#Cousin Anastasia
osfinexe · 9 months
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Wasn't planning on posting this, but seeing as I have found another Cousin Anastasia enjoyer, here is a little doodle I did a few months ago of everyone's favourite revolutionary princess.
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familyparadox · 2 years
Octavia: [Listening to “Three Times a Lady” by the Commodores]
Octavia: [looks intently at Anastasia]
Anastasia: [looks concerned]
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disney-is-mylife · 3 months
Now that we've covered most 80s and 90s "nostalgic" faves....
Don't @ me if your personal fave is not on here. This is MY list of films from MY childhood that I watched over and over, alongside Disney movies. Unlike my previous "nostalgia" polls (80s and 90s, if you want to see the results), the only "rules" here are: non-Disney and fully animated theatrical films. Hence why I included films outside the 90s and Dreamworks as well lol
Happy voting! ❤
A few honorable mentions that I couldn't squeeze into the poll:
An American Tail & Fievel Goes West (I just didn't watch them often enough in my childhood to have them Stick With Me, even though I definitely enjoyed them. But my older brother loved them dearly and talked about them a lot, and I appreciate them a lot more now!)
The Land Before Time (yes, I did watch those absurd sequels - up until 7 ish? - and enjoyed the original, but was never Obsessed like my other peers. Perhaps Jurassic Park traumatized me too much to be fond of dinosaurs lol)
The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue (speaking of sequels, I remember the pet one?? pretty well? but not enough to call it a Childhood Fave)
The King & I (absolutely ATROCIOUS adaptation/film, btw, but my siblings and I delighted in quoting the stupid comic relief's lines because Kid Humor is broken lmao the amount of times our poor mother must have heard us go "I never want to see another mango in life" before dissolving into a fit of giggles.....)
Pippi Longstocking (idk I read the book and just was happy to see a beloved book character come to life)
Annabelle's Wish (definitely a STRONG honorable mention cuz I was oddly OBSESSED with the soundtrack for some reason??? but unlike other Obsessed With the Soundtrack movies, this one kinda.... disappeared into the ether of my memories, with only that One Song playing on loop when I think about it)
And finally: shout-out to We're Back, FernGully, Pebble and the Penguin, and Quest for Camelot for being weird-ass fever dream memories until I properly watched them after high school
Cats Don't Dance and Thumbelina are probably the closest things to "honorable mentions" on the poll, but I chose to keep them because I remember DISTINCTLY getting VERY upset over Darla Dimple's scheming in Cats Don't Dance, and feeling whimsically swept up in Thumbelina's fairytale romance. Whereas poor American Tail and Land Before Time didn't "latch onto" me the same way. Who can say why? Memories are a funny thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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otmaaromanovas · 10 months
There is a popular quote attributed to Princess Xenia Georgievna about Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, claiming that she was “‘frightfully temperamental,” “wild and rough”, and "cheated at games, kicked, scratched, pulled hair, and generally knew how to make herself obnoxious" - yet the letters between Xenia and Anastasia suggest they had a good, familial relationship - so, where did it come from?
Turn to Peter Kurth's book 'Anastasia: the life of Anna Anderson' - the title alone should give a hint at the context behind this quote! Page 202 states that:
"Although Xenia and [sister] Nina had left Russia in 1914, passing the war years with their mother in England, they both retained vivid memories of their “‘frightfully temperamental,” “wild and rough” cousin Anastasia, who cheated at games, kicked, scratched, pulled hair, and generally knew how to make herself obnoxious. “‘Anastasia was madly jealous of me because I was taller than she was,” Princess Nina recalled. “As the daughter of the Emperor she thought she ought by rights to tower over everyone.”"
So, one riddle is already solved: the much quoted note about Anastasia cheating "at games, kicked, scratched, pulled hair..." etc was not said directly by Xenia Georgievna, but rather was Kurth's interpretation and paraphrasing.
