#extremely cute wowee
yakocchi · 2 years
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Ravaged Reason (VIP) // Completion 
Full Title // Thoroughly Desired, A Sickeningly-Sweet Night
google’s been cracking down on foreign IAPs, so wowee i had to do some nonsense to even partake in this one. hope voltage (bothers to) figure out how to sell vip subs on passport cuz wtf
This VIP event is mostly garbage. 15 of the items are phone bgs and social media icons of prexisting images, are you kidding me
There’s not really a real connecting theme to all the stories? they done phoned it in
extremely brief discussion under the cut (spoilers)
So TL;DR the SR Eisuke story is about them going to a fashion show in Paris. Ladies be hanging near Eisuke & MC gets insecure, and then Eisuke himself gets jealous later. granted, idk wtf she expected when ota was like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “dont be tellin our secret now” and then eisuke gives the stank face asking wtf is the secret and she still doesnt tell
The SR Soryu story is about her getting kidnapped by some dudes who want some shiet from the auctions. what's new. obv soryu saves her but then it’s revealed that the special item that soryu was going “ugh tf” earlier when he was going over the items was....... a sexy maid outfit with cat ears. MC is like “i should try it on eh (jokingly)” and then soryu is like that chad meme guy with the beard going “yea”. she wears it and he’s very into it. tho it’s not about him being into catgirls, it’s that mc wearing something sexy is Nice
the Rare stories are just lil unrelated bits of their cute lil married life. ......maybe not cute for everyone but eisuke’s. like the soryu one almost has him wanting to bone in the auction warehouse.  the normal stories are just His POV versions. 
anyway, i did not crop MC’s face off on purpose. i just go ham on the cropping so it’s not a complete image. rip
see kbtbb mc is a very cute girlie
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honestly concerning to realize in one of these parallel fictional universes she’s supposed to married to the likes of this dude
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wish his lil paris outfit here was full drip tho. like this loser
ok thats all, ty for reading! lol
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kyutown · 3 years
Hi! I saw you were open for ship requests~ Can I please have a ship request with stray kids, nct dream, and seventeen? ||
I am 04' Liner and im around 161 cm. My sun and rising is Gemini and I have a scorpio moon. I am an ISFJ. I am also asian wowee, south east asian ethnicity but my physical features are more towards east asian. I have no in betweens in things, it usually the extreme ends (eg. productive af and dead af or social butterfly and basically a hermit). I like penthouse...Yeah. I excel in academics, music (singing and playing several instruments), dancing (mainly focused on choreography tho), art (painting). I tend to separate different aspects of my life which leads to me using my different names depending if it is a formal or informal or socmed setting. I like gaming, cooking (even though I get hurt a lot-- I just burnt my entire leg with a lid), and cleaning (im a clean freak). I like beaches and nature and cities and basically everything except for snow and creepy things. I also like reading mangas and watching drama, I do not really watch anime tho. I plan on being a surgeon or an architect in the future. I can also speak 3 languages fluently, and another 2 where I can get around in that country basically. I am a simple person and I am very practical. I have long dark hair with white hair and its kind of curly wavy and sometimes straight idk. I don't consider myself as tan or like pale, im in between i guess. I have very bad dark circles. My eyelashes are pretty short. My eyebrows are kind of arched. I have a ton of acne marks. I have a button nose and full lips. My eyes are brown. Wow I am so damn boring. I was also bullied since I was 9 years old up until now because of my physical features and appearance-- I am chubby. I am also as oblivious as a brick to romantic feelings and I don't like those cringey stuff. My style could either be oversized vintage graphic tees, baggy or ripped jeans to basically pajamas to preppy girl,, but one thing is for sure, I always have a shoulder or handbag and necklace/s and rings, I also like wearing slippers. I like basic neutral colors too. For makeup, I usually do a natural rosy cheeks, fluffed up brows, basically peachy and dewy. I know I said that I do not like cringey stuff, but if I am comfy with someone I tend to be clingy by actions and not verbally. I also tend to have tsundere tendencies and I like taking care of someone, but I also like being babied or something...I also have a lot of health complicatons (asthma and scoliosis are just some of them) so yeah,,,I tend to fall faster for someone if I feel as if we had a deep connection-- so communication is vital for me. As playful and bubly as I can be, I also know when to be serious and talk formally when it is needed. I also have tendencies to set aside my own feelings just to make someone happy. This is all over the place and i am just rambling but hey I am a gryffindor. I also like taking risks and I get bored easily, so stimulation is important for me. I like watching horror movies and I tend to always laugh after screaming because of jumpscares. My personality, hmm every teacher likes me and somehow without doing anything special, I am always the teacher's pet. I also do a lot of sports (biking, volleball, badminton, swimming, ping pong). I am active and responsible and I can analyze things really quickly. I do not know how to comfort someone verbally, as yknow idk. I also tend to be a therapist when needed. I like cuddles and I like dogs and cats and anythung cute. I also tend to be clumsy a lot...my phone is literally in shambles and the screen aint even functioning right HAHSHDJ. I also get tired really easily (Physically and mentally) so I am either quiet or speaking. I also heard fron a lot of people my speaking voice is perfect but I think it is too quiet. I like to keep my private life to myself and not out it out in the public and I am kind of not into social media posting anymore://
This was honestly all over the place but I hope you do mine~
hi! thank you for responding!
for stray kids, i think you would be nice with hyunjin! hyunjin would enjoy going to cities with you and would love nature and beaches like you! he would be the type who would want to make you happy! when you guys watch horror movies, he would always laugh with you after a jumpscare and would always get scared dramatically as a way to make you laugh! he would also love fashion and dressing up with you! he would watch dramas with you and play around with animals!
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for nct dream, i think chenle would be a good match! chenle enjoys sports such as football and basketball! he would enjoy cooking and would definitely cook for you! he would dance and sing with you and would play the piano for you! he would enjoy doing music related things with you and would be the one who would watch movies with you! he would be the one who would be by your side when you guys cook so that you don't hurt yourself!
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for seventeen, i think mingyu would fit you well! mingyu would be the type who would clean with you and would cook for you! he would play games with you and would enjoy spending quality time with you! he would go to beaches with you and would explore new places with you like nature and cities! he would also enjoy sports like soccer and basketball! he also likes dogs and animals! since you guys share same interests, you guys would get along well!
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sourbat · 4 years
For the kiss prompts, 20 or 33 with Magnus and Toki? But only if you wanna. :)
Nothing like a daily dose of Magtok :)
An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
When Toki suggested they visit the largest bookstore in the city, it was done more as an act of kindness towards Magnus, and less because he was genuinely curious to peruse three floors worth of dusty, old books. He barely read as it was, and only brought it up because Magnus let him pick what movie they were going to see when they visited the theater, and was super patient when he took him over to one of the few remaining music stores left in the state. Toki was surprised he even remembered the name, but Magnus shined at the idea, mentioning he could go for a few new reads. 
Toki stood on his toes, peering over a row of dusty novels bearing forgettable names, wondering if he might accidentally stumble upon mouse, a spider’s web or perhaps some long-forgotten token–a keychain, a piece of jewelry or hidden note–left behind by some hypothetical being who also made the mistake of taking their boyfriend to a boring bookstore. He honestly had hoped that a massive bookstore would contain more than just…books. Sure, there was the obligatory magazine and music section tucked deep in the corner of the first floor, and it was one of the more louder sections, too; however, it proved only a brief reprieve from the impending boredom that had now consumed Toki’s soul.
The bookstore, despite its multiple levels, fancy lighting and pillars, recycled books sculpted into long tunnels and fancy designs, decorative art that covered the walls and filled the building with a warm, comforting glow, and the entire third floor dedicated to the arts, was still just a bookstore. Nothing changed the fact that the air tasted dry, that most of the books Toki picked up were boring and contained no captivating pictures, and that he had to maintain an “inside voice” while he waited for Magnus to sort through an ever-changing collection of novels.
Toki left the fantasy cubicle where he had sequestered himself in, turned a corner and, remaining partly hidden, viewed Magnus some several feet away. He sat on the floor, two books resting on top each leg, and silently analyzed each one, trying to determine the lucky cover that he’d take home. Toki had already attempted to use some of his allowance, but was immediately rejected, with Magnus reminding him Toki already spent money on tickets and several records, and didn’t want their manager hounding him for unnecessary spending again. A shame, because Toki just wanted to leave and return to the bustling streets. Hollywood was literally right around the corner, and Toki was spending its eve in a store he wasn’t even allowed to run around in, toss yarn, touch the paintings, or have fun.
Still, whether Toki wanted to admit it or not, there was something nice about seeing Magnus struggle over something as mundane as picking a silly book. Watching Magnus unconsciously nipping at his own lip, bringing a leg up to chest once he picked up a book, or playing with his own hair was a peculiar, but welcoming sight to behold. If only Toki hadn’t already spent nearly… forty-three minutes in this blasted store, he might have considered sneaking a photo of Magnus’ intense resolve as he discarded one book in favor of picking up a new title.
Instead, Toki just about had the right mind to call Abigail and ask if he could afford to buy the whole bookstore; that way, Magnus wouldn’t have to worry about having to decide anything! 
It was a nice little fantasy, but even Toki couldn’t excuse such an extreme purchase, and over something as stupid as literature. Instead, he pulled himself off from the corner, and decided to try yet another secluded section of the expansive store and see if there might be anything to keep him sane for a few minutes longer. 
He ended up in the early sci-fi section, and although Toki had no intent on reading anything, did find some solace in viewing the covers. The pictures of pale, big-headed aliens exiting long, phallic-like spaceships provided some amusement.
