ellewrites · 9 years
[TEXT] you were supposed to be back an hour ago // [TEXT] wow pls fuck me // [TEXT] yuo look so pretTY WOW
[TEXT] you were supposed to be back an hour ago
[ text ]: i was grad i ng papers and some other teacHers invited me for a dirnk!!![ text ]: i’ll be hoem in an hour i misss u 
[TEXT] wow pls fuck me
[ text ]: are you really drunk enough to forget that i fucked you this morning?[ text ]: i’m laughing, by the way. it’s a tuesday night so therefore you’re a mess.[ text ]: come home, i made cookies. 
[TEXT] yuo look so pretTY WOW
[ text ]: charles, i think you may have had too much to drink.[ text ]: get home safe, alright?
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comerpwithme · 9 years
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emmaduvalrps · 9 years
falaheewrites replied to your post: IN NEED OF HELP HOW DO U ADD A GIF TO ...
if ur in a gif hunt, right click and copy image location and then paste that and tumblr will automatically turn it in to a gif !!!
thank u!!!
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aquariusrpc · 9 years
Send ₪ for my muse’s reaction to yours joining them in a bubble bath.
Xavier was peacefully taking a bubble bate, yeah it was a little girly but to his defense, his sister told him it’ll help him relax and he needed to calm down, he has been so stressed all day and all because of his stupid job. I mean don’t get him wrong, he loves being a radio host but he hates the hours and today has been awful but he is just going to relax and forget all about it. He hummed happily as he closed his eyes and tried to relax when he noticed another body get inside the bathtub. The older male blinked his eyes open to see Matty join him inside and he smiled softly before wrapping his arms around the teen’s waist so Matias’ back was pressed against his chest and he pressed a gentle kiss to the younger’s shoulder. “Hi,” he whispered as he pressed soft kisses to Matty’s neck. This was definitely nice...
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ellewrites · 9 years
☏: my muse’s reaction to getting a phone call from the hospital about your muse
Charlie was extremely excited about some frat party the last time Thomas spoke to him. Apparently this was supposed to be one of the biggest events on campus this year, and while Charlie seemed thrilled to chug gallons of beer and do body shots, Thomas was well ⏤ worried, to say the least. It’s not that Thomas didn’t trust Charlie ⏤ he trusted him more than anyone else, actually ⏤ it was just the fact that most college kids weren’t smart. And while a small party thrown by a frat is one thing, this is a party thrown by the entire greek life. Besides, Thomas was never not worried about Charlie when he was practicing underaged drinking. Not worried like a parent, but more like a wildly concerned friend. Yeah, friend. Thomas was curled up on the couch in his pajamas reading an autobiography about a photographer when the phone call came in. Thomas grabbed blindly for his phone with his left hand, not even checking the caller ID as he accepted the call and pressed the phone to his ear. “Hello?”⏤ Thomas barely remembers the drive to the hospital. You were the last person he texted, they had told him, so we decided to call you. They also said things like he’s fine, he just fell down a flight of stairs after he stumbled from intoxication. The campus hospital wouldn’t press charges for underaged drinking. They’d let him off with a warning, since this is the first time he’s caught, but Thomas knew ⏤ he fucking knew he had something to be concerned over. He ran down the halls after he received the room number, and instantly recognized Charlie’s body in one of the beds. His forearm was in a cast and he had a few bruises on the exposed skin from what Thomas could tell, and other than looking exhausted and probably still drunk ⏤ he was okay. Thomas checked to see if there was anyone at the door before leaning down and pressing a firm kiss to Charlie’s forehead, thanking God that this stupid kid was alright. Besides, Charlie would probably forget by morning. “You’re a menace, Worthington. A god damn menace.”
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mudsdalez · 9 years
sports dads for that super long ask meme thing
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation Topher 100%
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them Topher again he’s more of a diva than he realizes
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy tbh I feel like they both do
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them CLARK
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them Well they aren’t studying but Clark is constantly working and Topher is always trying to distract him. Always.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated Clark probably starts it but only after Topher texts him like crazy. “Clark let’s facetime. Clark. Clark the babies miss you. They need to see your face. CLARK.”
