#faith cosplay
thtfailedartist · 11 months
Rotoscoped picture of my John ward cosplay
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Meant to post it on 31 October but didn't like how it looked so I altered it
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nationalheadservice · 4 months
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Remember Dudes, Gary Loves You 🫶
Had fun kicking about in my crocs at MCM London last weekend, first time in a while✌️
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trashprinceward · 1 year
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A quick assortment of unfiltered, unedited shots from my phone. These are part of a bigger photoshoot, but I'm gonna have to touch everything up on my laptop first.
Also have this one.
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nicoleasahina · 6 months
My DoL Cosplay!!!
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help lol
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zzoupz · 2 years
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played with a friend yesterday and well this abomination exists now
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alexeicosplay · 9 days
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Went out camping with @skoll-sun-eater and we cosplayed FC5 at this great spot around our campsite. I love how everything came together in these photos and Skoll looking amazing as always!💜
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joycrispy · 1 year
Gideon and Crowley could not be more different as characters but I do think it's funny that we currently have TWO golden-eyed redheaded goths with iconic dark sunglasses, who pretend to be sardonic and impervious but are actually the saddest beings in their respective worlds, who were both fucked over by Actual God and estranged from their (enemies-to) lovers (who are themselves something Holy and who have vanished into Hell/Heaven).
Also they are both gay.
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ashmakesstuffaus · 1 year
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“Montana. Big Sky Country. The Treasure State. Folks got a lot of names for it. Me? I just call it home.”
This year marks the fifth anniversary of one of my favourite games of all time, Far Cry 5. This game is an absolute comfort, and I always find myself returning to it. I know Hope County like the back of my hand, but it always manages to surprise me.
Over the years I’ve created and recreated a number of props and other items from the game, and I see myself continuing to do so for years to come.
Hope County will always be home to me 🤍
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skoll-sun-eater · 1 year
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Faith Seed core. Just playing around in the yard today. Happy Halloween. Legit, when it's October it's Halloween ev'ry day.
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anghraine · 3 months
I've talked a lot about Númenórean aging throughout the Second and Third Ages having its own distinct process. But occasionally I have a fridge horror thought about it with regard to Pharazôn that I've talked about less.
First, the aging context (feel free to ignore if you already know!): according to LOTR, UT, and NOME, Númenórean aging is distinct from (but related to) both Elvish and normal human aging. Like other humans, Númenóreans physically age at a "standard" pace until reaching adulthood. After this, they age more like Elves—very slowly, only showing signs of old age/decay either at the very end of their lives or under enormous strain.
Denethor in LOTR is not an exception to this, but an example of what "something has gone wrong" looks like. Everyone in LOTR thinks it's weird that Denethor, who is clearly not dying (he can still wear armor 24/7 and wield a sword), looks like an old man at the spry age of 89 and started showing these signs in his 60s. It is broadly—and correctly—assumed in Minas Tirith that he's prematurely aged by mental combat with Sauron, although Sauron never does manage to dominate his mind.
Tangent: This is actually important because Tolkien explained (mainly in UT) Gandalf's urgency wrt Minas Tirith in direct relation to Númenórean aging and Denethor. By the time of LOTR, Gandalf knows 1) even contemporary Dúnedain do not ordinarily show signs of physical decay so early, 2) they especially don't in Denethor's family; Gandalf doesn't know the genealogical details but he can tell they're descendants of Elros, making this doubly weird, and 3) the Stewards very likely have the palantír of Minas Tirith in their possession. So Gandalf put the clues together and guessed that Denethor's premature decay was from using the Anor-stone and tangling with Sauron. Gandalf feared that Denethor had essentially pulled a Saruman and been dominated by Sauron, which is part of why he was so anxious on the ride to Minas Tirith. (Even more tangentially: Denethor read this fear in him and apparently found it both deeply offensive and very funny.)
ANYWAY, the point is that this extremely delayed aging process in which physical old age is a sign of impending death still characterizes Númenóreans that late, unless something very strange is going on. It would definitely be the normal process for Númenóreans throughout the entire Second Age, even given the contracting lifespans of the later years.
