#f1 spain
p2pc2e · 1 year
Sergio's Column - #SpanishGP: Oh (no longer) So Close!
Sergio's Spanish GP thoughts.
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racing-is-passion · 4 months
F1 will race in Madrid!
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Today's breaking news about the F1 is the new race in Madrid. Starting 2026, the F1 will race in the spanish capital city for at least ten years. They will race at a new city circuit, around the IFEMA convention center. The track will probably have 20 corners and a length of 5,47km. At first, there will be space for 110.000 spectators, but after five years, it should be big enough for 140.000 spectators.
Does it mean the F1 won't race in Catalunya anymore?
No, at least not yet. Catalunya doesn't have a new contract right now, but the F1 says that a yes for Madrid isn't a no for Barcelona. Italy has two races too, so there is a chance that Spain will have two races again, after the end for the race in Valencia, some years ago.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
baby me - cl16
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary: charles had a bad race in spain and wants to be babied afterwards
word count: 1.3k
warnings: angst, xavi (bc he seems to be a trigger warning himself) and some google translated french
note: i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it
masterlist / taglist
You watched FP1 and FP2 in your hotel room. The steam of your freshly hot shower was still lingering as you watched the cars drive in circles. It had went okay for Charles, not the best but also not the worst.
You watched FP3 from the Ferrari Motorhome. It went okay, with Charles at P7 Carlos at P4. Usually you would’ve watched the race from the stands with Isa, but something happened between her and Carlos some time before Spain. Charles had promised you all the gossip after the race. But with a qualifying like this? You’d doubt he’d tell you all the juicy details.
It was qualifying who hurt the most. It started to rain and nobody really got a good lap in before driver by driver retired from the race, so did Charles. Just, he was P19. Your heart hurt, clenched for your boyfriend. You knew he would be disappointed in himself.
You waited in the garage, Xavi was standing next to you and talked something about strategy to you. But you didn’t listen, you just waited for him to come back. When he did, he crumbled in your arms. You didn’t know if sweat droplets or tears hit your shoulders. Anyway you comforted the Ferrari driver as best as you could.
As he was taken to the car by his engineers, you gave him a good luck kiss and held on to his Forza Ferrari bracelet.
You didn’t really pay attention, well you did, but your focus wasn’t always on the TV i front of you. Every time they didn’t focus on Charles, your eyes drifted around the garage and you found something else that interested you more. As you watched the TV once more, you saw Charles was P7! He was in the points! He did it, he went from P19 to P7. He had done it again, he is sich’s brilliant driver. But then you heard Xavi talking to him. He told him to box. You heard your boyfriend complain about the tire change over the coms, but they changed them anyway.
That’s when it happened, he dropped out of the points again. Fucking Xavi. In the end, Charles finished the race with P11, which was a good progression, but still disappointing, at least for your boyfriend.
You waited for him. Waited until he finished his media duties. Waited for him to pack up and change back into his normal clothes. You waited for him to fall into your arms.
„Bébé, I want to go home. Please.“ You never heard this much sadness in his voice. It broke your heart. He was your everything and seeing him like this was the worst.
„Aww chéri, of course, I’ll take you home“, you whispered to him. His head laid on your shoulders. A déjà vu hit you, as you felt your freshly dried shoulder getting wet again. But this time you knew it wasn’t his sweat. You sighed, your arms stretched around his upper body.
„C’mon, ma lune my moon, let’s go to the hotel“, you told him and took him by his hand. Out of the paddock and in front of the car, you waited for him to get in the drivers seat.
„I don’t wanna drive anymore“, he said and threw the keys to you. You giggled a bit and changed sides with him. He almost never lets you drive, well usually you didn’t like to drive, but when you would like to drive, he mostly doesn’t let you. So, you take it with honour.
The ride was short and you were soon in the elevator up to your room. Charles looked tired, he was always tired after a race, but he seemed different tired. Like ‚tired of the world’ tired. He just seemed so, how could you best describe it? He just seemed so down. Like nothing could disappoint him anymore. As MJ from Spider-Man said: „If you expect disappointment you’ll never actually disappointed.“ You thought that this was exactly how Charles views his life at the moment.
His body seemed skunked down and his eyes deep in his socket. You saw the dark circles under his eyes, the gray hairs that are starting to grow and all the stress pimples on his face. You could’ve cried at his sight.
As the doors closed on the elevator, he leaned his body on yours. Your nails were scratching his back, up and down. You hummed lightly, doing the thing your mother used to do, when you were in a bad mood. You tried to soothe him. Did it work? You had no idea.
The ping of the elevator brought you back to reality and you took Charles by his hand and led him to your room.
„Peux-tu me chérir? Can you baby me?“, he asked you, as you closed the door. You took your shoes and jacket off. You did the same to Charles, his hoodie slipped right off his body and the jeans were long gone. Nothing was sexual about this, not even in the slightest. You gave Charles a big smooch and told him to wait for you.
The bathroom was big and bright, that’s why you tried to find some candles or something like candles - something that would dim the place a bit. The only thing you found were the lamps on your nightstands.
You ran a bath, put some bubbles in and ordered Charles to join you in the bathtub. You always took some face masks with you. Charles closed his eyes as you put it on his face. „My pretty baby“, you cooed. He was truly magnificent. „Let’s take a relaxing bath, yeah?“
You climbed into the tub first, you let him rest his back on your chest. Again, there was nothing sexual about this. He soon changed the position and laid his head on your chest. Your hands around his back, you scratched his skin with your nails. They left thin red marks on it. His arms were stretched around your shoulders and he squeezed them to his body.
