horanghae-mianhae · 2 years
Heeey~ please enjoy reading and thank you so much for liking my reactions <3
My first EXO reaction :D
Pure GIF reactions :D
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maximum-salty · 5 years
Jongin as a husband
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Request by @kim-jonginism
Such a romantic
Gives you flowers and small presents even when it isn’t your anniversary
Also brings you chocolate all the time
Especially when you’re on your period
Then he just brings you food and goes into hiding
except when you need cuddles
Then he’ll get blankets and put on a movie for you to watch while he has his arms around you
Will let you fall asleep in his embrace
Only to wake you up when he has to pee really badly
He’ll also cook for you
Not the best...
But he tries just to make you happy
Got a frown?
He’ll turn that upside down
His weird ass laugh can be heard all the way through your house
Him laughing more at his own jokes than you
He loves your laugh
Will sometimes just sit and think to himself how lucky he is
You are his everything
And he will make sure that you know it
“Jagi, I love you, you know that right?”
“Yeah Babe, you said that 5 minutes ago”
“I know, but I just wanted to make sure that you remembered it”
Not really the jealous type
Unless it’s kyungsoo
Not really the dominant type either
Actually really loving and passionate in bed
Loves kissing you and holding you close
He always wants you near
So when he’s away on tour he’ll be suffering
FaceTimes you every day
Like 5 times a day tbh
He just wants to see your face
And your smile
Will come up with every excuse to call you
“I just wanted to make sure that you had eaten”
He’s way to cute
- Admin Joe
Sorry I’ve been offline so long but I had some things going on in my life... but I’m back now!!
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exooneshots · 5 years
#Reaction Exo: Do como namorado.
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✓ Por mais tímido que fosse, tomaria a iniciativa de ir falar com você.
✓ No primeiro encontro, preferiria algo mais caseiro e cozinharia para você.
✓ Te daria flores aleatoriamente, não se prendendo a datas especiais para não virar rotina.
✓ Enviaria mensagens perguntando se você está se cuidando e se alimentando direito.
✓ Por mais que seja bem reservado, te faria rir muito.
✓ Demonstrações de carinho em público seriam bem sutis, como mãos dadas ou um carinho ou outro na sua cabeça.
✓ Não é fã de PDA( Public Display of Affection ), mas quando estão sozinhos, é bastante carinho, como direito a muitos abraços e beijos.
✓ Não importa o que estejam fazendo, o importante é estarem juntos.
✓ Além de namorado será seu amigo.
✓ Não é do tipo que vai ficar fazendo coisas grandiosas, pois acredita que os melhores gestos estão nas coisas mais simples.
✓ Sempre muito gentil, respeitoso.
✓ Faria questão de ir na casa de seus pais para mostrar que suas intenções são as melhores possíveis.
✓ Não teria olhos para outra mulher.
✓ Iria dormir de frente para você, para poder ficar te olhando.
✓ Vê o relacionamento de vocês como algo estável e duradouro, que provavelmente vai dar casamento.
✓ Sexo para ele é algo muito sério e só rolaria depois de ter bastante intimidade e se vocês realmente tivessem certeza de que dariam esse passo tão importante. Não vê como algo carnal, mas sim como algo que envolve sentimento.
✓ Vocês fariam amor.
✓ Sempre no comando, mas não se importaria em ter você por cima algumas vezes.
✓ Super carinhoso, mas com pegada.
✓ Boyfriend Material
-Adminis Cris
OBS.: Nenhuma das imagens utilizadas são minha. Todos os direitos autorais são de seus devidos donos
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please make reaction for wearing too short skirt/dress by their gf :D
Thank you very much for the request! hope you like it :)  -A
Chanyeol:*When he saw you*“No way young lady”
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Chen:“Honey, I really like to see you in those clothes but I don’t like when boys are looking at you with those eyes”
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Kai:“You have no idea what you are doing to me”
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Tao:“Oh yes, my girl will rule the party with me”
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Luhan:“Baby you are just gorgeous, you got me speechless”
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D.O:‘That girl just loves to give me the hard time’
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Suho:Y:”Can I go like that?”S:“What? of course baby, You can go like that”*can’t stop the jealousy*
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Baekhyun:He would want to show you off to everybody and when you are walking he would sing “Walk, walk fashion baby, work it move that bitch crazy”
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Xiumin:“Maybe we will stay at home today and have our own little party?”*please ignore the mic in here :)*
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Sehun:“Yes baby, I do approve, you can wear that kind of things more often” 
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Kris:Y: “Do you mind if I go like that?”K: “No of course not, you can go as you like”*jealous af*
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Lay:“I do like your outfit honey but do you mind changing to something less… revealing?”