Toki was busy staring at a cover of some stereotypical American hero ogling a purple-skinned, but otherwise pretty alien, when a finger prodded his side. Toki squirmed, stumbling back as he recoiled from the surprise attack, and bumped right into Magnus.
An arm grappled around Toki. “What are you looking at?” Magnus asked, giving Toki a firm shake before setting him free. 
Giggling, Toki rubbed his side and answered, “Nothins.” He noticed three books stowed under Magnus’ arm. “Oh, you founds somethins?”  he asked, feigning innocence, and trying desperately to not sound too helpful.
“Yeah, I did,” Magnus replied. The answer alone was a huge relief, but Magnus’ enthusiasm filled the otherwise still and stuffy atmosphere, and for a moment Toki didn’t think the store was too bad. If Magnus could find something worthwhile and smile at him like that, then perhaps the trip wasn’t a bust. “You find anything?” 
Toki pulled a holographic bookmark from his pocket. “Just this books-mark.”
“I’ll take that,” Magnus said, snatching it up and stowing it into one of the book’s pages. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Never had such a plain statement sounded so sweet. “Alrights,” Toki said. He let Magnus take the lead, smiling at the way while Magnus talked about the ingenuity behind one of the author’s work, how literary theorists were still actively writing about the other, and although he hated the third, didn’t mind getting the book because it was second-hand. They descended the stair, and Toki kept nodding his head, not quite understanding what the heck Magnus was talking about, but was still pleased to see how excited Magnus got when talking about the cultural impact a book could have on society. 
“Hey, stop for a second.”
Magnus remained put, three steps in front of Toki. Moreover, he was three steps beneath Toki, and with their current position, Toki hovered over Magnus by a good couple of inches.
Magnus pulled out his phone. “Here, get behind me,” he said, gesturing to Toki to move with the sway of his device. Confused, Toki rubbed the back of his head. The ends of Magnus’ mouth lifted in a sly smirk. “C’mon,” he said, “you’re telling me we’re about to go through an entire store decorated with sorta of crap without you stopping me for one of your selfies?”
The remark warranted a quick snort of the nose, and Toki humbly breaking into an embarrassed, but happily little smile. The bookstore did have a few locations that merited a snapshot, a romantic pose between partners, but Toki had been so bored he hadn’t really noticed until Magnus waved that glowing screen, calling him to position.
Bookstore or not, Toki wasn’t going to pass on the chance of having Magnus be the one to take a picture of them together. Toki stood behind Magnus, hands cupping his pointed shoulder before kneeling just a little so that their heads were aligned. To his continued pleasure, Magnus rubbed his cheek against his, scratching the side of his face with a rough tickle, then raised the phone, adjusting it accordingly so that it captured both their likeness.
“On the count of three,” Magnus slowly announced, and Toki’s already cheeky grin extended up to his ears as he prepared for Magnus’s index finger to snap the photo. “One…two...”  
Toki held his breath, ready for the photo, when he felt that same scruff rub his face again, only this time it changed, going from rough to soft as Magnus turned, planting a sudden kiss on Toki’s unprepared cheek. His eyes widened, detecting that sudden transition, but not making complete sense of it until Magnus lips pushed against his skin, sending a surprise flutter of delight across Toki right as the camera took the photo. 
Magnus removed himself from Toki before he had the chance to react. “Nice,” he announced, grinning smugly at Toki. His finger and thumb rolled over the photo, enlarging it and earning a somewhat cruel chuckle from the man. “How cute,” he said, then offered up the photo to Toki.
Fingers brushing over his cheek, Toki glanced at the picture, at himself and Magnus kissing him.
“Oh,” he said, voice turning a little faint. He took the phone in his hands, bringing it close to get a better look at it. It was slightly off, and when Magnus had turned to kiss him, must’ve shook the phone a little, because the surrounding lights had a mild blur to them. Still, Toki’s fingers tenderly brushed over the screen, thumb grazing over past-Magnus kissing his round cheeks, and past-Toki’s expression capturing that tickle, the simple pleasure of being an object of affection, reaching his heart. “Oh. Wowee.”
“A little gift for you, for being so patient with me,” he heard Magnus say.
Toki snapped up, feeling his heart tremble upon realizing he’d been caught. “Oh,” he said, voice dropping as he nervously shuffled in place. “Uhm…”
Magnus chuckled again, and if Toki didn’t know any better, was sure he saw the start of a blush before Magnus turned his back on him . “Don’t worry, I’ll still buy you the bookmark.”
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d-d-disgusting · 6 years
Send me ⊕ for a pro and con list about our characters sleeping together
- Intimate. Comforting. They just are so hearteyes for eachother and respect eachother SO much, and both use sex and violence to unwind, so things are very mutual. They’ve gotten to a much healthier place than I thought they would, they’re good for eachother
- LOVE these Nasty boys, they also probably are really good at knowing what the other needs, now
- Do you remember that first time before they were dating? Adorable. Even when they’re being The Worst, they’re cute. 
- WOWEE THEY INDULGE IN CONCERNING STUFF. Some really extreme heckery has become normalized for them.
- Vell doesn’t sleep so making him breakfast in bed the morning after isn’t the same.
- When your bf is a shapeshifting god it’s easy to feel comparatively inadequate
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captainbaneberry · 7 years
Oh! May I request some TFA Blitzwing/Wreck-Gur, mainly with the 'con having to use their fingers to pleasure the small bot who just having a giggling fit.
My attempt at writing this quasi-”German” accent is… Not Very Good. Forgive me.
When Blitzwing first met Wreck-Gar, his feelings about the Junkion were… extremely mixed.
“He iz young, and extremely impressionable,” Icy said, stroking his chin. His monocle scope extended, scanning the smaller bot. Wreck-Gar poked at it before his hand was swatted away. “Easy to manipulate.”
Wreck-Gar beamed. “Impressions, you say?” he smirked. “I can do great impressions! Here’s my impression of a human throwing up–!”
Icy switched to Hothead. “He iz too annoying!” he growled, pounding a fist into his open hand. “Ve should crush him!”
Wreck-Gar gaped, awed. “Whoa! How’d you do that? Let me try!” He grabbed his head, smiling even as he tried to screw his face around, denting his cheeks.
Random appeared with a cackle. “He’s zo cute, an’ zo funny! Let’s keep him, please please please!” He clapped the small bot on.
“I’m cute, I’m funny!” Wreck-Gar declared, pushing up the corners of his already huge grin. “I’m Wreck-Gar!”
“Ve should take him back to Lord Megatron first…”
“In pieces!”
“Vhat about interfacing!?”
Wreck-Gar gasped. “Interfacing!” he shouted, wide-eyed. “I’ve never done that! Let’s do that! I wanna do that! Do I know how to do that?” He tapped his chin, thinking a moment. “Oh, yes, I think I do!”
“Vell,” Random leered, “vhen two Transformers love each other veeeery much–”
“–Zhey knock out all their teeth!” Hothead barked.
Wreck-Gar blinked. “Oh, I guess I don’t know what interfacing is then…” He titled his helm. “But I’m sure I could find some new teeth!” He reached back into his dumpster, digging around before producing a broken chattering teeth toy. “Perfect! Now I just need ninety more for a complete set!”
“Ve might get a bit more insight on our strange friend here if ve interface,” Icy mumbled. “I am not opposed to–”
“–Fine! If we must!” Hothead snarled. “I will split him apart on my–”
“–Ding dong, we’ll just use our fingers, yeah! Duuuh!” Random interrupted.
Wreck-Gar held up his hands. “I have ten of those!”
“Then interface we shall,” Icy concluded.
Wreck-Gar knew the bare basics of interfacing. In his time alone, he explored more of his body, hoping to get a better sense of who and what he was. In the process, Wreck-Gar found very special equipment he would later come to realize was for aforementioned interfacing. Ratchet explained the general processes, seemingly hesitant to do so. Wreck-Gar then offered to interface with the old medic, who shoved him off and told him to go back to the dump. Which he did, and had been for a while, until Blitzwing picked up his signature.
Wreck-Gar didn’t quite understand what fingers had to do with interfacing. It wasn’t really covered in the quick and curt lesson Ratchet gave him. As he lied back on the mound of trash and junk, it slowly dawned on him.
Blitzwing opened his panels, tugging himself to half-mast–and Wreck-Gar couldn’t help but gasp and point at the gigantic unit, making comparisons to it and his own. The unit wouldn’t fit his much smaller channel, but a finger would! Wreck-Gar got it now! What a genius he was.
Random took over, still clutching his unit and pumping. Making obscene little noises as he poured over the small Junkion. He stroked one large finger along Wreck-Gar’s open channel. Wreck-Gar hiccuped a tin can. He’d self-serviced in his self-discovery, and was still getting used to these very new sensations. It felt good, at least, and he was producing a fair amount of lubricant. That was normal and expected for someone aroused, Ratchet said.
“It’s zo tiny,” Random giggled. He wiggled the edge of his digit into the channel. “Boop!”
Wreck-Gar gasped, legs clenching down on the finger. “I Love Lucy!” he exclaimed, optics turning a shade of violet. Random just laughed even louder–it was actually extremely infectious, and Wreck-Gar couldn’t help but laugh too. Choking on vented air every now and then as the finger massaged his node, pressing in even deeper.
“Interesting,” Icy said before switching back to Random. “Vhat a naughty bot you are!”
“I–I’m naughty?” Wreck-Gar huffed, rolling up and along with the finger. Random hooked it in deep, beginning a playful rhythm. “Whooooa,” the Junkion groaned, going cross-eyed, “I’m super naughty!” Or, at least, he supposed he was–if feeling really good meant being naughty, even though he’d heard quite a different definition of the word. He giggled, grin splitting his face. “Wha-what a weird punishment f-for being naughty!”
