xianha · 6 years
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Shisuu x Agathe @tusindfryds
Shisuu x Mai @happywonderfuldays
Exire!Floran x Ivan @oreowarrior
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soundlessroom · 6 years
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“But one thing never once was told: the children weren’t controlled. They left because they wanted - to a place where they got supported.”
Ceres saving Children from their abusive homes, is one of many stories they got untold, yet I suddenly saw a parallel between her and The piper, but she would never harm them.
In order of appareance: Denna, Pulchrit @lskartcorner , Ebele @miki-7heaven , Liber @mo-re-mi123 and Ceres.
🌟 PATREON || Commission Info 💌
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years
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My newest addition to the exsona family.
Name: Roi Sherman
Age:19 Nationality Height: 5"3 / 160 cm Sex: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Gay Likes: Getting stronger, his family and wanting to start one in the future, messing around, play sparring, lively places, his burn scar (he thinks he looks cool). Dislikes: Fire (He subconciously flinches near them), heights, feeling useless, being judged Voice Actor: Fukuyama Jun (JPN) Class: Escort
Personal Skill: Stature’s Sleight  The taller the enemy is the higher the avoiding stacks up with the max being +25 avoid. *Skill does not activate if the character is shorter than him.* Strength: Resistance, Skill Weakness: Defense, Magic
Personality: Roi is a very lively person he likes to enjoy what he can at any time which may get him into trouble from time to time. He usually ignores any sort of discrimination but sometimes he feels this hatred towards the people and tries to lock it up as well as the urge to cry. He learned at a young age that the world will never change for him so he tries to get stronger so that nobody can hurt him. He brags a lot about being able to knock out a dragon laguz with his bare fists and pretends to be a know it all so that he doesn’t seem dumb.
More about him undercut such as his history, current situation, and alliance.
History: Roi was an orphan who was abandoned at the orphanage there since his mother lost her laguz powers after giving birth to him and hated him. He was adopted at the age of 6 by a White Dragon Laguz couple who wanted another child in the family. Although he wasn’t very accepted by the others he was by his family and loves them so much. He dyed his hair to match his parents and sister so that he resembles them more. He was generally becoming accepted into the community until an incident where a fight broke out between him and another dragon laguz. He managed to knock out the dragon but not before sustaining burns and permanently becoming half deaf. His new image made people spread rumors and ruin what was left of his good reputation and many people now think he’s a guy who only causes trouble. Despite not wanting to feel that way but he’s starting to hate living in Goldoa.  
Current Situation: He does errands for his parents who deal with trading and since he can also pose as a beorc along with his sister, he’s sent to different countries to collect and deliver valuables for countries that are barred off to laguz. When he does not have anything to do he still travels because he wants to stay away from Goldoa for a while.
Alliance: Neutral, he does not seem to hold many feelings for Goldoa yet he can’t bring himself to go against it. Roi rarely joins a side unless he’s forced to.
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mo-re-mi123 · 6 years
I already mentioned this on Twitter, but for those who do not have one - if you would like to write/plan supports or even just wanna talk interactions and not feeling supports (fatesona, exsona, felh, whatever) feel free to hmu! I’ve got some time before classes get into full swing and kill me, so it’s all good 👌
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karucilla · 6 years
Curious Cat
Eriin ask:  How would Major react if Alex get stolen by Ceres -SHOT-
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Mariposa - @miki-7heaven
My text answer: 
Major: Oh crap! - the door of the entrance falls Mariposa: YOU A DEAD MEN !!! - He grabs Major by the neck and starts him shaking - THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! YOU SAID YOU'RE SHE WILL BE SAFE
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papillonrecordhouse · 6 years
Mariposa x Haku: C-Support
In collaboration with: @xianha
Mariposa: *tapping her foot as she cleans Haku's wounds* I cannot believe you! Just like a pup to be too friendly. *clicks her tongue* Thankfully I sent back up to go after the target. Anyways there, that should do it.
Haku: There was no way I was going to hurt them in that state! It wouldn’t be right! And I’m fine... Really.
