#v. main / tfa
hopegained · 1 year
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No other way to go except up. Their only option was traversing the uneven nooks and cracks in the wall; they'd be risking it for an indeterminable end. Fortune favored them in some ways, still, as it wouldn't be entirely a difficult Eron stepped closer to the sunlit gap above their head, taking a note of the distance between the two of them. "We could try climbing one at a time," he suggested to his Mandalorian ally with a gleam of something mischievous in his eyes. "Be a lot faster if I just threw you up there, though. And your armor can hold off whatever's waiting for us. Hopefully."
@bountyborn // sc
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supraxstcllas · 5 months
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agirlandherquill · 3 months
Written In Smoke - The Inceptive Letter
Now, for the first post of this series I thought I’d begin with something simple, explaining the name - Written, because of course I’m a writer and I adore the clickety-clack of keys (and writing with a fountain pen in a notebook when I’m outlining plot, which is a new little venture I’ve begun doing) and Smoke, because it’s a weekly account of events, nothing is going to be completely solid, and my memory will have gaps even if I attempt to note things down, and also because much like the flow of ink upon paper, life is similarly fluid too, in my mind at least, it’s very much like smoke - full of substance, beautiful, chaotic, and full of little moments (which I completely adore) and thus the use of smoke, because little moments disappear so quickly but the remnants remain with you forevermore, and that’s as much of an explanation as my mind can conjure, which for me at the very least, composes the introduction to this series!
And now to move on to the main substance of this post - much like the ingredients of a perfect dish, the parts are still a work in progress, so bear with me whilst I work out which to include and how to structure it
 (And come up with working titles for each section, which is part of the fun!)
A Glimpse Through Time - little bits about me and what I’ve been up to this week
This week marked the end of a chapter, a very important one, because I completed (some may say survived, barely) my final three papers and today was my final day of academic normalcy - everything from here-on-out is completely and utterly unknown - no more Lit, Bio, and Chem to worry about for the summer at least, which is very, very daunting but I did it, I made it through and hopefully my work paid off - we shall see in a few months time, but i’m not ready to think about that yet - Having to say goodbye to the people who have taught me for the past few years was difficult but I made it through with no tears, a few hugs and cards written, which was lovely, truly, and I’m grateful for every minute of it.
Other than completing the final obstacle toward the free-fall that Is adulthood (I say that as though the feat isn’t impressive, because it sure would be to me two years ago), only a few things have happened this week:
(I’m making this a list because who doesn’t adore lists? Perhaps only me, but that’s more than okay)
Stuff Your Kindle Day was yesterday, and my poor, poor kindle has to suffer with the acquisition of 50-odd books (I haven’t dared to count past that, and it was my first actual SYK day despite owning a kindle for 9 years), and I have no idea if it has the storage for it, so that’ll be fun to work through
I made a bet to watch star-wars, now of course i’ve seen most of it (movie-wise, definitely, and 3/4 of mandalorian minus s3 because let’s face it, I’m as behind on that as I am with Witcher, which is soon to be rectified but anyway redirecting back to Star Wars) but very little of the shows and it’s been so long I hardly remember the plots and such, which I’m very much looking forward to re-experiencing for the first “proper-ish” time - so I’m starting with Solo, then steadily working my way through ANH, ESB, ROTJ, Mando S1, Mando S2, Boba Fett, Mando S3, TFA, TLJ, TROS, TPM, AOTC, Clone wars (movie and plot-vital eps, I was given a list), ROTS, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka - all of this in exchange for my friend to watch The Boys (I’m going to rewatch it all, then finally see Gen V, hopefully in time before S4 ends and I can watch the last few eps as they come out, like I did with S3)
I decided I want to go on a trip over summer, just me, which is frankly terrifying but I’m really excited - I’m thinking of Bath, possibly, because the Jane Austen Museum is there (Persuasion is the love of my life and i’ve only read it twice, I also need to read more than simply that and Pride and Prejudice) and a few doors down is Mary Shelley’s Museum too! It’s a trip that’s doable in a day, by train, which is pretty perfect for my first solo excursion - so bear with me since that’s in the works
To end this list I’m slipping in a note about a brief-exchange that my delusional mind brands rom-com noteworthy (only it’s not, unless it maybe is? i’ll leave that to the reader to decide), I gifted my chemistry lab-partner a chocolate bar and a note of gratitude because it’s down to him that I survived the practicals (only kidding, I’m not THAT dangerous, but we were the most successful pair in the class which was pretty awesome), and enjoyed the chem course even more than I thought I would - and on the final day (today, insert anxious and clueless screaming because it feels far, far too soon for everything to be over) on the way out, he gifted me something in return - I never thought a chocolate bar would make me want to cry and giggle at the same time, but there you go (part of me prays he will not notice the existence of my Tumblr, but it’s possible, and if he ever reads this - I am so, so, sorry, but either way my appreciation is known, and that’s good enough for me, and he’s very, very sweet)
Now, what else is there to include in this section? Oh, I know! The nightmare that is the vast variety of things that entertain me - cough, slightly melodramatic of me, but you’ll see what I mean momentarily,
Books - I’m roughly 120 pages into the Wheel of Time, which I already know will become my LOTR (assuming that is an actual phrase and not something my brain has made up, which is highly likely regardless - it’s also a slight reference to Ready Player One, since Kira reread LOTR every single year), because who doesn’t love danger, fantasy, and a delicious almost undecipherable prophecy? If I don’t re-read this book every year I will be incredibly, incredibly surprised. Fighting sleep one night this week I sought out my kindle, which had been sorely unused these last couple years, and I started to read Interview With The Vampire, and I’ve spent a couple hours reading it today, I’m about 25% in according to Kindle stats, so I’ll see how it goes. Surprisingly though, I stumbled across Perks of Being A Wallflower on Kindle Unlimited today - and 5 hours later, with a couple of breaks scattered between, I finished it, about twenty minutes before writing this section - and let me tell you, that book was a LOT, but a good lot? i suppose? And I’m glad I finally got around to reading it - It’s also given me the urge to reread All The Bright Places which I read for the first time last summer, and it’s beautiful, and so, so good,
Shows - Seeing as it’s the weekend I’m making my way through Dexter, I’m currently 3/4 through S4 and loving it, it’s INSANE, I’m also watching Shameless US, I’m on S6 and it’s actually baffling me how much I’m enjoying it (Lip is my favourite character, and this season HURTS me with how much it hurts him, mild spoiler possibly? apologies if so), I’m also going to start rewatching the Boys as aforementioned, seeing the dark side of superheroes is so incredibly genius, if not disturbing, and there’s plenty of that in the show to look forward to experiencing again, so wish me luck dear reader,
Music - I listen to a LOT. That’s the honest truth. Lots of genres, lots of people, but I’ll try and pick out some of the things I’ve been listening to this week: Outlander S1&2 Soundtrack (I’ve only seen up to s2, and after reading the first book last month it was perfect timing for exam season), Like That by Bea Miller (I rediscovered this recently and it fits so well with the characters in my head, and even though I haven’t been writing lately, believe me, I’ve been plotting), Trouble by Camylio (it reminds me of the main characters in my currently not fully-written book, as in the work I need to complete/redraft after I finish Ruin’s Reprisal), Ludens by Bring Me The Horizon (does this song really need an explanation? It’s just that good) and finally, to finish off this little list of things that I’ve hearing a lot this week, The Other Side by Stephen Sanchez, which is so so good
Spills From The Ink-Pot - writing, writing, and more writing
Seeing as it’s Friday, and today is the start of my lengthy, well-needed summer, there’s not an awful lot I can tell you all for writing progress, but so far this weekend I did manage to re-read the chapter I’m editing and the progress I’ve made in it so far, which was super helpful, and by the end of this weekend hopefully I’ll have that chapter all finished, and then afterwards have a lot more to share with you all next week!