“Oooh,” Random groaned. “You vant a spanking?”
Wreck-Gar laughed, wiggling on the finger. “What’s a spanking?” he exclaimed, completely ignorant but thoroughly amused. He grit his teeth, squeezing around the finger as it started thrusting faster. He held onto it, bucking his hips. Wreck-Gar looked down, noticing all the fluid on the wet digit. “I’ve sprung a leak! Whoops!”
Hothead took over, furiously digging thumb into his slit. “You vant a spanking?” he snapped. “I’ll turn zat aft into scrap metal!”
Wreck-Gar vented, his giggles breathy and hitched. “C-Could always u-use more of that!”
Icy’s face reappeared, optics flushed and frown twitching. “G-Getting close…” he stammered, rocking into his own hand. His finger was deep in the Junkion now, almost to his second minor knuckle joint. With a little more pressure–
“Wowee-woo-wow!” Wreck-Gar squealed, throwing his head back as he grabbed it. The finger had hit deep-settled pleasure nodes, causing him to see double and taste colors. He’d never felt this… high, this good, and all he could do was giggle and gasp and stare at the clouds above like they were cute fluffy balls of cotton cheering him on.
Though it would never compare to what happened next. Wreck-Gar thought he’d reached the peak of pleasure–until he overloaded. That’s when the world around him became a rainbow, and in his head a choir of junkyard dogs sang Heavenly tunes. Stars in his wide optics, mouth formed into a perfect O shape, he gave a high pitched cry as he climaxed, squirting transfluid around the finger.
Blitzwing’s personalities and faceplates were rapidly switching out as he teetered on the edge of his own overload.
Icy moaned.
Hothead screamed barbarically.
Random yodeled as he finally overloaded. Wreck-Gar jumped as the light blue transfluid splashed over him, down his torso, getting a little in his optics.
Icy’s face reappeared, Blitzwing flopping onto his aft in exhaustion. Finger withdrawing from Wreck-Gar. “Zhat vas…” Well, it wasn’t very informative, but– “Not bad.”
Not bad, huh? Wreck-Gar wasn’t bad, then! Awesome! “Now we’re all dirty,” he snickered, shrugging, “well, I’m dirtier.” He ran his hands through the transfluid to wipe it off, instead smearing it everywhere. “Welp! This is most definitely not helping!” Yet he continued trying, because trying was what Wreck-Gar did best. Maybe.
“Now you’re all lubed up vith novhere to go!” Random guffawed.
Hothead’s face rolled into place. “For ten kliks,” he growled, “just s-shut the Hell up.”
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Netjuu no Susume 10 (FINAL) | Code:Realise 3 - 8 | Houseki no Kuni 10
With Netjuu no Susume’s end having passed in this post, Code:Realise is here to take its place for the last 2 weeks. A tag will be rolled out for it soon.
Netjuu no Susume 10 (FINAL)
I was hoping to leave this for later – series end trauma, y’know? – but I wanted to give this series a proper sendoff, and to do that I’ll have to cover it on the Animanga Spellbook. Also, I have to catch up on Code:Realise because the time with this series was so short…but the 12 Days of Anime comes first, people.
LOL, this kitchen of Sakurai’s is so modern.
Why was there a flippin’ Cubone in this anime???
I learnt this year that you need fans in computers because processing creates excess heat and that heat, if allowed to accumulate, won’t allow the computer to function properly.
Sakurai uses Windows…7? 8? Can’t tell from a side shot.
Chibi Morimori-chan is just too cute. Like a dango or something, out of Clannad. *the Dango Song plays in the background*
That orange and yellow background looks like something out of ReLIFE, eh?
Poor Kanbe is such a 3rd wheel…
I so thought that was Sakura-chan! You’re so mean, Koiwai! Dangit!
Koiwai has a red tie while Sakurai has blue. Interesting.
Huh. The friendship bracelet’s (reflection) in the middle of the shot. You can’t quite miss it, can you?
Code:Realise 3
Finally getting on with this show because of Netjuu no Susume.
Uh, in a show with Lupin, you think they’d know who the phantom thief is…
(I’ve forgotten what the white-haired guy’s called. Help!) Uh, but you think Cardia would’ve gone with more of an espionage outfit? Even PriPri makes more sense than this in regards to practical skirts. Update: White-haired boy’s name is Saint Germain(e? sp???). That’s right…
Adele and Brutus? A and B? Oh, come on. In Cinderella Phenomenon, they do much the same thing with the kingdoms Angielle and Brugantia.
Well, if we’re talking Twilight and vampires…uh…
Between this and Netjuu no Susume, the eyecatches are pretty good this season.
Why do I get the feeling Delacroix is actually Van’s younger bro?
Code:Realise 4
Oh? Sisi doesn’t actually have a peg leg, it’s just that I didn’t look very closely. Oops.
Isn’t her touch meant to melt stuff? Update: she’s wearing gloves, which is a different matter entirely.
Germain and Sugar Cube…I ship it!
I ship Cardia and Pillow, too, it seems.
See? I knew they had to do something about Cardia and spy outfits.
“It will be much easier to move in that outfit.” - Van’s so frickin’ practical, of course he’d say that…
Seriously, I get what the aesthetic is, but Fran, Van and Drac all look as if they’re related if you remember them by hair colour alone.
Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Shmolmes…this is the Lupinverse, indeed.
Code:Realise 5
*looks at hexagonal badge on Leonhardt’s back* Leonhardt is a flippin’ bee, I swear.
Notably, it seems Cardia isn’t on the wanted list, but she’s already on Finis’s anyway.
Wait, Bee Man’s first name is Rempart??? Wut???
I thought his name was Frankenstein, not just Stein like the dude from Soul Eater…
The orinthopter looks really good in CGI. Steampunk and CGI go very well together, am I right?
That bright blue. There was a certain kid’s game which, for some reason that’s beyond me, taught me that there’s a bright blue explosive liquid known as nitroglycerine.
Well now. That’s a completely different twist on Frankenstein, eh?
You can see the scorch marks the orinthopter left behind, LOL. These guys, unlike some other guys (thinks about Chronos Ruler) really don’t miss a beat.
Code:Realise 6
I think I saw a sign that said “Impey Barbicane’s Plant” or something like that.
Where did Impey learn the kneeling bow was the “top style of Asian apology” or whatever anyway?
Isn’t Nemo a Jules Verne dude who goes leagues under the sea? Or is my knowledge wrong?
Nautilus (the name of the submarine that goes league under the sea)! See, what did I tell you?
How’d Cardia learn how to prep the thing, anyway?
Hey, Nemo reminds me of Grelle (Black Butler) now. Not sure if that’s a good comparison or not.
This Helsing cannon is hilarous, man!
Wait, there’s only one Helsing and so many opponent ships…I wonder if they’ll win, even having deloyed the cannon…
Helsing’s not just taken down one ship, it’s multiple ships!
The Cardia x Pillow ship pays off, LOL.
Even though that wasn’t the best single episode in recent history, that was a tonne of fun.
Code:Realise 7
All the episode titles up until now were katakana-ified English. This one’s got kanji in it.
The blue shades this episode are beautiful! Wowee!
It was kinda difficult to figure out that was a dream…hmph.
Where’d this horse (the one Lupin has) spawn from?
Code:Realise 8
What is it with Finis and evil laughter anyway?
Senka (The Flames of War)…that title doesn’t seem to suit this show…(Meta note: It was in Katsugeki Touken Ranbu, which is a lot more suitable for it.) 
“Say your prayers!”
Can we please stop with the derpy “holding hands up as you run” girly running? It’s weird.
The world was a smaller place in Victorian England. It’s hardly a big thing until you think about it in context.
The shaky camera. I haven’t liked that effect, even before Saiyuki Reload Blast.
The queen in a princess carry. Guess I never thought of that one, it sounds a bit cliched…?
This ending reminds me of Black Butler season 1’s ending…
Houseki no Kuni 10
Bort is such a tsundere…
Jellyfish vote! It’s much better than a strawpoll, right?
Oh wowee. I never thought anything would handle the fears of the past as competently as SGRS, and this show is doing just that!
Oh! A forget-me-not! Ooh…
Dia takes shoujo sparkles to a new extreme because they are constantly on them.
Oh, Bort and Dia are both forms of carbon. Interesting.
Is it just me, or is this thing (Lunarian) extremely hairy???
It’s like this thing decided to go Attack on Titan on me. I don’t like it for that, but I like how it’s used the camera for such things...
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idiotnews-blog1 · 5 years
Kangaroo Island (South Aus.) fire animals
sooooooo an entire third of KI has been burned. [ICYMI most of Australia is literally on fire rn and our government is useless]
KI is a small cute island off the coast of South Australia. it is very ecologically significant!!!!!!!!!
so now there's almost no habitat left for the animals yikes; even if they survive the initial fire, their homes are lost and the barren earth means a paradise for predators when smaller animals can't find shelter in scrub and foliage. KI is home to the only koalas without chlamydia. The National Park on KI which was ravaged by bushfires was the main home for the little koko beans. KI is also home to the dunnart which is an ugly name for what appears to be a cuter version of the household friendly mouse!!!!!! It is a VERY EXTREMELY threatened species (one of the top 10 species under threat in the whole world). the death of even 20 of these marsupials would be significant; it is unlikely many of them survived but exact numbers of loss are still unknown. They are small, the heat of the fire would have been intense, and now they have no habitat and are very vulnerable to predators like feral cats. and birbs and bees: Glossy black cockatoo! another species that was unique to KI. BEES? Liguarian honey bees on KI are thought to be the last remaining pure stock of this insect anywhere in the world!!!!!! many hives have been burned aaaa. how will we recover from this??? This is terrible news, our rarest pokemon have all been hurt and nurse Joy does not exist (bc nurse Joy is a cartoon character). it’s estimated that wildlife loss around Australia this season will exceed 500 MILLION. recovery could take DECADES. wowee. #climatechange
that’s a big yikes
but I learned through reading this that KI is so much more ecologically cool than I ever knew or considered which is crazy!!!! I would also personally also love to check out the dive sites - now there's something that hasn't been affected by bushfires!!!! ((though very important to note, our oceans are VERY VERY much affected by climate change I could go into details but I've forgotten most of them but it is a very massive issue bc it's a lot less “visible” to humans compared to say, giant bushfires, but it is even more destructive to life on earth: without ecologically functioning oceans, all life on earth will become extinct extrordinarily quickly)) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-06/endangered-species-on-kangaroo-island-at-risk-after-bushfire/11843518
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36incheshigh · 7 years
Anyway! So I just finished watching the entire Orphan Black show.
