lasshoe · 1 year
i also can't even get into the rebecca/rupert backstory of it all but rupert using consistency as a manipulation tool to make rebecca feel chosen vs ted using the consistency of biscuits with the boss to genuinely get to know her i just have to scream about it forever
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ruushes · 7 days
im gonna be honest i was despairing a bit bc the writing in the trailer was Not It for me lmao but like literally every other thing i learn about this game looks so good... ten years down the line and bioware is still Doing It To Me 😔
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doccywhomst · 6 months
About your last post.
I understand because I too used to throw every bit of 13 criticism into the right wing bin. It is only recently that I started to accept that some criticism of that era were reasonable. It was this video by verilybitchie about the women in Doctor Who that made me do a 180.
I think the insular nature of fandoms and the way the DW fandom is scattered around and formed by VERY different kind of fans only worsen the situation. It’s hard to know how good intentioned someone is when there’s a part of the fandom actively sabotaging the show since 2004.
(referencing this post) it was a video essay that changed my mind as well - i was super resistant going into it, but as i watched, i realized that i didn’t actually object to anything being said, only the idea of something i love being criticized. i felt sick to my stomach because the longer i watched, the more i realized they were right, i couldn’t defend my viewpoint, and i knew i wouldn’t be able to unsee the flaws in thirteen’s writing.
since then, i’ve also pulled my own 180° - i went from not tolerating criticism (because i thought it was all in bad faith) to openly and thoroughly criticizing doctor who, explicitly because i love it. it’s my favorite thing in the world and i shouldn’t have to lower my standards to enjoy it. the flux was what nailed the coffin shut for me, i couldn’t believe how sloppy the plot felt…. it went nowhere and many of its consequences went unresolved.
all of this is to say, i’ll always love thirteen and there’s a home in my heart for her, but honestly, the criticism is valid. she deserved better. i hope jodie works with big finish to make audios worthy of her effort and skill, because i know we all want the best for her! and i would LOVE for thirteen to have many years of terrific audio series :)))
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sammansonn · 25 days
listen I Love the dynamic/relationship between edwin and charles, but edwinxniko and edwinxcat king just Get to me
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storm-driver · 2 months
first impression of the missing link beta: this game isn't ready to be released.
i really don't care how badly people are scrapping for content regarding this series. it isn't done. it really needs more time to cook.
i get that this is a mobile game, but the graphical fidelity of it does not appear to be made for mobile devices, and it looks like it's complicating the production of it.
the game has very poor lighting. the shadows and shading on a character's face looks very terrifying sometimes. it's far from a bad start, but it very much needs more polish.
parts of the environment constantly load and deload depending on the render distance and where the camera is positioned, and it isn't subtle. it's noticable and i constantly found my eyes flicking to the corner of the screen to check what i just saw, only to realise it was a tree spawning in.
there's almost no SFX in some cutscenes. characters will be walking and you won't hear their footsteps. someone will do some kinda weird magic thing with their hand or whatever, but there's no sound to accompany the flashy VFX.
the game SEEMS fine if this is meant to be an incredibly rough beta? but like, this isn't done. please don't expect a final product to be released soon.
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laundrybiscuits · 7 months
Spotify Wrapped #33?
lift your hearts to the horizon / leave your fears upon the shore / this one life is for the living / and we ask for nothing more
“Settled in yet, Harrington?” Steve nearly jumps as Eddie swings down from the rigging. “Not missing your feather bed?” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I’m crying myself to sleep every sundown.”
“Poor baby. Need someone to hold you through the night, huh? We’re a little short on lusty lasses out here, but your good pal Eddie’s always available.” Eddie flutters his eyelashes in that teasing way he always has, and Steve laughs.
“Okay, Munson, I’ll be expecting you in my bunk at six bells.”
Eddie winks, smirking. “It’s a date.”
He shuffles in to lean his elbows on the rail next to Steve, squinting out at the bright morning light splayed over the waves. The salt water stretches out in a blue so deep and pretty that Steve thinks it could pass for a completely different world from the sea he saw last night. 
“Seriously,” he says. “You doing okay? I know it’s…not what you’re used to. The first storm’s always the hardest, and we caught a real nasty one. You want to call it quits after this, you’re not on a long-term thing, no one’s gonna say shit to you.”
“What?” Steve twists around. Eddie’s staring up at the cloudless sky, stray curls escaping from the frayed scrap of linen binding up the bulk of his hair. There are grey shadows under his eyes; he probably didn’t get much rest last night, either.
“I’m not gonna quit,” he says. “Didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Sure. If you change your mind in the next few weeks before we reach port, though…”
“I’m not gonna quit,” says Steve again. 
He’d stepped onto the gangway for the first time less than a fortnight ago, but it’s true that he hasn’t once thought of going back. At least not yet. 
“It’s different out here, isn’t it,” he hears himself saying. Eddie hums in agreement but doesn’t say anything else. 
