successeurdiamant · 1 year
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So @/Illust_mi (on twitter!) drew my take on F!Diamant... 🥺 She's so pretty
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sharenalovemail · 1 year
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engage has been fun
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serennes-art · 1 year
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first part of emblemcon day 2 comm batch! i’ll be making another post for the rest when i go to bed, will probably knock a few more out by then
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luuxxart · 1 year
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important dynamics to take note of ✍️
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rubyfunkey · 1 year
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i wanted to hate them and their pepsi colored hair so badly and yet
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septiseph · 1 year
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you'll get cold sweetie
/gives him a cozy & warm coat from elusia
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I love giving the boys wollen coat + animal ears combo... I just had to draw it
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doodlesandbooks · 8 months
Fire emblem text posts because I can
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fe-fictions · 1 year
I am just OBSESSED WITH DIAMANT, KAGETSU AND ALFRED !!! Would you mind writing your morning after stories for them pls ? Or at least one of them, the one you prefer ! Have a nice evening ! :)
Alfred: For the golden retriever prince, waking up beside you is something that is jarring and enthralling. He’s practically over the moon, recounting the previous night’s events.
The whirlwind wedding, the joy on all your friends’ faces, and most importantly, the adoration that mirrored in your eyes just as poignantly as it did in his.
It was a magical day from start to finish, but the prince was far happier when he woke up and found you sound asleep beside him. He was practically shocked by it.
To think that he had actually married you. He confessed to you, you told him you loved him too, and…and how here you were…it made him start to freak out.
But it was a freak out in a good way. At least, that’s what he thought. Alfred smiled to himself, giddy and completely unsure of what he was going to do next. He reached out, brushing his fingers along your cheek, unable to fight the joy that swelled in his chest.
It was real…you were wearing his ring, he had the Pact Ring glittering on his finger, and you looked so, so cute when you were sleeping! He just wasn’t sure what he was going to do with himself.
He worries about waking you up, but then he remembers that it’s the Somniel; it’s rare you’d wake up on your own unless someone came in to rouse you with a loud but tasteful announcement.
Then he remembered that someone wakes you up every day. 
Alfred, being the dutiful (new) husband that he is, quickly slips from the bed, wraps a sheet around his waist, and hurries to the doors to make sure they’re locked. 
After all, it would be awfully inappropriate for the Divine Dragon to be seen so very, very exposed….and he wasn’t sure h ewanted any of his comrades to see him in such a state, either.
Satisfied that the door was firmly locked, Alfred nods to himself and turns on his heel to return to you.
At least, until he looks back at his new wife and discovers that you are awake and rubbing at your eyes.
“Oh, no!” Alfred eeks out, “You’re supposed to be sleeping!”
“You got out of bed.” You yawned, propped up on your elbow. Alfred’s shoulders drop and he returns to bed, falling face first onto the mattress by your legs.
“I was trying to make sure that nobody would come to wake you up, like usual!”
“Well, considering what day it was yesterday…I don’t think any of them would be silly enough to try.” You smiled softly, petting your sweet husband’s soft, blonde hair. “Maybe Clanne and Framme…Vander, even…but they’d figure it out pretty quick.”
“I-I know.” He blushed, peeking up at you, “I just…wanted to make sure! I’d be beside myself if somebody came in and saw you like this.”
“But you wouldn’t mind if they saw you?” You quirked an eyebrow, teasing. Quickly he pulled himself up on the bed, scrambling to correct himself.
“No, no, not at all!! I just meant that…I mean, you’re the Divine Dragon!! I’m a prince, sure, but you’re the Divine Dragon!”
“When it’s just the two of us, though…I’m just Alear.” You reminded him softly, “You’re not going to refer to me by that title all the time, are you? Even when we’re alone?”
Alfred buried his face in his hands. “This is not how I saw our first morning together going.”
You laughed, pulling him into your arms. As if he wasn’t already blushing enough; it was a different situation entirely when wrapped in the open (naked) embrace of his loving wife.
“No? It’s precisely how I saw it going.”
“That’s because you take great joy in messing with me.” He said with a sharp sigh, though there was no malice detectable. He instead relaxed in your embrace, resting his head against your chest.
“I guess I do tease you a little too much, huh?” You mused softly, “Should I go easy on you, today?”
“Maybe not the whole day. I doubt you could hold back that long!” He joked, relaxing in your arms as you laced your fingers into his hair, playing with the soft strands. 
