biaswreckingfics · 4 years
I was tagged by @exo-xexo0021 to make my own fantasy character!! Thanks for the tag!! ❤❤
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I'll tag @kpop---scenarios @skittlez-area512 @ninibears-erigom and @jay-scenarios to do it next! 😊 (and literally anyone else who wants to do it!)
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Uh oh Kris and Luhan😂 I love these things
@exo-xexo0021 @gzb-k
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mel-loves-kdramas · 2 years
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Hi @exo-xexo0021. I hope you enjoy your first of 2 gifts. your backup secret santa @mel-loves-kdramas
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guardians-of-exo · 3 years
The War
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Junmyeon - Final Log: The End
In a world still reeling after a near apocalyptic war, nine young mutants try to find their place to belong in a society that hates them.
Warnings: This will contain some violence and blood and such. People die, but no main characters die!
Tags: AU | Violence | Blood | Superpowers | Non-ship | Found family
Series Masterlist | Previous |
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First, thank you so much to the people who have read this, especially to those of you who decided to comment. I appreciate it more than you could ever know ❤️ @starchild--27​, there have been times when your sweet tags were the only thing keeping me motivated to keep writing this, a thank you is not enough to say how grateful I am ❤️ And @exo-xexo0021​ you have supported me since the very beginning of this, I can never thank you enough ❤️
Second, when I first started this story, I put a limit on the format with two logs per character to make it easier on myself, but quickly realized that it wouldn't be enough for where the story decided to go, and I added a third chapter per character. Still though, I realize that the story is rushed in some places, and I am sorry about that.
So if there is something you feel like I have rushed, skipped or something you would just like me to explore more, feel free to send a request my way, and I'll write anything you want (no romance though). It can be from any point in time of the story, whatever or whenever you want.
Thank you all, really ❤️
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Junmyeon let out a breath, blinking slowly to adjust his eyes to the light. He rolled his head to the side and looked out the window next to his bed. The sun was already well above the horizon, the light near-blinding as it reflected off the thick layer of pure white snow.
Winter had arrived earlier than expected, a snowstorm sweeping across the village for nearly three days. It was only thanks to Minseok, and to some extend Kyungsoo and Junmyeon, that they managed to save most of their autumn harvest.
He sat up, humming as his back cracked. The barn house was unusually quiet he noted as he got up and got dressed.
After moving in, the stalls previously used for horses and other livestock had been converted into small but cozy rooms for each of the boys. The hayloft above the rooms had been decked out in pillows and other soft fabric, reminding Junmyeon of the subway station they had called home for so long.  
All the beds were empty when he passed the rooms, but the embers were still smoldering in the firepit in the middle of the barn. He shook his head, waving his hand to douse the fire with water. He had told them not to leave the fire burning if they left the barn, but it seemed they hadn’t learned yet.
The sun outside was warm on Junmyeon’s face as he stepped out, but a cold breeze had him pulling his jacket tighter around him. There were footsteps in the snow leading to and from the house, Junmyeon shuffling his way down the trodden path towards the village. Minseok would clear the snow every day, but the wind had the snow blowing right back onto the path.
Around him, the world was quiet, and he closed his eyes for a second, letting the calm wash over him. It was rare with quiet moments like this with nine rowdy guys living together, so he reveled in it for as long as he could. The cold wind eventually made him move on.
Soon, the sounds of the village reached him; people talking, children laughing and playing in the snow. The capital had thousands of people living there, yet Junmyeon had never once thought of life while roaming the concrete-covered streets, but this village with its population of just a few hundred people… this was life in every way Junmyeon had ever dreamed of.
He nodded in greeting as he passed the villagers, making his way through the streets he had come to know as well as the back of his hand. His first stop was the apothecary where Yixing’s voice greeted him as he opened the door.
  “ – should be all fixed up, but if you feel dizzy come see me, okay?” Yixing said, kneeling in front of a small boy and his mother. “And be careful not to slip on the ice again.”
  “Yes! Thank you, Mr. Doctor!” The boy grinned widely, waving with both hands as his mother thanked Yixing as well before leading her son out of the door Junmyeon held open for them.
  “Junmyeon!” Yixing greeted when noticing Junmyeon, standing up while wiping his hands off in the apron tied around his waist. “You’re finally up. Did you sleep well? We thought we’d let you sleep in for a change.”
  “Yeah, thanks,” Junmyeon chuckled. “Good thing I didn’t have anywhere to be today. But I guess you already knew that.”
Yixing just winked in response, then turned around and started puttering about the shop, humming quietly to himself. Junmyeon tried to bite back a smile. Despite being able to heal nearly every injury, Yixing had taken a great interest in studying medicine, and he spent a lot of time with the village doctor, eagerly absorbing all the knowledge he could. There was a spark in his eyes that Junmyeon hadn’t seen since they first met.
  “I’ll leave you to it, then,” Junmyeon said, backing out of the door. Yixing looked up long enough to wave cheerfully before sticking his nose back into a book he had pulled from the shelf.
The cold air made Junmyeon’s eyes water as he faced the chilly wind. He smiled and held the door as one of the farmers passed him going into the shop, hand wrapped in a cloth.
Junmyeon continued down the icy streets, breathing in the smell of smoke drifting down from the chimneys. Large snowflakes drifted lazily from the grey clouds above, and from somewhere close, he could hear children laughing. A familiar voice rose above the laughter and Junmyeon huffed out a laugh, setting course for the village square where he thought they might be.
