#fallout deacon headcanon
xxadvictoriamxx · 1 month
apparently it’s my first year on tumblr so here are some overdue head cannons
- Danse could sleep in his power armor. In fact, he has. Completely upright nonetheless.
- Deacon loves the USS Constitution for some reason. He refused to tell Sole why. Be it the rockets or the history, he loves it.
- Gage knew Nisha under a different name. For the first few years after he left the settlement, he went by other names to avoid being sent back. He ran into Nisha when he switched from Caravan hand to raider. She didn’t remember him.
- Hancock knew Nick while growing up. He smoked his first cigarette on the ‘roof’ of Nick’s agency after stealing a pack of cigarettes laying around.
- MacCready has almost all the issues of Grognak the Barbarian. The only one he’s missing is the one Nate got the day before the bombs dropped. He also has all of the Unstoppables.
- Nick doesn’t sleep, but gets these little crashes when he’s been working too hard for a long period of time. Hence why Ellie wants Sole to help with cases.
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sirmanmister · 1 year
Missed opportunity that they didn’t call Desdemona “The Conductor” or something
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everydayyoulovemeless · 2 months
How would fo4 companions react to sole introducing them to their boyfriend Porter Gage?
Fo4 Companions Reactions To Sole Introducing Gage As Their Boyfriend
➼ Word Count » 1.2k ➼ Warnings » none ➼ Genre » platonic
MacCready will grimace but try to smile for your sake. It’s clear he’s not genuine with any nice thing he says but he does try to seem excited. After a minute he'll ask if he can talk with you in private and ultimately tells you that it's not worth it. He's been with the Gunners long enough to know that Raiders aren't any better. He knows from experience that you don't want to be caught up in all that and will plead with you to understand how awful your boyfriend is. It's your life at the end of the day, and he'll stick around with you regardless, just know that his vote is on you two splitting... and you're not going to be let around Duncan until Gage is out of the picture.
Nick will just stare at Gage when you first bring him into the Agency. After an uncomfortable amount of time passes, he'll sigh and ask if he can talk to your boyfriend alone. He'll sit him down at his desk and ask him to interview him, wanting to get a handle on his character before he jumps to any assumptions. However, since he's Gage, he fails almost every question on Nick's test, which makes the detective increasingly more disappointed in your taste in men. Later in the day, he'll offer to walk with you around Diamond City to tell you how he disapproves of the relationship. You've done countless cases together where you take down guys just like him. Is that really the future you want for yourself?
Cait is completely against it and will be very vocal about it. She’ll grip her bat that’s slung over her shoulders and sneer at the raider standing beside you in disgust. She knows exactly what kind of person he is and will demand outright that you break up with him. She cares for you, and she won’t let you ruin yourself with this guy. However, if Gage starts arguing with her, she'll swing at him so quickly. There's not a universe where these two ever get along with each other. It's best you don't introduce the two at all.
Out of all the good men in the Brotherhood, you chose him? Danse is not only confused but disgusted that you'd ever think he'd be ok with you dating a raider. As your higher-up, he'll demand you end things with him or he'll have no choice but to send a squadron to slaughter him and the rest of the raiders in Nuka-World. You're choice.
Preston is not only baffled but distraught as well. Did you not realize what he was? You’re technically not from this world, so maybe you missed the signs?? He’ll pull you aside, hands firmly planted on your shoulders as he tells you you need to end things with him. He’s not an ally of the Minutemen, he's the exact thing you've sworn to be against. If you refuse to see it from his perspective, he'll have no choice but to exile you from the faction. You actively put people in danger by bringing him straight into the Castle, and he won't have anyone die needless deaths at the hands of someone like him.
Codsworth lets out a quiet "oh my!" when he spots Gage. He's quite the change from your old spouse, isn't he? A lot more rugged than he remembers your type being, but that doesn't mean his personality is much different... right? Codsworth is incredibly concerned for your well-being when you bring your boyfriend around. Are you sure you aren't sick? He's not keeping you hostage? He's snarky about the entire relationship, and won't stop making conversation awkward by bringing up your dead spouse, but he'll reluctantly be supportive. As long as you're happy, he supposes.
