plantsplacesthings · 2 years
Rest in Power Baby Fancypaws and your 28 toes. You were a good Cat-uncle. You struggled most of your life with diabetes and then suffered a stroke, but you got your weight down from 28 lbs to 10 and thrived for many years. Hope you get unlimited amounts of food in Heaven.
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nyaatalie · 1 year
youre one of the creators of dungeon critters, yes?if not im sorry i mixed you up with another person but if you are- what are the pronouns of each character? :]
My wifi’s been out for a week, sorry this took a while to reply!
Chirp uses she/her but prefers masculine titles (Prince, etc), June and Rose use she/her and Goro and Timbers use he/him. The Elder and Big Frog use they/them, the Baron Foxworthy uses he/him, Verona uses she/her, the Duchess von Fancypaws uses she/her and Chirp’s parents use he/him for the king and she/her for the queen. I think that’s everyone?
Thanks for reading! 💖🌱
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otakusmom · 6 years
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We have a wonderful menagerie of furry family members, each with unique personalities. Springy was a stray street kitten. He has grown into a very large, handsome boy, famous for posing his fancy paws in myriad ways, affectionate, but only on his terms. A friendly chin rub can result in either a purrr or a bite. #attemptatyourownperil #dontbefooled #youknowheswatching #iflookscouldkill #evileye #iwillbiteyou #springythecat #fancypaws #handsomeboy #catsofinstagram #catoftheday
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nomjizzcakes · 3 years
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She's the queen of the cuddle chair #fancypaws #cutie #fluffy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIvx9KWF5Hr/?igshid=1t50babrj6yje
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cabinante · 5 years
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His paws. My heart. 🤗♥️⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #miniaussiesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #blacktriaussie #bestfriend @serendipityminis #giveaussielove #miniaussie #fancypaws https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZZGd_gBlR/?igshid=1b13nw7p8hm2e
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izzythebassethound · 7 years
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Got my nails did for the weekend. #fancypaws #bigplans
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copperhawks · 4 years
Things sort-of bounce around a bit, so I may have to do these posts a little bit out of order since there’s just SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT!
Okay, so I will begin with Constant getting his presents because it’s shorter and happens more sequentially.
We’ll come back to the absolutely wonderful Copperhawk scenes later towards the end.
For now, we see Daine and Numair arrive at Eloise’s and they pick up Bon Bon to give to Constant. It’s mostly yet another nauseatingly sweet scene wherein Bon Bon is dressed up all fancy with a beautiful bow and has been groomed to a shine and Numair realizes that she must have explicitly told Daine to pick her for Constant, which Daine confirms.
She was very firm from the start that if Constant was to have a dog, it would be her.
Numair tries to elicit a promise from Bon Bon to take care of Constant because he has a delicate heart, much to Eloise and Daine’s pleasure, and Bon Bon just tells Numair he’s an idiot.
They finally make it to the palace where they find Constant with Don and Solange (we’ll get back to what’s going on with them) and once Constant sees that Daine and Numair have arrived with Bon Bon and realizes that she’s their gift to him, he just melts into a puddle of joy and gratitude.
Numair is overwhelmed with love from the Hartholms for the second time today and is basically told to just accept it yet again.
Which he does.
Fortunately, neither Daine nor Numair thought to tell SAV what they had gotten Constant and great minds all think alike, so Sav shows up right at that moment holding a tiny enthusiastic ball of puppy fluff in his arms.
Constant’s understandably somewhat in shock about having received yet ANOTHER dog, this one a PUPPY, from his notoriously anti-pet older brother.
And in his moment of hesitation, Don comes to life and shoots forward to demand the dog from Sav and cuddles it and coos to it.
Donatien was now telling the puppy how he was going to enact laws about its little nose, name estates after the beauty of its wee pink belly, wage wars for its curled tail.
Don and Sav manage to share a civil moment over the puppy before Sav finally takes it back so Constant can finally be gifted his new puppy and is absolutely bowled over with joy.
This is a moment SO well earned as we spent the last 20 or so chapters hearing about how Constant cannot have all of the animals and pets he wants around him due to Daine’s difficulties surrounding animals and her magic. He has a horse that is stabled away from the estate and he’s obviously since acquired both Pippy the sea eagle and Rum the nightmare Immortal bird, but neither are really true PETS. He’s had to make do with running around the town and making friends with all of the townspeople’s animals, particularly with Eloise’s hounds and Bon Bon. And now that Daine’s on the mend and his little family is starting to come back together, he’s finally, FINALLY allowed to have not ONE dog, but TWO.
