lcisabc23 · 2 years
James and the gang came running up to Lily, James had a few pink Lillies he found by the lake he held them out to her. “Here ya go lily flower!” He said shouting a bit with an excited smile on his face. Lily froze before turning to James she looked back from the flowers and up to James she clenched her fists feeling annoyed. As James went to reach out to hand her the flowers she smacks them out of his hands “Can’t you leave me alone already! God, you’re so annoying James! I’ll never go out with you!” She yelled at him. Everyone around them went silent and tense as did James he looked down and tensed up “Right sorry” he muttered before hurriedly walking away.
“Hey, Remus!” Lily said with a wave only to be cut off by three sets of glares. “That was very harsh Evans. If anything you do not deserve James who has been trying his hardest to date you” Remus said pissed off “Yeah we get you don’t like James but you could’ve been nicer honestly Evans you aren’t pretty you aren’t even close to James’ league and you say James is annoying when in reality that are you.” Sirius says grabbing Peter's hand knowing Remus most likely had more to say so Peter and him have to go comfort James.
“Remus.. I…” Lily started as she reached out to Remus “No Evans we were friends mainly because of James yet you couldn’t even act nicely to a boy who is my best mate and who was simply so deeply love you had to tear his heart out? Please do not come near me or the boys anymore or else we will say stuff we will not regret” Remus said walking after the boys.
When Remus reached them Sirius was hugging James tightly as the other sobbed into his arms Peter was saying soothing words while patting James’ back. “Oh, prongs she doesn’t deserve you anyways.” Sirius said biting his lip tears forming in his eyes from his best mate's heartbreaking sobs “That’s not the point I loved her Sirius!” James cried out as he clenched his fists onto Sirius’ back Sirius sent a look to Remus making Remus nod and leave not before kissing James’ head “I’ll be right back” Remus said leaving.
When Remus came back James had calmed down a bit “Whatcha got there moony?” James said sniffling “Some snacks,” Remus said smiling as he sat next to the three boys on the hallway floor “Thanks lads,” James said smiling a bit as he reached out for the chocolate chip cookie. “Whatcha saying thanks to them for I'm the one who brought the snacks” Remus said crossing his arms as if he was pouting in reality he was smirking. James raised an eyebrow “Yeah but I mean for being here for me I know I’ve been acting like a prat and all but I’m lucky to have you guys here with me.” James said with a smile “Aww James are you getting soft” Peter teased making James tense and blush a bit “No shut up!” James said feeling embarrassed as he tried hiding back in Sirius’ neck “Aww our little prongsie embarrassed” Sirius said making the other two laugh making Sirius laugh then James.
“I love you guys, you guys are my family,” James said smiling “As you are mine,” Sirius said “Huh now that I think about it maybe we should kidnap Regulus and make him join our little family,” Sirius said excitedly making the two sane ones look at him “That’s an amazing idea Padfoot!” James shouted excitedly as well “No no no! We are not kidnapping anyone!” Remus said putting his foot down making Sirius and James pout.
Little did the four know the said brother was down the hall listening “They’re planning to kidnap me?” Regulus mumbled confused and immediately turned around and walked back the way he came “That’s the last time I’m ever listening to my brother and his friends” Regulus said with a weirded-out look on his face.
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