#thomas x charlie
tac-the-unseen · 1 month
Hey how are you doing 👋🏽
I have a request, can you do a Thomas Hewitt x pregnant reader, just pure fluff
I bet that man would be a good father idk
Thomas Hewitt x pregnant Reader Headcannons
CW: Pregnancy Difficulties, Child birth, Minor misogyny, extremely minor mention of Abortion (Like it's not said but implied)
Minor Angst and Fluff (It gets better I promise)
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•When you found out about your pregnancy the first person you told wasn't Tommy, it was Luda Mae
•You told Luda the news and she was delighted
•You were panicked
•Not only was this your first baby, it was an unplanned one
•Your family has a history of trouble-some pregnancies and with the nearest hospital being hours away, this possibilities really frighten you
•Luda had to calm you down and stop you from almost stress vomiting on yourself
•She sat with you as you sobbed and tried to collect yourself enough to make some kind of plan
•You talked about your options and while she was trying to sway to one way, she said it was ultimately your choice
•You both decided to wait two weeks before telling anybody
•You didn't want to get anyone's hopes up just in case something happened to you or the new-comer growing inside of you
•after the two weeks have passed you waited for Thomas to get done working for the night so you can tell him
•When he walked through the door to see you sitting in a rocking chair he was slightly confused
•Normally you're upstairs or in the kitchen
•He wasn't worried it was simply just out of the ordinary
•You got up and guided him up the stairs and into your shared bedroom
•You sit him down and slowly introduce the topic into the conversation before making your rehearsed announcement
•He was silent for a few seconds, just long enough to let your panic sleep into your bones
•A cool chill runs through you and you begin to back petal
•You tell him how long you knew and all the options you have
•You’re quickly to ramble on about how you don't need to have right this minute and you could wait for later down if that's what Thomas needed
•Thomas listens to your quickly and panicked speech for a little bit before gently grabbing your shoulders and turning you towards him
•He leans over and softly kisses your forehead
•He runs a hand down to your stomach and gently rubs the side
•His one gentle kiss turned into multiple fast pecks all over your face.
•He was excited
•It took him just hours to already make plans for what he wanted to do with his future child
•He was comforting you at every turn and freaked out Everytime you bumped into a countertop or a wall.
•Thomas practically stood over you all day everyday
•He wants to always have you in his sights, for his peace of mind and yours
•He brings you drawings of what crib, rocking chairs, and wood carved mobile he wants to hang over the crib
•He lets you watch and values your opinion over everyone else. When asked by other family members why, Thomas points to you as if to say ‘They’re the pregnant one.’
•When you started to show he would occasionally gently lift your belly to relieve you of the weight the baby puts on your back.
•He never really liked leaving the house and normally left that up to his brothers, but he wanted to help with the baby shopping
•he gently holds out baby blankets he thinks you'll like, but keeps in mind that Luda-Mae has be fiercely crocheting baby blankets and sewing baby clothes
•He actually cries when you hold up the little baby booties and compares them to his huge palm.
•He carries all the bags to your car and lets you drive him home with the yellow booties still in his hands.
•You fought hard to let the other Hewitts know you were giving birth in an actual hospital
•Everytime the birth was brought up it turned into a huge argument. “Every Hewitt was born in this house and they will continue to be born in this house!” Charlie and Monty argued
•You kept bring up your side of the family's history and how you're not willing to die and leave the baby with a house full of psychos no matter how much they tried to deter you
•When you eventually went into labor Luda was quickly to Hussle you and Tommy into the car
•Both of them respected your wishes and understood your concerns and allow you to give birth in the hospital a two hours away
•By the time you got there you were 8 cm dilated and every nurse was scrambling to get you a room and a doctor to deliver your baby safely
•It was bloody, tiring, and the most pain you've ever been in but by the time the baby was out you passed out
•They rushed to stitch you up and stop you from hemorrhaging and had to use their hands to assist you delivering the placenta
•When all's said and done your baby was safely in your arms
•Luda brought a camera to take birthing pictures and Thomas was clutching all the baby blankets
•Thomas was terrified by your body seemingly giving out and when informed you easily could have died, He was relieved he actually listened to you and not his noodle brained brothers
•while it was great to have your baby in your arms, you were in desperate need of sleep, so the baby was pawned off to Luda so she could help Thomas hold his new-born for the first time
•That moment was magical for him, and even though his mind was already made up, he knew he would die for this child if it ever came to that
•Luda left the room briefly to use the bathroom and That left Tommy with the smallest human being he's ever seen wrapped up in the hospital’s white with pink and blue striped blanket.
•The quiet of the room was what made him sob
•His sleeping partner and sleeping child all together as a family was enough to break him
•The car ride home a few days later was also silent
•He sat in the back seat with the baby's car seat watching as the hum and the vibrations of the car lull the child asleep
•He did leave that baby’s side for a second
•He was there when the baby cried, when the baby slept, when the baby needed a diaper change, he was there for every moment
•Until His brothers bitched at him to start working again
•Thomas, while wanting to stay with you and the baby, did understand he was the muscle of the house and he had work to do to maintain it
•He worked as fast as he could so he could be with you two again
•You had secretly been teaching your baby to say Dada because you know how hard Thomas is working and how dedicated he is to his family.
•When the child did say their first words ‘Dada’ Thomas actually ran around the living room as a victory lap.
•All that made better by your Child giggling
•Thomas has made toys out of bones, yes they are properly cleaned, he doesn't want to get his baby sick
•Nobody but You, Thomas, And Luda are allowed to hold the baby, He knows how harsh and clumsy his Brothers are and refuses to let them touch the baby
•Thomas isn't normal one to argue with his family but he made a vow to protect you and his children and by God he will kill Monty if it comes to it
•It really won't, But now Monty and Charlie know his serious
Thanks for reading <3
I wrote this fic with a little angst because I feel like every Leatherface x Reader is pregnancy related. I didn't want to re-write what many before me have written so I added minor Angst to at least make it different/Stand out.
Also I'm just not a huge fan of Pregnancy fics in general. Kinda gives me the ick, but I'm not one to disappoint someone who wanted my take of a fic!
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murmurmurena · 15 days
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Requests from my telegram channel
I haven’t posted drawings on this blog for a very long time, because I’m busy at work and am often so tired that I don’t have time to draw. But I have drawings that have accumulated during this time and one of the reasons why I don’t post it on tumblr is because I’m too lazy to write in eng by myself, this text was written on translator, lol
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inkwell-illustrations · 8 months
10 year old me when i found out i can romantically pair up characters i like:
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It's been chaos ever since...
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look-at-the-soul · 2 months
Hola, Mar! ❤️❤️.
I'm here to sending you a request. Tommy telling his kids (it can be both of them, or just Charlie or just Ruby) a story about his mother. We know he didn't have good memories about her especially because what happened, but maybe, he remembered something maybe a bedtime story (or a recipe, music, etc) and he tells them about her. The kids didn't know her, but after that moment maybe they can imagine how their grandma was ❤️.
My dear Flor @justrainandcoffee thank you so much for sending this request!!!! I knew I had to make it extra special since it’s part of my Grandma’s series 👵🏻♥️✨ so I didn’t want to rush it. This made me go back in time to our endless sleepovers, it made me think of her. I hope you enjoy this 💕
Special thanks to @blondie-22 for creating the BEAUTIFUL moodboard, like always you capture the exact essence of the story 🥰
Edit: A/N part of this story is inspired by a song called Toy Soldier by Martika
Word count 1,172
Toy Soldier
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The bedroom door cracked louder than Tommy expected, he cursed himself internally because it was late and the house was quiet, the last thing he needed was to wake up his wife.
But she was already up and leaned against the window, the shadow of her frame only visible under the moonlight. Frowning, he stopped taking off his suit jacket midway when he noticed something was under the blankets of his bed.
“Why are you up?” He whispered.
“Charlie’s having trouble with bedtime.” She replied back. “He thinks there’s a monster under his bed.” She then added but also gave him a warning look so he better wouldn’t laugh it off.