But to make up for my absence from writeblr and being unable to post anything these last few weeks, I’ll add this in:
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Just a little glimpse into my workspace/theme/whatever you wish to call it on Scrivener - that's right, I'm a Scrivener girlie, and I'm so glad I invested in it last May (take part in NaNoWriMo camps folks, you get 50% off, which is what I did, aka £25 for permanent use as opposed to £50, which is still really good compared to Word etc, in my opinion) - and a sneak peek at some of my Chapter Titles, which I really do love coming up with,
(if it's blurry I do apologise, but you get the gist, hopefully)
Incase it’s not obvious, this account was written in parts, over the course of Friday and Saturday (11pm today, roughly), since I lost the battle against exhaustion and fell asleep before I could finish compiling this lengthy post (that’s not a complaint, i’m really enjoying writing this) so I’m finishing this very first post a tad later than initially planned, but these things happen, and that’s all right - you’ll also notice my battle with autocorrect and its capitalisation, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I’d rather not go back and correct things this late at night, so apologies for that slight blunder but I promise the next post will be all properly formatted with headers and capitals (as soon as I figure out how to include headers, and make them, hopefully trusty procreate comes in handy, but we shall see)
So that’s it! The very first Written In Smoke is completed, compiled and heading your way - I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, this is unknown territory for me and it feels as though I’m baring another piece of myself to the world, but it’s worth it, I knew it when this began, and I know it now as I write these last few lines, so if you’ve read this far - thank you, and I’ll see you all next week for the next entry in this series!
~ A Girl and Her Quill
p.s. if there’s anything else you’d like to know about, let me know! suggestions are greatly appreciated (cough, somewhat desperately needed because I have no idea what I’m doing)
p. p. s. being the utter genius I am, I pressed save as draft rather than post, so this is coming out even later than originally planned - whoops!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tag List! (if you want to be notified when a WIS post comes out, interact with this post :) )
@lead-to-code @catwingsathena @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings @thestorywitch @lunaeuphternal
@theaistired @frostedlemonwriter
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Poll Candidate suggestions have finished! Thank you all of my midnight Anons! It has been delightful. Let's get into the nitty gritty of the competition and our competitors.
The poll will have an initial 48 candidates.
Round One that will last a day with 24 match ups. There will be a one day break afterwards sharing any highlights of that round (and giving me time to make the other).
Round Two will have twelve matchups lasting a day and a similar break set up.
Round Three will have three match ups and last a day.
This will leave us with three finalists. We will have three days of elimination matches leaving the two finalists.
The finals with the remaining two deadbeats will last a week after which we crown the Most Deadbeat Parent of Transformers!
Round One will start tonight at 8:00 PM EST!
The full list of the twenty-four matches are below. I will be adding links once all the polls are posted. Each are set up with the name of character (continuity they are in) format, except for three special characters which are technically all the same.
Please feel free to add in arguments/propaganda for or against the characters. My ask box and submissions are open.
This is, again, done as a laugh and not to be taken as any serious criticism of the character.
I actively like most of these characters and do have my own favorites on this list.
Miko's Host Parents (TFP) v. Bradley White's Parents (UT)
Unicron v. Primus
Megatron (G1) v. Spike Witwicky (G1)
Hound's Father (Bayverse) v. Quintessa (Bayverse)
Soundwave (TFP) v. Jazz (Aligned)
Blaster (SG) v. Onslaught (Marvel)
Megatron X (Cyberverse) v. Zeta Prime (IDW1)
Optimus Prime (G1) v. Kup (G1)
Megatron (UT) v. Megatron (TFA)
Megatron (IDW1) v. Starscream (TFA)
Jhiaxus (Timelines) v. Perceptor (TFA)
Shockwave (Marvel) v. Shockwave (TFP)
Brian Jones (UT) v. Isaac Sumdac (TFA)
Alpha Trion v. Primacron
Dr. Arkeville (G1) v. Dirk Manus (G1)
Team Prime (TFP) v. Constructicons (G1)
Megatron (RiD 2001) v. Megatron (BW)
Ravage (BW) v. Galvatron (BW2)
Maximal High Council (BW) v. Eject (BWU)
Tarantulas (BW) v. Terminus (IDW1)
Prowl (IDW1) v. Cryak (IDW2)
Leo Convoy (BW2) v. Optimus Prime (Marvel)
Grimlock (G1) v. Ultra Magnus (TFA)
Optimus Prime (IDW1) v. Drift (RiD 2015)
Everyone have fun and remember vote the worst, most deadbeat of them! May the best-worst win!
Note: As a general warning for anyone who isn't particularly fond of polls as I will be using the main tags, all of my polls will be tagged as "transformers deadbeat poll" if you would like to block this tag to cut down on seeing them
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common-evils · 6 months
👉👈I really like your oc Roulette and Demeter! Can you talk about them and their ships ?! I love Optimus so much he's my favorite and I like seeing others ships with him to!
OH hello!! Youre the first ask Ive gotten, I really didnt expect anyone to ask about my ocs;;;; Thank you, I hope to draw them more in the future! Optimus is my favorite too!!! He brings me so much joy you have no idea. This might be a little long really sorry everyone :'] Roulette is a neutral mech working as a mercenary / bounty hunter! He turns into a 2017 Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle Motorcycle. His design is TFA influenced, but still apart of my person AU that I share with my gf. He's a punk, foul mouthed, no good trouble maker that spends too much on gambling and engex. Really its cause he's been through some Shit™ He is paired up with Lockdown! The two have a complicated relationship, initially being not on good terms. Slowly it led to neutral respect for business sake to an unlikely partnership (again for business). Long story short, they fall for each other and after awhile become conjunx and have a sparkling named Caliber. Ship name for them is RouLock (for now) and main ship songs are: is it really you? - loathe Rosemary - Deftones Demeter is my MAIN self insert. He's an engineer, initially specializing in machinery, equipment and public works. But ended up building weaponry during the war. He is very soft spoken, often seems somber and keeps to himself. But he's really kind and caring, willing to lay down his Spark for anyone. An old man hailing from Velocitron, he actually met Optimus before the war when he was still Orion Pax. So they go WAY back. Again, Demeter is also apart of my AU so lore is maybe a little different and wont go into TOO much detail. But they we a couple before the war, were split during the war after Cybertron fell, then reunited on Earth. Demeter for a period of time actually joined the Decepticons under the name "Misdemeanor" (Autobot > Decepticon > Autobot). They are peak old men in love. After the war they FINALLY become Conjunx and have two sparklings Cavalcade and Convoy. His alt mode is a 1960 Mercedes Benz 300sl. The ship name for them is Take Aim with these emojis🌾☄️ / ➼ ✦ I have a whole playlist for them but the last 3 songs are THE ones for their ship.
