#excited to get to watch the last few eps live!
cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Are your requests still open? I was hoping for a request for a Lucifer x sinner reader where she was once in love with someone when she was alive but they betrayed her leading to her death causing her to be afraid of letting others in. She's been a resident of the hotel since the pilot, but doesn't really talk much about her feelings or past life but is convinced by Charlie who says singing helps her when she needs to get out her own emotions. So when she thinks everyone is gone for the day on one of Charlie's bonding field trips, she uses the piano in the main area to sing her heart out, not realizing Lucifer decided to stay. The song I'm thinking of is "Perfect Doesn't Last" by Beth Crowley. So when she sings it and he overhears listening and watching her he's reminded of Lilith and feels for the reader understanding her more than when they first met during his first visit to the hotel (ep 5). I'm not sure of how to end it, so if you want to add anything to it I'm totally up for it. I just thought this song would match him so well.
A/N this is my first time writing for this man. Also,, i think it’s so funny that everyone is just like “short king” even tho alastor is canonically at least seven feet tall and charlie is at least like six feet tall. that’s so silly of us.
Encore (Lucifer x Reader)
Paring: Lucifer x Reader
Warnings: Domestic abuse briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,169
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Lucifer had just wanted to visit Charlie. With their relationship on the up and up, he was eager to not give up his chance to fix things with his favorite and only daughter. However, when he arrived at the hotel, throwing the doors open in unadulterated excitement, it was to find the normally busy lobby area empty.
The door fell shut behind him and his smile slipped from his face. Carefully, he ran his eyes over every inch of the room. There really was no one to be found.
"Maybe they're just all in their rooms, yeah." he said aloud to himself, "Charlie is probably... in her office! It must take a lot of work to run a place like this. Yeah, that's what it is."
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had asked her to come with them to the movies. It was supposed to be a reward, for how hard they had all been working. They had really tried their best to convince Y/n to join them but, as always was the case when activities that took them out of the hotel were not required, Y/n had declined the offer.
Y/n was still getting used to Hell in all its big scary wonder, she still hurt. Everything was so complicated and while spending time with her thoughts didn't make her feel good per-say, spending time with others had been making her feel even worse. Besides, Charlie had given her some advice a few days ago she wanted to test out and she didn't exactly feel comfortable doing that while the hotel was crawling with people.
Y/n trusted Charlie. She was the first person to have extended a kind hand in her direction since her arrival in Hell. When Charlie had found out Y/n had been a concert pianist in the living world, she was elated.
"That's perfect!" she had said, leaning across the desk towards her, "We have a piano in the Hotel's auditorium!"
"I... I don't know if I really can... perform, right now. If that's alright." Y/n had replied, wringing her hands and unable to keep eyecontact.
"What? Oh no! That's not what I meant at all. It just seems... well if you did it for a living, you must have loved it. And it seems like you always have a lot on your mind, lots of stuff to process, and I know you don't like talking to people about it and, well, music always makes me feel better. It feels freeing, like I'm getting everything bottled up inside me out when I sing."
"I... I don't think I've ever really thought about it that way." she had admitted in response, "It was just something I had always done. I started lessons when I was three."
"Well, you should try it some time." Charlie had smiled back, "Maybe it will help."
Once she was sure everyone was gone and the hotel was hers alone, Y/n had slipped quietly from the confinement of her room. It had taken her a bit to find the auditorium. When she finally did and saw the piano it held, her breath caught in her throat.
It was a beautiful old baby grand made out of a warm cherry wood that matched the hotel's theming well. The lid had creaked when she had opened it, the keys had been dusty to the touch.
It had been a long time since she'd played. With mild joy, she let her fingers run the usual scales and arpeggios, finding a comfort in the familiarity of it all. Once satisfied her fingers were all warmed up and ready to play something real, she posed them over the keys.
Lucifer had lost himself in the depths of the labyrinthine hotel. The twists and turns of the hallways were unfamiliar to him despite the tour Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had lead him on. His hope at finding his daughter and spending some time with her had long since flickered out. He was on the verge of going home, his hand half raised to open a portal, when he heard it.
A faint echo of music flooded the hallway and Lucifer froze. It was haunting and distant, it drew him in. His sights set on a new sort of entertainment for the afternoon, he listened carefully and began to follow the sound.
As he got closer to its source, Lucifer realized that who ever was making the music was not just playing the piano but singing. Their voice was soft and lovely, nearly ethereal in its sheer humanity and anguish.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
I couldn't get enough
It was a fairytale come to life
Lucifer at last reached the half open door to the room the music appeared to be coming from. Not wanting to disturb the artist just yet, he transformed into a snake and slithered his way silently into the room. There, sitting at the piano on the stage, was Y/n.
I had your heart
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
He didn't really know much about Y/n except that she was new to Hell. Charlie had mentioned off hand that she had died in an incident of domestic abuse. Lucifer had no idea why she had ended up in Hell or what she was really like. When he had visited the hotel the first time, Y/n had been quiet and reserved. She had stood to the side and watched, barley even introducing herself to him.
At first, he had thought it to be disrespect. Not every demon in Hell was his biggest fan after all and while he was used to it, it still stung that even one of his daughters would be reformed sinners would be blatantly rude to him. He had quickly realized however from her flittering eyes and the way she clutched at herself that it wasn't disrespect at all. Y/n had been nervous.
Of course, Lucifer had made an attempt to make her feel more comfortable but, when he had extended his metaphorical hand, Y/n had just closed herself off even further. According to Charlie and Angel Dust, that was just what the demoness was like. She was shy.
You got inside my head
Taking up every inch of space
'Til there was no room left
Her hands flew across the keys with a practiced grace. Lucifer felt she knew he was there, watching. He felt that she just might be performing for him.
So many parts of me erased
You had my heart
And tossed it in the dirt
As he listened to the words she sung, they resonated with him. For a split second, he could have sworn it was Lilith sitting there at the piano, not Y/n. He shut his eyes, shaking his head slightly. He was oddly grateful when he opened them again to find it had just been his imagination.
Now that was a first. Since Lilith had disappeared seven years ago, Lucifer had been a mess. Lucifer was always a mess but, Lilith leaving like that really did him in. She had been his rock, his guiding light, his everything. He had risked everything for her and he had lost. At least, back in the old days, he had gained something out of the chaos. A daughter, a wife, a world to try and shape. One after another, they were all taken from him. Even now, even with their relationship improving the way it was, he felt Charlie slipping away again.
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
I just keep asking
Would this have been worth it if I knew the ending all along.
Without really thinking about it, Lucifer retook his normal form and sat down in one of the auditorium's front row seats. Thankfully, Y/n was too wrapped up in her own world to notice and she just continued to play.
What started so perfect was over too fast
I should have seen the warning signs
'Cause perfect doesn't last
Perfect doesn't last
Light shined off her face, that was how Lucifer had realized she was crying. Despite the tears, her voice never wavered. A performer at her core, just like him.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
As the last lingering notes echoed through the room, he began to clap. Y/n jumped at the noise, turning to face him with wide eyes and cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Lucifer was undeterred and, getting to his feet, gave her a standing ovation. After a few moments, he ceased in his applause.
"That was beautiful." he said, breaking the new silence that had fallen between them.
"Um, I'm sorry." Y/n's gaze fell back to the piano.
"No! No no no!" Lucifer exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.
He kneeled before her, lifting her hands from her lap and taking them in his own. She turned to him, surprise drawing out the features of her face once again.
"Don't apologize for taking up space."
"I... I just didn't mean to disturb you is all. If you're looking for Charlie, she's out at the movies with everyone else."
"I was but, I can talk to her later, when she gets back. You didn't disturb me at all, Y/n. As I said, it was beautiful. It was..."
He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face.
"Oh fuck!" Y/n exclaimed, "I didn't mean to upset you! I'm really sorry, what can I do to make it better?"
"You didn't upset me." Lucifer shook his head, "You just... somehow managed to put words to the very things I've been struggling with the past couple years."
A smaller, much kinder and more genuine smile made its way onto his face.
"If you'd like to play more, I'd love to hear it."
Y/n's cheeks flushed red again.
"Theres no pressure." Lucifer shrugged, "Just giving you the option."
"An audience of one... well, it's a little intimidating." she admitted bashfully, "I'm used to the faceless mob of the crowd."
"I can see why. You have an undeniable gift."
"I guess... I don't know. Charlie just said it might help me process stuff. To play again, I mean."
"Was she right?"
Y/n paused in thought for a moment before nodding slowly.
"I think she might have been. My chest does feel a little lighter now."
"Then play."
"Um, mister... king of Hell? Sir?"
Lucifer laughed.
"You can just call me by my name. No formalities necessary. 'Mister king of Hell sir' was my fathers name."
Y/n laughed lightly at his terrible joke. The sound sparked a sudden joy in Lucifer's chest, one he hadn't felt in quite a long time.
"Well, Lucifer." she began again, stumbling a bit over his name.
"I'll... um, I'll need my hands back. If I'm to keep playing."
He looked down and his eyes widened. Lucifer hadn't realized he had still held her hands in his. Immediately he dropped them, getting to his feet and looking away in mild embarrassment.
"Sorry, about that."
"Don't apologize for existing." Y/n parroted his earlier words.
When he turned back to her, it was to find she was smiling slightly.
"How bad would it be if I said sorry again right now?"
"You'd be sounding like me."
"Lets make a deal then: no sorries unless something is actually wrong."
"What if I can't tell if your mad at me or not?"
Lucifer looked down at the seated demon. In not one of his wildest dreams could he ever imagine being mad at her but, that wasn't exactly something he could say.
"Then you can always ask."
"And you promise you wont lie to me?"
"I promise."
"Promise promise?"
She eyed him suspiciously for a moment before nodding her head. Turning back to the piano, her hands found their place on the keys once again. She hesitated.
"I..." Y/n shot Lucifer a look over her shoulder, "Thank you."
"Thank you. There is some solace in knowing someone else out there feels the same way I do, if for different reasons."
"Yeah. There is, isn't there? Maybe part of our deal can be helping each other figure that all out too."
The suggestion had been half thought out. Y/n hadn't really meant to give it a voice, it had escaped her locked lips. She quickly turned back to the piano.
"Sorry. That was dumb."
"What did we just say about sorries!" Lucifer exclaimed, "No apologizing for existing. I think that suggestion sounds rather nice."
"Okay. I... I'm actually going to play now. Is that okay?"
With a snap of his fingers, Lucifer reappeared in the seat he had previously inhabited. He crossed his legs, resting his hands on his knee.
"Whenever your ready."
Song is Perfect Doesn't Last by Beth Crowley as requested :)
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jirsungs · 2 months
ep 13: my wonderwall, at least i hope so
word count: 1.5k words
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It's already been two months and three weeks since you and Jisung started hanging out. That's also how long the overthinking thoughts of whether you really want to pursue this relationship or not have been torturing you as they're kept in a locked folder in the back of your mind. 
You knew you and Jisung had to have the talk at some point, but every time you tried, the timing was always a bit… off.
The first time you tried was two weeks ago, at another Rockway gig. It was getting on your nerves that a bunch of screaming girls came to that particular performance of theirs, especially when some of them were eyeing Jisung and losing their minds every time he looked over in their direction to play his typical drummer role of pleasing the audience correctly. Even though he caught their attention the whole night, you caught his, which is how you succeeded in pulling him aside after Rockway finished their performance.
“Jisung, can I talk to you for a moment?”
It wasn't the right time or place, sure, but you had to get this off your chest because your heart felt like it was on a ticking time bomb.
Jisung joins you in the corner after he frees himself away from the girls around him once Chenle gets his signal that he’s desperate for a way out. “What’s up? Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to talk to you. I know this isn't a good time right now but I seriously need to say this.”
He only raises his brow, “Okay.” He's anxious, but he doesn't have time to dwell on how he's feeling when he's worried about you. The way you’re visibly stressing out has him putting the pieces together on why you called him over, but as Chenle and Jeno said, he was going to wait for your lead.
“I like—” 
You. I like you. That's what you were supposed to say, and so much more. Until some dumb overly excited girls came over and interrupted your private conversation. 
The squeals of “Jisung, you did soooo well tonight!”, “You were so hot up there!” and “Can I get your number?” sounded blurry in your head with how irritated you were getting.
Yeah… You ended up leaving Jisung and the party in general despite the sad protests from your friends on how “you needed to cheer yourself up.” But, you brushed them off by telling them that it was impossible to do that right now. 
So, you ended your night in your apartment alone with the accompaniment of a big bucket of cookie dough ice cream, multiple episodes of How I Met Your Mother, and no friends or Jisung by your side. 
You tried again the week after, but just like last time, it did not turn out so well.
You should've known that it wouldn't work because it was during a hangout with both of your friend groups, specifically hosted at Jisung and Jeno's apartment.
Jaemin, Haechan, Chenle, and Yeonjun were busy being loud as they screamed over one another during a game of Mario Kart 8 in the living room while Jeno helped Ning finish a two-thousand-piece puzzle downstairs. And, Mark and Renjun were nowhere to be found due to them both having different plans set for that day.
Which left you and Jisung in his room. Alone. He originally brought you up here to show off his new collectibles, so you weren't sure how you ended up watching a movie with him on his bed.
It seemed like the perfect time to tell him, it really did. But just as you were about to open your mouth, your phone rang, leaving you on the phone with Renjun for three whole hours while he ranted about someone who pissed him off at his group study session. And by the time your conversation with Renjun ended and you hung up, Jisung was already occupied by a game of Super Smash Bros with your friends in the living room. 
You're still mad at Renjun for ruining the moment.
And now, you're here, a few days after, in Jeno and Jisung’s apartment once again, but this time, sitting on their living room couch with him right next to you. 
Neither of you spoke during the movie you were currently watching, probably because you both wanted to ignore the awkward tension that's been spiraling around the two of you for the past few weeks. But to you, now seemed like the perfect time to break that. It was dark out and you were both left alone as Jeno had to leave to run errands. 
“Ji, can you pause the movie?”
Without asking, Jisung mutters “Sure.” before grabbing the remote control and pausing the movie.
With his attention on you, you sit up and fix your posture on the couch, which he mirrors. You thought fixing your appearance would help balance yourself from the overcoming emotions you knew you were going to have at this very moment. 
“Okay, well—”
But then, you get interrupted again. Not by Jeno walking in, or a random phone call from one of your friends, but by him.
“Wait! Before you tell me your thing, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”
Despite the small annoyance that was creeping on you, you dismissed it and instead, anticipated what he was going to say. Most times, you didn’t mind how oblivious Jisung was, but right now, you really wish he could read the room and let you say what’s on your mind. You hope he’s going to say the same thing you were going to say, but he didn’t need to interrupt you for it…
Your silence cues him to continue, “You remember Oasis? You know, the band I told you about?” You nod. “Okay, um, there’s this one song by them, it’s actually one of my favorites. It’s called Wonderwall, it’s kinda like a love song but uh—I’m not saying we’re in love ‘cause obviously we’re not—”
“We’re not?”
Shit. That’s not what Jisung meant.
He panics, “No! I mean–yes? Fuck, I dunno, Y/N.” 
“Oh. Okay.”
The thing is, you know that he didn’t mean anything bad out of it, then how come you felt your heart break into two hearing how unsure he felt about you? Should you even confess right now? No, this doesn’t feel right.
The room is full of complete and uncomfortable silence with no other words said, and it annoys the hell out of you. You can tell it bothers Jisung just as much because you watch him mentally stress out in front of you, his face in his hands as he lets out an exasperated sigh. Both of your minds were pushing you to fix the problem, but you can’t. You don’t know how to. This is new for you both, and that’s the problem. 
Just as Jisung grasps a new idea in his head, he sees you physically pull farther away from him before you grab your bag from the side and stand up from your place on the couch. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, your voice coming out quavered, “I–um, I gotta go.”
Scared to see his reaction or hear his voice, you thought what was best. You escape. You rush out of his apartment, giving him no time to react at all. The last sounds Jisung heard were the slam of the door and the words Chase after her, don’t her go from the little voice in his head.
Jisung knew you were hiding yourself away from him again. He noticed it the first night you hung out and some moments after that, but he felt that it was insensitive to bring it up out of nowhere. Right now was one of those moments. 