“There’s no such thing.”
“They wanted to sleep here for reassurance.” Y/N placed her hands on his chest to lean in for a quick kiss. “He was so scared last night.”
“Daddy?” Ruby’s small voice broke the silence of the room.
Charlie stirred and his eyes fluttered open.
“Go back to sleep.” Tommy urged them.
“There’s a monster under my bed, I heard noises.” Charlie assured him.
Sitting next to his son, Tommy caressed his blonde hair in a loving way.
“I can assure you there’s no monster under your bed, son.” Tommy explained in a calmed tone.
“But I heard…”
Tommy shook his head gently, knowing it was a good time to share a fond memory that suddenly hit him hard. After being pushed back to the farthest place of his mind for years…
“You’ve nothing to worry about,” Tommy assured his boy, then turning to face Y/N he invited her over the bed, “you want to hear what really is?”
“I do Daddy.” Ruby replied while Charlie nodded.
“It’s the toy soldier.” Tommy assured his kids. Then clearing his throat he continued. “All toys come up to life around three in the morning, when the house is quiet and you and your sister are sleeping, they start playing by themselves. But when you wake up, they stop because you must not see them.”
His voice and the fabulous tale he was narrating had both his children and Y/N captivated.
“But how do you know?” Charlie asked trying to understand.
Tommy raised his eyebrows, taking his time to explain it properly.
“Well, that’s ‘cause when I was about your age, I heard noises in my room too.”
Y/N noticed the emotions shining in his eyes and his voice.
“And you had toys like mine?” Charlie asked but Tommy shook his head.
“No, I had a horse made of wood, uncle Charlie made it for me.”
Ruby was in awe. “Like a real horse?”
“Yes but a small one, I carried it everywhere.” He relaxed against the pillows, Y/N knew his childhood wasn’t easy, he was forced to mature earlier than other kids.
“So one night I was terrified and went to sleep with my Mum and she told me it was my toys playing.”
“And she told you how did she know?”
“No, she didn’t.”
And both kids went on to ask a million more questions about their grandma, a loving figure they never got the chance to meet. To Tommy this meant much more than he could put into words, he went on to describe her features, mannerisms and and few secrets, so his kids could feel her close to them in some way.
He didn’t know, but through them and their curiosity, he was healing a part of his broken heart by remembering the good moments, her legacy.
Y/N could see the way their imagination was running wild trying to put a face for such mysterious woman, trying to think of what was like to be on road forever stuck in a caravan as they said, asking how she could ride bareback a horse without falling.
Tommy rarely talked about his mother, it had always been something that was buried deep inside his heart, a very sensitive topic, Y/N knew how much it had hurt him to lose her at such young age. Not having her when he needed her the most definitely left a permanent scar in his heart. Y/N wondered how different would Tommy be under another circumstances.
And by the way he described his mother, Y/N realized he looked so much like her instead of his father, which given the circumstances, was a blessing. Although, thanks to Polly who took the role as a mother figure for the Shelby siblings, they had managed much better than if Arthur Sr. was in charge.
“Why can’t we play with them?” Asked Ruby with a deep frown.
“Because after playing with you all day, they get to work by playing, the soldier gotta watch out the fort right?” He stared at Charlie. “And your doll has to drink some more tea, ey.”
Then, a gentle smile played on his lips.
“So you gotta go to sleep to let them play, so they can enjoy their own time.”
“That’s why I heard noises.” Charlie seemed to think about it for a second.
“Yeah.” Tommy winked at them.
“But my teddy stays with me all night.” Ruby stated.
“Hmm he’s gotta take care of you.”
“Can we stay here? So they can play?” Charlie’s eyes sparkled.
Y/N nodded feeling touched by the way Tommy managed to help Charlie leave his fears behind. Loving the way his innocent mind was processing everything.
“Of course, now just let’s all squeeze in together.”Tommy proposed. Feeling Y/N’s hand touching his hand, he looked up at her.
Soon both kids were fast asleep. The story about their toys playing and making noises was the explanation they needed to hear, to feel Tommy’s reassurance.
Y/N observed her husband taking off his clothes, hiding the gun in a drawer and coming back to bed. Thinking how of course not everything is as it should be, and the kids would realize of the truth one day…but she was more than happy to enjoy that little moment in their own little bubble while it lasted.
“That was beautiful.”
He nodded in agreement. He rarely allowed himself to have moments like these, but he felt the need to open his heart with his own happy memory with his mother, gone too soon. She had missed a lot of important events in his life that he was determined to try to be there for his children.
And at least, he could honor her memory by sharing some stories like the one where the toys start playing after midnight.
Turning off the lights of their bedside tables, Tommy drifted to sleep right away and saw the image of his mother wrapping her arms around a younger version of himself protectively, answering all the questions he had about how could his horse toy could not move during the day, or how would drink water if the river was so far away… and he saw her in his dreams smiling adoringly at him before kissing the top of his head.
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Grandma series
Tommy Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @kmc1989 @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @red-riding-wood @ironpen @holacia3
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madeinparadis · 6 months
pairing: thomas shelby × reader
tw: grief (reader is dead), angst
word count: 724
masterlist: all characters
a/n: this is more of a drabble, just a little something i wrote before bed. italics signal a flashback/memory.
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Far into the winter, all of Birmingham was covered in fog and cold. The houses were dimly illuminated by the bleak sunshine during the day, then engulfed by darkness in the later hours, and Arrow House was no exception, looking and feeling particularly gloomy. Despite all efforts done by staff to make it warm and hospitable for its owner, the most important part of it was lost forever, and could never be replaced- you.
The clock on the bedside table read one o'clock. Tommy sat in what was once your shared bed, now only his. His mind was playing tricks on him yet again, clouding his conscience with visions of you, the feeling of longing and regret leaving a bad taste on his tongue.
No matter the circumstances, Thomas Shelby wouldn't ever say he is an emotional or sensitive man. With all the horrors he's seen, all the men he's brutally murdered, the business he leads, there was just no space in his life for feelings. Even so, that doesn't mean they didn't plague him- in fact, they took over his mind at every given chance. Every time he let himself breathe and relax his muscles, he was taken there, to a place where you exposed the thoughts and emotions buried the deepest in his consciousness.
"Tom?" you called, a smile painted on your face. Oh, this was one of his favourite memories. "Look, I want you to see this." your request caught his attention, making him glance up at you, taking notice of the new garments on your frame. "What do you think?" you gestured at your outfit. "The seamstress finished it earlier today. I'm thinking of wearing it the charity event next week."
If only he didn't take you to that ball...
"It looks perfect. you're always beautiful, love." Tommy replied, watching you change back into your nightgown, joining him in bed- back when it was still both his and yours to share.
"Fuck." he spoke in a low, tired tone. He had to get his shit together, stop reminiscing, he thought to himself. Well, perhaps later he would- for now, he wanted to keep you around, in whatever way possible.
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The hours went by as Thomas drowned himself with work in the office, a poor attempt to drown out the thought of you. He got up from his chair, dragging his tired self to the cabinet and pouring himself a glass of whisky. Sitting behind the desk again, he drank up the contents of the glass in one uninterrupted take, setting it on the wooden desk quite harshly.
For a second, his head was empty. Then, there you were- the vision of your ghost like an oasis sighting to him. You took a step closer to him, standing behind the office desk as you rested your hands on his shoulders, earning a relieved sigh from Tommy, who leaned into your touch almost desperately.
"Did you miss me, darling?" Your voice was like medicine to his soul, making the pain drift away while he heard it- except it made his heart ache even more after, when he was reminded you weren't truly there anymore.
"Everyday, love." He replied with a tormented tone.
"You know you can't keep living like this, Tom. Our son needs a father." You spoke softly. "He needs you."
"There's no joy in this house without you, (y/n). Charlie misses you just like me, everyday."
You remained silent for some time, offering comfort with your touch rather than words. Tommy accepted every gesture of yours, taking every second he could get with you.
