#exo l secret santa
way-of-the-sun · 10 months
Even when it rains
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This is my Secret Santa gift for @tao-lay. It was a lot of fun to participate again this year and I hope this little story warms your heart during these cold months.
Genre: fluff, tiniest bit of angst
Prompt: something soft, something domestic, something that soothes the soul
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (Suho)/Kim Jongdae (Chen)
Words: 1.012
Junmyeon was sitting at his desk, trying and failing to come up with some lyrics for his upcoming new solo album. His eyes were unfocused and he was gripping a pen lightly between his fingers. It must have been hours of him sitting there, trying to be productive but his brain just wouldn’t cooperate.
Junmyeon sighed and lifted his gaze to look out of the window. The sky was grey and it was raining heavily. The raindrops falling against the window were making a calming sound and lulled Junmyeon even further into a state of listlessness. A deep sigh left his mouth.
The last few weeks were stressful for all of Exo but Junmyeon bore a heavier burden as the leader. There was so much criticism, so much hate against one of their members and all of this made for a melancholic and emotional atmosphere. A few weeks ago Jongdae announced that he was going to be a father and the backlash wasn’t pretty.
Junmyeon got blind sided by the news when Jongdae first told all the members about his growing family. But he was happy for him nonetheless. Just like all the other members. Everyone encouraged him and Junmyeon could still remember the happiness that lightened up Jongdae's face when he received all the love from his Exo members. He remembered hugging Jongdae tight for longer than necessary and how Jondae's arms tightened around his body when he whispered words of support into Jongdae's ear.
But even though all the Exo members were happy and supportive, Junmyeon feared that Jongdae would get lots of hate for starting a family and marrying his girlfriend from some fans and in the end Junmyeon‘s fears came true. It hurt to know that his member, his dear friend for many years had to go through all this trouble just because the industry and some fans couldn’t accept that even though they’re idols, they still have a life outside of their job.
Lightning brightened the sky and the following thunder pulled Junmyeon out of his spiralling thoughts. He sighed again and buried his hand in his hair.
„I have to get it together…“ he murmured and gripped the pen tighter. Just when he wanted to start working on his lyrics again a knock on the door interrupted his half-hearted attempt.
Junmyeon put the pen down and turned to face the door.
„Come in.“ he said and waited for the person outside to come inside. A small surprised sound left his mouth when he saw Jongdae standing in the door frame. Jongdae was clutching an umbrella in his right hand, raindrops falling down onto the floor. He was wearing comfortable clothes and it looked like he came to visit Junmyeon straight after finishing his daily vocal lessons.
„Hyung…“ The unusually silent voice surprised and alarmed Junmyeon. There has seldom been a day when Jongdae was quiet. Junmyeon mustered his unexpected companion and saw deep circles under his eyes. The whole aforementioned situation seemed to affect his friend more than he wanted to admit maybe even to himself. Junmyeon knew that he had to be strong for Jongdae right now so he did what he did best and straightened his spine, put on his most comforting smile and invited Jongdae in.
„Come, sit down.“ Junmyeon gestured to the comfortable couch which was a new addition to this room. After a few too many nights of him falling asleep on his desk, trying to write lyrics, Junmyeon decided that he needed a place better suited for taking a nap. After pestering his manager he finally got his brand new couch where Jongdae now gingerly sat on. He looked smaller than normally sitting there. Exhausted and sad.
Jongdae’s facial expression plucked at Junmyeon's heartstrings and he knew that he had to interfere. So with the gentlest voice he asked this one important question.
„What is bothering you?“
Jongdae lifted his head and looked straight at Junmyeon, exhaling loudly.
„Hyung… shouldn’t they be happy for me?“ This quietly uttered question nearly broke Junmyeon’s heart. He immediately knew what Jongdae was talking about so Junmyeon stood up and walked over to the couch and sat down next to his friend. He put his arms around Jongdae’s shoulders and just hugged him tight for a moment. Jongdae returned the embrace and melted into the warm and strong arms surrounding him. When Junmyeon felt Jongdae melting into his embrace he started to speak again.
„They should. And I know for sure that so many people are happy for you. Including all of the boys and including me.“ Junmyeon stroked Jongdae’s hair. It had gotten longer and Junmyeon knew that Jongdae would trim his hair in the near future. But for now Junmyeon just let the strands of hair run through his fingers, occasionally playing with the ends of Jongdae's hair.
„Everything will be fine.“ He whispered. Jongdae didn’t say anything for a few seconds but then his quite voice could be heard.
„Thank you.“ Jongdae's arms squeezed Junmyeon's waist.
Junmyeon didn’t say anything any more just nodded and cradled his precious friend inside his arms. It didn’t take long before Jongdae’s breathing got deeper and his body sagged against Junmyeon’s. Smiling softly, Junmyeon relaxed into the couch and looked down on his friend sleeping in his arms. All the sorrow seemed to have left Jongdae’s face and Junmyeon felt the urge to just protect him always.
Junmyeon kissed him lightly on the brow and gripped him tighter, not wanting to let him go. The scent of Jongdae's shampoo drifted into his nose and Junmyeon took a beep breath, enjoying this closeness.
Jongdae was shuffling deeper into the warmth of the couch and the body heat of his companion. Junmyeon gazed at him full of affection and love.
„I will always be there for you.“
Junmyeon listened to the rain that was pelting against the windows. The sound was lulling him to sleep. He closed his eyes and just before he drifted off to sleep a soft whisper left his lips.
„Even when it rains.“
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tao-lay · 10 months
Spinning Around You
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Hello @way-of-the-sun! This is my little gift for you, and I hope you like it. I had several approaches when I received the prompt, but I really hope this gives the prompt you left some justice. Happy Holidays!
Title: Spinning Around You Genre: Fluff, BodySwap, Soulmate Characters: Kim Minseok, Do Kyungsoo Words: 1,394
Minseok learned the hard way that a large salad plate, and a champagne flute cost 50 bucks; especially if they’re the good kind. His tips for the night were wiped out because of a rookie mistake he could have avoided if he had just stopped to let a family pass instead of trying to squeeze past them. He sighed as he handed the last dollar to his manager, pocketing only a measly 6 dollars into his pocket at the end of the night.
"See you tomorrow," he called out, adjusting his backpack behind him before waving at his coworker who was assigned to be the closer for tonight.
Once he reached his apartment three blocks away, he plopped down on bed only to stare up at the ceiling. 'I guess i can skip dinner?' he thought to himself. Minseok could feel his eyelids flutter shut but his stomach growled just before he could be lured to sleep.
He glanced at his wall clock then sighed, pushing himself off the bed then slipping on his shoes. Minseok decided to make his way to a nearby fast-food restaurant that offers value meals. Once he was there, he opted for a meal that had chicken, rice, and a drink. The restaurant was quick with his order and he decided to have the food taken out so he could eat his meal in the privacy of his own home.
"Watch where you’re going," said a gruff voice as a hand lightly pushed at Minseok’s shoulder.
"Sorry," he replied. The man was a good foot taller than he was and he wasn’t trying to pick any fights tonight. He caught a glimpse of a familiar face under a black cap behind the said gruff man, though. The man had a fair complexion, complementing the dark clothing he wore, and the plumpest lips he had ever seen up close. He looked familiar but he just couldn’t put his finger on who that might be.
