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andromedasummer · 7 months
cannot understate how useful and wonderful BWB texts are. having a supply of such cheap, easily digestible and expertly written essays and insights on new zealand history, politics, social problems, indigenous rights and pacific rights and history, tragedies, media and more is such a boon in an era where misinformation is so easily spread and when its so difficult to find thoroughly researched writing on often niche topics like news media in nz or the coverage of the christchurch earthquakes or the history of unionization in the country. i hope one day say ive read and own them all
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hellolifestyles · 4 years
The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle As a Family
The importance of living a healthy lifestyle for maintaining general good health and preventing chronic diseases has been well established. A healthy lifestyle is quite simple to achieve - one does not need to do anything "crazy" to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I will say that a certain amount of independent thinking is required to separate truth from fiction in most modern health advice currently being delivered.
The most important thing you can do is eat well. Avoid toxins in your food as much as possible and consume plenty of fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains; exercise moderately a few times per week; avoid smoking, including secondhand smoke; and avoid gaining too much weight (which should come naturally if you eat right and exercise). While it is not always possible to eat all Organic food - the EWG recommends 12 fruits and vegetables that should be organic because of their higher levels of pesticide residue. Avoiding environmental toxins as much as you can is an important part of achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Our modern lifestyle is very convenient - but it can also be extremely unhealthy. Most of us eat too many processed foods and too few fruit and veggies; we rarely exercise; and when we develop chronic conditions such as diabetes, we rely on conventional medications to make us feel better - but these medications often have devastating side effects. Instead of accepting the importance of living a healthy lifestyle for us and for future generations, we continue with our bad habits - then take potent, toxic medication to treat our inevitable symptoms.
Of course, not all aspects of living a healthy lifestyle are in our control. We are going to be exposed to certain environmental toxins whether we like it or not. But many of these factors are absolutely in our control. Whenever we can, we should be responsible and make the right choices.
This is why it is so important to be sure you eat well as the key factor in achieving a healthy LIFESTYLE.
I say "lifestyle" because what I know is that "eating well" can sometimes be something a person does with resentment because they feel "sacrifice" is required to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
I remember when people who ate poor foods used to joke with me and say I was not really living because I chose not to eat pizza and drink beer - and I always replied "how much LIVING can you do when your body is recovering from what you put in it?
Shifting from an Unhealthy to a Healthy Lifestyle
The reason I discuss the healthy lifestyle tip of simply EATING WELL on my blog is because it has been so effective for my health.
It was not always like this though. I remember when I was addicted to a chocolate bar each day and I always had headaches or an infection or illness of some kind.
In addition to excessive sugar cravings (eating a chocolate bar each day) I also suffered from many unhealthy symptoms that were challenging to resolve through traditional medicine: Frequent headaches, Skin problems (ie. eczema, acne, hives, Bloating, Gas, Bad Breath, Weak or brittle hair and nails, Fatigue and lethargy, Excessive stress, Candida overgrowth, Yeast infections, Food or Environmental Allergies, Anxiety or depression, Diarrhea, Constipation, Memory loss, Mood swings, Frequent colds or infections, PMS or bad menstrual cramps, Bladder infection, Loss of sex drive...etc
Ughhh! No fun at all!
Years later, I LOVE good food and I am rarely sick. Eating well is the perfect way to get in tune with your body and really get back to basics of what your body needs. It challenges you to give up the vices that you take for granted, break your addictive eating habits and start again from the beginning. Eating well is a healthy lifestyle choice that gives you clarity on what your body really needs, not craves and becomes the foundation for all other healthy lifestyle choices.
An important thing to remember with eating well is to really examine your root philosophy for adapting more healthy foods into your lifestyle.
If it's simply to loose a few pounds - I personally feel that this is not enough of a motivator and you will set yourself up for "failure" however, if you choose to eat well to enjoy a better quality of life, to do things you have not done in years and to not get sick anymore, then this is a wonderful motivator that will likely last!
So, getting really practical, eating well obviously involves making a few changes to the foods you prepare and enjoy.
I always listen to my body when I eat. I do not calorie count, measure my fist, use ratio's or anything that causes me to separate myself form the food I eat.
The main reason I enjoy excellent health is because I am critical of what I eat - I choose to eat REAL food.
Because of this, I do not need expensive supplements or challenging programs to maintain my weight.
Delicious menus of real, whole foods allow me to enjoy the things so many diet plans warn against.
This sounds simple enough, but what I have learned is that many people simply do not know what a healthy lifestyle consists of, especially when it comes to food!
I try to keep things as simple as possible. I shop from the perimeter of the grocery store, eat mostly wild and free range chicken, very little meat and mostly raw organic fruits and vegetables, with beans and rice. It's not practical to list everything I eat here, but feel free to visit my blog and download your FREE Healthy Grocery List while you are here!
The Future Depends on our Health Living a healthy lifestyle, free as much as possible of toxins (in our environment and in our food) and of stress, is important to us - but it's also important for future generations. Scientists are also now discovering the impact nutrition has on our DNA! Healthy trees bear healthy fruit. A continued lifestyle of sickness will have a lasting effect on future generations and on our planet.
The results of years of living an unhealthy lifestyle are obvious. We are currently faced with a sharp increase in chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, with an obesity rate so high it's considered an epidemic, and with growing rates of infertility. The number of children diagnosed with autism, Asperger's syndrome or ADHD is alarmingly high.
We should also remember that our children carefully watch us and emulate us. If they see us act responsibly now, they will likely adopt a similar approach of taking care of themselves and of the planet when they become adults.
We must each ask ourselves if we are modeling the importance of a healthy lifestyle to our children. If we do not show them how to care for themselves, they will likely turn to the food corporations instead. How will they know the difference between real food, "food like" substances?
I keep about 6 - 8 fantastic cookbooks on hand. From these books, I create simple meal plans that I rotate each month based on about 15 simple meal ideas.
In addition to eating Delicious Food (that is real and healthy!) I suggest the following ways to help model a positive approach to food in our children:
Young children especially learn about the world through imitation. How do you feel each day as you prepare your family's meals? Are you hurried, frustrated, and disconnected? We can show our children that eating healthy is important by the way we approach our meal times. If we are happy and engaged in making a meal, and then take pleasure in eating together we affirm that food is more than something to fill the hole but is a necessary part of a happy and healthy family life. In short, your children will imitate what they see so make sure you are placing a positive value around the activities involving healthy living.
Involve your children in meal preparation, even once or twice a week. By discussing how good certain foods taste and by letting them help you cook you will show that it's important to take the time to prepare a healthy meal instead of throwing something in the microwave. You never know, you may inspire a future chef!
Make a plan to eat together as a family as often as possible. By each decision you make to eat together, you are casting a value judgment on the importance of healthy living and that it involves more than just eating a few more vegetables.
We can and should make an effort to change our habits and accept the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. If society won't make changes, then we as individuals need to make them. After all, if we leave our health to someone else guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
I have absolute confidence that you can make the switch to living a healthy lifestyle and eliminating the nuisance symptoms that result from a body that is overloaded with toxins from our North American lifestyle. I was able to do this by following simple strategies, cooking from informative books that helped me switch my lifestyle over and enjoying life!
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lumen-tellus · 5 years
8, 9, 10 for an OC of your choice~
for this one ill go with Maria/Yulia because double the fun to think about wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Maria talks in a very energetic, cheerful way - and is very loud, as such. Tends to use simplistic, almost childish slang unless she’s talking dungeon strategy in which case she’s a little more mature-sounding but still pretty silly with her words.
As Yulia though, she has the softest, most permanent monotone ever. Absolutely never raises her voice unless it’s to make herself audible. You could say she sounds like a robot with no opinions at best and dead like a ghost at worst. Tends to use very sophisticated terminology, especially if she’s explaining something.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Maria has a very, very very very very very very very very PINK and FLUFFY bedroom. Full of pillows, stuffed toys, sleepover heaven galore basically. Though it isn’t messy, somehow - for the most part, she keeps her room very orderly. The cuteness of her room decor tends to obscure how deliberate this setup can feel.
The rest of her living space isnt as pink or as fluffy, but its definitely very lived in - with pictures and books and knickknacks on shelves, cozy furnishings in random colors and patterns, and French windows everywhere. I kinda headcanon that Maria somehow bought herself a tiny villa on a floating island overseeing the ocean, so shes got a fairly spacious house with a moderate garden space and an ever-flowing lake-river-waterfall thing that flows over the island and into the world below wwwwwwww
v picturesque place and home shes got, essentially ww
as Yulia, she lives in a very cramped apartment filled with secondhand goods that leave her home feeling somewhat claustrophobic, but not too cluttered all the same. What little decorative decor there is mostly consists of things like Chinese tasseled knots hanging from walls, and wall stickers of characters for ‘happiness’ or ‘fortune’ or generic stuff like that. Her bedroom is rather tiny, with the bare necessities like a bed and desk. She doesn’t own much, so her room gives off the impression of being extremely minimalist. 
What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
Maria keeps her favorite of favorite of faaaaaaaaaaaaavorite treasures in a locked compartment hidden under the floor. This includes things she got from her friends, like a never-withering flower from her best friend Aster, and a small diary that she writes her most private observations into once in a while.
Yulia on the other hand, due to the general lack of living space shes gotta deal with and her general................. uh, disinterest? Lack of attachment? To things, much less to owning anything sentimental, she doesnt really have a special drawer or anything like that. Instead, she more or less shares a family safe hidden in the apartment, and uses it to store some very general important things - like copies of required documents, extra money, some heirlooms her mom still has, etc.
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reidspng · 6 years
REVIEW: Love, Simon
ok so i’ve seen love simon a grand total of 3 times so far and i wanted to get out all my thoughts on it in a sort of article style review thing?? so here we are! below the cut there will be a whole lot of spoilers, so if you haven’t read the book OR seen the movie, BIG SPOILER WARNING!! if you’ve read the book but not seen the movie, then it should be fine. mainly just warning because i talk about who blue is so! that’s a major spoiler. anyways, onward to me trying to formulate my opinions in a cohesive manner!
right off the bat, i want to clarify that i LOVE the movie, thus the reason i’ve seen it three times and will probably go and see it again if i have the chance (and definitely will get it on DVD, no question about it). however, just because i enjoyed it does not mean it’s without its faults, and it does have a few major things that i want to address. a LOT was changed from the book, some things being understandable for the purpose of keeping the story moving along, but others i took some issue with.
first of all, bram’s personality is changed almost entirely. in the book, bram is supposed to be a quiet, always off in his head english nerd who’s on the soccer team and sits with simon and his friends most days, even though simon doesn’t know him too well. he’s supposed to get especially quiet when simon is around because he gets flustered and overwhelmed due to his long-harbored crush. in the movie, they make him much more outgoing and confident, HIM being the one to throw the halloween party instead of nick. he also talks to simon more casually early on. he’s also obvious enough with mentioning the oreos that simon assumes he’s blue up until seeing him kissing a girl, which ALSO: DID NOT HAPPEN IN THE BOOK! bram had never kissed anyone before in the book and didn’t really get why simon had dated girls if he knew he was gay, so that’s not exactly consistent.
changing bram’s personality is one of the things i’m more ready to excuse though. it works for what the movie was trying to achieve. a big change that i did NOT appreciate that much was making it so leah was in love with simon rather than nick. while i understand that this was done in part to manufacture a more dramatic conflict following simon being outed, it just wasn’t something that i really appreciated. i wish they’d kept that, made it work with her getting mad at simon for telling nick to take her out when he knew nick liked abby (which would still have been painful). related to this, the line where leah says “but you thinking i was in love with nick set me up to get my heart broken, and that’s just cruel” really bugged me. how was him being oblivious cruel? It kind of implies that he did it with the intention of hurting her. he literally didn’t realize leah felt that way about him, so it’s really not his fault that he made that mistake, at least in my opinion. I did appreciate that they kind of lessened how angry she was with him over telling abby first, because that was something from the book that i felt was a really “make your coming out all about me” sort of thing. not a favorite of mine.
a related subject: simon’s outing. when he gets outed in the movie, his friends are all very concerned at first, sending texts and calling him. but THEN, the first time they see him in person after it all goes down, they are ONLY angry at him. now i understand being angry, he was playing with their lives and hearts (which i’ll talk about again later) after all, i don’t find the extent to which they were mad justifiable. they literally ignored the fact he said he was being blackmailed, didn’t care about what martin had done AT ALL. they literally never say anything about it, which frustrated me. even if they were understandably angry, you’d think they’d have the decency to step back and think ‘he was being forced into doing something that he didn’t want to do.’ it’s never acknowledged later. there’s never anything with them apologizing to simon for cutting him off after already going through something as terrifying as being outed. (i was outed publicly to my school as well. i don’t know what i would have done had i not had my friends with me through that.) it all left a sour taste it my mouth.
i understand why they made it so that martin actually posted the screenshots in the movie. they wanted to make it so bram would get scared off so simon would have no way of contacting him, exaggerating the feeling of isolation and helplessness (which ties into the whole ferris wheel simile use at the start by blue), and then ending in a big dramatic conclusion. i feel like it was also in part to avoid the awkward mess that is the end of simon vs., which while it works in the book in showing how messy teen romance is, it wouldn’t flow well in the movie narrative. (i missed the whole elliott smith shirt thing, but i did notice they actually had simon wearing the figure 8 shirt during that one scene where he was walking down the halls and noticing all the game of thrones shirts! so at least it wasn’t totally forgotten, even though it’s not a gift from bram.) what i wish they hadn’t done though, was make it into such a public thing. the conclusion essentially becomes simon pressuring bram into revealing himself, since obviously bram wouldn’t want simon to embarrass himself up there in public. i definitely preferred the whole private tilt-a-whirl thing from the book.
other than that, i REALLY enjoyed how they did martin’s character, although i wish they hadn’t had him mention his brother being gay right at the start. it really solidified that he’s a really nerdy guy, the kind that’s also an outsider, but that even that sort of person can be an antagonist. i’d had a hard time visualizing his character in the book so this really helped solidify it for me. the whole homecoming thing was a scene i BARELY got through because of secondhand embarrassment but i understand that they did that rather than just having abby reject him privately in order to make it more dramatic. it also ties into him later running up when simon runs out of tickets (which was a really interesting way to address simon’s brief consideration that blue was martin from the book lmao) because he understands what being publicly humiliated is like.
some things they left out that i missed where the whole trip to the gay bar, the fact they changed it so that he wasn’t a dementor for halloween, ALICE?? (i do get that casting is expensive though and adding the other sister would add more time to the plot), the english class (and sofa!!), and the whole oreo grocery store date at the end (which i do understand was cut for the sake of time and making the narrative flow). i found it funny how they changed the show from oliver to cabaret (especially because within my own school’s drama department there was a HUGE push from a bunch of students for us to do cabaret for our musical but administration shut us down because it was inappropriate), but it wasn’t a huge deal. Some little things i took note of were how simon’s bulletin board had a hamilton playbill, hufflepuff patch ( i own the exact one which is pinned to MY board??), and a spiderman pin, plus all the adventure time merch around and the two empty oreo containers stacked on his desk. while they didn’t keep the email the same, they wrote “hour to hour note to note” on the chalkboard wall behind his bed. someone also wrote “think” above his head which i actually read as “twink” the first time i noticed it. ethan was an interesting addition and i definitely understand that they did that in order to slip in another perspective for all of the non-lgbt people in the audience. same goes for the parent scenes. the whole simon-not-being-blond thing was forgivable, same thing with the glasses (although i missed the harry potter joke opportunities :\\) but personally, keiynan lonsdale was PERFECT as bram. like i loved him so much and couldn’t see bram as anyone else to be honest. (and had they kept bram’s personality the same as the book i think he could have still pulled it off great)
the soundtrack was incredible, like as a music lover i ADORE it and have been listening to it nonstop. some of the acting of the younger people was iffy in places but otherwise was REALLY GREAT and emotional and i cried during the dad scene post-coming out. I could really relate to simon a LOT and feel his helplessness when he was outed. even with the things that were changed that i wasn’t too fond of, the movie was awesome and i definitely recommend seeing it if you haven’t already!