When you’re outside of the apartment, you’re met with Jeno who’s looking at you, puzzled and worried. Even though it felt like your world was crashing down on you, the way he almost resembled a Samoyed dog and how you could imagine the cogs in his brain turning lightened your mood a little bit. But just like Jisung, you gave him no time to say anything. 
“Y/N!” You hear Jeno call after you after you quickly walk away. 
Just like he expected you to, you ignore him and he watches you rush down the stairs. Many scenarios were circling in his head right now, but he didn’t want to assume the worst before he asked Jisung himself.
Jeno inserts his assigned key into the key slot before turning it, the door unlocking right after. He walks in and sees no Jisung in the living room or kitchen. 
There’s no way that kid escaped. He thinks.
He’s about to let it pass him by until he notices Jisung’s door slightly cracked open. He walks over and gently pushes it to reveal the younger one sprawled on his bed. Though he knows it’s not the best moment, he snickers at the sight. Oh, Jisung's in love. 
Then, he hears a pouty “You know, I can hear you, Jeno.” come from Jisung before he watches him switch positions on his bed. His disheveled hair and the I fucked up expression he’s wearing tell Jeno all he needs to know. 
Already knowing he’s going to be here for a while, the said man opens the door more to give himself space to get comfortable. He rests his body against the doorframe, folds his arms then sighs, “Alright, what’d you do, kid?”
“I messed up.”
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
note: i had my considered "sad songs" on repeat the whole time i was writing this and i think i memorized every single song by the time i was done with it ☠️ also, new twt pfps 😱 (they made me feel better) but i am wishing our dms couple all the happiness in the world ☹️
🎫: @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @seunghancore @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrshwang-park @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv @haechology
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acesofspadess · 7 months
I definitely published this a bit out of order but bare with me
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“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Azriel x f!Reader
A/n: this is inspired by the babysitters ep of Bluey (yes it’s a kid show so what)
Warnings: none
Knocking on the front door of the River House you let yourself in, “Hi Feyre!” Nyx comes bounding towards you from the living room, “Y/n!” He screeches, clinging to your dress skirt. You kneel down, eye level with the little 5 year old bouncing on his feet.
Feyre comes into the entryway, “Y/n! Thank you so much for watching him tonight, it truly means a lot to Rhys and I.” You get up and hug your friend. “It’s not a problem. I love seeing this little guy.” Feyre leads you into the sitting room with Nyx holding your hand, where Rhys is sitting on the floor surrounded by Nyx’s toys.
Rhys stands to greet you, “Y/n, lovely to see you. What brings you over this evening?” He says giving you a feline smirk. Feyre gives him a look like she can’t believe he’s even asking that. You laugh, “I’m babysitting while you and Feyre go to Viviane and Kallias’ for dinner, silly.” At that moment the front door opens and closes, Azriel comes into the sitting room. He stops short seeing you, “Sorry I’m late, Cassian would not let me leave. I swear he’s a toddler.”
“Uncle Az!” Nyx runs over to the shadowsinger jumping into his arms. “Hey buddy.” Az says, clutching the boy to his chest. Feyre looks at Rhys, she knows her mate is up to something. “Sorry darling, did I not tell you Az could watch Nyx?” “No my love, I don’t believe you mentioned it.” He chuckles.
Nyx wriggles out of Az’s arms grabbing one of his scarred hands in his little one. He drags the male over to you as the little boy grabs your hand with his free one. “Mommy, daddy can both uncle Az and y/n watch me tonight? Please?” He drags out the last word looking up at his parents with big, pleading eyes.
Before Feyre can say anything Rhys answers, “Of course, that is if they don’t mind staying.” You look at Azriel. He looks hopeful that you’ll say yes. You and the spymaster have an odd relationship. You met him a little over a year ago at Feyre’s art studio. You work at one of the art supply stores in the Rainbow that Feyre happened to come into one day to pick up some extra paints. The High Lady told you all about her studio and offered you a teaching position if you were interested.
During your first class with Feyre, Azriel had stopped by and he ended up introducing himself. You were quite taken with his soft demeanor given his reputation. Not to mention his beauty. After bumping into from time to time and quick conversations you found that Azriel is a kind male. He always gave you his undivided attention when you spoke and you loved when he told you his thrilling stories from his years of spying.
You had quickly found yourself falling for him and had tried to keep your crush for Azriel to yourself. But keeping it to yourself was unsuccessful, one night after a few glasses of wine Feyre got it out of you.
You broke eye contact with Azriel to look down at Nyx who was looking between the two of you, hopeful you’ll both stay with him. “I’ll absolutely stay.” Relief flashes in Azriel’s face. “Perfect! Nyx, be good for your uncle and y/n.” Feyre hugs all three of you goodbye, quickly being ushered out by Rhys. The couple winnow away, leaving the three of you alone.
Nyx runs back to his toys, plopping down on the floor. “Can we play a game?”
A few games and a dessert definitely not meant for a 5 year old before bed, it was the little boy's bedtime. You and Az were sitting at the end of Nyx’s bed tucking him in. “Good night Nyx, sleep tight.” You say kissing his head. You and Azriel go to leave when Nyx suddenly sits up. “Wait.” You turn to look at him, “will you both tell me a bedtime story?”
“What do you say, think we can come up with a good one?” Az asks, you chuckle following Az back to Nyx’s bed. Sitting down next to Azriel you let him take the lead. He’s always been a great storyteller and you were excited to hear the tale he would tell his nephew. Azriel clears his throat as Nyx lays back down cuddling with his teddy bear.
“Once upon a time there was a girl who-“ “Princess” Nyx interjects, throwing off the story Azriel had set up. “What?” The boy rolls his eyes, “Mommy and daddy always tell me a story about a princess and a prince that save each other and it’s my favorite. Can you tell me something like that?” Azriel takes his time thinking about how to change his story. “Ok I got it. Once upon a time there was a princess who ruled over a beautiful kingdom. The sun was always shining, the people happy and cheerful, and occasionally a rainbow would appear after a storm. Showing the kingdom that even when things are dark and gloomy there’s always beauty hiding behind it.”
You smile, you didn’t know the spymaster had quite the imagination. Azriel continues, “On one of these rare days the princess was out for a walk. Shopping and watching her people enjoy the beautiful day. Before she could walk into her favorite candy shop she bumped into a dark, mysterious stranger.” Nyx gasped, clinging onto every word Azriel was saying.
“She was bright and bubbly, the complete opposite of the stranger. She apologized to him but he didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and stepped out of her way. She continued on into the shop like any other day. Not knowing she had changed the mysterious man’s life. After walking around town some more and bumping into the stranger several more times the princess wanted to know more about him. After running into each other again that afternoon the princess invited the man to join her for lunch. He was going to say no but something in his heart said he should. Talking during lunch the man revealed he was the prince from the neighboring kingdom, sent by his father to meet with the princess to start an alliance.
“Once they were back at the castle the prince and princess were inseparable. They would spend their days in the library, riding horses, and seeking out adventure. As the days went on she realized the prince had changed. He became happier and more open with the princess. On the prince’s last day of his visit he thanked the princess. She asked him why do you need to thank me. He said he was thankful she spent time with him and became his friend. Not many people would be because of the darkness that surrounded him.
“She couldn’t believe that the prince had no friends. She was happy she had a new friend too. When the prince went to leave the next day-“ you tapped Azriel’s arm, cutting him off. He looked at you and you pointed to Nyx, who was fast asleep. You both silently crept out of the room, gently closing Nyx’s door.
Once you are back in the living room you sit next to Azriel on the couch. He seems like he’s shying away from you. You clear your throat, breaking the awkward silence between you. “That was a cute story.” Azriel’s cheeks heat up as he tries to not make eye contact with you. “Thanks.”
You were done with awkwardness and avoiding each other. Moving closer to Azriel you grasp his hand, “It actually sounded like us, was it?” His head snapped toward you, his eyes going wide. You panicked, did you overstep? Did he not feel the same way about you?
It seemed that Azriel was also done with whatever awkward energy was between you. He cupped your face in his large, calloused hands and kissed you. It was exactly how you hoped it would be. His lips were soft and gentle, and you loved the way he held you. He pulled back, resting his head against your forehead. “Ever since the day I met I’ve been crazy about you. Getting to talk to you was always the highlight of my day. I don’t know why I’ve waited this long to say anything but I’d love to take you out to dinner.”
The biggest smile spread across your face as you nodded, “I’d love to go out with you Az.”
Hours later Rhys and Feyre winnowed back into the foyer of the River House. Feyre giggling and poking at Rhys’ face. “You are positively tipsy Feyre darling.” Rhys chuckled. “What can I say, the Winter Court wine is delicious. We need to get some for the house.”
“We can but the challenge will be keeping it out of Cassian’s hands.” The couple strolls into the living room, stopping at the sight before them. “Aawww Rhys look at them.”
At some point while talking, you and Az had fallen asleep on the couch. You looked so peaceful wrapped up in Azriel’s arms. And Azriel looked so happy having you laying on his chest. Feyre walked over to the couch draping a blanket of you. She was definitely going to get all the details out of you tomorrow.
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eupheme · 2 years
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IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE | part ii: stay with me
[masterlist | part i]
joel miller x f!reader
Rated E - 6.2k
Tags: mention of wounds/care, brief canon-divergence (spoilers for ep. 6 & 7), reader is mid/late 30s+, mentions of death, use of weapons, found family, angst, wounds, hurt/comfort, the start of feelings, competency kink(s)
He wakes up. And slowly, the cabin starts to feel alive again.
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The long evening stretches into a longer night. You’re exhausted from the last 24 hours, the dull throb in your head that echoes against your ribs.
Not wanting to take anything for the ache, now knowing it could be needed. Stretched out on one of the old hickory chairs - watching through sleepy, half-lidded eyes.
The girl - Ellie - stayed up as long as she could. Dozing now, curled up in the wooden chair that matches yours, at the foot of the couch.
He murmurs in his sleep. Knocked out from the pain and the medication, forehead hot with a fever as he fights off the infection.
Some of it senseless - rough mumbles as his eyes move under closed lids.
Sometimes names.
Breathed out, with the rise and fall of his chest.
Gasped, with a creak of the couch as he shifts. Hand twitching at it reaches out, searching for someone who isn’t there.
You can’t leave him. So, you let him take yours. His grip firm and strong even like this, as he settles.
The hours, slowly passing.
But, he makes it.
Through one night. And then another.
A slow routine starting.
Catching sleep in the morning, when Ellie takes over watch. Never imaging you’d be comfortable with strangers in your house - but you figure if they attacked you now, then there’d be a special place in hell waiting for them.
A routine of pain killers, the man’s eyes fluttering open when you wake him. How he frowns each time - looking for the face he knows, too incoherent to understand.
But he gulps down the water you offer. That sharp frown easing as he sleeps, where you brush the sweaty curls from his forehead, adjust the blankets when they get kicked off.
A small realization forming, during this time. You had thought they needed you, in those late-night hours. That he wouldn’t survive, without your help.
But you see the way he fights. How she’s the first thing he looks for. How she hasn’t left his side. A bond there, stronger than you’ve seen in a long time.
Maybe they didn’t need you at all.
Maybe you’re the respite. The soothing hand, the warm food, a safe place to rest - before they moved on. Like Aunt June and Danny had been for you - when your little group turned up on their doorstep all those years ago, battered and broken.
Even if they never ended up moving on.
Even if you’re still here.
It’s comforting, in a way. A means to finally pay back everything that was given to you, over the years.
You hope they’d be proud.
A little more time passes, and you find that it’s not so bad. Having more people around.
Ellie is funny.
A breath of fresh air, in your silent, stuffy cabin. Where everything is in its place because you’re the only one that moves it. Where there’s been no one but you and the ghosts of those before, haunting it’s halls for years.
Excited over the things you’ve taken for granted. Eyes shining over things like canned fruit cocktail and instant noodles. Innocently poking around everything you own, to a point where you just sigh and shake your head.
Seasoning conversations with the word “fuck”, peppered in expertly. Fuck this, fuck that, and a fuck yeah.
A side-eye thrown your way the first time, catching the small curl of your smile instead of a reprimand. You remember what it had been like, to be her age.
Not exactly in the same way - you can’t imagine that. Living through this hell, back then. But, just that sense of feeling grown up, wanting to be taken seriously.
The tenuous friendship formed in these first few days reminds you of your childhood.
Befriending a feral cat that slept beneath the porch - tempting it out with bits of food. Sitting on the stoop as she became used to you, until the shift of your stance no longer scared her away.
With Ellie, the food certainly helped. But what got her was the books.
Most of them were old - what you would think a middle-aged couple in the 80's would bring to a cabin.
Guides filled with local birds and flora. Collections of old, short stories. A stack of local maps, the pages well-worn and creased, everything lined up in the handmade wooden bookcase.
You've read them all. There were days in the winter where there was little else to do. A few scavenged, brought back by the others. But now it helps, as you pick the ones you think she'd like - setting them by the chair she's claimed.
The hours become a little more comfortable.
She reads, while you cycle through the small pastimes you have. Your own book you've been working through. Some projects - the beginning of a scarf, crocheted with salvaged bits of old sweaters, a moth-eaten afgan.
Passing the time while he sleeps and heals with the turning of pages, the slide of the yarn.
She had been interested in your work for a little while - an afternoon where you showed her how to yarn over, make a chain.
Her fingers clumsy as she miscounted, too eager for the end result.
Turning what began as a rectangle - the start of a scarf, like yours - into something with wavy edges, each row shorter than the last. The frustration evident as she handed it back to you with a resigned shrug.
But you still weave in the ends, block it out next to some granny squares. With some fringe, it becomes a bookmark - her fingers playing with the ends as she reads.
It’s close to four days in, when things change. When he starts to be awake more often than he’s asleep.
"I think he's turned a corner." You tell her, after the bandages have been changed.
When it came to this - she learned everything you showed her quickly. A quick study, once shown. Resourceful, too - telling you how she had found the antibiotics in an old mall, one that you knew well. The very mall you were certain had been already cleared out - but today, you were happy to be wrong.
This time she takes the lead - peeling back the stained medical tape. Carefully checking the wound before replacing the gauze, fixing it back into place.
That long-held breath exhaled. A small nod, "He has to be. I don't know what I'd do-"
"He has turned a corner." You amend - the words firm, "He's lucky he had you."
"More like, we were lucky I found you."
There's a sullenness that tinges her words then, arms crossed over her knees.
It makes you frown, as you move from the chair. Lowering yourself down, until you're both on the same level, on the wooden floor.
She doesn't meet your eyes, fingers tugging at a loose string on the quilt, dangling off the couch.
You think you understand, a little.
The complexity of the situation - how hopeless she had probably been feeling. How much she had to do on her own, all while thinking she didn't do enough to help. Thinking she failed him.
"This was all you. You know that, right?" Your words are careful, your head ducking to make eye contact, "He wouldn't have made it without you."
Ellie's jaw grits, a quick look your way - before her eyes drop.
"He didn't start getting better until he got here."
You sigh, leaning back on your hands, "You just gave him the antibiotics. They just needed a little time to start working."
Her head turns, as she thinks about that.
"I helped ease some of the pain, but he's strong. He survived, because of you."
Eyes meeting yours. Narrowing, but in a way where you can tell that she’s inspecting you. Seeing if you’re lying.
You’re not. The smile you offer is small, as he starts to stir. Eyes cracking open - finding hers like they always did.
As her expression brightens. You’re not sure if it’s a mask - wanting to appear cheerful for him - or if she’s still at that age where emotions are fleeting, changing with the wind.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” She chirps, his forehead creasing with the name, her loud voice. He grunts an answer, glancing around the room.
Pausing, those dark eyes boring into yours. You hold the gaze, still curled on the ground next to the edge.
A small nod. Just a little jerk of his chin.
Your answering smile is equally small, before you push yourself back up. Heading over to stick another log into the fire, from the iron rack just off to the side.
There’s an understanding, after.
You were a threat, until you’re weren’t. Until they sniffed you out and you passed some unspoken test, somewhere between that first sleepless night, and now.
Their guards aren’t down. Not completely. Yours isn’t either. But there’s an ease to your steps, as you move around the space together. A sleep that comes a little more soundly at night.
Because, you’re not alone anymore.
