#eza dnd
lassieart · 2 years
Somewhere in a field of Asphodels~
Omg I have this one dnd game that I JUST FRICKING CAN'T ❤️😭❤️ This is my baby Eza and their dad Apollo after the two of them made flower crowns! ☺️☺️ It's a very soft moment with the two of them reminiscing the good moments spent together ❤️ It really was a breath of fresh air in the gloomy arc we're into now, we are in dire need of a beach episode😂 :'))
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iwana-a-rt · 5 years
Oh yeah...
I have a Tumblr.
Tabletop Escapades Animated for you all.
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loveydoveykirk · 8 years
then comes the first of the sunday campaigns. i dm that one! sadly, i cant reveal too much about it because my players follow me but hmu and ill talk about it w you in asks or messaging.
the second sunday campaign is pyria trisvalur of house trisvalur, champion of the house. shes a half elf fighter and shes ready to throw down despite having two diplomats for parents. some would say she had an easy life. in ways, she did. she never hungered and she had fine clothes and swords. but because of her parents’ positions, and the reason she was born, assassins and thieves were constant. she learned how to fight at a young age. (and, to her parents’ dismay, put those skills to good use on the neighborhood kids.) she wanted to prove herself so she went out in the world when, as fate would have it, she was knocked out and woke up in the sewers with a moon goddess (who is in lesbians w the sun; confirmed by dm)
the third sunday campaign is my longest going campaign (over a year now) and so this character is near to my heart. nyx beren was a small gnome child who lived in the forest with her family… until a group of orcs and half orcs burned her home (with her parents still in it) to the ground. managing to escape, nyx went to the big city at a measly 12 years old where she eventually found herself at dwarf rogue’s doorstep. he himself was fairly young and took her in and trained her in his craft and they became fast friends. he gave her a dark purple, almost black, hooded cloak, and a name to match. cloak. when nyx was 30 and into adulthood in gnome years (and spent many years as an assassin at this point) okim (the dwarf) said he wanted more out of their relationship. he loved cloak. cloak said they should remain friends. later that night as cloak was going to sleep, she found a poisonous spider in her bed. okims signature. he had tried to kill her. she fled town and started to adventure as a simple thief, scared of spiders ever since. when she was 40 she met her party. fast forward to now, shes nyx “cloak” beren-eveningfall (married to rae'wyn, the party cleric) and has a child, a deep gnome named arissa. theyre still adventuring but raes friend talone is watching arissa at their keep, their home.
lastly, my monday campaign is nevarra, the half elf ranger. the land they live in has been under drow tyranny for approx 100 years. they were a slave, born to parents they never knew. they never learned to read or write but they learned common and elvish from other slaves who thought they should know their heritage. about a year ago, they escaped thanks to a masked strangers help. the stranger and them traveled for months, avoiding drow bounty hunters. not once did they see their rescuers face. one day, as they came back from a hunt, they came back to their encampment in shambles. there was a struggle and the masked stranger was no where to be seen. nevarra tried searching for them but couldnt go into any towns or cities for fear of being thrown in jail, taken back to the fela'liskes (the drows who owned them), or worse. nevarra stayed at the camp a few more days just in case the stranger was to return, but knowing they couldnt stay in one place too long, nevarra had to move. eventually, they found themself at a town where a little orc girl was trying to stir up a revolution. saving the orc girl by shooting the drow guards with their bow and arrows, a few other strangers and nevarra escorted the girl away. the strangers were the party nevarra travels with. nevarra got engaged by meeting someone then rolling a nat 20 charisma to propose while in battle. also the princess is ALIVE
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ambrosedeans · 8 years
blake Can I Just Say that doughy is. the greatest character ever ???? lmao im Love Him so much already
omg,,, aleksa, Thank You :’) they just want to make pastries and be friends with everyone and enjoy life tbh
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aunclesquishy · 7 years
@donotingest also for fun I’m gonna gush abt my boyfriends gunslinger kiffie Eza Strongback because she’s a fucking badass
She’s got an Australian accent and plays the banjo, and is a total cringey weeb when it comes to dwarves (and speaks shitty dwarven). and on the first day of our campaign she tricked a birthday boy into blowing up the towns lumber mill.