And as expected, he found them by the well, surrounded by a group of excitedly chattering toddlers. Baekhyun was gesturing wildly, animatedly telling a story accompanied by a fantastic light show that had the children wide-eyed in awe. Chanyeol was sitting quietly beside Baekhyun, eyes as wide as the kids’ and a huge smile on his face. Every now and then, he would assist with the effects, though careful to keep the fire a safe distance away. Several children were plastered all over the tall Gifted, relishing in the warmth he gave off every time he used his powers.
  “And so, the mighty dragon let out a ground-shaking roar and took off to the skies,” Baekhyun continued his story, voice overly dramatic. Chanyeol waved a hand, and what could definitely be interpreted as a dragon made of fire flew over their heads, the children screaming excitedly.
The two Gifted had quickly become favorites of the village children and over time, the parents had begun asking them to watch their kids while they were at work. The village nanny was an old woman, and she had only been happy with the assistance. And so, the new village daycare had been created, and the children loved it.
Baekhyun had taken to it instantly, and he loved taking the kids outside to play, letting them run amok with whatever they wanted to do. Junmyeon suspected that Baekhyun loved having an excuse to play hide and go seek or whatever else the kids could imagine.
Chanyeol had been a bit more hesitant at first, awkward and not quite sure how to deal with all the attention he suddenly got. He probably feared accidentally hurting one of them, but now, it was like looking at a completely different person, and Junmyeon was so proud of him.
It was not a rare sight to see Baekhyun walking through the village, the kids waddling after him like little ducklings while Chanyeol brought up the rear, often carrying one or more of the children who didn’t want to walk anymore. It was one of the most adorable things Junmyeon had ever seen.
One of the kids noticed Junmyeon watching them and waved happily, distracting all the other kids who also started waving, yelling out greetings. Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked up from the interrupted story, both smiling when seeing it was Junmyeon.
  “I’m sorry, don’t mind me,” Junmyeon apologized, feeling bad for interrupting their story. “Please, continue.”
  “Bye Mr. Jun,” several of the kids called after him as he walked away, and Junmyeon didn’t even try to hide the wide smile breaking out on his face.
Behind him, Baekhyun continued his story about the dragon and how it guarded a mountain of gold – where he got the imagination, Junmyeon had no idea, but the kids loved it.
The snow had picked up a bit, a chilly wind setting the snowflakes flurrying around the narrow streets. Behind the many windows, the orange glow of fireplaces reflected off the glass. With every house he passed, Junmyeon wanted more and more to get back home and hide under the warm covers of his bed. But now that he was out, he might as well finish his walk.
He passed some large windows and paused, turning to look in. Jongdae was standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by some of the older children of the village, all sitting quietly by low tables covered in various papers and books. At the front of the room, a young woman was speaking, gesturing with her hands as she paced back and forth. Every once in a while, Jongdae would kneel down by one of the kids, helping them with whatever question they had.
A school would usually no longer be necessary for a village like theirs as the children would grow up to take over whatever job their parents had, but the young woman, who was now the teacher, had taken it upon herself to at least teach the kids the basics of reading and writing. Being from the capital, Jongdae had gone to a proper school and the teacher had asked for his help with her classes.
Jongdae hadn’t been sure at first but gave it a shot and had ended up loving it. He had once mentioned how his favorite thing was to see a kid who had been struggling finally understand.
The wind blew hair into Junmyeon’s eyes and he brushed it away, the movement apparently catching Jongdae’s attention as he looked up towards the windows. He smiled and waved his fingers discreetly as to not disturb the class but was then distracted by a boy shyly tugging on his shirt, asking for help. Junmyeon just smiled and nodded at Jongdae’s apologetic glance. They would see each other at dinner anyway.
It was an unspoken house rule that no matter what, they would all sit down and have dinner together. With every one of them now having jobs, they weren’t spending as much time with each other during the day as they used to, so Junmyeon loved their dinners together.
  “ – also, we need to get ready for the next transport from Arcadia.” A voice broke through the silence, and Junmyeon turned as the head of village came hobbling around the corner, Minseok right on her heels though he was having to pause every few steps so he wouldn’t outpace her. “They’ve sent notice that there won’t be any fresh produce because of the snow but have added another dozen boxes of cans instead. We should let the grocer know so he can make room, and the butcher will need some extra financial help as he won’t get any stock this time.”
Minseok was nodding along to everything she said, dutifully noting down everything she was saying in a small black book.
They passed by Junmyeon, the head of village not stopping in what she was saying but did nod and smile in greeting as she walked by. Minseok’s smile was wider, but as she wasn’t stopping, he had to keep going as well.
  “Are you getting everything?” her voice grew louder, and Minseok quickly sped-walked to catch up the two steps he had fallen behind to get back to her side.
  “Of course, Ma’am,” he said, sending a look back over his shoulder at Junmyeon who laughed quietly.
  “Good boy. Now, we need to –” her voice faded as they rounded another house corner and disappeared from sight.
Minseok had also been offered the job as a teaching assistant, but he had turned it down, claiming it wasn’t a job for him. Junmyeon suspected he knew Jongdae would be a better fit in the end. Instead, he had been called in by the head of village and had all but been ordered to become her assistant. At first, it was minor jobs, but he quickly won her trust and was now her right-hand man. He would help oversee anything that went on with the village, oversee stock transports and help manage funds between the shops and the villagers.
