#family trust attorney near me
spaceclefairy · 3 months
lonely for you only (pt. 1)
Summary: Mayfair and Mayfair Law Group, attorneys to the stars. Only the Best, and Forget the Rest!, the cheesy plaque on the front of the building reads. You, Miss Mayfair, are the best and brightest in Tinseltown, and, unfortunately, if Cooper’s going to make it through this divorce with his reputation intact, you’re his only option.
Don’t screw it up! You know, by falling in love with Cooper Howard. (You're gonna screw it up.)
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“I need a divorce.”
You pause, unsure that you’ve heard your client correctly. “A divorce?”
The man sitting across from you, your client, is none other than Cooper Howard. Movie star of the minute, renowned family man, image as pretty and clean-cut as Hollywood gets - minus the recent accusations of being un-American, a la the Vault-Tec advertisements. He looks, well, unwell. It’s not in the way he’s dressed - he’s immaculately coiffed and perfectly pressed as always. It’s the dark circles under his eyes and the lack of spark that usually makes the hazel so striking.
He looks… defeated.
But what strikes you as odd isn’t that Cooper is asking you to handle his divorce - you’ve been his attorney for years. What’s odd is that he needs a divorce. He loves Barb, and that’s not even just part of his public image. The man would do anything for his wife. (Like damn near ruining his career over those Vault-Tec ads…) 
“Cooper, I don’t handle divorces,” you reply. “I’m in entertainment.”
“I know.” Cooper sighs, grimacing. The slightest bit of drawl slips through his voice, peppering his words with that Southern accent you’re used to seeing on screen. Funny enough, that’s his real accent, you’ve come to learn, not the carefully enunciated cadence he uses in public. “But I need someone I can trust.”
Divorce is a dirty business in Hollywood, so you understand where Cooper’s coming from. Plenty of other big names in the industry have had their secrets sold for hard cash, lives and reputations ruined for an under-the-table payout. And as squeaky-clean as Cooper Howard is, you’re sure there are plenty of people out there who would pay top dollar to find something scandalous about him. You wouldn’t trust a career divorce attorney in this town as far as you could throw them, not knowing how many of them have thrown their clients under the media bus in the interest of the almighty dollar.
“I understand that, Coop,” you start, “and I understand why you want me to do it, but you’re gonna have to level with me here. Why do you want a divorce?”
Cooper’s answer is simple. “Irreconcilable differences.”
The problem is, Cooper’s simple answer is born out of an incredibly complicated question. You want to bite your tongue, but if you do this, you’re going to have to know everything. You know Cooper well, but if you’re going to handle his divorce, you’re going to learn things as his attorney and friend you’ve never wanted to know.
“You’re going to have to give me more than that,” you say, searching his face. He’s long since bothered to keep up his public facade when he walks into your office. You’ve never seen him so despondent - not even when he lost out on his last movie role over those damn advertisements. “Do you really want to do this?”
“I have to,” he replies, clasping his well-manicured hands in his lap.
It breaks your heart. You like Cooper. You’ve been friends for years, attorney and client even longer. You’ve been to his wrap parties. You went to his wedding to Barb ten years ago - he was part of the bridal party at your second wedding. You’re in his will as Janey's legal guardian if Cooper dies, for God’s sake. 
You rub your temples. This is why you don’t handle divorces. “Have you asked Barb yet?”
Cooper shakes his head. “No, not yet. I’ve been trying to decide how to ask.”
“Okay, so, Barb doesn’t know yet,” you reply. It’s not a question. You’re trying to get your thoughts organized - that’s what Cooper Howard pays you good money to do. “Alright, game plan, we’re going to call Stacey and loop her in, and then once you tell Barb, you and I are going to go over assets, money management, contracts… everything.”
Cooper’s nose wrinkles when he hears Stacey. “Do we have to call in Stacey?”
Stacey is your law firm’s in-house publicist. Stacey is not well-liked, but she’s the Hollywood publicist. She’s worked for Mayfair and Mayfair longer than you have, longer than even your father. Your law firm has been the family-run Hollywood entertainment firm for the better part of a century, and you’re convinced Stacey was probably lurking around in the basement of the building when your grandfather founded the firm. And she certainly doesn’t mind being the boogeyman when she needs to be.
“Divorces can get nasty. I can play nasty just as well as any other Hollywood attorney, but divorce nasty is something else entirely,” you say. “You’re the man of the hour in Hollywood, Cooper. We want to keep your image as clean as we can, and we need Stacey for that.”
“It just seems a little much…”
“Look, Coop, I know there’s no love lost between Barb and I, and this isn’t meant to be disparaging against her,” you reply, “but the fact of the matter is, the Barb you know in marriage is not going to be the Barb you know in divorce. That’s just the nature of these things. Trust me, I’ve been divorced twice.”
You can see the wheels turning in his head. “I don’t want this to be some wild, drawn-out legal battle.”
“You may not want that, but there’s nothing to say that Barb won’t try,” you reply, “That’s why we’re calling Stacey.”
You like Cooper, you really, really do (sometimes a little more than you should), but sometimes he’s too good. “I’m guessing she’s going to want to frame this as you not wanting to do the Vault-Tec adverts anymore and Barb pushing you to do it, which means admitting they’ve hurt your career… Anyway, Stacey will handle that - that’s not your concern. You and I have a lot of work to do.”
“I-I don’t even know where to start,” Cooper says. He shifts in your plush office chair like he’s thinking about walking out. “Maybe this is a bad idea…”
“At the end of the day, it’s your choice,” you reply, studying him from your desk. “But clearly whatever’s going on is enough for you to be here.”
Cooper knows you’re right. You can see it in his eyes, the way he searches your face for any hint of doubt. He doesn’t want you to be right, but that’s why he pays you the big bucks. 
He rubs his temples. “This doesn’t leave this room.”
“Nothing you’ve ever said to me has left this room,” you assure him, “and nothing ever will.”
(Besides, if you ever thought about losing your moral compass, whatever any tabloid or paparazzo could offer you to spill Cooper Howard’s secrets couldn’t touch what he and his agency pay to retain you anyway.)
Cooper seems to be chewing on his words, contemplating how he wants to phrase things. That’s not a good sign. He’s a straight-shooter - he’s never had trouble telling you exactly what’s on his mind or what he thinks of something.
“I overheard Barb in a meeting at work,” he says finally. “I did not like what I heard.”
You raise an eyebrow, thinking the worst. The unthinkable, really. “She’s not… having an affair, is she?”
“No, it was a work meeting,” Cooper responds, waving his hand. “She proposed some ideas that I don’t agree with.”
Right, right, not an affair… Boy, that got your hopes up a little bit, for all the wrong reasons. Now’s not the time for that - you have to be sympathetic.
You wait expectantly for him to expound. “Okay.”
“Like dropping bombs.”
“I see.” 
Barb talking about dropping bombs at a Vault-Tec work meeting is decidedly, incredibly, very not good. Especially when she has the resources to do it.
You take a breath because that's a lot to process. “Well, I’ll get the paperwork drawn up tonight so you can have it when you’re ready to start this show. Once Barb signs the paperwork, we’ll work on a proposal for division of assets.”
Cooper nods. “Thanks.”
“I can’t make this completely painless, Coop, but I’ll do what I can.”
“You always do,” he says softly.
You hate it when he does that - when he speaks to you softly like that. His vulnerability makes your heart ache, and it always has. You know better than to fall in love with a client (even if that client is also your friend), but that ship sailed a long time ago.
“I’ll call you when the paperwork is ready.”
Cooper leaves, shutting your office door gently behind him. You watch him go, rubbing your temples. You can't handle his fucking divorce. You should have referred him to someone else, maybe your dad, but you know he wouldn't have gone forward with this if you had. Cooper's only ever let you deal with his legal business, and he's too stubborn to trust anyone else. God, this is such a bad idea.
From outside your closed door, you hear a hearty laugh and what sounds like someone being clapped on the shoulder. That laugh is unmistakable - you know it's your grandfather outside. Camden Mayfair is a force of his own caliber, and his laugh has always reflected it. Despite his advanced age, he's never quite managed to officially retire from the firm he'd founded with his own father. Be it a sense of duty or just a love of meddling, he spends his days doddering around the office rubbing elbows with the clientele who roam in and out. He never misses a chance to hobnob with the Hollywood elite (it's part of what's kept him in business so long), and he very well may be Cooper Howard's biggest fan (something about always wanting to be a cowboy). In fact, he made you a partner long before you earned that honor the moment he found out Cooper retained you fifteen years ago at the beginning of his (and your) career.
And God, it's like he can sense when Cooper's in the building. He's done his damnedest for years to try to set you up with him.
Camden hustles into your office with his usual swagger and shuts the door behind you, plopping himself down in one of your expensive office chairs. He's still a handsome old man, all sharp angles, well-taken care of his entire life and unwilling to let age set in. He somehow still has a full head of hair (even if it's snow white) and a full beard. You can tell by the look in his dark eyes - the same dark eyes you have - he's guessed what's going on. Clever old bastard.
"That Cooper Howard," he starts, and you fight the instinct to roll your eyes, "he's a great actor, isn't he?"
"Best of the best, Pops."
"Shame those acting skills can't hide a broken heart," Camden comments carefully. "Pain is in the eyes, you know. Hard to hide if you know what you're looking at. I assume you'll be handling the divorce?"
You huff. "Do you have my office bugged?"
"No, sweet pea, I have fifty years of experience with clients, four ex-wives, and one current wife who I intend to spend my final years with," Camden replies with an easy grin. "All men have that same look in their eyes during that first divorce. Has he asked Barb yet?"
"No, he hasn't," you reply. "I'm drafting the paperwork tonight."
"Well, I'm sure you'll have this whole business over and done with in no time," he says. "He's a handsome man. Won't take long to get a twinkle back in his eyes, especially not when you come in and save the day."
This again. He never gives up. The man never called either of your former partners by their names, not even when you were married - it was always "that soft-brained man" and "that bimbo woman." Oh, but Cooper Howard - now, he would always have a name to Camden Mayfair.
"Whatever you're planning, stop it," you say. "I'll tell Grandma you're not minding your own business if you don't."
Your grandmother, Camden's fifth wife, is not your biological grandmother, but she's the one you claim to be yours. A formidable woman in her own right, she'd been an attorney for forty-odd years and only finally retired when she could no longer walk up the steps to her office. Coincidentally, she's lasted the longest of the five wives and somehow is the only person to have ever gotten your grandfather's meddling somewhat under control.
"Oh, posh," he waves his hand dismissively at you. "I never meddle. I assume you'll let Stacey handle the PR?"
Camden gets up to leave, "Well, I'm sure Stacey will come up with something."
