#fandral staghelm
hereisfufu · 3 months
Shandris: My straight parents and uncle bring me to a Gay Party... Amazing!
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I brought my cat to visit different vet oncologists throughout June. Finally, I finished this work before the end of Pride Month! I drew Chromie holding my kitty because I wish she could take my cat back to last year when the poor little baby was still healthy.😭
*In 48 hours, 1 reblog = 1 Wrathion Whelp, I’ll draw a big picture for those chubby whelplings!!! Trust me I’m not crazy. *
Thank you all for reposting my previous post and supporting me by making commissions! I have prepared a gift for everyone who loves my art: Happy Pride Skeletal Warriors! (Inspired by Lurid, a minion of Thassarian). You can download them for free on my Ko-fi page and use them as emojis or icons!
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I also added some emojis of the Slime Cat from Shadowland, but I turned them into RAINBOW! I hope my cat won't become a Slime Cat too soon… If you are interested in these emojis or just want to help my kitty, please check out my Ko-fi shop and get your favorite Slime Cat!
And my commissions are always open. If you want an icon, an emoji, or something unique for your guild, please don't hesitate to contact me through my Ko-fi page or DM me on Tumblr!
Love is the same, just like our bones. I wish every human, furry friends, skeletons can enjoy this summer. ; -D
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kasimova-dariia · 2 years
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Night elves!
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da-zzi · 11 months
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jacaela · 2 years
day 2 - favourite character of favourite race
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Couldn't choose one:
Fandral Staghelm, later Majordomo Staghelm, was the former Archdruid of Darnassus, succeeding Malfurion Stormrage after he was lost in the Emerald Nightmare. Fandral played a key role in the War of the Shifting Sands, but lost his only child. His planting of Andrassil unintentionally induced the later appearance of the Emerald Nightmare. He was one of the architects of the plan to create Teldrassil, and believed that the future of the night elves demanded more expansionism and military planning. His radical beliefs and aggressive demeanor often led him to quarrel openly with the High Priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind. After it was revealed that he had been corrupted by the Nightmare Lord and had prolonged Malfurion's absence, Fandral eventually descended into madness and was imprisoned by the Cenarion Circle. He was later captured by the Twilight's Hammer cult on route to Moonglade from Mount Hyjal and turned into the first Druid of the Flame, becoming the new Majordomo of the Firelands, until he was killed during the final battle against Ragnaros the Firelord. Malfurion Stormrage was the first mortal druid on Azeroth, and the night elf who initiated the mainstream use of druidism among the kaldorei people ten millennia ago under tutelage of the demigod Cenarius. He is the twin brother of Illidan Stormrage, as well as the loving and beloved husband of the high priestess of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind. Together, the two have represented the highest leadership of the night elves ever since the fall of Queen Azshara and her Highborne caste. Through Malfurion's guidance, the night elves successfully halted the Burning Legion's first invasion of Azeroth during the legendary War of the Ancients. In its aftermath, he became the greatest of the world's archdruids. Illidan Stormrage, commonly known as the Betrayer, is the first of the demon hunters, the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, the former ruler of the Black Temple, and the original leader of the Illidari. He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was, like his sibling, in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Originally a powerful night elf sorcerer, Illidan officially betrayed his people by defecting to the demonic Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, though his reasons for doing so were noble as he secretly aimed to repel the Legion's invasion.[13] He eventually returned to the side of his fellow night elves, but his creation of a second Well of Eternity at the end of the war caused his people to name him "Betrayer" and imprison him in the Barrow Deeps below Mount Hyjal. There he remained for over 10,000 years, watched over by the warden Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers.
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sexhaver · 6 months
Magic the Gathering rules: a centralized, continually updated document built on a framework established by a math PhD 30 years ago that can be used to resolve literally any situation that could possibly arise, no matter how complex. "reading the card explains the card". literally Turing complete.
Yu-Gi-Oh! rules: a slapdash mess of individual card rulings and functional errata held together by spit, prayers, and bans. Konami didn't invent the concept of "reading the card explains the card" until 2011 with Problem-Solving Card Text and even then it's not 100% consistent. it's frankly a miracle that the game functions at all without exploding and injuring bystanders.