Piper will shove him away from you and threaten to get security if he doesn't get lost. She's amazed at the fact you chose him instead of literally anyone else in the Commonwealth and, as much as she loves you, she'd not going to blindly support a relationship she knows won't end in anything good. Piper will be annoying about how badly she wants you both to break up and won't stop pestering you until you do. Just be sure to keep an eye on Gage, if she keeps putting hands on him, he might start doing it back.
Curie is confused when you introduce him. Mainly because she only ever remembers the two of you shooting at raiders, not being friendly with them. Nevertheless, she's happy for you and will clasp her hands together excitedly at the prospect of you being in love! How cute!
Strong is probably one of the only ones on this list who approves. He feels incredibly proud that you've found additional groups of people to lead toward violence and holds a lot of respect for how brutal Gage can be in combat. It's something he really admires, however, he thinks the car parts that he wears look stupid, and he's very vocal about that.
initially, Hancock will act all friendly and kind, welcoming Gage to Goodneighbor and introducing him to the townspeople but, what you didn't know was that he'd arranged for him to be jumped while he was visiting. A sniper shooting at him from a window, a scaver yanking him into an alleyway with a hoard of triggermen, or Kleo simply attacking him; Hancock will hurt him somehow. It's all in your best interest. He'd hate for you to be a part of the wrong side of history, and besides, how could he ever live with himself if he knew he'd let some slave-owning, murderer date you?
Deacon is similar to Hancock in that he puts on a friendly facade when you finally bring Gage around. He acts as if they've known each other for years and will sling an arm around his shoulder and distract him with all sorts of outlandish stories before bringing the Deliverer out of his pocket and shooting him in his side quickly. He knows you'll be upset but, there's no way he'd let you run off to an amusement park filled with human-trafficking victims with this guy. He cares too much about you to let you follow a bunch of raiders.
X6-88 doesn't even wait for you to say anything before he shoots at him. He can tell just by looking at him that he's dirty and not a good fit for Institute life. If anything, he reminds X6 of Kellog, which isn't necessarily a good thing. The only way he'd be willing to accept the relationship is if you proposed for the Nuka-World Raiders to ally with the Institute to do all the heavy lifting on the surface. But that means the gangs would be willing to do something like that. It's a heavy offer, but he'd be content with it.
Old Longfellow will run stressed hands down his face as you and Gage sit opposite of him in a booth at the Last Plank. You can't be serious. Him?? This is the guy you'd been telling him about? It's a no from him before the two of you can even sit down. He wants you to find a man who will take care of you. Someone who's a gentleman. Don't ever bring another raider to meet him, he's never going to approve. He'll tell you that you're an adult and you can make your own decisions, but that he hopes you'll find an honest, hard-working man instead.
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nukaberries · 1 year
Hey, could I have some reactions to the male companions *coughValentinecough* reactions to seeing a female Sole Survivor outside of their radiation suits for the first time?
This is actually a really cool idea!! and I'm loving the appreciation that Nick's getting right now (Bethesda make him romanceable NOW)
Male Companions React to Seeing Sole Outside Her Radiation Suit
(Includes: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick and Preston)
Paladin Danse He can relate to always wearing a suit that hides most of his appearance. However, Sole has seen Danse out of his power armour a fair few times while they've been travelling together, he's never seen Sole in anything but her radiation suit. He won't say anything at first, wanting to keep their relationship strictly professional, but Sole may catch him staring for a little too long from time to time, before snapping out of it and pretending nothing had happened.
Deacon He'd definitely already made his guesses on what Sole looks like outside of the suit. His personal favourite theory - that Glory and Tom got sick of hearing about - was that Sole had six heads and fourteen arms coming out of her stomach. Still, he can't deny that he's somewhat taken aback when Sole eventually does take her radiation suit off. He'll make a comment on how he's relieved she has a normal amount of limbs, to which he'll refuse to elaborate on. If they're in Railroad HQ, Glory will definitely smack him across the head.
Hancock While he never would've openly admitted, despite a few passing comments about Sole's 'interesting get up', Hancock was so curious about what Sole actually looked like under her suit. He would've never outright asked though, not wanting to come off as weird. When Sole does take her suit off around him, depending on how close they are, Hancock might mention how he prefers them without the suit. He won't want to make Sole feel uncomfortable though, especially if they're not very close, so he'll leave it at that.
