#family law firm software
casefoxinc · 8 months
Family Lawyer Software for Streamlined Legal Practice
Elevate your family law practice with cutting-edge software tailored for legal professionals. From case management to document automation, discover the tools that simplify complexities, saving time and enhancing client service. Explore the future of family law practice today.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Graduates (5)🎓
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Abeba Girma
Valedictorian / President, Young Lawyers Association / Broussard Justice Recipient
Abeba has done it again - highest GPA, on the fast track to make Junior partner before she even moved into her desk at the law firm. Her parents, Ephrem and Mazaa are over the moon. 
She will be taking a position in international law to help refugees and people who cannot afford to pay with immigration issues. She also secured a grant so that she can offer her services pro bono. Now to find a home for her and her Fiancée Baldwin.
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Baldwin Levesque
Computer Science Major / Young Innovators in Tech Award Recipient 🥇/ Valadictorian
Baldwin has hit the ground running - he’s already begun working for Meditech ™️ and is on the fast track to running his own team. He’ll be creating medical software that will play a role in medical surgery. Needless to say, his mother Xio is beyond pleased. His father Manu and his sister Zora are proud, but expected nothing less.
He and his fiancé Abeba just have one task aside from wedding plans – finding a home.
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Micah Broussard
Journalism Major / Writer, Foxbury Insider
He made it, y’all. His parents, Bruce & Esther had their fingers crossed most of the time, but we’re here.
Although he originally wanted to be a sports journalist (if you’ve been following along, you know why… but let’s not bring her up right now), but thanks to his professor, he decided to go down the novelist path, while working for a digital paper in the meantime.
Now that he’s about to be a father, this suits him just fine. It will give him time to bring in a steady paycheck while working on his first book. Lucky for him, there are plenty of writers in the family to help guide him through the process. And Bubbe Ida and his sisters Shalom & Noa pie, of course.
Next up? Finish moving, baby shower, wedding. Possibly in that order. 
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Alma Ramos
Journalism Major / Editor-In-Chief, Foxybury Insider / Latina Writer’s Guild / Foxbury
Granted, this is not how Alma saw her Uni experience ending. However, as all writers know, some of the best experiences are the plot twists. And maybe this is just a detour; plenty of young mothers manage to raise their children and have careers. She has a loving, committed partner in Micah, so anything is possible. Not to mention a strong family in her Abuelo Luis, her Tia Benni and her prima Yadira and Ya’s fiancée Ciara.
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Previous / Next / Beginning
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n7punk · 6 months
"Start Your Engine" Fic Notes
SYE is done! For once something didn’t get away from me. What, it was supposed to be a one-shot? Shut up!
Unreleased demo (we could be the baddest losers in the world together)
Life Sux — Leah Kate
Supernatural — Transviolet
I Want Her — Georgie Harris/The Blind Truth
I Can See You (From the Vault) — Taylor Swift
GIRL ON TV — chloe morionado
Cdbaby<3 — chloe morionado
Suburban Legends (From the Vault) — Taylor Swift
Hot Child In The City — Jessica Leigh
Ruin My Life — Zolita
Fruity — chloe morionado
Overdrive — Gia Woods
good girls go bad — Lauren Sanderson
Your Engine — Gia Woods
Epilogue Life:
Catra does take awhile to adjust to school because it is a huge shift from her last few years of essentially doing whatever the fuck she wanted whenever (she did have a stream schedule, but it wasn’t a big deal if she canceled, or extended, or slept or ate or anything else whenever she felt like it), but even though she spends the whole first year questioning her decision, she does adjust eventually. Her friends all graduate long before she hits grad school, but Entrapta and Bow both went for a grad degree too so their life keeps following the school rhythm and it keeps her from feeling too left out. Catra does keep up with streaming even after she gets an internship with a law firm, her hours just reduce as it becomes more of the side thing she was trying to downplay it as.
Swift Wind isn’t actually 100% done until the summer after graduation, but Catra certainly doesn’t mind how long it takes, and on nights when both of them have roommates home they like to take drives out somewhere private to make out on the side of the road under the stars. Adora 100% supports her girlfriend in her weird niche and later on hypes her up a lot as the more impressive one for going through law school, which kind of blows Catra’s mind because she’s still used to thinking of herself as a loser.
Entrapta’s software does see a steady rise in usership after the introduction of Wildcat, and there are two main reasons why: 1) yes okay she specifically improved the physics for Wildcat. I’m not going to pretend that wasn’t a driving factor lol, but 2) Emily did a great job of showing off what was unique about Entrapta’s software — but people who weren’t looking for unique didn’t have much reason to pay attention to it. Wildcat showed she could make great, more “mainstream” avatars as well. She doesn’t become the #1 overnight or anything, but she does slowly become the #1 alternative to the corporate options and that’s really what she was looking for.
Catra does eventually tell Glimmer and Bow she’s Wildcat — who Glimmer likes even more than she ever did Emily — once they’re better friends, but it takes a few months. Glimmer doesn’t really suspect anything until Catra lets slip the occasional comment leading up to her revealing it because Catra is very private about her identifying info on stream — and cognizant not to tell stories involving Glimmer when she’s in chat — so she doesn’t actually have a lot of clues to get suspicious from. When she finds out she loses it, though. She eventually comes around to finding it funny, but by god for a while she would pout about it if you mentioned it. She’s mostly annoyed that Adora hid it from her, but Adora does argue that it was Catra’s life and it wasn’t really her business what she does for work. It mostly matters because Glimmer actually watches her, lol. If it wasn’t for that, she wouldn’t care.
Around the time Catra is comfortable telling Glimmer she’s finally ready to meet Adora’s moms, something she has been avoiding as long as she can because she’s terrified of the concept of Family, but obviously Mara and Light Hope are super sweet, it just still takes her a little while to get comfortable with them, but by the holidays she’s ready to experience them with Adora and her family for the first time. She never thought she would get a family along with a girlfriend, but 14 year old Catra couldn’t even conceive of the life she would have ten years later.
Chapter 1:
⦁ I’ve already talked about this a little because an anon guessed it Fast over here, but the original concept for this AU was just the neighbor thirsting stuff around the car. Catra didn’t have a job planned, but that stuff came up when it did come time to write it. I figured Adora would be in university since they were supposed to be in their early twenties, and I could have stuck Catra there too, but I liked the concept of Catra having this kind of very different life experience that made her feel a little alienated from her peers and especially contributed to her not being confident when it came to actually making a move on Adora. I don’t follow any like, VTuber vtubers, because the ones I do are people like jaidenanimations who just use an avatar of themselves and aren’t a character or anything, but a friend of a friend is super into vtubers and I hear a lot of the drama and shipping and stuff secondhand because of that. When I was getting ready to write the AU, my friend was explaining the drama about this company having a bunch of controversies with its vtubers and nearly everyone leaving, and that planted the seed of “lol wouldn’t it be funny if Catra was a vtuber in this”. And then I put in the allusions in the first chapter to stuff like gigabit internet still not thinking I was going to do it, except by the end of the second chapter I realized I was definitely going to do it, so I doubled down on it when editing chapter one to post.
⦁ Before those additions, I was kind of thinking this would be a one shot, and tbf that would have made sense with the amount of content in the first three chapters, but then I decided I wanted to shift perspective in chunks, which meant it made the most sense to make it a multi-chapter with the POV shifting by chapter even without those additions, and hey, I did manage to keep to my predicted chapter count once I decided that! For once! It totally counts.
Chapter 2:
⦁ This chapter was really short but I had to show that they were both being so incredibly stupid with their flirting when at any point one of them could have asked the other out and they would have said yes so fast the marriage proposal would be implied.