"It's not your fault, Tom. There was nothing you could do to prevent that bullet from reaching me." You spoke up again, kneeling down until your lips reached his ear. "Do you remember my last request to you, just before I died?"
"To be good to Charlie, take care of him." The expression on his face was pained as he answered your question, reminding him of your last moments on earth.
"Exactly. Have you gotten him a horse yet?"
"Yes. I bought him one for Christmas, a good breed."
"That's good. Be patient with him, Tom. He's got a strong-willed spirit like yours."
Tommy felt your lips on his cheek, looking up to see your face. But just like that, you were gone once more.
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fangirlting · 7 months
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Peaky Blinders S3 | Tommy & Charlie
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kausstar · 1 year
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let's read and get so high we can't recognize the real world around us !
❥ 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 (in order) ★ slashers. stranger things. the peaky blinders. criminal minds. euphoria. the punisher ˎˊ˗
smut, angst and fluff included.
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˚₊⊹ 20/20 VISION ✧ ethan landry. ── @echnated !
[ sfw ] okokok! reader x lalala! ethan.
loved the concept, writing and the fic.
˚₊⊹ CLASSMATE CHARLIE WALKER ✧ charlie walker. ── @lithiumfae !
[ sfw - bit of spice ] obsession.
the obsession with her voice is literally everything to me because my voice is rather… man like.
˚₊⊹ DAMN, BOY! SLOW DOWN! ✧ thomas hewitt. ── @vampiremillk !
[ nsfw ] chubby black reader. breeding kink. overstimulation.
i just love pussydrunk! thomas :))
˚₊⊹ SOUTHERN STYLE CREAMPIE ✧ thomas hewitt. ── @/vampiremillk !
[ nsfw ] female chubby reader. breeding kink.
mwahhhh. the whole thing at my legs shaking.
˚₊⊹ NO.1 AUNTIE ✧ steve harrington. ── @erin-bo-berin !
[ sfw ] single mom! reader. steve x single mom! reader. robin x single mom! reader (platonic).
i can literally imagine robin being the funniest auntie alive and i love this.
˚₊⊹ DEVILISHLY HANDSOME MAN ✧ thomas shelby. ── @toomanyfandomsallatonce !
[ sfw ] lots of flirting. kinda dirty flirting. eating.
the flirting throughout had me kicking my feet in the air.
˚₊⊹ EAT YOU OUT- I MEAN ✧ spencer reid. ── @ddejavvu !
[ sfw - bit of spice ] spencer being a complete reck.
the post should say it for its self. just beautiful.
˚₊⊹ HOT WIFE ✧ spencer reid. ── @radiant-reid !
[ sfw ] hot wife! reader x spencer reid.
them sliding it under the table is EVERYTHING that i never knew i needed.
˚₊⊹ MESS OF MINE ✧ aaron hotchner. ── @hotchgirlsummer !
[ sfw ] female! bimbo! reader.
the cutest of this fic makes me wanna just die. i am in love with him. i believe it was written by gods.
˚₊⊹ DO YOU LIKE HER ✧ elliot. ── @eunoiathewriter !
[ sfw ] talks of smoking weed and drugs (duh, it’s euphoria).
i just loved it. thank you for writing this.
˚₊⊹ SHOW ME LOVE ✧ frank castle. ── @captainmarvels !
[ sfw - angst-ish ] insecurities.
so fluffy and adorable i would blush if i could…
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TO WRITERS ! thank you for being here and for your wonderful writing. your writing is not only people of color friendly but also beautiful, and really appreciated by everyone. i hope you have a beautiful day, because you deserve it. <33
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padfootdaredmetoo · 9 months
Hi so I have a kind of specific request but it doesn’t matter at all what you do with this information could I request a Thomas Shelby and reader fic where the reader only has one eye after some form of circumstance (it can be completely up to you if you want to list it) and after that they are rendered emotionless and have no care for what happens to themselves or others and towards the end they show some form of emotion (example would be a small smile or Wrinkle of the eye to show a form of gratitude etc) this was out of the blue and I thought it sounded cool so I thought I’d request (I’ve never requested something in my life from here)
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Dear Anon,
I loved this request. I changed a couple things up a bit and hope that's alright. I'm always struggling to find gifs for fics and thought I would try out making little pictures for it.... not sure how I feel about it yet. Anyway thank you for waiting so long, hope you enjoy it!
Warning: reader got injured as a child and has lasting damage from it
Tommy was never sure what to think of you, he wondered if that’s how people felt about him. You had an elegant voice, the kind that made him think without a doubt that you could sing. It was soft and feminine, none of which reached your features. You were very pretty but completely unemotional. There was a large scar over your eye, but you didn’t cover it. The pink glass orb replacing your right eye was sparkly, part of him thought you enjoyed how unsettled it made people. But that would imply you enjoy things at all. 
He could set you on a task and you would always come back in a timely fashion giving him a nod then going back to your desk at the betting shop. You stayed out of trouble, kept out of family drama, so much so that it made him feel the need to keep a closer watch on you. 
All day you were professional, speaking the bare minimum. You drank black coffee but only once it was cold and took small sips. You would give John a swift shake of the head when he offered you a glass of whiskey. 
He could tell you gave John the creeps, John would talk for hours if you let him, and you would barely give answers to his questions.
“I don’t know how you trust her.” John had whispered to him before running out the door. He wondered this himself. 
“Where bout’s do you live, love?” Tommy asked coming over to stand in front of her desk. 
“A few blocks away.” You said softly, he hated how badly he wanted to hear you continue. 
“Want me to walk you home.” For her protection, he told himself. With the days getting shorter he should make sure someone walks her home. 
“No thank you, Mr. Shelby.” You said politely. 
“Call me Tommy.” He said wanting things to become more casual between the two of you. 
“Tommy,” She said his name in a way that made his heart lurch. He knew he was in trouble. Your green eye looked at him with a cold stare. Surly he could make you feel something if you gave him the chance. 
“Well, help me carry something to the pub then? That on the way to yours?” 
“That would not be a problem.” You gave him a nod before he went into the back room trying to think of something to carry to the pub. He tossed some bottles into an old crate. Coming back into the main room he watched you pull your jacket on. 
He Put the crate down on the desk and pulled out his wallet. He handed it to you and picked up the crate of empty bottles. Your expression was the usual stony mask not even a hint of confusion. 
“Ready?” You gave a nod then followed him out. 
“I’ve never had someone want to walk be home this badly before.” Her voice had him feeling tangled up inside.
“It’s dark.” He said dismissively. 
“As it is every night.” She said softly. She wasn't going to let him win, he couldn't think of anything to say as he felt your eye on him again.
You followed him to the pub and he left the crate at the doorstep. You stared at him for a long moment and he swore he saw a slight twinkle in your eye.
You turned on your heel, moving into the dark alley way. You lifted your arm up showing you still had his wallet. 
Tommy didnt need more of an invitation. 
Tommy walked you home every night, and every night you left him on the doorstep. You avoided gatherings at the Garrison, so that was his only real time with you. A part of him felt that he should be asking you questions, try to figure you out. But the desire to be silent with someone was greater than his curiosity. 
This routine continued as the nights got colder and he wondered if you enjoyed it at all. 
The shop was closing up and he was making his last phone call. You were organizing the papers on your desk. The door opened to the shop and Charlie ran through. Tommy’s stomach clenched wanting to know why he wasn't home with Polly. He assumed the boy would come right to him and continued his phone call while keeping an eye out. 
He went to you and he felt a sense of discomfort. Charlie wouldn't understand that you were closed off, he was only four. He came around the side of your desk and peered up at you. 
You were almost done you work when the door opened and shut, you paid it no attention as it probably didn’t concern you. You were about to open the bottom drawer of your desk when you saw a little boy peering around the edge of your desk. He was quiet and observant. You wondered what had messed him up to make him that way. Ah, yes this was Grace’s son, that explained it. 
“Are you a pirate?” He whispered, his eyes focused on the pink glass eye. 