You shake your head as he blusters out of your office. This is a terrible fucking idea.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
rewatched the will scene for editing purposes and nothing i'm about to say hasn't been said before its just like I Know its an insane scene, i know that every second of every day, but you forget just how truuuuly insane it is until you watch it again.
eddie's vacant stare right at the start as he's rehearsing what could potentially be one of the biggest most important speeches of his life, the way he literally blinks himself out of his daze when buck enters with his faux-casual oooookay, there's something about buck's little smile when he says then we can get out of here that makes me want to BITE things, the absolute steel on eddie's face as he gets buck to sit down realising what it is he's about to do, buck's cautious everything alright? because he's not sure he can handle any other bad news after Everything, buck sitting down as far away from eddie and his terrifyingly serious energy as he physically can, the way eddie can't look at him and buck can't look away at first, eddie literally can't look at him like i cannot express to you how actively eddie avoids buck's eyes on him its a fucking love confession and he can't let buck read that on him so he hides in plain fucking sight.
the way buck tries to run from the reminder of eddie's mortality, eddie's soft but firm let me finish because if he doesn't say it now he'll have to wait until the next near death experience to find his courage again, the beat of wildly intentional eye contact in which buck's face says please whatever this is don't make me face it now and eddie's face says trust me please trust me the way i have trusted you with my heart, eddie's bitter chuckle about the well, buck desperately clinging to the fact that eddie survived that and wondering if he knows buck screamed for him then too, eddie's huffed laughter wondering if buck knows he saved him both times, how fully eddie sinks into the memory of realising he needed to give christopher a just in case, the framing of the shots capturing buck's reactions always featuring an out of focus eddie, the choice to focus so closely on buck's reactions even when eddie is speaking, the way its really only the both of them in focus when their eyes meet, the way eddie goes quiet when talking about the what ifs, eddie staring at buck as he talks about christopher being taken care of but looking away as he says by you because absolutely everything is written plain as day on his face for buck to read.
and then the switch, the way buck can't look at eddie and eddie can't look away, he needs to make sure buck understands, but buck can't face up to it, ITS IN MY WILL IF I DIE YOU BECOME CHRISTOPHER'S LEGAL GUARDIAN, buck going through the five stages of grief in a single second before landing on bargaining and reminding eddie of his family because he's the guy who lost christopher in a tsunami and broke down when chris needed him to be strong, my attorney said you could refuse/but you know i wouldn't/i know you wouldn't, buck's panic on his face even as he says it because of course he'd do it but that would mean eddie was gone, eddie's gentle and fond smile because even terrified buck is confirming everything he already knew, buck's pain when he says other family like he's still not entirely sure he's a part of the diaz family but the subconscious other because deep down buck knows where he belongs, eddie's casual reaction to buck's wouldn't they fight for him? because he knows no one will EVER fight for my son as hard as you, that is what i want for him, the little chuckle and the blatant shock on buck's face.
buck going through the five stages of grief again landing on a little anger this time with why are you just telling me now which means i might have had to do this with no warning still reeling in my grief for you, BECAUSE EVAN, the way buck's snaps to attention, eddie's disgust - not at buck but at the way buck's brain treats him, you came in here the other day and said it would have been better if you were the one who got shot, buck frozen and unable to look away from eddie's grief, you act like you're expendable, the way they both look away, eddie's big deep breath, but you're wrong, and the way they turn to each other in unison not a single millisecond separating them as they seek out each other's eyes and share a look that says: this is a love confession, i cannot say in what way, i cannot even comprehend that myself, but this is as close as i can get to showing you what you mean to me//this is a love confession, i do not know what it means, i cannot begin to understand, but this is as close as i can get to what you feel for me.
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jqmalikhsgib · 9 months
it hasn’t been easy finding any information on your fathers past. he had people everywhere. penelope even found out he had cops working for him.
the team realized they couldn’t trust anyone. they kept their mouths shut about the things they’ve found out. they needed to get to the bottom of everything.
reid suggested that they get in contact with your siblings. they obviously knew something about your dad. you were against the idea at first. but if this was the way to get back to your kids, so be it.
speaking of, you had no idea where they were. you knew if your parents had them your dad would have found out you were arrested and come to the police station immediately.
aaron let you know they’re in great hands. jj was taking really good care of them. you sighed in relief. but a thought came to you.
“did you—did you see them?” you whispered to aaron.
aaron shook his head. “no.”
“i didn’t want to overstep i guess. i would rather we discuss everything once this is all over. then we can talk about what to do next.”
“aaron, i—”
“not now yn!” he glares. you gulped.
you knew he was upset. he had every right to be. you thought you were doing the right thing two years ago. you thought he’d be happy.
but he wasn’t. finding out tonight just what aaron had been through the last two years. finding out he never physically cheated, finding out he emotionally cheated on you, finding out jack and haley had to hide away for awhile, finding out haley was killed, finding out aaron had lost two wives in only the span of six months apart.
that—that broke you more than anything. and knowing the real reason why he didn’t come looking for you was to protect you. but he tried after the reaper died.
you were so broken by this. and even more broken when you realized jack had been asking about you. learning that the little boy lost two moms. you felt shame. but you thought you were doing the right thing. letting aaron be free of you and happy.
turns out he was miserable and lonely.
“yn! what the hell is going on?!”
“yeah! we got a call from a reid. he told us you’re back in texas and you’ve been charged with murder?!”
“why is our sister locked up?! you’ve got the wrong person! let her out now.”
“ain’t happening, im afraid.”
your oldest brother tim glares at the officer.
“and why the hell not?! do you have any evidence against her?”
tim was an attorney. he was damn good at his job. and he’d be damned if they kept his sister in a cell.
“as a matter of fact we do. she was at the crime scene, near the body, with the knife in her hand, and she’s in the victims will. everything points to her.”
“she didn’t do this!” abigale, your sister states.
“and what proof do you have?!” one of the officers asked.
aaron finally steps in. “alright, enough! right now this is about proving your sisters innocence. if she didn’t do this we will find the guy who did. come with me.”
your siblings look at you before following aaron. you haven’t really seen them in a while. haven’t even talk to them.
you blamed yourself. when they distanced themselves from your father you distanced yourself from them. to be fair you distanced yourself from your mom and dad too.
when you met aaron you met his team. they became your family over time. you didn’t even tell your parents you were married. they had no idea who aaron was. they just knew the very few details you told them over the last two years.
your siblings had no idea you married aaron, had four kids, divorced, and moved back home. but they were gonna find out everything today.
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“it’s best that you three calm down. we had room to believe someone hear is working with your father.”
“which means he’s most likely gonna be here to try and bail your sister out.”
“and that works in our favor. we need her out and safe from him.”
abigale, tim, and john all look at the five people standing before them.
“im sorry? but who the hell are you guys?!”
“we’re the behavior analysis unit. we’re here helping them with the case.” reid states.
“so helping them prove our sisters guilty?!”
“the opposite actually. look, they don’t know that we know yn.”
the three of them frowned.
“you know our sister?”
“quite well actually. she’s like family. she is family.” rossi states.
“yn tells us that you don’t get along with your father. is there a reason why?”
the three siblings look at one another. tim is the first one to shake his head. he refuses to tell them anything unless it was on paper that they get full immunity. he knew the kind of trouble they could get to if they found out there involvement in everything.
“we’re not in jeopardy to say unless it’s in writing we won’t get in trouble for anything darius made us do in the past.”
“you won’t. especially if you were kids.”
“i appreciate that! but we need it in writing. we’re not risking being put in prison. we all have children. we’ll tell you everything you need to know to save our sister. but we need immunity.”
aaron nods understandably. he knew that without having it in writing they could get in trouble. even if they were just kids. he assures them he will talk to a judge and get it all in writing.
for the time being he tells them they could visit yn and have her explain what happened.
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when aaron finally got the paperwork he had abigale, tim, and john sign them. once everything was finished he sat them down.
they made sure to meet in a closed location. aaron, reid, and emily decided to be the ones to speak with them.
rossi and derek stayed behind for when your father came and jj was still watching your children.
“where do you want us to start?”
“is darius your biological father?”
“yes! we got dna samples to prove that. we were skeptical when sarah came along already pregnant.”
“do you know who your mother is? or do you know where your mother is?”
tim, john, and abigale look at one another. they frown before john speaks first.
“buried in our childhood home.”
meanwhile, rossi and derek hear yelling. they knew it had to be your father.
they got up and headed to the front to spot darius with your mom right behind him. she was definitely shy around people. they knew it was another sign of stockholm syndrome
“where the hell is our daughter?! we want her out now!”
“sir, we’re not done questioning her.”
“to hell you aren’t! you’ve held her for forty eight hours! you got nothing but a hunch! you let my daughter out this instant or else—”
“or else what, sir?!” one of the police officers steps close to him.
derek and rossi had been watching. they had their own hunch who was helping darius.
“officer wilson! step back.”
“i said, step back. now he’s right. we don’t have enough evidence to hold her any longer. we held her for forty eight hours and that’s all the time we have to keep her. now go release miss y/l/n.”
everyone stands there. they didn’t want you released. they thought you were guilty and they just needed a little more time to prove it.
rossi and derek give each other a knowing look. in that moment they knew the chief of police was the one helping darius.
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another cliff hanger?! NOOOO but seriously this is almost over.
then it’s angst with lots of yelling and cursing lots of tears lots and cuteness until we get to good and happy moments between you and hotch
lmk if you wanna be on the taglist and if you want to be removed
@ivebeenthearchersstuff @slut4ethan @shergoretzxx @rosiehale23
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seaofghouls · 8 months
Iplier Falls
Authors Note: 
Hello hello and welcome back! ( Or if you’re here for the first time, I’m glad you chose to check this fic out! Welcome! ) Never thought you’d see a rewrite of Gravity Falls x Iplier Inc in 2024, huh? The ALTRVerse comic has given me the motivation to get back into Markiplier Lore and hence I’m here!
This is the prologue and hence it's just a test to see how people react to it. If people react well, I'll put the story up on AO3 and make more chapters!
Some things to note about this fic: 
It’s an X Reader and the reader is indeed the District Attorney from Who Killed Markiplier! ( So, obviously, WKM spoilers ahead! ) 
This is a Dark x Reader specifically. 
This fic is in the second person and the reader is gender neutral! 
Genderfluid Dark is canon in this fic, so I’ll be using He/She/They for Dark. 
In Space With Markiplier will also be incorporated, so spoilers for that as well. 
This story will follow the Gravity Falls story, but there’ll be added story for episodes revolving around the Pines family specifically. 
This story contains things like profanity, blood, near death experiences, talk of mortality/death, and angst! 
