#fancy Korean private high school AU?
chmydarling · 1 year
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FULL NAME. louis james easton
NICKNAME. lou, louie, nabi (u kno who u are!!)
ALIASES.‏ world's biggest dumbass (alleged)
HEIGHT.‎‏‏‎ 5'8" (a hill i am willin to die on. turn on ur location canon, i just wanna talk)‎‏‏‎
AGE. 18 (psst the b-day i decided on for him is super soon and is july 30th folks- national frenship day :')!!)
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. ya boi is p fluent in both french and spanish. he also knows a lil bit of latin thanks to his private school upbringing (and absolutely detests it bc to him, it is unbelievably complicated and he cannot grasp it for the life of him). ALSO, a special sum1 may or may not be teaching him some korean... <3
BODY TYPE. although he's naturally built pretty slim, he has some trouble eating healthily and/or enough, bc he ends up getting distracted by something or someone else. like, he can't get this one song out of his head, so he has to go work on it etc. most of the time, he keeps himself running on caffeine and candy
VOICE. it upsets me greatly that his singing voice had hella potential, had it been encouraged and nurtured (seriously, go listen to his lovely and incredibly talented va sing). aLSO, as one yt commenter helpfully pointed out during the scene where he's telling tenn to move, when he raises his voice, he's got a lil bass in it, which is something that u don't hear from him too often
DOMINANT HAND. i'm super duper tempted to hc that he's ambidextrous (esp as ambidextrous individuals have apparently been found to possess high levels of creativity). and yes, he would show off about this all the time
POSTURE. god awful. he was and is forever getting stick from his fam bc he will sit in the most absurd and inconvenient places n positions. tho he will often sit up straight if he's seated at like a table on impulse, bc his father made a point of correcting and scolding him for it every time he slouched (p.s. he hates that) ‎
SCARS. he's got one on his tummy ‎from having his appendix removed when he was younger‏‏
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. ‏‏‎ ‏‏f R E C K L E S <3 a super beautiful n contagious laugh andd.. bIG ASS HANDS THAT I WILL NEVER STOP TALKING AND THINKING ABOUT
PLACE OF BIRTH. idk why but i feel like he's a cali boy somehow
HOMETOWN. westlake village, ca maybe? (it even sounds money af sksksks)
SIBLINGS. only child
PARENTS. james easton, a very successful and self-made businessman, not so much as a parent (in lou's opinion) and elizabeth/lib easton, who once dreamed of becoming a famous actress. before she stopped
OCCUPATION. ‏‏‎ i can see him working as a waiter and/or barista and maybe going on to be a stagehand and play at weddings and such. though, he does have dreams of making it big as a musician and/or singer
CURRENT RESIDENCE. in a mod au, i can absolutely see him moving to a big city like ny or something
CLOSE FRIENDS. vi, marlon ‎
‎FINANCIAL STATUS. incredibly irresponsible pftt. he is always broke bc his eye is forever getting caught by the latest tech and obscure ass items ‏‏‎
DRIVER'S LICENSE. in a modern au, he is honestly spongebob at boating school lmao. he has failed his test more times than he can count. instructors quake when they learn they have to teach him sdjfhsdjfh
CRIMINAL RECORD. squeaky clean (he's a good noodle). tho, i can absolutely see him getting in trouble w the law for pulling some of those super elaborate pranks, like putting laundry detergent in a fountain or something sksksks
VICES. ya boi has a taste for the finer things, so i can totally see him indulging in fancy ass expensive champagnes and wines (red wine is his fav)
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‎‏‏‎he really wants to be a source of support, love and encouragement for his partner (and he is, regularly). but he also really likes and needs to feel supported and loved, too (though, often, he has no idea how to go about this)
TURN OFFS. greed, cruelty, lack of empathy
TURN ON'S. ‎bravery, confidence, passion in their interests
LOVE LANGUAGE. ‎a lil bit of all of them tbh, giving n receiving! (depending on his partner's preferences and comfort). he loves cheering on and supporting his partner and wants to do things for them and get them lil sentimental n big flashy gifts. he adores quality time and is all about physical touch. he's just basically a big walkin ball of love honestly ‏‏‎
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. ‏‏‎ ‏‏i think he's quite prone to seeking validation and reassurance (he's genuinely that one meme that's like, me on our wedding day: r u still into me bless im)‎
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE. i hear him in a lot of motown love songs and many of stevie wonder's hits. like, anything romantic or soulful, upbeat n funky- that be him
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. playing piano (learning and playing any instrument he can get his hands on honestly!), singing, baseball, gaming, movie marathons
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. ‎‏‏‎ ‎right-brained, for sure ‏
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. undeservedly low and wavering. like, outwardly, he's this social butterfly, life-of-the-party type. but, he is v much insecure and not at all content w himself (largely due to his father's constant battering of his self-esteem over the years *blows a raspberry at louis' dad*)
tagging: all of you beautiful ppl <3
0 notes
rennyrosie · 7 years
The Gallifrey High AU That No One Needed But Here It Is Anyway
The year is 2XXX. Korean society has evolved so far that our ID schematics have been condensed into chips taking the shape of normal contact lenses. These ID lenses are given to children and are changed according to their growth needs. When their eyes stop changing a permanent lens is fixed onto one of their eyes, thus making ID cards and numbers obsolete. However, a growing number of reports are surfacing of chips becoming scrambled or dislodged after injuries, accidents, and other incidents. What happened to Leela Sae’s eyes to make her unidentifiable? In this new technological age spurred by chaebol conglomerates, whose family will come out on top? Will Korea’s economy be torn asunder in the rumbling threat of an economic war?
I imagined 갈리프레이 고등학교, 갈고 for short (Gallifrey High School, “Galgo” or “Sharpening” for short) as a Special High School, a fancy private high school for students whose parents are affiliated with conglomerates, diplomats, politicians, all kinds of important people. So basically like an international school minus the white people and with only three years in high school: Korean high schools split the twelve grades 6-3-3 as opposed to 5-3-4 as is common in America. (Yes this does mean that I headcanon the entire cast as Korean in this AU). Usually in these private schools, students from lower income families with certain professions (lower level civil servants/bureaucrats, small business owners, etc.) have access to certain degrees of financial aid that depend on how well the student does in school. In some rare cases, a very low income and potentially first generation student can gain a full scholarship for exceptional talent.
This is how we first meet Leela (새리라, Leela Sae), a seventeen-year-old cast out into the world who uses a fake last name for Reasons. She’s always wanted to be free as a bird and bird in Korean is 새 so she chose it as a new last name. She gains admission to Gallifrey High by winning a taekwondo tournament hosted by the conglomerate owned by Romana’s family, the 나라 (Na-Ra, “Nation”) corporation. The tournament was meant to scout new muscle to work as guard staff for Na-Ra with the promise of job security and a scholarship to 갈고 for the youth division. Because Romana is the heir apparent of the corporation, she is of course present at the tournament and as the newly-elected student body president she welcomes Leela to the school. Leela transfers to Gallifrey High as a second year, the same year as Romana.