Minseok did as the bigger man said, and minded his own business. He headed back home to eat his meal in peace. It wasn’t the most mind-blowing meal he’s had, but it was still food for his stomach so wasn’t too disappointed at it. Minseok threw away the disposables then resumed his lying position on his bed. He whipped out his phone and looked up the latest performance of this one singer he had been having a crush on for the past couple of months.
With his body being tired, his stomach full, and his heart slowly filled with lyrics and song, he eventually drifted off to sleep.
Minseok woke up to an alarm. It wasn’t his alarm but he shut it off out of instinct. He patted around the bed to feel for his phone. And... Well, he felt a phone, it wasn’t his. But he managed to unlock it with his fingerprint? Everything is a blur, but he was sure he was awake.
Why is it 4am? Why was he waking up to an alarm that was two hours earlier than he was used to? Why was his bed so big and soft?
He sat up on his bed then stepped on the floor, seeing something that freaked him out more than being able to unlock a stranger's phone using his fingerprint. He saw feet that weren’t his. It was connected to his body, sure. But they weren’t his! He stumbled out of bed then headed over to where he thought the bathroom was. It was the walk-in closet. Minseok padded out then walked to the other door he could find in the room. Thankfully, it was the bathroom and right there, in the mirror, staring at him, was a face that wasn’t his. Instead, it belonged to a famous singer whom he was a fan of.
He was in the body of the very soulful singer, and gifted dancer do Kyungsoo. The singer that he had been crushing on for three years and counting. The singer whose concerts he went to even if he was just seated in the general admission section. The celebrity who he has met in person after winning a raffle draw from buying his album. The singer who gave him the warmest smile and told him that he recognized him, even though it was their first time meeting in person.
Minseok gasped loudly upon the realization then covered his mouth, making the idol in the reflection also cover his mouth in shock. He looked down at his hands, turned them around over and over before he ended up lightly slapping his face.
It was real, he wasn’t dreaming. He was definitely in this celebrity’s body and it most likely meant that the same celebrity was now in his bed, waking up in a dingy apartment. Minseok wants to run to where his apartment is and apologize to the celebrity.
Minseok made himself decent; wearing a simple pair of jogging pants, a plain shirt, and a cap to cover his current identity as this artist. This artist had won several awards on music shows already, able to hold decent and high notes despite dancing flashy choreography. It was only one of the reasons why Minseok has a crush on him, but that wasn’t the time to gush. If he could get to where his apartment was, and maybe talk to the person whom he switched bodies with, they could successfully return to their own bodies.
After successfully dodging two big security guards, several "loving" fans who were "staying" in the room beside where Kyungsoo was staying at in the hotel, and managing to get a hold of a cab, he finally arrived at his apartment. His fancy yet casual clothing stuck out like a sore thumb in his own neighborhood. He stepped inside the apartment then adjusted his cap to cover his face in case anyone would recognize him. When he reached his apartment, he knocked on the door twice.
The door opened not soon later, his own eyes staring right at him. Unlike him though, he was met with excitement and with glee instead of sheer confusion. The door flung open and he was met with a body hugging his own.
Now he was more confused?
When Kyungsoo in Minseok's body pulled away, he was looking at the other with wide and sparkling eyes. He was looking at the other so lovingly, one would think that it was Kyungsoo (in Minseok's body) that was the fan.
"I have been waiting for this day," Kyungsoo said, gently leading Minseok back into the small apartment. "And I had been hoping it was you."
Minseok was so confused. Yes, it was his idol telling him all these lovely things that are making his toes curl and his stomach flip, but why?
"If you remember during the third grade, when you helped a kid buy milk from the canteen because that kid didn't have enough money.." Kyungsoo was blushing, and it was strange for Minseok to see himself blushing, but he welcomed it. He vaguely remembers the story, though.
"That kid was me," Kyungsoo hummed, almost melting with the way his voice crooned. "And I had the biggest crush on you that time,” he nodded, lightly fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “But our family moved away even before I could tell you how cool you were, and how you made me feel seen. My crush was rekindled when you won my fansign event. It was just so unfortunate you didn’t recognize who I was."
Now it was Minseok's turn to blush.
"So now," Kyungsoo smiled widely, "Shall we.. Return to our own bodies?"
"But how," Minseok croaked, voice hoarse from not using it the entire morning.
"Like this," Kyungsoo's smile grew wider as he leaned closer to Minseok then pressed a soft kiss to his lips afterwards.
When Minseok opened his eyes afterwards, he was looking at Kyungsoo. It had indeed worked; they were back to their own bodies. Before Kyungsoo could utter another word, it was Minseok who closed the gap between their lips again.
As they pulled away again, Kyungsoo smiled at Minseok, lightly adjusting his cap. “By any chance, do you have three dollars?”
Minseok tilted his head in confusion again.
“I kinda.. Have a craving, and I want to buy milk from the convenience store.”
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mel-loves-kdramas · 10 months
It is I, your absconding Santa. Many apologies for being off the grid this past month, the North Pole has been…unexpectedly busy.
Using the colours of purple & green, I have created presents in a few “shades” that I hope will present Junmyeon to you in a new light. Puns intended. Most of the work I’ve done is strictly visual, but if you’re interested in a little daytime TV, I will include links to a little Junmyeon project that you are NOT obligated to read, it’s an extra!
Repeat after me: You, the receiver of these gifts, are NOT obligated to read, your presents are visual!
To answer your question, I play a little piano (horribly, because I refuse to learn and play by ear whatever I like), but my main gig *tap dancing* is singing. I have a lil secret SoundCloud floating around the dark webs somewhere…
I LOVE ZOMBIES DUDE. I’ve watched Train To Busan, The Walking Dead and Sweet Home. All of Us Are Dead, I haven’t watched but I have read the Webtoon! I think Korea does zombies so well!
The Glory is in my watchlist because I like the Kdramas which tackle the dark side of Korean society, but (ironically so) I’ve been putting it off because I know it’s quite heavy.
Another genre of dramas I like are the slice-of-life, thought-provoking ones like Our Blues & My Liberation Notes. The protagonist of My Liberation Notes has an almost identical personality to myself (though I appear rather silly and whimsical online hee hee).
It is almost Christmas Mel, Lover of Kdramas!! I hope you are keeping well in this tiring world <3 Remember to smile like Chanyeol, tolerate no foolishness like Sehun, and wear comfortable things like Kyungsoo <3
Helloooooo! Thank you, I’m doing well. And trying to wear comfortable things as much as I can. lol
You sing! That’s so lovely. I’m glad you’ve found something that gives you pleasure in this stressful world of ours.
Yesssss, I agree, Korea does zombies so well. I still tear up as I think of the ending of Train To Busan. Have you sampled “The Killing Vote”? I just started it and find the writing to be clever. It’s very dark and a mystery so I like it. lol, and it’s fun to see two of the leads of the killing game, who also starred in the fun spy/romance kdrama “Man To Man”
I really enjoyed Our Blues too. Korea truly has so much talent in writers, actors, and directors.
Please include your links. I’d be happy to see the “extras” 💜 I’m so excited to see all the shades of Junmyeon you’ve created.
