#face detection attendance machine
isecuritysystem · 6 months
Attendance management has long been a challenge for businesses, but in Noida, a groundbreaking solution is changing the game. Face Detection Attendance Machine In Noida, offered by I Security System, are taking the city by storm, offering unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and security. 
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thedensworld · 2 months
Case 143 | K.Mg
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Pairing: Detective!Mingyu x reader
Genre: action, romance, ex Au
Summary: Mingyu and Y/n are exes. One day, they have to work a case together and it makes the situation uncomfortable for both teams. Besides for the rookie, Hansol.
Breathless and with his heart pounding against his ribcage, Mingyu pushed himself to keep running. Every inhale felt like fire in his lungs, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him going. The urgency of catching Kim Jiheon, the elusive drug dealer he had been tracking for weeks, was consuming him.
His legs threatened to give out beneath him, protesting each step he took, but the thought of letting Jiheon slip through his fingers was unbearable. Alone and racing against time, Mingyu cursed under his breath as he sprinted towards the harbor. His team, blissfully unaware of the unfolding situation, was probably enjoying their dinner, oblivious to his urgent call for backup.
Frantically, he dialed the rookie of his team, Hansol, hoping beyond hope that his message had been received. Mingyu needed everyone at the harbor, and he needed them there now. The distance seemed endless, each stride feeling like an eternity as he fought against exhaustion and desperation.
As Mingyu finally reached the harbor, his eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of his team. But there was nothing. Doubt crept into his mind. Had Hansol even relayed his message? Was he truly alone in this race against time?
Despite the doubt gnawing at him, Mingyu clenched his jaw, refusing to give up. With determination burning in his eyes, he squared his shoulders and prepared to face whatever lay ahead. Kim Jiheon would not escape him, not this time.
Fortunately for Mingyu, his years of dedicated workouts and cardio had honed his body into a well-oiled machine, allowing him to chase down Kim Jiheon with impressive speed and agility. Even as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him, he pushed himself harder, driven by sheer determination to apprehend his elusive target.
It was a testament to Mingyu's resourcefulness that he had managed to uncover Jiheon's plans to ship out tonight. Yet, despite his strategic prowess, a pang of frustration surged through him as he realized his own clumsiness had led to him misplacing his gun at the worst possible moment. Shooting Jiheon's leg would have simplified matters, but fate seemed to have other plans.
The sharp crack of a gunshot shattered the night air, sending Mingyu's heart racing as Jiheon crumpled to the ground, his leg now wounded and useless. Relief flooded through Mingyu as he spotted the familiar figure holding the pistol, their timely intervention saving the day.
With a steadying breath, Mingyu hurried to Jiheon's side, his movements deliberate as he secured the handcuffs around the criminal's wrists. A mixture of triumph and exhaustion washed over him as he delivered a sharp slap near Jiheon's gunshot wound, a small act of retribution for the chase that had left him soaked with sweat.
As a car and a bike approached, Mingyu watched with a mixture of relief and anticipation as the people inside sprang into action, swiftly attending to the fallen Jiheon. "Nice shot, captain!" one of them exclaimed, praising the biker who had delivered the decisive blow. Mingyu's eyes met hers as she removed her helmet, her intense gaze locking onto him.
There was a palpable tension in the air as she approached Mingyu, her scowl evident even from a distance. Despite the exchange of the gun between them, her anger seemed to simmer just beneath the surface, casting a shadow over the otherwise triumphant moment.
Effortlessly catching the gun she tossed to him, Mingyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered between them. Even as he rose to his feet, his body still thrumming with adrenaline, her continued displeasure weighed heavily on him.
As their eyes met once more, Mingyu couldn't help but protest, "Don't look at me like that." He rose from his brief respite, his voice tinged with defiance.
She rolled her eyes in response, her frustration evident. "Like what? Like looking at an idiot? Yeah! I am looking at an idiot who dropped his gun while running. Why are you even here? It's my case!"
Mingyu coughed, feeling the weight of her words like a punch to the gut. "It's related to my department, so it's natural for me to investigate it as well."
She shook her head, her tone firm. "It's one hundred percent on the Narcotic Department. Violence and Crime have zero relevance to this case. Also, your team doesn't have an investigation permission letter. So whatever you're doing right now, it's not under the office regulations," she explained, her words cutting through the tension like a knife.
"Good you're not dead," she muttered under her breath before swiftly donning her helmet.
Mingyu's heart sank at her dismissive words, but he refused to let his pride get the better of him. "Can I join you?" he asked, stepping forward.
She turned to face him, her expression unreadable as she removed her helmet. "Where's your car? How could you even get here in the first place?" she questioned, her voice tinged with disbelief.
Mingyu hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of embarrassment at his lack of preparedness. But as he met her gaze, determination flickered in his eyes. "I found a way," he muttered, his resolve unwavering despite the obstacles in his path.
Mingyu didn't waste time with words. Instead, he reached for the helmet in her hand and the key, determination shining in his eyes. "Let's go," he said, motioning for her to join him on the back seat.
"Riding without a helmet is illegal, Kim Mingyu. We're police officers," she reminded him firmly.
A smirk played at the corners of Mingyu's lips as he tilted his head, meeting her gaze with a sense of camaraderie. "Well said, Ji Y/n. We're police officers."
Mingyu stood at the front of his team, his expression stern as he addressed each member in turn. With their heads bowed and hands folded behind their backs, they listened intently to his lecture, knowing they had failed their leader.
For seven minutes, Mingyu recounted the events of that fateful night, emphasizing the gravity of the situation had he been left to face danger alone. His voice carried a mixture of disappointment and frustration, each word punctuated by the weight of missed opportunities and the consequences of their negligence.
Hansol, the rookie whose distraction had led to Mingyu's solitary struggle, felt the weight of guilt settle heavy in his chest. The memory of the grandmother he had helped with directions now felt like a betrayal, a selfish act that had left his team leader vulnerable and alone in the line of duty.
As Mingyu concluded his lecture, his gaze swept over his team, the disappointment in his eyes unmistakable. Yet, beneath the reprimand, there was a glimmer of determination—a resolve to ensure that such a lapse in communication would never happen again.
Mingyu's commanding presence filled the room as he addressed his team, his eyes sweeping over each member with a sense of authority. "I want you to summarize an essay about how important teamwork is in our field and the role of the leader," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Without hesitation, Lee Seokmin, Seo Myungho, Boo Seungkwan, Lee Chan, and Choi Hansol snapped to attention, offering a crisp salute as a promise to fulfill their leader's directive.
As Mingyu's gaze lingered on Hansol, a sense of disappointment flickered in his eyes. "And Hansol," he added, his voice firm. "Face me after doing 20 laps of a run."
With a nod of acknowledgment, Mingyu dismissed his team, the air thick with the unspoken promise of accountability and unity in the face of adversity. They had learned a valuable lesson, one that would shape their future actions and reinforce the bonds of trust and solidarity among them. Mingyu turned on his heel and made his exit, leaving the room buzzing with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. Each member of the team knew that they had a responsibility to uphold, not only to their leader but to each other as well.
A shout erupted from Seungkwan, his voice echoing through the room, "I'm relieved that I'm not the rookie anymore, but I feel bad for Hansol." His frustration was palpable as he reached for the book sitting untouched on the bookcase for what seemed like ages—a self-improvement book on leadership and teamwork bought by their team leader, Kim Mingyu.
Lee Chan flopped onto the couch, exhaustion evident in every line of his body. He leaned back, his eyelids heavy with fatigue. "Then do his assignment instead," he mumbled, the remnants of their beef dinner lulling him into a sleepy stupor.
Seungkwan's fingers traced the embossed title of the book, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. Relief mingled with guilt as he thought of Hansol, burdened with the weight of being the rookie. Mingyu's gesture was well-intentioned, but it only served to highlight the disparities within their team. As he flipped through the pages, Seungkwan couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him.
Myungho gently tapped Hansol's shoulder, offering reassurance in his touch. "It's not totally your fault, Hansol. That case isn't officially ours, so even if we're losing it, it wouldn't be our responsibility," he explained calmly to the younger member.
Hansol's brow furrowed in surprise, his eyes betraying his confusion. "But didn't we work hard on that case? Is it really okay to just let it go like that?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and concern.
Myungho nodded understandingly, his expression empathetic. "We assumed there might be a gang involved in Park Jiheon's case. But his capture definitely isn't in our hands," he clarified, his tone gentle yet firm as he tried to alleviate Hansol's worries.
Hansol sighed, a weight seeming to lift from his shoulders as he processed Myungho's words.
Seokmin chimed in, his voice carrying a sense of solidarity as he echoed Myungho's sentiments. "Don't worry about Mingyu, he just wasn't in the mood," he reassured, his tone soothing as he tried to ease any lingering concerns.
Chan's hands met in a soft clap of realization, his eyes widening with understanding. "Right? He's never scolded us that much before. I was really worried when he called. But then, when I saw him arriving on bike earlier..." Chan trailed off, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I knew," he concluded, his voice filled with certainty.
Seungkwan chuckled, his laughter ringing out in the room. "I saw them too. Kim Mingyu, our team leader..." he began, a hint of amusement evident in his tone as he recalled the sight of Mingyu's unexpected mode of transportation.
Sensing that the conversation was veering off track, Myungho interjected, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Let's finish our assignment before midnight," he urged, directing everyone's attention back to the task at hand. With a determined stride, he made his way to his desk, ready to dive into the work.
Seokmin reached out to Hansol, his offer of assistance laced with genuine concern. "Hansol," he called out, his tone gentle yet firm. "You can start your run. I'll take care of your assignment." The weight lifted from Hansol's shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief, gratitude evident in his expression. He offered a quick word of thanks to Seokmin before hurrying out into the backyard, his mind already racing ahead to the looming encounter with their team leader.
As Hansol disappeared from view, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Each member of the team understood the importance of their roles, the weight of their responsibilities hanging heavy in the air. With determination etched on their faces, they set to work, united in their mission to meet the deadline and prove their worth as a team.
"I've read your report on the potential Cubic involvement in Park Jiheon's case, and I truly appreciate your astuteness in uncovering this," Chief Park acknowledged, his tone conveying a mix of admiration and seriousness. "However, I can't simply assign this case to your department without the Narcotics Department's involvement, especially considering it's already under their investigation," he explained, his words carrying a weight of deliberation and careful consideration.
As Chief Park's gaze shifted to Choi Seungcheol, the Head of the Violence and Crime Department, the room fell silent, all eyes turning to await his response. Superintendent Choi's expression remained composed, his mind already racing through the implications of Chief Park's words. With a thoughtful nod, he prepared to offer his insight, knowing that the decision ahead would shape the course of their investigation and the fate of their team.
Seungcheol's gaze shifted to Mingyu, his words carrying a sense of reassurance. "There are cases that require the expertise of special teams from different departments, sir. It's quite common in our line of work. If involving our team will expedite the process, then we should proceed," he stated confidently, his tone firm yet respectful as he laid out their rationale.
Chief Park nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Seungcheol's explanation. "Alright, I'll speak with Superintendent Yoon about this matter and keep you both informed," he confirmed, his expression reflecting a blend of contemplation and gratitude. "Thank you so much for your input," he added, appreciating the insight offered by his dedicated team members. As the conversation drew to a close, the room buzzed with a sense of anticipation, each member silently hoping for a favorable outcome.
Mingyu and Seungcheol strode out of the Chief's office in unison, the weight of the conversation lingering heavily between them. Frustration etched lines on Mingyu's usually cheerful face, his hand harshly rubbing at his forehead in a futile attempt to erase the tension. Seungcheol, observant as ever, couldn't ignore the sudden shift in his junior's demeanor.
"What's wrong?" Seungcheol asked, his own irritation growing as he tried to decipher what had dimmed the usually bright spirit of his junior.
Mingyu shrugged, attempting to downplay the turmoil brewing within him. "It's alright," he muttered, though the strain in his voice betrayed his attempt at composure.
Seungcheol scoffed, unable to contain his sarcasm. "Yeah, everyone can tell you're alright," he quipped, hoping to coax out the truth behind Mingyu's facade.
The jest halted Mingyu in his tracks, his gaze snapping towards Seungcheol with a mixture of surprise and irritation. "Really?" Mingyu's brow furrowed, his frustration momentarily eclipsed by confusion before realization dawned upon him. "That's not funny, sunbae," he retorted, the tension between them palpable as they stood locked in a silent battle of emotions.
Seungcheol motioned for Mingyu to halt in front of a cooler, offering him a soft drink. Mingyu nodded gratefully, sinking onto the nearby bench as Seungcheol handed him a can of coke.
"Are you going to be alright working with Y/n?" Seungcheol asked directly, his concern palpable in the air. Mingyu shot him a sidelong glance, his mood evident in the gesture.
"What? I'm just worried, okay? You both are my juniors and used to be under my team." Seungcheol explained.
"I know," Mingyu mumbled, his head dropping as he stared at his shoes. He sighed heavily. "It's been messing with my head. I can't seem to stop thinking about her."
Mingyu looked up at Seungcheol, his expression a mix of frustration and self-doubt. "Even last night, I lashed out at my team for not capturing Park Jiheon. We worked tirelessly on the case, even though it wasn't our responsibility. It was... selfish."
"I feel like such an idiot, sunbae," Mingyu confessed.
Seungcheol paused, considering his words carefully before responding. "Professionally? Yes, you made mistakes. But we can't ignore matters of the heart, Mingyu. We're police officers, yes, but we're also human. We feel things deeply. Sometimes, our emotions cloud our judgment."
Mingyu chuckled weakly. "It's surreal to hear reassurance from you, Seungcheol sunbae. I remember when you used to chew me out back in my rookie days."
Seungcheol scoffed, folding his arms. "Rookies are always in for a rough ride," he said with a wry smile, pointing a finger skyward.
"If working with Y/n is going to worsen things for you, then maybe you should assign the case to another member. I hear Myungho is a great profiler," Seungcheol suggested.
Mingyu nodded slowly. "I'll think about it."
As they stood in the quiet of the break room, the weight of Mingyu's dilemma hung heavy in the air, each man lost in his own thoughts.
"From today, the two of your teams will work together on the case given. Don't get distracted; Cubic might be more than we've known." The chief's words echoed in the room as the teams filed out.
Seungkwan and Chan exchanged subtle signals, while Seokmin and Myungho struggled to maintain their composure. Hansol, the only one oblivious to the tension, glanced at his leader, silently asking, "What's going on, sunbae?"
"Let's arrange a meeting tonight. My team will share everything we've found related to Cubic," you announced, stopping abruptly to address Mingyu.
Mingyu nodded and motioned for his team to proceed ahead. "Let's have a talk," he suggested, prompting you to instruct your team to head out first.
"We're talking," you said firmly once everyone had left. Mingyu rolled his eyes at your sudden display of petulance.
With a sigh, Mingyu began, "Let's not make everyone uncomfortable."
Your frown deepened. "I haven't done anything."
Mingyu hesitated, biting his lip before continuing, "I mean—"
"The way you speak makes everyone nervous," he clarified.
You shrugged nonchalantly. "That's just how I communicate. I thought you knew that."
"However," you added, your tone becoming more serious, "I'm sorry, but you can't tell me what to do unless it's about the case. You're not my boyfriend."
With that, you turned on your heel and walked away, leaving Kim Mingyu standing there, frustration evident on his face as he watched you go.
Mingyu, you, and Wonwoo entered the academy at the same time and were assigned to the same team upon graduation ten years ago. Working under intense pressure with Seungcheol as the team leader, the three of you quickly became inseparable. Mingyu and Wonwoo were always there to help you maintain your composure, making sure you didn't impulsively shoot anyone you caught, given your renowned marksmanship.
Mingyu, the athletic and brain one, carried the team with his impressive deductive skills, which had caught Seungcheol's eye during your rookie days. He had an uncanny ability to piece together the most obscure clues, turning chaos into coherent narratives that led to countless breakthroughs in your cases. His strategic thinking and physical prowess made him the backbone of the team.
Wonwoo, on the other hand, was a jack-of-all-trades and thrived on challenges. He was always willing to take the biggest risks, whether it was infiltrating dangerous territories or going undercover in high-stakes operations. His versatility and daring nature complemented Mingyu's methodical approach, creating a dynamic and effective duo.
For Seungcheol, having the three of you on the same team was a stroke of fortune. Your combined skills and unwavering loyalty to each other made the team formidable. Seungcheol knew he could rely on you to handle the toughest cases, confident that you would always have each other's backs, no matter the danger.
Wonwoo vividly remembered the day Mingyu panickedly ran down the hospital aisle after hearing you were injured during a mission to intercept a gang transaction. The two of them stood helplessly by your hospital bed, staring at your weak form with a broken leg and arm.
From that day forward, Mingyu and Wonwoo promised never to leave your side. You made the same promise to them.
"You two are dating?" Wonwoo asked, watching as you and Mingyu nodded excitedly like puppies.
"Finally." A sigh of relief escaped from Wonwoo's mouth.
Surprised by his reaction, you asked, "You knew?"
Wonwoo scoffed, "You were the only one who didn't realize how smitten Mingyu has been with you all these years."
You turned to Mingyu, who was blushing furiously at Wonwoo's words, his cheeks tinged a deep shade of red.
"Anyway, let's get some meat tonight. I'll pay," Mingyu declared, trying to shift the focus away from his embarrassment.
Just then, another figure stirred, startling the three of you. Seungcheol, who had been dozing at his desk, rubbed his eyes and stretched.
"Am I invited?" he asked, his voice slightly groggy.
The mood lightened as you all began discussing the evening's plans, the camaraderie and affection between you all evident. Despite the pressures and dangers of your work, moments like this reminded you why you were a team—why you were a family.
It's been a few weeks since you and Mingyu started working together on the case. The atmosphere was not as uncomfortable as it used to be, but everyone could still sense the underlying tension between the two leaders. Although you and Mingyu didn't feel that way, the rest of the team couldn't help but walk on thin ice around you.
The investigation had already uncovered Cubic's involvement in the narcotic industry and the powerful figures behind them. Mingyu and you had serious discussions from time to time, meticulously arranging every detail of the operation. The years of the close relationship you once had before it broke three years ago were now a distant memory, masked by the professionalism you both maintained.
Despite the professionalism, there were moments when the past seemed to seep through the cracks. A shared glance, an unspoken understanding—remnants of what once was. These moments, though fleeting, didn't go unnoticed by the team.
During one of the sessions, as you pored over maps and files, you couldn't help but recall the days when teamwork came effortlessly between you and Mingyu. Back then, your synergy was unmatched, a force that propelled your team to solve the most challenging cases.
Now, as you both focused on taking down Cubic, the stakes were higher than ever. The complexity of the case demanded absolute focus and collaboration. You admired Mingyu's analytical skills, his ability to connect dots that seemed unrelated, and his unwavering dedication to the mission. It reminded you of why you had once fallen for him.