Romana (나루마, Ruma Na) is the sole child of the ruling Na family, making her heir apparent to the corporation from the age of fifteen. She excels in school, consistently ranking first in her class, but finds her true passions lie in leading the school to victory and prosperity in all aspects of student life. However, recent tensions between conglomerates and within her own family’s corporation have kicked off power struggles in the Korean market as well as in school. A separate faction led by Darkel, the heiress to Kim and Co., a competing conglomerate and the Na corporation’s closest rival and bitterest enemy.
Darkel (김다루, Daru Kim), another second year and the Student Body Vice President, has consistently scored just below Romana in rankings, but despite her sharp intellect her unpopularity and refusal to listen to her peers made her lose the opportunity to hold power over the entire school, an opportunity she thought should be rightfully hers. As such, she gathered all the students whose families worked with or for her and rallied them against Romana and the Na-Ra corporation. This started a kind of turf war in the high school as well as starting an economic meltdown of global proportions as Na-Ra and Kim and Co. slashed prices, salaries, everything to compete against each other, resulting in the near-total collapse of the Korean economy.
As the war rages on, Darkel seeks out Narvin, the Student Body Treasurer and lures him to her side of the fight, intending to bankrupt his family’s large pharmaceutical company later to monopolize more power over the school and the economy.
Narvin (빈나라, Nara Bin, play on words with “empty nation” and also yes matching to one of the conglomerates guess which) is the Treasurer and is very stingy with club budgets despite only being a second year, but that’s what he likes so much about that work: He could know and control the money flow of the entire school. Although he starts out working with Darkel, when he discovers Darkel’s plan, he crosses sides to join Romana, despite his reservations about her and the transfer student she always hung around. Now, he doesn’t care to admit it but he cares deeply about Romana and Leela in the aftermath of the Sul War. Narvin is a huge nerd who is on the math team and participates regularly in the physics Olympiad.
On the other hand, Brax (시보락, Borak Si) seeks to gain more power than his position as Secretary of the Student Body by aligning himself and his family’s company with Romana. As a third year, this year is his last chance to try for student body president and he is growing more desperate. Darkel considers him a prime threat as a key player in this war due to his parents’ microchip development and manufacturing company, Si Sees Ltd. This emphasis on technological advancement to tear the other side apart led to the coining of this economic war the Sul War, for “Kisul”, meaning “technology.”
Wynter (태위영, Wi-Young Tae) is an impressionable first year who looks up to Romana and considers her his 선배. His family is among the first to go bankrupt when the falling cost of iron makes his family’s ironworks company go under and he leaves the country to pay off his debt to loan sharks.
Andred (뢰안도, Ando Rae), a second year who took interest in Leela, the new transfer student, as he was also a recipient of financial aid as the son of a lower ranking bureaucrat. He found Leela’s blunt language and unconventional wisdom charming and they dated for a while until Leela saw that Andred was just like all the other spoiled asshole brats at this entitled school and left him. Soon afterward, Andred was expelled for beating another student into unconsciousness despite multiple suspensions and warnings from similar behavior.
Matthias (아마디, Madi A, first name means “words”), was a quiet second year student but his family seemed to be the only one really staying afloat as he kept to himself and was often ignored by the likes of Darkel and Romana. However, when he was noticed he was generally well liked and as the son of a high ranking politician he knew how the game worked even if he chose not to play. Until now. Sensing a weakness in both Romana and Darkel, Matthias seized an opportunity to make himself student body president with the support of weary and newly broke students and the promise of rebuilding Korea’s techno-economic infrastructure.
The Doctor (닥터, Doctor), is a truant. No one knows what year he’s in, only that he’s smart but he pops in and out as he pleases and the teachers can only sigh and shake their heads at him because heaven knows they’ve tried yelling, punishing, locking up, it didn’t seem to matter to him.
Valyes is taking his second year a second time because he failed out the year before. Despite knowing how the school works and how the political game is played he lacks the common sense and patience to use what he knows effectively. (Yes I realize I’m being way too nice but I’m trying to get something of a consistent tone here ;w; )
Other minor commanders and such are class reps in the student council.
I haven’t met Ace yet where I’m up to (haven’t started season 6 yet) but according to Alex’s description my version of Ace is a delinquent with constantly dyed hair who could use the nearest object to smash your head in but would rather shatter your kneecaps and let Leela finish you off.
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manggojooz · 5 years
Foolish Love, Fake Love (Part 7)
pairing: idol!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
word count: ~2,900
genre: idol!au; angst; romance; drama; enemies to lovers sort of thing
warnings: none
previous part: Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |  Part 6
summary: If all you can give me is a fake love, then I will be the fool to pretend that it is all true.
Taglist: @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl  @dollwithluv @sweetcheeksdna @yeontanie21 @peachygiraffe14 @jeontaes-world
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“Aigoo, when are you ever going to find a boyfriend at this rate... all the guys will be so scared after they see how you fangirl over this cook guy,” Ssamchun was this naggy even when he was younger.  
“It’s ‘Jungkook’, Ssamchun,” you glared at him while Yuri laughed silently.  
“What are you laughing at?” you suddenly diverted your annoyance jokingly towards Yuri.  
“Nothing... really... just wondering how you can be so invested in a guy who doesn’t even know you exist,” she replied.  
It had been more than a year since Yuri had joined the mixed martial arts school and it was natural that you two were growing increasingly reliant on each other given that most of the other people here were male.  
“It’s called true love, it’s real alright?” you retorted, gesturing at her to get ready to be taken down by you.  
“How can it be true love, when you don’t even know the real him? What if he’s super weird in real life? Or maybe he’s super snobbish... I mean he’s a celebrity after all...” Yuri was not planning to run away from a sparring session but she found the need to defend her position.  
You never really bothered to refute that point whenever Yuri makes it, and you never would have imagined that his conversation would actually be relevant one day.  
“Were you... one of them?” Jungkook’s voice trails off as he popped the question hesitantly.  
There was no answer and the air was brimming with awkward energy.
“I guess... I was a fan after all,” you answered weakly.
He felt strangely affected by your use of the past tense.  
“I guess this is why we always have to keep up an image... once people know the real us, they will just stop supporting us,” he murmurs as he turns to exit the room and once again, he was strangely affected when you said nothing to stop him.  
The company told you to rest at home the next day but somehow you found yourself back at the company close to evening time, after having spent the day doing nothing much.  
You were just about to change into your exercise attire but decided to sit down on the chair in the changing room and thought about the conversation you had with Jungkook yesterday.  
There is just something really pitiful about it. Who is he in the end? What the company wants him to be? What the fans want him to be? What he wants himself to be? What is the real Jungkook like, does he even know?
Everyone goes through this at some point; some may never find the answer. Who are we really? What are we living for? And in turn, what can we be happy for? Only when we know what we want to become, can we be truly happy when we achieve it.  
But for him... he probably has a lot to live up to, benchmarks that may not be what he wanted in the first place.
You took out your phone to send a message to him only to stop at the first word because you have no idea where to start. That was when you were reminded of the song that comforted you years back.  
