#fallout tickle
morgsticklee · 4 months
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Some MORE nick valentine tickles for your lovely faces!!
I really like this piece actually.
hehe enjoy!!
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w98pops · 1 year
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be vigilant. shine bright. i love you
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fluffomatic · 1 year
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Didn't mean to stay up so late drawing this but fuck, I've been playing Fallout 4 again, all day everyday, and of course I've been thinking bout all my favs getting wrecked! I was planning on drawing some Nick tickles for a while, and then, in a discord group I'm in, a friend said they wanted to draw robo tickles, too! Made me want to draw Lee!Nick even more~! Also, meet my boy, Hawke! He's obviously my Sole Survivor in my Fallout 4 playthrough.
There's gonna be Fallout Far Harbor spoilers under the cut, so keep that in mind.
So, when we meet DiMA in Arcadia, we learn about his and Nick's past. How Nick can't remember anything because of his old processors. DiMA got around this by programming and installing his own sort of memory card for himself. That got me thinking that if he was able to upgrade his body, what else could he make? Of course, my mind went for tickles! Gem 3 synths already have nervous systems cause they have flesh and organs and shit, but the other synths are all metal and circuitry. So how do these older synths like DiMA and Nick get to experience this innately human thing? Well, DiMA creates a fake nervous system! He, of course, tries it on himself first, and it was an immediate success. Soon, he could physically feel everything a human could. When he meets Nick again and they build a better relationship, he offers to install the program in Nick, and he accepts. My boy Hawke here offers to test the system out for Nick, and of course, he tickles him silly! It was a success, much to Nick's dismay, for the poor synth got a highly sensitive nervous system, one that is incredibly ticklish~! Even his insides are ticklish!!! Hawke never lets him live it down.
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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batsquatch · 6 months
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rubs my greasy little lone wanderer all over every subsequent game
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stellazira · 5 months
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homunculuslover · 3 months
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Here you go, have another timed exclusive released. My obsession with playing Fallout Shelter again. I forgot about Cappy and bottle and I adore Cappy. He's the cutest lil guy. So I had to tickle him up.~
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a-fluffer-nutter · 2 months
Take This Heart of Stone
A/N - Hi all! I've had this sitting for a bit, very close to completion, and due to an impromptu road trip I did not want to be on, I got to finish it! Taking the title from the Obscure Lyrics Title Challenge I made, have this Fallout 4 fic between Hancock and reader!sole survivor (gender neutral). Please enjoy this longer fic!
TW: Drug Use, PTSD-based nightmares/stress, mention of a dead loved one (your late husband that dies within 5 minutes of the game).
Word Count: 4,715
You had loved Nate, you always had, since the day you met him in college. You had loved him the day he dropped down on one knee for you and the day after, when they sent him to Alaska. You had loved him when he returned, even though his eyes had grown darker and the hair that surrounded his ears had lightened. You had loved him more than anything, so much so that the two of you had Shaun, who was named after Nate’s father. You had loved him so much that you escaped your cryogenic sleep to avenge him, to kill the man that stole him from you. You had loved him so much that for months, you did everything in your power to find Shaun and bring him home. You had loved him so much. 
So why, why were you thinking you didn't? Well, it was certainly the fact that you had become smitten with a certain someone on your journey, someone you certainly didn't expect to fall for. Granted, with the current state of the world, you weren't expecting to fall for anyone, and it's taken you quite some time to realize that not everyone wanted to kill you. Just most of them. 
It wasn't every day in the Commonwealth that someone was willing to kill for you. And at the time, the only people that you truly thought had your back were Preston Garvey and Nick Valentine, as you had been the one to save their lives first. Though here, you didn't have to do a thing. 
  “We don't need your insurance, asshole,” you growled while reaching into your back pocket for a pack of cigarettes. 
  “You don't want any accidents to happen now, do you?” A man of a taller stature had grabbed your attention once you had entered the town of Goodneighbor. He was insistent on protecting you, for a hefty fee. 
  “If you listened, you would know that we don't need you,” Nick Valentine was by your side, looking bored from this interaction. He took his lighter out and lit your cigarette for you. The two of you had a job to do and this jackass was an inconvenience. 
  “Shut it, tin can,” the man spat on the ground between you and Nick. He turned to look right at you. “I'm talking to you and you only.”
          Lips curling into a scowl, you went to pocket your pack. Once the container was in your pocket, your hand slid a bit further to palm at your 10mm hiding beneath your top, nestled into its makeshift holster. 
  “Well, I'm talking to you and I'm telling you to leave us the fuck alone,” with your non dominant hand, you drew the cigarette from your lips and blew a puff of smoke at the man. If he wasn't gonna leave you alone, you might as well antagonize him enough to start a fire fight. He might have been bigger, but you knew damn well your draw was quicker. 