Tag List: @a-frozen-bag-of-corn @crazy-obsessed-enby @lunariasilver ( Not sure if any of you remember this series, but I figured I’d keep up the tag list! ) 
Without further adieu, I hope you enjoy it! 
“What has he done to you?” 
They looked so familiar. Like a far away dream. 
“Captain, you can’t possibly listen to this monster! You can’t trust him!” Mark yelled.
“My little monster, I beg of you. Open your eyes. He takes away all that you love.” She begged. 
That name.. It was like a puzzle piece. Everything snapped back into place in an instant. You weren’t a captain! You went to school for law, not to be the captain of a spaceship. 
“.. Damien?” You whispered. 
“Ugh, you’re just impossible!” Mark snapped, “How am I supposed to make the perfect story if all you do is mess it up!” 
You couldn’t help but tense up at the sudden change in tone. That was right, this wasn’t your trusted second in command. This was a man long gone, a man permanently warped by the manor. 
He twirled his cane in a clean and swift motion, aiming it towards you. 
“I’ll just have to make sure you don’t remember any of this.” He threatened. 
Dark intercepted Mark’s attempt with his sword, pushing Mark back a few feet. 
“Not on my watch. Never again.” 
Mark simply laughed, “The hero always wins. It’s the only way the story can go.” 
Dark simply grit their teeth in response, slashing the sword against Mark’s chest. Although it barely grazed, it was enough to catch him off guard. 
You watched as the two went head to head, being able to do nothing to stop either side. Even if you were willing to get in the way of the two, you had no weapon or no powers to do anything. 
Actor sputtered as Dark tore open a gash across his chest. His blood was red, but not the usual type of red. Bright red, instead of crimson. Actor was caught off guard for just a second until he scrambled back, unsheathing his cane. 
You’re sorry. Unsheathing his cane? That was insane! What was even more insane was the fact that the bottom of the cane was a dark red double sided axe. Dark seemed just as caught off guard as you were, as Mark obtained a window to slash her in the chest.
“Dark!” You called out. 
He only spared a moment to look your way, with a look in their eyes signaling that they were alright before attacking Mark once again. SImilar to Mark, her blood was an inky black. Something inspired Dark to go full force, you weren’t sure if it was you or the entire revenge pledge. 
He pierced Mark in the heart with their sword as Mark sputtered, that sickly red spilling out of his chest. He didn’t say anything after that, only heavy and labored breathing being heard from the previously lively body. 
“We best be going. The Snake never stays dead for long.” Dark said. 
You didn’t say anything as she opened a portal similar to the ones you’d seen as the captain of The Invincible. Except, it looked a bit like the Noir universe. A combination of black, white, and grey. You simply followed him inside the portal. What other choice did you have? Stay in this void until Mark’s body inevitably rose from the dead? The old Homo Necrosis didn’t sound like a fun route to go down. 
Which led you to where you are now. A sleepy town named Gravity Falls. Dark had said that the laws of the town would cover up the tracks of you two, making it harder for Mark to find you again. You still had quite a few strong words for Dark, considering he trapped you in a mirror for decades, but that was the thing. It had been decades. You didn’t know what else to do other than follow them. Mark was obviously a no-go. 
“Please, call me Dark.” He had said, “Damien and Celine are both.. Long dead. I have an apartment set up in the town, we can stay there until we know how to deal with The Snake properly.” 
“Okay.” You said, “In that case, call me Captain. The person I used to be died in that house.”
She simply nodded, “As you wish.” 
The two of you had been wandering around the town when you spotted a hiring sign for a tourist attraction. 
“We could work here.” You said, “We need some way of paying rent, right?” 
Dark hummed in thought, “It couldn’t hurt, I suppose.” 
You strolled into the attraction with Dark following close behind. You spotted an older man shuffling money while standing at the cash register. He was probably the owner, right?
“Excuse me, are you the owner?” You asked. 
He nodded, “What’s it to ya? You’re not the government, are you?” 
“No, no, nothing like that.” You said. A little like that, but you weren’t going to tell him that.
“My friend and I heard you were hiring.” 
“Great! You’re hired. Call me Mr. Pines.” He said, “You start tomorrow.”
“We’ll be there!” You smiled, as you walked back outside to talk to Dark in semi private. 
“Have you learned nothing from your district attorney days?” He teased, “Truly, though, that man was a bit too eager.” 
“Hey, it’s a job, isn’t it?” You shrugged, “Times have changed.”
“That they have.” She nodded, “Would you like to get some champagne? As a little celebration.”
“Really? Just like we used to? Even after everything that’s happened?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Especially after everything that’s happened.” Dark said. 
You simply smiled in response as the two of you walked down the road to a nearby bar. You weren’t sure if he had said anything else to you, you were too consumed in your own thoughts. This seemed too easy, after everything that had happened. 
You were a district attorney. One that got shot at a party held by Mark himself. You didn’t blame William. Mark set everything up. A bitter man who fell victim to insanity. You had considered resenting Dark for what they did, but at the same time.. 
You knew deep down that this was a best scenario, as shitty as it was. You wouldn’t have survived. Of course Damien would pick his sister over you, even if you were close. You would’ve done the same. You did die, after all. Your time was up. 
Mark just couldn’t let you stay dead, could he? Pulling you into his games, forcing you to be his partner, his love interest. That was the thing. Dark had tried to reach you so many times, but you never remembered. Until now. What was different? Was the space adventure a finale of sorts? Was Mark’s grasp on you finally slipping? You didn’t know. 
“... Captain..”
You snapped back into reality, as Dark held you by the shoulders, attempting to ground you.
“Are you alright?” She asked, eyebrows knitted together.
“Yeah.. Yeah, I’m okay.” You sighed, “Just.. thinking.”
“Yeah? About what?” They raised an eyebrow. 
“He.. He really did take away everything from us. What’s the point of it all?” You asked.
He didn’t respond at first, hugging you tightly. 
“Making sure that bastard stays dead.”
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alynnl · 1 year
My Objection. (Ace Attorney: Justice for All Ramble)
What I’m about to say is my opinion based off my gaming experience in Ace Attorney. My very biased opinion ahead.
So I have seen one opinion that have been shared by a great deal of the Ace Attorney fandom that I respectfully disagree with.
“Justice for All is one of the worst and/or weakest entries into the series.”
I have been around the internet enough to know that a great deal of the fandom doesn’t like this game as much as the others.  However, I see its value as a bridge between Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.  And I also see the overarching themes Justice for All was going for, and acknowledge the efforts to try and show it.
It’s about grief.
Phoenix Wright experiences the apparent loss of his dearest friend Miles Edgeworth and he struggles to cope with it, being unable to even speak his name.  Maya Fey learns that her aunt Morgan was behind a conspiracy to frame her for murder and that her innocent little cousin, Pearl is the only living family she has left.  Franziska von Karma takes out her anger on Phoenix in the courtroom, finding no other way to cope with the empty void left behind by her father Manfred and adopted brother Miles than to secure an absolute victory.  Mimi Miney, Acro and Adrian Andrews all go to extremes (committing or planning to commit crimes) because they lost someone near and dear to their hearts.
It's about purpose.
Phoenix has to really think about who he is, what he's doing with his life, and why when his resolve is tested. Edgeworth states with his words and actions why he stands in the courtroom after a whole year of being absent. Franziska has to rethink her own life in the ending scenes, when she's clearly shown that there is no such thing as a flawless trial. Detective Gumshoe chooses to keep investigating the final case despite (temporarily) losing his job because that's what he feels is right.
It’s about loyalty and trust.
Gumshoe is willing to help Phoenix and Maya on all their investigations, despite being on the prosecution’s side.  Maya trusts Phoenix both times she ends up in trouble. Phoenix trusts the advice of his mentor, Mia as she speaks through Maya and Pearl.  It’s a small moment, but Gumshoe is the first person Edgeworth speaks to, letting the detective know he’s alive and he’s been watching the events that play out in court from a distance.  There’s a major moment where Phoenix meets Edgeworth outside the courtroom, and they cooperate inside of court to make the trial as long as possible to help Maya when she’s taken hostage. Even Franziska comes through for Phoenix and Edgeworth when all seems lost, and they trust that she has brought important evidence to court to truly turn the trial around.
With themes like these (and possibly others I may have overlooked, as I am going completely by memory), I can say that Justice for All is a solid entry in the Ace Attorney series. It shows character and relationship development that was interesting and made sense for the situations the cast was faced with. It was a great story to follow in my first play through of it, and I'm actually curious to see how well it holds up in a later replay where I know all the plot twists.
If you read this far, thank you for hearing me out. What was about to be a rant of fiery passion turned into my gushing about just one part of my newest gaming obsession. I will probably have many more thoughts going forward, since Ace Attorney's writing lends itself to that so well!
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newgenog · 2 years
Notes: This is part one of chapter three. If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop and start by reading part one of chapter one.
This is a #Batwoman AU based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. The character parallels are pretty neat. So I'm reimagining a world where Ryan Wilder has a more intentional pursuit of vengeance.
Spoiler alert: she is not the caped crusader in this #fanfic. 
Each Friday, I post portions of my (very long 😅) chapters on Tumblr, and post their conclusion (the final part) on A03 with the complete chapter.
Okay, enough reminders and such. Y'all ready? Here it goes!
Summary: Before he can announce his intent to run for Mayor, Robyn Wilde makes it her mission to destroy the life of the District Attorney that decided to bring criminal charges against her for the events that led to her mother’s death when she was the child known as Ryan Wilder.
DA Sionis: “Thank you all for joining me here for this press conference. Some of you have been supporting me in any way you could since I became District Attorney. I’ve had to make some tough calls, and you’ve always trusted my judgment. We know government and law enforcement isn’t for the weak, and I’ve always been committed to standing strong in our shared value system, for you, my friends and constituents. I know everyone has been wondering if I’m going to announce my run for mayor. Mayor Castellanos was at times short sighted, and limited his influence. We need a mayor that values our law enforcement. We need to eliminate those responsible for making Gotham wild, run down, drug infested, and unsafe. We need to get back to the structure that came from traditional families. These progressives who have no regard for the principles Gotham was built upon, and these criminals who don’t contribute to our society and instead bleed us dry with their subsidized living, have taken over our city. We need to take it back.”
Roman Sionis pauses to allow the audience to applaud for his heavy handed approach to law enforcement. He’s been reading a script off of a tablet on the podium in front of him. The screen turns black and large, white font appears where his lines once were. 
