#family law attorneys illinois
chargoisharper · 11 months
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A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others.
The father of Anthony Huber, one of two men shot and killed by Rittenhouse, filed the lawsuit in 2021, accusing officers of allowing for a dangerous situation that violated his son's constitutional rights and resulted in his death. Anthony Huber's father, John Huber, also alleged that Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, conspired with law enforcement to cause harm to protestors. John Huber is seeking unspecified damages from city officials, officers and Rittenhouse.
U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday dismissed motions filed by Rittenhouse and the government defendants seeking to dismiss the civil rights lawsuit.
In allowing the case against Rittenhouse and the others to proceed, the judge said that Anthony Huber's death "could plausibly be regarded as having been proximately caused by the actions of the governmental defendants."
Rittenhouse attorney Shane Martin said in a phone interview that it's important to note the ruling doesn't address the merits of the case, it only allows it to proceed to the next phase.
"While we respect the judge's decision, we do not believe there is any evidence of a conspiracy and we are confident, just as a Kenosha jury found, Kyle's actions that evening were not wrongful and were undertaken in self defense," Martin said.
Attorneys and private investigators for John Huber spent over 100 hours trying to locate Rittenhouse, tracking down addresses in seven states before they found the home of his mother and sister in Florida. The lawsuit was served on Rittenhouse's sister, who said that he wasn't home. Adelman said that was sufficient to qualify as being served.
Rittenhouse had argued that the case against him should be dismissed because he wasn't properly served with the lawsuit. Adelman dismissed that, saying that Rittenhouse "is almost certainly evading service."
"Rittenhouse has been deliberately cagey about his whereabouts," Adelman wrote. "Although he denies living in Florida, he does not identify the place that he deems to be his residence."
Attorneys for the law enforcement and government officials being sued did not immediately return emailed messages seeking comment.
The ruling puts Anthony Huber's family "one step closer to justice for their son's needless death," said Anand Swaminathan, one of the attorneys for parents John Huber and Karen Bloom.
"The Kenosha officials that created a powder keg situation by their actions tried to claim that they cannot be held accountable for their unconstitutional conduct; that argument was soundly rejected today," Swaminathan said in a statement.
Rittenhouse was charged with homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangering for killing Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and wounding a third person with an AR-style semi-automatic rifle in the summer of 2020 during a tumultuous night of protests over the shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake, by a white Kenosha police officer.
Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges in November 2021 after testifying he acted in self-defense. Rittenhouse's actions became a flashpoint in the debate over guns, vigilantism and racial injustice in the U.S.
Rittenhouse went to Kenosha from his home in nearby Antioch, Illinois, after businesses were ransacked and burned in the nights that followed Blake's shooting. He joined other armed civilians on the streets, carrying a weapon authorities said was illegally purchased for him because he was underage.
Rittenhouse first killed Rosenbaum, 36, in the parking lot of an auto dealership and as Rittenhouse ran from the scene he stumbled and fell. Anthony Huber, 26, struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard and tried to disarm him. Rittenhouse fell to the ground and shot Anthony Huber to death and wounded demonstrator Gaige Grosskreutz, 27.
This case is one of several ongoing civil lawsuits filed in the wake of the shootings. Grosskreutz last year filed a similar lawsuit against Rittenhouse.
Rittenhouse has maintained a high public profile, particularly on social media, where he is an outspoken advocate for gun rights. He has nearly 1 million followers on Twitter and has spoken at conservative gatherings.
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lboogie1906 · 9 days
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Attorney King Virgil Cheek Jr. (May 26, 1937) is a lifelong educator, lawyer, and author.
He was born in Weldon, North Carolina to Lee Ella Williams Cheek and King V. Cheek Sr. The family moved to Greensboro, where he graduated from James B. Dudley High School.
He attended Bates College, majoring in economics, and received a BA. He went to the University of Chicago, receiving his MA and his JD from the University of Chicago Law School. He passed the Illinois State Bar and the North Carolina State Bar. He became active in the civil rights movement and participated in the March on Washington.
He served as professor, dean, and vice president before being appointed as president of Shaw at the age of thirty-two. He followed his older brother, James Edward Cheek, who had served as president of Shaw University. He became the eighth president of Morgan State University. He received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Delaware State College.
He married Annette Walker (1968) and the couple had four children. He is a member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity.
He became a professor of social sciences and dean of graduate studies at the New York Institute of Technology. He served as vice president and president of the Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, and he co-founded the Center for Leadership and Career Development in DC. He resumed his position as dean of graduate studies at the New York Institute of Technology. He was chancellor of the New York College of Health Professionals. He has written several articles, pamphlets, and books, including I See A New America: It Ain’t Like The One I Used To Know and The Quadrangle.
He served as the economic development consultant to the chief minister of Turks and Caicos Islands, director of the Senior Executive Development Program, Government of Bermuda, member of the board of directors of the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Baltimore Urban League, and member of the board of the North Carolina Association of Colleges and the Association of Eastern North Carolina Colleges. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #sigmaphiphi
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
Don't read if you haven't seen Mea Culpa yet.
Mea Culpa:
The questions I wondered watching this movie:
How did Mea get married to some man child? She seems too intelligent, strong and competent to be with this weak Mama's boy.
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Kal's a doctor. How? The boy is an idiot. No way is he an anesthesiologist.
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How is this white woman their mother? Kal and his wannabe Obama brother, Ray are Guyanese and Black so how is this white lady their mother? Where's their dad? Did she adopt them? What's the story?
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How did Mea believe her mother in-law from hell was sick? For example, She supposedly just had chemo is really weak but she has the energy to make a full course meal and doesn't feel nauseous at all. Plus she was constantly drinking wine. Alcohol interacts with medications and could make you sicker. How did Mea fall for this?
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The whole family is weird. Faking the mom's illness was a ploy to get sympathy votes...
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That is totally insane.
So Hydie was alive the whole time. Where the hell did they get the skull fragments from?
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They framed sexual chocolate, Zyair because he had sex with both wives. Because they couldn't satisfy their wives they wanted to put Zyair in jail. Really? And they were willing to kill Mea and Charlise to keep their secret.
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I like the movie sort of only because of the chemistry between (Mea) Kelly and (Zyair) Trevante. Kelly's character was strong and wouldn't give up fighting.
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Tyler Perry needs to give up some control and ego by hiring some female writers especially Black female writers because I'm tired of seeing weak Black women in his movies like Charlise. Also writers that will do research and fill up these plot holes.
Just saying.
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What I like about legal dramas are the court scenes. No dramatic court scenes in this one. Mea spends most of her time in Zyair's apartment. Why?
