#faith-based life coach school
aspiringwriter1111 · 8 months
I'm just thinking about if Adrien got the ladybug miraculous instead of the cat, because we were totally robbed of fluffy Tikki and Adrien.
Like, imagine she sees his life, completely taken aback, "Is this... All you want????"
And Adrien answers, "As long as my dad's happy, and we have our monthly scheduled breakfast, everything's okay."
"But you could have better than 'okay'????"
She explains to him that he's allowed to want things outside of the bubble his father puts him in, and that it's normal to want more, even if your life is "Perfect".
How she's lived for so long, and with all the things she's seen over history (wars, famine, violence, injustice, etc.) there's been many times when she's felt like nothing could be made better.
But the wanting of better things was important.
Being the kwami of creation, she explains that a big part of her is wanting. You can't CREATE, unless you WANT.
Which is somewhat new to Adrien because he doesn't really allow himself to want. If he wanted, there's a good chance he couldn't have it, because, he realizes, what he really wants is connection.
But, gosh, she makes it sound so... easy???
Adrien starts to realize that maybe what he wants, ISN'T what he has.
"Is it, really that easy, to have what you want?"
And she's like, "Yup. 🐞👍"
And you know how Tikki is such a good life coach/encouragement expert?? You can't tell me Adrien wouldn't soak it up like a sponge.
All the support he never had, is suddenly there. All the faith that she has, in his decisions and what he wants.
Like, the freedom from that??? The comfort??? The connection he's been longing for???
We all know what speaks to Adrien is people listening to him. Like, actually SEEING and HEARING him for who he wants to be.
(In the OG series, his connection to Marinette is partially based on it. She was the only person who saw what he ACTUALLY wanted, and wanted it for him too.)
And Tikki, being the kwami of creation, would love nothing more than for her holder to create. To see him grow and blossom into what he WANTS to be.
And the guilt that held him back starts to melt away.
In place of it grows curiosity!! The seeking of what he wants, which is something he's never done before!! It's all so new and exciting.
+ We get Adrien comforted by Tikki.
Imagine him, sad and alone, and then this tiny little thing squishing into his face, "You can do it Adrien!! I believe in you! It's okay!!"
And maybe his father doesn't change (He probably wouldn't smh-) but he kind of doesn't have to anymore? He says Adrien can't go to his friend's party.
So Adrien brings the party to him, hosting it in their foyer. Or he video chats them, with his disco ball on, and his music up so high his dad can hear it from his lair.
And this happens over, and over again, with everything.
His father gives out, because he knows whatever he takes away, Adrien just makes it over again, and WHY IS HE SO DARN DETERMINED NOW?!? HE WAS NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE?!???!
So he starts to just let him do what he wants, because if he keeps him locked up, the "annoyance" is right in his house, messing with his plans.
In school, Adrien would probably join the debate team (Being seen and heard), and start going with Mylene and Ivan to their protests. Being the son of a famous fashion designer only adds to the causes they fight for, (Also, being seen and heard).
First day of school he immediately goes towards Nino, now knowing what he wants.
With a firm, "I'd like to be friends with you." Instead of a, "Chloe is my only friend, I have to stay with her."
He sees Chloe putting gum on the bench next to them, and immediately cuts contact with her (Blocked).
He's trying to take the gum off before the people who sit there show up, doing his best, because he doesn't want them to even know what happened at all.
And this girl taps him on the shoulder, and asks "What are you doing?"
And he goes, "Taking the gum off."
"You don't have to do that?" She says, setting her bag down, "I can just move over."
The girl was Marinette.
"I know you!" He says, standing up, "Your family runs the bakery around the corner!"
She snapped her fingers, "You always order the big assortment boxes of macarons!"
It's an instant friendship.
And Adrien silently thanks Tikki in his head for refusing to eat anything other than the Dupain-Chengs' macarons.
Circling back to Tikki and Adrien fluff,
Cuddling, Squishing, Supporting!! A friend who believes in him!
The physical affection he never got!!
She thinks he's so SWEET, and she leaves him notes of encouragement everywhere!!
Giving him a pieces of her macarons, and him bringing her around to all the best patisseries?!!??
Asking Marinette to make a tiny bed for her?!!!!?
You can't tell me he wouldn't. You can't.
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adilynnyuri · 1 year
"𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰"
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Disclaimer⚠️ : A lil long post ahead
New? What's new? Let's rewind to the day when you first came to know about LOA or manifesting. After so many journeys, techniques, methods, and you are still "waiting" for your reality to change why?
People who are involved in LOA have introduced or invented many types of methods like :
✰ States
✰ Reality shifting
✰ Scripting
✰ Visualization
✰ 369 method
And many more...
All shits are the same, you just do it in a different way that's it. If you find a new method/technique try it if you want to, but DON'T DEPEND ON IT. Not only methods, some people have said that they lose "motivation" And thus see/read some vidoes Or blogs to gain the motivation back. I mean you can! But again DO NOT DEPEND ON IT!
Don't just assume that it's something "new" whenever Loa bloggers or loa coaches introduce something "new" which is according to their knowledge. You are literally having everything in your damn life you just gotta accept that it in your 4d!!
Just because it's popular technique used by many people that doesn't mean it is the only method which is true. All methods are true if you assume it is.
It is your world, you can create anything you want. You can shift to any reality at any time. It's all in your mind. Have faith, be loyal, don't give a shit what the 3d shows you, persist, its done!
Shifting realities
☆ Shifting occurs almost eveytime according to the changes in your assumptions. For example : You have a teacher in your school/any academic institution who's very strict according to everyone in your school. It's not a fact, it's an assumption. For fun, you assumed that 'my teacher has always been fun' 'they never give us any extra works' stuffs like that, you will soon see that assumption being reflected in your reality.
Hello creator! I am here to remind you that everything what you see/feel in your reality is the product of your assumptions. So, I want you to be stubborn asf to the 3d, live in the end, get yo desires like you deserve to! Don't settle for less always consume, perceive for bigger stuffs/desires (based on your opinions).
With lots of love,
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librasstraydog · 11 months
Sumi info dump!!!