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I wish you and your family a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.
xoxoxo 🎄
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wolveswithblackpearls · 10 months
When the nights get cold
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genre: angst, hurt/comfort, dog hybrid!baekhyun x reader (if romantic or not is up for interpretation)
cw: nightmares, feelings of panic and anxiety, laboratory/hospital setting in the first half, violence mention, abuse mention (non-sexual), medical experiments mention
word count: ~1.6k
a/n: hey there @vampwrrr - 'tis me, your secret santa (find me @starchild--27, I am Admin S on here ^-^) and i come bearing gifts, hehe :D i did a little mix of all the things we talked about the last few months with what you promted for your gift, so i hope you have fun reading this little one-shot i came up with! i, for one, had lots of fun with it xD gave me a chance to dive into unknown waters here - i never wrote anything in this setting before!
finally, a big thank you @exols-silver-christmas for hosting yet another year of exo-l secret santa. it takes a lot to organize all this so i am, as always, very thankful that we can enjoy this event again this year. i can't wait to see all the creative things everyone came up with! <3
~ Admin S
Baekhyun woke up feeling uncomfortable. It was the rough fabric of the hospital gown against his skin. It was the cold metal chain that ran tightly over his face. It was the darkness and the penetrating smell of disinfectant. He hated it all. So much he just wanted to fall asleep again. But the bed had no pillow and no blanket, and he was freezing too much to fall asleep again.
I am back.
The thought slowly settled in his mind, exhaustion and resignation putting a dull feeling in his chest. He had been here before, in “The Clinic” as the people here liked to call it. But he knew that clinics are to help people that are hurt. And this place did the exact opposite. This place was a lab. And he had been created here. From some scraps of DNA the doctors had collected and altered.
Baekhyun didn’t know the specifics of how the lab worked, how they got the resources they needed, what the purpose of it all was. And he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to know. And while the question of “why” was a huge mystery to Baekhyun, the goal of The Clinic was quite clear. They wanted to create a new species. They were breeding hybrids. And Baekhyun was one of those.
Raised under constant probing and testing for the first couple years of his life, then put in a shelter with other hybrids to be socialized and later to be sold. And even then, there was no escaping The Clinic. There were regular checkups and tests the hybrids had to undergo, even after being bought.
Baekhyun crouched on the cold bed, thoughts racing. Why was he here again? Why didn’t he remember how he got here?  Why didn’t he remember what had happened before he fell asleep? Anxiously, his tail wrapped around his legs while he rested his chin on his right knee and he realized how helpless he was. He didn’t know what to do, how to get out. Damn, he didn’t even know what year it was.
Goosebumps spread over his skin. This was the most scared he had felt in a long while. It reminded him of when he was still a puppy that hadn’t known anything but the lab. Even back then, when he was entirely disoriented, he knew this was not a good place. He might not have understood it back then but he had felt distinctly that this place was harming him.
The utter silence made Baekhyun nervous. Or was it just the lack of any hints that would indicate other alive beings close by? He didn’t know and his ears twitched restlessly, eager to pick up a sound. Any sound. Just… anything besides the sound of his own beating heart.
Baekhyun put his head between his knees and buried his hands in the hair at the back of his head, tightly shutting his eyes and praying for it all to go away. Praying that, when he released all the tension in his body, he would be at a better place, a safer place.
But Baekhyun was scared. He didn’t dare to let go, to loosen his grip on himself. Any moment without your guard up would be exploited. That’s what his years in The Clinic had taught him so painfully. He couldn’t let go. They would come and immobilize him in ways that hurt and give him medicine that made him feel sick and run tests until he passed out from exhaustion. He couldn’t let go. He couldn’t let go. He couldn't-
A blaring noise ripped through the quiet, so sudden that Baekhyun let out a bark. That never happened. But, gosh, this was an alert of some sort and Baekhyun could practically feel this horrible, booming sound vibrating in his bones.
He had to get out.
Faster than he thought his body would be ready, he scrambled off the bed. The floor was unbelievably cold against his bare feet, but he started running towards the exit anyway. He pulled harshly and opened the door just far enough so he could slip through and out in the long, white hallway that was rhythmically illuminated in deep red from the flaring warning light. Baekhyun didn’t have time to look around more, he just bolted into a random direction. All he wanted was to get away from this room, but as soon as he had started running down the hallway, he started to hear steps behind him. Fast. Running.
He peaked. It was the nurses. Their skin-tight, white uniforms had them look like they were clones themselves. They might as well have been. There was no way of knowing what else was going on in The Clinic - and if there was a way, Baekhyun didn’t want to know it, wanted to be as far away as possible from that way. 
When he heard the nurses’ steps accelerating, Baekhyun ran even faster. He had not expected to have enough strength for that. His sight got blurry and his cheeks were getting wet. He could tell by the cold feeling that bloomed where the tears were running down his face. But he couldn’t stop running. Not when there were these nurses following him. They would catch him and do God-knows-what to him and-
-- -- --
Baekhyun opened his eyes so abruptly that it startled you a little, despite having tried to wake him up for the past few minutes.
He had been shaking in his sleep for a while now. You were laying next to him, waiting for this painful scene to come to a halt again but it only got worse the further the nightmare progressed. He started whimpering and yipping, making the most puppy-like noises you have ever heard from him.
You had tried to soothe him without waking him at first, started with rubbing his back and stroking his exposed arm. That usually calmed him a lot – but not this time. So you adjusted his blanket that he had kicked away from his body, letting his own warmth comfort him and, as a last resort, softly petted the wild strands of his hair. But nothing helped. When tears started running down his face, you decided it was best to wake him up and free him from whatever was going on in his head.
You had a pretty good idea what he must have been dreaming about. That was not the first time Baekhyun had suffered from these nightmares and when it got as bad as tonight, they were most likely about The Clinic. Just the thought of that place started a fire of scorching fury in your belly. They gave him pain his entire life and not even now that he got out of their grasp, he had no peace. You didn’t want to imagine the things that happened to the hybrids and other “experiments” there. Actual living beings, scientifically created there, only to-
You closed your eyes and forcefully stopped your train of thought. Your anger wouldn’t help anyone. Not right now, in the middle of the night with a scared dog hybrid sitting next to you, his messy black-and-white hair sticking out in every direction, puppy ears pressed flat against his head, whimpering quietly in the darkness as he wiped the tears from his face with shaking hands.
You took a few deep breaths and slowly so that Baekhyun wouldn’t get even more scared, wrapped your arms around his warm body from behind. And as soon as Baekhyun felt your presence, he let himself melt in your hug and shifted to rest even more comfortably in your arms, turning around to rest his head against your chest and your arms to wrap around his shoulders. Softly, you started to stroke his back again and tried to breath very calmly so Baekhyun’s irregular gasping for air would calm eventually as well.
You knew better than to confront him with questions in this situation. He needed to calm down first, realize that he is not in a dangerous situation anymore, that he is at a safe place, and he needed to take his time for that. The last thing both of you needed at this moment was another panic attack caused by Baekhyun being overwhelmed.
You lifted your eyes from the top of Baekhyun’s head and gazed towards the window. Tonight, the temperatures had dropped deep, and it had started to snow. It was always the first icy cold nights that gave Baekhyun the worst nightmares. It had something to do with the whiteness, quiet and cold that reminded him of The Clinic. It made you even more determined to create good and happy memories in the winter months with him.
You loved the winter, the crisp cold and how the first snow makes the world look like it has been put under a spell that makes everything really still and silent. It had always felt magical to you and even if Baekhyun would always feel a much greater relief when spring would finally come around, you didn’t want the nightmares to be the only thing Baekhyun remembered from winter nights. But it would take work to get there. He had been through too much. You had heard a lot about it from Baekhyun already but you weren’t sure if you knew everything yet. And if tonight’s nightmare brought up new memories that caused the dream to be especially bad this time around.  