Mea asks her client if he wants to die by Lethal injection. The death penalty isn't legal in the state of Illinois. Being a defense attorney, Mea should know this. Tyler didn't do his research.
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Plus those Sagar brothers may look good but they're not great actors.
If you want to see the movie to watch Kelly and Trevante looking hot go ahead but if you want to see an intelligent legal drama...skip it or not.
It's up to you. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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mariacallous · 3 months
Forty-one state attorneys general penned a letter to Meta’s top attorney on Wednesday saying complaints are skyrocketing across the United States about Facebook and Instagram user accounts being stolen, and declaring “immediate action” necessary to mitigate the rolling threat.
The coalition of top law enforcement officials, spearheaded by New York attorney general Letitia James, says the “dramatic and persistent spike” in complaints concerning account takeovers amounts to a “substantial drain” on governmental resources, as many stolen accounts are also tied to financial crimes—some of which allegedly profits Meta directly.
“We have received a number of complaints of threat actors fraudulently charging thousands of dollars to stored credit cards,” says the letter addressed to Meta’s chief legal officer, Jennifer Newstead. “Furthermore, we have received reports of threat actors buying advertisements to run on Meta.”
“We refuse to operate as the customer service representatives of your company,” the officials add. “Proper investment in response and mitigation is mandatory.”
In addition to New York, the letter is signed by attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia.
“Scammers use every platform available to them and constantly adapt to evade enforcement. We invest heavily in our trained enforcement and review teams and have specialized detection tools to identify compromised accounts and other fraudulent activity,” Meta says in a statement provided by spokesperson Erin McPike. “We regularly share tips and tools people can use to protect themselves, provide a means to report potential violations, work with law enforcement and take legal action.”
Account takeovers can occur as a result of phishing as well as other more sophisticated and targeted techniques. Once an attacker gains access to an account, the owner can be easily locked out by changing passwords and contact information. Private messages and personal information are left up for grabs for a variety of nefarious purposes, from impersonation and fraud to pushing misinformation.
“It's basically a case of identity theft and Facebook is doing nothing about it,” said one user whose complaint was cited in the letter to Meta's Newstead.
The state officials said the accounts that were stolen to run ads on Facebook often run afoul of its rules while doing so, leading them to be permanently suspended, punishing the victims—often small business owners—twice over.
“Having your social media account taken over by a scammer can feel like having someone sneak into your home and change all of the locks,” New York's James said in a statement. “Social media is how millions of Americans connect with family, friends, and people throughout their communities and the world. To have Meta fail to properly protect users from scammers trying to hijack accounts and lock rightful owners out is unacceptable.”
Other complaints forwarded to Newstead show hacking victims expressing frustration over Meta’s lack of response. In many cases, users report no action being taken by the company. Some say the company encourages users to report such problems but never responds, leaving them unable to salvage their accounts or the businesses they built around them.
After being hacked and defrauded of $500, one user complained that their ability to communicate with their own customer base had been “completely disrupted,” and that Meta had never responded to the report they filed, though the user had followed the instructions the company provided them to obtain help.
“I can't get any help from Meta. There is no one to talk to and meanwhile all my personal pictures are being used. My contacts are receiving false information from the hacker,” one user wrote.
Wrote another: “This is my business account, which is important to me and my life. I have invested my life, time, money and soul in this account. All attempts to contact and get a response from the Meta company, including Instagram and Facebook, were crowned with complete failure, since the company categorically does not respond to letters.”
Figures provided by James’ office in New York show a tenfold increase in complaints between 2019 and 2023—from 73 complaints to more than 780 last year. In January alone, more than 128 complaints were received, James’ office says. Other states saw similar spikes in complaints during that period, according to the letter, with Pennsylvania recording a 270 percent increase, a 330 percent jump in North Carolina, and a 740 percent surge in Vermont.
The letter notes that, while the officials cannot be “certain of any connection,” the drastic increase in complaints occurred “around the same time” as layoffs at Meta affecting roughly 11,000 employees in November 2022, around 13 percent of its staff at the time.
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saulweissberg · 20 days
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i. biography. ii. statistics. iii. connections.
NAME / Saul Elisha Weissberg AGE / 52, born on November 23rd, 1971 GENDER & PRONOUNS / Cis man, he/him. ORIENTATION / Bisexual MARITAL STATUS / Single, divorced x3 HOMETOWN / Manhattan, New York City, New York RESIDENCE / Oak Gardens, Blue Harbor, Illinois as of 2021 OCCUPATION / Family Law Attorney specializing in divorce at the Weissberg Law Firm
trigger warnings — parental death, drugs mention.
Grew up in a very successful family with two parents and a twin brother. The lineage of the Weissbergs includes many doctors, lawyers, professors, and even a senator or two. That meant Saul had a lot to live up to, which he initially flouted until his father’s death in 1987. After the loss of his father, Saul started to take his future seriously and studied as hard as he could to be accepted into an ivy league school. (Honestly, his family members could’ve bought him into any of them, but he wanted to be accepted on his own merit.)
His hard work paid off and that ivy league school ended up being Columbia University. Out on his own in Manhattan, Saul developed a work hard, play hard philosophy. It was early ‘90s New York City and the c*caine was a-plenty, so you can imagine just how hard Saul played. The only problem was that his brother wasn’t with him, but they needed some independence from each other (and Levi probably didn’t want to witness his twin brother be a ho anyway).
Though he didn’t grow up in a conservative hellhole, at least not as much as compared to other cities in the early nineties, Manhattan was the first time Saul was allowed to experiment not only with drugs and alcohol, but with women and men. All bets were off for Saul, but he still somehow managed to graduate from Columbia with honors and a promising future.
From Columbia University to Columbia Law School: Saul wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and be an attorney just like dad. Family Law particularly interested him due to the amount of money divorce lawyers could earn, and well, he likes to know the tea™ so it seemed a perfect fit. He graduated with a juris doctor, a new wife, and an infant son.
Saul was a natural born shark at his job and a burgeoning workaholic, which led to the failure of his first marriage. Katie took their son, Micah, and moved to the suburbs to raise him in a more stable environment. Saul became a weekends and holidays dad, too busy with work to devote Micah with the attention he needed. As much as Saul loved his son, it was for the best. He learned that he wasn’t suited to be a family man, so when he met his second wife, he stressed he didn’t want to have any more children… unfortunately, all she wanted was a baby, so his second marriage ended in flames just the same.