OMG, my heart is full!!! Wowee - well done.
good parts - amazing plot, good closure. good characters, although one of them, the villain who does get a lot of screen time, is not very developed :/. good performances by the lead! I thought at first that her job could be do-able but then it expanded to cover more and she ended up nailing it, which was surprising, so I was impressed!
to be improved - was heavy for longer periods of time then i was ready for lol - like if youre gonna be heavy, hopefully you lighten it up periodically! or else its just exhausting to watch, forever! that’s why i think the first season .. and i guess the last one were the best, because they had a better balance.
personally, i really like shows and movies that are really complex, and are good thinkers, are like artistically crafted, explore themes and have a certain amount of feelings lol. oh man, this had a nice amount of feelings! not too much that it would kill me i dont think lol, but enough to move me ah! complex themes poignently and like, artistically explored!, of like, what it means to be family, identity, origins/growth. would be good to watch if you like medical stuff and science and crime/mystery. groovy.
*spoilers below*
omggggg. yeah but if i wasnt paying attention/didnt want a show where i had to pay attention to get it lol, i don’t think id’ve like this show heh. luckily its what i wanted this time. but the good thing is it wasnt asss complicated as like, game of thrones, which i am paying attention, and yet, i still like, don’t really get it..that, for me, would be too hard of a show to watch, like i just wouldn’t want to put that much effort into enjoying entertainment . but it required enough paying attention for me to consider it “a thinker”, to keep you on your toes to keep up with it while youre watching, which was nice.
performance - she nailed sarah, helena and krystal i think lol, which is surprising because those girls are so different-like the most different ! thats what impressed me lol. but i feel like she was a bit uncomfortable at least for a while in the other roles. fun to watch her in all those roles though.
my fav was ..well like i wanna be sarah i think shes the coolest and prettiest heh.. but i actuallyy.. appreciate helena the most. what character development lol, and she has such a distinct sense of humor! I love her because fortunately or unfortunately, she reminds me of myself, like kind of a hot mess, but I admire her like, fiercee loyalty and protectiveness, her humor, - its so, like things just come right off the top of her head, out of no where! and its kind of severe but genuine and matter of fact. brilliant heh xD. she has no reservations and doesnt really care like what people think of her? and she has soo many specific mannerisms, more than the other girls i think, -so expressive! and [a] much more distinct gestures and way of carrying herself in every little scene shes in! even her eye movements/eye shiftiness and the particular way she eats, with slow, inquisitive hand movements inspecting food at first, then clumsily stuffing her mouth lol, then letting it all fall from her mouth to her lap LOL. i like how she has many parts - so buff but also has a really vulnerable and earnest part too. i see it in her sisters but in a different or even maybe less extreme way. and you can really see a connection or see the chemistry/relationship between her and sarah, i reallyy enjoy their scenes together. which is incredible that they can articulate that, even when the actress did the two parts separately, not in the same shot at the same time ! felix was great, esp for comic releif, and i loved how his artistic things kind of tied the story together in the end.
my other fav sister was actually beth too.. even though you didnt see much of her, i saw a lot of me in her too ...a lot of me in a lot of them .. i just wanna be tatiana maslany lols..
nice name for the girl, Kira. perfect. i really like how her mom is usually really tough and cranky but shes soo soft with her daughter. like shes a criminal, then when she faked her death and saw her daughter come to the funeral and thought her daughter might think shes dead, she instantly dropped tears! cute relationship.
yeah they did good on showing some peoples’ relationships , like i also really liked allison and donnys relationship in the later seasons! quirky and fussy.
i also really liked how they were consistent in the girls being twins - even though they ended up all having their own lives and ways of being, you can see how genetically or whatever, they all did have the same character traits, which just manifested in different ways towardss different things in all of them!
the opening song kind of creeps me out, and is almost way more sci-fi -y than the show is, but i guess i get it - i meann the actual show doesnt seem that trippy, but the way that song and visual makes me feel is kinda  how that show makes me feel . - that was the other thing, like ...idk if i just got used to it or the kinds of episodes changed, but for a while, for like the first couple? seasons, the show kind of made me feel uneasy and like paranoid a lot of the time lol but for some reason as you can see i couldnt stop watching the next and next episode lol.
^ wow im a talker huh?! well i just have a lot of thoughtss lols!
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ineedaslurpee · 7 years
Why do you like speed more than coke? I wouldn't think you would be the type to like it. Do you ever get scared? I mean it is like, a really extreme choice of drug.
Anonymous said: How do you manage to look nice and do those typa drugs?? Anonymous said: Do you do meth regularly? 
WRONG NUMBER k curious cats! welcome welcome. we’re gonna call this lil story NO MORE please. it aint gotta vol. 1 in the title for a reason. 
��question A, 1, first, the head of the inquiries!!;well lotsa reasons, i got into it after dumpin my ex but id always wanted’t give it a go after doin alotta coke for months. got some connections and my lil wannabe crush became my third love, after my 1st and second love of course! ya gotta go in order! without order theres chaos ha! but a BABY could tell ya what’s more fun! baddie trips can be a real whosit-what-am-i-doin-i-really-oughta-stop experience and ive had lots of em, sometimes more than good times! i keep thinkin my teeth’re fallin out cause i dated a guy with no teeth from drugs, and hallucinating violently, yknow, the whole somebodies comin into the house sorta thing. wowee i puked abunch acoupla weeks ago for the first time in years, since before i would fake it in high school yknow?, but i dont remember if that happened or not. once i scratched all the lil spots on my face till they were bleedin cause i dont like sleepin when there’s better things to do and they were buggin me, and another time i collapsed and broke abuncha important picture frames cause i hadnt been takin care of myself,  and alotta times i think i got hair on my tongue and just pick pick pick away, hands are always in my mouth on bad days. oh and once my body turned friggin purple, looked like i’d been on my knees givin it for a straight week!YOU,  question 2!  dont ask ME, im just tryna look cute as a sloot, whatever that is. i like it better than cute as a button. who ever looked atta red button and told their pal it was cute? besides someone tryna impress a gal. i try to take care of myself but i really cant go round sayin that i do. its effectin my body and people notice. anonnie number three, your time is very valuable to us. thank you for waiting patiently in  line. we hope to give you the utmost service today. how regularly do ya THINK i do it? dont answer that. gotta take some time to go through that hangover, and takin care of ya mental health is very important! ok end’ve the story, chapter closed. bye bye. 
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imunsavy · 8 years
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Genre: Fluff
Request:  Hi! . So, i was wondering if you could write a namjoonxreader where reader is a great dancer and joon sees her dancing and just something cute and fluffy like that. And then like they meet up and then like confess theyre feelings thx babes!
(Credit to Original owner of gif)
(Okay I hope I got this right!)
You were one of the new backup dancers for Bts and to you it was like a dream come true, not only were getting to strive in a profession you loved but with a group you deeply admired ever since you first heard their music.
Each boy had their own backup dancer so thankfully you weren’t the only newbie there or the only nervous one, you all sat in the dance room mumbling quietly to one another ranging from how an audition went to which boy they were going to dance with. 
Suddenly the chatter died down as the boys accompanied by staff entered the room and you all stood up and bowed politely and were greeted in return, you were told you would be all shown the choreography first, then get put with a member to see how you go and then change if needed. You were put with Namjoon straight away and you were felt your heart thumping against your chest as you went up to him “H-Hey I’m Y/N.” You greeted and stuck out your hand.
He grinned and took your hand, shaking it lightly “Hey Y/N, I’m Namjoon, I will try not step on your feet.” He joked, obviously trying to make you feel more comfortable around him.
You chuckled as well and turned to watch the choreographer in the mirror demonstrate the dance. “Okay for this bit I’m gonna need someone to help so Y/N, could you come here for a moment please?” He asked sweetly.
He gently put his hands on you and explained the move to you and the others as the music started he guided you where to go and what to do and you did your best to follow along before the bit came where you basically had to just dance on him while he held like your back or hip. When you pulled up the room began clapping and you bowed to choreographer and went back to Namjoon who had his mouth hanging open slightly. “We get to do that together?” He asked.
You felt a surge of confidence rush through you at the sight of his surprised face “Only if you can keep up.” You teased with a grin.
This brought him back and he smiled “You’re very good you know, you looked like a jellyfish or something” He complimented.
You chuckled and hit his shoulder “You’re saying I look like I have no brain?” You continued to tease.
He laughed and shook his head “No, No that’s not it, You’re just extremely talented that is all and its an amazing honor to get dance with you.” He said and paused as his eyes caught yours.