  “Oh, you little,” the man took a step forward with his hand on his side arm. You had your gun drawn in an instant, finger on the trigger. Nick was mimicking your actions, ready to take a life for you when the three of you were interrupted. 
“Now that's not the proper way of greeting our guests, now is it Finn?” The man froze for a moment, his eyes burning as he looked into yours. 
 “I just want to protect our new friends,” Finn drew out the last syllable in a snake-like manner. Finally looking away from you, you allowed yourself to unlock your elbow and drop you hand to your waist, your index finger resting just beneath the trigger. 
“Well now, all I was hearing was a bunch of no’s,” you finally looked over at the new person. You recognized the outfit immediately, having been to every museum in Boston when you and Nate were still in college. Granted, anyone who has ever been to Boston, or grade school, would recognize the attire of a true American patriot. Granted they all dressed the same to you, but at least you recognized where the attire was from. Nate would have been thrilled. “No means no, man. Especially when Nicky’s around.”
“You're going soft, Hancock,” Finn growled, looking down at the shorter man. “The citizens of Goodneighbor are going to realize this soon. They'll drive you out and we'll have a new mayor.”
“Thanks for the five star review,” Hancock replied evenly, smiling up at Finn. The ghoul glanced over at you, noticing you stare. His rough features softened, his dark eyes full of contempt, though there were sparkles of mischief. You could tell this was not the first time he's had to deal with a town resident as distasteful as this one. “You know Finn, it's a damn shame you feel that way.”
Locking eyes with the man again, Hancock's smile straightened ever so slightly as he grabbed Finn’s collar and pulled his face down to his level. In one swift motion, he withdrew his switchblade, clicked it open, and began to stab the man. 
Hearing the squelch of Finn’s insides as Hancock rapidly stabbed him over and over, you winced but couldn't look away. Hancock's black eyes analyzed the man’s face as he experienced intense anger, fear, pain, then nothing. 
Thick, red blood pooled through Finn’s shirt and jacket as Hancock tossed his corpse aside like a child growing bored of their toy. Hancock's face showed no emotion as he looked down at his blood soaked knife, staring at the droplets slipping down the shiny steel and plopping unceremoniously to the concrete. 
Realizing you had just been holding your breath, you let out a gentle exhale as Hancock looked up from his work. This man had just killed someone because of you. For you. And he didn't even know your name. 
“How's it going, Nicky?”
It was a year later now and the two of you had become inseparable. He braved the Glowing Sea with you, mentally timing your journey so he could supply you with each dose of Rad-X when necessary, then sat you down in Virgil’s cave to pump a full dose of RadAway through your veins, doing his damnedest to keep any pain to a minimal. He aided you in assisting the Railroad in their mission, fighting by your side as Deacon led you through rooms of synths that needed you dead. He watched your back as you fought through the ruins of the C.I.T. in order to gain access to the Institute. He followed you through the Institute, planting bullets into the heads of everyone who fought back. He stepped out of the room once you both stumbled across Shaun in his bed, standing on the other side of the door, listening to your anguished scream once the gunshot rang out, your son’s lifeless body slumping over in his bed. He held your hand as you told Tinker Tom to take synth Shaun back to the Commonwealth, to have his memory wiped so another family could love him, shedding the last bit of innocence you had, the final thing that connected you to the before times. He wiped the tears from your eyes and the blood dripping from your wounds as the two of you hobbled back to Sanctuary Hills, welcomed home as heroes. He now laid beside you in bed, holding you close as you twitched and whined, the shadows in your mind polluting your dreamscape. 
Nightmares weren't uncommon for either of you. If therapists still existed, one would certainly diagnose both of you with PTSD, though Hancock had been dealing with his for quite a bit longer, so it was easier for him to cope. Well, that and the rampant drug use, of course. There's no time to fall into a depressive episode when high on Jet, or at least that's what he had told you. Though he would never admit it, he too has had tortured dreams of himself before becoming a ghoul and watching his fellow outcasts die. Despite this, he would always make sure to lay out the pet names and words or affirmation whenever you woke up. 
The two of you were resting in Sanctuary Hills for the night. With the help of Preston and his crew, you remodeled the house across from your own. Codsworth and Preston had tried to convince you to take back your house from before the bombs dropped, but you just couldn’t. It wouldn’t feel right, without Nate, without Shaun. You let Preston take the house as a unit of operation for the Minutemen. You watched as everyone gutted the house to repurpose some of the materials, though you had only one thing you refused to let them touch: Shaun’s crib. As long as Preston wouldn’t touch the crib, the house was his. You didn’t want it in your house, oh no, it was too hard to look at, but the knowledge of it still being there was somewhat comforting. 
