#blake answers
blakes-cloudy-m1nd · 3 months
Hello, and welcome to my humble digital home, my blog!
As of right now I cannot think of any boundaries. Anyways, don't be scared to ask me to be friends, I'm not rude :)
As me being a digital artist, I do have rules for my art.
• credit me when using my art for things like pfps or banners
• use for references if needed
• Repost without permission
• Trace
• Claim as your art
I allow fanart :]
I also allow art requests, including oc requests too -^v^-
Now onto my ✨𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪✨
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I will update this with OC reference charts when I get the chance to.
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xx-l0stsi1v3r-xx · 5 months
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skedaddles in with a digital sketch this time oooooo
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rwac96 · 2 months
Original Male Stud AU
No one in Jaune's team or their sister team have ever seen him drunk. Which is why they are surprised when it does happen, he starts acting very romantic towards Pyrrha and flirting in French. Of course Yang better be careful in teasing Pyrrha... because she soon will be on the receiving end of Jaune's language of love.
"This is bad," Lie Ren grimaced at his leader, whose balance seemed wobbly. "Oh, Brothers, this is bad!"
"I didn't want this to happen!" Nora Valkyrie shouts, tears welling up in her eyes. "I just wanted Pancakes & Chicken!!"
"Isn't it Waffles & Chicken?" Blake Belladonna spoke up, flinching when the orange-haired girl hissed at the Cat Faunus.
"PANCAKES ARE BETTER!!" Nora barked, only to be held back by Pyrrha and Ren.
"Can you not?" Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose, "We already have Arc intoxicated--," she points to the hiccuping Jaune Arc.
"55 Bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer," the leader of Team JNPR drunkenly sang, "Ya take one down, pass it around," he hiccups, chuckling. "54 bottles of beer on the wall~."
"Welp," Ruby exhaled, folding her arms over her bust. "he's officially Uncle Qrow drunk."
"Weirdly," Yang said, tilting her head to the right. "VB's more graceful than Qrow."
"We really can't let anyone see Jaune like this," Pyrrha says, her brows creased in worry. "Our team's already on shaky ground."
"Pyr," the drunk swordsman shakily approaches, "Pyr, don't worry so much, "Gladiateur glorieux (Glorious Gladiator)." Jaune spoke drunkenly in another language.
The redhead blinks, raising her brows at this. "I'm sorry?" Pyrrha inquires, confused as she felt her cheeks burning.
"You heard me," Jaune reaches out to tip her chin. "ma belle championne (my beautiful champion)~."
Her cheeks became red as her hair, realizing her leader was flirting with her in French. She turns away, her hands on her face and muttering to herself. Pyrrha would be lying if she said she didn't dream of her partner saying sweet things to her, even in his current intoxicated state. As the others look on in shock, Yang playfully jabs the Champion's shoulder.
"Wow," Yang playfully said to Pyrrha, "all it took for Jaune to flirt with ya is to get sauced."
"Yang," the drunk swordsman speaks up, softly touching the Brawler's cheek. "no need to tease her, feu de soleil (sunfire)~."
"H-Huh?" The busty blonde looks at Jaune, shifting her lilac irises to Blake. "What did he just--?"
"He called you sunfire," Blake responds with a small smile, while Yang's cheeks turn crimson as her little sister's cape.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 24 days
If Pyrrha was still alive and at Ever After when she saw Jaune as the Rusted Knight, she would also thirst for him like Weiss did, but one key difference.
Pyrrha: I thirst for him whether he is the Rusted Knight or regular Jaune.
She would also be extremely worried, but I will focus on the light hearted part.
Weiss: Mature~
RWBY: Huh?
Jaune: What?
Pyrrha: I mean, I thought you were handsome before but holy fuck~
Jaune: Are- Are you alright?
Pyrrha: I will be After you-
Ruby: OKAY! We are not doing or saying anything lewd-
Pyrrha: I wish we were~ And you're not gonna Stop me~
Weiss: may I join?
Pyrrha: is it just because he's a Daddy now?
Jaune: Yeah, Let's keep things pg-13 at most over here.
Pyrrha: How do we get to the lwde blog?
Ruby: Depends on the ruler of this version of reality.
Blake: ... Are ... Are they making sense to you?
Yang: Not at all.
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howlingday · 4 months
Jaune taking responsibility for the girls he got pregnant.
Jaune: (Shambles out)
Nora: Hiya, Jaune~! What's-
Jaune: (Holds up hand, Chugs water)
Yang: (Distant) Jaune~!
Jaune: (Slaps face, Struts to bedroom)
Nora: ...Man, Yang's really draining him, huh?
Ren: Considering he just drank an entire gallon of water, I'd assume so, yes.
Jaune: Okay, uh... Here's dinner...