Yixing had recently mentioned to Junmyeon that he thought she was actually training Minseok to take over her position one day, and the more Junmyeon thought about it, the more he believed it. She was harsh on Minseok at times, but also supportive and encouraging. If Minseok wanted it when the time came, he would make an excellent head of village.
Another gust of wind had Junmyeon shivering, and he pulled his coat tighter around him. Maybe it was time to head back after all, he didn’t want to catch a cold and he was starting to feel hungry from the lack of breakfast.
Maybe he should stop by the grocers on his way home and get something nice for them all for later? It sounded like the next transport wouldn’t have anything too exciting, so hopefully the shop would still have a little something that wasn’t just canned food.
Turning on his heels, Junmyeon began heading back down the same street towards the grocers. His stomach rumbled and he picked up the pace, already picturing digging into a steaming hot can of soup by a nice warm fire.
  “Hyung!” Sehun greeted happily from outside the grocers, arms full of packed shopping bags. “Did you sleep well?”
  “Sehun,” Junmyeon smiled, helping Sehun by taking one of the heavy bags. “What are you doing standing out here?”
  “I’m waiting for –” There was a soft pop as the air around them shifted and another happy ‘hyung!’ startled Junmyeon into nearly dropping the groceries.
  “Jongin,” Sehun finished with a laugh. “I’m helping him deliver groceries today.”
  “Sorry for scaring you,” Jongin grinned, quickly taking the bags from both Sehun and Junmyeon. “I would love to stay and talk, but we’re quite busy today. I’ll see you later!” And with another pop, the younger Gifted vanished.
  “Some of the older villagers can’t go outside because of the snow, so we’re helping with their shopping,” Sehun explained, chest puffing up just the tiniest bit, and Junmyeon bit back a smile at the confidence in his voice.
Sehun hadn’t quite found his niche in the village yet but had somehow still managed to wrap every single one of the villagers around his finger. Wherever he could, he would do his very best to help whether it be something simple like picking up groceries or something bigger like using his powers to help drive the mill on a calm day.
He and Jongin often ended up working together, as Jongin was in a similar situation. With Jongin’s powers, he often ended up helping with deliveries, but also did what he could to just help around the village with whatever. The village shops always had small errands for him to run and, like Sehun, Jongin seemed to love it.
Like Junmyeon did himself, he suspected they just really liked the feeling of being useful to someone. Liked being able to help and do some good.
  “Sehun, you ready to pack the next order?” the grocer called, poking his head out the door. He smiled jovially when seeing Junmyeon. “Good to see ya, lad! Mind if I take back my assistant? We’ve got quite the busy day today.”
  “I won’t keep you any longer,” Junmyeon chuckled, nodding at the grocer before looking at Sehun. “Don’t be home too late. Oh, and buy something nice for dinner for us all. Whatever you’d like.”
He handed Sehun the purse from his pocket, Sehun nodding eagerly at the thought of a treat.
  “Bye, hyung!” he called after Junmyeon. “See you later!”
  Junmyeon waved back over his shoulder as he walked away. He looked up at the gray clouds above, watching the snow get blown about by the wind. His cheeks were starting to feel cold, his breath swirling white clouds in front of him. It was time to head home.
The snow crunched under his feet as he trekked back across the white-covered grassland towards their barn house. Smoke was now rising from the chimney, so Kyungsoo was probably home again, hopefully cooking up something delicious for what would probably be lunch by now. Kyungsoo had discovered that he had quite the talent for cooking; even with the simplest ingredients, he somehow managed to transform it into something truly amazing. Sometimes, it was like they weren’t having to live on food rations where most of their meals came from cans.
Kyungsoo and Junmyeon both worked primarily in the fields, taking care of the crop and soil to secure a good harvest despite poor growing conditions. It was tough and dirty work, but they both loved it.
Working outside under the endless sky and bright sun, the wind caressing their faces and the birds singing overhead… Junmyeon had never felt so free. He had loved their life in the subway and did sometimes miss parts of it, but this was that and so much more. It was everything he had ever dreamed of but had never dared to hope for.
They still had to be cautious with their powers and not be too obvious about the village suddenly flourishing without reason, but the villagers had come together to protect the Gifted more than once. Word traveled fast and whenever the Red Force came to visit, they weren’t even able to reach the first house before the Gifted had been warned. Different subtle signals were used – a distinct whistle, a discreet hand sign – anything to give the Gifted a heads up.
Their fire was smoldering invitingly, the warmth of the barn washing over Junmyeon like a welcoming hug as he stepped inside. Kyungsoo was sitting by the fire, stirring something that smelled absolutely divine. He looked up and smiled when Junmyeon entered.
  “Welcome back,” he greeted turning his gaze back to the huge pot in front of him. “You were gone when I came back from the butcher.”
  “Yeah, I went for a walk,” Junmyeon said, settling beside Kyungsoo by the fire. He held out his cold hands towards the embers, reveling in the warmth. “I needed some fresh air. Seems we’ve just missed each other then, but I did see the others. All hard at work while you left me behind to sleep.”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and huffed, leaning forward to pour a little from the pot into a small bowl. He blew on it before holding it out towards Junmyeon, a spoon in the other hand. “Our work can wait until the snow disappears. We thought you could use the sleep.”