Something sparked there that day between the two of you, the choreographer said you guys were doing even betters than the other pairs, which made you two only work harder to impress everyone. You guys were due for a practice but Namjoon offered to meet you a couple of hours before hand to grab a coffee.
You showed up in the cafeteria like room, in your baggy dance clothes and sat in front of Namjoon who seemed to be awkwardly fiddling with his hands. “Soon, all this will be over and we won’t even get to dance together anymore and that makes me really sad I’ve realized, after these few weeks I’ve never felt so close to someone after only knowing them for a short time.” He said but began to ramble towards the end.
Still you let him keep going, not sure where it was heading “And basically what I’m trying to do right now, in this moment is confess, I’m not doing so well so I’m just gonna say it Y/N. I like you, a lot and I can only hope you feel the same way, if not. It’s fine and there won’t be any hard feel-” You decided to cut him but pressing one finger to his lips.
“Namjoon that was by far the sweetest thing has ever said to me and it’s just one of the many things that make me like you back.” You confessed,a blush dusting itself on your cheek.
His whole face lit up and he moved from where he was sitting to next to you so he could engulf you in a hug and you laughed and held him back just as tightly “I can finally call you mine, my little jellyfish.” He breathed mainly to himself but you heard as well and smiled so brightly you could have outshone the sun.
Wowee this was actually fun to write!!! First request thank you so much!! I hope you enjoyed it and I did your request justice! xxx
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frankierising-blog · 7 years
Lair Review for Cov
@cov-rising I’m sorry, I had to cut this one short because it is somehow now 6:30am and I need to start wrapping up to finish my shift!!
First Impressions:
Okay, wow. From your front page I thought I was going to be blasted to death by pinks and cuteness, but this is actually a pretty cool, relatively varied lair!! I like it!
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Is this your Progen!? If it’s not, I basically hate you. Honey is GORGEOUS!! HOT DIGGETTY DAMN! Al those golds and yellows, absolute perfection!!I love the subtle greens in Sylvan Apparel and the Peace Dove! It blends in really nicely! And of course, matches the sprite perfectly!
I like that you’ve managed to keep the bulk of it within the yellow/gold range without making it look tacky or cluttered! Very, very well done! The accent compliments it all perfectly! LOVE IT!!!
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Stop, STOP! What a perfect Mate for Honey! This is fantastic! The oranges and the golds with the contrast of the Midnight! The Candles match the midnight perfectly, I love it! I do feel like this one is not quite as perfectly balanced as Honey, but that kind of makes sense! If they’re both perfect then it would probably look more like twins!
Do you have any character or lore for these? Are they actually a pair or am I making incorrect assumptions? Also, the Reaper kind of makes it look like Neria is the more sinister of the pair, or maybe has a darker history, is this a correct impression?
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Lucian, stop. No. This is freaking amazing! The colours, the Iri/Shim/Thyla that actually WORKS! I don’t know if I’ve seen that before! That accent is freaking PERFECT! I feel like the Golden Wing Silks doesn’t match quite as perfectly as I’d like, but there’s definitely nothing wrong with it! I wonder what he’d look like with the matching Ember dress and then more exposed wings? IDK my lair is a freaking mess so wtf do I know?
 Love the Mith familiar with him, too! The purples in it are dang spot on! And so much gorgeous art! LOOOOVE!!!! But gurl, even if you don’t write lore yourself – if you can spend that much commissioning art, COMISSION SOME DANG LORE – IT’S KILLING ME NOT KNOWING WHAT HE’S ABOUT! Get on that. My interest is now your No.1 priority, KTHXBAI
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“Atlas is a smart philosopher man with a beard and a bird” THAT IS THE BEST SENTENCE I HAVE EVER READ ON THIS DAMN SITE! 10/10 WOULD READ AGAIN!
Atlas looks PERFECT! He’s like this well-read, learned old kook who’s always got his nose in some book, tome or scroll. The Ethereal Ribbons really look like he’s gotten himself tangled up in some long, ancient scroll he was reading and just couldn’t be bothered untangling himself.
I get the impression he doesn’t even realise there’s a cat on his head, he’s just busy thinking about where he left that book he’d borrowed from some ancient library or temple that he seems to have misplaced.
But gurl, he is a philosopher with a beard, why is he covered in flower petals? Wouldn’t that piss him off? OR IS THAT PESKY BIRD GIVING HIM HELL!? IS THAT HOW HE GOT TANGLED IN THE SCROLL!?
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Tea seems like she’d be the head of the clan…. But she’s not at the front – I always just assume that’s where the head goes.
So I have decided that Tea is not the leader, but is extremely up herself. Flaunting her golden spoils. Just look at the snobby way she’s got her head turned to get more light on her face, and that self-important smile.
But seriously, I really love how nice and subtle this is.  Tea has this almost oxymoronic shimmery, pastel look about her, I really dig it!
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Um, excuse me, I’m pretty sure someone vomited pretty things on a gorgeous GenOne. IT’S A DOUBLE BLUSH, WHY IS IT COVERED IN LEAVES!!!
Okay, but seriously, I LOVE the colours, and Daisy Flowerfall, Crown and Peace Dove look absolutely FANTASTIC but I just wonder if the golds are a little too light against the Blush. Or is that something that changes once the gene-ing is finished?
 Also, I just learned that a Pink-Tail Mole exists so thank you for that! It also looks fantastic with Essence’s colours! :)
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Why stop at 2 Flowerfalls? Why not get the Violet one going? While you’re at it – chuck some snowflakes and fire in there too! Screw it, grab those Festival Butterflies! Let’s just go all in here!
But seriously, dayum, you’re fond of the Flowerfalls, haha!
Were the Witch’s Cobwebs supposed to look like Moss? I hope so because that’s exactly what I see! Birds and moss and flowers floating in the breeze, little white butterflies resting on his limbs. Freaking gorgeous!
I don’t like the tail rings but I think that has more to do with the fact that I don’t like them in general! YOU MATCHED THE SPEEDY WITH  HIM SO WELL! I LOVE THIS!!!
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Holy freaking cow. That is a lot of pretty things on one pretty, pretty Wildclaw! The Sylvan Wings and the Alchemist Tools work SO WELL together, holy crap! They compliment the Pistachio and the Spined Cobra SO MUCH!!!
I love the way the accent looks on the legs! I just wish there was some way to break up the green on the tail a bit? IDK
But uhm… I don’t mean to alarm you, but I think a tacky feather boa has somehow connected itself to this gorgeous masterpiece’s tail? :P
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Okay, I actually really like the River Royalist Tail Rings on this one! Maybe I’m just extremely picky!! Honeysuckle looks absolutely fantastic!! Look how nicely the green highlights in butterfly work with the green in Spring’s Breath! The only thing that will forever shit me about Springs Breath is that green petal right on his thigh. WHY THIS, SPRING’S BREATH!?
I’m REALLY impressed by your Familiar matching skills, too, you got the yellows, golds and greens spot on! Also, your GenOnes in general are… decadent *Drools*
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A dragon representations of the Tumblr Aesthetic
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The Tumblr Aesthetic going through it’s SLIGHTLY edgy animal print phase
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Okay, so I like to make fun of girly things that I secretly love and that whole row are absolutely STUNNING but Hydrangea takes the damn cake!!! For one – way to nail Piebald! I haven’t seen Piebald properly utilized in a fairly long time so it’s really impressive how much you’ve nailed it! PLUS the wings of the fairies make it look like you’ve got Thylacine-like markings that actually spill into the secondary field and the tie the Skys in nicely! This is absolutely amazing!! I really love the tiny bits of gold from the Sky Blue Silks and the very discrete Clawtips! I didn’t even notice those till just now, THIS IS ACTUALLY PERFECTION, HOLY CRAP!!!!!!
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Yet again, you’ve managed to match your familiar PERFECTLY! Amity is STUNNNNNNIIIINNNNNGGGG!!! What are your plans for the primary? I kind of hope you ditch the sylvan on it’s neck and chuck in another Piebald HINT HINT!!! But again, customisation is lovely AND I SEE YOU’RE BRANCHING OUT A LITTLE WITH YOUR DUAL FLOWERFALLS NOW!
I really love how discretely complimentary the Cobwebs are, and what a surprise it is when you finally notice the Tail Jewel, so many hidden little treasures here! I love it!
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Get out. You have no business here anymore. I’ma need you to just pack your things and exit this site, this is too much. You have too many amazing gems in here (that I’m sure you worked extremely hard for, but I’m still going to be ridiculously jealous!)
 How GREAT does Oilslick look with the cream!? It’s perfect! Like, if the Tert was much darker than that, it might have come off a little too Pastel Goth and then seemed forced with the Antique Lace, but Oilslick Glimmer comes out just brown enough and with just enough highlight to perfectly compliment the antique and cream! LOOOOVE IT!
 And once again you’ve matched the familiar freaking perfectly, even the Accent creates the ultimate perfect match!
Laurel is gorgeous to the point that I feel like you could make a real life porceline statue and people would display it in there homes or gardens loll.
You are a freaking ARTIST with these customisations, dayum!
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disappearingground · 5 years
Q&A: Jenny Lewis & Johnathan Rice
SPIN July 16, 2010
The Rilo Kiley singer and her Scot troubadour boyfriend, aka Jenny & Johnny, discuss their upcoming album.
By William Goodman
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Rilo Kiley frontwoman Jenny Lewis and Scottish singer-songwriter Johnathan Rice, a couple for five years, know how to have a good time: They go on shopping sprees at estate sales, watch Jacques Cousteau films, and take long drives up the California coast in their vintage station wagons. It’s only fitting, then, that their debut album as Jenny & Johnny is called I’m Having Fun Now (out August 31).