MacCready He has no idea why Sole insists on wearing her radiation suit everywhere. The Glowing Sea, sure. Boston Commons, maybe. But Diamond City? If MacCready ever brings up Sole's suit, it'll be more about how he doesn't understand why they wear it everywhere. When Sole finally takes off her suit in his presence, he's initially just relieved it doesn't look like he's travelling the Commonwealth with an alien, then he realises how beautiful Sole actually is. It makes travelling with her afterwards a little more awkward - for him - often finding himself quite flustered around her. He just hopes that Sole hasn't caught on yet, or that she ever will.
Nick Valentine With his own get up being rather unconventional - how often do you see a synth detective? - Nick actually appreciates that Sole only ever goes around in a radiation suit. It somehow balances out how unusual they both appear alone and makes him feel just a little less abnormal. Admittedly, he is quite curious as to what Sole actually looks like, but he'd never outright ask or make her feel like she had to show him. When Sole does take her suit off, he's pleasantly surprised, but he won't mention it, wanting to avoid making her uncomfortable, even if he does think Sole's a sight for sore eyes. Whether Sole decides to keep the suit off or she puts it back on right after, Nick won't mind either way, he's just happy to have the company.
Preston Garvey When Preston first met Sole outside the Museum of Freedom, he was almost dead certain she was an alien, seeing her take down all those raiders in her radiation suit. He's only ever mentioned Sole's choice in clothing a few times, mainly wondering how she got into that power armour when she took on the Deathclaw. He'd never actually ask Sole to take her suit off, worrying she might not feel comfortable enough to, so when she finally does, he's relieved that she trusts him enough to take it off around him. Sure, her beauty is a bonus, but he decides to keep that part to himself for now.
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Things in fo4 I refuse to think about and simply ✨️ignore✨️
that Shaun doesn't age. It literally makes no sense if the Gen 3 synths are more like clones than robots, but whatever stupid fallout Lore
That the institute doesn't do some weird evil science shit to the people they snatch. Come on we all know their capable it's just lazy writing to not have evidence
That Maxson isn't a super detailed character. He had so much potential.... I get leaving some stuff up to fan interpretation, but come on now fans shouldn't have to give the man a personality because the writers wouldn't
That Cait is Irish and Vladim is Russian... it makes no damn sense considering bombs went off 200 years ago and no ones been in or out of the country since...
That the Lucy Maccready married wasn't the same Lucy from little lamplight
That Hancock isn't Fahrenheits father (adopted or otherwise)
That Danse and Curie are technically kinda related to the sole survivor and yet are still romancable (Sole is the parent of Shaun -> Shaun's DNA Created synths hence the title "father" -> Curie and Danse are synths)
That Danse can actually be really frickin dark sometimes (Send em back to hell while shooting at the BOS post BB.... like dude do you not know those people???)
That X6-88 just dosent realize or doesn't care enough to comment on the institute being blown up when like literally every other character does
that you don't evacuate the kids on the prydwen when you blow it up 💔
that you can't bring sparky back to a settlement so you just abandon him (unrelated but my hc is he was the sole survivors lost dog from before the bombs)
That we never find out what happened to Hancock's parents. They sounded so nice what happened to them?
That Danse doesn't have a canonical first name
The whole Nick kellog thing that just never got brought up again
That Irma look so cool if she really is just a background character. I thought she was gonna be way more important
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fallout-mountains · 10 months
Thoughts on Fallout 4 companions after playing the game for a bit and reading a whole lot of headcanons and fanfic and reactions:
- Hancock said he didn’t want to look at this face in the mirror and decides to do a drug instead of surgery. That’s some real self-hate there.
- There’s so much self-flagellation
- One the same note, ghouls can’t go under surgery?
- Someone mentioned that quests for the minuteman could have been handed out by the Freedom radio, instead of Preston, so that more backstory could be given to Preston.
- Nick and Deacon we’re probably thought to be too old and they didn’t want it to be creepy of hooking up with an older guy…(sigh)
- That it’s easy to write Sole to be compatible with everyone, since the game allows you to role play that character in many ways.
- MacCready’s backstory is both endearing and weird (because of him not going to see his son). I think the people who made the game didn’t want to bother with coding him leaving for a bit and then coming back, but… really? Should have changed the background story a bit to at least add that he needs to stay in case the medication didn’t work (or something like that)
- Deacon since he changes his face and has seemingly traveled could be in another Fallout game, any of them…
- Since Deacon changes his appearance, you get more attached to his voice. (He also has some very interesting things to say.)