Hearthstone rules: there was a one-week period where having Fandral Staghelm on the board would allow you to cast Dark Wispers targeting yourself instead of a creature, which in addition to summoning 5 1/1 Wisps would also give your hero +5 max health, +5 attack (permanently, even on your opponent's turn, so you damaged any minions that hit your face), and Taunt (so enemy minions were forced to hit your face before hitting any of your minions, effectively making them untargetable). people argued over whether or not this was a glitch until Blizzard quietly patched it out
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wowhead · 3 months
Tindral wishes he was Fandral Staghelm. Fandral Staghelm wishes he was Ragnaros. Ragnaros wishes he was 2 inches tall so he could live in your oven and cook your food
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iruthomlogs · 3 months
LGBT Pride: Magic lessions
A World of Warcraft fanfiction featuring my character Amelia Rashwrencher and her girlfriend Celene, whose appear in my story Empty Shell, in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt magic.
Celene Treefeather awaken with a scream as she remember the fire that covered Darnassus and close in on her, the nightmare place her soul was taken, and her eyes look around to find herself in a strange location with two Forsaken looking at her as one of them comment, "Wow, I'm surprised that these new Darkfallen are huge screamers. Someone get Amelia. She will get this, while I go check on the other ones." Celene is scared about what they are talking about before she noticed her skin is grey and she can't feel her heartbeat, giving her the realization that Celene is raised as a undead, one of them.
The female Forsaken is wearing some mage adventurer gears and have long hair as she said to Celene, "Greetings, my name is Amelia Rashwrenceher, and I'm your teacher on how to use magic when you has been raised as a undead like me." Celene don't know if she should trust this woman given that the Horde, along with her undead kind, kill her and many Kalodrei.
Over time, Celene start to get better in her studies in maigc under Amelia's watch and the two start to get close. Amelia think she finally find the perfect girlfriend, but Amelia feel Celene wouldn't accept her due to the fact that Amelia was one of the many soldiers under the Dark Lady command to burn down Darnassus, Celene's home, and Celene may not like women the same way as Amelia do.
A few months after the start of their training in magic, Celene noticed a sad look on Amelia's face and the undead Kalodrei ask Amelia, "Is something wrong, Amelia?" and the female Forsaken said to Celene, "Sorry... It's just... I don't know if you had a boyfriend or a husband... I thinking some silly things..." and Celene ask, "Why do you think I'm into men?" A surprised Amelia said, "What.... I thought.... the fact that I hear you Kalodrei get paired..." and Celene reply, "Yeah, it is true that most Kaldorei are paired in a male-female relationship, but we accept same-sex romantic relationship, with a male Kalodrei offer to be the father of a child of two Kaldorei women. We are connected to the freedom of nature and there is no rules about who you can love in nature. When we joined the Allaince, then-leader Fandral Staghelm order us to hide our same-sex romance, even outlaw it, to get in the humans' good side in case they don't accept it. When Malurion return and recalmed his role from Fandral, we can finally choose who we can love, and I hear that some Kaldorei take Worgens, Gilneans, and different species as lovers, no matter if they are the same gender or not. Well, I was free to have a romantic relationship with before I got killed." Amelia said to Celene, "Sorry about that." and then ask her, "D-Do you... want to be my lover?" The undead Kaldorei reply, "Sure. You look sad and need a lifebond compansion." and the two women lock lips with each other, kissing with passion.
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just-ornstein · 2 years
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
Tagged by @hugtherobots (thank you hehe)!
1. Deltarune/Undertale - Jevil
2. The Sims 2 - Tybalt Capp
3. World of Warcraft - Fandral Staghelm
4. A Hat in Time - The Moonjumper
5. Spooky Month - Streber
6. Jurassic Park - Ellie Settler
7. Dark Souls - Dragonslayer Ornstein
8. Final Fantasy - Kefka Palazzo
9. Rayman - Reflux
10. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Willy Wonka
Tagging: @creamecream @naelitoh @ne0nwithazero @huecycles @mrslittletall @sprout-tower @shazos (and I'm honestly out of ideas lmao, feel free to fill it out if you want to!)
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blizzardbattles · 2 months
The complete Warcraft story of the War Of The Shifting Sands⏳| A thread🧵
Time Period: Roughly 975 Years before the First War between Orcs and Humans.
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1) The Awakening
For centuries, the insectoid qiraji had lain dormant within the ancient titanic fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, hidden deep in the desert of Silithus. Once, they had waged war against the Troll Empire, but in the ages since, they had retreated into their underground lairs, their existence fading from the memories of Azeroth's races. Only the mantid of distant Pandaria remained active above the sands.