As I have a little behind the scenes knowledge, I don’t think that this metaphor was the author’s intention (Dee, correct me if I’m wrong), but I ADORE that as Constant leaves childhood and starts entering into adulthood, he is given both an older motherly dog who chose to be Constant’s girl in order to take care of him as well as a young puppy who Constant will need to take responsibility for. He’s still very young and does still require guidance and looking after to a degree, but part of his whole arc is being allowed to come into his own as an adult and a lord. These two facets of his personality, given his age, are so important to who he is as a person and the whole journey he goes on as a character and I love how beautifully it’s framed with the two gifts his siblings have chosen to give him for his birthday in this chapter.
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averoseart · 7 years
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Sorry about the disappearing act. Two insane straight weeks of working on stuff for the Edwardian Ball while trying to finish this piece, then on the weekend dealing with the crazy vending hours (5pm-2am fri and noon-5pm/8pm-2am sun) and driving back and forth to sf in a flash flood filled storm really drained me. I just needed a few days to recoup. Anyway, Here's a profile image of my new taxidermy automaton called Inner Kitten now showing at the #conjoined7 show at the @coprogallery curated by famous dArk artist @chetzar and Gary Pressman. See it in action during gallery hours wed-sat 1-6pm until Feb 11th. I'll post a video later. #averoseart #catpaws #bonecollector #fancypaws #deadhands #creepyhands #oddities #curiosities #necromancer #dollparts #innerkitten #automaton
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cutecatpics · 2 years
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Sir Marmalade Fancypaws Source: kurnadurn on catpictures.
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
Yes please !!!!! Cat !!!!!! (/Np) | akkfhakdoahdhapsbfkaphfkfn cat :'] -⭐
You don't know what you've gotten yourself into. /pos
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this is sassafras elisabeth, we usually call her sassy. she is, to put it kindly, a bitch. she stinks and her fur is really long and gets all over everything and she has two voice modes: quiet adorable chirping or SCREAM. she will kill u if you get within five feet of her and looking her in the eye is gonna do you about as much good as sealing a deal with a demon. we love her more than life itself.
other facts about her:
in a house of 3 bodies, she only likes my mother.
the only way to subdue her is to turn her into a kitty burrito complete w paws tucked in.
she will yell at u for two hours straight to turn the faucet on so she can sit sideways and drink out of it.
she's a rescue and half of her tail is bitten off. she also has a mouth deformity which we think is another result of the same attack.
we got her when the body was 8 and named her destiny, renamed her wisteria, and then re-renamed her sassafras.
once we came in and she was trying to kill a mouse by sitting on it. she had no idea how to actually hunt.
she despises my other cat and my dog but has a weird fascination with the lizard.
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this is the aforementioned other cat, my angel, fibonacci everett. he has many nicknames including but not limited to fibbo and mr. fancypaws. he is my angel bc i got him when he was p much on his deathbed and now he's not on his deathbed anymore!!! also he's the sweetest thing to ever exist, he's purring practically 24/7, he loves everybody, will jump on your lap in the bathroom, will whine if you lock him out of your room at night, and if u make the mistake of letting him sleep or sit with you he will smack your face with his face repeatedly without stopping.
facts about fibbo:
he has a teal hoodie that he wears often.
he is a slut for catnip.
he often sits and just... stares at you like he's trying to comprehend the meaning of life.
he has a very rocky friendship with my dog and by that i mean there's a 50/50 chance he's either scratching the shit out of him or sleeping peacefully with him. frank is now scared of the cats and scarred for life
he will also rub/smack his face on inanimate objects like the refridgerator and walls.
instead of going down stairs like a normal cat, he just fucking rolls down.
he also has two vocal modes!!! which are "we're having a conversation through meows neither of us understand" and "I AM IN THE CLIMAX OF ALL MY EARTHLY PAIN AND SUFFERING." the latter is usually expressed when in the bath or in the kitty carrier.
he does the kitty warm-up sound if you touch him!! a little mrrp that brightens your day <3
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initiala · 4 years
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Miss Fancypaws #cat #cats #blackcat #rescuecat https://www.instagram.com/p/B7gcs9ABnQ6/?igshid=4w0hyewuphp9
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larry-and-anya · 4 years
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Welcome back to the couch, Mr. Fancypaws. Welcoming the New Year with this sweet boy makes my heart warm. (1.1.2020)
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Mr. Fancypaws giving the ol' razzledazzle!
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ashsevenfold · 7 years
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My little beauty. 🐱 #Kaazi #blackcat #fancypaws
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years
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draw the squad. 
Okay, I’m not gonna keep track of all these cat names so I’m naming the one with the beard Catp’n.
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this cat has a cravat AND a goatee AND a cloak so he’s Sir Fancypaws (Phantom of the Pawpera?)
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This cat’s a nerd in a black cape so his name is Tuxedo Katmen, Tux for short.
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Well, hello there, Mr. Fancypaws
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