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archermxqi641-blog · 4 years
9 Things Your Parents Taught You About Lords Mobile Cheats 2020
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Fashion Empire Cheats
Fashion Empire Guide
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Fashion Empire manual is a guide for hot new game. It is teamed up with developer impressionware and uk newspaper the times for a loose cell game called Fashion Empire. It gives you a virtual yr in charge of a style commercial enterprise, selecting save places, and overseeing the design, production and distribution of your garb. There is even a visible representation of fashionistas flocking (or not) into your stores to reveal how nicely you're doing. Meanwhile, there may be a fashion inventory alternate on-line excessive-scores table, which ranks players sorted by united states of america. Bocconi college desires to use the sport as a recruitment device for capability students. The purpose why there are so lots of those websites on the net is because they may be owned and run by way of rip-off artists, who aim to trick as many gullible humans as they probably can. In line with the ones web sites, you'll be able to get as tons in-sport Cash and top rate Gems in Fashion Empire - boutique sim as you would love, however first, you need to fill out a short survey for them. If that doesn't sound suspicious to you at all, i do not without a doubt recognise what to inform you. I just like the reality that the photographs are in three-d, permitting you to look around for your own boutique, and even to zoom inside and out. It is satisfactory that there are so many specific objects in the game, permitting you to enhance your boutique in your own fashion. There are several very nice factors approximately Fashion Empire - boutique sim. Firstly, i assume it is brilliant that you are not required to have get entry to to an internet connection to play the sport. However, bluestacks and memuplay are the fast and endorsed ones to play or install Fashion Empire - boutique sim today's version to your laptop. Designed for style savvy girls of all ages, it's loose to play and you may play Fashion Empire while offline. The game is constantly updated and complete of gorgeous gameplay- the game is unfastened to play and in-app purchases are available for extra content and top rate currency. 1/ you begin in san francisco, an aspiring clothier just opened your first store. It is basically a networking app that connects you to other extraordinarily vetted girl entrepreneurs in a safe area in which ideas, strategies, and partnerships are shared. The high-quality way to keep sustainably is to keep secondhand. And the realreal makes it almost too clean to sort via pages upon pages of super-condition luxury gadgets—regularly at steep discounts. Create feeds of brands you adore, favourite items for later, and even start the consignment manner to begin selling your very own portions. In the end, you can justify that gucci or balenciaga you've been eyeing. On this page, we are able to realize what the distinctiveness of Fashion Empire boutique sim android game and it is mod version apk will offer you one click on fastest cdn power link to down load, so that you can easily download Fashion Empire boutique sim android function gambling sport. Join a fashion - decorate your stalls with tens of tens of a big wide variety of beautiful decorations - get dressed-up yourself along with your cool team in anything way you pick specific yourself and sooner or later emerge as a mode maven on the 1 get dressed boutique simulator fit! This has grow to be my favorite recreation, and you should attempt it, too! If it system defects, i am sorry. But there aren't any glitches for me! Besides one time once they wouldn't circulate, but i just had to close the app and flip it back on once more! Thank you for reading, and i simply propose this app. Thank you so much for taking the time to proportion your revel in! Live tuned for extra brilliant content material you'll truely love! - andrew given that my assessment under, the game is operating surely perfectly-loading speedy, i'm able to easy any object around the store, and so on. It's very irritating. I've spent all my cash unwisely and now i sense that i ought to accomplish that tons higher knowing all that i do now on this game... it does not paintings i emailed them and they stated theirs no policy in deleting your style tale. :( sorry peeps i had to restart mine too, i just deleted it, in case you don't like your fashion tale and want to restart it ( however you cannot) just delete it. That is what i did humans, not unusual find faux udid and switch from unique udid to fake one all storm8 games via "lava game web page the use of udid switch carrier they offer and you may start from beginning within seconds. 3/ as your boutique grows you may research extra and unencumber more outfit categories of gadgets - footwear, heels, baggage, handbags, rompers, jumpsuits, makeup, cosmetics, add-ons and extra. 4/ after some time you'll probably locate yourself busy as the sole worker on your boutique - it will be time to find the perfect workforce to sign up for you on your adventure. But first you may want to discover a way to steer them to enroll in - and each have their personal tale to tell and persona to work with. This mod consists of limitless strength. Download yours now! Designed for kind savvy ladies of every age, it's free to play and you may play style empire whereas offline. The game is usually up to date and filled with splendid gameplay- the game is loose to play and in-app purchases can be discovered for additonal content cloth and top class foreign cash. 1/ you start in san francisco, an aspiring clothier definitely opened your first shop. You've got at all times been ingenious, from taking part in gown up with barbie dolls as a toddler, hours on the sims, studying to sketch and creating a fantastic portfolio at a excessive layout academy. Whether or not you are seeking out an outfit for an upcoming wedding ceremony or looking for the best over-the-knee boots, you could seek thru ps for one specific piece or for the ensemble as a whole. The app partners with stylists from an array of manufacturers and shops consisting of chloé, net-a-porter, stella mccartney, derek lam, and more to present consumers free get entry to to professional advice. Once you've discovered what you're seeking out, you may keep without delay via the app. Until our cult-preferred image app is absolutely shoppable, want to recognize it's far making it possible to tune down the chicest pieces on instagram. We've got prepared a short listing of tips and if you use them you'll quick provide your sims with an interesting and rich life. You can perform 8 tasks every day. Each of them will give you a special prize, it can be money, experience points or fashion Gems. However, performing all the tasks will provide you with a muffin and 120 experience points. If you play with one sim, your game will develop very slowly. When you enlarge your family, you'll be able to drive in levels and earn simoleons much faster.
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oracleofworlds · 5 years
Important Tips for Buying a Car
Used cars in Omaha
1. Do Your Research Register for the Capital One ® Savor ® Cash Rewards Credit Card now and get a $300 reward after investing $3k within 3 months. Endless 4% money back on dining & home entertainment, 2% at grocery stores, 1% all over else. Discover how to use here.
The most essential thing to understand before you buy a cars and truck is that understanding is power. It's a mistake to show up at a vehicle lot without first investigating the automobile you desire to purchase.
If you are considering purchasing a new car, your goal is to find the "billing" cost of the car, not the MSRP. The "billing" price is what the dealership paid the manufacturer for the cars and truck. This research will be available in helpful once the cost negotiations begin.
On the other hand, if you are thinking about buying an utilized cars and truck, research study the current resale costs for that particular cars and truck design. If you plan to trade in your present car, research study market values for your lorry, too.
2. Look into Pre-financing Options Many people get financing from the cars and truck dealership, however this isn't fiscally accountable. Dealer rates of interest are normally much higher than loan rates obtained from banks and credit unions. Your bank or cooperative credit union is among the very best places to start investigating vehicle loan rates, and you can get "relationship discounts" that you will not discover anywhere else.
LendingTree is a preferred for many cars and truck purchasers because they take the trouble out of the process. As soon as, when you utilize LendingTree you will receive five competing quotes at.
Once you obtain a quote from any financial institution, get the quote in writing. You can then provide this quote to the dealer and utilize it as utilize to negotiate a lower rates of interest.
Before you begin looking for rates, it's crucial to understand your credit history. You can use Credit Karma to get your score totally free. Credit history play a substantial function in the car loan rates you'll get. The better your score, the cheaper your brand-new car is going to cost.
Pro tip: If your credit score is lower than your like, you can sign up for Experian Boost. This is a free program that will assist enhance your credit rating by factoring in your on-time energy payments. These typically have no influence on your credit history.
3. Shop Around beautiful young couple standing at the dealership picking automobile Unless there is an emergency situation, look around before you purchase a car. I have a recognized rule in place whenever I look for a car: I constantly make sure that I go out of at least one dealer. In this manner, I always understand their rock-bottom rate, typically given to me prior to I leave. It might likewise make sense to check out out-of-town cars and truck dealerships. Dealerships price their cars in a different way depending upon their area.
4. Negotiate Terms To me, purchasing an automobile is either a chess match, or it's a war. Beside buying a home, buying a new car is among the most essential financial investments you will make in life. In fact, you might be paying off this cars and truck for the next 4, five, or 6 years.
Do everything you can do to negotiate the automobile loan and knock the purchase price down. If the salesperson gives you an offer that includes a month-to-month payment of a particular amount based on a 60-month loan, inform them you desire the exact same payment with a 48-month loan.
Walk into the dealer with confidence, adhere to your guns, and don't feel bad about walking away from any deals. It may also be handy to practice your settlement strategies and techniques to prepare.
5. Take a look at Both New and Used Cars In the past, buying a carefully utilized cars and truck was the best method to save cash when buying an automobile. A huge factor behind this reasoning is that new cars depreciate substantially the minute they are taken home from the car dealership.
Sadly, the supply of used cars has decreased considerably after many were eliminated as part of the "Cash for Clunkers" program. In addition, more individuals are holding onto their vehicles for longer time periods prior to looking for a replacement. As a result, prices for used vehicles have actually increased considerably, making new vehicles a more practical option.
Eventually, make sure to go into the purchasing procedure with an open mind, thinking about both new and used vehicles and running the numbers prior to making your final decision.
6. Buy Based on Purchase Price, Not on Monthly Payments Car dealerships are infamous for using an extremely appealing monthly payment to possible buyers. Do not be deceived. If this "terrific" payment is connected to a 72-month loan, then it's truly not that attractive at all.
Make certain to always work out based on the purchase price of the cars and truck, and not the regular monthly payment. Make sure that you know the "full" purchase cost of any automobile that you purchase. There could be numerous extra, covert expenses factored into the cost including various taxes, cars and truck preparation and shipment charges, and dealership costs that you will not understand about unless you ask.
7. Make use of the Internet Acquiring an automobile online is certainly an alternative to consider. Initially, you totally prevent the hassle of handling irritating car salespersons. And second, you might end up with a better cost. Consider this: A salesman on the showroom floor is trying to work out the greatest cost possible, since his commissions are based upon a portion of the list price. On the other hand, an Internet sales manager generally makes a fixed salary and gets paid a bonus offer, based upon volume.
In addition, purchasing a vehicle online is easier than going to several car dealerships. After all, many large car dealerships installed their vehicles for sale online. eBay Motors is a terrific location to look for an automobile, and you can also discover automobiles for sale on Craigslist (simply be careful of typical Craigslist frauds).
If you do choose to purchase an automobile online, you'll still wish to evaluate drive the cars and truck and have it examined by a mechanic to ensure there are no issues or issues.
8. Do Not Mention Your Trade-In You must play your cards near to you in all elements of the car-buying process, especially when it pertains to discussing your trade-in. Do not mention your trade-in until completion of the purchasing procedure. Why? The dealership will likely utilize this details against you.
For instance, let's state you're taking a look at a $22,000 automobile and the dealership's rock-bottom cost for the cars and truck you're considering is $18,000 (although he won't share this details with you). If you have a trade-in worth $2,000, the dealership may offer to provide you the automobile for $20,000 plus the extra $2,000 for the trade-in, for a total purchase price of $18,000.
If you hadn't mentioned your trade-in, you could have negotiated the rate to $18,000 and then informed the dealer about the trade-in, leading to a last purchase rate of $16,000. Negotiate these two elements of the car-buying procedure separately. Initially, work out the very best possible deal you can get for the vehicle you want to purchase, then go to work on getting the most for your trade-in.
9. Consider Insurance Costs Factor costs for cars and truck insurance coverage premiums into the purchase cost of your cars and truck. The expense of guaranteeing a car is a significant factor in the general expense of the automobile. Get insurance coverage premium prices quote online from Allstate or Liberty Mutual. You'll provide details about the cars and truck's make and design and personal info consisting of age, marital status, and driving record.
Sports automobiles have greater premiums than standard cars and trucks, but some cars have higher insurance rates for other factors. For example, the Honda Accord, Honda Civic, and the Toyota Camry are favorites amongst automobile burglars because of their higher resale worths, and the insurance coverage premiums for these automobiles can thus be more expensive.
10. Prevent Impulse Buying Prevent impulse buying by carrying out extensive research prior to you buy an automobile. Purchasing a vehicle on an impulse is a dangerous undertaking. You might recognize after it's far too late that you can't manage the car, or you may find that the efficiency of the cars and truck simply doesn't satisfy your expectations.
By investigating the make, model, and style of the car, and reviewing insurance coverage rates and funding, you ought to have the ability to put yourself in a cars and truck that you will take pleasure in for many years to come.
11. Don't Purchase the Add-ons Purchasing a new cars and truck is a significant purchase, and you may be paying it off over the next numerous years. If you fund the vehicle, the overall expenses for devices will escalate, so keep the add-ons to a minimum. You do not truly require heated seats, and you can buy a portable GPS navigation unit online for much less than expensive integrated systems.
Rust-proofing is another add-on you don't need despite what the salesperson might tell you. VIN etching, a rear cam, and a car dealership upkeep strategy are more add-ons that you don't really require.
12. Don't Buy the Extended Warranty The extended automobile guarantees used by dealerships are expensive, and, even worse, the coverage is typically extremely restricted and does not cover the costs of many types of mechanical failure in brand-new or secondhand automobiles.
If you're buying a brand-new vehicle, the automobile ought to feature a producer's service warranty that supplies ample protection for your lorry. Keep in mind that many of them will still have legitimate maker's guarantees if you're looking at an utilized car.
You particularly want to prevent the extended warranty if it will be financed as part of your automobile loan. Your finest option is to just deposit that cash in a savings account that's allocated for prospective lorry repairs and maintenance.
13. Always Test Drive the Car customer all set for a test drive with vehicle dealership next to him 90% of people who buy a brand-new car test drive it first. Do not be amongst the other 10%. You wish to check drive the car for numerous factors, but comfort should be primary in your mind. There are some automobiles that you simply won't feel comfortable driving. If this holds true, carry on.
If you have kids, bring them along on the test drive. Their convenience level is very important too, and believe me, they will give you their honest evaluation of the vehicle. In addition to comfort, try to find the following:
Idle: The cars and truck needs to be smooth and peaceful. View: Make sure the view from each of the mirrors is acceptable, and you have a straight line view of all control panel assesses. Controls: Flip on the air, locate the turn signals, and switch on the windscreen wipers. Guarantee that whatever is easy to use. Some people find that their fingers are too huge to manage particular switches, buttons, or levers in some cars. Handling and Brakes: Make sure the automobile reacts when you push the accelerator or brakes. Cars differ considerably in terms of sensitivity, and you wish to pick an automobile that finest fits your choices. 14. When Buying Used, visit the Mechanic If you're preparing to buy an utilized car, it's important to have the vehicle completely took a look at by a mechanic prior to you complete the purchase. The mechanic will look and examine the car for unusual signs of wear and tear as well as items of prospective concern.
Mechanical problems or maintenance issues that the mechanic discovers may determine whether or not you purchase the cars and truck, and the mechanic's report might provide you with the needed leverage to work out a lower purchase cost.
15. Purchase a Car You Can Afford If you are considering purchasing another vehicle prior to your present car is paid off, you need to seriously reassess whether or not you can actually pay for to purchase another cars and truck. You do not wish to be saddled with an upside down car loan.
A much better option is to wait up until your existing car is paid off. Set aside the cash that used to pay for your monthly automobile payment in an interest-bearing account for one year, while continuing to drive your old vehicle.
If your previous vehicle payment was $300 a month and you follow this strategy for just one year, you will then have more than $3,600 to use as a down payment on your next vehicle. Just make certain that you're not digging into your cost savings or your emergency fund to purchase a top-of-the-line vehicle. Buy within your means.
Final Word In the end, buying a cars and truck is a significant purchase, and it's important to research each and every element of the procedure. Educate yourself so you can go into settlements well-prepared to get the very best deal possible on a used or new cars and truck. By following the pointers detailed in this short article, you'll get the best cost possible on your next cars and truck.
Do you have any other tips for buying an automobile? What was the process like for your last purchase?
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mixtrade99-blog · 6 years
The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle As a Family
The importance of living a wholesome lifestyle for maintaining general good health and preventing chronic diseases was well recognized. A healthy lifestyle is rather straightforward to achieve - one does not need to do anything"crazy" to embrace a healthy lifestyle. I will say a certain amount of individual thinking is required to separate truth from fiction in most modern wellness advice now being delivered.