- That when Deacon changes his face, Dezdemona is there the whole to verify it’s still him.
- Nick rolls with the punches, and has a very good emotional IQ, moreso than any of the other companions. He’s so even keel emotionally, that the Far harbor expansion hits a bit harder, because that’s where you see more of His emotion.
- Piper would be the best to adapt to our world
- Majority of the ways people can become your companions is weird why they even offer. (Like why would Hancock travel with Sole and not another person who wasn’t part of quest to raid their warehouse? Doesn’t Piper have other stories to investigate? Doesn’t Deacon have missions to do? Why isn’t Strong following Rex Goodman around? Nick has plenty of other cases to just run around randomly)
- Paladin Danse says that he wasn’t sure about Sole but also highly recommends you join the Brotherhood. So which is it? Also, I only did like one big quest for them and I am given a power armor.
- Is the reason they complain about picking up stuff is that eventually they have to carry some of it?
- Ada is a good companion, but doesn’t offer a perk, hence the reason probably not talked about a lot because no reason to travel with her
- I don’t know why the institute is doing what they are doing
- I really wish they could mark the clothes that can go under a person’s armor.
- Why are people wearing scarves? Is it cold there because it never seems to snow.
- I find it interesting that the companions all generally know each other or at least the have swapping dialogs that make it seem that way. (Curie has literally been locked away for 200 years.)
- They have veritbirds but no land vehicles. There’s supposedly caravans, but no wagons? Would it be too dangerous to have that?
I probably have more, but that’s for now
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
Music I think Fallout characters would listen to
(Butch, Veronica, Benny, Boone, Vulpes, Deacon, Danse, Curie, MacCready)
Fo3 (Butch...)
Butch: okay do I need to say that he listens to rockabilly????? He just... He does. Idk he seems like he'd like the Koffin Kats or something. ,, idk Brian Setzer kind of dude,, Stray Cats too
FNV (Veronica, Benny, Boone, and Vulpes)
Veronica: oh if you gave this girl ANYTHING she'd listen to it... Ngl tho she feels like a metal and punk girl...
Benny: if you think he listens to anything other than 50s/60s you're wrong. He likes the classics and refuses to listen to anything else
Boone: like... dad rock... that's all I'm confident about
Vulpes: Imma be fr with you, I think this freak doesn't listen to music. If he DID it would be some indie band and he'd be so annoying about it
Fo4 (Deacon, Danse, Curie, and MacCready)
Deacon: I'm so fr he feels like he would listen to Weird Al,, like that's all I can think of. He's a Weird Al fan 100%
Danse: we already know he likes country and bluegrass!! He's a Marty Robbins fan probably,, idk he feels like a cowboy country kind of guy. Big fan of sad cowboy songs
Curie: she likes classical music but is so intrigued by all kinds of music, she'd listen to everything at least once
MacCready: he probably kinda likes Rockabilly because of Butch but he definitely prefers rock classics
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headcanon heights for my Sole, my favorite companions, and.... paladin danse.
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acroagoraphobe · 3 months
Can you tell me how Deacon and Joshua would act in a cold environment. I want every headcannon please.
He loves the cold, he absolutely thrives.
You know those straight white guys in school who wore just shorts and a t-shirt in freezing weather? Yeah that's him.
"Its not even that cold." he says when its like.. 10° out.
Seems like the kinda guy that needs to be cold to sleep, so he probably sleeps more.
Would probably sit outside during a snow storm because "If god wants to take me, let him take me."
Says he doesn't like cold because he's actually a lizard person, but he actually just gets cold easy.
Has said "Wow, This is PERFECT hibernation weather!"
Give him a hug.. or a blanket, because his ass is shivering.
He says he isn't cold, despite the fact that he is very much looking like a sad stray dog out in the cold.
