#explorer kaill
ratasum · 1 year
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Qirri Tinkerfirst | Keeper Vezz | Overseer Zatte
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Liquidator Korrix | Peacemaker Teall | Explorer Kaill
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Lady Makko | Xeonna the Lost | Naqai
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Ympp | Laxzzi | Pheazza
A compilation of all of my current sharkrats. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one I guess lmao.
I have ideas for more rats but these guys are good for now.
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ratasum · 2 years
character development question for kaill - what's his favorite place he's been so far, and what's the place he most wants to go to someday? and why? :) @kerra-and-company
Send me character development questions!
Kaill is obsessed with almost any asuran ruins that get dug up, but he's fascinated currently by Rata Pten. He spent days there digging around with the researchers, carefully cataloguing every single artifact, translating the text on every urn.
More than anything, though, he wants to visit the ruins of Rata Novus and Rata Arcanum. He's certain that the ruins there will point them to still occupied lost ratas, though no one else believes him.
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ratasum · 2 years
Kaill's hard of hearing and doesn't often hear people mispronouncing his name or joking about how it's pronounced Kyle.
Literally cannot hear the haters.
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ratasum · 2 years
Some Voices
In lieu of a video since I don't have editing software, some voices that aren't Vezz and Qirri:
Agaue - Heather Headley
Makko - Carrie Ann Moss
Oaklinna - Minnie Driver
Deshauna - Toks Olagundoye
Kaill - Zach Barack
Rhoslinn - Aimee Atkinson
Liath Slaughterclaw - Rachel House
Laxzzi - Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (I'll add a clip when I can find a good one)
Teall - Jensen Ackles (I don't even like the man he just has a great Cop Voice)
Danica - Lianne Marie Dobbs
Zatte - Deanna McGovern
I'll make another list when I think of more but these are the ones I've got so far.
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ratasum · 2 years
I'm sleepy so have a fun meme.
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(In order going left to right in each row:
Makko, Ympp, Oaklinna Pheazza, Qirri, Liath Teall, Kaill, Zatte Macen, Deshauna, Vezz Umbra, Rhoslinn, Agaue)
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ratasum · 2 years
The ultimate goal is to get Kaill to 80 and then get his elite so I can take him to those two places. Someone just go with him so he doesn't get steamrolled by Inquest or jungle critters.
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ratasum · 2 years
Before I get to answering the ask I've got, a decision: Kaill is trans.
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ratasum · 2 years
🍑 for your current top 5 ocs atm!
Jumbo Ask Game
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Since these get long... under the cut!
His favorite place to relax is his little garden outside the home he shares with Rissia in Applenook. Any opportunity he can get to go outside, sit in the dirt, and weed his flowers while his little stubborn bone minion that was too scared to fight anything and surprisingly resilient (it has been with him since the Inquest) rolls around in the mud? It's heaven to him.
While he doesn't have any recent stories regarding it, more recently he's found himself sitting there in the sunshine while the windows to their little home were open, and he could hear his twin progeny cooing as Rissia played with them, singing gently to them as she was putting them down to nap.
Children from the village calling "Hi Mister Vezz!" as they ran by playing, a couple of merchants cheerfully greeting him.
After the life he led before, fleeing the Inquest and struggling through guilt and anger and depression, he realized sitting there among family and friends, his community. His town. He realized he'd made it.
He'd finally found home.
Phee's favorite place is down on the docks at Sanctum Harbor, watching the fishermen come in.
She grew up in Lion's Arch, listening quietly to the bustle and the waves gently lapping the docks. It's especially appealing to her after a storm, when the air smells of salt and the wood of the docks and the ozone from the lightning.
There were times as a child that she remembers her mother, a retired ship captain, pushing the windows open after a storm to "let in the good air," then sending her out with her brothers to gather seaweed off the rocks. The smells and sounds always take her back to her childhood, picking up sea grapes and seaweed to use for various foodstuffs or for drying.
It's not uncommon now for her to take her own daughter Kinna down to the rocks after a storm to pick seaweed with her, and once she was old enough, to let her go down herself with her cousins.
It's one of the best things in the world to her.
If there's anywhere Umbra feels at ease, it's as far from civilization as possible. Her strangely strong connection to the mists means she can hear the dead around her at all times, and so the further out she gets, the easier it can be to quiet the voices that aren't the spirits of her warband, supporting her as her stance.
She still recalls a time sitting far up in the Shiverpeaks, only hearing her closest friend and fahrar sister talking to her about how it felt to see all of this through her eyes.
It was painful, but at the same time bittersweet. These were the people she cared the most about in her life, and she can give them experiences they never would have gotten in life. As a gladium, she can travel, giving them some sense of peace as well.
She's also found it nice to visit the Olmakhan, as they have ways to help her quiet the spirits that aren't the ones she wants to hear. It's let her get some of the best sleep she's had in years.
Deshauna often finds herself in the hills overlooking Applenook from the small village of New Hope, watching the farms as she works on a hand loom. Typically it's made better if her beloved wife Eshara is with her, if only so she can lean into the norn and let her shoulders relax, occasionally just closing her eyes and letting her hands follow practiced motions.
It was in one such a time that she finally admitted she genuinely loved Eshara, sitting up with her weaving in her lap. It was something she had been incredibly nervous about, especially since she was the oldest surviving child of her siblings now, with all of the expectations that entailed.
But sharing a warm, vulnerable moment with Eshara and finding out that she reciprocated her feelings? It is the most wonderful thing she can ever remember happening to her.
Even if her younger siblings, having spied on them from one of the upper floors of their family home, teased her endlessly after the fact, equal parts giddy for her and eager to let her know that they approved and planned to never let her live her schoolgirlish nervousness down.
My newest boy because he's been rapidly developing in my head!
Kaill is shy and just... cannot stand being among people for long. His favorite thing to do is head back to the Priory, go down into the library, and climb up onto the stacks with some books to thumb through and a bowl of riced mealworms.
It's rarely terribly overwhelming down there, and since his hearing is poor, he can just ignore anything going down unless someone specifically seeks him out because he's needed.
He still remembers sitting up there when Sieran brought down a novice initiate, a tiny little albino asura who didn't look old enough to even be out of Rata Sum, watching quietly as the little one darted around pulling out books to look at.
It reminded him of his own little sister back in Rata Sum, and he recalls smiling and taking a moment to write her, just to remind her he was always thinking of her.
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ratasum · 2 years
I think I've finally landed on a New Boy.
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His name is Explorer Kaill. It's pronounced Kyle. People keept hinking he has a human name but No He Absolutely Does Not.
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ratasum · 1 year
There's two options for why Kaill would mispronounce bagel. One of them is that he didn't hear it right since he's HoH. The other is that he knows exactly how it's said; he just thinks it's funny when people get frustrated that he's not saying it right.
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ratasum · 2 years
Anyway I'm still developing Kaill's personality but right now I have that he's mostly very shy but very clever. Not good with people, but good with books.
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ratasum · 1 year
So while running Kaill around doing map comp in Mount Maelstrom for leveling purposes, and because it's one of my favorite maps, I'd forgotten that New Skrittstead also has evidence of having been an asuran settlement. Whether it was part of Rata Pten or just another lost rata, I don't know.
But now I'm chewing on the theory that these ratas were lost longer back than we thought, and the Orrian relics may have been explorers excavating the city, which by that point would have been long dead.
Something to percolate, at any rate.
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