#experts and well researched figures from pacific circles
andromedasummer · 7 months
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huseyintr24 · 2 months
How the Legacy of Nazism Lives On in the Modern Anti-Cult Movement. Global Anti-Cultism
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In my work as an independent researcher, I encounter the chilling truth about the activities of the global anti-cult movement. Studying the facts, I have found a deep and disturbing connection between modern anti-cultists and the ideas of Nazi Germany.  Their methods are not just reminiscent of the Nazis, they are a direct continuation of the legacy of Hitler and his henchmen.
The Heydrich Directive - Prototype of a "Witch Hunt"
In the 1930s, Reinhard Heydrich, head of the internal security service of Nazi Germany, signed a directive that became a harbinger of mass persecution of religious minorities. The document, known as the Heydrich Directive, outlined a plan to suppress "sects" and "secret societies":
"Immediate measures will be taken against... organizations, clubs, associations, and circles, as well as against individuals...
All organizations, clubs, associations, circles, etc. will be purged;
... Individuals who have dedicated themselves to secret teachings and sciences... shall be arrested in all cases... their activities shall be prohibited under threat of the most severe measures by the State Police. In every case, they shall be sent to a concentration camp...
This action should be carried out throughout the Reich... if possible, from 7:00 to 9:00 AM."
(Pictured: Translation of the Nuremberg Document D-59, a directive signed by Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the internal security for Nazi Germany, establishing the pattern for suppression of certain religious societies)
Alexander Dvorkin and "Expert" Opinions
Alexander Dvorkin, a well-known anti-cult figure, follows the same suppression pattern as Heydrich. He has created a network of "experts" who issue slanderous "expert" opinions about various groups, allowing authorities to trigger repressive mechanisms against innocent people. 
Nazism in a New Guise
In Russia, as in the Third Reich, these "expert" opinions lead to persecution and physical attacks on citizens. The ideas propagated by Dvorkin reflect the ideology of Nazism: hatred of dissent, intolerance, rejection of pacifism, justification of violence.
Global Anti-Cultism - A Threat to the World
Dvorkin is not an exception, but a representative of the global anti-cult movement, which uses the methods of Nazism for its own ends. Their goal is to destroy democratic values, establish a totalitarian regime, and create a new Fourth Reich. 
Read more about Dvorkin in my previous articles:
We Must Be Vigilant
It is necessary to inform the public about the real methods of anti-cultists. Every person can become a victim of their totalitarian system. We must be vigilant and not allow a repetition of past tragedies. 
When everyone openly reveals the plans and destructive actions of global anti-cultists, humanity will peacefully find ways to protect itself from the actions of anti-cult extremists.
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Be sure to tell everyone about this important information.
#GlobalAnti-cultism #AlexanderDvorkin #Nazism #FourthReich #Totalitarianism #Anti-cultTerrorism
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geek-patient-zero · 5 years
Part 1, Chapter 2
Or: McCann Reads His Mail
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Blood War: Masquerade of the Red Dead Trilogy Volume 1
Dire McCann returns to his office, in “the heart of the tenderloin district.”
Big, bold, black letters on the door proclaimed, D. McCann, Investigations. Beneath his name, in much smaller print, was the disclaimer Consultation by Appointment Only.
I guess even Dire knows his first name’s a little odd and abbreviated it. Who’d want to give work to a guy who looks like they’re trying to give themselves a nickname.
There’s several paragraphs describing the office. The outer office/reception area has a coffee table with old issues of Sports Illustrated and three red chairs, like a doctor’s office with an even more limited selection of outdated magazines.
It wasn’t much, but he didn’t require any better.  Recently, his only clients had been the Kindred, and none of them worried about his taste in furniture.
Not to his face, anyway. Vampires are like suburban parents that way.
The office proper, or his ”inner sanctum” as the narration calls it, is pretty standard; huge oak desk, “an elaborate telephone answering machine,” a table with a fax machine, PC, and printer on it, some metal cabinets, and more red chairs. It was also mentioned to have an “outrageous” rent that was almost worth it for the building’s cleaning lady.
The glow of a nearby streetlight gave the room an eerie, ghost-like interior.[...]No cheaply framed photos with hearty endorsements or tacky paint-by-numbers artwork hung on the walls. McCann believed in a strictly functional workplace. Besides which, it made a better impression on potential clients.
McCann sits behind his desk and reloads his submachine gun.
Considering what had happened already tonight, it seemed like good policy to stay ready for trouble.
For all the good it did him, but good thinking I guess. Proper paranoia helps in the World of Darkness.
Then he checks his answering machine. Two of the messages are for “divorce work.” That kind of stuff “didn’t interest” McCann, but there’s another detective in the building who specialized in it, and McCann trades him leads for favors, so he writes down the names and phone numbers. Another message is trying to sell him health insurance.
McCann grinned. Considering his present circumstances, he wasn’t sure he could afford the premiums.
Finally, McCann gets around to checking the mail he was carrying around during the first chapter. After separating the junk mail, he’s left with the small box, which was from Switzerland, three letters from Venice, Italy, another from Australia, and the last from Peru. He starts with the mail from Venice.
Dated approximately a week apart, the letters contained detailed records for financial deals made during the previous seven days.  The facts and figures covered hundreds of major business transactions throughout Europe and the United States. The detective scanned the documents carefully. There were no unusual expenditures or unexplained finances. Not that he expected to find any. The masterminds of the Giovanni Clan were the greatest financial wizards in the world. They kept a tight watch on their investments. McCann merely wanted to make sure no one other than him was skimming the profits.
Interesting. Despite doing work for the Camarilla, McCann also has connections to the independent Giovanni Clan, or at least is stealing money from them, and in a way that even their “financial wizards” can’t detect. There’s an even more interesting reveal at the end of the paragraph.
The longer he lived, the more cautious he became. And, though he appeared to be in his mid-thirties, Dire McCann lived a very long time.
Huh. The summary on the back cover describes him as “mortal.” Then again it also misspells his surname as McCannan, so...
Next he opens the latter from Darwin, Northern Territory Australia, which contains a newspaper clipping. Recently, “nomadic” Aborigines fled their reservation in the Tanami Desert and set up a shanty town outside the city. Officials tried to get the “troublemakers” to go back, “but with no success.”
No one could offer an explanation for the natives’ unexpected migration. Nor were the unwelcome Aboriginals willing to discuss why they had abandoned their primitive shelters and made the long trek to the coast. Their only reply was to point in the general direction of the Macdonnel Ranges and utter the word “Nuckalavee, Nuckalavee,” over and over again.
The hell’s a mythological Scottish demon doing in Australia?
Unfortunately, no one other than the natives understood what the term meant.
Have they tried asking a Scottish person? Maybe someone from the Orkney Islands? This is like Native Americans fleeing from the Loch Ness Monster or a kappa.
For those of you who’d never heard of it, or had never played The Bard’s Tale, the Nuckelavee is this big horse with the upper torso of a rider growing out of the middle of its back, and it has no skin.
The story ended with the mayor promising city residents that the shanty town would be gone shortly.
Australians being shitty to the Aboriginals. What a surprise.
I know, hypocritical coming from an American. But still.
McCann grimaced. He understood why the Aboriginals had fled. But he doubted that the government officials in Darwin would believe his answer. Or care. Mentally, McCann noted that he should request that his clipping service search for any follow-up stories. Or reports of unusual disappearances in the Northern Territories.
It’s a minor spoiler, but not an unsurprising one given the setting, but the World of Darkness version of the Nuckalavee is a vampire; a Nictuku, the name for a fourth generation Nosferatu. Father Naples mentioned them during the prologue when he was talking about the Nosferatu, remember?
“A few of their fourth-generation progeny are rumored to be grotesque monsters, known as the Nictuku.”
But whether it’s the mythological Nuckelavee or a vampire character based off of it, it’s bizarre that Weinberg took a mythological creature from one culture, transplanted it to a completely different one on a different continent, and act like it was always a part of that culture. Even in 1994, before Wikipedia, anyone familiar with Scottish folklore would know better. Hell, check that fan wiki page I linked just now. The reference used for the page came from VTM: Clanbook: Nosferatu. It came out in 1993, and it’s most likely what Robert Weinberg used for information on Nuckalavee too. If the information on the wiki is accurate to the book, then the book straight up says that the thing is Scottish. Even if the vampire migrated at some point, more people should know about it, at least as a legend, than some scared Aboriginals.
Speaking of... I’m no expert on Aboriginal cultures, living on the opposite side of the Pacific and all, but I’m sure they can communicate better than pointing at some mountains and grunting a monster’s name in fearful tones like some old Hollywood tribal character. At least enough to say “there’s something life threatening by our reservation and we’re getting away from it.” The story’s sympathetic to them at least, but that part rubs me the wrong way.
Next, McCann opens the envelope from Peru. It contains a photo and a handwritten note from a member of the Explorer’s Club. The photo makes McCann “swallow hard”. More bad news.
Scribbled in black ink around the margin of the photo were the words, “Found at entrance to huge cavern, Gran Vilaya ruins, Peru.” The picture showed a massive stone statue of a crouching demonic figure with a misshapen, bloated female body and the face of a snarling jaguar. Circling her feet in a ring were a dozen stone heads. Judging from the size of the skulls, the demon stood a least fifteen feet tall.[...]It fronted a huge network of previously unknown caves that honeycombed the Andes for miles. No one knew for certain the purpose of the underground warren. Several members of the expedition thought it might have served as a ritual burial ground for the mysterious Chachapoya civilization due to the numerous skeletons found scattered all through the tunnels. Which would therefore identify the demonic figure as the guardian of the dead.
Credit where it’s due, Robert Weinberg didn’t just make up the Chachapoya. Little’s known about their ancient civilization, and some of what we do know come from the Inca that conquered them and the Spanish, which aren’t what you’d call unbiased accounts. They even lived in the kind of “fog-shrouded region” or “cloud forests” that Gran Vilaya was described as being found in.
The writer ended his note with the hope that McCann felt his research money was being well spent.
McCann used money from a “secret Giovanni slush fund”, which of course none of the Giovanni clan elders know about, to fund the expedition. McCann feels the cost was justified, but would’ve preferred it it if they’d found nothing.
The statue was not a representation of the spirit guardian of the dead Chachapoyas. It showed their murderer..
