gloombog · 7 years
@fairysharkmother is a blog that provides support, advice, and a general safe space for anyone in need of it. the team that runs it will answer questions on just about anything (trauma, abuse, mental health, physical health, sexual health, relationships, death, sexual orientation, gender, trans health, school, drugs, medication, family, friends, pregnancy, abortion, menstruation). I've submitted multiple asks to their blog, and the advice I received from them and their followers was so incredibly helpful. if you're struggling with anything and would like support or advice, I'd strongly recommend sending them an ask (unless it's an emergency and you or someone else is in danger, in which case you should seek immediate professional help).
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shrimploverart · 7 years
Could I just give you money for being awesome? Like 40?
if you give me 40 cents i’ll kiss ur cheek
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jorjibearblue · 7 years
This year has been filled with a lot of chaos and turmoil. But also a lot of fun! I got up and did things I always wanted to do but never had the courage to! I'm slowly, but finally recovering from my past. I'm drawing again, writing again, I hope to do singing and dancing again soon. And I'd be a bold face lier if I said it didn't have a lot to do with the people who have inspired me and helped me along the way. I feel like I've made some good friends on here and I owe a lot of my courage to you. Thank you.
And Happy Holidays to all of you. May they be blessed with peace and joy.
@d2diamond @eclair @fairysharkmother @ghostmoonchild @iamatrashfan @justskywords @severeminx @charmed-aspie @cherriesonaversatile @tehlastunicron @lecheesie @blownwish-blog @baramini @betelxeuse @kreature56 @thoughtsappear @belovedyuu @thelifeofawoolgatherer @voxane @bekayimskitten @placebogirl7 @le-petit-croissant
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bigredlittlewolf · 7 years
U probably don't remember this as this was 2 years ago but I just wanted to say thank you! About 2 years ago you reblogged a post from 'fairysharkmother' and added ur own experience on molestation as a child. I was 14 when I wrote that anon and now I'm 16, going on 17 and I still look back at that message you put atleast once a week, and it's helped me so much! I haven't told my parents yet but I have told a close friend last year and honestly I think it's all bc of u!! Thank u so much!!! 💖💖
You know, I saw this a few days back, and I keep meaning to get back around to replying to it. But every time I sit down, I loose my words and never really know what to say? It means way more then you think it does to hear that my words actually managed to ring with you in a way that you’re still looking back on that post all these years later. You need to understand, two years ago I was only… what, 16 myself? I just said what I could at the time.
I keep getting awestruck at this message, is what I’m saying.
I’m glad that I’ve helped you though. Not that there’s much that I can do personally, but if you ever need anything my inbox is always open. You’re very strong for coming this far, and I’m more then glad that my words have helped to give you that strength.
Good luck out there, and don’t rush yourself to tell anyone
Edit: Also anon, I actually do remember the post you’re talking about! I forgot to clarify, but I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay.
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pahiro · 8 years
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did a picture of @fairysharkmother cause i love the sea fam so much
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ghostyfelix · 5 years
Just saw the response to the Hades question. How could anyone hate u?! Ur so nice! I remember when u used to run the fairysharkmother blog!
When you hang out with emotionally charged people, it happens.
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fairysharkmother · 6 years
it’s been a while.
hey guys, it’s shae. i saw this anon here and it really got to me:
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if i’m being totally honest with ya, anon, you’re right. that’s why i joined the team in hopes of reviving it and having it flourish again; truth is, it’s a much bigger commitment than i had anticipated and akin to many other admins here, it’s emotionally exhausting. eliford has been the only active mod here lately and i applaud them for answering asks when they can. i’ve been itching to explain my absence for these few months, so here goes...
i turned 21 in february and finally got taken seriously by a doctor regarding some very concerning symptoms, such as disorientation, brain fog, memory loss, emotional instability, severe pain, blackouts, etc. sadly, most professionals took one look at my chart and gave up after seeing i had a mental health track record on file. but this doctor didn’t let the chain continue, so she ran 10 labs in one go. all of them came back fine with exception to the vitamin D check. healthy adults are supposed to have 50-80mg in their systems at any given time but my level was 9mg, marking a very severe deficiency. i was quickly scheduled to be seen by a rheumatologist this past april, where they diagnosed me with severe fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/CFS. alongside being prescribed a hypotoxic 50,000mg supplement of vitamin D, my doctor wants me to do pool therapy and tai chi once a week (which i cannot afford right now) as well as look into applying for disability.
