#excessive use of brackets and parentheses
transgenderer · 7 months
has litfic been playing with language in an analogous way to the way autists and their adjacents on this site do? in particular i find the way people of a certain mental stripe (myself very much included!) get very fixated on delineation, on the desire to use some sort of punctuation mark to prevent ideas, phrases, etc from sloshing into each other, usually using parentheses, brackets, etc, plus the urge to escape the linearity of writing (or actually, speech, embedded in time, writing could be nonlinear) also with the parentheses, allow endless branching parentheticals? i guess this didnt really grammatically cohere into a sentence but i think you understand. are the litficcers doing this. i find the way the litficcers and especially poets play with whitespace endlessly tedious, i dont care about whitespace!!! but also my more prejudicial tendencies believe that the way people on here toy with alternate language use comes from an EXCESS of meaning to be communicated while the litficcers are much more into the form itself, thats why they got into Literature, rather than the form's capacity as a vehicle (internal volume? trunk space? very roomy. cupholders). which i guess is fine but is boring to me
a metaphor for your troubles: the fixation on form, on language that SOUNDS good rather than COMMUNICATES well is like people who do recreational math with like, stuff that's only meaningful in base ten. yknow, like those primes that have 666 in them or whatever. this is very curmudgeonly of me but i kinda look down on those people, base 10 is so obviously...not the thing we care about. studying the paintbrush instead of what you can make with it! horrid! (hmm, actually a painting that was meaningfully "about" brush strokes would be kind of cool. and i like rothkos. but i would get tired of it!!!)
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dankusner · 3 months
Collegiate Punctuation Marks Trying to Be the Next Oxford Comma
Barnard Exclamation Mark
A series of exclamation marks used in an effort to appear excessively friendly and non-threatening, commonly found in women’s work e-mails.
Example: I hope this e-mail finds you well! Hate to bother you! I’m following up on my previous e-mail! Would love to set up a time to discuss the trajectory of my growth here at this company!!!
Notre Dame Semicolon
A semicolon used to indicate a strong pause between two clauses, handy when cherry-picking political or religious beliefs.
Example: I was raised Catholic; now I’m more of an atheist.
U.N.C. Square Brackets
Used when transcriptions of statements made by inebriated March Madness fans need more clarity.
Example: I’ve got two hundred on tonight’s game, if the Tar Heels lose my wife’s going to kesh [kill] me.
The Community College Next to Your High School Ellipses
These ellipses are used when someone begins to answer a question that they don’t want to answer, before abruptly trailing off.
Example: I moved back home but it’s only temporary and they’re more like roommates than parents and I’m saving a bunch of money, but yeahhhh . . .
Sarah Lawrence Quotation Marks
Quotation marks used to describe something seemingly made up, often combined with the air-quotes gesture.
Example: Did you hear our daughter say that “capitalism is part of the Matrix”? She should try telling that to the tuition office.
Harvard Apostrophe
Apostrophe used when explaining how nepotism or social connections led to a speaker’s current position.
Example: One of my dad’s frat brothers’ uncles is a C-level at Goldman Sachs so I didn’t even have to interview.
Iowa Writers’ Workshop Em Dash
Em dash used to clarify the full name of a celebrity or industry person previously referred to by a nickname.
Example: Did you happen to see that Sue—Susan Orlean—retweeted me last week?
Gap Year Spent Backpacking in Europe Question Mark
A question mark following a gap-filling phrase, often used when asked what one’s “next steps” will be.
Example: I’m just figuring it out right now and taking some time to discover myself, you know?
M.I.T. Parentheses
Parentheses surrounding layman’s terms following an often unnecessarily complicated phrase.
Example: “Did I happen to hear that you are no longer procreating in a monogamous manner (single)?”
C.U. Boulder Asterisk
Annotation following responsible-sounding words, used to describe their irresponsible counterparts.
Example: I spent my weekend researching cannabis* and its impact on the justice system.**
*High as a kite.
**Watching “Law & Order” reruns.
U.C.S.B. Asterisk
Like the C.U. Boulder asterisk, but every counterpart described is a drinking activity.
Example: I spent my weekend researching cannabis* and its impact on the justice system.**
*Drinking beer out of a bong.
**Getting a D.U.I.
Autodidact :)
An emoticon conveying the smugness felt after giving an unexpected explanation of the origins of one’s wealth and success.