She was able to trick a dwarven guard that somebody stole her gunpowder. Meanwhile the local bartender was kidnapped, and it turns out he had some enemies who might have done it, so she was able to pin the whole thing on them and get away scot-free.
Also she’s an atheist and she drank holy water and when our elf cleric (who she lowkey has a little crush on) slapped it out of her hand she was like ‘what? It’s just water’ so that was hilarious.
She (and her warren) looks down on Geg (and his warren) bc hers was the first warren to emigrate to velkrand (i think like a hundred years ago or smth) and his warren is relatively new so it’s kind of this learned sense of 'ew who are these dirty thieving rats comin in and just stealing our resources.’ (And Geg being a plaguebringer rly doesn’t help their reputation, another reason he was kicked out.)
So Eza’s like 'alright just stick w me, ratty noodleboy, ur probably good for something I guess.’ And Geg being a nervous and clueless doof is like 'oh good a fellow kiffie yeah sure I’ll stick w you bc at least that’s familiar in this big crazy world’ but also like 'why are so mean to me, I’m not that bad D:’
edit: OH and they both have sickles. Not so much for fighting, although they can, but it's mostly a cultural rite-of-passage thing. We both unknowingly gave our own kiffie a sickle and then that happened
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natjennie · 7 years
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there are lots of places to start depending on what you’re interested in! an asterisk means its a personal favorite. heres a brief summary of a few of the things they do. id also check out the best of series by somegamenews which pulls out just the best bits from all the eza content in a week. (with links!)
like dnd? check out the series tabletop escapades** (or tabletop adventures****, another dnd show by the same group of people a few years earlier, called gametrailers)
need something to veg out to, something long form? check out fiasconauts**, a 1.5-3 hour long show consisting of a rotating cast of people playing the roleplaying game fiasco (also a few episodes from gametrailers) or check out the easy allies podcast about video game news and fun in-episode mini-games, or reaction shots about movies and tv (also other podcasts/shows im less familiar with)
interested in music? or sort of artsy, ecclectic shows? check out easy update, a show by one member of easy allies (ian "any pronouns" hinck) where every episode opens with a song vaguely about video games and consists of something fun and weird
did someone say weird interpersonal betting? every major games press conference (e3, paris games week, psx, etc) the allies get together to bet on what will be discussed during “betting specials”**, and win or are punished depending (punishments including a standup routine, making a powerpoint about the galapagos, rapping about nutrition**, etc) (also a show from gametrailers. id go in order, there's like a weird continuing storyline)
also: each member of eza streams on twitch on different days of the week with different games, so there's sort of something for everyone, the bravest and most cowardly members playing scary games, you got it (they also play a lot of japanese games, sorry im really not familiar with them so i dont know much, but what ive picked up is: final fantasy, kingdom hearts, yakuza, persona. thats about it for my knowledge)
our cast of characters: brandon jones - the leader, kinda. based in his house, loves disney and red dead redemption, currently learning more about pokemon, a jolly dad (not really a dad but acts like it), has a dog named sophie everyone loves her michael damiani - honestly dont know much about him, a cryptid???, tech wizard, yells about zelda daniel bloodworth - thats his real name, i know right??, his nickname is blood, blood terrifies me, actually very sweet but so so scary ben moore - so kawaii, loves japan, wishes he was in japan instead of being here, dm for the dnd shows, a sweet boy MICHAEL HUBER - the human embodiment of all caps, an actual puppy, all of his shows are about PASSION, he LOVES everythings and i love him brad ellis - owns a leather jacket, actual bffs with huber since like elementary school or something, the coolest, loves saying "oh sora" in winnie the pooh's voice like a kindom hearts reference, plays guitar kyle bosman - someone ask him if hes okay, "funniest guy in the room", likes tetris and not getting any sleep and wearing hoodies, Rarely curses ian hinck - the light of mine life, was asked preferred pronouns and said "any", always plays a female character in roleplaying games, acts like she doesnt care about anything, cares a lot, everyone loves her
EDIT: thank you for calling me out @tomorrow-is-forever-all-ours for forgetting don, i knew i needed to add him but clicked post before i did im sorry don
DON CASANOVA: only there part of the time, an enigma, the coolest hair, looks like he belongs in a casino, incredibly talented and everyone loves him as they should, you might know him from funhaus too!
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