with them, and they felt comfortable around you. “Alright then! Where were we?”
The rest of the lesson passed by fairly quickly even though you were still in a mood, and before you knew it, you were walking down the corridor that led to your and Remus’ shared room. Once you walked in, you saw him sitting on the couch reading, like usual. Once you closed the door, you dropped your bag, and flopped on top of him on the couch.
“Hello to you too,” he said with a chuckle, and you responded with a groan and nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck. “That bad, huh?”
You finally looked at him, and kissed him before you started your rant. “She’s absolutely terrible Remus. She walked in, in the middle of my lesson saying that I wouldn’t even notice her, but every time I spoke, she would mumble something. She thinks that she is above everyone because she’s from The Ministry. You know, I wouldn’t even mind going to Azkaban if it meant saving the students and staff from her tyranny. At least you didn’t have to deal with her yet.”
“-Wait! When? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I would if you’d let me finish,” he said while giving you a pointed look.
“Okay, okay, continue,” you said while staring at him intently to which he just shook his head and laughed. You rested your chin on his chest while his hands were on your hips, his thumbs stroking them softly. 
“She came in during my last lesson of the day. Everything was fine, until after her being there for 5 minutes, and then she decided to bring up my lycanthropy. She asked about the events from 2 years ago, and if it was safe for a werewolf to be a teacher.” You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could, he put up a finger over your mouth. “I know what you’re going to say, but let me finish before you do anything rash.”
“I was completely honest and open with her since I don’t have anything to hide, including the potion that I take. She even asked the students how safe they felt about a werewolf teaching them. Some answered, and a lot of them just glared at her. She apparently wasn’t expecting that answer because she immediately left. So, I dealt with it, and now there is nothing more to do,” he finished.
“Nothing more to do! I’m going to kill her,” you said while getting off of your husband, and making your way to the door. “That was inappropriate, and unprofessional of her to bring that up in front of the kids,” you continued, but before you grabbed the handle, a pair of arms dragged you back to the couch and enclosed you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m saving you from being fired, my dear,” he said matter of factly. “Now, it’s late, we have lessons in the morning, and we both had stressful days, so I think,” he said while carrying you over to your bed,”that we should go to bed.”
“But Rem-”
“-No buts. It’s over, there’s nothing more you can do,” he said while throwing you one of his jumpers that looked like a dress on you. 
“Alright, fine,” you said while curling up under the covers. ‘It’s definitely not over’ you thought to yourself.
After the ‘Goodnights’ and ‘I love yous’ you lied awake, unable to sleep. While listening to your husband's soft snoring in one ear, and his steady heartbeat in the other, you thought about how to show her to not to mess with your family, without getting caught. After about 30 more minutes of thinking, you figured out the perfect plan, and all you had to do was wake up early.
That morning, you got up carefully to not wake the sleeping man beside you. You knew how tough sleep could be for him at times, besides, he looked so peaceful. You got ready for the day, and made your way to the woman of the hours chambers. The castle was quiet except for the sound of the wind flowing throughout the halls since it was pretty early, and no one would be up for another hour. You made it to the chambers, recited the spell, and got out in under 5 minutes. In order for the spell to work on time, you have to say it an hour before. Instead of going back to your room, you walked the halls of the castle, and when it was time for breakfast, you made your way to the hall. When you got there, Remus was already there. 
“Goodmorning love,” you said while kissing his cheek and sitting in the chair next to him.
“Hello darling. You were up early.” he said with a tone of a question.
“Yeah. I had to finalize my lesson for today,” you replied while starting to eat.He didn’t question it any more, just nodded and started eating also. The hall was quiet except for the normal chatter, but that was about to change in 5...4...3...2...1.
The doors of the Great Hall flew open, and there stood a very angry professor. It was quiet for a minute, and then slowly, the hall broke out into laughter, including the teachers. 
“You all think this is funny,” she said while pointing to her hot pink hair. No one answered, only laughed even harder. “Which one of you did this?” she asked while looking around the room. You could feel 2 sets of eyes on you, and you knew who they were. Minnie and your husband. You had to hide the smirk that was trying to show itself. She eventually gave up and stormed out. 10 minutes passed, and it was time for the teachers to head to their classrooms. 
You kissed your husband with a quick ‘see you later’ and walked out of the hall.You didn’t get very far until someone called your name. You let them catch up to you. 
”What can I do for you Minnie?” you asked while continuing your walk.
“Still with that name,” she said while shaking her head with a soft smile. “You know, that prank looked very familiar.”
“DId it now? Interesting,” you said feigning innocence.
“It looked very similar to the one that was played on me during your 6th year.”
“Hmm, that is very interesting. The only ones that would know about it would be Remus, Severus, me, and you.”
“Did you at least dispose of the evidence?” she asked with a knowing look.
“Of course I did. I am a professional prankster.”
“What did she do, other than the obvious,” she asked with a serious tone.
“Short story, she decided to berate my husband in front of his class,” you said straight forward. And she nodded.
“Alright, and just between us, well played,” she said while walking toward her class.
“Thank you,” you said with a bow.
During your lunch, you decided to grade papers instead of eating. 5 minutes in, there was a knock on your door.
“Come in,” you said while not even looking up. You didn’t need to, especially when the knocker kissed your head. 
“Hello love.”
“Hi,” you said while looking up at him, and gave him a kiss.
“I brought you lunch since you weren't there.”
“Thank you,” you said while moving papers so he could sit. 
After eating in silence for a couple of minutes, he spoke up. “Do you know anything about the prank pulled this morning?”
“No, I don't. Did they catch the culprit yet?”
“No, but doesn’t it seem familiar?” he asked, and you knew that he knew, but you wanted to keep the act going for a little while longer.
“I guess. I remember James doing something like that in our 6th year.”
“Yes, darling?”
“Is that what you were doing this morning?”
“I already told you, I was finalizing my lessons,” you said while keeping your eyes down because you knew that if you looked into his, you would break.
“Y/n, darling, I know it was you, and if you don’t want to admit it, I guess you don’t need this sandwich.” he said while snatching the half eaten sandwich out of your hand.
“Remus John Lupin, if you don’t give me the sandwich I swear,” you said while reaching for it, but his height on you made it extremely difficult. “Remus, please,” you begged while exaggerating the ‘please.’
“I’ll gladly give you the sandwich when you admit it.”
You huffed, admitting defeat, “Fine! I did it! Now give me my sandwich.” You eagerly snatched the sandwich when he lowered it.
“Now was that so hard,” he said while smirking, and you just glared at him.
“In my defense, she deserved it. You should’ve also known that I wouldn’t let it go.”
“I did, I just wanted to make it difficult for you.”
“I should’ve chosen Sirius all those years ago,” you quipped while smirking at the man glaring at you. “I’m kidding love, I would’ve chosen Severus.” You were now crying from how much you were laughing. 
“If that’s how you feel, I’m going to get ready for my lesson,” he said while pouting and standing up.
“No! I was just kidding Rem. I love you,” you said while grabbing his arm preventing him from leaving, and hiding your face in his chest.
“And I love you, but I should go get ready,” he said, which earned a groan from you, and chuckled while kissing your hair. “I’ll see you later”
“Bye,” you said while kissing him. 
You spent the rest of the day in a good mood. Partially from your scheme from this morning, and partially from the amazing man that you get to call your husband.  
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Daichi, asahi, akaashi, tsukishima when their crush ask them to teach them math bc they cant do it at all and get confused all the time so their crush need someone to teach them slowly and patiently?😂
daichi, asahi, akaashi, & tsukishima teaching their crush how to do math headcanons:
the WAYYYYY i got so carried away when i was writing for tsukishima PLEASE i am so whipped for him i could write a whole imagine for him based on this i cant bruh
honestly, daichi has a lot on his plate but when you asked for help, he just couldn’t say no to you
he told you that he could help you on saturday afternoons
he rarely saw you out of uniform so when you arrived at his house and saw you in sweats and an oversized sweater, he couldn’t help but blush a little
so he first went over the topic you guys were learning in class, just to refresh your memory
you listened to his explanations and took more detailed notes than you would’ve in class
then, he gave you some practice problems and told you to do them
you were nervous cause he said he was gonna time you
10 mins had passed by
you got about 5/12 questions done when you put your pencil down and looked back at him
“i can’t finish them. i didn’t even fully answer the first two…”
“it’s okay, let see what you have done.”
they were all wrong LOL.. well except for the third one
“well at least you got this one right,” daichi said with an awkward chuckle
“that’s because it was a problem we went over in class.”
daichi: •-•
“okay..well.. let’s go over the lesson again. does that sound okay?”
you nodded
you ended up staying with him for another hour until you were finally able to answer more than half the questions right
before you left, you gave daichi a hug
“thank you so much, sawamura!!”
he blushed and scratched the back of his head
“no problem!” he replied back with a grin
he only agreed to helping you with math cause he wanted to spend more time you
asahi was hesitant saying yes cause he knows he not the brightest when it comes to math either lol
he came to you during study periods during school hours
he was too nervous to be completely alone with you ah ha ha
when he settled down his books and all that, you began talking
“okay so i understand this, but i don’t know which formula to use for this kind of problem.”
asahi let out an internal sigh of relief because he KNEW this
he went over the formula with you
“okay y/n, now you try.”
you did about 7 problems, most of them were wrong
asahi starts getting nervous because he doesn’t know any other way to explain it
“uhm maybe we should ask a teacher..?” he suggests
you both visit your math teacher and on the next test, you and asahi passed with flying colors
akaashi was lowkey flattered that you asked him to tutor you a bit for math
he knew he wasn’t dumb, but he also knew that he wasn’t the smartest kid in class
“maybe it’s because they like you, akaashi!” yelled bokuto
“stop speaking nonsense, bokuto-san.”
n e ways, you invite akaashi over after school once
you already decided that changing out of your uniform would be more distracting since you’d be comfortable, so you kept it on
when you entered your house and took off your shoes, you didn’t put on any house slippers and just slid across the floor in your socks
akaashi thought this was very cute
you got him water and sat down to start reviewing
he went over the lesson and gave you some problems to work on
you were having trouble so he ended up doing each problem with you, step by step
when you started getting the hang of it, he watched you carefully as you worked
he noticed that you furrowed your brows when you concentrate
he caught himself smiling and shook his head as if trying to pull himself together lmao
it was time for akaashi to leave and you gave him some cookies for his travel back home
“thank you for helping me today, akaashi!”, you said cheerfully
he smiled at you, “no problem, y/n.”
ah ha ha ,,. my smart boi
he hates tutoring ppl and only said yes bc he likes you
when hinata finds out, he gets so mad
“but me and kageyama had to practically BEG you to teach us!”
tsuki: “actually it’s kageyama and i.”
hinata starts rolling on the floor
“idiot, it’s because he likes y/n,” kageyama mentions
yamaguchi is like :o
“tsuki, you told them about your crush??”
“no… i didn’t. thank you for confirming it, though,” tsukishima replied flatly.
“sorry, tsuki!”
tsukishima says he’ll help you with your math during lunch
you sat next him as he opened up his notebook.
“i think you should copy my notes first, read them, and tell me what you don’t understand.”
you nod and starting copying his notes
you copied the notes really quickly and reread them multiple times
tsukishima noticed your eyes shift from the top of the page to the bottom at least 3 times
“okay. i read it. i don’t understand any of it.”
he stares at you blankly… “nothing??”
the look he gave you was kind of condescending and it made you feel bad.
“no… if you don’t want to teach me, i totally understand. i know it’s time consum-“
he cuts you off, “no, i’ll still teach you.. i said i would.”
your eyes lit up & he felt his heart clench at the sight
“really?! thank you, tsuki!”
tsukishima feels his heart beat accelerate
“tsuki?? where did she get that from? only yamaguchi calls me that,” he thought to himself
you didn’t have much time during lunch left
“y/n, can you come over sunday? i don’t have practice in the morning, only in the afternoon.”
“okay, yea i’ll come over. thanks again, tsuki!”
you got up and left with your notes in hand
“god, they’re so obnoxiously cute..”
time skip to sunday morning
you arrive at the tsukishima residency at 10am
tsuki opened the door for you and let you in.
you couldn’t help but notice another tall blond boy standing behind him, waving at you
you smiled at him.. must be his brother or something
“go up the stairs and it’s the first room on your left.”
you made your way up to his room
“soooo, kei. are they the one?”, akiteru asked, raising his eyebrows at tsukishima
“please stop.”
tsukishima made sure to give you a bunch of problems and thoroughly explained them to you whenever you were stumped
he walked you to your bus stop when you guys were finished
you saw the bus approaching
“thanks again, tsukishima.”
he gave you a slight nod
“oh, by the way. i like dinosaurs, too. the ones you had displayed were sooo cute!”
you got on the bus and although tsuki was good at hiding his emotions, you saw him blush as the bus began to drive away
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vanaera · 4 years
The Heart Holiday | Act 2 (2/2) | myg
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Synopsis: Valentine’s Day is declared as an official holiday. However, private companies’ standards dictate it’s only for the people who are currently in a relationship. Unluckily for Y/N, she doesn’t have this year’s PRS’ (Proof of Relationship Status) “in a relationship” box ticked – the only ticket out she can have to enjoy one paid week of holiday leave away from her hellish job. And more unfortunately for Y/N, everyone around her is oh so conveniently currently committed in a relationship. Except for one person: Min Yoongi, Y/N’s biggest critic in every pitch meeting, the picky guy who always picks on her, and the most annoying jerk of the century. Desperate for that holiday leave, Y/N strikes Yoongi up with an offer: Fake date each other two weeks before February 14, just enough time for the Department of Relationship Management (DRM) to consider processing their PRSs. After Valentine’s Day, they will go back to their own ways and never speak about whatever that may happen during the plan. Good, plain, and simple. That is until, Yoongi uncharacteristically oh so enthusiastically agrees to Y/N’s offer, leaving her thinking that she may have bitten something too much more than she can chew.
Characters: Yoongi x Female Reader AU/ Trope: Office AU (Creatives Staff!myg x PA!reader), enemies to lovers, fake dating Genre: fluff, angst, comedy (the triple t(h)reat) Wordcount: 24.5k Warnings: None (PG-15 Rating). There’s a mention of drunken sex but it’s just one sentence. There’s also less cursing now.
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DAY 4 – January 29; Wednesday
               If yesterday had Yoongi weirdly avoiding her like she’s got a highly contagious virus, today’s Yoongi is a hell of a nutcase. This is even far from an understatement. Ever since Y/N set foot in the office, Yoongi is already on her face. “You got my message last night, sweetheart?” He winks as he walks by her side towards the Creatives’ office. When Y/N plops down on her seat, Yoongi’s eyes are already set dead onto her. He’s not sending her his usual ‘I will end you and you know I can’ look. He’s cupping his face and stares at her with wide, big eyes, lips pulled into a small smile. He even goes as far as to wink at her and send her a fucking finger heart. As if it’s not enough, he has spammed her phone with weird shit.
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Good morning, pretty girl.  (8:19 A.M.)
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Did I call you pretty? Oops, I mean little girl AHAHAHHAHAH (9:11 A.M.)
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Don’t ignore me now. I know you’re staring at me 😉 (9:31 A.M.)
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Who wouldn’t when I’m so handsome? (9:32 A.M.)
               Mean Yoongi >:( : You don’t have to tell me. I already know 😉😉😉 (9:35 A.M.)
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Y/Niiiiiiieeeeeeeee (10:16 A.M.)
               It seems like a virus has gotten into Yoongi’s head and tampered with his brain.
               Y/N’s thoughts halt when Dana passes by her cubicle at 11 A.M. She retrieves the folder she gave her yesterday and glosses over the paper where Y/N typed her final picks. “Endmatter, Extreme Cut, Malachite Adventure? And you want to make a hybrid out of them?” Dana glances up at her.
               Y/N nervously clasps her hands together, “Well, I know these templates are usually used for feature articles. So I thought, why not make them appropriate for profile pages, too? No one di-dictated them to be just for features, right? Endmatter has a wonderful layout for pictures. Extreme Cut is good for setting focus on the text blocks. Malachite Adventure has a space-efficient layout for sequencing. If we can combine these three, we could provide something new,” Y/N bites her lip. “Nancy likes new and clean for generic pages like the profiles. So…I guess, why not combine these three templates known for having a clean-cut design?”
               Dana stares at her. Y/N gnaws on her lips. The blonde breaks into a grin. “My, you do research well.”
               Y/N shyly looks down onto the notebook on her desk. She doesn’t do much work other than gathering reports anyway. It’s only logical she spent five hours learning about templates yesterday than not doing anything. She mutters, “I just really put my all when I’m given a job.” 
                “And you did,” Dana smiles, “I think this is even brilliant. I’ll make sure to tweak these three to what you suggested.”
                “Y-you will?” Y/N’s eyes grow big. She could feel her heart hammering loud in her ears.
                “Yeah, why not?” Dana shrugs, “This is new so I’m excited, myself, to try this. And because you know what Nancy likes from all the time you spent with her probably overhearing her roast us all to hell and back, I can at least be assured she won’t be too disappointed with this as our previous submission.”
                “Yeah,” Y/N smiles. Heat spreads onto her ears and warmth settles on her chest. The feeling feels too foreign and surreal but she guesses it’s probably just because It’s been a while since she’s been praised for doing a good job. 
               “Guess you and Yoongi made up, huh?”
               The spreading warmth freezes cold. Y/N looks up at Dana in surprise. 
                “I saw you two earlier being chummy with each other. It even looked like you two have fucking heart eyes,” Dana smiles expectantly.
                “N-no, we’re—” Y/N cuts herself. Right, we’re supposed to be a couple. We should have already started convincing everyone we’re dating each other the moment we agreed on the deal. Y/N gulps, “Umm, uh, yeah?”
               Dana giggles, “You don’t have to be so nervous, you know? I know you two have a thing. For a long time now.” Y/N’s brows meet together. Dana doesn’t dwell on it, gathering the folder back onto her arms, “Thank you for this again, Y/N. See ya later.”
               Dana leaves for the break room and Y/N’s left staring at her back. Her stupor is broken when Yoongi enters her field of vision again, hands occupied with papers.  When he passes by her cubicle, he makes sure to flash her another mischievous wink.
               Y/N groans and slumps her head onto her desk.
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                “He’s got my number now, Mina, and to make matters worse, he’s being a winking machine ever since this day started!”
               Mina nods. However, Y/N could tell something is up. Her bestfriend’s eyes are switching from her face and onto her radio and her hands were shaking in her clasp. It’s as if she’s restaining herself. 
               Y/N pauses. She pulls her seat closer to her friend, “Did something happen, Mina?”
               Biting her lips, Mina pins her with a look, “Y/N, promise me you won’t be too surprised.”
               “Why?” Y/N’s eyes grow bigger, “So something really happened? Tell me, Mina.”
                No,” Mina shakes her head. She closes her eyes, “Just promise me you won’t overreact.”
               Y/N’s lips twitch. “Okay.”
               Mina sighs. She turns to her computer and scrolls through her Facebook account. “So yesterday, I’ve been talking with our high school batchmates. They were planning a reunion next month. A big one. They said they’re trying to get ahold of the whole batch. And something caught my eye.” Mina zooms a post on the screen.
               It was a post of Suho Lee, the former Student Council President of their batch in National East Science High School. He took a picture of him and his former members of the council, announcing they’re indeed planning a huge reunion since it’s been a while they’ve seen each other. The post has over a thousand likes by now because Suho made sure to tag almost everyone in the batch. Of course, he’s Suho. Suho knows everybody. Y/N could even see Mina’s name among the tags. But what made her jaw drop is one aberrant name she never expected to be there.
               Min Yoongi.
               Y/N turns to Mina, eyes blown wide, “Mina, what the hell is this?”
               Mina nods, “I’m also shocked, Y/N. I didn’t know he studied in the same high school as us. He’s even our fucking batchmate. I didn’t know—wait, Y/N, where are you going?!”
               Y/N exits the Accounting Department and scrolls through her own Facebook account. She walks in fast strides and heads to where she only knows Min Yoongi will be during lunch: the break room. When she swings open the door, she’s right in her speculation.
               Y/N walks toward the man who’s washing his utensils in the sink.
               Yoongi pauses and looks to his side, “Oh, sweetheart, you’re here.”
                “Don’t call me sweetheart,” Y/N spits. She flashes her phone to Yoongi. “What’s the meaning of this?”
               Yoongi squints. “It’s a reunion announcement.”
                “Obviously,” Y/N rolls her eyes, “I know how to read, Min. And because of that, I know you’ve been tagged here. So, tell me, why is your name here?”
               Yoongi places his washed utensils in the dishrack. “Obviously, I’ll be tagged because I studied at NES High,” He looks at Y/N, leaning his hips against the counter, “Why are you making such a big deal out of a reunion announcement?”
                “Because I studied here too!”
                It’s time for Yoongi to have his eyes bulge out, “Y-you did?”
                “Of course, I did! This is where Mina and I first met!”
                “But I thought you two were just college buddies?”
                “We are! But we belong in the same friend circle in high school first before we got closer in college—this is not the point,” Y/N exasperates, “Why did you not tell me you studied in the same high school?!”
               Yoongi opens his mouth but Y/N cuts him short, “Oh, I know. This is probably the reason why you’re tormenting me ever since you got into Travel Loca.”
               Y/N crosses her arms. “You’re out here to take your revenge on me.”
               The furrows on Yoongi’s forehead deepen.
               “Hello?” Y/N deadpans, waving her hands as if it can shake up Yoongi’s memory, “You’re probably one of the names I removed on some group work we had because you’re a freeloader. No wonder you’re so lazy and such a slack-off when you used to co-P.A. with me.” Y/N holds her head high, “And now, you’re here to take revenge.”
               Yoongi releases a half-scoff, half-laugh, “What?”
               Y/N frustratedly blows a sigh, “In case you did not know, I’m well-known in the batch for removing names of freeloaders in group works. I haven’t kept track of how many names I’ve already removed because they’re that many. And now, you’re here taking your revenge. You don’t have to be petty, Yoongi, you know? If you had unresolved feelings—which I think you don’t have any right to have in the first place because it’s your fault for being lazy and you dug out your own grave—you could have just talked with me like a goddamn adult instead of doing all the shit you did—”
               Yoongi’s guffaw cuts you short.
               Y/N scowls, “Why are you laughing, Yoongi? This is not funny.”
               “Oh, it is!” Yoongi lets out, in-between breaths, “This is hilarious! Revenge? What will I avenge against you when I don’t even know you studied in the same high school?”
               Y/N stops. “Y-you don’t know me? But I’m the valedictorian of our batch!”
              “Not everyone cares to know that, you know?”
               Y/N’s scowl deepens, “Just because you didn’t get any awards in your whole life doesn’t mean you get to demean and undervalue other’s people achievements.”
               “I’m not undervaluing it,” Yoongi takes a step closer to her, “I’m just saying no one spends too much time remembering their batch’s valedictorian. I don’t even remember the summa cum laude of my own batch in college.” Yoongi takes a step closer to Y/N, trapping her back on the counter. He leans forward, closing the space between their faces so small only a hair’s breadth separates their noses from brushing against each other. Y/N lets out an inaudible gasp. Yoongi smirks, “What makes you so different, sweetheart?”
               Y/N places her hands on his shoulders, “Don’t get too proud of yourself, Yoongi.” But before she can push him away, the door swings loudly against the wall and a woman exclaims.
               “Oh my God, I’m so sorry for interrupting!”
               Ms. Teddy. Y/N’s mouth falls open. She weakly hits Yoongi’s chest to back away and pay respect to their temporary boss but Yoongi only holds her fists and gives her a sickening, sweet smile. He turns around to face Ms. Teddy, but not enough to let out Y/N from her position. Yoongi smiles at the general supervisor, “Oh don’t worry Ms. Teddy, you’re not interrupting anything.”
              “Are you sure?” the 45-year-old woman asks. Her wary tone doesn’t match the small blush forming on her cheeks though.
              “I’m sure,” Yoongi replies, facing Y/N, “I’m just trying to ask my sweetheart for a date.” Yoongi turns back to Ms. Teddy, smiling, “Nothing biggie. She just said ‘yes.’”
               Y/N gapes “What—"
               “Oh!” Ms. Teddy perks up, “You two are so sweet! I didn’t know you’re actually a couple! I mean, who would have known? You two always fight with each other. But I guess the movies are right. ‘The more you hate, the more you love.’”
               Y/N tries not to cringe too hard.
               Ms. Teddy chuckles, “What Y/N said before must be true then. Calling you a ‘mean, inconsiderate, self-absorbed jerk’ must be her own unique term of endearment—”
               Y/N raises her brows. How did Ms. Teddy know? Only Steven knows about the mug-chipping incident—” 
                “—I mean, I even used to call my ex-boyfriend ‘stupid asshole,’” Ms. Teddy chuckles. She suddenly releases a frustrated sigh, “God, I still hate him so much.”
               Y/N doesn’t know how to react to that. And so seems Yoongi.
               “Anyway, don’t mind me,” Ms. Teddy waves, a sweet smile plastered on her face again. She walks towards the ref to retrieve a green Tupperware. “I’m just here to grab my cheesecake.” The way her eyes refuse to tear away from the “couple” seems to say otherwise.
              “O-okay,” Y/N says as she looks at Yoongi. It’s a good thing Yoongi is blocking her body from Ms. Teddy. ‘What do we do?’ she mouths at the man.
               Yoongi thinks for a millisecond, then mouths at her, ‘Just follow my lead.’
               Before Y/N can mouth ‘okay,’ Yoongi has closed the gap between them and pressed a quick peck on her forehead. He smiles at her, tucking a stray strand behind her ear, “All right, I’ll see you later then, sweetheart.”
               “A-alright,” Y/N stutters. Yoongi steps away and she quickly makes her way to the door.