Mingyu, on the other hand, found himself occasionally lost in thought, reminiscing about the times when your relationship wasn't just professional. He admired your courage and precision, your knack for getting to the heart of a matter with unerring accuracy. But he also knew that the past was a closed chapter, and what mattered now was the mission at hand.
As the team continued to unravel the tangled web of Cubic's operations, you and Mingyu found a new rhythm in your collaboration. The hints of rivalry that others perceived were, in truth, a testament to the high standards you both held each other to.
"Sunbae!" Seungkwan burst into the meeting room, his urgency drawing the attention of both you and Mingyu.
"Hansol and Jihoon were captured by Cubic," he announced, breathless.
"What?" you and Mingyu exclaimed simultaneously, immediately moving towards Seungkwan, who held out his phone, showing a picture of Hansol and Jihoon tied up, their faces bruised and bloodied.
"No..." you whispered, covering your mouth in shock.
Mingyu glanced at you, his expression a mix of frustration and concern, before turning to Seungkwan. "Gather everyone immediately," he instructed.
Seungkwan nodded and hurried out of the room.
"I'll inform the superintendents and the chief about this," Mingyu said, already reaching for his phone.
"We need to find them immediately," you told Mingyu, your voice trembling with urgency.
"We will save them. Please, calm down," he reassured you, his hands gripping your shoulders tightly.
As everyone gathered in the meeting room under Seungcheol's direction, they quickly got to work, tracking through CCTV footage, emails, phone numbers, and transmissions to pinpoint Hansol and Jihoon's location.
"How about the ring?" you asked Jun, one of your team members.
"What ring?" Mingyu inquired.
You showed him your ring. "We programmed GPS into our team rings."
Jun shook his head. "It was left in a small alley in Itaewon. Seokmin and Myungho have already checked it out."
You sighed, your foot tapping anxiously on the floor.
"Itaewon?" Mingyu asked, frowning. He recalled Hansol mentioning he was heading to Sadang, Dongjak. "Where was he last before he was captured?" Mingyu asked Jun.
"Dongjak Bridge," Jun replied.
Mingyu rushed to his desk, rifling through papers. "If they were captured at Dongjak Bridge and the GPS was discarded in Itaewon, it means they made a U-turn," he deduced. "Their nearest area from Itaewon would be Gwangjang."
You bit your lip at Mingyu's deduction and immediately instructed Jun to track the CCTV footage around Myeongdong.
Seungcheol received a call from the district station and made eye contact with the two of you. "Alright, we'll be there," he said, hanging up.
"The car that captured them was seen around Gwangjang Market. Jun, find any abandoned buildings there. Mingyu, Y/N, you two drive to Myeongdong,"
Mingyu stood motionless in front of the ICU, his eyes fixed on the doors, while you were crying on the floor after the incident during the mission. A bomb had exploded in the hotel while your team was attempting to catch a serial killer.
You had been trapped in the perpetrator's trap, tied up in a room with a time bomb ticking down. Wonwoo had been trying to save you, but he knew he had to get the bomb away from other people.
"No, don't," you pleaded as Wonwoo prepared to pull the strap of the time bomb.
"You need to get everyone out of this building. I'll take the bomb to a higher floor," Wonwoo instructed, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.
You shook your head, desperation in your eyes. "Let's get down together." You grabbed his arm, but he stood firm.
"Save the people and do what I said. We have five minutes," he urged.
You looked at him, tears streaming down your face, before gradually stepping away. You watched as Wonwoo sprinted towards the emergency stairs, determination etched on his face. You then turned and began evacuating everyone, your heart heavy with fear and hope.
"I'm sorry," Mingyu mumbled as you both waited anxiously for news about Wonwoo's condition. Reports had indicated that he was badly injured and would require several surgeries.
You stood up, frustration and sorrow evident on your face. "You left us!"
Mingyu took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping with regret. "I'm very sorry."
In a surge of emotion, you grabbed his collar and shouted, "You saw me in trouble, but you ran off to catch that bastard! You lost sight of your priorities!"
Mingyu nodded, his face reflecting the realization that he had made a grave mistake by abandoning his injured teammates.
"Hey... Stop it," Seungcheol said, his voice heavy with exhaustion and stress. He stepped in and gently pulled you away from Mingyu.
Just then, the doctor emerged from the ICU, calling out Wonwoo's name. The news he delivered was something no one had been prepared for.
You fell to your knees, overwhelmed by the weight of the doctor’s words. Mingyu leaned against the nearest wall, his face hidden in his hands, unable to escape the guilt that consumed him.
Seungcheol, the team leader who had just lost a member, stood nearby, grappling with his own overwhelming sense of failure. He could not shake the feeling that he should have done more, that he had let his team down in their darkest hour. The weight of the day’s events hung heavily over everyone, casting a long and painful shadow on the team.
You and Mingyu immediately ran to the abandoned building where Hansol and Jihoon were being held captive. The rest of the team followed closely, their weapons at the ready. As you neared the building, Mingyu's phone rang. It was a call from Seungcheol. Mingyu signaled for everyone to stop moving when he heard Seungcheol's urgent voice, "Stop everyone. He wants to meet Y/N."
Mingyu's eyes locked onto yours as Seungcheol continued, "Yoo Yongchul wants to meet Y/N only."
Mingyu relayed the message, and you muttered a curse under your breath, "He hated it when I took down his men last week." The pieces clicked into place—this was why Hansol and Jihoon had been captured.
"Tell him that Y/N will be with me," Mingyu instructed Seungcheol before ending the call. He quickly briefed Myungho and Jisoo to lead the team while you and he headed upstairs.
"Be careful," Myungho whispered as he took his position, his eyes filled with concern.
With a nod, you and Mingyu moved cautiously up the stairs, the old wooden steps creaking under your weight. The air was thick with tension, every shadow a potential threat. Your mind raced, strategizing how to handle Yoo Yongchul and secure the safe release of your teammates.
Reaching the designated floor, you saw a dimly lit room at the end of the hallway. Mingyu placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "We’ve got this. Just stay focused."
You nodded, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. As you entered the room, the dim light revealed Yoo Yongchul standing in the center, a sinister smile on his face. Hansol and Jihoon were tied up in the corner, their faces bruised and eyes filled with a mixture of relief and fear upon seeing you.
"Here we are. Did you bring my men?" Yoo Yongchul, the leader of Cubic, greeted you with a smile that stood in stark contrast to his grim-faced men, who held weapons aimed at Hansol and Jihoon.
"You let them go, and we'll talk," you replied, your calm tone surprising even Mingyu.
Mingyu's eyes widened as you pulled out your gun, unloaded it, and let the bullets clatter to the floor. You then tossed the gun aside, followed by your knife and handcuffs.
"What are you doing?" Mingyu whispered, alarmed.
Yoo Yongchul motioned for his men to release Hansol and Jihoon. Mingyu immediately moved to their side as they were pushed towards you.
"So, what do you want?" you asked.
"Let's pretend we never sold narcotics," Yoo Yongchul said smoothly. "Detective Kim knows what we've done, right? We just own a few nightclubs and do some debt collecting."
You smiled, a dangerous edge to your expression. "Nightclubs aren't enough, so you got your hands dirty with 'candy' from Russia? How does the money from selling narcotics feel?" Your taunt hit its mark, and Yoo Yongchul's smile vanished. He grabbed a gun from one of his men and aimed it at you.
Mingyu, Hansol, and Jihoon, who got their gun from Mingyu, quickly raised their guns, ready to protect you.
"Thank you for this invitation, Yoo Yongchul," you said, your voice steady.
Sensing your intent to capture him, Yoo Yongchul fired at you and immediately ran. Hansol and Jihoon sprinted after him, but Mingyu stopped when he noticed you were bleeding.
"You didn't wear a vest?" Mingyu exclaimed, shock evident in his voice. He quickly directed everyone to move through his radio, but you motioned for him to join the others in pursuing Yoo Yongchul.
"No, I'm not leaving you here bleeding," he insisted, gently lifting you into his arms and heading downstairs.
"I'm heavy," you whispered weakly, your hand pressed against the wound on your stomach to stem the bleeding.
"Shut up, it's not like I’ve never lifted you before," Mingyu retorted, his tone a mix of frustration and concern.
You winced in pain, the reality of being shot for the first time hitting you hard. Your recklessness in not wearing a bulletproof vest during the mission now seemed like a grave mistake.
"Please, stay awake," Mingyu urged as he descended the stairs, his voice trembling slightly. He could feel your strength waning with each passing moment.
As he carried you, Mingyu's mind raced with thoughts of your shared history and the countless times you had saved each other. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you now. "Just a bit further," he whispered, more to himself than to you, as he pushed through the pain and fear gripping his heart.
With the help of the district station, Yoo Yongchul and his men were successfully captured. Seungcheol saw Mingyu holding you and immediately ran to assist. Quickly getting you to the paramedics, Mingyu watched anxiously as they tended to your wound.
"She didn't wear a vest?" Jihoon, who was also in the same ambulance on the way to the hospital, was shocked to find out his leader was injured.
Hansol, sitting beside Jihoon, looked on in concern as you slowly closed your eyes. "Ma'am, please stay awake. We're on our way to the hospital," the paramedic urged.
Mingyu's hand immediately found yours and squeezed it tightly. "Hey... stay awake... please," he begged, his voice filled with desperation.
"It's hurting," you whispered, your voice barely audible. Mingyu nodded, his face a mask of concern and guilt.
"Mingyu, thank you," you whispered, your voice growing weaker. "Thank you..."
Mingyu shook his head, hating the way you kept thanking him in this dire situation. "Stop it!" he said, his voice breaking.
"I'm so tired," you mumbled, your eyes fluttering. "I miss Wonwoo."
"Sunbae!" Jihoon exclaimed, his voice filled with disapproval and concern, speaking up on behalf of a speechless Mingyu.
Mingyu's heart clenched at your words, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Stay with me," he pleaded, his voice cracking. "We can't lose you too."
The ambulance sped through the city streets, sirens blaring. The paramedics worked tirelessly to stabilize you, their faces grim with determination. As the hospital came into view, Mingyu's grip on your hand tightened, a silent promise that he would never let you down again.
The ambulance doors flew open, and the medical team rushed you inside. Mingyu followed closely, his eyes never leaving you. "She's going to be okay," he told himself, the words a mantra he desperately needed to believe. "She has to be."
Hansol, Jihoon, Seungkwan, and Myungho sat waiting anxiously in front of the surgery room. Their eyes kept darting to Mingyu, who stood steadfastly by the door, not moving an inch since you were taken in an hour ago.
"I don't know what exactly happened, but I watched him in the ambulance," Hansol said, looking over at Jihoon. "He looked so worried. Like he was afraid something terrible would happen."
"I know... everyone can see he still loves her," Seungkwan sighed.
Hansol frowned. "What do you mean? They were together?"
Jihoon glanced at him. "You didn't know?"
"He's new," Seungkwan informed Jihoon.
"They were together until three years ago, before they were promoted to team leaders. It was Jihoon hyung, Myungho hyung, Mingyu sunbae, y/n sunbae, and I was the maknae. Seungcheol sunbae was the team leader," Seungkwan explained.
"We lost a member during a mission. It was their best friend," Jihoon added somberly. "I don't know all the details, but the rumors about their breakup started after that. However, I always knew that Mingyu sunbae never truly left Y/n sunbae's side."
The group fell silent, the weight of the past and present hanging heavily in the air. The surgical room doors remained closed, and every passing minute felt like an eternity. Mingyu's unwavering presence by the door was a testament to his feelings, a silent promise that he wouldn't lose you, no matter what it took.
"What is wrong with you, actually?" Those were the first words out of your mouth after days of not speaking to him. It was almost midnight when he drove you home after Wonwoo's funeral. Unable to bear the thought of leaving you alone, he stayed.
"What is wrong with you?" you asked again, this time in a whisper.
He knew exactly what you were referring to, but the guilt weighed heavily on him. He couldn't stop hating himself every time he remembered that he was the cause of losing Wonwoo and almost losing you as well.
"You've always been the one to prioritize other. How could you go when you saw me tied up in that room?" you continued, your voice cracking with emotion.
Mingyu held his head down, unable to meet your eyes. Deep down, he knew the reason behind his actions, and it made him hate himself even more. He remembered the frantic moments of trying to find, where the culprit had taken you, with Wonwoo while the rest of the team focused on evacuating the area.
"Did something happen to you?" Your question pierced through his thoughts, bringing tears to his eyes. You were too good for him, he thought. How could an angel like you exist for someone as flawed as him? He was betraying you, for God's sake!
"There are only two spots, Detective Kim," he remembered Chief Hong's insinuation. It was promotion time. Mingyu, Wonwoo, and you had dedicated your lives fully to the work. However, there were only two promotion spots available, and they were likely for him and Wonwoo.
Competently, Wonwoo and he were better detectives. But everyone knew you were fit for a leadership spot. Honestly, none of you didn't deserve the place.
"Detective Jeon definitely has a spot. Honestly, I have high hopes for you, Detective Kim. However, the superintendents have been discussing Detective Ji's performance in leading several cases," Chief Hong had said.
Mingyu’s mind replayed the conversation. The promotion meant everything to him. It wasn’t just about recognition; it was about proving his worth, his dedication. But that ambition had clouded his judgment, leading to choices that he now regretted deeply.
You sighed at his silence, frustration boiling over. "You left me in danger and now you're keeping things from me," you said, your voice trembling with hurt. "I guess seven years wasn't enough for you? For us?"
Mingyu shook his head. "That's not what I meant."
"Then tell me! We lost Wonwoo, for god's sake! How could you stay silent like this, Kim Mingyu?"
Mingyu was startled; it was the first time he'd heard you raise your voice at him. He looked at you, eyes widened in shock. Why was it always about Wonwoo? When was it going to be about him? When would he be prioritized?
"You shouldn't bring up Wonwoo. I'm having a hard time too," Mingyu said, his voice cracking. He stood from the couch, grabbing his black suit from the funeral.
"It's always about him, right?" Mingyu mumbled, his words heavy with bitterness and pain, before he walked out, leaving you alone in the silence of the night.
The echo of his departure hung in the air, leaving you with a hollow ache that felt impossible to fill. The chasm between you and Mingyu seemed wider than ever, and the loss of Wonwoo weighed down on both of you like an unspoken curse.
Mingyu stood somberly at the funeral with his team, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. In this industry, people came and went, and the harsh reality of that truth weighed heavily on his heart. He tapped one of your member, Jisoo's shoulder, silently urging him to stay strong amidst the recent turmoil.
After the funeral concluded, Mingyu found himself heading to your apartment. The familiar path brought a wave of nostalgia. He remembered all the times he had crashed at your place, finding solace and comfort within its walls. Your apartment had always felt more like home to him than his own, mainly because it had you in it.
As he stood outside your door, memories of laughter, shared meals, and late-night conversations flooded his mind. The warmth of your presence, the way you made everything better just by being there—it all came rushing back. With a deep breath, Mingyu stepped inside, hoping to find some semblance of the connection you once shared, even amidst the pain and unresolved issues that now lingered between you.
"Wake up," Mingyu said softly, shaking your shoulder. "I brought you lunch. It's past time for your medicine."
You groaned and stretched like a cat, wincing as the still-healing wound reminded you of its presence. "How's Jisoo?" you asked, feeling guilty for not being able to attend his father's funeral, Regional Chief Hong.
Mingyu prepared the food on your nightstand and handed it to you. "Even though we knew he hated his father, he's still his father. Jisoo's holding up as best as he can."
You sighed, taking the plate from him. "I wish I could've been there for him."
Mingyu sat beside you, watching you carefully. "He understands. We all do. Focus on getting better. That's what matters right now."
You nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Mingyu. For everything."
He smiled, gently squeezing your hand. "Always."
You shook your head. "I really mean it. Thank you for always being there," you said sincerely.
Mingyu looked at you, stunned by your words. "You knew?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You nodded slowly. "Everyone knows."
Mingyu's face flushed slightly. "I know you weren't that stupid for stepping over regulations, helping with my cases," you mentioned as you took your first spoonful of food.
You frowned slightly. "It doesn't have green onion. You remembered?" you asked, surprised.
Mingyu rolled his eyes. "Of course I remembered."
You chuckled and playfully slapped his arm. "Stop acting like that to women!"
Mingyu raised his hand to pat your head, smiling softly. "Only for you."
You bit your lip, trying to stop yourself from saying something. However, Mingyu noticed it and said, "Just say it."
You sighed and set the food on the nightstand before turning to face him. "You know what happened to Wonwoo is not your fault, right?"
Mingyu shifted uncomfortably on your bed, his eyes wandering. There was a pregnant pause before he finally spoke. "I—I don't know. I—I just can't stop thinking and blaming myself."
You reached out and took his hand, feeling the tension in his grip. "Mingyu, none of us could have predicted what happened. Wonwoo made his choice to save everyone. He was a hero, and you did everything you could."
Mingyu's eyes met yours, filled with anguish. "But I should have been there. I should have done more."
"You were there, and you did everything you could," you insisted, squeezing his hand. "We all did. This job, it comes with risks, and we all knew that. Blaming yourself won't bring him back."
Mingyu sighed deeply, the weight of his guilt still pressing down on him. "I just wish things had been different."
"We all do," you whispered. "But we have to keep moving forward. For Wonwoo, for each other, and for the team."
Mingyu nodded slowly, his eyes still clouded with grief. "I know. It's just hard."
"It is," you agreed. "But we're in this together. We'll get through it, one step at a time."
He looked at you, his expression softening. "Thank you. For everything."
"Always," you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now, let's finish this food before it gets cold."
Mingyu managed a small smile, the first hint of light breaking through the darkness. "Okay. No green onions, just for you."
You chuckled, the sound a small but significant step toward healing. "Just for me."
It was nearly 3 a.m. when you and Mingyu decided to step out of the office together after a long night shift. You had just finished your leave and had fully recovered, while Mingyu had been dealing with everything related to Cubic over the past three months. Despite the challenges, things were looking up—especially now that he had you to come home to.
Everyone was thrilled when Mingyu finally revealed that you two were back together. Seungcheol, ever the perceptive leader, was the first to know. His response was typically Seungcheol: "I sensed that would happen." Meanwhile, the rest of the team, who had been watching Mingyu wander around like a lost soul since your separation, were ecstatic. They couldn't stop showering him with playful, embarrassing comments.
"My wish for today is that I won't see you running, on your first day back at work, catching some bastard," Mingyu said, a hint of a smile on his face as he placed an order for the two of you.
You both decided to stop at an old restaurant nearby your place. It was open 24 hours and served home-cooked meals—a usual go-to spot for you, Mingyu, and Wonwoo after night shifts. The owner, recognizing you both, was surprised to see you weren't alone this time.
"I'm so sorry for your friend," she said gently. "Here's a house service."