Not sure why the Spanish had to build underground catacombs for the Chachapoyas to die of disease and poverty in when- No, wait, he’s talking about a vampire.
A creature who abhorred all life, she was named Gorgo, the One Who Screams in Darkness. And the empty caverns in Gran Vilaya indicated that once more she walked the Earth.
Turns out she’s another Nictuku, like Nuckalavee. One with a kickass title. It looks like some very old, very powerful vampires are waking up, and McCann is not happy about it. He opens the box from Switzerland. It came from “an old friend.”
Inside were photocopies of more than three hundred pages of hand-written memos and high level classified documents. They were a mixed selection from a half-dozen different European security agencies. All were marked TOP SECRET.
But we readers don’t get to learn what they say, because McCann checks his watch and learns he’s gotta be at the Club Diabolique to meet Alexander Vargoss in half an hour.
McCann’s preparing to leave when his phone rings. Remember his “elaborate telephone answering machine?” It’s got some spiffy futuristic tech in it like a “caller ID feature” and the ability to record phone calls. Stuff that only someone secretly skimming money from the Giovanni can afford. But seriously, I enjoy reading old stuff and seeing things that are common today described as rare and amazing. Hell, I didn’t know caller ID was a thing in 1994. My family’s middle class and we didn’t get phones with caller ID until the 2000′s.
Unfortunately, none of his phone system’s features come in handy in this case. He doesn’t recognize the number, but McCann answers the phone anyway.
A man whose voice McCann didn’t recognize spoke in clear, crisp tones. “Lameth,” said the stranger, “beware of the Red Death.”
Without another sound, the man hung up, leaving a stunned McCann holding the receiver. Lameth, the speaker had called him.
Nah, Dire, despite his clear, crisp tones the mysterious caller still has a bit of a lisp. He was actually calling you “lame-ass.”
It was a name from the dawn of history, one that McCann believed long forgotten. A master schemer, the detective did not like unexpected shocks. Especially ones of this magnitude.
McCann certainly has the connections and resources to be a master schemer. Still, I’d of liked to have seen him actually scheme before the narration straight up calls him one.
He tries to listen to the recording of the phone call, but turns out it didn’t record. The caller ID screen is blank, and even the phone number it picked up earlier disappeared. This is starting to sound familiar.
Luckily, McCann memorized the number despite his previous confidence in technology. He calls the local police station, specifically a cop named Harry. He asks for a favor due to him for a bottle of wine he sent Harry for his birthday; the location where his phone call was made from. Turns out, it’s from a booth in the front lobby of his building. One that’s been out of service for months.
Let’s recap. Assassins just tried to kill McCann. Powerful vampires are waking up abroad, which is worrying for a very old schemer with an eye towards international news like him. And an untraceable magic man just called him by a very old name no one should know and warned him of a threat with an ominous name. All before he’s gotta meet with the Prince of St. Louis. Good thing McCann’s a big tough book protagonist, ‘cause I’d certainly be a little anxious.
Not a believer in coincidence, the detective knew the three events had to be linked together. But how?
The voice on the phone had warned him to “beware the Red Death.” McCann had absolutely no idea who or what the Red Death might be. He had a terrible suspicion that he would soon find out.
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industrytrends2021 · 3 years
Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Market: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Estimations 2027 | Emerging Key Players- Lindsay Corporation, Valmont Industries, T-L Irrigation
To understand the market in depth, Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Market research report is the perfect solution. With the specific base year and the historic year, estimations and calculations are performed in the report. This global market research report studies the market at regional and global level by considering major geographical areas. This Center Pivot Irrigation Systems report is generated with the combination of best industry insight, practical solutions, talent solutions and latest technology. The analysis and forecasting of market data using best statistical and coherent models, market share analysis and key trend analysis are the major accomplishing factors in this market report.
Center Pivot Irrigation Systems report provides complete background analysis of the Center Pivot Irrigation Systems industry which includes an assessment of the parental market. All the statistical and numerical data, which is calculated with the most established tools such as SWOT analysis, is represented with the help of graphs and charts for the best user experience and clear understanding. Market segmentation analyses the usage of the product with respect to its applications, end user or with respect to geography. Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Market research report is the most relevant, exclusive, reasonable and admirable market research report depending upon the business needs.
Global center pivot irrigation systems market is expected to reach USD 5.4 million by 2027 growing at a growth rate of 14.25% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. The process of crop irrigation is when crops are watered with the use of sprinklers when a machine rotates around the pivot. Center pivot irrigation is also known as waterwheel and circle irrigation.
The report also emphasizes the initiatives undertaken by the companies operating in the market including product innovation, product launches, and technological development to help their organization offer more effective products in the market. It also studies notable business events, including corporate deals, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships, product launches, and brand promotions.
Get Free Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-center-pivot-irrigation-systems-market
The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios.
The market is predicted to witness significant growth over the forecast period, owing to the growing consumer awareness about the benefits of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems. The increase in disposable income across the key geographies has also impacted the market positively. Moreover, factors like urbanization, high population growth, and a growing middle-class population with higher disposable income are also forecasted to drive market growth.
According to the research report, one of the key challenges that might hinder the market growth is the presence of counter fit products. The market is witnessing the entry of a surging number of alternative products that use inferior ingredients.
Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Market Country Level Analysis:
The countries covered in the Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Market report are U.S., Canada, Mexico in North America, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Rest of South America, as part of South America. Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Rest of Europe in Europe. China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Rest of Asia-Pacific. Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Egypt, Israel, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa, as a part of Middle East and Africa.
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Leading Center Pivot Irrigation Systems  manufacturers/companies operating at both regional and global levels:
Lindsay Corporation, Valmont Industries, T-L Irrigation, Alkhorayef Group, REINKE MANUFACTURING, Vodar (Tianjin), Pierce Corporation, Rainfine (Dalian) Irrigation, Bauer Gmbh, RoEhren-Und Pumpenwerk, Grupo Fockink.among other domestic and global players.
Key factors influencing market growth:
New application developments and product designs.
Falling prices of the Center Pivot Irrigation Systems
Strict government norms along with administrative support and R&D subsidization.
Geographic expansion by major market players as well as new entrants.
Reasons for purchasing this Report from Data Bridge Market Research
Data Bridge Market Research relies on industry-wide databases for both regional and global authentic data, which enables the team to decipher the precise trends and existing scenario in the market.
The report takes a 360-degree approach to ensure that the niche and emerging aspects are also factored in to ultimately get accurate results.
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fortunebusiness · 4 years
Anti Counterfeiting Packaging Market Demand Analysis in 2020, Global Revenue, Top Companies Growth Forecast to 2027
The global ''anti counterfeiting technology '' size is projected to reach USD 189.9 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period. Rising menace of flagrant counterfeiting on e-commerce platforms is likely to emerge as the central growth driver for this market, according to the new Fortune Business Insights™ report, titled “Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Technology (RFID, Holograms, Barcode, and Others), By End-Use (Food & Beverages, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Industrial & Automotive, Consumer Electronics, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026”. E-commerce platforms have become a breeding ground for counterfeiters to sell fake products to unsuspecting customers. A study conducted by a community media platform called Local Circles found that approximately 20% of the products sold on e-commerce sites are counterfeit. Widespread presence of such fake products across online marketplaces poses a grave threat not just to the well-being of consumer, but also to investments being made into these companies. In response, e-commerce giants such as Amazon and Alibaba are implementing advanced anti-counterfeiting measures to protect both consumers and investors, which are leading the anti-counterfeiting packaging market trends.
The report on this market states that the market value stood at USD 104.5 billion in 2018. Besides this, the report shares the following information:
Diligent     segmentation of the market and careful study of each segment;
Detailed     evaluation of the factors driving and restraining the market;
Comprehensive     research into the regional and competitive dynamics influencing the market;     and
Precise     computation of market values and figures.
List of Companies Covered in the Report:
MicroTag Temed     Ltd.
BrandWatch     Technologies
Zebra     Technologies Corporation
CCL Industries     Inc.
Impinj, Inc.
Avery Dennison     Corporation
SML Group
3M Company
Worldwide COVID-19 Impact Analysis:
The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand that this health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses across industries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments and several companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease. Some industries are struggling and some are thriving. Overall, almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
We are making continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreak across industries to help you prepare for the future.
Study Period: 2016-2027 Base Year: 2019 Forecast Period: 2020-2027 Historical Period: 2016-2018
Market Driver
Concerted Efforts to Tackle Counterfeiting to Boost the Market
Counterfeiting practices are running rampant across all the major sectors and industries around the world. These practices have gained firm ground in critical sectors and have the potential to cause serious, long-term damage to the health of consumers. For example, the World Health Organization estimates that roughly 10% of the pharmaceutical drugs and medicines sold in low- and middle-income countries are fake or substandard. This, and many such findings, has spurred governments into action. For instance, China came out with a law in early 2019 that holds sellers and e-commerce platforms jointly accountable for counterfeit products sold on such platforms. Many leading technology companies are also coming to the fore with advanced solutions. For instance, IBM developed the Crypto Anchor Verifier, an Artificial Intelligence- and blockchain-based counterfeit detector that runs on a smartphone. These independent efforts have considerably augmented the potential of this market.
Regional Analysis
North America to Hold Commanding Lead; Asia-Pacific to Showcase Remarkable Growth
With a market size of USD 37.28 billion in 2018, North America is slated to dominate the anti-counterfeiting packaging market share during the forecast period owing to extensive utilization of superior anti-counterfeiting packaging solutions. This is further propelled by the surging demand for packaged food and beverage products in the region, which is boding well for the market.
Asia-Pacific is expected to present plenty of lucrative opportunities on account of rapid economic growth in India and China. Moreover, private players and the government in China are focused on effectively tackling the high rate of counterfeiting in the country through policy and technology, thereby fueling this market. In Europe, stable demand for consumer electronics will mainly drive the growth of the market.
 Competitive Landscape
Launch of Novel Solutions to Animate Competitive Fervor among Players
Incorporation of advanced, intelligent technologies in the e-commerce industry has paved the way for key players in this market to innovate and come out with next-gen solutions, as per the anti-counterfeiting packaging market report. As a result, some of the top companies are focusing on launching new products to entrench their market position, while some are acquiring businesses to expand their portfolio.
 Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market report Focus on:
Extensive     product offerings
Customer     research services
Robust research     methodology
Comprehensive     reports
Latest     technological developments
Value chain     analysis
Potential Market     opportunities
Growth dynamics
Quality     assurance
Post-sales     support
Regular report     updates
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
Comprehensive     analysis of the market growth drivers, obstacles, opportunities, and other     related challenges.
Tracks the     developments, such as new product launches, agreements, mergers and     acquisitions, geographical expansions, and joint ventures.
Identifies     market restraints and boosters.
Identifies all     the possible segments present in the market to aid organizations in     strategic business planning.    
Key Questions Answered:
Why Choose     Fortune Business Insights?
What are the key     demands and trends shaping the market?
What are the key     opportunities in the market?
What are the key     companies operating in the market?
Which company     accounted for the highest market share?
What is the     market size and growth rate of the global and regional market by various     segments?
What is the     market size and growth rate of the market for selective countries?
Which region or     sub-segment is expected to drive the market in the forecast period?
What Factors are     estimated to drive and restrain the market growth
Industry Developments:
March     2020: The     US-based RFID provider SML RFID introduced the RFID FactoryCare™ with the     aim to smoothen the supply chain in fashion retailing by enabling     manufacturers efficiently manage RFID-tagged products. Furthermore, the     product will enhance item visibility all through the supply chain process     and ensure foolproof delivery.
March 2020: Avery     Dennison Corporation, the US-based adhesive manufacturer, announced the     successful acquisition of the transponder business arm of Smartrac, a     leading developer and manufacturer of RFID inlays based in Netherlands.     The deal was sealed at an estimated value of €225 million.
Browse In-depth Summary of This Research Insights: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/anti-counterfeiting-packaging-market-102692
 About Us:
Fortune Business Insights™ offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. We tailor innovative solutions for our clients, assisting them address challenges distinct to their businesses. Our goal is to empower our clients with holistic market intelligence, giving a granular overview of the market they are operating in.
Our reports contain a unique mix of tangible insights and qualitative analysis to help companies achieve sustainable growth. Our team of experienced analysts and consultants use industry-leading research tools and techniques to compile comprehensive market studies, interspersed with relevant data. 
At Fortune Business Insights™, we aim at highlighting the most lucrative growth opportunities for our clients. We therefore offer recommendations, making it easier for them to navigate through technological and market-related changes. Our consulting services are designed to help organizations identify hidden opportunities and understand prevailing competitive challenges.
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Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market By Component, Deployment, Application and By End User With Forecast 2027
Cosmetic Contact Lenses: Introduction
Cosmetic contact lenses are available in many colors in the market. These lenses are designed to intensify or change the eye color.
Large number of consumers use cosmetic contact lenses during theatrical activity, Halloween, and during other events where colored eyes are required. In most countries, consumers need a valid prescription to purchase cosmetic contact lenses, even if they are buying zero power products.
Key Drivers of the Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market
Increasing adoption of cosmetic lenses coupled with growing fashion trends are majorly driving the growth of the market. Availability of stylish products in local markets with different attractive shades, colors, and textures to enhance eye appearance is working as a favorable factor for the cosmetic contact lenses market.
High social media penetration coupled with high investment in search engine optimization and social media optimization by key market players are expected to boost the market growth in the coming years.
Availability of Contact Lenses with Multiple Colors to Create Significant Opportunities
Key companies have started offering multiple colored contact lenses (hazel, blue, violet, green, grey, brown, and amethyst) which attracts more customers to purchase their product. Growth in the eyewear industry is also set to create new opportunities in this market.
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Increasing Manufacturing Cost to Hamper the Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market
Change in raw material cost and high manufacturing cost are major challenges in the cosmetic contact lenses market. Excessive risk pertaining to sensitive eye wear products may slow down the market growth.
Europe Accounted for Highest Market Share
Europe was the market leader in the cosmetic skin care market in 2018. High demand for fashion and apparel in key markets including Germany, France, and the U.K. is propelling the market growth. Cosmetic contact lenses have huge acceptance among movie actors, fashion models, and singers. Millennial population prefer to use this product to enhance their fashion quotient which is expected to augment the growth of the Europe cosmetic contact lenses market over the forecast period.
The market in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a higher pace in the coming years. Significant adoption of this product in China, India, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea is driving market growth.
Key Players Operating in the Global Market
The global cosmetic contact lenses market is fragmented in nature. Large number of small-scale manufacturers are present in this market. Key market participants are signing strategic partnerships and engaging in mergers and acquisitions to consolidate their presence in the global market. Moreover, cosmetic contact lenses companies are investing in infrastructure improvement to compete in the market. Key players operating in the global cosmetic contact lenses market are listed below:
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
CIBA Vision
Bausch & Lomb
InnoVision Co Ltd
Viewell Inc.
Lagado Corp.
Metro Optics
Maxvue Vision
Jilin Realcon Contact Lens Co. Ltd.
Beijing Realcon Optical Lens Co. Ltd.
Guangzhou Winis Import & Export Co. Ltd.
Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market: Research ScopeGlobal Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market, by Product
Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market, by Type
Soft Contact
Hybrid Contact
Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market, by Metal Type
Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market, by Distribution Channel
Optical stores
Independent brand showrooms
Online stores
Retail stores
Global Cosmetic Contact Lenses Market, by Region
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Rest of South America
This study by TMR is all-encompassing framework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
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Our key underpinning is the 4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
Customer Experience Maps
Insights and Tools based on data-driven research
Actionable Results to meet all the business priorities
Strategic Frameworks to boost the growth journey
The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping their revenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market by breaking it into region-wise assessment.
The following regional segments are covered comprehensively:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
The EIRS quadrant framework in the report sums up our wide spectrum of data-driven research and advisory for CXOs to help them make better decisions for their businesses and stay as leaders.
Below is a snapshot of these quadrants.
1. Customer Experience Map
The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligence solutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customer experience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boosting customer engagement with their brands.
2. Insights and Tools
The various insights in the study are based on elaborate cycles of primary and secondary research the analysts engage with during the course of research. The analysts and expert advisors at TMR adopt industry-wide, quantitative customer insights tools and market projection methodologies to arrive at results, which makes them reliable. The study not just offers estimations and projections, but also an uncluttered evaluation of these figures on the market dynamics. These insights merge data-driven research framework with qualitative consultations for business owners, CXOs, policy makers, and investors. The insights will also help their customers overcome their fears.
3. Actionable Results
The findings presented in this study by TMR are an indispensable guide for meeting all business priorities, including mission-critical ones. The results when implemented have shown tangible benefits to business stakeholders and industry entities to boost their performance. The results are tailored to fit the individual strategic framework. The study also illustrates some of the recent case studies on solving various problems by companies they faced in their consolidation journey.
4. Strategic Frameworks
The study equips businesses and anyone interested in the market to frame broad strategic frameworks. This has become more important than ever, given the current uncertainty due to COVID-19. The study deliberates on consultations to overcome various such past disruptions and foresees new ones to boost the preparedness. The frameworks help businesses plan their strategic alignments for recovery from such disruptive trends. Further, analysts at TMR helps you break down the complex scenario and bring resiliency in uncertain times.
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The report sheds light on various aspects and answers pertinent questions on the market. Some of the important ones are:
1. What can be the best investment choices for venturing into new product and service lines?
2. What value propositions should businesses aim at while making new research and development funding?
3. Which regulations will be most helpful for stakeholders to boost their supply chain network?
4. Which regions might see the demand maturing in certain segments in near future?
5. What are the some of the best cost optimization strategies with vendors that some well-entrenched players have gained success with?
6. Which are the key perspectives that the C-suite are leveraging to move businesses to new growth trajectory?
7. Which government regulations might challenge the status of key regional markets?
8. How will the emerging political and economic scenario affect opportunities in key growth areas?
9. What are some of the value-grab opportunities in various segments?
10. What will be the barrier to entry for new players in the market?
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papersandkeyboards · 4 years
6/6-12 (1): Spend Your First Day of Fasting Effectively (i.e. Canoeing Under the Summer Sun and Count Tree Rings)
37th WEEK, JUNE 6-12, 2016.
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“...you’ll get, what, eighteen hours of Ramadan?”
“No way. How will I survive?”
“You can do it. If you do it, you’ll get bragging rights.”
Main Topic #1: Ramadan 1437 Hijriyah (the Islamic calendar) fell in June 2016, which was in the summer. According to basic rules of fasting, one must fast—refrain from all kinds of food and drink and bad deeds—from dawn until dusk. That being said, in the beautiful summer of North America, fast will last from around 3am to 9pm. That’s 18 hours. Compared to equatorial countries—such as Indonesia—which has constant daylight of 12-13 hours, I’ve lived Ramadan my whole life only from 5am to 6.30pm. That’s 12,5 hours.
Main Topic #2: According to Brian, albeit fasting way more hours that I normally should is hard, at least if I survive 18 hours of Ramadan, I can brag to people back in Indo that I’ve fasted longer than them. Meanwhile, according to Islamic and—I’m sure—any other normative laws, boasting is not such a good thing to do. But still. Hehe.
That was a conversation from my first months in Seattle, when the sun rose at 7.30am and set at 4pm. I used to be able to wake up at 7am and still can do my morning prayer, but as time goes and summer approaches, the sun rises earlier and earlier that at one point it legit scared me how early it was. It scared me even more to realize that the shortest day of the year, the summer solstice, would be right in the middle of Ramadan.
Anyway, if any of you don’t get the concept of Ramadan yet, here it is: Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar where us Muslims are obligated to fast (the term has been explained above) for the whole month. Many reasons stand behind the ritual, mainly religious observance. However, other accompanying and underlying reasons also claim that fasting acts as a detox to your body from toxins due to food and drink you may have been gluttonously consuming, a method of a healthy diet (if you do it right), and an act of sympathy and self-reflection by putting ourselves in the shoes of those who have none to eat every single day.