Kurth cites two sources here: the first, for Xenia, as being one of the two trials surrounding Anna Anderson in Hamburg. Hence, the quotes came from Xenia Georgievna's testimony to the court. The second, for Nina claiming that Anastasia was "madly jealous" because of her height is noted as coming from an "Interview with Princess Paul Chavchavadze (Princess Nina)" - Peter Kurth's own interview with Nina Georgievna.
Let's look closely at these two quotes.
Xenia's, saying that Anastasia was "wild and rough", came directly from a court setting, a legal testimony. As someone who knew Anastasia growing up, her opinion over the Anna Anderson affair would have been one of great interest. It's therefore quite likely that, in illustrating their apparent closeness as children to the extent that Xenia knew Anastasia's "wild" side, she was more reliable as a witness. This, of course, neglects to mention that Xenia and her sister departed Russia with their mother in 1914. They never got to see Anastasia mature into a teenager, whilst her tutors, close family, and entourage did - and they unanimously agreed that Anna Anderson could not have been Anastasia.
Similarly, Nina's quote about Anastasia's jealousy over her height appears to be somewhat accurate - Anastasia was indeed self-conscious about her height, writing in a letter to her father that she was very pleased to discover that she was taller than an officer that the sisters met. However, it also appears to be somewhat exaggerative.
For a more balanced perspective of Xenia and Nina, when they left Russia in 1914, they never saw their father again. He was shot by the Bolsheviks in 1919. No amount of money, status, or lavish upbringing can bring back a loved one: I don't think that it would be too drastic to say that, having lost her father to the Revolution, she was hopeful that there could be some hope that someone in their family might have escaped. Xenia, the younger child, just eleven years old when she saw her father for the last time, was unable to convince her elder sister that Anna Anderson was Anastasia.
Photo, left to right: Nina Georgievna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Alexei Nikolaevich, Olga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolaevna, Xenia Georgievna, Maria Nikolaevna
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gingerfan24 · 23 days
Something new I learned last night. Apparently you can recruit one of the pre-made characters you get at the beginning of character creation as an additional companion/fighter. This has definitely not started giving me ideas for fics that I’ll probably never write.
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
Tremaine Family Tree;
Note: Faded lines mean the person is adopted. Faded text means the person is dead. Featuring @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs in Colombe, Felix, Frankie, and Elizabeth Tremaine.
Cinderella's Portion:
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Anastasia's portion:
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Drizella and Hans' Portion:
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@shouldwemaybe I think you were the one who said you wanted to see the Tremaine family tree on my poll. If I'm incorrect sorry.
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Poor Cousin Ella (CHAPTER 1)
Summary: Fan Fiction about the last weeks of Princess Elisabeth of Hesse.
Characters: Princess Elisabeth of Hesse, Grand duke Ernst Louis of Hesse, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, Lilian Wilson (Elisabeth’s nanny), Margaretta Eagar (OTMA’s nanny)
Ratings: everyone
“Papa, Papa, are we there yet?” Ella asked excitedly.
“Not yet darling” Ernie said affectionately to his daughter. “We will be there in just under an hour.”
The two of them (plus the imperial staff of course) were on a train to Skierniewice Poland to finish off their autumn holiday with their Romanov cousins.
Before they left Wolfsgarten, little Elisabeth was begging her Uncle Nicky to let his daughters ride in her train, but Nicky held a firm no.
Not a second went by without Ella asking if they were there yet.
“Why didn’t Uncle Nicky and Aunt Alix let Olga and Tatiana ride with us?” Ella asked her father. 
“Because they didn’t want the staff’s ears to blow off hearing three little girlies talk talk talk away.” Ernie said sarcastically.
“But father, I’m sure we wouldn’t be that loud!” The little eight year old still didn’t understand her father’s silly jokes.
“Come here Ella.” The two embraced in a tight hug.
“I’m sure next time, when you’re a little bit older, your uncle will let you three ride together.” 
If there would even be a next time.
“Look Papa I see Olga!” Ella screamed.
Their train was just coming to a halt at the train station. Nicky and Alix got there before Ella and Ernie so they were already on the platform.
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Ella ran to the door from her spot at the window and was trying so hard to open the locked door. 