Mariposa: Haku, you're lucky you only got this hurt! Honestly, for a spy, especially one that worked for Ivan, I would think you'd know better. *looks at him, then smiles* Aaaw, don't give me those puppy eyes~ I know you like to play your way, but this is just how our business is. You know that.
Haku: Hey, even if I worked under Ivan he and I both know that my own set of morals are different then his. But we managed to make things work...this, whatever this work business is...doesn’t. It doesn’t do any good for either sides. Don’t we want to gain the people's trust?
Mariposa: *sighs and steps back* Haku, this business isn't about the people out there. In the public eye. It's just a means of service and information. *looks back at him* I know your moral compass is- *gestures hand unevenly* complicated. But I assure you, I wouldn't send you biting at some civilian. some poor innocent. But I guess, that heart of yours is too soft to realize that.
Mariposa: *pats his head and ruffs his hair* But if it will make my precious Hound happy, I can always demote you to book-fetching~
Haku: Now I think you're just making fun of me for being too kind... Those actions are the ones that speak the loudest to people. If you want to get more information I think there are better ways to do it then harming someone for it.
Mariposa: *shifts her weight and crosses her arm* Haku, it’s not that. At least not fully. *waves her hand off* Your kindness is...  a refreshing quality. I suppose I'm just not using it to the best of its ability. *smiles* But if you want to show it off, don’t let your target escape next time alright?~
Haku: Ahh... ok... I can do that.
Mariposa: Glad we’re in agreement! ~ *claps her hand together* Now how about we finish up your report, and treat you to something~ That should get your tail wagging again right?~ Won't want you pouting back home. *smirks*
Haku: I don't know why you insist on treating me like an animal ... Let alone a dog. Is that what everyone considers me as?
Mariposa: ! What no! I'm just teasing Haku. Come on now. *frowns* Of course we don't actually think you're a dog. And I tease everyone not just you, you know that.
Haku: You wouldn’t be wrong though. You, Brandon, Ivan...almost everyone who knows I work under you guys probably think I am.
Mariposa: One, Brandon can suck ass! Two, I may call you a Hound, pup, dog or number of other things, but I never mean it cruelly. As much as you are an employee, you're family. And as family, we tease each other and care about each other. Besides...
Mariposa: *smiles and holds his cheeks* What's wrong with being a dog anyways?  They're kind, loyal, caring and they pack a bite! Not to mention they have the best smiles~
Haku: I guess you're right about that... Dogs are cute.
Mariposa: Damn right I'm right! *proud of herself* Now come on, let me treat you before you head off home. Won't want Shisuu worrying about you. *pats him to get up*
Haku: Alright alright~ aha *stands up* I think Shisuu will be fine, he's learned a lot ever since he came here.
Mariposa: Oh has he now? Tell me about it!
[End of Support C]
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oreowarrior · 7 years
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I wish I had known the day of your birthday, I just found out about it sob 
Despite being late, I still wish you the warmest regards, best of luck, health and success in your life! May this year, and the following ones be a super rad one for you! 
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xianha · 6 years
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Ivan x Haku Oops.
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sakudrew · 7 years
//a black cat laguz just pounces on exire Brandon because she's a little shit kitty cat >:3 (forgive my exsona Saku and Brandon she is a derp )
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“…. Who brought that dirty cat here?! Floran!! @oreowarrior Please get rid of that thing.”
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moremi-oc-rp-blog · 7 years
"God, we stink" - Mariposa to Dante. xD
“That we do, it’s what happens when you train that hard”“I suppose we’ll just have to take a nice long shower after this~”
Training/Sparring Sentence starters
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mo-re-mi123 · 7 years
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Thought I’d share this here too, since everyone seems to being it^^ (that improvement though) Here’s to another year of fun!~
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karucilla · 6 years
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@anderwelt , @erinilla
Thank you for your ask :D !!! And yeah.. she’s maybe the hottest between the 3 of my Oc’s xDDD 
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papillonrecordhouse · 6 years
Mariposa x Haku: B-Support + Event 1
In collaboration with: @xianha
[Event: Feralia]
Haku: *walking in* Hey, got any work for me today?