I was talking to some friends on discord about Sumi bc I love her. TLDR: Sumi, the “manic pixie dream girl” trope, and possible signs of BPD.... (Im just gonna copy n paste everything on here wooo,, lemme know what you think)
so first and foremost, i wanna talk about sumi as a character. After the death of her sister Kasumi, Sumire takes on her personality and basically becomes Kasumi thanks to Dr. Maruki. Of course in 3rd sem she realizes that she is not Kasumi (and has a hard time dealing with that), but through her own strength she comes to terms with accepting who she is and what happened <3 
NOW LETS BRING OUT THE HEAT LAMP,,, ahem. I call sumi my manic pixie dream girl bc essentially,, that's what she is. However this is just,, bpd. And it makes sense! she literally saw her sister die right in front of her,, she blames herself for it. The trauma associated with that could cause bpd no prob,,, However... you could agrue that she had bpd even before Kasumi died. This is sorta out there but tbh... She's always grappled with her self worth and confidence. She's an incredibly skilled gymnast but feels incompetent (bc she thinks she'll never be as good as Kasumi) despite Kasumi and her coach telling her all the time that she's amazing,,, Kasumi literally said that they'd take over the gymnastics world together! That "together" part is important, it shows that Kasumi really does recognize Sumi's talent. So basically, the only person who doesn't recognize her talent is Sumi herself. As for present day (after Kasumi death but before 3rd sem), she literally gets 3rd place in a meet but only thinks she should've done better,,,  which shows just how disconnected from reality she is (however the school teachers were being assholes to her and saying that she shoulda got first place too, just a small note). Then, she meets Akira. She basically latched on to him right away (their third time meeting i believe), but the real evidence of this is shown in her... Phantom Thief attire! lets take a look at Akira n sumi's fits for a sec...
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As you can see, they're VERY similar. Phantom thief attire is based on that character's perception of rebellion, or what a rebel looks like. When she awakened she had already seen Joker's thief attire, and she already really valued Akira as her senpai (this awakening would've happened regardless of where you are in Sumi's confidant. So you coulda never spent time with her AT ALL and it will still play out like this). SO, when she awakened, her attire reflected her idealized version of what a "true rebel" looks like,,, which ended up being Joker... yea, yea, yea (valuation).
more evidence of bpd,,, after 3rd sem happens she really just,, goes about her life. Like she overvalued Akira while she was in a fragile state but after 3rd sem she just,, moves on. She never visited akira before he left, never gave akira a parting gift like every other maxed confidant did or anything. We just kinda just.,,, bump into her at the train station where she says "keep ur head up, you taught me that" then she walks away. Its actually a canon fact that if you romance Sumi, she’ll literally just ghost Akira on valentines day lol (which is post 3rd sem!!). So basically,, devaluation (I love her so much).
I also wanna talk about her role in the story too. So for persona characters, you can interpret a lot about their character based on their arcana and persona. Sumi has the Faith arcana,, which is from an archaic tarot deck mind you (ok atlus). Upright, it represents belief in others and in oneself, and in religion or science. On the other hand, reversed, it can represent blind faith misplaced in something that does not deserve trust. It can also mean false idols, or overconfidence (ripped this straight from google lol). Sumi had a lot of faith in her sister, which she then lost. Devastated, she then put that faith in Dr. Maruki (a false idol who she shouldn't have trusted) to become Kasumi,, then did it AGAIN with Akira (just some guy fr /j). Of course, her whole growth is her putting that faith not in others, but in herself! so yea, that's her story! 
As for her persona... eh. It's Cendrillon aka Cinderella. Essentially the narrative is that Maruki acts as the "fairy godmother" by enacting a miracle... but then that means Akira acts as her prince charming here to save her. It's super cute in theory, but my issue is in the og cinderella story, the prince is literally her saving grace. Like Cinderella would've never left her abusive step family had he not searched for her, found her, and married her. Basically, cinderella's salvation is granted solely bc of the prince's efforts (you could agrue that she helped via leaving her shoe but like,, she didn't leave that thing on purpose sooo). So what this is saying is "Kasumi is saved from Maruki solely bc of Akira’s efforst",, which is ,,, no. She overcame the trauma from losing her sister because of HER own strength, not Akira's. Yes there was a brief moment in Maruki's palace where she was so desperate to keep living as Kasumi that she fought Akira,, but in the end, she made the decision to move forward herself (this is shown in how AFTER that moment, she's briefly unable to call her persona,, but then finds the resolve to actually do it).
(the whole cinderella allegory is also why she gets a sailor moon transformation and everyone else doesn't btw) 
so yea,,, im not much a fan of how atlus chose cinderella to represent her since it devalues her own efforts to save herself and instead attributes it all to Akira,, but i do see why they did it.
in conclusion, I love sumi so bad SHE IS MY DAUGHTER FR!!!
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Clarence Darnell Gilyard Jr. (December 24, 1955 – November 28, 2022) was a university professor, actor, and author. As a performer, he appeared in film, television, and stage productions. He was known for his roles in Matlock, the Left Behind movie trilogy, Walker, Texas Ranger; Theo, Die Hard; and Top Gun. He was born into a military family in Moses Lake, Washington, the son of Barbara and Clarence Darnell Gilyard Sr., an Air Force officer. His family was from New Orleans, but he grew up on Air Force bases in Hawaii, Texas, and Florida. He spent a year as an Air Force Academy cadet before leaving the service to attend Sterling College. He played football and became a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. He received a tennis scholarship, and he attended California State University, Long Beach, majoring in acting. He completed his BA at California State University, Dominguez Hills. He returned to school, receiving an MFA in theatre performance at Southern Methodist University. He made guest appearances on Diff'rent Strokes, The Facts of Life, 227, Simon & Simon, and Riptide. He was cast in the final season of CHiPs as Officer Benjamin Webster. He co-starred in The Duck Factory. He appeared in a commercial for McDonald's. His movie was as an F-14 Tomcat radar intercept officer, LT. (JG) Marcus "Sundown" Williams, in Top Gun. He was a military man in The Karate Kid Part II. He appeared in Die Hard as Theo. He appeared as Reverend Bruce Barnes in Left Behind: The Movie and its sequel, Left Behind II: Tribulation Force. He appeared in A Matter of Faith. He performed the role of Hoak Colburn onstage at the University of New Mexico's Popejoy Hall in the Neil Simon Festival's Driving Miss Daisy. In the 2018 edition of the football video game Madden NFL, he plays high school coach Devin Wade in the "Longshot" section of the game. He reprised his role as criminal gang member Theo from Die Hard, in a commercial for Advance Auto Parts' DieHard brand of car batteries. He was an associate professor in the College of Fine Arts – Department of Theatre at UNLV. He married Catherine Dutko; married Elena Castillo (2001 -). He had six children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmjmqnirqyu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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femme-fatale-sasuke · 2 years
Kenyon Glover to be Honored with His Own Day during special ‘Hall of Honor’ recognition during Neville High School’s 2022 Homecoming Festivities
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Kenyon Glover, Author, Actor, Filmmaker, Athlete, Motivational Speaker, Minister and Businessman is set to be honored in a Homecoming Celebration in his native Monroe, Louisiana.
 On Oct. 7, 2022, the former NBA basketball player will be visiting Monroe to be honored by the city for his achievements. Monroe Mayor Friday Ellis will confer an honorary proclamation citing Oct. 7 as Kenyon Glover Day in his hometown.  