You searched it up online and just as you had hit the send button, there was a knock on the door. When you opened the door you could see a frowning Yuri looking at Sejoon.  
“Can’t you just give her a break today? She just came to have dinner with me...” Yuri huffed.  
“It’s not that I don’t want to give her a break though...” Sejoon answers helplessly.  
“What is it?” you asked.  
The last thing you expected to happen was you sitting in a private room of a traditional but fancy sashimi restaurant across from Sejoon and Kijin – mainly due to the fact that you don’t even fancy sashimi.
“Sometimes I really want to slap some sense into him. It's been getting worse lately, he gets so sensitive whenever I ask why he’s doing all this for Yeonjoo” Sejoon suddenly lowered his volume as he spoke about the very two people who were sitting in the private room next to yours.  
Apparently, it was close to Yeonjoo’s birthday and this is a restaurant that she had wanted to visit for the longest time, which explains the need for you to be a decoy. Sejoon and you had to be really obvious when entering the restaurant, while Jungkook came later. On top of all that you heard that Yeonjoo had to really discreetly enter from the back of the restaurant.  
“I suppose this is another undercover operation? Aren't you afraid Director Lee would find out about this?” you were worried for Sejoon but equally so for yourself.  
Sejoon and Kijin both look up at you in surprise, “It was Director Lee who made the reservation, you didn’t know that?” Kijin blurted.  
“Oh really?” you tried to contain your surprise while glancing towards Sejoon.  
He seemed more interested in the intricately-plated sashimi platter that was just served.  
“... so, Director Lee is now OK with Jungkook meeting her in private?” you could not keep the curiosity in and had to ask.  
“Of course not. And it’s not even something I can fight for since Jungkook that brat wouldn’t even confirm if they are really together or not” Sejoon replied through a mouthful of raw fish.  
“Then what’s going on here?” you frowned from the confusion.  
“That jewellery store wanted him to do photoshoot with you but he wouldn’t do it... so Director Lee bribed him with one favour and this is what he asked her for... to give permission for...” Sejoon answers, at first matter-of-factly, but quickly ended the topic as he realises what this meant to you.  
So this was why he willingly did the photoshoot; it was weird that there wasn’t much protesting on that day given how much he must have hated the idea of taking “couple photos” with you. You were lost in all these thoughts and did not notice Sejoon clearing his throat awkwardly.  
“Are you... are you not going to have some?” he quickly tried to change the topic, hoping to distract you.  
“I don’t really like raw stuff” you answered curtly, only belatedly feeling sorry to Sejoon for being somewhat rude to him for no reason.  
“Oh, I guess Jungkook just ordered the same set for both rooms. Let me go get the menu and order something else for you...” Sejoon fumbled to get out from his seat.  
“It’s ok oppa, I’m not that hungry anyway” you replied with a customary smile this time.  
Kijin and Sejoon had no problems finishing the whole platter of sashimi on their own and giving you a rundown of the best types of sashimi during the different seasons when someone barges into the room. It was Jungkook.  
“Hyung!” Jungkook called out. Sejoon naturally responded but Jungkook looks past him to Yeonjoo’s manager instead, “Not you Hyung... Kijin Hyung... Did Yeonjoo’s sasaeng appear again?”  
Kijin looked visibly tensed when the question was asked and there was a long pause before he answered, “It was quiet for a while, but after your scandal with her, it started again.”  
Yeonjoo was now in the room too, telling Jungkook that it is nothing and that there was no need for him to worry so much.  
“Maybe you should hire bodyguards for her too...” Jungkook nagged at Kijin.  
“Hey Jeon Jungkook, we are working on that, we already have a few lined up, but we are just clearing background checks before we can officially use them... so stop saying these obvious things...” Kijin was his usual annoyed self.  
“Kijin Oppa,” Yeonjoo started to say something, “I wanted to use the washroom and they said it’s across the garden, can you come along?”  
“What? The washroom is outside?” Kijin responded exasperatedly and was cursing under his breath.
“I can take you there” Jungkook quickly volunteered.  
“Haha, that would be weird...” Yeonjoo laughed, “and we can’t be caught together again.”  
Jungkook wanted to rebut that, but he really couldn’t. The deal with Director Lee was clear – even if they were seen to be in the same restaurant today, the official story would be that he was here with you and Yeonjoo to celebrate her birthday, he can’t be captured alone with her... but what about you?  
“Wait... Y/N... why don’t you go with her?” Jungkook suddenly suggested.  
Your eyes widened and you were about to protest but Kijin has latched onto the idea, “Oh... oh oh, yeah since you are here... just go with her quickly and come back.”  
You looked towards Sejoon for some back up but you knew it was already a closed case, so when he only smiled sheepishly back at you, you gave a reluctant “alright” and dragged yourself out from your seat.  
The washroom was located in a separate building across the traditional Korean-styled garden. It was a beautiful path to walk through and you hardly had any complains. At the end of the garden to the left was a road that sloped steeply upwards to the carpark and the main entrance.  
As you approached the end of the scenic path, Yeonjoo suddenly decided to break the silence, “It must be quite tough for you to do your job and still have to keep up the fake relationship.”  
You quickly looked around in alarm, trying to make sure that no one was in the vicinity to hear the conversation even though she said it pretty softly.  
“Umm... yeah... it is” you stammered. “Should I wait for you outside or follow you in?” you asked her hastily to change the topic.  
“Mmmm...” she was was about to answer some kind of rattling noise alerted you.  
You turned sharply towards the sound and notices a humongous trolley stacked high with boxes hurtling down the slope towards the both of you. The boxes were tied to the trolley and the speed it came at you was incredibly fast.  
There was only a split second to make a decision so you instinctively pushed Yeonjoo away before trying to jump out of the way but there was just not enough time. Your shoulder ended up scraping the tower of boxes that came tumbling down heavily. Even though you were only hit by it peripherally, the force was enough to spin and throw you to the ground. A loud crash followed as the trolley topples over and some of the boxes falls onto you, the contents spilling everywhere, revealing that it had contained bags of rice and fruits.  
You turned to look at the top of the road – there was no one in sight. Where could this trolley have come from? You struggled to get back onto your feet and hastily made your way to where Yeonjoo was sitting in shock on the floor.  
“Are you alright? Are you able to get up?” you questioned.  
“What was that?” she uttered shakily.  
“I don’t know... Let’s go, quick... I don’t think it’s safe here...” you replied while reaching out a hand to help her up.  
Although you were in pain yourself, you let Yeonjoo rest her weight on you as you helped her back towards the traditional Hanok building that housed the private rooms. She was limping as she made her up the few tiny steps, and the moment Jungkook spotted her walk into the hallway he immediately rushed over. 
He started fussing incessantly, “Are you ok?! Did you get you hurt? What happened?! Is it serious, let me see it...”  
And suddenly the attention was all on you.  
“I told you to protect her... isn’t that your only job? Is this how you protect someone?” his tone couldn’t have been anymore accusing and you were mildly offended by that tone.