⦁ Catra lashed out a lot in school because, to be fair, her home life absolutely sucked and she had no friends and no hope for the future, so she just hated everything about school knowing it would probably add up to nothing and at least if she was a problem people were paying attention to her. Teachers might not have liked her, but they were looking at her and not hurling insults like Weaver, so that was about the best she got.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Adora was really just trying to lean over and not caring about where she put her hand because all her friends are touchy and she is too, but any touch like that from Catra would be her trying to put the moves on someone she desperately wanted to hold, so she extended that to Adora’s behavior as well. Adora doesn’t remember it at all because it wasn’t important enough to. If you asked her about it five minutes later it would take her a second to think if she had done it at all.
⦁ Scorpia and Sea Hawk aren’t exactly friends, but they did have a class together. They would wait for it to start in the closest lounge for a good half hour if not an hour beforehand so they ended up talking a lot over that semester and they still chat now when they run into each other. Scorpia only saw Mermista if she came there to be with Sea Hawk, and usually she was “too cool” for that and Sea Hawk had to come to her instead, so Scorpia really isn’t involved in Adora’s friend group at all despite the peripheral connection.
⦁ Adora stopped working on Swift Wind for two reasons: 1) she was only working on him so much for an excuse to talk to Catra (though she’ll glad for all the work she got done once it does get hot) and 2) she just felt so disappointed when she would see Catra and Catra would ignore her that it discouraged her from going out even the baseline amount she would without her.
⦁ Adora brings up hooking up with Mermista once because she, not remembering the leg touch thing, can only guess that someone mentioned her history with Mermista to Catra and she drew conclusions from partial information that was out of date and incorrect anyway.
⦁ Catra knows Mermsita doesn’t believe in marriage from Sea Hawk telling Scorpia he’d love to make the gesture of proposing but Mermista would just dump him again for it.
Chapter 4:
⦁ The valentines card was handmade because ain’t no way Weaver has even letting Catra use a printer to get something that looked “better”. Adora would have treasured it as if
⦁ When Catra is talking about hiding her face, she doesn’t get deeper into it, but it’s all about being safe. It’s not just Weaver punishing her for acting emotionally, it’s also the danger of letting someone see when she’s afraid, or in love, or anything else they can use to hurt her later.
⦁ The "go live" scene was one of the first ideas I had related to Catra being a VTuber and is one of the things that kind of convinced me to include it in the fic and then I almost forgot to write the scene lmao. The only problem with this joke is the whole thing is based around the fact the two different kinds of "live" are written the same, but that makes it hard to control which version of the word people naturally read there (especially the people who had figured out Catra was a VTuber already) so I hope the way I framed Adora's reaction to it made it clear. Catra was SO grateful Adora read it entirely wrong, but that showed her she couldn't keep it secret for much longer, but she wasn't ready to force herself through telling her either.
⦁ Okay, Roach. The cockroach thing is actually a joke I had for canon four years ago, thinking about how ways Catra talks sound like insults because that’s how she had to disguise her compliments in the Horde. That lead to the cockroach nickname for Entrapta, because seriously, thought dead twice and actually just thriving? Really? And no one in the princess alliance is really sure how to take it because Entrapta doesn’t seem bothered at all — because she understands, and she takes it as the weird compliment it is.
⦁ The black curtains are supposed to muffle sound transmission. Catra shoved her sound absorbing foam boards — which she just had leaning against the wall even months after moving in anyway — into the closet when she showed Adora the room before.
⦁ Adora doesn’t know what an OC is, so she’s just assuming that’s the name for a VTuber avatar and calls Catra’s new V that. She’ll eventually figure out how it works.
Chapter 5:
⦁ I had a lot of fun with the chapter titles in this one. I used a similar basic structure in LotD to signal when I was switching perspectives by chapter but it’s fun to heckle the characters in them.
⦁ Catra did try to pay Entrapta. Entrapta was confused. Eventually she more than paid in her back in commissions following Wildcat.
⦁ Catra was just a clerk at a random department store in the mall when a guy snagged a designer purse and tried to bolt with it. The purse cost equivalent to Catra’s entire paycheck, which she desperately needed, and her boss was within eyeshot and yelled when the man started running, so Catra just acted on instinct to protect her job and fucking tackled the guy — which is a terrible idea by the way, pretty sure they can argue that’s assault — which then knocked the purse out of his hands, so her boss ran over and grabbed it, and then the dude struggled up and she wasn’t paid enough to get punched so she just followed him as he ran out of the store to make sure he didn’t yoink something else. And then obviously her boss called mall security and they both told the whole story and like two weeks later the mall offered for a job because they were kind of stretched thin. She did like the mall security job better because she got to wander around a lot more without a boss looking over her shoulder and do a lot less (especially from a customer service perspective), but they both were a little soul-draining.
⦁ I’ll be honest Auntie Anne’s pops the fuck off. Wetzel’s Pretzel’s can suck a dick.
⦁ Catra just says “she’s colorblind” here because I thought about it and didn’t think she would casually make the distinction of “partially” within her own head right then.
⦁ Catra’s race both wasn’t a secret and was, because there were plenty of “hints”, but stuff like Emily having antenna in place of ears didn’t actually mean anything. Her viewers didn’t know they were mapped to follow Catra’s ears, they could have just been animations. People who were observant could figure it out given they don’t do the same thing every time she laughs or anything — it’s especially obvious when she moves just one ear — but it did still surprise some people when they saw her new avatar. The Wildcat in her handle didn’t really give anything away considering there’s a streamer named smallant irl and guess what, he’s not an ant lmao.
⦁ I think this literally never came up in the entire fic (only vaguely implied by Adora “moving away” when she got adopted) but neither Catra, nor Adora, nor Glimmer, nor Bow is from Bright Moon. Scorpia is local and Entrapta is from nearby (as is Glimmer), but Adora and Catra grew up like two hours away. When Adora was adopted, it was to Bright Moon’s outer skirts, so she’s kind of local now and it’s not even a day trip to go visit her moms. It is, however, long enough Catra dodges it as best she can. Anyway, Glimmer and Bow try to arrange their time visiting family to overlap so they don’t have to be apart for too long because they’re really fucking gay for each other.
*clears throat*
*steps up to the mic*
Are you ready for Heathers’ Broadway debut?
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longwindedbore · 4 months
* At the heart of this investigation is RealPage, a software and consulting firm that allegedly orchestrates price-fixing among large corporate landlords. RealPage’s system, which is owned by Thoma Bravo, one of the largest private equity firms in the U.S., provides rental price recommendations to landlords. These recommendations are based on detailed real-time data shared by landlords, including pricing, inventory, and occupancy rates. RealPage’s influence is extensive, affecting rents for 70% of multi-family apartment buildings and 16 million units across the country.
The scheme allegedly works by encouraging landlords to adopt RealPage’s pricing recommendations, which they do 80-90% of the time. This coordinated effort among landlords to follow the software’s suggestions drives up rental prices by reducing the availability of units. As one of RealPage’s architects reportedly stated, the goal is to prevent landlords from undervaluing their properties, thereby ensuring higher rents nationwide.*
Is there a difference in the DOJ between administrations?
YES: both political parties, including presidential candidates, accept donations from Big Corporations, and Political Action Committees (often the same entities).
HOWEVER there is a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE between policies of administrations and legislative majorities.
OBVIOUSLY we live in a corrupt system resistant to change.
The Rich and their surrogates in institutions lecture the 95% of us that we should be investing (or tithing) instead of buying I-phones or lattes, food, etc.