You reached to the shampoo on the side and you squirted some on your hand. You rubbed them together and massaged his head. He sighed. His body visibly relaxed, slouched against yours. The mood lifted and you could feel his heart starting to beat slower. You were glad that he started to relax.
You removed his face mask, massaging the rest of the serum into his skin. „Mon joli bébé my beautiful baby“, you murmured, „you deserve the world, chéri.“ He breathed heavily, almost on the verge of crying again, but he held himself back.
„Mon soleil my sun, let it out, it’s okay“, you reassured him and the dam broke. His sobs broke your heart, it clenched for him. You’d do anything- you’d give anything for his happiness.
„Baby, c’mon, I’m gonna wash your hair real quick and we’ll get out and go to bed m, sound good?“, you asked him and he just nodded. You washed his hair and dried him when he stepped out of the tub - just like a baby.
His body still slummed agains yours, he leaned all his weight on you and you were happy to carry it for him. You rubbed his shoulders, humming a soothing tune again.
„Allez petit garçon c’mon little boy, let’s go to bed“, you ordered him to bed. The white and soft cushions seemed so inviting. The satin covers soft against your newly washed skin. You both sighed as you sunk into the bed. The heaviness of the day only seemed to kick in now. Your shoulders stiff and heavy but it was okay - it was okay because of him. You did it all for him.
You both snuggled into the bed, his head laid on your chest, again, and your hands in his hair - scratching and tugging. „I love you, je t‘aime tellement I love you so much“, you told him.
„I love you more, mon amour my love. And I am so grateful for you. Thank you.“
taglist: @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @topguncultleader , @ironmaiden1313
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introspectivememories · 4 months
mister lewis hamilton, sir, how are you gonna go on live television and talk about about how your karting days were the best times of your career and still never say nico's name? not once but multiple times??? oh you mean the karting your did with your childhood best friend nico rosberg? that karting? the karting where you met him? the karting where your families became friends? the karting where you spent months in italy together? the pizza eating contests and torn up hotel rooms? the frosties? the unicycling? that karting???? "i'm over the divorce," says man who is soo not over the divorce.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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The flower saga continues I guess???
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bonetoile23 · 2 years
When you accidentally get promoted to head of state
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umseb · 5 months
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mmhm 👀, spain - may 22, 2011 📷 manu fernandez / apimages.com
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cheaperimint · 1 year
zhou and tsunoda are serving CUNT on that track
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russellius · 1 year
peekaboo! | via
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justc2world · 1 year
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Yeah it should be illegal to be this hot 😮‍💨
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 1 year
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Hugs 🤗🤗
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tomkinard · 1 year
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Fernando 2012 Chair Lore (source: me)
So I've been thinking a lot about Fernando sitting in this particular chair in the Ferrari garage in 2012 for [redacted] reasons:
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Originally I just wanted to find more pictures of it for reference, and then went down a rabbit hole of 2012 pictures, trying to figure out when exactly the chair came to be. There's so many pictures of him in it, and it's so funny to me to imagine them hauling this super villain chair all around the world for him. And so now I'm obsessed with the evolution of it:
Pre-Chair - Australia to Bahrain:
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He just had this little stool, well I should say big because it somehow still manages makes him look small. Clearly not comfortable; to paraphrase @sweatyflytrap, it's not conducive to his inner Shakespeare villain monologues
The Chair Appears - Spain
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He suddenly now has this, aforementioned, super villain chair. Several things, why is it like this. It looks like a sim chair almost ngl. And then the weird plexiglass support is confusing me, like where did they get that. It furthers my narrative they just had this chair that they couldn't put in a car so they put that clear bottom on it. Anyways yes good, now he has somewhere to brood
The Chair Evolves - Silverstone
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Look!! They gave him a booster seat!!!
The Chair is Now Here to Stay :)
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I downloaded a truly horrible amount of pics him in this chair, so now you all must also look at them >:)
*he still had the chair in 2013, but I think they took it away from him in 2014 :( Is nothing sacred in this world??? I hope he got to take it home hahaha
#i now have a psychosexual relationship with this chair#and im also just obsessed with the range of it???#theres an equal amnt of pics where he looks like a hot evil villain and then also ones where hes all curled up on it cutely#the co-stars to this post are really all his different sunglasses and the sexy button up fireproofs#this was actually like a true derangment post#irdk what came over me and caused me to make this but it is very important lore actually and i care a lot about it#im just curious about the origins still#like theyre suddenly like in spain 'here is a present for your home race'#the upgrade in silverstone is still killing me. ik its to make it more comfy but like...its literally a booster seat im sorry#but yeah fernando is so real in these. i too would sit in this chair all the time#okay now stay with me bcs this is just vettonso pilled BUT#the difference btwn him and seb in their garages is so funny to me#seb was always sitting on the cabinets like curled up on them lounging on them kicking his legs over them like a kid on a counter etc etc#and then fernando just has a fucking bond villain chair#and you wonder why i ship them so heavily. scoff scoff#this is just a ref post to draw him and seb together on the cha- huh what wait who said that? what was that huh that was weird#fernando alonso#f1#formula 1#formula one#*would be so fucking funny to tag this as lore#fa14#we do a little bit of f1#catie.rambling.txt#normal posts that catie normally makes in a normal fashion
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ladymarvel27 · 9 days
Idk why people are shipping Carlos and Oscar with #carcar. Gosh, they are brothers and it's some sort of sibling rivalry or they are fighting for Lando. Their grid parents are these two:
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So, please! Stop shipping them romantically idc!
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umseb · 27 days
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sebastian vettel in the paddock during pre-season testing, jerez, spain - february 8, 2012 📷 james moy / alamy
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