Darkness filled your mind, the walls around you began to shrink, claustrophobia setting in. The walls were cold, metallic, and familiar. Frantically looking around, you saw him. He was reaching out to you, down the long hallway, toward the vault door. He was calling for you, Shaun in hand. Sprinting faster than you ever had, you went for him, boots resonating against the metal flooring. Nate was there and he wanted to lead you to a new life, above ground. Back home. All you needed to do was reach him, but why was it so far? Why did the ground feel like a treadmill? 
Suddenly, gloved hands made of rubber appeared from every which way, grabbing at every inch of you. They tugged you back and held you down. Your eyes may have been covered, but you could feel the chill. As much as you tried to fight, more weight was pressed against you. Screaming Nate and Shaun’s name into the gloved hands, the tears streamed down your face felt like magma. 
Then, you heard the gunshot. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” you heard Hancock mutter into your ear after you woke up with a yelp, bolting into an upright position. Unfazed by the sudden jolt, Hancock had merely sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder from behind. “What will be your fix this fine mornin’?”
“Just a cigarette,” you mumbled, letting out a sigh. Feeling his weight shift then lift off the bed, you let yourself flop back down onto the mattress, the old springs squealing under you. 
“Mm, I’ll get you to try Day Tripper one of these days,” he hummed as crossed the room to the desk, opening the top drawer. 
“I’m day tripping every day of my life, John,” Hancock let out a soft chuckle as he returned to your side, cigarette and lighter in tow. 
“That’s the spirit,” he smiled as he stuck the cigarette gently between your teeth, your mouth open ever so slightly. Smiling back, your eyes examined his fingers as they held the golden plated lighter, no doubt the metal being cool against his skin. His other hand cupped the side as the flame flickered to life, finally being unsheathed for your morning ritual. It danced as it made contact to the end of the cigarette, igniting the poison that filled your mouth and throat. Breathing it in, you instantly felt a bit better, though you didn’t know if it was from the drag or from the man watching you with gentle eyes. 
Taking the cigarette from your mouth, Hancock leaned over you, admiring the bone structure of your face as you moved your head away from him, blowing the puff of smoke toward the window. 
“What was this one about?” Hancock asked, slipping the cigarette between his lips. 
“Them,” your voice was quiet as you stared out the window, the sky a lighter blue this morning. 
“We can go see them, if you'd like,” his voice was so soft that the light tap of the cigarette against the ashtray felt thunderous. 
“Not today,” you bit your lip. 
After the fall of the Institute, you finally had time to grieve. It took you days to leave your bed, people having to bring you food and water to make sure you were still alive. In this time period, you have decided you wanted to have a funeral for your boys. 
It was a military funeral, your friends had decided. They knew Nate had served in the army, had fought in Anchorage. They had seen the flag sitting on the bookshelf. In a cruel twist of fate, Nate had been murdered, despite surviving the bombs being dropped, though the flag he received for trying to prevent those bombs from dropping survived as well. His fighting spirit lived on, even after everything. 
Preston was the one that presented you with the flag. There was no fancy unfolding it, then refolding it like they did before the world ended, but it still made the tears fall. 
Your other closest companions carried the coffin that he had been entombed in. Before leaving the vault in the beginning of all of this, you had somehow managed to retrigger the machine that he was in, his body returning to a cryogenic, eternal sleep. The only thing missing was his wedding ring, which you had worn around your neck on a silver chain until the funeral. This allowed his body to be preserved before his burial, so you were able to see him again one last time if you had wanted. 
Then, there was Shaun. You obviously didn't have access to his body, but someone had recovered some of the rubble from the C.I.T. ruins, right where the earth collapsed into itself. This debris was put into a vase and then sealed, providing you with a flowery urn. It may not have had his ashes inside, but it was the thought that counted. 
This urn was presented at the funeral, but during the burial, which you were not a part of, it had been placed in the coffin, tucked in so Nate was holding him, just like he had when he died. They were buried behind the house, which hadn't been your idea. Burying your spouse and child in the backyard like you would do a deceased dog was somewhat amusing to you, in a grim way. Only Nick really understood your wicked amusement when you told him your feelings about the site of the funeral. He had joined you in laughing at the thought of someone accidentally digging up your dead cat from over two hundred years ago. 
After the funeral, you went to the grave site every so often. You mostly went alone, but you had recently been allowing people to join you. As of late, it has mostly been Hancock. You thought that bringing your partner to the site of your late husband's corpse was a bit therapeutic, almost as you were saying, “Hey Nate, this is Hancock and while I miss you and Shaun dearly, I’m ready to move on and grow old with someone else, just like we had planned on. I hope you don't mind, or if you do, that your ghost doesn't angrily haunt me for the rest of my life.” It seems like you haven't been haunted yet, so that was a relief. 