Jaune: (Sets barbecue seafood plate, Backs away)
Blake: (Pair of glowing eyes in the dark, Grabs plate)
Blake: (Grabs leg)
Jaune: OHGODNO! (Dragged in)
Jaune: (Walks out, Covered in barbecue seafood) You just had to forget the rolls, didn't you? (Sighs) At least she didn't break the plate over my head this time.
Weiss: And don't forget that we need to stop by Baby Needs on the way home. I saw they were selling the cutest bassinet mattress sheets that our baby would look so cute lying in.
Jaune: (Carrying bags) I'm assuming this stuff is on sale, right?
Weiss: Ahp-up-up! I will worry about the price. YOU just worry about paying for it.
Jaune: (Sighs) Not like I need to eat anyways.
Jaune: So, do you need anything, Ruby?
Ruby: (Sitting in bed) Nope! I'm good!
Jaune: Are you sure?
Ruby: Mhm! Just reading my comics!
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: (Steps out, Hears crash) OH, GOD DAMMIT!
Jaune: (Sees broken window) RUBY! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT EASY!
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howi99 · 2 months
Jaune is geinus rwbys reaction to the puppeteer being jaune
Team RWBY: *waiting at the door with both Marie and "Marie". Marie is knocking at the door like a maniac*
Weiss: So, will you explain us why you took your sister's name instead of your own? Do you have so bad of a name?
???: N-no! It's just... Golly it's hard to explain, ok?! When Father will be here, you'll understand.
Ruby: ... I was wondering why you never took out your cloak. You never showed your face either...
???: ... *Sigh* you'll understand soon enough.
The Puppeteer: *opening the door* Marie, calm down! I won't go faster even if you knock more.
Marie: *knock on his head because he wasn't ready to welcome her back at the second ahe arrived*
The Puppeteer: Ok, ok. Gee... *Looking at both team RWBY and his "daughter"* Ah, come on in, i made some tea for everyone.
Marie: *mischievous smile* "not the bad kind i hope?"
The Puppeteer: Of course not! *Opening the door wide* Enter, enter! I was waiting for you.
???: ...
The Puppeteer: That includes you, by the way.
At the table, in the kitchen
Yang: So, who are you?
The Puppeteer: Hm? Me? Depends what you want to hear.
Blake: Your name. What is it?
The Puppeteer: Ah, but i go by many names. The Puppeteer, the man lost to time, the knight of the last maiden, or even-
???: Jaune, his name is Jaune.
Yang: Jaune!? That's impossible!
Blake: Yeah! Weiss told us you didn't feel!
Weiss: I only said i didn't see him fall! *Looking at him* What happened to you?
Ruby: ... Jaune, what happened to Penny?
WBY: *turning to Ruby* ?
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh* Good job, P, you blew it out. I wanted to explain them what happened a lot less violently.
P: *removing her cloak, revealing her appearance, almost identical to the old Penny* I was unable to keep lying.
Weiss: Penny!? You meant to say that the person who's memory you have is-
P: My name is P, i'm sorry to have mislead you. But when i saw you, all of you, i couldn't bring myself to show you who i am supposed to be.
The Puppeteer: I created her using the blueprint Pietro gave to me before... Well, before everything went to hell.
Ruby: What about...
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh* Come with me.. She's in my lab.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
i think the reason i’ll always be so attached to henry blake is because i’ll always be a little insane over the position he was written into . like it’s different with potter . potter obviously had a softer , more human side , but when you think potter you think military man first . and to an extent it’s supposed to be like that . they introduce him like that , despite the fact that at the end of the first episode he’s in it shows him drinking with hawkeye and bj to say “ hey , he’s not completely like the other army crazy officers that have been in the show “ . but at the same time , there’s a constant reminder , in his mannerisms , in the way he’s addressed , in the way he just knows the army … he’s a military man first .
and , god , we all know it was never like that with henry , but i don’t think we ever realize the extent to which it was never really like that . from the get - go , he’s seen being more lax with the members of the 4077th . his first scene is him opening a bottle of champagne with a nurse . the way hawkeye talks about him in his letter to his dad … he refers to him as henry , cracks a few jokes about him , immediately the impression the audience gets is that this is the opposite of a military man . you’re supposed to be surprised that he’s in charge .
and maybe that’s why i find him so tragic , because he’s everything and he’s nothing . we have the expectation for him to be a colonel , but while he has the title , he’s just … not . and at the same time , he’s expected to be a friend . hawkeye and trapper always take for granted that henry is their friend , i mean , hell , they even get annoyed with him when he puts his foot down over something they do ( because he’s supposed to , he’s a colonel after all , remember ? ) . he’s expected to be a friend , but at the same time … he can’t .
