#far cry 5 female deputy
paradlselost · 6 months
john seed x fem!deputy
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smut warning. no explicit consent given. choking. hair pulling. biting. fingering. some oral (f receiving). p in v.
4.8k words.
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Soft sounds echoed off the wooden walls of the secluded cabin, walls that had heard far too much, that would sooner be chopped to pieces and shoved through a chipper than be allowed to spill the secrets it held. John Seed was a holy man, and cleanliness was close to godliness, so he made sure never to leave things unkempt. Nothing ever had a trace of him, even his glasses back at the ranch were cleaned of fingerprints every night. Call it germophobia, call it paranoia, whatever plagued his thoughts when he was alone in the comfort of his pressed silk sheets didn’t seem to leave him now either.
Though more pressing matters seemed to be on at the forefront as he pressed her head down against the pillow, the small grunts that usually escaped his lips at this point didn’t bother trying, he was too busy in his mind. He shouldn’t be doing this, he knew that fornication wasn’t allowed, and as a Herald, he had to make an example for others, though that had never stopped him before. Now only contempt nipped at the back of his neck where unrequited love bites had been left. Sure, he could be upset at how Joseph wouldn’t be happy if he found out his little brother went against the cult rules, but that didn’t seem to be it either.
He stopped himself suddenly, not even bothering to let himself finish. It was a shocking act for even him. John Seed, silver tongue of the cult who always took what he wanted not even caring for his satisfaction? Well, it certainly seemed to shock the woman under him, who turned to look at him through her eyelashes.
“Why’d you stop?” Her voice called up to him, a whine in her tone that made his stomach churn. He looked at her with disgust in his sharp blue eyes, a look she had not been accustomed to from him. “What’s your problem?”
She sat up now, pulling a loose sheet over her exposed body as she tilted her head at him. She was a beauty, really, she was, but that didn’t seem to be enough for him tonight. Sure, John felt a little bad for how he constantly treated her, but her own beauty didn’t do it for him anymore. He needed something he felt he couldn’t outrightly take, he would seem far too pathetic if he chased after what he really wanted, so he settled for a shotty substitute.
“Did you cut your hair?”
She gave him a quizzical look, raising an eyebrow. Maybe it was a compliment? He noticed something other than the quickest way to rip her shirt off this time. “I did, do you like it?”
“How many times have I told you not to change the way you look, Holly?”
His words were sharp as he sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on his jeans with a glare in her direction, it seemed neither of them would be able to finish tonight. She scrunched her nose up at his words. It wasn’t rare for him to be an asshole to her, in fact, it was becoming a much more common occurrence with the recent resistance pushback against the cult, but she still didn’t appreciate his tone.
“I don’t know why you’ve been so adamant about it lately. I wanted to try something new, what do you care?”
She scoffed as she stood up, letting the sheet fall off her body as she grabbed her shirt and underwear, pulling them on. John reached out and roughly grabbed her wrist, making her turn to look at him. He had never put a hand on her without them both being in the middle of John getting his rocks off in her bed or against her wall or vanity, and his sudden touch startled her.
Good, that’s what he wanted to see. The Pepper girl seemed to forget her place constantly, John was a Herald, she was just someone attractive he could see from time to time to release pent-up frustrations.
“You don't look like her anymore. Your hair frames your face differently now.”
Holly scoffed at him, pulling her wrist away from his reach. She never really cared about being more than a fling to him, she liked the distraction it gave her from the newfound loneliness she felt in this cottage and maybe sometimes she did wish he wouldn’t see someone else when he slept with her, that he wouldn’t moan someone else’s name when he fucked her, but she ultimately knew it would go nowhere with him. John Seed was a man obsessed with someone she couldn’t be.
“Who, the Deputy? Well, news flash, I’m not her.”
“I know you’re not, but it's not a crime for me to pretend, and you changing up your hair doesn’t fucking help the vision.”