 Glover is also set to receive Hall of Honor recognition for demonstrated excellence in personal accomplishment, professional achievement, humanitarian service and for being a star student during his time at Neville High School. He will be honored at Neville during the Homecoming festivities beginning at 7:45 a.m. in the school auditorium.
 “I am deeply honored. This is such a dream come true. To receive this recognition on behalf of Neville where some of my fondest life lessons were taught is truly incredible. And to be receiving my own day in a place where I was born and raised is epic,” Glover said.
 Glover, a former Milwaukee Bucks professional basketball player, was involved as a student athlete at Neville. "We are always glad to spotlight our alumni. We're looking forward to having Mr. Glover back home at Neville and honoring him," said Dana Jefferson, the Executive Director at Neville Alumni and Friends Association.
 Following the Homecoming Pep Rally where he will be recognized, Glover is expected to speak to The Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Saturday, Oct. 8, Glover will make service contributions as part of a “Give Back Saturday'' campaign where he will be partnering with Neville Junior High School’s athletic department to host basketball try-outs beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the school gymnasium.
 The former Lee Junior High Middle School turned Neville Junior High Middle School graduate will be speaking with the athletes during a media day press event beginning at 2:30 p.m. on the campus. Shelton Spivey, the Head Coach at Neville Junior High, said “I know Kenyon well. He was my classmate. I look forward to having him come and speak with our students and working with him on this outreach project for our young athletes.”
 Glover is heavily involved in many other philanthropic and community projects. In the past, he has partnered with other schools, universities and nonprofit organizations to reach back, which is a huge part of his platform consisting of mentoring and making a difference in the community.
 “I’m glad to have an opportunity to partner with Coach Spivey and Monroe City Schools in any way possible that I can help to drive change and bring focus to topics that will inspire and motivate students,” said Glover.
 Under his leadership, Glover has been at the forefront of spreading positive, encouraging, and empowering messages across social media and in person visits around the world.
 Glover is the CEO of Faithful & Focused Ministries, a Christian foundation based in the United States. He recently launched a Podcast on Spotify bearing the same name, and hopes to teach teens and others about the warning signs of depression, suicide awareness and prevention, and empower others to live out their dreams.
 The successful businessman has also developed a media empire, KG Films, a full scale media and film company that produces high quality content for film and television. Through his production company, he showcases faith-based messages and actively works in partnership with the entertainment community to launch traditional and new media projects.
 In addition to his leadership role as an entrepreneur, Glover is also a current Fitness Trainer, with past accomplishments in the martial arts. He created the brand “Fitness Beats Depression” and has been using his fitness talents to reach a new audience as he champions mental health awareness. His initiatives are an ongoing effort to reduce the stigma around mental illness and mental health, focused on social well-being, by sharing his own personal experiences.
 Glover is also an award-winning author. His latest book “RESPIRE: The Black Male Anthology: Stories of Black Men Who Recovered Hope, Courage, and Strength after a Time of Difficulty'' is a testament to Glover's life and how he has used his gifts and talents to turn tragedy into triumph.  
 For more information on the Oct. 7 event contact Lynda McMahan with The City of Monroe at 318-329-2227 or [email protected]. The event will be livestreamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/NevilleTigerNetwork.
 For more information on Kenyon Glover visit https://www.kenyonglover.net
 The City of Monroe
Lynda McMahan
United States
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Christian singer-songwriter Shane Heilman went from leading a high school to now leading The Psalms Project. 
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Leaving his full time role to fully embrace music and coaching shows an unwavering dedication and love for music and the arts.
His recent recognition as the Gold Artist of the Year, achieved through the Modern Musician Gold Artist Program, highlights Shane's exceptional talent and tireless effort.
Over the span of 12 years, The Psalms Project has evolved from a modest church initiative to a global sensation, engaging over 85 musicians and earning acclaim for its innovative approach.
Shane's vision of letting the Word of God speak through music has struck a chord with audiences worldwide, offering them emotional, spiritual, and intellectual depth. Collaborating with renowned artists like Phil Keaggy and Jeff Deyo has further enriched the project's creative landscape.
With the release of "Volume 6: Psalms 47-55," The Psalms Project enters a new era, embracing a modern pop sound under the guidance of external producers.  
We caught up with Shane to find out more about The Psalms Project, his passion for setting the entire Psalms to music, and what fans can look forward to next: 
As an artist who infuses spiritual themes into your music, how do you navigate the balance between artistic expression and faith-based content?
I'm not sure a balance is necessary. I believe all art is "faith-based" in that we as artists express what we believe in. As R.C. Sproul once said, "Everyone is a theologian - the only question is whether you're a good one or a bad one." As someone who sings about the triune God of the Bible, who I believe is the one true God and eternal life itself, I believe I'm singing about the deepest and truest things in the universe, which should lead to better and more impactful art, not the other way around. I know that a lot of "faith-based" art focuses so heavily on the message that the art gets lost, and that is a mistake and a tragedy when it happens.
But that is not the way it should be, and is not the way it has been throughout history. Most of the most moving and epic art ever created was created by Christians as a response to the transcendent beauty and truth of Christianity, from the music of Bach to the painting of the Sistine Chapel. 
Could you speak to the reception of The Psalms Project within the worship music community and its impact on listeners worldwide?
Even though a lot of our songs aren't conducive to congregational singing, many churches around the world use them for that purpose, and many others use our lyric videos in their worship services. 
The impact of our music on listeners has been immense - I receive probably about a dozen or more new testimonials every day from listeners as to how the music has impacted them spiritually. People share stories of re-connecting with God, being delivered from anxiety and depression, and understanding the Bible better as a result of our songs. I've compiled hundreds of testimonials from all over the world from people profusely thanking us for making the music that we do!
How has your personal journey with faith and music influenced the direction of The Psalms Project over the years?
As I've studied the Psalms and put them to music, I've found my theology going in a more conservative/Reformed direction, with a deeper appreciation for how Christians have viewed the Psalms historically. This has led me to be more straightforward and literal with the wording of the Psalms I've put to music, with less commentary or summary. It's also led me to a deeper love for God's sovereignty, justice, and grace. 
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What lessons have you learned from your experience of setting the Psalms to music, both artistically and spiritually?
I've learned that joy does not depend on circumstance - it depends on our trust in God and our obedience to Him. Over and over, we see the Psalmists in a horrible situation, but after processing it and praying through it, they are rejoicing in worship and filled with joy, even when their circumstance hasn't changed!
Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for The Psalms Project, and how do you envision its future trajectory in the realm of worship music?