“I mean,” says Steve, when the silence stretches out. “Everything’s just, like. It matters or it doesn’t. ‘S just easier.”
“Like you can breathe, right?” Eddie nods. “No distractions. Just the stuff you do to stay alive and sane and moving in the right direction. All the bullshit falls away.”
Steve does feel like he breathes different here. The wind has a taste, and it seems to reach every corner of his body when he shuts his eyes and inhales deep. 
And yeah, when he opens his eyes again and there’s nothing ahead except the endless distant edge where the sea blurs into sky, all the shit that he cared so much about even a month ago—the broken engagement, the rejection from the Academy—none of it seems all that important anymore.
There’s just the sea before him, and the sky above him, and the man leaning into the wind at his side. 
It’s well past dusk when Eddie shows up at the doorway to the cramped quarters Steve shares with a few other guys. One of those guys is Eddie, so it’s not weird for him to be there, but he lingers in the entrance, fingertips drumming a quick pattern on the rough lintel. 
Even in the low light, Steve can tell he looks a little different. He’s freshly scrubbed, hair unbound but tamer than Steve’s ever seen it before. He’s even shaved the patchy scruff that he’d been sporting earlier in the day.
Eddie looks like he’s made some kind of effort, and it’s that, more than anything else, that sends a near-painful spasm of fondness through Steve.
“Six bells was a while ago,” says Steve.
“I know,” says Eddie, too fast. “I mean. Fuck, this is so stupid, I know you were just kidding—”
“Yeah,” says Steve. He’s not agreeing so much as he’s just saying yeah. “I could be—not kidding, though. If that’s something…”
“It’s something,” says Eddie. He moves closer, into the glow of the lantern hanging from the top bunk. 
Steve’s eyes slip down the column of Eddie’s throat to where his shirt is hanging unlaced, crudely inked lines just barely uncovered at the edge. “Jeff,” says Steve, not looking away. “I got a full bottle of port that’s all yours if you fuck off for, uh…”
“Don’t come back until first light and I’ll throw in the knife I won last winter,” says Eddie. He folds gracefully to kneel between Steve’s legs, hands sliding up his thighs. 
“Pox on both of you,” Jeff groans. “Hand me that port and I’ll go sleep on the deck. Just keep it down, will you?”
Steve looks at Eddie’s dark eyes, his smiling mouth, the capable shape of his hands. Even through the rough breeches, Eddie’s grip feels like the air before a storm.
“No promises,” says Steve, and leans down.
Send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write a ficlet based on the corresponding song from my Spotify Wrapped! It will definitely be gay and may possibly be musical theater
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willowcrowned · 9 months
oh hi mr professor sir. my paper? it’s missing? well you see it was cold and rainy outside. yes uh huh and I had to be cozy in bed. so obviously I could not write my paper. yes this makes total sense to me. yes I think if you thought about it a little you would also understand
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evilhorse · 3 months
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Oh god, I hate snakes!
(X-Men Red #16)
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rowanisawriter · 2 months
hate myself because i should have loved midnight mass i love a pathetic priest i love religion twisted into horror i love a man of god on his knees praying but no one’s listening i love the corrupting power of religion but i just don’t like midnight mass 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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weaponizedmoth · 4 days
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Pics from February 2024.
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doccywhomst · 2 years
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that certainly was an episode of doctor who
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azukanacrown · 9 months
Okay I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve just gotta get this outta my system. I’ve been watching Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 and I just finished the episode where Lila tries to frame Marionette for foraging all the class’ portfolios (or whatever they’re called) and it’s just a reminder of how shit of character Lila is. Not necessarily because she’s an awful person, but because she’s horribly written.
I understand that Miraculous is a kid’s show but that doesn’t mean everyone constantly has to be a moron. Like, every time Lila spins a lie the writing surrounding her just completely dumbs down. She isn’t even that necessary as a character. I think the only reason she’s kept around is so she can become the next Hawkmoth (if this is revealed in the last few episodes, don’t tell me), given Bunnix & that one-time traveling villain talking about the Hawkmoth of the future.
Anyways, it’s just annoying how everyone believes her for no good reason. Like, for example, that episode where she’s calling from the Middle East because she’s visiting Prince Ali. Nobody questions the fact that nothing is moving in the background, like no birds no clouds, lighting, people, nothing, nor the lack of visual depth. Because human eyes can tell when something is flat or not (usually). Also, an orange lamp? Really? What is this, a Hollywood movie of the Middle East or any “desert” place?
Then you have Alya refusing to believe Marionette about Lila. Like yes, you shouldn’t just take people’s word for things but once it gets to the point where someone else is also agreeing, aka Adrien and you still refuse to believe them that’s on you. Not to mention, conveniently, Adrien just doesn’t talk about the time when he talked to Lila to ensure she unspins her lies about Marionette pushing her down the stairs. On top of that, she literally said she has a disorder that makes her lie. SHE LITERALLY ADMITTED TO RANDOMLY LYING (even if though that was a lie too other people don’t know that). So even if she “doesn’t mean to” that at least means she compulsively lies and can’t control it.
