#facts about lord hanuman
shayariwallah · 5 months
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
As a Dad: Leo Edition
note: hey everyone! happy Ramadan, happy Easter, happy Passover, happy Vaisakhi, happy Hanuman Jayanti, happy Mahavir Jayanti, and happy days to secular folks! i hope you all are having a safe holiday.
• there isn't much that we all collectively agree on more about leo than the fact that he's somewhat of a bossy dude
• that being said, he does mellow out in his older years and becomes more laid back...then he had children (biologically by some miracle or by adoption)
• he read every single baby book he could get his hands on but then they went out the window when he realized that parenting is nothing like what they say in books
• the 0-8 month phase wasn't so bad, his sleep schedule is wonky so mostly he's up with the baby. he's very calm, very soft spoken, and gentle with the baby when they're fussy cause they can't communicate
• bath schedule, eating schedule, sleep schedule, the man has schedules people.
• absolutely loves bath time cause he's the dad who will put the bubbles on his head to make the kid laugh (i dont make the rules)
• loves the pre-walking stage the most cause you just put them on the floor and let'em roll and crawl in a confined space
• lord help this man at the walking and talking stages
• he tries to get your kid to talk but all the kid wants to do is scream so..there's that idea gone
• when the kid wants to run around naked while leo's trying to get the diaper back on, now that is where he gets tested cause that little shit-
• incredible amount of patience though, especially with tantrums. splinter never raised his voice at him as a kid until he became a teen, so he wanted to carry that on with his own children
• now when your kid hits the 3-8 stage, oh boy. if leo could go grey, he would be grey.
• he tries to teach your child discipline and respect, and while your kid is respectful, unfortunately they have leo's sharp tongue and makes it everyone's problem
• leo believes in time outs or taking things away as punishment. he doesn't believe in spanking and thinks yelling accomplishes nothing. he does get a certain tone that makes it known he means business
• he knows full well your child is going to make mistakes and creates a safe environment to where your kid can come to him when this does happen without much punishment
• but we all know that's a perfect world and if it's leo's kid, their mouth is going to be their downfall
• he thought the 3-8 stage was bad until ages 13-17, oh boy.
• puberity is not on leo's side here
• grounding becomes more of a ritual and leo runs a tight ship. he will hold his grounding opinion until he thinks it should be lifted, no matter how long it takes
• of course your kid is also a ninja so sneaking out is a thing (leo can't get too mad cause he did the same but "do as i say and not as i do" is leo's famous line)
• reasonable parent and thinks carefully about how severe a punishment should be or if the circumstance really even calls for one
• chores, bedtime until they hit around 13, the kid must have at least an A/B average, a C is acceptable if the subject is particularly hard and the kid is trying their best
• dorky dad. just a dorky dad.
• dad sneezes
• doesn't strike me as a girl dad or boy dad cause he's so attentive no matter the gender
• he's the dad that doesn't call it babysitting cause it's his kids
• he will get down on the floor and play with his kids
• has a little girl? no problem dressing up and letting her do his makeup and nails
• has a little boy? wrestling and rough housing it is
• kid(s)will be respectful and smart, and just very genuinely nice kids
• kid(s)'ll also deck someone with no hesitation
• vegetables are non-negotiable
• very proud man when it comes to his children and never hesitates to praise them
• the children will each have special nicknames
• he's not the fun parent but is also not not the fun parent
• never misses an event, even though he has to attend in the shadows. he is always there
• affectionate dad, more verbally than physically, but he gives your kids head kisses all the time
• as long as the kids aren't trying to kill each other and are just playing, the noise doesn't bother him much...it's the silence that does
• definitely the type of dad to send 👍
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rosellerivers19 · 1 month
@umbrulla The importance of noncanon shipping
I ship Ram and Bheem but the thing is I ship it as a headcanon because it is a headcanon it isn't meant to be canon kind of like Gaara and Naruto people ship them because they see ways they could've ended up together but in the end it wasn't canon.
You can disregard the canon ending from your mind and sit in your fantasies if you want thats fine I'm a sasunaru shipper I know that but the only problem I have with you @umbrulla is that you actively stated misinformation you in the beginning of my reply chain with you stated that Sita isn't Ram's fiancee which is untrue she is his fiancee/lover
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Second this post you state that Rajamouli said in an interview that there's a romance/bromance between Ram and Bheem only but thats untrue again Sita is Ram's canonical lover and in an article Rajamouli states that his intrepretation of the work was that Ram and Bheem were meant to be a male FRIENDSHIP. The LGBTQ interpretations are okay I have no qualm with that but thats all they are representations Rajamouli never stated them to be a romance between only Ram and Bheem he gave those two love interests in the movie Sita and Jenny.
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Since you can't see the article I will show you
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Also to support the fact Rajamouli interpretted them as a male friendship Ram and Bheem in Rajamouli's head were a brotherly bond both Bheem and Ram often call eachother bhaiya or brother in the movie and there's a scene referencing Bheem to Ram's brother before he died when both his brother and Bheem eat with their left hand.
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Another piece of mis information both Ram and Bheem are Heroes of the stories its not uncommon for their to be double heroes in telugu cinema RRR is a portrayal of that. People have headcanons and ship Ram and Bheem that is true but Bheem never marries Ram actually no one gets married in RRR and the closest thing is sita being Ram's lover/ fiancee that is why she is sent a letter to collect Ram's body when he is sent to be killed because she is his closest family member and fiancee this was set when they were young.
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Also Bheem states Ram to be Sita's fiancee
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Further more Ram confirms to Bheem that Sita is his lover/fiancee in this scene
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Einthusan didn't translate it exactly but the word can also be interpretted as lover/fiancee.
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*Ram nods*
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Another thing Seetha and Rama are one of the most popular love stories and reincarnation stories of Lord Vishnu this Rajamouli's way of stating they are true lovers.