Ryan walks down the stairway that lands in the back of The Hold Up, near the manager’s office. The door is closed, and the lights are off. She continues towards the center of the bar, and no one is around. It’s night time, and it's odd that there isn’t an evening crowd. She continues towards the front doors, and before she can exit, lights flash through the opaque windows, and the doors burst open with armed, bullet proof vested men. Jacob Kane is at the center of them. 
Jacob: “Ryan Wilder, you’re under arrest for identity theft, fraud, and perjury. We know everything. And if you thought for one minute that you could destroy my family without me figuring you out, you were sadly mistaken.”
One of the men captures her arm, placing it behind her back, and turns her around, so that he can cuff both wrists. Sophie is behind the bar with a confused, heartbroken expression. Her eyes well, and Ryan can see her choke out the word 'Ryan' in the form of a question. 
Ryan shoots up in a cold sweat, her sheets tossed to the floor. Selina bounds onto her bed and climbs into her lap, meowing in concern. 
Ryan: “It’s okay Selly. It was just a dream. We’re okay.”
She pets the cat’s head, comforting them both, and the feline crawls up so that she can nuzzle into Ryan’s neck. 
Ryan: “I’m glad you’re here too.” 
Ryan looks over at the clock, while rubbing Selina’s back, and sees that it’s after 8 a.m. 
Ryan: “Should we go check on your mom?”
She accepts the purr as an agreement, and sets Selina down so that she can pull herself together and prepare to head downstairs, while trying to shake the feeling that her world is about to be rocked. 
Ryan takes the same path down the stairs that she did the night before, and then again in her dream, reminding herself that the last time was just that: a dream. When she hits the landing, the office door is open, and the lights are on. She drops Selly off, and continues towards the bar, looking for whomever is around to check-in with. 
She finds the Moore sisters sitting at a round table for four. Sophie is trying to convince Jordan that she’s not responsible for her mother’s current state. Ryan leans against the bar, waiting for them to finish their conversation, appreciating Sophie's natural caregiver tendencies. She's not the lanky teen that stayed out of trouble, yet tried to save Ryan from herself more than once anymore, but she's still doing what she can to support everyone around her. 
Jordan: “You were right. I did this. I’ve been immature and selfish.”
Sophie: “No offense, but you’ve been a teenager…”
Jordan: “If I was more like you, I would have been here to help out. Mom wouldn’t have run herself into the ground trying to do everything by herself.” 
Sophie: “You know that’s not true. I was here last night, and she was still driving everyone in the kitchen crazy. Mom’s going to do what she wants.” 
Jordan: “I don’t even understand how we got here.”
Sophie: “We’re really not great at talking about health stuff. It’s pretty common for Black moms to be strong for everyone, and only share what’s going on when it’s an emergency, or when they’re not the ones telling the story. I think Mom’s been keeping how serious things are from us to protect us.” 
Jordan: “How is this protecting us? Being completely caught off guard, feeling like I could have done more…that’s not helpful!” 
Sophie: “I know Jordan. Trust me.”
Ryan doesn’t want to interrupt, but she also doesn’t want to pry. This seems like the best moment to make her presence known.
Ryan: “Hey…”
Sophie: “Robyn! Hey!”
Sophie looks at Ryan as though seeing her is the first good thing to happen in a while. 
Ryan: “Are you ladies doing okay? How’s Ms. Moore?”
Sophie: “She’s alright, but also not great. She had a mild stroke last night. Apparently, her blood pressure has been out of whack for a while, and she was at increasing risk for something like this to happen. But she's going to be fine.”
It's clear she doesn't want to worry her sister, but Sophie's poker face wouldn't have helped her hide that the deck was stacked against her. Ryan moves closer to the table, automatically, but stops short, fighting back the urge to reach out.
Ryan: “I’m so sorry…”
Sophie: “Me too. She’s still at the hospital, but just under observation to make sure her blood pressure is stable. Thank you by the way, for your help last night, and for taking care of our little runaway cat.” 
Sophie's phone rings before Ryan can respond. She turns the phone around so the other women can see the name of the caller.
Ryan: "Guess her ears were burning."
Sophie gets up, too anxious to sit while she talks to her mom, and Ryan finally closes the distance to take her vacant seat. 
Ryan: “How are you holding up?” 
Jordan: “I’m not really.” 
Ryan places a hand on top of Jordan’s. She feels like she knows her. Sophie used to talk about her all the time.
Ryan: “I lost my mom when I was younger than you are. So, I get that this is really scary. I also know what it’s like to have a mom who is willing to die for you. It’s a blessing to be loved that much by someone. So, we can be angry at them for putting our lives ahead of theirs, or we can choose to love on them as hard as possible, because we never really know how long we have with anyone, and the time we do have is a gift.” 
This is the advice her mama would want her to give: to help Jordan choose to love instead of being angry with herself and her mom. Jordan nods, understanding, and wipes away the tears that had finally fallen. 
Jordan: “Thanks. I should probably help Sophie get us ready. Mom would hate it if she ended up in the hospital trying to keep this place running and we didn’t even open the doors because of that.”
Ryan grins at her, and then her phone vibrates. She pulls it out of her back pocket to read the notification. 
Kate's cell: Hope you don't mind that I'm bringing Mary with me to brunch. She insists on getting to know you better. See you at 10.
Ryan: "I've got to get going anyway. Tell Sophie…"
Jordan gives Ryan time to search for what she wants to say, and watches her tighten her lips like she’s trying to keep the words she comes up with from spilling out. Ryan knows she's walking a thin line, and can already hear Luke's disappointed warning. Jordan decides to offer a suggestion.
Jordan: "You'll check on us later."
Ryan cracks a grateful smile, and Jordan raises with a bigger, knowing smile. 
Ryan: "I will check on you…"
Jordan: "See you later, then."
Ryan’s seated at Mary Kate’s, listening to the voices floating around her for any useful keywords worth tuning into. She's at a table set for four, angled so that she can see every corner of the dining room, as always. Some people don't like having their backs to the door. That isn't enough for Ryan. 
When her two brunchmates arrive, there's an addition to their party. Ryan imagines tossing the table in front of her over, and bounding across the room so she can hem the woman with the bob up by her trench coat, and slam her back against the wall until she’s struggling to breathe. Instead, she grips her seat, cocks her head to the side, and smiles, inviting an explanation. 
Kate: “Robyn! You beat us! Surprise?!”
Ryan raises her eyebrows, expecting her to expound, as Kate and Mary approach the table, and Beth trails behind them.
Mary: “Our parents are supporting who they believe will be the future Mayor in his campaign. He’s over our house strategizing. My mom wanted me and Kate to stay, to show off her well-to-do kids, and something about our generation demonstrating we take an interest in politics, but we told her we had plans. So thanks for letting me crash.”
Kate: “He’s an ass. I’d just end up arguing with him anyway.”
Ryan nods, somewhat following along, and Beth fills in what they’ve omitted. 
Beth: “Catherine didn’t want me to embarrass her. Without Marcia and Cindy there to manage Jan, our bunch isn’t so Brady. But don’t worry. Your theorizing about making responsible decisions that have a positive impact on society bores me. So I’ll be at the bar.”
Kate rolls her eyes at Beth's back as she purposefully strides over and plops onto a bar stool.
Kate: “Sisters…”
Ryan: “I wouldn’t know.”
Ryan forces herself to relax her shoulders, and picks up the menu, to busy her hands.
Mary: “It’s not all bad.” 
Mary grins towards Kate, who mirrors her smile. It’s obvious it means a lot to Mary to be included. Kate seems not to mind having her younger sister around, but Ryan gets the feeling she needs reminders to bring her along. 
Kate takes her seat, but Mary freezes in front of hers when she sees who Beth is sitting next to. Ryan follows her stare to the back of a long-haired brunette covered in leather from wrist to to knee boot, in the middle of summer. She returns to Mary, curiously.
Ryan: “Friend of yours?”
Mary: “Hardly.”
Kate finally looks up and, if it’s possible, becomes paler. 
Kate: “What the hell is she doing here?”
Mary: “And Beth would run straight to her…Unless she told her to come…”
Mary looks as though she’s considering backtracking to the door. 
Ryan: “Does someone want to fill me in?”
Mary and Kate turn to communicate with their eyes, and Mary finally takes her seat. 
Mary: “That’s Natalia Knight. She and Kate have history.”
Ryan: “An ex?”
Kate: “That’s too generous a label.” 
Ryan: “Consider me on the edge of my seat.” 
Ryan puts the menu down, and leans back in her chair, excited for the unexpected tea at this brunch.
Mary: “Nat and Beth partied together in high school. Nat wanted to be with Kate, and claimed she was going to leave behind her bad girl ways to win her over. But she’s a trickster with a knack for chemistry.”
Ryan: “What does that mean?”
Kate: “Ketamine. It’s her drug of choice. She’s like a siren, praying on anyone with the means to take care of her. She lures them in, and dopes them up with drugs she’s baked into her lipstick. One kiss, and you’re doing her bidding. Once you’re at her mercy, she keeps you there by slipping more into your drinks.”
Ryan: “And she’s still roaming the streets how?”
Kate: “There’s nothing concrete enough to stick. No one remembers what’s happened. No witnesses have ever come forward. It all just sounds like rumors and judgment against an emo girl who has less than the rich girls she hangs out with.” 
Mary: “No one remembers but me.” 
Ryan: “So, something happened.” 
Mary glances at Kate, who's looking through the menu as though it's transparent and she can see past the table to her shoes.
Mary: “The kiss worked on Kate. She agreed to go out with Beth and Nat one night, and I’d always ask to come-with when Kate and Beth were going out. This time Kate said yes, which I should have realized was off.”
Kate responds without looking up, sounding guilty but also defensive. 
Kate: “Two years is a lot in high school, and those kids were always getting into shit...” 
Mary: “Right…Anyway, Beth and I were in the back, so she could drink. Kate was driving, but Nat was all over her, trying to make out at stop lights. At some point, Kate was either too out of it, or too distracted, but she veered into oncoming traffic, lost control of the car, and we flipped.” 
Ryan: “Wow.”
Kate’s voice lowers and her words run together.
Kate: “Mary, being the only sober one to see what was happening, tensed and took on the most impact.” 
Mary: “Clearly I’m fine.” 
Kate finally looks at Mary, frustrated. 
Kate: “But you weren’t…”
They've had this argument before, so Mary is unmoved and continues looking at and talking to Ryan.
Mary: “Broken bones are a right of passage for kids. And I heal fast.” 
Kate runs her fingers through her hair, anxiously, and is saved by the server.
Server: “Can I get you ladies started with any drinks.” 
Ryan: “I’m thinking yes.”
They all order, and then Mary picks back up where she left off. 
Mary: “Anyway, we’ve heard her interests have developed, and now she’s into some even weirder activities.”