I also just hate how Alya says it’s cute that Adrien is standing up for his girl instead of considering the fact that he’s just telling the truth. Adrien is someone who tried to see good in even Chloe and now he’s speaking ill of another person, for love or not, that is not in his nature to do and yet they still don’t take either of them seriously (he was in love with Ladybug and she made it pretty clear she didn’t like Chloe and yet he still defended her). It was also very infantilizing towards Marionette. (Also the fact that she just conveniently forgot about the fact that Lila lied about being friends with Ladybug even though she knows Marionette hates her is just pathetic)
Then there’s the fact that, even though Marionette is apparently so busy with her love life and other things, she has the time to not only rewrite but take the time to learn the handwriting of about 16 students. And do it in like a day or two, given she was doing it out of spite for not being picked to be the class rep. Unlike Lila, Marionette has plenty of history to prove her good nature. None of them actually know Lila other than for the things she tells them she does. Like sure, maybe she convinces some of the class but the ENTIRE class. Many of which have always believed in Marionette’s good nature (namely Rose & Mylene).
It pisses me off how Ms. Bustier also tried to send Chloe & Lila to go comfort Sabrina after all of them watched her have a literal breakdown saying it was those exact two that made her do it. And it’s obvious it was just so they could catch their conversation in the bathroom (which, not to mention, is strange it has a two sided mirror into the girls bathroom. I get it was to get proof, but that’s still weird). But then there’s the fact no one turned on those two when they not only watched Sabrina breakdown and turn against Chloe, her literal best-friend and master, but also watch Lila not try to comfort her at ALL, only continuing to try and turn it against Marionette in this honeyed tone. Like it’s just ridiculous (utterly) how much they twist the writing to make sure Lila gets away with her lying even though if they took like two seconds to add Adrien telling his story or someone else having common sense they never would’ve believed her.
I know I am overthinking a kid’s show, you do not have to tell me 💀 trust me I am fully aware.
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stuckinapril · 26 days
the way I barely started season 2 and Carrie is already insufferable and I already hate it here
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With Rémi leaving Cube and all, I realized that I never publicly posted this - a translation of the official expository comics, published on the show's Facebook page way back in the year 2010. Translation by me, cleanup by @paintalyx.
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losing the plot by expanding upon it....
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vitaegratis · 4 months
valentimes/eddie born day starter for @havvkinsqueen
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Neither Valentine’s Day nor Eddie’s birthday had been all that remarkable until Chrissy came back into his life. Where the former was concerned, he had never really had a girlfriend with whom to spend the day before. In his experience, if you were single? It was uneventful, if not depressing… once you left grade school, and the obligatory swapping of cards. Once upon a time he might have gone on a cynical rant about how it was a commercial holiday, which to be fair - it was… but it was one with a solid sentiment. Now that he loved someone, and was loved, he could fully appreciate that. A day of recognizing and celebrating that love.
As for his birthday? That was another thing entirely. Wayne always tried his best to make sure Eddie had at least one real present (Al’s hotwiring lessons didn’t count), and usually he spent the evening hanging out with the guys. Shockingly, none of them ever had dates either. He had ever really yearned for the traditional birthday party experience, though. Cake and ice cream, piñatas, pin the tail on the donkey. There was no part of him that felt cheated, but It was quickly apparent that the ‘no big deal’ attitude wouldn’t fly with Chrissy. Being a Valentine’s baby was never something he had advertised, but he had known early on that it would be pointless to try and conceal it from her. What was he supposed to do, give her a fake birthday? No, one way or another, she would have found out. Got mad at him. It would have been no fun for anyone.
Chrissy was nothing if not enthusiastic about holidays, though… making sure they were the epitome of fun. Chrissymas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day. To her? Birthdays were holidays. Eddie had been resistant the previous year, mainly not wanting it to overshadow the Valentine’s of it all. Or Valentimes, if one wanted to be cute. He had wanted the day to be about them, rather than just him. The resulting compromise was that one would be celebrated during the day, and the other would be celebrated during the evening. That… was trickier to pull off than one would think. So it was that this year, he relented - allowing it all to sort of bleed together. There was an itinerary planned, they’d have a day out together - cap it off with a romantic dinner, and then unwind with a quiet night at home. A not so quiet night, maybe. year? He relented, and it was all sort of all bleeding together. There would be the exchanging of gifts, dancing, kisses… and such things.
Looking himself over in the mirror as he waited for Chrissy herself to finish getting ready - something was off. Something he couldn’t place. It wasn’t lint. Not this time, and no thanks to Fluff. Running his hands through his hair in exasperation, that’s when it clicked. It was obvious. Chrissy had a thing for when his hair was swept back… tied back. Smirking to himself as he remedied that, he called to her in the bathroom for an update. “We’re not on a schedule or anything, buuuuut… are you about ready?”
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