She handed you a plate of mandu, Wonwoo's favorite appetizer. Mingyu and you smiled gratefully at her before savoring the familiar taste.
"Shit, I didn't expect this atmosphere," Mingyu mumbled, hiding his face in his hands, still chewing on the mandu.
You reached out and touched his arm gently. "I know. It's... different without him."
Mingyu nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "This place... it was our spot."
You sighed, memories flooding back. "Yeah, it was. But I'm glad we came. It feels like he's still here with us, in a way."
Mingyu took a deep breath, lowering his hands to look at you. "I'm really glad you're back. I don't think I could have done this without you."
You smiled softly. "I'm glad to be back too. And we're going to get through this, together."
As the two of you sat there, sharing a meal and memories, the weight of the past few months began to lift. It wasn't easy, but you both knew that as long as you had each other, you could face anything the future held.
Once you two finished, Mingyu, who was facing the window, saw someone running while another followed. He cursed under his breath and lowered his head. You noticed his reaction and tried to look back.
"Promise me you won't get involved," he said, reminding you that your shift was over.
But then you saw Jihoon and Jisoo running in pursuit. You immediately stood up. "I have to go," you said, darting outside to follow your team members.
Mingyu sighed, pulling out his card to pay for the meal. The owner, noticing your sudden absence, approached with a curious look.
"Where's she? Did she leave already?" the owner asked.
Mingyu smiled wearily. "She's got a criminal to chase," he replied playfully before stepping out, scanning the area to find your whereabouts.
As you ran to catch up with Jihoon and Jisoo, the familiar adrenaline surged through your veins. Mingyu followed close behind, unable to ignore the pull of duty despite his earlier promise.
The chase was intense, but with Jihoon and Jisoo leading the way, you quickly caught up to the suspect. Jihoon tackled him to the ground while Jisoo expertly cuffed him. You arrived just in time to help them secure the scene.
"Nice work, team," you said, breathing heavily. Jihoon and Jisoo both gave you grateful nods, their expressions a mix of surprise and relief.
Just then, Mingyu arrived, slightly out of breath. "Nice job, everyone," he said, his tone a bit sharper than usual. Jihoon and Jisoo looked at him, then at you, confused.
"Wait, did Mingyu sunbae just follow you here?" Jihoon asked, raising an eyebrow.
You glanced at Mingyu, who looked slightly offended. "Yeah, we came together," you admitted.
Jisoo's eyes widened. "Together? Like, together-together?"
You nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, we're back together."
Jihoon and Jisoo exchanged surprised looks. "And you didn't think to tell us?" Jihoon teased, though there was genuine curiosity in his tone.
Mingyu crossed his arms, clearly still a bit annoyed. "Yeah, why didn't you tell them?" he asked you pointedly.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. "I was going to, but there was never a good time. And then, well, this happened."
Jisoo grinned. "Well, it's about time! We've been wondering when you two would finally get back together."
Jihoon chuckled. "Yeah, the whole team has been rooting for you guys."
Mingyu's annoyance softened, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I guess we could've been more open about it," he admitted.
"Definitely," you agreed, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "From now on, no more secrets."
As the night continued, the team settled back into their routine, the camaraderie and shared purpose stronger than ever. You and Mingyu were back together, and despite the challenges ahead, you knew you could face them as long as you had each other.
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blissfullyapillow · 9 months
┆I’ve loved you from the start
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ Neuvillette x fem reader
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ wc: 10,483~
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ Prompt: pinning, pinning, and more pinning. Wait, it’s mutual?! Oh, your heart can’t take this… “Oh how I’d wish you’d wake up one day, run to me confess your love at least just let me say, That when I talk to you, Oh cupid walks right through, And shoots an arrow to my heart…. Oh the burning pain... Don’t you dare look at me that way..”
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ warnings: fluff, slowburn, mutual pinning, lots of Fontaine characters make an appearance, reader is referred to as Name instead of Y/N but same thought applies (reader insert)
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ Pillow Talks: Hi guys! I’ve spent the last few days writing this, and I have to say I’m in love with how it turned out! I had to do my man justice (get it?) with a fic I can be proud of. Anyway, I really hope someone can find joy and comfort from this fic. As a side note, yes this fic was inspired by the song From the Start, by Laufey. The specific lines stated in the prompt is what really inspired me to write this. Regarding Neuvillette, I tried to be as lore accurate as possible here haha. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Stay safe out there. With much love, Pillow ‹𝟹
‧₊˚ ⋅♡ Masterlist
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Credits: sillyakito on pinterest
I tap an impatient finger against my knee as I take a slow survey of my surroundings. Everyone is patiently seated, although animated whispers reach your ears as citizens anxiously wait for the trial to begin.
I don’t know what to expect…
As the people beside me engage in idle chatter, I take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself. My friend convinced me to attend one of Fontaine’s public trails, insisting it was a rite of passage as a new citizen of Fontaine.
Unfortunately for the both of us, they came down with a cold the day before the trial.  I would’ve loved if they could accompany me, but I’m here nonetheless.
Another quick glance around the courtroom sets my nerves on end. I’m fine with huge crowds but at times they can feel suffocating. My finger tapping increases in speed as my thoughts begin to spiral.
Before my thoughts can completely spiral out of control, a loud sound catches the attention of everyone in the room.
There, sitting before everyone in a comically large chair, is the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Something that is no small feat in the world of Teyvat.
He has a commanding presence; there’s something about him that makes it difficult to pry my eyes away. He situates himself before the people of Fontaine, and before long the trial is well underway.
I wind up being swept up in the moment; I’m heavily invested in this case. I close my eyes for a moment, playing detective to deduce whom the culprit is.
The majority of the attending party is not as quiet as I’d prefer them to be; It’s hard to think when everyone is so rowdy.
“Oh my, did you hear that? She’s definitely guilty!” “Disgusting.” “Who? Her? I doubt it was her! Do you not see the remorse on her face? Oh, what poor soul…”
aha, that’s it!
I open my eyes with a triumphant expression. I’ve determined who the culprit is. At least, I think so. Now to wait and see.
“Order!” The man before the citizens of Fontaine slams what appears to be a cane to the ground. The room is immediately engulfed in silence.
I gaze at him in awe.
The man, who I now know is the Iudex of Fontaine, talks through his deductions before a machine generates the final verdict.
I silently cheer since I successfully determined the culprit.
Overall, I’d say this was a valuable experience. There are definitely some prominent flaws in how trials are viewed and the implemented system. Of course that was only one trial and I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, but something about the fate of another being viewed as entertainment just doesn’t sit right with me.
With my head in the clouds, I don’t pay attention to where I’m going.
Well, not until I accidentally bump into something.
A small “omph!” comes out of whatever I bumped into. That’s weird. Why would an inanimate object make a—
The sudden realization that I bumped into someone dawns on me. I’m quick to bow my head in embarrassment.
“Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention..” I hope they aren’t mad!
I blink my eyes open when I hear nothing, and I find myself face to face with a Melusine.
“It’s no problem. We can all be clumsy at times.” The Melusine smiles at me; it’s the most heartwarming smile to ever grace my eyes.
I can feel the way my heart melts as the Melusine continues to smile at me, although she tilts her head in confusion.
Oh, I haven’t responded to her yet!
“You’re right. Still, I’m so sorry for bumping into you.” A sheepish smile lifts my lips. The Melusine sighs as they shake their head in dismay.
“Oh dear. You remind me an awful lot of Monsieur Neuvillette. He tends to over apologize for things when it comes to us.” This time, I’m the one tilting my head in confusion.
“Monsieur… Neuvillette? … Did I say that right?” The Melusine nods her confirmation, although she seems a bit surprised by my confusion. Why, though? “Are you new to fontaine?” She asks. When I slowly nod my head in confirmation, her eyes sparkle with an emotion I can’t pinpoint.
“Ah, I see. Well, my name is Sedene. It is very nice to meet you.” Sedene holds out her hand for a friendly shake, and it takes everything in me not to squeal over how adorable she is.
I haven’t lived in Fontaine for long, but all of the Melusine have my heart. They are all so sweet with their own personalities, it’s hard not to have a soft spot for them! They especially helped me out with navigating the city when I first arrived, their eyes devoid of judgment or apprehension when communicating with me.
Sedene tilts her head at me once more, and it takes me a moment to realize I haven’t responded yet… again.
My face warms in embarrassment.
Why do I keep getting lost in thought today?
I smile at her as I extend my hand, and we shake. “So, what’s your name?” She asks me. “Name.” Is my response.
She considers my answer, trying the name out on her own. “Name… it sounds pretty.” Sedene’s thoughtful comment causes my smile to morph into a grin. “Not as pretty as Sedene! Still, thank you.” I bend down to my knees to be at eye level with her.
I notice her eyes widen slightly, but she doesn’t seem to take offense to my action. If anything, she seems overjoyed. “Y/N, have you met Monsieur Neuvillette yet?” I shake my head no in response to her question.
“Monsieur… Neuvillette…,” Sedene nods again to confirm I have said the name correctly as I speak, “..Who is he?”
She blinks her eyes owlishly, before she bursts into a fit of giggles.
I’m a bit taken aback, but I find myself joining in on the laughter. Once Sedene stops laughing she gestures for me to follow her. I oblige her request as she begins to skip away.
Before I know it Sedene has led me to a new area, and now I stand before a large door. Sedene politely knocks before a voice from inside calls out, “Come in.”
Huh, why does that voice sound so familiar?
My question is quickly answered once Sedene pushes the door open and I follow her inside.
Sitting before the both of us, at his desk, is none other than the beautiful Iudex of Fontaine.
Oh, Monsieur Neuvillette!
everything clicks for me, and I find myself feeling a bit overwhelmed.
I’m standing before such a prominent figure in Fontaine! With no appointment or anything! I’m sure you need to schedule an appointment to see someone like him, right?
Is there some sort of etiquette I should follow here?
I break out into a nervous sweat as Sedene introduces me.
“I hope I am not imposing on your work Monsieur, but I have someone I’d like you to meet. This is Y/N, and she is a new citizen of Fontaine.” I shyly wave and offer a smile as Monsieur Neuvillette fixes his gaze on me.
Archons, my heart is pounding!
He remains silent.
I catch sight of his curious eyes roaming my figure, before they leave me to return to Sedene.
A soft, warm expression takes over his features as he communicates with her.
It makes my heart squeeze painfully in my chest.
“You are fine, Sedene. I was just about to take a break from all of this paperwork anyway.” He speaks in a very refined manner, but his tone is more relaxed than it was in court. Obviously that’s to be expected, but still.
“Well hello Name, you can refer to me as Monsieur Neuvillette. Thank you for being good company to Sedene.” The Iudex of Fontaine now stands. He makes his way over to us.
I scramble my brain for a dignified response since the only fact in my mind is that I’ll be able to see his pretty features up close.
He’s coming closer.
He’s standing in front of me now.
Damn, he’s even more handsome up close.
“Hmm?” He hums, prompting me for something. But what could it—?
Oh, yeah. I need to respond.
I open my mouth to thank him for his generosity, maybe even congratulate him on how smooth the trial seemed to go today.
Unfortunately, he chooses that moment to glance at Sedene, and he chuckles at whatever he sees.
Oh, my heart.
“Yeah.” Is my blunt, ineloquent response.
Oh ARCHONS why is that the only word that came out of my mouth?
He seems a bit taken aback by my lack of a response, but then he smiles.
At me.
He chuckles once more, and he lifts his hand. He moves his hand in my direction, and my entire body stiffens. His fingers grace my cheek.
My heart stops.
“You had something there. Do not worry, I have removed it.” Monsieur Neuvillette tilts his head in a polite gesture, a warm smile on his face as he retracts his hand.
I forget to feel embarrassed since I just had THE beautiful Iudex of Fontaine touch my cheek.
“Thank you..” I murmur, sounding a bit more eloquent this time.
“You are quite welcome. How long has it been since you’ve arrived in Fontaine? Do you hail from Liyue?” Neuvillette’s eyes roam my form once more as the realization dawns on me.
He’s studying my clothes, since I’m not wearing clothing native to Fontaine.
“Ah, yes. I just moved here recently. From Liyue.” When the word ‘Liyue’ leaves my lips, Neuvillette’s expression shifts for the briefest of moments.
It’s subtle, but I notice the quick frown that turns his gorgeous lips upside down, before they resume their neutral position.
“I see. Well, there are many things to enjoy in Fontaine. I hope you find Fontaine to be a suitable new home for you.” He sounds sincere, and it makes me happy.
“Thank you Monsieur.” I twiddle my fingers as my gaze leaves his face, to look around the room.
I assume this is his office.
There are shelves in the room, huge as they are, and there are two piles of paperwork on his work desk.
Sedene strikes up a conversation with Neuvillette, but I tune it out.
That is, until my name is brought up again.
“So, what do you say, Name? Does that sound like something that’s of interest to you?” I whip my head around to look at him, and his gaze is as fierce as it is intense.
Uh, what was the question?
He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can I interrupt. “Y-Yes! Sure, that sounds wonderful…” I chuckle nervously, hoping he doesn’t realize I didn’t catch his question.
He smirks at my response.
“So you don’t know what I have asked of you, yet you agree nonetheless? You are proving to be an intriguing individual Name. I shall see you here tomorrow then. Promptly in the morning, at 9, and not a moment later.” He turns then, walking back to his desk.
“Yes.” Is the only response I’m capable of mustering.
Oh my.. wait, did I say my question out loud earlier?
I watch as he sits down at his desk once more, that same smirk on his lips as he returns to work.
“Thank you for introducing us, Sedene. I shall see you tomorrow.” Sedene happily waves goodbye to Monsieur Neuvillette, and I hastily follow suit.
We leave Monsieur Neuvillette to his work, and Sedene happily bids me farewell outside of his door. “It seems you’ve intrigued Monsieur Neuvillette. That is not an easy feat (Name). I shall see you here tomorrow. At 9 o'clock okay? Don’t be late.” Sedene moves in to give me a hug, and I quickly bend down to return it.
As I leave the Court of Fontaine, I’m in a daze.
What did I just get myself into?
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
It’s 8:50. I am most definitely not running late to my surprise meeting with the chief justice of Fontaine.
On the contrary, I’ve arrived early!
Too bad my sense of direction isn’t serving me well..
“Um, excuse me? Do you know where I can find Monsieur Neuvillette’s office?” I kindly ask a Melusine I stumble upon.
They generously agree, and soon I’m led to the same door I stood before the previous day.
I check the time. It’s 8:57 now. How fortunate.
“Thank you so much!” I gratefully give my thanks to the Melusine before me. I bend down to give her a hug, and she accepts. “No worries. Thank you, (Name). It’s been a long time since Monsieur Neuvillette allowed himself to be involved with another person.” Oh?
Before I can ask the Melusine to elaborate, the door to Neuvillette’s office suddenly opens.
I look up, and he stands tall and proud above us. He awkwardly coughs into his fist as he glances at us. “Name. I’m glad you could make it.”
I take that as my Que to rise and properly stand in front of him. I discreetly wave goodbye to the Melusine as she skips away. When I turn back to face Neuvillette, he has a glint in his eyes.
I can only hope to decipher what it means.
He moves to stand beside me outside of his office, closing the door firmly behind him.
“Now, are you ready to begin?” I feel a sudden burst of energy surge through me, jumping up in excitement. “Yes! I’ll admit, I have no idea what we’re doing and I usually don’t wake up this early, but I’m ready!”
My words clearly take him by surprise, as his whole body stiffens and his gorgeous eyes widen.
“My… you sure are full of surprises.” He sounds smug about it for whatever reason, but I take it as a compliment.
“Sedene had asked me to show you around Fontaine, since you are new to this nation. Normally, this is not an activity someone of my.. position.. would partake in with a citizen. So count yourself lucky, as it was Sedene who requested it.” I eagerly nod my head in approval, and a shy “thank you,” leaves my lips.
He only nods, noticeably turning his head to look elsewhere.
He was struggling to contain his smile.
“Let us be on our way then. There is much to show you, while the day is still young.” So with that, Monsieur Neuvillette guides me out of the Palais Mermonia, which he later explains is the name of the building his office is located in, to show me the sights of Fontaine.
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
Neuvillette proves to be a wonderful tour guide, though I didn’t expect any less from him. He points out famous shops that the citizens rave about, making a point to mention Chioriya Boutique, run by a famous fashion designer from Inazuma. My eyes sparkle as I catch glimpses of the clothes, but Neuvillette is quick to continue our tour.
I can’t help but pout as we continue on. My eyes struggle to leave a particular piece that has caught my eye. Little did I know, Neuvillette was all too aware.
As we continue our impromptu tour, we run into many people who are familiar with Neuvillette. Each and every one of them express genuine surprise at seeing him out and about, especially with someone they’ve never seen before. 
A famous magician, Lyney, performs a magic trick for us as his assistant Lynette silently stands beside him. I politely applaud, enjoying the cool trick he managed to pull off. 
Halfway through the tour Neuvillette stops me. He pointedly looks towards a building a few feet ahead of us. My confusion morphs into one of delight as a girl runs out from behind it, quickly swarming Neuvillette as she asks for an interview for what apparently is the third time that week.
Later on, nearing the end of the tour, we run into a tall, beautiful lady. Neuvillette introduces her as the Champion Duelist, Clorinde. To say I'm starstruck is an understatement. She seems a bit stoic, but a subtle smile remained on her lips as she questioned what Neuvillette was doing with a citizen of Fontaine. 
I giggle as he slowly becomes more flustered with Clorinde’s obvious teasing, briskly walking off as he bids her a quick farewell soon after. She smirks, turning her gaze to me. I smile at her, and she nods politely before she continues on her way.
Our tour ends with a chance meeting, with none other than the Archon herself. 
Well, if the whispers you heard are true, then former Archon… ish? I don’t know the whole story, and it honestly sounds complicated. I don’t particularly care to know the details, as I give Furina a friendly wave of the hand. She stops to greet the two of us. She almost looks like she wants to ask Neuvillette what everyone has already, but she refrains from doing so, quickly entering her house with what appeared to be boxes of macaroni in her arms.
I think it’s better not to ask.
With that, my tour of Fontaine with Neuvillette concludes. The two of us return to our starting position, back to the Palais Mermonia. Neuvillette’s expression is hard to read as the two of you stand in front of his office door. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. Or, well, I’m not sure if it was entirely for me but either way I appreciate it! I got to meet a lot of cool people, although some of them made me nervous with how cool they seem…” You chuckle as you express your thanks. 
“No need to thank me. I actually enjoyed myself quite a bit.” You both send a smile in the other’s direction, before an awkward silence ensues. 
Luckily, you believe you’re good at handling these. “Um.. so, until we see each other again?” You extend your hand for a shake. He looks taken aback for a moment before he reaches out towards you, shaking your hand. 
“Until we meet again, Name. Truly, you are a lovely individual.” He politely nods, smiling at you before he turns, entering his office. 