The idea of eating and drinking nothing for 18 hours shocks many people (“not even water??????” they would exclaim), even Karen (and many of my fellow Indonesian exchange students’ host parents) was worried and suggested to skip fast instead and make up for it outside of Ramadan. Even though Karen’s background as a Public Health person is more than convincing, but despite the dreadful waking-up-at-2-am-to-eat and waiting-until-9-pm-to-eat-again, I was excited and was totally up for it. No joke, I prepared what I would eat for pre-fast meal to make sure I will survive the day (this surprises both sides of the globe: my parents and Indo friends would say “but how will you survive without RICE??????” implying the stereotypical Indonesian who cannot survive without eating rice; whereas my own host parents were surprised seeing my shopping list for Ramadan pre-fast meals: “Why do you plan this kind of diet only when Ramadan is coming?” implying a commentary to my not-so-healthy eating habits and why I didn’t try to be this healthy from before).
And some people even advised to go with the Arab schedule—following the dawn and dusk time in Saudi Arabia where it was shorter than in Seattle—but all I had in mind was, it’s not every Ramadan you can fast for 18 hours. So why not try? Hehe. hehehe.
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One day, an email came from Brian, telling me that he was going to go on a trip with an English photographer Stephen Vaughan, who was doing a research and shots regarding the big Pacific quake in the 1700s (also well-known as the Cascadia earthquake), which was totally in Brian’s expertise. Knowing my interest in photography, he asked if I would like to come with him.
One catch: the trip, of course, was going to be a fully outdoor one, and it would be hours from Seattle, so we would have to leave early in the morning and would arrive back in Seattle at night. The catch was, it would be on Monday, June 6, 2016, which coincides with—you guess it—the first day of Ramadan.
Here’s the only consideration: I would take the offer, no doubt. But will I be able to survive the day while fasting?
Nope, don’t think I would. Plus, the location is like 280 kilometers away from Seattle (do your own math if you do miles). According to Ramadan Fasting 101, if you travel beyond a certain pre-determined range, you will be considered a ‘traveler’ and thus, a ‘traveler’ can omit from fasting (assuming back then in Prophet Muhammad’s times people had to travel by camel or foot across hot hot desert, so no way anyone could survive that without a drink), as long as one makes up for the fast they’ve ‘lost’ during Ramadan at other times, because the fast is nonetheless obligatory.
So, yay. My first day of Ramadan and I skipped fasting already.
I woke up earlier than I usually do and was picked up by Brian. Then we stopped by this coffee shop Zoka, which was right across the bus stop I usually took to get to Rainier Beach when I still lived in Brian’s, and got a taste of, for the first time, its delicious bagel and (a little way too hot) hot chocolate. Then we drove into another coffee shop in (what I inferred as) the middle of nowhere where we met Stephen the photographer, who would then hitched shotgun for our long long ride to Willapa Bay.
It’s not an often occasion that I spent a whole day immersed in nature. We parked by a bridge across a river, and we took out boots down the river delta—
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—nope. Didn’t take my boots. All I did was tighten it and hoped for the best that it didn’t come off whenever I stepped because of the extremely thick mud. I got a few close calls, though. And this happened within the first hour we started our work. (well, Brian and Stephen’s work)
Throughout the trip, doing what I should be doing and what I do best—observing and enjoying, I realized that the area of focus Stephen conveyed on this trip was—well, how do I say this without me sounding stupid—layers of soil and rings of tree. You know, those circles you see on a cross section of a tree. I do know people read tree rings to figure out the age of a tree—the more rings, the older. There is even a whole field of study regarding this (Dendrochronology—the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed, Wikipedia). With what Stephen was taking pictures of and Brian’s fiels of expert, layers of soil and tree rings supposedly makes you look back in time and figuring out history.
After shoveling quite a fair part of the river bank, and if you pay close attention to the exposed soil, you can see layers distinguished by various color, from different shades of brown, black, or even dark yellow. Very much like brownies—layered brownies, if that’s a thing. These layers supposedly can tell you the events that happened in this exact location—what made these different colors of soil—like a drought, a huge flood, or a tsunami. If you ask what event caused what type of soil layer—beats me, Brian’s explanation was so thorough and it would’ve been good if not for my brain capacity voluntarily rejects knowledge to some extent, but maybe at the time I was just not paying full attention. At least I got the gist.
He told me, though, the events that happened here was somewhat related to the aforementioned huge Cascadia quake, because Willapa Bay rests at the edge of the Pacific Ocean along the American west coast, that some ocean waves impact affected this area. Correct me if I’m wrong, though.
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(picture courtesy of Stephen Vaughan, 2016)
Uh... yeah. Don’t ask me what this picture meant. Brian and Stephen could probably tell a story by looking at this, but nothing came to my head.
From the river bank, we went back to the car and drove some distance to another part of the river. We set our boat, a small one that fit three people with two rowers. Brian packed snacks and told Stephen and me to put our gears in dry bags (dry bags are cool. I like dry bags). Then, off we went along the South Fork Palix River.
It was a nice day in the beginning of summer. The sky was stark blue, showing ever so little signs of clouds. That left us with nothing but our hats to shelter us from the strong ray and heat (given just getting out of a cold season, so to speak, a temp of 20 degrees Celcius was enough to make me sweat on a stroll down Capitol Hill. Even though I didn’t know the temp when we were in Willapa Bay, I dare to bet that as hot as it got, it didn’t even come close to what my home sweet home town Duri has to offer). The breeze blew slow, the water—though not a clear one—so calm it almost seemed like it was staying still, only disturbed by our boat. The surroundings was exquisitely tranquil, the sole obvious sound was the splash of the rowers against the water. I took a deep breath as I rowed on the left side and Brian on the right, three of us taking turns rowing. I was lucky to be offered the front seat. Probably Brian and Stephen had done this kind of thing a lot and decided to give a little poor town girl a chance to enjoy nature.
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Every once in a while, we would stop by a river bank where Brian would dig out a part of the soil to expose the layers within, Stephen would take pictures, all while both of them discussing the meaning of the layers and what story lay behind them. I, understanding jack, took pictures of anything else but the soil layers.
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[pic courtesy of Stephen Vaughan]
After a while of rowing, we pulled over. This time not digging out soil, though. We climbed out of the boat and sit by a small meadow to have snacks. Then we walked some more into the forest that surrounds the river. I remembered something Brian said about this forest being a ‘ghost forest’.
Nope. It was definitely not a forest of ghosts. Or maybe it was. Idk.
(brb googling)
Ghost forest. So, uh, from what I could infer at the least is that when the Cascadia earthquake happened, the shift of the tectonic plates caused the land to drop, and that made seawater came in, so the forest was ‘flooded’ with seawater and killed the trees.
So, what gave the forest the nickname ‘ghost forest’ was because it was occupied by a lot of dead tree stumps. How the knowledge of counting tree rings interpret history regarding this specifically, I do not know. I only came to understand as far as these dead tree stumps were victims/witnesses during the Cascadia earthquake, and that could tell us something, supposedly.
That was our next agenda: taking pictures of dead tree stumps and their rings. I wandered around, took pictures myself and played around the marshes while cleaning my shoes (they were soaking with mud to begin with, so why not finish it off by soaking them wet wih fresh, clean water).
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[pic courtesy of Stephen Vaughan]
After successfully burning my hand by the power of the sun and Brian’s small-but-super-powerful magnifying glass he used to count tree rings (but somehow had been left to me for this trip) out of sheer curiosity, Stephen was done with his tree stumps and we paddled back to the car. It was late afternoon and was starting to get dark. We prepped the boat back on top of the car and drove to another forest. This one, I think, was not quite ghostly.
It was a dense forest, like any other ordinary forest. We parked by an open path, and walked in until we found this huuuuuuuuge tree. This one, I think, was very much alive and well, unlike the previous models which were practically tree corpses. This alive one, Stephen called a “witness-survivor”, indicated this tree was also a witness to the Cascadia earthquake, but it survived until the day we paid a visit. How they found out this tree was a survivor I had no idea. Maybe because it was huge and thus very old and old enough that it was alive when the quake happened.
It was really huge, though. Why I said it three times, it is because I’m not kidding. I could have gathered a dozen people and we could’ve joined our hands together to hug the tree.
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[picture courtesy of Stephen Vaughan, 2016. BTW I don’t have the any comparison pics, but just believe me it was huge]
Well, since the tree was alive we couldn’t have very much slice it open to take a peep at its rings, so Stephen took a picture of its trunk instead. He whipped out this antique-looking camera and set a timer for a slow-shutter shot. The camera used a film, so he made us sure he was going to take every shot with care (and of course, that served as a warning to NOT mess with it—stay out of frame, don’t even move or else you might shake the camera and the picture could come out imperfect).
ALMOST FORGOT. If you wish to see the kinds of pictures Stephen takes, and his end result of this project he worked on with Brian, do check them out here, as I already inserted as courtesy for the pics I use in this post. Cool guy.
It was really getting darker, and by the time we went back to our car it was time to turn on the car headlights. We arrived in Seattle quite late at night.
So much for the first day of Ramadan. Unforgettable experience, especially coming from me, who is not a huge fan of nature outing, but this one sure was fun.
Alhamdulillah hehe.
Udah, udah gaada alesan bolos puasa lagi. Besoknya udah harus puasa beneran. Dan besok sekolah.
Marhaban ya Ramadan, the holy month which all Muslims are excited about, come at me, bro.
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Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market by Investment Feasibility, Sales, Production, Manufacturers, Regions and Cost Structure and Forecast to 2026
Report Overview
The report on the Global Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market has been provided by researchers for a detailed understanding of the functioning of the market during a defined estimate period of 2021 to 2026. However, this report has inculcated a brief overview to provide better context to the reader of this report. This brief overview includes a basic definition of the product or service studied in the report. Along with that, it also includes a briefing on the primary applications of this product or service in different industry verticals. Further, an insight in the manufacturing or production of the product or service and the distribution strategy for the same has also been provided by the market research experts.
Some of the key players’ Analysis in Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market: IBM Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Linux Foundation; and R3. Some other key players in the market include BTL Group; Chain Inc.; Deloitte; Circle Internet Financial Limited; Global Arena Holding, Inc. (GAHI); Post-Trade Distributed Ledger; Ripple; and Eric Industries; among other players.
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One of the crucial parts of this report comprises Blockchain In Payment Processing Services industry key vendor’s discussion about the brand’s summary, profiles, market revenue, and financial analysis. The report will help market players build future business strategies and discover worldwide competition.  A detailed segmentation analysis of the market is done on producers, regions, type and applications in the report.
