mvndrvke · 1 year
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@fairyt0ld : " please don't make me say it. " korkie to MAMA 10+ if its funny
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"Korkie," Satine says, trying and failing to not laugh at her son nephew. "I know you're not that tall."
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frcebalanced-moved · 1 year
@fairyt0ld gets a starter for R2D2 !
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the yellow jedi starfighter touches down inside the hangar connected to the jedi temple, returning from a rather hazardous journey from the mid-rim. there'd been a small ambush from a small swarm of vulture droids that caught him on the way back. he had managed to clear them off, but he didn't get away scratch free.
unfortunately, most of the damage wasn't to his ship. more fortunately, the damage done to his astromech wasn't severe.
❝ you doing alright there, buddy? looks like you got a bit roughed up out there. ❞ anakin spoke as he hopped down from the cockpit. thankfully, the droid was still in one piece. for the most part. he waits for his companion to exit the starfighter, making sure the R2 unit was able to without causing any further damage.
❝ alright, artoo. let's get you patched up. ❞
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jedimastre-archive · 1 year
BREAKS DOWN THE DOOR ! okay when was it when obi-wan first fell for amelia ?
OH hello there. Obi-Wan didn't really have a moment where he just decided he loved this woman, it was something very gradual, very unacknowledged for a long time.
In our verse he is gravitated towards her whether it be by the Force or something else he isn't entirely sure. But Amelia has this sense of safety and warmth around her that he hasn't really had in his life. Then he learns just how much of a kind and selfless soul she is and that is something he really admires about her.
Lastly, he respects her ability to decide when its a good time to fight. Whether it be defending the innocent or simply trying to survive the day, Amelia is a very capable woman who really doesn't need anyone but looks to her peers for support anyway.
Love really isn't spoken or expressed at all between them until very late in the Clone Wars, in fact @wornkindness and I toyed with whether or not just before Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan leaves for Utapau but actually proposes to her before hand. Its very off hand, not romantic at all but he feels the war coming to an end and its got him so elated, almost unreasonably so. Then Order 66 happens and well, we know how that turned out. But again even with all of that he still hasn't spoken the words. Its more bleeds into his actions than anything else.
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naturesbeat · 1 year
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Interrogation Starters // ACCEPTING ↳ @fairyt0ld said: “ every detail is important.” mara to aphra
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"𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁𝙴 𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙼𝙴, 𝚂𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁." It wasn’t often Aphra found herself stumped by ancient texts, but it wasn’t often she had to translate kyrgetz, either. “This language is entirely dependent on phonetics. The slightest variation in pitch can change the whole meaning. See this glyph?" She tapped the faded image of a man intersected with a diagonal line. "It could mean ‘goodbye’. Or more accurately, to send off, or wish someone well travels. But if you say it from the back of your throat and draw that ‘o’ sound out just a bit, it could mean exile. Our mysterious friend could have been on a pilgrimage, or he could have been outcast.”
Frustrated, she rubbed at the little crease at her brow. If they wanted to find his tomb, they had to know where to look; right now, their starting point was in two completely different directions. Muttering to herself, Aphra pulled out a data pad to scan the carvings. “If we want an accurate translation, we’re going to have to make a note of every possible combination, and sort through what makes the most sense together…”
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“Luckily for the two of us, I can make an algorithm for that.”
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gothyck · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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hey ;)
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cruelprincae · 1 year
Cardan is officially Maggie's dad. She adopted him.
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hopegained · 1 year
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@fairyt0ld: this… is a very bad idea. // accepting
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An expected—wholly unsurprising—response coming from the protocol droid. Had there been a less dreadful way to approach this, Eron would've certainly gone with it, but his blaster was now in the hands of beings that didn't speak a word of Basic or any of the main languages in the galaxy. His life, as well as Threepio's, hinged upon the droid's programming.
Getting Threepio to step forward and actually say their intentions was another matter. Through the Force, Eron had sensed their fear, pictured in his mind like a massive barrage of fire raining on their planet, his brows furrowed. There could only be one entity capable of such destruction—the First Order had trespassed on their home.
And he couldn't leave them behind on their own to fend against that kind of terror. "It'll be fine. They're just confused and scared," he reassured the droid with an exhale, "you can do this, buddy. Tell 'em we're not here to harm them. We're here to help."
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moonofiego · 1 year
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she could only wish that her youngest was wrong. that she could tell him that no, they were right. that after some time, the pain goes away and that it felt as if everything was back to being alright in the world. that pain subsided, and only calmness and love remained.
sadly ... it wasn't the case, and she hated the fact that even at such a young age, her son was already living with such pain. leia wished that it was one of those things she could save him from. sadly, other than offering him kind words and a shoulder to cry on ... there wasn't much else she could do.
gently, she wrapped her arms around anakin. ❝ i don't believe they meant to lie -- everyone goes through their life differently. one's abilities to let go is different from one to another. ❞ 
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@fairyt0ld sent : whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar.
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storywolf · 1 year
@fairyt0ld said: “ am i not good enough? ”  THREEPIO ICB IM SORRY
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He knocks on the side of the droids head. "Depends. You got Spotify installed in there? Apple Music? Youtube Music? What about UberEats? DISNEY PLUS; you gotta have Disney Plus, right? Or would that be breaking too many walls?"
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mvndrvke · 1 year
@fairyt0ld ( continued )
Satine squeezes Korkie's hand, struggling to smile back at him and knowing she's failing. She's done that a lot in her time. Too much, really.
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"I hold many regrets in my life," she tells him. "But I've always tried to do what was best for Mandalore. I need you to promise me to do the same. No." She shakes her head, frustrated at herself for saying it. "No. Choose what's best for you. I think perhaps I'd have fewer regrets if I'd taken the choices that I had. I made the most progress for Mandalore in those moments I was selfish. I'm not saying you should be selfish, but stepping down from ruling Mandalore was the right choice. Even if it feels like I betrayed our people to do it."