“The vision.” She scoffed, crossing her arms at him. Her tone was one of mocking, like he was stupid for even dreaming she could fill the role of the one person he couldn’t have. No, because if it wasn’t her hair today then it would be her legs tomorrow, that they weren’t as toned as the Deputy’s, or that her eyes weren’t the right shade. It was constantly ‘Deputy this, Deputy that.’ But Holly Pepper wasn’t enough. “I think you should leave.”
“I’m gone.”
She didn’t have to convince him to rebutton his silk blue shirt or throw on his belt with the large ‘EG’ buckle on it. She didn’t need to persuade him to tie his boots and walk out her front door, into the cool Montana night, he simply left. Trekking down the dirt trail and getting into his car, he slammed the door shut and took off through the wooded back paths. He absolutely despised driving on anything other than the clearly marked main roads, especially when it was dark. He made special exceptions for the nights he went to visit Holly, but being that he didn’t finish, his anger was only elevated.
A truck passed, headlights shining into his windshield and honking as he swerved out of the way to avoid being hit, grumbling curses under his breath that he certainly would have to atone for later, but he would happily do it when he was back in the comfort of his warm, lavish ranch. The truck was the only other car on the road, and through his headlights, he could tell he was going the wrong way. Another curse, this time to himself, no way was he allowing himself to get lost in the middle of fucking nowhere redneck woods. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he pulled over to the nearest building he could find, a clinic. Silently, he hoped someone in there didn’t particularly hate him and would give him directions.
He pulled over with a huff, looking around his car for a map, and without seeing one, opened the door and got out, slamming it behind him. The evening air was cool, and unlike when he had left the Pepper residence, he was able to now take a breath and calm himself down. Though he doubted too many people were around at this time of night, he still wasn’t a fan of making a spectacle of himself when just trying to get directions. Gravel crunched underneath his boots as he made his way to the door, hand stopping just short of the handle as he heard a voice.
“I wouldn’t bother trying to get service right now.”
He didn’t need to turn to know who was speaking to him, he could feel the air still around him at the sound of her voice, the one person he hadn’t expected to see, not after he had falsely assumed he put the fear of god into her, not after he carved the sin out of her chest and forced her to display it for everyone who came across her. Her own personal scarlet letter, though this one being born of the crimson her blood was.
“Hello, Wrath. What are you doing here at this hour?”
He kept his tone friendly and light as he stepped over to the wall beside her, tilting his head down at her. She leaned against the brick, a cigarette hanging loosely from her lips as she watched him. He put on a facade, his silver tongue making a comeback as he spoke to her, though he knew well that she wouldn’t fall for his words. The best he could hope for was for her to relax slightly, to let him speak without drawing a weapon, and, at the lack of Peggies surrounding their ever-so-holy leader, she seemed to do just that.
“Just saw Nick and Kim off. Despite you and your peggies constant terror, it seems some good finally came to the Rye household.”
“Ah, so Kim delivered fine then?”
“I should send a present, something for the little tyke.”
“Yeah right.” He earned a little laugh from her, even if it was sarcastic, he couldn’t help the small smirk that etched onto his features at her voice. Yes, John Seed was a man obsessed with someone he couldn’t have. “Kim told me you tried to convince everyone the baby was actually yours and not Nick’s.”
“I was just having some fun, they shouldn’t have taken it so seriously. Besides, that was months ago.” He shook his head, leaning back against the wall beside her, his goal of going to ask for directions now gone as he was in her presence. Despite his nature, she consumed his every waking moment. Every thought of his belonged to her, every word he spoke had her name etched onto it. He was pathetic.
“I’m sure it just added to the list of things you’ve done to fuck with them.” The Deputy rolled her eyes, amber ash falling from the head of the cigarette and onto the ground below them. He liked watching her supple lips part to welcome the taste of nicotine into her mouth.
“I’m a Herald, Deputy, everything I do is for the good of others.”
“Mm, remember the time you told me you’ve never lied to me?”
“Yes? What about it?”
“There's a lie right there.”
He smirked slightly, watching her with his deep blue eyes, and shook his head. He couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered in his chest at this moment. There was no chase, no cat and mouse game, just the two of them standing underneath the moonlight, with no one but god as their witness. “Well, what if I believe it's true?”
