#fantasy calendar
emry-stars-oc · 7 months
i am so intrigued by the calendar and would love and explanation if you're willing 👀
Rubbing my little hands together, we got someone to ask lads (sorry I’m late but here we are)
ANYWAY. Calendar of Avan. A year has 532 days, nineteen months, with four weeks of seven days each month. It’s also split into two ‘half-years’, with 8 1/2 months in the first half and 10 1/2 in the second. For moon reasons we will discuss below
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Top wheel is the first half of the year, bottom wheel is the second! The first month is Asellio, then follow both wheels around clockwise to get back to the middle. The middle month there is Liba, in its own circle. This is because the 14th night of Liba is ‘brightnight’ (it’s probably going to be all working titles used in this post) - when both moons are completely full! Then we go around the bottom wheel, until you get back up to the dark circle just above Liba. It’s the first day of the year, as you may have guessed, because it’s the night of the twin new moons, or ‘darknight’. The night between Eumenes of the old year and Asellio of the new.
Seasons as follows:
Stormtide - a season of chaotic weather patterns between winter and spring, a literal storm season
Daybirth - spring
Sunpeak - summer
Starfall - I don’t have an excuse for this one, I just think there being a time of the year where the sky is full of comets/shooting stars/etc is too good to pass up
Dayfade - autumn
Frostwake - winter
I think that covers like all the immediate questions about the calendar here.. if I missed something or want me to expound on anything y’all can just lmk
Side note - because the year is so long, some inhabitants of Avan might keep track of their birthdays as well as which half of the year they are in. For example, if our example character was turning 25 years old in our universe, irl, then on Avan they would be in the first half of their 17th year. This is probably officially noted as something like 17-1 or 17/1, but the one is implied, so noted just 17. On the other hand, if the example was turning 23, they’d be in the second half of their 15th year on Avan, something like 15-2 or 15/2.
Or maybe they just keep track of plain old years 🤷 we’re still messing around with everything. For ease of reading and for clarity I’ll probably just refer to seasons and ages as their Earth equivalents most of the time, but just know. I’ve thought about all this lol
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 11 months
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The calendar for Selcouth
- Each month and day is named after the 14 gods
- Triple full moon happens every month for one day.
- The year is 1732
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cheshiregrinfu · 1 year
I'm dumping my calendars here bc I've been back on this shit again and have no one to talk about my calendars with
(Please talk to me about my calendars I'm begging you, you will not be a bother i promise i am sending you psychic mind waves telling you to ask about my calendars)
Also if any of this is confusing I don't mind explaining!!!
There's three calendars in one world I've been making, the lunar and solar calendars both running on a 365 set due to reasons
Our current months don't make much sense, and I've tracked down and compiled their original names;
January is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. Fairly fitting!
February is named after a Roman purification festival called februa, which occurred around the fifteenth of this month. Februa literally means “month of cleansing”
March is supposedly named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
There are a few different theories about where April gets its name. Some believe that April is derived from the Latin base apero – meaning “second” – because it was once the second month of the year. Others say it comes from another Latin word, aperire, which means “to open” like the opening of buds and flowers during springtime. Still others claim that April was named for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and procreation.
May is named for the Greek goddess Maia.
June is named after Juno, the wife of Jupiter and queen of the gods.
July was the birth month of Julius Caesar, for whom the month was renamed following his death in 44 B.C. Previously, July was called “Quintilis,” which is Latin for “fifth” and referred to the fact that, with the calendar year beginning in March, July was the fifth month.
August is the only other month named after a historical figure – Augustus Caesar, who was the nephew of Julius Caesar and the first emperor of Rome. Much like July, August was previously called “Sextilius,” meaning – you guessed it – “sixth.”
September, October, November, and December come from the Latin words septem, octo, novem, and decem, meaning “seventh,” “eighth,” “ninth,” and “tenth.”
Now i wanted to make a new calendar set on the 12 month idea, but now with (mostly) latin counting base of 1 through 12, and starts on the season change, instead of randomly in the middle of winter.