All of his hard work paid off. He made partner at thirty-two, had more money than he could dream of, a son that idolized him (though Saul didn’t deserve it), and could count himself among the many successful Weissberg men before him. He still believed in the work hard, play hard philosophy, but as he grew older, the nightclubs and dive bars turned into charity galas and country clubs. The people of New York thought of him as sophisticated and Saul earned the reputation of a cutthroat divorce attorney that represented Real Housewives and rich ex-wives.
He loved his life in Manhattan. He loved his job, he loved his rent-controlled penthouse apartment, he certainly loved the money, and even loved the dirty streets of New York. There was no one in the world that was going to convince him to leave. Until, of course, ex-wife the third. They had been married for a few years, (somewhat) happily, but her older sister had moved back to their hometown of Blue Harbor, Illinois. After that, his wife would not stop begging Saul to move out west.
Though he was happy with his life in Manhattan, there were things he wanted to change; he had mentioned the idea of starting his own firm a few times, and it might be nice to live in an actual house where his son might bring grandchildren one day. (Really, he had been living in apartments since George H.W. Bush had been in office!) All facts that his wife exploited in her begging, naturally. Plus, it would make her happy. Happy wife, happy life—despite the thirty long career with evidence to the contrary. 
Eventually, he relented, and the couple came to Blue Harbor in January 2021. Unfortunately, their marriage barely survived the move, and didn’t survive him opening his own firm. His work was supposed to be lessened by moving out to Blue Harbor, expecting a lighter workload with a smaller city, but starting his firm made him busier than ever. His wife was happy to be home, but unhappy with her avoidant husband and with her sister constantly in her ear, telling her to leave him. They divorced in late 2022, more acrimoniously than his second wife, but less than his first.
Saul considered going back to Manhattan now that his marriage had ended, constantly complaining about the mountain air and lack of culture and friendly people, but ultimately decided to stay. Having just started his firm, it was successful but still needed room to grow, and he just bought a house in Summit Lake with the intention to retire in ten years. There was really no other choice, he had to stay in Illinois.
So, that’s what Saul has been doing for the past three years—growing his business from out under the shadow of Heller & Co, trying to avoid his ex-wife around town, and causing as much chaos as he possibly can to entertain himself.
Let’s get this straight upfront: Saul is a messy, messy bitch. He enjoys nothing more than gossiping with the old ladies in town and having his nose in everyone’s business. If you have something going on in your life, he wants to know about it AND give his opinion!!
He is as greedy as he is messy, too. He loves nothing more than making money, having the judge rule in his client’s favor, and wearing designer suits. Unfortunately, his firm is still young, and with (stinky 😝) Heller & Co in town long before Saul moved to town, he’s got a long way to go before his firm is truly successful.
He’s got a natural charm to him that some people percieve as smarmy, others find it attractive. He’s good for a good time, even in his fifties, and while he can be irritating at times, he can also be really funny so no one has murdered him for being annoying yet.
Despite the three failed marriages, he’s a good person to have in your corner as a client or as a friend—he’s a lawyer, there’s nothing he loves more than to win, and if he needs to, he’ll give a verbal lashing like you wouldn’t believe. To put it plainly, he’s a better friend than a husband.
Somehow, he keeps convincing people to marry him. When he wants to be, he can loving and seductive, but he’s emotionally distant and unserious by default. His three decade long career should stop him from ever wanting to get married, but he did genuinely love all three wives at some point in his life. (He was also only ever married to women because it wasn’t legal to marry any of his boyfriends at the time, so maybe he’ll trade in wife #4 for husband #1?) He views himself as a hopeful—but realistic—romantic.
specific connections,
HIS EX-WIFE / Thalia Clark-Weissberg, or maybe back to Clark now, is the most recent ex-wife of Saul. Their marriage ended mostly ambicably, but there’s still some open wounds between the two.
HIS SON / Micah Weissberg (name can be changed) is the only known child of Saul. Their relationship is fraught because Saul and Katie divorced when Micah was very young and she moved Micah out to the suburbs to be raised away from the chaos of the city. Saul wasn’t a very present father, but Micah followed the family tradition to be a lawyer, and Saul has been trying to reconnect since he turned the big 5-0.
general connections,
CLIENTS / Saul is a highly successful divorce lawyer, so if your muse or someone in their life has filed for divorce in the past three years, it’s likely he’s their lawyer. While he specializes in divorce, he practices all areas of family law, so custody disputes, adoption or foster care proceedings, etc. are under his purview! If your muse needed a lawyer and didn’t go to Heller & Co down the street, then it was probably Saul that took on their case!
BEST FRIEND (0/1) / Saul has many friends, but this specific person is his best friend (in Blue Harbor, at least). The person he’d call the moment something interesting happened to gossip about it, the one person he shows some vulnerability to, the one person he divulges all his feelings to, and vice versa!
FRIENDS / Saul is an acquired taste, but he’s a fun guy to have around. If you want to gossip over brunch, dance all night, or have a cry-sesh over wine, he’s your man.
ENEMIES / On the flip side of that, he can also be a petty enemy. Maybe your muse got a divorce and Saul was representing their spouse, maybe he made a bitchy comment at the wrong moment, maybe your muse doesn’t like his flashy ways, or they just don’t like the cut of his jib. The possibilities are endless.
ROMANTIC INTERESTS (35+) / There’s a reason he was able to get three different women to marry him across multiple decades, alright? It’ll probably be a casual fling, but knowing his track record, it could lead somewhere serious.
SEXUAL PARTNERS (35+) / Casual hookups, friends-with-benefits, a situationship, whatever you think your character would be interested in with him.
GO-TO DATE (0/1) / Since he’s trying not to get wrapped up in another serious relationship, he needs a platonic friend to take as a date to town events and fancy dinners!
MENTEE or INTERN / Is your muse thinking about joining the legal profession? Do they want someone to mentor them? Do they enjoy grabbing coffees and gossiping? Saul’s hiring!
CHILD FIGURES (1/2) / Saul has a very distant relationship with his son that still lives in New York, but he does have fatherly tendencies within. Since there’s a lot of young characters (meaning anyone under the age of 34 basically since they’re babies in Saul’s opinion lol) in the rpg and I believe Saul is the oldest in the rpg currently, these muses would view Saul as a surrogate father in some fashion. He would view them as a lowkey do-over of the relationship he missed out on with his actual son, so they’d come to him whenever they need advice or borrow some money, etc. I can’t say he’ll be a good influence, but he’ll be an influence nonetheless. Note: these relationships will absolutely 100% be kept completely platonic. @ruairimacarthy
NEIGHBORS / Anyone that lives in Oak Gardens, I’d specifically love to set who lives to the left or right of his property! Any sort of dynamic goes, though I’d imagine he’s not a bad neighbor because he’s rarely home lol. I’d also love for someone to come feed his cats during the day when he’s too busy at work!
and anything else we can think of!! just dm me or ask for my discord!!