               Y/N only notices her hands were tingling when she reaches her P.A. station. And that searing warmth has settled itself on her chest. She plops down on her seat and lets out a tired breath. When she glances at her small mirror, she realizes her face is as red as a strawberry.
               What the hell just happened there?
               Y/N doesn’t get much time to think about it because her phone vibrates next to her leg.
               Mean Yoongi >:( : Let’s meet at The Café Bistro after work. Let’s talk about everything. (1:11 P.M.)
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               Y/N doesn’t see much of Yoongi for the rest of the day. He’s probably holed up in the meeting room again just like yesterday. The Creatives were much in a rush since yesterday, probably after receiving the work Yoongi has disseminated. Everyone is hunched over their computers. Some have buried their heads in previous issues and design brochures. While a few were chattering about what design is better for their chosen template than the other.
               And there is one who’s on Y/N’s tail.
               “Oh, Myungsoo, I didn’t see you there,” Y/N glances up from the pile of papers on her desk. 
               Myungsoo doesn’t return the greetings. He leans over her desk and picks one paper to inspect it. “Why do you have this?”
               “Umm,” Y/N looks around the papers strewn around, refusing to look at the frowning man, “Ms. Park gave them to me. She wanted to, uh, have me check them and give some inputs about it.” A smile plays on Y/N’s lips. Dana Lee must have told Yoona about her recent arrangement that’s why Yoona came to her after lunch to ask for advice and critique on what she and her concept team have prepared. It’s quite overwhelming as Ms. Park is one of the respected team leaders in the Creatives. 
              “Ms. Yoona gave you this?” Myungsoo scoffs. Y/N’s smile immediately falls. “Why would she give you this? You don’t know anything about the work we do. You’re just Nancy’s P.A.”
               Y/N internally sighs. Myungsoo has always been wary of her ever since she got in the Creatives but she never knew he will be this hostile. Still, she doesn’t want to cause any unnecessary tension so Y/N tries to placate him. She pulls a polite smile on her face, “That’s why Ms. Yoona came to me. She said since I’m with Nancy for almost 24/7, I must probably know a thing or two about what she likes to see.”
              “But do you?” Myungsoo raises an eyebrow.
              Y/N looks down on the papers, “Y-yeah. Somehow.”
               Myungsoo sighs and drops the paper back onto the pile. “Anyway, I’m here to tell you I’m rejecting your letter of permission to get access to our cover page drafts.”
               Y/N’s head shoots up, “W-what? But Yoongi—”
                “I know what Mr. Min told us this week,” Myungsoo informs. “Yes, we’re tasked to walk you through the activities of our department. However, there are still protocols in our authoritative freedom and I, as a team leader, cannot just give you the drafts of our cover page. We still need more time to work on it and I cannot embarrass myself in front of Ms. Nancy about a work that has not fully taken shape yet.”
                “But didn’t you hear what Yoongi said?” Y/N reasons, “I’m here to help you and I need to give updates to Nancy about everything at every end of the week. Especially now when the department is in full motion.” Y/N cannot give Nancy nothing especially now that Nancy has just emailed her that their issue’s deadline has been moved to February 17. It’s just around the corner. In fact, it’s only a matter of weeks!
                “Well that’s your problem,” Myungsoo retorts, “I’m not the P.A. What I can only give you for your update reports are our initial proposed ideas.”
               But they’re not enough. Y/N closes her eyes, “Look, Myungsoo. I understand that you may be feeling I’m intruding on a space I’m not supposed to. But remember, we’re working together for one company, not for ourselves.” Myungsoo looks like he’s about to bite back but Y/N cuts him to it, “I understand you may feel wary about submitting your concepts for the cover page when they’re still raw. Especially to someone like me who may not completely understand the value you place in your work. However, I cannot just give Nancy undeveloped ideas. So, how about we make a compromise? I’m not gonna push you to walk me through your cover page processing. Or argue more about your raw concepts you’re drafting as of now. But, can you give me at least the plans you made for the undeveloped ideas you’ve chosen your working concept from? So I can still, in a way, report to Nancy the plan your team is trying to execute?”
               Myungsoo stares daggers into her before he mutters a clipped, “Fine. Expect to receive them by the end of the week.”
                “But I have to report them at the end of the week—”
               “End of the week or nothing at all?” Myungsoo sneers, “I can’t rush my artists to finish their concept-making just to take the load off your own job.”
               But I’m not demanding you to make my job easier, can’t you just cooperate like an adult?!—Y/N closes her eyes and sighs, “Okay, understood, Mr. Kim.”      Fighting with him won’t help anything in the pressure the department is facing.
               Myungsoo turns around and wordlessly walks away. YN releases a tired sigh as she goes back onto Yoona’s papers. 
               Hours pass with Y/N finishing her inputs in a document file. Mina has popped by to tell her she’s leaving early to go on a date with Mark. She said she’d probably be home late so they’ll have to continue their conversation earlier tomorrow. However, that was two hours ago and now, it’s already five and almost everyone in the staff has already left the office. She only gets to realize this when a shadow peers over her cubicle.
               “Hey, work’s already over now.”
               Y/N looks up and sees Yoongi smiling at her. His hair was messy as always, probably from pushing them back and carding through them throughout the day. His tie is askew and his button-down is folded messily to his forearms. And his smile felt so gentle. She doesn’t know why but she lets out a relieved sigh.
                “Let’s go to the Café Bistro now, yeah?”
                “Okay,” Y/N smiles back.
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               “So…you’re the most hated person in your class for removing names of slackers off group works?”
               Y/N rolls her eyes, “Didn’t you hear what I told you earlier?”
               “Of course, I heard,” Yoongi chortles, scooping a spoonful of his rice bowl, “I just didn’t expect you’ll go for info-dumping in two minutes straight. You really do love to ramble a lot, no?”
               Y/N looks away and stuffs her mouth with a spoonful of her own rice bowl. When she swallows down, she pins Yoongi with a glare, “You can say shit all about how I talk but just so you know, that skill got me so far to where I used to be. I wouldn’t graduate cum laude if I didn’t ace all my speech classes.”
               “I’m not shitting on it. I’m admiring it.” Y/N freezes in her seat to look at the man. Yoongi chuckles. “I’m serious. You don’t have to be constantly on your guard around me, you know? Aren’t we already friends?”
                “F-friends?” Y/N scoffs, “Where the hell did you get that?”
               Yoongi tilts his head, “But I already got your number.”
                “You forced your way to get my number.”
                “I did not force you. You willingly told me your number in a game of 20 Questions.”
               “You covertly formatted your questions to get me to spill my number. I did not willingly tell you my number. You coerced me.”
               “I didn’t. I got your number fair and square,” Yoongi waves his phone.
               “But that doesn’t—”
               “And you already put a name on my number in your contacts,” Yoongi grins, “You even have an emoji next to it.”
                “How did you know?”
                “You opened your phone earlier on the train. And in case you don’t know, the train isn’t one of the most spacious places in the world. We’re practically side by side, look” Yoongi points to the damp patch on his shoulder, “You slept on my shoulder and even got drool on it.” Y/N looks away and stuffs her mouth with another spoon. Yoongi continues, “And with you leaving your phone open for the world to see your messaging app, it doesn’t take two years to see that someone has named you with some obnoxious contact name.” Yoongi opens his phone, “It’s okay though because I also named you this,” he flashes the phone to Y/N.
                >:( Evil Peachy Pie Y/N >:(
               Y/N squints at him. “Fine, a name for a name.”
               “See? That’s why we’re now friends.”
               Y/N scoffs, “How come?”
               “Because you got me a nickname. And I got you one, sweetheart,” Yoongi winks.
               Y/N’s jaw drops, “What the—you know what, go do you and go off to whatever your delusion is feeding you.”
               “Yay! Y/N and I are friends!”
               Y/N gawks at him. Yoongi shrugs with a smile and digs into his food.        
               Chatters fill the bistro. Y/N thinks it’s absurd to combine “café” and “bistro” for the name of an establishment. “It’s as if it can’t choose what type of business it really wants,” she argued earlier to Yoongi on the train. But now that she’s inside, she finally understands why. The interior design of the restaurant is covered in warm orange. The walls and the floor were in mahogany wood. The tables and chairs were metal black with curvilinear gildings, making them look like they’re supposed to be garden furniture in the first place. The plates and bowls were faux wood as well, save for the metal utensils and their glasses that came as mason jars.  And the overhead lights are gorgeous. The faux candles hung up in circular mini chandeliers above the wooden ceiling give off the aesthetic of a gothic palace. Meanwhile, the bar on the center of the shop was of high-quality polished wood. A lot of people are dining like them on the tables but there are also numerous patrons who were in stools, holding different kinds of liquors in their glasses. There’s a free space in front of the bar where Y/N could see couples slow-dancing to the live jazz band playing in the corner. And with the separate menu for alcoholic drinks the waiter had given them earlier, Y/N could finally see why this cafe is also a bistro.
                “So, whose names did you slash off from your group works?”
               Y/N whips her head back to Yoongi, “Why are you so insistent about this?”
               Yoongi pushes his empty bowl to the side. “You said everyone knows you for that. I’m just curious about the slackers who free-rode on you back then. I might even know them since I studied in the same school.” He leans back and places his arms behind his head, “You could totally help me avoid some leeches in life.”
                “First of all,” Y/N points her spoon at him, “You’re the first leech you should know. You slacked off when you were my co-P.A. You slept, you didn’t take calls. You even served me raw for Nancy to roast.”
                “I’m sorry.”
               Y/N’s brows shoot up. “W-what?”
               Yoongi leans forward and clasps his hands together. He looks at the woman in the eye, “I’m sorry about that, Y/N. Sincerely. I admit I was too much of an asshole back then. I tried to justify it by thinking you’re annoying so you deserve some annoyance in life, too. But in the end, I know I’m still wrong. You being annoying or not, what I did was still wrong. I’m sorry.”
               Y/N’s jaw drops as she leans slowly back in her seat. Did Yoongi just apologize to her? Again? And for three consecutive times tonight? What is up with him?
                “You don’t have to forgive me, you know? Nor am I telling you these just to get the guilt off my back. I’m sincerely sorry. I want to apologize to you.”
                “W-what are you suddenly on about?” Y/N tries to laugh but the sound is weird in her ears. “You got so serious, I thought I’m suddenly talking with a stranger.” Y/N tries out a chuckle again. It sounds more convincing to her this time. She waves her hand dismissively, “Anyway, I didn’t actually answer your question. You’re talking about high school so here it goes.” She looks up at the ceiling, “Well, I’ve got Johnny Lee, Byun Baekhyun, Park Mirae, Lee Jieun, Mark Peters” Y/N cups her jaw, “What’s more? Oh! How could I forget—Jennie Kim, Im Nayeon, Daewon Lee—”
                “Wait, Daewon Lee?” Yoongi sits up, “You mean Daewon the quarterback? And Jennie Kim and Im Nayeon, the cheerleaders?”
                “Why?” Y/N leans forward, “You know them personally?”
                “God, yes,” Yoongi laughs, “They’re awful.”
                “Tell me about it,” Y/N’s eyes sparkle in interest.
                “Well,” Yoongi starts, “we had this class project where we have to recreate a scene from a well-known play or movie. Our class was assigned to do Hairspray. And Jennie Kim was our class president so of course, she was horrible. She re-proved this fact when she decided to go dictator and exercise penalties on anyone who would be late for the rehearsals. She freaking imposed that we have to pay $2 for every minute we were late. All is fine if she didn’t assign her own home as the practice place and there’s a lot in the class who lives a good two miles away. And it didn’t help almost everyone just agreed with it because no one decided to contest it in fear of turning the majority against them. It was horrible. All the late fees were put in our class fund. It accumulated to about $100 at the end of the day and that’s very unfitting when NES High is a fucking public school. 
                “$100?” Y/N gawks.
                “Yeah.  Moreover, it’s unfair, because we all know at the end of the school year, the class fund will be divided among each student. With the late fees being implemented, it looks like people who are Jennie and those who live near her will benefit for free from these late fees. Luckily, someone was brave enough to stand up and talked it out with them. And of course, with Jennie being Jennie, she flipped out so the whistleblower eventually had to go to the headteacher of the event to settle the issue. I’m kinda ashamed about this incident. I’m one of the many who just went with the majority because,” Yoongi frustratedly cards through his hair, “I was a bit of a pushover back then.”
               Y/N gapes, “Y-you? A pushover? Oh my god, you’re like the stereotypical nerd in movies who does a 180 to seek revenge!”
               Yoongi squints at her, “Will you stop with the revenge plot you’ve been pushing since this morning?”
                “Okay,” Y/N says but her face looks otherwise with her trying hard to hold in her chuckles.
               Yoongi breaks into a chuckle as well, “God, you look ridiculous.”
                “So are you,” Y/N laughs. When the snickers die down, she waves at Yoongi, “Go on with the story.”
                “Okay,” Yoongi breathes out, “So that was the first strike for this dumb shit squad. The second was worse for it affected the whole batch. It was when the school coordinators tasked each class with a specific dance genre to perform. And Jennie, being the unnecessarily extra bitch that she was, decided to fuck up the arrangement by forcing another class to exchange their assigned piece with ours. Of course, this sparked chaos because when other classes have heard about this, they wanted to exchange, too. And soon, everyone was arguing how they want to exchange or keep their assigned pieces. It’s so messy that the teachers had to hold a batch-wide meeting with all the class officers to settle things out. Luckily, there was someone who stood up and outright pointed out it was Jennie who started it all because she did not ask for the other classes’ consent in the first place—” 
                “Wait, are you talking about me?” Y/N cuts him, eyes wide. “I’m the one who first called out Jennie in the meeting!” Y/N exclaims, “I can’t hold myself back that day because I’m so sick of everyone just willingly and silently enduring her bullshits! All of this wouldn’t happen in the first place if she wasn’t such a shitty, entitled person. I even remember Jennie staring daggers at me as if doing so can reverse what happened when the teacher told her off in front of the whole batch.” Y/N’s brows meet together, “How did you know about this though? Even if it was supposed to be a batch-wide meeting, not everyone was present. The teachers didn’t make the meeting compulsory especially for the students who feel uncomfortable going against another student.”
                “Everyone kind of knows. News about Jennie being roasted by the teacher after a student doused her with the realest true as fuck accusation is enough of a big deal to go around the school.” Yoongi tilts his head, “I just didn’t catch wind it was you.” 
                “Yeah, but,” Y/N self-consciously rubs her nape, “I just did what I felt was right. I don’t like it when people just stay silent when wrongdoings are deliberately happening in their faces.”
                “You’re right,” Yoongi smiles, “and because of that, I’m thinking I’m starting to admire you.” Y/N immediately freezes the heat on her chest back again. She feels it starting to spread up onto her face.
               Yoongi, either unaware of her reaction or plainly indifferent about it, just smirks and continues. “Now, that I finished my story with these terrible fucks, it’s your turn. What did they do that you striked these three names off?”
               Y/N lets a small smile grow on her lips as she crosses her arms. “It was Daewon who I striked first. As early as 7th grade, mind that. We were groupmates for our Bio experimental case study and he didn’t do a SINGLE thing. Very first year in high school and he’s already letting everyone know he’s a shitty groupmate. So end result? A slashed-off name and an immature ‘pity me’ cryfest in front of the professor.”
                “Who’s the professor, if you don’t mind me asking?”
               Y/N grins, “Mr. Ascott.”
                “Oh shit, Mr. Ascott?!” Yoongi chokes a laugh, “Oh my god, and he dared to cry and ask for pity! Of all people, to the prof who detests freeloading the most?!”
                “Yeah,” Y/N snickers, “That’s why it’s so hilarious! Imagine the what-the-fuck face Mr. Ascott has when this spoiled boy tried to cry his way out of his mistake. He looked like he’s about to blast harder than Mauna Kea!”
               Yoongi laughs, waving a hand over. “Who’s next?”
               Y/N blows out a sigh to die down her giggles, “The next one was Nayeon. 11th grade. We’re a pair this time and we’re tasked to make a research about the communication systems of a business. Whenever I tell her we need to meet up, write the paper, or even talk online for the planning at least, Nayeon kept on coming up with ridiculous excuses like how she’s come down with a fever because she ate a lot of rice or she can’t walk because of a motherfucking aching toenail. She even stood me up in the café I told her to go to, to finally get things done. Talking normally with her is impossible. So yeah, I passed the research with just my name on it.” 
               Y/N tilts her head, “And last but not the least, Jennie Kim. 12th grade. We had to make a lab report for Chemistry as a group. She said she’s sorry she won’t be able to contribute anything because she needs to be home soon as her mother is deeply sick in the hospital. We understood and told her it’s okay. Only for us to see in her Snapchat later she’s partying hard in a bar,” Y/N rolls her eyes, “But what irritates me most were ironically, not these.”
              “Did something more happen?”
              “Yes! These three didn’t see any of these as their faults! They saw it as me just being a bitch and picking on them! And because they have such loud mouths, news about me as a ‘name-remover bossy bitch’ traveled fast. Every first day in class per year, a lot of students are already looking at me funny. Throughout the school year, they go as far as ignoring and avoiding me.” YN crosses her arms and directs her eyes onto her empty bowl. “But I’m alright. I don’t care shit about what others have to say about me when I know I’m in the right. I don’t need lots of friends in the first place anyway.”
               “But it must have been hard to be alone.”
               Y/N’s head shoots up, “What do you mean?”
                “To be hated by almost everyone in the class,” Yoongi pulls a sad smile. “It must have been painful in a way. To be treated as an outcast when you didn’t even do anything wrong.”
               “I-I wouldn’t call myself an outcast during that time, you know?” Y/N picks up her glass to drink, looking away.
               “Well, if you say so. I just thought it would have been…difficult to be alone most of the time. To feel as if everyone hates you. Personally, I don’t care when people talk shit about me. But this feeling that everyone just…doesn’t want to be with you hits me quite hard. I don’t know if you’ve felt this. I just know I will feel like this if I was in your position.”
               Y/N, with eyes still trained away from Yoongi, just hums, “…Yeah.” 
               An awkward silence was starting to settle again until Yoongi breaks it with a sigh, “From all of this, I’m realizing our high school didn’t do a great job in giving us a wonderful experience.”
               Y/N turns back to him. She pours water in her glass and mutters, “You’re right. High school is shit.” She leans back in her chair, glass in her hand as she looks at him. “Do you have more bitter stories to tell?”
               Yoongi fiddles with his fingers. “Well, there’s one. I mean, there’s a lot because high school wasn’t that kind to people like me back then. But this one really stuck with me. I’ve been…friends with a lot of toxic people throughout high school. At first, I didn’t notice it. How they lowkey downgrade me whenever we hangout. How they always make me the butt of their jokes. How they always leave me out in any of their fun plans for getaways. I even tried justifying their actions, telling myself it’s probably I’m not yet too cool for them. That I still need to fit more with them. And when I finally realized the wrongness in this during one summer, I cut them all out in my life. Only to end up in another friend circle that turned out to be also toxic. Though it’s less toxic than my first one, it’s still toxic. They made me feel bad for doing my best in school, calling me such a conformist to the education system as if it’s so wrong. They made me feel horrible for just studying and preparing too much for quizzes and exams, telling me I’m just investing a lot of time on something I wouldn’t even use when I work. And for the second time, I justified my ‘friends.’ I thought maybe they’re right. I have to listen to them because maybe they’ll leave me and I will have no one else who’d be willing to be friends with me. I only got the wake-up call when my grades all fell down and I had to repeat 10th grade.”
               Y/N’s eyes grow large, “B-but, you said it was because of Thesis Writing?”
                “Yeah. Thesis Writing was the one that maimed me bad. But what led me to fail it so terribly was because of these second group of friends…Rina, Johnson, and Fei—
               Y/N immediately holds up her hands, “Wait, I-I-you don’t have to tell me their names if you don’t want to, Yoongi. You—I don’t know, maybe the memories come back and trigger you—I-I’m not that eager to know their names, you know? I just want to listen to you.”
               Yoongi chuckles and Y/N’s eyes only grow more. “I’m telling you their names because I already got over it, Y/N,” Yoongi informs. “I already feel comfortable telling this to you, sweetheart. Though I have to admit I’m loving what you said a little too much.”
               Y/N frowns, “Wh-why do you have to say stupid shit like this? Can’t you just continue your story?”
                “I have to say these because you’re being cute.” Y/N only frowns more. Yoongi chuckles, “Okay, okay, I’ll go back to my story.” He heaves out a sigh, “So, these Rina, Johnson, and Fei—well, they made me feel the efforts I put into studying will be pointless. That the dreams I have will be unattainable anyway because the world will never let them come true for people like me—not rich, not talented, not smart enough. And because of this mentality discouraging me whenever I try too hard, coupled with the messed-up confidence I had because of my first friendship circle, I turned out to be a…horrible speaker. But I think I shouldn’t blame them for this. I also have faults in this because after all, this is my life. Maybe I’m too easily swayed, easily discouraged, and too dependent on other’s company back then.”
                “You’re right on that,” Y/N says, “but I think the people who have affected you to be what you were back then are rightfully justified to be blamed for. Or even deserve the greater blame. We’re teenagers and we do stupid things. And during our teenage years where we feel so confused about just everything, what mattered the most was the feeling of belongingness. The feeling of belonging to someone or something. This feeling gives us a way to identify ourselves and our purpose. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development even say so. Yeah, we also have faults in ourselves that are worth blaming for and working on, but people are social beings. And most of the time, we become who we are because of other’s words, actions, and influence,” Y/N pulls her lips in an attempt to send him a comforting smile, “You don’t have to beat up yourself too much.”
                “Whoa,” Yoongi gapes, “Just…wow.” He shakes his head, “I don’t even know what to say…And this is weird because I always know what to say,” Yoongi chuckles and Y/N follows suit. “I mean,” Yoongi tongues his cheek, “How did you come up with these?”
               “Because I also experienced having friends like you had.”
               You did?” It’s Yoongi’s turn to gawk at her.
               “Yeah,” Y/N purses her lips. “It was in high school too. Even if I was lucky I skipped 8th and 9th grade, I wasn’t immune to toxic people. The friends I had in my first year, honestly…scar me until now. They downed me too many times, too, telling me I’m not that good, or I’m too intimidating for people would like to be with. They even called me annoying,” Y/N cackles. But her laugh soon dies down when she looks at Yoongi’s unamused look. “U-um,” She ducks her head down and fiddles with the seams of her blazer, “That’s not really funny, I’m sorry.”
                “They’re not,” Yoongi deadpans, “Especially when it’s deprecating the person you should first and foremost care: You.”
               Y/N’s head shoots up.
               Yoongi lets a small smile grace over his face. “Go on with your story.”
               “U-uh, yeah,” Y/N opts to play with her fingers this time, “So yeah, I ended up…downing myself, too. Berating and insulting myself even worse than those toxic people did. I even discouraged myself from even trying. I stopped myself before I even get to start at something that induces passion within me—dance, art, singing, whatever. I halt myself first before anyone can. Other’s words against me hurt me more than my own words. The only silver lining I had was when I got to 10th grade and met Mina,” Y/N grins. “Even if I still get reminded of the scars I got from my ex-friends, I’m grateful I also learned what’s it really like to have a friend for the first time.” Y/N turns to Yoongi, “What about you? Did you find at least…one friend before high school ended?”
                “More than one actually,” Yoongi smiles. “I met three in 11th grade. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin. Even if Namjoon graduated earlier, we three eventually met each other again in college. God, ever since I befriended those three, I never knew again what it’s like to be a loner. I know it’s kinda late that I get to enjoy high school but I had the most fun I could ever have in those last two years. Though college is still god-tier. That’s when I was really the happiest” Yoongi chuckles. He leans back in his chair and sighs, “Even if the majority of the memories our high school gave us were shit, I think it still tried its best to give everyone a memorable experience.” Yoongi smiles, “What’s a memorable experience you could thank the school for?”
               Y/N opens her mouth but Yoongi quickly cuts her short, “And no, don’t say it’s meeting real friends. Other than that, any memorable experiences you had?”
               Y/N looks to her right, brows scrunched, “Hmm…it had to be…Oh! The science expo held in our gym in our last year!”
                “The expo?  The one they held as our ‘field trip’—in our very last year of high school at that—because they ‘lack’ funds for an actual one?”
                “Yeah,” Y/N smiles wide, “I actually enjoyed it a lot. There’s a large model of the Megalodon jaws wide open that you have to step into to enter the expo. Its teeth are so big and gosh, I love sharks. I love the documentaries about them. And oh, there’s also a bus that’s remodeled to have lab tables instead of seats. We get to look at microscopes magnifying different microorganisms and micro-things. It’s like a running test in chem but fun! And my favorite one had to be the astronomy tent-dome. I call it that because it’s a humongous black sheet of a tent that’s shaped to look like a dome. We had to crawl inside to get in. It reminded me of how I loved to play pillow forts in my room when I was a kid. And then inside, there’s someone there who actually works at NASA that plays the videos of constellations on the dome above us. And he’s amazing because he knows all the stars in the Milky Way! He even broke the myth concerning your birth month and Zodiac sign. The constellations of your Zodiac sign don’t usually appear during your ‘zodiac month’!”
               “They don’t?”
               “Yeah! I’m an Aries and yet the constellation most apparent in the sky during my month is Libra instead. I’ve never seen the Aries constellation before on my birthday. It’s always Libra. Okay, don’t look at me like I’m a hoe for Astrology—I’m not. I just fell in love with Astronomy after that expo and I ended up memorizing a lot of constellations and trying to point them out in the sky and—
               “I’m not looking at you like you’re a ‘hoe for Astrology,’” Yoongi quotes, chuckling. “I’m looking at you because honestly, I’m amazed by you. Really. I never enjoyed that expo, because honestly, I like learning the actual stuff in real-time. But to have you spouting such mindblowing trivia and how you just talk so animatedly about it makes me want to time travel to that day and re-experience it. Really, you amaze me.
