#f. brune
choixpeaudirectory · 9 days
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Kim Jennie
Née en 1996, en Corée du Sud (origines : sud coréennes)
crédits avatars : 1. @eyesome-beauty 2. @dopexlovers 3. @newstigma
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
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Unseen characters in Fire & Blood 🔥🐉 -Nettles' mother
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redheadarcher · 2 years
we have asgardians, gods, sorcerers, witches, eternals, people messing with the multiverse & variants
meanwhile, scarlett is still here just getting her ass kicked by widows, the tracksuit mafia and honestly just living her “ordinary” human life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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k-looking-glass-house · 3 months
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Rook Hunt french list of endearment nicknames
As the french I am maybe that would interest some people about your dear "Le chasseur de l'amour" vocabulary!! I will not ....translate those nicknames (I mean you can still ask me of course) as there are not equivalent one sometimes!! I would say just feel and vibe if some catch your mind~ I tried to classify them by their meaning You don't have to be in a romantic relationship for using those one (blame the french behavior as we are said to be flirty around the world....)
(gn)= gender neutral
(m)= male
(f)= female
Obviously you don't have to follow any gender orientation, it's just that french vocabulary have different names for gender (beside the world itself being male or female..)! Some words are gender specified but can also be used as gender neutral on some occasions!!
Let's go:
ma biche (f)/ bichette (f)/ mon biquet (m)/ mon bichon(m)
[ma poule (f/gn)/ mon poulet (m)]/ poulette (f)/ mon poussin (gn)/ poussinou (gn)
mon chat (gn TW: don't use the female word for cat (chatte) as it turns out to be vulgar here, just to let you know)/ mon chaton (gn)/ mon minet (m)
doudouce (gn/f)/ doudou (gn/m)/ dididou (gn)/ ma douce (f/gn)/ [ma dulcinée (f)/ mon dulciné (m)]
mon amour (gn)/ mon coeur (gn)/ mon petit coeur de beurre (gn)/ mamour gn)/ ma moitié (gn)
mon canard (gn/m)/ mon canari (gn)/ ma caille (gn/f)/ mon caneton (gn)
mon lapin (gn)/ lapinou (gn)/ 'pinou (gn)
chouchou (gn)/ mon chou (gn/m)/ choupette (f/gn)/ choupinette (f)
ma puce (gn/f)/ pupuce (f/gn)
mon sucre d'orge (gn), mon biscuit (gn), ma tagada (gn), mon nounours (gn)/ mon bonbon (gn)/ ma craquotte (gn)/ ma sucrette (f/gn)/ mon macaron (gn)
mon bijou (gn/f)/ ma perle (gn/f)/ mon trésor (gn)/ mon rayon de soleil (gn)/ lumière de ma vie (gn)
ma vie (gn..... this one...omg this one is used by the youngster here.... it makes them feel so deep....so adult ha ha)
[mon joli (m)/ ma jolie (f)]/ ma beauté (f/gn)
mon bouchon (gn)/ mon roudoudou (gn/m)/ mon bisounours (gn)
loulou (gn/m)
[mon chéri (m)/ ma chérie (f)]
ma muse (f/gn)/ [ma princesse (f)/ mon prince (m)]/ [mon bien-aimé (m)/ ma bien-aimée (f)]
ma colombe (f/n)/ ma tourterelle (f/gn)/ ma gazelle (f)
ma pomme d'amour (gn) SPECIAL POMEFIORE ONE for this one ha ha or reinette (f)
bébé (gn)/ bibou (gn)/ mon ange (gn)
[ma brune (f)/ mon brun (m)]/ beauté fatale (gn/f)/ nenette (f)
poupoune (f)/ poupo(u)nette (f)
chipie (f)/ ma loute (f/gn)/ [pitchou (m/gn)/ pichounette (f)]
pépette (f)/ poupette (f)/ pipou (m)
bout de chou (-> bout d'chou) (gn)/ mon trogon d'amour (m/gn)
mon étoile (gn)/ ma grenouille (gn)/ mon soleil (gn)/ ma crevette (gn: Literally shrimp)/ mon arc-en-ciel (gn)
And so many more... just ask me if you want some explanation on some! Or even more ha ha
Also for more cuteness and love you can add before:
mon petit (for male vocabulary french word not gender (yes...it's weird or hard for non french speaker))
ma petite (for female vocabulary word not gender)
Or ptit or 'tit (the cutest way to show your love and friendship with someone or when you're speaking to children)
Mon 'tit chat
Petit bout de chou
Ma petite chipie -> verryyyy similar somehow to little trickster...well close enough for female gender oriented! It would be "fripon" for male gender oriented.