1/Unusilius (30) [Start of spring/New years day, starts on equivalent of March 20th]
2/DuosIlius (31)
3/Tresilius (30)
4/Quattorilis (31) (Start of Summer)
5/Quintilis (30)
6/Seitilius (30)
7/September (30) (Start of fall)
8/October (31)
9/November (30)
10/December (31) (Start of Winter)
11/Undecember (30)
12/Duodecember (31) (New years eve)
October and November both have Hallows eve (oct 31) and day (nov 1), as I've extended it to be two days bc i really like Halloween. In universe these are the days of preparation and protection as all sorts of undead come to life on hallows day, so hallows eve is people preparing food, shoring up their homes, ect.
now there's also the solar calendar, which i haven't finished naming, but works on an 8 month system, having 45 day months except for the first and last months, which have 46 days, so it looks kinda like this
1/Early Spring (46)
2/Late spring (45)
3/Early summer (45)
4/Late Summer (45)
5/Early Fall (45)
6/Late Fall (45)
7/Early winter (45)
8/Late winter (46)
i was thinking of having them known as Novus Ver/ Vetus Ver ect but that seems a bit much and I'd prefer each month as one word like with the lunar calendar
Ver/Istas/Autumnus/Hiems being spring/summer/autumn/winter, and novus/vetus being early/late
I'm not sure if I want even weeks in this, such as 9 5 day weeks or 5 9 day weeks
and finally there's the third calendar, which uses the lunar/solar calendars as a basis, known as the celestial calendar. Gods use this instead of the mortal calendar, and each 'Month' is a mortal decade
This calendar is 5 months long, or half a mortal century. I don't have names for what these months are, or how many 'days' make up these celestial months, or how long those days are
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ormspryde · 1 year
An attempt at a fantasy calendar for Tales of Vesperia. I really don't wanna say how long this took, but it's more or less done now, so that's something.
Ow my brainmeats.
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pandoramusicbox · 2 years
Neptonian rulers
the Neptonian empire is old and has had a number of rulers throughout the milleniums. in part due to the extrodinairly long life spans of even the regular sea folk, not to mention the pink blooded that are the traditional rulers of sea folk have nearly doubled the length of their lifespans. name of emperor/emperress, length of reign (date of reign) -other notable information.
1. Neptunia, (v453-v432) 21 years- the empress who united the seven sea kingdoms to form the empire.
2. Paio (v432-v93) 339- suspects to have been the empress who's blood made the imperial crown and rumored too have made the sword jiné as well.
> the year of chatastrophy. The sudden death of the previous empress threatened to cause the empire collapse back into the five kingdoms as no one took over the throne. and a civil war threatened to break out.
3. Talia (v91-v1) 90 a notable empress for being the first violet blooded empress and was the granddaughter of neptunia, she reunified the empire and got two more nation states to join.
4. Delphine, (0-215)  - the empress that established the Delphine calendar, the modern calendar used by the Neptonian empire 
5. Oceanus (215-699) 484 years- expanded the size of the empire. Is also known for having a harem of six different pods, { one pod has between 3-10 individuals in them on average, and most people only have one or rarely two pods they stay with}
6. Bay (700-1388) 688 years- a half dragon half neptonian that had the longest reign in history
7. Seatulin [aka lil] (1389-1470) 89 years- standardized the writing system (previously been four different systems) and established higher learning institutions and built the first colosseums. Had a son who was the Astoria of Capricorn.
8. Biny (1470-1684) 224 years- transitioned from a male emperor to an empress during her reign. Established an alliance with several siren kingdoms and established several new cities.
9. Anglerfish (1685-1750) 66 years- is known for her successful and very prominent campaign of privateering, created a froth relationship between the the islands of Thero and Thera as well as the kingdoms of Gargoraqin continent. Was eventually caught privateering a ship with her pod and was executed by a king of Thera.
10. Philipia (1751-1840) 90 years- she established the current capital for the empire daughter of anglerfish, she had to creat safety nets and hiding places for her subjects to not be terrorized by the land people.
11.Bo (1841-2286) 446 years- a very religious emperor who introduced the ayasi faith as the state religion, though it didn’t stick as the state religion the ayasi faith is commonly practiced in the empire.
12. Minnou (2287-2309) 23 years- brought two mermaid kingdoms into the empire, one through Marriage and one through force. Undid the ayasi fate as the state religion.