“You’re awfully gracious, Alfred. But I’ll behave myself. If only for today.” You promised to him, and your morning continued in the hazy beams of morning light, the beginning of your new life together starting off just as you both hoped (though with a little more messing around than expected).
Diamant: He is staring at you with a reverent fondness, drinking in every single detail. You, in kind, were privy to this when you first woke, though your eyes had remained closed for a long while.
It was strange to find him so conemplative, but it was clear that the adoration he held in his heart for you was unmatched.
The Pact Ring glimmered on his finger, adorned upon the hand that now held yours, linked together tightly in the soft light of dawn. 
He is practically beaming at you; he is known for having the loudest laugh in the army, but among his closest family and loved ones, he is known for having the most precious of smiles.
The high prince of Brodia is a sight to behold, and one you haven’t been able to tear your eyes off of since the day you met. But ever since your wedding day nearly 24 hours earlier…well, let’s just say there’s nowhere you’d rather be looking.
“What are you thinking, Alear?”
“Me?” Your gaze flickers away from his, just for a moment. But quickly you return, albeit a little more shyly. “I just…nothing.”
“It must be something.” His finger hooks your chin, gently turning your attention fully back to his. “What’s going on in the great dragon’s mind?”
“Really, it’s…it’s nothing. I’m just…I was just thinking about how lucky I really am.”
At this, his eyebrows rose with great interest. “You’re the lucky one?”
“Of course I am…I mean, you’re the one who agreed to marry me.” You remind him, running a finger over the ring that glittered so handsomely on him. 
Diamant shook his head, “If I recall correctly, I believe we proposed to each other. I’m not the only one with a ring on my finger.” 
“Well, yes, but…you’re my husband now. I don’t think anyone else could ever be so lucky to call you their spouse.”
“And I could say the very same about you.” He countered, bringing your hand to his lips. You blushed at his sweet gesture, but it is no more intimate than the two of you lying there, quite bare beneath the thin sheets of the Divine Dragon’s bed. 
“To think we have the rest of our lives together.” You sighed softly, snuggling into his side. Your hand fell to his chest, listening to the comforting thump of his heartbeat. “What are we going to do with ourselves?”
“I’m sure we’ll find plenty of ways to fill our time. Spending mornings like this is certainly an excellent start.”
You smiled up at him, earning a kiss on your forehead.
The morning was a sweet, joyous preview of what was to come. Only happiness awaited you, for the rest of your days.
Kagetsu: He was practically beside himself with glee, the morning after your first night together. He had always deeply valued your friendship, but when it blossomed into something more…oh, it was exquisite. And the fact that you reciprocated his feelings made him feel like the luckiest, happiest man alive.
Kagetsu’s family could not attend your wedding, but you did endeavor to spend your honeymoon with them. The wedding ceremony was lavish and festive, a more than welcome celebration after the hells you’d all gone through during the war against your father.
But now…all was at peace, and you were bonded with your lover for a life of eternal happiness.
The wedding ended late that night, and Kagetsu was glad to escort you from the Somniel to his hometown. Prince Fogado graciously offered the swiftest of Solm’s pegasi, and before long, you and your new husband were arriving at his secluded home.
His family did not know you were both there yet, though. That was by design; you wanted to spend your precious first moments with Kagetsu alone. Just the two of you, for a little while.
The rest of the world would be able to greet you on your debut later. But for that night, and the morning that had followed, it was just yours and Kagetsu’s little world.
A beautiful world that had the handsome swordmaster with his hair down and tousled, spilling all about his face whil he snuggled up to you.
“So…are we going to take the morning off only? Or are we going to take the whole day before we tell anyone we’re here?” You asked your husband, breaking the dreamy silence of the inn.
Kagetsu hummed, feigning deep thought, all while he nuzzled into your chest, wrapping his arms around you. To think your new husband was so clingy; it was utterly adorable.
“Well, at first, I thought it would be best to greet them right away. But now that the morning has come…is it wrong that I wish to spend the day with you all to myself? Just the two of us. Perhaps with the hot spring bath attached to the room…and in the dining room. They have excellent onigiri that you simply must try, here!”
You laughed softly, petting Kagetsu’s fluffy hair as he blurted out his plans as they came. “So I’ll take that as a yes, we are taking the day for ourselves?”
“I think so, yes.” He lifted his head to grin at you, giving you a soft squeeze. “I do not wish to spend my time with anyone else, today. Just the two of us…husband and wife!”