She was desperate to see her cousins.
“That door is locked Princess” one of the footman said to her.
“Why would they keep it locked if my cousins are out there and I am in here?” Ella asked.
The footman chuckled.
“Well we wouldn’t want you falling out would we.” He managed to get a little smile out of the Princess.
Ernie walked over to the two along with Ella’s nanny Miss Wilson.
“Ella I’m sure if you asked nicely then he would kindly open the door for you” Miss. W said with a smile.
Ella gave her nanny a funny look, and then gave the same look to her amused father.
“Mr. Footman would you please open the door for me so I could see my cousins?” Ella asked.
“Of course Princess.” The footman said with an smile.
He unlocked the door gently and let the little one through.
“OLGA TATIANA!” Ella yelled happily as she scampered off of the train.
“She really is what people call her, ‘Princess Sunshine.’ The footman said kindly to Ernie.
“Yes she really is.”
Ernie and Miss. W stepped off of the train to go reel in the little Princess who was already smothering her cousins with hugs
“ELLA!!” Olga and Tatiana yelled as they ran to see their cousin.
The three girls hugged each other like they never hugged before, even when just days ago they were playing in Ella’s playhouse together.
“Olya make woom fow me” little Maria said as she smushed into the hug.
“Ernie, our girls are practically like sisters!” Nicky exclaimed as he walked over to him. 
“Nicky don’t give them any ideas” Alix laughed. “Ernie, I hope your train was well.”
“Oh Alix it was splendid!” The two hugged.
When the little children stopped hugging, Ella asked “where is my Tiny Cousin?”
Ella noticed that her Auntie Alix wasn’t holding little Anastasia so she was worried. In Ella’s eyes, their little group wasn’t complete without little Anastasie. 
“Ella come, she is with Miss Eagar” Tatiana said as she led Ella to where they were sitting. 
“Tiny Cousin!” Ella exclaimed happily!
Miss Eagar let the little two year old run to her cousin.
“Ewwa!” Little Anastasia said as she ran to her cousin.
Tatiana motioned Olga and Maria to come over, and before anyone knew it, the girls were back to their usual talk about castles and fairies.
The little girlies and their nannies rode in a carriage to Skierniewice while Ernie Nicky and Alix rode in a seperate one.
The girls couldn’t stop talking to each other, as always.
“Ella we prepared a nice little room for you next to ours” Olga stated. “We put nice little things in there for you”
“I put in a dolly!” Maria said proudly.
“Mama hung up some of the drawings we did in Wolfsgarten too!” Tatiana shouted.
“I brought some things for you guys too!” Ella said gleefully.
Ella was thinking about her little box full of treasures that she brought for Tatiana. They were going to have so much fun with it!
Little Anastasia was struggling to keep up with the other girls obsessive chatter.
“ELLA….” She yelled and everyone paused to hear her
“I….I..I love pwaying togever.” The little one said with a smirk.
“Oh Tiny Cousin” Ella got up from her seat with the older girls and joined Anastasia. “There will be plenty of time for us to play together.”
Ella hugged the little one.
“Maybe even at night time.” Ella whispered sneakily which made Anastasia laugh.
Miss. W managed to hear the little whisper and gave Ella one of those looks that immediately made her shut up.
“We aren’t going to do anything naughty Miss. W, right guys?”
Olga and Tatiana looked confused but nodded silently.
“But Ella, Papa said that it was okay to be naughty sometimes!” Maria shouted.
Olga elbowed her little sister in the ribs.
That was when Miss. Eagar intervened.
“Oh Maria don’t you worry, you can always be silly but not naughty. Bad things happen when we are naughty.”
“Okay” Maria said solemnly.
“But we are allowed to have fun right?” Tatiana asked?
“Of course my darling.” Miss Eagar said. “Have as much fun as you want.”
The girls all looked at each other and laughed hysterically for absolutely no reason at all, just to have fun.
I hope you guys had fun reading this! Don’t expect me to publish chapter 2 for awhile because I’m not the quickest writer, but i promise i will make it good! Thank you!