  “Thanks.” Junmyeon accepted the bowl eagerly, stomach grumbling at the thought of food. He blew on the still-steaming stew, mouth watering at the smell. “What’re you making? It smells amazing.”
  “Don’t really know what to call it,” Kyungsoo shrugged, trying and failing to hide a pleased smile at Junmyeon’s praise. “The butcher gave me the idea. It’s supposed to stew for a couple of hours, so I thought I would make it for dinner.”
The stew was still a little too hot when it hit Junmyeon’s tongue, but he greedily took another spoonful and then another until the bowl was empty and he was left staring longingly at the large pot hanging over the fire.
  “Good?” Kyungsoo asked, now not even trying to hide his smile.
  “Amazing!” Junmyeon praised sincerely. “They’re all gonna love it!”
A gust of cold air breezed through the barn as the door was opened, and Junmyeon put down the book he had been reading, shivering as he pulled off the warm blanket he had been hiding under.
Excited voices reached him from down below as everyone returned from work. Cheerful greetings were shouted as Junmyeon descended from the loft and he paused, taking a second to appreciate the red-cheeked and happy smiles looking up at him.
  “Welcome home,” he smiled. “I hope you’re all hungry, Kyungsoo has been cooking for you all day.”
  “Starving!” Baekhyun exclaimed dramatically, dropping his jacket on the floor and kicking off his boots before all but running in to take a seat by the fire. “And freezing! Chanyeol, it needs more fire, c’mon! My fingers are about to freeze off.”
Chanyeol quickly followed, dropping his outerwear before joining Baekhyun by the fire. Baekhyun was bouncing in his seat, rubbing his hands together, and Chanyeol reached his hands towards the flames to breathe life back into the fire, Baekhyun sighing happily at the warmth.
They were immediately followed by Sehun and Jongin nearly falling over each other to reach the comfort of the fire as well. Yixing let out a sigh but had a small smile on his face as he picked up the coats and boots from the floor, putting them in their right places.
  “Please don’t throw your things on the floor,” he scolded half-heartedly, and a chorus of ‘sorry’ followed, but they all knew the coats would be back on the floor again the next day anyway.
  “Do you need any help?” Jongdae asked Kyungsoo, who, despite being completely absorbed by doing the final tasting of the stew, nodded and wordlessly pointed towards the stack of bowls he had put out earlier. As asked, Jongdae began handing out the bowls, Junmyeon accepting his gratefully as he took his seat by the fire. His stomach was already rumbling again at the thought of the stew, which only smelled better now it had simmered for a couple of hours.
  “Smell’s really good,” Minseok hummed as he accepted his bowl, closing his eyes and breathing in. “I’m so hungry, she had me running around all day. You’d think she’d get tired, but it’s like nothing faces her.”
Excited chatter filled the room as Kyungsoo went around, filling up everyone’s bowls, the mood rising even more when Sehun revealed he had managed to secure some moonshine from the grocer. It wasn’t exactly what Junmyeon had meant when telling Sehun to buy them a treat, but the food was amazing and the alcohol made him feel like he was floating so he really couldn’t get mad at Sehun, though he had probably spent all of his money.
Junmyeon looked around the fire, hiding the smile on his face behind his bowl. Sehun and Jongin were excitedly telling Minseok about their day, the older nodding along dutifully to everything they were saying despite looking tired, while Jongdae and Yixing were in deep discussion about some medicine Jongdae wanted to teach the kids, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun were scarfing down their food like they hadn’t eaten in days, Kyungsoo looking on with mild disgust yet a tiny smile on his face.
For some reason, Junmyeon felt tears well up and he had to look away for a second to gather himself.
So that was what it felt like to be truly at home.  
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neonwizardheehee · 3 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ZbcjcuSFdoThlCK1RTEfy?si=11ydl_DqS22epy3SrTwRtA)
HIII @exo-xexo0021 
it’s your Exo-L-Secret-Santa speaking :3 I hope this playlist is smth for you (even tho there’s a lot of emo on there but u said u like heartbreak so...) but I tried to tell a bit of a story in there with Chen being forced to work for X-Exo and his Exo brothers saving him <3<3
this was my first time participating so a huge thanks to @exolssecretsanta you were the most amazing and I feel so happy today and was so hyped the whole time this went on!
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Evil vs Èvïĺ (2)
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Warning: Violence, Death 
Commissioned by: @exo-xexo0021​
Word Count: 1.4k 
“We need to find a way to get him back.” Minseok yells, tending to his wounds. He couldn’t believe that they had lost Chen to XEXO. “It’s already been a few days. Who knows what the fuck they’re doing to him!" 
"We will, but we need to come up with a plan first.” Suho says, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. “They have an advantage by having him and if they can turn him against us, it won’t be good.” He finishes. 
“Yeah, the advantage of having our brother. I swear to god, if they hurt him.” Kai seethes through his teeth. 
“I can almost guarantee they started it already. If they can’t clone him, they might just end up turning him into their version of Chen. We need to do something now. Before it’s too late.” Lay chimes in. 
“Enough!” Suho yells. “Let me think.” He breathes. “Go to bed. We’ll talk about this in the morning." 
"What makes you think any of us will be able to sleep!” Kyungsoo yells, punching the wall. “We need a plan now!" 
"I agree. I say we just go after those fuckers now.” Baekhyun says, sliding a gun into the waist of his jeans.  
“Stop! I understand you want him back, trust me I do too, but it won’t be easy.” Suho says. 