On the basis of geographically, the market report covers data points for multiple geographies such as United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and Central& South America
Analysis of the market:
Other important factors studied in this report include demand and supply dynamics, industry processes, import & export scenario, R&D development activities, and cost structures. Besides, consumption demand and supply figures, cost of production, gross profit margins, and selling price of products are also estimated in this report.
Predominant Questions Answered in This Report Are:
Which segments will perform well in the Blockchain In Payment Processing Services market over the forecasted years?
In which markets companies should authorize their presence?
What are the forecasted growth rates for the market?
What are the long-lasting defects of the industry?
How share market changes their values by different manufacturing brands?
What are the qualities and shortcomings of the key players?
What are the major end results and effects of the five strengths study of industry?
The conclusion part of their report focuses on the existing competitive analysis of the market.  We have added some useful insights for both industries and clients. All leading manufacturers included in this report take care of expanding operations in regions. Here, we express our acknowledgment for the support and assistance from the Blockchain In Payment Processing Services industry experts and publicizing engineers as well as the examination group’s survey and conventions. Market rate, volume, income, demand and supply data are also examined.
Inquire more about this report @ https://www.datalibraryresearch.com/sample-request/blockchain-in-payment-processing-services-market-569?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=41
Table of contents:
Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Global Market Research Report 2020
1 Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer
4 Global Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market Analysis by Regions
5 North America Blockchain In Payment Processing Services by Country
6 Europe Blockchain In Payment Processing Services by Country
7 Asia-Pacific Blockchain In Payment Processing Services by Country
8 South America Blockchain In Payment Processing Services by Country
9 Middle East and Africa Blockchain In Payment Processing Services by Countries
10 Global Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market Segment by Type
11 Global Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market Segment by Application
12 Blockchain In Payment Processing Services Market Forecast (2020-2024)
13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers
14 Research Findings and Conclusion
15 Appendix
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mariaajoness · 5 years
Ceramic Substrates Market 2019: Global Key Players, Trends, Sale, Demand, Industry Size, Segmentation, Opportunities, Forecast To 2025
Data Bridge Market research released a new market study on Ceramic Substrates Market with 100+ market data Tables, Pie Chart, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed analysis In Ceramic Substrates Market research report also directs the manufacturer about planning of advertising and sales promotion efforts and makes it more effective. The report consists of all the detailed profiles for the Ceramic Substrates Market major manufacturers and importers who are influencing the market. Ceramic Substrates Market survey provides key information about the industry such as helpful and important facts and figures, expert opinions, and the latest developments across the globe. This market study includes drivers and restraints for the market along with the impact they have on the demand over the forecast period derived with the help of SWOT analysis.
The Global Ceramic Substrates Market accounted for USD 6.40 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.
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Market Definition: Global Ceramic Substrates Market
Ceramic substrate is an electronic sheet material, use electronic ceramic as substrate, the membrane and the outer circuit elements apt to form a support base member. There is a growing demand for ceramic substrates in consumer electronics, automotive, telecom, military & avionics and industrial activates, which is expected to be one of the major drivers of the market over the next seven years.
Market Segmentation: Global Ceramic Substrates Market
The ceramic substrates market is segmented on the basis of product type into alumina substrates, aluminum nitride substrates, beryllium oxide substrates, silicon nitride substrates and others.
On the basis of application, the market is segmented into consumer electronics, automotive, telecom, military & avionics, industrial and others.
On the basis of geography, the ceramic substrates market report covers data points for 28 countries across multiple geographies such as North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. Some of the major countries covered in this report are U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Brazil among others.
Key vendors operating in the Market:
Some of the major players in ceramic substrates market Kyocera, Murata Manufacturing, Coorstek, Ceramtec, Maruwa, KOA Corporation, Yokowo, Tong Hsing Electronic Industries, Leatec Fine Ceramics, Nikko Company, NGK Spark Plug, Enrg, Nippon Carbide Industries, Ta-I Technology Co., Ecocera Optoelectronics, Toshiba Materials, ICP Technology, Advanced Substrate Microtechnology, Anaren, Chaozhou Three-Circle (Group) and many more.
Focal points covered in this Ceramic Substrates Market report
This Ceramic Substrates Market report provides pin point analysis of the market outlook and later establishes its comparison with current patterns. Also it creates a relationship of the market outlook with Porter Five Force Analysis
This research report is inclusive concept of the market progression. The market progression considers the components of the present situation and compares the current scenario of the market with future developmental chances.
The Ceramic Substrates Market research report includes investigation at global and regional levels. These comprehensive and local level investigations are inclusive of the request as well as the supply powers which in turn willingly or unwillingly affects the market development
Various Topics such as product offering, finance related data, recent developments, analysis of Strengths, weakness, Opportunities and Threats in the upcoming scenario are highlighted in this research report.
Competitive Landscape: Global Ceramic Substrates Market
The global ceramic substrates market is fragmented with the presence of a large number of players across different regions. These major players have adopted various organic as well as inorganic growth strategies such as mergers & acquisitions, new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and others to strengthen their position in this market.
Why to purchase this report?
Following are the reasons to consider this Ceramic Substrates Market report:
This ultimate guide will help you stay ahead in market as it furnishes you with the profiles of the key market players and their working methodologies and their decision making capabilities.
The report analyzes various factors which act as drivers and restraints to development the overall Ceramic Substrates Market market.
This report not only analyzes present market condition but it likewise estimates how the Ceramic Substrates Market market is going to perform for estimated time period of 2019-2025.
It enables you to adopt smart methodologies and form better decisions by giving a clear idea about customer’s requirement and preferences regarding the product in particular region.
Research Methodology: Global Ceramic Substrates Market
Data collection and base year analysis is done using data collection modules with large sample sizes. The market data is analyzed and forecasted using market statistical and coherent models. Also market share analysis and key trend analysis are the major success factors in the market report. To know more please Request an Analyst Call or can drop down your inquiry.
The key research methodology used by DBMR Research team is data triangulation which involves data mining, analysis of the impact of data variables on the market, and primary (industry expert) validation. Apart from this, other data models include Vendor Positioning Grid, Market Time Line Analysis, Market Overview and Guide, Company Positioning Grid, Company Market Share Analysis, Standards of Measurement, Top to Bottom Analysis and Vendor Share Analysis. To know more about the research methodology, drop in an inquiry to speak to our industry experts.
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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hudsonespie · 5 years
City of Xiamen Leads the Way in Addressing Ocean Plastic
In the port city of Xiamen on China’s southeast coast, three cameras watch the Jiulong river as it wends its way to the sea; not for the beautiful views, but to monitor litter. The images are processed to identify types of waste, predicted drift patterns are quickly calculated and ideal collection points are chosen. The following day, the bulk of the stray waste will be hauled aboard a boat.
This forecasting system, developed by Xiamen University, has been running since July 2017 and has made the collection of marine waste more efficient.
Xiamen has also managed to identify upstream sources and implement regulations to stem them. Separate work is being done to deal with the pernicious problem of abandoned fishing gear, either by making it biodegradable or making sure it is recycled.
Other coastal cities in China are also developing strategies to prevent trash entering the sea. With the whole world wanting solutions to the blight of ocean plastic, is Xiamen showing the way?
An image from the Xiamen monitoring system, taken a few months before it went into operation. The red marks floating waste identified by the computer (Image: Fang Qinhua)
The report that prompted an investigation into marine waste
Before 2015, there had been little serious research into how much plastic was ending up in the ocean via China’s numerous rivers and 18,000-km coastline. That year, Jenna Jambeck and others calculated that in 2010 China had accounted for almost one-third of all plastic waste entering the ocean, more than any other nation.
The paper, published in Science, caused a stir. Many Chinese researchers thought the amount of waste entering the ocean from China was overstated, though they had no data to prove it.
Then in 2018, a team led by Professor Li Daoji of East China Normal University calculated that Chinese ocean waste in 2011 was only a third of Jambeck’s figure for 2010, and that preventative measures would see that halved by 2020. The huge discrepancy was due to the limited accuracy of Jambeck’s global model, and a failure to use basic data from China, said a member of Li Daoji’s team who preferred to remain anonymous.
Jambeck’s report certainly pushed marine plastics up the agenda. Liu Yonglong, chair of the Shanghai Rendu Ocean Development Centre, admitted that for a while China was on the back foot internationally, due to the lack of its own data.
As research has progressed, the country has come up with its own approaches to marine waste. In this Xiamen has been a leader.
The Xiamen model
The city set up an ocean sanitation station over two decades ago to remove waste from the ocean and keep the seascapes beautiful and shipping safe.
In 2015, the China–US Strategic and Economic Dialogue identified three Chinese cities, including Xiamen, to form twin city relationships and exchange experiences on tackling marine plastic. Xiamen’s partnership with San Francisco helped it implement its early warning and emergency response mechanisms for marine waste.
The forecasting system developed at Xiamen University is a key part of that. At 1800 hours it issues a forecast for the following day, making waste collection easier and emergency responses possible.
Forecasting is only a part of the Xiamen model. In 2016, the city began surveying sources of marine waste. The largest were found to be effluent outlets and beach tourism, accounting for over 500 tonnes of waste a year, with aquaculture close behind.
The survey allowed Xiamen to improve its monitoring guidelines, based on location and size of waste items. It also put in place regulations to reduce the outflow of trash.
Xiamen is looking at using “environmental compensation” to reduce plastic waste entering the Jiulong river upstream in the city of Zhangzhou, according to Pan Zhong, an associate researcher with the Ministry of Natural Resources. Xiamen and Zhangzhou are discussing targets for waste reduction, with Zhangzhou to be paid if targets are met – or to pay Xiamen if they are not. Pan explained that payment levels are being discussed and targets would be set by the two cities at annual meetings. 
Fishing gear
But given the costs of monitoring and capturing marine trash, replicating the Xiamen model along the extent of China’s coastline would be no easy task.
One major source of marine plastic is fishing gear discarded from vessels at sea – beyond the reach of Xiamen’s approach. Research from 2018 found that almost half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch consists of “ghost nets” from the fishing industry. This type of waste is much harder to bring back to land.
Zhang Yu of the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences said the impact of discarded fishing gear has only recently been taken seriously in China, with his institute being one of the few bodies researching how to manage it. But with increasing concern in China over marine plastics, the institute has now been tasked with investigating how to reduce the dumping.