“Then you’re a liar and you’re delusional.” She hummed, looking back at him. There was a silence for a moment as she offered him her cigarette, a certain intimacy in his lips touching the filter where hers had before. He felt like a schoolboy again, though this time without the threat of his parents looming over him.
The crickets chirped around them as they took turns with the cigarette, it seemed to be a peaceful night. After a moment or two, she let him have the last of what was left in the bud and stepped forward towards her truck. Curiously, he stamped the cigarette out and followed after her.
“Where are you going?” He asked, sounding almost pathetic, like a puppy kicked away from the door his owner was walking out of. He craved this normalcy with her more than he thought he would, though part of him yearned to get back to the cat-and-mouse games.
“The Spread Eagle, probably. Gonna chase down the nicotine high with some of Mary May’s whiskey.” She shrugged as she opened the door to her truck, moving her AR-C aside and disturbing the indents of where Boomer always slept during long rides through the county.
He watched her body as she bent over to move her gun from the seat, how her hips swayed slightly. He bit his bottom lip slightly, his blue eyes never leaving her figure. Part of him yearned for his life before he reunited with Joseph. Maybe he wasn’t truly happy then, and maybe the Deputy incited withdrawals from him that he thought he had gotten over years ago, but alcohol sounded great right now.
“You seem so quick to leave my company. You’re always like this, I open my arms to you, let you into my bunker, and offer you atonement, but you’re always itching to leave. Do I make you uncomfortable?” He tilted his head as she stood up, turning to face the Herald once more.
He didn’t bother hiding the fact he had been staring at her ass for the better half of a minute, nor did her care about subduing his tone that was increasingly growing more and more lustful as he stepped closer to her. He wanted to feel her under his touch, to smell the gunpowder and blood that lingered on her. This time, it would really be the Deputy, he wouldn’t have to pretend.
“Let me into your bunker? Last time I checked you had your Peggies shoot me with bliss bullets and strap me to a chair there. You don’t exactly have a warm and welcoming nature, Seed.” She replied, crossing her arms slightly. He knew she was quickly losing her patience with him when she referred to him only by his last name.
“I just want you to reach atonement, Deputy. I want you to be better, for yourself, for the father.” His voice dropped to a whisper as he stepped closer to her, so close he could lean into her ear to speak. She grimaced slightly at the mention of the Father - Joseph.
“You don’t need to call him that, he’s your brother. And you shouldn’t speak to me about atonement, who gave you those marks on the back of your neck?”
He blinked a few times at her words, reaching his hand back to feel the indents that had been left. He hissed softly, of course, Holly had left marks without his say-so. She seemed to enjoy doing what he told her not to. Not to change her appearance so he could imagine it was the woman in front of him he was fucking, not to leave marks that he would have to explain to his followers - or worse, his brothers. But did she listen? No.
“Not you.”
Now it was the Deputy’s turn to be confused, her eyes fluttering up to meet his dark blue ones. She cocked her head to the side slightly, just enough to really examine him. He seemed confident in his words, but of course it wasn’t her, what was he trying to get out of this? “Yeah, obviously? Are you feeling okay, Seed?”
Again with the last name, it was starting to get on his nerves. He wanted nothing more than to grab her at this moment, to press her against the peeling upholstery of the old truck she drove around, to make her scream his name for everyone to hear - for her to call him not by a shared surname, but by his name. And suddenly he understood Adam and Eve, with a snake tempting him so sweetly, he’d be a fool not to take a bite of the apple, wouldn’t he?
“Why can’t you just say Yes, Deputy? Why do you have to make this so difficult? Why do you have to make me stoop into the sin you so freely roll around in?” He cocked his head to the side slightly, taking a step closer to her. His leg slid between hers as she pressed herself back against the side of the seat.