“You heard what they said, they needed to clone him. Do you know what goes into that? The amount of torture that he is going go through if we don’t hurry!” Sehun yells. “That’s our brother." 
Chen felt everything while he was awake. He felt the needle pierce his eye, taking a sample from it, he felt the blades cut into his skin, the needles taking his blood. He felt it all, all the torture to just make another one of him, but make it bad. 
He could only whimper through the cloth that was shoved in his mouth, his hands strapped down to the table, along with his legs. 
"We’re almost done. And then we can do the clone.” Suhø smirks. Chen has noticed distinct differences in these guys to his brothers. Everything about XEXO screams bad, horrible people and he couldn’t wait for his brothers to find him and take them all out. 
“Give me the last sample.” Läy says, reaching his hand out, waiting for Xïumin to give him the last of Chen’s sample, to make another him. 
The men surround Läy as he works, mixing everything together in the machine. They all watch as it powers up, sparks flying as it begins working. The excitement intensifies as they all wait for their long awaited reunion with Chën, until the machine dies, setting fire to the outlets. 
“Dammit!” Bäekhyűn yells, hitting the wall. They all had been so desperate for this to work, and now what would they do? 
“I have an idea.” Kyûngsoø smiles, looking at his brothers before looking back at Chen. The look on his face made Chen even more terrified. He was already so beat up, he knew his body couldn’t take much more and the look on their faces, made him fear for his life now more than before. 
“You’re sure?” Suho asks Sehun, who had just rushed back into the office with the whereabouts of XEXO. “Like 100%?" 
"Yes. I couldn’t sleep so I did some digging. They have a warehouse about an hour from here, a small fire was reported but nothing much came of it. It has to be where they’re keeping him.” Sehun exclaims. 
“Go wake everyone. We leave in 10.” Suho instructs, heading back into his office. 
“Are you sure this will work?” Kaï yells over the sounds of Chen screaming. 
“It should.” Läy answers as he continues to inject Chën’s memories and personality into Chen’s head, a much easier way of returning their brother to them. 
“Please stop.. please I don’t want this..” Chen cries, trying to fight the restraints. “Keep going brothers.” Chën says, fighting Chen for the dominance over their overlapping personalities. “No please.” Chen begs. “Don’t stop.” Chën growls. 
“It’s working!” Chānyeøl gasps. 
“We need to stop, get him up. We have visitors”. Suhø spits, seeing EXO arrive on the monitors. “Are you ready to fight?” He asks, hoping Chën is more present and has already taken over Chen. 
“Lets get rid of them once and for all.” Chën sneers, ready to fight the men that up until a few hours ago had been his brothers.  
Chën is released from the table just in time as EXO barges in, kicking the door down. They waist no time each taking on their own evil version of themselves. 
Kai immediately runs up to Käi who has a giant smile on his face, waiting for the fight. Kai lands a punch, hitting Käi in the face, causing him to stumble back into a machine. Kai runs forward, throwing more punches, while Käi tries to fight back. 
Chën stands towards the back, as Chen does his best to try and squeeze his way through his mind, fighting for his life internally. He watches as Suhø hits Suho, kicking him into the door. 
Xiumin manages to get Xïumiň into a headlock, spinning him around before throwing him into the wall. 
Chänyeøl swiftly kicks Chanyeol off his feet, pinning him to the ground. Chanyeol manages to roll out of the way before a hit is landed, flipping Chänyeøl onto his back with a hard thud. 
Chen’s eyes land on Läy who is trying to sneak out with some vials. “Lay!” He yells before Chën takes back over, still managing to alert him that he was trying to get away. 
Lay runs after Läy grabbing the collar of his shirt and throwing him into the wall, breaking the vials that contained the rest of Chën’s memories. 
Läy screams as he launches for Lay, who had picked up a piece of broken glass, pushing it through his stomach and stopping him right in his tracks. Lay twists the piece of glass, causing Läy to drop to his knees, blooding spilling from his mouth. 
Chën’s anger takes over as he runs for Lay, tackling him to the ground, landing hit after hit before he is pulled off of him by Baekhyun who then had to turn around and handle Bäekhyūn.
Chen looks around as he watches Suho, sneak up behind and unsuspecting Suhø who had thought he finished off Suho but was sadly mistaken. Suho used the blade he kept hidden to slice Suhø’s neck, killing him almost instantly. 
Chën watches as EXO manages to slaughter the opposite versions of themselves, doing it so easily. He watches as Sehun bashes Sëhűn’s head into the wall for the fifth time, cracking his skull. He watches as a bleeding Chanyeol strangles and drains the life from Chänyeøl’s body, both hands wrapped around his neck. 
Baekhyun grips Bäekhyůn’s head, snapping his neck, killing him instantly. 
Kai takes the knife that Suho had dropped, slitting the throat of Käi, who drops to his knees with his hands wrapped around his neck as Kai throws his head back, catching his breath. 
Kyungsoo releases his foot from Kyüngsoø’s neck, who lays there lifeless. 
Chën fights internally more with Chen, wanting to attack the men who killed his brothers but Chen not allowing him too. 
EXO circles around Xïumiň, who calls out of Chën to help. “He’s not yours anymore! He’s mine, he’s Chën now.” Xïumiň cackles. 
“I’m not!” Chen yells. “Yes I am. Come and get me.” Chën sings. 
“How do we fix him!” Xiumin yells. 
“You can’t.” Chën laughs. 