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
The Blorbo and WIP fae have visited me *cries in author* and I have a few new ones. I'll also let you know what is due to post when below.
Main WIP...30ish subwips. The Four Horsemen rule Hell and it's chaos. They have war on multiple fronts, are about to get wrapped up in inter-realm diplomacy, and not all of it is started yet. - NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW
Also main blog where I get a lot of asks and occasionally reblog on accident.
@bendingthelaws - An intern for the Illinois State's Attorney for Cook County has been kidnapped and is being returned to him in small pieces. His brother is the attorney on file for the chief suspect. Soon they may be on the same side and need to bend a few laws till they almost break. - NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW
@bombsbodyguardsbroken - Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones meets The Librarians with some Voodoo and a side of paranormal. - currently neck deep in reworking.
Back to the 20's - Anna from The Imperium Chronicles visits Rose Solomons (OC of @raincoffeeandfandoms) taking Jasper along with her. What mischief will they get up to? NEW CHAPTER SAT
@magical-mistakes-vm - Mahala Codona returns to her ancestral home after the death of her mother. A series of bad choices crosses her path with that of Master Warlock Vollrath Nachtnebel. A normally closed off male, this interaction begins a new path for him. But mistakes of the past and present will put them both in dangers from hunters, other Covens, and maybe one within Vollrath’s own. Not to mention training a new witch can have some pretty explosive consequences. NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW OR SAT
@devil-in-the-details-ay - What happens when Lucifer assigns his only, and very headstrong, daughter to be the Lord of Death's new personal intern? Chaos. (Not tied to Imperium) NEW CHAPTER POSTED TODAY
@the-andromeda-effect - Caliban Andros was sent to kidnap Riona Kalavati from her kidnappers and assassinate her in a way that still made the look to blame. Her husband, Mircea only made one mistake, he lied to Caliban, and that is something you just don't do. Now Caliban has Riona AND Mircea's money, but which one of them is going to die has changed, as have a few other things. NEW CHAPTER SAT OR SUN - only blog setup
@princess-of-thieves-id - On the eve of her supposed wedding to Prince Diyan Noar of Coaltmor, Princess Inara Renisa of Tribaldi slips the guard of her room, makes it to the closest ship and boards the first vessel preparing to leave port she can. She does not realize she has been tailed by Arik Codras who was sent by the Prince's family to ensure she showed up. He too ends up on the ship. It is not till underway that they discover they have stowed away with pirates. The Captain may not be quite who he seems though and that could add a whole other layer to the issue when discovered. NEW CHAPTER SUN OR MON - only blog has been created
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Former Chicago Alderman Ed Burke was found guilty of all counts except for one in his federal corruption case Thursday.
The former Chicago alderman faced 14 counts, including racketeering, bribery and attempted extortion.
The case against the once-most powerful member of the Chicago City Council centered around him using his public position for private gain.
"Burke has his hand out for money. He tied the giving of official action by him to the giving of money in 3 different corrupt episodes," said US Attorney Morris Pasqual.
Burke and Peter Andrews were in the packed courtroom Thursday. Andrews was hospitalized for an unknown illness Tuesday. Andrews is co-defendant and a former 14th Ward aide for Burke.
Andrews was found not guilty of all his charges.
Charles Cui was present virtually because he is "ill." Cui was found guilty of all counts.
Burke's wife, Anne, and their two daughters and other family members were also present.
As the verdict was read, Burke had his chin on his folded hands, his gold watch glinting in the courtroom lighting. He was staring toward the front of the courtroom. His family had their heads hung behind him.
Burke nodded slowly as the jury was polled, with a deep frown on his face.
Burke's wife stepped forward and put her arm on her husband's back. They leaned together, and he kissed her on the cheek.
Burke appeared to be deep in thought, stunned by the verdict. He left court in a crush of reporters and arrived back at his Southwest Side home shortly after 4 p.m. Burke will next be due in court for post-trial hearings in February and March. His sentencing is set for June 19. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years.
Burke attempted to extort money from the Field Museum for the benefit of a close family friend. In another scheme, Burke attempted to extort the owners of a Burger King in his 14th Ward to steer tax appeal business to his private law firm.
But the heart of the government's case centered around the Old Post Office. He was found guilty of using his public position to shake down the Old Post developers to use his law firm. Former alderman-turned-government mole Danny Solis secretly recorded Burke several times discussing the scheme.
The jury, made up of nine women and three men, deliberated for 23 hours before reaching a verdict.
Legal experts have said the case was a complicated one to figure out because there were three defendants and a mountain of evidence. In addition, Burke faced racketeering charges, which former Assistant U.S. Attorney Nancy DePodesta said could be the most challenging for jurors.
When Burke obtained his law degree from DePaul University in 1968, federal racketeering laws hadn't even been put in place. Thursday afternoon the laws intended to take down Chicago Outfit bosses and America's top hoodlums have toppled a man long thought to be untouchable.
As Burke ran the finance committee like a king, dozens of his city council colleagues were arrested, prosecuted and jailed for corruption. Burke went unscathed until November 2018, when the FBI raided his office.
It then became clear that federal agents had much more on Burke than previously thought.
The jury was given over 350 pages of jury instructions on Monday, along with evidence that included close to 40 witnesses and over 100 recordings.
Hundreds of the videos were covertly recorded by Solis, but his primary target was longtime Illinois speaker of the house and Democratic powermaster Michael Madigan.
Madigan is scheduled for trial in Chicago in April. With Burke's fall, Madigan knows a jury fully believed Solis and trusted what they heard on his tapes.
In all, there were 19 different counts that applied to Burke, Andrews and co-defendant Cui.
Cui's sentencing date is June 17. Andrews has been dismissed.
In a statement, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said, "Elected officials are responsible for serving with honesty and integrity, with a moral responsibility to their constituents to uphold and abide by the law. In the case that they fail to do so, it is imperative that they are held accountable. That is what the jury decided today."
Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot released a statement, saying:
"With this jury's verdict, Ed Burke should rightfully be remembered as a man who elevated personal ambition and greed over doing the people's work. "Along the way, Burke has had many, many enablers: the pernicious practice of aldermanic prerogative which, despite efforts to eliminate it, persists to this day, especially in zoning and development decisions. The other elected officials who, over the years, looked the other way as Burke systematically monetized the Finance Committee for his own personal benefit. And the party who gave Burke control over judicial nominations, so that decades of jurists became beholden to him. "But like many before who feasted on their gluttonous power, Burke was felled because this total lack of accountability made him foolishly think he was invincible. So he grossly overplayed his hand. He dug his own grave and jumped in. "Only time will tell if the lessons of Ed Burke's ascent and spectacular fall will lead to desperately needed reforms begun, but not nearly finished, around transparency and accountability. But meanwhile, with this verdict, rendered by a jury of his peers, the tyranny of Ed Burke is over. I like to think somewhere, Harold is smiling."
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stange-lawfirm · 1 year
Know More About Stange Law Firm
Stange Law Firm: Worry Less & Enjoy Life More When Facing Divorce & Family Law Matters
Multi-State Divorce Attorneys and Family Lawyers in St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Lincoln and Beyond
When facing a divorce or family law matter, it can feel like your whole life is hanging in the balance. Our firm was founded in 2007 with one purpose: to provide men and women with the responsive, diligent and communicative representation they deserve when facing these matters.
Our adherence to this founding principle at Stange Law Firm has allowed us to grow exponentially. We began our firm as a St. Louis, Missouri divorce and family law firm with a single office in Clayton. Our divorce and family lawyers now serve clients throughout the Midwest in places in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma such as St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Lincoln and beyond.
At Stange Law Firm, PC, we are committed to helping our clients understand all aspects of family law. By providing numerous articles on our website, we equip our clients with the knowledge they need to make prudent, informed decisions.  You can also view our archive for previous articles not listed below.
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96thdayofrage · 2 years
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This spring, in the investigation “The Price Kids Pay,” ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune exposed the widespread practice of school officials and local police working together to ticket Illinois students for misbehavior at school, resulting in fines that can cost hundreds of dollars. Reporters documented about 12,000 tickets issued for possession of vaping devices and cannabis, disorderly conduct, truancy and other violations from August 2018 through June 2021.
Ticketing students for their behavior in school skirts a state law that bans schools from disciplining students with monetary fines. Immediately after the report was published, state officials including Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the state schools superintendent said they intended to put a stop to the practice.
The superintendent, Carmen Ayala, chided schools for outsourcing discipline to police and urged them to stop. The Illinois attorney general’s office, concerned that school ticketing was violating the civil rights of students of color, launched an investigation into a large suburban high school district and said it might investigate others.
But none of the state officials addressed how to deal with pending cases of students who, like Amara, had already been ticketed.
“The governor says he wants this to stop, he wants this to end,” said Amara’s mother, Marla Baker. “We are in the middle of it.”
Amara’s family, like so many others, was thrown into a system that uses a lower standard of proof than a criminal court. People ticketed for ordinance violations can be held responsible if the allegation is deemed more likely to be true than not, and the ticket itself is considered evidence. At every turn, the system and the officials in it encourage families to admit liability and pay a fine. And most do.
During a year of reporting on student ticketing that included attending more than 50 days of hearings, Tribune and ProPublica reporters met dozens of students and parents who paid fines even though they believed police didn’t need to be involved in the first place. Some were initially inclined to fight the citations but eventually gave up, worn down by the process.
Amara’s case demonstrates the extraordinary effort it can take to argue against a ticket in a system built for assembly-line justice. Hers is the first case the Tribune and ProPublica have encountered that could go before a jury; Naperville officials said the city hasn’t had a jury trial for an ordinance violation in at least a decade.
The ticket is a civil matter, so there’s no threat of jail time. But Amara said she is committed to clearing her name.
To Amara and her mother, the ticket — and the city’s commitment to prosecuting it — is another example of people in power discriminating against Black children. Only about 120 of the roughly 2,700 students at Naperville North are Black, and Baker has spoken out in the past about what she sees as racism and bias in the city’s schools.
A Naperville city spokesperson, responding on behalf of the city and its police department, said “the City categorically denies that race in any way played a factor in this case.”
Spokesperson Linda LaCloche declined to answer specific questions about the police investigation because Amara’s case is pending. The spokesperson attributed the case’s slow progress to court closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Amara’s change in attorneys and court scheduling issues, among other reasons.
The officer who wrote the ticket, Juan Leon, declined to discuss the case but said it was “unbelievable” that it was still pending. He blamed Baker for dragging it out.
A Naperville Community Unit School District 203 spokesperson distanced the district from the case, saying: “Naperville 203 does not ticket students.” Spokesperson Alex Mayster said school officials rely on school resource officers, who work for the city’s police department, when a disciplinary matter may involve a law being broken. State schools chief Ayala has said schools that take this approach are “abdicating their responsibility.”
A Naperville city spokesperson, responding on behalf of the city and its police department, said “the City categorically denies that race in any way played a factor in this case.”
Spokesperson Linda LaCloche declined to answer specific questions about the police investigation because Amara’s case is pending. The spokesperson attributed the case’s slow progress to court closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Amara’s change in attorneys and court scheduling issues, among other reasons.
The officer who wrote the ticket, Juan Leon, declined to discuss the case but said it was “unbelievable” that it was still pending. He blamed Baker for dragging it out.
A Naperville Community Unit School District 203 spokesperson distanced the district from the case, saying: “Naperville 203 does not ticket students.” Spokesperson Alex Mayster said school officials rely on school resource officers, who work for the city’s police department, when a disciplinary matter may involve a law being broken. State schools chief Ayala has said schools that take this approach are “abdicating their responsibility.”
Amara’s family so far has paid at least $2,000 in lawyer fees to fight the case, Baker said. She and Amara stopped working with their most recent attorney in part because of the cost of going to trial and his recommendation that they accept a plea deal.
If there’s a trial, Amara may have to defend herself. Still, she said, she is not going to quit and allow the ticket to blemish her hard-earned school record. She made the honor roll at Naperville North, participated in school activities including cheerleading and the step team, served as an aide in the classroom and for the school deans and, in 2020, graduated from high school ahead of schedule. She said she has interned at the Brookfield Zoo and hopes to become a veterinarian.
“They are taking away all of my accomplishments that I have worked hard for and substituting it with an accident that happened,” she said. “To define me as a person — that is not who I am.”
The AirPods investigation began in November 2019, when a school dean told the school police officer he had received a voicemail from a father who said his daughter’s AirPods had been stolen. Two of the school’s deans then began gathering information, according to the Naperville police report that summarizes how the school and police handled the incident.
Amara became part of the investigation, the report states, when the girl whose AirPods had gone missing reported something she had been told by a friend. During class, the friend saw Amara’s name pop up on her own laptop connected to AirPods that she thought belonged to the girl, the report says. The friend informed the girl, who then went to the school administration.