Mariposa: *dressed like she just came back from a funeral* Huh? Oh no, everyone has the day off Haku. It’s a festival day, remember? *looks exhausted as she takes a seat on her chair with an album*
Haku: A day off... festival?... Ohh... Oh yeah ....that.... huh... I've never actually experienced a festival like that before.
Mariposa: *looks at him confused* What? Really? Your friends or parents never took you out to a festival? I mean, I guess this one isn't the cheeriest. But still!
Haku: Couldn't afford to, it's not that bad though. I'd see some pretty lights around. And even after they died and I made my own living, I couldn't really go out in public and expose myself to the area.
Mariposa: !!! *looks a little taken a back, but then composes herself* Oh I see, so your parents are not with us. I apologize. It must have unimaginably rough to lose them. *looks down at the album* I know it would be unbearable for me.
Haku: It’s okay I'm not really that heartbroken. *looks over* What's that?
Mariposa: *looks at him like he said the most alien thing to her, but then shows him the album* It’s my family album. Would you like to see it?
Haku: Sure~ I've never seen your folks around before. They come by often?
Mariposa: Oh no, they are far from Tellius! My mother and her parents are sort of like nomads. They came here from their home country for kicks, to explore. It’s my dad who was born here, but he left with my mom. It’s been years since I've seen them... *pulls out a family photo, of her as a little girl in her father's arms* That's him! *smiles*
Haku: Wooow~~ I can see where you get your charm from.
Mariposa: *chuckles* Flattery will get you nowhere~ But yeah, my dad was a looker. Had to be if my mom was willing to extend her trip from one to twenty-six. I swear, my dad was as military as you could get! He was strict, punctual, and not the best with...  emotional support. *shakes her head* But he was a softie. He loved to play with me and teach me to fight. Oh and do this thing where we'd play guardsmen during thunderstorms! *all bright eye* AND ONCE! He took me on his plane, I almost threw up. *laughs* But the view from up there was so pretty!
Haku: Sounds like someone is a bit of a daddy's little princess.
Mariposa: *looks at him* hmm?  *leans forward with a smirk* Damn right I am~
Haku: Awww how cute, you’re proud~~
Mariposa: Of course! Who won’t want to be a princess~ After all, that just means I have the power to make the world tumble! *stands* Now how about we go get Shisuu so we can celebrate together. I can borrow you something nice~
Haku: Wait, I don't look presentable enough?
Mariposa: *looks at him and chuckles* You look like you are ready to rob the place~!
Haku: But isn’t that what you made me do???
[End of Event 1]
 Mariposa: *filing some things away as the rest of the employees and agents make their leave* Today was so slow.
Haku: Heeeey~ Mariiiii~!!!
Mariposa: ! *turns to him and smiles* Well someone is cheerful~ Hello Haku, turning in something? *walks over to him*
Haku: Well kinda, I got the thing you wanted, but I also have something you might like too.
Mariposa: *eyes widen* Oh?~ A gift? Show me! *walks over to him, waiting for her gift*
Haku: Close your eyes first, I want it to be a surprise.
Mariposa: *looks at him suspiciously, but then closes her eyes* Alright give it to me.
Haku: Alright hold still then. *pins a butterfly barette in her hair* There, open up.
Mariposa: *opens her eyes and looks at her office mirror* Oh! How cute~  Thank you Haku. *smiles at him, with a hint of blush*
Haku: I bought a while back at the festival, I thought it suited your style.
Mariposa: I agree~ I'll cherish it then. You know, you really do have the cutest face when you’re happy~ I can just imagine a tail wagging behind you! *chuckles*
Haku: Ehhh?? I told you I'm not a dog!
Mariposa: BUT you act like one sometimes in the cutest ways! *ruffs his hair* I mean, even more than Shisuu. *giggles*
Haku: How can I be more of a dog than a dog himself!! Shisuu licks his own wounds for pete's sake, even my wounds!!
Mariposa: Woah woah! ~ I know we're close, but I don't need to know about you and Shisuu's kinks~ *playfully covering her ears*
Haku: *light blush* O-Oi oi!!! Those are not kinks and me and Shisuu ARE not like that!! WE’RE. JUST. FRIENDS!