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Ram marrying Bheem is your interpretation but can also be incorrect. In Hinduism people to get married by tying the nuptial thread around one's neck however in this case Bheem is a reference to Hanuman a sacred servant of Rama from mythology his job is to protect rama and reunite him and Sita this reference is made very openly clear in RRR. Ayyapan is a interpretation that isn't as clearly stated can be used for headcanon shipping material though. Bheem gave Ram the necklace to save him.
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I don't have a problem with shipping Ram and Bheem the only thing I have a problem with is you repeatedly stating misinformation to prove that I'm wrong now this might just be that you weren't able to get a clear understanding of parts of the movie because of the language barrier or you don't remember them but I also am allowed to defend myself I hope you read this post and get a better understanding of what I was trying to say, I'm wrong in parts as well during the previous argument I accept that.
Edit: One thing I'd like to add to my response I think Rajamouli made the movie seem straight on the front because he was scared of rejection thats why he added the whole Sita being Ram's fiancee and Jenny kind of being Bheem's love interest. This is because Telugu cinema doesn't openly accept LGBTQ cinema however with the overwhelming support from Westerners about this Cinema being about Gay lovers RRR could be a turning point in Telugu cinema. Rajamouli making Ram and Bheem seem Hetero was for his OWN Protection so his cinema wouldn't flop. that doesn't mean you can't make headcanons.
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
When you devote yourself to a vision with unwavering faith, you welcome in the support of the Universe. Today, the devoted heart of Hanuman is guiding you to reflect on your strengths and talents.
You are someone who gives with all your heart, but may find it hard to receive in return. In fact, you give without looking for anything in return, but the Universe wants you to make more time, energy, and space to be supported too, because when you open up to the possibility of being supported and nourished, you allow yourself to be replenished and thus you have more to give.
You are being honored today for your commitment to what is important to you. The Universe sees you as vital to healing and expansion, but in order to keep going with your mission, let your heart be served in return. A true warrior’s shield is the love of God.
Hanuman is the Hindu warrior god and divine companion and protector of the god Rama. The son of the wind‑god, Vayu, he is loved by many not only because of his monkey form, but also because his sheer dedication to Rama is inspirational to all spiritual devotees.
Hanuman is one of the main characters in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. The story goes that after a great war, there was a procession, and Rama and his wife Sita honored those who had fought for them. When it came to Hanuman, Sita took her favorite pearls off and placed them around his neck. Like a cheeky monkey, Hanuman began to bite them open like nuts and look inside each one. Startled, Rama wondered why he would do such a thing. Hanuman said, “I am looking for you, my lord! I love you and Sita so much, you are all I could ever want. If I were to rip open my heart and show it to you, there you would be.”
Thereupon he began to rip his chest open, and there, sitting where his heart would be, was an image of Rama and Sita. This is why Hanuman is the lord of devotion.
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Kyle Gray
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Evidence of Ramayana
Everything which exists has proof and it can be found with a little digging. So is the case with the Ramayana. Our elders have been telling us the great stories from the mythological tale of the Ramayana, and the lack of sufficient evidence has left the Ramayana to be called an integral part of literature. But probably after reading this, you might want to hear the stories of the Ramayana all over again, from your elders and this time- in a different light.
1. The Mysterious Cobra Hood cave In Sigiriya, Sri Lanka there is a cave that has been tested by archaeologists to be a hundred percent natural. The mysterious part about this cave is that its shape, despite being untouched by human hands, has taken the shape of a cobra! Moreover, this cave still has cave paintings on its walls, depicting scenes of Sita being captured by the Asuras.
2. The exile locationLet’s rewind the story a bit and get to the point where Ram was sentenced to exile by his own father, Dasharatha on account of a promise that he made to his wife Kaikeyi. Being the obedient son that he was, Ram along with his beautiful wife Sita and his brother Lakshman proceeded to the forest; and the place where they built their cottage and lived for the next 14 years is stated to be ‘Panchavati ‘. Here’s where the surprising bit comes- there exists a place called Panchavati, near NasikIt’s often claimed that this Panchavati is the same place where Ram, Sita and Lakshman made as their abode once they were exiled from the royal palace. Today this place has a lot of temples and is often visited by people.
3. Jatayu’s rescue attemptWhen Sita was abducted by Ravaana, there was a demi-god called Jatayu who came to Sita’s rescue. However, Ravaana slayed the demi god’s wings and he fell to the ground. Mean while, Ram and Lakshman found the now-dying demi-God who was lying on the ground. It was Jatayu who told Ram that it was Ravana who had abducted Sita and it was Lanka where Ram would find his beautiful wife. But alas, Jatayu could not be saved, as he was now breathing his last. In order to thank Jatayu for his brave efforts and for imparting the precious bit of information about Sita’s abduction - Ram, with his divine powers uttered the words ‘Le Pakshi’ which in telugu means - ‘Rise, Bird’. The fact here is that there is an actual place in Andhra Pradesh called ‘Lepakshi’, which is reportedly the place where the Jatayu fell.Jatayu, being a crucial part of saving Sita is highly revered in the Ramayana.
4. Sita’s life in Sri lankaWhen Ravaan abducted Sita and got her to his kingdom of Lanka, he is said to have first taken her to a place which is now a tourist spot in Sri lanka called Sita Kotuwa. According to the mythological tale, from here Ravana took her to Ashok Vatika and surprise surprise- there is an actual ‘Ashokvanam’ in Sri Lanka. Don’t believe us? You don’t have to.
5. The footprints of Lord HanumanGoing by the mythological tale of The Ramayana, when Ram deployed the monkey forces to rescue his wife, Sita. He chose the strongest among them who was named Hanuman to find Sita’s exact location. Upon receiving blessings from Ram, the monkey God flew to Lanka to find the exact location of Sita. Full with power and divine blessing, Hanuman was endowed with a special ability to alter his form - i.e; he could maximize his size to that of a giant or even minimize his form to that of an average monkey! To support this- till date, there are footprints that have been said to be of Hanuman near Ashokvanam. These footprints differ in size and are a reflection of the special powers of the monkey God- Hanuman.