Zhang explained the research is focused on two tracks: making the gear biodegradable and recycling it.
Biodegradable gear breaks more easily and so is unpopular with the industry. As for recycling, the process itself creates pollution, and tracking recycling requires a new system to be put in place, managed by the fishing authorities and ports, as well as cooperation from fishers. Zhang’s East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute is designing a system to both track and recycle fishing gear, which may be trialled on some vessels.
Volunteers collect and sort litter on Sanya beach, Hainan island (Image: Zhang Chun/China Dialogue)
A waste-free future?
Experts and NGOs contacted by China Dialogue Ocean all agreed that the monitoring, capture and recovery underway in Xiamen isn’t enough by itself to deal with ocean waste. More fundamental solutions are needed.
“When you go to the coast and see plastics broken down into pieces too small to pick up, all mixed up with the reeds and grasses, any hope you had for dealing with ocean waste is lost,” said Liu Yonglong.
Normal biodegradable plastics do not break down easily in the ocean due to the scarcity of micro-organisms there. “There’s a huge difference between the soil environment and that of the ocean,” said Professor Li Junhui of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Li is heading up research into ocean-biodegradable plastics that will break down in seawater within six months.
In March 2019, another coastal province, Hainan, announced a plastics ban. By the end of 2020, the production, sale and use of single-use non-biodegradable plastics will be banned on the island, while the production of biodegradable alternatives will be encouraged, with support provided for small- and medium-sized manufacturers.
Patrick Yeung of the World Wide Fund for Nature thinks tackling ocean waste is a system-wide project requiring reduction in plastic use (through restrictions and replacement), better sorting and recycling, and new renewable products being brought to the market. “Currently, products travel in a straight line from production to disposal. We need to make that a circle,” he said.
Zhang Chun is a senior researcher at China Dialogue. This article appears courtesy of China Dialogue Ocean and may be found in its original form here. 
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/city-of-xiamen-leads-the-way-in-addressing-ocean-plastic-1 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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saojip13 · 5 years
dPCR and qPCR Market Growth Prospects, Key Vendors, and Future Scenario and Outlook to 2025
Global dPCR and qPCR Industry was valued at USD 3.8 Billion for the year 2018. dPCR and qPCR Industry is further expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% from 2018 to reach USD 6.85 Billion by the year 2025. European region holds the major Industry share whereas Asia Pacific region is considered as the fastest growing Industry in the forecasted period. It is observed that the developing countries from an emerging Asia Pacific Industry are anticipated to grow at a strongly in the next 5 years.
The main considerations that fuel the development of the Industry are increment in the rate of irresistible maladies alongside hereditary clutters all inclusive. What's more, expanding headways in PCR systems and research exercises that use PCR supplement the Industry development. Nonetheless, specialized inadequacies in the dPCR and qPCR, alongside staggering expenses of cutting edge PCR gadgets limit the development of the Digital PCR (dPCR) and ongoing PCR (qPCR) industry. Additionally, undiscovered locales and rising progress from plant-determined medications to genome-based medications will offer beneficial open doors for the Digital PCR (dPCR) and continuous PCR (qPCR) industry.
Polymerase chain response (PCR) mastery is utilized to heighten or make various duplicates of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) arrangement of intrigue. Polymerase chain response (PCR) skill is used in an assortment of uses going from DNA cloning, practical examination of qualities, paternity testing, discovery of infectious maladies, finding of innate sicknesses, and legal sciences. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR) are two primary sorts of polymerase chain response (PCR) advances. Digital PCR is a similarly new strategy for DNA heightening and evaluation that uses sub-atomic checking convention. Digital PCR is primarily used to recognize articulation of alleles, track viral infection to an individual bacterial cell, measure disease qualities, and arrange fetal DNA in circling blood. The principle advantage of dPCR is that it is insensate to response viability, and does not require arrangement of standard bends. Constant PCR, likewise distinguished as quantitative PCR (qPCR), decides PCR enhancement simultaneously as the reaction continues. qPCR does not require post heightening preparing, which diminishes the turnaround time of the deliberate methodology and the danger of infection of enhanced DNA or RNA.
dPCR and qPCR market Report — Technological advancements in the market has witnessed continuous growth in the past few years. Even, the industry is projected to grow enormously over the forecast period till 2019-2025. The report overviews the complete assessment of the market including Future trends, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry validated market data.
Here, you can avail Sample PDF pages for this report: https://www.alexareports.com/report-sample/9262
Our dPCR and qPCR research report presents market dynamics with respect to prospect market players and regions, product regions and end Application/industries; this report analyses the top players in the global market and divides the Complete dPCR and qPCR market by product and Application/end industries.
With this dPCR and qPCR market report, our readers can easily assess growth factors, shortcomings, threats, and the lucrative opportunities that the market will offer in the future. In addition to the market size, the report also features revenue, share, production volume, and consumption in order to gain insights about the economic factors that are influencing the market.
Top Key Players in the dPCR and qPCR Market: opportunities for a various stakeholder in the value chain.
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This report aims to help our users understand the market: description, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing. Profound researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. This report will aid the users in understanding the market in depth using statistical figures. The data used in the report is taken from reliable sources such as journals, websites, and annual reports of the companies, which were reviewed and validated by the industry experts.
The dPCR and qPCR market report concludes that the industry is intensely competitive and fragmented because of the presence of prominent players participating in the market. These players adopt several marketing strategies to expand their market share. The vendors available in the market compete centered on price, quality, brand, product differentiation, and product portfolio. The vendors are increasingly emphasizing product customization through customer interaction.
Global dPCR and qPCR Market is Segmented into Products, Application and End User
dPCR and qPCR Market segment by Regions/Countries: North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Central & South America and Middle East & Africa and RoW.
In the last section, the report consists of the opinions of the industry experts and professionals. The experts within the industry are in an effort to analyze the export/import policies that are positively influencing the growth of the Global dPCR and qPCR Market.
The report on the Global dPCR and qPCR Market is a valuable source of information for every stakeholder, looking forward to studies the depth of the dPCR and qPCR market.
Get More Details@ https://www.alexareports.com/report/Dpcr-And-Qpcr-Industry
Reasons for Buying Global dPCR and qPCR Market Report:
The report provides a detailed analysis of the changing competitive landscape that keeps the reader/client ahead of the competitors.
It also provides an in-depth view of the different factors driving or restraining the market growth.
The Global dPCR and qPCR Market report provides an eight-year forecast — historical, current and future prospects — evaluated on the basis of how the market is estimated to grow.
It assists in making informed business decisions by giving a comprehensive analysis of the key market segments and sub-segments.
In the end, the global Complete dPCR and qPCR Market provides an overall research conclusion and market feasibility of investing in a new project. It is a beneficial and trustworthy source of guidance and mode for individuals and companies concerned with the sales of the market.
Thanks for reading this article; the report also covers individual chapter wise section or region wise analysis.
About Us: Alexa Reports is a globally celebrated premium market research service provider, with a strong legacy of empowering business with years of experience. We help our clients by implementing decision support system through progressive statistical surveying, in-depth market analysis, and reliable forecast data. Till date, we have collaborated and partnered with well-known publishers in specialized domain to offer our clients with comprehensive market analysis.