“Jungkook it’s not like that, there was a trolley that came out of nowhere and she pushed me aside to avoid it” Yeonjoo tried to explain and hold him back.  
“Do you not know how important it is for an idol not to get injured? If she sprained her ankle or broke an arm, what will you do about her upcoming activities?” Jungkook continued tearing into you.  
You remained silent, not because you did not want to respond, but because you felt offended that you had to respond.  
“Jungkook-ah, I think that’s enough... let’s find out what happened first... I’m sure she didn’t intend to hurt her either” Sejoon was stepping in and tugged at his arm to pull him away from you.  
Jungkook forcefully shakes off Sejoon, “Did you?” he hissed.  
There was silence all around. Nobody responded, he obviously took it too far. If you had any remnants of pity or feelings left for him, it vanished in that moment. 
The foolish fangirl was overtaken by the fearless fighter. You determinedly took a step closer to him and stared him straight in his eyes.  
“You can say that I did a bad job in protecting her, you can yell at me all you want for that, but don’t... don’t ever try to question my intentions. I know very well how important she is. And my job is to put my wellbeing and my life on the line to protect that. Do you think I'd joke around for something like this? For someone who is too cowardly to risk anything to protect the person you like, what right do you have to be saying all these to me?” you were almost gritting your teeth by the end of all this.  
Jungkook was clearly taken aback by your outburst and so was everyone else.
While they ravelled in your words, you turned to stalk off from the scene. There was a sharp pain in your ankles but it didn’t deter you, neither did the shouts from Sejoon calling your name after a few seconds.  
You somehow managed to make your way to the main road. Just as you raised your hand to hail a taxi, the throbbing pain in your left shoulder and upper back finally hits you hard. It was immensely painful... it must have been... because you broke down into tears at the roadside, crouching on the pavement.  
In that moment you questioned yourself – what is so important in this world that people risk their life and themselves for? No, at least they risk it for what is important to them. Why are you risking everything for what is important to someone else?  
“You know how it’s like, sometimes they are so noisy at the dorms, so I'd rather come to the company to do the recording on those days,” Yoongi was explaning to Myunghoon why he was at the office on an off-day from the backseat of their black van.  
“Fine... next time get one of the interns to come pick you up in that case” Myunghoon was griping as he drove towards the dorms but notices something queer on the roadside.  
“Oh?? Isn’t that Y/N? It looks like her...” he exclaimed.  
Yoongi looks out the tinted windows to see you curled up at the side of the pavement as Myunghoon drove past.  
“Should I turn back?” Myunghoon kept glancing into the side-view mirror.  
“Is that even a question?”  
The van stops along the kerb and Yoongi alights, checking again and again whether it is really you.  
“What’s going on?? What are doing here?? Please don’t tell me you are drunk...” his words were direct but his tone was somewhat timid.  
Just as his questioning ended, he catches on that you are crying.  
“Are... Are you ok?” he stammered.  
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” Myunghoon had walked over too. “Are you alright? Hey...”
Myunghoon reaches out to get you to stand up so that they can stop huddling over you but as he grabs your arm to help you up, you winced in pain.  
“It hurts...” you were crying really unglamourously.  
“What hurts? Did you hurt yourself?” Myunghoon asked you patiently.  
“Hey, we can’t keep standing here at the side of the road. Get in the car, we’ll take you to the hospital” Yoongi said rather gently and he notices the damage your jacket has sustained.  
You eventually got in the car. As they headed towards the hospital, you continued sniffling and you really wanted to whack yourself over the head for being such a weakling.  
Yoongi carefully hands you a tissue. You looked at him with your cheeks stained from all the tears, gratefully accepting it.  
“Thank you... again” you said. He just kept quiet while Myunghoon chattered away in the driver seat about how you should claim insurance if it is a work injury.  
“Are you always so nice to your staff? You usually look like the kind that wouldn’t really care much...” you asked Yoongi quite out of the blue.  
“I don’t know, the guy driving the car probably doesn’t think I’m very nice...” his answer was jokingly sarcastic.  
You laughed a tiny laugh while still dabbing away at your eyes and he too smiled a little.  
After a momentary pause, he said without looking at you, “You are right... I generally don’t bother making the effort to care... but you seem to be an exception.”  
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
U did 2 latin edits. Be honest- how fancy was your private school? Let us live vicariously through you with dreams of every private school AU ever written!
I’m about to shatter your dream~
My PUBLIC (but admittedly nice) high school offered French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin (they’ve since gotten rid of Japanese and Latin and promoted ASL from an elective to a Language credit). I was highly involved in the Latin Club (Certamen for the win!) and accidentally earned a minor in college in The Literature and Culture of Classical Civilizations.
So I consider the Carmina and The Aeneid child’s play ;)
Though to revitalize your dream a bit- when I was in college I got into a year-long study abroad in South Korea (that was not only free, but PAID ME TO GO THERE). The University, Yonsei, is the #2 in the country NO MATTER WHAT KOREA UNIVERSITY SAYS and our program was considered one of the most exclusive in the University. So a lot of the Korean students with us there were kids of big businessmen or politicians. 
No one was like to the degree of “Boys Over Flowers” (Or “Meteor Garden” if you’re familiar with the Chinese version), but... actually one of my neighbors (who practically lived in our room) was the cousin of one of the Boys Over Flowers stars. We skyped once. Unwillingly- he’d just finished working out and was all sweaty, I’d just gotten out of the shower and didn’t even have a bra on (i had a tank top on, though that’s practically naked in Korea), and she threw her laptop at me and said “This is my cousin, you know his face, I need to poop, be back soon!” ... ... ... At least we were both equally nervous/terrified of one another :)
My other roommate grew up next to Super Junior’s Heechul. Another was classmates with Kyuhyun. Another Siwon. One of the guys was the son of a  Samsung executive (who had a 4k monitor prototype about 5 years before 4k monitors existed on the consumer market). IDK what my favorite roommate’s father did but all she had to do was call and say “I’m stressed~” and the next day a car would deliver a large box with about $700 in high heel shoes to cheer her up.
So yeah, no private school, but Yonsei has some CHARACTERS.
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years
Can I request a high school AU (the RFA and everyone is in high school) with MC x Zen? Like them meeting in theatre class together and she's really shy and quiet around them but they both love acting and she's secretly really good at improv and comedy? Like how they get together and how the other members react and stuff. At this point Zen would have been on his own for a while now and he's probably in a gang. Sorry if this is too specific haha I just love your writing
So haha the last two days I spent re-watching Ouran High School Host Club so basically this is a mash-up of my experience in theatre club + Ouran High School Host Club + Mystic Messenger. What could possibly go wrong, am I right?! 」( ̄▽ ̄」) Also, this blew way out of proportion, so I put it under a read more. I hope you enjoy that clusterfuck of fic as much as I enjoyed dreaming it up
Mentioned MC’s Masterlist
Fandom: Mystic MessengerRating: GeneralWarnings: NoneCategories: F/MRelationships: MC x ZenWord count: 6060
Ouran Elite PrivateAcademy
a prestigious privateschool located in Seoul, Korea. The school is attended primarily bychildren of the rich and famous. Ouran Academy houses five differentdivisions: Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School, HighSchool and University. All four divisions are all located on the samecampus and students are free to move about.