               Y/N coughs into her hand, an attempt to out-volume the thrumming tinnitus she feels between her lungs. She pulls a tight smile and looks up at Yoongi, “What about you? What memorable experience did you have to thank high school for?”
               “The prom,” Yoongi grins. “It’s my first time to be in such a glamorous setting that I instantly thought it would be my last time I could ever experience such pizzaz. Everyone looked so regal. There are ball gowns, luxurious suits, glittering decors, and lush carpeting I could spend years standing on just because it feels so pillowy soft beneath my feet. The venue had gothic pillars and renaissance paintings and rose-gold gilded chandeliers that hang above, looking like it hooked all the stars in the galaxy beneath its dangling diamonds. The food was great, too. I honestly couldn’t believe a public high school could afford this—well, there’s actually a lot of upper-middle-class families who pitched in some money but I only found out about this two weeks after the prom. Although we had a grad ball, it still couldn’t top 10th-grade prom. Sure, there’s a lot of people mingling and I’m too much of an introvert to enjoy socializing. But when I just sat and watch the party go, the picture in front of me looked so similar to the Yule Ball shown in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie and it’s just so fascinating. And—wait, why are you looking like that?”
                “N-nothing,” Y/N shakes her head. She also hopes to shake away the utter wonder that must be obvious in her face. Mina always said she shows excitement so easily on her face.
               And too bad Yoongi pushes her buttons so well that he could easily read her. “What ‘nothing’? You look so amazed as if you’ve never been to a prom—wait, you’ve never been to prom, haven’t you?” 
              There’s no point to lie otherwise. Y/N looks down at her lap and admits, “You’re right. I’ve never been to prom. Or even the grad ball.”
              “Because I find them a waste of money. Hundreds of money for a dress you’ll never wear again and spend a couple more for the admission when you’re just gonna sit at the table for the whole time. The grad ball was an inconvenience because it’s set on the day before my birthday and of course, my birthday is worth celebrating more than the grad ball.” Yoongi chuckles at that and a small smile forms on Y/N’s lips. However, it quickly dissolves into a straight line as she continues, “And I didn’t go to prom because it’s stupid. The admission fee you have to pay is honestly over-priced. Of course, all of the payment won’t go to the rented place because the school is still gonna get a percentage from it. Then everyone is just gonna dance around and get wasted and you’ll just have to seat throughout the whole meltdown because you’re responsible and aside from that,” Y/N heaves out a huge sigh, “there’s a high probability you’ll bump into a horrible boy.”
              “Oh!” Yoongi claps loudly, “A boy problem—!”
               “I’m not gonna tell you his name,” Y/N points a finger at him. “It’s all in the past and, I’m just,” Y/N sighs, “well, over it.”
               “What did he do?” Yoongi asks, tone soft, a lot less bombastic as his previous exclamation. “What did he do to—I don’t know, give up prom to avoid him?” He sits up straight and holds up his hands, “If you don’t mind me asking and if you feel okay to answer it, of course. If not, it’s also totally okay, and—” 
               “He gave me false hope,” Y/N deadpans, swirling the water in her glass. “I thought there’s something developing between us because he does an awful lot of sweet things for me like letting me lay my head on his shoulder whenever I need to catch on some sleep in our school service. He even helps me carry my things and walk me to class. Only for me to find out he actually likes another girl in our school service. I felt used. Like a ploy to get the girl he likes to be jealous of us.” Y/N sets her jaw on her palm. “And so, I didn’t go to prom. Because I know that girl will reject him when he asked for her first dance ‘cus she already got a mutual thing going on with her classmate. And I don’t want to be a second choice, a back-up plan someone will opt for when their first choice didn’t work out. I’m not going to be a reserve part for something someone built with a different part in mind.” Y/N takes a sip on her glass. She places it back on the table, “I still feel aggravation for him so I don’t want to hear his name again. But I’m over him now, so you don’t have to look at me like that.”
               “L-like what?” Yoongi asks, pulling on the collar of his gray button-down.
               “Like you’re angry for me. We’re not yet close to be feeling this way.”
               “But we’re friends.”
               “You’re the only one who decided on that label.”
               “We are friends.”
               “Whatever satisfies you of your delusions—”
               “And because we’re friends, I could tell you wished you experienced prom.”
               “W-what?” Y/N’s jaw drops.
               Yoongi smiles at her, “You don’t have to hide it Y/N. I know you.” He stands up from his seat and offers a hand to her, “Now, let’s go.”
               “Where are we going?” Y/N asks, still seated.
               “We’ll dance.” Yoongi’s smile widens. “The Café Bistro has a wonderful live band playing and as you can see, there’s also a lot of people dancing to the lovely songs they’re playing…This is the closest setting we can have to a prom.”
               Y/N gulps down a nervous breath as she looks up at Yoongi’s eyes. She takes his hand.
               Yoongi leads her to the center of the slow-dancing throng of people. The live band plays in front of them, a group of wonderful men and women wearing elegant black gowns and suits, playing classical instruments to the music of popular love songs. Everything looks pleasant even if nothing about this set-up is grand. The couples are just in casual clothes but watching them have fun slow-dancing to the music feels like they’re actually in a ball. And the faux candles that hung above the Café Bistro doesn’t look like chandeliers in a Gothic palace anymore. They’re bright and glittering as if the café fished all the stars from the night sky to hang onto their own makeshift sky. Yoongi’s right. This indeed looks like a prom.
               “Hmm, am I right now?”
               Y/N turns to him and playfully pokes his shoulder, “Shut up.” A second no longer need to pass by when a huge smile makes its way onto Y/N’s face.
               Y/N and Yoongi had their hands interlocked as they move to the rhythm. Yoongi initially proposed to have their hands and feet positioned for waltz only for Y/N to bump her head on his shoulder to get him to shut up. Yoongi only ends up cackling obnoxiously. 
              Stepping side to side, arms swaying by their sides, they look like two adult penguins waddling towards each other. When Y/N pointed this out, Yoongi bursts into another set of cackles.
               However, when the song changes and A Thousand Years by Christina Perri starts to play, Yoongi’s chuckles instantly die down and a mindboggling statement escapes from his lips.
               “Put your hands around my neck.”
               “What? Are you fucking crazy?”
               “Hey, the song is romantic.”
              “So?” Y/N raises a brow, “What does it logically have to do with putting my arms around your neck? And also, this song is one hell of a cliché. A love song bulldozered and abused over and over again in every debut, wedding, and prom—”
              “It’s played over and over again because a lot of people relate to it. Who wouldn’t? It talks about love.”
              “Well, I wouldn’t.”
              Yoongi sighs, “Look, all the couples here are slow dancing to this song and since we’re already posing as one, might as well copy them.”
              “Well, I don’t wanna.”
              “If you’re thinking this will be a revolutionary moment between us, I’m already informing you it won’t be. It’s just slow dancing,” Yoongi shrugs, “We did this in prom. It’s not that special, to be honest. I’m tryna offer you the prom experience, remember?”
              Y/N focuses her eyes on the seams of her blazer, a petty frown on her face. “I’m positively sure we’ll look stupid if we slow dance so I’d rather not. In case you don’t know, I hate embarrassing myself.”
               “Hey, you don’t get to sound so sure with your prediction when you haven’t tried it out yet. I’m just asking you if you would feel okay to slow dance with me. But if not, I will totally understand—” 
               Y/N loops her arms around Yoongi’s neck. “There,” she hisses, “Satisfied?”
              “Very,” Yoongi grins, looping his arms around her frame, gently placing his hands on the back of her waist.
              “Now shut up,” Y/N turns her face away from him. She could feel Yoongi so close. She could feel the breath he lets out comb past her hair. She could feel the warmth from his neck seemingly transfer onto her hands. His chest is just an inch apart from hers for him to discover the rapid beating reverberating there ever since this day started. Y/N closes her eyes and sighs. She doesn’t understand why she’s feeling this way. She chucks it down to the theory that it’s just been a long day. She’s astounded to learn Yoongi was her high school batchmate, then Myungsoo turned up and made her frustrated, and now she’s practically having fun because Yoongi offered an entire 180 from her previous emotional state. 
              But maybe it’s also because it’s been so long since Y/N received physical intimacy. It’s been ages she felt a warmth from another person’s touch. She couldn’t even remember being so enthralled just because someone platonically wanted to dance with her. But then, it could just be her desire to get over these ten dates required by DRM speaking for her body. The sooner the better they say and as of now, she’s nailing down their third date document.
              Y/N knows this must be the answer when the night deepens and the band plays the last song for the night. After receiving a pale pink envelope from the sweet manager, the night dwindles fast to where she is now: walking home, side by side with Yoongi. She thought there was a reason Yoongi picked a date site that would require them to take a train first. She just didn’t expect she will get the answer to this when Yoongi offered to walk her home. ‘It just a ten-minute walk from here,’ Yoongi insisted. And right now, it looks like he’s right because it’s only a matter of time until they reach the entrance of the Village Estates.
               “So, we’re here now,” Yoongi says, sliding his hands into his coat pockets. 
               “Yeah,” Y/N smiles back. Then she perks up, suddenly remembering something, “By the way, how come did you know about Café Bistro?”
               Yoongi leans toward her, face leveling hers. “We work for a travel magazine, Y/N. Of course, we should know about this stuff. Our Writing Department even did a feature about it.” Y/N’s brows shoot up. Yoongi leans back, putting space between them again, “I’ve been wondering ever since we got in as to why you looked so amazed at the Bistro as if it’s your first time seeing something like that. And now I know why. It is indeed your first time. You’ve never been to a lot of tourist spots before, much less even those near you.”
               “No. I’ve been to a lot, actually,” Y/N lies through her mouth.
               “I don’t think so,” Yoongi quips. Y/N frowns. Yoongi’s smile widens, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll take you to places you’ve never been before.”
               His gaze on her was not teasing, nor was it mischievous. And Y/N decides she doesn’t like it when she can’t tell the look in his eyes. She takes a step back and clears her throat. “Goodnight, Yoongi,” she bids, and then she starts for the entrance.
               Just when the peace of the night is about to settle on her, Yoongi, of course, decides to break it one last time.
               “I had fun tonight, girlfriend! Or should I say girl-friend?”
               Y/N continues with her steps, raising a middle finger in his direction. Yoongi laughs and that’s the last sound Y/N hears for the night as she enters her empty flat. 
              A text from Mina says she’s going home in an hour. After preparing her bestfriend a midnight snack just in case she’s still hungry, Y/N turns on the lights on their hallway and resigns herself in her room. Picking the date document from her bag and the other two on her counter, Y/N plops onto her bed, holding up the pale pink envelopes above her face. It’s been a while since she had fun collecting these pretty envelopes. When she first encountered these date documents five years ago, she thought they were silly. But as she twirls them under the light of her room, she thinks they’re actually genius. After all, attention and quality time spent together are good measures to see if a couple is really dating.
              “We just need seven more,” Y/N whispers, closing her eyes. As the starless night grows darker outside her window, the coffee-stained scent of today’s pale pink envelope lulls Y/N to sleep with a smile on her face.
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DAY 5 — January 30; Thursday
               Y/N is at her wit’s end. It’s already 12 in the noon and nothing terrible has happened yet. It’s Thursday. Thursdays are supposed to already have it bad for her the moment the day starts. But Y/N woke up feeling nice from a good night’s sleep. It was early so she had a fun breakfast with her bestfriend where they spent an extra half-hour talking about each other’s dates. Though it sounded more like Mina’s the only one who went to an actual date because Y/N spent the majority of her turn to speak ranting about Yoongi’s smugness and whatnot. The train wasn’t crowded when she commuted to work. She and Mina even managed to get seats at seven. And in the office, nothing unwanted has happened yet. Well, of course, there’s Yoongi who still won’t stop sending her weird texts and occasional winks.  Everything is okay and normal as usual until—
               “Hey, Y/N, wanna have lunch with us?”
               Y/N turns in her swivel chair and there standing by the Accounting’s glass door were three people. Dana Lee, Jeff Anderson, and Ahn Seojoon.
               Dana continues, smiling at her, “If you didn’t have lunch yet, of course.”
               Y/N whirls to face Mina before turning around back to Dana, forehead furrowed, “I’m sorry, Dana, Mina and I already have—” 
               “No, Y/N hasn’t lunched yet!”
               Y/N whips her head to her bestfriend. Mina smiles at her, “Y/N, you should go ahead.”
              Y/N sighs, “But Mina, you would be alone today. We always eat lunch together. And aren’t you supposed to tell me more of what happened in the show you’re watching?”
              Mina claps her friend’s shoulder, “Y/N, it’s alright. We see each other in and outside the office every day. We can just talk later when you get home. Or tomorrow if you end up having another date tonight with Yoongi. After all, you told me before you want to have more friends in the office. Well, here is the chance!”
              “What chance are you talking about? And when the hell did I say I want more friends—”
              “Dana,” Mina hollers, “Y/N said she’ll go!” 
              This chance, however, was not what Y/N expected it to be. Because now, Y/N finds herself in some Mexican restaurant with three pairs of curious eyes focused on her and an unexpected guest sitting beside her.
               Y/N crosses her arms. “You didn’t tell me Yoongi would be here.”                “Well, surprise?” Jeff shrugs.
               “We figured since you and Mr. Min are…really close, why not invite him?” Seojoon explains. 
              “So,” Dana twirls her straw around her smoothie, “what’s the thing between you and Yoongi?”
               Y/N perks up in her seat. Jeff gawks at Dana. “Why did you have to be so straightforward about it?”
               “So we can finally get the answers we’ve all been waiting for,” Dana says matter-of-factly. “For one year these two are like oil and water. And then this week they’ve become chummy-chummy. I always knew there’s something going on between you two but I can never point it out. And now that you two decided to come out in the open, I guess I can also finally get my answers.” She turns back to Y/N, “So, what are you two really?”
               “Yoongi’s my, um, special friend—” 
               “Y/N’s my girlfriend—”
               Dana’s brows twitch. Yoongi quickly reaches over to pinch Y/N’s cheeks, “Oh sweetheart, you don’t need to feel so shy anymore. We’re no longer special friends so start feeling comfy to call yourself my girlfriend.”
               Seojoon coughs into his hand. Dana and Jeff slowly nod. Jeff leans forward, “So…how did you two meet?”
              “In high school. We’re kinda friends—” 
              “In the office. It’s love at first sight—” 
               Y/N eyes Yoongi. Yoongi grins. Y/N looks back at Jeff, but not without pinching Yoongi’s leg to stop him from spouting any more bullshit. Y/N smiles, “Yoongi and I met back in high school. We were batchmates.”
               “Oh, high school sweethearts!” Seojoon claps, grinning.
               “Not necessarily,” Y/N says, “We just kinda knew each other back then. And then we met each other again in Travel Loca.”
               “I see,” Dana holds her chin, as if in thought, “You two sure looked like you’ve known each other for so long…You know each other so well that you get to hit each other’s flaws so accurately whenever you bicker. Right?” Dana looks at Y/N.
               “Right,” Y/N grins. She unconsciously gulps down a nervous chuckle. “I-it wouldn’t make sense if we insult each other so well when we don’t know each other for a long time right? More even, fall in love?”
               From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Yoongi’s head tilt, lips pursed together. It’s his face when he’s about to voice disagreement. She pinches his leg again to get him back to his senses.
               “Ye-yeah,” Yoongi stutters, “You must know a person for a long time before you can insult them well. Or love them.”
               Dana and Jeff nod their heads slowly, looking convinced. Except for Seojoon. The intern shakes his head, “I think not. You don’t need to know a person for a long time to fall in love. Or to even insult them. Hate or love—it just happens.”
               “Yeah,” Jeff agrees. “I think this felt more right. It doesn’t really require you long to hate another person for some unexplainable reason. Or fall in love with them.”
               “How did you know about this?” Y/N asks, clicking her tongue.
               Jeff looks unbothered by the questioning look on Y/N’s face. He leans back in his seat with a smile, “Because that’s how my girlfriend and I got together. We only knew each other for three weeks and it didn’t take me a day longer to know I’m whipped for her. In those three weeks, we even spent the first week really hating each other bad,” Jeff chuckles, “We used to scream at each other for hours across the windows of our apartments.”
               The furrows in Y/N’s forehead deepen, “B-but, how did you love her when you just hated her a week ago?”
               “Because love and hate have a lot of similarities,” Jeff says. “I think there’s a fine line between such differing emotions. People say it’s an end-to-end spectrum but I think that spectrum may not be as long as people make it out to be. I think they’re just two ends that sit opposite to each other. Anyone can cross from one to another and vice versa so easily. Kinda explains why you can love someone while also hating them a bit. And why you can hate or love something for so long and not consider changing your stance. Even if love is just a bridge away, its whole argument opposes the argument of hate. That’s why it feels the spectrum of love is a very long road to take—a wall too high to reach, making it hard for transitioning from one end to another. But, I don’t know,” Jeff shrugs, grinning. “Life is complex. Sometimes love and hate…just happens.”
               Seojoon and Dana nod slowly. However, Y/N feels otherwise. ‘Easy and hard to cross’? ‘It just happens’? What kind of nonsense is this—Y/N opens her mouth to argue—If not for Yoongi clasping a hand around her shoulders and urging her to stand up from her seat, “I’ll think we’ll order more tacos for us. My treat. We’ll be real quick.”
               Yoongi drags Y/N to the line forming in front of the cashier. When they’re a couple of steps away from the group, Y/N shrugs his arms away from her shoulders. She glares at him, “What do you think are you doing?”
               Yoongi tongues his cheek, “I should be the one asking you that! What do you think are you doing there? Trying to argue with my friends about something so trivial like Jeff’s perception of love? It’s his views, let him be!”
               Y/N crosses her arms, “Jeff is spouting nonsense. I just felt the need to correct him.”
               “How would you know Jeff is spouting nonsense? You’re not the one who fell in love with his neighbor he used to scream at across his flat.”
               Y/N looks down at her shoes, “Okay…I’m sorry. I know, I know, I’m being a bitch again.”
               Yoongi gapes at her, “W-wait, are you apologizing? You? The great Y/N L/N?”
               Y/N whips her head to him, pinning him with a glare, “Why? You think I’m incapable of apologizing?”
               “Nope,” Yoongi quips, smiling, “I’m just thinking how fast you grew. It was just two days ago you’re struggling so hard to apologize. Now, you just easily admitted to your mistake. I’m proud of you.”
               Y/N’s jaw goes slack. “Are you saying I’m an unapologetic bastard to everyone before?”
               “To me actually,” Yoongi corrects. “But that was back then. You’re quite…more okay now.”
               Y/N gawks at him in disbelief. But before she could utter another counter-statement, Yoongi’s already in front of the cashier, ordering for another platter of tacos. When they got back to their seats, the past conversation seems to have already dissipated. Yoongi starts the conversation this time about what they used to do in high school and college and soon enough, their table is erupting with giggles and high-pitched ‘Oh no you didn’t!” Y/N learned Jeff used to study in an art school. Seojoon used to join competitive pep squad rallies in college. And, Dana chose Travel Loca from a lot of tempting job offers because like Y/N, Dana likes Nancy’s vision for travel journalism as a travel-enthusiast like herself. Likewise, the three were enthusiastic in knowing Y/N—how she managed to skip two years of high school, her one-sided love for music because she cannot, for the life of her, play even a single instrument, and how she has so many random facts about the flower language, color theories, cooking techniques—hell even some trivia about the praying mantis—all because of reading a lot of books. Yoongi even chipped in of how great she can turn scenarios in a completely different one just because of her creative way of seeing things, to which Y/N blushes. The memory of their fast food drive-in date oddly makes her insides queasy.
              It’s been a while since Y/N felt she belonged to a group that values her skills and preferences. Moreover, to have Yoongi be so generous in hyping her up whenever it’s her turn to speak makes her feel a blanket of warmth is surrounding her. A warmth much heart-fluttering than the one provided by his arm embracing her shoulder and his occasional hand-holding. When she first felt his pinky reaching for hers, Y/N’s first instinct was to move away. But the tingling heat creeping onto her cheeks oddly makes her not want to let go. Moreso when Yoongi finally envelops her whole hand with his larger one.
               Y/N doesn’t know how long they last like that but when Yoongi moves to disentangle himself from her, Y/N feels the warmth in her chest fade too fast than she liked. She turns to him curious, before her eyes glance at the wall clock of the restaurant in the corner. It’s already one forty-five. She didn’t know the time has passed so fast. Yoongi gets up from his seat, “You can go ahead outside. I’ll just get something from the cashier.”
               Y/N looks at him with a questioning gaze. Nevertheless, she turns back to her seat and wordlessly follows Dana, Jeff, and Seojoon as they exit the restaurant. Once outside, Dana suddenly turns toward her.
               “You and Mr. Min look like you’re still newbies in dating.”
               Y/N’s eyes widen, “U-uh, how did you say so?”
               “Because you two look like you’re still tiptoeing around each other whenever one initiates some skinship,” Dana shrugs. “Don’t worry. It’s always like that at the start of a relationship.”
               “Yeah. You two might want to start transferring the intensity in your eyes to some physical touchy-touching,” Seojoon suggests, only to get playfully hit on the head by Jeff. Seojoon rubs the sore spot, “What? I’m just saying the truth! It’s normal to crave physical intimacy. Touching and being near someone you love is an inherent need!”
               “Yeah, but they’re just starting, Seojoon,” Jeff reiterates. He turns to Y/N, “Why don’t you try going to a bar?”
               “A bar?” Y/N asks, eyes wide.
               “Yeah, a bar. There’s a nice one along 11th Avenue. Neo-Cloud 9. Great place and drinks, cheap price. Oh, and amazing music. Their DJs don’t play the typical LSD-inducing club music. You two need to loosen up, you know? It’s not good to always hole yourselves at work. And also,” a Cheshire smile grows on Jeff’s lips, “Yoongi loves to drink alcohol after a long day. He just seems like the bar-type of a guy.”
               Before Y/N can ask what he means, the door of the restaurant swings open. Yoongi grins at them, “Let’s get going now.” The three nod and walk ahead, Jeff and Seojoon laughing about something again with Dana playfully hitting them to tell them to shut up. 
              Yoongi walks ahead of Y/N to turn around and walk backward on the pavement, facing the girl. Y/N raises a brow at him. 
              Yoongi grins and pulls out a pale pink envelope before falling back into step with her. “I thought of asking for a date document since we’re quite being handsy in there. Good thing the cashier saw it, too. Even said we’re cute for being shy in holding each other’s hands.” Yoongi wiggles his brows, smirking. “Didn’t know we’re being cute, sweetheart.”  
              “…Yeah,” Y/N looks away, lips pursed.
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               “Are you sure you want to date here?”
               The street is bustling alive. Neon signs hang from all walls and awnings. Street arts bask in matte or glow-in-the-dark spray paint. The smell of alcohol, cigarette stench, and the delicious smell of sizzling plates compound together and yet it isn’t acrid to the nose; it’s oddly alluring. All the stars in the sky seem to have fallen down on the streets because all sorts of lights try to illuminate every inch of the pavement. It’s 11th Avenue. The place with different people from all sorts of places. Foreigners and locals piling in different corners. There are people who look newly-legal, celebrating their privilege in reaching 21. And there are some dressed over-the-top, ready to spend the whole night getting wasted. Bands of friends also jump into the mix, hoping to have fun clubbing and drinking and maybe meeting someone new. And there are also people who look like they’ve just gotten off from work. Like them.
               Y/N turns to Yoongi, unbuckling her seat belt. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
               The interior of Neo-Cloud 9 is far from its name. Y/N expected to have all sorts of pleasure-in-bottles lined up like the perfect temptation, a pit filled with heavenly decors and people, a place you wouldn’t want to get out of. But what she only gets is a classic bar and club, walls painted in grey softened by the bright moving lights. A marble-black bar stands in the right corner containing all sorts of imaginable liquor. The floor is carpeted in starry black, and the seats and booths are covered in lush-looking leather. There are people in dressy suits seated comfy in their faux silver tables in one corner, and there are some moving to the beat on the dance floor. But the bar doesn’t look wild or something that could scream fantastical luxury, much less ‘Cloud 9.’ Jeff must be right. This looks like a good place with good drinks, all for a cheap price. 
               It doesn’t take long for Y/N to find themselves seated in a booth, a footed pilsner of mojito in front of her a shot glass and a bottle of tequila in front of Yoongi. 
               Y/N takes small sips of her drink. Yoongi downs a shot. He picks up the lime on the plate and chews on it. When he’s finished a piece of his chaser, he looks at Y/N. “Why did you want to go here?”
               “Well…I’ve never been to a bar before.”
               “You’ve never been to a bar?” Yoongi gawks, placing his glass down on the table. “Like, ever?”
               “Nope.” Y/N places her glass on the table and looks at Yoongi, “And I’ve never drunk any alcohol before.”
               “This is your first time?”
               “Yup. My parents told me not to drink while I’m studying. And coincidentally, I’ve never liked the concept of drinking so…good for them. I’ve never liked parties and places like this.”
               “Then why did we go here?”
               “Because Jeff told me you like to drink.”
               “I do like drinking,” Yoongi nods, “but I wouldn’t insist to go here if you never liked places like this.”
               “Yeah, I don’t like places like this. But it doesn’t hurt to get at least experience from it, right?” Y/N raises her brows and sips on her glass.