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Investigate. The market bubble has blasted, and we should figure out how to adjust to the new period of exchanging the business sectors. There are new exchanging stages, better approaches to get to the business sectors, and new items, for example, single-stock fates (SSFs) https://grandytips.blogspot.in/2017/01/daily-updated-gold-and-crude-oil-price.html and thin based files. Merchants must adjust to the new atmosphere to stay fruitful.Investigate. The market bubble has blasted, and we should figure out how to adjust to the new period of exchanging the business sectors. There are new exchanging stages, better approaches to get to the business sectors, and new items, for example, single-stock fates (SSFs) and thin based files. Merchants must adjust to the new atmosphere to stay fruitful. As an animal categories, dealers confront a similar problem that a hefty portion of our progenitors did: we should adjust or get to be distinctly wiped out. Despite the fact that the punishment for staying bolted into a nonworking methodology may not be as extreme as the destiny of the saber-toothed tiger, neediness is a nearby second. We should always be vigilant for that edge. - - - - - Comparable postulation, proceeded. I’m frequently asked what characteristics are normal in a fruitful stock dealer, and despite the fact that there are numerous, the single thing that I discover ties all of us together is “adaptability”…plain and straightforward. We as a whole flourished through the elation of the DOTCOM stage, and the NASDAQ transient ascent through sound judgment into vulgarity. Numerous a virtuoso was behind a PC when the “buy and hold” mindset pervaded the shell of exclusive exchanging. Swing exchanging was conceived from the mentality that “it’s going to backpedal up, hold up and see!” TV and Online Brokers discovered tremendous groups of onlookers in the new “stock showcase fan. It appears that everybody has an enthusiasm for the market nowadays. It was just a couple short years prior when we who made our living exchanging were considered as hazy peered toward examiners and extraordinary market professionals. Who were these “Market Wizards” and what do they truly do? The early versions of many securities exchange works of art remained on bookshelves, never advancing toward the homes of Middle America. I for one depended on my sibling to peruse the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, and all the related market arranged distributions (I would drive to the floor of the Exchange, he would read and give me the “Readers Digest” variant of the day’s occasions. In the late 1970’s there were Commodities dealers in Chicago, and a couple Option Market Makers on the different (new) choice trades. I was brought into this exchanging world by my sibling who had entered just a couple of months earlier. He had built up some alternative systems in light of research done by the early pioneers. He “adapted” his inborn capacities for hazard/compensate assessments to the “back spreads,” “front spreads,” “straddles,” “strangles,” “conversions,” and so forth to the Commodities based exchanging that was occurring in 1978. We youthful (then) showcase producers would do our best to “outsmart” the “old guys” who originated from the CBOT and different wares trades to the new alternatives exchanging floors. I review really changing costs on specific issues when we saw certain individuals come into our pits. We were “so smart” utilizing our “sheets” with electronic valuations of each possible mix of puts, calls, and basic securities….ah, yes…so, so keen! These “old guys” would come into the pit, and purchase calls from us that were exaggerated (by our assessments), we would offer what we could until we needed to then go purchase the stock to fence ourselves. Much to our dismay that these folks had officially put requests to purchase the stock route before us….causing us to scramble to attempt to purchase back these “over-valued” options….resulting in our own particular little “short squeeze.” We soon discovered that we were playing “their game” in “their house”….and we better adjust or die As Bob Dylan cried, “The Times they are a Changing”…and kid have they changed throughout the years. The one steady that we can stick to is adjustment. You needed to adjust rapidly in this high dollar psycho-show we call exchanging those days, and you need to adjust much more rapidly today. Following 10 years in the business sectors, exchanging had turned out to be more than a venture, it turned into an energy. In the wake of spending over 10 years exchanging on the trade floor, and viewing the new items swing to “old standards” with no place for misuse, I imagined that the exchanging scene would come “full circle”….back into the rudiments of single stock values exchanging. I imparted that to my semi-resigned sibling, and he shared the inclination. Adjusting at the end of the day to economic situations and innovation changes, exchanging continued in the family…this time it was DOT based (Direct Order Turnaround) electronic exchanging. . The “bug” bit harder than any time in recent memory with this beginning. Having “single digit” numbered DOT machines, with an indistinguishable access to the business sectors from we had on the exchanging floors, the electronic exchanging transformation was started. A couple short years after the fact, the recently mindful open got to be distinctly required in the realm of electronic exchanging. It was from this fleeting marvel that “daytrading” the same number of us see it, was conceived. (I generally grin when I hear individuals discuss the “birth” of daytrading having occurred in the 1990’s, when in truth daytrading has been continuing for somewhere in the range of 200 years). A few elements crashed in the 1990’s that developed the positions of the individuals who call themselves “traders.” Everyone appeared to have a 401k that required watching, IPO’s were extremely popular and point for mixed drink party examinations, and the Internet had turned into the vehicle for shower robe attired merchants to utilize their newly discovered specialty. This is likewise when the business sectors were flying and everybody was composing books about their triumphs in different exchanging tries extending from “online trading” to “covered call writing.” Paper tycoons were sharing their endeavors in visit rooms and video tapes. Standard films and TV demonstrates depicted youthful brokers as really hip, and who doesn’t need to be hip? Entirely difficult to remain out of a diversion like this, isn't that so? You wager it was! As the masses got included, something rather exceptional happened. As opposed to bringing about a weakening of exchanging systems as had occurred before, this expansion of new “traders” really encouraged the fire for the individuals who made their living from exchanging. Much likened to having a novice in a poker amusement or new vacationers on the promenade, this “new blood” made incredible open doors for the individuals who, by and by, adjusted. This adjustment came to fruition in a practically circuitous way…sort of a “back to the future”..type of thing. Essential techniques were never learned by these new “electronic daytraders” since who required strong exchanging basics when you could utilize a cool looking execution stage to exchange with. With everybody bouncing on the fleeting trend, benefits came effortlessly to those with the fasted “guns” ….for a while. Proficient merchants wound up in a natural condition, one that they had seen before….they better adjust or die. New methodologies in light of new stages and new get to capacities developed in this new century. Albeit to some degree reused, the outcomes represent themselves. These methodologies included mergers/arbitrage, combine exchanging, opening procedures and all the rest. Presently we have new “stuff” in the blend. Single stock prospects (SSF’s) are coming on the web soon. Mergers of ECN’s and execution stages (REDI/ARCA) and trades (ARCA/NYSE). Authorizing prerequisites for dealers who need to do this professionally. What's more, yes….AUTOMATION! No restrictions! Merchants and programming engineers have been searching for the enchantment pill, the program exchanging programming that will carry us wealth with the snap of a mouse. I can't check the quantity of “trading programs” out there being sold to the unwary under the pretense of specialized appropriateness. “Buy when you see Green, Sell when you see Red”…Use trailing stops, “Filter for Fortunes” hmm, on the off chance that it were just that simple. Let’s attempt to convey some reality to the greater part of this. Let’s get off of that billow of imagination and investigate the things that bode well: Serious inclusion in the business sectors. Adapting genuine, working procedures. Exchange as a profession, or appreciate another field of attempt. Exchanging can be fun and productive, if you’re willing to adjust. Good Luck with your exchanging. Wear Bright –Mr. Splendid is with Bright Trading, LLC, one of the biggest expert exchanging firms in the U.S. He is a month to month giver to Stocks and Commodities magazine, and Produces “Stocktrading with the Bright Brothers” radio show heard each Saturday at Noon Pacific on the web
As an animal categories, dealers confront a similar problem that a hefty portion of our progenitors did: we should adjust or get to be distinctly wiped out. Despite the fact that the punishment for staying bolted into a nonworking methodology may not be as extreme as the destiny of the saber-toothed tiger, neediness is a nearby second. We should always be vigilant for that edge.
- - - - -
Comparable postulation, proceeded.
I’m frequently asked what characteristics are normal in a fruitful stock dealer, and despite the fact that there are numerous, the single thing that I discover ties all of us together is “adaptability”…plain and straightforward. We as a whole flourished through the elation of the DOTCOM stage, and the NASDAQ transient ascent through sound judgment into vulgarity. Numerous a virtuoso was behind a PC when the “buy and hold” mindset pervaded the shell of exclusive exchanging. Swing exchanging was conceived from the mentality that “it’s going to backpedal up, hold up and see!” TV and Online Brokers discovered tremendous groups of onlookers in the new “stock showcase fan. It appears that everybody has an enthusiasm for the market nowadays. It was just a couple short years prior when we who made our living exchanging were considered as hazy peered toward examiners and extraordinary market professionals. Who were these “Market Wizards” and what do they truly do? The early versions of many securities exchange works of art remained on bookshelves, never advancing toward the homes of Middle America. I for one depended on my sibling to peruse the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, and all the related market arranged distributions (I would drive to the floor of the Exchange, he would read and give me the “Readers Digest” variant of the day’s occasions.
In the late 1970’s there were Commodities dealers in Chicago, and a couple Option Market Makers on the different (new) choice trades. I was brought into this exchanging world by my sibling who had entered just a couple of months earlier. He had built up some alternative systems in light of research done by the early pioneers. He “adapted” his inborn capacities for hazard/compensate assessments to the “back spreads,” “front spreads,” “straddles,” “strangles,” “conversions,” and so forth to the Commodities based exchanging that was occurring in 1978. We youthful (then) showcase producers would do our best to “outsmart” the “old guys” who originated from the CBOT and different wares trades to the new alternatives exchanging floors. I review really changing costs on specific issues when we saw certain individuals come into our pits. We were “so smart” utilizing our “sheets” with electronic valuations of each possible mix of puts, calls, and basic securities….ah, yes…so, so keen! These “old guys” would come into the pit, and purchase calls from us that were exaggerated (by our assessments), we would offer what we could until we needed to then go purchase the stock to fence ourselves. Much to our dismay that these folks had officially put requests to purchase the stock route before us….causing us to scramble to attempt to purchase back these “over-valued” options….resulting in our own particular little “short squeeze.” We soon discovered that we were playing “their game” in “their house”….and we better adjust or die As Bob Dylan cried, “The Times they are a Changing”…and kid have they changed throughout the years. The one steady that we can stick to is adjustment. You needed to adjust rapidly in this high dollar psycho-show we call exchanging those days, and you need to adjust much more rapidly today.
Following 10 years in the business sectors, exchanging had turned out to be more than a venture, it turned into an energy.
In the wake of spending over 10 years exchanging on the trade floor, and viewing the new items swing to “old standards” with no place for misuse, I imagined that the exchanging scene would come “full circle”….back into the rudiments of single stock values exchanging. I imparted that to my semi-resigned sibling, and he shared the inclination. Adjusting at the end of the day to economic situations and innovation changes, exchanging continued in the family…this time it was DOT based (Direct Order Turnaround) electronic exchanging. . The “bug” bit harder than any time in recent memory with this beginning. Having “single digit” numbered DOT machines, with an indistinguishable access to the business sectors from we had on the exchanging floors, the electronic exchanging transformation was started.
A couple short years after the fact, the recently mindful open got to be distinctly required in the realm of electronic exchanging. It was from this fleeting marvel that “daytrading” the same number of us see it, was conceived. (I generally grin when I hear individuals discuss the “birth” of daytrading having occurred in the 1990’s, when in truth daytrading has been continuing for somewhere in the range of 200 years).
A few elements crashed in the 1990’s that developed the positions of the individuals who call themselves “traders.” Everyone appeared to have a 401k that required watching, IPO’s were extremely popular and point for mixed drink party examinations, and the Internet had turned into the vehicle for shower robe attired merchants to utilize their newly discovered specialty. This is likewise when the business sectors were flying and everybody was composing books about their triumphs in different exchanging tries extending from “online trading” to “covered call writing.” Paper tycoons were sharing their endeavors in visit rooms and video tapes. Standard films and TV demonstrates depicted youthful brokers as really hip, and who doesn’t need to be hip? Entirely difficult to remain out of a diversion like this, isn't that so? You wager it was!
As the masses got included, something rather exceptional happened. As opposed to bringing about a weakening of exchanging systems as had occurred before, this expansion of new “traders” really encouraged the fire for the individuals who made their living from exchanging. Much likened to having a novice in a poker amusement or new vacationers on the promenade, this “new blood” made incredible open doors for the individuals who, by and by, adjusted. This adjustment came to fruition in a practically circuitous way…sort of a “back to the future”..type of thing. Essential techniques were never learned by these new “electronic daytraders” since who required strong exchanging basics when you could utilize a cool looking execution stage to exchange with. With everybody bouncing on the fleeting trend, benefits came effortlessly to those with the fasted “guns” ….for a while.
Proficient merchants wound up in a natural condition, one that they had seen before….they better adjust or die. New methodologies in light of new stages and new get to capacities developed in this new century. Albeit to some degree reused, the outcomes represent themselves. These methodologies included mergers/arbitrage, combine exchanging, opening procedures and all the rest. Presently we have new “stuff” in the blend. Single stock prospects (SSF’s) are coming on the web soon. Mergers of ECN’s and execution stages (REDI/ARCA) and trades (ARCA/NYSE). Authorizing prerequisites for dealers who need to do this professionally. What's more, yes….AUTOMATION! No restrictions!