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childofkpop · 7 years
Mafia: Exo reaction to you wanting an abortion
He was pissed and angry. You tried to calm him down but he had no plans in doing so and for once saw you less human then him. After he heard your plan he made sure to keep a good eye on you and made sure to always follow you to the hospital and keep a look out for sharp objects.
“I am checking your hospital records from now on”
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He was caressing your stomach in adoration and said cute words such as “Can’t wait for our child to be in my actual hands” and to which you replied with “I will hand it to you dead” You did not mean it and was said in the midst of anger but he did not handle it lightly
“Hurt our child and I shall make sure to hurt others that mean more to you then your own child”
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“I will make sure to keep our child away from my ‘business’ and teach him things such as singing” He promised to you in the middle of your argument about his job. “A child that will soon be aborted cant sing” you retorted and he found about your secret plan which you accidentally let out”
“Go ahead. Be more of a monster then I am”
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He always had a light and joyful personality but soon all of that had been hidden after you had told him about your wish to abort. From then on he made sure to never leave you alone, in fear of you hurting yourself or the child.
“This is OUR child. There will be more to come so get used to this one”
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“I hope our child takes more of your looks then mine” He joked while giving you a hug in which your replied “Too bad it will be dead before you can see how it looks like” With so much disgust that for a while he was shaken.
“Dead? The only way I want my child is to be Alive and healthy. Make sure that happens or the circumstances wont be good”
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He was not dealing your words lightheartedly so he locked you in a hospital. tied. With a nurse and a nutritionist to look after you. In fear of losing his child he sacrificed some of your trust for him
“I am not risking anything. sorry”
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He loved the child even before it was born so when you let out you plans he let out his frustration and anger.
“How dare you put an innocent child in the mercy of death just because you don’t want it to be affiliated with my work. disgusting”
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He would cry in front of you and lose the last string to holding his emotions. He would try to compromise with you and was not afraid to take risks in which could end up to you hating him till death.
“Choose wisely since my actions wont be so wise”
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He lost his shit completely and started to shout and insult you. He had never been so overprotective over anything that he did not know when to stop
“Do it. Do it and see what happens”
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nataliaplznice05 · 7 years
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Exo Reaction (en Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/5FwhVvdvXG ¿Alguna vez te preguntaste cómo seria las reacciones de EXO en diferentes situaciones? Bien, en este pequeño libro lo podes encontrar. Algunas contiene expresiones argentinas.
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hsunshine · 3 years
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bkbabychoice · 7 years
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Have you watched my newest video? I react to EXO - Power MV ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-2rw_3Dlas Any #exo fans here? Be sure to subscribe to me! #exo #exol #exok #exom #exopower #exopowermv #kpopreact #kpopreactions #exoreaction #exopowermvreaction #kpopyoutuber #baekhyun #smentertainment #Suho #Chanyeol #DO #Kai #Sehun
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stayshineee · 4 years
Burnt out
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pairing - idol!jongin x poet!reader
a/n - this will be a story told in drabbles; please look forward to upcoming updates.
prompt - inspired by this post  
You had always believed that good things never lasted. That at some point, luck and time would run out and you would be left behind to piece back together your broken heart. 
Maybe that’s why you never fell in love. Because then you couldn’t be hurt. Couldn’t be shattered into millions of pieces. It was better for your heart in the long run, but then again that was before you met Kim Jongin.