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do Clark is more likely to storm out and Topher is more likely to cry FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows I feel like the more obvious answer is Topher but I feel like the actual answer is Clark idk???
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky Clark ;)
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car They both probably do but Topher acts like a diva again and makes a scene when he gets hit
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays Clark
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other Clark probably
who plays with the others’ hair more Topher
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored TOPHER
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can Ummmmm Topher probably
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up Topher probably but how cute would it be if Clark did that
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up Clark for both ;)
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one Topher always forgets it and Clark always holds it
who demands showering first in the mornings Clark he’s probably like “TOPHER I HAVE A JOB THAT I NEED TO GET TO IN AN HOUR. DO YOU EVEN HAVE A LEGIT JOB?”
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings Topher :-)
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games Clark probably prefers rollercoasters, Topher probably prefers video games 
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond T O P H E R
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight Topher probably
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets Clark it’s like his favorite thing to do when he gets home from work
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can CLARK ONCE THEY’RE ACTUALLY A THING
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet Topher is the loud one, Clark shuts him up
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cptainphasmas · 10 years
☾ - sleep headcanon // ✿ - Sex headcanon // ♒ - cooking/food headcanon // ൠ - random headcanon BRENDAN & HAYDEN GO
☾ - sleep headcanon 
ok but listen hayden gets really attatched to brendan and hes relatively lowkey about it i mean he insists that he stops working so they can fuck but thats normal but whats not normal and what will never come out of his mouth is his constant need to sleep curled around brendan and brendan isn’t super cuddly but hayden makes him bc hes warm and hayden feels comfortable and secure and its a weird feeling for him bc hes never really had security before and brendan is his security and then he leaves and hayden doesn’t sleep well for a few months and it even worse when brendan comes back bc he knows he should just forgive him bc jfc hayden who else will give you what he does and the answer is no one and the first night they’re in bed together maybe after sex maybe not after sex he sleeps so well and holy shit i made myself sad im done
 ✿ - Sex headcanon 
im trying to think of sex headcanons that we haven’t talked about bc its v clear that hayden is a horny teenager all of his life and listen hayden just really loves sex and it probably wasn’t even that bad when he started fucking brendan but then it was just very clear that he loves fucking brendan very specifically or rather getting fucked by brendan but whatever and maybe he tried to hook up with some guys but none of them fucked him like brendan did and it was v clear to hayden that he was screwed in the very not literal sense bc hes just really attatched to brendan in all aspects and im maKING EVERyTHING SAD so were also gonna talk about the fact that i truly believe hayden gets in moods where he tries to tease the fuck out of brendan at perfect times where he knows hes not busy and wants sex and it doesn’t happen a lot bc hayden loves making brendan stop doing work and/or going down on him while hes doing his work but sometimes he’ll tease until brendan can’t take it and he gets proud of himself for it /end
 ♒ - cooking/food headcanon 
hayden is rly fucking good at baking alright like he can make a fuck ton of different deserts and shit and hes always just randomly baking and sending baked goods with brendan to work and hes v quiet about it like pls dont talk about my baking obsession its embarrassing just take these cookies and sHUT UR MOUTH but he can cook pretty well like not really well but he can make pasta without burning down their house and thats good enough for him but god forbid he wants to be romantic it’d be like ‘happy anniversary heres bOXED CHINESE FOOD’ ‘I CANT COOK SORRY’
 ൠ - random headcanon
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❤ pls
Jail Time
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | NoHave children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
0 notes
nicholasjohn · 9 years
[text] Make sure you’re alone- I don’t want anyone else seeing what I’m about to sent you. // [text] I need you so bad right now // [text] You left your shirt and I’ve been wearing it all day, so now it’s mine
[text] Make sure you’re alone- I don’t want anyone else seeing what I’m about to sent you.
SAM: This is probably, like, way late for me to ask but you’re totally legal, right.............
[text] I need you so bad right now
SAM: Not as bad as I need to be bent over my desk.