“What do you want to do today?” Hancock’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. Humming, you sat up and pulled him into you. As he nestled in, seated between your legs, you softly fell backwards onto the mattress, his body following suit. 
“I guess we should be productive,” you replied, tracing the shell of his ear with your index and middle fingers. Letting out a soft sigh, Hancock shivered. Your hands shifted down, both thumbs now stroking the length of his jawline, from the tips of his ears to his chin, then back up. Over and over as his dark eyes were shut, taking in the pleasant sensation. 
“I'd say this is productive,” Hancock mused, lightly squeezing your knee. 
“I could ask Preston if there's any work at a nearby settlement,” Hancock simply smiled as he listened to you drone on, listing every potential task for the two of you to do that day. If the two of you were out in the wasteland, he would normally stop you by the third or so job, but his brain was completely blank as he soaked in the touch. “I fucking hate farming, but I guess we could head toward Oberland to help out there. We could also check in with Vault 81 and, wait, are you okay?” 
The man had flinched beneath you, making a string of intelligible sounds. 
“It’s fine. ‘m fine,” Hancock said through gritted teeth. Brows furrowing, you leaned over a bit to see his face a bit clearer. 
“Dammit John, I thought I hurt you,” huffing a puff of air out of your nose, you flashed him an amused grin. 
Biting down on his bottom lip, he had brought his shoulders up a bit. While you couldn't see it due to the condition of his skin, the ghoul felt the blood in his cheeks start to simmer. 
“Shut up, asshole,” he barely made out as your fingers were now intentionally stroking his neck. You hadn't noticed that your fingers had strayed a bit further down and had begun to trace softer skin along the side of his neck, throat, and under his chin. As his ghoulification had happened more recently than most ghoul's, his skin wasn't as numb, with many of his nerve endings still normal. In turn, this made certain parts of his skin, the parts that were rarely ever touched or injured, a bit more sensitive. 
“It's not my fault you're ticklish as all hell,” your voice was sickeningly sweet. 
“Am not!”
“Says that man who’s literally giggling,” his denial had always been cute. He was the mayor of Goodneighbor; he had a reputation to uphold. He was a smart son of a bitch that had killed many, making sure that his people were safe. He had been by your side through everything. He was great with a gun and even better up close and personal with a knife. He was a strong, charismatic leader that did whatever he needed to do to save the lives of the people close to him. This was something he hadn't ever wanted a single soul to know about, that was, until you. 
“I do not giggle,” he shot back, as he was giggling like no tomorrow. Your fingers slipped down his neck and trailed across his chest and down to the buttons on his undershirt. Having only two buttons to undo, you made quick work of them before trailing your fingers along his taut stomach. 
Gripping your legs as tightly as he could without actually hurting you, Hancock desperately tried to hold back the laughter bubbling up in his throat as your blunt nails scrambled across his skin. Knowing how much stronger than you he was, he tried to keep his arms at bay, not wanting to hurt you by smacking your fingers away from his rough skin. While you certainly were going to have bruises on your legs, it was better than a broken hand or nose. Despite not having one, Hancock was a fan of your nose, believing it shaped your face nicely. 
“Why’re you holding back on me, John?” You cooed, before leaning forward to kiss the top of his head. “Don't make me go for the kill.”
“You wouldn't dare,” he shot back, though it was a bit hard to parse as he had been biting his lip the entire remark. 
“Now, why wouldn't I?” Your fingers danced up his torso, slowly sauntering over his ribs. Heels digging into the mattress, Hancock couldn't resist wiggling around under your touch. Releasing your legs, he clasped his hands over his mouth. Thankfully, you had the foresight to slip your arms under his, so as his arms began to press down against his body, yours were there to block them. 
“You’d never hurt a mayor, would you?” His voice was muffled behind his hands when you let out a sour laugh. He knew he was screwed from the malice dripping in your voice. 
“Corrupt mayors and politicians are the reason why I’m here, love,” your voice was as flat as a lake on a calm day. Hancock shivered as you pulled him closer, fingers stilled as you leaned in, lips against his ear. Your breath tickled as you breathed out a soft sigh. “Mayors get no mercy.”
“Sunshihihine!” Hancock couldn't contain his laughter once you pulled your arms back enough to trap your fingers under his arms. Hiding his entire face in his hands, Hancock dug his heels into the mattress as if to steady himself. 
“What's the matter, love?” Sounding as nonchalant as ever, you chuckled as your fingers vibrated into the hollows of his arms. “Now, my dearest John, why are you hiding your face? Won't you let me see that smile?”
“Nohoho,” Hancock turned his head away from you, though now you had full access to his exposed neck. 
“So, everyone else can see you smile, but not me, huh?” His laugh shifted in pitch as you kissed his neck continuously after your question. 