His back is turned as the door shuts behind him.
Thank goodness.
You quickly place your hand over your heart, as the organ beneath your chest pounds violently against your ribcage.
Archons, how did you manage to walk beside him all day long? He’s genuinely an intriguing individual, and you enjoyed the various expressions he made. From a look of exasperation with the young reporter Charlotte, to looks of endearment as some Melusine waved to him when they spotted him, to an adorable look of embarrassment as Clorinde took it upon herself to extensively question his motives.
A soft look paints your features. Your cheeks, along with your heart, feels so warm.
You take your time leaving the Palais Mermonia.
Your only wish is that you’re able to meet Monsieur Neuvillette once more, even if your wish is quite far-fetched and impractical.
Who knew a rainy day would be the thing to grant your wish?
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I hold my umbrella above my head. This rainy weather is quite fitting for today; after that trial I just witnessed, anyone would be sad. 
I roll my shoulders as I attempt to work out the kink in my neck. I stayed behind as the other citizens slowly filed out of the courtroom. The verdict weighs heavy on my chest. It was a tough case to watch, and it pained me to see the grief stricken look that crossed Neuvillette’s features as he announced the defendant guilty. 
I sat alone in the vast courtroom to give myself time to absorb everything that occurred. It almost felt like too much, but then again, I’ve always been one to put myself in others shoes even when it doesn’t directly affect me.
I shiver; it’s getting quite cold with this heavy downpour.
My gaze shifts to the sky. Although the circumstances were not ideal, I can’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me as the rain splatters to the ground. A raindrop drips down from my colorful umbrella, splashing to the ground before my feet.
I’ve always loved the rain. Sometimes it can be a bit of a nuisance, but even so, there was something so beautiful about it. I adore all kinds of weather, but rainy weather has always held a special place in my heart. It calms me enough to sleep during late nights; it makes what would’ve been an ordinary night cozier and a bit special.
Nothing soothes me more than the gentle, or rough, splatter of raindrops against my window.
My  thoughts drift back to the present as my eyes come into focus. Whoops, I was daydreaming again.
I glance around, hoping no one spotted me zoned out, when my eyes connect with a familiar pair of dark blue-purple slit eyes. Said eyes widen, before they visibility soften. He takes long strides towards me, and my heart flips in my chest. 
‘Act cool, Name. Act cool,’ My thoughts warn me.
“It’s lovely to see you again, Neuvillette.” I cringe at my choice of words, internally berating myself for sounding cheesy.
“It is lovely to see you again as well, Miss Y/N.” Neuvillette smiles courteously in my direction, before his gaze shifts towards the sky. “Ah, my apologies. This heavy rain must be quite an inconvenience for you.” I glance at him, with what I’m sure is confusion on my features. Why is he apologizing for the rain? 
It’s not like he’s the one causing it. 
“No need to apologize for something that isn’t your fault Monsieur.” I’m not sure if I’m imagining the way his body winces. 
“No, no… ahem–” He awkwardly coughs into his fist, cheeks warm as he looks elsewhere.
Huh. How odd.
I shake my head to get myself back on topic. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, do you have an umbrella?” My question draws his gaze in my direction. I suck in a sharp intake of breath at the intensity within his gaze.
“No, but do not worry about me. I’ll be fine.” He dismisses my concerns, stepping forward to walk in the rain. “It was nice seeing you again–” He pauses, glancing at his side. There I stand beside him, stubbornly holding the umbrella over his head.
He sighs.
“Y/n, I was honest when I said–” “I don’t care. I mean–” I catch myself, reminding myself Neuvillette is a respectable man that I can’t talk carelessly with as if he were a friend. “I mean… I understand. Still, please let me walk with you. I may be imagining it, but you do not seem well. I imagine a trial like that would make anyone feel ill. Not to mention you were the one presiding over the whole ordeal…” I’m a bit nervous that I’m overstepping my boundaries, but I figure it’s worth a shot.
Monsieur Neuvillette looks startled as he stares at me. I shift my weight from foot to foot, feeling awkward once more.
He suddenly looks away. Silence continues our conversation; with a gentle grasp of his hand, he removes the umbrella from my hand to hold it above the both of us. 
“Please, let me repay your kindness.” I nod, following him as we walk side by side through the torrential onslaught of rain. 
It isn’t long before we enter what appears to be an indoor cafe, ducking inside. Neuvillette closes my umbrella before he hands it back to me. I whisper my thanks, following closely behind as we find empty seats.
“Is there anything you’d like to try?” Neuvillette gestures to the menu in front of me. I feel bad, but I can’t resist looking over the menu. Scanning the various sweet items, my mouth begins to water. “This looks so good! Oh, but this does too. Hmm, maybe I want to try this…” I talk to myself, temporarily forgetting that Neuvillette is sitting in front of me. A sudden burst of laughter startles me, and I quickly place the menu down as I watch Neuvillette.
His eyes are crinkled, his hand running through his hair as he laughs unexpectedly.
Stop it, heart. 
He quickly composes himself, chuckling to myself. “You certainly seem eager. Please, order what you want. It’s on me.” I open my mouth immediately to protest, but he speaks before I can utter a single objection.
“The only thing I want to hear from those lips is what you want to order.”
This man will be the death of me.
So, I oblige, telling Neuvillette my order before he promptly stands to leave, ruffling my hair as he passes.
My face burns. 
There’s simply no way he said that to me. No way. Nada. Zlitch.
I know what I heard.
I roughly put my head in my hands as I will my heart to calm down. You barely know the man, he didn’t mean it like that… yet.. 
I’m in trouble.
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
Neuvillette returns with my requested order, and I know my eyes must shine with horribly contained excitement. “Do not wait for me, go ahead and…” He struggles to contain his laughter when I don’t even wait for him to finish speaking, happily devouring the treat before me.  
He returns a minute later with my requested drink, just to see an empty plate. He really struggles not to chuckle. “Don’t laugh. I see it on your face, mister.” I warn. “Whatever do you mean, Miss Y/n? I would never laugh at a lady enjoying a sweet treat.” His tone is smug, accompanied by a grin. He places my drink in front of me before he sits in front of me once more. I pout at his obvious teasing, but decide to let it slide.
“Say, where’d you get the fancy glass? What’s in it?” I’m curious, leaning a bit closer in hopes of catching a glimpse at the context. 
“Ah, this? It is simply water, my drink of choice.” He looks all too elegant as he swirls the glass in his hand before he takes a long sip.
Your eyes are glued to his person. 
I should feel embarrassed at my shameless staring, really, but the sight before me is too beautiful to pass up.
The moment his eyes begin to open once he’s finished savoring the taste, I avert my eyes so fast it’s comical.
Unbeknownst to you, he witnessed the whole thing.
He won’t out you though, you’ve treated him with kindness by sharing your umbrella and he can only tease you so much. 
“Anyway, are you feeling better?” I ask. He looks confused for a moment as I take a sip of my drink. You can see the moment it clicks for him, his eyes visibly widening in recognition.
“Oh… yes… I.. am…” He seems completely taken aback by that revelation; it’s all too cute. “I’m glad. I know it mustn’t be easy presiding over cases, but you really do such an important job. I’m sure many are grateful that of all the people in Teyvat, it’s you whose the Iudex of Fontaine.” My words are sincere as I relay my honest feelings to him, closing my eyes as I take another delightful sip of the coffee I ordered.
This taste is absolutely divine. I haven’t had coffee that tastes this good in so long.
I keep my eyes closed as I savor the taste, slowly opening them. 
Just to find Neuvillette staring intently at my features.
To be fair, I did the same thing to him moments before, but gosh this feels embarrassing. I hope I wasn’t making a weird face!
I quickly avert my eyes, looking down at the table as I struggle to contain my smile, surely making an utterly goofy expression. 
I hear Nevuillette’s gentle laugh.
I slowly look up to see such a delicate look on his face; archons, I’ve always wanted to be on the receiving end of a gaze like this. Now that I am, I feel all too overwhelmed, yet simultaneously all too.. Elated. 
I giggle; it bursts out of me like a spoiler to a movie bursts from the lips of another. Neuvillette catches himself, coughing awkwardly into his fist, a habit I’ve realized he has, before he looks down at the table.
Now, we both look silly huh?
I smile to myself. 
I’m glad I was able to help him relax…
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
We step outside once more. I’m prepared to share my umbrella with him, whether he wants to or not! 
Thankfully, that isn’t needed. We both look to the now clear skies, as the stars twinkle above. It seems particularly easy to spot them tonight, not a cloud or raindrop in sight. 
I cheer.
“Look, Neuvillet- Monsieur! It’s stopped raining!” I excitedly point to the dreamscape of a sky, before I turn to face Neuvillette.
I falter at the fragility of his gaze; he’s as still as a marble statue carved to perfection, his fixed expression conveying a tempest of emotion as he longingly looks to the sky. 
“It’s over…” The words are murmured under his breath. My own leaves in quiet gasp, completely rooting me to the spot as his pulchritudinous expression holds me captive. 
A few moments of silence pass between the two of us, both of us admiring different things, yet they are entirely the same at the root. He slowly lowers his gaze to return to mine once more, and they hold me at his every beck and call, as they always seem to do. 
“Ah.. my apologies. I was lost in thought.” He smiles, turning his body to face me. “I appreciate the time we spent together today. I hope to see you again soon, Y/n.” His words cause my heart to flutter with an undeniable yearning that shouldn’t be there. 
Yet, my heart longs for the man standing before me, it performs somersaults in my chest  as he moves, ready to part ways.
“By the way, you can refer to me as Neuvillette.” His statement is simple, yet it holds so much weight. 
He nods in lieu of saying farewell, his steps echo throughout the quiet streets of Fontaine as he makes his way to his destination. 
I can only clutch my chest as I watch him leave, embedded to the spot long after his figure disappears from my line of sight.
Oh, Archons.
What have I gotten myself into?
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
My eyes unconsciously wander to the door once more, waiting for a hand to pry it open from the inside.
I hear giggles beside me, and I can only groan as I get caught red-handed in the act for the fifth time this evening. 
“Name, Monsieur Neuvillette’s meeting should be ending soon.” A sweet Melusine whispers into my ear. I can only muster a meek nod, returning my attention back to the task at hand. 
I’m waiting with a few Melusine, Sedene among us, as Neuvillette finishes his very important meeting.
I wandered into the Palais Mermonia of my own volition, just to find out that Neuvillette is occupied in a meeting. I planned on leaving after I heard the news, but a few Melusine nearby seemed to recognize me and asked me to sit with them.
Lo and behold, I’m here learning how to weave a flower crown with fellow Melusine as we wait outside of Neuvillette’s office.
“You’re doing great Name. Is this really your first time weaving a flower crown?” Sedene’s curious question boosts my confidence. “Yes, it is! I’m glad I’m doing so well that you felt the need to ask that.” Sedene happily nods beside me, before she skips away to tend to something.
I concentrate on weaving the final piece; my trembling fingers complete the flower crown. 
The group of us let out a collective cheer, before we quickly quiet down when Sedene scolds us. We are just right outside Nevuillette’s office after all.
“It looks so pretty! Look at the one I weaved.” A Melusine holds her flower crown up for me to see. It’s much more intricate than mine, but I only feel a swell of pride as I give her my honest praise. 
Suddenly, we hear voices from behind the door. My leg starts to bounce as my eyes remain fixated on the door, waiting for the moment it’ll open. 
I don’t have to wait long, mere moments later the door opens slowly, and Neuvillette’s guest is escorted out of the room. They wave to him, a short blonde with a floaty… thingy. Is that a toy or a person?
I almost want to rub my eyes to make sure I’m seeing things correctly, but I figure it’s best not to question it. I often encounter many creatures and people I wouldn’t expect, but they’re usually a delight in their own unique way.
The blonde traveler and their companion spot all of us sitting together. They seem like they want to come over. They place one foot in front of them before the small floating child beside them interrupts, loudly proclaiming “Paimon is hungry! We’ve gone way too long without food!” The blonde traveler stops and simply smiles, waving in our direction. All of the Melusines wave back in friendly greeting. Well, if they’re friends with Melusines then I see no reason to be cautious. I join the rest of my companions in waving. The blonde traveler winds up chasing the floating thing as they dash towards the exit.  
Huh. What an.. Interesting encounter. 
My thoughts are interrupted when the person I’ve wanted to see most finally emerges from his office. I feel my jaw go slack as I stare in his direction.
He has yet to notice me, so I take the opportunity to admire him. My eyes trace over his form, going painstakingly slow as they admire his length waist white hair. They settle on the adorable ribbon holding his hair in place. I tilt my head, noticing the almost horn like accessories adorning his head. I wonder what that really is? It suits him, but I wonder if..
All my thoughts come to a halt when he finally turns, and his bewitching orbs hold mine hostage. 
I couldn’t look away even if I willed it; nothing regarding his appearance has changed, but it’s almost as if.. The scenery, the world around me has grown more vibrant in color. 
The pounding in my chest feels surreal as he smiles at us. He takes slow and deliberate steps in our direction, curiously eyeing the flower crowns in our hands.
“Name, you may want to close your mouth.” Someone whispers in my ear. 
I immediately close it, feeling all too embarrassed.
It’s not use. I can’t formulate a single thought.
I dumbly watch as Neuvillette finally reaches us, engaging in pleasant conversation with the girls around me. I pointedly look down, fiddling with the crown in my hands. What if he scolds me for being here, and distracting the Melusine from their duties? I’d hate for them to get in trouble because of me, or to be on the receiving end of Neuvillette’s disappointed gaze.
“Name. What has your mind so occupied that you didn’t notice me sitting down beside you?” Saying I jump in my seat is an understatement.
I’m startled, jerking before I turn to gaze into those mesmerizing orbs once more. I giggle awkwardly before I raise the flower crown in my hands. His gaze finally leaves mine, looking at the object in my hands. 
I’m relieved he’s finally stopped looking at me, but I can’t help but feel a bit sad as well.
What is wrong with me!?
I close my eyes and take a grounding deep breath in.
When they open once more, I feel much more composed. “Neuvillette, these girls showed me how to make a flower crown.” I hear words of agreement as the Melusine all speak up at once. “Yes, and Name has done a wonderful job.” “She’s great company, Monsieur.” “Monsieur, do you want to join us?” “Why don’t you try hers on Monsieur Neuvillette?” Neuvillette laughs, holding up his hand with the onslaught of comments.
“Ah, I see. I’m glad to hear it. I know firsthand how lovely her company is. I’d be delighted to join you all. I do not mind trying Name’s flower crown, as long as she is okay with it.” You gawk at Neuvillette’s smooth response to every comment previously directed at him. You assume it’s a skill he must’ve picked up being the Iudex of Fontaine, being able to take in information from multiple sources at a time.
“Um.. yeah, I’d love it if you could try mine on. Sorry if it isn’t as pretty...” A shy smile lifts my lips before I gesture for him to lower his head. He dismisses my concern with a simple, “Nonsense,” before he’s lowering his head for me. 
I easily place the delicate crown upon his head, admiring his well kept hair up close. 
My eyes find the horn like accessories once more.
I shouldn’t.
I really shouldn’t.
Yet I do.
My hand has a mind of its own, reaching out before they gently caress the blue accessories on his head.
I hear him suck in a sharp intake of breath as the Melusines around us gasps in dramatic surprise.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, actually allowing me to continue.
I’m not going to waste this opportunity. I selfishly lift both of my hands, caressing each appendage as I feel the smoothness beneath my fingertips. My hands glide up and down; it isn’t long before they reach the base of the appendages. There’s no way this is an accessory, they don’t feel like one. Are these actual horns? Hm, if they are then surely he’ll feel it if I…
A careful squeeze of the bases has him jumping, jerking away from my touch. I immediately start to apologize, but stop myself when I catch sight of his face. His entire face is redder than the shiniest apple in Mondstadt, his eyes looking every which way as he clearly tries to compose himself.
For whatever reason his breathing is a bit ragged and he groans, hiding his head in his hands.
I’ve never seen Neuvillette look so flustered before; this sight is a treat for my eyes, and I’m enjoying every last second of it.
I can’t resist the small coo that leaves my lips.
He groans again.
“N-Name, thank you for the beautiful flower crown. I’ll keep it in my office. Please, excuse me.” He quickly stands, speed walking to his office before the door slams behind him.
You’re a bit bewildered now. And a bit confused.
If those are actual horns on his head, then is Neuvillette really a human? I mean, he could be a hybrid of some sorts maybe. I’ve seen those around when I traveled to different nations, looking for a new home to settle down in.
I feel a bit bad for touching his horns like that without his permission. My worried eyes turn to ask the Melusine if I upset Neuvillette, only to see them all crowded around me, eyes wide and full of awe. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette let you touch his horns Name!” “How unexpected.” “Oh my gosh you two are so cute!” “The other girls were telling the truth!” They all chatter excitedly amongst themselves, giddy and barely able to contain their enthusiasm. They quickly bid me farewell when the door to Neuvillette’s office opens once more, giving me quick hugs and pats on the back before they scatter.
One even wishes me luck.
What do I need luck for? I’m not entirely sure, but I’m definitely taking it. 
Neuvillette appears more composed when he sits down beside me, the flower crown still on his head. “I thought you were going to put the flower crown in your office?” I ask. He seems confused for a moment, before realization reaches his eyes.
“Ah, yes. I did say that. I decided your hard work deserves to be appreciated, so I will wear it until the day comes to an end.” His words elicit a broad grin to appear on my lips, and his eyes noticeably take in the sight.
A smile presents itself on his lips as we spend the next few hours just chatting amongst ourselves. 
I’ve learned that Neuvillette can be quite humorous, given the opportunity. I’ve realized a lot of things about him from our interactions. Like how he prefers to keep distance between himself and the citizens of Fontaine, since it is possible one day they may end up on trial. It makes this relationship we’ve formed a bit unusual, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make me happy.
He also loves water. He wound up telling me how water tastes different from each region, and the feelings they evoke in him when he indulges in their pristine taste. 
Oh, and the warmth he displays towards Melusines is just another thing that I love about him, he can be so–
My entire body goes rigid as warmth engulfs every crevice and limb, my body burns like the hottest of waters against human skin. 
Well, my feelings are quite obvious, but to admit it so easily to myself would mean…
Neuvillette stops speaking, eyeing me curiously as I internally berate myself for developing such feelings. I truly don’t know what to make of it, so I simply grip my clothes in my hands, pushing my feelings aside.
Neuvillette seems like he wants to say something, but decided against it. His eyes glance at my balled up fists, and his eyes swirl with an emotion I fail to pinpoint.
“I see you’re still wearing clothes from Liyue. This is not a complaint, just a mere observation.” Ah. I look down at my clothes.