The most important thing that you can do is eat well. Avoid toxins in your food as far as possible and eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains; exercise moderately several times a week; avoid smoking, including secondhand smoke; and avoid gaining too much weight (which should come naturally in the event that you eat right and exercise). While it isn't always possible to consume all Organic food - the EWG recommends 12 vegetables and fruits which should be organic for their high levels of pesticide residue. Avoiding environmental toxins as much as you can is an important part of achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Our modern lifestyle is quite convenient - but it can also be extremely unhealthy. The majority of us eat a lot of processed foods and too few veggies and fruit; we seldom exercise; and once we develop chronic conditions such as diabetes, we rely on traditional medications to make us feel better - however these medicines frequently have devastating side effects. Rather than accepting the importance of living a healthy lifestyle for us and for future generations, we continue with our bad habits - then take powerful, toxic medication to take care of our inevitable symptoms.
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Obviously, not all aspects of living a healthy lifestyle have been in our control. We will be exposed to certain environmental toxins whether we like it or not. But a number of these variables are absolutely in our hands. Whenever we can, we should be accountable and make the right choices.
This is why it's essential to be sure you eat well as the vital element in attaining a wholesome LIFESTYLE.
I say"lifestyle" because what I know is that"eating well" can occasionally be something someone does with bitterness because they sense"sacrifice" is required to adopt a healthy way of life.
I recall when people who ate bad meals used to joke with me and say I was not really living because I chose not to eat pizza and drink beer - and I always responded"how much LIVING can you do when your body is recovering from what you put in it?
Shifting from an Unhealthy to a Healthy Lifestyle
The reason I discuss the healthy lifestyle tip of simply EATING WELL on my blog is because it has been so effective for my health.
It was not always like this though. I remember when I was addicted to a chocolate bar each day and I always had headaches or an infection or illness of some kind.
In addition to excessive sugar cravings (eating a chocolate bar each day) I also suffered from many unhealthy symptoms that were challenging to resolve through traditional medicine: Frequent headaches, Skin problems (ie. eczema, acne, hives, Bloating, Gas, Bad Breath, Weak or brittle hair and nails, Fatigue and lethargy, Excessive stress, Candida overgrowth, Yeast infections, Food or Environmental Allergies, Anxiety or depression, Diarrhea, Constipation, Memory loss, Mood swings, Frequent colds or infections, PMS or bad menstrual cramps, Bladder infection, Loss of sex drive. . .etc
Ughhh! No fun at all!
Years later, I LOVE good food and I am rarely sick. Eating well is the perfect way to get in tune with your body and really get back to basics of what your body needs. It challenges you to give up the vices that you take for granted, break your addictive eating habits and start again from the beginning. Eating well is a healthy lifestyle choice that gives you clarity on what your body really needs, not craves and becomes the foundation for all other healthy lifestyle choices.
An important thing to remember with eating well is to really examine your root philosophy for adapting more healthy foods into your lifestyle.
If it's simply to loose a few pounds - I personally feel that this is not enough of a motivator and you will set yourself up for "failure" however, if you choose to eat well to enjoy a better quality of life, to do things you have not done in years and to not get sick anymore, then this is a wonderful motivator that will likely last!
So, getting really practical, eating well obviously involves making a few changes to the foods you prepare and enjoy.
I always listen to my body when I eat. I do not calorie count, measure my fist, use ratio's or anything that causes me to separate myself form the food I eat.
The main reason I enjoy excellent health is because I am critical of what I eat - I choose to eat REAL food.
Because of this, I do not need expensive supplements or challenging programs to maintain my weight.
Delicious menus of real, whole foods allow me to enjoy the things so many diet plans warn against.
This sounds simple enough, but what I have learned is that many people simply do not know what a healthy lifestyle consists of, especially when it comes to food!
I try to keep things as simple as possible. I shop from the perimeter of the grocery store, eat mostly wild and free range chicken, very little meat and mostly raw organic fruits and vegetables, with beans and rice. It's not practical to list everything I eat here, but feel free to visit my blog and download your FREE Healthy Grocery List while you are here!
The Future Depends on our Health Living a healthy lifestyle, free as much as possible of toxins (in our environment and in our food) and of stress, is important to us - but it's also important for future generations. Scientists are also now discovering the impact nutrition has on our DNA! Healthy trees bear healthy fruit. A continued lifestyle of sickness will have a lasting effect on future generations and on our planet.
The results of years of living an unhealthy lifestyle are obvious. We are currently faced with a sharp increase in chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, with an obesity rate so high it's considered an epidemic, and with growing rates of infertility. The number of children diagnosed with autism, Asperger's syndrome or ADHD is alarmingly high.
We should also remember that our children carefully watch us and emulate us. If they see us act responsibly now, they will likely adopt a similar approach of taking care of themselves and of the planet when they become adults.
We must each ask ourselves if we are modeling the importance of a healthy lifestyle to our children. If we do not show them how to care for themselves, they will likely turn to the food corporations instead. How will they know the difference between real food,"food like" substances?
I maintain about 6 - 8 fantastic cookbooks available. From these books, I produce simple meal plans that I rotate each month based on about 15 easy meal ideas.
In addition to ingesting Delicious Food (that is real and healthy!) I suggest the following approaches to help simulate a positive way of food in our children:
Young kids especially learn about the planet through fake . How do you feel each day as you prepare your family's meals? Are you hurried, frustrated, and disconnected? We can show our children that eating healthy is important from how we approach our meal times. If we're happy and engaged in making a meal, then take pleasure in eating collectively we affirm that food is much more than something to fill the gap but is an essential part of a happy and healthy family life. In a nutshell, your kids will imitate what they see so be sure you are placing a positive value round the activities involving healthy living. Involve your children in meal prep , even once or twice per week. By discussing how great certain foods taste and by allowing them help you cook you will demonstrate that it is important to spend some time to prepare a wholesome meal instead of throwing something in the microwave. You will never know, you might inspire a future chef! Make a plan to eat together as a family as often as possible. By each decision you make to consume together, you're casting a value judgment about the significance of healthful living and that it involves more than simply eating a few more veggies. We can and should make an effort to change our habits and accept the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. If society won't make changes, then we as people need to make them. After all, if we depart our health to someone else guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
I have complete confidence which you are able to make the switch to living a wholesome way of life and eliminating the nuisance symptoms which result from a body that is overloaded with toxins out of our North American way of life. I was able to do that by following simple approaches, cooking out of educational books which enabled me to change my lifestyle over and enjoying life! For more info click https://mixtrade.co.il
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themastercylinder · 6 years
How many of us started into filmmaking with crude, 8mm “mad scientist” horror epics, churned out on weekends in basements, garages, and living rooms? How many of us later progressed to more sophisticated Super or Single 8 (maybe even 16mm) films with sync-sound, elaborate special effects, and jazzy titles? And finally, how many of us through these first two stages of normal film-making development yearn for the big times that crack at doing a real, honest-to-goodness feature film? The answer to all three questions is most of us. And our group certainly wasn’t an exception. Ever since the beginning of this magazine back in 1972 I have become very aware of the abundance of true talent hiding itself in the shadow of the words “amateur filmmaker.” I think the articles and film profiles presented in Cinemagic testify to that fact. And though many of the films and filmmakers presented in these pages are truly amateurs (albeit creative, talented amateurs), a good many have the ability and experience to rub elbows with the best of professional film people. With this knowledge in mind, and the fact that I’ve come to personally know so many talented filmmakers through the sheer existence of this magazine, I figured that it was time to pool local (and some not-so-local) talent for the purpose of making a feature-length theatrical film.
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The plan was simple enough: gather together a group of technicians and special effects artists get each individual to chip in an equal share of money, and let everyone “donate” his time and talents. With this concept, and a very rough idea for a story, I called together a varied group of filmmakers from the local Baltimore area. Most of us knew each other pretty well on a social level, but few of us had ever worked together on a creative film project. That first meeting, back in June of last year, went exceptionally well, and after three or four subsequent gatherings, we had kicked the story concept around and were setting our sights on a July 1 starting date. Our assembled group consisted of Dave Ellis, who would handle the sound recording; Britt McDonough as our chief cinematographer; Tony Malanowski as assistant director; John Cosentino on creature designs and special effects; George Stover playing a featured role in the film, as well as pulling in additional local acting talent; and yours truly, as script writer and director. Actually, such “titles” are nice and professional sounding, but when you get right down to it on just about any independent film, everybody does a little of everything. As mid-June rolled around and we had spent about two thousand hours in pre-production work (the tiny details are endless), I got a call from our only out-of-state partner, John Cosentino, who was handling the creation of two of our creature designs. “We’ll die inside these foam rubber suits in that heat,” John persuaded. And I listened, and finally. I agreed. So the July 1 commencement was pushed up until an October commencement. That worked out just as well, because typically, we hadn’t realized the tremendous amounts of time necessary to merely get ready for Day One of the shoot. October 1st came and went, and it wasn’t until October 16th that Day One actually happened. Now it is mid-January, and filming is just about completed. After working for five weekends in October and November, and knocking off for the holidays during December, filming was resumed a few weeks ago. We would be finished filming now, too, except for some terrible sound problems which cannot be ironed out. At the outside location for one of our major sequences we discovered that we were near a small suburban airport. Despite waiting endless hours for small planes to either land or get out of mike range, we still picked up enough of the buzzing airplane engines to be very noticeable. Our choice is to spend tons of money and time in a studio dubbing sound, or to find a new location and re-film that major sequence.
The Leemoid in the climactic battle scene in The Alien factor.
We’ve decided that in the long run, it’ll be much cheaper to re-film. The result is that we have only two small sequences which are usable from our October/ November shooting. Those sequences represent a lot of the total film, and our challenge now is to complete filming within a few weeks. We’ve already been out for two weeks in the worst winter weather in Baltimore history (average temperatures of about 10 degrees or lower) , and we have three more weeks to go. We’ve got most of the film in the can now, and we’re confident that we’ll have 100% by February 13th. Of course, by the time you read this it will probably be late March, and filming will have been finished, but I’ll let you know how it worked out in the next issue.
The Evolution Of The Story
My original idea was to make a ” film quickly and cheaply, a fast-buck vehicle that we could use as a springboard to bigger and better projects. The first title for our film was Lance Sterling Monster Killer, and it was to be a parody of every horror flick we’d ever seen. At first there was so much enthusiasm for this approach that we were coming up with more comedy and sight-gags than plot, and it seemed that the whole thing was turning into a sort of one-act satire. Finally, we came to our senses and said. nix.. From everything we had heard and read, the safest bet for a “first feature” was a straight-approach horror film. We continued on that premise, and I began writing the script. As the days rolled on, and script page after script page was completed, I started to notice that our ordinary horror film was turning more into a science fiction kind of thing, demanding a lot more special effects and good acting performances than we had previously calculated. A conflict then set in: should I continue writing this rather involved story, or scrap it and go back to a simple “monster-on-the-loose” concept? My decision was to compromise: three monsters on the loose with science fiction overtones. Thus our monsters became alien creatures, set loose on earth by an accident. Since we wanted our film to ring nostalgic of sci-fi films of the ’50’s, I set the whole story within the mythological small town of Perry Hill. If you change “Hill” to “Hall,” it should sound like a familiar place but “Perry Hall” somehow just doesn’t cut it as a small town.
The Zagatile attacks george Stover in this publicity still from Alien Factor.
So our imaginary small town took on all the characteristics of typical old sci-fi movies. Although there isn’t really any scene in the film taking place in the town’s exterior, we did find a suitable location for a few establishing shots. Just about all of the action “in town” was written to take place in the sheriff’s office, an interior we built on a super-modest budget in part of my basement. Our total office set budget came to about $50.00 and most of that was for lumber. I had several planks of sheet rock, which we used for the walls, and between us we all donated something to embellish the set: an old varnished door and table lamp from Dave Ellis, Venetian blinds from Tony Malanowski, a black dial phone from George Stover, and even an old wooden coat rack brought to us by our good friend Bruce Dods, who came down from New Jersey to watch us film one weekend. Our gun rack was purchased from a secondhand store for $5.00, and the guns placed on it were borrowed from a variety of people. The large bulletin board in the set is merely another piece of sheet-rock, framed and painted tan; and the local Post Office was eager to donate several old “wanted” posters. For a “call box” we set up a microphone and a wood-encased stereo speaker on top of a small particle board desk. The mike is a genuine tabletop one, picked up by one of our actors, Chris Gummer, for a dollar at a flea market. With all the ingredients put together, I’ve got to say that our sheriff’s office has charm, and a definite photogenic quality. Composition was generally easy when we shot on this set, and it’s visually enjoyable on the screen.
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Having the set built early helped me tremendously to visualize camera set-ups while I wrote the script. I knew the limitations of camera angles, and I always knew which direction the characters would have to face for continuity’s sake. The basic story of The Alien Factor is fairly typical, but that’s the way we wanted it. Three alien creatures are loose in this small town, and they’re attacking the townspeople left and right. The sheriff is stumped (he at first attributes the deaths to a large animal), and the mayor is on the sheriff’s back to “get out and find the thing before it kills anybody else!” The town doctor (a woman) helps thicken the mystery by discovering strange, impossible symptoms in several of the bodies (“No animal I’ve heard of could do that”). Meanwhile, there is an overly ambitious girl reporter the small town girl who’s been to the big city to study journalism and has now returned home to become the assistant editor of the town paper. She’s pesky, and constantly risking her neck within the film. Finally we have the outsider who comes into town, befriends the mayor, and inevitably becomes the savior. With these characters it was easy to create emotion and turmoil and hence, conflict. You’ve got to have conflict to have any sympathy for your characters, and if the audience can’t sympathize the story loses credibility (and it’s tough enough trying to make horror and science fiction believable). So far, our actors have done a convincing job, and in the daily rushes they seem believable to me, so I’m confident that when all is cut together properly, our story will have believable characters with whom the audience can identify. I should point out that we did things a bit backwards in our preproduction scheme; that is, we held screen tests and chose our actors before the final script was written. I had roughed out a story, described the characters, and scouted most of the exterior locations before we held the screen tests. With our cast selected, I knew precisely what sort of personalities I was dealing with, and although I had preconceived notions as to the characters in the film, knowing what the actors were like really helped. This was my first crack at writing an entire feature-length script, and Baltimore is not Hollywood—so it wasn’t a matter of having hundreds of talented actors at our disposal. We had to take what we could get locally for the most part, but somehow, the people we cast fit beautifully into their respective roles. The only sort of difficulty we encountered with our performers ( who are all working on a deferred payment basis) was in scheduling. We wormed our way around this by giving available actors scenes which were written for other actors (who weren’t able to meet schedules on particular days). Luckily, this sort of character-switching had no ill effect on the story, and in one case it actually worked out better.
  The Special Effects
Although our original concept was to make a quickie, fast-buck monster film, we wanted to at least have the monsters look good. When the script metamorphosed to a more plausible story line, we at first still decided to let our special effects go at three different “monster” creations. However, as we got further into developing our story, we saw a definite need for additional and more sophisticated effects. The first decision here was to make one of our creatures a stop motion model, rather than a man in a suit, like the other two creatures.
The Leemoid
For this task I convinced our cameraman, Britt McDonough, to build a ball-and-socket, latex build-up model, based on my specs. Britt put the model together in one week, using a new, simplified ball-and-socket construction method recently developed by a young man in Virginia. (This new method does not require drilling or soldering, and uses ready-made parts. We will present an article on this in a future issue.) The only significant difference in our stop-motion sequence is that the model will be superimposed over live action of an actor. The reason is that we want the creature called a Leemoid in the film, to be a rather ghostly energy creature who is visible only at night. The sequence involving the Leemoid takes place near the end of the film, and will last about three minutes on the screen.
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Ernest Farino ened up constructing the final version of the Leemoid.
    The Zagatile
For our other creatures, we called on John Cosentino and Larry Schlechter. John (who, as I mentioned earlier, is from Michigan) submitted several drawings of various creatures, and two designs were chosen. One of them, a 7-foot-tall beast with furry legs similar to Harryhausen’s 7th Voyage cyclops, became our Zagatile in The Alien Factor. The second design must remain secret for now, for it would reveal too much about our plot. In any case, both creatures were meticulously sculpted in clay, and huge full body casts were made in plaster. John decided that he would have to wear the Zagatile outfit, so he somehow managed to make his own body cast. He used 700 pounds of plaster for the cast, and described it as “Yucchh!” His process was so intriguing, though, that I asked him to write an article about it for a later issue of CM (he agreed to do so). The unique thing about the Zagatile is its feet: a foot and a half of welded steel, with claw-shaped toes, and ski-boots at the top into which John strapped his own feet. Together with his own six-foot frame, John stood 7 feet tall when suited up and standing on the steel Zagatile feet.