But she didn’t tell him no this time, she didn’t shove him off or slap him. He heard the breath that caught in her throat, he saw the way her eyes fluttered between his and the skin of his chest exposed by the undone buttons of his silk shirt. Sloth, written over his chest, crossed out. How would the scarred skin feel under her touch? How would the ink of the countless tattoos on his body be complimented by the scratches she would leave on him?
“You don’t need the ego boost, the day I say yes to a monster like you is the day my dignity dies.” Oh the Deputy, always a fighter. He would help her with that, gladly, a burial inside the truck for only John and God himself to witness. A small smirk played on his face as his hands trailed over her hips, a ghost of a touch but enough to ignite a fire in her eyes.
He wouldn’t need her to say yes, she would be screaming it by the time he was done. He would drag orgasm and orgasm out of her till her atonement was spelled in the arousal that would coat the truck's upholstery. He would make a saint out of her yet, make the only words that fall from her lips holy and pure till they were alone. She would never have to worry about the bullets that grazed her skin or the wounds that marked her flesh, he would wash away her sins.
So many dirty thoughts from the Herald, but he couldn’t control himself now. His hands belonged to the devil as they trailed up from her hips, one caressing her neck - which he would make sure to have covered with as many marks as he could by the time he was done with her - and the other slipping beneath her shirt. He tilted his head down at her, smug yet coy as his fingertips brushed the wire band of her bra, yet another barrier between the two.
Her eyes weren’t on him, though. They studied elsewhere, fixed on the door to the clinic and the road. What would others say if they saw the two together? Sharky and Adelaide had to have been just joking when they said she should get with the youngest Seed brother - that it would save the resistance’s ass. She bit her inner cheek, doubting that that would be the truth. John Seed was a sadistic monster who reveled in other's pain and suffering, but something about his touch made her want to melt.
“There’s nothing but me to look at, Deputy. For right now, you’re mine.”
If John was a man obsessed with someone he couldn’t have, the Deputy was cut from the same cloth. She couldn’t have him, not really, even if she accepted his atonement, even if he cut the sin from her body - John Seed would always be obsessed with an idea of her, she was his greatest conquest because she never said yes to him, and if she stopped fighting he would lose interest.
But tonight, under nothing but the moonlight and the roof of her truck? Tonight, she could have him.
So she didn’t protest when he stepped into her more, when he pushed her back against the worn seat and kissed her neck with the fervor of a man starved. She said nothing because her breathing spoke for her, the way it picked up and became laced with soft whimpers as he grazed his teeth over an old scar. Yes, he relished in her pain, he couldn’t help but smile at her burning in the cleansing fire of his love.
His fingers tangled in her hair, pulling it back to expose her neck. He sat up over top of her, a small smirk playing on his face as he looked down at her. She looked so pathetic under him, her neck colored in flushed pink and dark red, a product of him. He trailed a hand down over the forming hickeys, pressing his fingertips against the sides of her neck. Not enough to choke her, but enough for her to part her pretty lips to breathe through her mouth.
The Herald reveled in the power he had over her, her life balancing in the palm of his hand. It would be far too easy to kill her now, to make up for the anger he felt every time a silo was blown up or an outpost was overtaken. How easy everything would be if she gave her life force over to him, cutting the head off the snake that was the resistance.
But it was far more fun to keep her alive, to toy with her like a cat would a mouse, to shed her of her shirt and unclasp her bra and run his tongue against her sensitive, budding nipple. To relish in the sounds of her soft whines that overtook her breathing, to feel her fingers tangle in his slicked-back raven hair.
An understatement, her words breathy and sweet, as if she was reciting a prayer meant only for his ears. His blue eyes fluttered to look up at her, enjoying the way she looked down at him, lust building on her features. She would atone for him, but not with her words.
He trailed down her body, lips catching on every old scar and bullet wound, every imperfection left on her beautiful body. She would be cleansed of all of these when he was done with her, she would be born anew with him right by her side. His fingers caught on the waistband of her jeans, dirtied with blood and grass stains on the knees, not proper attire for her baptism, so he shed those from her as well.