Like its name implies, the record is a tasty pop confection: The first single, “Scissor Runner,” is a breezy power-pop duet about catching a red-eye flight home to see a lover (something these two know a lot about), while “Big Wave” is a surf-rock jam with Lewis cooing over a frothy chorus of guitar reverb. 
From their Los Angeles home, the duo dished about recording I’m Having Fun Now with Bright Eyes whiz Mike Mogis, their upcoming fall tour, and who would win in a tag-team wrestling match: Jenny & Johnny, She & Him, Matt & Kim, or Sonny & Cher.
Hey guys! How’s it going? Johnathan Rice: Great. Jenny’s on her way to pick up another phone. Jenny Lewis: Hello!
Wow. I’m impressed that you have two landlines in your house. JR: You’d be even more impressed if you saw the actual phones. JL: They’re rotary phones. I’m obsessed with old rotary phones. It started about three years ago with a beautiful peach-colored rotary phone that has a terrible crackle. I also have one really cool black rotary phone. But they’re really frustrating if you’re dealing with an automated service, like Time Warner Cable, because you can’t really participate. Where are all the people, man? Where they’d go?
Tell me how your new album came together. JR: We’ve been writing songs together since 2005. JL: Proximity led us to writing together. Johnathan would be working on a song in the living room and I’d be in the kitchen doing the dishes, so I’d sing along. We started singing together first and then writing together. With this particular batch of tunes we wanted to go into the studio with my friend Pierre* de Reeder [from Rilo Kiley] and record some demos. After seven days in the studio we’re like, “Whoa this is really fun. We’re playing all these instruments and having a great time, maybe we should take these songs out to Omaha and finish them up with Mike Mogis.” JR: Mike built a studio in Omaha and kept telling us, “I’d love to give you guys some studio time. Come see the new place.” Nebraska is kind of the center of our musical universe. I made my first record there. Jenny made her records there and we both worked with Mike. It’s a good excuse to spend some time with some our best friends. So we drove my station wagon from L.A. to Omaha.
I understand you two have an obsession with station wagons. JL: [Laughs] It’s true. There are actually two versions of Johnathan’s car. Two cars. They’re both station wagons, both a turquoise blue color. I didn’t have a car for many years living in L.A. and I drove the Rilo Kiley van around. I can parallel park pretty well — I’m a great driver. Finally I bought this shitty Ford, but Jonathan needed to buy a car so we went to an estate sale near our house. There was a 1977 Mazda station wagon for sale for $850 and we knew that Johnathan had to buy it. On the back of the car was a bumper sticker that said, “I’m having fun now.” We drove it around for a bit, but Jonathan ended up selling it to his friend. His friend got a bunch of tickets and the car was impounded and crushed into a cube. Cut to a couple months ago. We were driving around as we often do, and there was another turquoise station wagon for sale on the side of the road for $950. We knew at that point, having lost the other one, that we needed to buy the car and re-live the fantasy. We remade the bumper sticker and it became the title of our album!
Do you guys ever name your cars? JL: Yeah, the shitty ford. JR: We call it “The Salad.” JL: I bought it after Hurricane Katrina. I think it was one of those Katrina cars that was underwater and re-sold on e-Bay. JR: That’s a pretty controversial theory. But it certainly smells weird. JL: It’s a little mildew-y. It was definitely underwater at some point. JR: It could have been Lake Tahoe. JL: It could have been at the bottom of Lake Tahoe. Oh! We don’t know if this is true or not, but Jacques Cousteau may have dove to the bottom of Lake Tahoe before he passed away. Apparently he said, “The world is not ready for what’s at the bottom of Lake Tahoe.” There’s something terrible down there. JR: They say that because it such a mob town, and Al Capone and all these guys were vacationing there and investing in the casinos, that all the bodies from their hits, or murders, were dumped into the lake. Because it’s one of the deepest lakes in the United States and at the bottom it’s extremely cold, the rumor is that Cousteau saw a perfectly preserved army of the dead.
You two have been writing together for years, but how old are these particular songs? JR: They’re puppies. There’s a song on the record “Slave Driver” that’s only five months old. It was written just before we mastered the record. JL: Most of the songs were written together. A couple of them have been lying around for a while, like “Switchblade.” But others are just toddlers.
Your website promises darker themes on the album. JR: Well, there’s no death metal or anything. JL: But lyrically there are some darker themes on the record. But as hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute. JR: Think of this record as like cooking a Thanksgiving turkey. You either want the white meat or dark meat. Actually, maybe I shouldn’t have called this album a turkey. JL: How about a Tofurky? JR: It’s definitely not a Tofurky.
What are some of the lyrical themes? JR: Snakes. JL: Lots of Ouroboros, it’s that image of the snake eating it’s own tail. You’ve seen it a million times. JR: We really like that image. There’s so many definitions of what it represents. To us, it represents unity and satisfaction because the snake is eating it’s own tail it can never be hungry and never want for anything. But I’m curious: does the snake ever run out itself to eat? Maybe not. JL: Well, the people that lived in this house before us were in their 90s and I’ve found that I have more in common with them than I do my peers. They left behind a lot of stuff, like a creepy old key with a skeleton key. I wonder what that goes to? But on the bookshelf was a book about Ouroboros and it sparked a bunch of strange dreams, which lead to a bunch of songs. JR: We both found ourselves dreaming about snakes, and then we’d be hiking in the mountains in L.A. and we would see a bunch of snakes on the trail.
Do you guys share vocals on each song? JR: Yep. JL: When we first went into the studio our best friend Morgan said, “You guys aren’t singing together enough.” So we really over-compensated when we went out to Omaha. JR: We wanted Jenny & Johnny to be a new band, so it had to sound different. Both vocals are front and center. We’re trying to make a new character almost. JL: Even with the band name, Jenny & Johnny, we wanted there to be a very distinct male and female presence.
Can we expect more music in the future, or is this a one-off project? JR: We didn’t put any thought into this record before we made it. [Laughs] What do we do next? It could be anything. JL: We don’t have any expectations. The songs that we write will determine what we do next. I’m working on a batch of songs and so is Johnathan, so we’ll see what happens.
Does writing, recording, and touring together ever put a strain on your relationship? JR: Our relationship was born out of traveling and touring. This album marks the most time either one of us have spent in the same place over the course of our entire relationship. We’ve toured all over the world together — it seems pretty normal to us. JL: It’s the best of both worlds!
You guys are touring this fall. What can fans expect live? JR: Two of our friends are going to join us. Jason Boesel, who played in Rilo Kiley and has played with both of us for years, and Tod Adrian Wisenbaker on guitar from Whispertown 2000, an L.A. band. JL: He’s a cool ass guitar player. JR: We’ll be opening for Pavement and Belle and Sebastian. JL: And Superchunk!
Pavement is one of your guys’ favorite bands! JR: Yeah, we’re not even going pretend to play it cool. JL: We’re going to play it super nerdy. I’ve never seen them live so I’m really looking forward to it. I love Wowee Zowee. That was the first Pavement record I bought. JR: I like Terror Twilight.
Who would win a tag team battle: Jenny & Johnny, She & Him, Matt & Kim, or Sonny & Cher? JR: Whew. I don’t know. Jenny and I and Zooey [Deschanel] and Ben [Gibbard] have dinner dates together all the time, so that’s a hard one. But I guess that’s not She and Him, that’s She & Ben. JL: Our answer is definitely She & Ben.
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tsxndxre · 6 years
💌 character study.
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💌 Tagged by: @divergentpersonas, you’re a gay wowee. 💌 Tagging: I’m not a tagging person, feel free to do it if you like.
💌   —    BASICS.
▸IS YOUR MUSE TALL/SHORT/AVERAGE? she’s pretty average. she’s about 5′3~4‘ , taller than Futaba by a few inches. ▸ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT? she doesn’t have much issue with it. Futaba is smaller than her too so she feels a little bit of pride after being taller than the girl who past her in height most of childhood. ▸DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR AND GROOMING? she definitely takes care of herself. She is a flower so only the best in hair care and grooming. Of course she always offers to do the same for Futaba who turns her down. But she also likes her short hair for that same reason for minimal care. ▸DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE/WHAT OTHERS THINK?  Absolutely. She’s a flower and she wants people to know it. She cares about what others think but also is too stubborn to take criticism most of the time. She’ll make sure she looks 100% perfect (with the help of Futaba of course)
▸INDOORS OR OUTDOORS? indoors ▸RAIN OR SUNSHINE? rain ▸FOREST OR BEACH? forest ▸PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS? gems ▸FLOWERS OR PERFUMES? flowers ▸PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE? appearance ▸BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD? Crowd of adoration or alone with Futaba-han ▸ORDER OR ANARCHY? She creates the Anarchy ▸PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES? white lies ▸SCIENCE OR MAGIC? magic ▸PEACE OR CONFLICT? conflict ▸NIGHT OR DAY? night ▸DUSK OR DAWN? dawn ▸WARMTH OR COLD? warmth ▸MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS? few close friends (or you know Futaba only) ▸READING OR PLAYING A GAME? sleeping an option? nah she probably likes old fashioned games like Othello and such.