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    The Inferbyce
Larry Schlechter chose a different approach to creature design. Since his Inferbyce was to be a man-like version of a cockroach, Larry decided that for it to look hard-shelled, it would have to be hard-shelled. He created the suit in hinged sections out of a cardboard base with papier-mache build-up. Several coats of liquid latex, paint, and varnish complete the effect of a shiny, slithery cockroach-thing. With our main three creatures out of the way,  we took to the task of additional special effects.
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    The Crashed Ship
Many of these were simply in-camera optical effects, while others were miniatures combined with live action. One of the most convincing on-screen effects so far is a shot of a huge spaceship which is crashed into the earth. Two of our characters walk up to the large craft and inspect it. Here again, we called on the talents of John Cosentino and Britt McDonough. Together they constructed a beautiful miniature of the spaceship and surrounding “earth.” The earth was sculpted in Celluclay (a ready-made papier mache substance) and appropriately painted. To pull off the illusion of the live actors looking dwarfed against a giant craft we did a “deceptive perspective” shot. That is, the spacecraft model platform was arranged in such a way as to blend in with the live terrain, and the actors were placed several hundred feet away from the miniature. The camera, sporting a 10mm wide-angle lens, was placed a few inches from the model, and the effect became the illusion of a large spacecraft and tiny men. The important thing in such a shot is how well the tiny miniature actually blends in with the live terrain, and having both the close miniature and the distant actors in sharp focus. We were fortunate when we shot this sequence because it was an extremely bright day and we were able to close down the lens to f8. To further insure sharpness, we focused mid-way between the miniature and the actors. All-in-all, the effect is totally convincing, and people who have seen it think it’s some sort of precisely executed matte shot.
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John Cosentino places twigs into the miniature papier mache platform that the spaceship model rests on. The miniature was coated with real snow.
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After the miniature blends into the real, life-size landscape, the camera with a 10mm wide-angle lens is placed close to the miniature.
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The miniature placed close to the lens creates the illusion of a huge spaceship. The actors are placed 200 feet in the background, lined up so that they appear to be next to the spaceship. It is important for the miniature to blend perfectly with the life-size background. It is usually best, therefore, to assemble the miniature set. up on location. The models and main ground pieces are built beforehand, but the final assembly needs to include dirt, sand (or in this case, snow), rocks and twigs from the location properly blended to merge with the background.
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The foreground miniature is complete and ready for setting up with the actors. Note that the small twigs on the platform will blend in with real trees in the background adding depth to the perspective illusion.
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Space ship miniature
  Bill Cosentino … special effects assistant John Cosentino … ‘Zagatile’ (tall creature) designed by / special effects Ernest Farino … ‘Leemoid’ animated by (as Ernie Farino) / ‘Leemoid’ designed by (as Ernie Farino) Britt McDonough … special effects Ted Rae … special effects assistant (as Ted Richard Rae) Larry Schlechter … ‘Inferbyce’ (incect) designed by / special effects Visual Effects by Ernest Farino … additional photographic effects (as Ernest D. Farino) Original Source Material Cinemagic v1 09 (1977) Cinemagic v1 10 (1977) Cinemagic v1 11 (1978) Cinemagic v2 06
The Alien Factor (1978) Retrospective How many of us started into filmmaking with crude, 8mm “mad scientist” horror epics, churned out on weekends in basements, garages, and living rooms?
0 notes
stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 6/27/17
Happy New Release Day! This weeks consists of robots in space, everyday life of a fledgling superhero, a trip across Europe, a power called Geass, a class made of assassins, and more.
In Books --The Adventures of a Superhero Girl by Faith Erin Hicks “What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens?” The everyday tales of a super girl as she saves people, as she updates her family on how she is doing, and as she tries to keep a part-time job but forgets to remove her mask before work. With an arch-nemesis who’s only superpower is letting our hero know she is doing the superhero thing wrong. This particular version of this graphic novel is a expanded edition. It was originally printed in 2013 but has been reprinted a few times since. This edition will include two new stories and new art. I have never read it before but I really wanna give it a try.
--Descender volume 4 by Jeff Lemire, artist Dustin Nguyen One day giant robots appear out of nowhere bringing death and destruction across the galaxy. As a consequence all robots are now outlawed and are hunted and destroyed by bounty hunters. Ten years after the attack an android named Tim-21 awakens to find his home destroyed and the human boy he was bought for gone. Tim sets out to find his human along with his robot dog and a mining droid. But Tim will be hunted down as his robot DNA might just reveal how to defeat the giant robots if they ever return. I love this series. This is probably my favorite release for this week. I started reading this series early this year. It is very good and the art is amazing. Dustin Nguyen did a wonderful job with the watercolor. There’s a great cast of characters but Tim is probably my favorite character. I would definitely check it out. I recommend it to everyone that I help in the graphic novel section at work. If you love robots, robots in space, and the exploration into what defines being human (there’s rogue robots who just want to live instead of being destroyed and will fight back) then read Descender.
--The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee I first wrote this down to research it because I was imagining the worst. I was thinking something along the lines of, ‘they are not publishing a book that says treating women in such a way is okay’. But then it became so much better. Henry Montague’s days of pleasure and vice; with both men and women, are rapidly coming to an end. His father is going to force Henry to start taking care of the family estate. As a final hurrah, Henry invites his best friend and secret crush; Percy, to travel across Europe with him. When one of Henry’s reckless decisions sends him and Percy into a manhunt it will have Henry questioning everything he knows. Including his thoughts about the boy he secretly adores.  The description of this book did not go at all the way I was expecting. I’m really excited to give this a try. I love everything about it already. As long as it doesn’t end up supporting treating people like crap, basically. 
--Land of the Lustrous volume 1 by Haruko Ichikawa The Lustrous are crystalline lifeforms; each gem has unique powers, who are hunted by a group called lunarians who would turn the Lustrous into decorations.  I mostly want to read this cause I immediately thought of Steven Universe when I read the description. 
--The Waking Land by Callie Bates Lady Elanna Valtai is fiercely devoted to her King who raised her like a daughter. But when he mysteriously dies, Elanna is accused of murdering him and must flee to her homeland full of magical legends. And to her birth father who was branded a traitor. Now she must confront the powers that have stirred within her and seem to grow as she connects to the natural world. Now Elanna must stop the threat that has chased her to her homeland and rebel against the kingdom she once called home. It reminds me of Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I really enjoyed that book.
In moives/tv shows --Assassination Classroom S2P2 The conclusion of Assassination Classroom is finally out today. The truth about Koro-Sensei will finally be revealed. But once Class E learns the truth, will they be able to assassinate the best teacher they’ve ever had? If you haven’t seen this series before or haven’t read the manga yet, you should. This series has had surprisingly good character development. When I first started reading the manga I thought it would just be this silly series but then it became so much more that just silly. It’s a really good blend of comedy, action, and can be very sweet. I haven’t seen the anime yet; although I own the first season, but from what I’ve seen and heard it follows the manga very well.
--Blue Exorcist Complete Box Set (blu-ray) For the first time the hit anime is out in a complete box set. Twin brothers; Rin and Yukio, were raised by an exorcists named Father Shiro Fujimoto. One day their home is attacked and Rin finds out his biological father is Satan. In order to avenge those that were lost during the battle Rin decides to train to become an exorcist in order to defeat Satan. Blue Exorcist is a really good series if you haven’t seen it yet. I’m not sure how well it follows the manga though. I think the end of the first season was different from the manga but I’m not 100% positive. I did flip through some of the volumes when season two started and it looked like the first part of S2 followed the manga pretty well. The set does cost $159.98 but the first season is available for streaming on Netflix and both are on Crunchyroll.
--Code Geass: Akito the Exiled The OVA series of the hit anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. It’s five episodes but each episode should be around 50 minutes. Characters from the series will make an appearance. I’m really excited for this release but all it has made me want to do is to rewatch the original series. Characters will be returning for this but I’m not quite sure how or what part they will play. 
--Panda Go Panda (on blu-ray) A little girl who lives with a Panda and it’s baby. I didn’t know much about this title until it was mentioned in a panel at a con I went to this year. Afterwards, I found out that it was getting a blu-ray release. From what I remember our main character either thinks that PapaPanda is her father or PapaPanda offers to become her father while her family is away. Throughout the town tries to let her know that her Papa is a panda and the police and most the town try to catch them. It looks really cute. It’s only 80 minutes long. It’s two episodes.
--Sea Prince and the Fire Child (on blu-ray) One long ago fire spirits and wind spirits lived as one till one day the Lord of the Winds drove a rift between the Queen of Fire and her brother, the King of Water. Ever since then, the fire spirits and water spirits have been at war with one another. One day the Prince of Fire and the Princess of Water met and fell in love. Their only chance of living together means traveling to a distant star where fire and water spirits live in peace but they much reach the hill of Elysium by the next solar eclipse. 
--Sword Art Online Box Set (blu-ray) One of the top favorite ‘getting stuck inside a video game’ series around is now available in a box set. All 25 episodes with some special features. The blu-ray is $159.95 and the dvd set is $69.98 BUT the dvd won’t be out until 8/1. Personally, I am holding out a small, small hope that I might come across the limited editions of the parts. I have the first one but missed out on the rest. If I break and buy the set someday, I’ll probably get the dvd. Unless the blu-ray set happens to have a good sale someday. I’m in no hurry cause my heart still heavily belongs to .hack//sign. SAO has some great fight scenes but I have stronger feelings toward .hack//sign. 
--Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Side of Dimensions The original crew is back! Yugi and the gang are about to graduate from high school. Then trouble starts when a boy named Aigami arrives. He blames Bakura for the death of his mention; and former holder of the Millennium Ring, and it out for revenge. It’s up to Yugi to save Bakura and the rest of his friends. I managed to catch this movie when it came to theaters. It was great because I hadn’t seen Yu-Gi-Oh in a long time. Most of the original voice actors returned to dub it which I was very happy about. There was a minor change in a characters back story but it had been so long since I had seen the series that I didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out to me.
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doyoudrew · 8 years
How To Pull A Nancy Drew
By someone who hasn’t done it yet.... but this is my life’s work.
It’s under the cut because it’s really fucking long.
Step 1A: the most important step: realize taking the traditional route isn’t making you happy.
         You can’t be Nancy if you want stability or want to go on to grad/professional school or if you are excited about your new job and want to jump right into it—it won’t be good for you. I’m doing my post-grad-family-disappointment-vagabond-journey because I hate school and I’m so burnt out I haven’t gone to a full week of class at all this semester. This is the right choice for me, and I know this because I’ve been traveling while I’m in school and realize it’s when I’m happiest. If this isn’t true for you, don’t do something like not accept your grad school offer or turn down a grown-up job. What I’m saying is: don’t do anything you’re going to regret. Pulling a Nancy Drew is still kind of a commitment. It’s one you can get out of pretty easily, but you might have to wait a while to get into the next stage of your life.
The entire point of doing this is to make yourself happy. Only take trips or internships or jobs that make you happy. Don’t do it if it’s going to make you unhappy.
 Step 1B: Finish your semester/year/graduate.
         This is important. Don’t just drop out of school. If you can hold out until you actually graduate, do it: then you’ll have your degree for when you decide to stop being a figurative leaf in the wind, and you can use it to get a real job. Also, some of volunternships require a 4-year degree, and they are one way to start doing what Nancy does. And, if you’d prefer real office work, you have to either be in college or have recently graduated to get traditional internships.
 Step 2: Get a job.
         If you’re still in college, only do this if you can work while you’re in school. If you’re out, then no offense, but you should’ve been doing something already.
         The job you get is going to be crappy and not pay very well, but it is going to pay, and it’s going to be one that lets you take time off easily. I’m a server. I make pretty decent money because, not to brag, but I’m pretty good at it. I don’t have a limit on how much time I’m allowed to take off and if I feel like I’m not making enough I can pick up more shifts. More importantly, I like my job and I like everyone I work with. If you hate yours or you’re bad at it, find a new job. I realize that might sound a little “trickle-down economics”… my point is: just make sure you’re working and you don’t hate it. All of this is a personal thing, so do what works best for you. When I was in high school I worked at Zaxby’s to support my travel habit. One of my close friends was a lifeguard. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you don’t want to rip your face off when you walk into work and they let you take time off to travel.
 Step 3: Stop buying stuff.
         If you start reading this Step 3 and thenthink, “I already don’t buy stuff, this is really condescending, I still don’t have any money” then just skip it. My feelings won’t be hurt.
         “Stop buying stuff? Easier said than done” you might say. I don’t.
         You have to pay your rent, or for car repairs, or for your prescriptions, or for a new pair of contacts. I get that. You have to buy food, too. That’s not “stuff”. Those are necessities.
         “Stuff” is like, a thirtieth skincare product that still smells weird and still doesn’t make you look like Jennifer Aniston. “Stuff” is, for me, a millionth pair of lacy underwear to shove in the overflowing drawer. More craft supplies that I don’t use. Another freaking mug when I have so many I can’t close my cabinet. If you can figure out what Minette means by “stuff”, you can figure out what “stuff” means for you. Maybe it’s socks or razors or DVDs. Figure it out and stop buying it.
         I get it, stuff is pretty, and buying it feels nice and can occasionally work to prove to yourself that you’re an adult on a day you really need convincing. But it’s a temporary high! I can’t help you combat impulse buys (I still deal with it myself. I’m writing this and thinking of the 8—yes eight­—candles I bought from Family Dollar yesterday for no reason other than ~aesthetic~ when I read at night, because I’m a hypocrite and a whore) but I can help you find cheaper shit. Use discount cards, buy things when there’s a sale, go to secondhand stores for books and clothes and furniture, when you get new clothes make sure you can wear them in more than one outfit.
         I realize you probably already know all of these things. Stop Buying Stuff is probably one of the harder things to master, but you can do it. Do it in your own way. Or if you can’t, read one of the millions of Pinterest articles written by blog moms about saving money. I had to stop writing this step because I started sounding like them, which I never want to do.
TL;DR: A lot of times it feels like what I’m buying is a necessity, but it isn’t. Just be aware of what you’re buying, and don’t get it if it isn’t going to change your life.
 Step 4: Where you gonna live while you’re being a bum?
         At this moment in time, I live by myself in a sweet-ass apartment. I only have one very quiet neighbor, I use piles of books as furniture and my bedroom consists of a mattress on the floor, one lonely dresser, and a milk-crate as a bedside table. I love living by myself. But after I graduate, when the loan that I use for my housing runs out, am I gonna be able to stay here? Maybe not.
         The reasons I probably won’t be able to stay in my apartment after August, when my lease runs out: my heating bill in the winter is insane and I won’t be able to afford it. I would be paying rent on a place I’ll be away from for weeks or months. I’ll have to repay the aforementioned loan, on top of making travel arrangements. If this sounds like you, you might have to make the hard decision to leave your home sweet apartment too.
Option one: move back home. I’m lucky enough to have a good enough relationship with my family, and for my dad to have a house big enough, for me to move in with him later if I want to. It would be the cheapest option, and I know I would get along with my roommates (i.e., my dad and my dog). Living with your parents isn’t sexy, but if your life is going to look like a cycle of working nonstop for a month and then leaving the country for a few, it’s the most pragmatic. Also, Nancy Drew still lives at home, and that’s really what this is all about.
         Option two is to find some roommates. Living with someone means you still have rent and utilities to pay, but it’s much cheaper than living on your own, and you know someone will be at your house while you’re off gallivanting around the world. Make sure you like your roommates: I have had terrible experience with roommates and at this given moment, there is only one person I would actually consider moving in with—and it would cut down on my living expenses.
         Of course, there are other fluke options that you personally might have. If they sound good, take them. Remember, this entire thing is just guidelines, about how I’m going to pull a Nancy—if you want to do this too, do it your own way!