               Silence fills the space between them. Y/N orders another glass of mojito. And another. Yoongi warns her she might get drunk too fast. /N disagrees and the stable tone in her voice supports her argument. Meanwhile, Yoongi had already tried raising a conversation topic about five times now. “Another person to rant about in high school?” “Any memories of childhood?” “What got you into loving writing?”—hell, he even tried to pick a fight by bringing up Y/N’s predicament under Nancy, but all of them ended in conversational dead-ends. Either Y/N answers in replies designed for the finality of a conversation, or she switches the topic to a trivial one, such as what he thinks of Kylie Jenner’s plastic surgeries. What only seems to pass through were shallow one-worded answer questions.
               “Uno or Monopoly?”
               It’s even fortunate if Yoongi could get Y/N to expand her answer.
               “Would you rather be a…book or a car?”
               “What does that even mean?” Y/N cackles.
               “Just answer!”
               “Okay, a book!”
               But it’s fine for him. It’s better than having nothing.
               “Okay, do you dislike…being sweaty?”
               “Nope. You?”
               “Also no,” Yoongi chuckles. He crosses his arms on the table, “Do you like to play crane games in arcades?”
               “Hmm, yes…But only if someone will win it for me. I suck at it. And it’s a waste of money, too,” Y/N bites on a chip. “What about you? Do you like playing it?”
               “Not if I’m alone. If I had somebody with me, I sure like it. I love feeling somebody getting thrilled with me.”
              Y/N looks down at her glass. She traces its rim with a finger, “We’ve already got four date documents.”
               “Yeah,” Yoongi brings up his glass to his mouth. “But why are you suddenly bringing it up?”
              “Just clarifying what we’re here for.”
              Yoongi’s hand stills.
              Y/N sighs, “We have to keep our eyes on the goal, okay? After all, we’re just doing this stuff to get approved for the PRS-change.” Y/N focuses her eyes on her hands, “We’re doing okay with the date documents. But we need to worry about the accounts of our relationship witnesses. I’ve only got Mina and of course, Ms. Teddy. But that’s only two. We need eight more—”
              “We only need five more,” Yoongi places down his glass on the table, “We’ve already got Dana, Jeff, and Seojoon roped in, too. Actually, four more, because Ms. Yoona already believes we’re into each other the day I re-introduced you. We already have six.”
              “How are you sure about that?”
              “Didn’t Ms. Yoona bid you good luck with me?”
              Y/N’s jaw falls slack. “H-how did you know that? I-I thought you only heard Jeff and Seojoon that night?”
              “I was already standing near the door. Of course, I heard everything. That’s why I know you’re denying we’re into each other. Put us up to fail,” Yoongi meets her eyes, “Again.”
              Y/N stares at him.
              “We’ve already got Dana, Seojoon, and Jeff for sure. Dana was asking me earlier about the intimacy in the break room yesterday. Seojoon and Jeff eat up any gossip Dana feeds them. Plus, those three are my friends. So if we’ll need to be desperate, I can put up an act and request them to write for us.”  Yoongi looks away and downs a shot, “But I think what we did in the restaurant was already enough. I don’t know what other act could be more convincing than that.” 
              Y/N hums. After that, silence again. It doesn’t last long though, not until her 5th order of mojito is placed on their table. But instead of uttering a word, Y/N makes a move to snatch the shot glass of tequila in front of Yoongi. 
              “What are you doing?” Yoongi raises a brow, placing his glass farther away from her reach.
              Y/N only continues to make grabby hands at him. “I’ve only been drinking cocktails this whole night. Wanna taste some hard liquor, too, y’know?”
              “Y/N,” Yoongi sighs, “You’re gonna get drunk. Your house is far from here.”
              “So?” Y/N tilts her head. “You borrowed Steven’s car tonight. You’re gonna drive me home anyway. Drunk or not.”
              “Yeah, but you told me earlier Mina is gonna sleep over at Mark’s. And I cannot carry you up to your apartment—should you get drunk— because if you’re wasted, you cannot confirm to your security you actually know me if I were to help you get in your flat. And that  won’t ever happen because not in a million years will I carry your fat ass in any possible chance—” 
              “Yaddah, yaddah, blah, blah, blah,” Y/N leans forward on the table. “You always have something to say, no, Yoongi?”
              Yoongi clicks his tongue. “As if you’re not also like that.”
              “You don’t need to worry,” Y/N waves off. “Surprisingly, I’m not yet drunk. See?”
              Yoongi gulps. It’s hard to argue otherwise if Y/N knows she indeed looks and sounds very sober.
              “So,” Y/N reaches for his shot glass again, “why can’t you just let me have a taste of tequila? It’s my first time after all. I just wanna experience what I’ve missed on during high school and college.”
              That’s all it takes for Yoongi to sigh and finally relent. Soon enough, Y/N is almost bouncing on her seat as she triumphantly places the tequila-filled shot glass in front of her. With a grin, Y/N picks a lime on the saucer and hovers it above her drink and—
               Yoongi catches her elbow. “That’s not how you do it.” He scoots across the booth to sit next to her. He gets the lime from her hands, “You don’t drop the lime in your drink like you’re trying to make lime water. You dip your hand in salt first and suck it.” He pushes the plate of salt towards her. 
              Y/N looks at him funny. Yoongi rolls his eyes. “You said this is your first time drinking. I’m just trying to teach you how it’s supposed to go so it would taste better. Look,” Yoongi points to her shot glass, “the tequila is distilled so it has a high percentage of alcohol. It’s a hard liquor and will definitely make a different burn in your throat than your mojitos. The salt is gonna lessen that burn. Now, just dip a finger in the salt and suck it.”
              Y/N gives him one more suspicious look but follows nevertheless. 
              “Now, take a shot of your tequila.”
              Y/N smiles, placing the rim of the glass on her lips. She closes her eyes and tilts her head back, downing the drink in one go. When she looks back at Yoongi, indeed, a different burn is lining down her throat. It felt like someone lit a match inside her esophagus and let the flame lick the muscles and nerves of her neck. 
              Before Y/N could let her jaw drop and ask Yoongi what the fuck did she just take in, Yoongi places the slice of lime next to her lips. “Bite on the lime.” She looks at him. Yoongi’s shoulder is brushing next to hers. He’s leaning close to her, face hovering hers. Just an inch more and her nose will graze the tip of his nose. He’s also got his hand close on her face. She could feel his thumb almost brush her lips as he holds the lime in front of her. And his eyes—Y/N tears her gaze from him. She snatches the lime from his hand and bites on it.
               Yoongi pulls away, chuckling, “See? It tasted much better now. The sourness of lime balances and enhances the flavor of tequila.”
               Y/N only nods.
               They spend the rest of the night with Yoongi teaching her different terms in drinking, and her trying out sips of the drinks Yoongi orders for himself. It was all okay. Y/N’s having fun, learning and enjoying the drinks. It’s a wonder she’s still sober considering it’s her first time drinking and she’s already got a couple of drinks down her system. Her eyes are still steady, her posture stable. Heck, her voice even sounds as if it a minute has only passed since they entered Neo-Cloud 9. 
               “C’mon, Yoongi, let’s dance.”
               Yoongi should have not been over-confident in his perceptions. The moment Y/N steps out from her side, she stumbles toward him, almost completely faceplanting on his chest.
               “Y/N,” Yoongi pushes her up, “You’re drunk. Fuck, I told you you’re gonna get drunk. I think we should head home now—” 
               “No! Wanna dance, Min Yoongi!” Y/N suddenly stands upright, almost tripping on her shoes. She grins, “Let’s just do one song and after that Imma go home. Please, Yoongi?”
               “Please, Yoongiiiii?” Y/N clasps her hands together, “Pleassseee?” 
               “Just one song! Or else I would call you mean Yoongi from now on,” she crosses her arms, “Just one is all I’m asking. Wanna experience that party feel for the very first time. We don’t even have to do a rave dance. We can just slow dance if you like!”
               This is the reason why Yoongi finds himself dancing something akin to waltz to a song about partying as if it’s 2012. It’s not that bad, though. Not when he’s not alone dancing un-synced to the song with Y/N almost completely hanging on his limbs like a sloth. Some occasional seconds, she even gets the audacity to place her head on his chest. Yoongi cannot help but pull a small smile on his lips.
               The lights above the dance floor are in the colors of sunset and dawn and they move and merge like cells undergoing mitosis. It feels simultaneously alienating and comforting and Y/N isn’t really sure if she likes it or not. She just feels warm all over. Warm in her toes. Warm in her belly. Warm in her throat. Warm in her hands. Warm in her chest. Just…warm. Too comfortingly warm and she doesn’t know if it’s all just thanks to the alcohol. 
               “Hey, Y/N, the song is about to end now.”
               “Just one more,” Y/N mutters. She places her head against his shoulder.
               Yoongi hums. The song finally changes. A few beats in and Y/N stops in her tracks.  It’s The Louvre by Lorde.
              But lover, you’re the one to blame, all that you’re doing
              Can you hear the violence?
              Megaphone to my chest.
               Y/N looks up. Yoongi’s face is above her, almost hovering hers. The warm sunset-colored lights pass over his features, highlighting the seeming stylishness of his unkempt hair, the small existent ridges on his plump cheeks, and the soft-looking curve of his lips that’s more often than not pulled to the side to tease her. But tonight, he’s just smiling, and his lips look so soft under the pink light. His hand covering hers felt so big and yet unnervingly un-foreign. It’s only calming. His eyes are soft, gentle, dare she say warm even. 
              And for one second, it didn’t seem the calming warmth she was feeling was because of the alcohol. Because the warmth she feels is akin to the soothing radiance of early mornings. Warm like the heat between hand-held mugs shared over a small table with knees bumping next to each other. Warm like the tepid comfort a thick blanket provides to counter the thunderstorm incessantly knocking on the window panes. Warm like the lukewarm water of a hot tub one prepares after coming home from a long day at work. It’s hot, but not too hot to immediately withdraw a finger from.
              It wasn’t the alcohol anymore because the warmth she feels comes from Yoongi. She knows for sure because when her hand withdraws from his skin, the calming warmth that has surrounded her immediately dissipates. 
              The realization dawns on her and suddenly, Y/N feels her throat is being laced up close. A choked out sob, and Y/N is hunching over, form minimizing on the floor as she tries to wheeze out a sharp breath.
              “Y/N! What’s wrong? Are you okay?!” Yoongi panics. He holds her close to him, arms looping around her figure to keep her upright next to him. But Y/N shakily pushes him away.
              Arms-width away from him, hands clutching tightly on his shoulders, Y/N looks up at him. “Yoongi, you have to stop being like this.”
              “L-like what? Holding you to not let you fall over?”
              “No,” Y/N shakes her head. “You have to stop trying to get so close to me.”
              Yoongi stops. 
              Y/N lets out a staggered breath. “Just, please don’t, Yoongi.”
              A tear slips from her eyes. “I can’t fall one more time, Yoongi. I’ve had enough already. I can’t…I can’t take another one. So please…don’t cross anymore of the space I put between us. Or even let me do the same. You can insult me whatever you want, just,” Y/N lets out a broken sigh, “don’t do this to me. Please.”
              No words are exchanged after that. Y/N lets herself in the car. Yoongi follows suit. The night goes on devoid of any sound save for the revving of the engine. When they pull out from the colorful streets of 11th Avenue, the distant pink lights of Neo-Cloud 9 become Y/N’s last memory as she slumps her head against the car window. Soon enough, the world goes black. Her breaths finally even out.
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DAY 6 – January 31; Friday
               When Y/N peels her eyes open, a rounded moon-looking light fixture set on a powder blue ceiling is the first thing she sees. The second thing that enters her vision is the white bedside table on her left. She’s never seen these things before. Y/N sits up in a jolt. White wooden cabinets, a metal gray desk, black office swivel chair, light grey faux wooden tiles—these are definitely not in her room. She instantly looks down on her body. A white and blue striped pajama. Panic starts to rise in her stomach.  Where the fuck am I—
               The door bursts open and a head of a male she’s never seen before pops up. He smiles at her. “Oh, you’re finally awake. You can take a shower now. Yoongi’s just finished showering. Your clothes are already on the hangers in the bathroom. Mom’s got them washed and pressed already.” The man walks away only to come back as if he’s forgotten something. “Oh yeah, we’re also having breakfast so…come join us when you’re done?” The furrows on Y/N’s forehead deepen. The man beams, “O-oh, and I’m Yoongi’s brother, Jeongguk.”
               Yoongi? Jeongguk? Why is Yoongi’s brother inviting her for breakfast when she hasn’t even heard of him before—Y/N freezes. The answer finally dawns upon her and Y/N could only internally pull all the hair off her head. Oh my god, what the hell am I doing in Yoongi’s home?!
               Twenty minutes later and Y/N finds herself in a circular table with the very question in her head the first thing uttered out when she sits on her chair.
              “So Y/N,” Yoongi’s father smiles at her, “How did you end up here?”
               “Dad, I thought already told you yesterday?” Yoongi interrupts. Y/N looks at the man across her. He looks like he didn’t dry himself well. The ends of his hair are still wet. There’s also a damp spot on the chest area of the white crew-neck shirt he’s wearing under his navy blazer. Y/N gulps. She should not let her eyes linger on that damp spot for too long.
               “Yeah, son, I know,” Yoongi’s father chuckles as he slices into his scrambled eggs. He turns to Y/N. “I’m just messing with you, dear.”
               “Y-yeah. I totally understand, Mr. Min,” Y/N tries to chuckle.
               “Oh, don’t call me that. Just call me ‘dad.’ We’re gonna get close anyway.”
               Yoongi’s eyes bulge out. “What the hell—Dad!”
               Mr. Min laughs. “I’m just joking! Call me Yoonhyuk.”
               Y/N smiles politely, “Okay…Yoonhyuk.”
               “My, Yoongi,” Yoongi’s mother claps a hand on her son’s shoulder, “You seem really tense. You’re reverting back into your old high school self.”
               “Excuse my son,” Yoongi’s mother smiles at Y/N. “He used to be really tense and timid all over. Habits do really die hard. Anyway, just call me Ji-an, too. Oh, and I’m the one who changed your clothes last night so no need to worry. I just thought letting you sleep in your work clothes may be too uncomfortable. You looked like you really needed a good rest last night.”
               “It’s alright. Thank you so much, Ms. Mi—Ji-an,” Y/N smiles. Ms. Min returns a bigger charming smile. Y/N figures Yoongi’s smile must have taken after his mother’s.
               Breakfast continues on as if it was just another breakfast in the Min family. Having Yoongi’s past already brought up, Mr. Min continues on with a story of an awkward fourteen-year-old Yoongi sweating over just practicing how to give their plate of chow mien to their neighbor. Jeongguk even pitched in of how his older brother was such a wimp way back when they were kids. He said it was a wonder how Yoongi always manages to win every game when he’s always the one running like a ‘waddling duck.’ Until a year later they found out it was all thanks to the cheats Yoongi has collected. Everyone erupts into laughter. Even Yoongi who’s sulking the whole time finally breaks into cackles. 
              Y/N can’t remember the last time she had breakfast this lively. Well, she and Mina do share fun breakfasts too. But with the two of them rarely having enough time to cook meals in the morning, table breakfasts are reserved for special days. Their breakfasts usually come through sandwiches they munch on quickly at a small, cheap café near the office. Now, she’s having breakfast with people she’s never met before, and yet, a comfortable warmth settles over her, making her feel las if she’s meeting people she had long been friends with.  The feeling is strange, but Y/N decides she’s more than welcome to entertain it.
              The breakfast ends sooner than Y/N would like to admit and it isn’t by long she bids her goodbyes to the Min family after she finishes helping Ms. Min clean up. She expresses her gratitude once more to Mr. and Mrs. Min before following Yoongi to the car.
              When they pull away from the driveway, Yoongi finally says his first words of the day to her. “I’m sorry you may have been shocked this morning. I drove you to your apartment but I wasn’t able to get you into your flat because you don’t have your keys. The security stationed doesn’t know alternative access and the admin’s office was long closed. So, I have no other option but to drive you home with me. Well, you were actually the one who insisted to drive you to my home, so yeah, here we are.” 
              “I…insisted to go to your home?”
              Yoongi looks at her, “You don’t remember?”
“Yah, Y/N, stop messing with my hair,” Yoongi huffs as he tries to balance the girl latched onto his back while rummaging through her bag for her keys.
“I’m not messing it up. I’m styling it!” Y/N grabs two handfuls of hair. Yoongi nearly topples onto the floor from the hard tug on his scalp. Y/N only squeals, “See? You look like Garu now! Not Pucca. You only smile when you’re smug!”
“Y/N, stop messing with me,” Yoongi grits, hands frantically turning all the items in the woman’s bag over and over again. “Fuck, there’s no keys. Y/N, where the hell did you put your keys?”
“I don’t knoooow.”
Y/N starts to slip on his back. Before he could hoist her up though, the girl locks her elbows around his neck, knocking the wind out of his windpipe. Yoongi didn’t know what getting strangled really feels like until now. Y/N giggles, “Oh, I know now! I slipped it in in my pouch! The one with my ballpens. I think I must have left it in the office because I’m not yet done with my report when we went off…”
Yoongi drags a hand over his face, “Fuck. What the hell will I do with you now?”
Y/N props her head on his shoulder and grins, “Take me home to your home?”
               Yoongi gapes at Y/N. “You seriously don’t remember?”
               Y/N slowly shakes her head, “I don’t.”
Yoongi plops Y/N back onto the passenger’s seat before he sits himself back into the driver’s seat. The moment Yoongi drives away from the 27th street, Y/N decides it’s a brilliant idea to latch herself onto the man’s arm.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Yoongi tries to gently pull his arm away from her. Y/N only keeps her grip on him and decides to put her head on his shoulder. Yoongi sighs in defeat.
“I’m being happy!” Y/N grins, “You and I are gonna have a sleepover!”
“This is not a sleepover,” Yoongi gives her a pointed look, “You’re drunk and I’m just being a Good Samaritan letting you stay over in my house because your poor ass got nowhere to go.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s still a sleepover because we’ll sleep in your room.”
“I am NOT letting you sleep in my room. You’re gonna sleep on the couch.”
Y/N’s eyes grow wide, “No! We’re gonna sleep in your room! Friends sleep in one room during sleepovers.”
“So now, you’re finally admitting we’re friends?” Yoongi smirks. He doesn’t know why he’s letting this pointless conversation go on when the person he’s speaking to is just running on autopilot. But when Y/N looks at him in complete focus and opens her mouth, Yoongi can’t help but anticipate for what she has to say.
“Why?” Y/N tilts her head, “Aren’t we already friends? Weren’t you the one who kept bugging me about it?”
Yoongi looks away and keeps his eyes ahead, “Well…yeah.”
“Then why won’t you let me sleep in your room?”
Yoongi clicks his tongue, “Just because.”
“Is it because you hate me?”
“No, it’s not because of that.”
“Then, is it because I annoyed you today?”
“Well, you did annoy me. A lot.” Yoongi sighs, “Okay, a bit. A teeny, tiny bit. But, it’s also not because of that.”
“Then what is it?” Y/N whines.
Yoongi doesn’t answer.
“Is it because I’m supposed to actually rat on any mistake of your team to Nancy?”
Still silence.
“Then…is it because I’m ugly?”
Yoongi whips his head toward her, “What?”
Y/N looks down at her lap, “People say no one wants to be with me because no one likes my face. They say it’s too intimidating. That I’m too intimidating and no one wants to be with someone like that.” Y/N glances at the side mirror, “Didn’t help that everyone practically hates me because of how firm I stand with my values. High school was enough proof of that.”
“Well, it’s not everyone. You got Mina—”
“Of course, I got Mina. She’s always by my side. So, she’s out of the question.”
“I’m not yet done,” Yoongi chuckles, “You do love getting ahead of everybody, no?”
Y/N pouts and faces straight ahead, crossing her arms.
“As I was saying, you got Mina and me.”
It’s Y/N’s turn to snap back towards him, eyes wide. “What do you mean?”
“You said before I’m not just anybody,” Yoongi shrugs. “Might as well live up to that.”
The quiet air settles over again. Only the sounds of the city zooming past them and Y/N’s occasional snores fill the gaps of silence. But it doesn’t last long as they finally reached 12th street, West Drive—Yoongi’s home—because Y/N wakes up again and starts blabbering if she could tie up his hair Garu-style. Yoongi thinks the utter shock in his mother’s face when she opened the door for him and the utterly inebriated girl on his back is something he will never forget. And probably Y/N’s face, too, which brightened up when Yoongi told her she can have his room.
“Are you serious?” Y/N squeals, already on her knees on his mattress, ready to jump around. She looks like a five-year-old and it doesn’t help that his striped blue and white pajamas make her look, dare he say, cute.
“Yes, I am,” Yoongi replies. He closes the door for a second to see his mother in the hallway.
Ji-an places Y/N’s clothes on their hamper before addressing him. “Been a while since you brought a friend over.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi nervously smiles as he rubs his nape. “Sorry this was unannounced, mom. I drove her to her place but she forgot her keys at work and her flatmate’s also gone for the night. I don’t know what to do so I just brought her here.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I don’t mind,” Ji-an smiles. “I was just surprised. I didn’t know Thursday nights are now a drinking night.”
“Mom!” Yoongi playfully claps his mother’s shoulder. Ji-an only laughs. When her chuckles die down, she fondly looks at her son, “I was just curious what made you drink out on a Thursday night. I thought friend’s night-outs are for Fridays.”
“Today was just a special case. Y/N wanted to try drinking for the first time. She dragged me to teach her what she’s missed out on college and high school.” Yoongi looks at his closed door, a warm smile forming on his face. “I didn’t know someone at 25 has not yet been to a bar before.” 
“Then, I’m glad you’ve accompanied her.”
Yoongi looks at his mother, brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“It’s also been a while since I’ve seen you smile like that,” Ji-an pulls her lips into a knowing smile. “You smile a lot with us. But it’s been ages since I saw that smile again. It makes me happy it’s back.”
“What…smile, mom?”
“Oh, you know it already,” Ji-an pats his shoulder. “By the way, where are you gonna sleep?”
“I’ll make camp in the living room. I have your fluffy pillows and blanket with me…Thanks, mom.” Yoongi gives her an appreciative smile. 
“Okay then,” Ji-an returns his smile, “Goodnight, son.” Yoongi kisses her cheek goodnight and then she resigns back into their room. 
Yoongi plops himself on the floor beside his bed. Y/N rolls over to poke at his shoulder, “What took you so long outside? I thought this is a sleepover. Also, what are you doing with that?” she points to the binder the man is holding.
Yoongi continues flipping through the pages. It’s an album of his days back in high school. He always pulls it out whenever he gets the sudden urge to feel nostalgic. Most often than not, the fuzzy feeling after drinking gives that urge. Yoongi mutters, “I’m looking through it so you’ll get bored of messing with me and finally sleep.”
“You know, Yoongi…if I didn’t hate you, I would love to kiss you.”
Yoongi freezes in his position, “W-what?”
But it seems the alcohol took its final toll on Y/N when she rolls over to her side and bids him with a yawn, “Goodnight, Yoongi.”
Yoongi makes sure he hears her snore before he returns, “…Goodnight, too, sweetheart.”
               “You really don’t remember anything?”
               Yoongi focuses back on the road. “What’s your last memory yesterday?”
               “Well, we took shots. Then after that, we danced, and—nothing. Well, you drove me here and let me sleepover so yeah,” Y/N looks down on her interlocked hands. “Thank you for that, Yoongi.”
               “You’re welcome. But do you really not remember anything? As in, anything at all?”
               “I told you I do not, okay?” Y/N throws up her hands, “How many times do I have to tell you that?!”
               Yoongi glances at her, “Not even what you said while we’re dancing at the bar?”
               “No,” Y/N sighs. “Look, I don’t remember anything from the night before, save for what I already told you. What did I even say while we’re dancing at the bar?”
               “Nothing,” Yoongi looks back at the road. “You just said you wanna stuff your nose full with mojito because you love it so much.”
               Y/N massages her temple, “Okay, that’s embarrassing. But dismissible. It’s just a stupid statement. Did something else happen?”
               “Something,” Yoongi scoffs, “Oh hell yeah, something definitely happened.”
               Y/N’s brows shot up and she screeches, “Did something happen between us?!” Yoongi almost drives the car out of their lane.
               “Jesus Christ, Y/N, do you plan on busting my ears off?” Yoongi holds a hand over his ears. “And for God’s sake, how did you even come up to that? What do you think of me? Someone who takes advantage of a drunk woman?!”
              “I didn’t say that! Okay,” Y/N reels back and sighs, “I’m sorry I implied it and for possibly offending you. I just thought maybe you got drunk, too, yesterday and we got handsy-handsy on each other. Maybe. The movies show it’s possible. And they already run a good enough forecast system for drunken mistakes.”
              “Are you seriously using movies now as a reliable reference?”
              Y/N looks away. “It wouldn’t hurt, okay. Movies reflect real life.”
              “Look, Y/N,” Yoongi looks at her with a serious face, “nothing sexual happened between us. If something actually happened between us, I wouldn’t be here in the first place. I’d probably be at a church tryna convince the priest if I could take a bath using their holy water.” 
               Y/N scowls at him, “You say that as if I’m the most horrible person in the world. Well, if you’d been a different person, you’d know I’m not so bad.”
               “Are you implying you want to have sex with me?”
               “Oh my god—NO! How the fuck did you even think about such abomination?!” 
              Yoongi wiggles his brows at her. Y/N resists the urge to slap his face. They’re currently driving. She cannot risk her life no matter how much she wants to end the man beside her.
              “But seriously speaking,” Yoongi rounds a street, “something else did happen.”
              “What is it?”
              “You actually insisted to go to my house because you wanna have a sleepover. You reasoned it’s because we’re friends.” Yoongi glances at her, “And you told me you wanted to kiss me.”