Ryan: “Like…?”
Mary: “Look, I’m not one to judge. People can get down in the dark however they want, but when you’re not coherent enough to agree to those activities, that’s a whole other story.” 
Ryan thinks she knows what Mary’s getting at, but she needs someone to say it out loud, because she won’t believe it otherwise. 
Kate: “Nat’s taken S&M to the extreme. Word is she’s into what they call blood play. She’s this dom who drugs her partners so much that they beg for pain until they bleed.”
Ryan: “Oh-kaay… That’s different.”
Mary: “It’s worse than you think…supposedly she likes the taste.” 
Ryan: “OF BLOOD!”
Mary and Kate’s eyes widen in a uniformed warning, because Ryan’s volume had increased in shock. She puts her hands up in apology.
Mary: “That’s what’s going around. They call her Nocturna now.” 
Ryan: “Gotham is weirder than I thought.” 
Kate’s flipping through the menu, looking somewhat ashamed. Ryan sees this as another opportunity to build some trust, and throws her a bone.
Ryan: “Hey. We all do shit in high school. I have my fair share of horror stories, but I think we’ve gotten dark enough for this time of day. So, maybe we should shift gears, and save vampire stories for Halloween.”
Their drinks arrive right then, and Kate responds in an appreciative half-smile.
Kate: “I’ll drink to that. Besides, you wanted to run an idea by me?”
Mary: "You guys talk shop over mimosas? I thought we were here to have fun!" 
Ryan laughs, surprising herself. Mary is not a part of the plan. She was almost inconsequential when Ryan was preparing, like white noise playing in the background. And she's starting to understand how that came to be… Mary deserves better, but while she has no role in Ryan's mission, she can't become Ryan's problem either. 
Kate: "I guess we kinda do, don't we?"
Ryan: "I think it's a little more therapy than business."
Kate: "Ha. Fair."
Mary: "I've got shopping for that."
Mary's smile is warming, and Ryan feels lighter than she can remember feeling in a long time. She recalls her mom talking about the girl her age at the Kane's, and it's as if two hands rest on her shoulders, gently encouraging her to lean-in. She doesn't want Mary mixed up in this, but…
Ryan: "I might need to try out your style of therapy, and Evan's been asking me when we're meeting up, next…"
Kate: "I think I'll stick to seeing you at kickboxing."
Mary: "You're not invited anyway. You bring down the vibe."
Ryan laughs a real laugh, which should be impossible given who's sitting within reach behind her. She tries to hold onto this feeling, because she doesn't know when it'll come again. And it's a better way to transition back to what brought her here. Ryan has decided that, with all the harm the Kanes have caused, their undoing isn't enough. One way or another, she'll make them put something good back into the communities that they've neglected and exploited.
Ryan: "I did have an idea, Kate. I think I've figured out what Gotham is missing, and after our last chat about how you want to be different than your parents, I thought you might want to team up on it."
Kate: "A Jeturian-Wayne collaboration? They'll hate that!" 
Kate seems intrigued.
Mary: "Which means you love it."
Ryan: "But you're right, Mary. It's a Sunday, and I had a hell of a night. So, maybe we can meet after work this week and I can do this for real with a pitch?"
Kate: "I'm good with that. It just can't be Wednesday. My parents are hosting the D.A.'s constituents at our house, and my dad wants us there. We're choosing our battles, you know…? 
Ryan: "I get it. Tomorrow night work?" 
Kate: "Works for me. Want to come by our house around 7, or is this an in-office kind of meeting?"
Ryan knows being invited to their home is necessary and pivotal, but that happening so soon has made her appetite non-existent. She powers through.
Ryan: "Sounds like you have a full week…No need to get stuck in the office."
Kate: "Thanks for the mercy. So, want to tell us about your night?"
Ryan's eyes fall to her menu. She's not sure how to navigate this - she doesn't want to discuss Sophie more than she has to - but it seems Mary's going to take care of that for her.
Mary: "It's Diane. She ended up in the hospital last night. Robyn was there when she passed out and helped Sophie until they left in the ambulance. She even closed up the bar."
Ryan: "She told you…?"
Mary: "Sophie's my girl…it meant a lot to her."
Kate's clearly not in love with being the last to know, but she decides to try to cover, and raises her glass.
Kate: "To Robyn, then, for coming into our lives at just the right time, and being exactly what we all didn't realize we needed."
Ryan smiles wide at the compliment, which is founded in more truth than anyone realizes. She's become what Kate needs due to calculated precision. For Sophie and Mary, though…she's exactly what they don't need. 
All three glasses clink, and Ryan makes a promise to herself. The Moores and Mary will not become collateral damage. She must protect them, especially from her.
Ryan is the last to leave Mary Kate's. She used the excuse of needing to run to the ladies' to make sure her brunch mates and their callous tagalong were gone before she walked out. She immediately calls Luke.
Luke: "To what do I owe this afternoon cold call."
Ryan: "I need to know everything about the event the Kane's are hosting Wednesday night. They're helping with the DA's campaign for Mayor."
Ryan listens as Luke moves into position at his desk and begins keying in the characters required to fulfill Ryan's request.
Luke: "It's basically a press conference. He hasn't officially announced his intent to run, but it seems he's going to do that Wednesday night."
Ryan: "Alright. Find out when the next flight from London to Gotham is."
Luke: "Are you expecting someone?"
Ryan: "Yes. You're going to email Circe Sionis from Roman saying it's safe for her to return home and attach a full itinerary so she can be present to publicly support her father's announcement."
Luke: "And what are you going to do?"
Ryan: "What I always do. Prepare."
To be continued...
The Reminders:
I'll be back here next Friday with another update.
All #Batwoman things I do now are in the name of #SaveBatwoman. Go follow all the social handles and support the cause, please. Have you signed the petition? https://www.change.org/p/savebatwoman
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leonardomongillo · 1 year
Leonardo Mongillo Law - Your Guide to Finding a Reliable Family Law Expert Online
The digital age has revolutionized the way we search for information, goods, and services, and this includes finding a family law expert online. With a few clicks, you can access a plethora of legal professionals to address your family law needs. However, not every online search yields fruitful results. This blog will help you navigate the digital world and find the right family law expert for your situation such as Leonardo Mongillo Law in Toronto, ON. We'll cover the key steps to take, the essential qualities to look for, and how to narrow down your options to make an informed decision.
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Step 1: Start with a Broad Search
The first step in finding a family law expert online is to conduct a broad search using keywords relevant to your needs. Type phrases such as "family law expert near me," "divorce lawyer," or "child custody attorney" into your preferred search engine. This will generate a list of potential candidates and law firms in your area. Keep in mind that the most popular search results may not always be the best fit for your case, so it's essential to dig deeper into your options.
Step 2: Investigate the Attorney's Website and Social Media
Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to dig deeper into the background of each potential family law expert. Visit their website and explore their social media profiles to get a better understanding of their experience, education, and areas of expertise. Look for information on their practice areas, certifications, awards, and any relevant publications or blog posts they've written. This research will help you gauge the attorney's knowledge, credibility, and suitability for your case.
Step 3: Schedule a Consultation
Many family law experts offer free initial consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and get a feel for the attorney's approach and personality. Schedule consultations with your top candidates to evaluate their communication style, attentiveness, and willingness to answer your questions. Use this opportunity to ask about their experience with cases similar to yours, their approach to resolving disputes, and their fee structure.
Step 4: Assess the Attorney's Qualifications and Compatibility
After completing the steps above, you should have a solid understanding of each candidate's qualifications and suitability for your case. Consider factors such as their experience in family law, their reputation among clients and peers, and their communication skills. It's also crucial to assess your personal compatibility with the attorney, as you'll be working closely with them throughout your case. Trust your instincts and choose a family law expert who makes you feel comfortable and confident in their ability to represent your interests. As per Leonardo Mongillo's Law, this is How Family Lawyers Contribute to Happy & Secure Living.
Finding a reliable family law expert online may seem daunting, but by following these steps and considering the essential qualities outlined in this blog, you can confidently make an informed decision. Remember that the key to a successful outcome lies in thorough research, open communication, and a strong attorney-client relationship. Happy searching!
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
It Could Always Be Worse, Ch. 4: The Sun Did Not Shine
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Butterfly universe version of Happily Ever After, Ch. 4: The Sun Did Not Shine.
Prev - The Sun Did Not Shine - Next - All - [ AO3 ]
WC: 1826 - Rated: T - CW: self-harm, arguing, hospital, suicidal ideation, self-deprecation, verbal abuse (by OC)
"The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold wet day." - Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat (1957)
Logan hunched over the case file in front of him, re-reading the statement. He made another note on the yellow legal pad to his left, then stuck another little removable tab at the appropriate portion of the plaintiff's statement. He grit his teeth, shaking his head at the memory of the judge refusing to refer to his client as anything but 'The Victim." She's not a victim. She's prosecuting her attacker. She's not a victim.
Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Logan tried to refocus on the materials in front of him. Ruminating on the last pre-trial hearing would not help his client. He picked up his pen, right finger slowly scanning through the dense print.
Na, na na, na, na na na
Virgil's ringtone erupted from Logan's phone. Logan picked it up immediately. He had configured his phone so that the ringer would only sound if someone on his starred contact list called twice, otherwise, it would buzz silently. All the boys knew the best way to reach Logan when he was at work was to call the receptionist's line. He quickly thumbed the phone on, his voice a half-octave higher than usual, "Virgil? Virgil, are you okay?"
"Dad?" Virgil's voice was quiet and it was hard to hear over the background noise of the call. Where is he? Virgil had stayed home from school that day, telling Logan that he had a headache and thought he might be feeling nauseous. His school had a terrible culture of 'presenteeism,' where kids would often show up for school with masks or hospital-grade anti-emitrol patches. Logan had been relieved that Virgil was taking his health seriously enough to stay home when he felt ill.
"Dad, can you come get me?" Logan pressed the phone against his ear. That was definitely the sound of a espresso machine. "Please."
He didn't know why, but alarm bells rang in Logan's head. He closed his laptop, stacking the case file and his notepad on top, shoving all three into his satchel. "Of course, Virge, where are you?"
"I'm at a Starbucks near the marina. You know the one by the pier." What the hell was Virgil doing there?
"Yeah, yeah of course I know it." Logan shook his head, pulling the strap for his bag over his head, letting the strap cross his chest. He switched off the light in his office and headed down to the head attorney's office desk. "Hang on just one sec, okay, Virge?" He knocked lightly on the door, waiting for his boss to look up before speaking. "Hey, um Janus, I have a family emergency and will be out the rest of the day. I'm not due in court until Monday. I—" Logan took a deep breath, "I am sorry to leave so suddenly, but, um, it's my son."
