#exclusively lived in the crevices at the back of my mind up until now
brzatto · 11 months
I have some questions I wanted to ask :3c
I really love your Carmy drawing! You drew his sad puppy eyes and messy hair perfectly. Are you going to post any more art? 👀
I just started watching season 2 of The Bear and I was wondering how your rewatch was going. Any new thoughts after rewatching?
You're a Pacific Rim fan? 🥳 If Carmy and Richie were partners in that I feel like the Jaeger would immediately explode as soon as they were both plugged into it 😂 What are your AU thoughts?
helloooo <3
1. thank you!!!! ;_; as for posting any more art idk i doubt it >_< if i’m being honest i rarely ever draw at all and that doodle was just a one off but if i ever just so happen to do any more in the future then maybe! i’d like to get back into drawing more but the bear has pretty evidently manifested itself more in the writing side of my brain so
2. if i’m being honest i’m still on ep2 of my rewatch LMFAO every time i try and sit myself down and tell myself to watch it i end up finding an excuse to pull myself away. idk why i’m so mentally averse to it… what’s that thing called where people keep putting off things they genuinely want to do because that’s basically what’s happening rn. i do have a lot of thoughts and half formed posts in my drafts rn just from my first watch alone though i just feel like i should complete my rewatch before sharing them and then i keep… not doing that
3. i loooove pacrim it’s one of my favorite movies/universes ever. if i like a character or a pairing regardless of what the og media source is trust that i will be imagining them in a pacrim au… i’ve been toying with the idea for carmy and richie on and off in the back of my head since way back last year but i actually think it works pretty 1:1 with canon! mikey and richie being lifelong best friends and going into the pilot program together, finding out they’re drift compatible and becoming jaeger pilots together, mikey being kia, carmy always having this pipe dream of becoming a pilot and spending his childhood looking up to mikey and richie and wanting to be just like them but being deterred by something or another. maybe going through the program but because he’s naturally reserved and introverted he thinks he doesn’t have what it takes to be an actual pilot or that he’ll never be drift compatible with someone because he can’t really imagine connecting with anyone in that way. when mikey dies richie’s left in need of a partner but richie is richie so he’s not really compatible with anyone else until they offer to test carmy and lo and behold.. richie balks from it at first obviously because carmy’s just a rookie without any real experience in the field and he and mikey were pretty well established for years (if not just a little unorthodox) and internally half of him is unable to accept the idea of carmy being mikey’s replacement due to his grief and the other half of him is unable to accept carmy being mikey’s replacement due to his protectiveness of carmy (but he doesn’t mention or bring that up ever. i think their dynamics and history in pacrimverse would mirror their histories together in canon, but any genuine good intentions richie has is also probably overshadowed by his anger/resentment and he ends up lashing out a lot at the higher ups and keeping carmy at arm’s length the whole time this is happening. he’s just like.. not coping well. or at all for that matter) cue some very slow burn and mutually tentative bonding and richie always berating carmy for being “just a kid” throughout it and objecting about having him out in the field (not to his face or anything, probably not even with malicious intent or with the purpose of hurting carmy but carmy probably overhears or finds out anyways and resents him for it + feels all that self loathing and ineptitude because he knows he couldn’t live up to mikey either) and richie being given the ultimatum of either having carmy as his partner or being forced to retire but when they’re put in a tight spot they DO go out in the field together. something very dramatic and tragic happens because something dramatic and tragic is always happening in a pacrim au and it seems unlikely that they’ll both make it out and richie is adamant about carmy being the one who lives, still struggles with all that survivor’s guilt over mikey and wouldn’t be able to take going through it again, especially not with carmy. carmy of course is like… kicking and screaming and very much NOT willing to leave him behind and at the same time he’s ANGRY because all this time richie still doesn’t think of him as being capable nor does he trust carmy enough to be able to let him help and for them to go through this together. i don’t think carmy is as concerned as much about whether he lives or dies, or even really if richie lives or dies, i think whatever happens he just wants to see it through alongside richie. he wants richie to trust him, he wants them to be a team, and regardless of what happens to them he wants them to do it together meanwhile richie’s only priority is to ensure carmy walks away from this alive. at all costs.
