#job search woes
tramontane-fire · 7 months
*sees a promising job with a 3 page application that demands references up front*
You know, I might bother to fill this out if I thought I would get a call back but they won't call me back so why waste the time?
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lonelylittleuser · 2 years
I just want a co op job please for the love of god i just want one measly little job doesn't even have to be a good one i'll take any shitty internship i can get i just want to be employed and not have to worry about this shit anymore god
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the-everqueen · 2 years
least favorite recurring nightmare this semester is the one where i'm once again a freelance piano teacher and i realize that i've missed weeks of lessons without explanation to the students/parents.
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todays kipperlilly is in her ""relaxing"" (read: still stressing over everything) around the house outfit. (she'd never wear the glasses in public! it just wouldnt fit her image!)
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
Echo Bazaar Publishing: NOW HIRING. Independent, family owned publishing house seeking passionate and driven employees for our creative team. We offer flexible hours, paid training, and a highly competitive benefits package. No degree or experience needed. Applications are being reviewed on a rolling basis. Urgently hiring. Click here to APPLY NOW.
In which the Bazaar is a modern publishing company. A tale of tragedy, triumph, and uncountable unethical and illegal business practices, told from the perspective of one of its board members.
This idea has been in my head for years. I interned at a publishing company recently and it was time to write this up and post this
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sourpatchstarkids · 5 months
you're gonna ask for 3+ years experience for part time work with no benefits......
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isayoldbean · 9 months
found a job i'm a good fit for but do i really want to relocate to madison wisconsin for it
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lizzienoodles · 1 year
I'm browsing job listings and I see this:
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This is basically my dream job. Until I see this part:
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can't get anything these days, not even minimum wage. smh
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moeblob · 1 year
Have you played Kid Icarus Uprising? I feel like you would like it
I haven't played it O: And I am waaaaay too poor to buy it at this point in time. (I googled pricing) So it's very unlikely I will ever get to play it since as time passes it will only get to be MORE expensive.
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theemperorsfeather · 1 year
Failed to mask how stressed I am at work in the morning check-in and our department head said I should let her know when I "want a break" and apparently I completely lost my mind because I said "oh, three days ago would have been great." So she says. She says that next week maybe I could "take an hour or two" by which I think she meant cut my day short "an hour or two"?
Firstly, next week -should- be pretty calm compared to the last few weeks, I won't need to ~take an hour~, the workload will just be more manageable, but more importantly, on what fucking planet is having a day or two shorter by /an hour/ enough of a fucking break after multiple weeks of bullshit.
An hour. Honestly.
And the worst of it isn't so much that there's too much work as such, it's the people. The usual vague instructions I'm supposed to magically intuit correctly, along with last minute instructions that should have come much earlier in the process, along with even more last minute provision of vital quantities of stuff that only they can write.
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tramontane-fire · 6 months
This is way too much pressure I cannot!!!
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lonelylittleuser · 2 years
i hate writing cover letters i loathe it with my entire being it feels like i'm self combusting everytime i try to write one, it is absolute torture
i would rather write about literally anything else, anything else in the world. i just can't sell myself ,i can't talk about my good points because i feel like i have none. it's awkward tryin to start off writing a generic template for one because i have no genuine motivation or interest in an imaginary job, and even if i did how do i get that across in a professional way
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magic-number-3 · 1 year
they should invent a job that doesnt make me want to throw up when i apply for it
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marklikely · 2 years
learning that i am actually a couple years older than most of my mutuals by watching my dash overnight transition from posts about the misery of being in college -> posts about the misery of finding a career and apartment hunting
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env0 · 2 years
Let’s look for a job again today, in my discipline of Writing with experience in
Training, Sales, Marketing, Business to Business, and Business to Clients.
Let’s go to the Ol’ Reliable, LInkedin!
First article on the home page...
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Hmm, but there is a fun picture maybe its okay.
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Surely it’s just going to be a tool that will further allow the refinement of writing and accelerate the process for these younger writers to get more experience with the complex writing.
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Oh... No? No it won’t? But surely there must be a reason for this?
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No reason? No consideration for how high Level writing will get practiced new writers to do produce that? No consideration of the value of time for someone else to use their time to use these AI’s to run their marketing campaigns? Sure it will be cheaper, and sure it will be faster for all the basic. Where will those writers be when your AI cannot produce the higher end writing wanted and needed. The confidence of which is is asserted only to be ended with the LInkedIn equivilent of someone venting to their friends seriously then ending with a, “lol idk” And the big kicker is this is all a long form sales-pitch for his mentorship program.
What a long winded discouraging read for anyone who writes and all for the sake of a self-congratulating program sales pitch.
Anyways... let me click over to the Job Section, and see what Director Level Positions with 8-12 years of experience will be listed in the Entry-Level and Associate section since I’m changing fields and have to start back at the bottom again with my decade of transferable skills and education.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
How do you like being a librarian?
It rocks, anon.
Okay but for real, I spent like, the first part of my 20s trying to Make It as a young artist in opera and that shit was killing me slowly. I went to library school as a sort of interim skill that would let me work while my voice matured, and then while that was happening the world ended, and I ended up in the library job that I do now, and that security after working alternating retail and independent contractor gigs has been everything. Like, I'm still thinking things like: a set schedule? health insurance? paid time off? what luxury!!!!
and I've always been a Books Girl and loved surrounding myself with books, and in addition to that I just love....the detective work that comes with librarianship? I love working in reference and helping people find things, as my GA advisor said: "putting on my detective hat and solving things" it's the kind of complex problem solving that I really love. and I am just happy to find a line of work that I enjoy and that I can live off of that still gives me time to do things that feed my soul.
But I'll be honest, lately....I have been bored at my current job. I like it, and I like the people I work with, but there's just always external factors that are straining our department, and the work I'm doing now isn't necessarily what I trained for. I studied to be a music librarian, with a focus on reference and user services, and right now I'm in Interlibrary Loan, which is intricate and interesting in its own way, but it has less intellectual stimulation than the stuff I talked about above. So I've just been kinda....meh about work lately, but I am looking for ways to change that.
And, lemme tell you. I worked in a supermarket in the spring and early summer of 2020, and this is infinitely better than THAT.
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