“You’re such an asshole,” you growled into his ear. 
It wasn't that he was ashamed of his smile and didn't want you to see it. No, it was because of his laugh. While you may have thought his laugh was absolute music, a melody that made your heart beat faster and your brain fizzle in a giddy sort of way, Hancock absolutely hated his laugh. He always had. While his laugh was low and raspy, and very sexy, Hancock also had the habit to snort if he laughed too hard. He had always done this, and he had hoped with his ghoulification, and this nose melting off his face, this little quirk would go away; vanish like ashes in the wind. However, this was not the case. After raiding the medical section of a library for answers, Hancock learned all about the structure of a person's throat and diaphragm and how the soft palate and uvula somehow make the sound, much to his dismay. Thus, he restarted his habit of covering his face when he laughed. 
“You're a bigger asshole,” Hancock said after concealing a soft snort. 
“Are you calling me fat?” Teasing him definitely made the whole situation worse for him. As did the light sensation of your teeth against his neck, giving him a gentle bite. Laughter creeping up a notch, you decided it was finally time to hear it. “Arms up, sweetheart.”
Surprising Hancock was one of the only ways to get the upper hand during your little play fights. He was quite strong, despite his slight build, but there was absolutely nothing he could do if you managed to outsmart him or catch him off guard. 
Pushing yourself backward with your legs, your body was launched far enough back that the moment you managed to tuck your legs into your chest, Hancock fell flat on his back. Quickly, you dragged his body closer to you, reeling him in like a prized sturgeon. Before he could react, you pulled his arms up and sat yourself down onto them, your knees pinning his palms. 
“Well, if I'm so fat, then I won't have any issues holding you down, now, will I?” 
  “I didn't say you were fat!” Hancock’s eyes sparkled with concern and panic. Searching your face, he let out a little sigh as you replied with a soft smile, batting your eyelashes. “Fuck. Why’ve you gotta be so damn beautiful?”
  “If I wasn't so fond of your laugh, that probably would've gotten me to let you go,” you mused, your head tilted to the side, cheeks warming up. 
“Eh, I tried,” your lover shrugged his shoulders to the best of his abilities in his current position. He let out a husky laugh as he smiled up at you, his sheer infatuation for you clear in his dark eyes. “If there's no talking you out of this, then give me your worst, sweetheart.”
The fact that Hancock knew when he had been defeated was a trait you had always admired. Sure, he'd never give up in a life or death situation, but in something like a petty argument or a playful scuffle, he wasn't big on dragging it on if he knew he had already lost. 
Letting out the softest laugh, you leaned forward and gave him an upside down kiss. Humming into it, Hancock gave your lower lip a playful bite, which caused you to let out an exaggerated gasp as you pulled back. 
            “You little,” you broke off once you brought your deft fingers to dance across his most sensitive spot, tapping the hollows of his arms as you would while hacking a terminal. 
The frantic laughter that slipped from his lips was addictive, much like the cigarettes that eased your mind and soured your lungs were. A mixture of deep, raspy laughter and the occasional snort or squeal, the sound resonated through your nerves and shot an endless amount of dopamine through your veins. This blissful high was better than any you'd ever had after a puff of Jet or a tablet of Mentats. Legs bouncing against the mattress, the old springs squeaked as he contorted his body like a trapped yao guai. 
“Darlin’,” Hancock managed to get out between bouts of hysterics. All other attempts at speech were cut off by a snort or instead of it being a proper word, the noise he would make sounded more like a piece of paper being crumpled up into a ball. 
  “Alright love, fun’s over,” you said after pulling your hands back. Lifting yourself just enough for him to get free, you watched as Hancock slowly pulled his arms down and hugged himself, stray laughs escaping despite him biting down on his lip. Letting out a little laugh yourself, you got to your feet and practically pranced over to the desk. With one swift motion, you opened the top drawer, grabbed an inhaler, and tossed it to the ghoul. “Your Jet, my liege,” you teased with a curtsy. 
  “Smartass,” Hancock rolled his eyes as he shook the plastic container. 
  “Your smartass,” you corrected. You strolled back over to the bed, not before swiping a pack of cigarettes, and plopped down beside him. Eyes lovingly following your favorite features of his, all you could do was smile as Hancock’s shoulders relaxed and his eyes rolled back as the puff of Jet was administered, poisoning his lungs with the time-defying aerosol. 
“Like what you see?” Smiling softly, his voice growled out the words, the gravel in his voice always intensified by the drug.
  “I love you,” the words just slipped out. There was usually a bitterness that rose in your stomach every time you said those three little words, but not this time. No regret resonated through your mind like the reverberation of the electric guitar Nate had as a kid. No tears threatening to cascade down your flushed cheeks. No. This time, it was strong. It was natural. It was real and it felt good. 