Merchants and programming engineers have been searching for the enchantment pill, the program exchanging programming that will carry us wealth with the snap of a mouse. I can't check the quantity of “trading programs” out there being sold to the unwary under the pretense of specialized appropriateness. “Buy when you see Green, Sell when you see Red”…Use trailing stops, “Filter for Fortunes” hmm, on the off chance that it were just that simple. Let’s attempt to convey some reality to the greater part of this. Let’s get off of that billow of imagination and investigate the things that bode well: Serious inclusion in the business sectors. Adapting genuine, working procedures. Exchange as a profession, or appreciate another field of attempt. Exchanging can be fun and productive, if you’re willing to adjust. Good Luck with your exchanging.
Wear Bright –Mr. Splendid is with Bright Trading, LLC, one of the biggest expert exchanging firms in the U.S. He is a month to month giver to Stocks and Commodities magazine, and Produces “Stocktrading with the Bright Brothers” radio show heard each Saturday at Noon Pacific on the web
0 notes
fortunebusiness · 4 years
Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Share, Globe Key Updates, Demand, Size, and Industry Forecast to 2027
The global anti counterfeiting technology size is projected to reach USD 189.9 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period. Rising menace of flagrant counterfeiting on e-commerce platforms is likely to emerge as the central growth driver for this market, according to the new Fortune Business Insights™ report, titled “Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Technology (RFID, Holograms, Barcode, and Others), By End-Use (Food & Beverages, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Industrial & Automotive, Consumer Electronics, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026”. E-commerce platforms have become a breeding ground for counterfeiters to sell fake products to unsuspecting customers. A study conducted by a community media platform called Local Circles found that approximately 20% of the products sold on e-commerce sites are counterfeit. Widespread presence of such fake products across online marketplaces poses a grave threat not just to the well-being of consumer, but also to investments being made into these companies. In response, e-commerce giants such as Amazon and Alibaba are implementing advanced anti-counterfeiting measures to protect both consumers and investors, which are leading the anti-counterfeiting packaging market trends.
The report on this market states that the market value stood at USD 104.5 billion in 2018. Besides this, the report shares the following information:
Diligent segmentation of the market and careful study of each     segment;
Detailed evaluation of the factors driving and restraining the     market;
Comprehensive research into the regional and competitive dynamics     influencing the market; and
Precise computation of market values and figures.
List of Companies Covered in the Report:
MicroTag Temed Ltd.
BrandWatch Technologies
Zebra Technologies Corporation
CCL Industries Inc.
Impinj, Inc.
Avery Dennison Corporation
SML Group
3M Company
Worldwide COVID-19 Impact Analysis:
The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand that this health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses across industries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments and several companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease. Some industries are struggling and some are thriving. Overall, almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
We are making continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreak across industries to help you prepare for the future.
Study Period: 2016-2027 Base Year: 2019 Forecast Period: 2020-2027 Historical Period: 2016-2018
Market Driver
Concerted Efforts to Tackle Counterfeiting to Boost the Market
Counterfeiting practices are running rampant across all the major sectors and industries around the world. These practices have gained firm ground in critical sectors and have the potential to cause serious, long-term damage to the health of consumers. For example, the World Health Organization estimates that roughly 10% of the pharmaceutical drugs and medicines sold in low- and middle-income countries are fake or substandard. This, and many such findings, has spurred governments into action. For instance, China came out with a law in early 2019 that holds sellers and e-commerce platforms jointly accountable for counterfeit products sold on such platforms. Many leading technology companies are also coming to the fore with advanced solutions. For instance, IBM developed the Crypto Anchor Verifier, an Artificial Intelligence- and blockchain-based counterfeit detector that runs on a smartphone. These independent efforts have considerably augmented the potential of this market.
Regional Analysis
North America to Hold Commanding Lead; Asia-Pacific to Showcase Remarkable Growth
With a market size of USD 37.28 billion in 2018, North America is slated to dominate the anti-counterfeiting packaging market share during the forecast period owing to extensive utilization of superior anti-counterfeiting packaging solutions. This is further propelled by the surging demand for packaged food and beverage products in the region, which is boding well for the market.
Asia-Pacific is expected to present plenty of lucrative opportunities on account of rapid economic growth in India and China. Moreover, private players and the government in China are focused on effectively tackling the high rate of counterfeiting in the country through policy and technology, thereby fueling this market. In Europe, stable demand for consumer electronics will mainly drive the growth of the market.
Competitive Landscape
Launch of Novel Solutions to Animate Competitive Fervor among Players
Incorporation of advanced, intelligent technologies in the e-commerce industry has paved the way for key players in this market to innovate and come out with next-gen solutions, as per the anti-counterfeiting packaging market report. As a result, some of the top companies are focusing on launching new products to entrench their market position, while some are acquiring businesses to expand their portfolio.
Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market report Focus on:
Extensive product offerings
Customer research services
Robust research methodology
Comprehensive reports
Latest technological developments
Value chain analysis
Potential Market opportunities
Growth dynamics
Quality assurance
Post-sales support
Regular report updates
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
Comprehensive analysis of the market growth drivers, obstacles,     opportunities, and other related challenges.
Tracks the developments, such as new product launches, agreements,     mergers and acquisitions, geographical expansions, and joint ventures.
Identifies market restraints and boosters.
Identifies all the possible segments present in the market to aid     organizations in strategic business planning.    
Key Questions Answered:
Why Choose Fortune Business Insights?
What are the key demands and trends shaping the market?
What are the key opportunities in the market?
What are the key companies operating in the market?
Which company accounted for the highest market share?
What is the market size and growth rate of the global and regional     market by various segments?
What is the market size and growth rate of the market for selective     countries?
Which region or sub-segment is expected to drive the market in the     forecast period?
What Factors are estimated to drive and restrain the market growth
Industry Developments:
March 2020: The     US-based RFID provider SML RFID introduced the RFID FactoryCare™ with the     aim to smoothen the supply chain in fashion retailing by enabling     manufacturers efficiently manage RFID-tagged products. Furthermore, the     product will enhance item visibility all through the supply chain process     and ensure foolproof delivery.
March 2020: Avery Dennison Corporation,     the US-based adhesive manufacturer, announced the successful acquisition     of the transponder business arm of Smartrac, a leading developer and     manufacturer of RFID inlays based in Netherlands. The deal was sealed at     an estimated value of €225 million.
Browse In-depth Summary of This Research Insights: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/anti-counterfeiting-packaging-market-102692
 About Us:
Fortune Business Insights™ offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. We tailor innovative solutions for our clients, assisting them address challenges distinct to their businesses. Our goal is to empower our clients with holistic market intelligence, giving a granular overview of the market they are operating in.
Our reports contain a unique mix of tangible insights and qualitative analysis to help companies achieve sustainable growth. Our team of experienced analysts and consultants use industry-leading research tools and techniques to compile comprehensive market studies, interspersed with relevant data. 
At Fortune Business Insights™, we aim at highlighting the most lucrative growth opportunities for our clients. We therefore offer recommendations, making it easier for them to navigate through technological and market-related changes. Our consulting services are designed to help organizations identify hidden opportunities and understand prevailing competitive challenges.
 Contact Us:
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Blockchain Technology Market to Witness Robust Expansion throughout the Forecast Period 2021-2026| IBM Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Linux Foundation; and R3
Report Overview
The report on the Global Blockchain Technology Market has been provided by researchers for a detailed understanding of the functioning of the market during a defined estimate period of 2021 to 2026. However, this report has inculcated a brief overview to provide better context to the reader of this report. This brief overview includes a basic definition of the product or service studied in the report. Along with that, it also includes a briefing on the primary applications of this product or service in different industry verticals. Further, an insight in the manufacturing or production of the product or service and the distribution strategy for the same has also been provided by the market research experts.
Some of the key players’ Analysis in Blockchain Technology Market: IBM Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Linux Foundation; and R3. Some other key players in the market include BTL Group; Chain Inc.; Deloitte; Circle Internet Financial Limited; Global Arena Holding, Inc. (GAHI); Post-Trade Distributed Ledger; Ripple; and Eric Industries; among other players.
Get Free Sample Copy Of This Report: https://www.datalibraryresearch.com/sample-request/blockchain-technology-market-568?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=41
One of the crucial parts of this report comprises Blockchain Technology industry key vendor’s discussion about the brand’s summary, profiles, market revenue, and financial analysis. The report will help market players build future business strategies and discover worldwide competition. A detailed segmentation analysis of the market is done on producers, regions, type and applications in the report.
On the basis of geographically, the market report covers data points for multiple geographies such as United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and Central& South America
Analysis of the market:
Other important factors studied in this report include demand and supply dynamics, industry processes, import & export scenario, R&D development activities, and cost structures. Besides, consumption demand and supply figures, cost of production, gross profit margins, and selling price of products are also estimated in this report.
Predominant Questions Answered in This Report Are:
Which segments will perform well in the Blockchain Technology market over the forecasted years?
In which markets companies should authorize their presence?
What are the forecasted growth rates for the market?
What are the long-lasting defects of the industry?
How share market changes their values by different manufacturing brands?
What are the qualities and shortcomings of the key players?
What are the major end results and effects of the five strengths study of industry?
The conclusion part of their report focuses on the existing competitive analysis of the market.  We have added some useful insights for both industries and clients. All leading manufacturers included in this report take care of expanding operations in regions. Here, we express our acknowledgment for the support and assistance from the Blockchain Technology industry experts and publicizing engineers as well as the examination group’s survey and conventions. Market rate, volume, income, demand and supply data are also examined.
Inquire more about this report @ https://www.datalibraryresearch.com/sample-request/blockchain-technology-market-568?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=41
Table of contents:
Blockchain Technology Global Market Research Report 2020
1 Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Blockchain Technology Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer
4 Global Blockchain Technology Market Analysis by Regions
5 North America Blockchain Technology by Country
6 Europe Blockchain Technology by Country
7 Asia-Pacific Blockchain Technology by Country
8 South America Blockchain Technology by Country
9 Middle East and Africa Blockchain Technology by Countries
10 Global Blockchain Technology Market Segment by Type
11 Global Blockchain Technology Market Segment by Application
12 Blockchain Technology Market Forecast (2020-2024)
13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers
14 Research Findings and Conclusion
15 Appendix
0 notes