And you? In your native language?
I actually love to use "darling" with people I love around me!!
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hotvampireadjacent · 10 months
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Nurarihyon (ぬらりひょん) from Bakemono no e (化物之繪, c. 1700), Harry F. Bruning Collection of Japanese Books and Manuscripts, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University.
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"Nurarihyon" from the Hyakkai Zukan by Sawaki Suushi
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Frev nicknames compilation
Maximilien Robespierre – the Incorruptible (first used by Fréron, and then Desmoulins, in 1790).
Augustin Robespierre – Bonbon, by Antoine Buissart (1, 2), Régis Deshorties and Élisabeth Lebas. Élisabeth confirmed this nickname came from Augustin’s middlename Bon.
Charlotte Robespierre – Charlotte Carraut (hid under said name at the time of her arrest, also kept it afterwards according to Élisabeth Lebas). Caroline Delaroche (according to Laignelot in 1825, an anonymous doctor in 1849 and Pierre Joigneaux in 1908).
Louis Antoine Saint-Just – Florelle (by himself), Monsieur le Chevalier de Saint-Just (by Salle and Desmoulins)
Jean-Paul Marat – the Friend of the People (l’Ami du Peuple) (self-given since 1789, when he started his journal with the same name)
Georges-Jacques Danton – Marius (by Fréron and Lucile Desmoulins).
Éléonore Duplay – Cornélie (according to the memoirs of Charlotte Robespierre and Paul Barras. Barras also adds that Danton jokingly called Éléonore “Cornelie Copeau, the Cornelie that is not the mother of Gracchus”)
Élisabeth Duplay – Babet (by Robespierre and Philippe Lebas in her memoirs)
Jacques Maurice Duplay – my little friend (by Robespierre), our little patriot (by Robespierre)
Camille Desmoulins – Camille (given by contemporaries since 1790. Most likely a play on the Roman emperor Camillus who saved Rome from Brennus in the 4th century like Camille saved the revolution on July 12, and not a reference to Camille behaving like a manchild to the people around him like is commonly stated.) Loup (wolf) by Fréron and Lucile (1, 2), Loup-loup by Fréron (1, 2), Monsieur Hon by Lucile.
Lucile Desmoulins – Loulou (by Camille 1, 2), Loup by Camille, Lolotte (by Camille (1, 2), Rouleau by Fréron (1, 2) and Camille, the chaste Diana (by Fréron), Bouli-Boula by Fréron (1, 2).
Horace Desmoulins – little lizard (Camille), little wolf (Ricord), baby bunny (Fréron).
Annette Duplessis (Lucile’s mother) — Melpomène (by Fréron), Daronne (by Camille)
Stanislas Fréron – Lapin (bunny) (by himself (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Lucile. According to Marcellin Matton, publisher of the Desmoulins correspondence and friend of Lucile’s mother and sister, Fréron obtained this nickname from playing with the bunnies at Lucile’s parents country house everytime he visited there, and Lucile was the one who came up with it). Martin by Camille and himself (likely a reference to the drawing ”Martin Fréron mobbed by Voltaire” which depicts Fréron’s father Élie Fréron as a donkey called ”Martin F”.)
Manon Roland — Sophie (by herself in a letter to Buzot).
Charles Barbaroux — Nysus by Manon Roland
François Buzot — Euryale by Manon Roland
Pierre Jacques Duplain — Saturne (by Fréron)
Guillaume Brune — Patagon (by Fréron)
Antoine Buissart (Robespierre’s pretend dad from Arras) — Baromètre (due to his interest in science)
Comment who had the best/worse nickname!
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ancientorigins · 3 months
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Yukionna 雪女 from Bakemono no e ( 化物之繪, c. 1700), Harry F. Bruning Collection of Japanese Books and Manuscripts, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University.