She reads to him, sometimes. The books you pluck from the shelves and leave for her to find.
Keeping Joel company as he stays bedridden a little while longer.
He had tried to get up, on that fourth day. A wince that crumpled his face as he pushed himself up, Ellie’s scold of “what in the hell are you doing?” raining down as her arms braced on her hips.
The look of alarm on his face still makes you want to laugh, days later.
You’re cooking dinner as she reads another chapter - secretly pleased that she seems interested in one of the volumes you treasure. The pages dog-marked, the spine cracked, and cover faded.
Warming up canned pasta in the Dutch oven simmering over the fire, listening to her words as you stir.
“It was after tea-time; it was pouring with rain, and had been all day; his hood was dripping into his eyes, his cloak was full of water; the pony was tired and stumbled on stones; the others were too grumpy to talk.”
“Sounds familiar.” She adds as an aside - her words filling the space as her eyes peek his way every few lines, to see if he’s listening.
Tripping over the names of the dwarves and locations with the confidence only a teenager could have.
"And I'm sure the rain has got into the dry clothes and into the food-bags," thought Bilbo. "Fuck burgling and everything to do with it!”
A tired lid cracks open - he had been listening after all, “He didn’t say fuck.”
She sighs, eyes rolling as she slumps in her seat, “Well, he should be allowed to. After the way they barged in and messed all his shit up.”
You grin, from your crouch near the fire, “Mm. I agree with her on this one.”
Clearly outvoted, he rolls onto his side, facing the back of the couch. Pointedly ignoring her as she runs through a few more reasons why she’s right.
Giving up, her voice a stage-whisper - hand cupped around her mouth as if telling you a secret, “He’s just pissed because I compared him to Gandalf earlier. Old and cranky.”
Joel’s head turns, a glare hurled in her direction - her grin as she pulls the book up again. Your own teeth biting the inside of the cheek to hide your smile.
But from your angle, you don’t miss the way his face softens.
The small smile, as he settles back down.
It's not long before you all get a little antsy.
Despite the much-needed company that Ellie and Joel bring into your home, after years of solitude it almost tipped into too much at times. Your cabin feels too small for you all to occupy the same space for the entire day, with Joel taking up most of the seating.
Even if at one time, there were many more. But it's been ages since then.
You're certain they feel the same. Not used to idleness.
The twice-daily walks you take around the perimeter of the fence helps. When he is finally able to move a little, sitting up instead of laying down.
Able to roam around the kitchen, eventually wandering outdoors. There, the air is lung-achingly crisp. A sizable porch that looks across the hill, across the miles of trees, down to the old barn.
Once the danger is over - once he starts to heal - that is where you spend some of the afternoons. The thick wooden walls keeping some of the chill out.
Close to cozy after you spend an afternoon putting a small fire pit together, the golden glow keeping all of you warm as Ellie brushes down Callus.
Finding treasures as she pokes around the storage in the first and second floor. A lot of it is supplies, things to be used for repairs.
Planks of wood, a crate filled with tools. A few barrels of gas for the generator - just for emergencies. The walls are lined with the things you use most often when tending the small field just outside - shovels, a pitchfork, an axe.
It's in these rooms that she finds a treasure - disappearing over a crate, until all you can see are the soles of her boots. Coming back up with an "oof", and something clutched in her hand. Covered in cobwebs from where it's laid hidden on the dusty floor.
A small, monobloc bow. You must have set it down one afternoon, and forgot. Trading it for something louder, stronger.
"Woah, this is cool." Ellie tries to pull the string back, the dull 'thump' as her fingers slip.
Still taut, after all this time. You smile as you hold your hand out, the muscles in your arm flexing as you pull it back with a smooth, practiced movement.
"I thought I lost this." You let go, the satisfying 'twang' as it snaps back into place, "Did you see any arrows?"
She's already scrambling back over - coming back with two clutched in her hand. A determined shine in her eyes as she asks breathlessly, "Can I try it?"
You glance over your shoulder, at the man sitting in one of the camping chairs. Staring idly into the flicker of the fire - a hand pressed against his side.
Once he was up, he started refusing medication.
Saying he was just fine. You had protested at first. That he needed it, that it would speed things along.
"'ve had worse." He eventually told you. When it was just the two of you - as you were getting ready to go to bed yourself, “You should keep it. In case someone needs it more."
Wanting to save it for you, or the next person that came along and needed help.
"We'd better ask your-" You catch yourself - correcting, "Uh, ask Joel."
Her nose wrinkles, "He lets me shoot his gun. I don't need to ask him about this."
That makes you laugh, your voice lowering as your head turns back to face her, "Maybe. But I think he will hate me a little less if we just ask, anyways. You get me?"
"He doesn't hate you. He's just..." Her face twists as she thinks, a vague wave of her hand, "Grumpy. Took him months to talk to me, and I'm a goddamn delight."
You had half-meant it as a joke, but her sweet reassurance warms you. Teeth biting your tongue to hold back another laugh.
Finding it surprising to think about how nice that would be, if it was true.
If he truly didn't.
Not knowing why you want his approval so badly. But it's something you've been thinking about since that first meeting. You want him to see you. To notice you.
Years of that piece of you missing, suddenly pushing to the surface like the first buds of spring.
"You sure are. Let's just check, anyways.”
She’s already bounding off, bow in hand. You watch as she asks, the way his eyes flick over the weapon, then back your way.
“Suppose you can.” Joel allows - after a long moment, “Don’t think I’m in the right shape yet to show you, though.”
Ellie wilts, clearly hoping he would. After a moment of hesitation, you join them.
“Been a bit, but I could set a little something up. For practice.” You offer.
The appraising look he gave the bow flits your way, down to the two aluminum arrows in your grip. His tongue poking his cheek as he thinks it through, before he nods.
Ellie’s excitement is palpable, as she helps you drag out two bales of straw. A crude target drawn on some paper you grab from the house, fixed under the strings.
Standing at your shoulder as you grip the bow in your hand. Showing her how to notch the arrow, fitting the shaft against the arrow rest.
Drawing the string back to your cheekbone, as you aim for the middle of the target.
“You’ll get better the more you use it. This one doesn’t have a sight. Have to get a feel where the arrow aims,” You explain, feeling the tension in the string. “Use the point of the arrow.”
Inhaling a slow breath, holding it in.
A release, exhaling as it fires. Soaring across the yard, hitting just shy of the dark mark in the middle.
Not bad. You still got it.
Ellie’s whoop startles you - a fondness settling, after.
“Holy shit, that was so cool!” She gushes, as you hand it over. Glancing back over her shoulder, “Don’t you think, Joel?”
You can’t help but to turn, to glance his way. Where he’s caught, watching. Clearing his throat as he gruffly answers - his eyes meeting yours, before sliding away.
“Yeah. Real cool.”
He follows a half-dozen steps behind her.
Could never stand being cooped up for too long. Staying still made you a target, and this past couple weeks had made his skin itch. When it wasn't throbbing, or burning up.
The cold air makes his lungs ache, but at least he's moving. She hadn't protested, when he had shrugged on his coat. The exercise would do him good, help get him strong enough so they could leave.
Get back on the road.
Ellie had been watching, her feet kicked up on the coffee table. A different book on her lap, the pictures bright, even from here.
"Doing anything fun?" She asked, looking hopeful.
"Just a walk."
Her eyes sliding to the wide window, the snow falling that looked closer to sleet. Slumping further into her seat with a flat, "Eh, pass."
He hadn't pressed. Be happier if she stayed where it was warm.
"Lock up after us, okay?"
The words had come automatically, from deep in his mind. Ones that had been dormant for years, over twenty now. A lump in his throat as he ignored the woman's quick glance his way, before he pushed the screen door open - not waiting for an answer.
Now, her fingers trail across the wire fence, snow falling from the wooden posts when her gloves pass over it. Walking the perimeter, as he's noticed that she does - every morning and as the sun sets.
A small frown forms, the crease deepening between his eyebrows. Watching her fingers, the way the pom-pom on her hat bounces with each step.
He doesn't take well to kindness.
Before Boston, kindness got you killed. A weakness.
In the QZ, it came with a price. A debt, and he never liked owing - only collecting.
He wonders what his is, here.
Set off-balance by the situation he finds himself in. Unsure of his footing with this woman. One who seems frozen in time.
Everything about her and this place seemed to stop when the world went to hell.
The same sort of eerie feeling when he passed through the gate that led to Bill and Frank's place - an uneasy normalcy to everything, that felt unnatural.
So strange, how that could be.
Not quite sure what he thinks of her. There’s a hidden strength that he hadn’t seen at first. Not just anyone could have survived out here for so long. The way she handles the rifle, the bow, clear that she hasn’t been idle all these years.
Her eyes find his often, flicking away when he looks back. Catching the smallest details.
It makes him wonder what she thinks of him.
Actual words, instead of the thoughts he sees written so clearly on her face - gone in a blink when she collects herself. Still remembering the fear when they first met, though she hasn't worn that expression again.
Her smile is kind, he does know that much.
It comes easily for Ellie, a fondness already in the soft curves.
Sometimes, it comes for him, too.
Flakes from above settle on her knitted hat, clinging to her hair, her eyelashes - when her face turns, making sure he's still behind her.
A gun slung across her back, each step easy.
His own rifle is firm in his grip, eyes sweeping back and forth. There's nothing so far but miles of trees - natural slopes and dips. The occasional small creek to cross, not liking the way his body feels like it's moving a few seconds behind.
Discomfort flitting across his features, as he steps across the gap. A moment of imbalance, before he's on solid ground again.
Her hand twitches, as if wanting to hold them out to him. Thinking better of it, as they curl into fists.
A gentle suggestion instead - a nod at his rifle, "Don't have to carry that, if you don't want. Been ages since I saw a soul out here, 'sides Ellie."
He frowns at that, unsure.
But she moves ahead, hands shoved in the pockets of her oversized coat. Slowly, the strap goes around his head, slinging it across his back.
He isn't so slow that he couldn't grab it, if needed.
"You don't get Infected out here?" His voice is a rasp, hoarse from disuse.
Her head shakes as it turns, "Not here. Only see them if I go out."
A moment, his thoughts flickering back. To words he half-remembers, in that dark basement, "You said it wasn't safe. That you wouldn't have come."
She stops then, and he almost crashes into her. A hand steading himself on the wire fence, her face tilted up to his, but eyes not meeting.
"That was by you, not here."
"What was there?"
There's a beat, before she starts walking again. Her voice carrying over the wind, "The Infected aren't the only monsters out here. But both will sink their teeth into you, just the same."
He inhales a sharp breath - had heard about things like that. Desperate people, desperate measures. It sickens him, an uncomfortable roll of his stomach as she continues.
“It's damn lucky Ellie came this way, I'll just say that. That we all made it out of there without catching any notice was a miracle."
The thought about them touching a single hair on Ellie's head fills him with fury. Half-tempted to hunt them down himself, just to ensure it could never happen.
Injury be damned.
His voice low, deadly level, "They don't come this way?"
"No." Hers is equally firm, "Nobody comes this way, not if they know better. There's an old campground not too far from here. Rumor is that it's a nest of Infected, there. Completely overrun."
His steps stall at that, making him a further pace behind. She catches it, and her eyes roll, "It's just a rumor. People around here are superstitious."
He doesn't like her tone, her easy disregard. She hadn't seen the massacre at KC. The horror of all those bodies spilling from the ground, rushing faster than you could blink.
"How do you know?" The words have more bite than he means, enough that she's glancing back again.
She smiles at him then, the first he's seen since they left. Already so different than the first meeting in the basement, when that tone would have had her frozen to the spot.
"Because it's my rumor." The smile pulls a little wider, "There is a camp, sure. But the outbreak happened in September. Camp was over. Been there myself, it's empty."
A shrug, arms crossing over her chest, "Been telling it for the last ten years. Have had it told back to me by people I don't even know for the last three.”
At that, she starts moving along the trail again, "No one is coming out here."
He can't help the small smile that comes, just the slightest curve of his lips.
The gap between them closes, just a little.
Hmm, not here.
The large wooden chest closes - solid as you use it to sit on. To think.
Taking a moment, while you poke around the guest room - where she had started sleeping, now that Joel was awake. Looking for the old leather quiver, the extra arrows. Certain that they had to around here somewhere, since you haven't been able to find them in the usual places.
Ellie had been practicing. She's getting good - going out moat afternoons to fire at the bales. You've replaced the targets a few times already - finding some sturdy cardboard - moving them around the yard for variety.
But it was hard, chasing after the only two arrows she had.
You look up from your seat at the end of the bed, to find her standing in front of the closet.
Touching the shirts inside, always coming back to one to the far right side. Dark green plaid, patterned with charcoal and white stripes.
Startling, when you come up behind her - shoving the shirt back into place, "I don't think it's in here.”
"I'll have to check the attic." You answer. Pausing for a moment - before asking, "Did you like that shirt?"
Her cheeks pinken, "It's cool."
You smile, tugging it off the hanger. A memory from years ago surfaces - time spent together in front of the roaring fire.
The sleeves rolled up over strong forearms, your fingers sliding over the buttons. It's been well-loved - but in a way that makes the flannel soft and warm.
It makes you wonder if it still smells like smoke. Like them. If it clings to the memories like you do.
She takes it, holding it limply in her hands. Unsure what to do with it.
You help her, "You can have it, if you want. It could use a good home."
Make it seem like she's doing you a favor.
Her eyes dart down, uncertain - but the wanting wins out. Her zip-up jacket is shed, flung on the bed as she pulls it on over her long-sleeve tee.
It runs big, and she lets you roll the cuffs up to her wrists - the shirt hanging down around her thighs.
"Very 90s chic." You tell her, and she smiles as if she knows what that means. Maybe it's just the approval in your tone, and the unexpected gift.
Ellie parades out to the living room, where Joel was working - sorting through their gear.
"Check it out!" You can hear her laugh from here, the joy in her tone, "We match! Bet you just love that."
The last two words are drawn out, long and teasing.
You can't help but smile - picturing his face, and the grumble that follows.
Certain that he’s hiding his own small smile, as well.
The dust makes you sneeze, the ladder wiggling beneath your feet. It's been ages since you've been up here. Never had a reason too - most everything had been tucked up here for a reason.
Either because it was taking up space. Or because it was too hard to bear. Boxes filled with treasures that aren't yours, from another life.
The floors creaking beneath your feet, as you finally step into the cramped space. A dim light filtering from the tiny square window in the back, the roof slanting so you have to crouch as you check the edges.
Sorting quickly through the piles of stuff that they thought they might have needed, but never used. Skipping over the cans of old paint, some old tools.
Eventually finding a crate that you had thrown a threadbare blanket over. A piece, clicking into place, when you see it. Where you had brought their weapons - unloading them before tucking them away. It had felt like looting, to take them.
Even if you could have used them, it felt wrong.
The yellow and red feathers of the arrows peek out from where the blanket pools on the floor. You scoop them up - 10 in all - along with the quiver they spill out of.
"Found them!" You call down, as Ellie's face peers up through the square scuttle hole. Kneeling on the dusty floor to lower it down to her, before wiping your hands on your jeans.
Taking another look - certain you won't be up here again for a long time. Hesitating, when there's a glint off the flashlight you borrowed. Moving a side table, an old chair aside, to get to it.
A frame, the edges carved and painted with gold. The photo inside is one you remember from when you first arrived. It used to hang above the fireplace - a painting of the mountains, capped with snow. Pockets of pines clustered together.
You measure it with your hands, and after a moment - you take it. Lifting it with two hands as you drag it towards the exit of the attic, glancing down.
Unsure how you're going to get it down there. Maybe if Ellie can grab the end - keep it steady until you can get a good grip on the ladder.
You call for her - but you get someone else instead.
He hovers at the base of the ladder, peering up like she did. Hair slicked back from the shower, grey-streaked - already starting to curl again at the temples. The sight has you clutching onto the frame a little more tightly.
Silently beckoning to you, with a curl of two fingers.
You have to kneel to lower the picture, carefully fitting it through the opening - waiting for him to take it. He grasps it with one hand, easily lowering it to the ground, as you climb down.
His other hand extends, the briefest touch at your hip when the ladder wobbles. You instinctively seek him out for balance, his hand firm and strong as your fingers wrap around - pressing into his palm.