Left in only her underwear, shivering against the cold that seeped into the truck, she looked down at him with a frown, grazing over the silk of his blue shirt. He was overdressed, though he made no moves to match her. With his head in line with her pelvis, he grasped the fingers that worked on his buttons, giving her a pointed look which she matched with a soft whine.
“John - c'mon, it's not fair…”
“I’ll decide what's fair and what’s not. When I want it to come off, it will. For now, hands off.”
A sigh left her lips but she complied with him, letting go of the buttons he wore and instead focusing on him as he moved lower, as his fingers trailed over the growing wetness seeping through her underwear. She recoiled slightly, feeling the cold of his fingers through the warm fabric, and was met only by a soft tsk from John.
He watched her, studied every reaction as he slipped off the last remaining article of clothing that blocked him from getting a full view of her. She was something out of an oil painting, crafted by God specifically for him. How had he gotten so lucky that she was his rival? How had they both gotten to this point, surely from the tensions built every time he would kidnap her, when he would clean her chest with a sponge to prepare for the marking he hadn’t gotten around to doing quite yet.
Grazing over her folds, catching her clit in his grasp, he relished in the sounds that the truck filled with. Soft gasps giving way to needy moans as he gathered her slick and coated his fingers in it. His eyes hungry as he peered up at her through his eyelashes, tongue swiping over her once and then twice before spitting. Her fingers tangled in his hair harshly as he pushed a finger inside before it was quickly joined by a second, humming when greeted by how tight her walls were.
“Funny, I expected you to have more experience.” He grinned, his perfect snake in the garden, reaping what she had sown. John had earned every hitch of her breath, every noise that fell from her lips belonged to him. Patience is a virtue, after all.
“Kinda ha-h… hard to get some privacy when you’re the resista- fuck!”
He couldn’t help but smirk as she was interrupted by the curling of his fingers, brushing against a certain bundle of nerves as he stretched her out in preparation for his cock. He hummed in response, teasing her. How sweet it was to have the big bad Deputy be putty in his hands. John absolutely adored the fact that he was her only in a long time, it stroked his ego lovingly.
When he was satisfied with the moans that fell from her lips and how she could hardly focus on anything other than the sensations he was providing her, he pulled out. Chuckling at a needy moan she gave him at the feeling of emptiness, he licked the coating of her slick from his fingers, tsking and looking down at her.
“Patience, Deputy. Be a good girl.” Once his fingers were properly cleaned and the taste of her arousal was set on his tongue nicely, he unbuckled his pants and allowed them to pool at his ankles, his lips fluttering over her exposed neck while he worked on pulling his shirt off.
Perfect tattoos decorated his body like the ceiling of a temple, each one telling a different story. John Seed was a man who had his life mapped out on each limb, allowing for her to trace all of him, to know all of him. He pulled away from her neck, bullying his two fingers past her lips and having her suck on them, tasting herself.
He focused on the way she sucked, how soft moans escaped her, and how her eyes fluttered closed, content to have this soft moment. God, he wanted to ruin it for her. He did not pull away yet, not as he ran the head of his hardened cock over her folds, precum mingling with her own fluids. When he did pull his fingers away from her, he made sure she watched as he lubed himself up with her saliva.
He could’ve come at the sharp gasp elicited from her as he pushed inside, inch by inch till he bottomed out and she was left in a state of bliss. He groaned softly at how perfect she was, how her walls were practically made for him, dragging every noise from his lips. The Deputy never thought she’d see the day when John Seed was moaning for anyone - especially not her. She considered herself lucky that the Herald was coming undone simply by the feeling of her.
Though, her smugness faded as he began to move. Shallow thrusts at first that were quickly replaced by deep, rhythmic movements. His mouth latched onto her neck once more, his teeth dragging over her soft skin in an effort to leave his bite markings against her pretty flesh. Her nails drug against his back, sharp, stinging scrapes that complimented the dark ink of his tattoos well. He never let others mark him as she had, but she was special - he would be proud to show off what she left on him.