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romanarose · 11 months
Revenge and Regret: Chapter 1
Han Solo x Fem!OC (Ty)
Star Wars Masterlist : Main Masterlist
Summary: A few years prior to the events of TFA, Han and Chewie find a stowaway on the Falcon. Shaken, a mess, and no where to go, Han takes her on as hired help. Over the months, Han gets to know her and slowly both of their secrets start slipping. Han feels guilty for his attraction to the 24 year old at his old age, but Ty is attracted to him too. Both broken people, both angry and awful communication, things get messy.
Warnings: I WILL NOT BE LABELING EVERY SINGLE THING THIS TIME! This is a not a dark fic but like most of my series it has v heavy themes!!! By clicking "Read More" you understand while I will give you a general idea and major warnings, you have to be prepared yourself. The reason I'm taking this approach instead of my usual is too many warnings will spoil this fic. Major things to look out for is: After effects of rape, traumatized reader, victim blaming, bodily mutilation by attacker, MAJOR AGE GAP (50 YEARS), cheating. Everyone cheats on everyone here. Sorry. Inappropriate use of the force, talk of weight loss/ not eating but not for weight loss purposes, but as a trauma response. No happy ending. THERE WILL BE LOTS OF SMUT AFTER THE SLOW BURN
Han is not meant to be the hero here, neither is Ty. It's two broken people being broken.
“I get up in the evening And I ain't got nothing to say. I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way I ain't nothing but tired Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself, Hey there, baby I could use just a little help” - Dancing in the Dark, Bruce Springsteen.
Han was back to where he started. Just Han and Chewbacca and the Falcon of course, alone in the galaxy, going from job to job to get by. They didn't have much, but they didn't need much either. Han had always been a simple man, and found the extravagance of his previous life stifling, which is why he left. That's what he said anyway. Chewie knew what happened. Han's son, Chewie's godson, had not died in the attacks on Luke's jedi temple. That Ben was part of the attack, and had joined the dark side of the force. Chewie also knew that Han and Leia's marriage had been on edge for a long time already, and this was the last straw. Han blamed himself and couldn't face Leia anymore. True to his nature and unable to talk about his feelings, Han just… left. It's all he can do sometimes. Leave, and sometimes return a hero. Chewie knew all of this, of course, but Han liked to lie to everyone around him and make up reasons for leaving.
Han sat in the pilot’s seat, having just left Tatooine for a job. He hated jobs on Tatooine more than almost anywhere. It was not a place of good memories. It was the place where Han had been captured by Jabba and frozen, and Leia attempted to rescue him, getting herself captured and turned into a slave. Han knew Leia made her own choices and that Han wasn't responsible, but Han always held a lot of guilt over it. Leia never really talked about what happened while she was there, but Han knew.
 It was also the place where Luke, Lando and Chewbacca came to save him and although it was successful, any one of them could've died. If Luke had faltered slightly, it would have been Luke, not Boba Fett, who ended up in the sarlacc pit. All this was bad, the stuff Han had nightmares about, but there was still more. This is where Luke grew up, where Luke met old Ben, where Luke's family was murdered and of course, where Han met Luke. Started this whole thing that Han got wrapped up in. It was supposed to be one mission, a mission that would have paid off Han's debts, then be back on track. It turned into meeting his best friend, and his best friend’s sister, who he married, and accidentally joining a war. Turned into Han having a son, a son Han didn't really know how to take care of, a son who became a sith Lord. It all started here on Tatooine, and Han didn't like thinking about it. At all.
Han was stuck in the same mental loop that Han was constantly going into, the things he did wrong, should or shouldn't have done, if his good outweighed his bad, thinking about how badly he ruined Leia's life, how he spent the last few decades trying to be the kind of man a princess deserved to marry but wasn't. Han was barely paying any attention, when a crash in the cargo woke him from his daydreams and startled the sleeping wookie beside him. "We didn't have any precariously stacked boxes back there, did we?"
 Chewie growled a no.
 "Shiiiiit" Han muttered as he and Chewbacca got up to find whatever sentient snuck aboard. He was getting too old for this nonsense.
Opening the cargo door and turning on the light, they saw nothing. Gun drawn; Han let out a warning.
“Alright, we know you’re in there. We’re both armed. I don’t want any trouble so how about you just slowly put your hands up and come on out.
         Slowly, ever so slowly, two burnt,  red, humanoid hands arose out from behind the fallen boxes.
“Ok, you don’t have to go that slow. Come on out” Han wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it sure wasn’t a young girl. She was a disaster, and was sunburnt to all hell. She was wearing a long, blue dress that reached her feet, covered her arms, and went up to the neck. The dress was too fancy to be from Tatooine but looked like it hadn’t been washed in a week which the smell confirmed. Her hair was short, only a few inches long, and stuck to her face with sweat. But out of all things he noticed, the thing that drew his eyes were the scars on her face. The two thick scars on her cheeks were hard to miss. She was shaking, but Han was still wary. Leia had killed by the time she was 20, so Han wasn’t taking any chances.
Han glanced at chewie, both confused “Alright let's just get this out of the way. Who are you and why are you here” she stared wide eyed, breathing heavily. No answer. Han kept the gun pointed at her, but leaned over to Chewbacca and whispered, “what do you think Chewie?”
Chewie said that he thinks she might be a runaway.
Han looked back to the girl “how old are you?” nothing “come on you gotta give us something”
Han tried to take a step forward, but the girl gasped and stepped back, flinching. She started crying, but her face remained frozen.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m not gonna hurt you!” Han panicked. He wasn’t exactly known for being a calming presence. He tended to feed off other people's anxiety, especially when it was directed at him. “don’t start cry- ah come on…” It was getting worse, she was shaking and looking like she was going to hyperventilate.
Han moved his gun from being pointed at her to pointing it away, but still out “are you in trouble? Can we help? Maybe we can take you back home?”
“NO!” finally a response.
Han narrowed his eyes. She looked like that hadn’t slept in a while and was a complete mess, so he was having trouble guessing her age. But the dress she was in was a little too nice. He couldn’t be getting caught with a runaway girl, that would draw too much attention. If she was escaping something he’d help, but he needed to keep a low profile. If her family is missing her, he could get in big trouble for having her here. “how old are you”
Pause. “24”
Han laughed “there’s no way you are 24. Come on, are you 18? 19??”