“No, but I was taken by pirates when I was young.” You tapped your eye, feeling a flicker of enjoyment as the boys eyes got wide. 
“What happened!” He was so eager, and you remembered being that way as a child. You opened your top drawer and pulled out some candy you kept in there. 
You slid a piece across the table and the boy smiled. You felt Tommy come out of his office. 
“Maybe your dad will let me come over sometime for a bedtime story, I can tell you all about it.” You ruffled the boy's hair, knowing your words were more for Tommy than him. 
You gave the boy a smile, it took a bit of concentration but the boy took in a breath. You thought maybe it didn’t look right and that maybe you frightened him. 
“The pirates took you because you're so pretty.” The boy's eyes were wide. You let out a small laugh and winced with the familiar pain that followed. 
“Feel like a sleepover?” Tommy asked picking Charlie up. Typical Tommy, willing to use his kid as a bargaining chip. The boy clung on to his father but moved so he could keep looking at you. 
“No bottles for the pub tonight?” You were being cheeky, but he wouldn't understand that. 
“Nah, we can deal with it tomorrow.” 
You gave him a slight nod and followed the boys out of the betting shop. Polly was there talking to a lady in a house coat. You assumed they must have been neighbors at one point. She greeted Tommy with a smile but looked slightly startled to see you there. 
“Thanks Pol.” He said and she gave a warm smile to you. 
“You have a good night.” You gave her a nod then she continued her conversation with the woman. Tommy carried Charlie back to his car and he opened the passenger side for you. You got in, pulling your long skirt in after you. 
“Can I sit on your lap?” Tommy was closing the door and you held out a hand to the boy. He got settled on your lap and rubbed his cheek on the fur collar of your jacket. 
“So soft.” He murmured. You held on to the boy enjoying the embrace. Thankfully the boy was very still and easy to sit with. The drive was about a half hour and you realized Tommy added about 20 minutes to every night just to walk with you in silence. 
You let the maid take your jacket and didn't miss the way Tommy’s eyes looked over your figure. You felt a twinge of anxiety, how badly you would like to be touched in a way that wouldn't hurt you. 
Charlie was rattling on about something and grabbed your hand leading you up to his bedroom. He showed you his various stuffed animals. Tommy took him into the bathroom to get him washed and dressed. 
“Promise you’ll wait!” He called out of the little attached bathroom 
“Promise.” You called back, you sat on his bed, and took in the space. He had a lot of books and soft toys. A knot in your throat formed as you felt the little girl in you scream in envy. You assumed Tommy had the same type of kid somewhere deep inside of him. His boy was kind and polite, observant and smart, and never had to worry about things. He had clean clothes, a nice room, books to learn from, and a dad who came home every night. 
He might have been smoking and drinking, murdering after breakfast, whores for lunch. But you knew that unless he was away for business, Tommy came home to his kid. It was a work ethic you had a great deal of respect for. 
The boy ran out of the bathroom in a soft pin-striped pj set and took a leap up onto the bed landing next to you. 
“Now tell me about the Pirates.” He said with hungry eyes. 
“Well, it all started when I was small.” You told him a wild story. About being left behind by your family, how the forest took you in as one of its own, growing up with magic. One day you were dancing along the cliffs, spinning in the wind and singing, when a pirate captain snatched you right off the rocks. How he had carved out your eye in hopes of gaining the ability to see the magic in the forest. It didn't work and eventually, the mermaids crashed his ship, leaving you stranded in the water. You floated along until his dad pulled you out of the cut. 
“How did you survive in the water that long!” He whispered in awe. 
“My magic’s not in my lost eye, it's right here.” You pointed at your heart, wishing people could see more of it. 
“Can you get a blue eye so we can match?” He asked and you could feel Tommy’s discomfort. 
“I suppose I could try and ask the fairies to make me a new one.” 
“Time for bed Charlie,” Tommy said softly. 
“Will you come back again to visit?” Charlie said grabbing your arm as you tried to stand up from his bed. 
“That sounds like a nice idea.” You tried to smile again and it ended up as more of a wince. He didnt seem to notice. 
You followed Tommy down the stairs, amazed he hadn't just taken you down the hall to his bedroom. Maybe you upset him, thinking about it you were a little bit gruesome with the details and Charlie was really small. 
You kept following him surprised when you moved away from the front door, he walked towards the other end of the house and then pushed open a heavy door. 
He pulled you into a warm and well loved kitchen. It smelled like lamb stew and you realised he was going to try and feed you dinner. You panicked slightly before taking a breath, he invited you to his home. If he doesnt like you, he doesnt have to have you back. 
He motioned for you to sit and poured two glasses of whiskey. 
“I have wine, gin -” 
“I can’t drink -” You said hoping you didnt seem rude. He simply raised and eyebrow and then put both gasses in front of his spot at the table. 
“No alcohol.” You clarified. 
“Oh, Tea, water, juice?” You thought about which would be easiest and settled for juice. 
“Juice please.” You watched him pour a glass of cranberry juice into a whiskey glass. 
You thought about sipping it but you felt too shaky at the moment. 
“So Pirates eh?” 
“Sorry if I scared him -” 
“Nah, he liked it. Got me curious as to what actually happened though” He brought you a bowl of stew and a spoon. You looked down at the inviting warm mixture. Would it be worth risking it? 
“Hmmm.” You sighed and then realized that he kept you around because of your work ethic, telling him the truth just meant he wouldn't have a romantic interest in you. A sadness flooded you but it was better to get these things over with. 
“Well, I dropped a glass in the kitchen when I was little. My dad hit me and I hit my head on the kitchen tiles. The glass got in my eye I have -” You took a shaky breath. “A lot of nerve damage in my face. Sometimes it’s a bit hard to talk or move my face. I’m in a great deal of pain everywhere most of the time actually.” 
Tommy studied you carefully. 
“I’m sorry.” The words hit you like a bus, another failed conquest. You took another breath. He motioned for you to eat and you looked down at the large pieces of lamb.
“Might not be graceful.” You whispered, hating the anxiety humming through you. Can’t he just say this won’t work out and take you home? 
“Nothing about me is graceful.” He shrugged. “Do you - Can I help?” his kindness took you off guard. 
“No thank you.” You took a spoonful of broth and slurped it down. It took you the better half of an hour to get the soup finished. Tommy talked though which was nice. He was quiet like you, something you enjoyed about his company.  
“Stay in my bed?” 
“Oh.” You wanted to say yes. Even if it was just for night you wanted to know what it felt like. “I’ve not - I don’t know if I ca -” 
“Just to sleep then?” 
“I can do that” You smiled knowing it was crooked and painful to look at. He smiled back at you and it was also pained and crooked. 
Her staying in Tommy’s bed for the night. Neither of them sleeps normally, so they end up talking for a lot of the night. He puts on some records and they lay in silence listening to the music. 
He stops seeing whores at lunch after that
After a while, it’s full-on dating and they prefer each other's company rather than lying awake alone. 
He notices her pain now and tries to help her out any way he can.
He asks her if touch is painful and she shrugs not sure how to give a solid answer - he tries a variety of things to make her feel good. 
Charlie is happy and likes your stories but understands that sometimes you can’t talk. He will sit next to you and make up his own stories to make you feel better.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
colds in the winter — the reader falls ill in the middle of winter, worrying tommy and their son, charlie. tommy even goes as far as taking a day off to keep an eye on her. word count: 803 words tw: colds, slight!ooc tommy?? i feel like it could be interpreted this way, but i’ll leave that up to you to decide, fem!reader a/n: i’m always sick. you now have this as a result. :P also… ignore the totally lame title. LMAO
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Winter had fallen upon Birmingham once more. Clouds constantly littered the grey skies, and rain fell far more often than you had liked. Snow would soon litter the grounds of your beloved home.  
Your coat was often glued to your shoulders, buttoned up your body for warmth. Without it, the temperatures would have you freezing, guaranteed to make you sick. However, your attempts of staying remotely healthy fell short of successful.