“That’s right. You can’t.” Xïumiň smiles, knowing that even if he dies, his brother will live on because there is no way EXO would be able to kill him, knowing their brother still resides in there. 
Xiumin grabs a piece of glass that was laying on the floor, and charges for Xïumiň, plunging it deep into his chest. 
“Chën is dead and always will be.” Xiumin grunts, pushing the glass in harder before dropping Xïumiň to the ground. 
They all turn around to see Chen crouched on the floor, knees to chest as his body twitches as he continues to try to fight off Chën. 
“I might have an idea.” Lay says, wiping the blood from his hands onto his pants. “Lets get him home and strapped down. We can’t trust him at the moment.” He says, feeling guilty. 
“Can you get him back?” Baekhyun asks. 
“It’ll be a long road, but I think i can get our brother back.” Lay says, walking out of the building where evil is now left for dead. 
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loeybeans1 · 4 years
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luvpcy |  follow forever 200308
hi everyone, it's mari! so i recently hit a milestone and decided to do a follow forever in order to show all the love and support to my lovely mutuals and followers. now, i haven't really been here long, in the sense that i've only just started posting a few months ago and have never been this active before, but i've already made so many memories and met so many amazing people, and i'm just so overwhelmed by it all aah i very rarely ever say it to most of you, but i'm so grateful for all the lovely messages you leave and all the support you show. it's so crazy to think that a few months ago, i used to literally sit there and contemplate posting for hours because i always used to get so anxious about what others would think, but here we are now and i'm literally out here posting anything and everything as soon as i finish drafting. like that's growth yall omg
thank you so much for helping me get to this point, and for constantly motivating me and giving, i really appreciate it. and to show that, here's a bit of my love back!
also quick note, these aren’t in any order at all, i’m just going based on who pops up first, and i’m just tagging moots i’ve interacted with, or those i think are really cool and would like to get to know more <3
@moonlightjongin , @betchabyun , @x-exo , @loeybaekkiestuff , @kuroijack , @likelike-love , @jopping-to-my-kpop , @heartcravings , @guardians-of-exo , @pikayeollie , @punkzs , @pupchanyeol , @ohsenhun , @intergalacticpcy , @intopcy , @yutanakamots , @yixing-zhang , @yeoldotcom , @exo-xexo0021 , @taexkai , @lovebucketjeon , @2seokwaves
also a lil shoutout to those who have been here since day one, and still haven’t dropped my stupid ass / people who make me drop uwus :(((
@baekhunz , irma bean ahh  you’re honestly one of the few who have been there with me since the very start, and have helped me in ways that words honestly can’t even describe. you’re a whole entire angel who deserves the world and all the love and happiness in it, i hope you know that! thanks for always being there irma bean, and for pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things, i appreciate it more than you could ever imagine
@artsyeoll , you bubba imy omg i hope you’re doing well and looking after yourself and not working yourself too hard with requests. i haven’t had the chance to speak to you for a while, but i hope you know that you’re someone that really means a lot to me. you’re so encouraging and sweet, and literally don’t even know it. but yes, you’ve really inspired me in various ways, and i wanted to take this time say thank you ily cah bean :((
@delhyun , lia you make me drop loads of uwus ahh you’re so sweet and everything about you just screams lovely. you’re always leaving such kind messages and tags on posts and making me feel so loved! for you, it’s just hearts spams all around omg thank you so much bean c:
@hkynm , kelli you’re expensive af, and so are your fics but for real, you’re someone i’ve really been looking up to as of recently, and someone who i managed to click with really easily. like we literally started off talking to each other as if we’ve known each other for centuries, and if that ain’t real friendship then i don’t know what is sis :((
@xiuminscheeks , ine omds i’ve been looking forward to this, mostly because i’ve literally never ever said this to you and you’re someone i’ve wanted to say this to for such a long time. but thank you so  much bean, you’re literally hands down the most sweetest, most supportive, most genuine person i’ve met on this site so far. you’ve never failed to make me smile, and i just ahh thank you bub
@bikeryeollie , rachel oof i could write an essay for you because you’re literally the most softest bub ever, thank you so much for all your love bean, and for just being your lovely self, a billion purple heart spams all around for you x2 because that’s what a bean like you deserves
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sakurasangcl · 3 years
get to know me
i was tagged by the lovely @xlilybebe
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag other people!
1. Name/nickname: Julia, Jules, and Sakura
2. Gender: Female/woman
3. Star sign: gemini
4. Height: 5′8/ 171cm I’m tall ok?
5. Time: 10:40 PM
6. Birthday: May 28
7. Favorite bands/groups: Monsta X, EXO, Super M, NCT (all units), Seventeen, got7, oneus, red velvet, twice, txt............
8. Favorite solo artists: Wonho, Sunmi, Taemin
9. Song stuck in my head: Baekhyun’s Get You Alone
10. Last movie: bruh idk
11. Last show: does Monsta X Ray count? lol
12. When did I create this blog: 12 May 2014 (damn)
13. What i post: kpop, fanfics, the occasional star wars/mandolorian 
14. Last thing i googled: how to find out how old my tumblr is lol
15. Other blogs: @juliafangirls is my fic rec blog and @bloodrose-cb is my rather inactive chatbot
16. Do i get asks: sometimes?
17. Why i chose my url: you’re not ready for this but here I go: so I can’t remember my original url (i think it was 1D related) but it soon became chucksangel (because of supernatural’s chuck). and then i got more into anime so I changed it to sakurasangcl since the E was taken and it’s been that way for a bit... i’ve changed it once or twice but the only future change I’ll ever make is for that e. I’m coming for you @sakurasangel LOL anyways i choose the sakura part because i like flowers and i really like cherry blossoms so BAM
18. Following: 1450.....
19. followers: 1176 as of today...