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
8. Colours
Welcome to week two! We're kicking off the week by looking at some colours and the grammar of adjectives.
farge (m) - colour
rød (m/f) rødt (n) røde (pl) - red
oransje - orange
gul (m/f) gult (n) gule (pl) - yellow
grønn (m/f) grønt (n) grønne (pl) - green
blå (m/f/pl) blått (n) - blue
lilla - purple
rosa - pink
svart (m/f/n) svarte (pl) - black
hvit (m/f) hvitt (n) hvite (pl) - white
grå (m/f/pl) grått (n) - grey
brun (m/f) brunt (n) brune (pl) - brown
Grammar: Adjectives
Many adjectives in Norwegian change depending on what they're describing. If the noun is neuter, the adjective also needs to be in the neuter form:
en rød bil (a red car)
ei gul bok (a yellow book)
et brunt hus (a brown house)
svarte biler (black cars)
Adjectives also have a definite form. Good news: it's the same as the plural form! So if you want to say the red car/yellow book/white house/black cars, you have to use den/det/de + the plural form of the adjective + definite form of the noun:
den røde bilen (the red car)
den gule boka (the yellow book)
det brune huset (the brown house)
de svarte bilene (the black cars)
Colours as nouns
To use colours as nouns, we always use the neuter form:
Jeg liker blått (I like blue)
Grønt er en fin farge (Green is a nice colour)
Grått og brunt er litt kjedelige (Grey and brown are a bit boring)
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duxbelisarius · 1 year
The Dance of the Dragons: A Military Analysis (Pt. 4)
Before we begin, a huge thank you to those readers who have continued following these posts (in particular @notbloodraven, @branwendaughterofllyr and @lemonhemlock). If this is your first post you’ve seen, parts 1, 2 and 3 are all linked here.
Before analyzing the campaigns and battles of the Dance, we must first determine the army size of the Blacks and the Greens; doing so allows us to determine the military strength of the factions relative to each other, and by extension their capacity for waging war in pursuit of their goals. The numbers provided in the text unfortunately veer between straight forward and indeterminable, based on their convenience to George’s narrative.
Excluding the Iron Islands, which fought no major battles on land, the text gives us straightforward army sizes for the North, Vale, Westerlands and Stormlands. According to The Dying of the Dragons - Rhaenyra Triumphant, Roderick Dustin led a force of 2000 Northmen into the Riverlands to support the Blacks (the so-called “Winter Wolves”). Cregan Stark subsequently led his own host south after the return of Aegon II, which Septon Eustace and Maester Munkun place at 20000 and 8000 respectively. Gyldan places it at twice the size of the Lads’ Riverlands army or c.12000, giving the North a total force of 14000 troops. The Vale reportedly assembles 1500 knights and 8000 men-at-arms at the same time as Cregan’s march, eventually sending out 10000 men under Leowyn Corbray. Finally, Borros Baratheon assembles near 6000 men upon calling his banners per Rhaenyra Triumphant, but The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II tells us that Borros had only 600 knights and 4000 foot soldiers with him when he marched on King’s Landing.
As for the Westerlands, Jason Lannister leads a host of 1000 armoured knights and 7000 archers and men-at-arms against the Riverlands; the destruction of this host at the so-called “fish feed” is said to have slain or scattered the greater part of the west’s chivalry, suggesting that 8000 was the ceiling for the Westerland’s army size. This figure conflicts with other numbers provided by TWOIAF and F&B, with the former stating that 1000 Lannister knights and 10000 men-at-arms fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings; the latter states that the Lannister-Gardener host at the Field of Fire numbered 55000, of which the Gardener’s brought half again as many as the Lannisters, suggesting a split of between 20 to 22000 Westermen and 33 to 35000 from the Reach. 