Close enough now to smell the woodsy scent of the shampoo he used, clinging to his skin. Trying not to think about him in the shower, your shower, just moments before.
Your boots finally hitting the ground as his hand releases yours, fingers flexing.
The frame still in his other hand, making no effort to give it back.
"You redecorating?"
That makes you laugh as you fold the ladder up, closing the entrance to the attic again.
Starting to walk into the kitchen, his steps heavy behind yours. You pat the dinner table and he sets the frame there, as your head tilts towards the taped-up window.
You've spent time cleaning the floors, the sink beneath. But hadn't had the time to figure out how to fix the window that shattered.
Today seemed as good a day as any.
"Not exactly." Your eyes slide unconsciously to Ellie, pulling her boots on by the cabin door - the strap of the quiver around her shoulder, "Need to replace this window, figured I could use the glass in this."
Her eyes lift then, a look of guilt crossing her features.
"Ain't the right kind of glass." Joel muses, his voice flat as his thumb presses down against the edge of the frame.
His tone, the words, make you bristle. An embarrassment at not knowing, just thinking glass was glass.
Hand resting on your hips as you answer, "Well, it's better than a hole."
He glances up from where he leans on the table. Pose mirroring yours when he sees the flat press of your lips.
Words coming slowly, "Just don't want you gettin' cold. Glass ain’t as thick as it should be."
A pause, as he considers - as your cheeks heat, "But sure… it'll do."
"You oughta help her out, Joel." Ellie is pushing to her feet now - her voice turning proud as she glances his way, "He used to be a contractor."
Saying the title like it was something precious, something important. His expression turning into one you've come to recognize as embarrassment - when she pokes fun or brags about him.
It feels right - this little reveal. Explains a bit more about him. A lot can happen in twenty years, but you’ve watch the way he looks at things, examining them.
Even down to his frame. Broad shoulders - strong in a way that only hard labor can bring, muscles layered under the softness that comes with age.
A prickle runs from your neck down to your belly at this thought, and you tear your eyes away.
Watching as she opens the door, his call following her into the cold, "Don't go too far, okay? Stick close to the barn."
Her acknowledgment coming as the door bangs shut, leaving the two of you alone. Your arms fold instead, a small sigh as the defensive thoughts thaw. As he looks at you, hands shoving into his pockets.
"Don't know why she's pressing me to help," His voice is low, "Seems like you've been gettin' along just fine here."
You bite back a smile - knowing exactly why she offered. A form of repentance for breaking it in the first place - offering him up to do the work for her. Your eyes slide away, as you sigh.
Coming back, your arms slowly uncrossing, "I actually don't know what I'm doing. Not for something like this."
A small shrug, as you start to pick open the fasteners on the back, "Was just going to wing it."
His voice comes then, slowly and softly.
"I could show you."
The offer is genuine, this time. A rare moment where you meet each others eyes. The soft brown of his, ones that you've looked often in silent admiration.
Your nod is small, like the smile you let through.
"I'd love that."
He helps you peel back the tape, the air outside drifting in the opening - chilling the room. Taking down the bits of cardboard, examining the damage.
"How did this happen?"
"Oh, you know." You hedge, shrugging. Not wanting to explain, if Ellie hadn't already, "It happens."
His eyes flick sideways at you, but he doesn't press.
You help him tug the remaining shards of glass free from the frame. One splintering and jabbing the tip of a finger - a small hiss as you press it between your lips without thought.
As his eyes follow - snagging, lingering, for a long moment - before he's nudging you out of the way with his hip.
"Let me handle this part."
Watching as he finishes cleaning the frame, until it's ready for the glass.
Somewhere along the way - you find that he's the one doing all the work. Listening as he explains each step, as you make a batch of instant coffee for the two of you. His black, yours with a tiny bit of maple syrup - harvested from the ridge behind the cabin.
Taking the glass out of the picture frame, measuring it against the window. Marking a mark of the size, scoring it with a utility knife that he fishes out of the pocket of his heavy coat.
It's impressive, watching him work. Especially with what little tools you have - making his own putty with things found in storage. His thumb smoothing down the compound on the last edge, a quick glance your way that you miss.
"What did you do? Before." He asks - his interest catching you off guard.
Your hands wrap around the mug, "I, uh... didn't get a chance to be anything. I was still in college, when everything happened."
There's a low hum of sympathy. A quick lean out the window to check on Ellie when you don’t continue - before he's sitting down in one of the chairs. The frame left to dry, before he fits it back into place.
A knee bumping against yours as his legs adjust under the table, long legs spreading wide.
Fingers tracing the edge of the frame now, a stilted silence settling. Unsure if you are in the mood to delve into then. Thinking about what you could ask him instead, if that's what you're doing now.
Getting to know each other.
"You been traveling with Ellie long?" You wind up asking.
He gives you a long look, under the curls that have sprung free. A hand scratching the scruff of his beard - the dark hair flecked with grey - his eyes not leaving yours.
"Couple months. Since summer, best I can guess."
You nod - that was what she had told you, on that first journey to find him.
"You got a ways more to go?"
There’s nothing intentionally prying about your questioning. It just feels strange not to know anything about the people staying with you - little opportunity or an opening to ask before now.
Ellie offers some, but she nearly as wary as he is. More prone to narrate what’s going on, questions about the books she reads.
“Think so. Heading to Utah, once things clear up.”
His wound, and the weather.
Winter was harsh in Colorado - with the heavy snow, it was near impossible not to get lost in the dense lines of trees. Assuming you didn’t freeze to death, first.
“Is it hard? Traveling with someone so young, I mean.” You can’t help but think about them. Wondering what life would have been like, if you had gotten home in time, “Just, the responsibility and all…”
It’s a selfish question. You don’t even know what you want his answer to be. The pause stretches longer then, and you're sure you've pushed too far.
"I'm sorry. You don't-" You start, but then he's answering.
“It is.” Eyes tracing the wood grain of the table, “But it’s not my first time. Lookin’ after someone her age."
Falling silent for good, after that.
The realization aches. Pieces fitting together - things he's said, almost on instinct. Old words from another time. How he looks out for Ellie - a softness under the gruff exterior.
You reach for him - moving slowly. Giving him time to pull his hand back, to retreat.
But it stays in place, a twitch of his fingers as they open - making room. Letting yours curve around them, like before.
You give them a squeeze, just a soft acknowledgment.
After a moment, he squeezes back.
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Thanks for reading! 💖 would love to know what you thought!
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Being an horror icon child with Y/N Ulrich (Dead Meat Podcast Ep. 188)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
A/N: Dead Meat is one of my favorite channels on YouTube, I'm proud of everything that James, Chelsea and their crew has achieved during the last years, they even had a cameo in Scream 2022 and they are friends with Radio Silence (they attended their wedding), so I had to include them in this series, you can check their channel, they have kill counts, podcasts, the horror awards, etc, so go take a look
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"Welcome back to another episode of the Dead Meat Podcast", Chelsea greeted in the direction of the camera, "I'm Chelsea Rebeca"
"And I'm James A. Janisse", James continued, "In this episode we have a very special guest, she is the youngest child of Skeet Ulrich, best known as Billy Loomis in the Scream franchise, and in recent years as F.P. Jones in Riverdale, please welcome Y/N Ulrich, also known in the horror community as the 'Ghostface Princess'"
"Hi, guys", you greeted with happines, "I'm so happy to be here, thanks for inviting me"
"Thanks to you for acepting the invitation", Chelsea responded, "How are you?"
"I'm good, very excited to talking to both of you", you answered, "Wait, is that a cat what you have there?"
"It is", James nodded lifting the cat, "This is Lucy"
"She is so cute! I also had animal company", disappearing from a moment of camera, you returned a few seconds later hugging Butters in a way that he was seen, "This is Butters, is actually Jacks cat, but I love him like my own"
"He seems as good as we've seen on the internet", James commented
"Totally", you said pressing a kiss in the cat's head
"So, starting with the interview, what was like growing with Skeet Ulrich as a dad?"
"First of all, he's the best dad I've could ever had, I am the youngest of three siblings, so I was and still am the baby of the family", you laughed along with them, "I was literally a doll to my siblings, they dressed me with every costume they could think"
"Including the ghostface mask", Chelsea joked refering to the photo that Jack posted, "I'm going to say that you looked adorable in the costume"
"Thank you, and yes that was when I was five years old, my siblings were looking for a costume we haven't tried, and then my brother left and came back with the ghostface mask, they put the robe and mask and send me to the living room where my dad was reading a script, he saw me and laughed, that was my first contact with Scream"
"Oh my God, I remember watching the first Scream when I was a child, I was so scared after the opening that I hide during the rest of the movie", James commented with fun, "But that was the movie that made me interest in the horror genre, what old were you when you watch it?"
"It was a year after the fourth was released, I was eight at the time, after finishing the first one my first thought was 'why my dad and uncle Matthew want to kill auntie Neve, auntie Courtney and uncle David?'"
After that sentence, there was laughing between the three of you, enough to Lucy to get down from their owners lap to go to the cat tower of the studio, but Butters kept sleeping in your arms
"Y/N you had more guts at that age than I had", Chelsea joked, "Did you tell him that thought?"
"No, but for the next few days I walked around the house with a helmet and disconnecting all the phones and hiding the cellphones so ghostface didn't threat to kill us", you remembered, "Dad found out after founding the cellphones in my toy box, and asked me what was happening, I told him everything, we had a fun talk about the movies"
"This might be a difficult cuestion, but, who is your favorite ghostface?", James asked surprising you
"You cannot ask me that!", you joked while laughing, "Wait including the sixth movie?"
"Yes", James nodded
"Okay", you sight while thinking, "First, they all are great ghostfaces, with different motives and that, and my dad will probably disinherit me, but Im going to say Roman and Jill, I mean, Roman was the mastermind behind everything, he gave Billy the motivation, and Jill had a perfect plan that almost worked but she kinda messed up"
"They definetely are in every top five of ghostfaces", Chelsea agreed, "Now, talking about more recent years, we've seen that you often spend time in the filming sets of your dad's projects, what was like seeing everything from the other side of the screen?"
"Well, as I already told, I knew dad was an actor since I was young, but the first time that I was in one, was during the first season of Riverdale when I was twelve, I had vacations so I stayed there for three weeks, and it was like that every summer until he left the series", you answered while scraching Butters between the ears, "It felt like a summer camp, like the guys threated me like a little sister and the adult cast were like uncles, they still are; it was very fun because if you look closely, you can see me in the back of some scenes, like in Pops and things like that, and since my birthday was during that dates I celebrated there"
"That sounds like a lot of fun"
"It was", you nodded agreeing with James's comment, "I think that I spend more time in the girls trailers than in my dad's"
"Talking about cameos and visits to sets, how did you ended making a cameo in Scream VI?", Chelsea asked
"It all started when during the pandemic, my siblings and I were having online classes and we were just having our onlinse classes, he got the call from Radio Silence, which he attended on speaker making the three of us listen to everything from our rooms, of course I openned my door, so when I heard the call ending, I practically run to the living room and asked him if I could go with him, he was confused at first but he realised that the call was heard on the entire house, but because of the COVID bursting out, he only was there for a day"
"The shortest time of you in a set", Chelsea joked
"Actually yes", you nodded with a smile, "And due to that small amount of time he had to learn his lines in the hair and make up trailer, so during that little time, I played Sam Carpenter, played by the awesome and magnificent Melissa Barrera"
"How was meeting her knowing that she was playing Billy Loomis's daughter?"
"I love her!", you exclaimed with happines, "When we arrived to the set I inmediatly sat on my father's chair and she aproached to me to say 'hi' and talk like we knew each other from years, she is my half fictional sister"
"She is one of the best additions to the franchise, the way she plays the part, like 'I don't wanna see you but still listen what you have to say because somehow I trust you' is perfect", James agreed making you nod, "Now, we are a year later to film Scream VI, you are more visible in the screen, how was filmimg?"
Noticing a little movement behind you, James and Chelsea didn't say anything about the curly haired boy that was aproaching you
"Well, we were lucky that we had our vaccines and more liberty to film, so after my mum and dad gave their permition to me to be in the movie we flew and have a little reunion with the cast to know each other"
"And then I enter the story", Jack exclaimed from behind scaring you and making Butters jump off your arms, before looking at the camera on your laptop, "Hi guys, nice to meet you"
"Hi Jack", they greeted before James speaked, "Good to see you"
"When did you got here?", you asked turning to look at him while James and Chelsea smiled
"Like five minutes ago", he answered while openning a brown paper bag, "I went to get breakfast for us after the gym, here's your iced caramel latte and a breakfast beagel"
"Thanks babe", you smiled closing your eyes as he left a kiss in your head
"I'm going to be in the kitchen if you need anything", Jack said taking the bag
"Okay", you nodded returning your attention to the screen where James and Chelsea were smiling, "Where were we?"
"How was filming your cameo for Scream VI", Chelsea reminded
"Right, so I didn't know at what moment my cameo will be until two or three days before filming when Matt, Tyler and Guy told me that there was a scene in a Halloween party at the beggining and my cameo will be at that moment, and my costume will be a female version of F.P. Jones, which is one of my dad's recent roles, I thought it was cool, but the problem is that I didn't took my serpents jacket that the Riverdale crew gave me in my sixteen birthday"
"They had to make a new one?", James asked
"No, I don't know how or at what moment, but my dad had it in his luggage, so they made me a mini version of him, I filmed my little part and never stepped on the set again for the rest of the filming"
"Wait what?", Chelsea exclaimed, "Why?"
"Because I'm a fan of the movies and didn't want to get spoiled on anything, so my reactions during the movie were totally real"
"Well, now that you mention the movie we want to play a little game of reactions, the dinamic is that we would say a moment in the new movie and you'll say what was your reaction during that, is that okay?", James said which you nodded, "Okay, first one: the openning kills"
"Crazy, I mean Samara Weaving was wonderful as always and then the reveal after the dead was insane and then the real ghostface kills Jason and Greg was something new"
"The return of Kirby Reed"
"That's final girl material, she made her comeback ready to kick ghostface ass"
"The apartment attack"
"I swear that I was so nervous during that scene that Jack's arm was red the next day of how hard I was holding it, the way it started with Quinn's "body" get thrown at the group, the chase and then the ladder was so hardcore"
"The shrine"
"It was sick and fascinating to see everything from previous movies and from Stab, and then the stage with all the masks and robes, I wish I was there when they filmed in there"
"Gale vs Ghostface"
"I was so emotional during the stabbing scene, that after the movie I hugged aunt Courtney for like ten minutes, but Gale Weathers is a final girl"
"The train scene"
"Again it was so tense, especially because the group was divided in two and all the ghostfaces costumes, I breathe when the first part of the group was safe, and then I stopped when Mindy was attacked"
"The ghostface reveal"
"Don't get my started on that, for the whole movie I was suspicious of everyone and at the same time no because they had good alibis, when Detective Bailey was revealed I was like "what the hell", when Ethan revealed himself I almost fell off my seat, and when Quinn revealed alive and one of them, I almost lost my mind"
"Hi again", Jack intervined apearing beside you, "Sorry for interrupting again, but I had a video of Y/N reacting to the reveals"
"Oh my God", you laughed taking a sip of your coffee
"Can you show the video for us and the audience?", James asked
"Only if Y/N is okay with it", Jack said while looking at you, in what you nodded in response, "Fine, here's the video, it might be a bit dark cause it was film during the movie"
Positioning the phone in a way that was in front of the camera and was seen good, Jack played it showing your exact reaction to that scene, which was how you explained it
"I think you represented the entire audience with your reaction", Chelsea commented after the video ended, "Especially because at first we were like 'why, why them, what's their motive' and then we know that their are Richie's family trying to avenge him, they had a good motive, and if you think about it, it has similarities with the motive of Nancy Loomis"
"Yeah, at the end, the whole franchise is based on family relations, like Roman was the one who started everything because he wanted a bond with Maureen but she didn't, so he gave Billy a motive to start the killings and the events after were like a chain", you said noticing how Jack sit in the chair next to you with Butters in his arms
"We should do a video with the whole franchise in chronological order", James joked, "Now, before we finish the interview, what do you see in your future? Do you see yourself in the industry or not?"