Overall, I see The Psalms Project going in a more congregational direction in the future, with a greater variety of song versions released that have an even greater impact on the trajectory of modern worship music, which I think will move in a more congregational and theologically-rich direction in the years to come. 
Get your copy of Volume 6: Psalms 47 - 55 here. 
Stay current with Shane Heilman and the Psalms Project on his Website, and social media channel Facebook. 
Stream music on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music. 
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itraining · 5 months
CPR Certified Training: Why It's Essential and How to Get Certified
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving skill that can make a significant difference in emergency situations. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a parent, or an individual interested in learning essential first-aid skills, becoming CPR certified is crucial. This article explores the importance of CPR training and provides guidance on how to get certified.
1. The Importance of CPR Certification
Immediate Response: In emergencies such as cardiac arrest or drowning, immediate CPR can significantly increase the chances of survival. Having CPR certified individuals in various settings, including workplaces, schools, and community centers, can save lives.
Enhanced Confidence: CPR certification equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations. Confidence in performing CPR can make a critical difference when every second counts.
Legal Protection: In some jurisdictions, CPR certification may offer legal protection to individuals who provide emergency care in good faith. Understanding the proper procedures and guidelines through certification can mitigate risks associated with administering aid.
2. Who Should Get CPR Certified?
Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare providers are often required to maintain current CPR certification as part of their professional credentials.
Educators: Teachers, coaches, and school staff members can benefit from CPR certification to ensure the safety of students during school hours and extracurricular activities.
Parents and Caregivers: Individuals responsible for children, elderly adults, or individuals with medical conditions can greatly benefit from CPR training to respond effectively in emergencies.
General Public: While not mandatory, CPR certification is highly recommended for the general public. Basic CPR skills can empower individuals to act swiftly in critical situations, potentially saving lives.
3. How to Get CPR Certified
Training Providers: Numerous organizations offer CPR certification courses, including the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and various healthcare institutions. These organizations provide comprehensive training programs that cover essential CPR techniques, AED usage, and first-aid procedures.
Course Options: CPR certification courses are available in various formats, including in-person training sessions, blended learning (combining online coursework with hands-on training), and community-based classes. Choose a course format that aligns with your schedule and learning preferences.
Certification Renewal: CPR certification is typically valid for a specific period, usually two years, after which individuals must undergo recertification. Renewing your certification ensures that you remain updated on the latest CPR guidelines and techniques.
4. Hands-On Training and Assessment
Skills Practice: CPR certification courses emphasize hands-on training, allowing participants to practice chest compressions, rescue breaths, and AED usage under the guidance of certified instructors.
Assessment and Evaluation: Upon completing the training program, participants must demonstrate proficiency in CPR techniques through practical assessments and written examinations. Successful completion of the course leads to CPR certification, valid for the specified period.
CPR certified training is an invaluable investment in your safety and the well-being of others. By acquiring essential CPR skills and maintaining current certification, you can play a vital role in saving lives during emergencies. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a concerned parent, or a proactive individual, CPR certification equips you with the knowledge, confidence, and expertise to respond effectively when it matters most. Take the initiative to get CPR certified today and make a difference in your community.
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kingdomlivingglobal · 7 months
How Christian Coaching Programmes Foster Compassion and Belief?
Christian coaching, who combines secular coaching methods with Christian principles, stands out as a life-altering practice in a world where guidance and support are priceless commodities. Training as a Christian coach gives one the tools to help others in their professional, spiritual, and personal development, all from a Christian worldview. Let's dive into the rewarding process of Christian coaching training and examine the fundamental actions that shape Christian coaches who are both compassionate and effective.
• Accept your role as a servant:
The Christian coaching training education centres on a deep-seated desire to serve others. Many people who set out to become Christian coaches do so because they feel compelled to help others bring their lives into harmony with their faith. The first step in developing into a Christian coach is realizing and accepting this calling.
• Look for Recognized Educational Institutions:
Beginning a career in Christian coaching training requires formal education and training. These courses offer a systematic approach to learning that blends Christian teachings with coaching techniques. In your search for a coaching school, prioritize those approved by prominent coaching organizations and boast qualified faculty with extensive coaching and Christian ministry experience.
• Learning the Basics:
Training for Christian coaches begins with foundational education in coaching basics, active listening, powerful questioning, and goal-setting methods. This stage establishes the foundation for learning the coaching process and honing the communication skills necessary to establish rapport and trust with clients.
• Add a Christian Perspective:
Christian coaching training programmes are easily identifiable by their emphasis on incorporating Christian principles into their methodology. Aspiring Christian coaches learn to incorporate biblical principles, scriptures, and spiritual guidance into their coaching sessions. Through this synthesis, Christian life coaches can better assist their clients in gaining a deeper understanding of their faith, strengthening their spiritual bonds, and arriving at solutions informed by Christian principles.
• Learn to Listen and Care:
Relationships based on active listening and empathy are the cornerstones of successful coaching. Christian coaching training emphasizes developing these skills, teaching coaches to listen to what clients are saying and the emotions, beliefs, and values underlying their words. When coaches develop their capacity for empathy, they can better connect with and understand their clients personally.
• Sessions of simulated coaching:
Training Christian coaches should emphasize practical experience. Under the guidance of professionals, trainees participate in actual coaching sessions as both coaches and clients. Coaches practise their skills in a safe environment where they can receive constructive criticism. Through these interactions, aspiring Christian coaches gain confidence and competence in their abilities.
• Ethics and Professional Standards:
Christian-based coaching education programmes stress the significance of maintaining high ethical and professional standards. Coaches gain knowledge of client boundaries, confidentiality, and upholding the coaching relationship's credibility. Christian coaches must know and abide by ethical standards to earn their clients' trust and protect the field's standing.
• Qualifications and Authorization:
Christian coaches-to-be who has finished their education can go on to earn credentials from established coaching associations. Certification attests to the coach's competence and dedication to professionalism. Having a credential increases the coach's credibility and introduces them to new coaching opportunities within and outside the Christian community.
Christian coaching training is an intensive educational experience that develops caring, competent, and spiritually-centred practitioners. Aspiring Christian coaches can make a positive difference in the lives of others through formal training, applying Christian principles, experience working with clients, and ongoing education and development. These coaches personify Christian coaching training in its purest form as they walk beside their clients as they seek God and discover their own identities.
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automaticchildsheep · 11 months
Road to Business Quality: Exploring the Benefits of a Personal Trainer Certificate
Turning into a fitness coach is an engaging vocation decision that permits you to have a beneficial outcome on individuals' lives through wellness and health. One urgent move toward this excursion is getting a fitness coach endorsement. In this article, we investigate the different advantages of getting a fitness coach declaration and how it can show you the way to proficient greatness.