Slightly irritated, she replied “I’m 24. I get that a lot.”
Han wasn’t sure he believed her, but he moved on “what’s your name?”
“Just… call me Ty.”
“Ty? That’s it?”
“Yes?” She sounded like she was convincing herself. She was still shaking.
Han felt like she wasn’t a threat. They could put the pieces together later, but the girl looked like she couldn’t do much harm in the state she was in either way. He struggled to not stare at the scars. Han remembered times where he went hungry, and whatever had happened was that and much worse. “Listen. When was the last time you ate”?
Her expression looked a little pained “Its fine”
“No, it's not. Whatever is happening, you’ll be with us for at least the night so let's get you settled and we can talk more.”
Han hesitated. He really didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t relax unless it was done. “I have to check…”
“for weapons. Yeah.” She started breathing heavily again but tried to relax herself.
“Do you want chewie to do it or me?”
 Ty had hardly even registered Chewbacca, and was slightly terrified of whatever that was, but the thought of a man checking for weapons sounded horrific. “uh, do I have to undre-“
“OH GOD no, no, no. I just…” han held up the back of his hand and moved it around “like that”
“oh. Uh. Ok. I suppose him?” he glanced at chewie
Oh thank gods Han thought. He didn’t exactly want to go around patting down random terrified girls. It’ll be less awkward with chewie. He got it over fast enough, and Ty took a deep breath.  
Han put his gun away and looked her over once more, very curious about her story. He was no stranger to strangers, that’s for sure.
“Come on, let’s get you some food and water” Han gestured and began walking to the dining area. Ty did not move, causing Han to turn around when he didn’t hear footsteps “What is it?” he sighed
“I don’t… I don’t have any money.”
“Is that all? I wasn’t gonna charge ya. Come on.”
She walked, but slowly. When they got to the dining area, Han noticed she was still lagging. “What is now?” He sounded more irritated than he meant to.
“I told you my name. Why wont you tell me yours? Should I be worried?” She leaned against the doorway.
Han and Chewbacca looked at each other. “You’re telling me you don’t know who I am?”
She scoffed, “Do you know who I am?” Han almost saw a smile on her cut up face.
“I was hoping to find that out”
“You tell me your name, then we’ll talk”
Han grinned “Han Solo. This is Chewbacca” Chewie growled and waved “Most people seem to know who I am, at least when Chewie is with me. I assumed you hopped on the falcon because you knew who I was”
Ty stood straight up and curtsied “oh my gods, I am so sorry sir, I didn’t realize-“ she was cut off by the sound of Chewbacca laughing, she looked at Chewbacca and back at Han who stood with his arms crossed, more confused than ever. “Why is he laughing?”
“because he can’t read the room” Han glared at Chewbacca, who waved him off and went to get the food. “Why are you acting weird all of a sudden? Well, weirder. Relax.”
Standing with her back straight and hands behind her back, almost at attention it seemed, Tight and hands behind her back, almost at attention it seemed, Ty did not relax “Is leia here?”
This caused Chewbacca to turn around and look at Han, but Han was only looking at Ty “Do you know Leia?”
“Depends, is she here?”
“Sweetheart I mean this in the nicest way, but are you having a stroke? Is there some medicine you are supposed to be on?” Chewbacca told Han to be nice. Han got quieter. “Do you know what’s happened in the galaxy in the last ten years?”
“I know what happened. I just. I don’t really know much other than the attack on the… the temple…” she slowed as she realized she was talking about the death of Han’s son, and quickly changed direction “I just need to know if Leia is here.  I knew her briefly, that’s all I can say for now sir.”
Han cringed “Stop, stop calling me sir. No, Leia isn’t here. She’s… been busy. Please, relax.” Ty did relax just a little, seemed relieved that Leia wasn’t there. Chewbacca put food at the table “Eat” Han got a large cup of water. All pretense of formality faded from Ty when Han handed her the water. It was gulped down in a matter of seconds, and Han got another glass “when was the last time you had food and water?”
“I’ve been on Tatooine for about a week. Not a lot of food or water. I only had a little money when I got there. I don’t think I’ve eaten for about 5 days maybe?”
Han guessed that’s why she didn’t realize who he was. “Have you been sleeping outside?”
“Yes sir”
“Stop calling me sir” han snapped
Ty startled a little. “I’m sorry”
Han sighed, he had to be more careful. He couldn’t talk to her like a fellow smuggler “It’s ok. Why are you being so formal all of a sudden”
Ty shifted in her seat “Well you’re… you’re a prince”
Chewbacca burst into laughs again. Han glared “Haha laugh it up” He turned back to Ty “What do you mean?”
“You ARE married to a princess.”
Han leaned forward and put his hands on the table. “I hate to break it to you, but that planet no longer exists. Or did you miss that part too” He came off ruder than he planned to.
Ty glared at him “Yes, I am aware that an entire fucking exploded, I’m not an idiot.”
Han noticed he hit a nerve but continued antagonizing. “I can’t the prince  of a planet that doesn’t exist anymore”
Ty regained her composure and settled back in “Sorry. I don’t know why I got so worked up” she considered for a moment and looked back up “Maybe it has something to do with the fact you were being needlessly sarcastic” she glared
“Well sarcasm is something you are going to have to get used to here. Now,” he sat down “what is the story of all this” Han gestured at her.
Ty was scarfing down food like it was her last meal, but completely swallowed before saying “How do you mean?” She looked genuinely confused.
“How do I say this nicely…”
She put down the fork “Say it meanly” this seemed more like a dare than it was a genuine encouragement.
“This feels like a trap” he muttered “Well ya look terrible” Han grabbed a jar of bacta from the cupboard “you’ll need this for the sunburn”
“Ah… I suppose you would want to know that… right… thank you.” She began to put the bacta on her hands, then her face. She winced as was reminded that her face was injured and began applying it more carefully. She covered her face and began rubbing the bacta on the cuts on her cheeks and staring off into nothing. This continued for a moment, giving cause for concern.
“Hey? You okay?” no answer “Ty, hey!” Han raised his voice just a bit and grabbed her hand.
         Ty jolted back into reality and yelled, jerking her hand away and scrambling to the other side of the bench “DON’T TOUCH ME!”
Han took several steps back with his hands up “WHOA WHOA! Sorry!” Ty began crying. Han let Ty have a minute to calm down. Something happened. Han wasn’t known exactly for his wits, but he could put a few things together. “Hey, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He took a few steps forward “You weren’t responding” another few steps.
Ty moved back another inch, but was calming down. “I’m sorry, I just… I drifted off. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Han waited until she had calmed back to close enough to normal. “Listen. I’ve connected a few dots. Am I right to assume you are from a well to do family somewhere?” Ty looked surprised and started to deny it but Han held up his hand to stop her “Between that little conversation a moment ago, that dress you’re wearing, and that weird formal way you talk sometimes even though you try to hide it.”
“Yeah, fine. You got me. You want the story?”