20. Average hours of sleep: 9+ because pandemic i guess 
21. Lucky number: 12 or 28
22. Instruments: clarinet
23. What am i wearing: leggings and a comfy pullover jaket
24. Dream job: being a librarian somewhere coul 
25. Dream trip: japan and korea my dudes, as well as the Galapagos because i wanna see those turtles irl
26. Favorite foods: italian and tex mex
27. Nationality: American (unfortunately) 
28. Favorite song: “Get You Alone”
29. Last book read: idk something for school 
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: middle earth, pre clone wars star wars, christopher paolini’s inheretance cycle
tagging: @ezralia-writes @exo-xexo0021 @elyxion @notmarklee @ckyunoirs @kkyuns and anyone else who wants too!
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mel-loves-kdramas · 2 years
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Have a safe and wonderful Holiday! @exo-xexo0021  . here is the 2nd of 2 gifts. your backup secret santa @mel-loves-kdramas
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guardians-of-exo · 4 years
I was tagged by @lil-psycho-girl thank you 🥰
The link is here
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I tag @starchild--27 @exo-xexo0021 @xiuminscheeks 😁👏🏻
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I have no other mutuals so if you like my blog you should message me I’m lonely
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Evil vs Èvïł
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Commissioned by: @exo-xexo0021
Warning: Some violence
Word Count: 1.3k
".. I haven't heard much of anything about them. No one will say anything. They all look at me with a terrified face before fucking off. It's starting to piss me the fuck off." Suho snaps, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
The men of EXO had heard countless rumors about a new group who had supposedly taken over a large part of the district but hadn't heard much more than that. No matter which contact Suho went to, none of them would say anything but instead act terrified.
They were all planning on taking EXO out, he just knew it. They had the most land in the district, the most clients, drugs, weapons, and even girls. They were unbeatable but yet others tried to take what they had worked so hard for. Nothing ever came of it, but they never stopped.
Greedy fucks.
This time would likely be no different. Some groups would either try to raid the house, a decoy warehouse or a club and be completely dumbfounded when there was only 1 or 2 of them left standing within seconds.
EXO was not one to be fucked with. Despite their smaller size, with three of their members down, they were still the most feared. Why anyone would continue to try and take from them was astonishing.
"I have a contact that I'll try to get some information out of." Sehun voices before standing up to exit the room. Suho knew of Sehun's accomplice, and he was usually relatively good at telling him information that no one else wanted to share, which was why Suho had no issues compensating him accordingly for his help.
"What else can we do?" Baekhyun asks.
"Take them all out." Kai smiles, placing his knife on the table in front of him.
"One by one." Chanyeol smirks, his mind going to all the different ways he could end someone's life.
These men had absolutely no morals, no remorse, no regard for human life. And they loved every second of it.
Sehun pulls out his phone as he walks towards the front door. His contact is usually home, but he calls anyways as a type of curtsey since he has become more of a friend than an acquaintance.
The number you have dialed is no longer in service.
"Weird." Sehun murmurs before sliding into the driver's seat of his car, heading out the opposite side of town.
Once Sehun reaches the slum of their city, he walks up the broken down stairs of the almost condemned building. He will never understand why Q insisted on living in this run down shit hole.
Sehun bangs on the door with his fist, the knock that the two of them came up so Q would know it was him. But instead of someone opening the door, it slowly creaked open without anyone on the other side. Sehun walks in slowly, his hand placed securely on the handle of his gun tucked in the back of the waist of his jeans.
"Q?" He yells out.
No answer.
Walking into the living room, Sehun is met with a sight he really never thought he'd see. A lifeless Q laying on the floor, with a man who looks identical to him crouching over the body.
"Not Q. Sehůn." The man smirks before Sehun's world goes dark.
"Don't give yourself away Sehůn." Suhø smirks, looking at Sehun still passed out in the backseat of the car.
"Any word?" Suho asks, as Sehun walks back into the conference room. He hadn't been gone long but he looked different and Suho wasn't the only one to notice.
"He was not alive when I arrived." The man sitting In Sehun's spot murmured, attempting to look the same.
"That's it? No more emotion for a friend you lost?" Chen asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh." Sehůn says, adjusting in his seat. "I'm sad." He finishes, looking around for hopefully satisfied looks.
Before any of the men could say anything, the door burst open revealing another Sehun behind held at gunpoint by men who looked exactly like EXO.
"Sehůn. You tried." The man who looked like Suho said before signaling him back to the group.
EXO quickly stands up, guns drawn, Kai twirling his knife in his hands with a smile on his face, ready to fight.
"Who are you?" Suho asks.
"We are you." Suhø laughs. "The better version." He finishes, cocking his head to the side.
"What do you want with Sehun?" Chanyeol asks. 
"It's not this one we want." Baëkhyun smiles. 
"It's him." Kāi answers, pointing to Chen. 
"Why me?" Chen yells, thrusting his gun slightly, letting them know he wouldn't stay still. 