In a matter of days, the cold weather had taken its toll on you, leaving you lying in bed, staring up at the tall ceiling. Your nose stuffed up, your ears feeling as though they needed to pop. A raging headache had made its way to every corner in your head. The sun peaking through your bedroom curtains did little to soothe your aching body.
Thomas was nowhere to be seen. He must have left sometime in between your off-and-on sleeping that morning. You hadn’t even bothered to check the time, knowing it was well into the day. Thomas surely had been gone for hours.
With a groan, you forced yourself to sit up, rubbing your face with the palms of your hands.
The little patter of feet came rushing towards your bedroom door.  Charlie busted through, a smile on his sweet face.  
“Mum!” he quipped, rushing over to your side.  He reached out to you, expectantly waiting for you to pick him up.  
As you moved to do so, a cough emitted from your throat, soon followed by another, and then another.  You quickly covered your mouth with the inside of your elbow, moving away from Charlie.  You couldn’t risk getting your baby sick.  
“Charlie, what did I tell you?” Thomas said as he rounded the corner, coming into your shared bedroom.  “Leave your mother—“ 
Thomas stopped short as he heard your cough.  
“Are you alright?” he asked, coming over to your side.  “Should I call for a doctor?”
You curtly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut.  
“I had figured you were tired.  Tossing and turning all night,” Thomas frowned, leaning forward to pick up Charlie.  He sat him in his lap.  “I tried to keep him from bothering you, but it seems as though my attempts were futile.”
“You didn’t go to work?” you frowned as you looked up at him.
“No,” he shook his head.
“And why is that?” you questioned your husband. He hardly ever missed work. 
He pursed his lips, avoiding your gaze. “I had things I needed to take care of, here.”
“Mrs. Shelby, I did not come here to be interrogated.” he huffed, looking down at Charlie who was just giggling. Charlie looked over at his mother, smiling all the while. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, leaning back against the pillows once more. “Well—” Before you could get a word out, you began to cough once more. You coughed into your elbow, but it only seemed to get worse with each one. 
Thomas quickly put Charlie tell, instructing him to tell the maid to call for the doctor. Charlie nodded and ran off to do as he was told, leaving his father with his sick mother. 
“I do believe this is the reason I stayed home,” he said, coming to your side. He gently pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, frowning. “You are warm. I would say you have a fever.”
“Then you most definitely should not be in here with me.”
He gave you a faint smile. “Mrs. Shelby, you are in no position to tell me what to do.”
You rolled your eyes again, huffing once more. 
He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You will be alright.”
“It is merely a cold. No need for the dramatics.”
He grinned, his hand cupping the side of your face. 
“Perhaps,” he said. “I am not leaving your side until the doctor gets here.”
You frowned. “Well that’s preposterous. You should leave. Go to work. You’ve never missed for something so silly before.”
“My wife being sick is silly?” he questioned. 
Perhaps he had a point. He had many loves in the past who left him in a matter of seconds because of things far more drastic than just a cold—but the worry he had was justifiable. 
You sighed softly and closed your eyes. 
“Will you at least lie with me? Instead of hovering over me like that?”
He just smirked, sitting down beside of you. He wrapped an arm around your torso, pulling you close. He knew the maid would warn them before the doctor arrived, so he would have plenty of time to straighten himself up. But for now, he would hold the one woman who made these dastardly winters worth it all, even if he might end up sick as well. 
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murmurmurena · 4 months
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Going to post all my old hazbin content for all time that i didnt post here, wait a while
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whatyadrawin · 1 month
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 14
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,989 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language and depiction of sexual acts, foul language, brief PTSD scene, mention of reproductive choices. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: See the end of chapter for a special authors note since I dont want to spoil anything here. I feel pretty good about this chapter, the art has some sloppy work because I was passing out while working on them so please be nice, I hope theres no typos or weirdness in the edited writing either because I was also passing out for that. The censored image can be viewed raw on my google doc (By clicking that link you are consenting to seeing graphic adult imagery and you are over 18). Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology , @jillian-mill
Chapter 14
                The day started with you getting a phone call from the contractor, he informed you that your house was fully repaired and ready to move back into; You immediately got changed and walked over, highly excited to see the finished work. You arrived quickly, opening the heavy wooden door where the smell of fresh paint and new wood filled your lungs. The sun’s rays lit up the rooms giving the home a cheery appearance, as if it was happy to see you.
You slowly made your way through the entrance to head straight for your room, when you passed through the doorway you felt a knot form in your stomach, the memory of the fire was making you feel fear as if you were experiencing it all over again. You let the anxiety hit you to really feel the emotions fully, you figured if you could handle the ghost of the past then you could strive to overcome it.
Within a few short moments, the feeling passed but the cortisol surge remained. You left the bedroom and sat on the couch in the living room exhaling deeply as you reclined. You looked out at the large storage container that you had yet to completely empty, it was costing you to keep it on the property and felt like a constant reminder of how new you still were to this country.
The entire day was spent emptying out the storage crate to fill up your home. Extra clothes and furniture found their place in every corner of the house, by nightfall you managed to get your bedroom and bathroom to look mostly normal again. The fire destroyed your bed and stained the wardrobes with soot, some floor lamps were melted and unusable as well as your window curtains.
-Looks like I need to buy a new bed and some furniture- You thought about how nice you could make your room, and what curtains to buy to cover the bedroom window with. -I think it might be good to invest in some security features too while I’m at it- Dover’s attack on you affected the way you felt when you were alone, it was now pertinent to have visibility from many angles and access to view them at any time in case someone tried to hurt you while you were unaware again.
After ruminating on your fears, you locked up and left the house, the moon was now high in the sky and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. When you left and got to the end of your driveway, you saw headlights shining up the road heading in the direction of the Hewitts house. The driver gave a honk and when you squinted to look, you recognized the truck, it was Charlie.
He pulled up next to you and reached over to unlock the passenger door,
“Get in ‘fore you get ate by a coyote” he said through the open window.
You smile and hop into the passenger’s side of the truck; the seat is rough edged from wear and scrapes the exposed skin on your leg as you slide onto it. You shut the door and thank him for picking you up,
“Are there really coyotes around here?” You asked
He smirks, “Well now, ain’t a whole lot of wildlife really comin’ ‘round here no more.”
You wrinkle your brows, “Must be lucky then eh?”
He chuckles and raises his eyebrows, “Somethin’ like that”
You roll your eyes and give a tight-lipped smirk, you knew it wasn’t luck, if anything it was a whole lot of bad luck that accumulated on this land brought onto poor hapless victims taken from the outside world just to feed the starving Hewitts. This land really was a world of its own, it felt like you were existing in another universe, the remoteness didn’t help much with that either.
“What’s ‘at look for?” he was obviously trying to sleuth out your expression.
Your eyes widen and you quickly face the open window to prevent further incriminating looks,
“Nothing” you hope he would drop it, but he continues,
“You’re bein’ real suspicious ain’t ya? Somethin’ I should know ‘bout?”
You reply with a hint of annoyance in your voice,
“Oh my Goduh, nothiiiiiiiiing” -that should throw him off-.
Charlie laughs and changes the subject,
“You gon’ move back into Tilly’s house now that it’s fixed up?”
You continue to look out the window,
“Yeah, I have been bothering you guys long enough.”
He quickly replies, “You was never no bother girly, I know Luda Mae’s gon’ be real upset seein’ you less. She sure hates an empty nest.”
You didn’t think it would be that much of an impact, you felt like a total leech living there for as long as you did,
“I’m sure she will be relieved having less cooking and housework to do…she never let me help.”
Charlie laughs, “That woman? She’s been feelin’ like a mother again what with doin’ all the women’s work. Was always her happiest when she was carin’ for the boy. Obsessed with motherhood, guess it’s normal for womenfolk to think like that.”
You roll your eyes, you had become used to the way Charlie spoke about women in the time you lived with him, but it was still obnoxious to hear such outdated ideals in modern day.
Charlie puts his arm up on the bench seat, he gives you an inquisitive look, he asks,
“You think like her at all?”