         Also, very importantly, your living arrangements depend on what kind of traveling you’re going to do. Want to teach English in Japan? Great, but that’ll probably last six months to a year. Want to take a road trip out West? Cool, is it a two week road trip or a month-long one? Maybe you just want to live at the beach or in a state park for a week. Do it. If you want to backpack New Zealand you could do it in two weeks, but that plane ticket is going to be hella expensive, and you need to make sure your bills are covered while you’re being a world traveler.
 Step 5: The best step: Start planning your trips.
         This, obviously, is completely up to you. If you do want to do things exactly like Nancy does, you’ll probably take a lot of internships. For the record, the way she lives her life is completely unrealistic, because she has absolutely no experience or direction and yet they just appear for her, and I’m jealously annoyed by that.
         Trips vary in length and expenses. I recommend picking one and sticking with it. I also heavily advocate doing something like, having a work-travel-work cycle—basically you just come home to work. That’s my plan, anyway. Also, don’t forget that there’s probably cool things to do near your hometown, and you can do those things while you’re there.
         If you’re afraid your degree is worthless without grad school, fear not! I’m here to tell you it isn’t. I feel confident telling you that because my degree is in anthropology, the mother of all useless degrees, and yet I have never been afraid about finding a job. When I realized I didn’t want to go to med school, I honestly just typed “anthropology degree jobs” into the indeed.com search bar and a million different jobs came up. Do that with your degree and I’m sure you’ll find a bunch of things to do with it. Also, there are several entry-level jobs that just require a degree—any degree. Indeed and Monster are also decent ways to find internships, if you’re looking for them. Anyway:
 Traditional Internship finders:
http://www.idealist.org/ ß for nonprofit/humanitarian/volunteer-esque types of internships or real jobs. This one is actually a site I use a lot.
(if these don’t make you happy, use google)
 Short, fun, pay-your-own-way Volunteer trips:
http://www.himalayanhealth.com/ (India; I did this in the summer of 2014 and loved it, it’s an awesome program and you learn a lot while you’re there working in public health camps)
http://www.habitat.org/volunteer/long-term-opportunities/international (habitat for Humanity abroad--this is not a short trip, be warned)
https://www.volunteerforever.com/article_post/2016-best-volunteer-abroad-programs-organizations-projects (to help you decide because I don’t want to read 900 articles for this one blog post)
 Et Cetera:
https://www.internationalteflacademy.com/blog/bid/51364/top-5-countries-to-make-the-most-money-teaching-english-overseas (about teaching English overseas a la Shadow at the Water’s Edge; there are several programs for this so… do your research)
http://wwoof.net/ (volunteering on farms in almost every country; a family friend did this and now speaks fluent Italian. there is an incredibly strong possibility that I will go WWOOFing in the near future)
https://www.peacecorps.gov/ (can’t forget the peace corps exists)
https://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps (the peace corps’ domestic sibling, if you want to volunteer but want to stay in the states)
 There are plenty of other very cool programs for pretty much anywhere you want to go. Pick a place and then use your google (that’s basically how I plan my trips).
ALSO, you can take trips just to take trips. This is generally what I personally do, except for the times I took study abroad trips in college. I’m also very about traveling domestically—these are generally cheaper trips and there’s a lot of cool stuff to see in the US. If you already have a road trip buddy, hold on to them tight.
If you’re a road tripper, you should look at how to turn your car into a camper. It can be done with almost any car (except, like, a miata, obviously). I have a pathfinder and I’m going to convert it and just leave it that way so that I can go camping at the drop of a hat—but the conversions are really simple and if you just want to convert it for a trip and then put it back , you can.
 Other parting thoughts:
·        If you can supplement your income by doing something creative, selling stuff, doing any type of freelancing, etc: do it.
·        Paying for parking is for chumps.
·        You don’t need to own more than one pair of sweatpants.
·        Nancy always sounds really put together, but the reality of being a travel bum is that you’re going to be a grungy person for a while. It’s fine, because the people around you are also grungy, and really all of you are just there to have a good time.
·        I cannot stress how much you don’t need a closetful of clothes.
·        When packing for anything, try to be able to fit it all into a carry-on size bag. Checking bags is also for chumps.
·        Get and use good soft-sided luggage, like a duffle or a frame-pack. Suitcases are real cutesy but they end up taking up a lot of space and are hard to navigate with.
·        As much as I just rambled about not spending money, there are some things you should splurge for. These are: good quality versatile shoes (I love Chacos, personally), good luggage, a reusable water bottle and/or travel mug that’s going to last you, a portable charger for when there are no outlets, et cetera. But if you spend money on these things, you can’t spend money on stuff, because you’ll run out of money. Ps—you can find decent luggage at a thrift store. I bought a Kelty frame pack at a flea marker for $12. It doesn’t have to be expensive to be good.
·        If you’re a road tripper and love camping, look into getting a pass for all the state parks in your state. If you like other things, like amusement parks, look into getting a season pass (the Carowinds family of amusement parks goes all the way up the East Coast, for instance, and there’s some kind of season pass you can get that lets you into all of them).
 That’s all I have for right now. I’m sorry it took so long for me to make this (and that it’s such a long post) but I’m glad I finally did it! Feel free to message me for anything, especially if you have questions. I’m not sure if this is as clear as I want it to be, but here’s to hoping.
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Dark Horse Comics’ April 2017 Solicitations
Dark Horse has provided CBR News with covers and solicit information for products shipping April, 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these Dark Horse releases with fellow readers.
Dark Horse Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Product shipping December 2016
Product shipping November 2016
Product shipping October 2016
Abe Sapien Volume 9: Lost Lives and Other Stories TP
Mike Mignola (W), Scott Allie (W), John Arcudi (W), Michael Avon Oeming (A), Mark Nelson (A), Kevin Nowlan (A), Alise Gluškova (A), Santiago Caruso (A), Dave Stewart (C), Juan Ferreyra (A/C), Eduardo Ferreyra (A/C), and Sebastián Fiumara (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
These six stories trace the history and prehistory of Abe Sapien’s adventures, from his earliest days in the Bureau with Hellboy (as drawn by Kevin Nowlan) through the frog war, featuring an appearance by deceased homunculus Roger, to his current evolved form, when he’s looking back on his life as a man in 1850s England.
Collects the Abe Sapien one-shots #8, #15, #23, #27, and #30 and “Abe Sapien: Subconscious” from Dark Horse Presents (volume 3) #11.
The Adventures of Superhero Girl (Expanded Edition) HC
Faith Erin Hicks (W/A/Cover) and Cris Peter (C)
On sale June 14 • FC, 128 pages • $16.99 • HC, 10” x 7”
What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens? Cartoonist Faith Erin Hicks brings charming humor to the trials and tribulations of a young female superhero, battling monsters both supernatural and mundane in an all-too-ordinary world.
The expanded edition collects the original comic, two new stories, and new art from creators including Tyler Crook, Ron Chan, Jake Wyatt, Paulina Ganucheau, and more!
Foreword by Kurt Busiek!
Aliens: Dead Orbit #1 (of 4)
James Stokoe (W/A/Cover) and Geof Darrow (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
After a horrific accident strikes a space station, an engineering officer must use all available tools—a timer, utility kit, and his wits—to survive an attack from the deadliest creature known to man.
Orc Stain creator James Stokoe pens a thrilling and claustrophobic Aliens story: Dead Orbit!
On sale on Alien Day: 4/26/17!
Aliens: Defiance #12
Brian Wood (W), Stephen Thompson (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Stephanie Hans (Cover)
On sale May 31 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
After her return to Earth, Zula Hendricks fully expects to answer for her defiance. But instead of military tribunals, what she experiences is a chilling look into the future of warfare, courtesy of Weyland-Yutani’s R&D labs. Her mission may not be over just yet.
“Defiance . . . has the potential to be the new benchmark. Go get it.”—Hulking Reviewer
American Gods: Shadows #2
Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed story now in comics!
Neil Gaiman (W), P. Craig Russell (W/A), Scott Hampton (A/C), Glenn Fabry (Cover), and David Mack (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Fresh out of jail, Shadow Moon finds himself recruited as a bodyguard for the enigmatic Mr. Wednesday, only to be interrupted and kidnapped by the dangerous Technical Boy, who wants answers as to Wednesday’s plans.
The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award–winning novel and upcoming Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a comic series for the first time!
A Starz TV show by Bryan Fuller (NBC’s Hannibal) based on the novel will debut this spring.
“The American Gods comic is going to be an astonishing, faithful, and beautiful adaptation.”—Neil Gaiman
Angel Season 11 #4
Corinna Bechko (W), Geraldo Borges (A), Michelle Madsen (C), Scott Fischer (Cover), and Jeff Dekal (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Angel is caught facing an unrelenting Illyria of the past, an unrelenting Illyria of the future, and an impending volcanic eruption. For him to save an entire race of demons, satisfy both Illyrias, and get himself and Fred back to the future, he will have to convince at least one of the goddesses to trust someone other than themselves—specifically, him!
First-arc finale of Angel Season 11!
The Art of Prey HC
Prey returns!
On sale June 27 • FC, 184 pages • $39.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
A dark force is tormenting Talos I, and survival depends as much on wit as strength. Now, journey alongside Morgan Yu to discover the mysteries within Prey. Arkane Studios and Dark Horse Books are proud to present a comprehensive collection of art from the development of this long-awaited and hotly anticipated game!
The Art of Splatoon HC
Nintendo (W/A)
On sale June 13 • FC, 320 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 12”
The Art of Splatoon contains 320 inkredible pages of artwork from Nintendo’s splash-hit video game, including 2D and 3D illustrations of your favorite characters, maps, concept art, weapon and gear design, storyboards, sketches, hand-drawn comics . . . and that’s only an inkling of what’s inside. We’re not squidding around: this is a must-have for all fans of Splatoon!
Character illustrations!
Concept art!
Featuring artwork from Nintendo’s hit game!
Baltimore: The Red Kingdom #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Christopher Golden (W), Peter Bergting (A), Michelle Madsen (C), and Ben Stenbeck (Cover)
On sale Apr 5 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Baltimore’s team fight their way into the Vatican as the Red King prepares for his coronation day.
“The writing is a good old fashioned slay-em-dead story.”—Comic Attack
Black Hammer #8
Jeff Lemire (W/Variant cover), Dean Ormston (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
There’s something unusual about the sleepy farming community of Rockwood: it’s now the home of Spiral City’s mysteriously vanished superheroes. But not by choice: they were banished to the town after a battle with the Anti-God, and now they’re stuck within its boundaries. Lately, a new arrival in town has started asking questions, and she’s discovering that its superpowered residents aren’t the only strange thing about Rockwood . . .
Voted one of the best comics of 2016 by IGN!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #6
Christos Gage (W), Rebekah Isaacs (A/Variant cover), Dan Jackson (C), and Steve Morris (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Life in the Safe Zone internment camp is not improving, and Buffy’s status as a peacekeeper has made her a target of the other inmates—but just what are they afraid she might do? Perhaps discover something more sinister going on within the Safe Zone’s impenetrable walls? Stakes are raised in Season 11!
Buffy: The High School Years—Parental Parasite TP
Kel McDonald (W), Yishan Li (A), and Scott Fischer (Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Buffy struggles to deal with her mom Joyce’s newfound interest in spending time with her. Balancing that with her schoolwork, her friends, and her regular vampire-slaying duties is a challenge. However, when Joyce becomes hypnotized by a childlike demon that craves motherly care, Buffy experiences a new kind of sibling rivalry—except in Buffy’s case, her “sibling” is actually a monster!
Writer Kel McDonald (Misfits of Avalon, Sorcery 101, Angel & Faith), and artist Yishan Li return to Buffy!
Set during Season 1 of the television series.
Call of Duty: Zombies #4 (of 6)
Justin Jordan (W), Jonathan Wayshak (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Simon Bisley (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Waves of zombies just keep coming—first in the Call of Duty®: Zombies games, and now from Dark Horse Comics!
Marlton, Misty, Russman, and Stuhlinger think they’ve found a moment’s peace, but the approaching horde of zombies is about to destroy that. Faced with the decision of fight or flight, the crew argues and splits up. When Maxis’s emergency security measures are activated, will it be every man for himself?
Dark Horse Presents #33
Ron Randall (W/A), Carla Speed McNeil (W/A), Ryan Browne (W/A), Jim Alexander (W), Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover), Paul Levitz (W), Will Pickering (A), Fin Campbell (A), and Tim Hamilton (A)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 48 pages • $4.99 • Ongoing
Mercy St. Clair returns to DHP this month with Ron Randall’s Trekker: The Volstock Payoff! Paul Levitz and Tim Hamilton’s Brooklyn Blood concludes! Plus, Ryan Browne contributes the hilarious one-shot There’s a Gorilla on the Cover! Carla Speed McNeil’s Finder, Jim Alexander and Will Pickering’s Savant, and Shannon Wheeler’s Too Much Coffee Man round out this issue.
Comics’ premier Anthology!
Dead Inside #5 (of 5)
John Arcudi (W), Toni Fejzula (A), André May (C), and Dave Johnson (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
What started as a simple murder investigation ended in a prison riot. But it’s not quite over yet—Detective Caruso is betting that if she can get a little closer to the case, she’ll be able to find the missing piece that pulls it all together. But in this case, getting closer means hostage negotiation with an armed convict.
“An intriguing set-up to a compelling mystery, well-executed by the consistently great John Arcudi. And with fantastic-looking art to boot!”—John Layman (Chew)
Dept. H #13
Matt Kindt (W/A/Cover) and Sharlene Kindt (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 28 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The love of Mia’s life, Alain, is desperately trying to maintain contact with her and the rest of the surviving crew trapped in the Dept. H base. With six miles of ocean between him and the woman he loves, will he be able to help her fight bloodthirsty sea creatures, including psychic jellyfish?
“Dept. H by Matt Kindt is my new fave comic, an underwater sci-fi whodunnit from Dark Horse Comics. Total, total genius!”—Mark Millar (Reborn)
The EC Archives: Crime SuspenStories Volume 3 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 216 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8 3/16” x 11”
Jolting tales of criminals, capers, and tension! Collecting issues #13–#18 of Crime SuspenStories from the twisted artistic talents of Al Feldstein, Johnny Craig, Bill Gaines, Jack Kamen, Sid Check, Al Williamson, Fred Peters, Graham Ingels, George Evans, Joe Orlando, and more. Featuring a foreword by David Del Valle.
ElfQuest: The Final Quest Volume 3 TP
Wendy Pini (W/A/Cover), Richard Pini (W), and Sonny Strait (C)
On sale June 28 • FC, 136 pages • $17.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
The late Angrif Djun’s destructive fleet looms closer, seeking to wreak havoc on the elves and any humans that stand in their defense. Rayek, influenced by the dark, dangerous spirit of Winnowill, fights for control of his very nature. And the Wolfriders try to track down their chief, whose own spirit hangs in the balance.
Collects issues #13-#18.
Empowered and the Soldier of Love #3 (of 3)
Adam Warren (W) and Karla Diaz (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
As the very fabric of reality itself unravels around them in a frighteningly literal “storm of burning passion,” can a desperate Empowered and Ninjette stop the embittered, disillusioned, and out-of-control Soldier of Love from using her supercharged “magical-girl” powers to eradicate the entire concept of love from their city?
2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Empowered!
Story by series creator Adam Warren!
Spectacular art by web comic superstar Karla Diaz!
Empowered Volume 10 TP
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 216 pages • $19.99 • TP, 6 1/2″ x 9”
Costumed crimefighter Empowered, delighted by her long-delayed promotion to full-time membership in the Superhomeys, enjoys a suprasocial-media “victory lap.” But will her newfound satisfaction survive the challenges of obnoxious “white knights,” disturbing cryoprison visits, alarming alien medical scans and—worst of all—the revelation of a lover’s dark secret?
Over 250,000 copies sold of Empowered volumes!
“Adam Warren continues to beat the odds and persists in getting better and better with his spicy superhero romp.”—Johnny Bacardi, Popdose.com
Fate/Zero Volume 5 TP
Shinjiro (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 14 • b&w, 168 pages • $11.99 • TP, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/4″
Two desperate hunts stalk the dark woods that shroud Einzbern Castle, as Lancer and Saber confront the hideous sorcery of Caster, incarnation of the fiendish Gilles de Rais, while Irisviel follows Maiya in search of the master magician Kirei. Is mage killer Kiritsugu risking both his wife and his mistress in a cold-blooded scheme to assassinate Kirei . . . ?