since this isn’t necessarily a fic plot or anything just how i imagine a pacrim au for them would be like, the endings vary—richie deceives carmy/saves him against his will and has to deal with knowing he’s automatically lost all and whatever tentative trust carmy had in him leading up to this, either richie lives and he and carmy have to start again from the ground up bond wise (maybe they realize they can’t be partners after all and richie would rather retire than have to be put in a position like that again) (lawful evil end) OR carmy eventually forgives him and they work it out and continue being partners (lawful neutral end) OR richie dies and carmy’s left to deal with the survivor’s guilt instead. (neutral evil end)
alternate endings: carmy stays and saves richie instead—also up to you whether he lives or dies but in the event that carmy dies richie has to go through all that mess with mikey all over again and idk if he could like. mentally/emotionally/physically survive that (chaotic evil end) or carmy finally finally convinces richie to trust in him just this once and they combat the evil together and come out of it stronger and closer than ever (lawful good end). also if i’m being honest when i think of this au playing out in my head i surprisingly don’t think of them ever being explicitly romantic but they still have that air of weird unspoken homoerotic tension that they do in s1: richie still devastated and grieving and fighting a battle of internal conflict, carmy still rash and impulsive and oblivious, richie wanting nothing to do with carmy but still unable to stomach the mere notion of putting him at risk, carmy thinking richie is a washed up asshole but still desperately wanting his trust and approval. sometimes the pining is better ngl
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living-dead-parker · 4 years
Reconcile - P.P
Summary: Two years have passed, how will life move on? Pt. 2 to Cheater. 
Warnings: cussing I think, slight angst, slight happy ending I guess, maybe some errors but tbh I'm not sure. (I honestly did not feel this one as much, but it’s better than what I’ve tried writing) 
Word Count: 2.2k
Not seeing Peter was an easy task. So easy, in fact, that you hadn't heard from or about him for two years. Despite still living in the tower and still being in New York. As far as you know, he still goes to the tower for Avengers stuff and he's there quite a bit. You're glad you don't have to see him. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
Well, not exactly. Not at first, at least. Peter still plagued your thoughts for about three months after the breakup. You were left with a hole in your chest and you never thought anything could fill it. Admittedly, you still feel that way,  but slowly, the hole began to repair itself. You learned to grow and heal from the trauma and that was good. So much so, that when Tony walked into the lab one day to tell you that he forgave Peter for what happened, you didn't react.
Sure, it felt weird and you kind of didn't want to hear it, but for the most part, you stayed neutral. Your dad is his own person and he had a close relationship with Peter. You can't take that away from him just like he never could take the pain you felt away from you. So, you told him it was fine because it genuinely was. Every once in a while, Tony would tell you something about Peter and you'd just stay silent, not bothering to further that conversation. Instead, you'd change the subject.
So for two years, you managed to avoid Peter. In that time, you also managed to put yourself back out there. You're young, you realized, and there's no rush to find a life partner. You still have your whole life to find your true love and maybe right now isn't the right time to find love. That meant, you began to just date casually. Mess around with some people, have flings, get into some totally not serious relationships and just make some new friends. It all seemed to go well for you. It helped you move on from Peter, it got you out of the house more, and you weren't as lonely nowadays. It didn't give you the chance to sulk and worry about what life may turn out to be for you.
Which brings you to now. Standing in the lab, bent over a bench to work on a project to further assist the Avengers. A set of hands on each side of you as your current friend with certain benefits stands behind you. His head rested on your right shoulder and his lips lightly pressed to your neck. You giggle when he blows a breath into you, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path.
"Connor," you whine as he does it again. You grab his hands in yours, standing up straight and turning around to face him. His warm brown eyes gazing deeply into your own. His black hair messily strewn about and perfectly framing his face. He wraps his arms around your waist and gently pulls you into him. "I have work to do," you tell him as he bends down a little, his forehead resting on yours. You press your nose to his and his lips ghost yours. "I'm almost done for the day," you tell him, feeling your lips lightly brush against his.
He presses his lips against yours, pulling you into a soft kiss. You're quick to kiss back, enjoying the way his lips feel against yours. Your hands move up to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his soft hair. He presses himself closer to you until you're flush against him.
