#family timeeeeeeeee
moregraceful · 5 months
Did anyone else opt into Patio on Tumblr and now the desktop version of Tumblr just straight up doesn't work. Anyway m just told me there are rumors that Chubba Purdy might rescind his transfer to SJSU and I'm inconsolable. the single thread my sanity was hanging on all week was me and m deciding Chubba Purdy is going to meetcute Ethan Cardwell by hitting him with his car in the SJSU parking structure shared by the SJSU football stadium and Sharks Ice. Preston I have known who you are for ummm I think five days but I need you to stay the course. You want to be a Spartan. You want to be a Spartan sooooo bad. You want to hit Ethan Cardwell with your car...
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ambivartence · 2 years
top 5 traditional foods :3c
!!!! omfg fOOD!! i love talking about the traditional chinese food i grew up eating 🥺
1. stir fry pork and bean curd - i ate different variations of this dish like almost everyday growing up!!! it could seriously be the only thing i ever eat and i would be happy. i dont think it's a super popular dish in the broader chinese cuisine so you wont see it on every menu but it's still relatively common and definitely a staple in my family <3 2. soy braised chicken - i literally just made this for myself last night but this or braised pork baby ribs (or braised pork belly or pig trotters for extra decadence) is eliteeeee u can make it simple or w lots of different spices (i like putting lots of ginger, scallions star anise, cinnamon, bay leaf, dried thai chilis) and then throw in some beancurd/tofu skin and shiitake mushrooms yUM 3. century egg congee - this is a simple rice porridge w cut up pieces of these special preserved eggs (if u google century egg it looks crazyyy lmao but trust it tastes wayyyy better than it looks) and i add ground pork too, and it's a super common breakfast dish especially paired with youtiao (chinese fried dough like an unsweet churro) 4. pork and chinese spinach dumplings - ok so i am too lazy to make my own dumplings so i buy the frozen wei chuan ones and im addicted to this specific filling/flavor like how r they so good wHy r they so good ??? why would i even need to go to a dumpling restaurant when the frozen aisle serves just as good LOL (jkjk i appreciate a good handmade dumpling too) also the wei chuan brand yellow dumpling sauce fucking slaps i have literally driven 30-45 min out of the city to go buy it LOL 5. peking duck - ok i rarely ever get to eat this bc it's like a special occasion thing (our family usually gets it for thanksgiving instead of turkey) and it's kinda bougie LOL it tastes best at like an actual peking duck restaurant where the skin is crispy and they carve the duck in front of u !! u wrap the duck in either an open bao or a bing (chinese tortilla?) with scallions n cucumber n hoisin sauce and this is literally one of my favorite foods of all timeeeeeeeee
> ask me my top 5 anything <
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simthorium · 1 year
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“Party timeeeeeeeee!” Kauker shouted from behind the DJ booth. It was his birthday and he was more than ready to throw the best party ever.
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All of his cousins were there, even moody Ruben who ruined the vibes. But, he didn’t care because all he wanted to do was hang out with his family.
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“Are you sure this stuff isn’t addictive?” Miles Jr. said. “Yes, idiot, just inhale,” Luna said. The three of them, including Kauker’s girlfriend Debbie, sat at the bubble blower for a few minutes before all of them started lifting off the ground and floating. “This is awesomeeeeee!” Miles Jr. exclaimed, flipping in the air.
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Meanwhile, Kauker was doing what he did best, mixing and creating the dopest beats for the crowd to dance to. Noah, Rumi, and Coriana drove down from college to join while the cousins in high school all boogied down on the dance floor as well.
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“You guys are so lame,” Ruben muttered as he headed for the keg. “No alcohol for party poopers!” Kauker shouted into the microphone from the DJ booth. Everyone turned to look at Ruben, who just shrugged and sat back down without a beer from the keg.
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Despite Ruben being annoying, the party was lit and continued through dusk. People were dancing, blowing bubbles, jumping in the swimming pool, and enjoying the hell out of themselves.
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Kauker put the DJ booth on auto for a bit then jumped down to join everyone dancing. He swooped up behind Debbie, kissing her before dropping down to his knees. “Oh my god!” Debbie exclaimed.  “Right in the middle of the dance floor, bro!?” Noah said, annoyed. “Shut up man, it’s my party!” Kauker said. “Um, I mean, Debbie. I love you more than words can say! You’re carrying my baby and I know we’re gonna be the best parents in the world. But I wanna be with you, forever and stuff! Will you marry me?”
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“Duh!” Debbie said, wrapping her arms around Kauker. “Took you long enough to ask.” Kauker swung her around, then quickly stopped, remembering about the baby in her belly. “Sweet!” he said, kissing her again.
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The party moved inside, where everyone continued drinking and dancing. David stumbled around, nearly running into several people at once. “Dude, how are you getting home?” Coriana asked him. “I have no idea where I am right now,” David slurred. “God, you kids are so sloppy,” she said with a sigh. 
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Before the night was over, Kauker grew up into an adult. After dropping out of high school due to his insane internet fame, he’d bypassed college and went straight into adulthood. He didn’t mind though, because he wouldn’t give up this life for the world! He looked himself up and down, and was ecstatic with how he looked. He was ready for this next phase in life, and was more than excited to become a husband and a father.
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lady-tomatoe · 4 years
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asami's new family :''') 🥺👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
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"Jolyne, what are you doing on the ground?"