Femina and Fauna: The Art of Camilla d’Errico (Second Edition) HC
Back in print!
Camilla d’Errico (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 132 pages • $24.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
Superstar artist Camilla d’Errico’s first Dark Horse art book, now back in print in an improved and updated second edition!
This revised volume features a new foreword by the creator of the Tokidoki brand, Simone Legno, a new introduction by d’Errico herself, and a selection of additional art unique to this edition. It’s a must-have for all fans of pop and fine art alike!
A new cover, a new introduction by the artist, and new artwork not seen in the first edition!
Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections HC
Paul Elsy (W), Charles White (W), and Will Burns (A/Cover)
On sale June 6 • FC, 160 pages • $29.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
Featuring detailed images of twenty-eight of the most iconic ships in EVE Online, this beautifully illustrated guide offers an unprecedented look into frigates from each faction with intricate cutaways and complex lore. Dark Horse Books is proud to partner with CCP Games to present Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections!
Featuring exclusive looks at the ships from EVE Online!
Game of Thrones Melisandre Figure
On sale August 16 • 8” figure • $27.99
Melisandre is a Red Priestess of Asshai and is possessed of arcane powers and a fatal beauty. She was last seen riding away from Winterfell after the Battle of the Bastards, exiled by Jon Snow. Will she return in Season 7 of HBO’s award-winning adaptation? We think so!
This highly detailed 8” figure captures the stern and determined expression of Melisandre.
Game of Thrones Magnetic Bookmark Set #3
On sale June 14 • Set of four bookmarks • $6.99
Fans following HBO’s Game of Thrones are often referring back to their books, since there are so many characters and plot lines to follow. A great way to keep it all straight is by using these brand new Dark Horse magnetic bookmarks. This third edition features newly selected lush color portraits of four favorite characters in updated costumes.
Game of Thrones 2.25” Magnets
Here is an opportunity for you to enable your customers to truly show allegiance to their favorite Game of Thrones houses. Dark Horse is proud to showcase a collection of twelve individual sigil magnets, measuring 2.25”. Each is produced in full color and bold clarity and packaged individually in a polybag with backing card.
On sale Feb 22
The Goon Library Volume 5 HC
Eric Powell (W/A/Cover), John Arcudi (W), Patton Oswalt (W), Thomas Lennon (W), Mark Buckingham (A), Guy Davis (A), Bill Morrison (A), and Bill Farmer (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 472 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8” x 12 3/16”
What’s left of the Zombie Priest’s race of witches come after the Goon, forcing him to face his nightmares or lose his town! The witch coven believe that control of Goon’s town will soon be in their grasp and his tragic soul will contribute to the curse that increases their power. But has their plot destroyed the Goon or created a monster too savage for them to withstand?
This library edition collects The Goon Volumes 13–15 and The Goon Noir.
Halo Library Edition Volume 2 HC
Duffy Boudreau (W), Sergio Ariño (P), Douglas Franchin (P/I), Ian Richardson (P), Juan Castro (I), Rob Lean (I), Denis Freitas (I), Carlos Eduardo (I), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Isaac Hannaford (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 296 pages • $49.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
One of the most popular video game franchises ever receives another deluxe hardcover! In this volume, follow the UNSC Spartans as they attempt to halt Dr. Catherine Halsey and Jul ‘Mdama’s pursuit of the Janus Key—the fate of the entire galaxy depends on them! This volume collects Halo: Escalation #13–#24 and features a cover gallery, annotations, and behind-the-scenes extras!
The conclusion of Escalation in a deluxe, oversized hardcover!
Features exclusive annotations!
Includes a cover gallery and behind-the-scenes extras!
Harrow County #22
Cullen Bunn (W) and Tyler Crook (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
When another magical force starts flexing its power in Harrow County, Emmy is surprised to learn that one of her oldest friends may be turning against her. While Emmy has been focused on dealing with threats from the outside world, perhaps a much bigger problem has been brewing at home.
“This is one of the best horror series I’ve ever read. It goes beyond the typical horror stereotypes, and brings a deeper, more sophisticated kind of terror to the audience. This is definitely a series for all horror fans.”—ComicWow!
Hatsune Miku: Acute TP
Shiori Asahina (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • b&w, 172 pages • $10.99 • TP, 5 1/8” x 7 1/4″
Acute, like the three angles of a triangle. Acute, as in the three sharp points. Acute is the tragic relationship between three Vocaloids: Miku, Kaito, and Luka! Once they were all friends making songs—but while Kaito might make a duet with Miku or a duet with Luka, a love song all three of them sing together can only end in sorrow! Based on the song with over 4.4 million combined views on YouTube and Niconico.
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1954—Ghost Moon #2 (of 2)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Brian Churilla (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Mike Huddleston (Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Hellboy squares off against a pair of Chinese demons while Sue psychically hunts down the source of the supernatural trouble in Hong Kong.
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part One TP
The official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
Michael Dante DiMartino (W), Irene Koh (A/Cover), Jane Bak (C), Vivian Ng (C), and Heather Campbell (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Relishing their new relationship, Korra and Asami leave the spirit world . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political high jinks and human vs. spirit conflict!
A pompous developer plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. What’s more, the triads have realigned and are in a brutal all-out brawl at the city’s borders—where hundreds of evacuees have relocated!
Written by series cocreator Michael Dante DiMartino and drawn by Irene Koh (Secret Origins: Batgirl, Afrina and the Glass Coffin), with consultation by Bryan Konietzko, this is the official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts Limited Edition HC
Nintendo (W/A)
On sale Feb 21 • FC, 424 pages • $79.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 9” x 12”
Experience the thrill of finding and unsheathing the Master Sword with The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts limited edition. The sword itself is a 3D embossed sculpt with a metallic foil finish and is printed at the size of an actual sword hilt to give the reader the satisfaction of unsheathing the realistic-looking sword from the acetate sleeve sheathe that encases the book. The cover’s background features the Lost Woods in a deep, custom-mixed purple ink with a soft-touch lamination and spot-gloss UV which is framed with metallic foil. The pages are gilded to round out the premium enhancements.
3D embossed Master Sword!
Acetate sleeve sheathe!
Gilded pages!
Metallic finish!
Contains over 400 pages of illustrations from the thirty year history of Zelda.
The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century (Second Edition) TP
Frank Miller (W), Dave Gibbons (A/Cover), and Angus McKie (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Our story begins in the squalid corridors of a maximum-security housing project, where a young girl will rise from the war-torn streets of Chicago to battle injustice in a world insane with corruption. Her fight will take her far, from the frontlines of the second American Civil War to the cold, unforgiving reaches of space. She will be called a hero, a traitor, and nearly everything in between, but all along the way, her courage, her integrity, and her unwavering commitment to that most valuable of rights—liberty—will inspire a movement that will never surrender.
Collecting remastered versions of every Martha Washington, an extensive behind-the-scenes section, an introduction by Frank Miller, and a brand-new cover by Dave Gibbons!
Lobster Johnson: The Pirate’s Ghost #2 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), John Arcudi (W), and Tonci Zonjic (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Lobster searches for a connection between a missing reporter and the appearance of a ghostly pirate ship.
The Once and Future Queen #2 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Battles are fought, weapons are bestowed, and romance begins to blossom! The new queen puts together her own Round Table as Merlin reveals what set the fae war off in the first place, the King in Shadow plots the defeat of humanity, and a devious third party is revealed . . . Are they friend or foe?
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle Extravagonzo HC
A New York Times best-selling series!
Paul Tobin (W), Tim Lattie (A), Matt J. Rainwater (C), and Ron Chan (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 80 pages • $9.99 • HC, 6” x 9”
A new, standalone graphic novel by Paul Tobin and Tim Lattie! Zomboss is back, hoping to buy the same factory at the center of Neighborville that his nemesis Crazy Dave is eyeing! Will Crazy Dave and his intelligent plants beat Zomboss and his zombie army to the punch? The Battle Extravagonzo is on!
The first Plants vs. Zombies original graphic novel!
Prometheus: Life and Death One-Shot
Dan Abnett (W), Brian Albert Thies (A), Rain Beredo (C), David Palumbo (Cover), and Sachin Teng (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 48 pages • $5.99 • One-shot
The surviving Colonial Marines on the planet LV-223 face a final battle with an injured and enraged Engineer—and, somewhere out in space, three trapped humans seek to change the course of the Engineer’s ship . . . and possibly the history of humanity!
The final installment of the Life and Death saga!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #2 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Twenty years old and already an experienced shipbuilder, John Abbott divides his time between the construction of the USS Constitution and dabbling in the raucous and sometimes violent political demonstrations happening around him. After he falls in with two abolitionists one night in Boston, things take a tragic turn.
From best-selling writer Brian Wood (The Massive, DMZ, Northlanders).
“Brian Wood has resurrected an era of American history that will satisfy the history buff and the lover of good comics alike.”—The Latest Pull
RG Veda Book 3 TP
CLAMP (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 656 pages • $24.99 • TP, 5 3/4″ x 8 1/4″
RG Veda (pronounced Rig Veda) is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. The Six Stars have at last reached Zenmi Palace to confront the evil god-king Taishakuten. As the tyrant prepares to kill them, Kujaku reveals the sign given to those who commit the most heinous of sins. Yet greater evil still is held back only by the seal on Ashura, without which the god of destruction will emerge, unstoppable . . . and if Yasha cannot change his destiny, he must face it—in the conclusion to the epic tale!
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #1 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Frank Miller (Variant cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Who doesn’t like Surf and Turf? Well, what do you do when Surf and Turf doesn’t like YOU?????????
The Eisner Award–losing and winning drawing-room talkfest The Shaolin Cowboy returns and will try to answer those questions as the titular hero of the series finds that his road to hell is paved not with good intentions but old nemeses hell bent on bloody revenge . . . AGAIN!!!!
Three-time Eisner Award winner Geof Darrow returns to the series Paste called “mind blowing” and io9 called “100% amazing.”
“There’s a lot to like about The Shaolin Cowboy. It’s whacky, over-the-top, and at points laugh-out-loud funny . . . If you don’t enjoy this book, you’re already dead.”—Comic Bastards
Frank Miller variant cover!
Slayer: Repentless HC
Jon Schnepp (W), Guiu Vilanova (A), Mauricio Wallace (C), and Glenn Fabry (Cover)On sale June 28 • FC, 88 pages • $19.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
The ultimate thrash-metal juggernaut, Slayer has laid waste to stages and audiences worldwide for over thirty years, with their latest album, Repentless, furthering their brutal legacy. Based on the savage Repentless videos by BJ McDonnell, this expansion of the video story lines drives deep into the darkest heart of America, a raging road trip down a bloodstained highway, a tale of the doomed, the damned . . . and the repentless! Collects the three-issue miniseries.
Spell on Wheels TP
Kate Leth (W), Megan Levens (A), Marissa Louise (C), and Jen Bartel (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 136 pages • $14.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Three young witches head out on an East Coast road trip to retrieve their stolen belongings and track down the mysterious thief before he can do any damage to—or with—their possessions. Collects Spell on Wheels #1–#5.
Supernatural meets Buffy and The Craft!
“A lively book that focuses on the strength of relationships that also promises a fun road trip along the way.”—Multiversity Comics
Too Much Coffee Man Omnibus Plus HC
The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
A deluxe hardcover featuring 32 new color story pages! This 600-page Omnibus Plus edition features five previously published Too Much Coffee Man books, plus an all-new color section! These semiautobiographical, hyperintellectual tales will appeal to both comic book insiders and pop culture fanatics. The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Bonus color Too Much Coffee Man adventures included!
Celebrating the work of Shannon Wheeler in a deluxe hardcover!
Tomb Raider Archives Volume 2 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 480 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
In pursuit of adventure—and the world’s rarest treasures—Lara circles the globe . . . and even goes off the edge of the map. Journey along on her most memorable expeditions as she teams up with a treasure hunter from the future, faces off against Egyptian gods in the afterlife, and searches for love.
This deluxe oversized hardcover collects issues #16–#24 and #26–#34 of the 1999 Top Cow Tomb Raider series and features the art of superstar artists Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, Andy Park, Randy Green, Tony Daniel, and many more!
New writers John Ney Rieber, James Bonny, and Adam Hughes join Dan Jurgens in telling Lara’s story.
Introduction by Tomb Raider all-star Randy Green!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 31: The Hell Screen TP
Stan Sakai (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 208 pages • $17.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
In this thrilling volume, the rabbit ronin teams up with—and faces off against—a multitude of unexpected characters: destitute bandits, a renegade kappa, and a komori ninja! Then, Inspector Ishida returns to investigate a ghastly painting known only as the Hell Screen! Collects Usagi Yojimbo issues #152–#158. Foreword by Cullen Bunn (Conan, Harrow County)!
Contains the three-part story arc “The Secret of the Hell Screen”!
100% new-reader friendly!
The Visitor: How and Why He Stayed #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Paul Grist (A/Cover), and Bill Crabtree (C)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The resurgence of a dangerous woman believed to have been killed long ago by the BPRD leads the Visitor to a cult’s compound in the Southwest.
The post Dark Horse Comics’ April 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.com.
13 notes · View notes
yamatokasukawaca · 4 years
The Importance of Living a Healthy And Balanced Lifestyle As a Family
The relevance of living a healthy lifestyle for keeping general healthiness as well as protecting against chronic diseases has been well established. A healthy and balanced lifestyle is rather straightforward to attain - one does not need to do anything "insane" to embrace a healthy and balanced way of life. I will certainly say that a certain quantity of independent thinking is required to separate fact from fiction in the majority of modern-day health advice currently being provided.
 One of the most essential thing you can do is consume well. Prevent toxic substances in your food as much as feasible and also take in plenty of fresh fruit, veggies and entire grains; exercise moderately a few times each week; prevent cigarette smoking, consisting of secondhand smoke; and also avoid getting way too much weight (which should come normally if you consume right and exercise). While it is not always possible to eat all Health food - the EWG suggests 12 vegetables and fruits that must be natural because of their higher degrees of pesticide deposit. Avoiding ecological toxins as much as you can is an integral part of attaining a healthy lifestyle.
 Our modern way of life is extremely hassle-free - yet it can additionally be exceptionally unhealthy. A lot of us eat too many processed foods as well as also couple of fruit and veggies; we rarely exercise; and when we develop persistent conditions such as diabetes, we rely on conventional medicines to make us really feel much better - but these drugs typically have devastating side effects. Instead of approving the value of living a healthy and balanced way of life for us and also for future generations, we continue with our negative habits - then take potent, toxic medicine to treat our unpreventable symptoms.
Yamato Kasukawa
Certainly, not all elements of living a healthy lifestyle are in our control. We are mosting likely to be revealed to particular environmental contaminants whether we like it or otherwise. Yet a number of these aspects are absolutely in our control. Whenever we can, we must be liable and also make the right selections.
 This is why it is so important to be sure you eat well as the essential consider attaining a healthy and balanced LIFESTYLE.
 I say "lifestyle" due to the fact that what I understand is that "eating well" can sometimes be something an individual finishes with resentment since they feel "sacrifice" is called for to embrace a healthy and balanced way of living.
 I remember when people who consumed bad foods utilized to joke with me as well as say I was not actually living because I picked not to consume pizza and also beverage beer - as well as I constantly responded "just how much LIVING can you do when your body is recovering from what you place in it?
 Changing from an Unhealthy to a Healthy And Balanced Way of life
 The reason I discuss the healthy and balanced way of living suggestion of merely EATING WELL on my blog site is because it has been so effective for my health and wellness.
 It was not always like this though. I keep in mind when I was addicted to a delicious chocolate bar daily and I always had headaches or an infection or health problem of some kind.
 In addition to too much sugar cravings (eating a delicious chocolate bar each day) I also dealt with numerous unhealthy symptoms that were testing to resolve via typical medication: Regular migraines, Skin problems (ie. eczema, acne, hives, Bloating, Gas, Foul-smelling Breath, Weak or breakable hair as well as nails, Fatigue and also lethargy, Extreme stress and anxiety, Yeast infection overgrowth, Yeast infections, Food or Environmental Allergies, Stress and anxiety or clinical depression, Diarrhea, Irregular bowel movements, Memory loss, Mood swings, Regular colds or infections, PMS or bad menstruation aches, Bladder infection, Loss of sex drive ... and so on
 . Ughhh! No fun at all!