[text] You left your shirt and I’ve been wearing it all day, so now it’s mine
SAM: You should wear it to sleep and then it’ll be like we can actually be ogether all night.
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ellewrites · 9 years
[text]: I just saw two people dressed as Santa fist fighting in a mall. Christmas is ruined! // [text]: So what if I made out with a guy dressed as Santa Claus?! I was drunk!
[text]: I just saw two people dressed as Santa fist fighting in a mall. Christmas is ruined! 
[ text ]: Was anyone hurt?[ text ]: Follow up question -- did you get it on camera?[ text ]: Follow up question #2 -- did you buy the Christmas light for the tree?
[text]: So what if I made out with a guy dressed as Santa Claus?! I was drunk!
[ text ]: I don’t need to hear about your college party stories during which you were illegally consuming alcohol.[ text ]: That’s not why I gave you this number, Charles.[ text ]: I’ll see you tomorrow to glance over your essay. [ text ]: And maybe then you can tell me that full story and I’ll pretend you were of legal drinking age. 
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mudsdalez · 9 years
“We don’t need another kid.”
Sometimes Topher could be funny when he drink. This wasn’t one of those times.
Teddy and Ellie, they’re still babies. They’re too young to take care of themselves, they’re too young to even realize that they need to be taken care of, they’re too young for pretty much everything. Either way, once Gabby and Brett died, Clark and Topher took on the responsibility of taking care of them. And, well…at least Clark is holding up to his end of the deal. Sure, Topher will change their diapers and feed them and play with them sometimes, but it still feels like Clark puts in more work. More often than not, to Clark at least, Topher acts more like a child than he does an adult, so it only makes sense that Clark feels like he’s taking care of 3 kids rather than just 2.
It wasn’t always like this though. After a while, once the two men actually started getting along, once they actually started bonding, once sports night became a regular thing, the two started to work well together. Sort of like a well oiled machine, or at least…a machine that usually gets oiled. Sure they still had their mess ups and their bumps in the road, but they were still pretty new at this. All that mattered was the fact that they were making it work. In the beginning, it felt like two single guys raising two kids together would be impossible. They didn’t know how the hell they were going to handle it, and yet somehow they managed to.
But things change.
It’s not that Topher was an alcoholic, god no. Not in the slightest. But, in true sports fan fashion, he felt the need to crack open a couple beers while watching. It’s how any real fan does it. Hell, even Clark did it when they started having game nights together. But people grow up.
Or at least they’re supposed to.
It’s another typical sports night at the house, except it’s a lot busier. For Clark at least - once Topher sits down and cracks open his beer, he’s pretty much useless, his attention is on the game and nothing but the game. But just because he zoned out doesn’t mean the world around him stops. Teddy has a special bedtime routine that needs to be done every night, and they both know how difficult Ellie can be, especially at bedtime. And who was left to step away from game night in order to take care of their dead best friends’ kids? Clark. It’s not like he minds, he just wishes Topher would help out once in a while.
He was able to manage to get Ellie into her room, which doesn’t seem like much progress, but it’s honestly a miracle. All that had to be done was finish up Teddy’s bottle. He needed a special formula, but it’s not like it was much of an effort to make. All Clark needed help with was someone to actually hold Teddy while he made it, so he handed the baby boy to Topher. Although everyone knows that Topher Weiss can’t be bothered during his precious little game night. So, in true Topher fashion, he complained.
“We don’t need another kid.”
Sure, it was just a harmless little comment, but it was enough to make Clark snap. (Thank god spending all the time that he did with Ellie and her sass gave him a higher tolerance level. Lord knows what would happen if he actually did freak out.) How the hell could he say something as careless as that about his best friend’s kids? It felt like the months and months that the two had put into taking care of these kids, basically making a little makeshift family, all went down the drain. What man in his thirties is so immature that he can’t even take his mind off of the TV for a minute to take care of a child. Just because all of his focus was on the game didn’t mean that the world around him just stopped. What made Clark think that he could trust a guy as irresponsible as Topher to do such a simple task? What made Topher think that a guy as irresponsible as himself could take care of two kids? Or more importantly - What made Brett think that a guy as irresponsible as Topher was capable of raising his kids?