and it’s even WORSE when you think about his role as a doctor because he’s supposed to be a caretaker and a commander … he’s supposed to save lives but at the same time he has to decide if they’re worth saving more often than hawk and trap do … and in episodes like aid station or the rainbow bridge he had to decide who’s life he had to put on the line even though he’s just not cut out for that . he has to care but at the same time he can’t care too much because he has to keep his composure … he can’t care in the same way that trapper and hawkeye do , even if it’s obvious that he does . he can’t , the military won’t let him . because he can’t just be a doctor , he has to a commander as well . 
not even to mention his relationship with radar . like , henry was so obviously a father figure to him , he obviously loved him , yet over and over again he keeps his distance from him ( and while i think this partially is a result of the fact i just think henry has a hard time voicing how much he cares about people … if i loved you less maybe i could talk about it more , etc etc … , that’s a whole different conversation ) , and i definitely think that is because of his position too . he can’t be a family member . he has to be a leader , he has to follow the guidelines that the military has set for him . he has to treat radar the same way he treats everyone else under his command .
it’s so absurd and maybe that just adds to the comedy of it but it’s also like … he truly was just never supposed to be there . they tried to make him tougher and to an extent they tried to make him a fighter and there’s a reason it just never worked , because henry was always supposed to be a lover . making him colonel blake was like putting a round peg in a square hole and i’m pretty sure it killed him way before that plane ever crashed into the ocean . it’s just not fucking fair .
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sirazaroff · 11 months
"Serial Kisser Blake" is so funny to me cuz I imagine she's going full ninja-assassin with it. Like, she picks a target (Yang, Weiss, Ruby, etc) and just hunts them from the shadows. They feel eyes on them and suddenly they just mutter "Oh boy..." Then the lights go out, you hear rapid-fire kisses, and the lights come back on and the target has black kisses all over and is on the ground in a family guy-esk pose. Meanwhile, Blake's all "target neutralized"
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Blake how could you…she was so young…
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blakes-cloudy-m1nd · 5 months
Wan be frens :0
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Sure!!! Hello new friend :D
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xx-l0stsi1v3r-xx · 5 months
HI I JUST READ IN A BLAZE OF GLORY I REALLY LIKED IT!!!! are you ok with fanart because i collect gold variations like gold collects creepypastas about him, but i totally get if you’re not comfy with that!! ty again!! 💫
i literally have an entire folder on my phone that’s dedicated to scorched gold fanart so PLZ draw him, dont forget to tag me so i can add it to the collection bc i love seeing ppl draw my son ^_^
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rwac96 · 15 days
Yang is usually not the possessive type. But when one of her opponents in the Vytal Tournament, Neon, teases that she wants to ask out Jaune since, that is when you get Yang at her most dangerous.
*Yang huffs as she and Weiss fight Flynt Coal & Neon Katt, the roller-blading Faunus skating circles around her*
Neon: *sing-song* "Never miss a beat~. Never miss a beat~."
Yang: *fires Ember Celica* "Dammit!"
Weiss: *firing Myternaster at Flynt's clones* "Yang, calm down!"
Yang: *eyes red* "Easy for you to say!"
*Neon charges towards the Blonde Brawler, knocking her off of her feet*
Neon: *skating around her* "Talk about anger issues. Not to mention shy."
Yang: *gets up, twitching* "Excuse me?"
Neon: *giggles* "That cutie in the hoodie & armor plates? If you're too chicken, maybe I can ask him out~."
Yang: *hair ignites* "Now ya done it!" *stands up, tightening her fists*
*Yang smashes her fists together, causing the arena to quake, alarming Ruby & Blake from the stands*
Ruby: *grimaces* "Oh, crud!"
Blake: *groans, sarcastic* "This' gonna end well."
*Meanwhile, Team JNPR watches the fight as Yang increases her attacks, making Neon lose her footing*
Nora: "Huh, Yang's fired up."
Ren: "Let's hope she doesn't get too excited."
Pyrrha: *grimaces as Yang delivers an uppercut to Neon's jaw* "If it's not too late."
Jaune: "The heck did she say to get Yang more riled up?"
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
Stung knight go on their first date as throuple which is book store, dinner and then to the club for a night of dancing. The three of them are still getting used to actually being in a relationship with each other. Doing their best to show that they love the other two more than they could ever imagine. Shenanigans insues
Blake: *Almost struggling to carry her Books* You Getting Anything guys?
Yang: Just some Baking recipes, and a new Sci-Fi novel.
Jaune: *looking at something* I- I'm good.
Blake: *Shifting uncomfortably* Whatcha Looking At?
Jaune: Just- It's nothing. Some Graphic novels, which are just glorified comic books. I don't need it.
Yang: *Grabbing some of Blake's books* ... Nah. We're getting them.
Jaune: Well, you're hands are already full and I don't want to-
Blake: Jaune, just get them if you want them. I appreciate you trying to be mindful, but we're here to have fun. We don't mind.