"Hey, Mr. Stark-" an all too familiar voice speaks out, making you pull away from Connor. When you turn to look at the culprit, you see Peter standing in the middle of the room, shock written on his face. "Oh, hi Y/N."
Out of sight, out of mind? Doesn't work when the person isn't out of sight. Though, you're not sure if he ever really left your mind.
You turn to look at Connor, seeing him look over at Peter with confusion. Connor winds up grabbing you by the hips, pulling you closer to his side. That reminded you why you choose to do casual dating. Because exclusivity tends to lead to jealousy and that's the last thing you want at the moment. So, you tear yourself from Connor's side, stepping away from him.
"Connor, this is Peter," you state, pointing a hand at Peter. "Peter, this is my friend, Connor."
"Friend?" Connor asks as he moves closer to you. "Really Y/N?"
"Yeah," you state, not really wanting to put up with his bull at the moment. "We agreed, friends. I don't see why it's such a shock to you," you continue as you move around the lab again, grabbing some various items needed for what you're working on.
"I thought we were, like, dating," Connor states.
"Um, no," you tell him rather bluntly. "We never agreed to that," you confirm.
Connor sighs, rolling his eyes. "Whatever," he grumbles. "If that's the case, call me when you're not being all weird."
Connor leaves the room without another word, not even hugging you or anything. Instead, he pushes his shoulder into Peter's side and leaves like nothing. You sigh loudly, leaning against a cabinet, hand on your face as you rub your temples. When you look up, though, Peter is still there. He's looking at you, taking in every inch of you.
"Sorry about him," you apologize, moving off the cabinet and grabbing what you needed. Peter just shakes his head, not sure what to say. "He thinks there's more, but he's just a friend that I occasionally kiss," you continue. Once the words are out, however, you find yourself scrunching your face. Not sure why you're telling him that. "Uh, what are you looking for?"
Peter shakes his head, "Right," he states. "I was looking for Mr. Stark, needed to talk to him about something. Do you know where he is?"
"SI board meeting," you state as you move over towards the bench you were initially working at. "Won't be back for another three hours," you continue before looking back up at Peter. "That all?"
Peter's silent for a few seconds, taking you in again. You've changed a bit over the past two years. You're more open, you're physically different and you're also very guarded, despite being so open. "Yeah, it's not really something you can help me with."
Normally, you'd leave it at that. Especially because it's Peter. You don't really want to be talking to him. You just want him to leave and never see you again. That's what your mind is trying to tell you. However, the heat in your chest says otherwise. Spite is a dangerous thing. "Oh really?" you ask regretfully, though nothing in your eyes or your stance says regret. If anything, it's confidence, it's arrogance even. A challenging grin. "Try me."
Peter smiles at that. Albeit, a confused and very dazed smile. One that says he's not sure what to do in this situation. Does he leave? Tell her is strictly for Tony's ears? Does he stay and ask her for help? He sighs, shaking his head at how ridiculous he's being. If anyone is capable of updating his suit, it's you.
"I've been having problems getting the Iron Spider suit to come to me on command," he states, rolling the suit in on a desk chair he'd propped it on. The sight alone makes you giggle. How he remains to be a goof is beyond you but you sure are getting a kick from it. "At first it wasn't that big a deal because I didn't need it as bad. However, I got grazed by a bullet just a few days ago and it's become dangerous. It's almost unresponsive."
You take a second to process every word, trying to filter out what it could and could not be. Then, you walk over to the suit, taking in its appearance. You inspect every dent, every scratch, everything. You're the most capable of fixing its problems because you're the one that designed it and basically created it. Then, you command it to move and it lags a bit. You go through a process of inspection of the suit before connecting it to its software, checking every little detail.
Peter's stuck in a trance, watching your every move as you work expertly to fix the suit. He can't help but stare at the way you lightly scrape over every crevice, every groove. How you put all your concentration into your work. Then, he's reminded of why he ever liked you to begin with. Why he ever looked at you like you put the moon and the stars in the sky. He's reminded of why he liked you so much and he feels that familiar pang in his chest. That of regret, sadness, anger, disappointment. Because he messed up and he lost the best thing to ever happen to him.