Example: I didn’t go to college :)
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priyanka12345678 · 5 months
Mastering Title Tags: Boost Your SEO with These Proven Strategies
In the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world, title tags are one of the most important on-page elements. They play a crucial role in helping search engines understand the content of a webpage and how it should be categorized and displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we will understand the importance of title tags in SEO, the best practices for optimizing them, and some strategies for creating effective and relevant title tags. 
What are title tags?
A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage.
The title tag is often the first thing that a user sees when they search for a particular keyword or phrase, so it is of the essence to ensure that it is Felicitous, informative, and Alluring. It shows up at the top of a browser window and serves as the clickable headline in search engine results pages. 
Why are title tags important for SEO?
Title tags are one of the most important on-page SEO elements because they provide Essential
information to search engines about the content of a webpage. Search engines utilize title tags to Understand the subject of the page, Assisting them in establishing how to categorize and rank the page in search results. A well-written title tag can help increase click-through rates, drive more traffic to a website, and improve overall search engine rankings.
Best Practices for Optimizing Title Tags
When optimizing title tags, there are several best practices that you should follow to ascertain that they are effective:
Utilize pertinent keywords: assemble relevant keywords in your title tag to aid search engines in Understanding your page's topic. However, refrain from keyword stuffing, which can detrimentally affect your SEO efforts.
Maintain conciseness: Title tags should be succinct and direct. Most search engines will display only the first 50-60 characters, so ensure that your title tag falls within this limit.
Be descriptive: Employ descriptive language in your title tag to provide users with an understanding of what they can anticipate finding on your page. This can enhance click-through rates and diminish bounce rates.
Incorporate your brand name: Whenever feasible, include your brand name in your title tag. This can bolster brand awareness and recognition.
Be distinctive: Each website page should have a unique title tag. Eschew the use of duplicate title tags, as this can befuddle search engines and adversely affect your SEO.
Exercise moderation: Refrain from excessive use of exclamation points, special characters, or all caps in your title tag. Such elements can impart a spammy and unprofessional appearance to your title tag.
Strategies for creating effective title tags
In addition to following best practices, there are several strategies that you can use to create effective title tags:
Incorporate numerals: Integrating numbers in your title tag can aid in capturing the attention of users and distinguishing your page in search results. For instance, "10 Strategies for Crafting Compelling Title Tags."
Employ emotional stimuli: Utilizing emotional stimuli in your title tag can enhance click-through rates. For instance, "Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: Conquer Your Stage Fright Now!"
Utilize brackets or parentheses: Employing brackets or parentheses in your title tag can elevate click-through rates by imparting a more structured and informative appearance. For instance, "Unveiling the Wonders of Meditation (and How to Begin Your Journey)."
Incorporate location-based keywords: If your business targets a specific locale, integrate location-based keywords in your title tag. This can augment local search engine rankings and attract more tailored traffic to your website.
Harness power words: Employing power words in your title tag can augment click-through rates by rendering your title tag more captivating. For instance, "Reveal the Secret to Flawless Skin with Our Revolutionary Product Line.
Title tags play a critical role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by providing important information to search engines about a webpage's content, helping them categorize and rank it effectively in search results. By following best practices such as incorporating relevant keywords, maintaining concise and descriptive titles, and ensuring uniqueness, alongside implementing strategies like using numerals, emotional triggers, and location-based keywords, website owners can optimize their title tags to improve visibility, click-through rates, and overall SEO performance. With a well-optimized title tag, websites can better attract targeted traffic, increase user engagement, and in the end, achieve their SEO goals.  
In summary, optimizing title tags is a foundational component of any SEO strategy. By adhering to best practices and employing effective strategies, you can create title tags that are not only applicable and informative but also unco. These optimized title tags have the potential to boost click-through rates, drive increased traffic to your website, and ultimately enhance your overall search engine rankings.
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apologetic commentaries come as naturally to me 
as forward slashes, box brackets and parentheses 
i’m a johnny come lately who can pen a few poems 
just about dress themselves/but not much else 
incessantly infantile/witness the white outs 
suppressed shouting/choked up sound 
of casper the [not so] friendly ghost 
grossed out by my tears, i swapped soothing self talk 
for snark and snarl/i bound and beat my horses to a pulp 
whipped all my wants back/bashed my own teeth in 
polished them to put together pretty necklaces 
pearly whites into pendants of pessimism 
poetic productivity may have previously 
boosted my dopamine 
given me a sense of worth;  
but writing warped whispers highlighted the confusion i was sinking in 
i like puzzles but i can’t work out where the hell i’ve been recently 
it's not like explanations can't be drawn/rooted in abnormality 
maybe it's a matter of random misfiring/just the way i'm wired 
but all my insights into psychology didn't stop my fear ruining me 
i’m no pioneer; everyone and their cat has depression and anxiety 
it feels prissy of me to talk of my peculiarities in medical terms 
why couldn't i just buck up/internalise the cbt i’d learned 
spurn the topsy turvy thought patterns as they occurred 
the exasperated inner masses screamed: 
                  ‘you had one job!’ 