That same day, Dean Jim Konrad went to Amara’s classroom to speak with her. According to the police report, Amara told the dean she had purchased AirPods months earlier and handed Konrad the ones in her possession. They turned out to match the serial number provided by the other student.
“Amara stated that she did not know how this happened, and told him she thought they were hers,” the police report stated, recounting the conversation between the dean and Amara, then a 17-year-old junior.
The report said nothing more about Amara’s explanation for having the other girl’s AirPods.
“They never talked to me, never asked me what happened,” Amara said in an interview with ProPublica and the Tribune. But what she’d tell them is simple, she said: “I would tell them I found them in the exact location where I thought I misplaced them.”
Baker said she showed a receipt to school administrators and later to police to prove that Amara owned a set of AirPods and to show that Amara had reason to believe the ones she picked up were hers. Amara said using the other girl’s AirPods was seamless and there was no indication they belonged to someone else.
The police report makes no mention of the receipt.
After speaking with Amara, the dean went back to the police officer. The two of them agreed to call Amara’s mother, but before that happened, a fire alarm went off at the school. Amara, meanwhile, called Baker on her own. According to the police report, Baker came to the school and “started to yell” that school officials had “interrogated” Amara. She then left with Amara.
The school resource officer then called the father of the girl whose AirPods were missing. He told the officer he was glad his daughter had her AirPods back but he wanted Amara charged with theft, according to the police report. The officer said he explained “the different possible consequences toward Amara.”
School officials didn’t discipline Amara, she and her mother said, but the police continued to pursue the matter. Two weeks later Baker met with the school resource officer and a sergeant at the police station. Baker brought the former police chief of Aurora, who is retired but acts as a liaison between police and Black community members in the Chicago area. Amara was not present.
At that meeting, the Naperville school resource officer explained that he was issuing Amara a city ordinance citation for theft. According to the police report and the former police chief, Baker insisted “there was no theft” and would not accept the ticket. The officer wrote “Refused” on the signature line for the defendant when Baker declined to sign the citation.
“Something just wasn’t right,” said William Powell, the former Aurora police chief, who now works with the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. “When her daughter was accused of taking these AirPods, they wanted to jump on her daughter right away and press charges.”
Powell said he was troubled that the police wouldn’t explain why they believed it was theft and not a mix-up. He said he thought the police were dismissive and acted like the ticket was not a big deal.
“They said, ‘She’s not being charged, she’s being ticketed,’” he said. “It doesn’t make any difference — she’s still in the system. I felt that it might not have been investigated thoroughly.”
When racist incidents in Naperville schools caught the nation’s attention a few years ago — one student was accused of posting an online ad with a photo of a Black student that said “slave for sale” — Baker spoke out.
At a community meeting and to reporters, she described how her son had been bullied in middle school, with classmates using slurs and sending him photos of a noose and of the Ku Klux Klan.
When Amara was ticketed for theft soon after that community forum, Amara and her mother felt like it was another injustice.
“We moved to Naperville for a better education, not to be marginalized where (if) she has a situation, she is sent all the way to court,” said Baker, who moved in 2016 with her family from Carbondale in southern Illinois.
A Naperville Community Unit School District 203 spokesperson said the district has worked to address concerns raised in 2019 about systemic racial inequities, including by adopting an equity resolution that commits to ending racial injustice, offering districtwide implicit bias training and examining hiring and requirement practices.
For “The Price Kids Pay,” the Tribune and ProPublica were able to identify racial disparities in school-based ticketing in some districts. But that type of analysis wasn’t possible for Naperville because ticket records obtained from the city’s police department didn’t indicate the race of the young people cited.
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The mood at the Sankofa Cultural Arts and Business Center on Chicago’s west side was celebratory on June 25, 2019, as hundreds gathered to watch Illinois make history.
With the stroke of a pen, Gov. J.B. Pritzker made it legal for adults in Illinois to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana without fear of arrest. When sales began in 2020, legalization was expected to be a financial boon for the state, but the promise went deeper for some supporters.
“Today, we're hitting the reset button on the war on drugs,” the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, said to applause. “Today, we begin the process of undoing the harm of the war on drugs.”
People who had been arrested for, but not charged with, low-level cannabis offenses would have those records erased automatically. Pritzker pardoned thousands more who were convicted of possession of less than 30 grams. Anyone who had been prosecuted for possession of up to 500 grams – a little more than a pound – would be able to petition the court to have those records expunged.
“Today we're giving hundreds of thousands of people the chance at a better life, jobs, housing and real opportunity,” Pritzker said.
Around a third of Americans have some kind of criminal record by the time they are 25, said Daniel Kuehnert, a staff attorney in the western office of Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, a nonprofit serving a swath of Illinois from the Metro East to the Quad Cities. While it may just be an arrest record, “those records are consulted by basically all sorts of entities for important life decisions,” he said.
“And particularly with employment, we see employers who have better jobs doing the heavier criminal background checks,” said Megan Kinney, the managing attorney at Land of Lincoln Legal Aid’s central office, which serves clients in six counties in southwest Illinois. “So it really is not only a barrier to employment, but it's a barrier to good, well-paying, stable jobs with benefits.”
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid was one of 18 nonprofits that joined a coalition called New Leaf Illinois. The state funded the initiative, which provided free legal representation to people who wanted cannabis convictions off their record.
Christopher Bradford was among thousands helped by New Leaf. He was in his mid-20s when he was convicted of felony possession in 2003, giving him a criminal record that potential employers would not overlook.
“And I just felt like, that wasn’t right,” he said in a video posted to New Leaf’s website. “I felt like I was being singled out from others because I had a felony conviction.”
New Leaf helped Bradford clear his record, which allowed him to get a job as a kitchen manager at a restaurant in Springfield, Illinois.
“I’m working, I’m providing for my family, so you know, I’m happy,” he said.
The law wasn’t perfect.
The word “automatic” was a misnomer, said Kinney. An individual with a criminal record for marijuana had to take an active role in the court system to make that record go away, and every single court in the state is its own entity.
"You have to file a petition in every single county in which there was a charge and arrest or conviction,” Kinney said. “There's not just some magic button that someone can press and all these records just go poof, and they go away.”
The law also failed to address local restrictions on marijuana, said Kuehnert. While some counties were willing to expunge those ordinance violations, “we’ve been encountering some counties where the Judge is like, ‘Oh, hey, wait a minute, this law doesn't say anything about ordinance violations.’”
Despite those complications, Kuehnert said, Illinois generally gets high marks nationwide for how its law is structured.