“Hell yeah I want the story” he crossed his arms
“I was supposed to get married”
Han laughed “Aha, there it is, jilting a man at the altar. Ata girl, marriage is a mistake” Chewie smacked Han upside the head.
“I didn’t have a choice.” She glared at him “It was arranged by my parents to a First Order officer.  It was… well it wasn’t going to work. I had a bad feeling about him, so I left.” Ty threw up her hands “Okay! You got me! You can bring me back to him and get a big reward!” She looked like she was going to start crying again
“Hold on now, no ones going to turn you in anywhere. Chewbacca and I are trying to stay as far away from the First Order as we can. More importantly, I don’t know what anyone told you, but you don’t have to marry anyone you don’t want. “
“We do where I’m from.”
“Well then, we just won’t go back there, will we.”
“I’m trying not to.”
“Ok then. Are you done eating?”
Ty looked down at her plate, she had been eating her third plate of food “Sorry, I don’t know why I did that.” She continued looking down.
“Hey, don’t be sorry. You can have as much as you want, it just seemed like you were done, you weren’t eating”
“I’m done, thank you.”
“Alright then, let's get you settled for tonight” he began walking “come on”
Ty paused for a few moments before looking at Chewbacca and scrambling out of her seat. Following Han, she hesitantly stood behind the doorway of the room.
Han gestured in “Come on in, make yourself at home.” Ty stayed where she was, and Han realized she was probably being cautious “Ah got it. I’ll be out in a moment then.” Han stood up on the bed to reach the shelves.” This will be your room. And by room a mean closet” He stepped down from the bed and handed ty a black t-shirt and black pants.
Ty looked at the t-shirt “uh… I’ll keep what I have”
“You have nothing.” Han stated point blank. “What is it? You feel weird taking stuff? I’m not gonna leverage it against you if that’s what you’re worried about”
“Well its just… I’m so sorry, but I get cold easy”
“That’s it?” stepping up onto the bed, he grabbed a long sleeve and tossed it to her “Better?”
“Yes… sorry. I don’t want to put you out” looking down, she evaded eye contact
“Stop that. It’s fine. Now go take a shower. I’ll be in the cockpit”
Han heard the shower running for a long time. Long enough that he considered checking on her, but he figured she needed some time and a good scrub. Chewie was hanging out in the copilot seat, eating
“Well Chewie what do you think”
I think she needs a place to stay
“I don’t know about that. I want to help but I don’t think we are what she needs. We can take her somewhere, but I don’t want to get involved.”
She needs our help Han
“And we need to keep our heads low. It’s a pretty big deal that we’ve stayed away from the First Order this long. We have to keep our heads low. I don’t think things will go great for you, me, or her if we get caught up in core world issues. We don’t know how important she is”
This isn’t a core-world issue. This is a girl who has clearly been traumatized and has almost no idea what’s happening in the galaxy. She’s not going to survive long out there.
“I just... I can’t do this again Chewie. I can’t get involved in other peoples shit again. That’s what got me into this problem in the first place.”
You’re the captain, Han
         Chewbacca went to bed. He knew damn well what Han would do. Despite how he wants to present himself, he was a softie. Han kicked up his feet and thought for a few minutes. He knew Chewie was right. And he knew as well as Chewie did that he couldn’t just drop her off to fend for herself. Something happened that she wasn’t talking about, but that was fine by Han. He had secrets too. Han heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Ty in the doorway. In the simple clothing, she looked more her age, and Han believed she was the 24 years she said she was. Her short hair was still damp and partially clung to her face in wisps. The rest of her hair was curling as long as the length would allow. It was obvious it was not done by a professional. “Did you cut your own hair”
“Why would someone with the money you do cut your own hair?”
“Don’t ask.”
Han nodded.
Ty continued “So where are you taking me?”
“Got anywhere you’re trying to get to? Any friends?”
“No. But you can just drop me off anywhere that’s not a desert planet, wherever is convenient”
Crossing his arms, Han pressed “What’s your plan?”
“I’ll figure it out”
“That’s not a plan”
Ty crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway  “It’s fine. I’ll figure it out.”
Han laughed “Oh yeah like you were figuring it out on Tattooine? I think you would’ve lasted about 3 more days at most. People die there every day, you wouldn’t even get noticed until the animals got you” Ty glared, but Han continued “And I thought you smuggled aboard the Falcon because you knew we wouldn’t hurt you. You just got on the first ship you saw”
“Stop it.”
Han knew he should stop, but he went on. “Do you have any idea what could have happened if you got on the wrong ship? At best you could be killed, at worst you could be-“
Han stopped. He knew he should say sorry. Again, he didn’t. “Listen. Point is, you need somewhere to go. And luckily, we’ve been looking to hire a few hands. Come, sit down”
Ty looked confused, but didn’t enter the cockpit “I can’t be of much help. I can't shoot, I’m not strong, I obviously don’t have a clue about anything. Why would you want me here?” she subconsciously moved back a little and narrowed her eyes just a bit.
“I can teach you to shoot, you’ll get stronger and you’ll learn. We just need an extra hand is all. We don’t have a lot, I’m sure it’s nothing compared to wherever you are from, but it’s food, shelter and relative safety.”
“Relative safety?” Ty questioned, softening up to the idea.
“Yeah, I can’t guarantee that nothing will happen, but Chewie and I keep our heads pretty low, and you’ll be safe with us”
The word hung in the air for Ty as she considered. Han was a war hero, surely he wouldn’t hurt her. Leia would never have been with someone like that. “Ok.”
“Ok, it’s settled then” Han turned back and watched the sky ahead of him.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen this before.” Ty said from the doorway.
“I suppose you’ve always been in fancy ships haven’t you?”
“Well I’ve never flown”
Han glanced over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t joking, but she was serious. “You’ve lived an odd life Ty”
“You could say that.” Ty stood up, and almost went to bed, but she turned and walked over to the copilot seat and sat down. She sat upright, but it felt wrong. Ty relaxed into the chair and crossed her arms, and watched the stars fly by.
After a few moments, Han broke the silence one last time “You gonna tell me how you got those scars?” he didn’t turn to look at her. This was the first time anyone acknowledged the two large scars on her face.
Ty sat quietly for a moment. This was a question, not a demand. “No.” she answered.
There they sat in silence until Ty went to bed
This fic was my bedtime fantasy for years. This is my third attempt writing it and putting it out lmfao. As most bedtime scenarios go, its over-dramatic and unreaistic. But hey, thats what im here for.
LMK if you want to be added to the tag list but honestly I dont think theres gonna be much interest and Im probably just talking to myself haha
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risingshards · 1 year
I finished Jedi Survivor and have to talk about it and nobody I know has it WAHHH
My thought as the catharsis of finishing settles is that I think it's one of my favorite Star Wars things like ever.
For reference, my tippy top tier of Star Wars is the OT (duh), KOTOR series, OG Battlefronts, Mandalorian (particularly S2), Visions (especially The Twins which is maybe my favorite #1 SW thing because I'm so obsessed with Am and it's like Star Wars I love distilled into half an hour), TFA, and some particular TCW and Rebels arcs. There's probably more that I'm forgetting I tend to do that. And of course the Jedi series.