              Y/N’s jaw falls wide open, “Oh my god, your imagination cannot be any weirder than it already is, huh? ‘Friends’? ‘Kiss you’? Never in a million years would I want that!” Y/N scoffs, “Even if I’m drunk, I know I wouldn’t say that! Your delusions are getting worse, Yoongi.”
              “Say all that you want. Still doesn’t negate what transpired yesterday,” Yoongi sing-songs.
              “Look,” Y/N shifts in her seat to turn to Yoongi, “I’m grateful you had me in your home and welcomed me so warmly. And I know I’m enjoying a lot of favors right now. But one more wouldn’t hurt, okay?” Y/N sighs and closes her eyes, “Can we just forget whatever happened yesterday?”
              “What do you mean ‘nope’?!”
              “Nope, as in, we cannot forget what we know happened. It’s impossible, biologically and realistically speaking. Our brains are not designed with an undo button. Unless we already have early onset of Alzheimer’s. Though I think I wouldn’t worry about that because I’m young and happy. You’re the one who should actually worry because you look old and that’s because you didn’t enjoy life—”
              “Okay, I get you! It’s impossible to forget! But can we just never speak about what happened yesterday?!” 
              Yoongi shrugs, “Depends.”
              Y/N’s brows scrunch together, “What do you mean ‘depends’?”
              “If it would be non-advantageous for me, sure, I won’t speak about it. But right now, it’s definitely advantageous for me because I can use it as blackmail material to finally convince you you wanted to be friends, and that in fact, we are indeed already friends.”
              “Min Yoongi—!”
              A ringtone bursts loud in the car. It’s a Japanese song. And it sounds very much like an opening OST for a shounen action anime.
              “Are you fricking serious—”
              “Ssh!”  Y/N holds up an index to Yoongi’s lips. She breaks into a smile, “Oh hello, Ms. Nancy. I-I mean,” Y/N glances at her watch and does quick math, “good afternoon!” Fuck time differences.
               The person on the other end of the line doesn’t sound too pleased with the greeting though. “Where the hell are you now, Y/N?”
               “Oh, I’m at,” Y/N looks outside of the window in search of the nearest post with a street name, “uh, 1st Avenue. We’re just a couple of blocks from Rockfort now.”
               “Don’t come into the office today. I have a list of errands for you to do instead.”
               “They’re a lot so I’m gonna e-mail them to you now. When you receive it, I hope you start on it ASAP.”
               “Of course, ma’am,” Y/N smiles. A beep at the other end serves as her reply. A ‘ding’ soon sounds in her phone and Y/N immediately checks on her notifications.
               Ms. Nancy Kim (7:45 A.M.)
Go to my house on 27th Avenue. I left some legal papers I need by 8:20 and I want you to scan them and email them to me. Use my personal computer. 
Head to the VanTae Main Office by 8:45 A.M. They’re hosting a meeting with the businesses they’ve partnered with for an interactive fashion event they’re hosting. I forgot to inform them beforehand that I’ve gone abroad but I’ve already e-mailed the CEO today that our spokesperson, Mr. Junhyung Choi, will stand for me. Help out Mr. Choi with whatever he needs, especially his presentation. 
Go to RTW Advertising’s Headquarters by 11 A.M with Mr. Choi. They need to discuss something about their future project with us. I’m gonna send you the references you’ll need to help Mr. Choi—
               Y/N immediately tucks her phone into her pocket. She’ll just read the rest on the train. She turns to the man beside her, “Yoongi park on the sidewalk.”
                “Why? But we’re going to the office—”
               “Just go to the nearest parking spot and drop me off.” Y/N smiles, “Please?”
               Yoongi sighs but nevertheless, he follows her directions and pulls up the car in front of a bicycle stand.
               Y/N gathers her bag, “Sorry this is a rush. I’m not going to the office. I need to catch the 8 A.M. train.” Y/N turns to her side to tug free her seatbelt but it won’t budge. She hears a sigh and then suddenly, there’s a hand hovering above hers, pulling more of the seatbelt from her shoulder to lessen the tension of the belt on the lock. When Y/N looks up, Yoongi’s face is so near hers that one simple movement could let her nose brush the side of his cheek. She could practically feel Yoongi’s breath sweep over her lips as he releases a sigh.
               Then Yoongi looks straight into her eyes. “Is it Nancy?”
               The lock clicks and it releases the belt. Y/N presses herself still into the corner of the car. She doesn’t know she’s holding her breath as she nods, “Y-yeah.”
               Yoongi leans back in his seat. “You sure you want to take the train? I can drive you to where you need to go. I can just hit up Ms. Yoona and tell her to take my place for the day.”
               “N-no. This is my work. I don’t want to bother you. I’ve got a list of things to do and it will keep you away from what you really needed to do.” Y/N pushes the handle and opens the door to let herself hop out. “Thanks for offering though.”
               Yoongi tilts his head and smiles. “Date you later, then?”
               Y/N’s brows meet together.
               Yoongi shrugs, “Well, we’ll see each other later and hopefully date y’know? We still need a few date documents to get. For the Heart Holiday. So yeah, date you later?”
               “Okay…date you later, too.” Y/N smiles back and then she closes the door. When she turns around, she tries to convince herself the heat on her cheeks was because of the pollution outside. Not because of Yoongi’s warm smile as she sent him off.
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               Y/N wishes she’s never said anything too early.
               The future is a concept that can hardly be determined no matter how open and flexible the patterns people have made to make sense of it. Y/N knows this and yet she still chooses to defy it. It‘s human nature anyway to try and figure out life and see how long you could last with a blueprint belief. If it turns out to be wrong, improve the belief or let it go and find a better one. But this is always easier said than done. It’s an inherent quality of dealing with things and concepts no one has complete control over. And Y/N has completely no control even on her unfortunate scenarios she has pre-determined in her head.
              All of her Thursdays have been cursed ever since her first goddamn story proposal was foiled by Min Yoongi one year ago. And suddenly, yesterday was spot-free of any unfortunate events Y/N was sober enough to fully experience. And by some unexpected discrepancy in a long-established, working pattern, everything that has to go wrong in Thursday, happened today—Friday.
               When Y/N entered the train station, a mechanical error occurred on the 8 A.M. train that caused a thirty-minute delay before a working cart could come and accommodate commuters. This fucked up Y/N’s schedule big time because she had to sprint to Nancy’s house and speed-scan the legal documents she needed in just five minutes to reach the 8:20 deadline. Of course, it didn’t work according to her plan because computers do their thing when you needed something to be rushed, they pick that exact time to not cooperate with you. Nevertheless, Y/N manages to finish the task. But all the tinge of achievement written on her face from accomplishing something was immediately slashed off when she realizes she sent the documents five minutes past the deadline. Nancy made sure she knew this when she rings her to berate her of her noncompliance with set deadlines.
               Y/N thought she could make up for her mistake by doing her best in her presentation with Mr. Choi at VanTae. But that, too, proves to be a long shot to make because before she could even try, life shuts her down. Nancy forgot to inform her VanTae was expecting themed cohesive presentations from their partners. It is with great shame she sat behind the podium where Mr. Choi is standing, flipping through each slide that was obviously embarrassingly sub-par to the other business partners in the room. And, Mr. Choi didn’t let go of the opportunity to befall the blame of today’s unimpressive performance completely on Y/N. Who wouldn’t when she’s the one in charge of making the entire presentation?
               But that wasn’t the end of it. At RTW, Mr. Choi just asked for Y/N to bring him and the manager cups of coffee. She doesn’t have to stand by his side anymore. But the heavens seem to hate her because when she enters the conference room and nears the manager, the secretary who’s placing the folders suddenly turned, bumping into Y/N. It would have been okay if the coffee spilled all over on her shirt. But No. Y/N trips on her foot and the hot, newly brewed coffee had to spill on the shirt of RTW’s manager. 
              When Nancy caught wind of what happened through Mr. Choi, she immediately slashed off Y/N’s tasks that actually involved Travel Loca and reduced it to personal, trivial errands. It’s easy and fool-proof. They’re just errands like bring Nancy’s daughter’s hardcopy of her paper to her school and write up an apology for Nancy for the parties and events she got invited to but will be unable to attend. And by some undecipherable stretch of bad luck, doing these tasks, too, has also proven to be hard. Either the transportation system will delay her for half an hour, an electronic gadget will malfunction on her, or a person in the other end of the line will find something offending in her words and turn it all against her. Y/N barely made it on time to submit the hardcopy to the school. She wasn’t able to finish encoding Nancy’s personal expenses in the tax declaration software. And two of Nancy’s friends were not satisfied with her apologies and even insulted her. When Y/N calls for the nth time about finishing a task that ended not-so-well in her favor, she knows Nancy has already busted her patience of the day for her because she just sighs and started to give her cold one-worded replies.
              And before Y/N knew it, it’s already seven. Long past working hours. Y/N’s eyes widen. Yoongi. She pulls up her phone and types a message.
              Y/N : Hey, I think I’m gonna do a raincheck on our uh date. Sorry for the late notice. I just finished my job and I don’t think I have any energy left. (7:05 P.M.)
             Mean Yoongi >:( : Why? What happened? (7:06 P.M.)
             Mean Yoongi >:( : If you don’t mind me asking, I mean? (7:06 P.M.)
             Y/N : Nothing happened. Just tired (7:06 P.M.)
             Mean Yoongi >:( : Okay, that’s fine. Take a rest. Health is always the priority (7:07 P.M.)
             Y/N : Okay. Thank you :) (7:07 P.M.)
             Mean Yoongi >:( : Date you tomorrow then? (7:07 P.M.)
             Y/N purses her lips and shrugs. 
             Y/N : Sure. Date you tomorrow (7:07 P.M.) 
             Mean Yoongi >:( : Sweet. Goodnight, sweetheart  😉 (7:07 P.M.)
             A small smile traces its way on Y/N’s face. 
             Y/N : Goodnight, too, Yoongi (7:07 P.M.)  
             However, Y/N shouldn’t have thought about finally having a good night too early. Because the cherry on top of her day is yet to happen. 
            Y/N heads to Rockfort to retrieve her keys and finally end the day. It’s already nine in the evening and she just wants to go home, plop down on her bed, and maybe cry. Out of shame or anger or both, she isn’t sure. Probably anger to Mr. Choi and a bit to Nancy because they didn’t have to belittle her in front of her face the way they did. And most probably anger to herself because she wouldn’t receive such backlash from her superiors if she didn’t fuck up. The rational part of her believes Mr. Choi and Nancy didn’t have time to consider her feelings because they were doing damage control. But still, Y/N can’t help but feel she’s been ruthlessly disregarded. She tried her best but she knows she can’t force anyone to notice it. No one really cares much about the progress. Outcomes are what only matter. It is always the end that determines whether something is worth all the effort or it was all just for naught. 
              When Y/N starts on the steps on the complex, her phone rings. 
              It’s Nancy. Y/N takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. “He-hello?”
              “Y/N, what’s the progress of the Creatives for this week?”
              “O-oh, um—”
              “You forgot to send it to me earlier this day when I clearly told you before I went overseas to make sure you keep me up-to-date by the evening. Does it look like it’s still evening, now? It’s already midnight here.” Nancy sighs, “I’m the boss and yet I have to call my employee to ask her to simply do her job. Do you see how wrong that sounds?”
              “I-I’m sorry, Ms. Nancy—”
              “Stop with the apologies. I’ve had enough of that this day. Just tell me what I’m asking from you.”
              “O-okay,” Y/N rushes to the nearest bench. It’s the one sitting under the central mango tree and Y/N hopes if it could give her at least an ounce of luck just like it always does. With hands trembling, Y/N manages to get all the pages of her report from her bag in one piece.  She flips through the papers, “U-um, well, Steven and Yoongi came up with a unique design for our feature articles. It’s inspired by the DRM’s goals and the Heart Holiday because Valentines’ week is just around the corner. A-and then the concept team is collaborating well with our artists in doing the overall theme of our issue. I could send you an email later of the samples they’ve given me—” 
              “Okay, but do you have any updates on our cover page?”
              “The-the cover page?”
              “Yes, the cover page. Did you not hear what I said?”
              Y/N feels her throat dry up. The cover page. Kim Myungsoo. Y/N has reminded him of it yesterday and he said he’s going to see if he can email it by Friday. It’s already Friday and she still hasn’t received any email. She even texted Yoongi earlier while she’s at RTW’s meeting to personally check on Myungsoo and his team. What she only received is a dejected sigh from Yoongi as he told her the team leader has taken a leave and the team members are unable to give them the proposal she needs. Y/N remembers how flawed the bureaucratic system of Travel Loca is as Yoongi informs her company rules dictate access to the reports and documents are only granted by team leaders to ensure their legibility. And since Nancy didn’t give out a statement to override this rule today, Yoongi, himself, cannot do anything. Y/N now remembers why she actually dreaded this call to come.
              “U-um, yes, Ma’am, I heard what you said. But, the thing is, uh,” Y/N taps her foot, “I wasn’t…able to make a report because Myungsoo has taken a leave and he wasn’t able to send their report of progress to me. I-I’m sorry.”
              Silence greets her. For a second, Y/N thinks the line went dead.  She realizes it was wrong to speak beforehand because, after a beat, she feels her heart drop into her stomach.
              “You never run out of excuses, do you?”
              Nancy laughs. “Oh my god, I thought I wouldn’t be any more disappointed in you today. Guess I was wrong because you have a knack for breaking my expectations, Y/N. And right now, I’m not disappointed. I’m upset.”
              “Nancy, I’m sorry—”
              “All I’ve asked from you was to give me updates on the Creatives team. And yeah, you did but you left out the most important element we really need from them—the cover page. Give me a creatives team from a magazine company that doesn’t put the central focus on the fucking cover page? Of course, you’ll get none!”
              Y/N bites her lip.
               “What are you even doing this week in the office, then, Y/N?”
               “Answer me, Y/N.”
               Y/N bites back a sniffle. “I-I check on each team a-and I also helped with choosing the layouts and templates they use and—”
               “Why the hell are you helping them with that? You don’t know their work. What made you think you could actually help?” Nancy scoffs, “So instead of actually doing your job, you’ve been busying yourself with pointless things.”
               Y/N could only look down on her feet.
               “You know what, Y/N. When I hired you, I thought you were different. I thought you’re someone who could shine and finally get promoted to the team you wanted to be in. Because you know I’m picky with my P.A’s. Only those who I think have the potential to deserve a promotion into a nice position in my company, or at least deserve to get my recommendation that could get them access to many reputable magazines or news companies, get hired to be my P.A.’s. And when I met you, I thought you were like that. Strong, determined, intelligent, and hard-working. But now, you’re far from that, Y/N. You’ve become so far from what I’ve known you to be. You’ve become sloppy. You’ve become someone that makes excuses instead of really working. And you didn’t improve, Y/N. Not one bit. Because your work these days is far behind from what I expect from a well-educated person. And now, you’re making me think I made a mistake I even hired you.”
               Y/N presses a hand over her mouth. It’s only then she realizes a tear has already slipped from her eyes.
                Nancy sighs, “Thank you for…whatever you did today. I just hope you’ll make up for your mistakes when I come back. I don’t want to further regret I’ve taken you to my company. Goodbye.”
               The line goes dead. The hand that holds up her phone limply falls by her side. Her legs are shaking and so are her fingers. It’s cold but it doesn’t compare to the block of frigidness that has dropped on her chest when Nancy…said those words to her. Sure, Nancy’s always been a bit harsh and strict. She’s scolded Y/N for all the times she’s failed in her job before but they were all necessary reminders that have molded her to become more professional at work. She even told her once how proud she was of how Y/N grew in her company. But tonight, her words are far from that. Nancy was brutal and Y/N could only blame herself.
              Whenever Y/N makes a mistake, she always tries to look at them objectively and never let them get to her. She’s always been able to do this all throughout high school and until she’s started working. Until tonight, because Nancy’s words are vicious and they’re too heavy to shake off. People say wondering about the ‘what if’s’ is absurd as mulling over what may have happened won’t bring anything to anyone but torment. They are reminders of a now-unattainable future and dwelling on them won’t change anything. But right now, Y/N cannot help but wonder what if she’s sent the legal papers on time? What if she made a noteworthy presentation at the meeting? What if she didn’t spill coffee on the manager? What if she’s been more aggressive in convincing Myungsoo to give her the proposal? Would anything change then?
                Y/N raises a hand to wipe off the wetness that has trailed on her cheek. It immediately turns futile because the moment she presses a hand over her eyes, she lets out a sob and tear after tear slips through her fingers. Her mother has told her she’s always had shallow tears. Y/N has worked so long to prove her wrong. That she’s not weak. That she’s not easy to fall over when someone comes too close to knock her down. That she’s strong, that she could get by on her own and she could be someone no one could even attempt to hurt. But now, she’s reduced to this: a crying mess of a girl sitting on some bench for everyone to see. She doesn’t know what to do anymore and—
               “Hey, what are you still doing here?”
               Y/N looks up. Tears only seem to accumulate more on her eyes when she sees it’s—
               “Wait, why are you crying?”
               “Yoongi.” Y/N breaks into a sob and before another second passes, Yoongi’s already by her side, looping his arms around her shaking frame, her face pressed close to his chest. He cards his fingers through her hair as he coos at her, but that only seems to spur more sobs to fall from her lips.
               “I’m so-sorry I’m crying like this—”
               “Let it out.” Yoongi hugs her closer to him, “Just let it out. It’s okay.”
               That’s all it took for Y/N to let everything out. She cries against Yoongi’s chest, hands clutching tightly on his coat. Sobs rock upon her frame but Yoongi only holds her tight, swaying a bit as if to lull her from the suffocating toll of her cries. He doesn’t ask anything. He just stays by her side, whispering by her ear, “it’s alright,” “I’m here,” and “You’re not alone.” For the first time that day, all thoughts of ‘what ifs’ halt in her head.
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               The night outside is getting colder by each second. Y/N could make out fogged up spots on the car window. When her finger meets the glass, she doesn’t jolt from the cold. The heater of the car is on. She draws a star. She thinks she’s lucky. She remembers she is when her eyes glance at the back, upon the paper bag containing empty, reusable take-out containers.
               “So…what happened today?”
               Y/N turns back to the front. Yoongi’s arms are firm on the wheel. He spares her a glance before focusing his eyes back on the road, “Of course, if you feel…more okay now to answer it.”
               Y/N bites her lip. It’s been an hour ago since they silently sat on the bench. And a half-hour after that, she and Yoongi shared dinner over something as trivial as listing the most annoying movies they’ve ever watched. And now, a couple of minutes have already passed in the car with them back in complete silence. Yoongi hasn’t said anything about what happened by the mango tree until now and so did Y/N. But she knows it’s an elephant weighing too big in the car not to address it. 
               Y/N sighs. “W-well, Nancy has given me a lot of errands to do. And…everything just didn’t go according to plan and I guess, it was just…the last straw for me.”
              “I see,” Yoongi hums, glancing at her before directing his eyes back on the road.
              Y/N wrings her hands together. She closes her eyes. “Okay, I got…scolded today by Nancy because I messed up with the things she asked me to do. Of course, she has every right to—”
              “What did she say to you?”
              Y/N looks up at him then she quickly returns her gaze on her hands. “N-nothing. She just…expressed her disappointment about me especially when she learned I cannot give her any updates about the cover page.”
              “So you got lashed out on for Myungsoo’s uncooperating ass?”
              Y/N whips her head to him, “No, I-I didn’t get lashed out—”
              “Y/N, stop lying to me.” Yoongi looks at her. “I know Nancy. I’ve been her P.A., too. And when she’s upset, she lashes out. And when she does, she goes way all over the line.” He looks back onto the street. “Why are you even trying to defend her when she obviously stepped over the line again? This is what I don’t like about—” Yoongi stops and sighs, “What are you going to do about Myungsoo?”
              “I’ll…e-mail him tomorrow and convince him to send the proposal to me.”
              “So you’re not even going to reprimand him for letting you unjustly receive backlash because of him?
              “N-no,” Y/N looks at him, brows scrunched. “I don’t want to make unnecessary enemies here and let my temper get the better of me—”
              “So you just don’t stand up against them? What does that make me, then? I’m your free estate for that pent-up anger?”
              Yoongi sighs, “Fuck, I’m sorry. That’s out of the line.”
              “It’s okay…I’m sorry, too. I’ve also been unfair to you.”
              “I’m just—I’m so frustrated why you can’t stand up for yourself around these people just like you do to me. You can’t always let them have their way, Y/N. Superior or not.”
              Y/N remains unmoving in her seat. Yoongi looks at her slumped figure in the seat and he decides to drop the subject. Silence takes hold of their car again. Yoongi tries to elevate the mood by talking about how he’s already on the 30th episode of Naruto. He said he didn’t expect he’ll find it to be that great “since the popular animes are usually overrated.” He even chipped in how he can’t find Sakura annoying even if a lot of fans hated her. Y/N didn’t say anything but a small smile starts to form on her lips. It’s more than enough for Yoongi to thank the heavens he didn’t totally ruin the night.
              When they round the 20th street, Y/N finally decides to speak.
              “S-sorry I wasn’t able to say thank you for earlier so—thank you, Yoongi. For the dinner and for the…thing you did on the bench.”
              “It’s okay,” Yoongi pulls a small smile. “It’s what friends do.”
               Y/N’s eyes shoot up to him and Yoongi only lets his smile grow. It’s that smile. That same smile he gave her when he’s offering to watch Naruto for her to watch Slam Dunk. That same smile he flashed her when he told her to put her arms around his neck as he let her experience her first dance she never had. That same smile that sent warmth spreading all over her chest and tingles running down to her toes.  Just like right now. Y/N swallows the nervousness building in her throat. 
              She turns around in her seat and takes it everything in herself to make her voice sound as beaming as it can be. “Hey, how about we go to that fast food and get one date document before the night ends? It looks so nice and I-I feel bad we didn’t do anything today and—”
               “No. I’m driving you to your home.”
               Y/N gapes at the man. “B-but you said we’ll date later—”
               “We could always get a date document any other time. You’re tired. You need to rest.”
               “Y/N, you should stop turning your back to things you should actually be facing,” Yoongi looks at her. “Right now, you should let yourself rest.”
               The rest of the ride was silent. As Y/N fiddles with the cuffs of her button-down, she cannot help but mull over what Nancy has said earlier. Should she give up her plan for the Heart Holiday to make up for her mistakes today? Of course, when Nancy hears about her absence at work when she goes back to the office, she’ll definitely be disappointed. She could even fire her. Y/N cannot bear to have that. She’s invested two years of her life in Travel Loca. She knows she’s having a hard time living in her current place—doing something she doesn’t love in the field she’s desired for how many years. But she will rather have it than start all over again, most likely work somewhere more comfortable but far from the thing she loves—writing.  It’s already hard to start on your desired field. Of course, it would be more heart-wrenching if you had to start from scratch again. 
               Y/N knows it’s sensible and rational to drop her plan now. She knows she’s leaning to this answer by the time Yoongi pulls in front of her apartment. But when she looks at him and bids him goodbye, his eyes crinkling as he tells her to “drink something warm” and “sleep well, sweetheart,” Y/N cannot figure out why the thought of giving up their ruse felt so…wrong.
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DAY 7 – February 1; Saturday
               Y/N is awakened by the eye-burning late morning light streaming through her curtains. Her sleep never exceeds the eight-hour mark. It’s a wonder that for the first time, today she did. Y/N thinks it’s probably because Mina spoiled her with homemade post-dinner yesterday after flopping next to her on the couch and telling her everything that happened that day. Her bestfriend has lined up all her favorite comfort foods and even stayed up late watching movies with her, successfully distracting her from replaying whatever Nancy has said.  
              However, it could also be probably because she slept with her coat draped over her shoulders. Y/N doesn’t know why but her coat smelled so good last night and she just has to keep it beside her for the whole night. She only learns the answer to this when she wakes up to Yoongi’s scent filling her senses first thing in the morning. But even with this knowledge, Y/N can’t find it in herself to regret she ever did that. She hates to admit there’s something about that man that makes her feel safe even if he also makes her run constantly on her toes.
               Mina’s out to visit her parents and said she will be back for dinner. Y/N’s seated cross-legged on the couch, chomping on the brunch her bestfriend prepared while she watches Slam Dunk. It’s been two hours since she clicked on her USB containing the downloaded episodes of the anime and yet it feels only fifteen minutes have passed. She doesn’t want to say it aloud, but clearly, Yoongi has some good taste. She wouldn’t mind getting more recommendations from him.
               Just right then, her phone rings. Without tearing her eyes from the TV, she wipes on the screen and holds the phone next to her ear. Whoever decided it was a good time to interrupt her just when Sakuragi gets a moment with Haruko is as good as dead meat. She grits over the phone, “What do you want?”
               “What the—So early in the morning and you’re already so grumpy.”
               Y/N stops. She pulls her phone away from her face.
               Mean Yoongi >:( 
               Y/N sighs and rolls her eyes. However, she cannot resist the smile that immediately grows on her face. “It’s not ‘early in the morning’ anymore, mister. It’s already eleven. Now, what do you want?”
               “‘What do I want?’ Do I seriously type the opportunistic guy who only calls just because he wants something?” Yoongi scoffs but the sound of it tells Y/N the man was doing his weird laughing face again. 
               Y/N chuckles. Yoongi immediately follows suit. “But seriously,” Y/N manages in between giggles, “Why did you call?”
               “Just checkin’ up on you. How are you? Do you feel…better, now?”
               Y/N hums. She purses her lips, “A bit better now. So far, this day has been good to me. How ‘bout you?”
               “I’m good,” Yoongi quips, “Better actually. I cooked my family some breakfast and now I’m just chillin’ in my room. What are you doing?”
               “…watching Slam Dunk.”
               “No way!”