In actuality the Rich aren’t ‘investing’ to create new markets and growth. As was more the case in times past.
Instead they’re wealth comes from hegemonic depredations which they can easily hide with their hegemony on the media.
The stock market has changed from a means to raise capital for new ventures to a gigantic legalized Ponzi scheme to drive up the value of the stock bonuses that are 90% of the compensation for the top floor execs and directors so that they can borrow against their monopoly-money value.
Voting could change this
The old anti-trust laws are on the books. We could have done this in the Obama Admin.
Alas, the #%^*£€¥ ‘progressives’ who failed to vote in the off-year 2010 elections wiped out Dems large majotlrities in Congress
The loss of the majorities torpedoing any chance of Obama resurrecting the anti-trust laws, the Congress and DOJ investigating the ‘derivatives’ Ponzi scheme and breaking up the ‘too big to fail’ banks. Then the aerospace duopoly, pharmaceuticals, insurance bastards, etc.
Not voting matters!
And, yeah, “voting within the system won’t change the system”. No shit?
Did “punishing the Dems” improve things when #%^*¥£€> ‘progressives didn’t vote their MAJORITIES in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2022???
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Hundreds of people wrongly convicted in the Post Office scandal are set to have their names cleared under new legislation planned by the government.
The law is expected to come into effect by the end of July and will apply to convictions in England and Wales.
It will apply to convictions meeting specific criteria and is expected to clear the majority of victims.
The government said the possible exoneration of some genuinely guilty of crimes was "a price worth paying".
Between 1999 and 2015, more than 900 sub-postmasters were wrongly prosecuted due to faulty software.
Incorrect information provided by a computer system called Horizon, developed by Japanese firm Fujitsu, meant that sub-postmasters and postmistresses were prosecuted for stealing money.
Many of those convicted went to prison for false accounting and theft. Many were financially ruined.
Some sub-postmasters caught up in the scandal have died or taken their own lives in the intervening years. So far, 102 convictions have been overturned.
Keith Bell had been a sub-postmaster in Stockton-on-Tees since 1985, but like hundreds of others, he started noticing discrepancies in his accounts after Horizon was installed in his branch.
He called Post Office helplines, but was given little support. He spent more than £12,000 of his own money to make up the shortfalls, and eventually delayed some transactions to try to balance the books.
He was convicted of false accounting in 2002 and had to do 200 hours of community service.
He didn't challenge his conviction at the time, as he didn't have the means to take on the Post Office, and he believed he had been at fault.
But now the 75-year-old wants his name cleared and expects his conviction to be quashed.
"I'm relieved they are going to quash all the convictions, which is long overdue," he said in response to the announcement on Thursday. "It's a relief to be able to talk to friends. It's a relief to be able to look people in the eye now."
Post Office scandal: The Horizon saga explained
How do the Post Office scandal compensation schemes work?
The issue was thrust back into the spotlight by an ITV drama, Mr Bates vs the Post Office, earlier this year.
Criticism had said that the process for overturning convictions and getting compensation was far too slow.
There are three main schemes aimed at groups of victims who had different experiences of the scandal - but the schemes have been accused of being long-winded and complicated.
Announcing the plans, Post Office Minister Kevin Hollinrake said the legislation was likely to "exonerate a number of people who were, in fact, guilty of a crime".
But he said: "The government accepts that this is a price worth paying in order to ensure that many innocent people are exonerated."
Some 700 people were prosecuted by the Post Office. Another 283 cases were brought by other agencies including the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Prosecutions by the DWP will not be quashed under the new law.
Mr Hollinrake said the new legislation would overturn all convictions that met certain criteria. It will only cover:
convictions from the Post Office and CPS
"relevant offences", such as theft and false accounting
sub-postmasters and their employees or family members
cases where the offence took place during the time that the Horizon system (and its pilots) was in operation
cases where the convicted person was working in a Post Office that was using the Horizon system software (including relevant pilot schemes)
cases in England and Wales
However, the government said it would work with the Scottish Government and Northern Ireland Executive to ensure their schemes to quash convictions were "compatible with the UK compensation scheme".
Labour MP Kevan Jones said he welcomed news of the legislation but added it was vital that the government set aside enough time for the new law to be passed "as quickly as possible".
"There are some initial key questions that need answering, including whether the Post Office's Capture system counts as a 'pilot' of the Horizon system for the purposes of this bill."
Mr Hollinrake added that he recognised the "constitutional sensitivity" of the planned legislation, but added it did not set a precedent for the future relationship between the government, Parliament and the judiciary.
"The scale and circumstances of this prosecutorial misconduct demands an exceptional response," he said.
"We are keen to ensure that the legislation achieves its goal of bringing prompt justice to all of those who were wrongfully convicted as a result of the scandal, followed by rapid financial redress."
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merrock · 11 months
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face claim: Ben Feldman
full name: Adrian Ellis 
nickname(s) / goes by: Adi
pronouns & gender: he/him cis man
sexuality: heterosexual 
birth date: July, 12, 1984 (39)
birth place: Portland, Maine
arrival to merrock: Moved to town about ten years ago to make his own start away from his parents.
housing: Historical Downtown
occupation: Web developer/designer 
work place: Office just out of town and working from home. 
family: Younger sister 
relationship status: single
Adi is an attractive but modest guy, he is optimistic and likes to be helpful to those around him. Although he comes across pretty confident, he is actually rather shy and reserved and talks a lot to cover it. At times, he can be immature, a know-it-all and a little spoilt as he comes from a rich family. But he is caring, gentle and a good friend.
WRITTEN BY: Soph (she/her), gmt.
Adrian who likes to be known as Adi was born in Portland, Maine, though for a long time he considered New York to be his home after moving there when he was just six years old. His parents were both lawyers who had high expectations and worked long hours. Although he didn’t want for much, he didn’t spend too much time with his parents and he was sent to boarding school at a very young age.
Adi has always been incredibly smart and he enjoyed the challenge of boarding school. However, at times he could be a little too smart for his own good and his opinions often got him into trouble. He was known to argue with teachers over something he’d read or a documentary he’d seen, just eager to share what he'd learnt. He excelled throughout school, with most things in life coming pretty easy to him. He read about everything and anything and he liked to show off his wide range of knowledge, telling anyone who would listen and always having something to say about most situations. This is something he still does in adult life, he often corrects people and can come across a little annoying but he means well and he’s a kind natured guy who goes out of his way to help people.
His parents had money and he had plenty of opportunities, he played several instruments and took advanced classes. He even spent his summers helping at the law firm. Though his real passion was computers and gaming. He would spend hours taking apart old machines and messing with a range of software. He was smart and could teach himself how to edit, create programs and code. He enjoyed getting to express himself and finding something for himself.
However, his parents weren’t too happy with his choice to pursue IT and programming at college, they wanted him to become a doctor or lawyer and that only pushed him further away from them. Instead of applying for college, Adi took his trust fund and decided to take a gap year which turned into four years. Many would consider him to be a spoilt rich boy who rebelled against his parents, and maybe in a way he was but Adi was happy. He travelled, he went backpacking and he saw the world for himself. The places he experienced were a big influence on him and brought him out of his shell.
Though at the age of 22, Adi knew he had to make some kind of plans for his future. He had the grades to go to any university that he wanted and he decided to return to New York and applied to Cornell. His parents agreed to help him financially, glad their son was finally going back into education, even if working with computers hadn’t been their first choice for him. Though he thrived, he enjoyed the hard work and learning new things and being able to put his arguments and opinion into what he loved. He grew in confidence and made a best friend who encouraged him to be him. They're still friends today.