"I really like this question", you answered while thinking, "I definitely want to stay in the industry but not as an actress, I mean, I did theatre when I was in high school and it was awesome, but I would love to focus on be a make up artist of the horror genre, like the ones who focus on prosthetics and that"
"That sounds so interesting, what was the moment that made you realise that?", Chelse asked
"It was during big part of my life watching movies and series, so it was building along the years"
"Well we hope to see your name in credits and featured in our Kill Counts in future years", James said making you smiled, "Same to you Jack"
"Thanks guys", Jack said in response next to you, "You are awesome"
"Well, Y/N, thanks for be this week guest on the podcast, it was great talking to you", Chelsea smiled, "We can't wait to see what you do in the next few years"
"Thanks for inviting me, I'm so happy that you are my first formal interview because I love the entire channel and content", you smiled, "It has been a pleasure to talk to you and I hope we can do it soon"
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sea-owl · 4 months
Was rewatching Star Wars Eps 7 and 8 again and you know what fuck canon I want silly space adventures where Rey, Kylo/Ben, Poe, Finn, and Rose are all crammed together in the Millenium Falcon while Nana Ahsoka and Mama Leia (two of the few people in the galaxy Ben rightlyfully fears and makes sure the others fear them as well) pops in from time to time to make sure they're behaving. Don't know the reason they're all crammed in there, but they are for some reason that made them all temporary (to permanent) allies.
Ben starts off as Kylo, but throughout the adventure but becomes Ben again and wants to live a better life and become a better person.
Rose has zapped all the men on that ship at least once. It mainly happens when they get in her and Rey's way as their trying to do their mechanic thing on the ship.
Rose and Rey are besties
Ben and Rey are working through their dyad bond and what it truly means for them.
Finn and Poe are together and currently trying to seduce Rose into a throuple. Well Poe is being seductive, Finn is just being adorkable in his attempts. Finn's attempts work better than Poe's. Rose is just waiting for one of them to actually ask.
It's awkward for the longest time between Ben and Poe. Ex-childhood best friends turned enemies turned to reluctant allies turned to maybe friends again, am I right? But they are both the better pilots between the five of them, so they're the ones often flying the ship together. Getting shit faced together that one time has done wonders for their relationship.
Ben, Rey, and Finn have a Force study group. They gather old texts and work based off those. Ben has more practical knowledge between the three of them and sometimes tutors. He's weirdly good at it. Sometimes they get special lectures from Nana Ahsoka.
Finn was the last one to join the study group after he worked out that he's also Force sensitive. Rey was excited her other bestie was joining. Ben and Ahsoka carried on like normal. Once you've been around other Force sensitives long enough you know how to spot one a mile away. They also know Finn has a lot of other shit going on, too, and trying to learn about himself. If he wasn't ready to learn about the force, then they weren't going to push him.
Poe and Rose don't fully get the Force thing but they do know lightsaber training is hot to watch. They think lightsaber training should happen more often.
Ben and Rose are also besties, surprisingly. But like in a way that Rose basically adopted Ben like he's a feral cat. Ben got a lot of respect for Rose after the first time she zapped him.
They share four braincells between them, and Rose has permanent ownership of one. It used to be three, but Ben brought in an extra one that's usually ping ponging between him and Rey. They accidentally served it to Finn once, and now it's in permanent rotation with the others.
I'm gonna come up with more for this later but here's a start to the silly space adventures.
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homielander · 3 months
on homelander and ryan
well first let me just say that the confrontation with bonnie and adam filled me with unspeakable dread. exploitation of inequitable power dynamics in the workplace at the expense of a female subordinate... yeah, surely that won't come up later! ��� but i tried to ignore that context so i could enjoy them sipping sinisterly on their chocolate milkshakes which was very fun
anyway. i really enjoyed the homelander and ryan scenes in this episode because it finally felt like we were watching two people who had been living together for a few months... there was a real ease and familiarity to their interactions. (their scenes from eps 1-3 were a bit expository for my taste, i guess.) and i loved that there was no dramatic acknowledgement of homelander's breakdown in their last scene together (even though an apology would have been warranted on homelander's end) because sometimes that's just the way things go. their conspiratorial rapport during the bonnie and adam bit was also kind of adorable, sorry. homelander is being as corny as ever and ryan actually entertains it because he loves his lame dad!!!
i was so gratified seeing homelander ask ryan what he wants... everyone jumped on him for saying "i've given you everything that i ever wanted!" in 4.03 but if you were horrifically abused as a child and then had to care for a child of your own, ensuring said child has everything you longed for is a pretty important consideration (which extends to the freedom to make one's own choices, as we see here. we just needed to give him a minute he was literally working on it!)
the other element to asking ryan what he wants is that homelander doesn't know what to do with this newfound freedom either. yes, he did say at the onset of the season that his goal is to leave behind a world that is "pure" and "cleansed" (supe-led) for ryan, so that ryan never feels the need to bend to public opinion or corporate interests. but what does homelander want for himself now that he's free from the constraints of seeking public adoration??? he has no idea, so he gets his son to choose for him instead. and in a very real sense, "cleansing" the world for ryan is healing for him too, because they are one entity... i love codependence
that doesn't mean homelander doesn't put his own disturbing twist on ryan's wish to "help people". ryan's enjoyment admittedly felt pretty jarring but my take on it is that bonnie's immediate readiness to slap that director made him feel as if he was empowering someone. that's what he wants! while homelander is just glad that a human (it helps that it's the annoying guy who works for him) is experiencing pain. homelander is no longer motivated by winning anyone's approval either so there's even less overlap with ryan's genuine desire to save others. i imagine that this disconnect will come to a head soon... excited to see where things go next!
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 11 months
I'm putting my Loki theory cap back on now that I've watched ep 4. I mean talk about a cliffhanger. But I can't help but wonder what will happen next. So obviously I turned back to the trailers and earlier episodes looking for clues and I now have a theory. I hope it's one that makes sense but I have a habit of rambling when trying to explain how my brain works, so apologies if that is the case. But anyway on to the theory.
I know the initial reaction to have to that last scene is to say well obviously they aren't all dead, there's still two episodes left. I said that too when I first saw it, but I actually do think everyone in that room apart from Loki died at that moment. However I do think we are still going to see them again.
From the trailers we know that there are more scenes of Loki time-slipping that we haven't seen yet, despite that problem supposedly being fixed in ep 1. But they used the loom to fix the time-slipping, so I think that as the loom is destroyed Loki's time-slipping will come back.
I think a big clue as to what is going to happen can be found all the way back in ep 1 and its largely this moment that I've based my entire theory around. It's the scene where Loki time slips into the past whilst talking to Ouroboros.
I actually think Ouroboros is very significant, the symbol of the serpent eating his own tail causing its destruction and rebirth at the same time, this idea that the end is the beginning and time being circular. They bring it up in this episode when talking about Victor basing his work on OB's and OB basing his off of Victor's.
In that scene in ep 1 we learn that by talking to OB in the past Loki was able to have a direct influence on the future, its played off as a funny scene, but I actually think its really important.
So, getting to the point, I think just as the loom explodes killing everyone left in the TVA, Loki will time-slip away. I think he will then end up being pulled to all the timelines that our gang were stolen from.
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There are these shots from the trailer that show B-15 as a doctor, Casey as some kind of workmen in an underground tunnel looking place and then Loki time-slipping outside of a power sports shop that is selling jet skis. I think each of these are showing the lives that were stolen from B-15, Casey and Mobius. There is a quick, blink and you miss it shot of Mobius on a jet ski in a featurette that was released and he is wearing a blue jacket with the Piranha logo on it, so it looks like he works there, which explains his fascination and love of Jet Skis.
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I have two theories about what might happen when Loki interacts with the gang on their own timelines. Either he will just straight up tell them all what is going to happen, their minds will later be wiped by He Who Remains but those memories of that conversation will still be there and Sylvie will be able to access them when the time is right.
The other theory is that maybe Loki is the one that takes Mobius, B-15 and Casey from their timelines and then hides them amongst the other variants stolen by He Who Remains, knowing that later they will become his allies, essentially creating sleeper agents within the TVA from the beginning.
Either way I am sure that we are going to see their past lives which I am really excited for.
It also looks like Loki will end up time slipping back to the past TVA. We get a few shots in the trailer showing Loki there. This one where he comes across himself reading the TVA guidebook:
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And this one where he seems to be a prisoner again:
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The one where he is a prisoner again I wonder whether that's him travelling back to the TVA he was at in ep 1 before they all had their memories wiped, only this time he lets them capture him so that he can talk to Mobius and explain what is going to happen.
The other possibility is that he goes back to the events of season one when he is first arrested and warns them then.
I think Loki is going to meet our gang several times over the timeline and each time will have to explain what is going to happen like a loop. There is a clip in the teaser trailer where Loki is talking to someone about how he has been time-slipping and he says its hard to explain again. Then as the trailer comes to a close it shows the same shot and Loki repeats the word 'again.' Really creating this idea of time looping and events repeating themselves.
There are also those shot of Loki and Sylvie outside Mcdonalds that we haven't seen yet. I think that for Sylvie this will actually be the first time she will see him, so he travels back further and meets her on hiss own this time, whilst for him they've had those previous interactions from ep 1, 2 and 3, for Sylvie he's just popped up out the blue now, if that makes sense.
There are also shots of them talking in what appears to be a bar where she is wearing the same clothes as the unseen McDonalds scene. So maybe after he finds her, again, he convinces her to go to the bar with him to talk and that's why when she asks him what he really wants he replies that he wants to save his friends, because for him they were killed when the loom exploded and he is hoping by communicating with past versions of them he can change what will happen. It's like Sylvie said when Loki told her that he had seen her at the TVA and that it was the future it was going to happen, she replied 'Is it? Because that sounds alot like the future has already been written and we both know it hasn't, I made sure of it.' Again letting us know that the 'future' we just saw where the loom explodes can be changed and isn't set in stone.
I also do think that the loom exploding is going to have other consequences though if these shots are anything to go by:
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It looks like the timelines are all going to start turning to spaghetti and just start disentegrating away. Sylvie is again in the same clothes as the Mcdonalds and bar scene so I think maybe at first she rejects Loki and refuses to help, like she did when Loki came to her in ep 2, but then seeing this goes to him realising how serious the situation actually is. This effect kind of reminds me of that episode of What if, and the Multiverse of madness with Dr Strange and the melting around them because he messed with time too much. Like everything is just slowly melting away.
But as I said there is this theme of time looping that was in the trailers and in the first part of this season, so obviously Loki is going to manage to get the gang together for a second time and hopefully this time it will go differently. We know they are all going to end up back in the loom room as there is this shot of the whole group there and where Loki is, for some reason, holding a microphone like he is going to make an announcement.
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So in an attempt at a summary, the Loom exploding will be a bit like a reset. Loki will go back in time and then work to change how things turn out in an attempt to make sure the Loom doesn't explode and find the version of the timeline where he can save his friends and where they are successful at stopping the Loom's destruction.
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frogskelton · 4 months
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So quick version of a poster for ep 1 of all stars rewrite and because I think the theme of all stars with rehashed challenges was boring, I’ve changed it. ( Just wanted a little drawing while I talk about the episode) READ FOR REWRITE STUFF HERE:
Ghoulish Guinea pigs
(Soon) Alejandro
Clownish caterpillars:
The episode: (barebones version)
The camper enter the new sight and settle down and take notice the cabins r actually livable and and even have a tv with a bunch of movies on vhs (grated, not very good ones, but a million times better than the last cabins). They have a few hours to get ready and so on one team Zoe puts on a film called “Pony house,” curious if it actually works, while Noah stand over her shoulder grizzling (he was meant to come here with Owen but he got a broken leg and had to cancel, and Noah was contractually obligated to still go). During this the tv screen continuous flickers and a strange face appears sometimes and the characters will say strange but of dialogue that seem like they don’t belong. Noah and Zoe r thinking it’s pretty expected Chris is give them busted up stuff.
Lindsay is frustrated that she is on the same team as Heather saying to her about how she might of won last season and good for her, but she has still hurt lots of people and Lindsay doesn’t like that she’ll be sharing a room w someone who treated her very poorly and hopes the other girl (zoey) has watch season one plenty of times to see what Heather is rlly like. Heather is taken aback for a sec and attempts to brush it off.
While this happens Brick goes out after hearing a noise, similar thing with Scott on the other team. Though, the focus is on Duncan and Gwen’s relationship falling apart as Gwen questions if she is rlly willing to continue hurting Courtney like that this.
Soon Chris calls them over and tells them to come back with their missing teammates. So, cue montage of them looking for them as strange occurrences happen, primarily around technology.
Eventually Brick and Scott r found trapped in a weird shed where a bunch of old tech from the show got dumped (e.g, Chris bots, screen, old cameras, THE DRAMA MACHINE, and so on)
Scott’s team gets out w him just before Zoe is trapped in the room (alone) as all the appliances corn alive. initially she tries to fight them as Mike is all sad at the door, unable to get in as he is dragged away from the door as they Damn this season and whatever is going on. Zoe us out numbered by the amount off Chris bots n stuff. Though she hears the drama machine saying something weird, the same thing the ponies from her film were saying and decides to attempt to interact with it, distracting whatever is controlling the Chris bots and giving her a chance to break the robot, stopping the haunting and finding Alejandro stuck in there.
She, carrying Alejandro returns to where and Chris and the Campers r excited she is alright and surprised about Alejandro.
Chris does his thing of u won the challenge (this was not the intended challenge, but it’s a bit late for that.)
At the camp fire Duncan is booted, he goes in to kiss Gwen, but she regrets saying that she does want keep hurting people and while she doesn’t love Duncan, not enough to keep hurting all the people she loves.
Furthermore, Alejandro is left resting, heather sees him and feels sad that this is how everything went down and this is how he is doing, while she has been living the highlife.
So each ep/challenge is based on supernatural/horror tropes n stuff. I’ve got all the new challenges written down in chronological order and both teams set out. Let’s just say this new finale challenge is a big improvement to all stars.
EVEN BETTER, the “doomed soulmates” plot for Aleheather is written down in episode by episode plan, which may be revealed when I have a little drawing to go w it. I quite like it, I think it goes well and is very endearing.
Actually just a forgotten thing, but when I was doing the redesign for Alejandro I just kinda forgot I could give him visible injuries, so that has changed.
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i am not allowed to watch the newest ep before posting this
ghouls forgive me for over analyzing- but i LOVED how Frankie's place on the leader board doesn't change! The i m p l i c a t i o n s
so the point of the growing ghoulia ep is both Ghoulia and Draculaura are feeling a lot of pressure to do really well at their school stuff:
Ghoulia because zombies in general have a hard time squeezing all the extra stuff that would earn points, and she wants to be first to top the chart. Draculaura, fresh from the ep where her dad was worried her witchcraft would make her life harder, wants to 100% prove she can be a witch AND do well in her other stuff.
(ohhh the DElicious irony of that urge pushing her to accidentally do the thing she NEVER wanted to do- hurt monsters with her magic- i AdORE every time she draws the line of I Will Not Hurt People With This. i LOVE the look at how she realizes Ghoulia shouldn't have to compete against MAGIC along with everything else- AND AND AND how they both decide to be little less frantic about leader boards. we don't even see what the final redone results are! Because that's the point- they aren't THAT important! without the time spell there's a good chance ghoulia stayed in 1st this time, but the episode doesn't care, and the meta of that is vrvrvrvvrrbrrbrbrbrbr)
where was i. Oh yeah, Frankie!
they are second to last before the new points are tallied up- just above Ghoulia- and they're STILL second to last after the new calculation is done, this time just ahead of Heath!
First tally: 1 Drac, 2 Spec, 3 Heth, 4 Lag, 5 Claw, 6 Man, 7 Frank, 8 Ghoul
Second Tally, before drac jumped ahead suddenly: 1 Ghoul, 2 Man, 3 Claw
Second tally after drac did her thing: 1 Drac, 2 Ghoul, 3 Man, - - - 7 Frank, 8 Heth
(forgive, i cannot take scream caps right now)
WHY IS THAT EXCITING??? BECAUSE>>>>>> everyone else that we see DID move on the board. but not THEM!!!
and the only extra curricular thing we see them part of in the ep? the only thing they do that could get them points? It's something they already do and like.