“It’s been pretty good at helping people get their records cleared, helping folks move forward in their lives and helping heal some of the damage to both individuals and our communities from the war on drugs,” he said.
When advocates for recreational marijuana in Missouri drafted their ballot measure, they made sure to include expungement provisions as well.
All nonviolent marijuana offenses, except for operating under the influence or sales to a minor, were to be automatically removed by the court, said John Payne, the campaign manager for Legal Missouri 2022.
While there was no formal organization like New Leaf Illinois in Missouri’s initiative, the campaign coordinated with groups like the ACLU and Empower Missouri, Payne said.
“A government program is never 100% accurate the first time,” he said. “We've talked to attorneys from some of these organizations and other attorneys who are just not necessarily affiliated with them but who have said, we'd be happy to help assist.”
Misdemeanors were supposed to be expunged by June 8, while the deadline to remove felony records is Dec. 6. But experts told KCUR those dates did not take into account how time-consuming and complicated it can be to expunge even a misdemeanor case. And while the courts asked for additional money from the state, lawmakers have not provided the assistance.
“I do know that they're making a hell of an effort because I know that the clerk's offices have hired extra people to come in and help,” Stephen Sokoloff, senior counsel for the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, told KCUR. “In some places, I think retirees have been asked to come back and help.”
The law does not outline a penalty for missing the expungement deadlines.
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Il Instagram Privacy Lawsuits Facial Recognition
Moreover, three states and the District of Columbia also sued Google in their respective jurisdictions in January 2022 for the company’s location tracking practices. The circumstances are presently pending, and Google’s motions to dismiss in two cases had been denied. As far as settlements, Google additionally separately paid $85 million in October 2022 to settle a privacy lawsuit introduced by the State of Arizona. You could have the potential of getting money or advantages that will come from a trial or a settlement. There are roughly 1.four million Illinois residents eligible to file a declare, according to SEOHost.net, an SEO hosting provider. Google Photos' Face Grouping device lets customers organize photographs of the same particular person by way of facial recognition algorithms. Plaintiffs within the Google lawsuit are expected to qualify for up to $400. – A class action lawsuit has been filed against an Illinois nursing residence supplier. The lawsuit alleged that Facebook’s preliminary model of the its Tag Suggestions software, which scans a user’s face in pictures and offers suggestions about who that individual might be, stored biometric data without person consent, violating the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. A ultimate approval listening to within the case is scheduled for Wednesday earlier than Cook County Circuit Judge Anna M. Loftus, who granted preliminary approval of the settlement agreement this spring. If the settlement is accredited, claimants could obtain their cash inside 90 days of the approval, though any appeals would slow the process down. airbnb lawsuits We are devoted to attaining justice for our purchasers through class action, business-to-business, public client, whistleblower, and personal injury litigation. With the denial of certiori, the Family Defense Center plans to make legislative efforts to curtail some of the abuses challenged in the lawsuit a precedence for its work within the next few years. Major law companies are aiding the FDC in developing a legislative coverage agenda, and ISBA support for FDC’s proposals is likely to be requested within the near future. The courtroom of appeals assumed dad and mom would reject safety plans if they thought the State had no case against them. The trial courtroom found, nevertheless, that DCFS doesn't tell mother and father either why it has concluded a security plan is important, nor what proof it has gathered against them. Moreover, DCFS does not require that any evidence be secured before it tells parents they must have a safety plan or face their children’s elimination to foster care. In this case, having the assist of a staff of attorneys who're familiar with the process, filings, and administration of a class action may be of nice profit to you as an individual. Preliminary approval has been granted for a $3.5 million settlement of a category action lawsuit accusing Ceridian of violating Illinois’ biometric data privacy law with its time and attendance tracking merchandise, the Cook County Record reports. Today, 9 staff in Illinois authorities filed a federal class action lawsuit against AFSCME, demanding the union return money taken from their paychecks for union “agency” or “fair share” charges before the Court’s June 2018 ruling in Janus v. AFSCME. Businesses faced with a category action suit can no longer ignore consumer's fraud claims. Our lawyers have won substantial victories for our purchasers in school action cases in the court docket room and on the settlement desk. In this information, you'll learn to file a category action lawsuit. If you imagine you've grounds to file a class action lawsuit, retain a mass tort attorney that will assist you navigate the claims course of and defend your rights. You are signing up to take part in what’s recognized in the authorized world as “mass arbitration.” Mass arbitration occurs when lots of or hundreds of shoppers deliver individual arbitration claims against the identical company, on the identical time and over the same concern. In some cases, the corporate might choose to agree to a quick settlement somewhat than arbitrate the big number of claims and pay the pricey upfront charges that come together with doing so. However, regardless of how such business practices are viewed on an ethical stage, the shortage of complete data protection laws at the united states federal degree implies that businesses will proceed to steal the personal information of American citizens with out punishment. The suit was filed on behalf of three individuals and three companies. The plaintiffs have been ComEd customers since no much less than 2011, the yr federal prosecutors say the bribery scheme started. The suit comes less than two weeks after ComEd admitted to the scheme involving jobs, contracts and payments to government leaders in Springfield. If you choose out, then you'll not receive any benefit from the lawsuit, even whether it is resolved in favor of the plaintiff. When making this determination, you want to search the advice of an experienced class action lawyer who can clarify your legal choices. Depending on the state of affairs, you may be actively involved in a class action lawsuit. This is more than likely when you are one of many first folks to find the injury or hunt down authorized illustration. You could even be the class representative who recordsdata a category action on behalf of all of those that have been injured in your state or the us Mayer Brown is certainly one of the largest international law firms each by number of lawyers and revenue. Because of the presence of threats within the safety plan course of, the trial court concluded that security plans are not voluntary, and therefore they represent a “deprivation” of family liberty pursuits. Payments might be made only after the courtroom grants last approval of the settlement at a listening to scheduled for May 18. If the court docket approves the deal, payments can be made electronically via PayPal, Venmo or prepaid Mastercards. TikTok’s father or mother company, ByteDance, agreed in February to pay $92 million as part of a class-action payout to settle allegations that it harvested personal data from customers with out their consent.
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90363462 · 2 years
Attorneys for George Floyd's daughter send Kanye West a cease-and-desist letter over remarks about his death
Attorneys for George Floyd's daughter and her mother have sent rapper Kanye West a cease-and-desist letter, demanding that he refrain from commenting publicly about Floyd's death as he did recently.
Over the weekend, the hip-hop podcast "Drink Champs" released an interview with the rapper and fashion designer, who now goes by Ye, in which he questioned the cause of Floyd's death, suggesting it was due to fentanyl use and not by Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who knelt on Floyd's neck for 9½ minutes and was convicted of murder. Chauvin also pleaded guilty to a federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights.