Upgraded Believability and Attractiveness: A fitness coach testament is an industry-perceived certification that approves your mastery and information in the field. By procuring this confirmation, you gain believability among possible clients and bosses, giving you an upper hand in the wellness business. Clients are bound to trust and recruit mentors who hold perceived certificates, which can essentially improve your attractiveness and occupation possibilities.
Top to bottom Information and Ability: Seeking after a fitness coach declaration outfits you with an exhaustive comprehension of human life systems, practice physiology, nourishment, and wellness programming. You'll acquire significant abilities, like legitimate activity procedures, injury anticipation, and powerful program plan. This information enables you to make customized wellness plans custom-made to every client's extraordinary objectives, capacities, and wellbeing contemplations, guaranteeing protected and viable instructional meetings.
Remain Refreshed with the Most recent Industry Patterns: The wellness business is continually advancing, with new exploration, procedures, and patterns arising routinely. Holding a fitness coach endorsement requires continuous schooling and expert turn of events, which assists you with keeping awake to date with the most recent headways. This ceaseless learning empowers you to furnish clients with the latest and powerful preparation approaches, guaranteeing they accomplish ideal outcomes.
Extended Profession Open doors: A fitness coach declaration opens ways to different vocation open doors inside the wellness business. You can work in wellness communities, exercise centers, gyms, or even as a free mentor. Also, you might have the choice to work in unambiguous regions like strength preparing, weight reduction, sports molding, or recovery. The adaptability and variety of vocation ways permit you to investigate and seek after your enthusiasm inside the wellness field.
Laying out Trust and Building Connections: A fitness coach declaration fills in as an image of trust and impressive skill according to clients. As a guaranteed mentor, you have the information and abilities important to guide and support people on their wellness process. By laying out serious areas of strength for a with your clients and furnishing them with protected and powerful preparation, you can fabricate enduring connections that add to client faithfulness and positive references, further growing your client base.
For More Info :-
Personal Trainer Certificate
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ekant-yoga · 1 year
Why Should You Complete Yoga Teacher Training Course?
There is a Yoga Teacher Training In India available at almost all studios. If you regularly train, you’ve probably witnessed instructors discussing it with students. Finishing a yoga course may be a life-changing experience for the appropriate people.
However, classes are not planned to strict, if some, good quality standards, so it’s crucial to understand what you’re going into. While yoga classes have the option to pay to display yoga schools & instructors that they are approved with Yoga Partnership, they are not required to. Even approved studios are not strictly regulated.
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Do you fit in well?
Yoga Teacher Training Course, in my perspective, only benefits those who desire to instruct. Before you think about teaching yoga, it’s a good idea to have at minimum a couple of years of experience as an individual. The best educators are the best trainers.
There are more options available to you if all you wish to do is expand your fitness and learn more about yoga. Intensive programmes are one type of educational programme that certain studios provide. You only learn about yoga in them, including the poses, exercises, and underlying philosophy. After completing an immersion programme, you’ll probably know much more about whether or not you would like to teach. You would have a solid base of knowledge to build on if you decide to participate in Yoga Teacher Training Course In India, which will raise the bar for people who are truly committed to their study.
However, take note that many studios don’t impose any requirements for enrolling in their programme. One of my skills trainings allowed a personal trainer who had only practised yoga twice to earn his certification.
Have you got the time?
Most of the Best Yoga Teacher Training last 200 hours. They are often available in two configurations. One is a lengthy programme that lasts for around seven months and involves one end-of-week meeting. The other requires you to attend training every weekday for six hours. It lasts for an entire month. The Meditation Teacher Trainingis a difficult task in either case. Make sure to anticipate the coaching strategy. Do not commit unless you are willing to modify your plans.
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How well-known is the studio?
Find a course which holds you responsible for projects, has a clear agenda, and establishes expectations. You’ll most likely benefit much from a course that demands you have a foundational understanding of yoga before entering, that you exercise regularly, and is well structured.
Are you able to relate to the teacher?
It’s crucial to pick the best teacher for you as yoga is such a private experience and training is so romantic. Make sure to attend at least 10 of a possible teacher’s classes and pay more attention to the teaching philosophies to get a sense of how you click with them. You’ll be much more likely to like yourexperience of100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa, if you feel at ease with it, have faith in the person teaching the course, and they are a knowledgeable, well-organized educator.
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The finest neet preparation centre in Chennai has a 96% success rate for the neet 2021 test. We appreciate the students' continued faith in us. These delicate brains are accountable for our successful storytelling
Giving each client individualised attention is a top objective at VVT COACHING. Chennai's top NEET coaching facilities. As a Best NEET Coaching Centers in Chennai, we provide all students the same amount of attention and support them as they comprehend and master the test content.
For those who want to pursue a career in medicine, VVT COACHING, one of the Best NEET Coaching Centers in Chennai, is the ideal choice. We are a training centre devoted to teaching bright young people who want to enrol in medical schools.
We think that by getting off to a strong and exciting start early on, a future career may be created. Our programmes are developed with thoughtfully prepared study materials that are based on concepts and are offered with the greatest support from qualified academics from leading medical universities.
We are fully aware of the goals we have set for our children. Additionally, we have a system in place and, more significantly, teachers who are committed to helping motivated, sincere kids succeed.
We make sure that the study material is current and easy to understand in order to guarantee your success on the neet competitive test. Whether we succeed on an exam still depends on our study resources. Visit VVT COACHING to see examples.
After clearing your board exams, you must decide on your future and the best career route or coaching centre to join. You may achieve your goal with the aid of VVT COACHING, the top NEET repeaters coaching in Chennai.
The basic building blocks of life are ambitions and desires. These two factors are mostly responsible for the chance of a new planet. When choosing a job path, our goals for success and happiness as well as our parents' expectations of us serve as powerful motivators.
The following crucial elements on this road are the right guidance and qualified coaching.
A successful person is always observable. What differentiates them? Their triumph. But their rowdy journey there was more significant. It is challenging to neet. So let's try something unusual instead of going the traditional route! fresh and interesting things!
To match, surpass, and improve education that is focused on competition by encouraging a thorough understanding of the subject and assisting students in coming up with solutions for difficult problems. This is done in order to provide the best education possible to aspiring medical and engineering professionals.
The best NEET repeaters coaching in Chennai, VVT COACHING, frequently arranges seminars and events to help students better prepare and create a stress-free learning atmosphere. Extra efforts are made to maintain the child's motivation to do well.
We are experts in the idea of a complete approach in neet and have more than 20 years of experience in the industry.
Our staff is made up of highly qualified academics with experience in admission exam trends from prestigious medical institutions. Our teachers may try their best to make the topic fascinating for the students thanks to their important 20+ years of expertise.