My Jedi series history: I remember at Celebration 2019, one of the best experiences of my life, I left one of the meet and greets (I met Ian McDiarmid and Billy Dee Williams!!!) and my partner at the time and I looked at the main stage and were like "wait what the fuck is Ian from Shameless doing here?!?!" Because we were in lines all day, we didn't see the announcement that Fallen Order was a thing.
And then the first one was a great time. Maybe a bit too hard for my game ability, but with difficulty turned down I was able to handle it. I loved how they just let Cal be kind, just a sweet good dude, like the true spirit of what a Jedi can be is in him, BD-1 is one of the best game companions ever, the supporting cast of Merrin/Cere/Greez was REAL good, loved the main villain and made sure to get her figure and Cal's, and the failure is not the end scene made me ugly ugly cry and is one of my favorite (I'm talking favorite a lot which I think is a persistent theme for me playing this series). So I was excited for Survivor obviously.
And it was very very good. There are a lot of things I can't stop thinking about in game, I had trouble sleeping one night (not cuz of the game it was just one of my "well we aren't sleeping tonight" nights and spent most of it just like "wow what about this thing in jedi survivor" which is the sign of a game I either supremely cared about or was supremely troubled about (for example of the latter, I legit lost sleep after finishing Mass Effect 3 LOL).
I loved how big the opening was and how well it told the themes of the story and Cal's journey, weary from fighting the Empire and weary from losing friend after friend.
The inciting incident of Cal finding the frozen in bacta Jedi from the High Republic era Dagan Gera was my like "YES. OH MY GOD YES. RESPAWN YOUR VISION FOR STAR WARS IS JUST LIKE THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!!" Something about this angsty anime boy villain had me like "RELEASE THE ACTION FIGURE FOR HIM ASAP PLEASE HE'S COOOOOOOL." And the High Republic thing had me excited for Cal to get a new story that was his own deal that wasn't just Cal vs. Empire (well. didn't get that entirely but the main thrust of the story was the High Republic adventure which was fun.)
The family aspect was handled really well here too, with Cal's family being separated and you gradually reunite with them. Greez is like the lovable grandpa uncle, Cere the new parent/guardian figure to Cal after losing his previous one, and Merrin as the scary gf. BD-1 of course the loyal best friend pet, I have a small dog so like BD 1 and Cal's friendship hits so hard for me.
I thought the moral of the game would be like "you don't need to have this big mythical home in Tanalorr to go for, you have one to establish in Koboh" but they twisted me similarly to Cal breaking the holocron in Fallen Order. The Jedha battle with the crazy walker thing was amazing, and Cal and Merrin are so sweet together that I dug the kiss a lot.
The story felt like it halted for a bit after that and before getting to Dagan at the observatory, with the beautiful force vision duel with Dagan feeling like a "well the game COULD end here and I'd be pretty satisfied" moment. Then things went into high gear with Bode's betrayal leading to everything falling apart. Playing as Cere was amazing, and I did lose my mind for Vader showing up (love the parallel to him being in water for the first game and fire here, third game he'll be in the air or the dirt for the elemental trifecta). I definitely got emotional losing Cere, and thought that was really well handled, dealing with the tragic sense of "this couldn't end up any other way with Vader wanting revenge on her" well. As they said later, she got to go out winning her battle against the dark side and that's beautiful.
The last act of the game is mostly focused on dealing with Bode's betrayal. Cal's dalliances with the dark side are super interesting, because nothing is the same once he gets that first taste. Even the pause menu is tainted afterwards, as if a part of his soul is corrupted by just tapping into that incredible energy once. Mechanically it was a bit clunky to make tapping into the dark side a forced thing like in the last boss fight, and a bit of a clone of Ghost of Tsushima's ghost stance but Sucker Punch ya won't make Sly 5 so I'm not gonna judge if people take stuff from ya. Bode was gone by the end and willing to physically hurt his own daughter so like I didn't feel bad about Cal tapping into the dark side to defeat him (when Bode hit BD-1, that was his "oh there's no coming back for this guy is there" moment). I really loved the ending with the pyre funeral for Cere, Cordova, and Bode. It felt like a movie ending, and Cal talking to Cere about being so afraid of failing, of losing himself to the darkness was beautiful and probably the closest the game got to the failure speech in terms of making me bawl from the first game. After finishing, I felt like I had just finished watching a movie, like the same cathartic feeling of finishing a big Star Wars movie.
My bigger downsides: 155GB for a console game is fucking absurd. That stretch of time where it was just gameplay with the story being light was a bit of a drag (those sequences of just wave after wave of enemy were BS), and it felt like there weren't a lot of planets total (unless the side missions add planets because I just played the main story, that'd be cool if the bounties sent you back to old planets from the first game). I REALLY wish Dagan Gera had more to do and wasn't in the same role as Taron Malicos where he's the like sub-antagonist that gets offed relatively easily because I feel like there was so much more potential with a reawakened High Republic Era Jedi who immediately falls to the dark side. Like Second Sister, I do wish there was more with these super interesting villain characters before they get somewhat anticlimactically killed off, but cool as fuck villains getting somewhat anticlimactically killed off is basically Star Wars tradition.
I think it's a downside of the time period that at the end of the day the Empire has to be the big bad looming over everything. I'd love to see Respawn get a blank slate (there are a couple teams I'd love to see get a blank slate doing their own Star Wars from scratch, like Respawn, the Clone Wars team...) where they aren't beholden to have things fit into a timeline. But the Jedi series has been fine about that so far and nothing's felt like too hopeless or too crunching into a timeline. It was kind of cool in a video game-y way that you can be like "Oh it's the sequel so the formula is setting in, oh here's the sub villain, now we beat them, oh here's a surprise Vader appearance, etc. etc." I was excited for the Raiders led by Dagan to be a new threat for Cal and co., but because it's the Emprie reign era the Imps end up taking the main villain focus, which makes sense ofc, but I'm a slut for new factions.
Another downside that's not the game's fault: I'm streaming the game for a friend, and they guessed the entire plot immediately and I'm so mad at them about it because I hadn't pieced anything together when they did LOL. 30 seconds into Bode's appearance they were like "he did it. traitor. he's a spy for the empire and killed everyone there. i bet vader shows up too" and now I'm like I HOPE YOU DIDNT READ SPOILERS AND ARE JUST ACTING LIKE YOU PREDICTED THIS CUZ THAT'S A LITTLE TOO SPOT ON but I know they're just a genre savvy type. usually I can guess the immediate traitor which is a trope of games but I was just like "bode's voice actor voiced kotallo and charles :) " Part of me is thinking of ways to convince them they're wrong to mislead them as revenge but I'd have to act really well to pull that off and that'd be mean lmao.