               Y/N could hear the clatter of things in the speaker. Yoongi must have sat up and knocked things over. What a clumsy idiot. She chuckles, “Oh yes way, Min. Now, you won’t be able to fight me on this because I’m in the 10th episode now.  How about you? How’s the other end of the deal doing over there?”
               “Just you wait, woman, I’m gonna watch Naruto now.” There’s a faint click in the speaker and then—
               “Please enter your disk.”
               “Oh my god, Yoongi, you bought a fucking CD of Naruto?!”
               “Why? This is me showing my respect for art by not ripping it off—wait, do you not buy CDs?”
              “Do you not have Netflix?”
               “Do you have Netflix?” Y/N counters, “That’s rich coming from you considering you still buy Blu-ray Discs. We’re just both broke, struggling adults here who can’t afford additional bills to pay. No need to pull up your chair so high, mister.”
               “Answer my question, Y/N. Do you not have Netflix?”
              Y/N sighs, “No.”
              “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m dating a pirate!”
               Y/N could feel her cheeks start to burn, “What the—! I’m not a pirate! I’m just—being practical, yeah! In case you don’t know, things stay free on the Internet for a reason and that is to accommodate broke people like me.”
               “Still doesn’t negate that you, mate, are in fact committing piracy.”
               “Hey, I’m not the one who created the pirated versions of Slam Dunk! I’m just downloading torrents. I’m just utilizing available means practically laid in front of me!”
               Laughter resounds on the other end of the line. It sounds weird—like a grandpa wheezing in front of an electric fan. But it also sounds endearingly cute. It doesn’t make sense why it even sounds cute. It’s not even cute! Y/N unknowingly smiles. One thing’s for sure. She wants to hear more of Yoongi’s laugh.
               “Jesus Christ, woman, I’m just messing with you!” Yoongi cackles. “You think I don’t watch pirated things, too? Most of the movies I claimed I’ve already watched are all thanks to torrent. I’m too broke to go to cinemas!”
               “But if you entertain pirated stuff,” Y/N shifts in her seat, “why did you even buy a CD of Naruto?”
               “I buy CDs only when I think they are worth it.”
               “You…already think Naruto is worth it?”
               “Yeah. You like it. So, it’s worth it. You said it’s great, so I trust you.”
               Y/N gulps. It’s weird. Her chest feels so warm and so do her cheeks. She’s just talking with someone over the phone.
               “You still there?”
               “Y-yeah,” Y/N fixes her clothes. Why the hell is she even fixing herself? It’s not as if Yoongi can see her.
               “Okay. I thought of something.”
               “How ‘bout we watch our respective animes together through Discord Music Party so we can hear each other’s reactions live?”
               Y/N tilts her head, “How will I be able to watch properly then if I’m calling you at the same time?”
               “You can turn down my volume from time to time there, duh. It’s 2020 now, sweetheart.”
               Y/N flushes. “O-okay, we can do that. But I still don’t get why we have to check our reactions live.”
               “Did you ever feel you want so badly to gush out your annoyance or excitement about something you’re watching to someone? Because I do. And I want you to be on the other line to hear me lash and gush on something because you made me enter this battlefield. This is 500+ episodes, woman.”
               “Well, that’s not my fault. Who in the first place proposed this anime-watching exchange? You.”
               “Touche,” Yoongi chuckles. “Yeah, it’s me. I told you I’d watch Naruto just to get you to watch Slam Dunk for my sake. But actually, I’m just curious why you love that anime so much. So here’s me learning the heck out of it.”
               Naruto’s Season 1 opening OST starts to play in the background.
               Y/N clucks her tongue, “I thought we’d go to Discord first before we do our live reactions?”
               “Just give me five more minutes. I don’t want to end our call yet.”
               Five minutes easily turn into twenty and it takes one more of Yoongi’s ‘Just five more minutes’ to annoy Y/N and yell at him he’s wasting his mobile load. It takes Y/N three minutes to download the app, and after ten minutes of fumbling around it, they hear each other’s voices again and continue where they left off. 
               “Oh, you’re here again, captain!”
               “Shut up, Yoongi.”
               “How’s the loot?”
               Y/N sends an angry emoji in the chat. Yoongi’s laughter immediately booms through the speakers.
               The rest of the day just goes like this. Episode upon episode pass. There are occasional quick calls for a bathroom break. Of course, another argument happens, especially when Yoongi suddenly declared at episode 77 he ships Sakura with Naruto which Y/N cannot accept because “canon is canon for a reason.” Meanwhile, Yoongi was initially pleased to learn Y/N ships Haruko with Sakuragi and not with “Awful Kaede.” But that immediately changes when he learns Y/N only ships the two because she ships Kaede with herself.
              “I love me an ambitious, dream-driven man.”
              “You’re the one who’s getting too ambitious, missy.”
                Sometimes, inquiries of “You wanna pause and rant about Kaede?” or “What are you eating?” come across. But most of the time, what transpires in between are laughs, expressions like “that’s so cool,” and “whoa, I didn’t expect that,” and promises to keep watching together whenever they’re free. Y/N never knew watching a show could be this fun. Of course, it’s already fun watching an amazing show with great characters and conflicts. But watching together with another person, even if they’re not necessarily the same show, definitely amps up the experience.  Y/N doesn’t want to admit it but Yoongi’s right. Having someone by your side, even virtually, to gush or lash out with on something definitely feels good.
              Everything just felt so right and enjoyable that Y/N didn’t even notice the whole day passed with just her and Yoongi accompanying each other watching shows. Time has passed too quickly and now it’s five forty-five. Mina has already come home and she definitely sends Y/N a questioning look when she sees her chuckling on her phone. Y/N only flashes her a grin and mouths ‘just a bit more.’ Meanwhile, Yoongi has yet again started his “just five more minutes” hoax. Though that unexpectedly gets ended soon when Y/N hears Jeongguk’s voice pops up and asks Yoongi to come out and start preparing dinner. But just before Y/N could say goodbye and tell him one last time to “go hurry up and cook,” Yoongi interrupts her.
              “You know, this is my kinda type of a date.”
              “Thi-this is a date?”
              “Yeah. You’re spending time with me. I’m spending time with you. And we’re having a good time. So yeah, this is a date.”
              Y/N tries not to focus too much on what he said. “But how is this your type of a date? I thought you like bar dates?”
              Yoongi guffaws. “Where the hell did you get that?”  
              “Jeff. He said you’re a bar-type guy.”
              “Oooohhhh. So that’s why you suddenly wanted to have a date at Neo-Cloud 9 that day.”
              Y/N shyly looks down at her hands.
              “As much as I love alcohol, I don’t actually prefer drinking them in bars. They’re too noisy. Messy. And there’s a lot of people bumping into you.”
              “Then why did you agree to go to Neo-Cloud 9 when you also don’t like bars?”
              “Because you’re with me. You said it was your first time going in one, too, and I figured why not help you enjoy the experience.” Yoongi chuckles, “It’s not like I didn’t have fun with you anyway. In fact, I had so much fun. Especially at the part where you said you wanted to kiss me.”
              “Oh my god, Min.”
              “Don’t deny it anymore, sweetheart, I’ll—”
              Y/N ends the call though. But that seems pointless when her chat pops up with another message from the man.
              Min Yoongi  >;) (5:50 P.M.)
              “—make sure you’d remember it ‘til the die you die. I’ll live for as long as I can just to remind you of that.”
              Y/N (5:51 P.M.)
              “Sure. Whatever, Min.”
              Y/N closes her phone with a chuckle. When she turns around to finally gather her used utensils, she’s greeted by Mina’s curious stare.
              “You seem to be having fun with Yoongi these days.”
              Y/N opens her mouth but Mina immediately interrupts her, “Oh don’t you deny it. I’ve seen you smiling a lot these days. Even when you still rant about him, I could see you’re actually having fun.” 
              Y/N raises her hands, “Okay, I admit, I’m actually having fun. But I think it has to do with us agreeing to compromise for this 14-day deal. Not because of…him.”
              “But isn’t that good, though?” Mina asks, “This deal didn’t turn out as disastrous as I expected it to be. At least you’re trying to make the best out of it instead of busting each other’s heads off. Plus, a week has already passed. You only have seven days more. Everything will soon go back to normal.” Mina smiles, “Just a little more and you’ll soon get that benefit, Y/N.”
              Mina excuses herself and heads to the kitchen to start dinner. As Y/N plops back down on the sofa, she realizes she’s got her answer. It’s just seven more days. Just seven more days to fully enjoy this deal. After that, it will all go back to the way it used to and she’ll have her work all to herself again.  It wouldn’t hurt much if she chooses to turn down work for the first time and indulge in the last days of this ruse, right? The deal is bound to end soon anyway. It’s useless backing out now. She just has to make the best out of it.
              But why can’t Y/N find it in herself to be fully happy about this? 
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A/N| Hi hons! First of all, happy birthday to @wii-wii! I hope this post is not too late. I hope you had a wonderful day/night and may you always stay well and safe 💕
Thank you, hons, for waiting for the 2nd part of Act 2! Unfortunately, I don’t know when I’ll upload Act 3 as I’ll be prioritizing my fic first for @btswritingcafe​’s Map of The Soul Workshop. And after that, I’m going to write a short story I’ll have to submit for my university’s journal. After then will I be able to go back to my schedule for THH. Don’t worry though, I already prepared a detailed outline for the rest of the Acts of THH so I think I wouldn’t take too long fumbling what scenes to write. Anyway, if you wish to get updated when Act 3 finally drops, just PM me or send me an ask and I’ll add you to the taglist!
Update: Comment down below instead if you want to get added to the taglist! I think it will help me to track all of you hons once I post the update!
All Rights Reserved 2020 © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed.
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A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2019 - June 13, 2020
I wanted to do this for the blog's first anniversary but then completely forgot about it lol.
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: Don and Gilda - Chapter 138: Demon serch (1)
Date: Jun 14th, 2019
Time: ~ 1:30 h
My very first redraw from my very first edit posted here, so it deserves an honorable mention. Back then I was young and inexperienced, I didn't even apply a gray filter (lmao I was so unskilled I even unintentionally scratched the picture, I hadn't realized until today). I'm actually very happy my first redraw was of Don, boy deserves all the love.
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#2: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 28th, 2019
Time: ~ 1 h
Back then this looked like so much work to me!!! And to this day, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm particularly proud of how the bow turned out. This is one I was really proud of right after having finished it; it gave me the confidence to try redrawing bigger areas. Also, the edit were I first applied the opacity of layer / opacity of brush for the gray filter that would have stuck with me.
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#3: Krone's birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th, 2019
Time: 15 mins
I don't know I just really like how Krone's hair vanish to a more sketch-like style here– and consequently, how I managed to replicate such effect. I think Krone's beautiful.
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#4: Emma, Norman and Ray - Chapter 153: Coward
Date: Oct 4th, 2019
Time: 4:07 h (and 67 layers lmao)
Probably the single panel redraw I'm the most proud of. That Norman panel was beautiful and very poignant at the end of a chapter I adored, so I believe it deserved all the time I've spent working on it. It's far from being perfect - the back of his head is too plain, and the difference between my brushes and the original brushes is pretty visible - but I still like it very much and am extremely attached to it. The horn looks kinda big but I honestly believe it to be more of an issue with the original than with what I had redrawn lol. Funny enough, the whole picture didn't make it to the final edit and had to be trimmed.
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#5: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 11th, 2019
Time: 29 mins
I don't have a particular reason for this I just think Emma's hair turned out amazing. It took just half an hour and I didn't even use references like. Wow. @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back
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#6: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 17th, 2019
Time: 2:09 h
Sis I love this so freaking much. The shift from redrawing almost exclusively people and clothes to redrawing this mess was so fun and refreshing. Even though it's a mess I think it turned out very clean and overall it looks beautiful? I remember after finishing this I felt so powerful, like now that I had redrawn this thing I would have been able to redraw anything I set my mind on lol.
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#7: Emma - Chapter 161: Never Be Alone
Date: Dec 13th, 2019
Time: 57 mins
Again no particular reason except this is a very cute Emma and I think the redraw turned out pretty well. There's this big lock on the left that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I really like it. Cute Emma is cute, and I love her determination.
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#8: Emma - Chapter 166: Going Back Home
Date: Mar 9th, 2020
Time: 3:45 h
I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF THAT RIFFLE I have not the slightlest idea why this took so damn long BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT
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#9: Norman's birthday edit
Date: Mar 21st, 2020
Time: 1:04 h
This is cool! I didn't know I could manage to draw this, but I did it! The feathers were particularly hard to clean but I think they turned out fine.
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#10: Full Score Trio - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 6th, 2020
Time: 2:11 h
I just think they're very pretty? I can't understand if I like Ray's face a lot, or not at all, but I think overall there was a lot to redraw and it turned out pretty cute! Sorry Gillian.
(Also insert pretty much every panel from the chapter 177 Isabella edit– I've spent so many hours on basically every panel there's no way I could choose only one).
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 29th, 2019
Complessive time: 2:57+ h
The very first edit I'm actually proud of; I'm really attached to it. It's the first edit I had put all of my effort into, and I remember feeling anxious people would have left it without notes. It kinda feels weird to think about it now, because I really don't care about notes anymore; yet, it somehow makes me happy to think that past-me wasn't let down. Thank you @neverlandstrio for your support, you may not remember but it really meant a lot to me back then! And it still makes me smile. You're the best!!!!!!
#2: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 20th, 2019
Complessive time: 7:12+ hours
This whole edit was an hella wild ride. It's midnight before a school day, when I think: "Mh, it's been a while since I last made an edit, why not make one about Musica and the queen from the last chapter?" And seven hours after this was born. I'm particularly proud of the queen's redraws on the 3rd, 7th and 9th picture (ofc), the areas which have been redrawn are pretty huge yet I think the difference with the original is almost impossible to notice?? @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back (part 2)
#3: Emma - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 12th, 2020
Complessive time: 6:53+ h
I think the panels that were selected work very well together, especially considering the close-up / full body alternation. I love Emma, and I've always been kinda sad noticing that edits that focus one her take the less notes... She deserves all the love. Also, fun fact: for the last but one panel, I had redrawn Emma's whole left ear before remembering she doesn't have one, so I had to redraw the panel from the start. Besides from the error with the ear, the reason why this (and all the others after) took so long is because official panel take way longer to clean.
#4: Isabella and her children - Chapter 177: Mother
Date: May 22nd, 2020
Complessive time: 13:41+ h (ahah.)
Lmao tbh I can't understand how this has so few notes it's like. Technically speaking, probably the best edit I've ever done. I don't even like Isabella that much, I haven't got the slightlest idea why I decided to spend so many hours on this. Anyway, I find the composition (full body on the left / headshots on the right) really good looking in this as well! And I think the redraws turned out fine, especially Isabella's.
#5: The Promised Neverland manga ending countdown→ 1/7 chapters: chapter 1 - Grace Field House
Date: Jun 9th, 2020
Complessive time: 1:59+ h
I don't know how I came up with that idea for the composition but I find it really beautiful??? I think it does a pretty good job conveying the sudden, terrific shift of atmosphere from the first chapter, and I think that sharp bridge is very nice. I'm very, very proud of this.
Honorable mention #1: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 13th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:44+ h (+ 1:13 h of working on a panel that ultimately didn't make it to the final edit)
A very good chapter, and the edit turned out surprisingly amazing??? All the redraws look great and make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the original; honestly I feel like I'll never be able to redraw so neatly again lol.
Honorable mention #2: Don and Gilda (+ Norman) - Chapter 160: Shackles
Date: Dec 11th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:14+ h
That one is really one of my favorite scenes; I'm telling you peoples, Gilda and Don are a blessing to the earth. I think I've never mentioned it, but Gilda's hair is a nightmare to redraw??? More specifically, it takes me h o u r s to fill the texture without making it look too weird, it's the worst.
Honorable mention #3: Norman and Ray - Chapter 179: Compensation
Date: Jun 6th, 2020
Complessive time: 4:16+ h
I was so glad to finally be able to make a Norman / Ray edit, and it turned out it was just in time before the series' finale. I like how it turned out and I'm pretty satisfied with the redraws (even though my sister helped me with the lineart of some panels - it was exams time and I really couldn't afford to spend more time on it), too bad we didn't have more chapters that focused on the boys. Ray sweetie one day I'll fix your ear it's just today's not that day.
Btw, I justed realized I have never done an Emma / Norman centered edit? I'll have to make one eventually. I remember considering focusing on them alone for the chapter 154 one, but then I thought "even if the manga is gonna ignore Ray, I will chose to do not" lol.
Top 5 long posts:
#1: Reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms
Date: Aug 28th, 2019
I just had really a lot of fun doing it. I love putting all the little things to their own place, it's so calming to do and that's why I love making this kind of things. Also, loved how @temporoom contributed to the post! It was so nice of them to add what they had noticed to come up with more exact conclusions, that's one of the things I love the most about the internet.
#2: A study of how many times the characters of The Promised Neverland call each other through the first season of the anime
Date: Sep 10th, 2019
I REALLY LOVE IT! I mean it *was* kinda stressing to note everything, but it was very also very satisfying to see everything methodically divided and organized! And it's not just that– it's also the fact that it looks good. That's one post I have fun rereading because it's actually pretty! Also, even though it can be very stressing to learn to use new programs and sites, it's always very satisfying to look at the final result. Again, I really adore compiling these tiny little details! I would love to make more posts of that kind if i had the time.
#3: The Promised Neverland musicals headcanons
Date: Oct 27th, 2019
I mean it's literally. Putting my two favorite fandoms together how could I not love it. This is another one I really enjoy rereading, I find all the musical / character associations so fitting! I really want to make a second part, I hope to find some time to do it.
#4: Considerations on the reward / eventual series' finales (and Emma's sacrifice)
Date: May 7th, 2020
It's always nice to put down all your thoughts regarding a particular matter. It can take a lot of time (at least for me it does because... I need time to think about things), but it's so satisfying to see all of them there once you're done. Bonus points when, like in this case, it was something asked by someone else because “Wow! Somebody wants to hear my opinion on this subject! I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍)”
#5: Some other considerations on the series' finale and Emma sacrificing herself
Date: Jun 13th, 2020
Pretty much the same as above. It's like some kind of clarity when the post is done and signed. Another fun fact, I had to censore the post a lot; the first version was extremely sharp and harsh, but I believe it's right to express your opinions calmly and politely.
Bonus: A thread of what the tpn characters would wear at the Oscars
Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Imagining all the children in those pretty dresses makes me so incredibly happy (╥﹏╥) I go back to look at that post a lot. I really love red carpets, I love looking at pretty dresses!!!!!
Lmao it's so funny how the post of mine I like the most are also the ones with the less notes
Anyway this was just a personal report! You don't have to read it all (or any of it actually). But it was indeed fun making it! Here's to many more months in the fandom!!!
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bakuhoes-slut234 · 3 years
Aizawa x reader fluff - Birthday part 1
Aizawa's eyes fluttered open as the light leaked in through the blinds.
He looked around the room, feeling like he's forgetting something.
He looked to his side where Y/N was sleeping peacefully and smiled softly.
She looked so peaceful and relaxed. His heart swelled at the thought that she was his and his only.
His phone dinged, letting know that he has a notification.
He grumbled and unlocked his phone. A message popped up on his screen.
Private chat
Loud Mouth
Let's go out for drinks to celebrate if you and Y/N don't already have something planned.
Aizawa thought for a moment.
' does she have anything planned? ' he thought to himself before replying
She might have planned something. I don't know. We'll see.
I don't expect her to though.
He turned off his phone and got up.
When Mic reminded him that it was his birthday, he was kinda shocked to see Y/N still asleep.
Him and Y/N have been together for 4 years now and every year, on his birthday, he always woke up to breakfast in bed.
He would always say "you don't have to do this" even though it made him feel special that she would get up early just to make him breakfast.
But like any other day, he was the first one up. He hadn't heard an alarm either that would suggest that maybe she slept through the alarm.
' did she forget? ' he asked himself.
The thought made him a little upset but didn't dwell on it.
' maybe she's planning something later rather than this morning ' he thought.
Shota got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast.
He put on his apron and got out the bacon, eggs, and other things he wanted for breakfast.
About 10 minutes later, the soft sound of feets patting against the floor was heard.
Shota turned to see Y/N walking to the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket, smiling sleepily.
"Morning babe" she smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"Hey beautiful. Breakfast is ready" he said and placed two plates of food in the kitchen counter.
He had already cleaned up the mess he made so that he could eat breakfast without caring about dishes.
"Thanks Sho" she plopped the blanket onto the couch and then took a seat at the table.
They both ate in silence for a while, just like normal. Today though, the silence seemed to bother Aizawa.
"What are we doing today?" He asked, finally breaking the silence to find out if she planned anything.
"Could you run some errands for me today, I'm a little behind on work and need to catch up before the boss gives me another written warning?" She asked.
Shota froze for a moment.
' has she actually forgotten? '
While he didn't really mind if all they did was stay at home and watch movies, he at least expected her to say " happy birthday"
A frown settled on his face.
"Sure, what errands?" He grumbled.
Y/N noticed his suddenly sour mood but chose to ignore it.
"I just need you to buy groceries and deliver a few things. Would you be okay with that?" She asked and he nodded.
He finished his breakfast and put his plate in the dishwasher.
"I'm gonna get dressed" he mumbled and headed towards the bathroom.
Soon, Aizawa came back into the kitchen and saw Y/N had moved to sit on the couch, cuddled up in her blanket again.
He frowned. "See you later" he said
All he got in response was a wave, she didn't even turn face him.
Aizawa slammed the door as he left and his phone dinged.
Private chat
Kitty Kat
Here's the list of things I need you to do:
* Attachment sent *
His eyes widened when he saw how long the list was.
"Fuck sakes Y/N. That's a lot" he grumbled to himself.
As soon as Y/N clicked the send button, she jumped up from her spot on the couch and ran down the hall.
The list that she sent should keep him busy for a couple hours while she set up.
She picked up on the fact that he was upset this morning and felt bad that she had caused it.
She knew he didn't expect her to do much, he liked simple things. Like movies and juice pouches but she always tried to make his birthday special.
Everything was going according to plan.
Wake up late. Check.
Don't mention his birthday to him. Check.
Send him to do errands. Check.
' forget ' his birthday. Check
Feel guilty for not making breakfast. Check.
Now she needed to set up and get dressed.
She quickly pulled out a small, portable table that they used when they went camping that one time and put it into a large bag.
In the bag, she also put a black table cloth, red table runner ( those coloured, narrow cloths they put in the middle of a table that goes from one end to the other), two wine glasses and two plates wrapped in bubble wrap, two knifes, forks and spoons.
She packed a lot of candles and a lighter.
Once that was done, she put on her shoes and ran out the house.
She made a b-line for the gazebo at the beach. She had to bring her own table because the gazebo at the beach didn't have one. She had asked Hawks to make sure that no one takes it before she was able to set up and to watch it while she gets herself ready so no one steals her stuff.
Once she got to the gazebo, she set up the table and put on the table cloth and table runner, two plates, glasses and cutlery.
She then placed a few candles on the table and around the table. Once that was done, she made a pathway from the gazebo, leading about 10 metres away.
That all took about 2 hours to set up since she had to run and get more candles when she was only halfway done with the path. By now it was lunch time.
She found Hawks approaching her with a goofy smile.
"Hey baby birdie. How's it coming along?" He asked.
"It's going good. Shota seemed a little upset this morning but didn't say anything. " He huffed.
"Oh well, he's in for a treat tonight"
"Yeah. Can you hold onto the lighter? I'll text you when it's time to light the candles." She said and handed him the small object.
He nodded and watched as she ran off.
Y/N ran back the apartment and started cooking. She quickly cooked some Udon and put it in a special container that keeps the food hot.
By then, it was already 4pm.
"Shit. This is taking longer than expected." She grumbled.
Thankfully, Mic had said that he would distract Aizawa and to text him when he could finally let the poor man go home.
Y/N ran down to the beach and put the container of food down on the table.
"Hey chicken. Text me when you want me to set up the food, okay?" Hawks said as he approached her. She nodded and quickly ran to the flower shop near by and bought some roses.
She handed them to Hawks, knowing that he knew what to do with them when she gives him the ok.
She then ran home and got dressed into her usual every day clothes, just a little nicer.
She didn't want to dress up all fancy with the risk of him catching on that she was planning something.
She blushed at the thought of what she was really planning other than dinner.
She pulled out a beautiful black lacey bra with matching panties and put then on. Then she flipped on a pair of suspenders to hold up the long, black sleek socks that she out on.
She always wore black so none of this was too new.
The next part is what made her really blush.
She pulled out a small device from another bag.
I'm her hand was two things. One, being a small vibrator and the other being a remote.
She quickly but carefully slipped the small object into her, sucking in a deep breath as she did so.
She then put on a flowy lace dress that ended at her mid-thigh and stuffed the remote into her handbag.
As she was walking out the door, she slipped on her shoes and left.
Her phone dinged on her bedside table.
Private chat
Radio Rebel
Listen, I can't hold Aizawa for much longer. He's getting grumpy and wants to go home. He looks really mad.
Ok, just stall him for five more minutes please
You got it
Y/N turned off her phone and ran out the door she needed just one more thing.
She ran to the nearest costume shop and bought a pair of black, fluffy cat ears and then ran home.
As she was about to put the key in the hole, she noticed the door was unlocked.
' dammit ' she thought.
She slowly opened the door to see Aizawa standing in the kitchen, leaning against the table with his arms crossed.
"H-hey babe" she smiled nervously.
He just grunted in response.
"Thank you for running errands for me"
"Where were you? I thought you had work to do." He narrowed his eyes.
"I did. I just needed to run to the store and get tampons real quick. I forgot to put it on the list and didn't know when you would be back." She lied easily.