After university, Adi worked for a tech company in New York for a few years and completed his Masters degree. However, it always felt like something was missing. The job paid well and he didn't hate it but he felt like he wasn’t really moving forward. Growing up, he'd enjoyed visiting his grandparents in Maine. It was relaxed there, they left him to do his own thing. He'd spend hours reading outside and playing video games all day. His sister had moved to Maine in her teens after being kicked out of private school. She'd attended high school in Merrock and about ten years ago, Adi decided it was time for him to settle there too and to move away from their parents.
He lives in a nice home in Merrock and works for a company not far from the town. He's still a little dork at time but he is rather confident in who he is and hoping one day he'll find the right person to be in that life with him.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Elsewhere, Poland awash with speculation about PM being fired; another Czech cost-of-living protest but smaller in size; and Slovakia sees free movement stopped at Czech and Austrian borders.
Several thousand people gathered for a rally in Budapest organized by women’s rights organisations to protest the recent amendment to Hungary’s abortion law, which forces women to listen to the heartbeat of their foetus before making a final decision to terminate the pregnancy. Speakers called the nationalist-populist government of Viktor Orban misogynistic and guilty of increasingly regarding women merely as child bearers.
Improving sexual education, investing in a 21st century health system, and creating the necessary economic conditions and liveability for families to decide to have more children should be the government’s responsibility, rather than restricting reproductive rights, organisers said. Women’s rights activists underlined that having a child is an option and not an obligation, and demanded the government – especially the overwhelmingly male ministers – to “get out of their wombs”. Yet in contrast to Poland, the demonstration did not attract huge crowds, perhaps indicating that women’s rights issues are not currently a top priority for most Hungarians.
After this week’s suspected sabotage on the Nord Stream I and II gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea and the Gazprom announcement it has stopped supplies through Ukraine to Slovakia citing disagreement over transit payments with Naftogaz, Hungary becomes the only EU country to still receive Russian gas. Yet Hungary still believes Russia can remain a reliable business partner and hopes gas deliveries via Balkan Stream – the extension of the TurkStream pipeline that supplies Serbia and Hungary – will remain unaffected. This could be the only functioning gas pipeline linking Europe with Russia. Hungary receives annually 3.5 billion cm of gas through Balkan Stream, which is less than half its annual needs. Hungary’s Counterterrorism Centre (TEK) told daily napi.hu it constantly monitors the gas infrastructure, but it wasn’t aware of any heightened risk that would make enhanced protection necessary.
The PM’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, told a press conference on Thursday that a Times of Israel report citing an executive of Avnon Group saying the Israeli tech company is about to sell software to Hungary to track online discourse and analyse public opinion was “fake news”. Avnon was founded in 1990, and its board includes two former generals and the former head of Mossad. The company offers “comprehensive and integral technological solutions that maintain public safety and security, under every scenario”. It is assumed the government wants to monitor changes in public sentiment and potential rising social tensions via social media. The transaction needs to be approved by the Israeli Defence Ministry. Orban’s government caused uproar when it was revealed it had used the infamous Pegasus software of another Israeli firm, NSO Group, to hack and monitor the phones of journalists, politicians and human rights activists. Investigative outlet Direkt36.hu reported this week the Hungarian government is still using Pegasus.
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lawyersdatascraping · 12 days
Justia.com Attorney Data Scraping by Lawyersdatalab.com
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Justia.com Attorney Data Scraping by Lawyersdatalab.com
In today's competitive legal industry, targeted and effective marketing is essential for law firms and legal marketing companies. One of the most powerful tools for law firm marketing is having access to comprehensive and up-to-date attorney contact information. Justia.com Attorney Data Scraping by Lawyersdatalab.com offers a highly efficient solution for extracting crucial attorney details from one of the most trusted online legal directories—Justia.com. This service provides invaluable contact data for law firms, legal marketing companies, and legal service providers, enabling them to reach their target audience more effectively and streamline their marketing efforts.
By leveraging the extensive attorney profiles available on Justia.com, Lawyersdatalab.com provides high-quality, actionable contact lists that can be used for a variety of marketing purposes, including email campaigns, direct outreach, and lead generation. Let’s explore how this data scraping service works and how it benefits legal marketing strategies.
List of Data Fields
When extracting attorney data from Justia.com, we focus on gathering comprehensive and relevant information that helps legal professionals create personalized and targeted marketing campaigns. The key data fields extracted include:
Attorney Name –Attorney's name.
Email Address – Primary and verified email addresses for direct communication.
Phone Number – Contact numbers to facilitate immediate communication.
Practice Area(s) – The specific legal specialties of each attorney, such as family law, criminal law, corporate law, etc.
Law Firm Name – The name of the firm where the attorney practices.
Office Address – Physical office location including city, state, and zip code.
Years of Experience – The number of years the attorney has been in practice.
Website and Social Media Links – Links to personal or law firm websites, LinkedIn profiles, and other social media.
These data fields provide a wealth of information that helps law firms and legal marketers to segment and target their audience more effectively.
Benefits of Justia.com Attorney Data Scraping
The extraction of attorney contact data from Justia.com offers several key benefits for law firm marketing, legal marketing, and companies that cater to the legal industry:
1. Enhanced Marketing Precision
With access to comprehensive attorney profiles, legal marketing companies can craft more targeted marketing campaigns. Whether you’re promoting legal services, offering software solutions, or organizing networking events, having precise data ensures that your messages are reaching the right audience.
2. Efficient Lead Generation
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r0hitdhiman · 18 days
Real-World Success Stories: Law Firms That Thrived with Legal Management Software
In the rapidly evolving legal landscape, law firms are increasingly turning to technology to stay competitive, streamline operations, and enhance client service. Legal management software has become a pivotal tool in this transformation, enabling firms to manage cases more efficiently, improve communication, and ultimately, achieve greater success. This article delves into real-world success stories of law firms that have thrived by adopting legal management software, highlighting the tangible benefits and the remarkable improvements experienced.
Case Study 1: Smith & Johnson LLP
Smith & Johnson LLP, a mid-sized law firm specializing in corporate law, faced significant challenges with manual case management and outdated software systems. Their processes were cumbersome, leading to inefficiencies and client dissatisfaction. Recognizing the need for change, they implemented a comprehensive legal management software solution.
Key Benefits:
Streamlined Case Management: The firm saw a dramatic reduction in administrative tasks as the software automated case tracking, document management, and scheduling.
Enhanced Collaboration: The integrated communication tools facilitated better collaboration among team members, leading to faster case resolutions.
Improved Client Satisfaction: With more efficient processes, clients experienced faster responses and more accurate billing, boosting overall satisfaction.
As a result, Smith & Johnson LLP reported a 30% increase in case handling efficiency and a significant boost in client retention rates.
Case Study 2: Williams & Associates
Williams & Associates, a boutique firm focused on family law, struggled with managing a growing caseload and maintaining personalized client service. Their traditional methods were not scalable, and they needed a solution that could support their expanding needs.
Key Benefits:
Automated Workflows: Legal management software provided Williams & Associates with customizable workflows that adapted to their specific needs, reducing manual errors and improving consistency.
Data Security: The firm benefited from enhanced data security features, ensuring client information was protected and compliant with regulatory standards.
Analytics and Reporting: The software’s analytics tools allowed the firm to track performance metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
After integrating the software, Williams & Associates experienced a 25% increase in productivity and were able to maintain their high level of personalized client service without compromising on quality.