What I'm hoping for to close out the trilogy assuming it gets a third game: I don't want Cal to turn to the dark side, but I do trust this team to handle his battle with it well. In a galaxy of tragic endings, there aren't many I want to have a happy ending more than Cal so that's my main hope for the third game. I hope Cal and his family establishing the hidden path is their way out of avoiding a fate of just "vader and the empire wipe them out because canon dictates it so." They've done so well so far that I trust this team to handle wrapping up Cal's story well, so I'm mainly just excited for what's next.
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
Some about me stuff ig since my bio is kinda messy.
-Protestant Christian
-fan artist
-fanfic writer
-sometimes I make memes and story/character analyses
-mostly active on Instagram and Tumblr
-pro/ship, t/cest, leo/rai, rey/lo dni
-I hate rey//lo and kylo ren with a burning passion.
-Tokyo Mew Mew, Transformers, TMNT, and My Little Pony are my main fandoms. I’m currently obsessed with TMNT.
-I sometimes make suggestive jokes but I would rather not discuss n/sfw subjects in depth pls.
-My rambles are tagged with ‘pumpkin stuff’ and my art is simply tagged ‘my art’
Some extra fandom stuff so y'all can decide whether you wanna follow me or not:
Tokyo Mew Mew
-Pie and Retasu are my OTP.
-I think Pie and Tart are underrated and misunderstood as characters. Pie's not emotionless and Tart's not just a bratty kid.
-Masaya is my boy, and I will fight his haters.
-Kishigo is a horrible ship. I like Quiche, but he's horrible to Ichigo during the series. At best, I could see them as friends, but nothing more.
-TFA is my favorite continuity. Optimus, Blackarachnia, and Sentinel are my favorite characters.
-Sentinel may be a jerk, but he's not irredeemable. Season 3 was literally setting up him and Optimus becoming friends again.
-Optimus and Blackarachnia were my first OTP, and I still love them. The drama is so enticing.
-Every continuity is good. Y'all are just mean.
-1987 is my favorite continuity.
-I think the writing in 2012 kinda sucks, but it was my first and is still one of my favorites.
-2003 has rlly good writing and I can’t recommend it enough.
-Rise is good too, I just don’t have a personal bias for it, sorry.
-My main ships are leolotus, 2012 apritello, 2003 jhannatello, 1987 and 2012 ramona and raphibians, and 1987 kalangelo.
-I don't like leo//rai.
-Lotus Blossom and Karai are not the same person. Periodt.
-I can address their flaws, but I am a 2012 April and apritello apologist.
-The day Lotus Blossom appears in a new continuity is the day I know pure joy. And she better be paired with Leo pls pls pls.
-Did I mention I’m a Lotus Blossom stan and have original versions of her for nearly every continuity lol
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redrascal1 · 1 year
And here we go again with the JB adorers and AD haters on the JCF - this one in particular has a nice record of contempt not just for Kylo (fictional character) but also for Adam.
Boyega has several matters that he could easily point to as evidence of LFL having blatant preference for Adam Driver over him - in particular, that when TROS was released, they proceeded to push (in published materials, no less) for Adam Driver to receive any “Best Actor” consideration, even though he always had less screentime than Boyega and Boyega had auditioned for and won the part of the male lead back in TFA.
To quote an interesting poster on Quora: ‘Adam Driver is a powerhouse actor.’
Yes, he is. And this is why he stole the show in the ST - his talent as a fine actor shone through despite, as the little troll above says, having less screen time as Boyega. Boyega acted well, don’t get me wrong - but Adam’s performance was consistently mind blowing. 
Then there is this:
I think that TLJ blatantly and consistently holds Finn to an almost standard impossible standard while practically worshipping Kylo in comparison - so much so I’d argue that we should note how Boyega’s acting never really gets criticized even by people who dislike Finn, while Driver *does* receive some criticism because of how little the film requires out of him.
‘Little’? For fuck’s sake....Adam had to work extremely hard throughout the entire ST, but most of all in TLJ. And not just because he did his own stunts but because he had to play the most complex character in the entire trilogy. And present that character’s nuances in a manner that did not degenerate into ‘ham’ acting. There is a very good reason why he was hailed by critics as being the series’ breakout star - critics, not Ben/Kylo stans, or reylos. 
I am fed up beyond belief of these horrible toxics constantly comparing Adam’s acting skills to John Boyega’s and finding them wanting. If they hate his character, fine. I hated Palpatine. But Ian McDiarmid is a delightful man and I both like and respect him. John Boyega was great as Finn in both TFA and TLJ. But Adam wasn’t great - he was outstanding. There is a reason why he has twice been nominated for an Oscar. 
They are being wholly unfair to start picking on him just because he stole the show. If they are pissed off at Boyega’s supposedly bad treatment then they should take it up with DLF, not Adam. Adam has done nothing but be professional throughout the whole shoot of those films, both on screen and off - even Boyega said that. And oh how I wish they would stop moaning about how Adam ‘stole’ Boyega’s role as ‘leading man’ - there wasn’t a leading man, the ST was all about Rey. Adam, as Ben Solo, last Skywalker  in the Skywalker Saga, should have been the main character, but Ben was demoted for Rey. Blame Rey, Finn fans. 
I am so tired of Boyega’s whining. Finn - or Sam, as he was originally called - was always meant to be a supporting character. This is from the beginning, when Tom Holland was slated to play him. John Boyega was not hard done by because of his ethnicity. He was not hard done by because of Adam Driver. He was not hard done by, by DLF. They gave him the role, after all. His constant petulant behaviour makes me wish they’d cast Tom Holland now - I often wonder what the reception would have been if they had.
Boyega’s fans on the JCF will only be happy if they make a Finn film. How many bets that even if he does appear in the forthcoming Rey film, they will still complain about him ‘playing second fiddle’ to Rey. But at least they won’t be able to blame Adam for it.
Finally....one of my fave scenes from TLJ, showing just how good Adam was as Kylo Ren.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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Update from y’silly-
TL;DR: Planning to move mains when I have the time/make the new main. Several muses are getting axed due to inactivity/lack of interest, and several blogs are also getting axed for similar reasons. Gonna make a new SI art piece soon to use as a ref because I can.
SO! I do plan to re-vamp the entire blog (same URL, new mainverse SI, different blog/new main), as well as give some of my more consistently-active muses (if you can call them that...) their own blogs. I plan to remove certain muses from the roster, while keeping others.- And giving my Lego-centric multi, @not-so-childsplay, its own main blog and several sideblogs (for several of my newer Lego selfships).
Work is thankfully being consistent, and I do love making blogs and whatnot, so while this entire undertaking is probably gonna take me an age, I’ll hopefully be done before Christmas! Aside from that, I’ve finalized the art list for this year, and plan to also start working on that list during/after the blog revamps are all said and done.