But you were certain, Baekhyun would immediately talk to you tonight. When he felt he was ready and not in shock anymore. You two would figure it all out from there. Or maybe you would just fall asleep again and figure it out tomorrow. And with Baekhyun’s breath becoming more and more even and your eyelids feeling heavier and heavier… tomorrow didn’t seem like such a bad plan.
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flaredpantsagenda · 10 months
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One for our dorky leaders ☆
Exo-L Secret Santa Gift (@exols-silver-christmas) for @miramizar! I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for being so sweet to this baby-L. I loved getting to chat with you about different groups and stages and what you're up to <3 <3 <3
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mel-loves-kdramas2 · 11 months
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"A Universe where the brilliance of color only comes to you, when you meet your soulmate. You have a happy life. Your family and friends surround you with support and joy, but there is always that tiny bit of wonder:
What would it be like to belong to someone and have your world pulse with love and color? You’re a photographer, recently hired to take photos of a new and rising Kpop singer.  He walks in and the moment he turns around to face your camera - your world explodes with color."
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Ari! It’s been so much fun getting to know you more and sharing this wonderful EXO-L holiday tradition with you.  xo, your exo-l secret santa, Mel
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I hope everyone is doing well and is staying hydrated during this comeback season!
Sign ups for this year's Exo-l Secret Santa will be opening on August 1st and will run through September 4th.
Thank you to everyone who participated last year! I hope to see many of you again this year! And to any new blogs that wish to join please know you are more than welcome!
I'll be posting the important date post and the how to participate information soon.
Enjoy the comeback and don't forget to stream if you have time!
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miramizar · 9 months
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🎉 Every Month of 2023 🎉
Link your favorite or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
Thank you @ambivartence for the tag!! 💗 Please allow me to include a draft and some stories on AO3, or else I'm stumped hahah (Hopefully I'll be able to create stuff more frequently and evenly next year (^^;)💫 )
January: Birthday edit for Kai
February: Birthday edit for Jisung
March: Drabbles for The Swan Princess
April: My new signature for MaySketchADay (if you count that I drew it the day before the challenge started adjhbfbf)
May: Ophiuchus&Serpens for MaySketchADay
June: Yami&Yugi for PuzzleJune
July: SuTeuk fanfic
August: Birthday edit for Mark
September: A Xiumin moodboard that goes along with this exo fanfic (I'm planning on posting it soon!!)
October: YeTeuk fanfic
November: ...please have another MaySketchADay drawing (aka Pyxis - I did so many in May and absolutely nothing in November I'm so sorry idnfnf)
December: Chanyeol for the EXO-L Secret Santa Event
💖 I'd like to tag anyone who sees this and feels like doing it 💖
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Hi @baconnotbaekhyun, I’m your (backup) EXO-L Secret Santa for @exols-silver-christmas! 👋🏻 Since I’m only the backup Santa, we didn’t get to talk beforehand, but I figured a visual reminder of how the day of Baekhyun’s discharge is coming closer and closer would make for a nice gift. 😄 I saw that you posted some stuff from the Kyoongtube videos that he made for the duration of his absence, so I wanted to try and collect some cute moments from them. I hope you enjoy them and that you have a lovely Christmas and end of the year! ❄️🤍🎁
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sakurasangcl · 2 years
happy holidays, @chogiahwaeee @exols-silver-christmas
i was your exo-l secret santa! I hope one of these suits your fancy! Merry Christmas! Here's hoping for a comeback soon, yeah!?!
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way-of-the-sun · 2 years
Made with love
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A romantic and fluffy slice of life fic for my lovely Secret Santa giftee @dreamylittlesugarcube​
Pairing: Kyungsoo/Reader
Words: 4.390
“Empathy” was a nice little restaurant that opened a few weeks ago. First you saw a moving company bring in all the furniture, accompanied by a young man around your age. You watched them from your window, seeing as you lived right above the now newly opened restaurant.
You lived in your apartment for quite some time and this was the first time that the small place directly under you was rented out.
Your friendly neighbour from down the hall told you, that there once was a restaurant but the owners had to give it up due to old age. So it probably was only appropriate that a new restaurant opened in it’s place.
Sadly you hadn’t had the chance to check it out yet. After a long day of talking and interacting with many people you just liked to relax a little bit at home. That’s not to say that you didn’t like spending time with friends and having a fun time out getting drinks, but you also enjoyed a quite evening on your own, watching some random series or cooking and baking something for yourself. You apartment might be small, perfect for one person, but your kitchen was your marvel. Baking and cooking was an important part of your life so you didn’t spare any expenses when it came to your kitchen. Your parents only shook their head when you told them how much you spent on that. Still, you didn’t regret it one bit.
It was Saturday morning and you stood in your kitchen making some breakfast for yourself, when you saw the young man again. It was the same man which you had seen when the moving company came to bring all the furniture.
He might be working at the restaurant… you thought to yourself.
Curious you looked out of the window to catch a glimpse of him. He had short black hair and wore a hoodie and jeans. From the distance you couldn’t make out anything more, like his face or his height. The only truly noteworthy thing were the huge and heavy looking bags full of groceries he was carrying all by himself.
Shortly after he opened the door to the restaurant and walked inside. You scrambled some eggs and poured them into a hot pan, the man already forgotten.
It was Friday late in the afternoon and you just came back home from a long day. It was raining and your shoes were completely drenched. You cursed and fiddled with your keys to open your front door. As soon as the door closed behind you, you let out a long sigh. Originally you’d planned to buy some groceries and cook something warm and filling for yourself. This torrential downpour just stopped you from taking the detour to the supermarket so now you didn’t have anything to eat for tonight.
“Brilliant…” you murmured to yourself.
You took off your jacket and your shoes and let them out to dry. You stood awkwardly inside your apartment, unsure what to do about the food situation now.
“Maybe a cup of tea first…” you went to your kitchen to grab a teabag and a mug when you suddenly saw the sign of the newly opened restaurant right underneath your window. You fiddled with your teabag for a second before putting it back into it’s container. The mug also was put into it’s usual place.
You walked to your entrance hall and grabbed a dry jacket and a new pair of shoes. You checked your bag for your purse and your other necessities and left your apartment.
“It might be time to check out the new restaurant. Let’s see if it’s any good.” You smiled to yourself, relieved that you would get something warm to eat tonight.
The doorbell jingled and a warm gust of air hit your face when you entered the restaurant. It was a cosy little place with only a few tables. The name “Empathy” fit the atmosphere of this establishment. At the end of the room you could see the open kitchen with a bar running around it and some chairs to sit on. The chef was preparing some food that smelled delicious. He was standing with his back towards you. He was slender and had an apron tied around his small waist. The chef also seemed to be on the smaller side height wise. But before you had the chance to observe him some more a server came over and asked you with a blinding gummy smile: “Hi welcome to Empathy. Seat for one person?”
You peeled your eyes away from the chef and looked at the server with a friendly smile. “Yes please. Only one person.” The server nodded and brought you straight to the bar which wrapped around the open kitchen.
“Is this place all right?” You nodded and noticed the name tag he had on his apron. “Yes thank you Minseok.” He gave you that gummy smile again and handed you a menu.