"Whatever. Here's your crap you wanted me to get" he said and motioned to the packets in the table behind him
Y/N smiled and then ducking into their room to place the day ears in her draw.
She walked back to the kitchen and saw a still grumpy Aizawa.
"What's wrong with you today?" She asked.
Aizawa's attention snapped to her, looking at her with wide eyes.
"Why's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you?" He yelled. "I've been running around all day doing errands for you can cooked you breakfast, none of which I mind doing on any given day except for today! It's my birthday for fucks sakes and you didn't even say ' happy birthday'. I don't expect much except just a simple ' happy birthday' " he huffed, clearly pissed the hell off.
"Aizawa, I swear, I didn't forget" Y/N mumbled.
He just clicked his tongue.
"Get dressed into something comfy. We're going somewhere" she said, seeing as it was now dark out.
"Don't say that just because you feel bad" he grumbled
"I'm not. Just shut up, and get dressed. I have a surprise for you. Fucking dumbass" she said, mumbling the last part soft enough that he didn't hear her.
As he grumbled his way into their bedroom, Y/N pulled out her phone.
Private chat
Set up now. Aizawa is grumpy and ready to kill me. We'll be there in about 20 mins
Yes, chicken nugget, ma'am
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH16
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2, 928
- Author Note:Late update again hmm i was a little busy these days with work ;(  i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 16                                                                              
It was a cold December night. Unbeatable coldness outside making everyone decided to stay at home doing nothing and for once they had a genuine free time required no energy. A workaholic Min PD and Namjoon presence there proved it was indeed a day to laze around. Today, they were supposed to film their Spring Day music video however due to the extremely cold weather they postponed the filming to another day.
Sitting on the couple couch was Taehyung and Jimin, with Namjoon’s head on Taehyung’s lap, those three were engrossed in their game. A fight that unnecessary at first yet they turned it into a real competition, who lose must pay for the takeout that they ordered earlier. Meanwhile, on the floor Jin’s legs were tucked neatly as he chuckled away watching Odeng and Eomuk fooling around with the new toy that he got the siblings.
Hoseok came unannounced with a bowl of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate topping, “Who wants ice-cream” said Hoseok while grinning from ear to ear. To his distaste, none from the trios showed any response making Hoseok pouted. Sulkily, he threw his body on the couch closed to where Jin sat with hope the older guy would spare him an attention that he needed.
“Who eats ice cream at this time. It is freezing outside” Jin snorted.
“I am craving for one, it is a good day to relax” Hoseok argued.
Jin gave him a soft nod “Are you going to finish that by yourself?” his brows twitched in confusion.
“Yes, got problem?” with one large scoop, Hoseok shoved the remaining ice cream inside his mouth allowing it to melt and practically brain freeze him. What a bummer. Hoseok spent his time watching Jin childishly encouraging Odeng and Eomuk sparring against each other until a familiar figure in black trench coat swoosh passed him. It caught his attention instantly.
“Gguk where are you going?” Hoseok’s questioned garnered the attention from the trios whom first showed no signal of they actually existed in this house. Jimin ears perked up showing interest as soon as he heard Hoseok’s voice breaking the eerie silence in the room “Where are you going? It is 9 and cold” his voice was stern as if like a warning.
Jungkook bit his lower lips, running his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it with a sheepish smile “I want to get a drink from my favourite café” he justified.
“I can make one for you” Jimin insisted. He did not want him to go out at this time since it was barely 10 Celsius outsides, and anyone could catch a cold. The younger boy blinked his eyes and immediately shook his head “No way. The last time you made me one, it tasted nothing like the one I got from the shop. I will be back quickly, don’t worry” his cheeks were pulled upwards to form his signature bunny smile.
This time Taehyung sent Jungkook a concern looks “Are they doing any delivery services? We can order for everyone instead of going out just to get those drinks?” he suggested.
“Urm..I don’t think they have one, I just want to clear my mind and only that place can help me with that” Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a weird look as if Jungkook had said the oddest thing they ever heard from the maknae.
Mister smartie-pant Kim Namjoon sat up with a judgemental look “Why does that shop appear so special to you?” he inquired. Jungkook flustered at this sudden attack, why on earth he got attacked just to get a mere drink. Unbelievable.
Namjoon jumped in before Jungkook get to his point “Are you crushing on someone?” he reasoned. Five pair of eyes were now directed towards him, Jungkook found himself trapped in between and it was suffocating to even breathe. This brought him to nowhere.
“What…are you talking about?” he chuckled nervously, rubbing his sweaty palm together.
Jin mumbled with a playful smug “Someone from the shop that you occasionally visited. And where exactly is that place? Any ideas anyone?” he glanced at others with a bright smile.
Scratching his head, Jimin scrunched his nose to gather back the fade memory about Jungkook’s favourite place. When Jungkook thought Jimin would totally forget the thing so he could get his drink at ease, the small guy snapped his fingers with a soft humph.
“I remember this one place, it is called ‘Tea by Jesse’. I went there with him one time, but for an odd reason Jeon has been obsessing over that place and their tea since then” Jungkook grinded his teeth together not liking how Jimin put the words together.
“He is not even a big fan of tea” Jimin continued.
“Tea by Jesse.Sounds familiar” Taehyung hummed, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Hoseok put his empty bowl aside, “You like someone from that Tea by Jesse shop?” he wiggled his eyebrows teasing the younger guy whom already turned into ripe tomato.
“Wow, our maknae is growing up so well”
“He is even crushing on someone”
“Leave him alone. Let that man mend his own feelings” Yoongi said groggily. He was awoken from the noise. His supposed to peace and calm slumber, but the commotions coming from these guys were starting to get on his nerve.
“NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. I AM LEAVING” slipped his shoes hurriedly exiting the place with a heavy breathing. Neither he denied the teasing from his hyung nor he admitted developing a crush on someone working there. It was supposed to be a mere admiration, yet it turned out to be something more than that, Jungkook couldn’t run away from the reality.
Clutching onto his sketchbook, he was determined to give the drawings to the girl that became his muse these past few months.
‘I hope she is working today’ he bit down his tongue not to let any his girly squeal coming out from him.
“Are you leaving already?” Wongeun turned around to face the short girl in front of him. The corner of his lips was tugged into his signature handsome smile “Yes, are you missing me already?” he teased.
Seul rolled her eyes giving him a nasty glare “You wish. I just want to make sure the moment you take a step outside, you won’t be freezing to death Mr Manager” Wongeun caught the scarf thrown by Seul to his direction swiftly.
“You could put it on me instead of throwing it in such a rude manner” he scoffed.
“Why should i? Your hands are there so do it by yourself, alright” Wongeun chuckled away at Seul’s silliness and wrapped the black plaid scarf around his neck with a satisfied smile.
Wongeun continued “Close early today, you look like you could use a good rest. I don’t think people go out at this time, so get ready to head back Seul”
Seul nodded “Alright. Have fun on your date today!” she whistled with a teasing smile. Shy Wongeun ruffled her hair just to annoy Seul “Shut up, do your job. See you tomorrow” he winked and exited the shop with a wide smile.
Her silly smile faded as her eyes caught a man stood at the entrance in his usual outfit that he used during his visit except this time he wore a warm trench coat instead of the usual black hoodie. Not to mention he changed the bucket hat into a normal black snap, making him looked so presentable and mysterious.
Seul bowed politely greeting the guest “Welcome to Tea by Jesse, the usual?” she said cheerfully. Since he’s a regular customer, Hwasa and Seul remembered how he would always order bubble milk tea with additional coconut jelly in it. Sometimes, they wondered why he never buy something warm for himself.
The man nodded keeping his gaze at Seul’s face, even though with his signature black mask, Seul could tell he’s smiling from the way his eyes twitched. Now, that she was alone at the place with no Hwasa or Wongeun, she noticed this man in front of her had a good physique. Something about him was so alluring.
“Oh…can I have two cup of hot lemon tea?” Seul got a goose bump solely from that voice of his. His voice was so beautiful. Masculine yet there was a hint of sweetness in it. This was her first time listening to his voice, since Hwasa took his order most of the time.  
Seul smiled “Alright, you can have your usual seat” she said quickly and left the guy speechless. Little did he know, the girl that he admired noticed his presence there. It never occurred to him that Seul would actually know him. Hugging his precious sketchbook closed to his chest, a foolish smile plastered across his face as he made his way to his seat at the corner where he could have a good view of Seul working.
Flipping through his drawing, he traced his work in amusement. Firstly, it was the drawing of Seul and secondly, he was so in love with his work. It took him forever to master this skill, yet within few months he was able to finish few sketches of Seul. Love does wonder sometimes. Instead of driving one mad, it helped the person to succeed in whatever they did.
He wanted to fill the empty pages with one more drawing of Seul, so his fingers started to do wonder while waiting for his orders. Tilting his head, he watched Seul’s movement diligently, admiring everything about her from the way her brow creased into a frown and when she hummed to something while keeping her hand busy preparing the orders.
Engrossed in his work, he did not even notice Seul’s presence in front of him. The aroma from the tea awoken his sense “Your drink” her sweet voice sounded melodious in his ears. “And this is on the house” placing two brownies on the table, she smiled genuinely.
“Freshly baked brownies for you. Enjoy and call me if you need anything” amused, his eyelashes batted beautifully gazing into Seul’s eyes. She never failed to render him breathless.
After so much hesitation, he reached out holding onto Seul’s wrist firmly making the girl jolted at the sudden contact. She gave him a concern look “Do you need anything?” his warm hand sending a rush of excitement in her.
“Can..you…urm..is it okay if you give me a company? I..ordered extra drinks. I don’t think I can finish it all” he tore his gaze from her shyly. Seul reluctantly took a seat across him, as he let go her wrist with a soft cough.
Seul had no idea what to say, yet she was unsure whether it was a good thing to sit with a total stranger even though he’s a regular customer there. This guy was still mysterious to begin with. Today, was her first time to hear his voice.
“I..am sorry, I don’t want to sound like a creep but..I have something for you” he mustered his courage and handed the sketchbook to Seul.
“What is this?” blinking confusedly, Seul took it with both of her hands scanning the cover of the sketchbook. “GC by JK?...” she traced the initial which she assumed refers the guy in front of her. His fingers fiddled with the hem of his white shirt underneath as he scrutinized Seul’s expression.
Her expression was unreadable, sometimes he would catch her dazzling smile at the corner of his eyes. Nothing coming from Seul for few minutes, until she reached the last page of the drawing. With the rush of sensation, her cheeks turned pink “All this while…you are drawing me?” her voice broke into a shy mutter in the end.
“Yes, I am sorry if this out of line but I just find you are interesting. I couldn’t stop myself from..drawing you” he just feel slightly out of sorts, a little giddy at time and got the occasionally pounding sensation in his chest.
Seul’s mouth formed into a cute small ‘o’ as Jungkook continued “You are my muse” he professed. Upon hearing that honest confession came from him, her mind went black for a second.
“I don’t know what to say. Wow, thank you. I mean your drawing is beautiful and I appreciated it. The details in the drawing rendered my breath away, it is beautiful. I mean, I am sorry I am no good in arts but I have a good eyes on one when I see it ” this was her second time receiving such an odd drawing from a stranger. Her first time with the Vante guy, the drawing was not as good as him, but Vante has his own style. What did she do in her previous life to receive such a weird encounter like this.
“I am glad you like it. I was worried that you might hate it. Urm.. may I know? I mean..” his eyes glanced at her nametags plastered on her uniform “Seul? Your name is Seul?” he flinched.
Why does it sound like our caretaker name? It can’t be her right, it must be a coincidence. He squeezed his small brain to process the impossibility.
“Ah yes, Seul.. Can I know yours then?”
“Jung-JK.. You can call me JK” Jungkook exhaled a soft sigh. He couldn’t be revealing his identity to anyone so easily. No matter how much he admired Seul, he must be conscious always. To avoid any hanky panky.
Seul giggled, “Do people who does art always have this weird name, or is it just me?” chewing his lower lips, Jungkook chuckled softly. He liked this light and warm conversation that expected to be a real doomed at first. It went smoothly otherwise.
“That is my nickname. I will tell you my real name when I am ready” he blurted out.
Seul arched her brows in amusement “Which means you will continue visiting me and draw me again?” her tease got Jungkook flustered in his seat. How easy was it to make the Jeon Jungkook flustered again?
“And what about your face, when will I be able to see the talented JK who drew me so well” she said chirpily.
Jungkook murmured timidly “Soon. I will tell you my name and reveal myself soon”
“Alright then, that works for me Mr JK” she handed back the sketchbook to Jungkook which confused him. “I know what you want to say, I like your drawing but since you promised to reveal yourself when you are ready, I would like you to fill the empty pages with your drawing” Jungkook eyes widened in sheer surprised.
“You have talent Mr JK. If this sketchbook like you said help you to sharpen your skills by having me as your muse, I think you need to fill every single page with your drawing before giving it to me. At least you have reason to visit me, don’t you think?” she chortled.
His eyes glimmered in happiness “I know I picked the best muse, you never fail to amaze me even up until now. I expected a slap from you at least, since I am basically creeping on you” Seul only chuckled while shaking her head.
“Yes, you are at first, but your drawings changed my mind. I can feel the sincerity in it, then I realize it is your passion. Who am I to judge you? This is free country, you can do whatever you want. Unless you have another nasty intention then only I can lodge a report”
“OH MY GOD NO. OF COURSE NO! I…am not that kind of person. Thank you for your kind words, from a beautiful woman like you, it really makes me feel special” Seul blushed madly upon hearing the compliment from Jungkook. Not that she agreed with the ideas of her being beautiful but for some reason his voice shook her heart.
Just like the that the two individuals whom at first start with an awkward glance and simple hi, watched things start to fall into its place. Who knows a blooming relationship tonight embark something new in them. Something that you would never expect to happen.
“What is with that smile” Jimin watched the younger guy entered the house with a box of brownies and his sketchbook. Strutting inside with a small bounce, Jungkook hummed some happy songs triggered Jimin’s curiosity “I did it!” he heaved a soft sigh.
“You did what?” Jimin squeaked.
“I DID IT! OH GOD I DID IT!” Jungkook pumped his fist in the air. His voice boomed making sleepy Hoseok to snap his eyes open “What is w-rong with both of you” he grunted in annoyance. Throwing his body on Jimin’s bed, he threw himself at Jimin without hesitation causing the small guy to scowl in his embrace.
Refused to let Jimin go, he peeked at the older guy with a sheepish grin “I did it, so I did it” Jimin wriggled away from him and sat up, fixing his pyjamas.
“Where did you go?”
“To get my drinks?”
“And what happen after that?”
“Are you planning to tell me by anytime soon”
Jungkook cracked a mischievous grin leaving dumbfounded Jimin alone as he dashed out to his room.
“YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!” he huffed.
Hoseok growled “Jimin tone down will ya..  I am trying to get some sleep here” he threw a pillow at Jimin’s direction before continued to sleep.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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so my valentines was spent...
at work in 4°F with basically a blizzard running out orders or handing them out of the window and constantly cleaning up slush bc the dumbasses who not only came to get some ~chicky strips and borgers~ in a blizzard BUT DECIDED TO SKIP THE QUICK DRIVE THRU AND WALK INSIDE TO GET FOOD AND HAVE TO CAREFULLY WALK BACK. and they couldnt even be bothered to TRY to stomp their shoes off on the welcome mat thing??? lmfao
but there really wasnt many customers which was especially weird for a sunday (yeah there was a blizzard but the people of my town are utter morons) so there was a lot of down time
that sounds nice but i then spent the rest of the time anxious af about not knowing what to do with all that down time bc ik the managers would start getting upset if things werent getting done like they do normally but like??? you can only clean so much and restock so much??? what do i do then??? fake clean or fake check stock????
anyways that lead up to me during my last hour suddenly realizing my anxiety at work is directly influenced by how my f*ther will get annoyed and snippy if he thinks everyone is sitting around or not doing the task HE thinks needs to be done (even if im working on homework he still acts annoyed that im not doing his thing) and is constantly wanting to know what we are doing/where we are going which leads to me constantly telling my managers “im getting the mop” so they know my whereabouts bc im just so used to being monitored ig
and also on days my moms at work i have to act as her stand in and constantly be at his side asking what he needs me to do to avoid getting passive aggressive remarks or his chihuahua growl or whatever (high pitched but still low and dangerous sounding) for not being his mom or whatever the fuck you wanna call the horrible relationship between him and my mother
and this is an old realization but the reason why im so good with customers is bc living w my f*ther for 23 years has made me exceptionally good at pampering and bending to every whim to pacify customers. im so used to hearing him pretend like hes the only one thats right and as soon as someone else has A Point he makes A Point of shutting us down and saying that hes right--end of story. or not reading the signs and acting like its our fault they (he) didnt understand
oh and he drove me to work today too so i had to spend an awkward 10 minutes w him and he was already in a foul mood bc he took my mom to work and ig when he got back he needed to let addie out to pee so she didnt make a mess of the garage floor and accidentally set off the alarm and was cussing at me to just close the door bc the dog was nosing her way there (never answering my question of whether he thought the roads were safe or not for him to take me) and then we kept having this back and forth argument on the way there (basically he wanted me to keep my phone on me at all times in case the weather got bad so he could call me lmao as if i could answer at work LMAO but i kept trying to explain my pockets were too small for my new phone and somehow he thought NOTHING fit in my pockets and THEREFORE i needed to give him everything except my license and credit card until i finally repeated it enough times ig he finally figured out my WALLET AND KEYS can fit in my pocket but my PHONE cannot but i can safely store it away in the break room.) that was making me nervous bc i could tell he was ready to snap and i was just trying my best to remain calm and explain. 
and i had my near-breakdown or panic/anxiety attack (whichever one involves shortness of breath/squeezing chest/feeling of dread/shaking) at the end of my shift and got scared shitless when i noticed his car in the parking lot about 15 min before i was scheduled to go and so i snuck back to the back to check my messages and make sure he wasnt needing me there asap so i didnt hafta hear him bitch about waiting on me. he said to take my time and “whenever” which is always a precarious place like “whenever you can” or “whenever so long as its like right now” and so once i left i was trying hard not to shake and keep anxiously dumping my day to him so there was no room for him to talk 
also the anxiety killed my stomach and so did the fact they put me on break early so only breakfast foods and the combo of early morning + eating = nausea and gagging through my food and then dinner was ribs which my f*ther took to DROWNING in bbq sauce for his own needs and the fact that those ribs make me sick bc of one time where i had a HORRIBLE headache and ate one bite before getting sick so now my brain associates the taste/smell w getting sick so theres that. oh and sauce in general makes me sick and like i said this shit was DROWNING in bbq sauce. oh and he made egg salad (which i dont eat) and when my mom got back from work he asked her if it tasted right and she said “more mayo and sugar” and he did and the mayo was SO DISGUSTINGLY STRONG SMELLING it nearly tipped my stomach over the edge.
 so all of that combined means i feel sick af...mentally AND physically...
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krreader · 5 years
like a butterfly | final chapter.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; single dad!yoongi ; language genre: fluff ; angst ; smut previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15 ; 16
summary: you never planned on becoming the babysitter of min yoongi’s daughter, one of the richest and most famous producers of south korea. you also didn’t plan on becoming so attached to the little girl, as well as her father. (Or: hot, successful and single dad hires broke babysitter.)
a/n: and that’s it. I can’t believe it’s over, like holy fucking shit. this was the first original story I ever posted and you guys were so freaking supportive, it makes me so fucking happy. I honestly doubt that I’d be writing so much today if it weren’t for this story. Thank you for following and liking this story, thank you for all your wonderful messages and thank you for sticking with me till the end, I genuinely hoped you are happy with the ending and that you know it was an absolute blast writing it. ♥ 
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If someone had told you two years ago that you'd end up here, you would have laughed.
You, a broke college student who was taking on horrible jobs to pay rent and college tuition, would end up right here.
No way.
“You look gorgeous,” Jimin said with a huge grin as he entered the room, Ciri and Taehyung grinning at him from the couch they were sitting on, “I can't believe this is finally happening. My silly best friend, finally all grown up.”
“You're an asshole,” you laughed.
But he was right.
You had grown up.
You weren't a college student anymore but had finally graduated with better grades than you ever would have expected.
Most of that was thanks to Yoongi and Mei who had helped you through this period. Who had always told you you could do it and who always had your back. They pushed you to study, but also told you to take breaks. They distracted you, made sure you were eating enough and at night, when you were feeling so frustrated with everything, they offered warm embraces and kind words..
In the end, you had been so confident that you had managed to graduate amazingly and find a job that you had always wanted ever since you started university.
And now you were.. successful.
And not because of Yoongi, he didn't have his hands in your success. You did this all by yourself. You achieved your goals all by yourself, all that he did was be by your side and give you moral support and that was all you could have ever wanted.
“Anyways, they're almost ready for you. There's just.. one more thing.”
“And what's that?”
You turned your head to look at the door, your smile growing when Mei ran into your arms in her beautiful flower girl dress that she had picked out all by herself. And god.. she looked like a little princess with this purple dress and her hair put up in a bun, flowers sticking out of it.
“You look beeeeeautiful,” she laughed happily.
“So do you, princess,” you kissed her cheek and looked at the envelope she was holding, “What's that?”
Yoongi leaned against the door frame with a small smile, his hands buried in the pockets of his pants.
“She couldn't wait anymore.”
It seemed as if everyone in the room knew what this was about except for you. They were all excited about this envelope, while you were just confused.
It was.. just an envelope..
You put the little girl down and she immediately reached for your hand and led you to an unoccupied couch, Yoongi sitting down next to her.
“Daddy, can you explain it?” she knew what it was, but she had troubles forming the words. Maybe that was because of how nervous she was, but Yoongi would gladly do it nevertheless.
“This wasn't my idea, Mei wanted this all by herself. And.. well.. I think it's an amazing idea.”
“Okay?” you laughed, then furrowed your eyebrows and looked around the room, “Mind filling me in on it, then, since everyone but me seems to know what this is about?”
Yoongi was about to start, but then Mei decided that she wanted to do it. She just couldn’t help her excitement.
Maybe the right words wouldn't matter.
Her father was right, this was her idea, so it should come from her.
“All my friends have families of a mommy and a daddy or some even have two daddies or two mommies, but I always only had a daddy. And.. I always wanted to have a mommy,” she nervously opened the envelope and handed you the piece of paper, “And then you came and I knew I wanted you to be my mommy. You’re making me happy again when I cry, you read me bedtime stories at night, you take me to the park when I’m bored, you make me food whenever I’m hungry.. you’re everything I ever wanted. I wanted you and daddy to be together and be my family. The family I always dreamed of.”
You were still confused, right up to the point where you finally read what was written on that paper.
And the second you placed your hand over your mouth not to choke on your tears, everyone else in the room became emotional.
Ciri was the first to cry, then it was Jimin.
“You already are my mommy, but.. I want you to really be my mommy.”
You stared at the paper for a very long time, re-reading it over and over again like you couldn’t believe what she had given you right there.
'Adoption Form'
They had already filled everything in. Mei’s name, Yoongi’s name, your name.. all the signatures were already on there except for yours.. yours was the only one that was missing..
“I love you so much,” you finally choked out and pulled her into your arms.
Your daughter.
“I love you too.. mommy.”
And then even Yoongi couldn't stop himself anymore.
He was the happiest man alive on this day and he was happily crying because of it.
“Alright, let them have a moment for themselves, you guys,” Taehyung quietly said as he was leading his wife and Jimin out of the room.
Yoongi was wrapping his arms around both of you in the meantime and kissed your forehead, smiling at you with tears in his eyes as you were still crying.
“We're a family!” Mei said with excitement, tilting her head back to look at the both of you, “We're finally a family! Forever!”
“Forever, baby girl,” Yoongi confirmed and kissed her head.
This beautiful girl in your arms that you had met at a bus stop, who had been so upset because she was so lonely, was looking back at you with pure happiness in her eyes, because she had finally found the family she had always wanted.
And you turned out to be the mother she always wished for.. 
“I'll tell all my friends about it!” she yelled happily and then sprinted out of the room without you even having signed anything yet.
But you would do that first thing after today.
“I asked her to wait till it's over, but you know how she is,” Yoongi laughed, wiping away your tears.
“I'm glad she asked now. It just makes this day more perfect,” you got up and walked back over to the mirror, trying to fix your make-up.
Thankfully your make-up artist for this day had predicted tears and there was no major damage done.
Yoongi slowly got up and followed you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and placing his hands on your belly.
“Maybe we should have told her about this as well..”
“Not sure if she can take so much excitement in one day,” you laughed and looked at him through the mirror, ���Remember when we surprised her with that Disneyland trip and she peed herself?”
“Yeah.. maybe you’re right. It’ll be hard to find another dress like hers in such a short amount of time,” Yoongi chuckled.
“Let’s just wait a few more days.. she’ll be as excited next week as she would be today if we told her now.”
“True. Especially when she finds out that it's actually going to be a baby brother that she so desperately wanted.”
You placed your hands over his and leaned back against his chest, “We'll tell her tomorrow.. or the day after. After I sign the documents..”
“Sounds good to me,” he kissed your cheek and then walked back over to the door, but when you wouldn't join him, he asked: “Are you coming? I think they’re all waiting on us now..”
“Give me a minute. I'll be right with you.”
Yoongi just nodded with a smile and closed the door behind him, leaving you and your thoughts alone.
Something that you’d probably need after all of this.
Your life had changed so drastically over the last two years..
..to think that this man who had left the room right now used to be someone you used to have screaming matches with. Someone that you once loathed..
It was almost unthinkable with the way you loved him now.
You placed your hands on your belly where his had lain only a moment ago and smiled happily.
