#faction paradox fanart
osfinexe · 6 months
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Wasn't planning on posting this, but seeing as I have found another Cousin Anastasia enjoyer, here is a little doodle I did a few months ago of everyone's favourite revolutionary princess.
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heimeldat · 3 months
Um so I listened to the first 2 Faction Paradox audios and now apparently this is my beloved witch-daughter, my freaky little shadow child.
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ID: two versions of a realistic digital painting showing a woman standing in front of a stone wall, casting a mismatched shadow that holds a knife in its hand. One version shows her curly red hair and youthful face. In the other version, she wears a translucent black veil and a fanged bat-like skull mask that hide her face. end ID
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A Faction Paradox Warship.
'The Ancestor Cell' (EDA)
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riversofmars · 1 year
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Let Eight, Liv and Helen battle Faction Paradox. PLEASE.
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pl9090 · 1 year
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Faction Paradox ceremonial costume colour pallette from the comics for fanart and cosplay reference. Left to right: Robe base, lining, and skull mask.
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fraction-paradox · 5 months
So, in 2015 when I first started doing web development, for fun at first, I was working on making art in one of those VRML-like clients, sort of like VRChat, but you could just store the world assets on any website. Except way less active than VRChat, even in its hayday you'd rarely see more than 20 people using it concurrently. I won't say the name here though, because I don't want to link my current tumblr accounts with my old employment.
One of the first things I wanted to make was a series of Eleven-Day Empire based worlds, 3d fanart essentially. Including a labyrinthine Stacks, where you'd need to traverse the same, looping area in a secret pattern to get through to the main section and eventually the city.
I set up a subdomain to store the Eleven-Day Empire stuff in, and being new at web dev at the time, didn't feel like redoing those steps so I just put other scenes there too. Between 2015 and, like, 2019? I was actively creating all sorts of worlds to put in my "paradox" subdomain... except I never ended up creating any Faction Paradox worlds.
I want to revisit some of those ideas some day. Maybe I could use Unity or Godot to make a little html5 walking sim or something.
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tea-earl-grey · 2 months
tag directory
my things:
my posts // my art // my fanfic // my gifs
star trek: tos // tng // ds9 // voyager // enterprise // aos // discovery // star trek picard // lower decks // prodigy // snw // star trek (when not about a specific show) // star trek novels // star trek cast
doctor who: classic who // new who // edas // vnas // big finish // gallifrey audios // bernice summerfield series // faction paradox // dweu // doctor who (when not about a specific media) // dw cast
other fandoms: lotr // steven universe // atla // pjo
characters tagged by full name
fandom related:
gifs // fanart // meta // fandom history // behind the scenes // fanvid
baking adventures // cooking adventures // fiber arts // writing woes // disability // queer stuff // music // funny tag // photography // art // poetry // us politics
content warnings:
i tend to avoid reblogging potentially triggering topics but i tag for: cw flashing, cw suicide, cw sexual assault, cw blood, cw gore, cw unreality. if i missed tagging something just let me know! you can also ask to tag other topics but i can't promise that i'll be able to.
i generally tag "[media] spoilers" for at least one week after general release
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Wanted to try my hand at a New Adventures boxset style cover, so here’s an audio boxset built around Carmen Yeh’s earlier, largely unseen, fantastical voyages. 
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agamemnontardipart · 4 years
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Spent the whole evening drawing him.
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osfinexe · 2 years
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My favorite death cultists 
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heimeldat · 3 months
More progress on this painting.
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ID: a realistic digital painting of Justine and Manjuele from Alien Bodies. Justine is a red-haired young woman wearing a black victorian gown, a black lace veil, and a white bat-like skull mask. She stands with her arms folded and looks unimpressed. Manjuele stands beside her: he's a skinny young man with curly black hair, and he wears all black in a buckly goth style, plus a white bat-like skull mask similar to Justine's. They stand in a stone hallway that looks vaguely Aztec in design. end ID
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There's gay things happening in my faction paradox audio....
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Doctor Who and the Midjourney Presents...
A free 20pg comic made entirely with Midjourney!
Download here!
Pages: shorturl.at/bnyUW
Spreads: shorturl.at/foW12
I'd love to make another, perhaps adapt something? Reply with suggestions!