Meet the students:
Jumin Han (19) - Freshmenin College (child of a business magnate)
Jihyun Kim (19) -Freshmen in College (child of a celebrity)
Madeleine Campbell (18) -12th grader in High School  (child business magnate)
Mélodie Carpentier (18) -12th grader in High School (child of a celebrity)
Jaehee Kang (18) - 12thgrader in High School (honour student)
Hyun Ryu (17) - 11thgrader in High School (child of prominent family)
Macy Cain (16) - 10thgrader in High School (child of prominent family)
Saeyoung&Saeran Choi(15) 10th graders in High School (children of a politician)
Yoosung Kim (14) 8thgrader in Middle School (child of a politician)
Hyun Ryu had beenattending Ouran Academy since Kindergarten. Despite his family beingneither rich nor famous both his older brother and him had beenaccepted due to their parents’ scholar status and the fact that theywere Ouran Alumni. Hyun and his brother were labeled as children of a‘prominent family’, yet basically being nothing more than honourstudents. At first Hyun had enjoyed it. The school was prestigiousand fancy, the people were generally nice and with smaller classesstudying wasn’t half as bad as it would have been in any publicschool. Plus, he looked really good in the uniforms. However, asyears passed he began feeling less and less comfortable and happy.Especially once he’d realized that he most certainly did not aspireto be some business mogul or even a scholar like his parents. 
He’donly dared to admit as much once he’d finally entered High School andwhile his parents didn’t transfer him away from Ouran – mainlybecause they still hoped the school would shape him and talk somesense into their son – he’d no longer been welcome at their home.Hyun had been forced to run away and somehow find his own way throughlife from that moment on. Despite having made good friends during hisyears at Ouran, Hyun refused all their help. He was annoyed at theprivilege he’d received so far as it was, set on making his way tothe top all by himself. Hyun gave up his former life and completelyreinvented himself as Zen. Zen who was charming and confident. Zenwho started the Ouran Theatre Club, open to all and everyone. Hewanted to perform, become the best at his profession and bewitchnations with his talent.
Sadly, ambition alone didnot pay rent and Zen learned that bitter lesson rather soon. Hungerstarted to drain him, constantly jumping between sleeping somewherein school or at friends’ places became inconvenient and borderlinemortifying. He needed money and he needed it soon. Sadly he was notquite at a place where he could earn enough money with his acting andZen had very little other talents that could have been of help. Thatwas until a man asked him about his bike, how well he rode and howconfident he was in his abilities. Zen had been confused at first –the man did look kind of sketchy – but when he mentioned big sumsof money he could win with nothing more than racing on his bike Zenhad been sold. Desperation overruled logic and before he knew Zen hadjoined a motorgang, riding for their lives, in the most literal ofsenses.
The days were spent inschool, his afternoons in the barely there theatre club he’d startedand by night he raced other people for money or got into fights withother clans. It wasn’t the perfect situation, but he got by and thatwas all that mattered. His body soon started to condition itself,healing at a rate that was almost inhumanly fast to make up for allthe damage he took during races or fights gone wrong. Barely a weekwent by without Zen doing some kind of damage to his body. It soonled to a bad-boy reputation to be build on his part, something hehadn’t quite played on but works with. The girls enjoy him in leatherjackets and tight jeans, riding to school on his bike and smokingbehind the building, so he accents such behaviour instead of hidingit in his desperate need for attention and affection. It is only atthe beginning of his 11th school year that things begin tochange.
When the door to thetheatre club opened Zen froze, instantly jumping up from the tablehe’d been sitting on to look who it was. Despite his desperateattempts to put even a single play on stage he’d failed miserably sofar. No one at Ouran seemed to be interested in joining the theatreclub, too busy following their parents’ footsteps into commercialsuccess. Zen desperately wanted to judge them, but opposite to himthey seemed content with their fate. He’d almost given up hope on theclub, ready to dissolve it entirely, when suddenly a young girlentered, looking around the big room. “Hello”, she called, eyesscanning the entire room before landing on Zen. They widened withsurprise – something he’d gotten used to by now, with his strangelooks – before a bright smile and kindness replaced the initialsurprise, leaving Zen breathless.“Are you Hyun then”, sheasked, heavy American accent in her Korean. Still, at least she’dbothered to learn the language, something that Zen was more thanimpressed with. He stepped towards her, holding out his hand for herto shake. “I am. You’re a foreigner. Could it be that you are thetransfer student everyone has been talking about?” The girl nodded.“Yes, my name is Macy Cain. I came here to study dance in a DanceAcademy, but I still have to go to school, so here I am.” Shechuckled and Zen hadn’t heard such genuine sounds in a long time. “Isee. Sadly our school doesn’t have a dance club, I’m afraid”, hesaid and Macy nodded. “I know, I already asked around. That’salright though. They told me about the theatre club and Ifigured…well if we perform something like a musical, a danceperformance is a must and I could definitely help withthat.”Musical? Zen hadn’t even considered musicals. He wasquite the good singer and he did play the guitar, but without anyactors for even an ordinary play, how on earth was he supposed tothink about musicals. He rubbed the back of his head nervously,cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry to say, but the theatre club is ratherdead. I tried getting people to join, but some are afraid of me, someare not allowed to be associated with me and some are too busystaring and admiring me to even consider proper acting and disciplineand I detest half-heartedness, so the club never really came to be”,he explained, sighing when the thought really sunk in anddisappointment overwhelmed him. Macy hummed. “How unfortunate.Well, we’ll just have to gather some people then. See you tomorrowfor practice”, she announced, cheerful as ever, before leaving theroom and a baffled Zen behind.
The next day Zen foundhimself surprisingly hopeful as he sat in the auditorium all byhimself. Every time he heard steps from the hall his heart skipped abeat, excitement flooding his body, only to be disappointed when thedoors didn’t open. About half an hour into ‘practice’ Zen was readyto throw the towel and leave when suddenly the doors opened and Macystepped in. Zen instantly jumped up, practically running towards her,happy to at least have her return. That is when he spotted threeother people walking and froze. “Trust Fund Kid?! What the fuck areyou doing here?!” Zen glared at the guy, hands balling into fists.Jumin merely gave him an uninterested glance. “I am here to jointhe theatre club, obviously.” Beside him another young manappeared, blue haired and much friendlier looking as well as ared-haired young woman.
“Did Macy talk you intothis? I don’t people like you to join my club”, he hissed back,reading to throw a fit. Jumin huffed. “No, she did not. Madeleinedid”, he replied, hand resting on the young woman’s lower back. Shelooked gentle, smiling up at the boy beside him which lead Zen tobelieve that she must have been his girlfriend. That possibly shockedhim more than Jumin’s willingness to join the club. Who on earth withever subject themselves to Jumin Han on a regular basis? “Not tomention that calling it 'your club’ is rather absurd considering thatup to this point it had no members and the only reason it has any nowis thanks to Madeleine and Macy.” Oh Zen definitely wanted to smashhis fucking face in. Then again, Jumin was right. Not only did theclub have any members now, it had enough to be considered legitimateto school standards. They could finally perform!