6. Dark soil :A part of the Ramayana narrates that after Ravana found out that Hanuman had come to free Sita, he set Hanuman’s tail on fire after attempting to keep him captive. In the process, Hanuman set Ravaana’s kingdom on fire by jumping over distances and places which were a part of Ravana’s kingdom. Even today, in some parts where Ravaana’s palace once reportedly stood, the soil is somewhat darker than that of the surrounding area.
7. Hot wells said to be built by Ravaana, the hot springs are well-like structures which still exist and form an integral part of being Sri Lanka’s supply of naturally hot water.
8. 10 headed Ravaana Whenever Ravana has to be depicted either in texts or sculptures, he is shown to be having 10 heads. While the statement that Ravaana has 10 heads might seem highly impossible, the fact that he ruled 10 kingdoms doesn’t seem far fetched. 10 kingdoms, 10 crowns. Simple. Another theory states that Ravana was a great scholar and his ten heads symbolise his mastery over 6 shastras and 4 vedas. One of the theories state that the ten heads of Ravan depict the 10 negative senses or emotions in a human being, namely- lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, envy, the mind, intellect, will and ego.
9. Ram Setu Although they didn’t require a Sri Lankan Visa to travel there in those times, there was a huge problem in the form of the water bodies, that we now call as the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar. In order to get to Ravaan’s kingdom, Ram had to cross these water bodies. So, he ordered his supreme army of monkeys to build a bridge between the two lands, and with his divine power the stones floated on the water. With the help of Google maps and complex technology, if you carefully watch the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, one can actually see a link between the two countries! This link has often been dubbed as the Ram Setu or Rama’s bridge and even sometimes as the Adam’s bridge.
10. The journey from Sri Lanka to AyodhyaVijaya Dashami is the day Ravaana was defeated by Ram in an epic battle between the demons and the army of monkeys. Sita was rescued and Ram along with his trusted comrades took his wife back to his kingdom, Ayodhya. 21 days later, he returned to Ayodhya, and his return is why Diwali is celebrated with lights as it first was done by the natives of Ayodhya, to celebrate the defeat of darkness by light! Even in today’s day - The journey from these two lands takes a total of 21 days by foot, according to the much-trusted google Maps - which is pretty much the number of days from Vijaya Dashami to Diwali.
Hope this helps
Source: compiled data from various sources including personal knowledge
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Financial Astrology Prediction for 2023
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Earning a living occupies a significant portion of our lives since it is the primary means through which we may fulfil all of our goals. Those who enjoy luxury products or vacations need a ton of money. Growing your wealth is highly important in today’s booming capitalism. As a result, it is critical to strengthen yourself financially with Astrological Remedies which can help you locate the solution to financial problems.
Know more about Astrological Remedies for Financial Problems. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
At some point in life, despite our best efforts, we are unable to achieve our objectives, and financial challenges arise. One of the primary causes of financial insecurity is the tendency to take out loans even for small purchases.
The Finance at current time is surrounded by massive debts, Credit or Debit Card Bills, Pending Loans and Becoming Bankcrupt, Spending Money on Unnecessary Items are some of the key reasons of financial difficulties.
The Planets Responsible For Financial Problems
Mars: Mars is one of the planets that most commonly causes debt and financial issues in people’s lives. When it mixes with some houses, like the sixth, eighth, and tenth, it causes overconfidence and ignorance. As a result, the individual takes the wrong option, risking their financial stability. Mars’ presence in the sixth house causes liability.
Rahu: The shadow planet is regarded as one of the most secretive and hidden of the nine planets. If Rahu is in the benefic house, it will help you in every possible way, and you will never be in debt. Yet, Rahu’s placement in the harmful houses indicates short-term obligations and a feeling of financial weakness.
Saturn or Shani: Saturn is known as the planet of troubles. It remains in everyone’s birth chart for a longer period of time and causes difficulties in life. Saturn haunts you in all aspects of your life, including finance, health, work, business, education, marriage, and legal difficulties.
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How Can a Live Astrology Consultation Benefit You in Overcoming Financial Problems?
Financial problems can be a huge burden to bear, but astrology consultation can provide you with the insight and guidance you need to overcome them. By understanding the influence of planetary positions on your life, you can gain clarity and insight into how to best approach your financial situation. Through a live astrology consultation, you will have access to experienced astrologers who can help you understand the dynamics of your financial situation and provide advice on how to move forward.
Finance in Vedic Astrology
The Importance of the Second House in Enhancing Finance
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house is well known as Dhan bhava. It is the house of income and financial problems. It reveals your earnings sources in a low-key manner. A native with a solid second house may not suffer any financial difficulties.
The Importance of the Eleventh House in Enhancing Finance
Labha bhava is the 11th house in Vedic astrology. It is the house of enormous earnings earned via business. This house determines the success of your business and profits. It is the home of all your ambitions that you wish to fulfil in this life.
Monetary Gains and the Second and Eleventh Houses
The second and eleventh houses are powerful Bhav for monetary gains, and their locations and placement of planets in houses yield outcomes according to their strengths and weaknesses.
Even if the houses are weak or affected, impacting your financial issues, you need not be concerned. There are cures to improve your financial situation, and if you follow them, you will undoubtedly succeed in making more money.
Astrological Remedies for Financial Problems in 2023
Worship Lord Hanuman – If you truly want to be debt-free, you need to go to Hanuman Temple every Tuesday and recite the Hanuman Chalisa. It will make you internally strong enough to deal with any financial difficulties and achieve success in life.
Worship the Planet Sun (Surya Dev) – Another approach to getting rid of all your financial commitments is to worship the Planet Sun first thing in the morning.
Praise Lord Kuber- The most important way to guarantee that you are rewarded with wealth and joy is to keep Lord Kuber happy.