Hancock intertwined his fingers with yours. He too realized how raw your words were, noting the ease of it all, the serenity glistening in your eyes. 
“I love you too.”
You loved Nate, you always had, but it was time to let him go. You were a person ripped from your time and thrown into a whole different world, and somehow, through all the fear, anger, and heartbreak, you had managed to find love, once again. John Hancock, a ghoul who saved your life without even knowing your name, now held your heart, as you held his. Nothing could alter the past, and the world moved forward. Now, it was your turn to move forward as well. It was time to move forward, with your fingers interlocked with those of your lover's. And that is exactly what you are going to do. 
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blushyeleven · 11 months
Tickletober - DAY 22
Ticklish kiss
Characters: lee!mia, ler!vada
Warnings: mention of drugs (weed), sexual themes implied, mention of being high, tickles, swearing
a/n: my first fallout fic! Also my name is Mia so the amount of self projecting in this fic is ridiculous (it made it more fun to write🤭) and also I’m even more sick so the quality of my fics rn is Not Great so im very sorry😭 (also an anon requested vada headcanons and I promise I’m gonna write them after tkl tober but my fics are priority rn, so anon if you see this, as soon as tkltober is over I’ll write them I promise!)
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𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
It had been a long night, vada and Mia were just casually layed on mias vibrantly patterned rug in her bedroom after smoking some weed and coming to the decision that vada was going to stay the night at Mias house.
So the two high school girls layed there, in a small break of silence before vada spoke up. “What are you thinking about?” She asked after seeing the puzzled look on the dancers face. “Hm?” She mused before putting her legs up in the air, owning a laugh from Mia. But Mia didn’t answer her question, causing the younger girl to move closer to her while Mia just had a small smile on her face, watching the black haired girls strange, high antics. “What?” Vada giggled and heard another laugh come out of Mia.
“Okay I know your a women of very little words” Vada used her thumb and finger to clearly emphasise on how little she meant, as Mia stared upwards towards her ceiling and was still smiling slightly. “But I know you got some deep shit happening” vada said after a while, her eyes not leaving the girls face. “In that nice little head” Vada then used both her hands to almost cup mias face as Mia rolled her eyes slightly and let out another small snicker. Vada, who clearly wasnt in her right mind was rambling on as Mia just listened.
Mia just shook her head with a snicker before using one hand to cover her face “god” before keeping her hand over her face “anything?” Vada spoke up with a hopeful tone and a silly smile stretched across her face. But Mia was still not talking so vada came to her conclusions on a way to try and get he to open up. “Okay.. let’s say that you die tomorrow.. okay?.. and what if you die sad.. because you regret not saying what you wanted to say” Vada was very clearly out of it.. but it didn’t stop her from being curious.
There was then a long break of silence.. the only thing that could be heard was the crickets outside. Mia, who was deciding what to say then eventually came to her words. “I can’t say it” she sighed to which vada furrowed her eyebrows “why?”
The two girls were then met with another round of silence, Vada was just mesmerising and studying Mias Face as Mia slowly turned to look at vada. Before they were just looking at eachother. Vada then couldn’t help but find her eyes drifting of to Mias lips as the blonde highlighted girl noticed.. and she couldn’t help but also take a few glances at vadas red lips.
Before vada started to move closer, her eyes still locked onto mias lips as the dancer also moved closer before their lips met and formed a synchronised kiss. Vada then pulled away for a moment.. only to ask “is this okay?” In a small whisper to which Mia nodded. Vada then found herself ontop of mias waist, passionately kissing the girl. Never wanting to break away from the moment.
Mia tilted her head up slightly, earning more places for vada to explore with her lips. She then started slowly kissing her neck. Not forceful enough to leave a mark bur the right amount of pressure for it to feel amazing. As vada was leaving small but meaningful kisses along Mias neck she must have hit a sensitive spot because the noise that left mias mouth was clearly abrupt and unexpected. It was an odd mix between a gasp and a squeak although it was enough for the dancers face to react with a piercing pink.
“Are you okay?” Vada asked quickly, a little scared she was doing something wrong or that she hurt the girl. She quickly became slightly insecure of herself, her mind automatically thinking the worse. “Yeah I- im sorry-“ Mia was quick to apologise, avoiding the black haired girls eye contact. “Do you not want this?” Vada asked again, clearly a little worried she went to far before Mia replied quickly “no! I do! Really..” Mia said, finally looking the girl in the eyes with a slight up curve of her lips and her blush intensifying.
“Then what was that?” Vada snickered slightly, feeling a little comforted a reassured by the smile on mias face. The dancer then just sighed before her eyes drifted away again.. “I’m.. im just a Little sensitive there..” She spoke, clearly very embarrassed about the whole ordeal. It was actually quite amusing to vada, she’s never seen Mia like this before. “Sensitive?” Vada echoed, clearly a little lost. But Mia didn’t elaborate, her only reply was a small nod.