“How didyou do it”, Zen asked, this time talking to Macy, awe written allover his face. She chuckled. “Madeleine and I got to know eachother at orientation day. When I asked her about it she was delightedto join. She asked Jumin, who was a little reluctant at first, butonce Jihyun agreed to join if he did we roped both of them into it”,Macy explained, high-fiving the other girl. Ah, so Jumin Han wasn’tquite as independent and controlling as he liked to portray himselfto be, if his girlfriend could rope him into things like that. “Ididn’t know you could act”, Zen said, glaring at Jumin again butthis time with less heat. “I can’t. What ridiculous assumptions.I’ll manage the club, Jihyun will record the performances, Macy willdance, Madeleine is a mighty fine actress and you…I guess you’lllook pretty on the posters.” This time Zen had to be physicallyheld back from punching the asshole.
“And who are you two”,he asked, looking down at the twins with confusion. “Saeyoung andSaeran. Macy is in our class”, they replied in union, alreadyirritating Zen. He closed his eyes o hide the fact that he wasrolling them so hard, any more and he wound have seen his own brain.He looked to Macy then, pleadingly. Was she serious? Macy grinned andshrugged. “They are really clever. Both of the skipped a grade,which is why they are so young”, she explained as if it helped thesituation. He already had Jumin Han to annoy him. Zen didn’t need toknow it alls on top of it. “We can memorise any script afterreading it once”, one of the brothers said, the one with theglasses. “Plus, we can act. So well some people can’t even tell weare acting”, the other one added, a somewhat mischievous glint tohis eyes. Zen shivered. “W-well…welcome to the theatre club, Iguess…”♬
“I could help V with thescenery”, Mélodie suggested on the clubs third meeting. Despitenot having chosen a play, everyone in the club was getting excitedand dividing up the work. They were only eight people at this point,but things were staring to look up. Frankly, one could do a lot morewith eight people than Zen had first assumed. “Okay so V andMélodie are taking care of the stage design, Zen and Macy will beworking on the music, Madeleine and I will work on the costumes andthe twins will take care of special effects and technology ingeneral. Now the real question is…should we write an originalscript and if so…who wants to do that?” That was when a quietvoice chirped up from the back of the auditorium, startling all themembers gathered on stage. “I could do that.” Madeleine andMélodie recognized the girl as their classmate Jaehee and so eightmembers became nine.
“Isn’t he a littleyoung? Especially compared to the oldest members”, Zen whispered atMacy as they watched the new addition to their club – Yoosung Kim –be teased by the twins. “I mean…I guess, but he seems reallyeager? Frankly he seems to get along better with the older guys thanwith the twins who are closest to his age. Plus, he might be aninteresting addition”, she whispered back, shrugging. “Uh-huh?How so”, Zen asked, disbelieve audible in his voice. “I don’tknow, Zen, he’s cute. He could be our mascot or something like that.”Zen hummed, looking at the little blonde dude with huge doe eyes. Hedid have that whole shota-boy thing going for him and they didn’thave someone like that in their rounds yet. “I bet he can trickpeople into coming to our shows if we let him hand out the fliers andstuff”, she added and so the deal was sealed.
“Okay everyone, we’llstart todays practice with an improv session. Maybe it will help uscome up with a possible plot for our play and yes, Jumin, you have toparticipate as well”, Zen announced into the round. Jumin huffedbut instantly relaxed when Madeleine pressed a kiss to his cheek.Whipped! They stood in a circle for a quick warm up before Zen askedinto the round who would like to begin. Suddenly the room wasoverwhelmed by a radio silence. How come the theatre club was full ofpeople who didn’t want to act?! “Macy, come join me, please. Youtoo, Yoosung. We’ll start with a simple family scene and see how itgoes from there.” While Yoosung actually seemed eager upon havingbeen picked, instantly climbing on stage to prove himself and hisworth, Macy was hesitant. Usually she was very confident andoutgoing, which is why he’d picked her to begin with.
“Zen, I’m not anactress. I came here to dance, mainly”, she said, not meeting hiseyes. Zen frowned, taking in her demeanour as he’d never seen herlike that. Macy never shied away from a challenge and Zen wouldn’tallow as much to to happen now. Holding out his hand for her to takehe smiled. “Don’t be scared. We’re all friends here so no one willjudge.” After quickly glancing around the room, met with a row offriendly smiles, Macy took Zen’s hand and climbed on stage to joinhim and Yoosung. Zen could tell that she was still nervous, but atleast she was trying and he appreciated that. Acting was completelydifferent from dancing and on top of that improv was especially hard.Without a script or more than a general idea to go by a lot of peoplestruggled with it, even professionals. Still, Zen believed in Macyand as it turned out he was right in doing so.
Whatever you threw at her,Macy had quick, witty comeback. During their short improv that day –mere five minutes at most – she managed to make even Jumin laugh.Not only that, but she turned out to be a great actress too. Hercomedic act could have easily turned out to be ridiculous andunprofessional, but Macy took her role serious, which probably madethe whole thing all the more hilarious to watch. Meanwhile Yoosungsuffered through the improv as it got increasingly hard for him notto crack up at Macy’s jokes as well, thereby breaking character. WhenZen called cut on the scene the rest of the group cheered andclapped, leaving Macy to blush and bow to them shyly. Zen could do nomore than stare at her, heart racing. It was only when the twinsdemanded to play a scene as well that he snapped out of it, shakinghis head to focus on practice.
“I think we should meetafter school to take care of the music now that we finally have anactual script”, Macy suggested, two weeks after their first improvsession. Jaehee had done a great job at writing it. After watchingthe entire group do their improvs for a couple of days, Jaehee hadcatalogued all their strengths and weaknesses, incorporating theminto the characters and story she wrote. After sitting everyone downthey’d turned the story into a proper script a new motivation takingover the small club. Every day they met to practice their lines andblocking on stage and after practice most of them stayed behind totake care of their individual tasks as well. Zen was so happy to seeeveryone excited about their play as well as having such a devotedand loyal group of friends. Even Jumin took his role as manager ofthe club increasingly serious, silently pulling the strings oneverything.
“Sure, we can staybehind in the auditorium after practice to work on the music”, Zensuggested, grinning down at the blonde. Since the beginning of theirlittle club about a month ago he’d grown rather attached to her.Despite not being in the same class they spent a lot of timetogether, both at theatre club as well as the breaks in betweenclasses. She always sought him out during lunch time, sitting next tohim where others had kept their distance, while Zen always walked herhome after school. Well, he never walked her the entire distance,scared that someone from another gang would see and possibly attackthem. He did, however, watch her leave once they’d reached the cornerthey usually parted ways at, heart beating just a little fasterwhenever she turned around one last time to wave him goodbye.