so, in layman’s terms, my physical health rendered to dirt poor very fast. i only earned 4 out of 14 credits this semester and i’m struggling to complete the rest. i couldn’t attend classes because even the ten minute walk to campus from my apartment had me losing feeling in my legs and falling. i’ve pretty much been bedridden these past few months. the pain medication my rheumatologist prescribed didn’t work (in fact, worked to my disadvantage if anything) and his list of other alternative medications was chalk full of ones i’ve tried that didn’t help, so he determined i’m unresponsive to them and it’s all about managing symptoms from now on. 
the cherry on top of it was that my boyfriend broke up with me because “he couldn’t date a sick girl” and it was “exhausting” to date me (ironically, it was the healthiest relationship i’ve had). i’ve also had some pretty traumatic shit happen in the past few months that i’d rather not dive into here. this has left me feeling pretty defeated, worsening my mental health. depression, dissociation, and anxiety have plagued me. i’ve been experiencing more suicidal ideation and self-harm urges lately. i struggle to care for myself. i don’t love myself, but i’m working to. coming here to help others took the backseat because i needed to take care of myself first, something i’ve neglected for years and still do on the daily.
all of this being said, i hope this sheds light on why i’ve been so quiet here. i can’t speak for the other admins but we’re all human, we have our own needs to attend to and bottom line, you can’t take care of others if you cannot care for yourself. i think that’s why so many of them “dropped off”, so to speak. we need to be at our healthiest to give you all the best help you can get, but we deserve some of that help for ourselves. if this translates as “selfish” to you, anon, that’s what saddens me. if you are disappointed in us, there’s nothing and no one keeping you here. there are, however, over 35,000 of you still keeping the community warm and loving. i believe that speaks for itself and i cannot thank you all enough. there are other online resources out there too, so be sure to be utilizing those as well as ones irl. there’s always help when you need it.
on that note, we are accepting new moderator applications and i plan to be more active on here when i have healthier days. if you’re interested in becoming a moderator, please submit an application. the form is here. our discord is still available too. i also plan to open a ko-fi or some other form of donation pool to help keep food on the table for me, as i’ve missed a lot of work from sick days and appointments. please let me know if you’d be interested in donating. art commissions might also be an option.
thank you so much for reading and happy pride to all my LGBT sea babies out there. take care of yourselves and each other. i love you all
~shae the siren
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hayley-theartist · 9 years
hey fairysharkmother, i’m turning 21 this year and i figured i’d share everything i’ve learned in the past decade about periods for your followers with menstrual cycles.
Some notes on painkillers. Never take more than the maximum amount the label gives you!
·         Tylenol. Tylenol is the brand name for acetaminophen. I’ve found that it works well but you have to take caution—especially if you take prescription medicine that’s processed through your liver—because too much acetaminophen will overwork your liver. I recommend buying store brand Tylenol (usually just labeled as acetaminophen) and only take two at a time! Tylenol and store brand acetaminophen are in 500mg tablets, which makes it easy to overdose and really hurt your liver.
·         Advil. Advil, also known as ibuprofen, is the best for those of us taking prescription medications daily. It’s processed through your stomach, and generally a little less expensive than Tylenol. My recommended dose is three for the first dose, then two every three hours, or when you have cramps again.
·         Midol. If you can’t afford Midol, try Aleve. The analgesic (fancy word for painkiller) in both is called naproxen sodium. Which you can also buy in store brand. I recommend taking only two per day, as naproxen sodium works very well and generally lasts all day long.
Home remedies!
·         Do your best to avoid very salty, sugary, or caffeine filled foods. All three will make cramps worse.
·         If you smoke, try to cut back or stop smoking for a few days. The nicotine in cigarettes makes cramps much, much worse. As a smoker myself, I can attest to this.
·         If you can’t afford painkillers take a water bottle and fill it with hot tap water. I’ve found that water bottles made from thinner plastic works best. Change the water every 45 minutes and never microwave the water. Your microwave will make the water so hot it can burn you. Once you fill your water bottle gently place it over your lower abdomen where your uterus is.