13. Conwhani (2309-2331) 22 years, depicted with a great pair of horns as she had vicker blood in her, sought to establish a precisen of tolerance for hybrids with the empire, under her time the economy with the land people flourished
14. Eal (2331-2721) 390 years transitioned empire to and emperial republic, and established voting for representatives for the congress and the collation.
15. Posidon (2721-2857) 136 years- first mermaid emperor, student of astronomy and alchemy and had many places of learning built as well as having hand in the making of the architecture that allows for their modern cities with accessibility for creatures of all shapes and sizes.
16. Merrow (2857-2906) 49 years, reformed rather draconian law system to be less in corporal punishment
17. Cari (2907-3014) 108 years - switched the capital to nessrosa ( means water roses)
18. Crab (3015-3088) 74 years - emperess who established about half the laws on the books
19. Dawnturtal (3088-3492) 404 years- won the throne through a javelin throwing contest. Was a lover of nature and created the first emperial ecosystem parks. So nature could be enjoyed by all their citizens, now and in the future. Expanded voting rights. Fought and won a war against a few United sea gorgon hives.
20. Scillia (3493-3750) 258 years- mermaid who reorganized the military and military service
21.Hipocampi (3751-4229) 479 years- a mermaid empress who established extensive healthcare and public works systems throughout the empire
22. Cybircma (4230-4263) 34 years a rare sea witch. Won the throne through a game of wits.
23. Phillia (4264-4377) 114 years- the emperor who established the lily codes, a set of codes of conduct on several things, proper ediquet, how nobles should treat non-nobles [like people], how to properly introduce their culture to conquered lands and the proper way to do some traditions in court. Several of these things where already established but written down in the lily codes, that are still kept up to date to this day.
24. Shark (4378-4627) 250 years - empress that conquered the iles of heaven waters as part of the neptonian empire
25. Hydra (4628-4639) 12 years- empress that negotiated for the union of 13 additional sea kingdoms to join the empire
26. Sonrax (4640-4738) 99 years - created hundreds of amphitheaters, learning squares and libraries, also responsible for a narsin siren genocide
27. Oaraiora (4739-4796)158 years- switched the capital back to phillhimestarn (means moon princess mist)
28. Thnami (4796-4875) 79 years - conquerer gargoraqi waters for the empire and established seaside colonies
29. Serina (4876-5045)169 years- a rare neptonian duelo, who’s alternate self was a red blooded mermaid. Started to grow insane by the end of her reign due to paranoia. Lots of deaths.
30. Orka (5045-5114)69 years- lead a violent revolution against previous empress, died in a violent revelotion by the people to install next emperor
31. Fil (5114-5243) 129 years -outlawed slavery within the neptonian empire boarders, and created a process for removing empresses and emperors less violently
32. Darb (5244-5293) 49 years- tried to unify traditions and religious practices failed missably. Though some of the court songs and rituals they established have stuck around. Also fought a war with some thero heroes.
33. Elumiga (5294-5355) 61 years a violet blood who took over after her sister died to the Theron heroes. Negotiated peace and a treaty that the empire could only go so far into Theron and Theran waters.
34. Clam (5355-5541) 186 years - made a guarantee of civil rights for all neptonian citizens
35. Kimopheia (5543-5857) 314 years known to have turned into a demon at the end of their reign as they tried to extend their life to live forever. Also imposed unfair laws against mermaids but not sirens or finfolk, ignoring ruling’s established by clam the previous empress
36. Perigenia (5857-5921) 64 years- saw the eastern mermaid kingdoms leave the empire
37. Borsesis (5921-5933) 12 years - killed hiers to the throne, was seceded by her cousin. Violently.
38. nemorin (5934-6248) 314 years - violently conquered eastern mermaids, cousin to Borsesis
39. nemora (6248-6381) 133 years- daughter of the conqueror nemorin, was a tyrant who killed of any potential heirs to the throne
40. Nautelus, 64 years but ongoing (6381-current year 6445 ) - the current reigning empress, she fought in the mermaid revolution and was part of an organization known as the nypon-rose
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owlyjules · 10 months
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Wintertale Advent Calendar Day 8: A soft-hearted donkey.