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corruptedforce · 1 year
headcanon ! i asked this to another vaderkin writer, but i am interested in your take: why do you think, ignoring the actual behind the scenes reason, that vader never noticed leia?
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@fairyt0ld // Accepting // send me questions you have about my character!
Hi! Okay, I really like this question because I love things that make me think and kind of express what my perspective is. The only thing that I can consider, is for example in Kenobi, he was hyperfixated on Obi-Wan. When Vader is obsessed with something, he fixates so much, that nothing diverts him. If he would have stopped for five minutes, he likely would have sensed Leia, because I do write him as feeling her quite intensely when Padme is pregnant, and even in canon divergences, when he does meet her. She tends to be strong in the force, when she is written as an NPC, even as a baby in some of my verses, to the point that it's why Anakin only sensed one baby. So, it had to be that he was so obsessed with Obi-Wan.
Now as far as a New Hope and the rest of them go, I think sometimes, it's the whole not noticing something you're not looking for. Had he saw her after he knew Luke was his son, he very likely would have known. It took him all of two seconds to pick it up from Luke's mind. But before he had a clue that the baby survived, he wasn't looking for it, so he didn't see it, with this rebel.
But, even though his connection with Leia was strong when she was in utero, his connection is stronger with Luke, once he knows because he and Luke ultimately save each other. Though Vader dies, Luke frees him from the prison he has lived in, for twenty years.
He is even thinking of Leia, in that moment. Once he does know, his stubborn mind thinks of her, and he loved both of his children. Him surviving would have been interesting, with everything that he did, because he and Luke have been on this journey, but he and Leia have been through some bad things and as it was when he came to her in Legends, it didn't go well.
Redemption is a bitch.
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mecwmellc · 1 year
@fairyt0ld sent "what a stupid name"
"it's not stupid!" luke yelled, his voice rising. "darth vader is a stupid name, luke is perfectly normal." he didn't even know who this person was, but clearly they had gotten off on the wrong foot. he had a right to feel hurt, his mom had named him and his twin sister and she ended up dying before they could meet her so maybe the comment stung a little more than it should.
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naturesbeat · 1 year
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send ☕️ to gossip with my muse!! // ACCEPTING ↳ @fairyt0ld said: ☕️shaak ti and satine spill ! that ! tea !
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𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷 𝙿𝙾𝙻𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙳 𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙽 her chosen arena, Shaak Ti appeared no more unnerved as the Chancellor’s honored guest as she did among the hailfire of droids. Palpatine had sought to recognize her deeds on Geonosis, Centaris, and Dagu, to name but a few; yet she had done no less than her duty as a Jedi, and so she donated her gifts - four Ch’hala saplings - to the Jedi Temple. They would find a home here, casting cool pools of shade on generations of padawan to come.
The formalities concluded, senators and Jedi alike were left to mingle in the temple’s gardens. Even delegates from the council of neutral systems were in attendance, and it wasn’t long into the evening that she found herself side by side with the head of Mandalore. After a few minutes of pleasantries ( and more than a few sips of glowwine ),  the Duchess gestured to a Jedi dozing beneath the leaves of the Uneti tree.
“Is he alright…?” 
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Amusement hummed in her throat. “Master Sinube? Oh yes, he is quite alright.” From a distance he looked a frail, old thing, kept standing only by the sturdy support of his walking stick. But as it was in many things, looks could be deceiving. “He would have you think he’s grown sluggish in his old age, but it’s among most padawans' first lessons that he is not to be underestimated. It wasn’t even a month ago that he brought down a syndicate on the lower levels. I imagine he is listening to us even now.” As if in confirmation, she watched Sinube’s lips twitch into a smile, before he appeared to jolt awake with a loud snort. Shaak Ti raised her glass towards him in a toast, smiling all the while. 
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ofkryze · 1 year
@fairyt0ld // for korkie [meme - accepting]
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There's a soft, fond look on Satine's face as she watches and listens to Korkie speak. It's very true that there is a great deal of other things that demand her attention, but she's not going to deny him her time. Especially when he is so animated in his storytelling. Fingers press to her lips in an attempt to disguise the amused smile threatening to spread.
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When he finishes, the soft laugh slips free. "That's a terrible story."
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wornkindness · 1 year
for @fairyt0ld from here
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     A soft sigh escapes her, and she moves to sit not he floor so she is more eye level with the young girl. She had been younger, several life times ago now when she had asked a too similar question to her mother. At that age, and maybe even still, Amelia had thought her mother to be the most beautiful person in the entire galaxy. She was the near image of her father, softened features, dark eyes, even her curls which could cause her hair to become unruly if she wasn’t careful were from her father too. The only thing she could easily see of her mother, the only thing anyone ever seemed to comment on, what the fact they shared the same fire kissed shade. And it was something she had noticed. So she understood the feeling in one way at least.
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     ❛❛ You are beautiful dear one.❜❜ Words said in truth, not just to soothe. She was not one to coddle. Amelia could see it, even if Leia could not. ❛❛ You’ll be more beautiful than me, I’m sure of it. ❜❜ As she speaks she carefully removes a flower from her hair, taking a moment to intertwine it into Leia’s braid so it stayed put, before tucking her fingers under the girl’s chin, lifting her face up to look at her. ❛❛ Who has said that you are not? ❜❜ Not her parents certainly, but she knows well that the words of a parent don’t always hold the most weight, at least not in the moment.
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forbaesmoved · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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ok but did u know that YOU are MY favorite???????????????? @fairyt0ld
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