Donate money and clothes to those in need, this will assist in balancing the doshas in your horoscope. It pleases Saturn and brings prosperity.
Pay first Instalment of the Loan on Tuesday.
To overcome financial problems, read Shri Sukta everyday and do fasting on Fridays.
Put the money vault at the south-west corner of the home, with Lord Kuber’s route to the north.
Avoid using damaged vessels and don’t keep them at home. It causes financial difficulties at home and might cause conflict among family members.
On Friday, offer water to Lord Vishnu; this would greatly satisfy goddess Laxmi.
Saturn can trigger financial woes. You can appease Saturn by chanting “शं शनैश्चराय भव्याय नमः” (sham shanischaraya namah).
Chant Mantras and Offer Pooja – Some of the mantras are “ahirav Mantra” (108 times for 21 days), “Gayatri Mantra” (108 times every day), “Luk Mukteshvar Mahadeva Namah” everyday and doing Ganesh Pujan, Hanuman Arti.
Astrological Remedies
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
You need to save money instead of just splurging on things mindlessly. According to your current money horoscope, any investment or money lending should not be done as it will not reap any good results for you.
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
It’s high time that you manage your expenses and prepare a plan for how you will spend them in future.You could invest, but that, too, is a short-term investment. Firstly, you need to be prepared before indulging in any financial decision..
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
It will be good regarding finances. Whether spending or investing but choose wisely where to invest. One of the best times to get involved in a long-term investment. Whether a government scheme or a private one, the stars are finally in your favour.
Read Also:- Weekly Rashifal from 4th April to 10th April 2023
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yesaman · 3 months
3 facts about ramayana
1. **Ancient Epic**: The Ramayana is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient Indian literature, attributed to the sage Valmiki. It is believed to have been composed between 500 BCE and 100 BCE.
3. **Influence and Adaptations**: The Ramayana has deeply influenced Indian culture, art, literature, and religious thought for centuries. It has been retold in various regional languages and adapted into different art forms such as dance, music, theater, and even modern media.
2. **Narrative of Lord Rama**: The Ramayana narrates the life and adventures of Prince Rama, an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, his wife Sita, and his loyal companion Hanuman. It explores themes of dharma (righteousness), devotion, and the triumph of good over evil.
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templesofindia108 · 5 months
Puri - 1
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
Let us begin our blog on the wonderful secrets of temples with a few posts on the renowned temple of Sri Jagannath at Puri, Odisha. Also known as Purushottama Kshetra, this temple is a must visit for all devotees of Lord Krishna as well as architecture lovers. In this series we would cover facts about 1. Architectural features 2. Lesser-known secrets of the temple 3. Puranic history 4. The popular Mahaprasadam
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Firstly, let us see some of the salient architectural features of this gigantic temple. Puri Jagannath temple is built in the Kalinga style. The present temple dates back to the 12th century. There is a huge Vimāna (Gopuram) over the main sanctum, about 65 m high. Atop the Vimāna stands a majestic Chakra, known as Nīlachakra. The Nīlachakra is 3.5 m tall, with 8 spokes on its outer surface facing upwards. It is made of an alloy of 8 metals.
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The temple is fortified by 2 enclosures, known as prākāras which have more than 50 major and minor shrines in them. The walls are filled with magnificent stone carvings and geometrical patterns. There are 4 entrances to the temple, named after the life-size sculptures of animals that guard them. 1. East - Singha (Lion) Dwar 2. South - Ashwa (Horse) Dwar 3. West - Vyaghra (Tiger) Dwar 4. North - Hasti (Elephant) Dwar
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The most crowded of all the entrances is the Singha Dwar. There is a tall pillar in front of it where people light lamps and pray. It is the Aruna Stambha, named after the charioteer of Surya Narayana. It was carved from a single chlorite stone and is 33.5 feet tall. It was brought from Konark along with the deity of Surya Narayana during the 18th century. The deity is placed in one of the shrines of the temple. (More information about Konark would come soon)
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As soon as we enter the Lion Gate, to the left, there is a small deity of Hanuman named 'Fateh Hanuman'. Fateh means Siddhi, or ability, and Hanuman is named so because he gives us permission and ability to have the most divine Darshan of Jagannath. Towards the right is a deity of Sugriva along with a fierce Narasimha Swami. He is interestingly known as "Narasimha Swami who has 22 hands but is present in a space smaller than a hand"
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However, the most striking feature is the huge deity of Jagannath. Is he the main deity? If not, then what is the story behind his presence in the eastern gate? We shall get to know all these in the next post. Until then,
|| Jai Jagannath ||
(New posts would be uploaded to this blog on every Ekadasi at 5 pm)
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
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aniketsanimationblog · 10 months
Hey, it's me, Aniket!!
You know, while I am excited about Star Trek: Prodigy coming to Netflix on December 25th, I have decided we will take a Break Discussing about ST: Prodigy for a while and let's talk about some new other topic.
Or else, People will think, this blog is more focused about Star Trek: Prodigy!!
So let's talk about an animated series which, some of you don't know, this even exists!! Because, you haven't heard of this series yet or unknown about!!
Look, I am from India, the mostly populated country and developing country in the whole world!! And when we talk about Animation in India, there might be a chance, you won't know anything about Indian Animation. Because, for years, India's Entertainment Industry, didn't even rely upon Animation. Especially, Bollywood Industry. Because, Bollywood Industry haven't been relying upon Animation, a Vast Medium of all things Live-Action Counterpart cannot achieve. Granted, there are VFX existed on Live-Action things, but not Animation!! Because, People are Unaware of that "Animation is not for Kids Only, it's for Everyone."
As an Animation Fan, you know, discovering new things is a habit.
I always think, when will India create their own Super-Creative Animated Series?? If Australia can create Bluey, then why not India??
But then, something happened in Early 2021, that is Unbelievable!!
Before I touched upon ST: Prodigy, in 2021, there was an Indian Animated Series, which I think, it could be the next big thing for Animation!! And it has the Potential to be India's "Avatar: The Last Airbender"!!