"We lost our Chën. We need a new one. Here you are." Chanyeøl says, cocking his head to the side. 
"He's not going anywhere." Suho spits. "Get the fuck out of our house, unless you all want to die." 
"We leave when we have what we came for." Suhø says. 
No one moves. No one says anything. Chen looks slightly panicked as if his brothers could be possibly considering giving him up. 
"Or you'll end up leaving in a body bag." Sehun snaps, throwing the man holding onto him over his shoulder, allowing a fight to break out. 
Each one of the doppelgangers went for their double, leaving EXO with the upper hand of having someone extra, Chen. 
Chen watched on as his brothers engaged in the brawl, each one taking more and more hits. As the fight continued to go on, it became harder for Chen to tell who was who, his brothers and the intruders began to all mesh together. They were too similar.
Was Chanyeol the one laying on the floor while Chanyeøl beat him to a pulp or the other way around? 
Was it Kāi who was dragging the knife against his brother's skin, or not? 
He wanted to help Sehun, but he couldn't tell if it was his Sehun who needed help. 
He couldn't risk hurting one of his family instead of the others. Chen panicked. He was only one person, how was he supposed to help his brothers, when they were all struggling to protect him too.
He pulled out his gun, firing a warning shot into the air for everyone to stop. He wasn't sure exactly what his plan was, but he needed to help somehow. 
"I'll go with you." Chen yells, causing everyone to turn to look at him. 
"No!" Suho yells, as the monstrous versions of themselves smiled a horrifying smile. 
Yixing rushes through the door with his twin standing beside him, holding a gun to his head. 
"He will go. If he wants his brothers to live." Ýixinģ cackles. 
Yixing is pushed towards his group as the others all take a hold of Chen, dragging him from the room as his brothers look on horrified, unablen to do anything for him. 
As the van peeled out of the driveway, Suho yelled for his men to follow it, but unfortunately for them it was out of sight before they even got out the front door. 
Chen wasn't one to cry, really but in this situation he felt like it was alright. He didn't want to die, but he was willing to risk his life to save his brother's. 
After what felt like forever, the van came to a harsh stop and Chen was dragged out, thrown onto the hard concrete. 
"Get him on the bed." Someone snaps before he's picked up and tossed onto a hard mattress. 
The bag is ripped from his head, letting a bright light shine directly on his face, along with multiple faces leaning over him. 
"This will only hurt a little.." Suhø smiles as he sinks a needle into Chen's eye, while Chanyeøl covers his mouth with a rag to muffle his screaming. 
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guardians-of-exo · 3 years
favourite fanfiction tropes tag
coffee shop or flower shop • alternate universe or fix-it • enemies to lovers or childhood friends • angst or fluff • love at first sight or pining • modern au or historical au • fake dating or secret dating • breakup and makeup or proposals and weddings • get together or established relationship • oblivious pining or domestic fluff • hurt/comfort or crack • meet the parent or meet cute • time travel or parallel universe
These were all so hard to pick 😫
Thank you so much for tagging me @starchild--27, sorry it took so long! ❤️ 
Tagging @exo-xexo0021 @sooibian @royal-aeris
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guardians-of-exo · 4 years
rules: describe yourself in 10 pictures you already have on your phone
Thanks for the tag @cactushyogi 🥰
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Fun fact: the dog is Monty, our first dog that had a habit of sleeping in very weird positions like he was too tired to actually reach the bed (which mood). The second picture is from when I worked retail and some boxes fell over out back but caught themselves, and I kinda fell like that stack atm 😂
I tag: @baeksploration @trixanator @exo-xexo0021 @yeolville
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guardians-of-exo · 4 years
I know we are all starved for EXO content. Let’s spread a little love and positivity as EXO-L’s.  What are your top 5 favourite EXO songs of the moment? The songs can come from sub-units, solos and even the former members. Tag at least 5 people and spread the love.
I was tagged by both @heartcravings and @yeolville thank you ❤️❤️
In no particular order (because I honestly cannot choose 😱)
Love You More (Lay)
But there are so many more 😭😭😂
I tag; @bacon-notbaekhyun-jaehyun-mingyu @delhyun @hawkswildfireheart @exo-xexo0021 @baekhunz
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guardians-of-exo · 5 years
The War
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Moodboard created by the amazing @exo-xexo0021​ ❤️
Series masterlist | Log 1
Introduction to the world
The year is 2641. The world has seen multiple wars since our time, the last nearly ending humanity as we know it. Whole countries were decimated while new were created. Nuclear weapons polluted the air, causing babies to be born with a strange mutagen. Their DNA had changed; giving them what some people would call ‘superpowers’. Others call them freaks, mutants. The mutants themselves prefer Gifted - though the gift feels more like a curse. The governments, still reeling to regain control of what remained of their countries, realized the threat of this. The so-called mutants were the only ones strong enough to rise and bring them down.
The government needed to control them. This led to the creation of the Red Force. An organization created solely to control – and eliminate – the existence of mutants. The footmen are an elite unit of highly trained soldiers, and their extermination robots are nearly indestructible. The mutants that aren’t killed during a pick-up are neutralized with special shock collars and then sent to working camps where the government has complete control over them. Some mutants, to save their own life, decide to join the government and use their abilities for evil. The ones who don’t, often don’t last long in the camps.
All the remaining free mutants can really do, is try to survive for as long as possible.  
This will be the stories of nine Gifted young men and their struggles in trying to stay free. And alive.
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