Refuses to wear a coat, even though it's cold. You would have to force him to wear a coat, exact words from him: "Its not part of my disguissseee-"
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xxadvictoriamxx · 4 months
random favorite companion hcs because I can <3
- Danse is a switch
- Gage purrs when he’s happy/content. you must be ‘together’ or he won’t do it. fucking fight me
- Hancock has thrown multiple parties where people have died. just sayin. there’s a solid chance you might be next
- Deacon can and will cuddle you if he feels comfortable enough with you. he’ll do it randomly too
- MacCready feels intimidated and jealous if you can shoot better than him, even if he doesn’t really have a reason to be
- human Nick loved lounging in pj’s when he didn’t have a client in his space and you can catch him still doing it quite frequently
- Dogmeat used to follow Mama Murphy around before Quincey. she sent him away just before
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noodle8 · 1 year
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wanted to do a general thing of how i thought the fo4 companions looked and have it be chill n kinda low effort !! (The dlc companions were done based on memory hee hee)
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
[Deacon Idolizes You]
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Summary » Headcanons based on how Deacon treats you once Idolized.
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He might actually disappear for a minute after he opens up to you about Barbara. Having his whole past spread out on the table for you to see is incredibly uncomfortable for him and he's gonna need some time to get used to having all that open to you.
Sometimes you’ll just find him sleeping on your couch. If he needs to get away for a minute he’ll go crash at your place for a bit. He almost hopes that you’ll show up and so the two of you could talk or something. It always makes him feel so much better when you do.
He somehow got a hold of matching leather jackets for you both to wear and always does his best to incorporate them into his disguises.
Deacon will bring you pre-war board games and ask if you could teach him the rules because the instructions had been burned decades ago and he desperately wants to learn.
He's actually really interested in fashion and will gladly put together a great outfit for you whether you asked for it or not. He also just loves sitting in a room and brainstorming disguise ideas together.
He's really curious about a lot of things from before the war and you'll find that he likes to randomly drag you into different areas and ask you tons of questions. He's especially interested in cartoons and other forms of media and is constantly questioning why they existed or what they usually had on them
He's weirdly good at spas? Massages, and manicures, and all that. He'd give you one if you asked/felt comfortable enough.
He loves sneaking around Goodneighbor or Diamond City with you and watching any fights or drama that happens throughout the day. It reminds you of when you used to watch reality TV shows back before the war and he always has the best comments.
He likes doing graffiti with you on random buildings in the Commonwealth. He’s actually really good at art but refuses to utilize that talent, instead, he just draws stick figures everywhere.
The two of you spent a day disguised as the other to see how long you can get away with it. (it wasn't very long)
He’ll ask if it could be possible for the two of you to set up small safe houses in some of your settlements for any passing synths, although, he always ends up making them look like man caves than temporary homes.
He'll leave these random lanterns all over the place with little jokes or messages carved underneath them. He does this so that if he ever disappears for a minute, you can go look at those to remind yourself that he doesn't hate you, he just needs a bit of time.
Whenever you’re on a mission, he’ll give you both the worst codenames on purpose to annoy you.
He once tried to see what the most outrageous lie you both could pull off was. Needless to say, you both ended up getting in a lot of trouble with Dez because it was 'irrelevant to your mission’.
He's great when he's around, and still loves you when he leaves. In all seriousness, it's been so long since he's had a connection like this with someone, and is so incredibly grateful for you and all that you do for him. He'll show his appreciation in whatever way he can, just understand that you've got to be patient with him while he gets used to it all.
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nukaberries · 1 year
Fallout companions react to sole telling that they don't want to even lose them and then breakingdown. I need all the angst!
God, me too. As much as I say I hate angst, I'm definitely a sucker for it! This idea, especially, is super exciting for me since I feel like the Fallout 4 companions have a lot of opportunity for angst (I play through Nick's personal quest just to cry at the ending) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one and it was worth the wait!
Companions React to Sole Breaking Down - TW: Mentions of Addiction and Suicide
(Includes: Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick, Piper, Preston and X6-88)
Cait She isn't really sure what brought this on. Cait knows she isn't great at keeping herself safe or even having much concern for her own wellbeing, but she hadn't realised that upset Sole so much. Was it the chems? Maybe how she often charges head first into battle. Whatever it is, she admittedly feels guilty, not realising Sole cared so much about her. She isn't the best at comforting people, but she tries her best to make Sole feel better and reassure them that she isn't going anywhere. It may result in some awkward shoulder pats, but it's the thought that counts, right?