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Yup, I am talking about "The Legend of Hanuman"!! It's an Original series from the Indian Version of Disney+, called as Disney+ Hotstar, labeling as Hotstar Specials!!
No, it's not from Disney or Pixar or Marvel, in fact, it has nothing to do with Disney, whatsoever, except from giving a boost to this series' massive popularity in India!! It is made by Indian Animation and Comics creation Studio, Graphic India!!
It is based upon and Centred around Lord Hanuman, the important character from Saint Valmiki's Ramayana, which is an Indian Hindu Mythological Epic.
For those, who don't know about Ramayana, Google Search about and Research Ramayana!! You will get the Idea!!
This series is about Hanuman's Journey from being an ordinary Vanara (Humanoid Monkey) to becoming a Legend.
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This series has the same plot as Ramayana, but centring around Hanuman, he is the Main Character for the show only.
Yeah, yeah, I know, there are many series and Movies made upon Lord Hanuman and Lord Ram!! But for me, after Ramayana: the Legend Of Prince Ram by Indian Animation veteran Ram Mohan and Japanese Animator Yugo Sako released in 1992, this series has etched a special Place in my Heart and Mind, to be honest with you!!
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First of all, the elements in Animation, it's not like movie quality like Star Trek: Prodigy, as it's aspect ratio is 16:9 HDTV Format, but the quality is still up to the mark, especially when you rewatch this series entirely or freshly watch it. You will get some good quality Animation in it.
And the Visuals and VFX, all are outstanding!! Every aspect you see is detailed!!
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Second, is the Audio mixing, Voice Dubbing and Music. Most of the People voice casting in this series in The Original Hindi Version are the people who excelled in Hindi Dub, for example Sanket Mhatre as Lord Ram, Damandeep Singh Baggan or Da Man as Lord Hanuman etc.
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Third, the Direction. Sharad Devarajan, Navin John and Jeevan J. Kang, are just delivering best directing in one of the Animated Series based upon Hindu Mythology Epic. Even Sharad Devarajan said, that he was inspired from Japanese Animator Hayao Miyazaki's "Princess Mononoke" to make this series.
And finally, this series has so much story to tell about Lord Hanuman and his journey from being an ordinary Vanara to Serving Lord Ram and his brother Lakshman to save Lord Ram's Wife, Princess Sita to becoming an Icon for everyone, a legend.
It has Two seasons both released in 2021 with 13 episodes each and The Third season is in production and releasing on January 2024.
As I said, before it is available on Disney+ Hotstar in India, and for the US Viewers, they can watch it on Hulu (Merging with Disney+ later in 2024) in the Hotstar Hub. This series has been dubbed in 7 different Languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, and Marathi and Subtitled in English.
And talking about 9.2/10 on IMDb, it's the first Indian Animated series to cross 9/10 Rating on IMDb!! For other than India, Only I know as of yet, A:TLA and Bluey got this rating above 9 out of 10
It has a record 9.2/10 Rating on IMDb and in fact, in 2021, according to Ormax Media, it has become the first Indian Animated Series to cross 8.5 million Viewers in the first 10 days after Season 2 of it was premiered!! A Whopping 8.5 million viewers!! No animated series in a paid streaming service in India has done it before, and proof that Indians are very optimistic about "The Legend Of Hanuman" and praising the Animation and the Creative Lore of it!!
If you have time, please watch "The Legend of Hanuman" on Disney+ Hotstar in India and Hulu in the US, it is the series you really need to watch out for and worth the Time and Money!!
And I cannot praise more and I also cannot wait for what's in Store for Season 3 of it!!
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chokhidhanikalagram1 · 11 months
Navratri 2023: Know Interesting Facts About Navratri, Its History & Importance
Navratri is a major Hindu festival according to Indian mythological and religious significance, which is celebrated every year in the months of Magh, Chaitra, Ashadh, Ashwin from Pratipada to Navami. The word Navratri means 'nine nights'. Nine forms of Shakti are worshiped during these nine nights and ten days. The tenth day is famous as Dussehra.
The festival of Navratri is mainly celebrated twice a year, one in Chaitra month and the other in Ashwin month. According to the calendar, Shardiya Navratri starts every year from Pratipada Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month and continues till Navami Tithi. .
On the occasion of Navratri, Durga Maa Idol is installed, and Garba and Ramlila are also organized during Navratri at many places. On the first day of this great festival, Ghat is established in the form of Kalash Sthapna. During the nine days of Navratri, the nine forms of Maa Durga are worshiped with full rules and Maa Durga Aarti is performed, and fasting is also observed, and on Dashami Tithi, Durga Maa Murti ends with immersion.
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This year, Shardiya Navratri will start on October 15, 2023, end on October 23, 2023 and Dussehra will be celebrated on October 24.
History of Shardiya Navratri
One day during the Lankan war, there was an atmosphere of worry in Ram ji's army, on the other hand, there was a wave of joy in Ravana's camp. At that time, seeing his commander worried, Jamwant ji asked Shri Ram, "Lord, the reason for your worry." What if one day Ravana gets the upper hand in the war? You have the same quiver and the same bow, maybe tomorrow we will have the upper hand in the war.
Then Shri Ram said that the reason for my worry is something else, I have seen Shakti fighting on behalf of Ravana and how can we be victorious if there is Shakti, maybe he has worshiped Shakti, then Jamwant ji said that you should also worship Shakti and should respond to worship with worship only.
Then Lakshman ji was made the commander for the next day's war and Shri Ram asked Hanuman ji to pluck 108 blue lotuses from the river and Ram sat in meditation.
When the ninth day of Ram ji's meditation came, Shakti thought of testing Ram ji to see how much attention Ram ji had towards his goal. On the ninth day, when Ram ji was about to offer the 108th lotus, he noticed that the last lotus was missing from the plate. Then Ram ji decided that he would not leave the puja incomplete. He said that in childhood my mother Kaushalya used to call me Rajeev Nayan.