It's a queer club- Frankie, the only openly non-binary monster we've seen, who introduced themselves with their preferred pronouns- there is no way they're doing a queer club for points. they're there because they want to be, it's fun, it's something they enjoy-
so MANY of the kids at monster high are trying to live up to something! or prove something!
Cleo needing to earn a sliver of the respect her big sister gets
Duce trying not to let down the new Gorgon tradition of school excellence
Draculaura desperately wanting to make her dad proud AND be a witch AND earn enough positive interaction so's not to start decaying
Toralei and HER mom who is..... yeah....
heck even Spectra mentions bad grades could get privileges revoked by her family
Clawdeen doesn't have pressure from her dad (or mom, obviously) but she does struggle with wanting to fit in and belong in the monster culture she's still really new to- she's solidly in the middle range for spirit points, showing how active she is in school unlife- and several of her eps are about learning NOT to focus too much on fitting in or going with the monster flow. Instincts. The push to ignore them sometimes for her new home and peers is sTRONG.
but Frankie?
Frankie's got brilliant brain bits. They're smart, perceptive, sometimes VERY intuitive without noticing it-
yeah they have a permanent case of the stumbly clumsies and their brain sparks make them zone out sometimes- and they've literally only been alive for a few months so there's a LOT of normal everyday stuff they don't know about, and...
...... that rarely seems to bother them?
They're made from famous and talented monsters, they know it and are HAPPY to show off all their cool brain bits
and so far they haven't ever worried about living up to those monsters' reputations or legacies. their parents made a teen stuffed FULL with smarts, but getting amazing grades isn't something Frankie frets about?
the implication, the unspoken thing about all that is-
Frankie was made to have fun.
They're here at monster high, also to have Fun. To experience stuff. Make friends. Learn things, sure- but learn things they like, at their own pace
this could change if we ever see their parents but- but for NOW, the way things have been shown-
Frankie at least doesn't seem to be feeling any pressure to be anything more than what they already are. And that's really. Very. Wonderful to see
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seeminglyranch87 · 6 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
April 2024 - Part 1
April 1 - iHeart Radio Music Awards (x)
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Taylor won the following iHeart Awards for 2024
Artist of the Year
Pop Artist of the Year
Tour of the Year
Best Lyrics - Is It Over Now
TikTok Bop of the Year - Cruel Summer
Favorite Tour Style
Taylor accepted these awards remotely
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April 2 - Travis speaks to People promoting Kelce Jam music festival (x)
Kelce, 34, tells PEOPLE, "I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm a guy that some people say is glass half full, half empty, and my glass is all the way full. It's all the way full." "I'm oozing life right now,"
"It's just so much fun getting into when you win the Super Bowl, all these doors open, and so I've just been going through all these open doors, experiencing life and just appreciating the people that have got me here and also staying high and meeting new faces."
"It doesn't feel like there's much chill in my life. Everything seems to be full throttle and just moving at the speed of light, and that's how I kind of like it. I like it to be up pace. I like to have just exciting things going on. And sure enough, I'm out here in the entertainment world trying to dabble into that before I get back locked in on football and knowing that that's going to be my focus until I'm done playing."
"But to dabble around in the entertainment space is something that I'm really interested in, it's just going to be an amazing opportunity to get out in front of Kansas City and just celebrate the Super Bowl win one more time." Travis says referring to Kelce Jam.
ETonline release 8 minute interview with Travis (x)
Speaking of his trip to the Bahamas with Taylor Travis says "t's just a lovely place down there isn't it you can get it all down there, all the love in the world 
"you make it all work is it just you prioritize what's important yeah I mean I think we're both very career driven, I think we both love what we do and you know any chance that I can you know show my support to her and knowing that she's shown me all the support in the world throughout the season it's just been an amazing experience you know getting to know Tay"
Travis spoke to Associated Press (x)
"The only thing I can learn from [Taylor] that translates into how I can perform is just how relatable she is on stage. She’s very comfortable. She brings everybody into the room with her. She makes it an intimate setting even though there’s 70,000 people at every show. It’s pretty impressive.”
Travis speaks with The Hollywood Reporter (x)
You’re producing your second festival and taking part in the live music space, while Taylor Swift put on one of the biggest live music events of all time last year with her Eras Tour. Did you learn anything from watching her do that? (Laughs.) I did: Don’t try and be Taylor, that’s what I learned. Yeah, she’s on a whole other stratosphere. She’s the best at what she does for a reason. It’s because she’s so articulate and just very dialed into every single thing that she does. And that’s the beauty of it. I’d be silly if I ever tried to take anything from what she does, other than just enjoy the people that show up. I think that’s one thing I could probably take away: She really relates to the people she’s performing in front of, and so I’ll take that. Her four-hour concert is not easy to do … It’s impressive.
April 3 - New Heights Ep. 84 airs with special guest Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jason & Travis Kelce film episode in LA after flying in from Philadelphia together with Taylor.
April 4 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis confirmed to host
TikTok - waitress who served Travis over the weekend in Ohio shares that Travis knows all 300 Taylor Swift songs in sweet interaction (x)
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April 5 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity day 2 filming in LA - Travis to host.
Taylor promotes her up coming album The Tortured Poets Department according to Billboard (x)
The two week countdown to 'The Tortured Poets Department' is on — and to celebrate, Taylor Swift unveiled five new playlists featuring songs from her first 10 albums representing a distinct phase of heartbreak. ⁠ ⁠ Four of the playlists are named after the taglines of previously announced deluxe editions: “I Love You, It’s Ruining My Life," “You Don’t Get to Tell Me About Sad,” “Am I Allowed to Cry?” and “Old Habits Die Screaming." The fifth one is dubbed “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” after one of the song titles on 'Tortured Poets.' ⁠ ⁠ Each playlist also features a voice note in which Swift speaks about her personal experiences with each phase, inspired by the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.⁠
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Just checking in, how is everyone?
Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host
April 8 - Taylor reveals lyrics to TTPD (x)
Perfectly timed with the solar eclipse - personal photo taken on iPhone today - USA
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Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is hosting
April 9 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host
Travis & Taylor papped driving in LA (x)
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April 10 - New Heights Ep. 85 airs with guest Dave "Lil Dicky" talking about Travis dating Taylor (x)
1:16:50 (x)
LD: how you guys doing with all this? Travis beams; "I'm having a blast in life baby, just flying high, enjoying it all!" Lil Dicky says "your most popular Popstar and beloved musician somehow met your most popular beloved athlete and they actually fell in love..." Travis replies "I don't know how I did it because she does not, she wasn't into sports so I don't know how the f**k I did it? Lil Dicky responds "well you did it because you said you called her out on..." Travis answers "I know exactly how I did it!"
Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host.
April 11 - New Heights podcast recorded live with Jason & Travis Kelce at Nippert Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Travis dances to Shake It Off and tells the audience this is one of his favourite songs, Jason says it's Wyatt's favourite too (x)
April 12 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis confirmed to host
Taylor & Travis seen leaving Sushi Park restaurant - LA
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April 13 - Taylor posts (x) with lyrics “I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all.”
The photo reveals that Aaron Dessner is a collaborator.
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Travis & Taylor attend Day 2 of Coachella. They are first seen side stage for Bleachers with Jack Antonoff then escorted to the pit for Ice Spice and others through out the night. (x x x x x) Taylor is wearing a New Heights cap
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April 14 - Taylor releases another clue in the lyrics of Peace - CONDUCT on Apple Music.
April 17 - New Heights Ep. 86 airs. Jason & Travis Kelce talk about experiencing Coachella (01:07:50) (x)
Jason "we know who you went with, we saw the pictures. All right we know who you went with"
Travis "She's [Taylor] supporting the New Heights"
Jason "Big New Heights supporter - yeah sold out of the green hat real quick"
Travis "It's a good color green"
Jason "How was Coachella different? I expected you guys to be backstage like mostly with the musicians right but it seemed like you guys are in the crowd?"
Travis "I'd like to see it front from the fans perspective like the people that actually cuz I am a fan of music I'm a fan of live shows. I want to see it from the front of the stage. We probably could have finessed it that way but I think it's just that much more of an experience if you're in the uh if you're in the pit man if you're in the the madness with all the uh all the fans. It was awesome though."
Go to previous update -> March 2024 part 3
Go to next update -> April 2024 part 2
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s2 episode 23 thoughts
i am: confused. about everything i just watched. and i can’t tell if the problem is me missing something blatantly obvious, the episode being strange on purpose because it’s building up to something, or it just being an overall peculiar plotline. but i will attempt to elaborate on this later. for now, as always, we start at the top.
the first thing i wrote down was that i was so excited to watch tn’s ep!! i missed the last few days because i was busy and i was really hoping tonight would NOT involve any sort of disease which proved to be the case
“i want these nerds to deal with an art heist someday” <- this i wrote while the opening scene began in some random hotel… like yeah yeah yeah ghosts aliens etc. solve the gardner heist. OH MY the garnder heist hadn’t even happened by this time! well maybe if they had been at the scene it never would have happened.
in this hotel, we see a guy who looks scared knocking on the door looking for “Morris” and he says someone is dead!! guy next door is listening (and yeah, so fair, it sounded juicy as hell) but when the poor hotel neighbor stands up to listen he gets… sucked into ectoplasm?? he is no longer there. also, lights are flickering.
agents in the elevator, arriving to the scene. mulder looked really comfortable in there lmaooo that was a very funny visual.
they got information from this case from scully's "contact", and the contact is one of her students!!!!!! ahhh!! she looks so proud. this is funny because she was at the academy for like 3 months lmao but clearly she made a good impression in that brief amount of time!
“heard a lot about you” detective kelly says when scully introduces mulder and HAHAAAA he turns to scully and says “we’ll talk later”. about what. do share. 
(very funny that somehow he came up "a lot" in the 3-ish months she was teaching people how to do autopsies. like girl how did you manage to bring him up consistently whilst opening cadavers. that is talent)
investigation time! (mulder sniffs a drink in the missing guy’s room) "mmm, scotch" he mumbles <- LMAOOOOO THIS MAN IS WEIRD AS HELL 
they notice a big splotch burned into the ground, and as they are investigating the burn marks, scully says it “could be the residue of burnt human flesh” and yes!!!!! I love when she says weird and unsettling things!!!!
mulder seems enthused about this case and also that there is a young detective…… give them an intern i need to see what happens. that man seems to have an instinctive need to Mentor.
detective kelly asks him what he thinks happened. the answer? “spontaneous human combustion” yes ofc!! 
SCULLY IS SO SWEET AWWW “you’re doing just fine :)” she is not going to let her student doubt herself!
scully kinda sounds like she thinks mulder is teasing the detective with such an outlandish claim but i think he’s just being himself honestly
re:human combustion “let’s just forget for the moment that there’s no scientific theory to support it” “okay :)” <- yeah i had to pause and laugh. so what!
WHAT is he doing when they get in the elevator... he is making such a strange face. does anyone have this. it was so funny. he was at once locked in and a million miles away.
okay. so this wasn't the first victim. now they are arriving at the place of an earlier victim. which is a house with all the lights off. peculiar.
“hey scully, can you spare a prophylactic?” (now yes i did have to google this word's definition!) here is my live reaction:
"like a glove? because google is also saying that this can also mean condom. okay she pulls out a glove from her pocket. okay that’s the good ending i think"
makes sense for the doctor to have lots of gloves in the pocket of her jacket. more sense than the other alternative. i was really confused for a few seconds but in the end we got there.
he uses the glove to switch the light bulb on and she says “darkness covers a multitude of sins” which is EXACTLY what i'm here for!!! please keep saying creepy stuff queen <3
enter the home... another splotch from the other victim!! who also worked in tobacco, like the hotel man!!! but he says half of richmond works in tobacco, and the first victim was a scientist, so maybe not…? but regardless this realization made me think of that post that is like “people smoke less and now we don’t get spontaneous human combustion” which is soooo funny to me. if i ever find that post again i Will reblog it. it is true, spontaneous human combustion is a lost art.
mulder is very excited to dig through the trash, which is very raccoon-coded. he finds a ticket to a train station, and suggests that perhaps someone based out of the train station is hunting people.
cut to our deeply scared looking man from earlier who seems to be able to vaporize people. WAIT... earlier it was his shadow that vaporized the other guy. and he’s hiding from light... things are adding up. no light equals no shadow equals no vaporization. sort of adding up, at least. because still, how does a shadow vaporize you?
now he was getting held at gunpoint by cops, both of whom stepped into his shadow and get zapped into splotches. this is a distressing situation, but also a silly one. 
new mulder theory: if we have 3 victims, and they were all near the train station, we could cross reference the security camera footage from those 3 days and see if we can find the guy they've looking for. “that’s assuming that we’re looking for a guy”, says scully, which made me laugh because i had seen that blooper clip and giggled profusely
mystery man is spotted on the camera and jacket identified as working at the magnet place… same as the very first victim!
off to the magnet laboratory to get the scoop on this dr. banton fellow. we get a backstory reveal: he was involved in a terrible accident! he was investigating dark matter. oh man, you can’t be fucking with such things. 
the scientist guy is babbling about particles and dark matter. and while i am trying to keep up, there are bigger thoughts taking up space in my mind. namely: scully you are soooooo pretty idgaf about the particle accelerator <3
we see the scene of the accident, where dr. banton's shadow was burned into the wall……. the energy slid through his body?? girl idk. his coworker said it was almost like he wanted it to happen. maybe you get so involved in dark matter theories that you just want to taste it for yourself. anyway, the shadow left by the zapping looks like the other splotches….. 
train station time. going with the agents to the train station. boy i wish all of the US was supported by a rail system.
he points out that dr. banton was staring at the ground for a loooong time and he's trying to figure out why.
“nonsensical repetitive behavior is a common trait of mental illness” “you trying to tell me something?” YESSSS! i have seen this gif many times and now i understand its context.
(also yes mulder has got Something going on. he has been diagnosed in my headcanon with ocd... i am sure there has been plenty of discourse as to if that is the "correct" label for what is going on in his mind but it's my interpretation and i make the rules <3)
he's taking in the whole environment of the train station, and notices that the light is soft… diffused… no shadows… maybe dr.banton is looking for such an environment... BAM he rounds the corner!
aaaand he’s running but you cannot forget that mulder is a track star! you cannot outrun him! and sure enough, they got him. mulder picks up on what's going down and shoots the lights out so there are no shadows while they talk
now banton is in a facility with soft light smoking a cigarette. very 2013 aesthetic.
he's trying to explain his affliction: “my shadow isn’t mine… it’s like a black hole”
first thought: okay??? um. how and why. second thought: can we harness this for superhero purposes? fight crime by banishing the bad guys to the Void. that's an x-men adjacent power.
dr. banton says the government is after him and they are going to "suck his brain". he begs mulder to free him before this can occur, as if that is a normal predicament to try and escape from and as if mulder has any control over this situation.
the detective’s boss is pissed the FBI is there... like girl calm down does anyone really care? all this nonsense about jurisdiction and people getting frustrated when departments cross. man, if i was in a situation like this, i would be harnessing the power of teamwork, but they never seem to do that. the agents are dismissed, but mulder tells detective kelly that dr. banton needs to be in soft light.
okay, so despite my interjection of "girl who cares", clearly they care. and i'd like to wonder aloud about this exchange:
“I hope you know what you’re doing Scully, putting Detective Ryan’s ambition ahead of all good sense in this case”
“Ambition? She’s a woman trying to survive the boy’s club, Mulder. Believe me, I know how she feels”
because he’s like “we just handed over the a bomb to the Boy Scouts”
and he thinks this new detective is gonna get evaporated but also again they have no jurisdiction so like?? i wrote that i was lost and then i rewatched the scene and was still lost. he seems to be questioning scully's judgement on letting the detective take this case, which she was not in charge of assigning the detective to, and that they only agreed to help out on. so they help and then there is nothing more that can be done because it is Not Their Case. but it also seems to be less about the fact that he is concerned with the detective getting evaporated and more into fending off the alleged brain suckers.
i didn't really get it but i wrote "the girls are fightingggggg"
ohhhh mulder wants info, but X can’t help him because he exposed his identity to skinner and scully last time!!! “and you can trust them as you trust me”, says mulder, trying to get X to believe in the goodness of humanity
X brushes mulder off and says “promise you won’t contact me again unless absolutely necessary” <- damn power imbalance going crazy 
then we se X at the psychiatric facility???? breaking dr. banton out??? is he gonna be part of the brain sucking squad? he's got 2 guys helping him out, but they step in the room and the men grabbing him got zapped out of existence. X lets dr. banton run and looks very confused about the zapping of his colleagues. 