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Poor Cousin Ella (CHAPTER 3)
Summary: Fan Fiction about the last weeks of Princess Elisabeth of Hesse.
Characters: Princess Elisabeth of Hesse, Grand duke Ernst Louis of Hesse, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, Lilian Wilson (Elisabeth’s nanny), Margaretta Eagar (OTMA’s nanny)
Ratings: everyone
The little girls ran through the doors and into the front hallway. Little Maria quickly stopped when the saw the big glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She was amazed at how shiny and big it was. 
As Maria was distracted, Ella, Olga, and Tatiana were already racing up the grand staircase, with Anastasia was struggling to keep up. 
“Marie baby, why don’t you go join your sisters” Miss Eagar gently whispered into her ear. She quickly snapped out of her hazy state and quickly caught up to the others.
“Olga, Tatya, Ewwa, wait fow me!” Maria said as she ran up the staircase.
The older girls were already at the top of the staircase and they were motioning for the little ones to hurry up.
Maria stopped where Anastasia was and gently took her hand and helped her to the top. “Baby darling, hold my hand.” She said.
The girls were about to head off when Miss Wilson stopped them. “Girls, don’t go too far ahead of us! We don’t want you getting lost.”
“Oh Miss W! If you think we are going too fast then you should just hurry up!” Ella said as Tatiana snickered at the funny comment.
“Ella, listen to Miss W.” Ernie said while holding in a laugh. He loved his daughter but sometimes she needed to be reprimanded. 
“Miss Eagar, Miss Wilson, why don’t you two get settled in your rooms, we can handle the children for a few hours.” Ernie affirmed to the two nannies. 
“Are you sure you can handle these five goofballs?” Miss Wilson whispered to the Grand Duke. Meanwhile, the girls found a mirror in the long upstairs hallway and were practicing their curtsies in it.
“Oh believe me, I might be a Grand Duke but I am also one of the biggest goofballs around here. I know all of their tricks.” Ernie smiled.
“Who wants a piggyback ride?” Ernie asked the little girls who started jumping for joy and shouting “ME!”
The girls were shrieking with delight as Ernie pretended to be a bird, balancing each one of them on his back as he whooshed down the hallway. Nicky and Alix were just coming up the stairs when they saw the joyful chaos unfolding.
“Ernie really is the best uncle to our girls.” Nicky said to Alix.
“What about Misha? The girls love him.” Alix responded. Misha was Nicky’s younger brother and the girls also loved him very much as Alix said. 
“But the bond is not the same with him as it is with Ernie.” Nicky said as he observed his girls with their uncle and cousin.
“It’s because of Ella” Nicky continued. “She is the glue that holds us all together. She is the sunshine that eliminates the gray clouds. I don’t know what life would be without her…”
You would know soon Nicky…
The two smiled at each other for a minute. They both knew this was true.
“Mama, Mama,” Tatiana called. “Where are our rooms?” 
The little girls were starting to get curious in their surroundings as  they were getting less and less interested in Ernie’s endless piggyback rides.
“Here darling,” Alix said while taking Tatiana’s hand. “I’ll show you.” 
“I’m a fairy princess!” Olga sang as she ran around the room with a blanket acting as her “fairy gown”.
“Well if you’re a fairy princess then I am a fairy prince!” Ella shouted as she jumped on Olga’s bed.
The girls had two separate rooms that were a few doors down from each other in this particular suite. Olga and Tatiana shared a room that was right next to Maria and Anastasia’s room, which therefore was two doors down from Ella’s room.
The girls had begged repeatedly that they wanted to share a room with each other, but the adults could not be broken in their decision. After all, if the girls were together in one room, they would be keeping everyone awake at night with their endless playing and squeals of delight!
Ella was very disappointed at not sharing a room with her favorite cousins so as soon as she realized that the girls were two doors down, she raced to Olga and Tatiana’s room and started playing.
“But I don’t understand!” Ella complained to the girls. “I begged Papa to let us share a room and I thought that all of my begging worked but it didn’t!”