Codsworth It's probably not the first time that Codsworth has seen Sole break down. After all, he was the first living being they ran into after escaping the horrors of Vault 111. Still, this particular breakdown takes him by surprise, he didn't know he mattered that much to Sole. He's probably the best at comforting Sole, considering he knows them so well. Later on, he'll likely bring up how touched he is to know that he's important to Sole and promises he'll stand by them.
Curie She's extremely apologetic when she realises Sole's breaking down, at first thinking she'd done something wrong, before they explain that they can't stand to lose her. She understands where Sole is coming from, they're the most important person in her life and she doesn't want to begin to think what things would be like without them. She apologises if she ever scared them and reassures them that she's much more formidable than she seems
Paladin Danse He immediately panics when Sole starts to break down. Being in the Brotherhood, he's never known how to deal with his own emotions, let alone the emotions of someone else. He'll try his best to comfort Sole, but he definitely won't succeed. If he's still in the Brotherhood and him and Sole aren't extremely close - or romantically involved - he'll only insist that, due to his training, he's confident nothing bad will happen to him. However, if they're closer, Danse will go out of his way to make sure Sole knows they won't ever lose them, he loves Sole and he'd keep surviving so long as it made them happy.
Deacon He has no idea how to react at first. Sure, he'd been travelling with Sole for a while now, but he figured it was just out of convenience, since he was showing them the ropes in the Railroad. He'd figured his lying would've annoyed them by now and yeah, they were close, but he didn't know he mattered this much to them. He wants to crack a joke, but even he knows it's bad timing. Instead - because he understands how devastating loss can be, and he knows what Sole's been through - he actually does his best to comfort them, which he's actually good at, much to both his and Sole's surprise.
Hancock Like Cait, he initially thinks it's down to his reckless behaviour when it comes to chems and almost immediately promises you that he knows not to overdo it and if chems were going to kill them, they would've by now. He assures Sole that so long as he has them by his side, there's no way he plans on dying early, even though life hasn't exactly been kind to him in the past. Sole gives him a reason to keep going and he'd rather not ruin that.
MacCready Similarly to Deacon, he understands - maybe better than anyone - just how hard losing the person you love can be. The death of Lucy still haunts him, in spite of how much he cares for Sole, so he feels terrible that they share concerns he once had to suffer the aftermath of. He promises them over and over that they'll never lose him, no matter what happens. He even goes the extra mile and makes sure to be careful when they're outside the walls of a settlement, just to give Sole some peace of mind.
Nick Valentine He's better at comforting Sole than most, he knows a lot about their past and how they ended up in the Commonwealth, widowed and searching for their child. Besides, he's used to dealing with people breaking down in front of him - albeit, it's a little different since Sole means a lot to him. He knows he and Sole have grown close, so he understands completely why they'd be worried about losing another loved one. Nick will jokingly point out that if he's survived this long with only a few - a lot of - bumps and scratches, they have nothing to worry about. If Sole brings up their concerns again, he'll be more than happy to reassure them further.
Piper Wright She understands that with her line of work, she's a lot more likely to meet an untimely demise, but who doesn't die young these days? She's surprised she's made it this far with the amount of attempts on her life. She can stand seeing Sole cry though and instantly wraps them in a hug, telling them that as long as she's got them by her side, she'll be fine. Piper trusts Sole completely to protect her, just as she'd protect them. It breaks her heart to see them so torn up though and she almost feels guilty, deciding she'll find a way to make it up to them soon, even if she hasn't necessarily done anything wrong.
Preston Garvey As someone who often struggles with seeing the meaning in his own life, Preston is completely taken aback by Sole's worry towards his wellbeing. He instantly feels terrible for having any thoughts about taking his own life and apologises profusely to Sole, insisting that nothing bad will ever happen to them. He hasn't had an easy time recently, but having Sole by his side has helped more than he could've ever imagined and if they care about him enough to want him to keep fighting, then he will, without question.
X6-88 To nobody's surprise, X6 doesn't really know what to say or do. He simply clarifies that coursers were designed to be near enough formidable, so the likelihood of anything happening to him is extremely low. He does show some genuine concern, by asking if Sole would benefit from speaking to someone professionally, it's not enough to comfort Sole, but he's trying his best.
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radrage · 1 year
1 Weird Fact about each Companion
I have no explanation for most of these. They just seem right.
Cait: Is missing 2 teeth. One was knocked out from a fight, the other from her parents. She doesn't like to talk about how she lost the latter.