Janus looked up, brow furrowed, "Yes, yes, of course, do what you need to do, Croft." Logan flinched slightly, not feeling like this was the time to correct him again. "We'll still be here when you're back." He looked back down at his computer screen for a moment, then looked up at Logan again, "Good luck with whatever it is. I hope the family is okay."
"Thanks, Janus. If I need more than a day, I will call you." Janus waved him off, going back to his work. Logan rushed out of the office, bringing his phone back up to his ear. He could hear Virgil sniffing over the line, like he was crying. The background noise had changed and Logan could hear fewer voices and more traffic sounds.
"Okay, Virge, I'm on my way." He rushed to the stairs, running down two at a time to the garage, not trusting the elevators to be any faster at this time of day. "Virge, it sounds different now... where are you?"
"I'm... I'm outside." Virgil started crying. "Dad... Dad, I went—" His crying got louder and Logan gripped the phone tightly, pressing it against his ear, struggling to hear him over the background noise in the garage, over the line, over his tears. "I went to go buy blades."
Logan held his breath for a moment then slowly said, voice catching, "Virge, are you still outside that same Starbucks?" Logan could just barely make out Virgil's hummed yes over the sound of his cries. "Virge, just stay right there, do you hear me? Stay right there. I'm on my way."
Logan got to his minivan, fumbling his keys and dropping them as his hands shook. He covered the mouth piece on the phone for just a moment as a strangled cry escaped his own throat. Pressing his lips together he breathed in through his nose then slowly exhaled. He uncovered the mouthpiece "Okay, Virge, I'm getting in the car. I'm going to stay on the phone with you until I get to you, okay?"
Virgil murmured faintly, "Okay."
Taking one more shaky breath, Logan replied, "Okay. Okay, I'm putting you on speaker so I can put down the phone." He tapped at the phone, setting it into the little hands-free holder he'd hooked up last year. "Can you hear me?" Logan asked, increasing the volume on his phone.
"Yeah," Virgil's voice was a little stronger but he was still crying.
"Okay, I'm going to narrate as I drive, just like when you were little, okay?"
"Okay, I'm leaving the parking garage and turning right..."
Forty-five minutes later, just as Logan's phone was flashing an angry red low-battery signal, he parked in front of the Starbucks by the Kirkland marina. Virgil sat on a bench, under a patio umbrella, hood drawn down over his forehead, hands shoved in his hoodie pockets, earphones plugged in his ears.
Logan got out of the minivan and ran through the rain to the bench where he cowered under cover. He sat next to his son. He reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder but Virgil shook him off. Logan bit the inside of his cheek, keeping an iron grip of control over his features. Virgil looked at him, "Can we just go?"
Logan nodded, standing up, pressing his hands against his shaking legs. "Let's get in the car." Then climbed inside and Logan started the engine, adjusting the heater and blowers to point warm air against Virgil's soaking wet sneakers and pant legs. Starbucks' patio umbrella had done a decent job of keeping the top half of his body dry, but the rest of him had gotten soaked in the rain.
"Virge, I think we need to take you to a hospital."
Virgil was quiet for a long while, the only sound in the car was the air rushing through the blowers and the periodic rub-rub-squeak of the windshield wipers. "Yeah." He chewed on his thumbnail, looking out the window at the soggy street. "Yeah, that's what Matt had to do."
”Okay." Logan took a deep breath, slowing letting it out as he backed out of the parking stall and turned onto the road, headed back toward Seattle and Children's Hospital. "We'll call Mom once we get there, okay?" Virgil nodded, continuing to stare out the window as they drove in silence.
"So what caused this?" Kelly leaned over the small table separating Logan and Kelly on one side and Virgil's evaluating clinician on the other. "Could it be," she glanced at Logan, then looked up at the clinician with big eyes, "Could it be because of, well, the family breaking apart?" Kelly said the last part in a little whisper.
Logan shifted in his seat, folding and refolding his hands in his lap, as the clinician flipped through his interview notes from his evaluation with Virgil. He frowned, looking at what he had written. Kelly patted Logan's knee, speaking more to the clinician than to Logan, "Of course, Logan, this isn't all your fault, right, Dr. Nale?
Kelly looked into Dr.Nale's eyes, nodding her head with a little pout on her lips. Dr. Nale cleared his throat and leaned forward in his seat, gesturing to the clipboard in his hand. "Ye—yes, of course not. We're not here to place blame or point fingers, but to find out how best to help Virgil." Dr. Nale looked between the two of them. Kelly smiled sadly at him as Logan bit the inside of his cheek to fight the tremor in his jaw. "Now, as a first step, we need to get Virgil stabilized to a point where he's no longer in imminent risk...."
Kelly stood outside Virgil's room while he slept. Logan approached carrying two cups of water. Extending one toward her, he murmured her name.
”What do you want?" she hissed quietly without looking at him. A nurse passed and she smiled and nodded at the passing staff before turning to face Logan. He remained silent, holding out the cup. The water trembled slightly in the cup. "Jesus, Logan, don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you snuck up on me like that." She took the water, mumbling a quick thanks. Logan turned to face Virgil's room, carefully lifting the cup to his lips, spilling only a tiny drop on his tie. He looked down, grateful the spot didn't show against the dark floral pattern.
Logan cleared his throat, gripping the cup tightly in his hands, trying to keep their shaking unnoticeable. "Thank you for what you said in the consultation room."
Kelly looked at him out of the corner of her eye, scowling lightly. She shook her head. "What are you talking about.?"
Logan bit his lip for a moment, taking another sip of his water. "Wh-what you said about... about—"
Kelly spoke quietly, eyes focused on Virgil's room. "About how this is all because you decided to leave and break up our family? Because you couldn't just man up and be a father and a husband?"
Logan's breath hitched. He tried to cover it by taking another sip, draining the last of the water inside.
"Virgil tried to kill himself while he was home with you." Kelly's voice was calm, and quiet, and cut Logan to the bone. "What part of this is not your fault?"
He remained silent, bringing the empty cup to his lips as though to take another sip, hiding his trembling lips. Fuck, Logan, man up. You swore you'd never let her see you cry again. Cut this shit out now. He took another shaky breath concentrating on the texture of the cup in his hands.
Kelly finally looked at him, lips pursed and eyes narrowed. Logan kept his eyes trained on the cup in his hands. "Oh, so you're playing the 'ignoring me' game. Okay, fine. Look, I've got to call my office. Why don't you take care of his admittance and then we'll see if you're ready to talk like an adult." She turned and walked toward the exit without waiting for a response.
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jlassenlawtexas · 2 years
Business Name: The Law Firm of Joseph Lassen
Street Address 1: 18911 Hardy Oak Blvd
Street Address 2: Suite 239
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Zip Code: 78258
Country: United States
Business Phone: (210) 625-6540
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.jlassenlaw.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jlassenlaw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lawlassen
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-law-firm-of-joseph-lassen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lassenlaw/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/josephlassenlaw/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gPVYygidP6ZZ9tMKHMN6Q
Tumblr: https://lawlassen.tumblr.com/
Business Description: Trusting a sensitive situation like a legal matter to a stranger can be difficult. However, at our firm, we work to put your mind at ease when approaching any disputes or other issues that you are facing. Our lawyers have a wealth of experience handling a wide variety of straightforward and complex types of cases. We use this experience on a daily basis when helping you and other clients pursue a resolution to their cases. Our firm is here to provide you with the information and guidance you need to feel confident in moving forward with your life. Whatever your needs are, we address them and work to ensure your best interests are protected.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6673119404239637299
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash, Debit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover
Services: Motor Vehicle Accidents, DWI, Child Support, Child Custody, Family Law, Divorce, Child support litigation, Custody & visitation rights litigation, Divorce litigation, Uncontested divorce legal services, Complex Family Law, Family Law Cases, Family Law Matters, Personal injury attorney, Contested divorce litigation, Spousal support & alimony litigation, Children Child Support, Complex Child Custody Cases, Contested Divorce, Divorce Family Law, Divorce Litigation, Divorce Mediation, Divorce Planning, Divorce Proceedings, Divorce Representation, Divorce Settlement, Family Lawyer Child Custody, No-Fault Divorce, Personal Injury Attorney, Personal Injury Lawyer
Keywords: family law attorney, divorce lawyer, divorce lawyers near me, family law, divorce attorney, divorce attorney near me, family lawyers near me, family attorney near me, san antonio divorce lawyer, divorce lawyers in san antonio, personal injury lawyer, personal injury attorney, san antonio personal injury lawyer, san antonio personal injury attorney, personal injury lawyer near me, personal injury attorney near me, car accident lawyer, car accident attorney, car accident lawyer near me, car accident attorney near me
Business/Company Establishment Date: 01-01-2003
Number of Employees: 02-10
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Joseph Lassen, [email protected], 210-625-6540
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Service Areas:
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bruceadamslawal · 2 years
Business Name: Bruce Adams Law Office
Street Address: 1302 Noble Street Suite 3D
City: Anniston
State: Alabama (AL)
Zip Code: 36201
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (256) 237-3339
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://bruceadamslaw.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bruceadamslaw/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bruce.n.adams/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BruceAdamsLaw
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bruce-adams-law-office/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bruceadamslaw01/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@bruceadamslawoffice
Description: Bruce Adams Law Office has over 30 years of experience providing Anniston, AL and nearby communities with elder law & elder care, probate administration, and estate planning. Our compassionate Anniston elder law attorney provides legal support to seniors and the elderly. The elder law attorney and his team assist families in preparing for the rising costs of long-term care and qualifying for government benefits such as Medicaid. Estate planning attorney Bruce Adams provides estate planning services that include setting up wills, trusts, and power of attorney. Our elder law & estate planning law firm also provides an experienced probate attorney who is readily available to help with probate administration. Call today for a free consultation.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11434417445372000048
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:00am-4:30pm Tuesday 8:00am-4:30pm Wednesday 8:00am-4:30pm Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm Friday 8:00am-12:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Family Law, Business Services, Wills, Trusts and Probate, Elder law attorney, Asset Protection Strategies, Business Planning, Complete Estate Plan, Death Claims, Estate Planning Wills, Personal Injury Attorney In, Personal Injury Cases, Personal Injury Claims, Personal Injury Lawyers, Wills Trusts, Family law attorney, Personal injury attorney, Property damage litigation, Estate planning attorney
Keywords: elder law attorney, elder law attorney near me, elder care attorney, elder care attorney near me, elder attorney near me, elder lawyer, estate planning attorney, probate lawyer, estate planning attorney near me, probate attorney, estate lawyer, estate planning lawyer, estate attorney, trust lawyers near me, wills and estate lawyers near me, probate attorneys near me, trust attorney, lawyers for wills, lawyers near me for wills, elder law
Payment Methods: Cash, Debit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover
Number of Employees: 2-10
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Bruce Adams, [email protected], (256) 237-3339
Service Areas:
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dalmareslawus · 3 days
Top Myths About Divorce Attorneys Debunked
When facing the challenges of a divorce, many individuals seek guidance from a divorce attorney. However, several myths surrounding divorce attorneys can create confusion and apprehension. At Dalmares Family Law, your trusted divorce attorney in Orland Park, IL, we’re here to debunk some common misconceptions.