"...Alright, so it seems the problem is just a calibration thing. However, this quick update prevents that from ever happening once it's recalibrated," you state as you watch the update bar reach 50 percent. "After that it sh-"
"I'm sorry," Peter chimed in loudly, causing you to stop your rambling, giving him a confused smile. Slowly, it turns into a frown, confusion plaguing every thought. "I know it's late and I know maybe it's the last thing you want to hear after two years of not seeing each other. Of ignoring each other, but I really am sorry."
"Peter," you mumble softly, he almost doesn't hear it. It sounds so broken and Peter wishes he'd never have to hear that again. However, you're quick to clear your throat, shaking your head as you look away from Peter. "Maybe we should just leave it-"
"I'm not going to just leave it," Peter responds, not wanting to be rejected again. Not this time. "I need you to hear me, please," he states as he reaches over, grabbing your arm. The contact manages to make you turn to look at him. He looks so determined to get you to listen to him.
"Fine," you respond, nodding at him to continue.
"I really am sorry about what happened," he states. "I've had time to think and life without you is so bland. Even when we were just friends you made my life so interesting, so fulfilling and I hate that it took me losing you to realize that. It shouldn't have taken me losing you to realize it. I'm not going to ask you to take me back because it's far too late and even if it wasn't, it wouldn't be right.
"I was so shitty to you. You were right, by the way. I hurt you and I should've just accepted that. Not fight it, because that only made things worse. I still strongly believe that I didn't mean to hurt you. But I did hurt you and there's no excusing it or anything. I've accepted it and I want to ask for your forgiveness. For making you feel like your feelings weren't valid. For hurting you. For cheating on you. For betraying your trust. For all of it."
The tension is thick as you stare at Peter with a pained look. Your eyes will soon betray you, feeling them begin to moisten up a bit. Your lip trembles a bit and you have to bite it to keep from giving yourself away. You stand up, attempting to swallow the knot in your throat.
"I regret it all," he adds his own voice breaking. "I regret ever having slept with her, having broken your heart. I regret making you feel like your feelings don't matter. I regret losing you, I regret ever letting myself get to a place where you weren't the first thought in my mind. If I could redo it all, I would. I would, over and over until I get it right. Because you're worth it all. Even if we're only friends. I just need you back in my life."
Again, you're silent, feeling a little confused about your feelings. Then finally, you articulate your thoughts into a cohesive phrase. "I can forgive," you state, nodding at Peter. "But I cannot forget," you continue as you approach Peter. "I don't think I can ever go back to how we were, because there's too much hurt and mistrust there. But I do know that I miss you. I miss being friends. If we were meant to be, we'd be together still, but we're just not meant for each other. But I do know there's room for friendship."
Peter nods, accepting that at least. Sure, he wishes there could be more, but he knew there's no going back to that. He's fine with it, though. Because having you in his life as a friend is better than not having you in his life at all. It's not what he wants, and if it were up to him, you'd be his again and he'd do everything to not mess it up. But it's not up to him, and you call the shots. So he settles, happy to have you back in his life again.
Send in requests, feedback, asks, etc!! Plz and thank you!!
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deviationdivine · 5 years
A Little Misunderstanding (Connor!Prompt Request)
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TLDR: It’s your second official date with Connor but things don’t go according to plan...
Word Count: 2,671
TW: Just my fluffy Connor boy. Brief Language.
A/N:Follower/Reader Appreciation Drabble | Prompt: “Oh, cool. So you just killed a few guys. No big deal.” @catastrophes-light request! After some heavy angst I need this fluff in my life. Thank you for participating sweetie! I hope you like this one! Kiss my boy Connor for me. 
“So what’s it like?” 
Stalling from your typing to cock an eyebrow leans you towards abrupt question. In fact you take time to make sure this is the correct cubicle they’ve come to. Of course it is. Here comes gossip in a premeditated cornering while running away is not a possibility. 
Huh. Wonder how that preconstruction protocol really works. It will make life easier if high tech electronics zapped into the brain. Never mind the hypothesis. That’s too easy for someone to get unnatural ideas putting tech inside people’s heads.
Unnatural is a horrible word. Thinking of him being technology, never can you mean that. He is not just components. 