Curie: Raises animals in her spare time. Since being rescued by Sole from vault 81, she's had an interest in irradiated lifeforms, especially Rabbits and Radstags. Her favourite animals are Cats as she finds it interesting how they haven't evolved to combat the Commonwealth's radiation.
Codsworth: Still celebrates Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. He'll cook a big meal for the settlers at Sanctuary and force them all to take the evening off so they can relax and eat. Most of the settlers don't understand the traditions, but go along with it anyways.
Danse: Has never been drunk. First time Sole gets him drunk though, he steals one of Deacon's hats and starts dancing to "Uranium Fever" on the radio.
Deacon: Collects hats. I mean, for a master of disguise, you'd expect no less. But he loves really outlandish ones especially. His favourite is a comically large corn cob hat that looks like a Jojo hairstyle
Dogmeat: Favourite meat is Mole Rat meat. When Sole meets him at Red Rocket, he's chasing a Brood Mother and her children. Loves the chewy texture they have when their skin is dried.
Hancock: Eats flowers. He likes Dandelions especially, because of the fuzzy texture they have. Only eats them when he's on Jet or Buffout though, Menatat Hancock is too sophisticated for that.
MacCready: A big DCR fan. When he's travelling around the Commonwealth, it gets lonely, so he'll turn on the radio that's attached to his holster and listen to the Silver Shroud and Travis. Can sing "A Wonderful Guy" verbatim.
Valentine: Really good cook. He doesn't cook much, but when he does, it's delicious. Mostly it's just him and Ellie eating, and Ellie will gush to Piper about how good Nick's cooking is.
Piper: Grew up in a share-home. After her dad was killed when she was only 13, she and Nat were relocated to a share home for other orphans in her hometown. She likes the feeling of a busy home, as it keeps her from her thoughts, which is why she likes the noise of the Diamond City market.
Preston: Played the trumpet when he was small. His parents probably found it for sale for, like, 200 caps from a local vendor, and scraped together enough to buy it for his birthday.
Strong: Reads Shakespeare to Shaun to get him to sleep. He sits in an armchair next to his bed and reads it slowly, asking Shaun about words he doesn't understand. Sole often finds them both passed out with a play script in his hands.
X6: Sometimes wishes he was human. Solely so he can experience growing up and what Sole describes as "childhood innocence".
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oldworldwidgets · 1 year
i think one of my favorite deacon headcanons is that he only lies:
when the lie is so patently inconsequential that it doesnt even matter that he's lying (ie ricky on the bridge), or
when the lie is so obvious or the person he's lying to knows him so well that it's honestly more of a bit than a lie (like the synth thing. i just know he was gigglin in private waiting for sole to open that stupid note and call him on it).
almost nothing in the game indicates that he's actually a good liar when it matters. in fact, if he really was a good liar, it wouldn't be such common knowledge because no one would catch him in it. des immediately calls him on his lie when he and sole come back from the switchboard, he get flustered when you confront him in bunker hill, hell he barely chokes out a believable lie when he's trying to get clearance for the prydwen.
but because he maintains so insistently that hes such a liar, no one trusts him anyway. his reputation negates any necessity to actually lie, and if a liar knows anything, it's that the best lies are the ones you don't even have to sell.
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nukanobody · 3 days
i keep thinking about how danse exactly became a synth and ended up in the brotherhood, like he was deemed a missing synth so the institute didn’t place him there to be a spy, but he did get the memories of living in the wasteland so like?
how i’m imagining it is he was in a similar situation to H2-22 where he got help from the railroad after escaping the institute and got his memories wiped when he was younger (before cuttler)
sad/funny part of this idea is that Deacon knew about M7-97 and actually helped with his case, a synth who was inspired to help the world the railroad did.
And then years later deacon meets with the same synth, introduced by the newest railroad member with “hey this is danse my buddy from the brotherhood. who yknow hates ghouls and synths”. Deacon is in a constant battle in his head not to reveal that Danse is a synth because of the irony but doesn’t want to for the sake of Danse’s self identity and safety.
Danse uses him as target practice when he finds out Deacon knew post blind betrayal. Deacon lowkey feels guilt over it
“I can’t believe i’m a synth, everything i’ve known was a lie, what do i do now? ”
“oh thank god the cats out of the bag”
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