·         While you wait, or if you can’t afford painkillers, massage your lower abdomen! This is something you can do anywhere, and will keep the cramps at bay. If you can, use Bath and Body Works’s “stress relief” lotion. It has eucalyptus oil which is a local analgesic and will make your massage feel better. You can rub it on sore hip joints and lower back muscles too!
·         Avoid stress as much as possible, and give yourself time to relax in a peaceful environment. Stress will make cramps worse.
·         Drink lots of water! The pressure from a full bladder will help lessen cramps. However, remember to use the bathroom! Holding in urine can (and usually will) lead to a urinary tract infection, which are painful on their own.
·         If you can afford them, get overnight pads. They may feel like you’re wearing a diaper, but they’re made with a higher absorbency and long length that covers the back of your panties, preventing blood stains that are difficult to remove and kind of embarrassing.
·         If you can’t afford overnight pads, wear tight fitting underwear—I’ve found that panties made from spandex-like material work best. Tight fitting underwear will bring the pad closer to your vagina, which will help cut down on stains.
·         Your flow is heaviest during the first few days, so wear long, high absorbency pads and change them often. If you don’t change them often you’ll feel gross around your vagina.
Oh, jeez, dadther, I feel icky.
·         During your period you’ll probably feel gross and dirty. The best cure is a long, hot shower! A hot shower will make you feel clean, and better. Plus, the hot water can alleviate period cramps!
A note for trans boys.
·         It can be awkward to change pads in the men’s room, and you can’t always find a family restroom. I know for some going into the women’s restroom can give you dysphoria. So, if you can handle it, you can make your period shorter by several days by drinking two to three cups of coffee every day. You’ll have to take painkillers before you drink coffee, but your mental health is important.
This is all I can think of right now, but if you have any questions on home remedies you can send me an ask or tweet at me on twitter @tonnyerenthing.
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ridragon · 9 years
yo warning to people who trust the @fairysharkmother blog they're reblogging notorious virus/scam/phishing posts
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repetitiveroutine · 9 years
I feel like utter shit, anyone willing to let me vent
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thegrimoirelit · 9 years
Feminist Lit Mag Seeking Submissions
Are you creative? Do you write? Do you draw? Do you sing or play an instrument? Do you take snazzy pictures? Do you create experimental works of art/lit/poetry/online games etc?
If you are please check us out. We are looking for content for our first print edition and are always looking for amazing people to contribute! 
We are a Zine dedicated to thoughts, musings and literary output by female identified and gender queer folk of all backgrounds, talents, interests and abilities. 
We’re cool! Check us out!
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salemseawitch · 9 years
One thing that a lot of tumblr folks need to get through there skulls,
Unless you pay for a service in some way, you are not entitled to that service. All the time I see people sending messages to blogs such as fairysharkmother bitching and whining because their ask didn’t get attention. The good people at fairyshark mother A)do this shit for /free/ B) have their own lives to deal with and C) have stated that they have literally /thousands/ of asks to contend with, but people will bitch and scream and cry to them because they didn’t get to their ask. People will practically blame them for their almost committing suicide. I’m going to say this once, and only once: IF YOU ARE AT IMMEDIATE RISK FOR SELFHARM/SUICIDE, CALL A FUCKING HOTLINE OR SOMETHING OF THAT NATURE. There are even online resources that have trained individuals ready to help you with these kinds of issues. Don’t blame some kind people who run a blog for your almost hurting yourself. It is not their fault. They are doing the best they can. This does not only apply to one blog. It applies to all blogs. You are not entitled to jackshit from anyone unless some form of payment happens. A blog devoted to free advice isn’t as quick as you’d like? Tough shit, you are not entitled to their help. An artist you really like stops drawing fanart of a fandom you really like? Again, tough shit; they can draw what they like until you commission them to do something specific. THESE PEOPLE OWE YOU NOTHING and what they may do for you is out of their good will or choice. They don’t live to serve you. Don’t get pissy when they aren’t catering to your every entitled whim.
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I'd like to send love and appreciation to fairysharkmother bc Momma cares so much for everyone
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sadlytheraddest · 10 years
To any of my followers who don't exactly have the best relationship with their mothers:
follow fairysharkmother
My relationship with my mother is...forced at best. I have never felt that my mother loves me unconditionally, but FSM posts things that make feel like I am loved.
Hopefully you can enjoy that feeling as well<3
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