We also know that one of the factors that led to Pharazôn's disastrous assault on Aman was the onset of old age. This would not simply be a reminder of his mortality for a Númenórean, least of all one from the (honestly rather inbred) line of Elros. It meant he would soon die. If he'd followed the old royal custom of giving up his life when he felt death approach, he might well be dead already. Instead, he's in the "decay" stage and visibly aging.
The point is not that you should feel sorry for Pharazôn. It is very much not that.
No. The point is that Pharazôn was an old man by this time and likely would have looked it.
Meanwhile, here's the Akallabêth's final description of Tar-Míriel, the daughter of the last Faithful king of Númenor and Pharazôn's own first cousin, whom he stripped of hereditary power and forced into marriage:
And last of all the mounting wave, green and cold and plumed with foam, climbing over the land, took to its bosom Tar-Míriel the Queen, fairer than silver or ivory or pearls.
Of course, in Tolkien's treatment, age and beauty do not have to be mutually exclusive. But it really doesn't sound like Míriel was in the final state of decay (and lbr, she didn't have a lot of reason to cling to life beyond the natural end of her lifespan anyway).
Moreover, the shortening of Númenórean lifespans in the Second Age was directly linked to estrangement from Eru/the Valar/their friends among the Elves and hoarding resources and power while developing a paranoid obsession with death. Tolkien said this outright, but also the dates we do have for the Faithful Lords of Andúnië indicate significantly longer lifespans than the later kings of Númenor, their cousins. So if Míriel was privately Faithful, it would be entirely probable for her natural lifespan to far outstrip Pharazôn's.
I do know about the alternate draft Tolkien considered where Míriel was on Team Pharazôn and totally wanted to surrender her power and enter an illegal incestuous marriage, but I agree with Christopher Tolkien that this seems to have been discarded in favor of the purely tragic Míriel of the published Akallabêth. (I also think it's a terrible idea, honestly, that does not fit the overall narrative nearly as well as the Silm's Míriel, tragic as her story is.)
Sometimes I wonder about how the Pharazôn and Míriel of the Akallabêth perceived each other over the years, though. The entire marriage is a nightmare, but I've wondered if he saw her as initially a sort of prize, a possession of great value to adorn his reign—a jewel, even. I've wondered how much Míriel dared, how much she could dare, what the stakes for her really were. And I also wonder what the marriage looked like as Míriel remained delicate, beautiful, and apparently ageless while Pharazôn conspicuously decayed.
The disparity might not have seemed all that significant at first, since Númenórean women typically had longer lifespans than the men anyway (all else being equal). But as time went on and Pharazôn became an old man, obsessed with aging and death, while "fairer than silver" Tar-Míriel remained trapped at his side, I do wonder what the dynamics of that marriage really would have been.
And of course, there'd be Sauron at his other side, notoriously fair and even more truly ageless, willing to exploit any leverage available. I've never envisioned the situation as anything but dreadful, but now I'm like ... yikes.
That said, I'm still fond of the version of Míriel I wrote in 2013:
She firmly puts that and all else out of her mind when Sauron comes to speak with her, eyes frozen and piercing, words honeyed. But the sea is coming and she cannot see beyond it, and Pharazôn is gone with his armies, and that grants her a courage she had thought crushed out of her in all her years of suffering. "I am Tar-Míriel, Queen of Númenórë," she says defiantly, "and you are naught but master of lies and thralls. Step aside or the wrath of the Valar will fall on you once more, and they are in no mood to hear your pleas!" He’s so completely taken aback to be challenged by little Zimraphel that he does take a step back and she runs on ahead to the Meneltarma, laughing. "It shall fall on you still! May you enjoy the fruits of your labours, Tar-Gorthaur!"
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priestly-prince · 5 months
I uh...
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spiderin-space · 1 month
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More new update stuff 😩
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trashprinceward · 1 year
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It's just one shot, it can't be that strong.
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See, it's not that ba-...
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Good Lord.
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littlebeautygrass · 7 months
“Get ready to go away with me. Bliss is waiting for us”
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Gosh… I love me in this cosplay
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checke12 · 5 months
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ur mom
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zhansww · 6 months
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