For those who want specific muses to remain on my main multimuse after all is said and done, please contact me and let me know who you want to have there! For now, the characters that will ABSOLUTELY be remaining on my roster are:
Herobrine, Bill Cipher, Queen Chrysalis, Mephiles the Dark, Rouge the Bat, Shade the Echidna, Sonic the Hedgehog, Al-An, Luna Lulamoon, Jesse Ender Lapis, Optimus Prime, Freddy Fazbear, Meta Knight, Mettaton, Swindle, Rimuru Tempest, Moondrop, Stora/Steven Universe, Garnet, Bismuth, Miles “Tails/Archi” Prower, Korosensei, Bumblebee (TFA will become a sideverse as opposed to a separate muse), Soundwave, Swindle, and Loki Laufeyson.
I also plan to keep all my OCs, including those I’ve adopted, which includes: Arwen Shonch Duality, Fin Floss Freja, Orange, and Lyle Alchemy Lowstep. Vera Aveline Kabir (the SCP Researcher OC) is not included in this list due to having been moved to her own multi (that I really need to finish, note to self...).
Muses that will be removed when I change over blogs (unless asked otherwise) are:
Calix Lucien, Cloak-Bot, Goblin Slayer, Glu-Urrgle, Johnny 5, Robotic Fizzarolli, Scourge Prime, Stolas, Nikki, Sans, Zhongli, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Spinel, Wall-E, V. I. N., and Toriel.
I will be shelving reincarnated-glassray, of-books-and-librarians, chocoglaze, and moviemobians.
All muses that are being removed (as well as blogs) will still be available on Discord, although I will be cautious about who I interact with concerning them.
When I move blogs, I will be following back anyone who wishes to continue interaction. I’ll make a separate post for that when the time comes, but for now, that’s all I have. Have a good Wednesday, gonna go bounce around art of the new SI and Slime Rancher!
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hopegained · 1 year
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"They may never find out that we came here at all."
@rebelresolve // sc
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wagenstung · 1 year
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✩﹙ v.﹙ bee. ﹚
follows the bumblebee (2018) movie and events, and takes place either just before, during, or sometime after the movie's canon events. charlie just turned eighteen, and has found a new friend in bumblebee, set on helping him find his way back to the autobot known as optimus prime.
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✩﹙ v.﹙ main. ﹚
ambiguous / open transformers verse. loosely follows and somewhat deviates from the bumblebee (2018) movie and events. can take place during and after the events of the movie. instead of choosing to stay behind, charlie accepts bumblebee's request to join him. she takes time to get her things and say bye to her family and memo, promising to be back and to keep in touch. charlie leaves with bee and joins him and optimus to meet the remaining autobots.
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✩﹙ au.﹙ prime. ﹚
loosely translates the events of bumblebee (2018) into transformers: prime (2010). charlie first meets bumblebee a few years before the events of the series (putting her in her early twenties in-series), and is teamed with bee as a trusted ally of the autobots after having protected bee while he spent time on the west coast again. charlie is partnered with bumblebee through the series, and somewhat plays role of "aunt" and "big sister" to the main human cast.
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✩﹙ au.﹙ idw. ﹚
under construction. open / ambiguous involvement. follows the idw / tmtmte comic line.
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✩﹙ au.﹙ tfa. ﹚
loosely translates the events of bumblebee (2018) into transformers: animated (2007). under construction.
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
how did overlord manage to have a kid. pretty sure everything that wasn't strictly necessary was ripped out to make more room for weapons and or ways to make more weapons
True!! For both of my AU’s I’m gonna go under the assumption that Overlord went through the Triple Changer Program as well in the tfa verse.
Overlord was one of the very first bots to undergo experimentation under the orders of Megazarak. He had voulenteered for the program of course because who was he to turn down upgrades that would only make him bigger and stronger withing the ranks if it were successful? He had nothing to lose and if things went well, he’d actually have a chance of finally beating (a much younger back then) The Terror of Kaon in the gladiatorial pits.
***EDIT*** this backstory had been changed! Overlord underwent experimentation under the jurisdiction of the AUTOBOTS! His allows for a more coherent story/reason as to how overlord ended up w the cons & why the Autobots discontinued their own TC experimentation after Overlord’s breakout
Seeing that the program was new and obviously wasn’t perfected, his frame was practically turned inside out in order to properly alignment transformation sequences for the project.
(Of course the Program was dangerous and had a low success rate, those who survived got the glory but obviously they’d never be the same physically, and often mentally as well. I mean look at Blitzwing, his mind split in three)
My headcanons for Cybertronian Reproduction don’t align with human reproduction exactly, so I’d understand that Overlord would’ve maybe had to have his Gestation Tank removed for space, but anything else it’s not necessary?? You can’t take out the spark/spark chamber, which that alone is primarily responsible for genetic coding/a jump start to produce a newspark. As for like,,his other bits I guess? What weapon would you even put there you don’t need to take those parts out lmao??
IN SUMMARY, Overlord may not be capable of carrying, but he can still be a Sire!
(Overlord’s changes were done before the War, the program was new and they tried to cover all bases in order to be successful, meaning as many inferior internal bits were sacrificed as necessary. However I imagine millennia down the road when it was Blitzwing’s turn, they figured out what was necessary to take and what was not, so his Gestation Tank stayed! Though having so much rearranged may not have allowed for the most ‘safe’ or comfort future carriages. Blitzwing would’ve had a really rough time if he didn’t get the proper medical treatment with Katydid!)
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Please help crown the Most Deadbeat Parent of Transformers!
Round Three will start at 10:00 PM EST 4/21!
I will be adding links once all the polls are posted. Each are set up with the name of character (continuity they are in) format.
Please feel free to add in arguments/propaganda for or against the characters. My ask box and submissions are open.
This is, again, done as a laugh and not to be taken as any serious criticism of the character.
Miko's Host Parents (TFP) v. Megatron (G1)
Blaster (SG) v. Zeta Prime (IDW1)
Megatron (TFA) v. Shockwave (Marvel)
Dr. Arkeville (G1) v. Alpha Trion
Tarantulas (BW) v. Prowl (IDW1)
Megatron (Rid 2001) v. Ultra Magnus (TFA)
Everyone have fun and remember vote the worst, most deadbeat of them! May the best-worst win!
Note: As a general warning for anyone who isn't particularly fond of polls as I will be using the main tags, all of my polls will be tagged as "transformers deadbeat poll" if you would like to block this tag to cut down on seeing them
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stcrmrunning · 4 years
❝ nobody smart plays fair. ❞
Stormrunner couldn’t help the slight scoff that escaped him, clawed servos pausing in his sorting of various tools and supplies. “I think,” he began, digits tapping ever-so-lightly on the table, “we’re far past playing fair in this war.” 
He turned to face the other mecha, wings twitching slightly as he looked them over. “Are you alright? I usually don’t see anybody other than the medics around here unless they’re wounded.”
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crimscnsabcr · 5 years
@kybcrhearted​ like for a starter
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“Skywalker cannot be trusted, Mara.” Jacen stated.
The male stepped closer to the young woman. Confusion and betrayal were plain to see within his eyes. His trust within his uncle and master had been greatly shaken, and everything felt like a lie to him.
“We need to leave.”
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