You sigh, “Isn’t that a bit personal?”
He sucks his teeth and looks at the road, he continues,
“Shoot girly, it’s just a question.”
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You remain quiet for a few seconds before responding, “No… it’s never really been a goal for me.”
You replied, already feeling defensive, “What?”
“Just never encountered a ‘no’ from a woman regardin’ kids is all.”
Instinctively, you began preparing to hear the usual patriarchal bullshit thrown at women who choose a different reproductive path. You prepare the counter arguments in your head, you cross your arms and say,
“Ok, lay it out then, tell me how I’m going to change my mind someday or whatever. Let’s get it over with”
Charlie lets out a confused grunt, he turns to you laughing,
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t give two shits ‘bout you not wantin’ to get knocked up. Only reason I bring it up is ‘cus I heard some foolin’ around in the basement the other day.”
Your eyes widen and you tense up with embarrassment, he laughs again,
“Now don’t get yourself all twisted up ‘bout it, s’about time that boy got some tail.”
Your muscles relax a bit, you couldn’t help but blush at your seemingly private exploration being heard. He continues,
“If you n’ the boy are gettin’ that serious, I feel I need to warn you that he’s got no bullet with the blast”
Your nerves wanted out of this conversation, but your curiosity made you dig for information,
“How would you know something like that?”
“Tommy ain’t our blood, Luda Mae found him in a dumpster behind the meat packin’ shop she worked at back in the day. Was a large thing, that boy, t’was clear the momma didn’t want nothin’ to do with him so she tossed him like trash. He was uglier ‘n hell as a baby, not much different than now.” He laughs. “But he ain’t right, somethin’ in his dang blood made him grow into such a fuckin’ beast, made him stronger than any man I ever knew.”
The road was coming up on the house now, you wanted to know more, so you turned to fully face Charlie and asked,
“Being big and strong doesn’t make someone infertile…”
Charlie smirked as he parked the truck near the wheat field and shut off the engine, he leaned his head at an angle to look at you without turning his body,
“Girly, you remember we told you ‘bout the infection fuckin’ up his face?” You nod,
He continues, “He was in the hospital a few weeks getting’ medicine. If he was a normal kid he woulda died. The doctor told us he had some, uh… dang what’d he say now?” Charlie ran his hand through his hair as he thought, “I dunno what it was, somethin’ ‘bout his blood bein’ shitted up n’ to not expect any grandkids, specially with all the drugs they dun gave him. Luda Mae was real upset; I didn’t give no fucks long as he’d help ‘round the farm, and boy did he get useful.”
He got out of the truck and started walking to the house, you sat there mulling over the information you were given. -If he is infertile… No need for protection I guess- The thought of finally being able to safelyhave raw unprotected sex made you hot with lustful fantasies, sex was hard to fully enjoy when you always had the underlying fear of pregnancy looming over you.
You entered the house and made your way to the kitchen where you saw Luda Mae in a nightgown pouring from a teapot. She turned and saw you, a smile immediately formed on her lips,
“You been away all day dear, did you eat anything?”
You shake your head and walk closer to her, she continues,
“Just as I thought. I saved you some dinner in the fridge there, you can heat it up in the oven which is already preheated for you.”
She sets down the teapot and says,
“Did you get a lot done dear?”
You open the fridge and find a large plate filled with comfort food, you respond,
“Thanks for saving me dinner, you didn’t have to.” She smiles at you, and you continue,
“I got a ton of things done, I’ll be out of your hair once my bed arrives”
Luda Mae’s smile sank, you could tell she didn’t want to hear you were leaving. She saw you looking at her expression and quickly changed it back to a smile, saying,
“Well, that’s good for you dear, but don’t go feelin’ like you have to leave right away now. Take as much time as you need.”
You feel her hand gently placed on your upper back, she gives you some comforting rubs and you tell her,
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be over a lot. It’s just that the orchard needs someone there to care for it, and it’s a big job.”
She nods, understanding the need to get back to normal,
“Alright hun, you eat whatever you like and get some tea from the pot there. I’m headin’ to bed now but if you need anything, just knock on my door.”
You thank her again and she walks up the stairs. You see Charlie come in after her, he went straight for the bread buns in the basket on the counter.
“You headin’ to bed girly?”
You shake your head, he stuffs the bun in his mouth and begins to leave,
“thya ‘omarro” His words were muffled by the food he was chewing, you wished him a good night and listened to him walk up the stairs to his room, his footsteps thudding more quietly with each step.
You put the plate in the oven and let out a big sigh as you sat in the chair, you weren’t tired despite being busy all day. The thoughts of Tommy unloading his orgasms into you were energizing, you sat there feeling the ache between your legs gain intensity. -he must have gone to sleep by now, I better get changed out of these sweaty clothes-
You made your way to the bedroom and threw off your shirt and shorts, you took off your bra and exhaled in relief letting your breasts experience natural gravity again. You picked out a purple oversized T shirt that reached your knees, you felt immediately comfortable and paused before you left the room. -Might be fun to feel a little breeze as I eat dinner, everyone went to bed anyway- you quickly slipped your underwear off and tossed it near your bed, you blushed as you made your way to the kitchen giggling to yourself about the bold idea.
You step back into the kitchen and turn off the oven, you leave the plate in there to soak up the last bits of heat so it doesn’t have any cool pockets to ruin the meal. You turn and open the side door that leads to the porch, your bare feet touching the smooth wood floor. The moon was bright and lit up the land, you looked out at your home up on the hill, it was a barely visible white blob sitting lonely on the hilltop watching over the orchard.
You wondered what this town was like when it was busy, there weren’t many buildings around that you saw when you reached the gas station, but you also never drove up the road past the Hewitt house; as far as you knew, there was just tall grass and an evil man’s hiding hole.
The night air was refreshingly cool, it brushed under your shirt and tickled your naked body which felt invigorating. Back home it was rare if the nights were warm enough to stand outside half dressed, but you also didn’t have a large private porch to lounge in either.
Suddenly, a glow of warm yellow string lights lit up from the roof of the porch illuminating a large man standing in the doorway. It was Tommy, he bent down to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe and closed the door behind him. You were shocked to see him, and were now very aware of the fact that you were completely nude under this shirt, you almost missed the fact that he was shirtless.
You pull down your shirt to ensure it isn’t somehow lifting up and making your lower region visible,
“I thought you were asleep?” you ask
“Heard y’come in, wanted t’check up on ya” he spoke softly.
He moved next to you, putting his massive arms on the railing and leaning forward to look at the land. You felt nervous being so close to him with your secret hiding under the thin fabric of your shirt. -Why am I nervous? I was in a pond with him naked for gods sake!- Despite your previous escapades you still felt giddy at the thought of him discovering your hidden nudity.
You try to divert your nerves with conversation,
“Thanks for teaching me how to defend myself, it feels better knowing I might stand a chance now.”
He nods at you and smiles with his eyes, his dark mask hiding his damaged skin, you noticed his pushed back hair was wet and when he moved closer you could smell the fresh scent of a masculine scented soap, it was intoxicating. You shake your head a little to snap yourself out of it,
“S-so were you going to stay up here a while? I need to get my dinner out of the oven if you want to hang out as I eat.”
You quickly make your way to the kitchen hoping to escape his alluring scent, it was flooding your mind with wicked thoughts about his arms squeezing around you like a python while he fucked you. -god damn, why does he have to smell so good, and look so good, and be so fucking massive and hot!- You argued with your thoughts, you wouldn’t be able to try playing with him while Luda-Mae and Charlie were just one floor away, too risky, but you didn’t want to be obvious by pulling him downstairs.
You were wise to his antics, and you remember when he said “I’m gon’ start messin’ with y’now”he made sure you understood he was going to torture you with desire. He followed you into the kitchen barely being able to pass through the doorframe, you try to ignore him, you were onto him and wanted to see what he would attempt.
“I’ll get that for ya” he reached down into the oven without oven mitts and grabbed the plate without flinching, he sets it down on the table in front of you then reaches to get you a fork.