Case Study 3: Green & Taylor Attorneys
Green & Taylor Attorneys, a large firm with multiple practice areas, needed a solution to unify their diverse operations and improve overall efficiency. They turned to legal management software to tackle these challenges.
Key Benefits:
Centralized Data Management: The software offered a unified platform for managing client data, case files, and billing information, eliminating data silos and improving accessibility.
Enhanced Client Communication: Features such as client portals and automated notifications improved communication and transparency, leading to better client relationships.
Scalability: The firm was able to scale their operations effortlessly, adapting the software to meet the demands of a growing client base.
Green & Taylor Attorneys reported a 40% improvement in operational efficiency and a notable increase in client satisfaction, attributing these gains to their new legal management software.
Why Vakildesk Stands Out
Among the various legal management software options available, Vakildesk emerges as a standout choice for law firms looking to optimize their operations and drive success.
Why Vakildesk?
Comprehensive Features: Vakildesk offers a robust suite of tools that covers case management, document automation, billing, and client communication, tailored to meet the specific needs of legal professionals.
User-Friendly Interface: Its intuitive design ensures a smooth transition for users, minimizing training time and enhancing productivity.
Scalable Solutions: Whether for small firms or large practices, Vakildesk provides scalable solutions that grow with your business, ensuring long-term value and adaptability.
In conclusion, the success stories of Smith & Johnson LLP, Williams & Associates, and Green & Taylor Attorneys illustrate the transformative impact of legal management software. By adopting such technology, law firms can streamline their operations, enhance client satisfaction, and achieve significant growth. For firms seeking the best solution to elevate their practice, Vakildesk stands out as the premier choice, offering a powerful, scalable, and user-friendly legal management software solution.
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rauthschild · 28 days
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The Kamal's Secret Connection To The Largest Election Tech Firm
The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power. Ted Nugent
I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office. Andrew Jackson, 7 th president of the United States
Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. Thomas Jefferson
Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons. Mark Twain
The following meme popped into my email this morning...
"Kamala Harris failed to disclose her relationship to Sir Nigel G. Knowles, her husband Douglas C. Emhoff's former boss at DLA Piper PLC of London, UK.
"Sir Nigel is co-director of SGO Smartmatic with Lord George Mark Malloch-Brown who controls Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin voting machines from Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold and Optech machines responsible for the alleged 2020 voting fraud."
Shocking? Yes! I decided to check it out.
And surprisingly, Bloomberg is reporting that Harris' lawyer husband, Doug Emhoff, faces election quandary as Vice President's spouse.
In 2014, Smartmatic's CEO, Antonio Mugica and British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited , a holding company based in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer. Malloch-Brown became the chairman of the board of directors of SGO since it's foundation . Antonio Mugica remains as CEO of the new venture. They were joined on SGO's board by Sir Nigel Knowles , Global CEO of DLA Piper , and Douglas Emhoff's former boss before his wife was named as Democrat candidate for President of the United States. Emhoff has since left his job as partner at DLA Piper.
Nigel Knowles did not take his father's name; he took his mother's. His father was connected to Cecil Rhodes, Ruskin and others, all early communists.
SGO Smartmatic that controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide - the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) and all have common Optech software.
SGO is the largest elections tech firm .
The aim of SGO according to its CEO was to continue to make investments in its core business of election technology, as well as rolling out a series of new ventures which should make us extremely wary. Those ventures include biometrics , online identity verification , internet voting and citizen participation, e-governance and pollution control . Can you imagine the possibilities?
As an aside, Peter Comey, the brother of former FBI Director James Comey, is a Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the law firm DLA Piper. Birds of a feather.
Here is a timeline on Sir Nigel Graham Knowles, as well as his family tree . Knowles appears to be the king of "K" Street, the home of lobbyists and Non-Governmental Organizations in DC. He is the lead Trustee of The Prince's Trust , a United Kingdom-based charity founded in 1976 by King Charles III to help vulnerable young people get their lives on track. It supports 11-to-30-year-olds who are unemployed or struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.
DLA Piper is most likely the primary law firm for the British Crown.
The Prince's Trust
In 1990, Knowles founded the Prince's Trust International at the Knights of Malta. Then they incorporated in the United States as Prince's Trust America. Another British connection is the fact that Kamala Harris' father was a Jamaican citizen and Jamaica was also a British holding. Jamaica was granted independence in 1962.
Major donors to the Prince's Trust are BAE Systems, BlackRock, CDW UK, Garfield Weston Foundation, HSBC UK, LDC, Marks & Spencer Group plc, and NatWest. Here is a list of Prince's Trust patrons , which includes Barclay's Bank, Dell, Apple, Google, HSBC, Accenture, Capgemini, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Marriott, BAE, Clear Channel, Ricoh, American Airlines, Allianz, Amazon, AT&T, Baillie Gifford, Bloomberg, Boeing, DLA Piper, Facebook, HP, Joules (John Podesta), NBC, Qualcomm, NTT Data, Oracle, Rolls Royce, RBC, TikTok and Worldpay.
Basically, it appears as though Harris may be taking orders from the mother ship, The Prince's Trust of Great Britain.
The Pilgrim's Society
The Pilgrim's Society is the mother lode, operating from the London office of the Privy Council. Those names include the English-Speaking Society, Royal Over-Seas League, Atlantic Council, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Davos World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations among them.
Knowles is also a member of the British Pilgrims Society and apparent handler for Biden and Harris. The Society was founded in July of 1901 allegedly to bring peace and harmony between America and Great Britain. However, there definitely seems to be ulterior motives behind the society when one examines former members such as Allen and John Foster Dulles, Alexander Haig, John D. and David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, General George Marshall, Averall Harriman, Henry Luce, King Charles III and more.
Sir Nigel-directed companies include DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), SERCO/SGO Smartmatic (auditor: KPMG), Prince's Trust America/QintetiQ (auditor: Price Waterhouse Coopers), Wellcome Trust/DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), Investec (auditor: Ernst & Young, director Lord Mark Malloch-Brown).
The Pilgrims of Great Britain and the Pilgrims of the United States have reciprocal membership. These two groups are the two oldest and most prestigious Anglo- American organizations on both sides of the Atlantic.
British Colonialism in India
Britain controlled India from 1757 through the East India Company which was initially created in 1600 to serve as a trading body for English merchants, specifically to participate in the East Indian spice trade, and it later added items such as cotton, silk, tea, and opium.
From 1858 onward, the British government directly ruled India and it became known as the British Raj. It had a negative impact on people living in India as many suffered from extreme poverty and famines during British rule. The government as well as British individuals gained a lot of wealth from trade with India which they used in part to fund the industrial revolution.
India gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, after decades of nonviolent resistance led by Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 created two independent nations, India and Pakistan, ending 200 years of British rule.
DLA Piper has international trade and customs in India . Why is this history important? Because we have two natives of India in both parties campaigning for president, Kamala Harris and Usha Vance, wife of JD Vance. And that's not to mention two other South Asian Republican candidates who vowed for the top slot, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, the latter a first cousin of Usha Vance.
Usha Vance
JD Vance's wife, Usha is also a member of the Pilgrim's Society. Usha has worked for law firms associated with the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Hillary. She was at Cambridge University as a scholar of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill and Melinda are 2005 knighted members of the British Pilgrims Society who funded with Britain's Pirbright Institute (UK), who is testing new coronavirus vaccines on animals to help combat Covid-19. Usha was on the board of directors at Gates Cambridge, a Bill Gates enterprise. (The Pirbright Institute is a national center that works to contain, control, and eliminate viral diseases of animals through its fundamental and applied research programmes.)