Clark was pissed. Beyond pissed. Pissed enough to not say anything to Topher as he took Teddy back, and just barely mumble out “Yeah, well at least you don’t have to worry about that.” as he walked out of the room and upstairs to rock Teddy to sleep, going to bed himself afterwards. Alone.
Topher could pass out on the couch tonight for all he cared.
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mattewdaddario · 10 years
HEY dont say that ok there's plenty of people that care for you and that person is obviously an ignorant piece of shit that doesnt deserve to even interact with you. there's no point in listening to them okay. you're great, you're beautiful and a lot of people would miss you ok so pls don't say things like that
You're lovely and thank you, I'm going to keep this and read it on days where I feel extra shitty. 
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aquariusrpc · 9 years
5 Times the Love !!
Send “5 Times the Love” and I will write a drabble about the five times my muse fell in love with your muse.
The first time Xavier feels more than neighborly love towards Matias is at 3am, when he knocks on the teen’s door. It’s been 5 fucking days in a row he stays up at night because of a baby crying their lungs out and Xavier is tired so he decided he’s going to stop it himself, which is why he’s knocking on his neighbor’s door right now, at like 3 in the morning but he didn’t excpect a teenage boy to open the door and he defifntly didn’t expect beeing told by the teen that he is the baby’s father and that he is sorry but he just can’t his son to sleep. But what Xavier really didn’t expect was for the sight of the teenage male holding the baby in his arms to be the most beautiful and cutest thing he saw in his entire life. The second time Xavier feels more than neighborly love towards Matias is at 10am, when he walks next to a playground near his apartment block where his neighbor plays with his son. As Xavier looked to the left he saw Matty play with his baby, as the teen helped him slide, he felt his heart grow warm at the sight and he smile fondly. He nodded hello at Matty as the male caught sight of him before turning around and walking home. The way there Xavier tried to ignore how beautiful was Matias’ smile. The third time Xavier feels more than neighborly love towards Matias is at 8pm, when a knock was sound at his door while he was watching the new episode of Empire. He walked to open the door, thinking it was the pizza guy but instead he found his frantic neighbor. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked with a frown, “N-- Not really, I have to go somewhere and well, I have no one to watch my son, would you mind watching over him for me, I’ll do anything if you will,” the teen responded before Xavier nodded at him, “sure, just bring him here, I’ll watch over him,” He answered Matias with a warm smile, that was the minute he became the baby’s babysitter but it was also a moment where the radio host felt warm inside because Matias trusted him with the most important person in the world for him and it made Xavier happy, although he will never admit that. The fourth time Xavier feels more than neighborly love towards Matias is at 9am, when he knocks on Matty’s door. As a sleepy, shirtless, Matias opens the door, Xavier is pretty sure his heart has drops to his pants and he quickly wipes his mouth in case he is drooling before offering the teen a smile. “Hey, I’m sorry I woke you up but, umm, do you have some milk? My little sister is over and I wanted to make her some pancakes before she has to go to school but I have no milk,” he explained, his eyes stuck on the other male’s abs before he quickly looks up with a blush covering his cheeks as he hears a chuckle and sees the teen nod at him. It was in that moment Xavier knew he’s fucked. The fifth time Xavier feels more than neighborly love towards Matias is at 1am, when they have their first kiss. They are standing at the door of Matias’ apartmant and Xavier should leave, he needs to leave but instead he keeps staring into Matias’ lips and he can’t help himself, he just really want to know if they taste as good as they look and even though the older male doesn’t even know if the teen likes men he pressed his lips against Matty’s in a sweet kiss. He was right, the kiss was amazing but Xavier shouldn’t do it, Matias was a child with a child and so he broke the kiss and took a step back. “I, umm, I-- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry,” he said, as he walked quickly to his apartment and as he closed the door he knew he’s in love with his neighbor.
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chvdwickbosemvn · 10 years
falaheewrites answered: 
i think if you just right click the gif and hit copy image url and paste it in, tumblr will realize and change it to a gif
no, i meant uploading gifs. i don't use gif hunts
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