Ella slumped down on one of the beds and pouted. “Was I not cute enough?”
“Oh Ella,” Olga said as she sat next to Ella and put her arm around the little Princess. “Of course you are cute! I think that your Papa and my Mama just don’t understand what it’s like to be a kid anymore.” 
Olga brushed a tear from Ella’s soft cheek as Tatiana sat next to the two.
“But Ella, we can always have sleepovers!” Tatiana suggested which made the young one perk up a bit.
“Oh yes Tatiana! What a smart idea!” Ella squealed as she gave her cousin a fierce hug! “I guess I was too distracted at my Papa’s lack of childhood knowledge.”
The girls were interrupted by two little bursts of lightning coming in from the adjoining room.
“OLGA EWWA TATYA WET’S PWAY!” The two littlest Grand Duchesses said in unison as they jumped onto the bed!
“I dibs being the fairy princess!” Olga said as she jumped off of the bed and grabbed a blanket off of the second bed in the room. She very meticulously wrapped it around her hair and declared that it was her “fairy gown”.
“Well girls, don’t I look absolutely stunning?” Olga asked rhetorically to the smiling girls who were already starting to get on their own fairy costumes.
In the other adjoining rooms in the suite, the adults were starting to unpack their luggage, giving their faithful servants a break from their tireless efforts.
“I never thought that our girls would be this happy in a remote, dreary place in Poland.” Nicky stated to Alix who was folding various blankets. “It’s quite a wonder how little Ella can change their attitudes, I have barely heard any bickering this whole trip.”
“It really is a wonder, Nicky…” Alix said as Ernie entered the room.
“It’s almost dinner time, should I check in with the chefs to see if they can whip something up real quick?”
“Ah yes! Ernie that would be a blessing, thank you!” Alix went over to hug her brother at the edge of the door.”
Nicky smiled at the sweet moment from across the room. 
“I’M GOING TO TURN YOU INTO A FROG YOU NASTY LITTLE HUMAN!!!” The adults heard from across the hall.
“Are conversations sound so boring compared to the little girlies’” Ernie stated happily. “If only they could hear out conversations when we were young.”
“Ah the good old days!” Alix hugged Ernie tight. Their childhood wasn’t exactly easy, but at least they had each other.
“Maria eat slower darling.” Alix said to her third daughter as she was scarfing down her meager meal of chicken broth and bread.
“But Mama I’m hungwy!” Maria whined.” 
“Mashka, darling we have all the time in the world, honey!” Alix wiped Maria’s messy cheeks and slowly spooned the hot broth into her mouth.”
“Mama feed ME!” Anastasia said joyfully! She loved when her mama fed her like she was still a baby.
“Oh Nastya! I’m all the way across from you! Let Nana feed you darling.” The two littlest girlies sometimes called Miss Eagar Nana because she was their nanny of course! 
Alix was indeed all the way across the table. At the two head of the long rectangular table were Nicky and Ernie at each adjoining sides. Ella sat next to her father and Tatiana sat next to Ella which infuriated Olga A LOT. During the next couple of days Ella sat in the  middle of the two eldest Grand Duchesses which cooled the impending arguments each night.
Today however Olga sat next to her beloved Papa which left her distracted from her ongoing obsession with sitting next to her favorite cousin. Maria sat next to Olga and Alix sat next to Maria. 
Sitting on Nicky’s right were little Anastasia and Miss Eagar, and Miss Wilson sat on Ernie’s right, next to Alix.
The table was very lively with constant conversation and giggles from the little girlies. Sometimes you could hear the occasional whining or crying from an upset child, but that didn’t happen often because this whole family was just simply happy.
“Auntie Alix?” Ella asked her aunt, halfway through chewing the rest of her bread.
“Yes Ella?” 
“Are you absolutely sure that you need ALL of your daughters?” I would be more than happy to take one, or two…”
That comment gave the table a little laugh. Everybody knew that Ella yearned for a sibling, especially a sister. Many times before she offered to take her younger cousins Anastasia and Maria but her Auntie and Uncle firmly stood their ground. 