JD and Usha both worked at Sidley Austin law firm, a firm that employed the Obamas and others of their standing.
Usha received both a BA and JD from Yale—classical CIA grooming venues notoriously controlled by secret societies like Skull and Bones. It was business associate and Bilderberg globalist elite Peter Thiel who introduced JD Vance to Donald Trump. The Pilgrim Society strikes again. Some 40 or 50 years ago, Phyllis Schlafly wrote that every vice president is chosen by the Bilderbergers.
The British Connection
Kamala Harris and Usha Vance both have South Asian heritage. The bigger interconnection however, is Great Britain, The Pilgrim Society and The Prince's Trust.
Add all the pieces together...
This gives us a clearer picture of the breadth and complexity of transatlantic thought from the 19 th and 20 th centuries to present day. Behind the scenes, the stealth of the British crown and her hierarchal organizations have wormed their way into America's governmental administrations with their utopian hopes of once again controlling the "colonies."
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kp777 · 29 days
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
Aug. 23, 2024
"Today is a good day for renters and families and a bad day for predatory landlords," said one advocate.
Executives at the property management software company RealPage claimed they had the "greater good" in mind when they offered corporate landlords a price-fixing algorithm service, said the U.S. Department of Justice as it filed a lawsuit Friday against the firm—but the scheme allegedly drove rental costs up in communities across the country, contributing to the housing crisis.
The antitrust lawsuit, filed with attorneys general from states including California and Colorado, accused RealPage of using confidential data about its clients to algorithmically determine the highest price renters would pay, using its AI software.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and other officials said the company has violated antitrust laws by providing the service, which gives corporate landlords recommended rental prices and allows them to align prices with one another instead of having to compete.
Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter said the lawsuit is "best understood in the words of RealPage's own executives," who have said the company's software allows landlords to "drive every possible opportunity to increase price, even in the most downward trending or unexpected conditions."
"RealPage tells landlords that it would prefer everybody succeeding versus essentially trying to compete against one another," said Kanter. "But that's not how free markets work. Competition among landlords, not RealPage, should determine prices for renters."
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Garland added that "Americans should not have to pay more in rent because a company has found a new way to scheme with landlords to break the law."
As Common Dreams reported in June, RealPage and the corporate landlords that rely on it has come under the scrutiny of watchdogs including Accountable.US, which found that the six largest property management firms brought in a combined $300 million in increased profits in the first quarter of 2024, thanks largely to rent hikes.
The windfall came as rent prices have skyrocketed by more than 31% since 2019, while wages have gone up by just 23%.
RealPage's algorithm is alleged to have helped fix rent prices for about 16 million rental units across the country, said Accountable.US.
"Today is a good day for renters and families and a bad day for predatory landlords," said Lindsay Owens, executive director of the progressive think tank Groundwork Collaborative. "The Department of Justice is right to take on the affordability crisis that RealPage has been supercharging. Algorithms are being used to unfairly drive up prices for housing, meat, and more. This price-fixing must be stopped."
Caroline Ciccone, president of Accountable.US, said Friday's lawsuit shows that "the Justice Department sees evidence of a major rental price-fixing conspiracy by RealPage that extends to metro areas around the country."
"We've documented how many of the same landlord companies that were sued in the initial rent fixing lawsuit have boasted of massive profits after jacking up rents," said Ciccone. "Any property company that uses RealPage in one of these states should face a serious probe. No renter in America should be price gouged under a potentially illegal rent fixing scheme."
Accountable.US added in a social media post that "while rents soared, RealPage executives bragged about how their software could 'maximize' profits, even in the face of a housing crisis."
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Andrea Beaty, research director for the Revolving Door Project, said RealPage's actions have "left tenants across the country paying the literal price of corporate greed, even in the midst of a global pandemic."
"This lawsuit will hopefully usher forth renewed corporate accountability in the rental market beyond RealPage, which is far from the only corporation capitalizing on tenant's struggles to live in safe and affordable homes," said Beaty. "We hope that in addition to the bipartisan set of eight state attorneys general suing RealPage, even more attorneys general will sign on in response to RealPage's actions to drive up rental costs in communities in their states."
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boldcompanynews · 29 days
Body Of Hannah Lynch, UK Tycoon Mike Lynch's Daughter, Final Victim In Sicily Yacht Disaster, Found - Journal Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/body-of-hannah-lynch-uk-tycoon-mike-lynchs-daughter-final-victim-in-sicily-yacht-disaster-found/?feed_id=175996&_unique_id=66c91347495b1 Divers searching a sunken superyacht off Sicily recovered the body of the teenage daughter of UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch Friday, the seventh and final victim of a tragedy in which the businessman also perished.Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah had been among six passengers reported missing after the “Bayesian” went down off the north coast of the Italian island in a storm early on Monday morning.After Hannah’s body was brought ashore on Friday, her family issued a statement describing their “unspeakable grief”.“The Lynch family is devastated, in shock and is being comforted and supported by family and friends,” it said.Search teams had recovered the bodies of four of Lynch’s friends on Wednesday, and that of the entrepreneur himself on Thursday.The body of a man believed to be the yacht’s chef had been found a few hours after the sailing ship sank.Lynch, 59, had invited friends and family onto the sailing boat to celebrate his recent acquittal in a massive US fraud case.But the 56-metre (185-foot) British-flagged yacht was struck by a waterspout — akin to a mini-tornado — before dawn on Monday as it was anchored off Porticello, near Palermo.It sank at around 04:30 am local time, according to management company Camper and Nicolsons, and now lies on the sea bed some 50 metres down.‘Heartbroken’Hannah had just finished her end-of-school exams and had a place to study English literature at Oxford University.Friends described her as warm, loving and “charming and ferociously intelligent”, according to one of the tributes issued by the family.Lynch, once dubbed the British “Bill Gates”, was “the most brilliant mind and (most) caring person I have ever known”, said another.The businessman had been acquitted on all charges in a San Francisco court in June after he was accused of an $11 billion fraud linked to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.US lawyer Chris Morvillo, a partner at top law firm Clifford Chance who worked on the trial, also died in the sinking, along with his wife Neda.Morvillo’s firm Clifford Chance paid tribute to the couple, saying all were “heartbroken at the tragic passing… and still coming to terms with this terrible loss”.Italy’s fire service said 27 divers had gone down to the submerged yacht each day, performing 123 dives overall in a search that also saw helicopters scour the area.The bodies of Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy, were also found.The Bloomer family said they were suffering “unimaginable grief” for a couple who had been together for five decades.“Our only comfort is that they are still together now,” the family said.‘Uncovering the truth’Many questions remain about why the yacht sank, and so quickly, when other boats nearby were unaffected.Italian prosecutors have opened a probe and will hold a press conference on Saturday.On Thursday the head of the company which built the boat said the tragedy could have been avoided.“Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors,” said Giovanni Costantino, head of the Italian Sea Group, which includes the Perini Navi company that built Bayesian in 2008.But Nautilus International, a maritime trade union, called for a “thorough, unbiased investigation”.General secretary Mark Dickinson warned questioning the crew’s conduct “without the full facts” would be “not only unfair but also harmful to the process of uncovering the truth”.The Bayesian, owned by Lynch’s family, boasted a 75-metre mast, the tallest aluminium sailing mast in the world, according to the Charter World website.Raising the wreck would likely cost some 15 million euros and take “six to eight weeks”, according