"I want to take a photo of all of us! Say 'cheese!'"
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They were all hanging out together, and when Jolyne saw a camera from a window's shop she asked her parents if they could've buy that.
Jotaro and Alex thought that Jolyne and Luis would have so much fun taking pictures together, and also because the thought was cute they said yes and bought it.
After some time they went to the park and Jolyne suddenly crouched on the ground. Alexandra asked her what she was doing and she responded that she wanted to take a photo of all of her family and it turned out like that! :D
All of this because I had the huge urge to draw something cute ;v; 💖💖💖💖
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anoldor · 4 years
Lore question: Since the Chosen One isn't an inherited title... exactly... I mean you don't get it by being the child of the previous one, anyway, I assume- does that mean the Chosen One isn't under as much pressure to marry or have children as a typical monarchy type ruler would be? CAN they even have children? And when the Chosen One dies, does their hair revert to the original colour, like it was a temporary magic somehow? I just can't wait to get lost in the lore of this lovely world! :D
Lore timeeeeeeeee
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Yes Chosen One can have children Adrala; has one for example. We met her in the game, her name is Lycia (I will reveal her wip wednesday btw huhu.)
No, their heir don’t rule after them even if they are very respected and enter the nobility (but often because mom or daddy give them some lands somewhere not by absolute birth right). That said they are still VERY considerate by society.
 The current Duke of Freefield, the one who rule on the capital, and in the absence of Chosen One, is a direct descendant of Evelyne and Oriel, their full genealogical tree is on a book in the library.
 Lycia, who is the daughter of Adrala and the actual duke of Freefield, is considered of the purest noble blood existing since she is technically descendant of two Chosen One + a god.
There is no genealogical tree to prove it, but all the lineage of the main Duke of the country, are supposed to be descendant of the first Chosen Ones (Evelyne, Seth, Elisia and Arthur himself who created the Duchies). At least, those noble house love to claim to have Chosen one blood even if according to legends, it’s not even always the same Chosen One involved.
They keep their hair red for a long time after their death, but it starts to fade after a few weeks and it takes some decades for them to return to normal. Amalia was fascinated by the hair of Chosen One, she asked her body to be left in decomposition after her death so people could study the phenomenon, but she died on a fire so there was nothing left on her burned body, it's a very recent discovery by some anonymous scholar.
To sum up, descendant of the primary Chosen One does have powers, but it would be a mess if every Chosen One was starting dynasties considering they are all taken from very different families so they don’t hold power even if they are still very respected. It put less pressure on Chosen One to get children; many didn’t had any.
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as a taste of the summer weather dawned upon us in harlem, the fun emerged. however, so did the crazies 🙄. today, we met a woman who had a story to tell whomever would hear it as she was handcuffed by the police. yelling out loud, calling people “b*tches” , and yelling racial slurs. crackpipes being extracted from her black jacket as she stood undergarmentless under the scaffolding surrouded by a circle of 5-6 cops. now what race is the person you’re thinking of? be honest? HA! think again. this lady was a white, blonde haired, blue eyed, crackhead on the corner of 132nd and lenox. she amazed the passerby’s with her profane language spewing out hate speech and arguing with pedestrians who recorded. some black passerby’s looked on and did the typical harlem series of movements with things like this happen. look up, analyze, mind your business and walk away. however, some pedestrians that had timeeeeeeeee like my friends and I stood by to watch the tables turn. a white woman being taken into custody by minority police officers with a crowd of community members watching. her story , as good as I can retell it from the multiple alterations she made to it , was that she was walking and she stopped to ask a black family for a quarter (later changed to a dollar) and when the family refused, they threw a cup of fruit punch at her ( later changed to a chicken nugget) and ran her over with a car (later changed to got out the car and dragged her by her hair). she said that the black family was “reverse racist” because she claimed that the woman remarked that “white women cannot ask black women for money” however with none of her story making sense, the crowd sided with the police who were honorable in their efforts not to respond to the utterly disrespectful words the woman was saying to them because listen sisss, me?? HAAA! she would’ve REALLY needed the ambulance she was asking for. lol but more seriously, it was interesting to see how much joy the black community was getting out of this white woman being arrested some even remarking “about time” and “tuhh, keep her overnight” as they walked by. With no support for the black observers she took to calling out for white pedestrians that walked by. She finally caught the attention of three white women, honestly, your typical “save the earth” looking types. as they were restricted from entering the police ring surrounding the woman, they approached us, the scent of gentrification wafting under my nose. 3 random black kids who seemed to be innocently recording the incident , no telling whether we were in support or against the woman. “Did the hurt her or slam her? Is she okay” they asked. HA! is SHE okay? I nearly choked on my own words 🤦🏽‍♀️ “yup she’s fine. just arrested” I replied. The cops fidgeted in place a little, maybe fearing that the presence of white people now would bring more awareness and skepticism to the scene. the women lingered for a bit more with the “There’s nothing I can do face” and then walked away. the woman looked defeated as her “white card” and claims to be a free mason were not attracting the help she desired. the tables were turned and she couldn’t flip them. her privilege given to her by her skin could not beat the distrust laid on by her social status. she refused care while filing into the ambulance she previously repeatedly called for and was given a bountiful sendoff by the remaining bystanders. “goodbye crack masonry queen” they shouted. we walked away and continued our walk home as if nothing happened, as if this was just another day in harlem.
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