“What’s what like?” Refusal to take bait gives a leg up for now. You play dumb either way. 
A roll of their eyes reveals they’re onto the game second you drop such an ignorant response. “Oh, I don’t know. Android boyfriend? Ring a bell?”
Boyfriend? You stumble over that word. Hiding beneath faux laughter paints a conspicuous drawing. 
Technically it’s true. Tonight is going to be the second time you have gone out together. First filled you with nervous energy but slowly it fell into place. Puzzle pieces floating down gently, fusing in proper symmetry because Connor is a personal image you yearn to create. Within the very world you live, he exists as a personal shining light and somehow he feels the same. 
He wouldn’t have asked otherwise. Would he? Quit thinking brain or soon you may start to question. 
Honestly it is difficult not wrapping Connor into each crevice of thought, breathing in his infallible aura; sweetness exudes outside a mandate of professionalism where he works. You know this from times chatting so closely. There is something about him. It’s not because he’s an android. He possesses warmth most humans can hardly drudge up in their daily lives. He just is. 
Easily you fall into his abyssal chocolate, rich, flavorful whenever connecting with an equally rapturous gaze. All this without speaking and going to that fantasy beats a day of working. 
Office jobs are boring. That’s why they call them cushy office jobs. Still this beats staring at a monitor until eyes glaze over. Cross-eyed is bad for your vision working on these excel sheets all day long. Not that you will ever complain because this is easy compared to other places. 
Imagine doing customer service waiting tables or shudder to think: selling digital magazines by phone. 
The horror of telemarketing still chills you to the bone. God.  
Snorting quietly under breath, you smile up at your co-worker. Obviously they think the beaming reaction is for current subject. Well, he is a reason to smile every morning. Anticipating his crooked smile, bright brown eyes and the flop of hair hanging loosely in a kiss atop forehead; each tiny freckle on his face you long to kiss. 
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Sure you’ve known Connor for a while but it’s only recently the two of took a step in the romance department. It’s what you wanted from the beginning. He is just so undeniably perfect. 
“Um, hello?” The worker snaps fingers in front of your face. “Are you still on planet Earth? Or in robo paradise?” 
Obviously they will not go away unless they get something. Piranhas cannot be this bloodthirsty! 
“Actually, Connor is taking me out tonight. After work,” explaining hastily, returning to keyboard, a breath expels impatiently. Darkness cannot swallow Detroit soon enough. 
“Oooh! Private locale or-?” The ribbing co-worker continues for spicy details. 
Private locale in your most sought after dreams but no. You two only just started dating. It’s just a few outings. As much as you want a real, full relationship with the detective prototype small steps are best even comfortable around each other. Time as friends really became the most happy in your life. Connor makes you smile every day even if you do not see him. 
“A restaurant,” you correct the assumption. “A new one. It caters to humans and androids.” 
Yawning at the dull answer, they fold arms disappointed. “Sounds nice but - Does he have a…? You know.” 
“Like I would discuss that!” A scoff travels angrily up your throat. Seeing Connor completely undone from sharp, crisp wardrobe certainly pumps the heart quicker. You haven’t seen Connor naked! But you would like to. 
Burning into your soul it does unspeakable things. Why did they have to ask that out of a million others? Your buzzing cell phone saves a life alighting screen producing a personal call. On work time, shit.
Checking the number forces you to answer quickly, ignoring that fact now. “Connor!”
“Hello, Y/N. Am I disturbing any important matters at work?”
“No,” lying thickly convinces you best. Who cares when this beautiful boy is calling?
“I am afraid I will not be able to pick you up as per our mutual agreement.” 
Connor’s explanation is too technical on a given day. Always falls back into that type of thing even though you know now how human he’s become. Frankly you adore this. “Did we sign a contract?” Giggling a little instills instant regret as nosy co-worker does not take a hike. You glare. “Do-do you want to cancel?”
The android does not answer for a fraction of a second. Possibly attempting to analyze the worry vocalized in your voice. “No. I am sorry if I made you believe I wished to.” 
“Oh, no, Connor. I-I’m sorry. Um…are you OK?”
