#fandom tings
lovelykhaleesiii · 8 months
the word “plagiarism” is being thrown around realllllyyy lightly in this fandom…. be fucking careful.
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kaelatargaryen · 5 months
Happy Monday lmao — hope y’all have had some time to process and figure out how you’re going to deal with what you’ve found out today, it wasn’t a good time.
All things considered, I got off pretty light. This is the meanest thing someone has to say about me? Cool
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& I’ve seen some of the posts explaining all this, I’ve also gotten a message that said these are Bel’s words because she was jealous of someone else getting attention. These messages were sent to someone else to share with me but ultimately, they were still sent to me and I am the one choosing to share them so if Ange or Em, if you see this and don’t like it. Take it up with me, not them
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This is the choice I’ve made, I do not believe Ange. She admitted that some screenshots were doctored and some were real, I fully believe this one to be the latter.
1. Bel didn’t unfollow me, we were mutuals up until I found out about the rat anons and I unfollowed her because it really bothers me to know she’d go that far for so long. We also didn’t stop interacting, in fact… she had me tagged for her Helen of Troy inspired Feyd fic recently and that wasn’t the first time she had me in a taglist for a fic. I often reblogged her fics and we interacted about them and the men involved. We became mutuals because of her fics and had been for like a year lmao — I very seriously doubt she was jealous
2. I say this very clearly, I do not think this because I think Bel is stupid but because I’ve seen that Ange has often used big vocabulary words in casual conversation and I’ve had enough conversations with Bel to know that despite her being in school and very smart, she would’ve been more likely to call me a bootlicker or a simp before she would’ve called me a sycophant.
3. This is not the first time Ange has unfollowed me and I did notice that she unfollowed me around the same time this comment was made because shortly after, my friend spoke of being in her discord server and I finally just mentioned that I don’t think Ange liked me.
We haven’t been mutuals so I’m not missing much and if she somehow proves that it was Bel, it doesn’t change anything tbh, I’ll just be a lil more disheartened by how fake some can be. This whole debacle is ugly and pathetic, especially coming from GROWN WOMEN. This went on for months, damn near almost a year and the thing that exposed it is that Bel & Fae got friendly with people Ange & Em didn’t like???? That’s the ONLY reason and y’all think it fucking matters who said what??? It’s ALL bad and I’m done with all of you. Y’all have some serious soul searching and growth to do, I hope you begin after this.
I’m gunna enjoy this fandom and the lovely people I’ve met, I’m tired of y’all’s black cloud asses ruining it and I won’t let you fuck with my vibes or change who I am. To everyone who messaged me, I fucking cherish you and I’m so thankful for those of you who made sure I knew she was wrong about me, especially when their own names had been mentioned. That’s community. That’s what happens when people care about each other as people and not just the attention they offer online.
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Happy season 2 bitches, we’re gunna have so much fun 💚🖤
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ratabethchase · 1 year
im telling you i HATE IT when some kind of media has a trio and two fall in love/are shipped together and the fandom reduces the third one to "omg you guys HAVE to admit your feelings for one another 🙄🥺🤭 im gonna lock you in a closet and have my entire personality be revolving around your romantic relationship" SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!! GUVE ME FUCKJNG. CHARACTER DEPTH PLEASE. THET CAN STILL BE FRIENDS AND SUPPORTIVE OF THE RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT THEIR LIFE BEJNF DEFINED BY IT.
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What the fuck is happening??? Why is there drama??? Who is this anon making these accusations???
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platinum-iridium · 1 year
goku really did not care about his friends at all lmfaoooo vegeta and nappa killed tien, piccolo, and yamcha and he really let vegeta go like what is his problem. winning the idgaf war
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aegoniiwifey · 11 months
Okay so I need to share this/rant: the majority of my fics Aegon is good character in them, however I have ONE story that he’s the villain (based off the show version) and it’s got plenty of warnings, tags etc but yet my inbox is full of Aegon stans furious at me!!!
Like if you don’t want to read him as the bad guy just simply don’t read my fic!!!
okay so I’m going to go on a tangent here because I have a bone to pick with this…
I 100% agree with you nonnie, and as simple as it sounds…. a lot of people struggle with this idea. as writers, you are not entitled to force your readers to read your fics. as readers, you are under NO obligation to read fics with themes/kinks that you find uncomfortable or that do not appeal to your interests.