“No, that won’t do. Therest of the club is always day making some kind of ruckus and wecan’t practice, let alone compose, under such conditions. Plus, I gethungry if we stay too long and then I get cranky and when I’m crankyI can’t work. I would suggest going to my place, but I live by myselfand my apartment is extremely tiny. Could we maybe meet at yours?”Zen knew that Macy had asked without mean intent, actually makingsome valid points, but the question hit home. He froze almostimmediately, expression falling from happy to something dark andempty instead. Macy stopped in her tracks when she noticed the suddenchange in mood, turning to look at her friend. It was obvious thatshe was worried, reaching out to him but hesitating. Her hand reachedout for his face but hung in the air until Zen moved into the touch,hand resting against his cheek as he closed his eyes.
It feltso warm against his cold skin, so much so that he had the need torest his hand above hers to keep it in place, burying himself in thegentle touch. “I don’t really have a home”, he admitted in awhisper like it was some kind of dirty secret, something to beashamed off. “What”, came a quiet gasp in reply. “Why?” Zenfinally opened his eyes, meeting Macy’s. He could see the tearsthreatening to roll down her cheeks gathering and hated himself formaking her worry like that. Still, he could not lie, not with her.Macy was probably the only person he could be fully himself with andmaybe Zen needed that from time to time. No acting. No falseconfidence. No playing cool or tough. Just…Zen. “My parents bothwent to Ouran Academy as honour students. They are scholars, elitesif you want. My brother followed their footsteps but when I announcedI wouldn’t -”
“They kicked you out?”Zen nodded. “At first I tried living with friends, but its rude tostay longer than a couple of days at a time and eventually, after acouple of months, I got tired of jumping between families. I was atan all time low, walking down the streets with my tiny suitcasedragging behind me when this dude came to me, asking about my bike.They offered me a place to stay and food, so I accepted to come withhim”, he explained, shrugging. He never had to explicitly mentionit, but Macy soon realized what her friend was trying to tell her.“You joined a biker gang?! Oh Zen, don’t tell me you’re racing!”Zen blushed, taking a step back and instantly missing the featherytouch against his cheek. “It’s not like I had a choice. It’s eitherride or die and I’d rather die trying than die curled up in someditch.”
Zen had expected a lot of reactions, but mostcertainly not the slap to the face he received. “Risking your lifefor something like that? I thought you were smarter than that, youidiot”, Macy snapped, tears now freely running down her cheeks,slender body shaking almost violently. “It’s not like I had achoice, Macy! I had no money and nowhere to go.” Had he not caughther hand, she probably would have slapped him another time. “Youcould have asked us”, she screamed. “Every day you meet with ninepeople who care for you and love you and yet you are too proud to askany of us for help!? Shame on you, Ryu.. Risking your valuable lifeon illegal races that could kill you faster than any starvationbecause you 'had no other choice’ is the dumbest excuse I’ve everheard. I’ll wake the rest of the way myself. Someone who can’t takecare of themselves should not be worrying about taking care of me.”
Upon entering theauditorium the next morning Zen was met with his nine friends, alltalking in hushed voices that instantly stopped when they noticedhim. For a while they all silently stared at him and Zen had beenabout ready to turn around and leave when out of all people Juminstepped forward. Without a word he held out an envelop and Zen didn’thave to be a genius to know it was money. He could feel the angerrise inside of him and before he knew he was slapping the others handaway. “I don’t need your money, jerk! I’m not your little charitycase”, he snapped angrily. As per usual Jumin’s expression remainedcalm and stoic. It was Madeleine who seemed hurt and angry as shestepped forward to look at her boyfriends hand before picking up theenvelop that had fallen to the floor. “It’s not Jumin’s money, Zen,so please man up and just accept our help already.”
Zen instantly calmed uponfaced with such defeat in everyones eyes. He sighed, taking theenvelop and actually looking inside. He felt a little dizzy when herealized just how much money that was. “You don’t seriously want meto believe that this isn’t his. Who else has so much money on theirhands”, he asked, waving the thick bundle around. “OuranAcademy’s student body. We knew you wouldn’t accept our money, oranyones really, so we asked for tiny, tiny donations from everyone.Only so much that it wouldn’t be a bother to them. We didn’t tellthem what the donations were for, so they wouldn’t feel obliged tohelp. Ouran Academy is filled with rich people so some of thedonations might seem like a lot to you, but to them it’s not even asplit of their lunch money. They happily gave it up so please acceptthe money and rent a place”, Jaehee explained calmly with everyonenodding along.
Zen looked at the money, on the verge of tearsas he considered through how much trouble his friends must have gonethrough to ask all the students for money like that. He sighed. “I’mreally thankful for your guys’ hard work, but even if I accept this,I can’t rent a place. This might be enough to the first deposit andmaybe first months rent, but what should I do afterwards? I don’thave any other way to earn money but participating in those races.”That is when Jumin decided to speak up once more. “This is whereyou are wrong. You can earn money by acting. We decided to scrap theplay with had in favour of writing a new, much shorter one. That waywe can perform once a week instead of once a month or year. We caninvite people to our performances and do so in exchange for money.It’s neither charity nor are we forcing anyone and you will earnmoney without risking your life.”
Zen couldn’t believe hisears. They’d not only gathered enough for him to rent an apartment,but they were also coming up with a solution for him to pay rent andprovide for himself without having to race. That is when everyone gotout the scripts they’d been hiding behind their backs, presentingthem to Zen. Every member had written their own sketch. They wereshort and not all of the members were needed, which gave the othermembers more time to prepared for their own, creating a perpetuummobile performing and writing. “You’ll have to live a very modestlife and we won’t be able to do this for longer than a couple ofyears tops, but none of us have a shred of doubt in your abilities toprovide for yourself. You just needed some help to get up, but soonyou’ll be running on your own”, V added after some silence,everyone nodding along to his words.
Zen looked at everyone,trying his best to remain calm and keep his face when in reality hewanted to sing and cry with joy. Never in his life had he experiencedsuch unconditional love and he’d never imagined to find it in a placelike this, nor from the people he got it from. Considering thecircumstances he was all the more grateful. “Thank you”, he said,looking down at the money, holding it tight to his chest as he bowedto everyone, one by one. “Thank you so much for your help. If it’salright…I’d like to accept it.” Everyone clapped and cheered,pulling Zen into a group hug. Everyone but Macy, that is. She wasstill standing at the side, watching with an unreadable expression,arms crossed over her chest. It was when Zen swallowed nervously thateveryone took the hint, wished him good luck and scrambled out of theroom.
Faced alone with Macy Zen felt more nervous than he’dever felt before. It was usually him that seduced the women, madethem feel weak in the knees. Now he felt like a little child writingtheir first love letter to a secret crush. It was nerve wracking. Hewas about go gather up the courage to say something, anything at all,when Macy uncrossed her arms and held out a stack of papers. Zen wasconfused, to say the least. He’d prepared a million apologies thenight before after she’d quite literally slapped sense into him, butnow he was taken off guard. Was that script really that important?When Macy merely continued to hold it out for him, saying nothing,Zen figured it probably was and took the script hesitantly. Macyreached behind herself once more, picking up an identical stack andopening the first page, clearing her throat. “Read”, shecommanded and Zen did as he was told.Macy: This book…Weused to read these to each other. Why did you even buy it?