“Yes. It is a case that the lieutenant and I are working on. I will need a little more time.” Connor’s tone shifts, antagonizing over the altering probabilities. “I-I hope you are not disappointed, Y/N.”
Listen to him. He sounds so worried. Does he think a little change is end of the world? It genuinely made you feel important to him for this type of reaction. 
“Connor,” softly breathing in his name sends you upon a personal cloud. “I would never be disappointed with you. Why don’t we just meet instead?”
“Very well,” the android agrees enthusiastic for tonight. “I will always come to you. No matter what may hold me.” 
An hour and a half late! He actually left you stranded at this damn restaurant for nearly two hours looking like a complete idiot. 
How many people walked by giving you looks for pacing? Lost count at this point but my God are you so going to kill him! Angry is beyond these emotions streaming through your body. 
First step is irritation. Twenty minutes in waiting, knowing he will meet you here this time instead of him arriving at the apartment. He explained why. He called again to give a specific time. 
Time went out the window long ago and still you stand here. How long are you going to? Wake up and leave. Go back home and just forget this. Maybe-maybe it really wasn’t work. He may have used an excuse. After the first date did it not resonate as it did with you? Is he too sweet to just say it to your face? Instead, he stands you up! 
Waiting is an insult to your self esteem because no man, android or human, is going to make a fool of you. Why did you think it would be any different? Tears threaten but you hold them at bay. Is it worth shedding an ache squeezing the thudding muscle in your chest? 
Sometimes the most amazing person is not worth trampling over dignity. Never will that be a proper excuse to allow treatment of this kind. It’s time to decide.
Well, OK. You’re not waiting anymore. 
Pulling a jacket snug around your frame does nothing to stop ice freezing around your heart. Walking away is also walking away from a chance with him. Should have known taking it beyond friends would crash at your feet. 
Your stomach immediately drops. A familiar husky call stops you briefly. Even that is too much time. So he finally shows up and for what?! 
“Y/N! Wait, please, I…”
Rounding on him brought a solid finger jab into his chest. No manner of being such a tall and impossibly cute android stops your anger. Who does he think he is? After all of that awkward flirting, which did get smoother you will admit, and finally asking you out somewhere he strings you along. 
He could’ve not shown for the first date. If he truly wanted to back out then why did he sweep you off feet then? Thinking about how sore your toes are from working all day isn’t helping current mood. 
“Cut it out smart guy! If you think you’ll schmooze your way back into my good graces think again!” 
Schmoozing is counterproductive to the current stress Connor analyzes while yelling at him. It spikes his own despite knowing his reasons for being so late are justified. Perhaps-perhaps that is not the word he should say to appease you. Justification may come out wrong. 
The android does not feel it represents his feelings. Nothing ever in this universe is justifiable if it means upsetting you. After all this time, following imperfect advice from Hank, the detective found confidence to take this friendship to another stage. 
Obviously you felt the same. He scans everything easily but discerning natural changes within humans is also part of his programming. It is what he is made for. Deviancy grants him choice in how he incorporates these skills into daily life. Often times he chooses to use something humans call gut instinct. That is a strange thing to possess but Connor finds it to improve relations. 
Hank also calls him out on his bullshit and tells him to ‘stop analyzing shit’ all the time. “Let me explain,” the android insists, a glow of desperation in his soft burnished gaze. 
Emotion pours exclusively all for you as he feels blindingly guilty. You bring this in a bloom to his surface of wires. Never will he cause pain when you are a breath of air, a soft but endless prayer pulling him from doubts. It is affection, holding him, haunting him in encompassing deviancy. 
Connor feels lost still in moments. Life is of worth now but he must quietly accept troubles in his personal worth. It is only natural. As a deviant there is nothing but color. You are another hue dotting this world in beauty, his world. 
“You stood me up!” Hurt overshadows rationale when it means your Connor is the one who lied. “When you gave me a time. Was I supposed to wait all night? Why did you even show up now? If you don’t want to date just…!” 
A gasp steels words when Connor lays hands to your waist. The gesture alone is a thousand waves of lightening going off at once. Electricity conducts right through the crux of your body. 
“Something grave occurred while Lt. Anderson and I were on our stakeout.” 