Mariposa: I don't know~~~ I mean... *lifts his hand by the chain on his wrist* You do wear chains for the guy~ *giggles, pinches his cheeks*
Haku: Grrr...!!... Hmm... Well there's no need to go after him anyways, I've already set my eyes on someone.
Mariposa: *let's go of his cheek and looks at him in surprise* Oh? Who? *curls her fingers into her palm*
Haku: ........you.
Mariposa: ... ... ... *looks at him, waiting for him say he’s joking* Wait what??? *bright red*
Haku: Why do you think I allow you to push me around and do as you say all the time? I think you're pretty cute!
Mariposa: *just keeps looking at him and then looks sad* Haku, I.... *looks at him like she wants to say something, but stops* ... Haku, I'm sorry. I... I can't accept your feelings... I'm so sorry... *takes off the butterfly clip and hands it back to him uneasily*
Mariposa: You are my employee and I'm your boss. It would be a conflict of interests. Not to mention the power dynamic...
Haku: Uhhh....you know I was just joking, eight... I like Brandon remember! ♡
Mariposa: *looks at him shocked then her sadness which quickly turns to flaring anger* I! CAN! NOT! BELIEVE YOU! GGGGRAAAAAHH!!!! *punches him directly in the gut, then kicks his shin* YOU! ASS! HOLE! PENDEJO! GAAAH! *throws the keys at his face* YOU ARE CLEANING UP TONIGHT AND LOCKING UP!!!! *storms off in fury, slamming the door behind her*
Haku:  A-ahhh shit... *groans* What the hell was that for? For someone who's constantly teasing me, she can’t take a joke...
[End of Support B]
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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I’ve been meaning to post this once school settled down.
I commissioned @pommeplisa for Valencia and I was not disappointed. It’s so pretty the drawing style is so elegant and the way you color is just so beautiful. I just adore the textures used on the wings especially since it gives like a cool paint and soft effect. The hair is just so fluffy and the shading is just so pleasing. But honestly, my favorite thing is your style overall. I really love your art style so much it’s so gorgeous the way you draw the eyes, the eyelashes and just about all of the character features. Thank you again for this wonderful art!
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doriduckdoodles · 7 years
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//comes in 200000 years late with Dunkin’ Donuts-
So I heard there was a new community for fatesona in regards to the Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn universe and I got interested BC the Radiance Series was my second FE game I got into. (Radiant Dawn being my first ever game man I was confused as all hell though-)
So I decided to join BC I wanna become active again.
Meet Dori, a black cat laguz. She’s clumsy and always getting herself into trouble, though it doesn’t help that she’s got a passion for adventure and exploring. She was raised in Gallia her whole life but after a visit from a group of beorc, she decides to run away from home for the sake of an exciting adventure.
So now she’s just kind of traveling Tellius, and being confused about all the industrial advances the beorc have made. Someone help her for the love of the Goddess she’s gonna get herself killed-
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ronyavalentine · 7 years
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@fe-exire​ - The Villain Week Challenge - Day 1
[ What Makes Them A Villain? ]
And you probably thought I didn’t have more OCs for Exire... hA! As if I would ever have enough OCs! Now if I could just flesh them all out equally outside just my own hard head...
In any case, here’s my little team of rebels from Ellvale. The group acts outside of their originating nation as well, but this team’s focus is bringing down @sakudrew​ ‘s Brandon who rose to rule the country after guiding it through its Civil War.
In short, they’re a small group of self-declared terrorists (need to think of a name for them) whose goal is to bring nations back to their people by eliminating the rulers of each country and destroying their hierarchical ladders. Most members have personal vendettas for joining the group, and none of them go by their real names to stay truly anonymous. “Emma” will be the character I’ll focus on in this challenge, but I’ll try to introduce at least the team she’s a part of.
( I hope introducing this kind of an OC team fits within Exire limits - I’m not planning on making the team affect or contribute to the canon lore, but I grew interested in the possibility of the people rising against their leaders. There’s always rebels as long as there is herarchy, after all. )
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