▸WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? She’s very reliant on Futaba. She gets jealous really easily with her. She also believes of herself to be extremely talented from her home’s standards.  ▸HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM?  When she was young, she lost her grandmother who used to humble her and her family certainly had spoiled her once she died. So she grew up to be a little more bratty than perhaps if she had been around a little longer. ▸WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Most of them are with Futaba of course. As one of her longest and most loyal comrades, she has plenty of memories with her. Of course most of her memories of winning competitions in traditional dance and also the dance she was accepted into Seisho Music Academy. ▸IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL? She can’t kill but she’s pretty handy with a naginata in the revues. She’s certainly cunning but not enough for her to kill, that’s dishonoable. ▸WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN? she’s a bratty type so she’ll kick her legs and scream like a child. She’s never shown actually tears to anyone other than Futaba. Most of her break downs are tantrums. Though when she actually breaks emotionally, she cries alone and stays silent for days. She won’t talk and keeps to herself if she can. ▸ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? She already does, she literally probably can’t live without Futaba in her life. ▸WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? "Spoil me! I want cuddles!” That’s it. That’s exactly it. She knows she’s cute and that she knows she will get her own way. But at the same time she is the type to tease and get ehe erotic. 
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lexi-in-italy-2017 · 7 years
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This morning was very rough. I should not have stayed up so late. It was our first day of class and I was having a hard time staying awake. I can tell that the class is going to be really fun though! Professor Watson is extremely passionate and personable which will obviously make the class a lot more fun! I’m excited to learn about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire!!!
After class we walked to an Archeological Museum (on the way there I noticed that the mannequins in the stores wear lipstick which is funny to me). The museum was really interesting, I am just so exhausted and I wish I’d slept so that I could have enjoyed it more. We learned about the violence that people used to use for entertainment and most of the boys loved it, but violence really freaks me out. It’s astonishing that people would watch prisoners die for entertainment. It’s kind of gross. The art that we got to see was beautiful though!
During our free time I really needed a nap so I spent most of my time doing that. Before that though, we got some pizza and on my walk back to the Monastery I heard someone playing the piano. I don’t know where it came from, but it was beautiful. I brightened my day! There isn’t much music here, so it was nice to be able to hear that. It sounded like it was coming from the Cathedral and it was one of my favorite parts of the day. Oh, also Dominos and Papa Johns have better pizza than Italy (unpopular opinion).
Next we went to a vineyard for wine tasting. IT WAS GORGEOUS! I cried again of course. The wine was okay. I’m sure it was good because it’s a vineyard in Italy, but it tastes gross to me because I’m not used to it. We took some cute pictures (like the one above) and just talked for awhile. It was very calm and nice. Again, I love my humans.
At dinner I got pasta for the first time and WOWEE WOW it was yummy! Afterward, we ran into some Americans from North Carolina who are musical theatre majors and I could tell. They were CRAZY, but hilarious! They were really happy to know that we were there. Arezzo doesn’t tend to have tourists so it’s not common to meet people who speak English very well. After talking to them for awhile, we went to a place called Cremi and ate gelato. I got raspberry and lemon! SO GOOD! The food here is going to turn me into a brat, oh well. After hanging around for awhile, we all walked back. At home, I talked to Jaycie, Heath, and Addy for awhile and just talked (until 5 am again). So yeah I’m exhausted. But again, I am loving this place and these people and that’s all that matters! #sleepwhenyouredead
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SSSS.Gridman 3 - 4 | Double Decker 5 - 6 | Golden Kamuy 15 - 16 | Zombieland Saga 4 - 5 | Merc Storia 3 - 4
Gridman 3
Samurai Calibur is literally what pulled me back into the show – after all, he’s an indicator that despite this show’s serious demeanour, it is campy at heart. So it’s great to see him have a big role, even if he has to look stupid to do so.
Uh…by the way, kaiju (Anti?). What’s so cool about Wolverine blades? I mean, Wolverine himself has healing factor to back that up, but you’re just a kaiju…
That star explosion! There’s the Trigger we know and love!
“A kaiju that eats breakfast with me.”
I always love how anime deal with isolation through framing and other visual techniques. In this case, it’s Utsumi and Rikka in two mirrors of different shapes.
“…over, right?” I thought, as Utsumi said, “…disbanded.” – Close enough.
Literally everyone in this show has blue eyes. It’s striking, but it’s a bit much…? I personally like a mix of eye colours for characters, especially those eyes which seem to have flecks of different colours in them. Not that I’ve ever had an excuse to give any character I’ve created eyes like that (since it’s easier to describe single-coloured eyes), but it would be nice to have an opportunity to. Update: Apparently it’s a homage to something. A Transformers thing, actually.
This ED…hmm, it kinda looks like the Sarazanmai ads I’ve seen around lately. Just without the stylised background people and with Akane and Rikka.
Double Decker 5
“The Derick Special!” – Welp, aside from forgetting the E in “potatoes”, they got the spelling right, LOL.
I wonder if Kirill’s sister looks anything like him?
…Hmm. I noticed the license plate on that blue car has BNY. Maybe it stands for “bunny” or “Barnaby”?
*Kirill headbutts Doug* - Well…uh, that’s one way to use your head…
“My first partner died.” – Wait, but if that’s (Doug’s first partner) not Derick…then who is it??? The one before Derick? Update: Yep, I was right.
I just realised the motorbike (? car?) Max rides has her name on the license plate. At least in the ED it does.
It seems like the next episode is a breather ep…hmm.
Golden Kamuy 15
Kibushi is number 8 on this page.
“Bat man”…? Like the superhero?
I can’t believe I actually don’t mind the Blingee fire at this moment in the season…urgh. Why did I just say that? I might regret it later…
Oh my gosh…woodcock birds are adorable!
Inkarmat likes Cikapasi’s cover story? Even the bit about…boob-grabbing…?
I like the technique where it appears Nagakura and Toshizou have deaged. It really gives the scene emotional impact and emphasises the fact this episode is called “Let’s Talk About the Past”.
Zombieland Saga 4
I always imagine Lily’s voice to be extremely high pitched. So high pitched, it’s almost silly…but maybe that’s just what happens when I turn off the volume and try to imagine their voices that way.
Chatsumi means “tea picking”. As in picking tea leaves.
Bikubiku just means Junko is trembling from fear. She probably has a fear of heights…
Hey wait, I thought slapping Saganship Z on people who aren’t zombies is called “administering medicine”…
The CGI…I don’t think it’s entirely hideous, but it’s still vaguely obvious.
Marutchi/Tamatchi -> Yes, it’s another Tamagotchi joke from Saki.
Merc Storia 3
Oh my goodness…this (the queen) is the fairy I got hyped for way back when this show first had its ED showcased! She’s basically the anime version of a Shirley Barber fairy! She’s gorgeous!
Princess, didn’t the tale of Excalibur teach you not to pull swords from stones?
There are a lot of princesses in this, to the point where it makes me feel like a kid again. Then again, all good anime makes me giggly like a kid. Not to mention this actually is aimed at kids…
Who’s a healer, Merc? Jamo? (Yeah, yeah, I’m kidding, but seriously, get Merc to do a better indication of who she’s talking about.)
Oh, how did I not think of this? Yuu’s name is Yuu because he’s you, geddit? The player character?...Okay, stop booing…
Seriously, all the fairies, regardless of their gender, are gorgeous…! Except the bartender and the butler. The bartender looks like Tank from Brave Beats and the butler’s just an old guy. The background characters are only decent looking, too, but I’m talking about (most of) the main characters here. The princess is kinda cute, but not enough to awaken a moe instinct in me, y’know?
I didn’t notice this until now, but Paristos has pointy ears…hmm.
Wait, that was a dude fairy??? The black one, i.e. “one that knows the land”??? Update: Sorry. I listened to his voice and then realised…that is a dude. Sorry. He even kind of sounds like Ume…Update 2: A-hah! That’s why The One That Knows the Land (that is literally what he’s credited as) sounded familiar. It was Junichi Suwabe! Update 3: His name is in the next ep, it’s Zephrodai.
SSSS.Gridman 4
I noticed Akane has a Surume card. It’s probably a pun on Suika (Watermelon) cards. Apparently the pun is that tapping the card on and off is like water swishing (sui sui), hence the name. Update: It would be also nice to say they were a pun on Hong Kong’s Octopus cards, but the visuals on the cards are all wrong…
See? They’re (Namiko and Hass) using their phones like normal kids. So why didn’t Rikka remember to use her phone last ep?
Rumour has it Borr is a dude, which makes the fact he’s questioning why girls like older guys make a lot more sense. Then again, you could just headcanon him as a lesbian instead. I’m not going to stop you from thinking that way if you do.
Honest to stars above, this feels like Kiznaiver Round 2. I didn’t mind Kiznaiver but though it could be better. The drama felt a little too…melodramatic, y’know?
See? This episode just proves Calibur is best boi…until further notice, when they introduce that other Neon Genesis bishonen for real.
So if Borr -> Buster Borr, Max -> Tracto Max and Samurai Calibur -> Calibur, then Sky Vitter…either Sky or Vit. I already know the answer is “Vit” because I saw it on the wiki, but it makes a bit more sense now. Anyways, I was wondering…what happened to the 3 dudes from Arcadia? Max is the strongest, eh? So many questions, not enough time, y’know???
Double Decker! 6
“Good Noodles”, LOL.
The line that appears when the subs say “Let’s take this to our car” actually says something along the lines of, “For the moment, let’s take this to our car, shall we?”
Interestingly, the word “guinea pig” (as in, the “we’re being tested on” sort) translates directly – you can read the word morumotto (guinea pig) in the text.
Maybe I’m not familiar with terms aside from keiji/keibu etc. for policemen, but I’ve never seen a policeman being referred to as “omeguri-san”…
If we’re talking about noticing things…a post for this episode already spoilt for me that “Kirill now has a brother”, although I don’t know whether that comment was made in jest/deception or not. Also, that “sister” sure didn’t have any…er, secondary reproductive characteristics on the torso, to put it lightly.
Reminder, dear cowatchers: Doug is…kind of…an asshole.