Connor’s breath never sounded as hasty as it does at this precise moment. Scarlet bathes indicator, syncing in worrying flicks of stress the second he witnessed you speeding away along walkway. Grave may not be the best word. The android cocks his head brows furrowing in consideration. 
“There was a slight miscalculation on the number of assailants in attendance. I had to…take them out.” Connor bluntly finishes what normally would be a long winded statement. 
Another illegal shipping ring and this time they held several hostages for cover. An effective way to thwart police involvement but also a tip someone told them they were coming. 
“Forgive me. I did not mean for you to think I did not want this.” 
That-that’s nice what he just said but back up! Did he just say - take them out? As in…?
“Wait, Connor. Are you saying you…? Those criminals. Did you-?”
“Snuff them out?” He offers a colorful description that only Hank can rub off on him. “If you feel that is an appropriate answer… Yes.” 
“Oh, cool.” You whisper slightly distracted by his brutal honesty. “So you just killed a few guys. No big deal.” 
“Does that bother you, Y/N?” Connor wondered curiously, tilting his head to study your expression. 
“Bother me?” 
Any other time yes it would be problematic. Can’t say you��ve known many who just straight up knocked off a few people. He doesn’t look like he’d hurt a fly to be honest. Maybe that’s just his aesthetic. Those deep brown puppy eyes do make knees buckle under pressure. 
An android who works for the local police department is rich icing. At least it is where your tastes are concerned. Even if he wasn’t a detective you are certain of how smitten this android makes you. 
“I wouldn’t say that,” you decide your words carefully. “I mean you are a cop. Were they-they trying to hurt someone?”
“Yes,” he answers quietly.
Sparing details is part of his job. He does not want to cause further distress. Some incidents are better kept. Working as an official detective for the DPD, Connor does not want to tangle you in dangerous affairs.
“I am sorry,” he repeats. “I tried to be on time. Y/N, I will never let you down. I swear to you.” 
Never mind that. He just went from admitting he had to fight a few goons and then-? Who knows but the point is he-he will not stop giving such hopeful, apologetic eyes. It softens even his explanation for being so late. 
“I would like to kiss you now,” Connor murmurs softly on level with your lips. Hovering close with a breath of space between two pairs one manufactured but another delicate, warm as rose petals. “If I may?” 
Eyelids flutter shut in answer to his rich husk, artificial breath fanning across your face. Inhaling his scent, discerning less tacky cologne than you realize his partner wears. Actually it is a nice fresh scent, organic and crisp. 
His consideration, respect to obtain your consent only expands those butterflies rumbling pit of stomach. They are more. Metamorphosis creates fireflies in their stead. Glowing beautiful similarly to flickering azure captivating each time you study the indicator he still wears. 
He smiles brief, twisting the corners unevenly but cherished by how your heart races whenever the feature molds his mouth. Lips mold now forming a work of art upon yours, sculpture, carved delicate but with a stroke of passion. All consuming, churning within the motors driving his existence. 
A shift in the position you both stand brings you away from sidewalk. Instead you find yourself pressing against weathered brick. Foundation keeping you from sinking underneath his raw emotional energy; pulling at the android’s bottom lip between teeth does wonderful things. 
Swallowing his groan only produces a mimicking moan up your throat as the smooth wet glide of his tongue enters to tangle in a caress. It is then you feel as though you can float. Pulling him closer by the front of his jacket, pristine navy fabric twisting in greedy digits, the kiss transcends hunger. 
This is love. It is the heart and you two make up the halves. 
Connor encapsulates you within his strong hold, arms sealing you away as a priceless gem. No fear of breakage will destroy the android’s fortified enclosure always keeping you safe no matter what will befall city. 
Detroit itself is a smoky night twinkling with thousands of stars above and he wishes to take you somewhere eclipsed of this bustling noise. Upon a soft blanket, laying you down to watch whatever celestial heavens you desire. Ultimately he will watch you, studying those constellations reflecting in a human gaze that he already loves. 
In this moment he does not feel doubt. He does not think of where he came from or those worries that will still come in his newfound life. He only thinks of this moment because this is the one that will burn a memory in the circuits of his mind, in his thudding synthetic heart. 
This memory is you…
Tag List: @elydith  @your-taxidermy
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