The task of determining the army size of the Crownlands is a far more difficult one, as George never provides us with solid numbers within the text. The Crownlands houses that we know fought in battles during the Dance are as follows: Rosby, Stokeworth, Darklyn, Staunton, Crabb, Brune, Celtigar and Hayford. We’re told that 100 men of House Staunton were killed when Criston Cole sacked Rook’s rest, while the 800 men killed in the battle would have included men from House Stokeworth, Rosby and Darklyn that had switched sides to Aegon II. Aemond and Criston Cole attacked Harraenhal with an army of 4000 men, which almost certainly included Crownlanders given that Aemond called his banners before hand. We also know that Cole led 100 knights and 500 men-at-arms from the royal household against Duskendale and Rook’s Rest along with 1800 sellswords, so the 4000 men cannot only be from the Crownlands. 
Those from the ‘Green’ side of the HOTD fandom are likely well aware of the notoriety of the Riverlands army, the size of which seems to fluctuate based on the needs of the plot. The best figure to go off of from Fire & Blood is that of Aegon’s army at the Field of Fire, which numbered 11000 men primarily from the Riverlands. House Tully’s forces can be estimated by comparing the forces of Addam Velaryon at Second Tumbleton and the Lads army that fought at the Kingsroad. The World of Ice and Fire and F&B both suggest that Elmo Tully led forces at Second Tumbleton, but neither Elmo nor the Tully forces are mentioned in the actual accounts of the battle in F&B or the original Princess and the Queen. Addam’s force was about 4000 strong and comprised of troops from house Frey, Blackwood, Piper, Darry, Vance (presumably Wayfarer’s Rest), Smallwood, Vypren and Deddings. We know that the Lads’ army contained Tully troops and was nearly 6000 strong, comprised of troops from house Frey, Blackwood, Darry, Mallister, Vance and Bracken. Given that the Riverlords suffered only 100 casualties at Second Tumbleton, we can assume that there was crossover between those who fought there and who later marched with the Lads; assuming that the Brackens could substitute for the forces of house Smallwood, Vypren and Deddings, this would place House Tully’s forces at about 2000 men. 
In The Hour of the Wolf, Gyldan states that the Tullys possessed less land and a smaller army that the Blackwoods, Brackens, Vances and Freys, while we know from Catelyn’s second chapter in A Storm of Swords that Walder Frey supplied 1000 knights and 3000 infantry to Robb Stark. Between 2500 to 4000 men seems a reasonable estimate for these houses, given the Riverlands a potential army of between 12 and 18000 men including the Tullys and no other houses, or c. 8000 to 12000 excluding the Brackens and the Vances of Atranta, This is without including any of the other houses that fought in the Dance (Mooton, Piper, Roote, Darry, Mallister, Smallwood, Wode, Bigglestone, Chambers, Perryn, Grey, Charlton, Vypren, Deddings), nor does it consider all the figures provided by George. 
Aside from the armies raised by Addam Velaryon and the Lads, the only other host whose size we are given is that which fought at the Lake Shore (the “Fish Feed”) and the Butcher’s Ball. Aside from the 2000 ‘Winter Wolves,’ Forrest Frey commanded 200 knights and 600 foot at the Lakeshore, alongside 300 archers led by Robb Rivers of Raventree. These were joined by survivors from earlier battles alongside Lords Bigglestone, Chambers and Perryn, with Garibald Grey, Jon Charlton and Benjicot Blackwood arriving later. When this host appears again at the “Butcher’s Ball,” it consists of 300 mounted knights, 300 longbowmen, 3000 archers and 3000 Riverlands infantry, and all that remained of the Winterwolves (less than a third of their original strength). This would give the Riverlords over 7000 men if we factored in casualties from the Lakeshore, resulting in a grand total of 13000 men between the Lakeshore host and that of the Lads. Factoring in losses from the other battles fought in the Riverlands, it seems likely that the Blacks could have raised 15 to 17000 men.