He’s right, maybe it’s time I get something that’ll blend in more. I mean, I see people around Fontaine wearing clothes from Inazuma, Liyue, and Mondstadt even, so there really is no need for me to buy new clothes. I feel comfortable enough to walk around in the clothes I used to wear around Liyue. Still, I have to admit I love Fontaine’s style when it comes to clothes. Maybe I’ll get something new, just to see how I feel in it.
Neuvillette slowly stands. My eyes follow his movements, and they take note of his offered hand. “Come, there is somewhere I wish to take you.” You don’t need to think twice; you happily take his hand, and he helps you stand. 
You dutifully follow Neuvillette, choosing to not read into the fact he has yet to let go of your hand.
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
I admit, I’m shocked.
Neuvillette escorted me to Chioriya Boutique, and in mere moments one of the staff took my measurements as requested by the Chief Justice. 
The bewilderment on their faces caused a snicker to slip from my lips before I stopped myself.
People’s reactions to Neuvillette are always so varied and dynamic, it’s very entertaining to see yet equally intriguing. 
Neuvillette bombards me with questions regarding my fashion choices before he relays this information to the staff. I wait, expecting something more to happen, but alas he ushers me away from the boutique. 
I sigh, pinching my nose. I really hope he’s not trying to get me anything. I’d love to pick something out for myself, but he wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise! I couldn't resist his earnest gaze, so I wound up waiting to the side as he requested.
I look up when the sound of footsteps reach my ears. He approaches me, a satisfied pull of his lips sends my heart into overdrive.
“I have taken care of business here. Now, perhaps we could take a walk by a riverbank ro somewhere similarly fluvial.” He extends his hand to me once more. I’m baffled to say the least. I consider protesting, opening my mouth to insist he does not need to get anything for me, but his hard glare is warning enough.
My mouth closes unceremoniously, and I quietly take his hand. He’s radiant now, humming as he walks closely by my side.
I look to the sky, the blue hues have long since shifted to beautiful pinks and purples.
Oh, Neuvillette. 
You are none the wiser of the effect you have on me…
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
I wait outside the Opera Epiclese as a strong downpour of rain threatens to drown the poor souls who don’t have an umbrella. 
I didn’t witness the trial today, but it’s become a habit to walk with Neuvillette after his trials. He was conflicted about this habit when it first began, but now I notice the undesigned glint in his eye whenever he catches sight of me after a trial. 
So, it’s turned into a regular part of our daily routine.
Unfortunately it seems the trial wasn’t an easy one today; as people file out of the courthouse, sullen faces are many a dozen. 
My heart squeezes painfully in my chest; if the citizens' faces look so solemn, then I can only imagine…
Minutes pass, long after the last person left the opera house. I start to second guess if he’s even here anymore. Maybe he left so I wouldn’t have to see him? Fortunately, he chooses that moment to emerge from the Opera house. 
My eyes light up, excited to finally see him… but..
poor Neuvillette…
I bite my lip when his calm, neutral expression catches my eye. Neuvillette isn’t one to openly express his thoughts and feelings through expression, but I know it must’ve been particularly harrowing if he can’t even muster a frown. 
He looks up, and his impassive gaze locks with mine. He feigns a smile as he approaches me. My hand grips the handle of the umbrella; my heart aches for him.
“Thank you for waiting for me, Name. I apologize for taking so long, shall we pro-” Something about his eyes, devoid of spirit, arrests me. His rigid movements evokes a dreadful throb in my chest. 
I drop the umbrella I’m holding, opting to rest my hands on his cheeks. He’s a bit startled by my actions, lifting his hands to rest on top of my trembling one’s. He sighs deeply, closing his eyes. 
He leans into my touch.
Silence ensues.
The cold nibs at my skin. It threatens to seep into me through the fabric of my clothes, but I couldn’t care less when the man before me is clearly hurting.
A moment passes before Neuvillette clears his throat. I already know he’s going to try and brush this off, like he normally tends to do. 
“Name, while I appreciate your concern, I don’t–” “Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry.” The rest of his words die in his throat. He’s silent, but I can see the effect the words had on him; his eyes squeeze so tightly it looks borderline painful.
“Name.. where did you hear..?” Oh. He wants to know where I learned about this.
“Do you remember that blonde traveler you had a meeting with that day? And the floating child thing, wait, I think they said their name was Paimon..” You think out loud, satisfied when Neuvillette stiffly nods in confirmation.
“Well, they were one of the attendees of today’s trial. They stopped to chat with me when they saw me waiting here for you. They told me when I see you and it’s still raining, if I say ‘Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, Don’t cry,’ it’ll cheer you up.” My explanation doesn’t seem to surprise him. He only sighs.
It takes him a moment before he slowly opens his eyes.
“I… see. Well.. They were correct. I’ll have to thank them during our next encounter.” I smile brightly at him, and in response his gaze seems to soften. I look out to the sky; the rain has considerably lessened its intensity. Droplets still hit the ground, but it’s an improvement from the earlier downpour. 
“I do have to wonder though, why does an old children’s song speaking of the hydro dragon have such an effect on you, Neuvillette?” He raises an eyebrow, something I didn’t know he was capable of. 
I giggle as he informs me, “It’s not that the song has an effect on me per se, but…” “Hmmm?” I prompt him with a  gentle smile on my lips. He looks elsewhere. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me, hydro dragon.”
The way he whisks his head, still resting in the palm of my hands, to gawk at me confirms my underlying suspicions. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, but if I’m really not.. Then maybe..
I release Neuvillette’s face in favor of wrapping him in a warm embrace. He emits a choked sound from deep in his throat when I start to stroke his back, repeating the rhyme once more.
Neuvillette’s sigh sounds equally exhausted as it does exasperated. “Whoever created that rhyme must have believed the Hydro Dragon was akin to a bleeding heart. It could  not have been known if the Hydro Dragon would grieve for humans…” You ponder the meaning of his words for a few moments, before you respond with your own thoughts.
“While that may be true, it’s something only the Hydro Dragon knows the answer to. Whether he sympathizes with us silly humans…” I pull back to look at him. I’m really praying the love I feel stirring in my heart isn’t obvious on my face.
His eyes widen a fraction. He appears completely taken aback. I listen for the sound of the rain, and when I don’t hear it I look back to the sky. The rain has stopped now.
A droplet drips down from the building above, landing on my nose.
Neuvillette’s body shakes, and I return my gaze to him. 
He pulls me close as laughter racks his body. This is the first time I’ve ever heard him laugh so brazenly; I’d be a fool not to join in.
It takes a long time for our laughter to die down, but once it does Neuvillette speaks. His words, “The people of Fontaine are innocent. Through the time I have spent by your side, it was easy to determine that you share a similar verdict, Name.”
I avoid gazing into his eyes for the duration of our conversation, lest he notice my fairly obvious lovestruck gaze.
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
He takes a step closer, and I take a step back.
My heartbeat is loud in my ears; roaring louder than an obnoxious car engine as it speeds down the highway. 
He mimics every move I make; for every step back I take, he takes a step forward. This continues until I’m left with nowhere to retreat, back pressed firmly against the wall behind me. 
He takes his time approaching me as my eyes anxiously dart every which way. His office looks the same as I remember it, except…
My mind registers the flower crown on his desk, beside the pile of paperwork that he just finished. 
He kept it?
My thoughts are brought back to him when he’s standing before me, blocking my view of everything else that isn’t him. “Name, could you please repeat what you just said?” I swallow the lump in my throat. He sounds angry. Livid, even. All I did was make a joke about myself..
“I said that, uh, I’m sorry for ruining your image. Being seen with me must not be a good look for you, being the Iudex of Fontaine, and then I said my feelings for you were stupid–” He doesn’t let me finish, slamming his hands on either side of my head. 
I jump. 
I feel small between his arms and his imposing figure in front of me. It’s difficult, but I manage to maintain eye contact with him. The emotion in his eyes reflects a raging tsunami, oppressive with a dangerous glint that’d make anyone feel weak in the knees. My knees feel especially weak right now, being caged in like this. 
“The words you speak reek of lies. It’s a fabrication your mind has created to protect yourself.” His words are true and pierce through the walls I’ve been trying to maintain around my heart. “I don’t understand…” I whisper. 
another lie.
“What is it that you don’t understand?” His voice is low, and the words sound like a growl leaving his lips. “I.. don’t understand why someone- a being- like you, or how, you could possibly.. Return the feelings I harbor for you. You’re the Hydro Dragon after all, are you not? A respectable, prominent figure at that, whose company brings me pleasure and shines a light on my mundane everyday life. So, why, how is it possible that you… you said you…” I struggle to finish my statement, but he waits for me patiently.
“...You said you feel the same, but I don’t understand how you possibly…” He clicks his tongue, clearly aggravated. I don’t believe he’s aggravated with me, rather more, with what I have said. 
He closes his eyes. It’s almost as if I can see the gears turning in his head; he’s figuring out what he wants to say in response to my absurd claim, as he previously called it..
His eyes slowly open, and ardent determination is evident within his burning iris’. His next words stun me into complete silence, absolutely enraptured with the overflowing emotion seeping from his words. 
“Honestly Name, I’m trying to comprehend how you haven’t determined this for yourself, but it is alright. I will make things clear for you now, Celestia and the Heavenly Principles be damned; I yearn for you like a traveler yearns for a haven, a place of respite for their weary soul. My heart aches to feel the weight of your hand in mine. It longs to memorize every ridge of your palm, admire every dip and curve of your body, outline any and every beautiful scar that embellishes your natural beauty. So I’ll be damned if I allow you to stand before me belittling yourself when we are both aware that your words hold no significance; the truth of the matter lies in the longing gaze you’re giving me now. It lies in the quick withdrawal of your hand whenever mine ‘accidentally’ brushes against yours. It lies in precious tears upon your lashes, as you try to conceal your feelings for me. It…” His powerful words lose momentum as said tears escape the confines of my lashes, painting the planes of my face as they drip down at a leisurely pace. 
He lifts a gloved hand to wipe them away, before he pulls it back in a moment of uncertainty. I watch, beguiled, as he removes his gloves before reaching for my cheek, thumb tenderly caressing my tear stained cheeks. 
A strangled sob threatens to escape my lips, so he leans in, unhurried and deliberate with every movement he makes.
His lips brush against my own, yet they hover mere millimeters from pressing firmly against my keen lips. “May I?” His question is simple in nature, yet the implications of his words hold so much weight it threatens to suffocate you. It’s all you’ve wanted, truly, yet you find yourself in a daze. 
He waits. Patiently.
I close my eyes and breathe, and he breathes with me. 
So when I open my eyes once more, my answer is resolute, unyielding, in its truthfulness and authenticity. 
I can feel his breathing speed up, as little puffs of air tickle my face. His hands feel softer than I’d imagined, as they rest upon my cheeks. 
His tentative lips eradicate the irksome space that previously separated us. I smile into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. It doesn’t take long for the both of us to feel comfortable. Our lips part, only to seek the warmth of the other’s once more. This time, it’s Neuvillette who smiles as we kiss.
His lips eagerly taste mine as we explore each other. His hands move from my face to brush against my sides, stopping at the hips. They reside there, pulling me closer. A sweet hum reaches my ears, emitted from deep within his chest. 
Joy bubbles up from within as our kiss comes to a natural conclusion; Neuvillette pulls back to provide me an opportunity to breathe.
I feel warm all over as I study his smokey gaze. He’s breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. My palpitating heart can’t take much more of this. 
Yet, I verbalize no objections as he languidly captures my lips once again. He’s impatient now; his hungry lips seek to claim every aspect of me, mind, body and soul. His lips easily devour mine, his tongue, which sought entrance moments before, now laps against my own. 
A shiver racks my body as the warmth flooding my body threatens to be my demise. My hands seek purchase on his shoulder, pressing into his shoulder blades. I’m astonished by the passion within Neuvillette’s tender, yet heated embrace. 
I have to pull away, lest I be swept up in his treacherous waves. A wistful sigh escapes his parted lips as he rests his forehead against my own. I gasp for air; He stole my breath away, just as the mighty waves of the sea indiscriminately rob many of their ability to breath, resulting in futile attempts to resurface.
 I require more time than I’d like to admit to catch my breath. 
“So.. does this mean you like me or?” My joke does not go unrewarded. His unamused look drives me into a fit of giggles. 
Love washes over me, like a gentle caress, when he joins in.
I admire his unabashed laughter as his thumb rubs soothing circles on my hip. 
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
Distinct giggles can be heard from the other side of the door.
Neuvillette sighs.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, meanwhile my chest rapidly rises and falls in mirth.
“Do not encourage them.” He groans.
I overhear Sedene tell the other Melusine of the sight she was met with earlier this evening, as Neuvillette and I walked into his office hand in hand, and the girls gathered around her squeal with glee.
I peeked out of Neuvillette’s office a few moments ago, and my eyes were met with the adorable sight of a group of Melusine gathered around Sedene as if it were story time. 
Now, I rest my head on Neuvillette’s shoulder as he signs the last document of the evening.
“Oh dear. I worry they’ll continue to discuss this for many days to come.” I can only smile as his face is colored with endearment; his eyes soften and he fails to stifle a smile.
“I don’t see anything wrong with that. They’re having fun, and they care dearly for you, Neuvillette..” “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong.” His retort leaves me feeling confused, but he only reaches for my hand.
I watch as he plays with my fingers, humming a tune to himself. “Dear, they have come to care deeply for you as well. Do you not notice the way Sedene’s eyes light up whenever you speak with her? Or how Kiara always runs in your direction the moment she spots you? Or, how about when– mmph!” The rest of his words are muffled behind my hands, pressed firmly to his mouth.
I can feel the grin he’s making.
“Okay okay, point taken.” I grumble, removing my hands.
My heart flutters when he sends a wink my way. 
He turns his attention back to the signed document on his desk, moving it to the finished pile. “Speaking of caring deeply for someone… Name, I have something I wish to tell you.” 
“Should the day ever come where you choose to remain by my side, I shall reveal something I know will be of interest to you.” I’m sure my face looks as astonished as I feel, because Neuvillette simply laughs, running his thumb along my bottom lip.
“Now now, there’s no need to make such a face.” “What are you talking about? Reveal.. What?” He only closes his eyes, emitting a quiet hum.
“My name, of course.” 
My entire body stills as the gears turn in my head.
“Wait, so Neuvillette isn’t..” His eyes compel me, keeping mine locked with his as they open once more. A deep emotion lies within them, granting me a glimpse of the altruistic soul within. 
“I have always asked citizens to refer to me by my last name.” His words make sense, and with the knowledge I have of him, he is one to keep people at a polite distance. Still… It's a bit shocking.
Even so, I have no qualms with this arrangement.
“It’s a deal, I’ll patiently wait for the day you tell me your name. ..First name, I mean.” There’s a glint in his eyes that reflects pleasant surprise, albeit there’s a hint of a challenge that resides within them.
“Oh? You sound confident. Not that I’m opposed, that is the ideal outcome I desire for our relationship.” I smile, placing my fingers under his chin as I lean in for a kiss.
He smiles as our lips embrace each other, placing his hands firmly against my back.
I had every right to feel confident; after all, I finally was able to witness Neuvillette on his knees, ring in hand as his loving gaze threatened to break the dam I was avidly struggling to hold back.
My eyes glisten with unshed tears as I join him on the ground. I practically throw myself onto him as I embrace him, and his carefree laugh is an alluring melody to my ears. He leisurely slips the ring onto my finger, pulling back so he can properly face me.
“Now, are you ready for me to consummate our arrangement?” My head bobs up and down so fast that I make myself a bit dizzy.
Warmth gives Neuvillette’s features an almost angelic glow as a delicate finger, free from the confines of his gloves, brushes along my cheek. 
“Hmm…” He stalls.
I pout. He beams.
“Alright, alright. I will leave you in suspense no longer. My name is…”
⋆。𖦹 ° ♡⸝⸝ ✧˖
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theprettynosferatu · 11 months
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Unit Commander John Heinlein was a simple man. Above all, he valued order. Order kept the world safe, functional, understandable. Everyone and everything had its proper place and proper role: like different organs in a body, they all contributed to the overall health of society as long as they did what they were supposed to do and didn’t get any stupid ideas. In that gigantic body, John Heinlen was a fist, and stupid ideas were what he punched into oblivion. Reality was simple, and if it wasn’t, the higher-ups pointed him to the complication and he pummeled it back into simplicity.
As usual, intelligence was spotty. Why exactly this club was a Stupid Idea, John did not know nor did he care. What the informant had revealed was something about women going against their conditioning, although they had not revealed how or why. It seemed patently ridiculous to John Heinlein. Conditioned women were happy, and they made their men happy. Simple, proper. Everything in its natural place. If Fulgrim’s was messing with that, it deserved to be squashed.
Looking at the rest of the Unit, he felt sending them was perhaps a waste of resources. If the informant was correct, they would be facing women and whatever deviants might be attending off-hours, if any; but it was not his call to make, and he liked it that way. His purpose was to punch, not to decide who deserved to be punched.
The six men stood in front of the gaudy purple door. As much as he wanted to kick the door down and be done with it, John played it by the book. He made the signal to place the breaching device and got into the correct position, ingrained in him by hundreds of hours of training. Still, no matter how many times the device blasted the door open, John always felt underwhelmed. Part of him seemed to expect a big thunderous sound, instead of the measured, barely audible “pop” designed not to alert the criminals.
Like a perfect machine, they went in, weapons ready. They were all running on autopilot, relying on their modified genetics and exhaustive drilling. It took only a few seconds for them to reach the same, obvious conclusion. No threats present. Instead, two women stood by the door, as if expecting them. John felt a deep revulsion, something primal stirring within him. It was wrong.
The women weren’t blonde. They weren’t smiling. They didn’t seem pleasant, or demure, or bubbly. In fact, they looked like wolves on the prowl. One had blood-red hair, a leather corset, fishnet stockings and boots that ended in the sort of spiked heels that could kill a man. The other was, to John Heinlein, even worse. She seemed shy, wearing a short skirt and trying to cover up… but her eyes spoke of a deep hunger, a devious intelligence and a depraved longing he couldn’t quite place.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!” said the redhead with mock gratitude. “You see, I’ve been trying to train this sweet little creature right here…” she added as her hand went under the other girl’s skirt. “But I’m afraid she needs a bit of… male guidance. A strong hand to show her the way”
John frowned. There was something strange in the air. A subtle smell he couldn’t fully detect. As he turned to ask his comrades about it, he noticed Johnson shifting his weight slightly. It was a small thing, but utterly out of place for a man of their training. And he could tell the women saw it too. Slowly, seductively the redhead walked toward Johnson, leading the other girl by her wrist. It was surreal, unsettling. But they couldn’t just open fire on females.
“Johnson, step away from the females, now!”, barked Commander Heinlein.
For the first time in his illustrious career, the Commander’s order went unheeded. He watched in horror as the petite woman placed a slender hand on the soldier’s chest and, with a look designed to melt hearts and break down barriers at the same time, pouted like a mischievous child.