The rest of dinner was filled with joyful laughs and happy smiles, little did the family know, but this would be one of their last dinners with poor cousin Ella…
Surprise release of chapter 3!!!! I told you all I would release it soon!! I hope you all love this chapter as it was my favorite to write, and I hope you have a fun time reading! 🤍 (new chapter also released on AO3)
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nartml · 1 month
i miss my little brother
#i haven't seen him in so long#here in greece our summer vacation is for three months#and that guy refuses to stay at home for more than five days istg#he's NINE and is already sick of us what will hr be like when he's my age#he's at our village. and HAS been there for like ten days at least#he's coming back on Wednesday. but before he went there he was at summer camp for two weeks.#bro came back sat at home for three days then dipped again. OH and ofc before summer camp he was guess where? AT OUR VILLAGE AGAIN#like george come back please your sia misses you#which yeah he calls me sia because a lot of the time he's too lazy to say me whole name. when he was a bit little-er he'd call E-nastasia#e like 'early'. cuz for some reason he couldn't say Anastasia to save his life#and he has the cheekiest most annoying shit eating grin every time he greets me with an insult that he THINKS is cool but it just solidifie#that he's nine years old#i wanna hug him#so so so bad#and the mf refuses to sit still so i can barely ever cuddle the fucker ugh couldn't he be as cuddly as our cousins are#i MISS HIM#there's a thorn missing from my side. put him back#i finished rewatching#hxh#and every time alluka and killua were in a scene together i was foaming at the mouth out of cuteness aggression and unbridled jealousy#currently rewatching#the dragon prince#and seeing ezran and callum being all adorable has me feeling thirty types of melancholic#siblings#little brothers are so fucking irritating and i want mine back rn#my little brother
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krasivaa · 2 years
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Maria and Anastasia with their greek cousins, Theodora and Margarita at the Alexander Park, Tsarskoe Selo in 1908.
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Anxiety has me wide awake at 3:30 am and I just keep thinking about this song I have for Daniel and Elise, the Jonathan Young version of In the Dark of the Night, he does this evil laugh AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE DANIEL LIKE I CAN HEAR THIS LAUGH COME OUT OF HIM I CAN SEE IT ughgygghughg how am I ever supposed to explain to anyone how these things happen in my head and how much I love them
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osfinexe · 2 years
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My favorite death cultists 
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palettepainter · 1 year
Who gets really into Halloween when it's still August? Or who decides on their costume on October 30?
Anastasia, Nemis and Liv are the ones who get super into Halloween when it's still August.
Anastasia has a reputation for being that one cooky but well meaning old lady in the bayou. Her magic is more or less a secret but she likes to keep people guessing by using her magic to cause miracles and such. Nemis however is a straight up witch of the bayou, it's no secret she has magic. The two like Halloween because it's pretty much an excuse for them to just be themselves and do magical stuff, Anastasia using excuses like "All tricks of the light/special affects" and such whenever anybody points it out
Liv is a HUGE horror movie junkie and naturally loves Halloween for it's aesthetic! Her and Skeeter probably binge horror movie classics together (I imagine Liv tried to convince the band to watch a horror movie with her but I like the idea of them all being total whimps to the genre: Lips screamed at every jump scare, Teeth and Floyd pretended not to be scared but where, Zoot fell asleep, Janice just admits she's not a horror fan and goes to watch something else in the other room, and Animal is probably the only one who can stomach horror stuff)
As for who would forget...Hm, well I don't think any of my OC's would forget until the day AFTER Halloween, but I think the only two that may come close to forgetting are Raph and Penny. Not because either dislike the holiday, but time just gets away from them, but they often learn Halloween is around the corner through Laser or Liv
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nerdylibertarian928 · 2 years
Me realizing that Anastasia (1997), a movie I've loved since it came out is 25 years old
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
Some *new* rare photographs of OTMA in Germany during September - October 1910, from their mother’s album
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SOURCE; Альбом Александры Федоровны, 1910 год 
Special thanks as always to this amazing flickr 
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foreos · 1 year
i love you danielle radford
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