Determining the size of the Reach’s armies is somewhat easier thanks to George offering some numbers for the armies raised, though considerable guesswork is involved. Although the Hightowers did not send troops to the Field of Fire, the size of the Gardener host at the battle gives us a number to work back from. The Gardener host probably numbered 33 to 35000 men as referenced earlier, while Maester Munkun places the size of Ormund Hightower’s army prior to 1st Tumbleton at over 20000, of which 10% were mounted knights. Ormund’s original force comprised 1000 knights, 1000 archers and 3000 men-at-arms, accompanied by ‘uncounted thousands” of sellswords, freeriders, camp followers and ‘rabble.’ If we assume the number of freeriders and sellswords was similar to the sellswords that fought beside Criston Cole at Rook’s Rest, Ormund would have an additional c.2000 men. If we assume that non-combatants (ie the camp followers and ‘rabble’) accounted for c.3000, then Ormund’s host would be 10000; House Rowan and the other Blacks of the Reach would likewise have 10000 troops, based on Gyldan’s comment that the Rowans descended on the Mander with a host of equal size. The other 13 to 15000 can be accounted for between the forces of House Tarly, Beesbury and Costayne and those houses that later surrendered to Ormund and Daeron. Of course this method does not account for House Tyrell and those houses not mentioned in the Dance, but it allows us to work with what little numbers George gives, however crude the calculations might be. 
I’ve decided to forgo a discussion of population estimates for Westeros, so I’ll link Atlas of Ice and Fire’s blogpost on the subject and a video by TWOIAF editor Elio Garcia which address this subject. Suffice it to say that the army sizes arrived at above are well below what Westerosi population estimates suggest they would be, and this can be chalked up to discrepancies between George’s writing in the main books and his side works. The total army sizes using our figures above come out to c. 40000 on either side, though not all of these forces were active at the same time during the Dance. 
Thank you for following along if you’ve made it this far; I promise it gets FAR most interesting from this point onwards, as we’ll begin analyzing the ground battles of the Dance. Stay tuned for Part 5, and as always, the replies and my inbox are wide open if you have questions/want to chat!
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choixpeaudirectory · 3 months
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Jessica Alexander
Née en 1999, en Angleterre (origines : anglaises, et irlandaises)
crédits avatars : 1. @tplrs 2. @notaboorp 3. @rainbow-stars
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alinchen1982 · 14 days
Lieber Tagebuch, heute war mein Einstand. Ich bin mit Davon einkaufen gegangen. Als wir die Getränke besorgten, stand da Jason… Ich kann nicht fassen, was da passiert ist. Er hat uns einfach gesagt, dass der Auftrag von NEW PLACE ein Ablenkungsmanöver war, damit er größere Fische ans Land ziehen kann. Und wieder hat er uns erklärt, wie es ihm in seiner Vorstellung gefällt, Devenementiel fallen zu sehen… Wieder machte er den Vorschlag, dass ich zu ihn Wechseln kann. Diesmal wird er indiskreter und direkter. Ich habe natürlich abgelehnt. Ich bin mir aber nicht so sicher… doch ich musste. Mein Chef stand neben mir… Am Anfang dachte ich, er wolle mich abwerben, mich anflirten, doch dann wurde er auf einmal… so komisch. Hasst er UNS? Ich werde aus ihm nicht schlau…
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Am Abend war dann die Feier bei mir zuhause. Amanda und Thomas sind nicht gekommen, und nur weil ich es nicht traditionell im Park veranstaltet habe. Ich bin enttäuscht. Man muss auch mal über den Tellerrand hinaus schauen können und die konventionellen gesellschaftlichen Regeln ignorieren und hinweg gehen. (Ich habe immer das Gefühl, bei solchen Menschen, die das nicht können, dass sie ihr Verstand an der Garderobe hinhängen und andere für sich denken lassen, weil wurde ja so festgelegt und beschlossen.) Da das bei den zwei und Brune nicht der Fall ist, und streng ihr Weg gerade au gehen, und bloss nicht mal abweichen können, gehe ich davon aus, dass die nicht offen und/ oder flexibel sind. Das ist wirklich schade. Dabei kann man genau so, sehr viele neue und spannende Wege entdecken. Aber ... mit beiden habe ich sowieso nicht so den nahen Draht…