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tripodarts · 4 years
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I started a #SixFanarts challenge probably some weeks ago and only just finished it today. Took it from a FP discord so it's mostly obscure characters from Faction Paradox and the wilderness EU of Doctor Who.
(Also Vicki Pallister is Trans)
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cousindunlia · 4 years
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The evolution of the Cyber-masters, in an alternate reality where the Death-Particle was never used/They survived by regenerating into non-organic forms and shape themselves into the Great Houses of History  an new race of invulnerable god-beings to replace the organic, flawed Time Lords of Gallifrey.
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miloscat · 5 years
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Doctor Who: Classic era spin-offs, low-res pixel style!
Continuing my big series of pixel arts of the Doctor Who universe, here’s a selection of the spin-offs that evolved from Classic characters and situations. A lot of characters are lacking in visual reference material so I had to scour book/audio covers, promotional art, and occasionally fanart (especially from Paul Hanley, again). It was fun! Of course there’re many more spin-offs I didn’t cover, so sorry to Graceless, Big Finish’s Charlotte Pollard and other companion works, various Dalek and Cybermen audios and comics, other BBV and Reeltime video and audio productions, Kaldor City, other UNIT stories, Alan Moore’s Special Executive characters, Olive Hawthorne, The Forge, etc, etc. (And don’t worry, modern spin-offs will be coming later!)
See below for breakdowns of each image!
1: Reeltime Pictures and BBV Productions home videos of the 90s. Some of the defenders of Earth during Doctor Who’s wilderness years, several of them companions of the Second, Third, and Fourth Doctors: Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Victoria Waterfield, and Sarah Jane Smith from Downtime, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart from Downtime and Daemos Rising, John Benton from Wartime, Liz Shaw from P.R.O.B.E., Lockwood from the Auton trilogy, Lauren Anderson from Cyberon and Zygon.
2: The Lethbridge-Stewart and Lucy Wilson Mysteries novels. Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Anne Travers, William Bishop, Samson Ware, Lucy Wilson, Hobo Kostinen.
3: K9 and Company (the TV pilot and accompanying material) and Big Finish’s Sarah Jane Smith audio series. Sarah Jane Smith, K9, Aunt Lavinia, Brendan Richards, Josh Townsend, Natalie Redfern.
4: Big Finish’s Gallifrey audio series. Romana II (I and III also show up), Leela, K9, Narvin, Irving Braxiatel, Darkel.
5: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul (and the unfinished Salmon of Doubt), Douglas Adams’ novel series that reused ideas from the cancelled Fourth Doctor serial Shada. Richard MacDuff, Urban Chronotis/Reg/Salyavin, Dirk Gently, Kate Schechter.
6: Counter-Measures, the Big Finish audio series based on a team seen in Seventh Doctor serial Remembrance of the Daleks. Rachel Jensen, Allison Williams, Ian Gilmore, Toby Kinsella.
7: Bernice Summerfield, the Seventh Doctor’s companion in the Virgin New Adventures, got her own follow-up novel series and Big Finish audio series. Bernice Summerfield, Jason Kane, Peter Summerfield, Irving Braxiatel, Joseph, Bev Tarrant, Adrian Wall, Ruth Leonidas.
8: The Minister of Chance co-starred in the Seventh Doctor wilderness years webcast Death Comes to Time, then had his own self-titled audio spin-off. The Minister, Sala, Tannis, Kitty, Professor Cantha, the Horseman, Durian.
9: Faction Paradox spun off from the Eighth Doctor Adventures novels into its own franchise of prose and audios. Cousin Justine, Cousin Eliza, and Lolita from the two audio series, Compassion/Laura Tobin (who got her own prose series), Sabbath, Chris Cwej after regeneration/Cwej-Plus, Isobel/Scarlette (as seen in the comics), Miranda Dawkins (a tangentially related EDA character who got her own comic series).
10: Iris Wildthyme popped up in the EDAs and got her own series of prose and audios. Iris Wildthyme, the Celestial Omnibus (not to scale), Panda, Jenny Winterleaf, Tom, Edwin Turner, Señor 105.
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