I find it incredibly pathetic and insulting, when self-entitled people hiding behind a screen, send anon hate and vile messages to writers about pieces they wrote for themselves (firstly) or about characters they write for.
as a reader, you have the utmost autonomy to pick and choose what you want to read. you come across a fic you don’t like, you have options:
a) ignore
b) filter your search
c) block
it’s literally as simple as fucking that!
regarding about fanfic writing for characters such as Aegon, who are morally grey or inherently “evil”… writers have been writing “dark” or yandere versions of characters for years… this is no different. if you have listed the correct labels and warnings attached to a fic, I see no issue. only that a reader is either a) oblivious and ignorant to the warnings or b) just trying to instigate.
either or, it’s pathetic.
also, if you as a reader, notice that a writer has mislabelled a fic or has missed a few labels, don’t be a prick and be rude about it. most of the time, it’s an innocent mistake, that can easily be resolved.
at the end of the day, writer’s write these fics for themselves: they’re sharing their fantasies with strangers on the internet… FOR FREE.
I’m sorry you’re going through this nonnie, but just know I have your back if that means something. I would love it if you could tag me in your fics ♥️
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trutletruffle · 1 year
me to my current character of the week: i’m gonna give this bitch catholic guilt and heatstroke and see what he does
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braisedhoney · 9 months
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fighting back? against who? they're so happy—they've been waiting for you.
you are wonderful. don't you know that?
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bonus: they play sims together :)
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spyder8itch · 1 year
The paradoxical nature of being a light player is either you are minimized and set into a pretty little box of zero relevance and mischaracterization or painted as an irredeemable bitch who should be punished for the crime of having self determination. The complexity that light players bring will forever set them in the minds of certain fans as either motherly and meant to be decoration in the background or destructive, meant to be destroyed for the enjoyment of simplicity and the men around them. I wonder what this could be a great metaphor for. I wonder why all the light players are women.
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
"I've never seen such anger in a girl" and it's literally just a nine-year-old being quiet after an upsetting event, Arya really experiencing the universal girlhood experience of having your emotions policed for not responding in the "right" way
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lovelykhaleesiii · 7 months
I quit…
okay now that I have your attention, I just want to quickly say that I am very aware that I have been radio silent on tumblr and to be frank, disinterested in the fandom to say the least. I have no motivation to write whatsoever, and I sincerely apologise to those who’ve written and sent in a request to me.
If I am being honest, I do not think I will get around to them all. I have no energy, and have other personal stuff going on. And I’m just enjoying my life as much as I can day by day.
this blog is meant to be an escape for me, where I can bond with others & lately I consider it more as an obligation than a hobby. having time to think and reconsider, this should not be the case at all.
this fandom has also been a little isolating recently, whether others have too, lost interest or simply wish to not interact with me, it is what it is.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. please support your writers and artists. a big part as to why I lost motivation to write is because I felt no one connected with my work nor was satisfied with my work. It felt like no one was anticipating anything from me, and it is a gutting feeling. I write for myself, most importantly, but I can’t deny that I also get the thrill to write out of the enjoyment of others. so please… show your admiration and thanks to writers, by a comment or reblog or message… it goes an incredibly long way, and might just be that spark that ignites a dying passion.
so I can’t guarantee when I will write again… I had intentionally planned to these few days off that I had, and was burdening myself to publish something, but alas. I have not.
I want to write, but for the time being I am struggling.
sending my love to wherever you are.
- Hel ❣️
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tiradspirit · 4 months
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🍂🔥❄️🏔Treasures of Ruin🍂🔥❄️🏔
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ghost-tings · 1 month
guys I finished the first book and I forgot half the one liners "rat bastard" is fucking amazing I'm gonna use that so much, the interview like oh my fucking god like fuck yeah read his ass neil you go boy, also god damn the ending I like/liked seth but god damn the reactions, Kevin's reaction is just perfect like he has priorities, Neil's reaction is just as great, Andrew just knowing it's riko's fault is fucking perfect like yes dude be your smart self, THE FUCKING KEY PART OMG EEHHH, I have this on 2x speed just cuz I can't handle the voices there to funny
also update on casey's character sheet type thing it's going good currently doing like a piece of casey and his older cousin it's kinda like an au as to what the au is about idk myself but feel free to send asks about casey and his lore that I will get fully written out but not post all of it just cuz he a mystery child.
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platinum-iridium · 2 years
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how’d i do?
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slaytthaphan · 2 years
its so funny how gramblack took a dip in popularity due to gram pursuing gene but toddblack gained popularity due to them trying to kill each other
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kloudyco · 1 year
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a girl and her cat.... boy.... monster.... thing....
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