To pass an exam, it must be evaluated often. The best Neet RepeaterTutorials in Chennai, VVT COACHING, regularly gives out topic- and subject-specific customised assessments to help students do well on exams and get decent grades.
Our team members are really thoughtful and friendly. If you have any queries, we are available to you at all times.
At VVT COACHING, Chennai, the finest Neet Repeater Tutorials in Chennai, individualised attention is given top priority. As a top neet coaching centre in Chennai, we provide all students the same amount of attention and support them as they comprehend and master the test content.
In order to make learning fascinating and engaging for the students, we strive to incorporate the most cutting-edge tools and technology in our training.
Our study resources are designed for students at beginner to expert levels and feature crucial ideas and solved instances. Our question bank offers difficult issues with solutions so you may do well on the test and score well.
We routinely provide seminars so that students may get clarification on their questions and have a deeper understanding of the subject.
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sfnewsvine · 2 years
Sen. Tommy Tuberville Suggests All Black People Are Criminals
There have been loads of terrifying moments at yesterday’s rally in Minden Nevada. However this under is without doubt one of the worst. As you watch, do not forget that Tuberville was a school soccer coach within the SEC, and paid hundreds of thousands a 12 months off the backs of black children taking part in for tuition and meals cash. Tuberville: They need reparation as a result of they assume the folks that do the crime are owed that! Bullshit! pic.twitter.com/W3mOP5vte7 — Acyn (@Acyn) October 9, 2022 And the response this morning from the invaluable AL.com: U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville on Saturday stated Democrats are in favor of “reparations” as a result of they’re “pro-crime.” Tuberville, R-Ala., made the feedback whereas at a rally held by former President Donald Trump in Nevada. “They need reparations as a result of they assume the individuals who do the crime are owed that,” Tuberville stated as the group cheered behind him. “Bullsh*t!” he added. Clearly, Tuberville acquired a couple of points blended up right here. It’s probably that he was excited about the pardons, and but the phrase “they” got here up with respect to the pardons, and “they” need reparations. It’s 50-50 as as to if Tuberville truly doesn’t perceive the distinction (He isn’t an mental, to place it with excessive understatement), or whether or not Tuberville scripted that very line as a wink with simply sufficient deniability. His workplace doesn’t wish to speak about it, at the least not but: “‘They need reparations as a result of they assume the individuals who do the crime are owed that,’ Tuberville stated as the group cheered behind him. ‘Bullshit!’ he added.” I reached out to Tuberville’s workplace for remark — none up to now. #alpolitics ⁦@aldotcom⁩ https://t.co/CXwYuaO6zt — Sarah Swetlik (@sarahgswetlik) October 9, 2022 It is going to be price watching whether or not somebody in his workplace makes an attempt to wash the assertion up on Monday or whether or not it’s simply “No remark” from right here on out, serving its function nevertheless taken. It’s not like MAGA voters are going to all of the sudden reverse their place based mostly on racism. It’s one of many principal attracts to the MAGA cult. Oh, and “Bullsh*t!”?? They proceed to destroy norms, and it’s vital to look at it and word it taking place in actual time. The destruction of the “outdated guidelines,” regardless of how “insignificant” it may appear, is a elementary aspect of the transition into autocracy, which is the last word MAGA objective and why Liz Cheney, a Cheney, is not thought of a Republican. Guidelines, norms, expectations, and enlightenment all strengthen the democratic construction of the nation, they usually need that construction torn down for a really particular cause. Open racism, a Senator yelling “Bullsh*t!” about black individuals, a rally through which Democrats have been accused of all types of sick and twisted issues, it’s nearly scripted.   @JasonMiciak believes a day with out studying is a day not lived. He’s a political author, options author, creator, and legal professional. He’s a Canadian-born twin citizen who spent his teen and school years within the Pacific Northwest and has since lived in seven states. He now enjoys life as a single dad of a younger lady, writing from the seashores of the Gulf Coast. He loves crafting his flower pots, cooking, and at present research philosophy of science, faith, and non-math ideas behind quantum mechanics and cosmology. Please be happy to contact for talking engagements or any considerations. Supply hyperlink Originally published at SF Newsvine
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coghive · 2 years
Walker Hayes Tells Apple Music About Transforming Tragedy Into Triumph
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Walker Hayes joins Country Faith Radio with Hillary Scott to share how he transformed tragedy in his life into triumph. Walker also explains that he developed a powerful friendship with spiritual mentor, Craig Cooper, with whom he recently wrote a book on finding peace after being down-and-out. Tune in and listen to the episode in-full this Sunday (October 9) at 8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET or anytime on-demand at apple.co/_CountryFaith Walker Hayes on Being an Atheist and Alcoholic Before Becoming a Believer You know, I’m ashamed to say this, but I would’ve called myself an atheist, a humanist, for most of my married adult life. Just like everybody, I come from a big family. We got some issues. There’s issues with addiction. There’s absence. There’s a lot of heartbreak in all families, and sadly, that turned me to just kind of a godless phase, I would’ve said. You know how Nashville can be, it’s a confusing town, and Nashville’s like the popular kid in high school, you hate it, but you want it to like you so much. So we had a lot of that, Laney and I walked through that together. I’m an alcoholic. I’m seven years sober now, but I wasn’t thinking about becoming sober for a very long time. That was a problem in our marriage. Walker Hayes on Losing a Child and Almost Giving Up His Sobriety 2 Years In I was two years sober when we lost Oakley and I drove to this bar to just self destruct. I had every intention of… I didn’t care if I killed someone, got killed, got arrested. I just needed to… And when I got to this bar, my wallet wasn’t in the door of my Honda. So I turned around and went home and when I walked in the home, I remember I still had dirt on my shoe from burying Oakley. And I saw Laney alone on the couch, the other kids were all playing together, and I was just broken. For once in my life I had no one to blame. And I just was so icky. I just felt so gross. I was like, “Man, I just left my best friend to go and focus on me. I just left my kids to focus on me. But at the same time, they lost a sibling. She lost a daughter.” And all I could see was my own pain. And that frustrated me, and Laney found me an AA meeting that night. I explained to her kind of what I was going through and she helped me find an AA meeting and it was amazing. Walker Hayes on When He First Met His Friend and Spiritual Mentor Craig (Whom He Wrote “Craig” About) I met this guy named Craig . And he is such a huge part of my story because this guy Craig, I met him at a church I didn’t want to be at. I was hammered when I walked into Redeeming Grace. But this guy, I couldn’t make him go away. No matter how nasty, how different my beliefs were. No matter how crazy I even thought he was, this dude would not go away. And I wasn’t used to people … Even me, look, I’m as guilty as I would say anybody was ever guilty to me, is my entire life was performance based. But I got to this season where I lost a kid where I was like, “I can’t perform. I can’t even keep my kid alive.” But in the meantime, this guy Craig, he wasn’t loving me based on my performance for once. Walker Hayes on Grappling with Being Grateful for God’s Blessings But Still Questioning Whether He Belongs in the Music Business My favorite part of all of this that God created is writing a song. And so, I miss that. And selfishly, sometimes… People would probably be alarmed to hear this, but sometimes I go… My wife and I’ll be like, “You think you should just write?” This business really exposes a very narcissistic version of me. And I don’t love it. I don’t like that guy, but he’s inside me. I’m capable of some really gross stuff. And this business, it has that weight on my heart. I find myself getting out there not being grateful, going, “Why couldn’t I hear this cue?” And I find myself being like, “I need these particulars to happen because we’re at this phase now.” And that’s an icky, icky version of me. And sometimes I’m like, “Man, I wonder if I was just like a high school football coach. Would I be that gross?” And the truth is, I would. Read the full article
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13 Powerful Quotes By Anand Mahindra To Recharge your Dreams
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Summary: Anand Mahindra is ranked among the top 30 CEOs on social media. Apart from being a powerful leader he is also popular for voicing his opinions on various matters in the country and across the globe.