Mit Devon, Roy und Elenda komme ich eben am besten zu Recht (mir machen sie schon beim Kennenlernen den ersten Eindruck, dass sie offen für NEUES sind, auf Entdeckungs-Tour gehen. Gerade Devon hat mich extrem überzeugt. Ich sage nur Vorstellungsgespräch. Ich glaube, deshalb fühle ich ich Devon so nah. Vielleicht sind wir Seelengefährte, oder so etwas,) und ich glaube, dass wir sehr gute Freunde sein können. Wir haben Wahrheit-oder-Pflicht gespielt. Ich bin nicht wirklich der Spieletyp, aber es mündete damit, dass Devon mir paar Minuten mein Nacken massieren musste. Da merkte ich, wie verspannt ich war…
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Verspannt von dem Vorfall im Getränkeladen und Devons Konkurrenz. Oder soll ich sagen UNSERE Konkurrenz. Schließlich, nach dem Einstand bin ich jetzt festes Mitglied… Allerdings… will ich wirklich ein festes Mitglied von DEVENEMENTIEL sein? Ich habe 50% Probleme mit den Mitarbeitern. Ständig bin ich in Gedanken bei GOLDREAMZ und auch bei meinem Chef. Aber auf romantischer Art und Weise. Ich muss ständig an seinen Geruch und seinen Händen denken... Hmmm... Ich sollte mein Chef nicht anhimmeln… Ich sollte Devon nicht anschmachten… und ich sollte nicht ständig an Jason denken… DEVENEMENTIEL macht mir nur Probleme… Vielleicht sollte ich DEVENEMENTIEL verlassen…
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melxncholyman · 1 year
rating english translations of le revenant by charles baudelaire
read the original poem in french and its english translations here
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William Aggeler, 1954: a decent effort to keep the rhymes in the quatrains but completely fell apart in the tercets. ‘wild beast’ is too one-dimensional of a translation compared to the original ‘fauve’. okay translation but not exceptional 6/10
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Roy Campbell, 1952: poeticism? check! rhymes? check! this translation is really good in its own right—changing the alexandrines into octosyllables is a really nice touch. the inter-stanza enjambement feels a bit sacrilegious for a french poem (but who knows, baudelaire loved the sacrilegious anyway). that ‘brown delight’ tho 💀 8.75/10
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George Dillon, 1936: the rhymes are so satisfying!!! the archaic but still understandable tone makes it a refreshing read and the final punchline is really well executed 11/10
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Jacques LeClercq, 1958: why is this all of a sudden a petrarchan sonnet?? where did the stanzas go? ‘monster eyes’ is a rather radical interpretation but otherwise nice translation with a personal twist 8/10
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Cyril Scott, 1909: ‘my brownie’💀💀💀 i cannot take this one seriously sorry (also: overuse of the word ‘and’) 2/10
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Jack Collings Squire, 1909: slight whiplash of going from ‘monster eyes’ and ‘evil eye’ to ‘mild-eyed’ but we roll with it. i see that roy campbell stole that ‘tenderness and ruth’ line. pretty solid, pretty mild translation 8.5/10
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F. P. Sturm, 1919: ‘rove'/‘alcove’ and ‘morn’/‘forlorn’ rhymes are mwah *chefs kiss*. i think the odd translation of ‘brown-eyed’ is to support the original ‘ma brune’, translated into ‘my own’? overall good stuff 9/10
final thoughts: this is my personal opinion but the creative ones felt more enjoyable to me. also could y’all tell the translators really struggled with ‘l’œil fauve’ and ‘ma brune'
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wags-confessions · 1 year
Guys the Isabel tiktoks that I have saved are not incriminating in fact they are videos of her singing very well with good English which just goes to show that despite being a wag she's an interesting person with talents for example she was a footballer and did gymnastics also knows how to play instruments. I assume everything bad about her is a lie spread by the twitter user @lunaskarsgard who said it was Emma Brunes (haaland's cousin) and played with Isabel and knew she was mean and a gold digger then this troll confessed to be a fucking man and eve got her age wrong so THERE'S NO PROOF only haters and pathetic girls who wish they were being f--- by a football star. Also @haalandinhoo9 account on TikTok just keeps pushing hate towards Isabel spreading those lies. Plus Isabel's mom never had twitter only IG and Facebook. Everyone says "people I'm bryne talk shit about her" but I NEVER SEEN A SINGLE PERSON DO THAT (sorry if that was too long)
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Lucile Desmoulins talking shit about everyone she crosses path with in her diary compilation
June 20 - I found a snail. I examined it a little, I broke its shell, but having fallen onto my stomach it made me cry out loud, because this ugly beast was crawling on my stomach! I made a big hole and buried it. In two or three days I will go and see what has become of it.