Jaune: ... *picking up the books* Thanks guys!
Blake: *Licking lips* FishFishFishFishFishFish!
Yang: Damn! This place smells like a real smoke house! God, I could live in that hickory and cherry! *Sniff* Oooh Is that Applewood?
Jaune: Yeah, This place is a "gourmet" barbecue and grill place! It's family owned and works with local farmers and butchers to ensure the highest quality meat - and they're the biggest buyers of my family's ciders, wines, and juices.
Yang: What are you, some kind of fruit Baron?
Jaune: We've got a lot of land - most money goes to the people that work it. My mom's a very hands-on boss, especially when it comes to protecting the workers.
Blake: Less talk more filling our mouths with Smoked Salmon~
Jaune: They also have Fish and Chips, fish tacos, tuna melts- just about everything.
Yang: We don't know a lot about your family come to think of it. All we know is that your dad gave you bad dating advice, and that you've got seven sisters.
Blake: And that they used to put him in dresses.
Yang: And that they-
Jaune: Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah, Uh, My mom and dad were both Hunters! My mom used the sword as a backup with a poleaxe - a halberd as a primary weapon ...
Blake: *Bouncing to music*
Jaune: *Dancing like an Idiot*
Yang: *too enamoured by them to dance along with them*
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howlingday · 5 months
Idea I got from a quote.
Ruby:Would you take 50,000 lien but the person you hate most gets 100,000 lien.
Jaune: Yes I mean who doesn't want 150,000 lien.
What are Rwby and Npr reactions?(Maybe add other charaters if you want)
Pyrrha: Jaune? Are you okay?
Ruby: That's not really what I meant when I asked you that question.
Jaune: Oh, you know, it's just a sort of... funny joke.
Weiss: Surprisingly, that was less funny than anything Yang's ever said.
Yang: Aw, thanks, Weissy~!
Pyrrha: Do you need to lay down, Jaune?
Jaune: No, no, I don't need to lay down. Really, I'm fine.
Ren: ...None of us suggested you lay down, Jaune.
Jaune: (Blinks)
Pyrrha: (Gone)
Nora: (Loudly whispering) He's crazy!
Blake: I'm pretty sure he can still hear you.
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howi99 · 4 months
Grimm arc
Would pyra confront cinder? Would her team try to stop her from trying to murder cinder?
Pyrrha: HOW!?
Cinder: ... You will need to elaborate on that because-
Pyrrha: You! Jaune! Dance!?
Cinder: ... I asked him out? Look, if you are jealous because i'm taking your friend to the dance, it's your problem. You should have asked him out yourself instead of waiting! *Red* I l-l-l-like him b-but! I also know how dense he can be!
Pyrrha: But i gave him so many hints!
Cinder: Like i said, dense. Though... *Sigh* I don't even think he thinks of me as a potential partner. I mean, thank god he stopped trying to entice Weiss but still.
Pyrrha: *sitting down* Why must he be this dumb when it comes to taking the hint that someone is interested?
Cinder: You'd think having 7 sisters would make him the most aware about this, right?
Pyrrha: I know right? *Laughing*
Cinder: *laughing*
Jaune: Tell me Ren, would you know what to do if you were in love with two girls at the same time that make themselves painfully aware they are both interested in you?
Ren: Jaune, i already have difficulty with one woman, how should i know?!
Jaune: ... Blake?
Blake: Hey, don't look at me! I'm in the exact same boat as you!
Jaune: Damn, we suck at being emotionally mature.
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tiffycat · 6 months
4 for Thomas Blake / Catman and Minhkhoa khan / ghost maker
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ive run out of clever caption ideas for these
ask meme
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sirazaroff · 7 months
In one of your recent things you said you were only on vol 7, if that's still the case it's up to you if ya want to keep reading my nonsense since it might be a little bit of a spoiler.
But have you drawn any blake and yang? And or plus others?
If you have, apologizes, I am dumb as rocks, and have the brain power of a toddler.
Hey new friend! Welcome to my lil town of art :D
Yeah I’m still on V7 LOL, my reluctance to see Penny get her ass beat is crazy. I recently started IQ tho and that’s been real fun. Hoping to continue watching rwby again when work dies down…
As for your question, yes I have! I’ve drawn a few characters already including them, Weiss, Ruby, Velvet, Coco, Sienna, Jaune, Ilia and Pyrrha. I wanna draw more soon~ Neons been on my radar, and I’ve been asked to make Cinder and Neo so they’ll eventually appear too.
Now if we’re talkin Bees™️, I have also dabbled in it, just not as much as some other ships cause I am biased to my bunny.
If you search their names on my blog, you should find some art to consume. I’ll leave this here so that there’s some immediate Yang and Blake for you as a lil gift.
Thanks for stoppin by!
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