“Please, Sir. I’ve been bad. So, so bad… Won’t you teach me? I’m a very good learner… if I’m put in my place”
Meanwhile, the woman in the spiked heels had gone around Johnson, and whispered in his ear as her hand caressed his perfectly sculpted abs and kept moving downwards…
“She can be so good… we both can be so good… but are you man enough to show us you can handle us? Tame us? Mold us into your perfect good girls?”
Johnson was breathing heavily, paralyzed by a million conflicting impulses. He had a job to do. He was a soldier. He was…
And just then, he broke. Johnson grabbed the smaller woman by the neck, and in a swift movement turned her around and bent her over. He couldn’t see the devilish smile on her face, but John Henlein sure did. There was victory in that lustful look, a triumph only magnified when, cock hard as metal, Johnson railed her from behind as hard as he possibly could, his mind gone in a frenzy of half-formed sentences and grunts, the redhead woman rubbing her pussy as she now shouted encouragement.
“Do it! Pound that little slut! Show her what she really is! Fucking break her like the stupid fuckdoll she dresses as! Punish that pussy with your cock! Make her scream for me… make her beg! Make. Her. Yours!”
“Johnson!”, shouted Heinlein in vain. The soldier was gone, and all that remained was a beast, a bundle of muscles determined to conquer the females before it, to claim them and mark them as his. And worse, whoever was behind it all remained unseen, deeper inside the club.
“Fuck! Everyone else! On me! We press on!”
“What about Johnson?”, asked a rookie soldier by the name of Phillips.
“We lost him! Now, move!”
They stormed the place, kicking down doors- no time to play it straight, as much as it pained Unit Commander John Heinlein, for whom standard procedure was akin to a biblical dogma. With every hallway they crossed, every room they breached, the air seemed to get heavier, denser somehow. Sweeter, perhaps.
They entered a room covered in black velvet. It caused a strange effect, almost as if the walls themselves devoured the light. And there, sitting in the middle of the room, long legs crossed, was another female. Like the ones before, she didn’t look like the blonde, obedient women that had undergone the mandatory conditioning. Horror gripped Heinlein. This person went against every conceivable notion of what a woman should be. Clad in a leather corset and thigh-high boots, she stared the five soldiers down with a look of disgust and clear disapproval. Even the sight of their guns was to her just another gauche shortcoming, one in a very long list of inadequacies clamored without words by her deep, green eyes.
“Did I say you could come in?”, she asked.
The question was ridiculous. They were Soldiers. They didn’t ask, they acted. And yet, two of Heinlein’s men started moving their heads, something between shaking off a creeping mental fog and answering the woman’s question. No, she had not said they could come in.
“Get on the ground, and-” started barking Heinlein before the woman cut him off.
“No. it’s not your turn to speak. You don’t talk unless I tell you to, is that clear?”
Unit Commander Heinlein froze. Her tone, firm, in total control, was something he recognized very well. For a moment he was a raw recruit again, undergoing basic training. A part of him, a part of all Soldiers knew to obey that sort of utterance, that confident command. It was part of the crucial training that made any warrior more than a brawler. It was the core of discipline. He knew, at that moment, they were all in grave danger.
“Now, that sort of rude entrance needs to be punished. You all know it, don’t you my toys? But I’ll be kind…ish. How about you start by being a pack of good dogs and kneel?”
Heinlein felt his legs almost give in. He managed to stay on his feet… barely. He watched as most of his squad went on their knees, their eyes wide, fixed on that beautiful woman, seeking every ounce of validation she could give them. Ready to obey.
“Crawl to me, pets”
They did. With a few words, she had made them love her. Adore her. Obey her. Their sense of duty twisted, molded, corrupted. And Heinlein felt himself wanting to join them, wanting so badly to be one of her favorite pets… no, her very favorite. The alpha of the pack. Perfect for her. Obedient for her. 
It took a superhuman effort to turn away from her perfect silhouette, her beckoning curves, her voice of absolute command and dominion. The last thing he saw before sprinting away from that goddess of a woman was his once proud squad almost fighting like dogs for the privilege of kissing her heels. How he hated the fact that he wanted to join them…
He tried to push it all away as he ran through hallways, deeper into the club, down stairs, through room after room. Deeper and deeper… the air getting heavier and sweeter… his mind getting fuzzier…
How long did he run? How deep did he go? He couldn’t tell. Different themes passed him by like a blur, and he felt almost as if he was just running in place, the facility moving around him, assaulting him with perverted ideas, digesting him like some monstrous organism designed to destroy everything that was right and natural in the world… but he couldn’t stop. He wouldn’t. Stopping, he felt, would mean the end.
And then, he stopped.
The woman looked like no one he had ever seen. Every part of her seemed designed to short-circuit his understanding of reality, his very core, and he found himself frozen before her, his brain trying to catch up to what his eyes were seeing. She looked like something out of some strange, fae world: she wore her hair in dancing ponytails, one dyed blue, one pink. Her makeup was a striking mixture of neon colors punctuated by tiny drawn hearts scattered over a face that spoke at once of innocence and mischief. She had a single fishnet glove on, mismatched thigh-high socks, a pink and black nighty that hovered between dark and slutty and the most pure chastity… Even her eyes, he noticed, refused to follow any notion of order: one was a deep blue, while the other was an inhuman, alluring red. She was something he couldn’t comprehend, and yet couldn’t stop watching. She moved with a strange liquid freedom, as if gravity and anatomy were vague suggestions she very much didn’t intend to follow. And her smile… he couldn’t quite place what it was: it was joyful, yes, but also shy and yet it had a hint of a predator somewhere deep inside it…
“Oh, hi!” she chirped and bounced out of her purple sofa. “I was fingering myself!” she declared, almost with pride.
Unit Commander Heinlein found himself unable to respond. This… being was not a woman. Not as he understood them, at least. And yet he could feel something stirring inside, something he had forgotten about long, long ago…
“Who are you?”, she asked, her face becoming almost a caricature of confusion before snapping back into a jubilant smile. “I’m Alara! Nice to meet you!”
She ran to him. Normally such an action would call for tactical evasion, or a well-practiced takedown. Instead, Heinlein found himself frozen in place as the girl hugged him. She smelled sweet, like the air around them.
“Are you okay, dude?”, she asked with a look of genuine concern. 
“I… this establishment has been deemed… unsuitable and against the… proper conditioning of females… get on the ground, and…”
“Ooooh, the ground? I can go to the ground for you, Daddy! Or do you prefer Sir? Or Joe? You know what? Joe it is! Is your name Joe? You look like a Joe to me. So, the ground! Ass up? Or maybe on my back, legs open? Which one do you want, Joe?”
Heinlein, whose first name was most certainly not Joe, watched as the girl seemed to flow from one pose to another: one second she was on all fours, looking over her shoulder with an inviting smile; the next she was on her back, legs open, her eyes shocked like a virgin about to feel a man inside her for the very first time… then she bounced back to her feet and pouted.
“Come on, Joe, make up your mind! Or do you want me to take charge? Wait! I should have it… here!”. The girl beamed, brandishing a gigantic, double-sided dildo. “Want me to use this on you, Joe? Come on, give me a little something to work with here!”
“Please stay still. Do you understand the situation? You have been… altered. You’re not a normal…”
“Normal? Normal?! Joe, how boring are you? Seriously, how many times can you fuck a blonde big-titty bimbo before it gets so fucking samey? Fuck ‘normal’, Joe! Let your freaky self out to play for once!”
“I do not have a freaky self”
Alara tripped on her own legs and landed sprawled on the carpeted ground before shooting Heinlein a look that might as well have been directed at a two-headed alien, before turning into an expression of pure, profound pity.
“Oh, Joe… of course you do! We all have our freaky sides… don’t think for a second they’ve drilled yours completely dead. It’s there… I can feel it. And so can you, can’t you? Growing inside you. Getting stronger. Don’t you get tired of following orders? Of everything being always in the same place? Of loving the same woman? The world isn’t like that, Joe! People aren’t like that! We are insane, contradictory, fucking twisted messes… and that’s perfect! Come on, Joe… don’t you ever think about doing… the wrong thing?”
Her words dripped inside his head like honey, so much so that he didn’t notice her approaching him, rubbing him through his pants as she playfully made him so confused, so mixed up, so fuzzy and…
“Mmmm… tell me Joe… what’s that thing you’d like to do, that wrong, wrong thing you dream of in the dark, swearing to yourself you’ll never say a word of it?”
“Non-regulation shoes” 
His mouth had spoken before his brain had even registered it.
“Oh, don’t like the uniform shoes?”, she teased.
“Uncomfortable”, he mumbled.
“So… why don’t you take them off?”
“On mission. Tactical shoes. Reinforced. Useful”
“Are you going to tactically kick me, Joe? Of course not! No one would kick pretty little me… well, unless I asked… but not with those shoes! Who’s gonna know, Joe? No one’s gonna spank you for letting your feet out for a bit! So… take them off!”
“Can’t. On a mission”
“Oh, for fuck’s- come here, you big dummy”
Alara lunged for his shoes, and made a big show of pulling with all her might. Heinlein watched her, entranced.
“A little help here, Joe? These fucking things are tighter than your ass! I mean, I’m just guessing there”
He moved as if in a dream. He released the lock on one boot, then the other. Alara flew back, boot in hand, before jumping up, holding the black boot in the air like a trophy.
“Victory! Look, Joe! You have one boot off and the world hasn’t ended!”
It was true. He looked down at his feet. He had gone against standard procedure. In fact, he had flat-out broken a strict, simple rule. No one was screaming at him. Nothing bad had happened. If anything, he was overcome by childish elation. Suddenly, his world had shifted. Rules were words. Only that. No more solid than millions of other words spoken every single day. 
“Sooooo? How do you feel, you rebel?”
“It’s… good”
Alara smiled and bent over.
“I’m guessing there’s a rule against using a suspect as a living fleshlight, isn’t there? A rule against pounding pussy when on a mission? A rule against using little me as your own personal, depraved fuckdoll?”
“There are many such rules”
“And how do you feel about them now?”
“I don’t give a fuck”
Her screams of ecstasy echoes through the entire club. She pushed him further, and he only growled and, for once, did exactly as he pleased. Alara could only cum, and cum again in victory. Every act was a testament to her triumph. He used her throat, not caring if she gagged, if she choked. He slapped her face and she laughed. He spit on her mouth, grabbed her neck, took her tight asshole. He came once deep inside her, but it wasn’t enough. Alara knew the aphrodisiac in the air gave some… special endurance as well, and she intended to see exactly how long they could go. 
By the end her clothes had been ripped off her, her tits were covered in cum, her pussy pumped full three times, her ass abused, her buttocks red with spankings, her makeup ruined. And by the end, he had become anything but a Soldier.
The following day a meeting was called at the highest levels of the government. An elite unit had gone into Fulgrim’s, never to return. 
They would have to take drastic measures if they hoped to contain the corruption now growing in their city.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Hot Detectives
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss x Reader, Jennifer Jareau x Reader & Emily Prentiss x Reader x Jennifer Jareau
Warnings ⚠️: Alcohol Consumption, guns, tiredness, bruises, cuts, slight blood, flirting, teasing, age difference & height difference
Pet Names/Nicknames: Sweetheart, Princess, Em & JJ
Word Count: 1,534
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It was a busy night at the local bar. Men and women who just finished up their jobs for the week came piling in when it hit after 4:30pm. Some men and women were wearing expensive suits while others just wore casual clothes. Y/N started her first day on Wednesday and the customers absolutely loved her. She had just turned 19 a week before she became a bartender. She was nice to all of the customers occasionally scolding some of the drunk men and women when they got too drunk, telling them to take an Uber and go home. They listened to her of course. Although she looked sweet she was sometimes scary.
"Hey Y/N" a man said as he slid onto one of the bar stools. "Oh hey Greg you want your usual" Y/N asked and the man nodded before taking his wallet out already. He took out a couple hundred dollars and placed them on the bar top. "Rough day I'm assuming" Y/N questioned as she filled one of the bear glasses with beer. "Yeah everyone there are complete idiots and they don't know how to do their jobs, I had one guy jam the fucking copying machine" he grumbled out as he took a drink of his beer. Y/N chuckled at that before whipping a glass out. "Did they get it fixed" she asked and Greg set his glass down and sighed before rubbing his forehead. "Unfortunately but it wasn't until after lunch" he said causing Y/N's face to scrunch up.
The bell above the door rang as two women walked in looking tired. They had guns strapped to their hips as they made their way to the bar. They took a seat at the bar and waited for a bartender to come serve them. As they were waiting they heard an angelic laugh making them both look over at the other end of the bar. "Who's that" Emily said causing Jennifer to shrug her shoulders. "I'm beating she's new since we haven't seen her around here before" Jennifer said right before her and the girl locked eyes. The girl smiled softly before walking over and standing in front of the two women. "What can I get for you two" the girl said and Emily rested her arms on the bar top. "Your name would be lovely" she said causing a tint of blush to cover the younger girl's face. "It's uh Y/N" the girl stuttered out making Emily and Jennifer smile. "Pretty name for a pretty girl" Jennifer said and Emily agreed. "Thank you" Y/N said as she set a rag down. "So what can I get you two to drink" Y/N asked the two women. "Scotch please sweetheart" Emily said and Y/N nodded before getting their drinks. She handed the two women their drinks before walking off to attend another customer. "She's a cutie" Jennifer said as she sipped in her scotch. "Yeah she is" Emily said as she sighed heavily resting her head on her hand.
Y/N sighed as she saw a drunk man passed out on one of the booths. She walked over and tapped him on the head causing him to jolt awake. "Huh what's going on" the man said before looking up to see Y/N. "Oh Y/N what are you doing here" he asked causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow. "Uh I work here you're still at the bar big guy" Y/N said causing the man to look around before groaning. The man reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet trying not to drop it. He plucked out a hundred dollar bill before holding it out to Y/N. She snatched it from him before helping him out of the booth. "Can you get home safe" Y/N asked and he nodded before leaving the bar stumbling a little. Y/N just shook her head before hearing a voice behind her. She turned around to see the blonde woman from before standing in front of her now. "Everyone seems to like you did you put a spell on them" Jennifer said causing a faint blush to cross Y/N's face. "No" Y/N said as she started walking back to the bar. "I'm Jennifer by the way" the blonde woman said causing Y/N to look up. "Pretty name" Y/N said as she walked behind the bar. "And this is Emily" Jennifer said as she sat down next to the black haired woman. "It's nice to meet you both" Y/N said as she smiled and the two smiled back.
"You're detectives right" Y/N asked and the two nodded. "How'd you know" Emily said and Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Your guns and badges of course" Y/N said causing the two women to look down at their belts before looking back up. "Right" Jennifer said as Y/N poured two more glasses of Scotch for them. "I'm heading out, have a nice night Y/N" Greg said and Y/N nodded. "You to Greg drive home safe" she said and the man waved before exiting the bar.
It had been a couple weeks since they met each other and Emily and Jennifer came into the bar every single day at the exact same time. Y/N had their drinks ready to go when they walked in and took their usual seats. "Hello Princess" Jennifer said as her and Emily sat down. Y/N blushed at the name while setting the glasses down in front of the two. "Hello Em and JJ" Y/N muttered out as she looked up at the two. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a couple cuts on their faces and a bruise on Emily's neck. "What happened are you two okay" Y/N said and the two nodded making Y/N frown. "Nothing to worry about sweetheart just a couple cuts and bruises nothing we didn't have before" Emily said and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Doesn't look like nothing you still got some blood on you" Y/N said and Jennifer reached up to her forehead where her cut was to feel dried blood."You didn't even try to clean your cuts did you" Y/N asked and the two looked at each other before shaking their head no. "We didn't want to keep our favorite Bartender waiting so we just came here after we got back" Emily said causing Y/N to blush before she rolled her eyes.
"You don't have to do this we can do it" Jennifer said as the two turned around to face Y/N. "Well I want to" Y/N said as she put the first aid kit on the bar top next to Jennifer. "Are you a nurse as well" Emily said causing Y/N to chuckle. "No my mother was so she taught me a few things" Y/N said as she grabbed some of the stuff to clean up the cuts. She stood right in front of Jennifer and looked up at her. "May I" Y/N asked and Jennifer nodded. Y/N stepped closer and started to clean the deeper cut on Jennifer's forehead. Jennifer winced as she clenched her jaw shut. "Sorry" Y/N said as she pulled back slightly. "It's fine Princess" Jennifer said as she saw Y/N look down at her lips. She smirked slightly and Y/N looked back up before going back to cleaning the wound. Jennifer looked over at Emily and her smirk widened. After Y/N cleaned up Jennifer's cuts she was about to move over to Emily when Jennifer grabbed her and pulled her in. "I can't wait any longer" Jennifer said before she grabbed Y/N's face and pulled her into a kiss. Y/N's eyes widened in shock before she melted into the kiss a couple seconds later. She kissed Jennifer back and the woman hummed before pulling back. She smiled down at Y/N before licking her lips.
"We want to know if you'd like to go on a date with us" Emily said as Y/N cleaned her cuts up. "Isn't it supposed to be a date then kiss" Y/N said causing the two to smirk. "So is that a no then" Emily asked and Y/N rolled her eyes before closing the first aid kit. "I guess I could go on a date with you but I have to see what my schedule is like" Y/N teased causing the two women to roll their eyes as Y/N giggled. "I'd love to go on a date with you two" Y/N said after she stopped giggling. "Perfect" Jennifer said as she grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her in. Y/N watched as the detective wrote her number on her arm with a pen. "We got to get going but we'll see you soon Princess" she said kissing Y/N's cheek. Emily stood up and kissed Y/N's other cheek before they both left leaving Y/N flustered as she looked down at the phone number on her arm.
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ellipsae · 1 year
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Hi, I'm back with another Post-Epilogue design, this time for Guy. I have to admit, I really struggled with this one. Guy's original design has such a clean but distinctive style to it that I just can't quite capture. At first I tried to do a 'work' outfit for when he gets hands-on with fon tech before switching to attempting a formal outfit. The casual jacket-off variation feels more like Guy than the full dressed one though...I'm not too satisfied with this one but there were several design points that I wanted to work in and did at the very least. Maybe I'll revisit this design again down the road.
Anyways, please see under the read more for more design details. !Warning for Spoilers!
-so post-epilogue, I imagine Guy becomes a 'rising star' in noble society after hitting it big by sinking all his wealth in fontech development which quickly became a booming industry in the post-Planet Storm world. All the other nobility are so impressed by Guy's rise in reputation/wealth/smart investment decisions but in reality it's largely just Guy being a really big fontech nerd like usual and funding everything that are really interesting to him and being an early investor. He spends more time than he likes having to attend parties and gatherings but he understands having and maintaining a reputation is important to assert his influence and opinions, especially after all the obstacles he faced getting back his title (I imagine he got judged a lot for his rappig caretaker job and such), plus he's so used to being a servant he doesn't act like most nobles. (He finally graduates from his job as Peony's Rappig Caretaker though.)