“Just call me when you found something.” Minseok smiled at you again and left for the next table. There were some tasty sounding dishes on the menu and it wasn’t easy for you to choose one. In the end you decided on something warm and filling and Minseok came over to take your order of soybean stew.
While you were waiting for your dish you observed the chef again. His moves were clean and efficient. He was clearly a professional when it came to cooking. Just when you were sipping on your water the chef turned around and you did a double take. Luckily you didn’t choke on your drink but it was a near thing.
“Oh, it’s you!” you blurted out after swallowing your sip of water. Surprised by your outburst the chef looked up and indeed it was the young man you’ve seen a few times during the last few weeks. The one you observed from your window with the huge grocery bags.
“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” he asked. His round eyes widened behind his horn rimmed glasses. You felt the heat climb into your face when you realized that you disgraced yourself in front of your new neighbour. Your new very handsome neighbour… For he indeed was handsome with his short dark hair, pillowy lips and smooth, tan skin. Even his eyes were mesmerizing and drew you in. You only realized that you’ve stared at him for longer than you should have, when he cleared his throat.
Your eyes widened and you stammered: “I… I mean I think I’ve just seen you around you know? I live right above this restaurant and… yes.” You smiled, embarrassed about this whole situation. Realization dawned on his face.
“Ah well then. Nice to meet you neighbour.” He nodded at you and put the dish you ordered right in front of you. You hadn’t even realized that he tried to bring you your meal before you pulled this little stunt.
“My name is Kyungsoo.”
“Oh, nice to meet you Kyungsoo!” you also told him your name.
“Well then, enjoy your meal.” he said with his smooth and gentle voice. You thanked him and grabbed your cutlery. As soon as you tasted the first spoonful of his soybean soup you were in heaven. It tasted better than any soybean soup you’ve eaten before and you let out a moan of contentment. As soon as this sound left your mouth you heard a small laugh. Your head whipped up and you directly looked into the twinkling eyes of Kyungsoo. His full lips were curled into a little smile and you could see that he was clearly amused but also a tad bit satisfied.
“Well, I’m glad you enjoy your meal.” His voice was full of teasing and your face got warm again. It seemed as if you wouldn’t catch a break today. Why did you have to embarrass yourself in front of this handsome man not only once but twice? Usually you were more composed than that. You swallowed your nervousness and squared your shoulders.
“The food is really tasty. I might have to come back every day!”
Kyungsoo grinned at you.
“I’m looking forward to it, neighbour.” With that he ended this little tragedy you manoeuvred yourself into and went back to cooking. Even though you felt embarrassed for the rest of the evening you swore to yourself, that you would definitely be back soon.
After you finished your soup and Minseok took your money you put on your jacket and stood up from your chair. Before you left though you couldn’t help yourself and called out to Kyungsoo.
He turned around to you, a questioning look in his eyes.
“See you tomorrow, Kyungsoo!” The corner of his mouth turned upwards.
“See you tomorrow.”
You left the shop with a spring in your step.
It became routine to eat your dinner at “Empathy”. You always sat right at the bar where you could overlook the kitchen and watch Kyungsoo prepare the dishes for the costumers. You loved how concentrated he was and how his nimble fingers prepared each ingredient with love and care. During all these evenings you ate at the restaurant you got to know him better. You now knew that Kyungsoo wasn’t just a chef but the owner of the place. Minseok was one of his best friends who sometimes helped out during rush hours.
If you were honest with yourself you enjoyed Kyungsoo’s company probably more than you should. He was kind and soft spoken, yet could get quite scary when things didn’t go to plan. Still, you admired him. A few weeks earlier it still might have been able to prevent this crush from truly developing but you just didn’t want to. He was someone you could see yourself with. You just weren’t sure if he felt the same. Kyungsoo was hard to read if he didn’t want you to. Despite that you hoped that one day he might show you that he liked you as well.
During one of your regular visits at the restaurant you exchanged numbers with Kyungsoo. You wheedled his number out of him and now you texted him from time to time. He wasn’t a fan of texting, saying it was too bothersome to type. So you were quite surprised when you got a text with his name one afternoon.
I know it’s really short notice but do you have plans tonight?
Your heart started racing, you felt butterflies in your stomach. You couldn’t believe what you just read. Just to be sure you read his message again.
Was he asking you out? You squealed and jumped around your apartment. Out of breath and with shaking fingers you typed a reply. You didn’t want to seem too eager so you just wrote one small sentence.
Depends on why you’re asking… :)
Your phone chimed only a few seconds later. You opened the message with sweaty hands and a fluttering heart.
Minseok is sick and I need someone to serve tables tonight. I don’t know who else to ask.
Your excitement vanished. Why did I think that he would ask me out on a date? You thought. Of course it’s not that. Your heart started slowing down and the huge grin you sported only a few minutes before vanished without a trace. You sighed and opened your messages again.
I’m free tonight. When should I start?
Even though Kyungsoo unknowingly just crushed your hopes you still couldn’t leave him hanging. He was a dear friend in need of help and you just couldn’t stand the thought of him having to manage the restaurant all on his own.
Would 6 p.m. work for you? Thank you, I know why you’re my favourite neighbour.
You laughed.
I’m the only neighbour you know.
But yes, 6 p.m. is fine!
You waited for a reply but none came. You laughed a little, fond and amused. That was just typical for Kyungsoo. You put your phone away and went to the bathroom to get a shower. It wasn’t that much time left before your impromptu shift started and you didn’t want to look like something the cat dragged in in front of Kyungsoo’s costumers.
6 p.m. arrived faster than you thought possible and you stood in front of Kyungsoo who explained to you the inner workings of his restaurant “Empathy”. You weren’t completely new to serving tabled so you were confident in yourself.
“And lastly you need to put on this apron.” Kyungsoo showed you the apron he wanted you to wear. It was a dark grey one which only wrapped around your waist. Kyungsoo looked at you with his head cocked to the side, contemplating something.
“It might be a little bit big on you. Minseok normally wears this one so I’m not sure if - “ You interrupted him. “Hey! I’m not that small. Look!” You made yourself as tall as you could and looked him straight into the eyes. His eyes started to form crescents as a heart-shaped smile took over his face.
“I see. Then maybe it might fit. Let me try.” Kyungsoo gripped the apron tighter in his hands and took a step towards you. Your eyes grew large. The both of you never were that close before. You could even feel his warmth and his breath tickling your face. He was still looking straight into your eyes and he leaned even closer to your face. You jolted as you felt large and warm hands around your waist. He guided his hands around your hips, directly to the small of your back. You were mesmerised and didn’t dare move even a little bit. You heart was racing inside your chest and your breathing was getting unsteady. His fingers swiped along your back where he was tying the apron. You got lost in his eyes and you felt his fingers still. For only a second you thought that he might lean in to kiss you but he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly de-tangled himself from you. You instantly missed his warmth and his arms around you. He felt so strong and safe. You could have stayed like that until the end of the night.
Kyungsoo stepped away from you and looked around the kitchen while his hands played with the ends of his own apron which he had donned before you. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. If you didn’t know better you might think that he was bashful. He looked at you again and then at the apron he so charmingly put on you. A small smile found his lips again.
“Well it seems like you were right. You aren’t that small.” And he was right. The apron fit you quiet well and you looked at him, satisfied.
“I told you so!” This childish response was followed by a deep laugh from Kyungsoo. You couldn’t help but laugh with him. After the two of you recovered from your small laughing fit he got serious again.