You touch the plate and it stings with heat,
“How didn’t that burn you?”
He shrugs, “Thick skin I guess”
He takes a seat next to you and hands over the fork, you thank him and begin to eat. He leans back in the chair and relaxes as he watches you, he then asks,
“That house o’ yers is done huh”
You nod, eating hastily not realizing how hungry you were. He continues,
“Y’gon’ move on out then?” His voice was vibrating the plate on the table from the low timbre.
You swallow the large ball of food in your mouth and reply,
“The orchard hasn’t been properly tended to in a while, I have to keep those trees alive and… Tilly made it a clause in her will.”
He crosses his arms and nods, leaning back and looking away,
“Won’t see much of ya ‘round then I s’pose”
You put the fork down and sit back, a serious look on your face, he looks over at you and notices the shift,
“What’s amatter?” he asks.
You look him in the eyes, “I wanted to run something by you actually”
He shifts in his seat and places one arm on his thigh and the other on the table while his torso was turned to face you,
“Y’can ask me whatever y’want”
A tiny smile hits your lips from his words,
“Well, Dover didn’t really teach me about caring for the trees. I figure I can read up on it and do my best to learn everything I can but…” You paused, you clenched the edge of your t-shirt bottom before finding the courage to push out the question, “I want to know if you knew anything about caring for orchards, and maybe, if you did… you could teach me the basics until I can do it myself”
Tommy was quiet, he put his hand to his chin and was deep in thought, you got nervous and added,
“Y-you can say no its ok, I know it’s a big ask since you already do so much around here, I just thought it would be nice to… spend more time together is all.”
He leaned back in the chair, it creaked under his weight,
“I’ll help ya. I dunno a whole lot ‘bout orchards but, I helped Tilly when she needed it, she taught me a thing or two”
You smile, “I’m really glad”
You got up to put the leftovers away, Tommy followed and stood up to open the fridge door from behind you as you placed the food back inside.
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When he shut the fridge door, he kept is arms around you fencing you in. You spun around to look at him, he was towering over you, his steely blue eyes gazed at you through heavy lids. He moved his hand to gently caress your neck and trailed it under your jaw, lifting your face to look in his eyes.
“Y’don’t need no excuse to get me alone” his voice was smooth and enshrouded your mind making you feel a wave of arousal flood your body.
“Oh Yeah?” you speak in a breathy whisper.
He nods slowly, you touch the thick leather of his mask and say,
“What do I need to do to see your handsome face then?”
He hangs his head down and laughs, he lifts his head and brings it close to your face,
“Go ‘head then”
You excitedly remove the mask revealing his gnarled old wound that exposed his teeth through his cheek, the more you got to see his real face the harder you fell for him.
“Still likin’ what y’see?” he asks.
You smile and lift yourself up to his face, you look into his eyes and slowly move in to kiss his lips. He lets out a muffled hum as he kisses you back, you press in harder and lift your hands to cup his face, his stubbles was shaved off to a clean finish. You forgot how wonderful his lips felt, the kiss quickly became heated with passion, both of you began to breathe more hastily.
Tommy put his hands on the sides on your body, slowly moving them downwards until he reached where he wanted to. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and lifted you up onto his chest so your face was the same level as his, you stifled an excited squeal when your body lifted into the air so effortlessly.
He smiled and kept you in his arms while kissing you, you threw your arms around his neck to keep your body leaned forward past his bulky pecs to reach his face. You felt his hands move inwards towards your weepy slit. He was trying to get a more stable grip so you could sit comfortably, but when his fingers discovered no underwear, he stopped kissing you and gave you a devilish grin,
“What we got here?” he spoke through a chuckle
You blushed and bit your lip remaining quiet, unsure of what to say,
He kept tickling your labia with gentle flicks of his fingers, your breathing hastened and you suppressed a moan with your hand over your mouth,
“Bad girl, y’need to go to yer room huh”
You nod, “Put me there”
 He moves his mouth close to yours, but when you lean in for a kiss, he slowly pulls away grinning. He carries you through the porch door, entering sideways and leaning down to avoid hitting his head. He stops when he reaches the double door leading to your room, he turns around and places you on the railing of the porch which is wide enough for you to sit comfortably.
“Why did you set me here?” you ask.
“I aint givin’ in so easily” he grumbles through a smirk
“…do you want me to beg or something?” you laugh.
He gives you a smug look, “Maybe”
“Oh please, I can keep myself under control. No amount of flirting would make me want to be-“
He cuts you off by gripping your hips and pulling your body close to the edge of the railing top so you were flush against his warm torso. You huff defiantly until he presses his erection onto your cunt, your abundant juices coated the fabric of his sweat pants. You let out an unexpected moan and quickly cover your mouth to quiet it.
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Tommy slowly rubs his stiff cock up and down the length of your lips, pressing in when his head met your hole just to tease you. He was grinning watching you hold your hand to your mouth as you hushed your whines. You so badly wanted to feel the skin of his dick move inside you, the cloth barrier was unbearable. He was enjoying the antagonization, his grip on your hips was firm you wouldn’t be able to escape even if you wanted to, he just kept pulling you closer to him until you gave in and said,
“Please, I want it” your words were like a song to him.
“Well, since y’asked nicely” he growled.
He threw you over his shoulder, making you giggle, and entered your room through the porch entrance closing the doors behind him as swiftly as he entered. He gently laid you on the bed gazing down at you while you writhed with arousal, you hesitantly spread your legs and lifted your shirt to reveal your lower half. Tommy got on the bed, it made a creaking groan under his massive weight. He leaned over you and placed one of his hands down between your folds caressing your entrance, you breathed in sharply and spread your legs further to let him have more access.
Tommy ran his fingers over your tender skin, his digits getting slick with wet the more he rubbed. You put your arms around his neck and pulled his face onto yours and kissed him, he moaned into your mouth and slipped his middle finger into your hole,
“Oh fuck” you whispered
His finger was almost as thick as an average man’s penis, and just as long. He slowly moved in and out of you, the calloused skin scratched your walls and bumped your g-spot sending your nerves into overdrive with pleasure, he feels your walls clench down on his finger,
“Y’got such a tiny lil hole” he says gruffly.
“Yeah? Why don’t you fuck it then” you command.
He pulls his finger out and runs his hand up your shirt skimming along your sensitive skin as he moves, he finds your breast and starts massaging the nipple making you moan with the electrical impulses that tickle your nerves.
“Y’want me bad huh” his tone was mocking.
You reply in a breathy tone “Please, fuck me”
Tommy pinches your nipple before he leans back and pulls his massive cock out from under his sweatpants, his erection was so full that he whined as he held it. Seeing his massive length was sending you over the edge with desperation. Tommy lowered himself down so his shaft lay on your clit, his dick was heavy and warm, the feeling of it on your swollen nub was making you feel drunk with desire.
He rubbed his length up and down your wet folds at an agonizingly slow pace, your wetness coating all along his cock making it glisten in the light of the moon. You tried to wrap your legs around his hips to pull him in but he quickly grabbed them with ease and pushed them all the way back so your knees were touching the sides of your chest.
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You were so sexually frustrated with having him tease your greedy hole, you tried to raise your hips to entice him to slip inside but he remained steady.
Tommy saw how badly you wanted him to fuck you, he loved watching how your body beckoned him to enter it. He decided to have mercy on you and pressed his thick head on your hole, allowing you to slowly adjust to the width. He let out heavy sighs as your pussy began to slowly swallow his tip, the soft velvety feel of your lips made him moan deeply. The stretch of his girth sent waves of pleasure through your core and the vibration of his deep voice made it seem like you were mating with a beast.
You managed to slip halfway down his head before he couldn’t take much more and he began to slowly move his tip in and out. He was groaning, trying to control himself but your slicked entrance was beginning to bring out something feral from deep within him, he kept trying to slide more of himself inside but you weren’t opening up fast enough to allow him full entry.