Ahn'Qiraj, originally built to imprison the Old God C'Thun, had become the sanctuary of the qiraji. The lifeless sandstone halls, surrounded by the vast and inhospitable desert, ensured that the insectoid race remained undisturbed for generations. Even the mighty Kaldorei Empire under Queen Azshara, who had once known of the fortress, had long since lost track of its location.
Change stirred in the sands when Fandral Staghelm, Archdruid of the Kaldorei, sought to bring life to the barren wastes of Silithus. He dispatched his son, Valstann, and a group of druids to find water sources that could transform the desert into a lush forest. As they journeyed through the dunes, they stumbled upon the ancient fortress of Ahn'Qiraj.
Despite the warnings of some druids who sensed the darkness within, Valstann ventured into the cold, shadowy halls. His presence inadvertently awakened the slumbering qiraji, and deep beneath the fortress, the Old God C'Thun took notice of its stirring servants.
2) The Insectoid Swarm
As in ages past, C'Thun's influence drove the qiraji into a frenzied state. The higher castes began to organize their minions, the silithid, who came in diverse forms but shared an unwavering loyalty to their qiraji masters. Stone constructs, like the formidable Anubisath, also bolstered the qiraji ranks.
Valstann and his druids, horrified by what they had discovered, fled from Ahn'Qiraj. They established a small outpost in the desert to keep watch over the insectoid threat. To their dismay, they witnessed the fortress teeming with increasingly greater numbers of qiraji, the swarm preparing for an impending assault upon the world.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Valstann sent for reinforcements. As they awaited aid, the druids could only observe the qiraji's buildup within Ahn'Qiraj. The desert sands began to stir with the movements of innumerable insectoid soldiers, the first signs of the coming storm.
The ancient evil that had once been forgotten was now awakening, and the peoples of Azeroth were unprepared for the chaos that would soon be unleashed. The War of the Shifting Sands loomed on the horizon, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.
3) The Qiraji Onslaught
Without warning, an innumerable army of qiraji and silithid burst forth from the ancient fortress of Ahn'Qiraj and the tunnels beneath it. The qiraji overlords, driven by the will of their Old God master, C'Thun, commanded their silithid minions to swarm across the desert of Silithus and spread to the neighboring regions.
The insectoid tide swept over every dune and canyon, engulfing the land in a chitinous wave. The once-desolate sands of Silithus now teemed with the relentless advance of the qiraji forces, their numbers seemingly without end.
4) The Night Elves Rally
In response to this sudden invasion, Fandral Staghelm, leader of the Kaldorei druids, hastily assembled a sizable army. Druids, Sentinels, priestesses of Elune, and keepers of the grove joined forces under Staghelm's command, united in their determination to push back the insectoid threat.
The night elf host marched south to meet the qiraji head-on, clashing with their vicious foes in the heart of Silithus. The Kaldorei fought with courage and skill, their powerful magic and weaponry cutting through the qiraji ranks.
5) The Tide of Battle
Despite the might of the night elves, the sheer numbers of the qiraji and silithid proved to be a formidable challenge. The insectoids had already broken out of Silithus and threatened to spread across the entire southern part of the continent.
The Kaldorei realized that containment was their only hope. They fought desperately to keep the qiraji confined to the south, engaging in a series of back-and-forth battles that would come to define the war.
At times, the night elves would gain the upper hand, driving the insectoids back towards the dunes of Silithus. However, the qiraji would regroup and launch counterattacks with renewed strength and numbers, regaining lost ground and pushing the Kaldorei back.
This ebb and flow of battle continued for months, with heavy casualties on both sides. The land became a grim testament to the ferocity of the conflict, littered with the bodies of fallen night elves and insectoids.
The War of the Shifting Sands had begun, and its outcome would determine the fate of Kalimdor. The Kaldorei stood as the last line of defense against the relentless swarm, fighting not just for their own survival, but for the future of all life on the continent.
6) The Kaldorei Offensive
In a resolute effort to vanquish the qiraji threat, Fandral Staghelm and his night elf forces established multiple outposts and bases throughout southern Kalimdor. These strategic positions allowed the Kaldorei to wage a more effective campaign against their insectoid foes.
The bases proved to be a turning point in the war. With each passing day, the night elves gradually pushed back the qiraji, slowly but surely gaining the upper hand. The tide of battle had shifted, and the Kaldorei advanced into the heart of Silithus, driving the qiraji back into the depths of the desert.
7) The Fall of Southwind Village
Just as victory seemed within grasp, the war took a devastating turn. Valstann, Fandral's son, had been tasked with securing Southwind Village, a crucial outpost near the front lines. The village was essential to the night elves' continued advance against the silithid.