to the salvage engineer who led the operation to recover the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which sank off Italy in 2012.To recover the yacht, the mast could be removed on the seabed but the boat would be lifted up whole using a giant crane and a team of 40 specialist divers, South African engineer Nick Sloane told the Repubblica daily.(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – AFP)“UK businessman Mike Lynch and six others died when their luxury yacht got caught in a waterspout that caused the vessel to sink…”Source Link: https://www.news18.com/world/body-of-uk-tycoons-daughter-hannah-lynch-final-victim-in-sicily-yacht-disaster-found-9025855.html #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Divers searching a sunken superyach... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Body Of Hannah Lynch, UK Tycoon Mike Lynch's Daughter, Final Victim In Sicily Yacht Disaster, Found - Journal Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/body-of-hannah-lynch-uk-tycoon-mike-lynchs-daughter-final-victim-in-sicily-yacht-disaster-found/?feed_id=175995&_unique_id=66c9134655bef Divers searching a sunken superyacht off Sicily recovered the body of the teenage daughter of UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch Friday, the seventh and final victim of a tragedy in which the businessman also perished.Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah had been among six passengers reported missing after the “Bayesian” went down off the north coast of the Italian island in a storm early on Monday morning.After Hannah’s body was brought ashore on Friday, her family issued a statement describing their “unspeakable grief”.“The Lynch family is devastated, in shock and is being comforted and supported by family and friends,” it said.Search teams had recovered the bodies of four of Lynch’s friends on Wednesday, and that of the entrepreneur himself on Thursday.The body of a man believed to be the yacht’s chef had been found a few hours after the sailing ship sank.Lynch, 59, had invited friends and family onto the sailing boat to celebrate his recent acquittal in a massive US fraud case.But the 56-metre (185-foot) British-flagged yacht was struck by a waterspout — akin to a mini-tornado — before dawn on Monday as it was anchored off Porticello, near Palermo.It sank at around 04:30 am local time, according to management company Camper and Nicolsons, and now lies on the sea bed some 50 metres down.‘Heartbroken’Hannah had just finished her end-of-school exams and had a place to study English literature at Oxford University.Friends described her as warm, loving and “charming and ferociously intelligent”, according to one of the tributes issued by the family.Lynch, once dubbed the British “Bill Gates”, was “the most brilliant mind and (most) caring person I have ever known”, said another.The businessman had been acquitted on all charges in a San Francisco court in June after he was accused of an $11 billion fraud linked to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.US lawyer Chris Morvillo, a partner at top law firm Clifford Chance who worked on the trial, also died in the sinking, along with his wife Neda.Morvillo’s firm Clifford Chance paid tribute to the couple, saying all were “heartbroken at the tragic passing… and still coming to terms with this terrible loss”.Italy’s fire service said 27 divers had gone down to the submerged yacht each day, performing 123 dives overall in a search that also saw helicopters scour the area.The bodies of Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy, were also found.The Bloomer family said they were suffering “unimaginable grief” for a couple who had been together for five decades.“Our only comfort is that they are still together now,” the family said.‘Uncovering the truth’Many questions remain about why the yacht sank, and so quickly, when other boats nearby were unaffected.Italian prosecutors have opened a probe and will hold a press conference on Saturday.On Thursday the head of the company which built the boat said the tragedy could have been avoided.“Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors,” said Giovanni Costantino, head of the Italian Sea Group, which includes the Perini Navi company that built Bayesian in 2008.But Nautilus International, a maritime trade union, called for a “thorough, unbiased investigation”.General secretary Mark Dickinson warned questioning the crew’s conduct “without the full facts” would be “not only unfair but also harmful to the process of uncovering the truth”.The Bayesian, owned by Lynch’s family, boasted a 75-metre mast, the tallest aluminium sailing mast in the world, according to the Charter World website.Raising the wreck would likely cost some 15 million euros and take “six to eight weeks”, according
to the salvage engineer who led the operation to recover the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which sank off Italy in 2012.To recover the yacht, the mast could be removed on the seabed but the boat would be lifted up whole using a giant crane and a team of 40 specialist divers, South African engineer Nick Sloane told the Repubblica daily.(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – AFP)“UK businessman Mike Lynch and six others died when their luxury yacht got caught in a waterspout that caused the vessel to sink…”Source Link: https://www.news18.com/world/body-of-uk-tycoons-daughter-hannah-lynch-final-victim-in-sicily-yacht-disaster-found-9025855.html BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Divers searching a sunken superyacht off Sicily recovered the body of the teenage daughter of UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch Friday, the seventh and final victim of a tragedy in which the businessman also perished. Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah had been among six passengers reported missing after the “Bayesian” went down off the … Read More
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lawyerserving456 · 1 month
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For more data, together with contact information, please see International Child Abduction. Few other follow areas contact so many Canadians and have interaction as many areas of law. Each case is as completely different as every family and navigating the problems in each case requires a dynamic method. Property division in a divorce is dependent family lawyer consultation upon the marital regime underneath which the couple was married. Regardless of the regime, an equitable distribution is normally pursued. Canada has long been a most well-liked vacation spot for international college students, offering high-quality training, a diverse society, and alternatives for post-graduation work or everlasting immigration.
Some conditions require collaborative negotiations and others require aggressive advocacy and the utilization of the courts. As one of many largest law firms within the Interior, our legal professionals have a broad range of specializations, guaranteeing that we now have the experience to competently and professionally characterize you. Family law legal professionals must be informed about your and your spouse’s income. It is beneficial to bring employment-related paperwork, like notices of evaluation, latest payroll stubs, and income tax returns. British Columbia has a central authority that assists left-behind dad and mom whose kids have been kidnapped across worldwide borders.
Coming to the first query, why do you need to hire a family attorney? In this part, you'll discuss the explanations you want to hire an attorney. Some individuals come to a family lawyer for youngster custody circumstances, while others come for divorces. If you have youngsters and they're concerned in your family family law attorney consultation matter, your family lawyer in Brampton should pay consideration to your present or proposed custody and visitation plans. Before the appointment, the lawyer must know the children’s ages and any unique conditions. We are proud to offer a variety of providers in Guelph and preserve one of the largest family law departments in Southwestern Ontario.
People usually consult a Family Lawyer during an emotionally tough time in their relationship. In family law issues, people who go to see lawyers are relations who may end up on opposite sides of litigation. If there are children concerned, you could have to proceed a relationship together with your separating companion after any litigation has been resolved. If you want authorized help in family-related issues in Cape Town, the subsequent move would be to consult with a reputable family law attorney who can information you thru the process.
We’re a team of expert family attorneys who may help you struggle your case and meet your targets. Although we regularly seem in court, our view is that the finest choice is most frequently an settlement reached exterior of courtroom. We understand that each one that experiences the necessity family law consultation fee to hire a lawyer could have totally different targets and views of the best end result. We take a client-focused strategy and tailor an strategy to fulfill the specific needs of each of our clients. You might need to communicate to a lawyer for authorized advice a few family law matter.
However, challenges corresponding to discovering suitable housing have been a concern for a lot of worldwide students. In a latest announcement, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, unveiled important modifications to handle these challenges and improve the general expertise for worldwide students. Here are a quantity of regularly requested questions that your family attorney is most likely to ask. We focus on understanding your unique state of affairs and targets, working with you to search out sensible and effective options which are proper for your family. If you’re assembly with a lawyer after receiving documents, it’s crucial that you simply give copies of the papers to the lawyer.
You should have all essential information out there, corresponding to your monetary info if you are asking about support or property division. It seeks changes to the act that would guarantee treaty and constitutional rights are upheld. A uncontested divorce process family law consultation fee can take between 4 to six weeks if all matters are swiftly agreed upon. Contested divorces could take for much longer relying on the complexity of the issues concerned. Legalizing paperwork for worldwide use is an important course of for individuals and businesses in Canada.
