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Frame of Mind Friday 7/7/2023
Exploratory Vessels Reading
With the Capricorn ♑️ moon just passing, I feel a mix of emotions.
I feel silly. I feel relief. I feel excited for the future.
I have a clear vision for my future. I know who is depending on me, and how to be dependable.
For too long I have hidden in the shadows of what others want me to be.
Like a Phoenix, I can feel myself rising from the ashes. The only difference is I created a lot of those ashes through burnt bridges.
However, this isn't negative. The bridges had to be burnt in order to rebuild a new foundation in my life.
If you find yourself feeling exhausted, make sure to tune in to the energy of those around you. Especially those you think are in your corner.
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Post Schedule: Updated 7/7/2023
Please Note: my goal is to post at least 1 of each category per month; a total of 7 posts each month (starting July 1st)
Savings Sundays: Budget tips
*100% my personal experience. Not professional advice
Moody Mondays: Sharing about mental health struggles, wins, and/or other personal experiences.
*100% my free writing/opinions (may sometimes include links to resources)
Travel Tuesdays: Sharing a favorite spot, or travel tips. Sometimes both
*100% my free writing/opinions
Whimsical Wednesdays: fantasy short stories
*100% my free writing
Thirsty Thursdays: recipes, restaurant reviews, or something food/drink related.
*Goal is to add mine and my husband's recipes, will be giving credit if based off of another recipe.
Frame of Mind Fridays: Spiritual Reflection
My tarot readings, moon phase reflections: getting in touch with my spiritual side.
Story Time Satudays: recaps of previous adventures, a wild memory, etc.
*Might be in video format
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