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exo-gif-reactions · 7 years
EXO’s Reaction to You Liking Heavy Metal/Rock
Requested by an adorable Anon~! :D 
I am officially back in it, to win it! Hopefully. ahaha I apologize if my writing has changed at all, or if I’ve slipped a little downhill. I’m a wee bit out of practice! Also, I’m completely unsure as to how I’m going to format stuff when posting from my mobile. Hopefully this doesn’t look like complete garbage. If it does, I’m so sorry! ^^”
Baekhyun: is obviously going to be a little shit about it when he first hears the kind of music you're into. Like, he'd openly mock the tunes blasting through your headphones by trying to match the high notes with far too much gusto, and mimic any and all screamo bits that he hears. But deep down, once he's gotten his fill of teasing and laughs from it, Baekhyun would let you know that he doesn't find your taste of music completely terrible~
Chanyeol: would absolutely be the most accepting out of all the guys of this new piece of information. Yeollie is all about music, and I feel like he's the type to be 100% open to any an all genres! He'd love listening to your favorite songs, even going so far as to take a huge amount of inspiration from them and trying to apply that to his own music.
Chen: This powerhouse vocal is going to be all about new genres of music and previously unknown bands! Like, your different taste in music is probably part of what drew him to you in the first place. He'd admire the hell out of the vocals and the lyrics of your fave songs, and he'd also love watching how much you put your all into your favourite parts of the songs!
D.O: would probably just be minding his own business when you popped your earbud into his ear. He'd be shocked at the complicated guitar riffs and the loud, booming drums coming from the small earbud, and he'd turn to look at you with a stare so wide-eyed, you'd almost be afraid that his eyes were going to pop right out of their sockets. It wouldn't be that he disapproved, it would merely catch him by surprise, as he doesn't hear such music all that often.
Kai: totally strikes me as the type of boyfriend to always be sure to like the things his girlfriend likes, so he's going to be ecstatic to learn of a new passion of yours that he can partake in. He'd practically force you to show him each and every band/song that you've grown to like and he's going to enjoy rockin' out alongsde you, even if it isn't really his usual choice of tunes.
Lay: is another member who I feel would be totally and completely open to other genres of music. He'd ask you tons of questions about your favorite bands and, within a week, you'd probably often catch him murmuring or humming the songs that you had showed him, completely losing himself in the new part of his life that you had introduced him to.
Sehun: would also be the type to jokingly mock you at first, but before long, you'd probably walk in on him in the dance studio, listening to your playlists and trying his best to come up with some kind of choreography to fit the songs. Even if your taste in music isn't the easiest to dance to, he's definitely going to create something and coax you into trying it out with him as well!
Suho: will be the most surprised and shocked by this revelation. He would have just assumed that, since you were a fan of EXO and his music, that was more your type of music. He definitely wouldn't have guessed that you were into such hardcore music and I feel like it would totally change his view of you, not necessarily for the worst, though! I don't feel like he'd be the type to get as into rock music as you, but he'd support you, regardless.
Xiumin: Is it going to shock you when I say Xiumin just isn't going to really give a second thought to your taste in music? No. He wouldn't judge you in the slightest and would be the type to let you drag him to any and all possible concerts, or let you blast your choice of tunes while he's driving. Like, he'd just be happy that you have something that makes you happy. Xiumin's totaqlly the type of boyfriend who'd support ALL of your hobbies and interests, without question, 'cause he'd just enjoy seeing you happy!
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thatweebykpopmess · 5 years
Hello! Can I get a soft ship for exo and stray kids please? Thank you so much!
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Hello! You are absolutely gorgeous💕 I ship you with Woojin and D.O!!!
I feel like they both have biggg soft sides! I can see you meeting one of them at a small coffee shop. Woojin and D.O would ask to sit at your table with you because there wasn’t really anywhere else to sit because it was a little busy. Eventually you started small talk with them and you both felt a random connection. You decided to get to know each other a bit more so you swapped numbers and from there you guys just got really close and eventually began dating. Woojin and D.O love randomly hugging you from behind while resting their chin in your neck and just cuddles in general.