it's pointless self destructing or sobbing now 
the policing sector collapsed from burn out 
long suffering, understaffed and disenchanted 
compartmentalisation bred systemic meltdown 
parallel to the physicality of adrenaline shakes and attention breaks 
it doesn’t take a degree to notice the estrangement of feelings from rationality 
the inability to express my wishes clearly coupled with a strong compliance tendency 
it feels all alien, stranger things;  
how on earth anyone could extract enjoyment from my company/ 
want to know what makes me truly happy/ 
try as i might, i struggle to connect the dots 
i don’t trust myself to move right/so i stay stock still 
hoping that even i can’t mess that up. 
stillness isn’t saying the wrong thing or looking the wrong way 
or crying or being weak or asking for things 
and to my back brain, that’s always seemed better 
so utterly obsessed with failure/it’s an error that i’ve lived 
with such limited functionality; the balance stays skewed 
crudely stitched together/i wanted to quarantine myself 
far enough to not inflict the unease of my company 
so afraid of the disease/i fell deeper out of touch 
no one felt they could reach out and touch me 
who would, when this lemming never lets itself be human, let loose or be free.  
never showing outward affection for fear of its offending capacity. 
blindly blundering on courses of action 
i breached my non-maleficience clause 
it’s early days yet but a little chemical correction 
could be doing something/blunting my very worst edges 
i don’t want to hedge my bets/maybe it’s me accepting 
i need some extra help/i can’t think myself out of this 
there’s no room for excessive error checking or 
rehashing a million potential uses for ctrl-z 
it’s late now; i’m worn out and i need to go to bed. 
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tramontane-fire · 2 years
job postings be like
Company Name Generic Position Title
About Us: [several lengthy paragraphs packed so full of buzzwords as to be incomprehensible] (they appear to be talking about how great the company is?)
Job duties (finally): - Provides [buzzwords] - Ensures [more buzzwords] - [you thought we couldn't cram more buzzwords into this posting and you are WRONG!] - (the job duties appear to be "be great, like the company!")
Compensation (ahh, real talk finally): Apply through our very labor-intensive applicant portal and we'll discuss it!
But yeah, nobody wants to work anymore. Hint, you will get a lot more applicants if people can actually figure out WHAT YOU DO. This is a job posting, not a buzzword contest, and most entry- and mid-level people do not speak Corporate fluently enough to decode that crap.
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xtruss · 2 years
Daily Shouts: Collegiate Punctuation Marks Trying to Be the Next Oxford Comma
— By Madeline Hester | July 2, 2022
Tumblr media
Oxford University at dusk. Photograph by Joe Daniel Price/Getty
Barnard Exclamation Mark
A series of exclamation marks used in an effort to appear excessively friendly and non-threatening, commonly found in women’s work e-mails.
Example: I hope this e-mail finds you well! Hate to bother you! I’m following up on my previous e-mail! Would love to set up a time to discuss the trajectory of my growth here at this company!!!
Notre Dame Semicolon
A semicolon used to indicate a strong pause between two clauses, handy when cherry-picking political or religious beliefs.
Example: I was raised Catholic; now I’m more of an atheist.
U.N.C. Square Brackets
Used when transcriptions of statements made by inebriated March Madness fans need more clarity.
Example: I’ve got two hundred on tonight’s game, if the Tar Heels lose my wife’s going to kesh [kill] me.
The Community College Next to Your High School Ellipses
These ellipses are used when someone begins to answer a question that they don’t want to answer, before abruptly trailing off.
Example: I moved back home but it’s only temporary and they’re more like roommates than parents and I’m saving a bunch of money, but yeahhhh . . .
Sarah Lawrence Quotation Marks
Quotation marks used to describe something seemingly made up, often combined with the air-quotes gesture.
Example: Did you hear our daughter say that “capitalism is part of the Matrix”? She should try telling that to the tuition office.