Zen: You know.
Macy: No, I don’t.
Zen: Yes, you do.
- Zen attempts to makea pass at Macy, but gets pushed away -
Macy: No, I don’t!
Zen: You know, I hate yoursquishy guts.
- woman grabs ontoman, holding him in a tight embrace -
Macy: I hate yoursquishy guts.
Zen: You know you love me.
- woman pulls back andstarts lightly hitting man with her fists -
Macy: I did love you. Iloved your squishy guts. You fucked it all up.
Zen: You fucked itall up.
Macy: Oh God! Why do Ilove you? It’s those eyes! Why do you have such pretty eyes? You’resuch a jerk! Why do you have to have those eyes? Why did you make mefall in love with you? I was supposed to be over it – falling inlove. And then there you were, with those eyes.
- Macy wants to getaway but Zen stops her -
Zen: We never evenfinished them all.
Macy: Ha! You know a lotabout not finishing something.
Zen: That again? It’snot like I’m not trying. Do you have any idea what it’s been likefor me? Trying to write something, something really good, when itjust isn’t coming?
Macy: Yea, well, you’renot the only one who’s not ‘coming.’
- Zen gets the pun,then stops for a moment. He changes his demeanour to that of aseducer -
Zen: Oh. Is that yourproblem? You need a little something? I think I can take care ofthat.
- Zen pulls Macy intoa passionate kiss - Once Zen had finished reading throughthe script he understood, smiling at the last line before looking up.He was met with a pair of  half lidded blue eyes looking at him,paired with small smirk. He’d gotten the message loud and clear andnot just the good part of it. Zen put away the script, walkingtowards Macy to embrace her, holding her tight to his chest. Itwasn’t quite as seductive as the play made it out to be, but it waspassionate and sincere nevertheless. “You came up with all of it,didn’t you?” It was formulated like a question, but Zen knew theanswer without her having to tell him. Even if the others cared forhim, no one cared quite as much as her. “You saved me, you know?”Macy looked up at him then, smiling gently. “I know. I think youshould repay your hero”, she replied teasingly and once more Zenobeyed, pulling her in for the kiss they’d both waited for.
“Excuse me, Hyun Ryu?”Zen turned around, surprised to be greeted by an unfamiliar, adultface. Usually only the student body came to their performances,rarely the teachers. The man in front of him was neither. “Please,call me Zen. It is the name I chose for myself”, he replied. Zentook the hand that was held out to him and shook it politely, smilingat the man. “How may I help you?” The man laughed, reaching intohis pocket and getting out a small card. “I think I might actuallybe able to help you. We’re still looking for a young lead for ourupcoming play and you are perfect for it. With your amazing looks youstick out and your talents hits the nail on the head. If you’reinterested that call that number. We can discuss the details in amore private setting.”
“It’s about time toinvited us to your place, Zen”, Saeyoung said, looking around thesmall apartment curiously, twin always by his side. “Yeah, we’rethe reason you have it in the first place.” Zen huffed, shaking hishead but smiling nevertheless. All his friends were gathered at theplace he was allowed to call his own home. A couple of months hadpassed since he’d moved in and if Zen was completely honest withhimself, he could have lived with never inviting the bunch of themover at all. Seeing so many filthy rich people gathered in such amodest place, probably silently judging, made him nervous. “He wasprobably enjoying his little den of love with Macy”, Mélodiereplied with a chuckle, making herself comfortable in V’s lap. Zenhad no idea when that particular relationship had happened, but aslong as they were happy, he supposed he was happy too.“Please,don’t make such crude remarks, Mélodie. It is bad enough to thinkthat they are probably true, let alone be reminded of the fact thatZen and Macy are living a immoral life style”, Jumin repliedsternly, holding onto Madeleine like someone was about to snatch heraway. “Oh please, like you’re the one to talk. You’re drooling overyour girlfriend”, Zen replied, rolling his eyes. “Fiancée.Madeleine is my fiancée soon to be wife and if you must know, we arewaiting until after marriage for such intimate acts to be shared,thank you very much.” Zen huffed, shaking his head. “Stop callingher your fiancée. It’s creepy. You’re just nineteen years old”, hesaid. “Huh, I didn’t know love had some sort of age stamp on it”,Jumin replied easily. Madeleine snickered at his stupid come-back andJumin lovingly pressed a kiss to her temple, effectively making Zenwant to throw up.
“Hearing you talk aboutlove…it gives me the chills. Are you really sure about marryinghim, Maddy? You could still find someone better”, Zen said instead,looking at his friend with concern and pity in his eyes. The redheadmerely chuckled, shaking her head at the two boys. “As sure as youare about Macy.” Well, that certainly put things into perspective.Zen looked across the room to where Macy was talking and laughingwith the twins and Yoosung, cheerful and happy as ever. He couldn’thelp but smile just looking at her. “I’m really happy for the twoof you, by the way. We all are”, Madeleine said as she noticed theothers glance. Zen turned his head to look at her, beaming from earto ear as he thanked her for her kind words. Had it not been for thenever ending support of his friend, Zen would have never dared topursue Macy. Thankfully, he’d been nudged in the rightdirection.
“Anyway, why are we gathered here today? Don’ttell me you’re proposing to Macy”, Mélodie said, instantly causingboth Zen and Macy to blush and choke on air. “What? No! I won’tpropose to anyone until I’m finally an established man, ready toprovide for myself and my future wife. Until then, I’m afraid, Macywill have to wait.” The blush in Macy’s cheeks only deepened andshe quickly looked away to hide it. Zen couldn’t have found her moreadorable if he tried. “We’re gathered here today, because I have avery happy and not marriage related announcement to make. After ourlast performance I was approached by a producer. He was amazed withmy talent and offered me a role in his upcoming play. It’s only asmall production, but I will be playing the lead and hopefully itwill open some more doors for me.”
Everyone cheered,gathering for a big group hug. In the short time all of them hadworked together on the theatre club they’d grown together as afamily, really. There wasn’t a day they didn’t see each other or atleast chat in their little chat room the twins had provided.Naturally those were the people that Zen wanted to tell about hissuccess first. “Without all of you none of this would have beenpossible. I have a job, I have a steady home, a girlfriend I love andfriends who are by my side. Even Jumin is here”, Zen said, earninga couple of laughs while Jumin looked unimpressed. Zen grinned. Therewould not be a day that he’d miss a chance to jab at the other. “Butmost of all, I have to thank you, Macy. Without you…I would haveended up dead sooner or later. Thank you for believing in me. Pleasewait a little longer for me so I can make a name for myself, becomethe man you deserve. Will you wait for me?” Macy nodded, stealing aquick kiss that left Zen flushed and everyone else in loud cheers.“Forever.”
The little script part is not mine. You can find it here
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