Chauvin's knee "wasn't even on his neck like that," Ye said. The interview is no longer available on the "Drink Champs" YouTube page, and one of the hosts of the podcast, rapper N.O.R.E., apologized Monday to the Floyd family amid backlash.
The letter — dated Tuesday and sent on behalf of Floyd's daughter, Gianna, and her mother, Roxie Washington, by the Witherspoon Law Group, which has offices in Florida, Illinois, Missouri and Texas — said Washington and Gianna "are very distressed and hurt by the allegations" Ye made. It is addressed to Ye and an attorney who told NBC News he is not representing Ye in this matter.
"Mr. Floyd's cause of death is well-settled through evidence presented in courts of law during the criminal and civil trials that were the result of his untimely and horrific death," the letter said. "Nevertheless, you have maliciously made statements that are inaccurate and unfounded, causing damage to Mr. Floyd's estate and his family."
The letter demands that Ye, his attorneys, employees, agents, partners, associates and representatives "refrain from publishing or causing to be published any other audio, video, statement, post, etc. regarding" Floyd, his estate, his family and the circumstances surrounding his death, including, but not limited to, his manner of death. It also demands that Ye "immediately cease and desist, and remove the 'Drink Champs' interview and all similar statements" regarding Floyd from every social media site, platform or medium.
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Representatives for Ye did not immediately return requests for comment.
The letter threatens legal action if the demands are not met.
Ye has said his claims were supported by a documentary titled "The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM" by conservative commentator Candace Owens. Ye and Owens drew criticism this month after they wore "White Lives Matter" T-shirts to his collection at Paris Fashion Week. The Anti-Defamation League has called the phrase, which originated in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, hate speech. Ye, who once suggested slavery was a choice, was blocked from posting on Twitter and Instagram about a week ago over antisemitic posts that the social networks said violated their policies.
Prominent civil rights lawyer Lee Merritt previously told NBC News that he had been contacted Sunday by Floyd's brother, Philonise, about whether legal action can be taken to prevent Ye from repeating debunked claims about Floyd's death. Merritt said he is also looking into whether Owens can be sued on similar grounds.
The medical examiner who ruled Floyd's death a homicide testified during Chauvin's state trial that while Floyd's heart disease and use of fentanyl contributed to his death, police officers' restraint of his body and compression of his neck were the primary causes.
Chauvin and three other officers, who were also charged in state and federal court, encountered Floyd on May 25, 2020, outside a convenience store where he was alleged to have used a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes. Video of Floyd's death recorded by bystanders spurred global protests against racism and police brutality.
Chauvin was sentenced in June 2021 to 22 ½ years in prison after he was convicted of second- and third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. He was sentenced in July 2022 to just more than 20 years for violating Floyd's civil rights. His federal and state sentences are to be served concurrently.
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lboogie1906 · 6 days
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Michole Briana White (born May 29, 1969) is an actress.
She was born in Maywood, Illinois. She is known for her role as attorney Fatima Kelly in 100 Centre Street. She has guest starred in several notable television series namely L.A. Law, The Wonder Years, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Matters, Blossom, Martin, Living Single, Ellen, Chicago Hope, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and other series. She had a regular role in Muscle.
She has co-starred in the films Encino Man, Courage Under Fire, Volcano, 25th Hour, She Hate Me, and Faster.
She co-starred in the traveling stage production Stick Fly. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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lawyersdatascraping · 15 days
Wyoming Attorney Mailing List
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A 29-year-old convicted child sex offender in Illinois has been arrested for allegedly killing a 15-year-old high school freshman girl he was “dating,” and whose body he then tossed into a dumpster behind his home.
Timothy M. Doll was taken into custody on Sunday and charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the slaying of Gracie A. Sasso-Cleveland, court records reviewed by Law&Crime show.
In addition to the murder charges, Doll was also charged with two counts of obstruction of justice as well as one count each of aggravated criminal sex abuse, concealment of a homicide, aggravated domestic battery unlawful restraint, and unlawful communication by a child sex offender.
According to a press release from the DeKalb Police Department, officers on the evening of Saturday, May 6 received a call regarding a 15-year-old girl — later identified as Sasso-Cleveland — who had not been seen or heard from by her family since May 4. Police said Sasso-Cleveland’s phone records indicated that on May 4, she had been at 536 College Avenue in DeKalb, which is the address listed on Doll’s sex offender registration.
The registration states that Doll was previously convicted on one count each of aggravated criminal sexual abuse on a 14-year-old victim and possessing child pornography depicting a victim under the age of 13.
Investigators with the department’s Major Case Squad on the afternoon of May 7 were able to locate Sasso-Cleveland’s body inside a dumpster that was located on the property next to 536 College Avenue, the release states. After obtaining and executing several search warrants, police say they obtained evidence that led them to detain Doll the same day Sasso-Cleveland’s body was recovered. He was formally charged with her murder the following day.
At the time of his arrest, Doll was on probation for the aforementioned sexual assault of a 14-year-old. Doll had pleaded guilty to the charges on April 12, was sentenced to probation, and registered his sex offender status with DeKalb PD on April 14, police said.
The investigation revealed that Doll had been “in a dating relationship” with Sasso-Cleveland prior to her death.
According to the release, on the evening of May 4, 2023, Doll and Sasso-Cleveland were in a heated argument when Doll allegedly held Sasso-Cleveland down and “suffocated her with a pillow until she lost consciousness, to which she did not recover.”
Doll then allegedly brought her body outside and tossed her into the dumpster behind his building. After discarding the victim’s remains, investigators say that Doll removed all of  Sasso-Cleveland’s personal items from his apartment and threw away her phone in the garbage at another location.
The DeKalb County Coroner’s Office on Monday determined that Sasso-Cleveland’s official manner of death was a homicide and the cause of death was asphyxiation.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, the County State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Sycamore Police Department also assisted in the case.
“He’s a predator, and he sought out a young victim — an innocent 15-year-old girl, and snuffed her life out,” DeKalb Police Chief David Byrd said during a news conference on the case. The chief also said that he was particularly upset about the circumstances Sasso-Cleveland’s death, and urged the community to come forward when they know about such an illegal relationship.
“It angers me because I think we could’ve saved this young lady if we would’ve been notified about the situation that was occurring that night,” Byrd said.
A GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of Sasso-Cleveland’s funeral was set up by a family friend. The page states that prior to her death, Sasso-Cleveland had “just found out” that Doll “was a 29-year-old sex offender with a lengthy rap sheet.”
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