“Then we can start now. The first costumers should arrive soon.” You nodded and took your place at the register. When you heard Kyungsoo call out to you, you turned around.
“Thank you, really. I don’t know what I would have done without you tonight.”
“It’s my pleasure.” And only a few seconds after you answered him, the first costumer arrived. The night was a blur after that and when you came home that night you were dead on your feet. When you fell into bed you could feel the first fingers of sleep already gripping at you and you fell asleep with a smile on your face, thinking about Kyungsoo tying this little insignificant apron around your middle.
When you awoke the next morning you saw a notification on your phone. Surpirsed –  because who would write you on a Saturday morning – you opened the message and saw it was one from Kyungsoo. You were awake immediately. You sat up and rubbed your eyes to get all the sand out of them and then promptly read his message.
Thank you again for yesterday.
Do you have plans tonight?
You groaned. How could he send you the same question twice in a row? A little grumpy you replied
Don’t make me help out again tonight!
I’m totally knackered…
You only had to wait a few minutes for his reply.
I actually wanted to repay you for yesterday. But if you don’t have time I can see if I’ll find another date?
You couldn’t believe your eyes! He wanted to repay you? How?
I mean I’m free tonight…
You stared at your screen and waited for a message to plop up. You didn’t have to wait long. Your eyes roved over his reply hungrily.
Good. Please come to the restaurant at 8 p.m.
You couldn’t believe your eyes so you quickly typed
 I thought you didn’t want to make me work. :(
Three little dots appeared, indicating that Kyungsoo was writing something in return.
I won’t, please don’t worry.
And unbidden grin forced its way onto your face. You couldn’t wait to see what he had planned for tonight now that he reassured you again that you wouldn’t need to work.
Alright Soo… then I’ll be there.
I’m glad. See you tonight.
After this last message from him you fell back into bed and let out a long breath. You couldn’t wait for tonight and the surprise Kyungsoo prepared just for you. Your poor little heart started fluttering again and you felt anticipation rise within you.
Evening came faster and yet slower than you wanted. You were nervous, even though you didn’t know exactly why. You knocked on the door of the restaurant, because it was already closed. Kyungsoo opened you soon after.
“Hi…” You said. He stepped aside to let you in and as soon as you came inside you saw a nicely decorated table. Kyungsoo put up some candles and prepared a table for two. It looked very intimate and cosy. He even strung up some fairy lights. You could see that he took great care in decorating everything and you felt very touched by his effort.
Suddenly he spoke up. “I hope it’s alright that I prepared a nice dinner for us?” He seemed a bit unsure, as if he was scared that his efforts would scare you away.
“It’s lovely, thank you.” You gave him your best smile and you saw that his shoulders relaxed the tiniest fraction.
“Come sit,” he beckoned you. “I’ve already prepared everything.” You followed him and sat down.
Kyungsoo went to the kitchen and soon after he came back with a big bowl of soybean stew. You happily hopped around on your chair. “My favourite!” You exclaimed. He sported an indulgent smile on his handsome face.
“I know.” He didn’t say anything more, just went to the kitchen again and brought a bowl of soybean stew for himself. You impatiently sat in your chair, waiting for him to wish you a pleasant meal. Finally he uttered the blessed words.
“Enjoy your meal.” As soon as this sentence left his mouth you tucked in. You hadn’t tasted his cooking in way too long. Even though you came to his establishment nearly every day, each day without his tasty cooking was one wasted in your opinion. As soon as the first bite entered your mouth you were in heaven.
“Why does it always taste so good?” You moaned around your spoonful of soup. Kyungsoo watched you with his face supported on his hand. He had a gentle look in his eyes as he watched you eat. “It’s made with love.” He whispered. “Hm?” You looked up from your bowl and swallowed. “What did you say?”
“I said it’s made with love, that’s why it tastes like that.” The atmosphere changed. Suddenly the air felt charged and the light from the fairy lights seemed more intimate, almost romantic. You put down your spoon and truly looked at Kyungsoo. He hadn’t even started eating. Instead he was watching you with his deep and soulful eyes. You didn’t move, you barely dared to breathe. It felt as if you were on the edge of something huge, something monumental.
And your feeling proved true, when Kyungsoo stood up and walked over to your side of the table. You looked up at him, heart hammering in your chest. You felt breathless.
Kyungsoo slowly lifted his hand and brought it to your cheek. He softly and gently laid his hand on your face and his thumb started caressing your cheek. Your eyes fluttered closed. You couldn’t believe what was happening. Was this a dream? It felt like it. Kyungsoo stopped stroking your cheek so you opened your eyes. A question in them. Why did you stop? He mustered you, intently. And as slowly as he lifted his hand, he leaned towards you.
Your eyes got bigger and it felt as if no air was reaching your lunges any more. He came ever closer and as soon as you could feel his breath on your face your eyes drifted to his sinful lips. They were closer than ever before and you could admire them in all their beauty. They would be perfect for kissing. Pillowy and soft. Kyungsoo noticed you watching his lips and you felt his breath hitching on your skin. You looked into his eyes again and in them you saw a kind of certainty, a kind of resolve. Your hands moved without your consent and you gripped his upper arms. They felt lean and muscular under your hands. As soon as Kyungsoo registered your touch he leaned in further and whispered in a husky voice that sent goosebumps all over your body. “Last chance to stop this, darling.” But as soon as this endearment left his lips you knew you were hopelessly lost.
You didn’t move away, you even leaned a little bit further in. This was what you dreamed of. What you yearned for all these last weeks. Feeling his touch, his warmth. Hearing his endearments. Kyungsoo noticed you getting closer and you saw relieve in his eyes. But a second later all you felt were his warm and soft lips on yours. Your eyes fluttered closed, you were fully emerged in the sensation of his full lips resting against yours. Kyungsoo breathed out a shuddering breath and immediately after he gripped you tighter, his hold on your face tightening and a hand sneaking to your neck, bending your face upwards. This caused the angle of your mouths to shift and Kyungsoo started kissing you in earnest. He was a good kisser. He softly engaged you in your kissing and playfully teased your lips with his wicked tongue. You sighed, unable to resist his charms. As soon as your lips opened, Kyungsoo used his opportunity and sneaked his tongue inside your warm mouth. He tasted like peppermint toothpaste and something uniquely Kyungsoo. You were addicted immediately and never wanted this moment to stop.
Way too soon he slowed the pace of the kiss. He was only pecking your lips now and even though the kiss was more than innocent at the moment you felt as if he brought you to other spheres. You yearned for his touch, his kiss for way too long. Even some little pecks were bliss to you.
After a last soft peck he stopped kissing you completely. He took your face in both his hands and leaned his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes and looked directly into his face. His lips were glossy and swollen from the kiss you just shared and his eyes glimmered with fondness and affection. Yours mirrored the same emotions. Your hands slid up his shoulders and your softly gripped his neck without breaking eye contact. The two of you stood there in this position for a few more seconds until Kyungsoo released your from his hold and straightened himself out again.
You looked at him, never once did your eyes leave his face, searching for a hint to his emotions. But you didn’t need to worry. In his eyes shone adoration and his lips were curled into an endeared smile.
“Darling.” This word again. His voice sounded husky.
“Yes?” Your voice wasn’t much better. You cleared your throat. That elicited a wider smile from him.
“That’s not how I planned this evening to go if I’m honest.” He admitted.
“No?” You asked a bit unsure. “How did you want it to go?”