Vada was still casually perched onto the girls waist as she was still trying to figure out what she meant. Clearly the high was affecting her if she couldn’t place was Mia was trying to say.. without actually saying it. “What like.. it hurt?” Vada asked, her eyebrows furrowed more. Mia rolled her eyes playfully at the girls stupidity. “No.. like.. it tickled..” Mia answered, her blush almost matching the shade of lipgloss she previously had on.. before vada took it off with her own lips. “Tickled?” Vada parroted again, this time more amused and she snickered slightly.
“Your ticklish?” Vada had an excited glint in her eyes at this new discovery. Clearly Intrigued. “I.. well.. a little” the blonde admitted, rather flustered by the predicament she was in. Vada found herself at a loss for her own words, thinking how adorable this all was. “Sorry if I like.. ruined the mood” Mia sighed, staring off and out of her window. “Fuck having sex.. I wanna try this out” Vada smirked down at the dancer.. watching as her eyes grew twice in size.
“Oh come on.. please?” The younger girl pleaded, eager to test out this rather endearing feature about the girl. Mia just rolled her eyes again.. “okay, fine..” she reluctantly agreed, watching as Vadas smirk grew into a genuine smile as she wasted no time into prodding all 10 of her fingers into Mias side. Earning a jump and a squeak from the girl.
Vada then started mercilessly scribbling her fingers into Mias side as the blonde squirmed helplessly underneath her, letting out the most heart warming and adorable giggles. “ahahahahahha!! Vahahahadaaa!!!!” Mia squeaked out. Vada had never seen Mia like this before, just giving into her own sensitivity and letting herself freely laugh. She enjoyed this new side to the dancer.. but she wanted to hear more.
So naturally, vadas fingers swiftly found a new spot to target as her fingers fell upon mias stomach, skittering her fingers onto the spot as Mias laughter grew. “PFFT BAHAHAHA SHIHIHITT!!” Almost immediately, mia moved her hand up to cover her mouth as she clenched her eyes shut. There was something so.. fun about letting herself be vulnerable in this moment. Letting herself loosen up and actually enjoy herself, even if it was for a couple of minutes.
“I can’t believe your this ticklish! How did I not know?” Vada mused again, the smirk prominent on her face. “IHITS NOHOT LIHIKE I WAHAHAS GOHONNA JUHUST TEHELL YOU!” Mia giggled out, her laughter flowing through her trendy bungalow. “Why not? This is fun!!!” Vada giggled at the girl and her position. She really did look and sound adorable like this. “MAHAYBE FOHOR YOHOU!!” Mia tried to protest, this was probably the most vada has heard Mia try and speak all at once, after all she was a women with very little words. But she seemed to be vocalising herself a lot right now. “Uh! You know your having fun to!” Vada argued back, her smirk etching futher.
“SHUHUT UHUP!” Mia countered. “I’m just sayinggg!” Vada snickered before moving her fingers to mias ribs, clawing at them slightly. Although vada was clearly buzzing from being high, she was still a skilled tickler. She was an older sister after all. It just means that any older sister had a natural power of being able to tickle people really well. “AHAHAHA!! FUHUCK!” Mia was beging to squirm even more, clearly not even realising herself how ticklish she actually was. It has been so long since this had actually happened seeming as she was an only child and her two dads were away most of the time. But she didn’t usually have this kind of affection or fun with any of her dance friends. It was a change, but a nice change. A change that she actually didn’t mind. Even if that did mean vada now jones and could use her ticklishness against her at any given moment. Mia didn’t mind. She only really felt comfortable with vada using it against her anyway.
Vada then dug her hands into mias armpits and watched as the girl let out a window-shattering shriek before exploding into heavy and forcefull laughter. Jackpot. “AHHAAHHAHA FUHUCK! NOHOHO!! VAHAHADAA!!” She shrieked out of helpless girlish giggles as vada knew she had hit her worst spot. Oh boy, did she rinse that spot for all it’s worth as it was filled with nee and exciting reactions. “AHHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHAHHAHA!! I CAHAHAHNTT!” Mia was in an own battle of the urge to clench her arms to her side in an attempt to block vadas wiggling fingers or to cover her own flushed face. “I think I’ve found a bad spottt” vada observed in a sing-song voice before scratching her nails directly into the poor girls hollows. Draining the laughter from the dancers mouth. “AHAHHAHAHHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAH!!”
Mia was clearly close to her breaking point as the forceful laughter was creating small drops of water to fall down Mias cheek and for the pure fact that Mia was trying her best to thrash around under the weight of vada, who was practically already pinning her down. “I actually can’t even believe how ticklish you are.. I’m actually shocked” vada mused only making the situation worse for Mia as it somehow made it tickle more. But no amount of squirming could get vadas fingers out of mias armpits.