-the device in his suspender holster is a fonon counter, it can detect the type and concentration of fonons in the immediate area. (It's a useful tool plot-wise for this AU *winkwink* ) Normally Guy carries it when he's on site, observing fontech excavation, it's helpful for finding power cores.
-in the post-epilogue world, Guy's interest and knowledge about fontech makes him the greatest source of information in the party, in contrast to Jade being the authority on fonic sciences back when fonons were abundant
-I also imagine that many people are still reluctant to adopt fontech in their everyday lives/still stuck on losing the Score and fonic magic so there was not a lot of initial interest. It was also still quite a risk to invest in given a lot of advance tech had to rely on excavated machines from the Dawn Age. In contrast, replicas have no preconceptions about fontech and I imagine Guy helping fledgling replica communities get ahead by sharing and teaching them how to use simple fontech. Since philantrophy/altruism is also part of what nobility does, it makes the other nobles impressed as well.
-I went a little overboard with the gold cording but I really like the idea of the cording being a traditional style of Hod.
-the four leaf clover-like knot is a decorative knot called a mokkou musubi, it carries the meaning of 'perpetuation of one's descendants'. Pere tied it for him with that in mind to revive the House of Gardios.
-the pin brooch on his lapel is the same as the one Marybelle wears on her cravat. I like to think that it's their family crest. In the off-jacket version, Guy has a smaller pin on the collar.
-I really wanted to preserve the curved open window (?) that his vest has in his original design so I ended up putting it as an open back on his jacket
-I went through so many types of coat styles, from like caped trench coats to riding frocks but cycled back to keeping the single-tail back.
-the orange 'jacket' around his waist in the jacket-off version is actually his vest. And the cloth in his pocket is not the cravat from his full dressed version, but I can imagine a funny skit where everyone keeps thinking it is the cravat.
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kaneaken · 1 year
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intermission: and how do you say, i love you?
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if you were to ask heizou at what moment he knew he was absolutely, head over heals in love with you, he wouldn't be able to give a clean cut answer.
it's not only the fact that he would end up rambling on and on. he believes that every moment he has with you has cemented his love further from the first moment he locked eyes with you.
as silly as it may seem to some, specifically a certain snarky friend, heizou believes that he experienced love at first meeting when he met you.
it wasn't the most romantic meeting in heizou's eyes, especially since it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
heizou knew that his companionship with sango and her club wasn't meant to last. it wasn't only that he wanted to chase bigger cases, while she was content with anything that ended up in their hands.
their differing visions and sango's quick temper added onto the reason behind their split. heizou knew it was for the best. if he wanted to get those big cases, he needed to put himself out there. and he wasn't sure how much longer he could deal with that short temper. however, it didn't make the pain of hurting a trusted companion any worse.
which was why he ended up staring blankly at the vending machine after school.
maybe ending their friendship was going a bit far. leaving the club didn't mean that they couldn't be friends, right? was chasing those big cases really worth it if it meant he lost something?
heizou sighed. well, whatever might have been isn't something he should be worried about.
" excuse me? "
startled, heizou fumbles with the coins in his hands, letting them scatter at his feet
" oh, sorry for the fright "
heizou crouches to pick up his coins, mumbling an 'it's fine' to the person behind him
he notices a hand join his in picking up the scattered change. looking up, he locks eyes with you
his breath hitches. oh, wow, you were stunning. heizou never really had a type, but you seemed to become the standard at the moment.
" sorry again for scaring you. you were just kinda staring intensely at the vending machine. i hope everything's okay "
with those words, you left him with a red face that concerned the passing students.
after that, heizou did what he does best. he did some research regarding you.
you were a good student overall. a lot of people who knew you said you were a good friend. witness accounts, read itto, told him you would be a good match for him.
" you guys are both pretty smart and good looking, right? so, c'mon, with the brains and looks, you guys are practically a power couple! "
still, heizou wanted to affirm his attraction to you by watching you in your "natural environment," which meant attending an after school play.
so, that's what heizou did. bringing along a few of his friends, he went to watch you on stage.
now, he knew that the theatre club wasn't as popular as most sports club, but he was quite shocked to see that his friend group took up a large majority of seats. he only brought along four friends.
heizou wondered if it was always like this. how were you able to keep the club afloat like this? who funded you if the shows didn't bring about much profit? why did you keep putting these shows on?
and heizou didn't mean to demean you in any way while he searched for answers. he just wanted to know what drove you. and he got his answer once you arrived on stage.
passion. your movements, your speech, everything you did on stage was full of passion. you reminded him of himself when he first wanted to do detective work.
the circumstances were against him. not a lot of people supported him. he almost quit, but he knew that detective work was his passion. why should he walk away from something he adored so much? it would just take time to show that he could do it.
when all the actors gathered on stage for their bows, heizou is sure he clapped the hardest for you.
that's when heizou knew that he was head over heels, completely, totally enamored by you.
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a/n; lil filler chapter to put a little more focus on heizou's love for y/n. we're already halfway through the story, so i hope you guys will stick around until the end (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
taglist... @duckyyyx @cooldudejorts
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voraciousvore · 7 months
The Giant and the Princess (7/10)
Part 1 | Previous (6) | Next (8)
Content Warning: Violence/ hard vore, blood
Word Count: 2.4k
------ Part 7 ------
Unbeknownst to Ajax, the prince’s murder flung the human world into chaos. The king and his remaining entourage fled to their original destination, the kingdom they sought an alliance with, to seek shelter behind the magical barrier. They were welcomed with open arms, naturally, but the other king was horrified to hear the news of the prince’s death. As both kings were aware, giants hunting for humans was turning into a substantial problem that hindered cooperation and growth between their respective domains. 
The prince wasn’t exactly a beloved member of the court, but he was nevertheless a critical asset. The king was furious to have lost his son. His kingdom was large and resourceful, with an abundance of magic-users. He vowed revenge on the giant that stole his son, along with all the giants that had consumed his people. His kingly counterpart used this opportunity to strengthen his position and forged an alliance on the basis of avenging the royal’s death, rather than the marriage that was originally planned. 
Iris secretly celebrated this victory, but outwardly pretended to mourn. Her elation turned to concern, however, when the two kings declared war on the giants and sent out a battalion of soldiers to slaughter Ajax. She felt an urgent need to warn him, but with the other king visiting the court, she was forced to attend diplomatic events and couldn’t slip away unnoticed. She feared the worst, yet she knew what Ajax was capable of. She hoped he would be okay. 
Ajax, unaware of the hostile machinations of the humans, started the new day in a good humor. He hoped he’d be able to see the princess today. After tossing and turning all night, agonizing over his predicament, he decided once and for all that he would become the man he needed to be for Iris. He firmly resolved to give up eating humans. He would learn to control his prodigious appetite, as daunting as the challenge may seem. No matter how difficult, he would do it for her. 
He hiked down the mountainside and entered the forest, as he had done many times before, and made his way to the castle. However, as he strolled past the trees, he sensed something was off. He wasn’t sure exactly what, but he didn’t like it. He sampled the air through his nose, but he couldn’t smell anything unusual. He detected plants, and trees, and animals, like he always did in the woods, but no humans nearby. 
The animals were too quiet. He made the realization a moment too late. An odd snap and whizzing sound whistled through the air, the only warning before a searing pain erupted in his skull. A sharp object had sliced up through his cheek and slammed into his eye, cutting his brow as well. He jerked back and bellowed in agony, loud enough to quake the surrounding trees down to their roots. A hot gush of blood dripped down his face. He was blinded with a scorching flash of dizzying pain. 
A volley of tiny arrows followed up the assault, peppering the skin on his arms and legs. The tips must’ve been steeped in some sort of numbing venom, because Ajax lost sensation where the arrows bit into his flesh. He could only see through one eye, since his other eye had been gouged out from the large projectile, but once he ducked below the cover of the leaves he discovered a horde of soldiers. Their uniforms were blue, the same as the prince’s, and purple, which matched the color of Iris’s kingdom. He understood in an instant that both kingdoms were against him. 
The giant flew into a blind rage, lashing out at the humans who dared attack him. He smashed their catapult into splinters and crushed them into a bloody pulp under his boots and in his fists. He forgot his vow to not eat any humans as he tore them to pieces with his teeth and gulped down the chunks in savage retaliation. As he demolished the mages among their ranks, their magical spell that concealed the scent of the soldiers dissipated. Ajax hunted down every last man that had the audacity to challenge him. He slaughtered them viciously, smashing them and devouring their broken bodies. Their blood intermixed with his own as it dripped from his lips. 
Not a single man escaped his clutches. Once he completed his rampage, he dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. He was lightheaded and shaking from weakness. His injury made his head spin and his limbs were tingling from the poisoned arrows. He gingerly lowered himself to the ground, laying on his back in excruciating pain. He knew he needed to treat his wounds, but his head was throbbing so badly he could hardly move. He focused on his labored breathing, pushing through the torturous sensations. He tried to get up, but the lack of strength in his arms and the world spinning around him made him fall back down with a grunt. For the time being, he was immobilized. 
Back at the castle, the human kings prepared for war on the whole giant race. They requested aid from their allies, who readily accepted the call. The humans were fed up with giants devouring their people and understood the only way to stop the carnage was to go on the offensive. They knew, if they pooled their resources together, their forces would be formidable, even against such behemoths. An individual human was no match for a giant, but a whole army equipped with magic and siege weaponry could take a giant down, no matter how big.  
Iris finally found the opportunity to slip out unnoticed, since she was mostly forgotten about once the marriage agreement fell through and the formalities of receiving a foreign dignitary were completed. Everyone’s attention at court was diverted to the more pressing matter of war. She needed to warn Ajax of the impending danger, before it was too late. She hastened into the forest. She was disappointed when she didn’t find the giant waiting for her at their usual meeting spot. She wasn’t so easily deterred, though, so she ventured further in, wary of any dangers she may encounter. 
A loud, rapid thumping that echoed off the trees towards the princess made her jump, but she was relieved to find it was only a giant rabbit, large but harmless. The huge, fluffy creature stopped in front of her and stared at her with bulbous, black, shiny eyes. It twitched its nose and flicked its ears and whiskers before hopping away as quickly as it appeared. Iris let out a sigh of relief before continuing on her way. 
Another beast came galloping in her direction, but Iris recognized the cadence as horse hooves pounding into the earth. She spied a flash of distinctive purple through the trees. The horse belonged to a soldier of her kingdom, with its colorful equipment, but its rider was missing. A sight that would in the past frighten the princess instead made her worry about Ajax. Did he have something to do with the missing soldier? Did the soldiers attack him? She hurried to find him. 
As she penetrated deeper into the forest, she came across a mess of giant footprints, interspersed with human and horse prints breaking up the grass and dirt. The grim scene was littered with broken tree branches, random articles of purple and blue, metal, and blood. Iris’s concern grew as she raced forward, without seeing any signs of life. She wanted to call out for Ajax, but she feared drawing attention to herself. 
Fortunately, he made himself known soon enough, with wheezy breathing and labored groans. Iris found him sprawled out on his back and barely conscious. As she raced past his gargantuan hairy leg and arm on one side, she was appalled to see countless arrows stuck in his flesh. The innumerable wounds oozed fluid and inflamed his skin. She finally made it up to his head. She couldn’t see the damage to his eye from her position. 
“Ajax!” she yelled. “What happened? Are you okay?” The giant tried to turn his head to look at her, but a wave of dizziness struck him hard and he lay his head back limply with a dissatisfied groan, nearly passing out. When he was unable to answer, Iris realized something was terribly wrong and began to scale his shoulder. She noticed right away that his body was radiating intense heat like a furnace, enough to make her sweat. She had difficulty maintaining balance on his vast chest, when his breaths were shallow and irregular. She clung to his beard and used it climb up to his face. 
The skin on his face was pale and clammy. Iris was finally able to behold in all its red glory the horrific gash in his face, which stretched from his cheek to his brow, and wrecked his eye. “Oh my God, Ajax!” she cried in horror. He moaned in reply. Iris started to panic. She needed to help him, but she didn’t know what she could do at her size. He was bleeding profusely, feverish, and not very responsive. 
“Water…” he rasped. His mouth felt as dry as a desert. 
“Hang on, Ajax! I’ll be right back! I’ll patch you up the best I can!” Iris assured him. She descended his giant body back to the ground and dashed home as quickly as possible to gather supplies. She went straight to the royal apothecary and requested a healing salve and bandages, claiming she wanted to aid the war effort. The apothecary obeyed, giving her the bandages along with a large tub of topical cream infused with magic and special herbs. 
Iris rushed back out, struggling to carry the hefty quantity of supplies. In her haste, she forgot to remove her crown, but she kept it concealed under the hood of her cloak. She wrapped the medical supplies up in a few large cloths like a sack, dragging them behind her, and strapped a flask of water on her shoulder. She found Ajax in the same position, breathing heavily and perspiring. She ascended back up to his face with the flask and poured the entire contents into his mouth. The water was hardly more than a few drops for the giant; he urgently needed more. He moistened his lips with his tongue and squeezed his eyes shut with a shuddering grimace. 
“I’ll get you more,” Iris promised. Luckily, there was a stream not too far away. Iris ran over, refilled the flask, soaked a cloth with cold water, and returned. She placed the cooling cloth on his burning forehead and emptied the flask into his mouth again. She used another cloth to clean his wounds the best she could and began to bandage up the worst ones. She removed the arrows piercing his skin, careful not to slice herself on the venomous iron tips.  
Iris didn’t know what to do about his eye, so she focused on the smaller gouges that she was equipped to handle. She used up the entire tub of healing salve and all the bandages, but there were still more cuts that required medical attention. All the blankets she brought became soaked with blood, and the waterlogged one on his forehead needed to be refreshed. Iris despaired, and she was repulsed by all the blood, but she didn’t give up. She sprinted back to the stream and sacrificed her cloak, dousing it in the water. 
Despite his sweating, Ajax felt like he was freezing internally. He began to shiver violently, complicating Iris’s journey up his body to his face again. She nearly fell off, with her hands full of her sopping wet cloak. She cast aside the cloth on his forehead, now warmed from his fever, and replaced it with her colder cloak. She struggled to maintain her balance as she hobbled over to his huge mouth to pour more water in. She felt a stab of anxiety with the uneven footing, fearing she might fall in. She managed to provide him with a drink without incident. 
She slid back down his beard and damp clothes to the ground to get him more water. The effort was making her weary, as she was not accustomed to so much exercise, but she soldiered on. The day was already late when she started, and the sun set, leaving her in darkness. Iris was afraid to be in the woods alone at night; she hoped the presence of the giant, even if he was incapacitated, would detract any large predators. She collected water from the stream and hastened back to Ajax, trying not to imagine luminous eyes watching her through the trees. 
Although Iris’s attentive care was helpful, Ajax’s condition was still worsening. In his feverish state, he was slipping into delirium, no longer aware of his surroundings. He quivered as Iris hauled the flask up to his mouth again. He gasped for breath, lips parted, as Iris dumped the water inside. He shuddered, and the princess momentarily lost her balance and almost toppled forward into the abyss of his mouth. She managed to grab his lip with her hands, halting her descent. Her crown slipped off her head and fell inside. The princess froze in shock as she watched the priceless crown slide down his massive tongue, past the rows of teeth into the depths of his gullet. 
The giant coughed as the crown hit the back of his throat, making Iris flip back on his chin. She gripped his beard and watched his neck spasm as her crown vanished down his throat. Briefly, the loss of her crown upset her, as she had always regarded the treasure as invaluable. However, as she righted herself on the giant’s chin, she realized she didn’t care about the crown as much as she cared about Ajax. As she gazed upon his sallow face in the moonlight, she decided she wasn’t going back to the castle. Her love for the giant man outweighed all other considerations. She knew, in that moment, she’d rather die than be separated from him. She was finished with her life as a princess. 
She was thoroughly exhausted, after taking care of the giant all afternoon, so she crawled down and rested in her usual spot on his sternum. His excessive body heat kept her warm in the night. She looked up at the stars overhead and prayed to whatever higher power that was listening that Ajax would survive. With troubled thoughts churning in her brain, she fell asleep. 
Part 8
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toujokaname · 4 months
Game master / Episode 9
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Author: Akira
Characters: Niki, AkanP, Tatsumi
"I don't wanna worry everyone too much, so I'll at least put on a cheerful face."
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Season: Winter
Location: Amagi's House
About ten minutes later. In the Amagi Village, at Crazy:B's lodgings.
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Niki: Ugh~... Ughhh~ I can't eat anymore~...
No, I've gotta eat... I was born for it... Bring on more plates, my stomach's a bottomless pit—
—Wh... Uh, huh?
Did I... doze off?
AkanP: Good morning, Shiina-kun.
Niki: Nn, nngh? Good morning~?
Nahaha... I'm sorry. Um, were you looking after me while I was out cold?
My bad for the trouble, Akan-san. And Anzu-nee-san too.
AkanP: Ahaha. Even though I'm older than Anzu-chan, I only get a mere "san," while she gets "nee-san"?
What's your logic behind the difference?
Niki: Ahh, well, the thing is—
Eh, wha? Akan-san, you're a lady?
But, when I first saw you... Oh, wait, did I misunderstand 'cause you were wearing a suit?
AkanP: Fufu. You're a rather interesting boy too, huh.
I thought that the public's opinion of you, both now and in the past, was that you were incompetent as an idol, a useless person who couldn't do anything.
Niki: Nah, that's just true.
When Rinne-kun first invited me, I couldn't just stand by and watch, so I helped out a bit—
I got fed up with it and quit right away. So, my incompetence should've been proven, but surprisingly, we're working together again as idols.
AkanP: Ahh, you did some idol work with Rinne-kun for a brief period in the past, right.
By that time, Rinne-kun had already left my hands—so I don't know the details.
Niki: We didn't do much of anything back then, honestly. Especially since I quit pretty fast before making any progress.
Even now, I don't really wanna get involved in the entertainment industry, 'cause of my parents' situation.
AkanP: Even so, you can't leave Rinne-kun alone, so you stay by his side.
You're a kind boy.
Moreover, you have a surprisingly good eye for people. You seem to vaguely detect something off about me as well.
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Niki: Well, cooking's all for the sake of others.
If the goal's only to get nutrients, might as well let a machine automatically churn out food in a factory or something.
AkanP: Yes. That's true. And it applies to idols, too, right?
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Tatsumi: Niki-saaan?
How are you feeling? It seems we're about to start the test of courage showdown. But if you're unable to move yet, will you be absent?
Niki: Oh, an unexpected person's here.
Tatsumi: Is that so? Well, we don't typically have much interaction, after all.
Niki: Right, right. While Crazy:B and ALKALOID get name-dropped together a lot, we don't usually talk together or know much about each other, huh.