Therefore, now I have two more lotuses, I will complete my puja by dedicating one of my eye, then as soon as Ram ji took out the arrow from the quiver, Shakti appeared and had held Ram ji's hand and gave him the boon that he would be victorious in this war. Then on the tenth day when there was a war between Shri Ram and Ravana, Ram ji killed Ravana and we celebrate that day as Vijayadashami or Dussehra.
Other Stories
According to another story related to this festival, on this day Maa Durga had killed Mahishasura. According to mythology, Mahishasura did penance from Brahma Ji and asked him for a boon that neither any human being, god nor any animal could kill him. After getting this boon, Mahishasura attacked heaven and within no time he conquered all three worlds and became the ruler of three worlds.
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As a result, all the gods, troubled by the atrocities of Mahishasura, went to Lord Vishnu. Then Lord Vishnu advised him to pray to Mata Shakti. As a result of the prayer, Shakti appeared and then gods Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Indra, etc., offered their weapons to the Goddess, and then the Goddess killed Mahishasura.
Importance of Navratri
Navratri, famous as 9 special nights, the word 'Ratri' is considered a symbol of Siddhi. This time is considered to be the main occasion for worshiping the nine forms of Shakti. The nine forms of power are as follows:
There are 4 Navratri in each year, in which Sage & monks have made the rule of worshiping during Navratri twice a year. Navratri is celebrated from the first day of Vikram Samvat, i.e. from Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month to Navami, i.e. for 9 days. Exactly 6 months later, from Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month till Mahanavami, i.e. a day before Vijayadashami, the Goddess is worshiped. This Navratri is considered more important from the point of view of accomplishment and sadhana. On this occasion, people observe various types of fasts, restraints, rules, yagyas, bhajans, pujas and yoga-sadhana etc. to increase their spiritual and mental strength.
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Mainly, the worship of Shakti has been going on since ancient times. In fact, the account of Devasura Sangram in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran refers to the origin of Durga, the confluence of the powers of all the gods who gathered to save the divinity from the demonic powers, and it is called as durga puja. There are three types of qualities pervaded within our consciousness – Satoguna, Rajoguna, and Tamoguna. Naturally, the celebration of this consciousness is called Navratri. During these 9 days, the Tamoguni nature is worshiped on the first three days, the Rajogun nature is worshiped on the second three days, and the Satoguni nature is worshiped on the last three days. On the last day, we celebrate Vijayotsava as we reach the Trigunatit state, beyond the three gunas, and celebrate victory by vanquishing lust, anger, pride, greed, and other demonic tendencies.
Some Interesting Facts Related to Navratri
Why is the Goddess Considered to Have Eight Arms?
Maa Durga has been described in the scriptures as having eight arms and at some places as having ten arms. There are eight important directions in Vastu Shastra, although at many places ten angles or ten directions are also mentioned. These directions are as follows: Prachi (East), Pratichi (West), Udichi (North), Avachi (South), Ishaan (North-East), Vayu (North-West), Agniya (South-East), Nairutya (South- West), Urdhva (towards the sky), and Adharasta (towards the underworld). At some places, the direction of sky and hell is not given the status of direction, and for this reason only eight directions are considered at some places. According to Hindu scriptures, Goddess Durga protects her devotees from all directions, and that is why she has eight arms.
Why Ride on a lion?
The goddess's vehicle is a lion. The lion is seen to be associated with incredible power, and it is believed that Goddess Durga riding on the lion brings an end to suffering and evil.
Why is Navratri Celebrated at the End of Pitru Paksha?
Pitru Paksha is followed by purification of the house, and after this comes the arrival of Devi Paksha, called Navratri and also the beginning of all kinds of other festivals. It is believed that on the first day of Devi Paksha, Maa Durga starts traveling towards the earth.
Why is Kanya Pujan Done During Navratri?
In Hindu religion, Kanya Puja is organized on Durga Ashtami and Navami Tithi of Navratri festival. On this day, there is a tradition of inviting nine girls below 10 years of age to their home and serving them food. According to beliefs, worshiping Kanya and Batuk on the day of Kanya Pujan pleases Mother Bhagwati and bestows blessings of wealth and prosperity. It is said in scriptures that on this day, devotees get special benefits by feeding food to girls according to age.
Why Organize Garba Raas and Dandiya During Navratri?
In Navratri, Garba Raas and Dandiya are organized on the occasion of Durga Ashtami and Mahanavami. It symbolizes unity, respect, and joy in the society and it is a symbol of celebration as well as devotion to Goddess Durga.
From this article about Navratri, we learn that it is an important festival of Hindu religion which is celebrated every year in the month of Chaitra and Ashwin. Its importance is because at this time, nine forms of Maa Durga are worshiped by installing Durga Maa Statue or Photo and on the day of Vijayadashami, Ram's victory over Ravana is celebrated. Is. Through this festival people increase their spiritual and mental strength and achieve victory against evil forces. Along with this, we also get the unique importance of worshiping the goddess in her eight-armed form and the significant meaning of riding a lion. Through Kanya Puja, we honor young girls.
Organizing Garba Raas and Dandiya during Navratri is a sign of unity and joy. Through this festival we all remember the importance of Shakti and by worshiping their we welcome new power in our lives. Along with Navratri, we also remember the heritage of Indian culture and try to keep it alive in today's time. This festival is a symbol of unity, respect, and happiness and helps in moving our society towards prosperity. From our side, wish all of you a very Happy Navratri!
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1. Shimla is One Of The Youngest Cities in The Country
55% of the population is in the 16- 55 age group. And 28% of the rest is below the age of 15
2. Before the British, Shimla Region Was Ruled by the Nepalese. Shimla Was A Part Of The Kingdom Of Prithvi Narayan Shah Of Nepal Before The British. It was declared the summer capital of India in 1864.