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Myth 1: All Divorce Attorneys Are the Same
One prevalent myth is that all divorce attorneys offer the same services and expertise. In reality, divorce attorneys can vary significantly in terms of specialization, experience, and approach. When searching for a "divorce attorney near me," it's essential to choose one who understands your unique situation and can tailor their services to your needs. At Dalmares Family Law, we pride ourselves on our personalized approach, ensuring that every client receives the attention and expertise they deserve.
Myth 2: Hiring a Divorce Attorney Means Going to Court
Many people believe that hiring a divorce attorney means they will automatically have to go through a lengthy court battle. While litigation is an option, most divorce cases are resolved through negotiation or mediation. A skilled divorce attorney in Orland Park can help you explore all available options, potentially saving you time and stress. At Dalmares Family Law, we focus on finding amicable solutions that work for both parties.
Myth 3: You Have to Be Wealthy to Hire a Divorce Attorney
Another misconception is that only wealthy individuals can afford a divorce attorney. This myth can deter many from seeking legal assistance when they need it most. Divorce attorneys, including those at Dalmares Family Law, offer various fee structures and payment plans to accommodate different financial situations. Our goal is to provide accessible legal support, ensuring everyone can benefit from professional guidance during their divorce process.
Myth 4: A Divorce Attorney Only Cares About Winning
While it’s true that divorce attorneys advocate for their clients, it’s a myth that they only care about winning at all costs. At Dalmares Family Law, we believe in prioritizing our clients' well-being and long-term outcomes. Our team is dedicated to understanding your goals and working collaboratively to achieve a resolution that serves your best interests.
Myth 5: You Can Handle Everything on Your Own
Some individuals may believe they can manage their divorce without professional help. While it’s possible to navigate the process independently, having a knowledgeable divorce attorney by your side can provide invaluable support. From paperwork to negotiations, a divorce attorney in Orland Park can ensure that your rights are protected and that you’re making informed decisions. Don’t underestimate the complexities involved—having a professional advocate can make all the difference.
Navigating a divorce can be daunting, and misinformation can add to the stress. By debunking these myths, we hope to empower individuals seeking legal assistance. If you're looking for a reliable divorce attorney in Orland Park, IL, look no further than Dalmares Family Law. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of the process, providing the support and expertise you need.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you navigate your divorce journey with confidence.
Media Contact : Dalmares Family Law - Orland Park Divorce Attorneys 16061 S 94th Ave, Orland Hills, IL 60487, United States 708-403-0200 https://dalmareslaw.com/
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smithbarid · 13 days
How a Probate Attorney Near Me Can Help Resolve Estate Disputes
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Estate disputes can be a challenging and emotionally charged aspect of managing a deceased loved one’s estate. These disputes may arise due to disagreements over the interpretation of a will, the validity of estate documents, or the distribution of assets. Resolving these conflicts requires a combination of legal expertise, negotiation skills, and a thorough understanding of probate law. If you’re facing estate disputes, a probate attorney near me can provide essential assistance. This article explores how a local probate attorney can help resolve estate disputes and ensure a smoother probate process.
Understanding Estate Disputes
1. Types of Estate Disputes
Estate disputes can vary widely, but common types include:
Will Contests: Challenges to the validity of a will, often based on claims of undue influence, lack of capacity, or improper execution.
Breach of Fiduciary Duty: Allegations that the executor or trustee failed to uphold their duties in managing the estate.
Disputes Over Asset Distribution: Conflicts regarding how assets are divided among beneficiaries.
Claims Against the Estate: Disputes involving claims from creditors or other parties seeking to recover debts from the estate.
2. Causes of Estate Disputes
Several factors can lead to estate disputes, including:
Ambiguities in Estate Documents: Unclear or conflicting language in wills or trusts.
Family Dynamics: Disagreements among family members or beneficiaries.
Undue Influence or Fraud: Claims that the deceased was coerced or misled into making certain decisions.
Errors in Estate Administration: Mistakes or mismanagement by executors or trustees.
How a Probate Attorney Near Me Can Assist
1. Legal Expertise and Guidance
A probate attorney near you brings valuable legal expertise to the table. They have a deep understanding of probate law and can provide clear guidance on the legal aspects of estate disputes. Their knowledge helps in assessing the validity of claims, interpreting estate documents, and navigating complex legal procedures.
2. Evaluation of Estate Documents
One of the first steps in resolving estate disputes is evaluating the estate documents involved, such as wills and trusts. A probate attorney can review these documents to determine their validity and address any ambiguities. They can also help establish whether the documents were executed properly and in accordance with legal requirements.
3. Representation in Court
If disputes escalate to litigation, a probate attorney can represent you in court. They will advocate on your behalf, present evidence, and argue your case before a judge. Their courtroom experience is crucial in navigating the litigation process and achieving favorable outcomes in complex disputes.
4. Mediation and Negotiation
Many estate disputes can be resolved through mediation or negotiation rather than litigation. A probate attorney can facilitate discussions between parties, help reach settlements, and resolve conflicts amicably. Their negotiation skills can be instrumental in finding mutually acceptable solutions and avoiding prolonged legal battles.
5. Addressing Claims of Undue Influence or Lack of Capacity
Disputes often arise over allegations of undue influence or lack of mental capacity at the time of executing estate documents. A probate attorney can investigate these claims, gather relevant evidence, and challenge or defend against such allegations. Their expertise helps ensure that the estate’s administration is fair and lawful.
6. Ensuring Compliance with Probate Laws
Probate processes must adhere to specific legal procedures and deadlines. A probate attorney ensures that all actions comply with probate laws, reducing the risk of disputes arising from procedural errors. They handle the required filings, notifications, and court appearances, ensuring that the probate process runs smoothly.
7. Managing Executor and Trustee Duties
If disputes involve accusations of mismanagement by an executor or trustee, a probate attorney can address these concerns. They can review the actions taken by the fiduciary, ensure they are fulfilling their duties correctly, and take necessary legal actions if breaches are identified.
8. Handling Complex Estate Issues
Some estates involve complex issues, such as large assets, business interests, or international elements. A probate attorney with experience handling complex estates can provide specialized assistance in managing these issues and resolving related disputes. Their expertise is crucial in navigating intricate legal and financial matters.
9. Providing Emotional Support and Guidance
Estate disputes can be emotionally taxing for all parties involved. A probate attorney not only provides legal support but also offers guidance and reassurance during a challenging time. They help manage the stress associated with disputes and work towards solutions that align with the family’s best interests.
10. Facilitating Efficient Estate Administration
An experienced probate attorney can streamline the estate administration process, minimizing delays and reducing the likelihood of disputes. By ensuring that all aspects of the probate process are handled efficiently and in accordance with the law, they help prevent issues that could lead to conflicts.
Choosing the Right Probate Attorney Near You
1. Evaluate Experience and Expertise
When selecting a probate attorney, consider their experience and expertise in handling estate disputes. Look for an attorney who has a proven track record in managing similar cases and resolving conflicts effectively.
2. Check References and Reviews
Seek references or reviews from past clients to gauge the attorney’s reputation and client satisfaction. Positive feedback from individuals who have experienced similar issues can provide valuable insights into the attorney’s capabilities.
3. Assess Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication is essential in resolving estate disputes. Choose an attorney who communicates clearly, listens to your concerns, and provides straightforward advice. Compatibility with your attorney ensures a productive working relationship throughout the dispute resolution process.
4. Consider Local Knowledge
A probate attorney familiar with local probate courts and procedures can offer additional advantages. Local knowledge can enhance their understanding of regional practices and potential nuances in handling estate disputes.
Estate disputes can be complex and challenging, but with the assistance of a knowledgeable probate attorney near you, the resolution process can be managed more effectively. An experienced attorney provides legal expertise, representation, and support in navigating the intricacies of estate disputes. From evaluating estate documents and representing you in court to facilitating mediation and ensuring compliance with probate laws, a probate attorney plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and ensuring a fair and efficient probate process. By choosing the right probate attorney, you can address estate disputes with confidence and work towards a resolution that upholds the intentions of the deceased and the interests of the beneficiaries.
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akif122514 · 16 days
Finding Reliable Lawyers Nearby: You’re Go-To Guide
In the digital age, searching for "lawyers near me" has become a common way for individuals to find legal assistance swiftly and conveniently. Whether you're dealing with a complex legal matter or seeking guidance for a simple issue, having access to trustworthy legal counsel in your vicinity can be invaluable. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this search effectively.
1. Understanding Your Legal Needs
Identify the specifics of your legal requirements. Are you looking for a divorce attorney, a real estate lawyer, a personal injury expert, or assistance with business law? Each specialization requires distinct expertise. Clarifying your needs will narrow down your search and lead you to lawyers specializing in relevant areas.
2. Referrals and Recommendations
Tap into your network for recommendations. Friends, family, colleagues, or even other professionals you trust might have suggestions based on their experiences. Personal referrals often provide valuable insights into a lawyer's capabilities and reliability.
3. Online Directories and Reviews
Utilize online resources such as Google, Yelp, or specialized legal directories to find lawyers in your area. These platforms often provide reviews and ratings from previous clients, offering insights into the quality of service provided by the lawyers.
4. Consult Bar Associations
Local bar associations have directories of licensed attorneys. They can provide you with a list of lawyers practicing in your region along with their areas of expertise, allowing you to find someone well-suited to your needs.
5. Evaluate Credentials and Experience
Once you've compiled a list of potential lawyers, delve deeper into their credentials. Check their education, certifications, years of practice, and success rates in handling cases similar to yours. Experience often plays a crucial role in legal matters.
6. Arrange Consultations
Most lawyers offer initial consultations either free of charge or at a nominal fee. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet the attorney in person or virtually. Use this time to discuss your case, understand their approach, and gauge if they're a good fit for you.
7. Assess Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication is key in any attorney-client relationship. Evaluate whether the lawyer listens attentively, communicates clearly, and makes you feel comfortable. Compatibility and a good rapport can greatly impact the overall experience.