They say ‘a happy person makes a great leader’. Anand Mahindra, who is a Mumbai-based multinational conglomerate with revenue of more than $21 billion and the chairman of the Mahindra Group is standing true to his name.
Born on May 1, 1955, Anand Mahindra’s net worth is 210 crores USD. Bestowed with the Padma Bhushan Award, India’s third highest civilian award, Anand Mahindra was also included among the 'World's 50 Greatest Leaders' by Fortune magazine and was featured in its 2011 listing of Asia's 25 most powerful businesspersons.
While Anand Mahindra has been investing in Indian startups some of which include digital news website SheThePeople, social media platform LocalCircles, food tech startup DishCo, education company Naandi Education Support & Training (NEST), he has also established an NGO- Nanhi Kali that supports education for underprivileged girls in India.
An alumnus of Harvard University and Harvard Business School, he is known for his witty tweets that acknowledge and address various ongoing issues across the globe.
An amazing business mentor that he is, he has proved he is a powerful leader every now and then. We are listing some of the most inspiring quotes by the man who believes in thinking big while carrying empathy and compassion in his heart:
1.            “Leaders don't look behind or to the side. Instead, they look ahead.”
2.            “You have to treat every day as a new challenge, and you have to remain paranoid, as they say.”
3.            “When you set the right targets, aspirations, and you work efficiently and diligently, the numbers happen.”
4.            “Whether in services or in manufacturing, the trick is to stay ahead of the curve. I believe we should not wait to be disrupted — we should become disruptors ourselves.”
5.            “Anyone who makes time frames beyond tomorrow probably isn't pushing himself hard enough.”
6.            “Nobody understands how the world will change. The only way you can plan for the future is to have scenarios. You have to have the courage to take a leap of faith on one of them.”
7.            “The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced your business model.”
8.            “Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.”
9.            “Life has an interesting way of teaching even the most powerful people that joy from wealth is fleeting at best.”
10.   “There is a degree of freedom that creates aspirations.”
11.   “Brevity speaks. It forces you to convey complex thoughts.”
12.   “Sometimes the only kind of innovation comes when you have some solitude; when you step away.”
13.   “Benchmarking is an ongoing exercise in any company that aspires for leadership.” 
We hope these wonderful quotes packed with motivation, wisdom and intelligence will inspire you to dream bigger and follow your passion without a doubt in your mind.
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Source: https://news.badabusiness.com/motivational/13-powerful-quotes-by-anand-mahindra-to-recharge-your-dreams-11137.html
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pooma-education · 2 years
Values, Skills & Marks : At the Cross Roads
Our education is subjective. By the time our student finishes school he is conditioned to that learning. But in the entrance and competitive exams, objective questions are asked. This time of preparation involves a different type of coaching and exposure. The students need to pass their school exams as well as prepare for the competition to fulfil their dream career. Such type of education system demands a lot from the student. Many a time the students are not able to cope up with the tough and rigid system ending up into depression and frustration.
Our education system is not skill based but marks and degree oriented. When the students get into the job market they face performance and output related problems due to lack of training and orientation.
In order to excel and give the best the students toil hard with little focus on nurturing moral values, creativity, spirituality, social skills, life skills etc. Moreover, our students give up very soon. The rise in suicide cases after the results are declared is an eye-opener. Education should be such that to prepare students to face life. Earning name and fame should not be the sole motive of education. How far education is able to cultivate humanity in a student to help him become a true citizen of the nation. Education should bring in humility, character, faith.
In the present circumstances, the students also face a lot of exam-related stress and anxiety which affects them at a tender age. And they spend more time on social media sites rather than indulging in sports or adventure activities. This kills the personality of the child at the foundation level making insensitive and indifferent.
We relate education as a means to achieve material success. But does material success lead to inner growth and advancement? The sky is the limit. We should try to inculcate such values in students that they develop a feeling of gratitude and satisfaction. The qualities like mutual cooperation, trust, empathy and respect should be developed in children which would as whole serve the purpose of true education.
Learning should become a process to cultivate knowledge and skill making our students confident and happier.
As our education is a mean to get a job and live happier. True purpose of education is vanished. Not only values, skills and Marks@the cross road. Education is.
மதிப்புகள், திறன்கள் மற்றும் மதிப்பெண்கள்: குறுக்கு வழியில்
நமது கல்விநிலை அகநிலை. நம் மாணவர்கள் பள்ளி முடிவதற்குள் அவர்கள் அந்த கற்றலுக்கு நிபந்தனையாக இருக்கிறார். ஆனால் நு��ைவு மற்றும் போட்டித் தேர்வுகளில் அப்ஜெக்டிவ் கேள்விகள் கேட்கப்படுகின்றன. இந்த நேரத்தில் தயாரிப்பில் வெவ்வேறு வகையான பயிற்சி மற்றும் வெளிப்பாடு ஆகியவை அடங்கும். மாணவர்கள் தங்கள் பள்ளித் தேர்வுகளில் தேர்ச்சி பெறுவதுடன், அவர்களின் கனவு வாழ்க்கையை நிறைவேற்ற போட்டிக்குத் தயாராக வேண்டும். அத்தகைய கல்வி முறை மாணவர்களிடமிருந்து நிறைய தேவை. பல நேரங்களில் மாணவர்கள் கடினமான மற்றும் கடினமான அமைப்பைச் சமாளிக்க முடியாமல் மனச்சோர்வு மற்றும் விரக்தியில் முடிகிறது.