3. Nathuram Godse’s Trial Took Place at (Now) Peterhoff Hotel. The building was the residence for seven Viceroys and the location for the Punjab High Court.
4. Indian Institute Of Advanced Studies – IIAS Had Power Supply Way Back in 1888. It was built as a residence for Lord Dufferin in 1884 and now houses the IIAS.
5. Shimla is Located On 7 Hills. Prospect Hill , Observatory Hill, Summer Hill, Inverarm Hill, Bantony Hill, Jakhoo Hill and Elysium Hill.
6. Shimla Hosts The MTB Himalaya, The Biggest Mountain Biking Race In South East Asia.
7. The Kalka-Shimla Railway Is Recognized As A World Heritage Site By UNESCO.
8. Shimla Has The Only Natural Ice Skating Rink In South Asia.
9. The Durand Football Tournament Was Held at Annandale Ground In 1888.
10. Lord Combermere Was The First Commander-In–Chief Of The Indian Army To Visit Shimla In 1828.
11. The Founder of Indian National Congress Lived at ‘Rothney Castle’ in Shimla
12. The Town Hall Was Built In 1888. It Is An Earthquake Proof Building.
13. Gandhi first came to Shimla on 11th May, 1921.
14. Shimla is the Birth Place Of Anupam Kher, Prem Chopra, Balraj Sahni, Priya Rajvansh
15. The Jakhoo Temple Shrine, Believers Say, Holds the Foot Prints Of Lord Hanuman.
16. The Houlme Is The Birth Place Of Amrita Shergill, One Of India’s Most Well Known Artists.
The house also has a studio that her father very lovingly constructed for her.
17. Shimla had its first newspaper – Simla Akhbaar in 1848.
It was run by the Muslim Community but was soon shut down by the British
18. The first shop opened in Shimla was a butchery run by Messers Barret & Co.
19. Auckland House School Is The Only Girl School In India To Introduce Scuba Diving.
20. The Jonang Takten Phuntsok Choeling Monastery In Sanjauli Is One Of Its Kind In India.
There is only one other in Tibet that teaches the practice of ‘ Kalachakra. ‘
21. BCS Shimla Is One Of The Oldest Boarding Schools In Asia.
The school has been operational since 1863. They actually have a closed door in the building from where 100 Muslims students left at partition.
22. The First Road Of Shimla Was Constructed In 1828.
The Mall was actually called the ‘Thandi Sarak’ in the British Era.
23. Shimla Falls In Seismic Zone IV.
According to officials, even 2% of the buildings will not able to withstand an earthquake of high intensity. Shimla is bursting on the seams with residents, as it was only planned for 16000 residents.
24. The northern slope of Ridge is sinking.
The Grand Hotel west, Lakkar Bazaar are going down. Alarmingly Shimla has 187 buildings with more than five floors.
25. The Shimla Convention Is A Century Old. Tibetans Are Still In Exile.
26. From the North Side of Ridge the Rain water drains into Sutlej River and is carried into Arabian Sea, South side drains into Yamuna and flows to Bay of Bengal.
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shantnusingh · 1 year
Lord Hanuman, also known as Anjana Putra Lord Hanuman or Maa Anjaneya, is one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology. He is worshiped for his strength, intelligence and devotion to Lord Rama. But did you know that there are many interesting facts about this powerful monkey god that you probably didn’t know?
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lytlockyoutrip · 1 year
Best Places to Visit in India For A Perfect Summer Getaway
Our very own Sun, a huge ball of fire, is at its strongest. Finding some refuge away from the plains is the best way to escape the summer heat. Fortunately, India is endowed with a variety of summer vacation destinations that offer some relief from the oppressive heat wave, including mountains, hills, beaches, exotic forests, and other landscapes. The summer season in India starts in the month of April and lasts through the end of June.
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People start looking for tour packages for a summer escape. There are some incredible cold spots in India for people wishing to get away and make some memories with their friends and family during these summer vacations. There are several additional cool places in India to visit in the summer in addition to these hilly areas.
The top destinations in India for summertime travel are listed below. Before making travel arrangements to India, take a look at the list and mark out the items you want to experience at least once for a touching adventure. Book your tour packages for a summer vacation in advance for a hassle-free journey. The fact that they cover the entirety of India rather than just a small area as was previously thought is astonishing. It is an exceptional assortment of hill stations, cities, and towns to which you can look forward without perspiring in the sweltering summers.
1.     Manali, HimachalPradesh
In India, Manali is one of the most popular tour destinations throughout the year. A trip to Manali conjures up images of verdant mountains encircled by snow-capped peaks, a breath of fresh air, and a relaxed escape. One of the most breathtaking places in India to travel to in the summer is Manali. It has stunning landscapes, an abundance of vegetation, and amazing flora and fauna. One of the best things to do in India during the summer is adventure sports. At Solang Valley, you can engage in them. Here, you can try zorbing, quad riding, paragliding, and a lot of other things.
2.     Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
One of the most popular summer vacation spots in Northern India is Shimla, a well-known hill station that expertly blends Indian grandeur with British elegance. A rich history has been left behind, and its natural beauty has been blessed. Shimla should be on your list of the coolest places to visit in India in May and June if you're searching for a rejuvenating yet exciting escape. Find out more about the famed Mall Road, which attracts most tourists. Jakhu Hill is another option, and getting there from Shimla is a quick and lovely journey. Enter this temple to worship Lord Hanuman. The family-friendly tour packages can be easily booked to have a perfect summer vacation with your family.
3.     Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
In Rishikesh, the Ganga flows throughout the Land of the Gods. It perfectly combines traditionalism and modernism. People are fervently trying to reach the Ram Jhula and LaxmanJhula and taking holy dives on the one hand, while on the other, in the same waters, river rafting enthusiasts are relishing the fury of the water. On one hand, there are the Sadhus with their chants. To reach NeelkanthMahadev Temple, you must walk 17 kilometers up the east bank of the Ganga. For the shopaholics, there are thousands of stores offering Nataraja, diamonds, Nehru jackets, religious items, and comic books that depict Hindu mythology and Indian history.