Mia then started kicking her legs about, causing vada a hard time to stay balanced on her hips with the amount of thrashing that Mia was doing. Before finally, Mia then called out “BAHAHAHHA STAHAHAPP!!” And with Mias wishes, vada stopped, pulling out her hands and watching as Mia tried to regain her breathe through the residual giggles still lingering.
“that.. that was adorable!” Vada snickered, still amazed and overjoyed with how the whole evening played out. “Like.. your so easy to tickle!” Vada teased to which Mia playfully scoffed. “Fuck off..” Mia said with a small smile of her own growing as vada then realised a swift poke to the girls side. As Mia let out a small squeak and jumped up. “Okay fine.. whatever” Mia admitted with a small sigh, but the grin never leaving her face.
It was clear the connection and the chemistry between the two girls, I mean, they were practically bonded by their trauma that they shared and they were both equally grateful that they stepped in when they needed each other the most. And it was moments like these that the students forgot what shitty world they were living in and just enjoyed eachothers company.
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tickledgirls1996 · 5 months
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Fallout needs more tickling
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mike-the-switch · 5 months
Loving the Fallout series on Amazon so damn much 🥰. I'm basically doing the Leonardo Dicaprio pointing meme at every single scene 😅.
It's just a wall to wall Fallout game nerdfest and I AM SO HERE FOR IT 😅.
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ganymedesclock · 1 year
Curious what do you think of a Veteran Link ( in late 30s or early 40s) going up againast a Teenage/Young Ganondorf ( Late Teens or early 20s) ?
My knee-jerk answer, which may seem a little weird to you, is that you've successfully uncovered one of the central conceits of my original project, Chiaroscuro, which is in no small part inspired by Legend of Zelda itself, though certainly its own beast.
The longer answer which is more in the spirit of your direct question is, that would get... interesting. Because switching Link and Ganondorf's age brackets around does not merely suggest to me a 40-year-old Link, but a Link who has done this song and dance before- who has faced a previous Ganondorf- vs. a Ganondorf to whom this is all new.
And once you get there... it becomes very difficult to view Link's actions as those of an unambiguous hero.
Because in every game, Link's starting aspirations are more or less the same- he is worried about his loved ones. Be that his family, or friends, or community- he is basically always motivated by that someone else is in danger or has already been hurt and he wants to stop it from happening. Motives that are imminently understandable and that we have easy compassion for.
But like... ok. Either we have sixteen year old Ganondorf burning villages down enough that a whole adult man who surfs hinoxes downriver for fun is clenching himself about the idea- which verges into the silly and absurd- or... Link starts to look like a bad guy here, if an understandable one. A tragic, sympathetic figure who was traumatized by a previous conflict but cannot avoid seeing this past conflict in a new, uninvolved person who never hurt him and may never have intended to be his enemy.
We've seen Ganondorf as a child all of once, in a spinoff game (Cadence of Hyrule) where he is surly and introverted but also does not appear to have any particular ill will towards anyone, just lurking inside tinkering with a homemade instrument. Every depiction of him being violent or aggressive towards others suggests this behavior started when he was at least a grown man, if a young one (he certainly doesn't seem particularly wizened in the young timeline segments of Ocarina of Time) so it's fair to say a young Ganondorf would be living a fairly ordinary life, albeit one presumably being groomed by his culture to eventually take the mantle of king.
At that point, it would imply Link himself would become the inciting incident, so to speak.
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morgsticklee · 3 months
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So I was requested to draw Preston Garvey having his ears tickled! which is such an adorable prompt....Cause I will admit he was fun to draw.
Plus I drew a little bonus feather on his neck too...because awww.
Thank you for the request!
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w98pops · 2 years
baby wendy stuff!!
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and a small test comic :) under the cut
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fluffomatic · 1 year
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Gotta stop staying up late to draw, but I play video games all day, i only have time to draw at night! Speaking of video games, Fallout! Am I right? Sorry, it's all my brain can think about rn~ Travis definitely needs a pick me up! One that doesn't involve trauma and completely stripping him of his personality. Hawke absolutely adores the boy! (Even though Travis is like, mid to late 20s, he sees him as a kid who needs help, guidance, a father figure). So, what's better than some good ol' confidence tickles! He's perfect the way he is, and damn Hawke will do whatever it takes to convince him!
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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foolishandfurious · 11 days
A big problem with Fallout is some of those songs are really catchy, so you listen to them once in a while, and then Spotify won’t stop calling you a costal grandma.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
Trying to come up with a good name for an oc when my selection process is vibes based kind of sucks
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