In a cunning maneuver, the qiraji orchestrated a feint, luring Valstann and his defenders into a trap. The village was surrounded, and Valstann himself was captured. In a horrific display of cruelty, the qiraji tore him apart before Fandral's very eyes.
8) The Qiraji Resurgence
Valstann's brutal death shattered the archdruid's resolve and sowed doubt and fear among the night elf ranks. Seizing upon this moment of vulnerability, the qiraji launched a renewed offensive, sweeping through Silithus once more.
The Kaldorei forces, weary and disheartened by the sudden turn of events, fell back before the onslaught. The night elves, who had believed victory to be imminent, found their confidence and morale severely shaken.
9) The Dragons Join the Fray
In desperation, Fandral reached out to the reclusive Bronze Dragonflight, who made their home in the region. He pleaded with them to aid the faltering night elf war effort against the qiraji. Initially, the bronze dragons refused, unwilling to involve themselves in the affairs of lesser races.
However, as the silithid spread beyond Silithus and into the deserts of eastern Tanaris, they launched a brazen assault on the Caverns of Time, the sacred sanctuary of the Bronze Dragonflight. This reckless attack prompted the bronze dragons to finally enter the fray.
Joining forces with the Kaldorei, the Bronze Dragonflight, led by Anachronos, rallied the Red, Green, and Blue dragonflights to their cause. The dragons' entry into the war marked a significant shift in the balance of power.
Bolstered by their powerful new allies, the night elves redoubled their efforts to push back the qiraji swarm once and for all. The stage was set for the final confrontation that would determine the fate of Kalimdor.
10) The Dragons' Might
The arrival of the dragon flights turned the tide of the war decisively in favor of the night elves. The qiraji found themselves outmatched by these powerful new adversaries, who rained destruction upon the insectoid ranks from the skies above.
The dragons proved especially effective against the qiraji, as many of the insectoids lacked the means to strike back at their airborne foes. The qiraji were forced into a steady retreat, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault.
11) Ossirian's Stand
In one notable encounter during the battles in Silithus, a crafty Giant Anubisath named Ossirian made a valiant stand against the dragons. As the bronze dragon Grakkarond soared overhead, Ossirian hurled his obsidian sword with great force, striking the wyrm's wing.
Grakkarond plummeted to the ground, crushing countless qiraji beneath his immense bulk. Though gravely wounded, the dragon managed to maul Ossirian to the brink of death. However, the remaining qiraji converged upon the fallen dragon, overwhelming him with their sheer numbers.
The site where Grakkarond fell would come to be revered as sacred ground by the Anubisath, a testament to Ossirian's valiant stand against the dragons.
12) The Qiraji's Retreat
Despite isolated incidents like Ossirian's stand, the qiraji were largely unable to withstand the combined might of the dragons and the night elves. They were driven back to the very gates of Ahn'Qiraj, where they sought refuge within the ancient fortress' dark halls and twisting tunnels.
Even with the aid of the dragons, however, the qiraji proved too numerous to be completely eradicated. Fandral Staghelm despaired at the thought of the war dragging on indefinitely, more lives lost with each passing year.
13) The Scarab Wall
In a desperate bid to end the war once and for all, Fandral and the dragons devised a plan to seal the qiraji within Ahn'Qiraj itself. The night elves and their draconic allies gathered before the fortress, ready to carry out this monumental task.
At Fandral's command, the druids combined their powers, and alongside Anachronos, they summoned a colossal barrier to seal off Ahn'Qiraj. The earth split asunder, and a magical wall of stone and giant roots erupted from the ground.
The Scarab Wall, as it would come to be known, towered over the desolate landscape, an impenetrable barrier that would keep the qiraji locked away within their city for millennia to come.
14) The Scepter and the Gong
As a final safeguard, Anachronos created two mystical artifacts: the Scarab Gong and the Scepter of the Shifting Sands. He entrusted the scepter to Fandral, to be used in conjunction with the gong to open the Scarab Wall, should the need ever arise.
However, consumed by grief and rage over Valstann's death, Fandral found no solace in this victory. In a moment of anguish, he shattered the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, scattering its pieces across the land.
The fragments of the scepter would remain lost for a thousand years, while the qiraji languished within their prison, their numbers growing as they waited for their chance to swarm the continent once more.