You need to assemble all of the facts associated to your case to current to your attorney. Your lawyer will ask you for all the small print, so as an alternative of beating across the bush with your tales, point out the related details only. You can prepare a listing of facts on a paper, so you don’t need to brainstorm through the meeting. We take pride in representing our purchasers with integrity and utilizing our experience to effectively advocate in your behalf in essentially the most environment friendly method for your distinctive state of affairs. Our method is client-centric, ensuring that your matter is dealt with with the care, sensitivity and a focus it deserves. Get on-line resources or referral providers to help with your liked ones law issues.
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indianbusinesshub · 3 months
Discovering Professional Indian Services in New Zealand
New Zealand is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and the Indian community contributes significantly to its vibrant professional landscape. Whether you’re looking for legal assistance, financial advice, graphic design, or makeup artistry, Indian professionals offer a wealth of expertise and cultural understanding. This blog will highlight some of the top Indian professionals in New Zealand, focusing on Indian Lawyers New Zealand, Indian Financial Advisors in New Zealand, Indian Graphic Designers in Wellington, and Indian Makeup Artists in Wellington.
Indian Lawyers New Zealand
Finding a trustworthy and knowledgeable lawyer is crucial for navigating legal matters. Indian Lawyers in New Zealand bring a unique blend of legal expertise and cultural sensitivity, making them ideal for clients who value these qualities.
Benefits of Indian Lawyers
Cultural Understanding: Indian lawyers understand the nuances of both Indian and New Zealand cultures, which can be beneficial in cases involving cultural contexts.
Language Proficiency: Many Indian lawyers are bilingual, offering services in both English and various Indian languages, making communication easier for clients who prefer their native language.
Diverse Expertise: Indian lawyers in New Zealand specialize in various areas of law, including immigration, family law, business law, and more.
Notable Indian Legal Firms
Several legal firms in New Zealand have prominent Indian lawyers who have earned reputations for their excellence and dedication. When looking for legal assistance, consider firms known for their client-centric approach and proven track record.
Indian Financial Advisors in New Zealand
Financial planning and investment strategies are vital for securing your financial future. Indian Financial Advisors in New Zealand offer tailored advice to meet the specific needs of the Indian community.
Benefits of Indian Financial Advisors
Cultural Insight: They understand the financial habits and goals specific to the Indian community, providing personalized advice.
Comprehensive Services: From investment planning to retirement advice, they offer a range of financial services.
Trust and Reliability: Many clients prefer advisors who share their cultural background and values, fostering a sense of trust and understanding.
Finding the Right Advisor
Look for Indian financial advisors with credible certifications and positive client reviews. Personalized consultations can help you gauge their expertise and suitability for your financial goals.
Indian Graphic Designers in Wellington
In the creative field, Indian Graphic Designers in Wellington stand out for their innovative designs and cultural flair. Their work often reflects a unique blend of traditional and contemporary aesthetics.
Benefits of Indian Graphic Designers
Creative Fusion: Their designs often incorporate elements of Indian culture, resulting in distinctive and appealing visuals.
Technical Skills: Proficient in the latest graphic design tools and software, they deliver high-quality work.
Client Collaboration: They work closely with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life.
Finding a Graphic Designer
Check portfolios and client testimonials to find a graphic designer whose style aligns with your needs. Wellington, being a creative hub, has many talented Indian designers to choose from.
Indian Makeup Artists in Wellington
For special occasions, weddings, or professional photoshoots, Indian Makeup Artists in Wellington provide exceptional services that highlight beauty with a touch of cultural elegance.
Benefits of Indian Makeup Artists
Cultural Expertise: They understand traditional Indian makeup styles and can seamlessly blend them with contemporary trends.
High-Quality Products: They use top-tier makeup products to ensure a flawless and long-lasting finish.
Personalized Service: They offer customized makeup looks tailored to individual preferences and occasions.
Finding a Makeup Artist
Look for Indian makeup artists with extensive portfolios showcasing a variety of looks. Client reviews and personal consultations can also help you choose the right artist for your needs.
New Zealand’s Indian professionals in law, finance, graphic design, and makeup artistry offer valuable services that blend expertise with cultural understanding. Whether you need legal assistance, financial advice, creative designs, or stunning makeup, these professionals provide top-notch services tailored to your specific needs. Explore these fields to find the right Indian professional who can help you achieve your goals with excellence and cultural sensitivity.
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akashkanaujiya · 3 months
Detective Services
The Evolution of Detective Services in the Digital Age
In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, from communication to commerce, it's no surprise that detective services have also undergone a significant evolution. Gone are the days of trench coats and magnifying glasses; today's private investigators harness cutting-edge digital tools and methodologies to unravel mysteries and uncover truths. At the forefront of this evolution stands Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation, a pioneering agency that combines traditional investigative prowess with modern technological expertise to guide and assist its clients.
The Rise of Digital Detectives
The advent of the internet and digital communication has revolutionized how information is accessed and shared. For detectives, this means a treasure trove of data that can be mined and analyzed to piece together complex puzzles. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation embraces this digital landscape, employing specialists skilled in digital forensics, cyber investigations, and open-source intelligence gathering. These experts leverage advanced software and techniques to trace digital footprints, uncover hidden online activities, and retrieve crucial evidence that traditional methods might overlook.
From Surveillance to Cyber Sleuthing
Surveillance, a staple of detective work, has also evolved in the digital age. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation utilizes state-of-the-art surveillance technology, including high-definition cameras, GPS tracking devices, and drone surveillance, to monitor subjects discreetly and gather irrefutable evidence. Moreover, the agency recognizes the importance of maintaining legal and ethical standards in surveillance practices, ensuring that all operations are conducted within the bounds of the law.
The Role of Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation
Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation goes beyond conventional detective services by offering comprehensive guidance and support to its clients. Whether individuals, businesses, or legal firms, clients turn to Nyay Sutra for assistance in a wide array of investigative needs:
Background Checks and Due Diligence: Before entering into partnerships or hiring key personnel, businesses rely on Nyay Sutra to conduct thorough background checks and due diligence investigations. This ensures informed decision-making and mitigates risks.
Corporate Investigations: In cases of internal fraud, intellectual property theft, or employee misconduct, Nyay Sutra's corporate investigation team employs strategic analysis and forensic techniques to uncover fraudulent activities and safeguard business interests.
Legal Support Services: Law firms trust Nyay Sutra to provide crucial evidence and expert testimony in legal cases. The agency's meticulous approach to evidence gathering and documentation strengthens clients' legal strategies and enhances their chances of success in litigation.
Family and Personal Matters: From matrimonial disputes to missing-person cases, Nyay Sutra offers compassionate and confidential support to individuals navigating sensitive personal issues. The agency's empathetic approach ensures clients feel supported throughout the investigative process.
Embracing the Future of Detective Services
As technology continues to evolve, so too will the field of detective services. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation remains committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements, continuously refining its methodologies and expanding its capabilities to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. Whether uncovering digital evidence in complex cyber investigations or providing clarity in personal matters, Nyay Sutra exemplifies the future of detective services in the digital age—where expertise meets innovation to deliver justice and peace of mind.
The evolution of detective services in the digital age is marked by transformative technologies and methodologies. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation stands as a beacon of this evolution, offering unparalleled expertise and guidance to its clients across a spectrum of investigative challenges. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, Nyay Sutra remains dedicated to harnessing the power of technology responsibly, ensuring justice and truth prevail in every case they undertake.
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