 Years later on, I LIKE excellent food and I am hardly ever ill. Eating well is the ideal way to enter tune with your body and truly get back to essentials of what your body requirements. It challenges you to surrender the vices that you consider granted, break your addictive eating habits and also begin once again from the get go. Consuming well is a healthy way of life selection that provides you quality on what your body actually requires, not longs for and becomes the foundation for all various other healthy way of life options.
 An essential thing to keep in mind with consuming well is to truly analyze your root approach for adapting healthier foods into your way of living.
 If it's just to loose a few pounds - I directly really feel that this is not enough of a motivator and you will set yourself up for "failure" nevertheless, if you select to eat well to take pleasure in a better lifestyle, to do things you have not done in years as well as to not get sick anymore, then this is a remarkable motivator that will likely last!
 So, getting really useful, consuming well obviously entails making a few adjustments to the foods you prepare and appreciate.
 I constantly listen to my body when I eat. I do not calorie matter, gauge my clenched fist, usage ratio's or anything that creates me to divide myself develop the food I consume.
 The main reason I appreciate outstanding health is because I am important of what I eat - I select to eat REAL food.
 As a result of this, I do not require costly supplements or tough programs to maintain my weight.
 Delicious food selections of actual, entire foods allow me to enjoy the things many diet strategies warn against.
 This seems straightforward sufficient, yet what I have found out is that many individuals simply do not know what a healthy lifestyle includes, specifically when it comes to food!
 I try to maintain points as straightforward as feasible. I go shopping from the perimeter of the food store, consume primarily wild and free range hen, very little meat and primarily raw organic vegetables and fruits, with beans and rice. It's not functional to list every little thing I consume here, however do not hesitate to visit my blog and also download your FREE Healthy and balanced Grocery List while you are here!
 The Future Depends on our Wellness Living a healthy and balanced way of living, cost-free as long as possible of toxins (in our setting and also in our food) and also of stress and anxiety, is very important to us - yet it's additionally vital for future generations. Scientists are additionally currently uncovering the effect nourishment has on our DNA! Healthy trees birth healthy and balanced fruit. An ongoing way of living of health issues will have a lasting impact on future generations as well as on our world.
 The results of years of living an unhealthy way of life are obvious. We are presently confronted with a sharp rise in persistent health problems such as diabetes and also cardiovascular disease, with an obesity rate so high it's thought about an epidemic, as well as with expanding rates of infertility. The variety of kids diagnosed with autism, Asperger's disorder or ADHD is amazingly high.
 We must additionally remember that our youngsters thoroughly watch us and replicate us. If they see us act sensibly now, they will likely adopt a similar technique of dealing with themselves and of the world when they come to be grownups.
 We need to each ask ourselves if we are modeling the value of a healthy and balanced way of life to our youngsters. If we do not show them just how to care for themselves, they will likely count on the food firms instead. How will they understand the difference between actual food, "food like" compounds?
 I maintain around 6 - 8 amazing recipe books on hand. From these publications, I create basic dish plans that I turn every month based on about 15 easy dish concepts.
 Along with consuming Delicious Food (that is genuine and healthy and balanced!) I recommend the adhering to methods to aid design a positive method to food in our children:.
 Children particularly discover the world via imitation. Just how do you feel daily as you prepare your household's dishes? Are you hurried, annoyed, and also disconnected? We can show our kids that consuming healthy and balanced is very important by the way we approach our meal times. If we enjoy as well as engaged in making a meal, and afterwards get a kick out of eating together we verify that food is more than something to fill the opening but is a necessary component of a happy as well as healthy and balanced family life. Simply put, your youngsters will copy what they see so make certain you are placing a positive worth around the activities including healthy and balanced living.
Entail your kids in dish preparation, even once or twice a week. By talking about exactly how great certain foods taste and also by letting them assist you prepare you will certainly reveal that it is essential to take the time to prepare a well balanced meal instead of throwing something in the microwave. You never ever know, you may motivate a future chef!
Make a strategy to consume together as a family members as frequently as feasible. By each decision you make to eat with each other, you are casting a valuation on the significance of healthy living which it includes greater than just consuming a few more vegetables.
We can and also should make an effort to change our behaviors and approve the significance of living a healthy way of life. If culture will not make modifications, then we as people need to make them. Nevertheless, if we leave our health and wellness to another person think what they have prepared for you? Very little.
 I have absolute self-confidence that you can make the switch to living a healthy way of life and also removing the nuisance symptoms that result from a body that is strained with contaminants from our North American lifestyle. I had the ability to do this by adhering to straightforward approaches, cooking from useful publications that assisted me change my way of living over as well as appreciating life!
0 notes
mealha · 5 years
How to print and frame a photo that deserves more than Instagram
Once you've read this, you'll know how to print and frame your favorite photo. Getting that frame straight, though, is a whole other story. (Lefty Kasdaglis via Unsplash/)
A good framed photo hanging on your wall is worth 50,000 shots sitting in the cloud doing nothing. They can remind you of your friends and family members, great times, and who you used to be in the good ol’ days, while digital photos just bit-rot away on a hard drive. But if you haven’t printed and framed a photo in a while—or ever—you might have forgotten how to get it right.
That photo you like so much and looks great on your screen might be dull, lifeless, and even blurry on paper. There are a lot of variables to juggle if you want to make it pop and look as good as it does on screen, so let us help you get them all right.
Consider your printer
A harsh truth: not all printers can print photos, and even those that can might not do a good job. That laser printer sitting in your home office sure is great for churning out black and white tax forms, but it just won’t cut it for high-quality color photos.
Basic home inkjets can print good-looking photos, but they won’t be perfect. These printers only use four ink colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—so they can’t produce particularly photorealistic prints. You’ll lose details in the shadows and highlights, and get some banding or inaccuracies in the gradual transitions between colors.
Inkjet printers designed specifically for printing photos, on the other hand, have somewhere between six and nine inks. For example, the Epson SureColor P600 adds light cyan, vivid magenta, vivid light magenta, photo black, matte black, light black, and light light black to the basic four inkjet colors. This means it can accurately print realistic photos that are good enough to sell or hang on a gallery wall.
How much this all matters is up to you. If you just want to print out some nice family photos you shot on your iPhone, then your all-in-one, four-color inkjet will likely be well up to the task. But if you have aspirations of making a living off your vivid landscape prints, or you just want to have your best shots featured in your living room, you’ll need something that will do a more accurate and detailed job.
Stock up on photo paper
Glossy paper will make those colors pop. In photos like this one, with low contrast, it really makes a difference. (Joshua Fuller on Unsplash/)
Standard letter paper, like you’d find in an office, is only good for documents. For great photos, you’ll need great paper.
The photo you want to print will determine the kind of paper you’ll use. There are three broad categories of photo paper available: gloss, semi-gloss, and matte. Gloss paper is the standard, shiny photo paper—it’s great for vibrant, colorful images. Semi-gloss paper is slightly less glossy and is excellent for portraits, family photos, and images where you don’t want super-saturated colors. Matte paper has no shine, so it’s best for black and white photos and other high-contrast, moody works.
Once you know what kind of paper you’ll use, you’ll need to decide what size your prints will be and get the right sized paper for the job. Most home inkjet printers can print photos at 4 by 6 inches, 5 by 7 inches, and 8 by 10 inches (all standard photo sizes), as well as 8.5 by 11 inches (which is U.S. Letter size).
Also, paper quality is measured in weight per ream of 500 sheets—the thicker the paper, the heavier it is. That also means it’s better quality, and therefore, more expensive. Good photo paper is normally somewhere between 50 and 80 pounds per ream, so if you’re experimenting, the lower end of the range is a good place to start.
Grab the right ICC profiles
Different printers and papers interact in different ways you’ll need to use ICC profiles to get the best results. Developed by the International Color Consortium, these are downloadable files that tell your computer what proportion of ink to use to get your printout as close to the image on your screen as possible. High-quality paper manufacturers release these files so users can get consistent results with their individual papers and all major printer brands.
Here’s how to find the ICC profiles for the paper you’re using:
Check the packaging your photo paper came in for a URL or instructions on how to download ICC profiles.
Visit the paper manufacturer’s website and look around for an ICC profiles section.
Search for the name of the paper manufacturer and “ICC profiles” to go straight to the page.
If you’re using paper from the same manufacturer as your printer (say, Canon paper with a Canon printer), they might already be installed. Check to see if any of the print presets match the paper you’re using. If they’re there, you’ll also see them when you go to select one later on.
Once you’ve found the ICC profiles, download the correct one for the paper and printer you’re using—there are different profiles for each paper and printer combination. To install an ICC profile on Windows, right-click on the downloaded file (the extension will be ICC) and choose Install Profile. On a Mac, either run the PKG file or copy the downloaded ICC file to Macintosh HD > Library > ColorSync > Profiles.
To print with an ICC profile, you’ll need to use Photoshop, Lightroom, or an equivalent photo editing app that supports them. In Photoshop, when you print, under Color Management, select Photoshop Manages Colors for Color Handling and choose the correct ICC profile. In Lightroom, in the Print module, select the appropriate ICC profile for Profile from the Print Job options in the right-hand sidebar.
Ready your photo
Yes, Photoshop can be intimidating if you're a newbie, but basic tweaking is easy and goes a long way. (João Silas on Unsplash/)
What looks good on screen doesn’t always translate to a great print, so there are some preliminary edits you should make to get the best results. I recommend using Lightroom Classic, but Photoshop or any other image editor will do.
First, check the resolution of the file you want to print. For high-quality photos, you’ll want to print at 300 dots per inch (DPI) or higher. For a 6-by-4-inch print, this means you’ll need a minimum image resolution of 1,800 by 1,200 pixels; and for an 11-by-8.5-inch print, it’s 3,300 by 2,550 pixels.
Photos from any smartphone with a 12 megapixel camera (like recent iPhones and Google Pixel phones) will be 4,032 by 3,024 pixels by default, which is more than enough resolution to get great prints. However, photos downloaded from Facebook or Instagram won’t, since they’re automatically compressed when uploaded. If you want good results, you’ll need to work with the original files.
In Lightroom, you can find the image resolution in the Metadata tab of the Library Module. In Photoshop, go to File and then File Info.
Once you’ve made sure you have a high-quality file, follow these steps:
<b>Increase the brightness of the photo.</b> Images look brighter on a screen than on paper because of the backlight. If you’re using Lightroom or Photoshop, start by increasing exposure by about one stop. In Photoshop, you can adjust exposure by clicking on <b>Image</b> in the main menu, and going to <b>Adjustments</b> and <b>Exposure</b>. In the emerging pop-up window, move the dial from 0.000 (it will be there by default) to 1.000. If all this means nothing to you, just increase the brightness of your image a little to start with. You can do so by going to <b>Image</b>, choosing <b>Adjustments</b>, and then clicking on <b>Brightness/Contrast</b>.
<b>Crop your image so it matches the size you’re planning to print.</b> Images sized at 4 by 6 inches and 8.5 by 11 inches have different aspect ratios, for example, and you’ll want to have control over how they’re cropped rather than letting the printer do it. In Photoshop, grab the <b>Crop tool</b> from the sidebar (the keyboard shortcut is <b>C</b>) and either select the appropriate preset or enter your own aspect ratio in the <b>Settings</b> bar.
After making your adjustments, use the proper paper to create a test print. This is an important part of the process, since you rarely get everything right the first time. It’s a great opportunity to see if you need to make any further edits to your image, and make sure you’ve got the correct size, paper option, and quality selected.
Check for things like:
The overall brightness of the image.
The contrast between shadows and highlights.
Whether the colors are saturated enough (or too saturated).
If there is a color cast (an unwanted tint to the whole photo) or any other problems with the colors.
That the details are sharp.
If there are any issues—and there almost always is something—go back, fix it, and make another test print. Repeat the process until you’re satisfied.
Print the final version
With everything dialed in, print the final version of your photo and let it sit for an entire day. This may sound exaggerated, but there’s a good reason for it: You risk smudging even quick-drying inks if you touch your photo too soon. Also, solvents in the ink can take up to 24 hours to completely evaporate, so unless you want gasses leaving a haze on the glass of the frame, be patient and put off the next steps for tomorrow.
Frame your photo
Look at that—your shot in all its glory. (Naomi Hébert on Unsplash/)
Frames not only protect photos but make them look better on the wall. If you’ve gone through all this trouble and effort to print a photo, don’t just stick it to your fridge with a magnet—frame it properly.
While you can easily buy new frames, a good way to get great ones on the cheap is to visit charity shops or thrift stores. Ignore whatever artwork is in it and focus on searching for a frame that will look good in your home and fit the photo you’re printing. You can get higher-quality frames for a lot less secondhand than you would buying them new.
If you want your photos to look like works of art, look for a frame with a “mat." This is the (usually white) cardboard that surrounds photos and separates them from the border of the frame in most artistic prints. A mat will make all your photos look super classy and stand out on the wall.
Finally, when framing your photo, be careful with handling the print and the frame glass. Pick them up by touching only the edges—you don’t want oily fingerprints or hair to stick to either.
Once you’re done, hang your photo on the wall and enjoy your guests’ admiring stares.
Other tips for getting great results
As with everything, practice makes perfect, so the more photos you print, the better you’ll get at it. While you learn, here are a three extra tips to keep in mind:
While trial and error go a long way, consider investing in<a href="https://amzn.to/3cdsjFJ" target=_blank> a monitor calibration tool</a> if you’re printing professionally and want to ensure consistent results. It’ll make it easier for you to predict exactly how prints will look.
Just in case you may want to print the same photo again, save the print file with any edits you made. The image probably won’t look right on screen, so don’t post it to social media—just keep it around.
Inkjet printers work best when they’re used regularly, so don’t let your printer sit dormant for months and then expect great results. Print something once every week or two. This will also help you keep the printheads working perfectly.
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kristablogs · 5 years
How to print and frame a photo that deserves more than Instagram
Once you've read this, you'll know how to print and frame your favorite photo. Getting that frame straight, though, is a whole other story. (Lefty Kasdaglis via Unsplash/)
A good framed photo hanging on your wall is worth 50,000 shots sitting in the cloud doing nothing. They can remind you of your friends and family members, great times, and who you used to be in the good ol’ days, while digital photos just bit-rot away on a hard drive. But if you haven’t printed and framed a photo in a while—or ever—you might have forgotten how to get it right.
That photo you like so much and looks great on your screen might be dull, lifeless, and even blurry on paper. There are a lot of variables to juggle if you want to make it pop and look as good as it does on screen, so let us help you get them all right.
Consider your printer
A harsh truth: not all printers can print photos, and even those that can might not do a good job. That laser printer sitting in your home office sure is great for churning out black and white tax forms, but it just won’t cut it for high-quality color photos.
Basic home inkjets can print good-looking photos, but they won’t be perfect. These printers only use four ink colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—so they can’t produce particularly photorealistic prints. You’ll lose details in the shadows and highlights, and get some banding or inaccuracies in the gradual transitions between colors.
Inkjet printers designed specifically for printing photos, on the other hand, have somewhere between six and nine inks. For example, the Epson SureColor P600 adds light cyan, vivid magenta, vivid light magenta, photo black, matte black, light black, and light light black to the basic four inkjet colors. This means it can accurately print realistic photos that are good enough to sell or hang on a gallery wall.
How much this all matters is up to you. If you just want to print out some nice family photos you shot on your iPhone, then your all-in-one, four-color inkjet will likely be well up to the task. But if you have aspirations of making a living off your vivid landscape prints, or you just want to have your best shots featured in your living room, you’ll need something that will do a more accurate and detailed job.
Stock up on photo paper
Glossy paper will make those colors pop. In photos like this one, with low contrast, it really makes a difference. (Joshua Fuller on Unsplash/)
Standard letter paper, like you’d find in an office, is only good for documents. For great photos, you’ll need great paper.
The photo you want to print will determine the kind of paper you’ll use. There are three broad categories of photo paper available: gloss, semi-gloss, and matte. Gloss paper is the standard, shiny photo paper—it’s great for vibrant, colorful images. Semi-gloss paper is slightly less glossy and is excellent for portraits, family photos, and images where you don’t want super-saturated colors. Matte paper has no shine, so it’s best for black and white photos and other high-contrast, moody works.
