#famous professionals
teacupsandcyanide · 1 year
Something I miss from earlier eras of the creative side of the internet was things just being unabashedly low-budget. Just all unashamedly amateur, unprofessional, ‘I don’t own a good camera but I have a story to tell you’, ‘I can’t afford a good mic but I have a song to sing for you,’ ‘I don’t have any kind of background in editing or lighting and I only just picked up this guitar last Tuesday but here’s an entire musical me and my friends wrote about our favourite book, we filmed it on a potato and put it up on YouTube in ten minute segments because we thought it was pretty funny.’
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first-person perspective tour of love&deepspace exhibition at shanghai bw2024 comic-con part 1
player interacts with zayne/li shen
(all the four cosers are invited and paid by paper itself so they are known as "official cos" but the cosers themselves are not actually cosers instead they're professional actors (the no-fame kind) invited by paper for the best experience of players)
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"why don't you update as fast as you used to?" asks fandom constantly taking shots at me in the comments of my own fics?
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teplejtrouba · 11 months
a detective who has a partner🔍 and a partner💕 who are friends so the three of them end up doing a lof things together and the detective refers to them as "my partners" and doesn't realise this makes everyone think they're polyamorous (they do end up polyamorous by the end of the story)
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tennis-shenanigans · 4 months
I love that I always forget how terrible it is to be a sincaraz fan until I watch them play (affectionate but traumatized)
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only-lonely-www · 8 months
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I may have missed TachiHaru day by almost a week, but it’s the thought that counts!! Right????
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+close up because I liked their faces 🫶
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incorrect-losers · 7 months
Richie: How’d you end up like this?
Ben: It’s a long story
Ben: Let me put it this way. If this were a movie, it would take three or four sequels to do it justice
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youdontneedhenry · 5 months
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Random thought but I miss Patrick winking at Eliza (3x3) and generally being mischievous (all of season 2 and episode 3x6 with William.)
He’s way more professional with her in season 4, for obvious reasons. He’s still fun, and they have fun, but it’s different, which is a testament to how respectful Nash is, contrary to how he’s sometimes talked about by viewers who are simply not paying attention. Also, I don’t think it’s JUST that she’s his employee. I think he caught feelings and is trying to recalibrate how to act with her (less schoolyard teasing and even more sincerity).
In Season 4, Eliza softens and teases Nash more than he teases her (after she wins at the races, the end of the telephone episode). He lets her lead, really, in that regard, because he's not going to cross a line given the power dynamic in their relationship when she works at Nash & Sons.
So we've seen rivals (season 2 with the shift in 3x3) to friends and colleagues (3x6 and Season 4) and now LOVERS (Season 5) ????
I really wonder what Season 5 Nash will be like.
Edit: to add: the natural chemistry and attraction that’s been there didn’t lead to romance yet because they’ve had really clear boundaries: being rivals AND then being colleagues meant really clear lines they didn’t or couldn’t cross- even if they toed them sometimes. There were rules of engagement. Those boundaries will be gone session 5- so their friendship can flourish into something else.
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In the spirit of the holiday season can we consider that Mercedes is a family BECAUSE the vibes are rancid not in spite of. They have that awkward family dinner thing going for them and I mean that with love.
Complete with the grandpa that says wack shit like we’re closing the gap to Red Bull (Toto), the ‘sure let’s get you to bed grandpa’ uncle (James A), the rich uncle that may or may not be in a new age wellness cult (Lewis), the cousin that everyone is compared to (Bono), the one that came for the spiked eggnog (Shov), the hormonal teenager that is loud about how much he hates sitting at the kids table (George), the kids table (Mick, Fred, Kimi), the one they don’t talk about but still haunts the narrative (Nico), the goodest boy (Roscoe), the one sane relative that went low contact and moved away to live his best life (Valtteri). 
But they all still come together year after year, no matter what (for Susie, Merc fans and the Silver Arrows to take aim once again). Happy Holidays! Hope next year is a good one!