Additional Resources on the War of the Shifting Sands
Warcraft Wiki (Wow In-Game Book) https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/The_War_of_the_Shifting_Sands
The War of the Shifting Sands | Short Story by Micky Neilson
End of thread 🧵Likes/Retweets appreciated. 🌟
Check out our other story threads on our profile and follow us for more lore in the world of Warcraft.
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teriyakichop · 2 months
Illari Duskfeather, and an interesting Kaldorei story.
I was snooping around Youtube and I found this. This video speaks about a Night Elf that is hostile towards the Horde AND the Alliance. Her name is Illari Duskfeather. I like her name, and I like her purpose. But she is in Season of Discovery, and Season of Discovery doesn't interest me the slightest. BUT, Illari Duskfeather DOES! In the original Vanilla World of Warcraft, Fandral Staghelm was part of the Kaldorei council in Darnassus where he was someone who spoke out AGAINST the night-elf people becoming a part of the Alliance. Here's the interesting part. Tyrande was IN AGREEMENT with Fandral, but she didn't like his reckless way of how he wanted to attack the Alliance as well as the Horde. When you play as a Night Elf and you complete all of the missions for the Night Elf starting zone--WHICH TOOK HOURS TO DO, and you then do all of the quests in Darnassus, and you go to the terrace where Fandral and his people were, the night elves tell you that they side with Fandral and how Tyrande is ignorant to trust the Alliance while her husband sleeps all day. There appeared to be a little mutiny growing against Tyrande, and those night elves didn't like Alliance and the Horde, and they wanted Kaldorei land and resources to be for the Kaldorei people. This is all cool in my opinion because this was the precursor for Fandral becoming a druid of the flame, and how so many night elves turned against Tyrande. I feel like this was interesting storytelling that set the tone for a character like Illari Duskfeather. I guess in her case, she's taking it to the extreme. <3
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hereisfufu · 3 months
Gay Xavius trying to seduce straight druids…
I made some funny stupid things on the last day of June, and it’s the follow-up of my last blog. See you soon in July! Love you all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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kasimova-dariia · 2 years
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I wish there was a hint to what happened to the souls of Staghelm family. I hope they finally found peace in Ardenweald.
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da-zzi · 9 months
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kaldorei-shadows · 2 years
Al's true mental state
Fun fact about Alessandre! He is high functioning insane!
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I know, I know, how does this make him different from other low-key really insane OCs out there? Perhaps even your own??
Well. Without re-hashing all of my fanfiction stories about him, I can tell you that Alessandre was driven to madness back during the War of the Shifting Sands. After he disobeyed the Archdruid (omg was it Fandral Staghelm?? It probably was!), Al, a talented balance druid and academic, was stripped of his abilities and supposedly his mana pool in an antiquated, excruciating ritual that was banned millenia later.
Too late for Al, however.
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Un-making a druid is a horrifying punishment. But Al had compromised the safety of the Kaldorei base in Silithus by pursuing his girlfriend, lost to the Twilight Hammer cult. Sadly, it was too late for her. She was fully under the sway of the old gods she worshipped and even tried to slaughter Al as he attempted to rescue her.
This, and the devastating ritual, left Al without a moon in his sky. The druidic center around which he formed his whole spiritual identity was destroyed.
Well, decades later, Al found out he could still shift into a nightsaber. But by then, his mind had been shattered. He lived wild, angry. Stalking other men like prey and attacking them for what he needed. The thrill of it sated something deep inside of this Night Elf man who could live almost completely in the shadows.
Eventually, Al honed his skill at living by his wits into something more sophisticated. He trained up fully as a rogue and changed his name many times, eventually settling on one taken from his best kill. A defias monster by the same name.
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Al's new name, was also a savage and twisted sort of game to play, both ripping away a murderer's life and then wearing the name as a trophy--it was also a way to taunt any villain who had wanted to avenge their departed vile friend into a bloody confrontation.
Eventually, many cruel bandits were felled by Al and they also stopped trying to come after him. Al played to win, or fail with his life. His greatest test, to prove he was a man, even a good man again.
Al's true personality from millenia ago was fractured and deeply submerged. What remains today is some extension of the cocky, rebel youth who didn't care about what some Archdruid said. He was going to handle things his own way, for his own reasons.
Today, he is going to be lethal and accurate enough to get it done right the first time. And this round, under this name? Al has absolutely no intention of getting caught.
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kargathbladefist · 4 years
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sorry that there’s only like 3 alliance characters on here and one of them is fandral
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isei-silva · 5 years
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Darnassus is under attack!
They have very different leadership styles.
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