Harvard Apostrophe
Apostrophe used when explaining how nepotism or social connections led to a speaker’s current position.
Example: One of my dad’s frat brothers’ uncles is a C-level at Goldman Sachs so I didn’t even have to interview.
Iowa Writers’ Workshop Em Dash
Em dash used to clarify the full name of a celebrity or industry person previously referred to by a nickname.
Example: Did you happen to see that Sue—Susan Orlean—retweeted me last week?
Gap Year Spent Backpacking in Europe Question Mark
A question mark following a gap-filling phrase, often used when asked what one’s “next steps” will be.
Example: I’m just figuring it out right now and taking some time to discover myself, you know?
M.I.T. Parentheses
Parentheses surrounding layman’s terms following an often unnecessarily complicated phrase.
Example: “Did I happen to hear that you are no longer procreating in a monogamous manner (single)?”
C.U. Boulder Asterisk
Annotation following responsible-sounding words, used to describe their irresponsible counterparts.
Example: I spent my weekend researching cannabis* and its impact on the justice system.**
*High as a kite.
**Watching “Law & Order” reruns.
U.C.S.B. Asterisk
Like the C.U. Boulder asterisk, but every counterpart described is a drinking activity.
Example: I spent my weekend researching cannabis* and its impact on the justice system.**
*Drinking beer out of a bong.
**Getting a D.U.I.
Autodidact :)
An emoticon conveying the smugness felt after giving an unexpected explanation of the origins of one’s wealth and success.
Example: I didn’t go to college :) ♦
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a-captions-blog · 3 years
Hi, how do I describe caps lock text? Currently I am going to use this format: " I like THIS(emphasis)", I don't know if it's ideal or not. How do you do it?
If it's just one word, I'll usually write [word in all caps: example]. If it's a block or a sentence, I surround it with [all caps start] example phrase or sentence that is longer [end caps].
I admit it's not the most elegant solution, and I've been told that excess brackets/parentheses are hard for screen readers to parse, but I'm not sure how else to convey the caps. The issue is that some screen readers will read text in all caps letter by letter rather than as words, which gets hard to understand. Also, some people struggle to read all-caps text.
If anyone has suggestions on how better to do this, please leave them in the reblogs/replies!
Thanks for the ask!
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thehiddentriforce · 5 years
Wait, you just said yourself that 2(4) is treated as a multiplication. So then following PEMDAS, you WOULD get 1 because you would do the (M)ultiplication to get 8 and THEN (D)ivide to 1....?
In PEMDAS, the MD and AS steps are considered the same step. So for multiplication/division, you are to do them left to right. So for example: 1 / 2 - 4 + 3 x 2You would do the division first, then the multiplication, then the subtraction, and then the addition last. However, this expression looks pretty bad and isn’t easy on the eyes, so (especially in higher level maths) they are written in ways that are much less ambiguous as to what the intended order of operations is. So parentheses, for example, are used almost excessively. Something like this:[((3+2) x 4) / (4 - 3(2 - 1))]looks a little crazy at first, but it has each individual expression inside its own brackets, so you don’t have to try to guess which operation they expected you to do first. In this case, you would do 3+2 = 5 first, then 2-1 = 1, then 5 x 4 = 20, then 3 x 1 = 3, then 4-3 = 1, and finally, you’re left with 20/1, which you finish to 20.
tl;dr the problem in that tweet is written poorly and it’s the author’s fault people are so confused.
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amemericans · 6 years
Also I went through my entire tag BC I wanted to tell if I could figure out the difference between v and j's replies and then see if I could guess which tweets were written by whom but all I came up with was that v uses ;;; alot more and j sometimes writes more in response to my rambling lolol- 🌛
you’re kinda right! tbh unless you talk to us daily you’llnever figure out who is who LOL. sometimes even we don’t know who tweeted orwrote in the tumblr tags (especially with older posts). but here are somedetails about us that might help you set our posts apart:
j (most of the time): ramblesa lot and has many thoughts; longer tweets; 75% of the tweets; witty tweets, morerun-on sentences; curses more; usually the one that quote RTs; @ pledis_17 alot; 90% of joshua tweets; uses brackets [ ] like “[joshua voice] oh my goddude”
v (most of the time): uses emoticons :) :’) :] ;;;;; *__* :oand emojis; keyboard smash dlskjflksdjkd; CAPS; (((excessive use of parentheses)));tweets and replies with a meme; short tweets; 75% of the RTs; more soft tweets Iguess? lol; 90% of vernon tweets; uses asterisks * * like “*Joshua voice* oh mygod dude
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But let's suppose you've excessive projects to handle?