HUH? so is X doing this because he is trying to help mulder or is he really part of the government who wants to experiment on banton? by the end of the episode, it looks like he is, in fact, allied with the brain suckers... but to what extent?
OH! dr. banton got back to his old workplace and his friend the fellow magnet scientist. but the detective catches him there. and she forces him to step against the wall and his shadow gets on her and she. uh. falls screaming into a black hole? and then leaves a burn mark like all of the other cases? man what is going on.
so banton is going back into the chamber where he was previously zapped to try and unzap himself. but he gets in the chamber and his “friend” reveals he’s working for the government that wants to catch him!!!!
okay, agents on the scene. accelerator is up and getting ready to zap. ZAP! another shadow shows up. so unzap the zapped equals no more banton? girl where did he go.
mulder is MAD and he is at the place X met him last time. confrontation time! mulder is pissed X used him to get to banton and again X is once again flaunting the power imbalance between them. and because X tricked him, banton is dead and so is the detective!!! boy, that has got to be bad news for mulder who blames himself for everything 
he says to X: “promise me this will be our last meeting. we’re finished” and why do I feel that this is a bad idea!!!
X says he didn’t kill banton, and walks away. and also that this is a dangerous time to go at it alone. WHAT DO YOU MEAN! first skinner's cryptic messages about the darkness that is coming, and now X?
NOOOO Scully at her student the detective's funeral... this is soooo evil. 
mulder is there but he’s late. he’s in sunglasses and they’re funny. she says this feels wrong and it shouldn’t have happened, a student came to her for help and she gave it and now the student is dead. oh scully pls do not blame yourself. it feels like they were led on this track on purpose.
mulder was late because he was tied up with a missing person’s case; the other guy from the magnet lab went missing that same morning. so maybe it was other guy in the room that had been zapped and not banton? 
X AT THE SCENE OF THE MAGNET LAB. watching the other guy run tests on banton??? a tear drops down his face. X is complicit in unethical human experimentation...
so, i’m confused on many levels. it seems like someone got the detective involved because she knew she would go to scully for help and get them roped into this case. but if that WAS what happened, you know that you buy one get one free with these 2, so why would you want to get scully involved if that meant mulder would also get involved, and mulder being the closest (arguably) to X would expose X’s involvement and whatever ulterior motive he is playing to? hasn’t scully suffered enough without being forced to wonder if her helping someone started a domino effect that resulted in death? and all of this is over a guy who zapped himself with black matter and his shadow burns people up. huh?
and how deep is X in with the government doing the evil stuff? is he just distracting mulder with various side quests to keep him from discovering the nefarious deeds they are up to? does X know cigarette guy?
i don’t like when they fight. i actually LOVE when they fight over things that make sense. but i was confused over the fight they had in this episode because he was mad that she was letting the detective… do her job? and he didn’t seem to think she could handle a guy that vaporizes people with his shadow, which i mean, fair enough, tough case for a newbie, but blaming that on scully really pissed me off because?? it’s not her fault??? they also were only involved unofficially so did he think somehow they were supposed to swoop in and rescue the dude to prevent all this from happening? and how do you even rescue a guy whose shadow vaporizes people?
either this makes no sense, i’m wildly misunderstanding something, or a plot is afoot. or all three really. pls feel free to enlighten me with what you thought on this episode and let me know if there is something i am interpreting entirely incorrectly. or not! it could be fun to try and put the pieces together myself. regardless, i am pleased we were reunited
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
Lovely Runner Live Blogging
I've been seeing the “i found you girl i like being around you” edits on tiktok but before then, i’d also heard about the show and saw an ep 1 clip of when she runs up to him at the swimming pool. i’m a time travel show enjoyer and this show has been getting such good reviews, so I’m excited. my last few shows have been quite dark and violent and i kinda wanna go for another such show but think a lighter (yet emotional) show might do me some good so that i don’t burn out
Ep 1 (June 25)
ah, he encouraged her to live through this time when she was contemplating suicide and ig later on she will do the same bc he unfortunately takes his own life before the time travel i think
Dec 31, 2022
13 years, how old were they then and how old are they now?
oh i knew she was a fan but she’s a biiiig fan
ah, they were in high school at the same time and his high school was across hers
some fans hate Sunjae bc he’s too popular and getting opportunities
the band members also seem to not like him and it could be bc of his popularity but he also seems resistant to being an idol in general and wants to retire so that might have smth to do with it
wow she’s really having a tough day: rejected from job bc it has no elevator and she has a wheelchair, late to the concert, and then lost the ticket omg
this scene of Sunjae putting in his in-ear and going on stage is now iconic to me bc of the edits, kept expecting to hear “i found you girl i like being around you” as background music loll
she’s really determined to be positive and make the most of everything, i expect a breaking point soon though
oh, in hyuk doesn’t want him to retire
phone crack
wheelchair stops
yeah the tears finally. what a fucking day
hehe they meet in the current timeline
lolll her getting annoyed that her friend came just when she could’ve been getting a ride w Sunjae
what is that jar that she gave him?
was it Sunjae who saved her from the accident?
the watch was weird for a second. i guess that's gonna be The Object that takes her back/causes everything
ahh he took meds and jumped off into the swimming pool.
this reminds me a bit of True Beauty but like the friend who passed away
time of death: Jan 1, 2023. 12am
dead at 34, so was 21 in 2009? 19 or 20 interactional age?
The fact that she Just saw him alive and seemingly well a few hours ago must make it even more unbelievable
Traveled back
her legs work again
okay, I'd seen this Instagram edit of this scene as the very first thing I saw from this show but I didn't know when I first watched it just how awkward/embarassing this is T.T
aw, is he also going through something now? her talking about how he went through this alone made him soften
her still being like 'this is my dream' oh she's gonna be mortified when she realizes this is real in a time travel universe
lolol she's like I'm not dreaming? Fuck, am I dead?
pls i'm dying, Sunjae's so confused while she's acting as if they're both dead now (and mustn't cross the bridge)
so did Sunjae take the watch?
Ah, he probably had to quit being a swimmer and become an idol in the original timeline too because of his shoulder
June 2008
So are they seniors in high school right now?
ahh she gets to see her grandma from 14 years ago when she still recognized Sol before alzheimers or whatever T.T
Aw, Sol cries every time she looks at Sunjae
ah, the parallels of Sunjae holding the umbrella over Sol and asking why she's crying now and in the original timeline
I watched around the first 30-40 minutes of this episode on my iPad while I was on the train (and also like 10 minutes in a restaurant lol). I'm likely going to have to take the train a lot starting the second week of July so I had been thinking that maybe I'll save this one for that time and watch like some raunchy BLs and GLs now that I can't watch on the train but the first ep was quite good, I think I'll binge it now oof.
Ep 2 (July 6)
Since Episode 1, I've watched My Stand-In Eps 1 - 11, Blank Season 1, and reread Mistborn: The Final Empire.
"i can fool a 19-year-old, right?" lol Sol
who is this guy? i know there's a love triangle, is this the second lead?
the people who go back in time/become younger scolding the other kids who seem the same age as them is always funny
ah, so funny, he's the first guy Sol stanned
lmfao please why's he running after the bus
the little icons getting farther and farther away and the song about going farther away playing lmfao
omg, she can't tell him the future/what will happen if he does something? time stops?
woah, you really could just stop time and do a bunch of stuff while shouting future facts lmfao
pls, this future-telling grandma cosplay
Sunjae jealous of Taesung already
how does she keep finding herself in these situations, plssss
like Sunjae is literally so correct to be like what the fuck like actually but also T.T
that guy is indeed Sunjae's father and lmfao Sunjae was the one who borrowed the porn/erotic VHS that Sol's mother has been on the dad's case about
overly dramatic crosswalk scene but i guess it's fine since it's mirroring how she probably got into her accident originally and she has trauma from it
she's the one who gave Sunjae an umbrella first! Also i've def seen this scene from a tiktok or smth
pls so he didn't even mean to borrow the erotic video? smh
this is kinda like My School President when Tinn was trying to impress Gun but everything went wrong and he was being a loser lol
so these two episodes effected the future and there's a photo of Sunjae and Sol on the table but it didn't change the death
Ep 3 (July 6/7)
ah, so he didn't injure himself this time?
hilarious that he can't seem to confess while she's fangirling and cooing over him
the dad left his shoe like cinderella lmfao
eughhhh she's like fuck, you don't want me to be your fan anymore? let's be friends! while he's trying to confess
Sunjae's dad dramatic + full of expectations and pressure + getting ahead of himself
and Sunjae also not tell him about the injury
omg her brother and her friend are both home not noticing the fire in their sight?
does that much water even do anything to a fire? feels like you're not supposed to be doing that...
I wish they hadn't done this fire scene so humorously with the brother and friend, kinda took away from the weight of it. also i wonder if the fire or her mother burning her hand won't still happen bc stuff like the shoulder injury or the ball hitting Im Sol still happened even if in a different way than the original timeline
aw, glad his dad understood
lol she's drunk, how cute
is she gonna forget the confession and kiss? since she's yknow legit drunk. i wonder if ppl made a fuss about it because if it was a bl, this would def have been Discussed in the fandom
ah, ofc she doesn't rmr
bruh aghh it's like I can see where this is going with her listening to the recording + Taesung spotting her + Sunjae being far enough behind that he'll see them (+ he thinks he confessed last night and expects her to remember the kiss too)
i'm gonna kill somebody, she didn't even pause so the "I like you" is just playing with nobody to hear
omg travelling to original timeline
girl what?! how could you say you want to date Taesung or is that not really happening or like what's going onnnnn
Ep 4 (July 7)
Oh, Sunjae had not only saved her but was at the hospital too. He'd liked her throughout his high school time i guess but what about that final night, did he recognize her even then?
oh, he had. wild
ohhh she gave him a bunch of the candy that night that she had given him the very first time when she mistook him for a mailman
hmm okay so the Sunjae POV we got of that night was the original timeline before Sol's time travel thing, right? because the photo wasn't there? and the timeline that Sol's waking up in right now is slightly different based on what she had done?
ok the future had indeed changed
omg what the hell, why did that timeline's Sol reject Sunjae like that, like in this timeline, they were friends??? unless Sunjae was being a creep fr
i got spoiled about she can come back 3 times but how does she know only 1 time is left? also it's just been 10 days?! so why did Sol react like that, wtf
ah, so it's like she's kinda fighting with her 19-year-old self from the past who's in love with Taesung? and doesn't know Sunjae?!?! weird...
so the 19-year-old Sol thought she was possessed because her memory from when older-Sol came back was missing... interesting and complicating
lmfaoo exactly, I was saying she could stop time but shouting out future facts. hilarious to have her shouting celeb marriages
plsss how's she asleep on his floor
"i don't make friends with girls. how can a girl and a guy be friends?" alright lol.
why do we have Hyunjoo pooping her pants and that furthering her romance (?) with Sol's brother come onnn
ah, Taesung mommy issues and feelings of abandonment
yknow I do like Taesung and Im Sol's banter and back-and-forth
i'm cryinggggg, not young-Sol's birthday event for Taesung
it's suchhh a long song, i'm dying. and young Sol's fashion pls
hehe Sol telling Taesung how to treat young-Sol is cute actually
so many weird men... that taxi that went away? and now this guy...
is this Sol's accident but in this timeline?
ah, Sol realizing that Sunjae had saved her
okay, in that original timeline, i thought they just called a random number maybe and was confused and ig that's true but Sunjae specifically called Im Sol's number? or what? how'd he know it? and he knew that it was her he was talking to.
Ep 5 (July 7)
i wonder how the accident happened the first time and why Sunjae was there back then
this bra returning scene reminds me of True Beauty but I can't remember what Suho was trying to give Im Jukyeong, idk why I keep thinking pads??
okay i was gonna be tormented, so I skimmed and it's on ep 2 of True Beauty. She accidentally gave Suho a bag that said "thanks for keeping my bare face a secret" but he hadn't recognized her, so to get it back, she'd said that it has pads (i remembered this part at least)
cryingggg at her being like hmm he said he can't be friends with girls, so all those "just friends" rumours with girls were all real romances (as idol Sunjae). anyway i doubt it bc he seemed to forever be in love with her even over a decade later and that's just a trope I'm gonna have to get used to.
yesss i love a girl saving a guy from the common motorcycle/car trope and also girl kabadoning guy
Sol is cute trying to block all mentions of the swimming Olympics from Sunjae but plsss it's all becoming romantic moments and also iffy when you think about young-Sol having a boyfriend
oh, cop mentioning burying a body... i think I've heard that this show has a serial killer
in the original timeline, the taxi driver with the key indeed did something? but this time the other guy got there? and he's the serial killer or what
damn, taxi driver has Sol's flip phone
not Sol's brother and Sunjae meeting but Sunjae being punished for giving Sol alcohol
cryinggg Sunjae being curious and looking at Taesung's profile but he finds out
pls Sunjae getting mad at Sol's inability to bike reminds me of Tinn yelling at Gun about not knowing any math (My School President). when even the down bad secret crush bearing Sunjae and Tinn lose their minds teaching Sol and Gun lmfao
girl, why is Sunjae buying the same jacket as Taesung T.T but ig they're gonna have him fill in for the vocal... but he's not gonna fill in for Taesung
how humiliating to run into Taesung just as Sunjae bought and wore the bright red jacket because Taesung owns it too yikesss
and that's how the eclipse happened, though Taesung isn't in it for much longer i guess?
Taesung watching Sol watch Sunjae perform reminds me of Twinkling Watermelon
oh, intense yelling from Sol
double whammy of hearing the confession recording finally and Sunjae also telling her to break up with Taesung at the same time
Ep 6 (July 8)
ah, I’m Sol broke up with Taesung but I don’t know if that’s the end of it… but she also knows Sunjae’s confession…
sunjae is quite fun to watch like his despair at his “breakup with taesung” thing going wrong vs joy when taesung got broken up with
Sol’s brother does bother me, why is he so annoying
pls both Sunjae and Sol holding back to appear cool/not “shake the other’s heart” aghhh
Taesung’s “Oh, I think I liked you a lot” is funny
not Taesung getting into a car crash, damn it
so is Sep 1 the day her accident happens? I don’t remember the date. is it gonna happen again even though the bridge thing already happened? or is it a different thing?