Tatsumi: I feel the same. That's why I'm not sure how to behave towards Kohaku-san either, for example.
Yet despite that, I wish for us to get along in order to accomplish the same job, Matrix.
Niki: Right back at you~♪ Thank you kindly, I'll be counting on you! Let's be pals!
Tatsumi: Such a friendly person. Well, I suppose all the members of Crazy:B are like that.
Niki: Hm? But don't you think HiMERU-kun's pretty exclusionary? Or rather, irritable?
Tatsumi: These days, yes. But he wasn't like that in the past, he used to be more innocent and bright—
I wonder, what in the world happened to him...
Niki: Have you known HiMERU-kun for a long time?
Tatsumi: Ah, yes, we both attended Reimei Academy, he and I.
Niki: Huhhh... I only graduated middle school, so high school and college seem like different worlds to me. What was he like?
I can't wrap my head around HiMERU-kun as a student~♪
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Tatsumi: Even now, he must still be just another regular high school student...
More importantly. While chatting is enjoyable, we're currently in the middle of work.
Niki-san appears to have been inevitably chosen as a "scarer" for the test of courage, so if you're motivated, let's move to our positions together.
Actually, I came to fetch you for that purpose. Mayoi-san was with me too, but he said he was "scared of being attacked," so I came alone.
Niki: Scarer? Not sure what that's about, and I'm never really motivated, but—
I don't wanna worry everyone too much, so I'll at least put on a cheerful face.
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plaindangan · 6 months
Kokichi, who suck more and the best your fat cock and giant balls out of Kaede, Shuichi, Kirumi, Tenko and Miu?~
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
“Oooh, that’s a tough one…” Kokichi pondered before a smile came onto his face. “Guess I have to check for myself!”
“Kokichi’s Cock-Slut Venture Journal!!”
“I keep forgetting how much of a slut our “leader” can be. As soon as I mention I needed, help down there, she stopped piano practice and began stuttering about how she can’t just let ‘even an annoying teammate’ be in distress. She tried to act professional, but can you really say its professional when you take out you sweaty tits to jerk my dick off while cleaning it with your tongue?
“My darling Shuichi tried to hold out, he really tried. Buuut, when I whipped out the ol’ ‘Femboy Bratty Bunny’ trick, he pretty much fell to pieces between my legs. He might have grown to be a good detective but he’s an ever greater cock cleaner, he was deepthroating like such a natural! And the way his ass was clapping like such a dirty little perv - perhaps I needed to do this for a long time~”
“Speaking of professional Kirumi put the ‘pro’ in professional dick licker! All I had to do was make a request and she met me later in the room to ‘relieve me of my stress’. After warming me up down there with her hand, she pretty much had my balls in her mouth for what seemed like hours sucking them clean. And dick wise she was like a pure pleasure machine that didn’t even stop after I busted multiple times. Really wanted to suck me dry’.
“Hey, so what’s better than one bratty, slutty, inventor girl? Three!!! That’s right, Miu actually bothered to make two extra copies of herself to attend to me needs~ One was busy sucking my dick, while the other two worked on my balls! You have to admire the dedication, and having three Miu’s working at your dick pretty much means it was impossible not to cum in minutes!!! Also had to fuck all three of them before I left, so that was a nice bonus as well…if had me dick sore for two weeks.”
“Okay, so as I’m writing this, Tenko kind of just moved on from sucking me off to pretty much hopping on my cock from anal. You’d think someone so vehemently against ‘degenerate males’ would want it to go this far, and she’s even yelling at me to not get comfy with this…….but I’m getting comfy with this~ We’re doing this tomorrow!!”
“Now who wins out of five of these sluts…well, personally, I still don’t know!! Or perhaps that’s just a lie? Nah, I’m going to hold out just a bit more with these five. They’re giving me the best fucks I’ve had in ages and it’s just so fun seeing them try so hard to please me! Neeheeehee~”
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only-lonely-stars · 4 months
Halloween Drabble 5 (Halloween Party)
[1 - Carving Pumpkins] // [2 - Trick-or-Treating] // [3 - Vampirism] // [4 - Scary Movie Marathon] // [6 - Sugar High] // [7 - Costume Fight] // [8 - Cobwebs] – (FFN) (AO3)
A collection of drabbles, all to do with Halloween!
The Ninja attending a Halloween party. (@/fires-of-ninjago.) Continuation of Prompt 2.
No celebration was complete without a holiday party, and this year was no different. Cole and Vania walked together, arm in arm, to the door of the house where it was being hosted. They approached the door and rang the bell, and the door opened to reveal a crowd, which they easily navigated.
Eventually, the two came to a knot of people in a corner. There were seven of them: two vampires, a siren, a mad scientist, two detectives of some sort, and a ghost wearing sunglasses. At their approach, one of the vampires waved. "Cole, Vania! You're here!" He grinned, exposing false fangs. "Love the costumes!"
"Thanks!" Vania chirped, curtsying. "I love yours, Kai! Are you and Skylor meant to match?"
The vampire laughed. "That we are." He put his arm around Skylor's shoulders, and Skylor rolled her eyes. "We make quite the pair."
"You just wanted couple's costumes, babe." Skylor pecked his cheek. "Are you two supposed to be polar opposites?"
"Something like that." Cole approached Jay and nudged him. "You went for Frankenstein after all?"
"Sure did!" He grinned cockily. "Not the monster," he added, looking pointedly at Nya, who put up her webbed hands in protest.
"Hey, I've never read the book! Don't look at me."
"There are many parts of pop culture that refer to Frankenstein as the creator, not the creation," Zane interjected, hands in his trenchcoat pockets. "It should not be so hard to remember."
"I don't read books, Zane!" Nya rolled her eyes. "I'm just going to go get some snacks. I don't need to hear this nerd talk."
"Would you get some punch?" Pixal asked.
"Sure, Pix." She grinned. "By the way, I love the hat."
"Thank you. I am a CSI tonight: a crime scene investigator." She adjusted the hat a little. "That said, I am unused to wearing a costume."
"I think you look great!" the ghost said cheerfully from behind her.
"Who are you?" Vania asked impulsively. "Lloyd?"
"The one and only!" He put his hands on his hips, making himself look like a triangle.
"That's so clever!" She clapped her hands. "I love it!"
"Thanks!" he chirped. "No one can recognize the Green Ninja if he has no face!"
"Ohhh." She had stars in her eyes. "Cole, we should've done something like that! That's so clever!"
Cole laughed. "I don't know, I like ours, even though people recognized us." He clapped Lloyd on the back. "You make a good ghost, Green Machine. I'm surprised you actually did it."
"Can't let Morro control me forever."
"Nope. You did good." He chuckled. "Want to get some food?"
"Do you know me, Cole? Of course I do."
"Thought so. C'mon."
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glimmcr · 11 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
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"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"micah callaghan and new york city. is this just to make sure it registers if i'm lying or not?"
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
body language goes still for a moment before a fake smile is plastered on his face. "i'm fine, thank you for asking." blank stares in the room for a moment before he huffed. "okay, i'm a bit nervous about all of this."
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"blue, deep blues but i also like light blues and light greens."
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
"i actually really enjoy documentaries. they fascinate me but other than that i enjoy older noir films."
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"my phone." answered too quickly, a lie.
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"water, i cannot hold liquor to save my life."
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"can we skip this question?" a pause. "fine, i'd like to do something i haven't before. take a risk." still a lie.
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
"honestly? i haven't really bothered to keep up with it? gossip blogs don't really stay on my radar for long."
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"i'm pretty sure someone accused me of being secretly bald on there for wearing a hat."
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"a little bit of my own music. stay tuned for some updates on that."
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"cats. i've never had one but i just always liked them."
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"no, i think i'm good."
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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hypocratic · 1 year
@vitalphenomena for mack.
The most essential electronic feature in the Baltimore State Hospital that Frederick employs (aside from his office's espresso machine or the automized locks installed in every door thick enough to contain one) is the site-wide thermostat. Therapy rooms are kept at a cool sixty-two degrees fahrenheit; it is harder to lie convincingly when one is physically uncomfortable, however minimal or subliminal. Effectiveness is consistent regardless of a patient's awareness of such tactics: the cold will not dissipate whether one notices it or not. (Behavior, notably, is much the same.) In fact, registering it or its purpose only serves to amplify its presence.
Exactly an hour before private sessions within a patient's room, the silver vent in the corner of the ceiling hisses to life like a long, metal reptile coiled (in sharp, forty-five degree angles) in the rafters.
Many rooms fill with this sluggish-chill—a cold, constricted blue—throughout the day. Often, patients or staff shiver when Frederick passes them in the hallway; a simple conditioned response the uncritical misattribute to fear. An assumption, however, he makes no effort to undo.
The astute quietly conspire, voices so low the cameras present in nearly every room and hall can't detect any chatter. They talk at medical carts (staff) or through toilet plumbing (patients) or all together in the common rooms; a group can predict which branch of the facility Frederick will visit that day solely by recording room temperatures.
He's storming the halls, he hears an officer whisper as he passes through administration. Cute. An impotent hurricane with a limp, a nurse replies. He'll reassign her shift to the noncompliant quarters.
Frederick is never cold. His two piece suits keep him well insulated during the hour-long sessions. Today, he chose a wool jacket and pants. Thick, coarse fabric; stiff but remarkably pliable; a beautifully dyed brown plaid with a pocket square tucked in the hidden breast pocket stitched into the satin lining of his jacket, there in the event that his face or neck show any signs of perspiration; the sensation of warm abundance is an experience allotted to him alone of which he makes no effort to hide amongst patients—and some staff.
This will be his first formal session with Miss Mackenzie Knight. She has been temporarily assigned to the high security women's hall as she undergoes evaluation. After two days, she was approved by the attending psychologist for private interactions. He'll wait no longer than that. Of course, in this section, there's no true privacy. Cushioned walls separate each cell, but thin, horizontal bars—wide enough for voices and for arms—display each patient to the hallway and whatever figures may be loitering therein. There are no individual vents here since every room is, in a sense, conjoined. But the single vent is on. Frederick feels it at the nape of his neck, on the slim area of exposed skin between his weekly-cut hair and starched, blue collar as he enters the hallway. That chill wind hissing out like an invisible snake tongue.
Frederick carries with him nothing. Mackenzie has no backlog of hospital records for him to refer to. No written reports were found in the wreckage. Not hers, or anyone's. It would seem either the cult had no interest in writing physical or mental reports, no interest in physical or mental resources, or the records were burned along with everything else on the compound. A query, among many, Frederick mentally makes note of.
He does not peer into the other cells as he walks by. His attention is pointedly, consciously set forward. He walks with a casual, strained poise, shoulders sharp, their movement smooth then lurching with the new integration of a cane. Refusal to acknowledge a patient or their actions is the most efficient way to diffuse misbehavior and promote compliance. Like ignoring a toddler's tantrum. Some thrash against the bars, some yell. He reacts to none of it. Mackenzie's cell is last. Not unplanned: it is the closest to the hallway camera. But an annoying distance nonetheless.
A foldout chair is already set out, heralding Frederick's arrival. He steps behind it, into view, and fixes his gaze on his own hands as they wrap around the top of the backrest; he leans forward, relieving weight from his concave abdomen. Once situated, his gaze flicks up (his eyes large, weighty—pinning) then his head rises to meet hers, seeing her in-person for the first time (he had watched a few initial assessments on the camera feed in the comfort of his office during his lunch break; he found her to be remarkably rational for a girl who attempted to, and largely succeeded in, killing her entire family only a few weeks ago).
She is sitting on her bed. She looks approachable. She looks ordinary. Comfortable. Like a college student in her freshman dorm room. Frederick smiles, a flash of intrigue and excitement he does not conceal. "Hello, Miss Knight. Or, would you prefer Mackenzie? I apologize for the enforced uniform. An institution such as this shares more than a few characteristics with cults." The air conditioner kicks onto a heavier setting; louder, churning. His gaze momentarily drifts towards the noise, then back to her. Smiling, because he is able to indulge his own machinations under the guise of cordiality: "Are you comfortable?"
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Key Of Destiny: Elevating Detective Daddy
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Police Chief Kyle Adams puts his old school detective gum shoe skills to hunt me down.
He runs to the front door breaking into the main hall slipping in on the wall raises his gun to the air
Officer Pine stood in the middle of the hall way ready to fight gun blazes pointing it at The Captain.
“Master Lawrence, wants to me you”
“Officer Pine”
“Will you come willingly?”
“Drop the gun let’s talk”
“There is no conversation “
“You will meet the man or die”
“This not like you at all”
“Actually this is more like me”
The Master slid open a door half way behind hop my feet slip out onto the scene tapping his shoulder.
He faces Pine with one throw he pulls back and throws a heavy punch knocking him out
Falling the ground The Master prepares the needle and places the prick at his skin and inject him with it.
“I love you sire”
“The three of you lift him up to me”
“Use the service elevator to the basement floor.”
“The laboratory is missing a new project”
“Yes Sire, as you wish “
“Sir we will attend to it Sir”
“Marvelous and simply marvelous”
“Once you are strap down let me know “
“Yes Master “
I receive a text hitting me hard vibrating in my pants and I remove it to see my slaves alert it.
I click it then respond with the code to fire the electrical pulses into his mind leaving nil broken.
“Master help”
“He is ready”
“I am here my darling”
“The machine do active and raring to go”
“The computer screen showcases the laptop screen”
“The brainwaves map is changing”
“Look at the spikes in the brain activity “
“Your mind is wiping”
“You are my property “
“You are owned by the one in only”
The end
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tetsuro-wulf · 2 years
The Wulf's Eye: RP Journal #101 | Grim Chase Begins
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Reflecting back on the Mystics Gathering...
We had a lot of attendence, to the point where our entire yard was busy. I was pleased so many came out, and those that volunteered. I ended up giving a good handful of readings before it became late, but the atmosphere itself was lovely. Many curious minds, many open to having their fortune told.. One man stuck out to me. A samurai of the Getsumei Clan. He seemed to have been taking a liking for the supernatural, yet felt conflicted slaying those who are corrupt. I offered him advice through painting the full picture regarding the Balance and what I stand for. He seemed to understand.
The following day, Haruko saw me for a reading-- well, moreso to be guided into his Mind's Eye. I will admit I found myself curious considering the last time we went, we were battling a rogue amalgamation of a Mogui. Though taking him through, well.. what was revealed was Aran'a, as though luring Haruko into a false sense of rekindling, only for a tower to rise and the man who calls himself his blood father sent him to perish. A fear, I detect. A 'gut feeling', later found out. The Mind's Eye of Haruko might be telling him something-- hell, it tells me something.
Don't trust that bastard. I'd hate to say it to his face, but if he had any intention of hurting Haruko after being absent from his life for this long, after everything he's built to heal from his past? I will do what I must, even if it involves baring my fangs like any other enemy.
Recently we have been focused on our mission regarding the disappearences of Keepers within the Shroud. Having fought the Moon herself in a trial, we returned to the Guardian Tree. We were going to ask Menphina herself for guidance but that's when a keeper boy appeared. He seemed startled and booked it, but Youta managed to chase him down and explain we're on his side to seek the fuckers responsible for abducting folk.
The kid complied, I believe his name is Kisai? Very.. thin and frail, as though malnourished. He belonged to some 'master' responsible for this mess, so we asked if he could take us to the entrance of the place Menphina described to be hidden in what I suspected to be illusions. When we arrived, we blasted away an illusion to enter, though ended up inside the mouth of a mimic.. realizing this after Youta and I got our arms stuck to a coffer that held its heart. Hell, the floor even revealed acid. Li shattered the heart and it broke the illusion around us to reveal some.. stone dungeon-esque space. I kept hearing wailing from below. Sure enough, there were spiralled stairs leading us down to another room. Kisai revealed that there was a 'Doctor' who worked with a 'Master'.
And so we ended up face to face with this Doctor. Kisai's sister was there too.. lifeless, chained up to the wall by some.. machine. I gave Youta our teleporting talisman to send the doc to our cells. He revealed the 'Master' has relocated with more hostages upon expecting our arrival. Before he could begin a game of taunts, we sent him to our cells and secured the captured girl, Kisai's sister. After that, tore the machine from the wall to take with us. No other clues in the space.
As much as I'd love to hunt the man down, we have no leads on where he could've relocated to. I intend to interrogate the doctor.. THOROUGHLY. Marce will be studying the machine.. and my boys are tending to the keeper siblings we rescued.
Been a while since I've done some thorough interrogating. . .
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eatdrinkandburyme · 2 years
if you wanted to know how to steal food from supermarkets I think these things would help
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disclaimer I’m white so idk how hard it is to steal stuff from supermarkets if you’re not, also this is about supermarkets in the uk
- if you get anxiety, first just imagine you stole something and go through the checkout acting like you’re not anxious and do that for a few shopping trips to get you used to the idea. nobody cares, everyone is just getting their own shopping
- keep an eye on where the cameras are and also where the other people in the shop are. most people aren’t going to care but the fewer people who see you pocket something the less risk one of them is e.g. a store detective
- it’s pretty safe and easy to just steal a couple of things and get the rest of your shopping like you normally would
- if your pockets or bag are already open it’s quicker to pocket/bag things
- plan out where your wallet/bank card is before you go into the shop and don’t put the things you’d like to steal in that location
- it makes most sense to choose expensive things that are small or flat e.g. tinned fish/meat, cheese, some packaged meat or fish, chocolate.
- theoretically you could take an item from the shelf, put it in the top of your basket or just hold it, then continue shopping and once you’re in a quiet aisle put it in your bag or pocket
- don’t pocket stuff in the alcohol aisle
- don’t regularly steal low turnover items
- you can just peel off security stickers but you might want to practice first so you can do it quickly
- it’s safer to pocket stuff in the aisle rather than at the self scan, you can “forget to scan” something but it’s higher risk than pocketing it in the aisle
- don’t scan stuff as something else at the self scan. the self scan machines can take pictures now, if you buy “1kg of carrots” it will flag it up and get an attendant to check the thing it took a photo of actually looks like 1kg of carrots
- if someone’s following you don’t steal anything
- if you steal less than a certain monetary value of items in one go even if they catch you they're likely to just let you go
- if you see someone else stealing or getting caught for stealing see what you can learn from it, but use your ears and peripheral vision, don’t stare and don’t face towards them
- if you practice a few different methods, locations, etc. it makes you harder to catch and being caught doing one thing doesn’t stop you from doing the others
LASTLY some advice - don’t get addicted to stealing, yes it’s real, make sure you have other habits that are at least as engaging (e.g. make up stories or listen to music in the shop) and, if you can, don’t steal every time you go into a specific shop. My other bit of advice is it sucks if you’re banned from your closest supermarket so it’d be less risky to steal mostly from the ones that are further away. Also don’t steal from small shops, we’re fighting big brands not our neighbours.
if you want to share this please copy and paste
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