July 3 - Maman annoyed all evening by reading me passages from Grandisson, passages of which I did not know the subject.
July 5 - I went upstairs to read a few passages from Grandisson, but I had to go back down to go for a walk with everyone, which annoyed me quite a bit, because I would have liked to read forever. After a while I came back up, expecting to have escaped the glum company again, but after a while they all came back!
July 20 - Papa came with Monsieur m h l. and his nephew. La Mg came too. We had no shortage of boredom! He gave me La Romance du Saule, which I had lost. In the evening, the coach drove Monsieur m h l away. Papa did what he could to get La Mg to get in the coach, but this man is too tenacious, he didn't want to! He only left at 8 o’clock. A moment later Maman and I were walking down the road. At supper P talked about how bored he had been all day. Now he wants us to go to the Palais Royal. Great pleasure, we would be fine without it!
July 27 - L f left at 7 o’clock, L m didn't want to leave yet. Oh, what a man, how tenacious he is!
O woman, cruel woman, woman unworthy of the sun that shines on you, what, celestial vengeance will not burst entirely on your head, will you triumph? Go, the day may not be far off when all the evils you cause will fall on you! You will groan then, but it will be too late! We won't complain! Fear the example of queens who, like you, have done evil! See: some perished in misery, others carried their heads on the scaffold. This may be the fate that awaits you...
Oh how long are the visits of the annoying ones! Naughty xxxx, go, if you come here, I will run far away in order to not see you! The fire rises in my face... stupid Irishman! He pities the queen, he does not want to speak ill of her… What is he getting involved in? Let him go to his own country! What is he getting involved in? We really need his help! He struggles to make us believe that he is French! Come on, you're Irish to the core and I'm French and I detest you! The weather is nice today.
On our way to the countryside, we encountered a procession. How ridiculous I find them, these priests, with their psalms! If I held power, I would abolish these foolish customs with their bread. When they sing, they sometimes make a patient die of fear! How low our religion is, it debases... What, men... Oh, what a lot to say! Be quiet, Lucile, let the men do what they want, close your eyes to their actions, you have nothing to do with them… They say that the Emperor is dead, that the Count of Artois is under arrest, that the count is exiled, that the queen weeps. This all sounds like very good news to me. When our enemies groan, we should rejoice.
June 23 - Michelet came. How stupid he is.
June 24 - Fréron is scary. Poor halv-wit, you have very little to think about.
June 28 - I’ve been with Camille and the little Duplay at an old madwoman’s. Ah! Great God. What a carrion.
December 12 - Now I have made new acquaintances that I don't care about and that at the first moment I will tire of. Fréron has returned. He appears to still be the same, but I don't care, let him go crazy if he wants.
December 21 - Thuriot is a bloody pig, his face is so ugly that it stinks. He took great liberties with Madame Robert. She was pushing him back but not too hard, not to say weakly. She tells me, however, that she dislikes him very much.
December 22 - I had supper at Danton’s with madame Brune. How detestable she is!
January 22 - Ricord came to see me. He is always the same, very abrupt and rude. […] Danton came. His jokes are as boor as he is. Despite this he is a good devil. Madame Robert seemed jealous of how he teased me. Fréron came. He always seems to sigh but how bearish are these manners. Poor devil. What hope do you hold? Extinguish in your heart a senseless …r (sic) What can I do for you? I pity you... No, no, my friend, my dear Camille. Never will this friendship, this love so pure, exist for anyone else but you, and those I see will only be dear to me through the friendship they have for you.
January 27 — She (Madame Robert) took us to Dejan's. There was a stupid aristocrat.
If you want to read Lucile’s diary in its entirety, check out the link provided in this this old post (thanks a lot, @georgesdamnton)! There’s lots of other great resources there as well.
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Fernand Léger
1881 - 1955
Une femme brune et une plante jaune
signed F. LEGER and dated 50 (lower right); signed and dated again and titled (on the reverse)
oil on canvas
28 ¾ by 36 ⅛ in. 73 by 92 cm.
Executed in 1950.
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444namesplus · 27 days
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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