Taesung’s dad (?) Kim cop is investigating the case of a he dead bod?
nooo now he has their address bc of grandma
oh, Sunjae confession
Taesung in hospital but his dad doesn’t visit and his friend doesn’t believe in him + he calls Sunjae to let him know that Sol’s mother is at the hospital, oh man
aw mannn Sol rejecting Sunjae because she knows she’s not in the right timeline and is gonna have to leave soon etc. does she realize she’s the one he liked in the original timeline too? he’s talking about liking the rain and on the original timeline radio show he also mentioned it
not having to take an umbrella to Sunjae on the day of Sol’s accident! and after she almost stayed home all day
omg she’s realizing right now that she was his first love back then too and she didn’t “confuse him”
tbf maybe this mans would’ve gotten her even if she didn’t leave right then. a fucking kidnapping
omg this taxi fucker really took her Again D:
Ep 7 (July 8)
oh on that original accident too Sol missed her stop on the bus and Sunjae was waiting with her in the bus, that’s how he was there on the time of her accident on save her
i’m watching this on the subway on my commute to/from work but there are two people talking in korean beside me and i feel awkward watching a kdrama beside them lol
okay they left a couple minutes later
oh at this bridge where her original accident happened is where she dropped that watch and the first time she time travelled, right?
omg who the hell grabbed her in this timeline? bc taxi driver was in the taxi still
good job to sunjae for connecting everything and figuring out the reservoir lmfao
ah, she went back to her time again and the young-Sol is back but also that's kind of oh no in a way, though Sunjae's clever i wonder if he'll be able to figure it out?
i knew from pics i saw that she can use her lefts in the future
Sunjae survived too
pls not her getting mistaken for a sasaeng, i don't even wanna watch anymore
what a different life
damn, young-Sol had another kidnapping a year later?
oh naurrr is Sunjae doing the "who are you? do we know each other?" thing because young-Sol did this to him after he helped her with the kidnapper?
oh he's not even here, it was a scenario in her head lol
lmfao crying, this Sunjae lovesss the attention and fame (though not the stalking)
the shenanigans of them justtt missing each other every time
i can't believe we're getting random enemies-to-lovers right now, especially with them texting each other antagonistically, this is soooo fun
i seriously need to go to sleep but ahh
oh, the concert didn't happen
ah, and they met on the bridge again
35 minutes after my bedtime already, gonna take a while to fall asleep too, whelp
Ep 8 (July 9)
omg Sunjae got the time capsule egg before it got torn down and he even waited on Jan 1, 2023 fully expecting her to come - and she did, so why didn’t they meet?
and Sunjae got the watch from the time capsule
hmmm would he happen to travel back in time at all? bc she travelled back with his watch and maybe he can travel back with her watch?? esp if smth happens to her idk
lmfao pls not the hotel where they can be alone together
but also he’s an idol going with a random girl lmfao
i loveeeee Sol omg she’s so funny and endearing as she’s talking about how she didn’t mean they should have a passionate night and also mentions that they had crushes on each other in a throwaway line but she doesn’t wanna skip intros and get to the conclusion But she’s not judging sunjae for thinking that, they just have different values lmfao what a cutie but sunjae’s gonna act clueless like oh? what were you thinking as if he doesn’t know what this insinuates
i loveeee celeb/non-celeb romance esp when it actually shows the reporters and rumours and fans and such and how they can affect/limit the relationship
he has such a big house why not hide the cut out in some random storage room omg
pls and now Sunjae thinks she plans to stay the night and have sex lmfao
true Inhyuk would be like what the hell, Sunjae can’t fall for Im Sol again!!
Inhyuk talking about how Sunjae’s liked only Im Sol this whole time and kept going back to her old house whenever he was drunk while Sol can hearrrrr
ah, she confessed that she used to like him too
i kept being nervous that Taesung would somehow be in the house but Sunjae/Sol first kiss!
isn't it crazy fr, after 15 years you finally meet again and this time the girl you've loved forever confesses back and you kisssss and it's not a shitty one either
what the hell, the fuckass taxi driver is here too? that was indeed Taesung before right or did i mistake taxi driver for Taesung, I hope not
"Even if somebody sent me back to the past, I would never gamble with my future" whelp Hyunjoo, don't foreshadow too hard
the stalker makes me nervous both in terms of what if that person was the person who was knocking or whatever the night Sunjae died and also what if she finds out that Sunjae's dating Sol and does something to either of them?
okayyyy, so the taxi driver mans went and attacked Sunjae, was it the same thing in the previous iterations too?
I listened to the Afternoona Soju podcast episode and learned about 2 scenes: Sunjae and Taesung drink and do karaoke together and cuddle to sleep, and Sunjae's speech envelope + Sol's resignation letter get swapped so he ends up saying that out loud as a speech
Ep 9 (July 9)
so as hinted, a year after she came back to the current timeline, in the young timeline 2009, the taxi guy kidnapped Im Sol again and Sunjae saved her again and that's what caused that guy to get jailed until now
i loveee 2009 freshman Sol's hair, beautifully bangs and wavy hair
Hyunjoo's joyoush "hmm" and nod at 33:50 after Sol asks her if it was her idea is sooooo good omg i replayed several times
omg, the sudden "are you really from the future?" that had like no build-up, so I was surprised hehe
ahhh they kissed accidentally ofc they did, ig we'll see Sunjae and Sol married by the end?
Ep 10 (July 10)
ah, makes sense that Sunjae wouldn’t actually believe the time travel stuff oof
pls hiding under the table is so T.T
oh she’s telling Taesung about the time travel too
i like it when in a love triangle the guys try to impress the family like now with the flooding and in Ture Beauty with the dumplings but it’s annoying when they let it get the best of them and don’t care about what’s actually happening like why are you up arguing and making a mess instead of helping clean up wtf
i do like Sunjae Taesung antagonizing when it’s like verbal and witty not physical fights
oof Taesung telling Sunjae that he shouldn’t even be jealous of him bc Sol clearly likes Sunjae
Superstar K vs going to the states
ah, he digs up the time capsule and figures out that he dies (possibly because of trying to protect Sol) that time in the future
oh, the billboards changed and Eclipse is releasing their new album instead of Sunjae’s stabbing hmm i can’t tell bc im watching on my phone but is Sunjae in that photo?
Ep 11 (July 10)
not this kissing gossip lmfao
yknpw technically this is a noona romance in this timeline 3x Sol x 20 Sunjae (krn age)
the “should we roll back another minute? if you give me another chance, i’ll do my best” thing is soooo cute like Sunjae fr was just going for the remote not the kiss like Sol thought
i’m crying from second hand embarrassment at the parents and brother finding them like this and am dreading the hundreds of condoms reveal T.T plssss and even Basic instincts got brought up again and Sunjae having to cover Im Sol’s ears i cannotttttt, how humiliating
the condoms flying out like this is really and truly killing me i can’t watch fuckkk if i was sunjae i would have to leave move away say good bye to Sol like life death and time could not make me stop loving you but this… in front your family? yeah i’d learn to live
lmfao the family meeting was very funny
he sings sonagi for her on a stage ahhh first of all he’d died but she gets to see him sing again + knows it’s about her this time
ah this fucking killer mans
Ep 12 (July 10)
ofc both Sol and Sunjae are gonna try to stop the murderer
lol will Sunjae get jealous of In Hyuk lmao
i can't watch this toilet water nothing pls at least use the water that's stored in the tank of the toilet not in the fucking bowlll
is the institution just that they made out? because i don't think they had sex?
lmfao maybe now the MIL and FIL will finally get along
omg, she's pretending to have gone back so that Sunjae doesn't stay with her at this place where the attacker's gonna come
oh also i'd figured out the 3 lives thing a while back btw i'd been like how does she know w/ certainty that she has 3 chances but the clock said 3, then 2, and now it's at 1
Ep 13 (July 11)
just go so frustrated that Youngsoo figured out that Sol was setting a trap bc that guy put his hand on her to check but Sol ended up shouting for Detective Kim eughhh such planning and yet
and Sunjae runs into him right then ofc
not Sunjae getting knifed! and falling off he cliff!!!
oh, Sol returned
girl where the hell is Sunjae like nice to see Sol’s life and Taesung but c’mon
i got spoiled about the letter switching and Sunjae giving actor award speech from Sol’s resignation letter so i don’t have like The Suspence for this
ohhh Sunjae’s watch also became a time machine
oh my godddd his time machine also takes Sol back in time for some reason and she literally cuts it off right at the beginning?!?! doesn’t give him the umbrella in the rain
curious about how they’ll explain the killer stuff in the past if Sunjae’s not there to save Sol?
Ep 14 (July 11)
so Sol and family just move away soon after like Sunjae still has his sling? yknow what let me not think too much
lolol articles coming out. i didn’t realize he was just gonna be mc-ing
ahhh Ryu Sun Jae is gonna be acting in Im Sol’s script?!
ouch the script hurts (though she’s plagiarizing so hard from alternate timeline Sunjae!!)
both of them busy trying to reject the script/actor but omg poor Sol. it sucks so bad to be the one who remembers, like when Sunjae used to remember while young Sol forgot and now thisssss after everything
another enemies to lovers arc
okay i was wondering how we’d go back to Sunjae knowing but ig he’ll get dreams and memories
oh, the murderer is gonna attack the sasaeng girl instead?
Sunjae is just Meant to be obsessed with Sol in every timeline ig
yaas the lottery tickets truly a must for a fucking time travel anything
ah the ferris wheel
Ep 15 (July 11)
the taxi driver can’t be obsessed w Sol in this timeline too right esp bc it’s been 15 years since his interest in the original tl
not Sol’s mom trying to set Sol up with sunjae now loll how the tables have turned
lmfao this time it’s Sunjae hiding from Sol when usually it was the other way around in the past timelines
oh, the killer is actually targeting Sunjae straight up this time maybe, not Sol first
Sunjae’s memory coming back in flashes
oh, he's got it all back
omg dramatic. killer guy almost got Sunjae again and then for a second I got nervous that Taesung was gonna crash like the other way so that killer T-bones his car
Ep 16 (July 11)
last ep!! 1h 19 mins instead of the usual 61-63 mins
killer dies just like that
ahh meeting again after remembering
"because he died, somebody else might get to live"
they kiss pretty nice
the parents do make me laugh, the dad being like hah i know Sunjae chose a good, beautiful girl to date while the mother's like hah i know she's no beauty
ah, marriage and wedding, cute
A fun show with a fun concept and great acting + romance. It was funny and delightful most of the time, there was a kind of killer/suspense aspect but that wasn't really ever the Focus, Sunjae being killed was the focus; similarly, they didn't thoroughly explain the time travel because the mechanics wasn't the focus, Sol going back was the focus.
I liked Sunjae and Sol together and it was fun seeing how Sunjae was slightly different in the different timelines lol I liked seeing the couple on high school, college, as idol!Sunjae and actor!Sunjae. It did feel a bit like consistency was lost in their relationship but that was the point i guess. It was a very romantic concept, the way they were falling in love in every timeline.
Everything about it was good and I was engaged, I just don’t think I’d think about it much though. Kinda reminds me of When I Fly Towards You c-drama in that way; a cute youthful romance drama but I'm not hung up on it. At least it kept me company during my commute of the first week at my new internship.
Rating: 7/10
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halliescomut · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman Ep 7- No Subs watch
Again a reminder, this is me reacting to the new episode of MPW that I get from an internet friend-y, but unfortunately (for me) they speak Japanese, but I do not, and the link they send has no subtitles, so I have no idea what anyone is saying. In fairness...I have been watching Japanese series for about 2 decades, so I can pick up on a couple words/phrases, but mostly my goal is to observe body language to kind of guess what the story is. It's a fun, silly little game. There may be moderate spoilers about sequences, though I try to keep things vague, and of course no dialogue spoilers. Let's go!
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-Oooh! An on location segment for the weather. How exciting! (ALso I swear it looks like the location is just outside of Man-san's apartment building, and that's why they had the camera framed so close in.) And Yoh still watching Mizuki so closely.
-Oh, we have ARCs...is this actually a few weeks later, or is the BL manga publishing industry able to do a two day turn around?
-Man-san sounds very encouraging, at least.
-That is a clearly depressed and defeated Segasaki. Poor guy. Has still no one explained that Man-san's husband isn't after Yoh?? Really?
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-Why is Yoh always so goddamn suspicious??? My god dude.
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-I will say also, I don't love Mizuki's tone here, but I think that's me relating a bit too much to Yoh (since we're both on the same side of a D/s dynamic). I know I would be really upset to hear that distance in in Mizuki's voice if I were Yoh.
-Now we're getting the flashbacks from Mizuki's POV....interesting. I can't wait to know what he was thinking when he saw Yoh. His face is so precious.
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-^^Literally all I could hear in my head at this scene: "Hands touch, eyes meet/Sudden silence, sudden heat/Hearts leap in a giddy whirl"
-Segasaki's college friends feel very much like friends of convenience. Like when you become best friends with a kid when you're 7, but it's mostly because you live in the same neighborhood.
-Aww, now we have Yoh in a cozy sweater.
-It is so sub of Yoh to just hand over his sketchbook without question, completely forgetting all of the portraits of Segasaki in there...and I REALLY wanna translate what Segasaki's response was, but I will wait.
-IDK what Segasaki is saying exactly, but I'd bet real folding money that's something pretty close to 'no matter what I couldn't stop thinking about him"
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-The way Yoh came and grabbed him...what's going on??
-Aww, sick baby Mizuki. So cute. And the costuming makes them a matching set with their beige and blue. That's so cute.
-I just spent the last scene going like this, so....
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-But now we have THE CURRY!!! The curry that made Segasaki finish falling in love with Yoh. I don't feel like curry is supposed to be that crunchy...but I could be wrong.
-His face, I'm dying.. And the little bonk on the head. Oh, if I wasn't already head over heels for these two dinguses, this would have been the last straw for me as well.
-Mizuki's love for petting Yoh is so fucking CUTE!!!!
-Yoh's smile as he draws Segasaki- so PRECIOUS!!!! (Sorry I keep yellling.)
-Poor Mizuki's face. 🥺🥺🥺 He really thought for a minute that Yoh left again.
-Dripping wet rain kiss!! We love it!!!
-Ooh...ooh....OOH!!!! God I really wanna translate Mizuki's little speech here, but I'm pretty sure the gist was 'you're mine, and I'm not letting you get away again". 🥵☺️😁🥰
This was an excellent episode. I mean the whole series has been, but this just....so good. I can't wait to understand more than 27% of it.
Finale next week (Booo!!!😠) but I will be happy to be able to watch the complete story over and over into forever. That'll be nice. Honestly this is the first BL I've every considered getting a physical copy of it's so good.
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todorroki · 4 months
Love Sea ep 1 thoughts
a little ramble/unorganized post of thoughts on ep 1 of love sea. so i watched the first ep twice, since the first time i was partially live tweeting some of my reactions and missed a few things. i enjoyed it!! quite a bit too, mostly bc i love fortpeat and i'll gobble up absolutely anything they're in. as with mame stories, in order to enjoy them to the fullest, my brain is off, my fujin glasses are on.
first off: gorgeous shots, even more gorgeous setting. i Love bright colors, and this island is really giving just that. like... NATURE!! so much green from the trees and the underwater shots are so good as well. i'm gonna be a little sad when they return to the city. not sure what episode this will land on but my guess is around ep 4? if they keep the pacing as it is right now.
this was a solid first episode. we get introduced to the main cast, their jobs, and a bit of their personality. and the end of the episode gives a glimpse of tongrak's trauma and a preview of the looming problem that should come to light as the series progresses. i'm honestly Very curious how they're going to handle the main conflict, if they're going to take anything out or change it. i am open to what changes they May do since i've already seen a (in my opinion) good change they made for the last scene on the boat.
in the novel, tongrak actually slaps mut when he tries to wipe his tears. yes, full on bitch slap to the face. which, honestly, when i read that part, i looked up from my phone and was like "ok...but why....." so i'm glad they took it out. i'm not mad about having a slap scene in general, but it seemed like a weird reaction (to me), even with the knowledge of WHY rak behaves the way he does. no spoilers, but i had that ????? reaction more than once throughout the novel so hopefully they're able to better translate book scenes to screen. i'll keep my expectations measured regardless.
i'm also wondering if they're going to have conner show up since we have his voice. not gonna lie, i was 90% expecting them to have silence on the other side when talking to conner on the phone. sorry for not believing in u mame lol.. and speaking of PHONE CALLS, idk if i'm traumatized from LITA but i audibly Cheered when i heard proper phone call audio effects. can u tell my expectations for the audio direction were in the ground lmao. and i'm still holding my breath bc LITA had proper call audio in the first ep but dropped it later. praying for consistency over here.
putting my fears aside, PEAT'S STYLING IN THIS SERIES!!! he looks sooo good. and fort in that wetsuit ho my god... so many good visuals here. also i know i read the novel, but i was still completely unprepared for the tongrak attempted seduction scene... i knew it would happen but i wasn't ready to see it with my eyeballs!!! that was WAY more skin than i expected. earlier this week, peat was saying we'd get to see his thighs in ep 1. SIR, we saw much more than that!!! got me screaming at 10am. fortpeat are doing so well here. fort is in his element completely with mahasamut, and peat does vulnerability so so well. i'm excited to see them in more emotional scenes.
now for extra scattered thoughts below ↓
i'm just glad for the brighter setting to see peat's eyes in the light. BEAUTIFUL
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2. love sand in the corner of mook's desk and test love on the floor! i enjoy the mame universe easter eggs.
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3. the live laugh love-esque font made me laugh sorry
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5. tongrak is stronger than me. if someone started reading my wip i'd shut my screen so fast
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anyways i'm VERY excited to see more fortpeat in action. i wrote this post to keep track of my own thoughts, but if you found this and happened to read it, thank you for your time!!
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