You grab onto his wrists and dig your nails in, he was so wide that your poor little cunt couldn’t adjust fast enough to meet his lulling thrusts. You could feel a sting of pain with each movement as his width increased, the pleasure was overpowering the sting and you didn’t want him to stop. It felt like an impossible task to get even just the rest of his head inside, but you wanted so desperately to be penetrated by him, so you focused on relaxing your muscles to grant him deeper access.
He was quickly losing control over his movements and felt your vaginal walls loosening up, he fought the urge to just aggressively push in deep to get past the last hurdle. He was high on the feeling of your insides, his mind felt light and dreamy, as if his brain was swimming. He kept pressing in further with each forward motion until all of his head was finally inside you, he pulled out further before each hungry thrust to coat himself in more of your dripping sweetness.
“I want the whole thing, give it to me Tommy, I need it” you pleaded.
Tommy needed to get hold of his mind that was beginning to slip away, he had a strong carnal desire to just plow into you but he instead forced himself to remain still. You look up at him wondering why he stopped moving, your vaginal walls still pulsating around his tip from the incredible sensations it brought. He gives you a crooked grin and gently pulls out of you, then stands up off the bed and hastily puts his pants over his erection.
“What! Why?” you asked furiously
He laughs, “That’s payback, my angel”
Tommy walks out of your room and leaves you there a dripping, horny mess; You chuckled to yourself and flopped onto your stomach and yelled into your pillow. You now wanted to get past this cheeky stage and just start fucking like rabbits but you knew he was going to continue this provocatory teasing. It was time to pull out all your tricks and make it so unbearable for him to resist that he will give up messing around and give into his temptations.
Tommy got back into his room in the basement, his mask back on his face where it belonged. He was still fully engorged and now feeling pain from the intense pressure, he needed a release badly, but he also wanted to start practicing control over his desires. He was worried, he felt so close to just letting go and fucking you silly, he wanted to be fully present and aware if your needs when you two finally, properly, lay together.
He flopped on his bed and sighed; he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up for. The next time, he may not be able to pull away so easily.
Special authors note: I wanted to stray from the norm of Thomas constantly being portrayed as having a breeding kink (it can be hot don't get me wrong) because I know there are a lot of women who don't want to read breeding/pregnancy kink for various valid reasons and its fairly hard to find AFAB x Tommy smut where he isn't depicted in such a way. If you were expecting that, I apologize for disappointing you but I try to cater to the people who don't often get catered to because inclusivity is important to me when making adult content. So from here on out, the rest of the chapters in this series will be for the gals who don't want to think of that stuff when reading smut. Thank you for taking the time to read my fic, likes, reblogs, and comments are extremely appreciated.
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floralcyanide · 10 months
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
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! please remember, in order to participate in kinktober, you must be 18+ as there will be nsfw material involved. anyone not following these rules will be blocked!
✧ hello! it's that time of year again (: I did my first kinktober last year, and it was a success (and still is), except I never fully finished it ): I'm hoping this year will be different because I'm starting as early as feasibly possible.
✧ please fill out this form (form is closed) before august 21st. this gives everyone a week to see this post and vote on who they want to see get kinky this october! I'll try my best to complete all of the prompts by october 1st and schedule out the posts for every day of kinktober. but PLEASE fill out the form, it would help me out a lot, just so I know what you all wish to see! I will update the prompt list when I get the results of the poll.
✧ again, here is the form: click meee!♥ (form is closed)
✧ here is the taglist form if you'd like to be tagged in my kinktober works! click meee!♥
✧ prompt list is below!
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day one. cockwarming with: Cillian Murphy
day two. nipple play with: Jonathan Crane
day three. blood play with: Jonathan Crane
day four. orgasm control with: Jonathan Crane
day five. praise kink with: Cillian Murphy
day six. degradation with: Jonathan Crane
day seven. bondage with: Billy Loomis
day eight. edging with: Ethan Landry
day nine. breeding kink with: Cillian Murphy
day ten. mutual masturbation with: Austin Butler
day eleven. throat fucking with: Ethan Landry
day twelve. threesome with: Stu Macher/Billy Loomis
day thirteen. knife kink or gun kink with: Gun Kink/ Tommy Shelby
day fourteen. sex toys with: Cillian Murphy
day fifteen. hate sex with: Jonathan Crane
day sixteen. thigh riding with: Cillian Murphy
day seventeen. sex tape with: Cillian Murphy
day eighteen. squirting with: Cillian Murphy
day nineteen. public play with: Jackson Rippner
day twenty. voyeurism with: Ethan Landry
day twenty-one. corruption kink with: Jonathan Crane
day twenty-two. daddy kink with: Cillian Murphy
day twenty-three. spanking with: Austin!Elvis
day twenty-four. shower sex with: Cillian Murphy
day twenty-five. roleplay with: Austin Butler
day twenty-six. face sitting with: Cillian Murphy
day twenty-seven. dom/sub with: Ethan Landry
day twenty-eight. drunk sex or high sex with: High Sex/Stu Macher
day twenty-nine. phone sex with: Ethan Landry
day thirty. anal sex with: Cillian Murphy
day thirty-one. mommy kink with: Jonathan Crane
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leonsmommykink · 10 months
creating oc’s are literally so fun, especially when it comes to the scenarios omfg i eat it up every time
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soupbabe · 1 year
Hey there! I was hoping to request how the Hewitts (Monty, Hoyt, Luda, and Tommy) react to Thomas' s/o saving their lives after a medical emergency, like a heart attack or seizure or something. Maybe the reader was a nurse/doctor before coming down to texas and it being pretty early on in Thomas and the reader's relationship, saving their lives kind of cements them as part of the family. male reader, if you don't mind
The Hewitt Family reacting to Thomas's Male! Doctor! S/o
I love love loved this prompt!! My mind was scattered so I hope you're alright with headcanons 😅 this is def more Hoyt and Monty focussed so I hope you don't mind
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13
Warnings: not a lot, just like some aspects of homophobia mentioned for like 2 bullet points
- I think you were a saving grace to this family, truly
- we've all seen them play doctor at home and it never ends well
- Especially for Monty
- But you weren't kept around for your medical advice, you were spared because you thought Thomas was handsome
- I think Luda Mae might've been the only one to welcome you so quickly, just because you mattered so much to Thomas
- He was so nervous about it, especially since Hoyt and Monty have been less than kind about you and him
- Their lack of respect definitely stems from some level of homophobia- they definitely view gay men as people who are inherently less masculine and therefore have to prove themselves in order to stick around
- How they treat you is dependent on your worth and work as a man and what you can serve to them
- Though I think everything changes once Hoyt suffers a heart attack
- The Hewitts were all in disarray- it was very sudden and they didn't know what to do (not to mention Hoyt would've been still agitated about the whole thing and how people were acting)
- Until you came in, took control of the situation, and mentioned you were a doctor
- It was all a matter of luck honestly- you were lucky to have a bottle of aspirin in your bag when you first arrived and an AED put in at the old police station
- You had to stay with Hoyt, Monty, and Luda Mae while Thomas ran out and get it
- While your boyfriend was away, you were dealing with making sure Hoyt stays conscious, listening to Monty telling you to hurry up and reminding you to not call 911, and explaining to Luda what was happening
- It was all very hectic and you handled it like a champ tbh
- Afterwards was a very tense couple of days
- I think Hoyt does have a little bit of appreciation of what you've done, he's a tiny tiny miniscule bit of honorable in that regard
- Definitely solidified your place in the family no matter what happens between you and Thomas
- Hoyt and Monty still poke fun and ridicule you from time to time, but it's a lot less harsh
- They recognize the effort you put in to the family and taking care of everyone
- Hell any man is respectable if you willingly volunteer to change Monty's old ass bandages
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reiofthestars · 6 days
Whiteboard doodles wit @melanie0308
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Bugbo au featured by: @bettythecake
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coffeeinthebackpack · 2 years
Viscount Tewksbury, Thomas Cresswell, and Nick Nelson are the holy trinity of golden retriever boyfriends, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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