8. Consider Costs and Fees
Discuss the fee structure upfront. Some lawyers charge by the hour, while others may work on a contingency or flat fee basis. Ensure you understand the costs involved and any additional expenses related to your case.
9. Trust Your Instincts
Ultimately, trust your instincts. If something feels off or if you don't feel confident in the lawyer's abilities, it might be best to continue your search. Your comfort and trust in your legal representation are paramount.
10. Finalize Your Decision
After careful consideration of all factors, make an informed decision. Notify the chosen lawyer and begin the process of retaining their services.
Finding reliable lawyers nearby requires a systematic approach involving research, referrals, consultations, and thorough evaluation. By following these steps, you can streamline the process and find legal counsel that meets your specific needs, providing you with the guidance and support necessary for your legal matters.
Visit: https://pannulawyers.com.au/when-can-you-record-someone-without-their-knowledge-and-consent/
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macklawoffices88 · 1 month
Tips to Choose a Top-Rated Criminal Defense Attorney in Pennsylvania
When facing criminal charges in Pennsylvania, finding the right legal representation can make all the difference. Whether you're searching for a "top rated criminal defense attorney" or simply wondering, "Who is the best criminal defense attorney near me?" making an informed decision is crucial. Here are some tips to help you choose the best criminal defense attorney in Pennsylvania.
Prioritize Experience in Criminal Law When facing criminal charges, it's vital to choose an attorney who specializes in criminal defense. A lawyer with a strong background in criminal law will be familiar with the nuances of the legal system, the local courts, and the specific charges you're facing. Look for attorneys who have extensive experience handling cases similar to yours.
Check Reputation and Reviews A "top rated criminal defense attorney" will likely have a strong reputation in the community. Start by reading online reviews and testimonials from past clients. Look for patterns in the feedback—are clients consistently satisfied with the outcomes? Are they praising the attorney's communication skills, professionalism, and courtroom expertise? Additionally, consider asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have been in similar situations.
Consider Local Expertise If you're searching for a "criminal defense attorney near me," it's important to choose someone who understands the local legal landscape. Attorneys familiar with Pennsylvania's legal system, particularly those with experience in West Hazleton or Scranton, will be better equipped to navigate the intricacies of the local courts and build a strong defense strategy.
Evaluate Communication Skills Clear communication between you and your attorney is key to a successful defense. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how well the attorney listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and explains legal concepts. A good attorney will be transparent about your options and keep you informed throughout the legal process.
Assess Affordability Legal fees can vary widely depending on the attorney's experience, the complexity of the case, and other factors. If you're on a budget, search for "affordable criminal defense lawyers near me" to find attorneys who offer competitive rates without compromising on quality. Be sure to discuss fees upfront, including any payment plans or financing options that might be available.
Look for a Personalized Approach Every criminal case is unique, so it's important to choose a lawyer who will tailor their defense strategy to your specific situation. Avoid attorneys who take a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, look for someone who is willing to take the time to understand your case in detail and craft a defense that aligns with your needs.
Check for Professional Credentials Before making a decision, verify the attorney's credentials. This includes checking their licensing, education, and any professional affiliations. Attorneys who are members of reputable organizations, such as the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, often demonstrate a commitment to staying informed about the latest developments in criminal law.
Trust Your Instincts Finally, trust your instincts when choosing a criminal defense attorney. The attorney-client relationship is built on trust, so it's important to feel confident in your choice. If something feels off during the consultation, it may be worth considering other options.
Conclusion Finding the right criminal defense attorney in Pennsylvania requires careful consideration of several factors, including experience, reputation, and affordability. By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to choose a top-rated criminal defense attorney who can effectively represent your interests and help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Whether you're in West Hazleton, Scranton, or anywhere else in Pennsylvania, the right attorney can make all the difference in your legal journey.
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seolawchef · 1 month
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Estate planning is a crucial process that ensures your assets and affairs are managed according to your wishes, both during your lifetime and after your death. One of the key components of effective estate planning is the creation of a Power of Attorney (PoA). This legal document grants someone the authority to act on your behalf in various matters, making it an indispensable tool in safeguarding your interests. In this article, presented by LawChef, we will explore the significant role a Power of Attorney plays in estate planning, particularly in the context of the power of attorney law in India.
A Power of Attorney is not just about appointing someone to manage your day-to-day affairs; it is a vital part of your estate plan. The person you appoint, known as the agent or attorney-in-fact, can be given broad or specific powers to manage your financial, legal, and property-related matters. This becomes particularly important in the event of your incapacity due to illness or age.
Why a Power of Attorney is Essential in Estate Planning
Ensures Continuity of Financial Management: If you become incapacitated, the person you designate in your Power of Attorney can continue to manage your financial affairs without the need for court intervention.
Protects Your Assets: A well-drafted PoA can ensure that your assets are managed, invested, and protected according to your wishes, even when you are unable to do so yourself.
Avoids Legal Disputes: By clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of your agent, a PoA can help avoid disputes among family members or other interested parties regarding the management of your estate.
General Power of Attorney
A General Power of Attorney grants the agent broad authority to handle almost all aspects of the principal's estate. This can include managing bank accounts, paying bills, making investment decisions, and handling real estate transactions.
When to Use a General Power of Attorney
A General PoA is typically used when the principal is unable to manage their affairs due to travel, illness, or other reasons and needs a trusted person to handle their financial and legal matters comprehensively. Consulting a power of attorney lawyer in Delhi can ensure that the General PoA is properly drafted and aligns with the power of attorney law in India.
Special Power of Attorney
A Special Power of Attorney, on the other hand, is limited in scope. It grants the agent authority to perform specific tasks, such as selling a particular property, handling a single legal matter, or managing a specific financial transaction.
When to Use a Special Power of Attorney
A Special PoA is ideal when the principal needs an agent for a specific task or transaction, rather than for ongoing management of their estate. This type of PoA provides more control and can be revoked once the task is completed. A power attorney lawyer near me can help in drafting a Special PoA that is tailored to your specific needs.
Durable Power of Attorney
A Durable Power of Attorney remains in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated. This type of PoA is crucial in estate planning as it ensures that the agent can continue to manage the principal's affairs if they are no longer able to do so themselves.
Benefits of a Durable Power of Attorney
Continued Authority: The agent can continue to act on behalf of the principal even after they become incapacitated, ensuring that their estate is managed without interruption.
Legal Safeguard: It provides a safeguard against potential challenges or disputes that may arise if the principal's capacity to manage their affairs is questioned.
Springing Power of Attorney
A Springing Power of Attorney only comes into effect under specific circumstances, typically when the principal becomes incapacitated. This type of PoA is often used in estate planning as it allows the principal to retain control over their affairs until they are no longer able to manage them.
When to Consider a Springing Power of Attorney
A Springing PoA is suitable for individuals who want to retain control over their estate until a specific event triggers the need for an agent. This type of PoA requires careful drafting to ensure that the conditions for activation are clearly defined, something that a power of attorney lawyer can assist with.
Execution and Registration
According to the power of attorney law in India, a PoA must be executed on the appropriate stamp paper and should be notarized to add legal validity. For transactions involving immovable property, the PoA must be registered with the relevant sub-registrar.
Choosing the Right Agent
Selecting the right agent is crucial in estate planning. The agent should be someone you trust implicitly, as they will have significant control over your financial and legal affairs. A power of attorney lawyer can provide guidance on selecting an agent and ensuring that the PoA is tailored to your specific needs.
Legal Consultation
It's advisable to consult with a power of attorney lawyer in Delhi to ensure that your PoA complies with the legal requirements and adequately protects your interests. Legal consultation is particularly important if your estate involves complex assets or if you have specific wishes regarding the management of your affairs.
A Power of Attorney is a powerful tool in estate planning, providing a mechanism to manage your affairs if you are unable to do so yourself. Whether you choose a General, Special, Durable, or Springing Power of Attorney, it's essential to ensure that the document is properly drafted and legally compliant. By consulting with a power of attorney lawyer, you can create a PoA that aligns with your estate planning goals and provides peace of mind knowing that your affairs will be handled according to your wishes.
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Finding the Best Bail Bond Agency Near You: A Guide for Michigan Residents
When facing legal troubles, the need for a reliable bail bond agency becomes crucial. Whether it's for yourself or a loved one, knowing where to turn in such moments can make all the difference. This guide will help you understand how to find the best "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" and explore the services offered by a reputable "Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan."
Understanding the Role of a Bail Bond Agency
A bail bond agency provides financial assistance to individuals who have been arrested, allowing them to be released from jail while they await their court date. These agencies act as a surety, pledging money or property as bail for the appearance of the defendant in court. The main goal is to ensure that the defendant returns to court without the financial burden falling entirely on them or their families.
Why Choose a Local Bail Bond Agency Near You?
Choosing a local bail bond agency is advantageous for several reasons. Firstly, a local agency is more familiar with the legal system in your area. They know the judges, the courts, and the local regulations that may affect your case. This knowledge can expedite the process, reducing the time you or your loved one spends in jail.
Secondly, local bail bond agencies are more accessible. In urgent situations, proximity is key. A "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" ensures that you can speedily meet in person to handle , discuss terms, and secure the release of the individual involved. This local presence provides peace of mind during a stressful time.
Finding the Right Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan
Michigan has a range of bail bond agencies, but finding the right one requires careful consideration. Here are some tips to help you choose the best bail bondsman agency in Michigan:
Experience and Reputation: A well-established agency will have a track record of successful bail postings and satisfied clients. Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from attorneys or friends who may have experience in this area.
Licensing and Certification: Ensure the agency is fully licensed and certified to operate in Michigan. A legitimate bail bondsman agency in Michigan will adhere to state regulations and provide transparent, ethical services.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is essential. The agency should be responsive, respectful, and empathetic. They should take the time to explain the bail process, answer all your questions, and offer flexible payment options if needed.
Availability:  A reliable bail bondsman agency in Michigan should be available 24/7 to assist you whenever you need help.
Fee Structure: Understand the fee structure before signing any agreements. In Michigan, bail bond agencies typically charge a non-refundable fee, usually 10% of the bail amount. Make sure there are no hidden fees or extra charges.
The Importance of Trust and Confidentiality
When dealing with a bail bondsman agency, trust and confidentiality are paramount. The details of your case should be handled discreetly and professionally. The agency should maintain your privacy, ensuring that your personal information and legal situation are kept confidential.
Finding the right "Bail Bond Agency Near Me" is crucial in ensuring a smooth and efficient release process. For Michigan residents, selecting a reputable "Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan" can make all the difference in navigating the complexities of the legal system. By considering factors such as experience, reputation, and customer service, you can find an agency that meets your needs and helps you through a challenging time with care and professionalism.
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