Once you know what kind of paper you’ll use, you’ll need to decide what size your prints will be and get the right sized paper for the job. Most home inkjet printers can print photos at 4 by 6 inches, 5 by 7 inches, and 8 by 10 inches (all standard photo sizes), as well as 8.5 by 11 inches (which is U.S. Letter size).
Also, paper quality is measured in weight per ream of 500 sheets—the thicker the paper, the heavier it is. That also means it’s better quality, and therefore, more expensive. Good photo paper is normally somewhere between 50 and 80 pounds per ream, so if you’re experimenting, the lower end of the range is a good place to start.
Grab the right ICC profiles
Different printers and papers interact in different ways you’ll need to use ICC profiles to get the best results. Developed by the International Color Consortium, these are downloadable files that tell your computer what proportion of ink to use to get your printout as close to the image on your screen as possible. High-quality paper manufacturers release these files so users can get consistent results with their individual papers and all major printer brands.
Here’s how to find the ICC profiles for the paper you’re using:
Check the packaging your photo paper came in for a URL or instructions on how to download ICC profiles.
Visit the paper manufacturer’s website and look around for an ICC profiles section.
Search for the name of the paper manufacturer and “ICC profiles” to go straight to the page.
If you’re using paper from the same manufacturer as your printer (say, Canon paper with a Canon printer), they might already be installed. Check to see if any of the print presets match the paper you’re using. If they’re there, you’ll also see them when you go to select one later on.
Once you’ve found the ICC profiles, download the correct one for the paper and printer you’re using—there are different profiles for each paper and printer combination. To install an ICC profile on Windows, right-click on the downloaded file (the extension will be ICC) and choose Install Profile. On a Mac, either run the PKG file or copy the downloaded ICC file to Macintosh HD > Library > ColorSync > Profiles.
To print with an ICC profile, you’ll need to use Photoshop, Lightroom, or an equivalent photo editing app that supports them. In Photoshop, when you print, under Color Management, select Photoshop Manages Colors for Color Handling and choose the correct ICC profile. In Lightroom, in the Print module, select the appropriate ICC profile for Profile from the Print Job options in the right-hand sidebar.
Ready your photo
Yes, Photoshop can be intimidating if you're a newbie, but basic tweaking is easy and goes a long way. (João Silas on Unsplash/)
What looks good on screen doesn’t always translate to a great print, so there are some preliminary edits you should make to get the best results. I recommend using Lightroom Classic, but Photoshop or any other image editor will do.
First, check the resolution of the file you want to print. For high-quality photos, you’ll want to print at 300 dots per inch (DPI) or higher. For a 6-by-4-inch print, this means you’ll need a minimum image resolution of 1,800 by 1,200 pixels; and for an 11-by-8.5-inch print, it’s 3,300 by 2,550 pixels.
Photos from any smartphone with a 12 megapixel camera (like recent iPhones and Google Pixel phones) will be 4,032 by 3,024 pixels by default, which is more than enough resolution to get great prints. However, photos downloaded from Facebook or Instagram won’t, since they’re automatically compressed when uploaded. If you want good results, you’ll need to work with the original files.
In Lightroom, you can find the image resolution in the Metadata tab of the Library Module. In Photoshop, go to File and then File Info.
Once you’ve made sure you have a high-quality file, follow these steps:
<b>Increase the brightness of the photo.</b> Images look brighter on a screen than on paper because of the backlight. If you’re using Lightroom or Photoshop, start by increasing exposure by about one stop. In Photoshop, you can adjust exposure by clicking on <b>Image</b> in the main menu, and going to <b>Adjustments</b> and <b>Exposure</b>. In the emerging pop-up window, move the dial from 0.000 (it will be there by default) to 1.000. If all this means nothing to you, just increase the brightness of your image a little to start with. You can do so by going to <b>Image</b>, choosing <b>Adjustments</b>, and then clicking on <b>Brightness/Contrast</b>.
<b>Crop your image so it matches the size you’re planning to print.</b> Images sized at 4 by 6 inches and 8.5 by 11 inches have different aspect ratios, for example, and you’ll want to have control over how they’re cropped rather than letting the printer do it. In Photoshop, grab the <b>Crop tool</b> from the sidebar (the keyboard shortcut is <b>C</b>) and either select the appropriate preset or enter your own aspect ratio in the <b>Settings</b> bar.
After making your adjustments, use the proper paper to create a test print. This is an important part of the process, since you rarely get everything right the first time. It’s a great opportunity to see if you need to make any further edits to your image, and make sure you’ve got the correct size, paper option, and quality selected.
Check for things like:
The overall brightness of the image.
The contrast between shadows and highlights.
Whether the colors are saturated enough (or too saturated).
If there is a color cast (an unwanted tint to the whole photo) or any other problems with the colors.
That the details are sharp.
If there are any issues—and there almost always is something—go back, fix it, and make another test print. Repeat the process until you’re satisfied.
Print the final version
With everything dialed in, print the final version of your photo and let it sit for an entire day. This may sound exaggerated, but there’s a good reason for it: You risk smudging even quick-drying inks if you touch your photo too soon. Also, solvents in the ink can take up to 24 hours to completely evaporate, so unless you want gasses leaving a haze on the glass of the frame, be patient and put off the next steps for tomorrow.
Frame your photo
Look at that—your shot in all its glory. (Naomi Hébert on Unsplash/)
Frames not only protect photos but make them look better on the wall. If you’ve gone through all this trouble and effort to print a photo, don’t just stick it to your fridge with a magnet—frame it properly.
While you can easily buy new frames, a good way to get great ones on the cheap is to visit charity shops or thrift stores. Ignore whatever artwork is in it and focus on searching for a frame that will look good in your home and fit the photo you’re printing. You can get higher-quality frames for a lot less secondhand than you would buying them new.
If you want your photos to look like works of art, look for a frame with a “mat." This is the (usually white) cardboard that surrounds photos and separates them from the border of the frame in most artistic prints. A mat will make all your photos look super classy and stand out on the wall.
Finally, when framing your photo, be careful with handling the print and the frame glass. Pick them up by touching only the edges—you don’t want oily fingerprints or hair to stick to either.
Once you’re done, hang your photo on the wall and enjoy your guests’ admiring stares.
Other tips for getting great results
As with everything, practice makes perfect, so the more photos you print, the better you’ll get at it. While you learn, here are a three extra tips to keep in mind:
While trial and error go a long way, consider investing in<a href="https://amzn.to/3cdsjFJ" target=_blank> a monitor calibration tool</a> if you’re printing professionally and want to ensure consistent results. It’ll make it easier for you to predict exactly how prints will look.
Just in case you may want to print the same photo again, save the print file with any edits you made. The image probably won’t look right on screen, so don’t post it to social media—just keep it around.
Inkjet printers work best when they’re used regularly, so don’t let your printer sit dormant for months and then expect great results. Print something once every week or two. This will also help you keep the printheads working perfectly.
0 notes
scootoaster · 5 years
How to print and frame a photo that deserves more than Instagram
Once you've read this, you'll know how to print and frame your favorite photo. Getting that frame straight, though, is a whole other story. (Lefty Kasdaglis via Unsplash/)
A good framed photo hanging on your wall is worth 50,000 shots sitting in the cloud doing nothing. They can remind you of your friends and family members, great times, and who you used to be in the good ol’ days, while digital photos just bit-rot away on a hard drive. But if you haven’t printed and framed a photo in a while—or ever—you might have forgotten how to get it right.
That photo you like so much and looks great on your screen might be dull, lifeless, and even blurry on paper. There are a lot of variables to juggle if you want to make it pop and look as good as it does on screen, so let us help you get them all right.
Consider your printer
A harsh truth: not all printers can print photos, and even those that can might not do a good job. That laser printer sitting in your home office sure is great for churning out black and white tax forms, but it just won’t cut it for high-quality color photos.
Basic home inkjets can print good-looking photos, but they won’t be perfect. These printers only use four ink colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—so they can’t produce particularly photorealistic prints. You’ll lose details in the shadows and highlights, and get some banding or inaccuracies in the gradual transitions between colors.
Inkjet printers designed specifically for printing photos, on the other hand, have somewhere between six and nine inks. For example, the Epson SureColor P600 adds light cyan, vivid magenta, vivid light magenta, photo black, matte black, light black, and light light black to the basic four inkjet colors. This means it can accurately print realistic photos that are good enough to sell or hang on a gallery wall.
How much this all matters is up to you. If you just want to print out some nice family photos you shot on your iPhone, then your all-in-one, four-color inkjet will likely be well up to the task. But if you have aspirations of making a living off your vivid landscape prints, or you just want to have your best shots featured in your living room, you’ll need something that will do a more accurate and detailed job.
Stock up on photo paper
Glossy paper will make those colors pop. In photos like this one, with low contrast, it really makes a difference. (Joshua Fuller on Unsplash/)
Standard letter paper, like you’d find in an office, is only good for documents. For great photos, you’ll need great paper.
The photo you want to print will determine the kind of paper you’ll use. There are three broad categories of photo paper available: gloss, semi-gloss, and matte. Gloss paper is the standard, shiny photo paper—it’s great for vibrant, colorful images. Semi-gloss paper is slightly less glossy and is excellent for portraits, family photos, and images where you don’t want super-saturated colors. Matte paper has no shine, so it’s best for black and white photos and other high-contrast, moody works.
Once you know what kind of paper you’ll use, you’ll need to decide what size your prints will be and get the right sized paper for the job. Most home inkjet printers can print photos at 4 by 6 inches, 5 by 7 inches, and 8 by 10 inches (all standard photo sizes), as well as 8.5 by 11 inches (which is U.S. Letter size).
Also, paper quality is measured in weight per ream of 500 sheets—the thicker the paper, the heavier it is. That also means it’s better quality, and therefore, more expensive. Good photo paper is normally somewhere between 50 and 80 pounds per ream, so if you’re experimenting, the lower end of the range is a good place to start.
Grab the right ICC profiles
Different printers and papers interact in different ways you’ll need to use ICC profiles to get the best results. Developed by the International Color Consortium, these are downloadable files that tell your computer what proportion of ink to use to get your printout as close to the image on your screen as possible. High-quality paper manufacturers release these files so users can get consistent results with their individual papers and all major printer brands.
Here’s how to find the ICC profiles for the paper you’re using:
Check the packaging your photo paper came in for a URL or instructions on how to download ICC profiles.
Visit the paper manufacturer’s website and look around for an ICC profiles section.
Search for the name of the paper manufacturer and “ICC profiles” to go straight to the page.
If you’re using paper from the same manufacturer as your printer (say, Canon paper with a Canon printer), they might already be installed. Check to see if any of the print presets match the paper you’re using. If they’re there, you’ll also see them when you go to select one later on.
Once you’ve found the ICC profiles, download the correct one for the paper and printer you’re using—there are different profiles for each paper and printer combination. To install an ICC profile on Windows, right-click on the downloaded file (the extension will be ICC) and choose Install Profile. On a Mac, either run the PKG file or copy the downloaded ICC file to Macintosh HD > Library > ColorSync > Profiles.
To print with an ICC profile, you’ll need to use Photoshop, Lightroom, or an equivalent photo editing app that supports them. In Photoshop, when you print, under Color Management, select Photoshop Manages Colors for Color Handling and choose the correct ICC profile. In Lightroom, in the Print module, select the appropriate ICC profile for Profile from the Print Job options in the right-hand sidebar.
Ready your photo
Yes, Photoshop can be intimidating if you're a newbie, but basic tweaking is easy and goes a long way. (João Silas on Unsplash/)
What looks good on screen doesn’t always translate to a great print, so there are some preliminary edits you should make to get the best results. I recommend using Lightroom Classic, but Photoshop or any other image editor will do.
First, check the resolution of the file you want to print. For high-quality photos, you’ll want to print at 300 dots per inch (DPI) or higher. For a 6-by-4-inch print, this means you’ll need a minimum image resolution of 1,800 by 1,200 pixels; and for an 11-by-8.5-inch print, it’s 3,300 by 2,550 pixels.
Photos from any smartphone with a 12 megapixel camera (like recent iPhones and Google Pixel phones) will be 4,032 by 3,024 pixels by default, which is more than enough resolution to get great prints. However, photos downloaded from Facebook or Instagram won’t, since they’re automatically compressed when uploaded. If you want good results, you’ll need to work with the original files.
In Lightroom, you can find the image resolution in the Metadata tab of the Library Module. In Photoshop, go to File and then File Info.
Once you’ve made sure you have a high-quality file, follow these steps:
<b>Increase the brightness of the photo.</b> Images look brighter on a screen than on paper because of the backlight. If you’re using Lightroom or Photoshop, start by increasing exposure by about one stop. In Photoshop, you can adjust exposure by clicking on <b>Image</b> in the main menu, and going to <b>Adjustments</b> and <b>Exposure</b>. In the emerging pop-up window, move the dial from 0.000 (it will be there by default) to 1.000. If all this means nothing to you, just increase the brightness of your image a little to start with. You can do so by going to <b>Image</b>, choosing <b>Adjustments</b>, and then clicking on <b>Brightness/Contrast</b>.
<b>Crop your image so it matches the size you’re planning to print.</b> Images sized at 4 by 6 inches and 8.5 by 11 inches have different aspect ratios, for example, and you’ll want to have control over how they’re cropped rather than letting the printer do it. In Photoshop, grab the <b>Crop tool</b> from the sidebar (the keyboard shortcut is <b>C</b>) and either select the appropriate preset or enter your own aspect ratio in the <b>Settings</b> bar.
After making your adjustments, use the proper paper to create a test print. This is an important part of the process, since you rarely get everything right the first time. It’s a great opportunity to see if you need to make any further edits to your image, and make sure you’ve got the correct size, paper option, and quality selected.
Check for things like:
The overall brightness of the image.
The contrast between shadows and highlights.
Whether the colors are saturated enough (or too saturated).
If there is a color cast (an unwanted tint to the whole photo) or any other problems with the colors.
That the details are sharp.
If there are any issues—and there almost always is something—go back, fix it, and make another test print. Repeat the process until you’re satisfied.
Print the final version
With everything dialed in, print the final version of your photo and let it sit for an entire day. This may sound exaggerated, but there’s a good reason for it: You risk smudging even quick-drying inks if you touch your photo too soon. Also, solvents in the ink can take up to 24 hours to completely evaporate, so unless you want gasses leaving a haze on the glass of the frame, be patient and put off the next steps for tomorrow.
Frame your photo
Look at that—your shot in all its glory. (Naomi Hébert on Unsplash/)
Frames not only protect photos but make them look better on the wall. If you’ve gone through all this trouble and effort to print a photo, don’t just stick it to your fridge with a magnet—frame it properly.
While you can easily buy new frames, a good way to get great ones on the cheap is to visit charity shops or thrift stores. Ignore whatever artwork is in it and focus on searching for a frame that will look good in your home and fit the photo you’re printing. You can get higher-quality frames for a lot less secondhand than you would buying them new.
If you want your photos to look like works of art, look for a frame with a “mat." This is the (usually white) cardboard that surrounds photos and separates them from the border of the frame in most artistic prints. A mat will make all your photos look super classy and stand out on the wall.
Finally, when framing your photo, be careful with handling the print and the frame glass. Pick them up by touching only the edges—you don’t want oily fingerprints or hair to stick to either.
Once you’re done, hang your photo on the wall and enjoy your guests’ admiring stares.
Other tips for getting great results
As with everything, practice makes perfect, so the more photos you print, the better you’ll get at it. While you learn, here are a three extra tips to keep in mind:
While trial and error go a long way, consider investing in<a href="https://amzn.to/3cdsjFJ" target=_blank> a monitor calibration tool</a> if you’re printing professionally and want to ensure consistent results. It’ll make it easier for you to predict exactly how prints will look.
Just in case you may want to print the same photo again, save the print file with any edits you made. The image probably won’t look right on screen, so don’t post it to social media—just keep it around.
Inkjet printers work best when they’re used regularly, so don’t let your printer sit dormant for months and then expect great results. Print something once every week or two. This will also help you keep the printheads working perfectly.
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