4.     Auli, Uttarakhand
Auli in the summer is the coolest spot in India, welcoming visitors from all over the world. Both in the winter and the summer, it is a well-liked ski resort in India. One of the nicest places to visit in India in the summer is the region with the backdrop of lush meadows and snow-capped hills. The fact that the weather is so beautiful is the icing on the cake, and you would undoubtedly place Auli high on your list of the top summer holiday spots in India. Just book one of the exotic tour packages to have the most amazing travel experience in this stunning hill station, Auli.
5.     Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
If your vision of the perfect holiday involves tranquil hills, an untouched environment, and a trip that is authentic in every aspect, Mussoorie is the place you should go. Mussoorie, popularly known as Queen of The Hills, is tucked away in the Garhwal Himalayan ranges and has a serene, comfortable temperature all year long. Due to its pristine, unaltered natural beauty, Mussoorie is a popular honeymoon location. Mussoorie is the place to go if you want to witness the breathtaking sight of the gently sloping green slopes standing in stark contrast to the snow-capped summits of the Himalayas. It is one of the most romantic travel destinations that can be visited with romantic tour packages  for a relaxing and reasonably priced trip. 
6.     Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
Most people are familiar with Dharamsala thanks to the stunning stadium where Kings XI Punjab used to play their IPL home games, which is flanked by snow-capped mountains. It is the residence of the 14th Dalai Lama and one of the most beautiful hill towns I've ever visited. For sightseeing, check out the Yol Camp, the Kangra Art Museum, and Kotwali Bazaar, all of which housed Italian POWs during World War II. This is undoubtedly one of the best places to go during the summer near Delhi because of the bustling McLeodganj in Upper Dharamsala and the classic Indian hill village in Lower Dharamsala.
7.     Gangtok, Sikkim
The northeastern region of India, particularly Gangtok, is one of the most beautiful and popular tour destinations to travel to in May and June. However, it is not a very sought-after tourist spot. The gorgeous backdrop of Khangchendzonga, lush foliage, deep valleys, and the capital city of Sikkim are all around the city, which is nestled in the clouds.
8.     Kashmir, J&K
How could anyone fail to mention Kashmir, the top summer destination in India, when discussing summer travel destinations? The ideal trinity for any traveler to discover is the Kashmir Valley's Pahalgam, Gulmarg, and Srinagar. The three are in fact nothing less than hidden paradises. Look for romantic tour packages to have the most romantic experience in the paradise on earth, Kashmir.
There can't be too many reasons not to book a trip with so many sites to see in India in the summer, can there be? We sincerely hope that this list of summer vacation spots in India proved to be helpful. Book one of the best India tour packages, pack your bags, and start planning your vacation to India right away with Lock Your Trip!
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
When you devote yourself to a vision with unwavering faith, you welcome in the support of the Universe. Today, the devoted heart of Hanuman is guiding you to reflect on your strengths and talents.
You are someone who gives with all your heart, but may find it hard to receive in return. In fact, you give without looking for anything in return, but the Universe wants you to make more time, energy, and space to be supported too, because when you open up to the possibility of being supported and nourished, you allow yourself to be replenished and thus you have more to give.
You are being honored today for your commitment to what is important to you. The Universe sees you as vital to healing and expansion, but in order to keep going with your mission, let your heart be served in return. A true warrior’s shield is the love of God.
Hanuman is the Hindu warrior god and divine companion and protector of the god Rama. The son of the wind‑god, Vayu, he is loved by many not only because of his monkey form, but also because his sheer dedication to Rama is inspirational to all spiritual devotees.
Hanuman is one of the main characters in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. The story goes that after a great war, there was a procession, and Rama and his wife Sita honored those who had fought for them. When it came to Hanuman, Sita took her favorite pearls off and placed them around his neck. Like a cheeky monkey, Hanuman began to bite them open like nuts and look inside each one. Startled, Rama wondered why he would do such a thing. Hanuman said, “I am looking for you, my lord! I love you and Sita so much, you are all I could ever want. If I were to rip open my heart and show it to you, there you would be.”
Thereupon he began to rip his chest open, and there, sitting where his heart would be, was an image of Rama and Sita. This is why Hanuman is the lord of devotion.
DECK: Divine Masters Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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tripcounselors · 1 year
Ram Mandir Tour, Ayodhya
The fact that this is the only temple in India to have an idol of Lord Rama alongside those of his brothers Bharata, Laksmana, and Shatrughna has contributed to the temple's celebrity both inside and outside of India. This is one of the reasons why the temple is so well-known. In addition, there are sculptures at this temple that portray Lord Hanuman and Goddess Sita. According to the ancient book referred to as the Ramayana, the city of Ayodhya is said to have been the location where Lord Ram, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, was born. In addition to its well-known temples and monuments, the city of Ayodhya is home to a number of holy ghats that are accessible to guests. These ghats are located along the banks of the River Saryu. Due to the fact that it is a town of pilgrims, this is the best location to acquire carved marble and wooden idols of Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman. These idols depict the three main characters from the Ramayana. You may buy a broad range of various kinds of religious memories, such as t-shirts with religious text printed on them, key chains decorated with figurines of Lord Ram and Sita, and images of temples. The Rumali Roti has found a place for itself in the Indian culinary canon. This is without a doubt one of the most famous dinners in all of Ayodhya and it is traditionally accompanied by a wide selection of side dishes that make use of sauces to round off the feast.
Please don't hesitate to get in contact with one of our experienced Trip Counselors if you have any questions about the educational and cost-effective Ayodhya trips we provide.
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7 Interesting Facts About Hanuman Ji
Most of what we know about the mystery of hanuman ji comes from adaptations of the Ramayana or more recent television shows. So, in this blog read more secrets of lord hanuman.
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