Feeling your uncertainty Kyungsoo grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers. His hands were so much bigger than yours and you marvelled at the difference. He squeezed your hand and your looked back at him. Trusting, hoping.
“I wanted to eat some nice dinner with you. Then some dessert and after that I wanted to ask you a very important question.” You heart fluttered.
“What question?” You couldn’t help but ask. He took a deep breath and squeezed your hand again, as if he was nervous. His eyes were shifting around the room. Still you gave him all the time that he needed and patiently waited for his answer.
“I wanted to ask if you’d like to go on a date with me?” This sentence completely blew your mind. You never thought that he might be interested in dating you! That your crush might be reciprocated. But it seemed as if your feelings weren’t one-sided. As soon as you processed his question you immediately nodded your head. You couldn’t contain your happiness and started skipping on your chair.
“Of course! I’d love to go on a date with you!” You blurted out. Even though you were a little bit embarrassed about your outburst, the blinding heart shaped smile on Kyungsoo’s face let you forget your embarrassment.
“How about tomorrow?” He asked. He seemed eager and happy about your consent. A warm feeling spread in your chest and something akin to contentment settled in your heart.
“That sounds lovely. But before that…” Kyungsoo looked at you imploringly. “How about another kiss?” You grinned at him mischievously and he laughed his pretty, deep laugh.
“Everything for my darling.” And then he leaned in and gave you a kiss you might never forget again.
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heartcravings · 2 years
the exo-l secret santa gifts are so pretty!! aeries did really well!
happy holidays everyone <3
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mel-loves-kdramas · 1 year
✨It is I, your ultra-mysterious, never-been-seen-before Secret Santa Claus✨
I hope you have recovered from your illness and are taking care to dress warmly during the changing of the seasons! Have your teas and vitamins! Wear your warmest socks, (mismatched for a bit of fun 🥰)!
Junmyeon is a very good and under appreciated egg, so you are one lucky Exo-L to call yourself his fan. I love that he’s got a good eye for aesthetic clothing and locations, is a seasoned adventurer, and always looks out for others before himself.
As for me, your anonymous Santa, I happen to enjoy the talents and personalities of a tall chap named Chanyeol and the fabulous Mr. Kim Chen ☺️
Question(s) for you: What colours/concepts do you like? What are some concepts you’ve always wanted Junmyeon to try (can be musically/acting roles etc;)
Hello to my "ultra-mysterious, never-been-seen-before Secret Santa Claus"!,
I've recovered and also just had my flu shot this morning. The pharmacy tech who gave it to me was so awesome. I didn't feel a thing! I wish all my shots were that easy. I hope you are also taking special care and wearing mismatched socks. hahaha, I like that idea.
Chanyeol and Chen! You have excellent taste. I would expect that from a fellow exo-l. lol
Chen seems to be very relaxed and really enjoying himself the last few months. I love to see that. I wish him and his family soooooo much happiness! Are you enjoying his latest album? It's so good! Have you been an exo-l for long? How did you find your way to them? What other groups do you also enjoy?
I really like purple and green. All shades of them.
I hope I'm answering this question correctly, as for Junmyeon and concepts: I love crime/mystery dramas so I'd love him to be a detective/police officer or even a villain in a drama one day. I remember watching Kyungsoo as a villain in the kdrama "Hello Monster" and he was so good. I guess Junmyeon is in a comedy/mystery drama now, called "Behind Your Touch" but I haven't had a chance to watch it. I also enjoy a supernatural bent in stories, so if he were to play a character with a supernatural power or dealing with supernatural forces, how fun! Do you watch dramas?
Thank you for the message. Have a wonderful week Santa!
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0 notes
Puppy Love <3
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characters: Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, reader
word count: ~2000
warnings: brief mention of abandoned pets but they are safe and sound in the fic itself no worries, it's all the fluffiest fluff ^~^
a/n: Happy Holidays @galaxybambamm - whichever you celebrate - 'tis me, your secret santa (Admin S, @starchild--27) ^-^ ❄️✨
I hope you are well and that you have a good time for the last couple of days of the year (and hopefully also with the little scenario i came up with :D)
this is my gift for this year's EXO-L Secret Santa event, which was wonderfully hosted by @exols-silver-christmas. Thank you so much for your dedication and hard work, once again I had a really good time participating and I hope we'll see each other again for round 4 next year ♡
Happy holidays to everyone who reads this, I hope December treats you kindly and that the new year starts all smoothly 💕✨
If someone asked you what your favorite thing during the Christmas holidays was, you never had to think long and hard about it. Sure, spending time with your loved-ones, not having your boss breathing down your neck everyday and the magic of the snowy scenery were all aspects you greatly appreciated but there was one thing you loved most: having time for volunteering at the local animal shelter.
When you were still in school, helping out with going on walks, grocery runs or simply enjoying playtime with the cute pets were your most-beloved hobbies, but after graduation, life just got too busy, so you could only visit maybe once or twice a month. Like that, the days around Christmas and before New Year's have been reserved for the shelter ever since. 
You could hear the yipping, whining and high-pitched barking of the puppies from outside already as you approached the main entrance of the old building that housed the shelter, and the mere sound made your heart skip two or three beats. You couldn’t wait for the tiny creatures to finally nag on the seam of your pants, eager to play around with you or to receive affectionate caresses.
With your lips stretching into a content smile you gave the entrance door a firm tug so you could slip from the chilling cold of winter into the welcoming warmth of the hallway. Quickly you shed your jacket with its last reminders of the snow outside, hanging it on the rack that was already carrying three more jackets. You wanted it to dry at least a little before you would put it on again. 
You let your eyes wander through the hall. Most of the doors were closed, like the ones which hid nursing and play rooms for puppies, kitties and occasionally bunnies, as well as a small medical station for emergencies and minor injuries that didn’t require a vet right away. Only the doors that led to the office and storage rooms had been left open, probably in a hurry. The last time you’d visited the shelter, everyone was going crazy over a cat that went missing on the day it was supposed to be adopted - turned out someone had forgotten to close the doors for a short moment, one long enough for the cat to follow its curiosity over the threshold of the playroom only to be found asleep on a pile of documents in the rather messy office.
The sound of voices and the shuffle of steps from behind one of the closed doors shifted your attention away from your memories and towards the door which led to the great playroom where both puppies and kitties were running free to explore once they were old enough to do so safely. You didn’t quite understand how it was possible for you to smile even wider but the familiar sounds of a frustrated, very human whine and an infectious laugh somehow managed to have exactly that effect on you.
With fast steps you approached the door, pushing it open carefully so none of the animals could weasel its way out while you were entering. The scene that presented itself in front of you was equally familiar to you as everything else in the shelter: there was Chanyeol, a little ball of white-brown fur curled up in his lap, as he desperately tried and tragically failed to hide dog treats from a certain energetic, black toy poodle. And there was Jongin, who sat next to his friend, laughing at his misery while running gentle fingers through the light fur of two more puppies that had curled up on the younger’s legs. 
“Hey there, guys!” you greeted them happily, “And hello to you little ones too.” You crouched down to pet the small army of kittens that had assembled at your feet. A lot of them were still quite young, too young for being adopted and too young for you to know them from previous visits. 