Just a nice friend that will let you ride on her back for a little bit on our journey.:)
(And now we have another tile done.:D)
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jujucomet · 8 months
This is silly but may as well share haha
I made Doronai Nui's (9.1.2's) expanded time on Fantasy Calendar for fun, there is even some Canon events (that have a hard year date) sparkled about 100.000 years and some made up dates. If anyone wants to check it out.
Here's a text export in case you want to modify it, too.
The weather location is a slightly modified Equatorial preset to better fit the island my campaign is taking place, Dhuí Nui. But if you take the export and place it on your own map, you can change it.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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A procession of confessions.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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jannaphia · 8 months
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‘Hunger Moon’
Patreon postcard for February 🦷 Sign up until the 24th of January to receive a mini print in the mail!
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theamericanpin-up · 1 month
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Ren Wicks - "Sorceress" - July/August 1966 Harolds Casino, Reno, NV, Girls of Fantasy Calendar Illustration - Ren Wicks - "Sorceress" - American Pin-up Calendar Collection
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imaginal-ai · 2 months
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"Howdy" (0005)
(More of The Howdy Series)
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emry-stars-oc · 7 months
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Sitting here with my two-mooned world I’m calling Avan and ignoring the massive impact on tides and night life until I get to that bit later
And a possible calendar that I’ll put together an explanation for if it’s of interest 😘 mostly just want to show off the moonsssss
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The banner at the top is supposed to say something along the lines of “the good lady of the year” (what this layout of the calendar is called by most people on Avan) but centering it and making the writing look thematic is intimidating
Official worldbuilding stuff is going in this fancy looking notebook I found last year :)
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autumnslance · 5 months
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Pre-Dawntrail Schedule
End of April, all of May and June, to the beginning of July and release.
FF16 Crossover ends May 8
Yo-kai Watch Returns (with a new Framer Kit!) April 24 through June 25.
Moogle Tomes of Genesis Part 2 from May 14 through June 24.
Make It Rain goes from May 15 through May 31.
Producer Live Letter 81 is on or around May 16.
Dragon Quest X returns from June 5 through June 20.
Producer Live Letter 82 is on or around June 14.
48 Hour Maintenance June 26th through 28th; the expansion shouldn't take too much longer than normal, but they want to give folks plenty of time to download.
Early Access begins on June 29th.
Official Launch July 2nd.
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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Illustrations from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Calendar by Michael Kaluta (1994)
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garrandia · 1 year
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celebratory *thanks for nothing* vincent 🤡🤡🤡
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see ya in july
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pandoramusicbox · 2 years
New month, new month, so I’m going to try to upload some tidbits or another every day for the month, it’s unlikely I will get everyday as I’m quite busy and such, but I will certainly try.
So for today I’ll keep it simple
Calendar days:
Sixty minutes = One hour
~Twenty seven hours = One day
( devide roughly between 13 hrs night, 13 hrs day)
Eight days = One week
~ Four weeks = One month
(43-46 days= 1 month)
Thirteen months= One year
(~418 days, or 52 weeks)
Five years = One cycle
Four cycles= One expanse
— cycle- refers to how long it takes for all the of the planet’s moons to appear on the same side. When this occurs the tide will be at an extreme high point often causing flooding for the side the moons are on, and extremely low tides and drought on the opposite side of the planet (low-side is sometimes referred to as experiencing a “dark cycle “)
—an expanse is roughly 20 years and is used to measure time for longer lived creatures. Though I’m rarely going to talk about it as I measure everything in years.
Funky fun days:
Summer solstice: longest day of the year
Winter solstice: shortest day of the year
Fall and spring equinox: when day and night are even and dawn and twilight lasts for an hour and a half.
Luna’s eclipses: happens roughly once a year where Luna eclipse the sun or the moon orna
Kina’s eclipse: the smallest moon also moves the fastest. It tends to eclipse something roughly once every three months.
Rising and setting of Noirna: the moon is the largest and takes roughly a year to revolve around the planet so for the time it appears in the sky.
* note: I’m not the best with numbers and such, so this is made with my basic understanding of how years and such work, feel free to (politely) correct my math, or tell me with any issues you see. Any edits are likely mathematic corrections or spelling corrections.
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