*Milla’s disappearance involves getting on one of those double decker buses you see around Lisvaletta* - Welp, that puts another meaning to the name “Double Decker”, eh?
Apple Bieber (LOL) is so tsundere when people actually call him “Doctor”, haha.
Holy sisters, Batman! Milla even sounds like a man. I may be terrible at identifying voice actors from their voices alone, but heck if I can’t tell this “Milla” is a man! (The voice of “Milla” sounds familiar…who is it, though? I’ll skip forward and check. Update: Okay, it’s a name I don’t recognise, but it is a dude! The VA’s name is Yuki Fujiwara. But now that that’s established…I like Valery (sic…?) already. He’s definitely my type~.)
Soooooooooo…yeah. Kirill really does have a brother. Sorry for the spoilers.
Golden Kamuy 16
…Wait, so he’s (Shiraishi) actually getting captured this time?
I find it interesting there is a Japanese equivalent to “Kamuy” which means “residence of the gods”, to translate it somewhat loosely.
Shiraishi had such stupid faces in everyone’s heads…LOL.
I find Tsurumi wearing a proper outfit coloured like the 7th division (albeit more Chinese-looking) kinda strange. Tsurumi suits red more, methinks.
Opium, eh? I assume this talk about poppies and England has something to do with the Opium Wars.
Arisaka’s probably as bad as Brook from One Piece…at least, when it comes to skull jokes in the OP manga. Or like a group of dads having a meeting.
Nikaidou’s so petty…LOL. But it is a good idea to weaponise a fake leg – I mean, Toshizou could have the same advantage if he put a sword in his cane…but I think Toshizou thinks too highly of his Izuminokami Kanesada to do such a thing.
I laughed pretty hard when I learnt Ogata is meant to be part of the 27th. Probably because it wasn’t much of a coincidence in the first place.
Zombieland Saga 5
Wowee, what just happened to Tatsumi’s leg??? “The second you let your guard down, it can all fall apart!” – I think he was talking more about his leg rather than competitive baseball…Update: I swore the ball went through his leg. If you didn’t interpret it the same way, then…sorry.
So I heard you like KFC. Well, we’ll just grab Saga’s equivalent to KFC so you can have chicken in your anime while you eat chicken…or something like that…?
Shouldn’t that be “principles of Drive-In Tori”?
The fish eyecatch seems to involve a Karatsu-kun-chi…according to the banner in the back.
Google Translate tells me “Bonjour, Saga jeune” means something to the effect of “Hello, Saga youngster.”
They really like their live-action segments on this show, huh?
Seriously, which of these girls does Ookoba-san remember??? Is he the driver from episode 1’s Truck-kun? Update: It’s Junko, so that makes sense. If it were Policeman A recognising Junko, Ai or Sakura…we’d be in trouble.
I forgot why they were panicking, but then I remembered…they didn’t have their makeup on. Ah.
Eh? You’re kidding…the Gatalympics is legit!
Yugiri literally poledanced on that rope! Yipe, that’s stiff competition…
What is Tae eating in these in-between scenes, anyway…?
I believe I cannnnnn…*music cuts immediately* Fall…So much for the “I Believe I Can Fly” parody…
Merc Storia 4
Gah, that necklace looks like a Sims gem…
Okay, if I figured out what the next country is it won’t be so interesting. It’s the “country of the clan of few people”.
You can see Salodeah in the ED…and Fruedling (sp???)…but there are some other characters you don’t see in these fairy episodes. Now I’d like to meet the lady riding the spider and the blonde guy (you see them in the same screenshot). You can also see the dog girl from the animal in the ED (I forgot her name though, LOL). I’d also like to see the angel country…
I just realised the next ep previews are called Merc Yokoku (Next Ep Preview) Storia…hmm.
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lexi-in-italy-2017 · 7 years
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I’m writing this a day late. But yesterday I woke up around 7 am and got ready for breakfast which was AMAZING! We had eggs, lemon cake, the best grapefruit juice that I’ve ever had, and some weird cereal. It was so peaceful and our group is already getting along really well. I’m not much of a morning person but when I do get up, I really enjoy them. We ate in the garden and talked for awhile before we had to go to our orientation.
At our orientation we just went through safety procedures, the details traveling away from Arezzo during the week, and how Italian meals work! It was exciting, but slightly nerve racking. I love how much this experience is going to push me out of my comfort zone and hopefully teach me to be a little more bold because I am currently terrified to order food. Oh also the man working a part of our orientation was Italian and he said “take a sun bath”. I laughed.
After the orientation we went to lunch with a small group of people. I believe it was Kim, Zack, Mike Tom, Heath, Gillian, and the Italian guy named Lucco! I honestly have no idea what I ordered, but it was great! It was like a ball of doughy noodly stuff with cheese? I don’t know honestly but everything here is amazing and you can really tell how authentic it is because it doesn’t make you feel bloated or sick after eating it even though it’s all heavy carbs. It’s wonderful. Also the portion sizes are much smaller but they still fill you up which is nice. That’s probably why literally NOBODY is overweight here. I think this trip is going to make me realize how much America is doing wrong. The dessert was a bunch of different cookie types sweets and they were so so good, they melt in your mouth (insert heart eyes). My favorite part of lunch was getting to eat outside and people watch. I really starting notice the cultural differences and it’s so interesting. First off, people stare so hard and I don’t think that it’s perceived as rude. I have felt like people were relentlessly looking at us since we arrived, but Lucco said that that was normal because Italians like to “observe beautiful and interesting things so that they can better understand them” which is kinda cool I think? Another thing is that there is some serious PDA. People literally suck face on the streets and it makes all of the Americans so uncomfortable, but the people who live here don’t even notice. Like not even the kids? So strange, but I like that everywhere has little things that that set them apart from other parts of the world.
Next we got a tour of the town of Arezzo and it was really confusing, but it is such a beautiful and cute place. For the most part, it is extremely peaceful and not too crowded. It actually reminds me of Norman so it makes sense that they’d have an OU Campus here. I also got to use my new snapchat spectacles for the first time while I’m here and it was fun, everyone thinks they’re so cool, lol! One thing that our tour guide told us was that there have recently been a lot of immigrants coming to the area from Africa and Syria. It was really casual and she didn’t act like anyone cared. I wish the US was more like that right now. Again, this country is making me want to come home and bring light to our mistakes... 
After our tour we went to a Cathedral to look at the art of ___. It was crazy. When we first walked in there was a small issue with the dress code because we had to cover our shoulders and knees and we didn’t know that ahead of time. I think that it is kind of strange that that is such a strict rule here. I could be wrong, but it seems like in the United States we would have people rebelling against a dress code that is so conservative. I understand the respect aspect of it, but it still seems a little bit outdated to me. When we walked in, the art painted on the walls took my breath away. I have never seen anything like it. You could almost hear the paintings. Everything was so colorful, but calm at the same time. The shadows were painted as if they were real and they were shadows from the real window near the paintings. Details like this are astonishing to me just because I would have never thought to pay attention to them. The talent of __ is amazing. Apparently it took him 8-15 years to complete it. So far, it is one of the coolest parts of the trip.
After our tour of the cathedral, we had a ton of free time. First I went into this weird store with Jaycie, Riley, Michael, Zack, and some others I’m sure. They sold random stuff like rubber octopus legs to put on your fingers. Why? I have no clue. It was funny though. Next we went into a book store but that was kind of boring because every book was in Italian and I didn’t recognize anything. After walking around for awhile some of them wanted to go into a grocery store and buy champagne for our picnic. They got some and when we were all near the checkout and they started playing American Pop Music, so “Forget You” by CeeLo Green came on. The issue was that they don’t know English, so little did they know, they were not at all playing the clean version. We are all waiting in line when all of the sudden we are CeeLo Green sing “fuck you” over the blaring speakers in a family grocery store. Jaycie and I looked at each other and we were so shook, but no Italians noticed or cared. It was funny though, like in America people would have thrown a fit. NEXT, we went to get gelato and I got the cookie flavor, it was average. I usually like fruit flavors though so I planned to get a different kind later. THE CONE WAS GOOD THOUGH WOWEE! 
Okay so for the last part of our free time we went to a park that I put a picture of above. I know I’m super dramatic and goofy, but I mean it when I say that I began to cry when we walked up to this view. I never understood what people meant by being at a loss for words until this day. Of course, the picture doesn’t do it justice, but there was just something about it that made me want to look at it forever. We say on the ledge (my biggest fear but I’m daring greatly these days) and I tried a little drink of champagne which was surprisingly really yummy! Realized later that drinking in public is probably illegal but YOLO??? Anyway, it was amazing. It was me, Heath, Kim, Lance, Michael, Zack, Riley, and Isha. We all just talked for awhile and bonded. My favorite thing to do! We left after about an hour and we got some pictures there and on our way back for dinner.
At dinner my family group went to a place called Miva. I hate myself for this, but I got a steak and fries... such an American. It tasted really different from those foods back home though. The steak was ridiculous and the fries were almost like chips! I loved it so much. We have meal vouchers too so it feels super free even though it really isn’t at all lol. 
After dinner everyone went out to this bar, but it’s Tuesday so nobody was there except for FOURTY of us, hahaha! I just kinda sat back and let everyone else have their fun and it was truly entertaining. I love these humans so much!!! We had our entire PLC group with us and everyone was being so sweet and fun. There is so much love surrounding this trip and I could not be happier. This one Italian boy waved me over to him and it was so weird? Boys here are way more assertive. I just kinda awkwardly was like “uhh I’m good thanks!” (queen of awkward).
When we got home I just walked around to different rooms and talked to people about life. This ended up lasting until 5am, but I am building relationships so I’ll survive. Everything is great!!!
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