“Your father and I can't wait to meet you.. and your sister.. god.. your sister will be over the moon to finally hold you. And trust me, Mei will be the best big sister you could ever want. She’ll make sure that you’re never lonely and she’ll always take care of you,” you bit your lower lip and took a good look at yourself, “I'm just so.. happy, you know? I can't wait to start this life I've never thought I'd have..”
You continued to talk to your unborn son for a bit longer, until there was another knock on your door and Jimin walked back inside.
“Ready to get married, princess?” he grinned happily, offering his arms to lead you down the aisle.
Everyone was waiting. 
Taehyung and his family, his wife, his two girls and their newest addition, girl number three.
Jeongguk, or as he was known for now, Jungkook, a young boy with dreams that Yoongi turned into a superstar.
Namjoon and his fiancé, believe it or not, Sarah, the one you used to hate so much, but now counted among your best friends.
Jin, the one who once wanted to ruin you, but ended up helping you more than you could thank him for, now a successful model thanks to your husband.
And then there was Hoseok, standing next to your husband because the two of them had developed such a strong friendship over the last year that he ended up being his best man.
You smiled at your best friend, then turned back around to look at the mirror one last time and nodded.
“I'm ready.”
It was insane how you had transformed in the last years.
Someone who had nothing and who felt nothing, to someone who had everything she ever wanted and felt pure happiness.
Your story was like..
..like a butterfly.
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Today I watched "Hobitit", the Finnish TV adaptation of the Lord of the Rings. 9 25-min episodes. It's nod bad (although not good, either). I have a lot of thoughts about this. I'm gonna break them up by episode (roughly).
Episode 1: Bilbo. This one is just old!Samwise talking to some Hobbit children about the War of the Ring and Bilbo's riddle game with Gollum. When a kid asks "What about Frodo?", he very dramatically says "His time will come soon..." and stalks outside.
Episode 2: The Road.
Hobbiton looks really dark & grim (and the model shot hass like 5 houses).
Bag End doesn't look fancy. It looks like the same 5 boxy houses as the rest.
Gandalf's moustache is glorious.
Samwise has a bad 80's mullet going on. I can't take him seriously.
Using the Ring makes the wearer disappear in a puff of smoke.
The Black Riders are really cool. They're rotoscoped, translucent, and animated at a lower frame-rate. They look really otherworldly.
Episode 3: The Old Forest.
I think this is the first adaptation that uses ol' Tom Bombadil?
Lots of green lighting in the forest. I'm 99% sure that they never actually put the actors in front of anything but a blue-screen when they're outside.
We get our first special effect. It's seriously worse than half of what I see on old Doctor Who...
They include the bit where a barrow-wight captures the Hobbits, but we don't see the wight, and barely see the barrow, so if you don't know the book this scene makes no sense.
There's a side bit where Gandalf gives his message to Butterbur, and then goes to see Saruman. There's someone else at Isengard, who I'd guess would be Wormtongue, but since we never see either of these again it doesn't matter.
Episode 4: The Prancing Pony.
They get a really cool background music for The Cat and the Fiddle song. I don't think it's Frodo's actor singing, though.
The Hobbits seem exactly the same height as everyone else.
Strider is good as a Ranger, but throughout I really don't buy him as a royal heir.
Episode 5: Strider
Weathertop is basically a small pile of stones.
There's a shot of the crebain with NO significance whatsoever.
The fight with the Black Riders is really vague. The Fellowship is crouching in the forest, waving torches. Frodo puts on the ring with like no prompting, and then there's splashing and he wakes up in a white room.
That white room (completely featureless) is Rivendell, apparently. They use his bed as the table.
For some reason, Boromir has a weird kind of punk-rock samurai vibe? He's got a rice farmer hat on his back.
Gimli has the shortest beard I've ever seen on a dwarf. Like, it's 3 months of growth, at most???
Ancient-looking Bilbo comes in, offering to take the Ring to Mordor. Everyone's like, "Now, now, Bilbo..."
Episode 6: Lorien
With a bit of narration, we skip through Hollin and right to the fight with the orcs in Moria.
We don't see the Balrog at all, just Gandalf swirling down a fiery-red drain hole???
Lorien has nothing but Galadriel in a lake, which is the Mirror.
This is the point I realised that Legolas hasnt' said a word the entire time. He doesn't.
They do the whole breaking of the Fellowship here too. The orcs' arrows are weirdly twiggy.
Boromir has a frikkin' KATANA! Like, what???
This is the last time we see Aragorn, Legolas & Gimli.
Episode 7: Mordor
Mount Doom is visible as a cinder-cone spouting flame like an oil refinery.
Sam & Frodo cross the Emyn Muil. There's a whole bit with the Elvish rope, which is weird because there was definitely no gift-giving scene in Lorien.
Gollum is very stutter-weepy.
Old!Sam covers the entirety of the Treebeard thing & the sack of Isengard in 2 minutes of narration. Rohan isn't mentioned at all.
The Eye of Sauron is literally an eye. A human eye. Blue-screened onto the sky. The iris is different colours sometimes.
Episode 8: Mount Doom
The Black Gate is really, really small.
The entrance to Shelob's Cave looks just like I expected the Sammath Naur to look, which was confusing.
We don't see Shelob at all. There's no build-up, no Gollum talking about "Her!". We just see Frodo falling as if stung, and Gollum yelling "The Shelob got him!" That's it. The orcs certainly talk about her as if she's there. I was hoping for at least a really bad model or overlay effect, but given the lack of a Balrog I shouldn't be surprised.
Episode 9: Liberation
The Ring literally weighs Sam down when he puts the chain on. Same when Frodo puts it back on.
When we see Mount Doom, it looks like a really-low shot of a steep columnar peak.
Next time we see it, Frodo is strangely half-way up.
Then we see Gollum & Frodo at the top, and it's just a really short, squat cinder cone.
When Gollum falls in, it looks exactly the same as Khazad-dûm, except that the Eye is there. And there's the same effect where Gollum looks like he's going down a plug-hole.
After Mount Doom explodes, Sam & Frodo wake up in the same featureless room of Rivendell. Apparently it's Minas Tirith. We never see another part of the city at all.
Surprisingly, we actually see the Scouring of the Shire. Or at least part of it. After Merry threatens his way into the guard house at the Brandywine Bridge, there's just Hobbits running around with farming tools.
I think we see Saruman coming out of Bag End? It's hard to tell, because he's only in shot for a few seconds, and also the same size as the Hobbits (just like everyone else is).
After old!Sam finishes his story, he walks in the same direction as Frodo left in. There's no harbour, but he walks dramatically along the Straight Road.
None of the actors can emote very well. This, along with the blue-screening of all outdoor shots, makes the whole thing feel very flat. It purports to just tell the bits of the story that the Hobbits see, but that seems to translate only to Sam. It's weird not seeing anything of Treebeard, or Rohan, or Minas Tirith.
That said, the writers know the lore of the world really well. Old!Samwise namedrops Gil-Galad, they use all the names of Rauros, that kind of thing. There's nicely poignant bits thrown in there. Boromir delivers his "give me the Ring, Frodo" speech as flat as anything, but when they close-up on his face, his eyes are swimming in tears.
Overall, I give it a solid 5/10.
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shytiff · 4 years
Small Dec Wins
i cant believe its December already tf?!?!?!
1 - poli KIA today. saw a mother who cant feel the movement of their baby. the senior midwife tried to find the baby’s heart beat but not finding it. she said she hopes she were wrong. fell asleep at 3pm-ish, woke up super hungry. ate. i swear i feel like my weight when i measured it this morning was ~52, but after eating its close to 54 lol. eating banana and chocolate nextar is yummm. dalbang today is hella funny as always and suuper endearing. fell asleep after dalbang, didnt study hufttt
2 - today im at igd but joined azkia at vk for a bit to see partus. its not that im scared (maybe not consciously) but when the mom was being stitched i felt lightheaded, nausea, cold extremities, and i even had to squat multiple times because i couldnt stand. But i felt better after the partus so maybe seeing it was the cause. I did not feel scared at all honestly ._. and i’ve seen multiple partus before. i dont know why. i can literally feel my symphatetic tone giving out lmaoo. tried matcha latte with Cy matcha powder. it tasted more milky and grassy. mom thought it tasted like nori. i prever cocodeli alll the way (although Cy is cheaper). i think it also has a bit of caffeine that made me feel awake like a normal person should be. 
3 - today is vk but there’s no patient so thank god i saw sumn yesterday. did some cicil ukmppd in the morning accompanied by matcha latte. tried to order dufan tickets and i couldnt find my damn ktp...... fell asleep after worrying about said ktp
4 - matcha latte in the car, swab at lmk, went to dufan by tj with willy, had quite some funn with atikah nila willy amel pupuy. first time trying kereta misteri, quite fun. it rained after ashar so we didnt ride anything after that. turns out my ktp was at barel’s fotocopy lmaoo thankyou ara for picking it. went to solaria ancol afterwards, picked up by mom. i didnt tell her in the morning that i was going to dufan lmao. plenary @ zoom 19 pm. rapat nemo. fell asleep.
5 - went to lmk by tj to surprise clara. went back home and fell asleep. didnt rly do anything afterwards because this ragged body gets tired easily and i dont eat much recently. i can feel the difference before and after eating and there’s actual energy after eating. its not that im hungry though, but i feel less energized. felt annoyed terrible and just wanna lay in bed (this is unrelated with the less food in my system). even though i met up with friends
6 - after LOTS of sleeping i feel somehow better but not to a ‘normal’ amount. watched kimbab family videos. did power vinyasa by doogether with fianti. took a shower and ate indomie and i felt quite normal, except i slept again wtf. i thought i would have the second half of the day but nah. did self tryouts with fianti, 150 FDI questions. I got 96/150 right. huft. such a great reality check
7 - poli lansia with dokter isip, matcha latte in the afternoon rly helps me not sleeping the day away, packed up for depok
8 - poli umum with dr gita (helped doing phys exam), packed the rest of my stuff, ate some risol and matcha lattteee in the car, took swab results, picked up hazmats etc, zoom discussion with FT PKM Kalideres (dr gita) on the way, and i finally arrived at tamel. dinner is granola with vsoy. Taste like a slightly wet granola bar, nutty fiber-y vibe
9 - walked in ui with ara, managed to jog from the trees near st ui until kuburan bikun wow. i reached that point where my leg and heart were going in a steady unburdened pace and my willpower to keep going on was tested. tried the signature steak in Double U Steak by Chef Widi, while ara tried ribeye. the ribeye was more tender than the signature. but the seasoning in the signature is quite delish, salty and oily without being too much (like futago ya). read poppyland fast pass from ara’s phone omg season 1 is finally complete! went to coftof (omgggg i miss this place), it looks different now. ordered matcha latte and it tasted weirdly like a soy milk although ara doesnt feel that way. the matcha tasted weird. wont repurchase. read chainsaw man, its so entertaining, funny and deep at the same time. denji mess around and be too naive sometimes but hes lowkey hot lmaooo. aki is lovvvvve.
10 - first day at rsud budhi asih. had moesli combined with granola + vsoy for brekkie. went back to tamel at 3 pm. it rained when i got back. bought warteg lugina worth 32k. walked to sbux for tumbler day its been a while since i had their matcha latte. it tasted quite good, but not as good as i remembered (?) maybe bcs i asked for non fat milk. sbux closes at 8 pm for now hikss
11 - left tamel at about 7:10 and arrived on budhi asih at 08:54 yalll the traffic. Icu. Bought eatlah double and ate the salted egg part. Nap. ICU discussion with dr Dedi @8pm. I presented from my phone to save data hehe,,
12 - woke up at 8, eatlah brown butter for brekkie, symcard, saladstop's caesar salad for lunch (quite 'eneg' because i didnt eat the cheese evenly so the chicken and cheese were eaten last after the vegs are out. The vegetable's not that variative, and the non vegs make the salad taste delicious (albeit maybe not THAT healthy). Evening jog @UI and i realized i can get wifi sitting near the lake n library. Stared at the night sky from my room, i swear the sky seems super clear. Saw tiny fireworks in the distance
13 - ate muesli and saladstop’s banana walnut cake, symcard, bought moon chicken and saladpoint. lunch was egg salad and the wings. the original tasted so good like??? maybe i havent had msg for a while. also tried big bang, not too spicy which is nice. cicil ukmppd. put my laundry at buih barel lmaoo. try out with fianti. got 70/100
14 - breakfast was salad and leftover chicken. today was bangsal with angga armand. the geriatric patient has a loud murmur yall (and scoliosis, so much that the heart looks distorted). went to margo city to see sales, but when i think about it id rather just thrift stuff lmao. bought lugina. slept through kuliah guru besar. writing this in yellow truck coffee, that had 2 customers on the 1st floor including me. tried banana milk. yall after trying to drink less sugar the beverage tasted super sweet. my headache just goes away. sugar is magic but unhealthy whyyyyy.
15 - igd siang with indah. This body sure is frail. Did cbd with dr afifah AND rescheduled pleno. Rip mobile data i have to use for hotspot.
16 - ok today. Inserted goedel and did bagging. I bagged the patient the wrong way at first (too much). Thankfully the nurses were kind and taught us a lot :) watched some bts content. I feel like after reading househusband my tiktok page is now immensely funnier. Dalbang is also hilarious as always. Put on ginseng sheet mask (smells quite strong)
17 - bangsal. snacked on fried chicken. matcha latte starbucks (turns out its quite full here) and liqo about keeping our tongues in check
18 - arrived at icu. And then opened line. Turns out hadin's swab is positive, so agung kak iman and me have to isolate and swab. So i went back. Ordered kanayam chicken and fish and tempe. Nasi liwet tasted goood damn. Sleptt in the afternoon. Pleno at 4 pm (entered the room 4:30). Had no motivation to do anything. Azkia is getting married! Spent 20 mins formulating words to congratulate her lmaoo
19 - osce simulation, kak nanu was so kind and encouraging. Did try out solid. Lunch is fish bite pasta with melted cheese (cause i had to reach the minimum amount for promo). It got cold so its not that good (pairing it with self made mentai sauce, mixing the mayo and chili, is way much better). Jogged in ui (and searched for wifi). Approached by someone selling haraus coffee (25k), saying that some earnings will be for charity. Its basically sweet. Can barely taste the coffee.
20 - had kanayam for lunch (brekkie is almost always muesli lately). The nasi liwet tasted much better the first time. Walked to yellow truck coffee in the pouring rain. Got banana milk. Saw webinar ksk (electrolyte correction and dr nadhira talkshow). What i got from it is that, dr nadhira is a different person from the first place. Shes visionary, knows what she want and not afraid to reach it. The mindset is different. Even if i try as hard as her, her propensity to growth is different. Cicil ukmppd. Try out with fianti (got 72/100). Talked for an hour about love and marriage and engagements (there are so much of it lately)
21 - leftover kanayam for brekkie, also ate roti salman in cikini st. swab today (met kris, nessa and others). muesli for lunch. i thought my body felt a bit warm, so i decided to find sumn to eat. tried kedai abu bakar’s spaghetti brulee. its okay. maybe because its not too cheesy or meaty, mainly bechamel sauce. the one pupuy made is much tastier. finished the whole 10x20 portion in 2 eating sesh. cicil ukmppd @ bed in the evening (somehow felt refreshed enough to be able to concentrate in bed)
22 - went early to icu to put dops form. lugina for early lunch. i feel like my metabolism is faster? or my body is not so much in calorie deficit mode anymore and it got greedier lmao i used to just ignore hunger but not now, for health. starbiiies tumbler day. ordered black tea latte with non fat milk and vanilla syrup (because raspberry syrup is no more). did cbd geri ppt. 
23 - finally knew the swab result bcs kak iman asked kak farras. thankfully negative. igd with jordi. quite a few chances to do iv line, but i failed 2 times. managed to do iv injection to insert 2 drugs. saw the worst cpr ive ever seen in my life. its too slow, with maximal interruption. fish bite for lunch. wasted the rest of my day
24 - originally intended to run but i cant bring myself out of bed. packed up my stuff. picked up by mom. got the paper result of swab, got ksk from kelvyn @ capitol. can finally drink self-made matcha latte again, but it tasted horrible. i know cy matcha doesnt have that much going on, but even this is low even for them. previously i was starting to get used to the grassy smell.
25 - my lil bro remarked “maybe shes depressed because she doesnt have her chair”. fuck yall. this “depression” that im in is caused by this very place and the people. and im supposed to still muster the strength to study for ukmppd AND get my face together for solid book photoshoot. that shit is too much. this is why the money that goes to cafe, and the bike ride there is worth it for my sanity. after showering, things felt a bit better. had absolutely no will to study today. ate muesli with a bit of matcha latte.
26 - muesli for breakfast. matcha latte is lyfff ive probably said this before but it ~somehow~ makes me feel normal and not in a slump. like im a regular person. with normal moods. and not wanting to sleep all the time. i try to do ukmppd exercises but the pace is so fucking slow, bcs im distracted by get rich haha,,,. the latest potn update (64) is omgggg the mixed feelings? love? hate? anger? everything and nothing? the ~tension and passion~? im obsessed. watched a ton of bts content today and yesterday lmao.
27 - nasi kebuli for brekkie. went to flavola, im the first customer lmao. tried kopi susu coklat, tasted quite close enough to janjiw’s kopi soklat. had the same ~improved mood and concentration~ effect. tried to read ksk. bought milky banana 1L from puyo to give dajen (its his bday yesterday) (i feel prompted (?) to gift people when theyve given a present to me) (because my love lang is not gift giving at all so i barely think abt gifts lmao). talked with sum 33 ipa guys @ dajens house. yay appropriate amount of social battery charging. tryout with fianti, padi this time. got 67/100. 
28 - ate muesli with matcha latte after breakfast. cicil ukmppd. Listened to yoongi's vlive until i fell asleep lol. 2 burger and salad for dinner. omggg hansol revealed his gf. 
29 - spent half of my day tidying up the mess that is my room. figured out what to wear for solid book photoshoot with fianti, ara. matcha latte terosss. phd for dinner. 
30 - breakfast is muesli with cimory choco hazelnut. mom made matcha chocolate brownies. tryna study. slow pace terosss. read some padi materials. dalbang.
31 - bought vsoy low sugar and multigrain. moved my body a bit to youtube videos. showered. felt better. it also rained (which i love). the pleasant mood only lasted til the evening. did nothing from 7pm even though im not sleepy. cant tell when did i start to sleep
and just like that, 2020 kkeut. its sad to say i dont rly remember much remarkable things this year. other than the trip and memories with minor rotation friends. i just remember wasting my life away in my house. i guess that’s the danger of living a monotone life. sometimes you gotta invest some time to have fun, to have motivation to live on and do things. not doing this makes it difficult to live day by day. and friends. meeting friends, seeing new stuff. that helps me live. 
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bucky-plums · 5 years
Walking on a dream
DESCRIPTION: you and Sebastian meet at the gym and this results in the beginning of a beautiful relationship
WARNINGS: Making out?
A/N: first off, happy birthday Sebastian!!!! second, this was very rushed because I wanted to post something for his birthday!! ignore any typos, I wrote this on my phone please please!!! and Let me know if you like it! p.s- this was inspired by the gym picture Sebastian uploaded
You were sent on a work trip by your law firm to the United States. Being one of the leading global firms, your company picked out the best hotel in town for you. It was a week-long trip and you had no plans on making new friends, let alone a boyfriend.
On the day you landed, you decided to sleep off the jet-lag and not do much, but you woke up in the middle of the night with full energy. You decided to hit the gym so that it would wear you out and you could go back to sleep. You changed to your gymming attire and put away your nightclothes.
You took your phone, a towel, and a water bottle and made your way to the hotel gym. While you were walking your phone buzzed. A notification popped up.
‘Sebastian Stan just posted a photo’ You quickly opened it and saw the picture.
The sight was breathtaking. It was a mirror selfie of Sebastian in a gym. His rock hard abs on full display and a vein popping out of his left arm making it very evident that he had just worked out. While walking, you were ogling at the picture.
You finally shut your phone as you reached the gym. It was empty when you walked in.
You plugged your headphones into your phone and picked a treadmill to run on.
You set your pace and ran on it, unbothered by your sorroundings.
A little while later you stopped to drink water. You got down from the treadmill and picked up your bottle when you saw someone was behind you. His shirtless back was facing you, and you could see his back muscles flex as he ran on the treadmill. You did not have very pg-13 thoughts then.
You cleared your throat and drank some water. Thankful that he was wearing headphones and wouldn’t be able to hear you, you got back to running but couldn’t get the stranger off your mind. Something about him seemed very familiar.
You finally grew tired and you decided to go back to bed. You had been in the gym for an hour and a half and realized that the mystery man was no longer there. You shrugged and made your way to your room.
The next morning you woke up and went to shower. You changed into your work clothes and headed out for your meetings.
At the end of the day, when you returned to your hotel room, you found out that Sebastian Stan was in the same city as you. The chances of him staying in the same hotel as you were slim but nonetheless, still there.
Fangirling to yourself, you decided to explore the city in hopes that you would bump into him somehow. You didn’t want to stalk him and invade his privacy. Atlanta was beautiful at night. You took a stroll along the streets and got some waffles to eat. Overall it was a very calming walk.
Disappointed that you didn’t accidentally bump into Sebastian, you went back to your room.
You were about to fall asleep when your trainer called.
“Hey (Y/N) your workout for the day is ready. Get your ass up and go to the gym”
“Hello to you too Danielle. And no, I worked out last night I’m not going to the gym today”
“(Y/N) get your ass up or I will make you do double sets when you come back”
“Stop threatening me this is abuse”
“Love you too. I’m going to WhatsApp you the workout. You better do it.”
“How will you know if I haven’t done it?”
“Girl I keep a track of your heart rate through your Fitbit”
“Screw you” You heard your friend laugh and you hung up on her.
You decided that you would go at midnight when the gym would be empty and decided to take a nap.
You woke up a couple of hours later and changed your clothes into gymming attire and ran down. A sudden burst of energy shot through your veins as you went down the lift.
You walked to the gym and saw that it was empty.
The first task on the agenda was 10 mins of cardio at 7 speed. You cursed under your breath because it was like running a marathon.
You got on the treadmill and began to run. You wore your headphones making you completely oblivious to your surroundings.
10 minutes later you got down and checked the next exercise. Slowly, you made your way through the list and soon you received a thumbs-up emoji from your trainer.
That was your signal to leave.
You shut the treadmill machine and stepped away from it. The same man from last night was present there. Except for this time, he was fully clothed. You saw him stop his machine and you quickly turned around and began to walk towards the water dispenser. You drank some water and threw the cup.
You went to pick up your phone from the treadmill when you caught the mystery man’s face. It was none other than Sebastian Stan. You tried not to react but, judging by the smirk on his face you knew that he found out. You politely smiled at him, not wanting to interrupt his workout and decided to leave.
“Hey wait” You looked back at him with a confused look on your face
“You left your headphones”
“Oh, thank you” You reached out your hands to take it from his
“You’re welcome” He lightly smiled at you
“I’m Sebastian, but I think you already know that so its only fair if I know your name”
“I’m (Y/N) and I’m sorry if I disturbed you”
“You did not (Y/N), in fact, I was just about to go back to my room” You nodded towards him
“Why do you work out in the middle of the night?”
“Well yesterday I couldn’t fall asleep and today my trainer basically threatened me” You chuckled “How about you?”
“Same, not able to fall asleep” suddenly the room was filled with tension. Anyone who entered the room would be able to guess what was going to happen. But not (Y/N).
Sebastian grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his chest.
“I saw you looking at me yesterday doll” You gasped as he stared into your eyes.
Not being able to predict what he was about to do next, you stayed there.
“As much as I want to kiss you right now, I would like to take you on a date first. So (Y/N), will you go on a date with me”
“Yes. I will.”
Sebastian let go of you. Flustered and not able to think straight, you grabbed him by his shirt and planted your lips on his.
His arms wrapped around your waist and yours were placed on his chest. You both pulled away panting.
You grabbed him again and fiercely kissed him.
“Doll, I think you should stop if you don’t want this go too far” he whispered against your lips
“Maybe I want this to go far”
“Your wish is my command. Your room or mine?”
With that, you woke up the next morning, naked under the sheets next to Sebastian Stan.
His arms were around you and legs tangled together.
You wondered if this was just a one night stand or would it go further. Lost in your thoughts, you did not realize that the sex-god had woken up.
“Good morning doll” His hoarse voice sounded insanely sexy in the morning and the little nickname gave you butterflies.
“Good morning Sebastian” you looked at him and drank in his appearance.
Everything about him was beautiful. His hair was messy due to last night’s events and there were red marks over his neck and collar.
“What are you looking at?” he asked with a smile on his face. You shook your head and cuddled into him.
‘“We’re still on for that date right? I was not joking when I told you that I want to get to know you”
“Yes Seb, were still on for that date. However, I should go now, I have meetings to go to”
“5 more minutes” and he hid his head in your neck. You could get used to this. You wanted to, but you had to wait.
“Ok 5 minutes are up, I have to go or I’ll get fired” he sighed and kissed your lips. You didn't want to let him go, but duty calls.
“Come to my room at 8 today. My room number is 786”
“Okay doll. See you” he smirked as you got dressed and ran to your room.
Your whole day was amazing and the date was even better. You both managed to stay without tearing each other's clothes for some time.
You were lying down next to Sebastian and he was mindlessly playing with your hands
“What will happen to us when the week is done Seb?”
“When the week is done, you will go back home and I will too. But we will make it work (Y/N), I really like you and I want to see where this goes”
And he was not wrong for taking the chance. Because right now both of you were sitting next to each other, him wearing a blue tux matching with his eyes and you wearing the most gorgeous white wedding dress as your best friend narrated this story.
“So Mrs.Stan, ready to recreate our first night together?” Sebastian whispered which sent a shiver down your spine.
“Can’t wait, it is like I’m walking on a dream”
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