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I need a messy tomarry fic with a plot based on Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo. Tom and Ginny used to date but broke up, and now Ginny's dating Harry. Except Harry keeps thinking about Tom (when he's on dates with and sleeping with and fucking Ginny), and he thinks it's because he's jealous and weird and has issues (true), but he really loves Ginny.
But what's really happening is Harry is obsessed with Tom and unintentionally using Ginny to get stories about Tom and fantasizing about the other man to near-stalker levels.
Is Tom also obsessed? Does he realize Harry exists?
(Ginny obviously dumps Harry eventually because she deserves better and Harry needs a clue-by-four to the head.)
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catlaila · 4 months
i’d like to think kevin (age 25) will wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat, turn to thea, and go “wait?? am i bisexual????” and she’ll go “you should have had this realization at least four situationships ago please go to bed”
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musical-chick-13 · 8 months
Like, not to harp on this, but just because you don't see the "value" in a piece of art or don't think it's "technically beautiful enough" to be acclaimed or don't want to interact with it because the function it's serving isn't something you're interested in doesn't mean that it just. Doesn't deserve to exist.
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mademoiselle-red · 8 months
The Han dynasty poem that inspired Di Feisheng’s 悲风白杨 Beifeng Baiyang:
By anonymous, Han Dynasty
My rough translation (take this which a large pinch of salt because we are reaching the limits of my 文言文 ancient/literary Chinese reading abilities here):
The departed grow distant with the passage of time, while those who come (approach?) feel more intimate with the passing of time.
Outside the city gates, one sees burial mounds and tombs.
Ancient graves are plowed into farmland, and pine trees are cut into new firewood.
Poplar trees (usually planted by burial mounds) make melancholy sounds in the wind, and the mournful sound brings feelings of despair.
[Note: Di Feisheng’s inner cultivation technique gets its name from this line: 白(bai)杨(yang)多(duo)悲(bei)风(feng)]
I wish to return home, but I cannot find my way back
(for the last phrase, 无因, I went with the 没有机缘 no chance/opportunity definition from the 汉典 dictionary rather than the 无故/无端 no reason definition. I’m not sure which one was more common in the Han dynasty. But this phrase could also mean “I wish to return home, but I have no reason to”, which would be sad in its own way)
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homoeroticgrappling · 13 days
I wish I grabbed a screenshot of Danny Garcia tweeting "Istanbul on 3" in response to someone saying MJF is going on vacation again before he deleted it
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johntorrington · 3 months
not really doxxing myself bc if you all don’t know i’m canadian and work in theatre by this point that’s a you problem. but the stage manager i’m working with on my show later this summer has done 40 seasons at the stratford festival. what the fuck.
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liesmyth · 7 months
you are soooo correct Jamie "can you make my name on the back bigger" Tartt loves being Jamie tartt and he loves that when the entire country hears the name Tartt they think of him and he would NEVERRRRR ever ever change his name to Kent. The audacity.
disclaimer from the og unusual opinions post that this game is not meant to disparage popular fanon, only to share some less common interpretations
That said. YEAH. YEAH he would not. Not only he fucking loves being Jamie Tartt, we also get no inclination that he has any angst whatsoever about sharing a first name with his dad, and also personally I love that scene in 3.11 where the pub lads refer to Jamie as "James" because, in lassoverse... if you google "James Tartt", there's only ONE James Tartt that matters. I bet he loves that.
Jamie's dad probably can't introduce himself anywhere without someone going "Ah, like the footballer?" and I LOVE that for Jamie, frankly.
Even with all of that, I can get behind fic / other works where Jamie for whatever reason changes his last name, but he'd absolutely never ever EVER take Roy's. This is the hill I will die on. It's a much more cumbersome name to carry! That man wants to achieve success in his chosen elite profession, on the strength of his own talent and hard work, and he absolutely would never get that if he ??? changed his name ???? mid career??? to that of a much more famous player. I understand it's some people's id but personally it sends me into "You and I don't like these character for the same reasons at all" territory. He'd
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