நமது கல்வி முறை திறன் சார்ந்தது அல்ல மாறாக மதிப்பெண்கள் மற்றும் பட்டம் சார்ந்தது. மாணவர்கள் வேலை சந்தையில் இறங்கும்போது, ​​பயிற்சி மற்றும் நோக்குநிலை இல்லாததால் செயல்திறன் மற்றும் வெளியீடு தொடர்பான பிரச்சனைகளை எதிர்கொள்கின்றனர்.
சிறந்து விளங்குவதற்கும் சிறந்ததை வழங்குவதற்கும் மாணவர்கள் தார்மீக விழுமியங்கள், படைப்பாற்றல், ஆன்மீகம், சமூகத் திறன்கள், வாழ்க்கைத் திறன்கள் போன்றவற்றை வளர்ப்பதில் அதிக கவனம் செலுத்தாமல் கடுமையாக உழைக்கிறார்கள். மேலும், எங்கள் மாணவர்கள் மிக விரைவில் கைவிடுகிறார்கள். முடிவுகள் வெளியான பிறகு தற்கொலை சம்பவங்கள் அதிகரித்து வருவது கண்துடைப்பாகும்.
மாணவர்களை வாழ்க்கையை எதிர்கொள்ளும் வகையில் கல்வி அமைய வேண்டும். பெயர் மற்றும் புகழைச் சம்பாதிப்பது மட்டுமே கல்வியின் நோக்கமாக இருக்கக் கூடாது. ஒரு மாணவனை தேசத்தின் உண்மையான குடிமகனாக மாற்ற கல்வி எவ்வளவு தூரம் மனித நேயத்தை வளர்க்கும். கல்வி என்பது பணிவு, பண்பு, நம்பிக்கை ஆகியவற்றைக் கொண்டுவர வேண்டும்.
தற்போதைய சூழ்நிலையில், மாணவர்கள் பரீட்சை தொடர்பான மன அழுத்தத்தையும் பதட்டத்தையும் சந்திக்கிறார்கள், இது இளம் வயதிலேயே அவர்களை பாதிக்கிறது. மேலும் அவர்கள் விளையாட்டு அல்லது சாகச நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபடுவதை விட சமூக ஊடக தளங்களில் அதிக நேரத்தை செலவிடுகிறார்கள். இது குழந்தையின் ஆளுமையை அடிப்படை மட்டத்தில் உணர்ச்சியற்றதாகவும் அலட்சியமாகவும் ஆக்குகிறது.
பொருள் வெற்றியை அடைவதற்கான வழிமுறையாக கல்வியை தொடர்புபடுத்துகிறோம். ஆனால் பொருள் வெற்றி உள் வளர்ச்சி மற்றும் முன்னேற்றத்திற்கு வழிவகுக்கும்? வானமே எல்லை. நன்றியுணர்வு மற்றும் திருப்தி உணர்வை வளர்க்கும் வகையில் மாணவர்களிடம் இத்தகைய மதிப்புகளைப் புகுத்த முயற்சிக்க வேண்டும். பரஸ்பர ஒத்துழைப்பு, நம்பிக்கை, பச்சாதாபம் மற்றும் மரியாதை போன்ற குணங்கள் குழந்தைகளிடம் வளர்க்கப்பட வேண்டும், இது உண்மையான கல்வியின் நோக்கத்திற்கு உதவுகிறது.
கற்றல் என்பது நமது மாணவர்களை நம்பிக்கையுடனும் மகிழ்ச்சியுடனும் செய்யும் அறிவையும் திறமையையும் வளர்ப்பதற்கான ஒரு செயல்முறையாக மாற வேண்டும்.
நமது கல்வி என்பது வேலை கிடைப்பதற்கும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக வாழ்வதற்கும் ஒரு வழியாகும். கல்வியின் உண்மையான நோக்கம் காணாமல் போய்விட்டது. மதிப்புகள், திறன்கள் மற்றும் மதிப்பெண்கள் மட்டுமல்ல@ குறுக்கு வழியில். கல்வி என்பதுமே!.
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kingdomlivingglobal · 8 months
Everything You Need To Know About Christian Life Coaching Courses
Life coaching is gaining popularity as a transformative tool in the broad self-improvement field. In particular, Christian life coaching courses incorporate Christian values and teachings into the standard life coaching model to help clients live more meaningful and fruitful lives. We've compiled all the information you need to help you decide to enrol in Christian life coaching courses.
The Heart of Christian Counselling
That God has a plan for each person's life is central to the practice of Christian life coaching. Therefore, the classes aim to help students realize their God-given purpose in life and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to overcome adversity, make wise choices, and live by their beliefs and values.
Fundamental Studies
In the Christian life coaching courses, you can expect to learn about:
• Principles of Construction: Learn what life coaching is, who a life coach is, and how it differs from traditional counselling.
• Scripture-Based Thinking:  A coach who knows how to incorporate Bible verses and teachings into their sessions can guarantee that their clients receive sound counsel based on God's Word.
• Methods of Coaching: Learn to actively listen, ask insightful questions, and set achievable goals from a Christian worldview.
• Moral Principles: Coaches should stress the value of a relationship based on trust, honesty, and respect for privacy.
To Whom Is It Useful?
These classes are helpful for anyone looking to better themselves by studying Christian principles. Some examples are:
• People amid significant life changes, such as a new job, retirement, or a breakup in a long-term relationship.
• Ministers and church leaders who want to do a better job of caring for their congregation.
• People who feel "stuck" seek answers, motivation, and a deeper connection with God.
Validation by Official Bodies
Choose courses that lead to industry-recognized credentials whenever possible. Many schools get their stamp of approval from groups like the ICF, but they also teach Christian values. You would graduate from the programme prepared to work with people seeking guidance within their Christian faith and as a life coach in general.
Method of Instruction
The widespread availability of Christian Life Coaching courses in the digital age has increased popularity. However, the old-fashioned face-to-face method still has its fans. Make your choice based on what works best for you as a learner.
Possibilities Upon Completion:
Numerous doors will open up after you finish a course in Christian life coaching programs. Possible Actions:
• Get going on your own as a coach.
• Provide aid in Christian neighbourhoods or places of worship.
• Hold seminars or workshops centred on Christian growth as a person.
• Coach the people who are a part of a ministry or missionary organization.
The Non-Monetary Benefits:
The Christian life coaching courses have significant non-material benefits and obvious material ones. One of the perks of being a coach is hearing the life-changing tales of your clients as they discover their calling, strengthen their faith, and develop closer bonds with God. The sense of accomplishment and contentment you'll gain from this trip will be unmatched.
Christian life coaching focuses on both the individual's and the church's growth on a spiritual level. These classes can be the link between your religious or spiritual calling and the work you do with others. Never forget that God can use your work as a Christian life coach to improve lives and bring glory to Himself. This intersection of faith, calling, and career is one worth taking.
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