“Baby come here.... I just wanted to sing a little something for you”. “God you’re so cheesy” you replied, “I know you love it” he replied right back. Right then and there, you heard his pure voice and all of a sudden nothing else could be heard. Your heart clenched and you smiled as he continued to fill the room with his honey like voice.
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exooneshots · 5 years
#Reaction Exo: Vocês estavam passeando e sassaengs os perseguem. (Continuação)
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Vocês estavam curtindo a companhia um do outro numa tarde super agradável, até que ele percebe que estavam sendo seguidos.
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-Adminis Cris
OBS.: Nenhuma das imagens utilizadas são minha. Todos os direitos autorais são de seus devidos donos.
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heyyyy~~ What would be EXO's reaction when they see you and ask for your number because they think you're beautiful but you're like "ugh. no way i don't know you" and then you go? Thank you so much!
Hello! the request is priceless XD I hope you will like it :D  -A
Chanyeol:“How dare you turn your back at me!”*You are Baekhyun :D*
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Chen:“Are you sure about that?”
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Kai:“Well yeah you don’t know me but that’s why I want your number, to try and get to know each other”
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Tao:“You are right I’m too fabulous for you”
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Luhan:“Say what?!!” ‘how could she just go!’
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D.O:*No captions needed XD*
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Suho:‘Okay, then you will not know how amazing it is to be mine’
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Baekhyun:“Okay then,your not in the league of amazing Baekhyun”
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Xiumin:“I don’t think this is the answer you wanted to give me”
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Sehun:“hah, please you are not the only one woman on the planet” 
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Kris:“You think you can find someone better then me? I beat you on it”
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“is that your final answer? think twice”
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childofkpop · 7 years
Mafia- Exo reaction to you ‘aborting’ your child
He tried to stop you but things got hectic throughout the next few weeks. You could not abort the child no matter how hard you tried and in the end you put your baby for adoption.. You told him you killed your child and when he heard about your success it broke him apart and not knowing it was breaking you too
“Our child was the only things that made me feel more human”
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He kept his promise and caused your family to lose their business not knowing that your child was in the hands of your mother since you could not dare to kill your baby. He lost his sanity slowly and before it fully left you told him the truth. 
“The child belongs in our hands- Not your mother nor anyone else. I will pretend this never happened and bring your family’s business back”
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You gave birth to your child when he was on a mission. You were so head strong on killing the baby since you could not let him into this dark world but when you held her your heart would not let you even land a scratch on her. You ended up faking the childs death and gave it to someone you trust to protect her. When Chen came home expecting the child you immedietly told him you aborted it and for once you saw him cry.
No ones a monster for wanting the best for their child
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You were never planning on killing your child but thats what you wanted Baekhyun to believe. When you gave birth to your baby boy you pulled of a moses, but instead you gave him to the arms of your sister instead of the river. When you told Baekhyun you killed your child he believed you and started crying.
“I was willing to give up everything for our child”
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Your baby was given to someone in the world where she would be safe but you told d.o you aborted the baby. He wanted to lose his mind but decided other wise
“You aren't a monster for aborting our child but you are one for giving me false hope of our own family”
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He did everything to protect your child by even going as far as locking you up while not knowing the nurse he assigned was secretly the one you hired to run away with your child. When he came to check up on you he started to get scared
“Please- Please tell me you didn't- Please”
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Your child was safe- Safe but nowhere near you. You told Sehun that you killed your baby and he looked so broken
“Our child isn't the only thing you killed”
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He was in china and you gave birth to your child in korea. When you were about to pull the trigger to end your childs life you broke down and started crying. You wanted the best for your child and living in the mafia world was going to ruin him but he did not choose to be here. Instead of killing him you arranged him to be in a safe place. When lay came home he asked you where the child was and you replied “Dead”
“y/n, we could have worked this out. HOW COULD YOU?”
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“Bring me an already dead baby and hide mine. quick” You gave out the orders and it was done. When Chanyeol came home he saw a cot with a baby inside. “Our child is dead. sorry” You coldy said and at first he freaked out and ran to the cot to check the baby and saw a lifeless baby and at first cried until he examined the baby
“This baby looks nothing like us. Dont mess with me, I want my baby girl. now”
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