“Hey there yourself- Okay, okay. Here, Toben. Take the treats, it’s pointless to train you when you refuse to listen” Chanyeol pouted at the poodle and resignedly let the dog have its way, sort of forgetting to finish greeting you but you didn’t mind at all - the two of you had been friends for a couple of years now after all, always trying to visit the shelter together since you’d discovered your mutual love for animals. You were used to Chanyeol’s antics, the way he’s been trying to get into Toben’s good graces since his family had adopted the dog a few years ago from the very shelter both of you were volunteering in your free time. Soon enough, Jongin had joined your trio with endless adoration for puppies and a natural knack for dealing with dogs of any age or breed. Jongin, who interrupted fondling the baby dogs in his lap to wave at you with a happy smile before he turned to Chanyeol with the words “You know, maybe he would listen better if you didn’t always reward his lack of obedience.” 
But his friend didn’t seem to want to see reason, only huffing loudly through his nose, expressing his frustration as he handed Jongin the box with treats, challenging him to try to get the playful poodle to listen. Of course, Toben lost interest in Chanyeol the moment he had handed the treats over, now jumping and running around Jongin, who held up a treat out of the small dog’s reach and said with a stern tone “Sit!”
Toben stopped in his wild racing and sat down immediately, wagging his tail in eager anticipation. 
“I hate this dog,” Chanyeol said dryly with no bite or seriousness in his voice, and tended to the napping fluffball in his lap instead.
Giggling at the scene that had just played out, you made your way to the center of the room where your two friends were sitting and joined them on the ground, only to instantly be jumped by Toben who was hoping to get himself yet another treat if he behaved cutely (or rudely) enough. Instead, you pulled out a squeaky toy you had grabbed from a box in the hallway and carefully tossed it a little further away from your group - you didn’t want to hit one of the babies but also thought Toben could entertain himself for a little while so you had the chance to catch up with Chanyeol and Jongin and the little puppies in their laps, that you hadn’t seen around before.
“And who might these little guys be?” you cooed as you watched one of the puppies on Jongin’s leg wake up from its slumber, yawning and stretching out its little paws in the sweetest of ways. 
“They came here, I think, two or three weeks ago. Three new puppies and their mom. Junmyeon said, someone found them abandoned at a rest area near the highway and brought them over. But they are recovering very well so far” Jongin explained calmly as he re-adjusted the now awake puppy, wanting to prevent it from falling off his leg. 
Maybe you should be more used to such stories - you’ve been working with rescue cases for a long time now after all - but hearing about abandoned pets, especially puppies and especially during the colder seasons, always had your stomach dropping, your heart breaking a little every time. You had never understood how people could just drop off their pets out in the cold if they didn’t want or couldn’t afford taking care of them anymore, why they couldn’t just bring them to a shelter - that’s where the animals would end up anyway. But there was no use in getting all too angry over that, you thought to yourself as you watched the ball of light brown fur slide down Jongin’s leg after all and waddle towards you in healthy curiosity. You were here to help caring for the innocent creatures now, supporting a place that was dedicated to find them a new home - that thought never failed to bring you comfort.
“I know, it’s sad but look at the bright side,” Jongin nudged you in the side, lifting your gaze from the puppy sniffing at your shoelaces, “Chanyeol is totally in love with the little one in his lap already.”
“Yeah, there is no way I am not adopting her myself,” Chanyeol chimed in upon hearing his name. “Time for a dog that actually loves me.” And as if he had understood exactly what Chanyeol had said, Toben suddenly let out an upset bark and started running laps around his owner, who couldn’t help the dumb-founded expression on his face. Jongin and you exchanged meaningful looks at the irony of the situation. Sometimes it was very hard to believe that it was actually impossible for Toben’s behavior to be as calculated as it seemed. 
The poodle’s shrill barking had woken up the two other puppies though, so the three of you decided that it was time to take out the little one’s for an outdoor playing session. Junmyeon, who managed the shelter over the holidays and was probably bored out of his mind sorting documents in the office, had already prepared three tiny harnesses for them, complete with soft cotton applications that would provide some protection from the cold for the little rascals. You picked up the puppy that had played with your shoes before, another little girl as Chanyeol informed you, to get her ready for the outing. 
“This little princess here,” Chanyeol scratched the puppy in his arm behind her ears, “is Zzar. You know, short for Mozart.” She snuggled even closer to him. It was so adorable you almost let out a puppy-like whining sound yourself. She really seemed to be especially fond of Chanyeol, the total opposite of Toben, who never missed an opportunity to tease your friend.
“The one you are handling right now doesn’t have an official name yet, but I've named her Brahms in my head,” Chanyeol explained as he watched you fastening the straps of the little harness, before he handed you one of the leashes. 
“Of course you did,” you laughed. It would have been more surprising if he didn’t continue with naming pets after composers.
“The third one is Debussy” Chanyeol finished off his naming process, sending a cheeky grin towards Jongin.
“Don’t worry, I won’t ever call you that,” Jongin only half-whispered into his puppy’s ears, obviously with the intention of teasing Chanyeol who threw a fake punch in return - you couldn’t help chuckling at the typical habits and antics they displayed.
Something mischievous was flashing in Jongin’s eyes but before the situation could escalate into friendly but nonetheless petty bickering you loudly cleared your throat and gestured towards the scurrying puppies with a nod of your head.
“I think these babies can’t wait for their outdoor adventure time anymore,” you decided with feigned seriousness as all three puppies were leashed and more than ready to go, so the three of you grabbed your jackets and stepped into the cold air.
Everything felt so comfortably familiar as the three of you ventured outside, along the path that led to a small playground for dogs not far from the shelter. So it didn’t surprise you when Jongin dropped the box with the dog treats, the snacks scattering all over the ground. Or how Chanyeol told you with big eyes that he couldn’t tell you now what Christmas gifts he bought for his dogs because “it’s supposed to be a surprise - I can’t tell you right in front of them”. Or the way all three of you broke into a laughing fit when one of the puppies got a little too over-excited in its playfulness and stumbled over its tiny legs. 
That was how you knew, no matter how long you hadn’t seen each other, there were always things that would never ever change. ♡
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flaredpantsagenda · 2 years
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Exo-L Secret Santa for @mel-loves-kdramas: Pt.2 cozy vers.
A weekend Suho a little more within my typical drawing style lately
Happy Holidays!! @exols-silver-christmas​
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(credit to scarlet-sky4 for the moodboard within my moodboard <3)
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dojaejung · 2 years
(Your EXO-L Secret Santa here) I'd love a CBX comeback, too! Maybe when Baekhyun comes back next year. I'd like to answer all your questions but I feel like I'm answering more than I'm asking, haha! So I'll just ask some blunt questions if that's ok: If you had to pick your favourite (or top 3, if you can't decide) MVs of Chen, Baekhyun and Sehun (can be solo, unit or group) each, which ones would you pick? And do you have any favourite performances by any of them (concert, music shows etc.)? x
hii my secret santa 💞💕 i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to you! hope you've been doing well! to answer your questions, my top 3 mvs:
chen: beautiful goodbye; blooming day; obsession. baekhyun: un village, monster, obsession. sehun: on me, obsession, love shot. (+ universe is my all time favorite mv for all of them)
some of my fave exo performances:
2018 sbs kpop awards - tempo + love shot; 2019 smtown in japan - gravity; exordium - monster + wolf; exploration in soul - wait; exploration in japan - bird.
and some fave solo performances:
chen: exploration - lights out. baekhyun: 2019 cbx magical circus - am i okay like this. sehun: on me (wish there was also a live performance of it ;;)
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