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(Notice: Audio system of United kingdom English generally as a substitute makes use of the acronym "BODMAS", rather then "PEMDAS". BODMAS represents "Brackets, Instructions, Team and Multiplication, and Addition and Subtraction". Due to the fact "brackets" are the same as parentheses and "orders" overlap with exponents, both shortened forms necessarily mean the identical issue. Furthermore, you'll be able to realize that your "M" with the "D" are inverted from the British-English version; this specific shows which multiplication in addition to split have a precisely the same "rank" or "level".)
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bern33chaser · 8 years
7 Types of Punctuation Errors
Each of the following sentences below demonstrates a specific type of error involving internal punctuation, usually involving a problem with a comma. Discussion and revision following each example explains and illustrates correct use of punctuation in the sentence.
1. Misplaced Punctuation
This approach requires an effective model risk governance program, and crucially, validation of the model by an independent party.
A comma is needed after program only if what follows is an independent clause. In this case, the rest of the sentence is merely the rest of an extended compound predicate. However, crucially is a parenthetical, and a comma is required before as well as after it: “This approach requires an effective model risk governance program and, crucially, validation of the model by an independent party.”
2. Missing Punctuation
Specifically her portfolio did not include the required number of samples.
An adverbial introduction must be set off from the main clause by a comma: “Specifically, her portfolio did not include the required number of samples.”
3. Unpaired Punctuation
The survey found increasing demand for customer experiences that are difficult, if not impossible to deliver with legacy systems.
Related to the misplaced and missing examples above, this sentence is flawed in that the parenthetical phrase “if not impossible” is set off only in front, not behind as well: “The survey found increasing demand for customer experiences that are difficult, if not impossible, to deliver with legacy systems.”
4. Extraneous Punctuation
Knowing which sensitive data need to be highly protected, where this information sits within the organization, and what security mechanisms need to be applied, are all key considerations for a sound information security risk assessment.
A comma should not precede a verb unless it is the second of two commas bracketing a parenthetical phrase: “Knowing which sensitive data need to be highly protected, where this information sits within the organization, and what security mechanisms need to be applied are all key considerations for a sound information security risk assessment.”
5. Excessive Punctuation
Consumers have the right to speak out or complain, and to seek compensation—payment or a replacement item—or redress—have a wrong corrected.
Excessive punctuation often occurs when a sentence is cluttered with commas, and a sentence should be recast or divided into two or more sentences if more than a few commas appear (and semicolons are not included to assist in sentence organization). But when dashes are used to set off parenthetical phrases, no more than one pair should be used, because readers may have difficulty at first recognizing which parts of the sentence are being bracketed. Either revise the sentence so that only one pair of dashes is needed, or replace dashes with parentheses, which because the open and close parentheses are shaped differently, clearly indicate what is contained within them: “Consumers have the right to speak out or complain and to seek compensation (payment or a replacement item) or redress (have a wrong corrected).” (Note, too, that the sole comma is superfluous.)
6. Inconsistent Punctuation
Last year a man agreed to give up his drone system and promise not to fly a drone for three years. . . . Last month, the FAA announced there are now more registered drone operators in the United States than there are registered manned aircraft.
If an optional punctuation mark is used in one sentence in a piece of content, it should be used in any similarly constructed sentence; see the consistent inclusion of a comma after the short introductory phrase in both sentences: “Last year, a man agreed to give up his drone system and promise not to fly a drone for three years. . . . Last month, the FAA announced there are now more registered drone operators in the United States than there are registered manned aircraft.” (Note that “last year” and “last” month serve the same adverbial function as specifically in the second example, but such brief introductory phrases do not require punctuation, though for consistency, it is recommended.)
7. Incorrect Punctuation
One person had to be airlifted off the site after the structure collapsed Monday night, the rest were treated at an on-site medical facility.
Because this sentence consists of two independent clauses, they must be separated by a semicolon rather than a mere comma: “One person had to be airlifted off the site after the structure collapsed Monday night; the rest were treated at an on-site medical facility.” (A period is also appropriate, but the close relationship of the two clauses allows for a semicolon.)
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Original post: 7 Types of Punctuation Errors from Daily Writing Tips http://www.dailywritingtips.com/7-types-of-punctuation-errors/
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