“And hot spring…and onigiri.” You added, making him chuckle. Kagetsu rolled over so that you were lifted on top of him, holding you gently at your rather exposed waist.
“I wish for you to experience my home, while we have this time to ourselves. It is a very special thing, getting to welcome you into my traditions. I hope that you will enjoy them; and if you do, I am excited to see such special moments between the two of us.” 
“My, what a sweet talker.” You shook your head, tapping your fingertips along his chest. You could feel his little heartbeat pick up when he met your sparkling eyes. “Then, shall we get up and start our day? There’s much to be done, it sounds like.”
His grip tightened, pausing the dancing of your fingers. 
“Perhaps…we can wait a little longer. I would like to enjoy the closeness with my sweet wife a little longer.”
“Only a little?”
Kagetsu swallowed thickly, the blush quickly blossoming across his face when your mischievous grin reappeared from the night before. 
“If the lady wishes, I suppose we could take longer than ‘a little’.”
“I do wish it,” You kiss him sweetly, which was all he needed. “I want to thoroughly enjoy you, Kagetsu.”
The romantic morning was the perfect start to the rest of your precious marriage to Kagetsu. Eventually you were able to drag him out of bed, where he could show you the luxurious wonder of the hot spring bath, and the delight that came with the delicious riceballs he was so obsessed with.
His family was thrilled to meet you once you were able to peel Kage away from the inn. His nervousness at introducing you to the family was quickly replaced by how proud he was of his dear, dragon wife.
They were quick to welcome you, and you were even quicker to enjoyhis family and all the new world they had to offer you.
Truly, the two of you could not possibly be happier.
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kalosbian · 6 months
ivy isn't lesbian coded btw y'all just have an aversion to the word "headcanon" and like to ignore that m!alear exists and has the exact same dialogues with ivy that f!alear does
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geckosliktheireyes · 8 months
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They are walking the Sommie. Hate Diamants expression in this one but oh well 😭
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oceanmoon-artblog · 7 months
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Since I’m almost done with my second playthrough of FE Engage, take a few edits of Alear being paired with units that I used in my second playthrough.
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successeurdiamant · 1 year
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thank you so much @contra-entries for creating this absolutely gorgeous dialear art comm ❤️
(they make me soooooo happy)
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creativesplat · 5 months
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@alflearweek Day 6: Fierce (warriors are fierce right? right?)
Anyway, after getting his class changed Alfred says: "I guess I look good in anything, huh? Another benefit of training so hard." Even if it looks stupid or massively wrecks his stats. So, I have the little headcanon that Alear says "you look good" or something to that effect after every class change.
How did this happen you ask? Well....
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Celine ships it, and nothing can stop a plotting Celine.
Also because my hand writing is bad: Transcript time!
1st picture: "You look good ♥"
2nd picture: "I guess I look good in anything... huh... another benefit of training so hard"
3rd picture: Diamant: "can you imagine!? going into battle with only half a coat!?"
Ivy: "not to mention the DIVINE ONE has to help you so she sees that!"
Diamant: "Honestly! Being a warrior must be bad!"
Celine: "hehe"
4th picture: Celine: "Alfred doesn't want to bother you, but he REALLY wants to be a warrior... do you think you could help?"
Alear: "oh! Absolutely! I'll do that right now!"
5th picture: Alfred: "wait you think I look good?"
Alear: "FORGET I SAID ANYTHING! so embarrassed... uurgh..."
Alfred: "You look good too."
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dialearweek · 8 months
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Dialear Week Day 4 - Art by @/Illust_mi - Theme: Injuries / Scars
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demmywolf · 1 year
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Chibi FE Engage portraits
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asterouslyaesthetic · 9 months
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— chrom, the one on a horse and with falchion
there are two tacticians in my head and if they share nothing else beyond the fact that they both wear their oppositely-colored long hair in some form of pigtails and wear oppositely-colored tactician's cloaks and that they are brown (WE SHOULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO CHOOSE SKIN COLOR FOR ROBIN. i want to be my pretty brown girl self while smooching a prince), they share the fact that they have a thing for this weirdo
also it makes me sad that robin doesn't get to be a wind mage as much. she's the wind at his side!
in other news, i think that last line implies an indirect kiss because chrom seems like the kind of dude that'll bite into something and then make you try it because he thinks you'll like it, not understand why you won't meet his eyes
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