Her legs wrapped against his waist, pulling him impossibly deeper inside her. She was practically screaming in his ear, the truck shaking with his movements. Thrust after thrust, he abused her G-spot well, toes curling and legs trembling in his wake. She pistoned her hips up to meet his, arching her back and letting him latch onto her breasts now.
“You gonna cum f’me?” He groaned out, blue eyes focused on how she shook, how her walls clenched around him at his words. She was close, teetering on the edge, and he wasn’t far behind her. Her nods weren’t good enough, neither were the little noises she attempted to choke out between her moans. No, he wanted to hear her speak. “Use your words.”
“Yes! Fuck - yes please-” Manners and all, he grinned at her response. He had gotten her to say it, just as he knew he would. That allusive ‘yes’ he had been waiting far too long to hear. He really couldn’t help himself now as a tattooed hand moved from her hips to rub her swollen clit.
Thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier, if this was heaven the Deputy was more than happy to atone for it. Her legs spasmed slightly, walls clenching around him as white toyed at her eyes, orgasm crashing down against him. It didn’t take much longer for him to follow suit, his own cum mixing with hers, white beading at the base of his cock as he pressed himself inside her, having her take him all.
She whined softly, panting and looking up at him with those pretty eyes of hers. His breath was heavy, fingers running through her hair as they both caught their breath, inevitable guilt creeping up in the Deputy’s chest. John Seed was the enemy, he was a monster, and she had just let him fuck her into the best orgasm of her life. Stupid, stupid.
But John, he seemed far too proud of himself. He didn’t need her to say anything anymore, he didn’t need the taped confession for his older brother. No, now he had this, her atonement that coated his softening cock. He would always have this over her, how she screamed yes for him, and she seemed to realize that.
“You know - that ‘yes’ doesn’t count.”
“Oh? Should I make you say it again?”
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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60 notes · View notes
satanwritesfanfiction · 6 months
Jacob Seed •°• Hazy moments △SMUT△
Title: Hazy moments
Rating: Explicit, smut, pwp
Category: F/M
Fandom: Far Cry 5
Relationship: Jacob seed x F!reader
Characters: Jacob seed, reader
Tags/ triggers: dubious consent, bliss, on the desk, p in v, knife kink only mentioned, praise, voice kink
Word count: 1560
a/n: not the best but still posting it
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Adrenaline spiking in your veins, flashes of red, memories... Something akin to anger pulsing and a lifeline, the words worn down in your skin.
"Perfect, good, yes." Spoke with so much reverence and you would follow it anywhere. The light within the dark void, the saviour within the mist.
You felt static at the tips of your fingers, a dullness within your head, and a sudden soft pressure on your stomach as Jacob held you to his chest.
There was a different aspect to watching you come to in his arms, covered in blood and grime and muscles taut as you blinked through the motions, pliable under the circumstances but still rigid. His lips were at your neck as he waited, the image of patience as he waited for your mind to clear some before he would do any more.
Your eyes blinked down, his arm wrapped around your torso, pistol still held firmly in your hand and your fingers twitched, gun falling to the ground with a sudden sound that made your body jump slightly. You frowned at the object, blinking much more rapidly as you found that your eyes had a burn to them.
"Shh..." The voice pressed against you again, feeling his fingers slip into yours and held it firmly, kicking the weapon away in a quick motion. "You're safe now, you're home."
You felt your body relax against him some, leaning against a firm chest. Your head twisted to the side and took in the image, familiarity bloomed once he was in view, a calmness spreading as you turned.
"You did so well." He spoke, softly moving a strand of hair behind your ear as he watched for the haze within your eyes to show some clarity.
Something swirled within your stomach at the praise, pressing your fingers to his chest and feeling the rough fabric of his jacket underneath it, taking in more detail in be the second. Recognition. Familiarity. Repetition.
You blinked up at him, soft lines as he regarded you, blue eyes that could only belong to him and lips, oh his lips that could have you on your knees in a moment's notice, that can have you shaking just the same.
You lifted yourself slightly to meet him, lips pressed against his in a less than coordinated way, which he made up for in turn as his hands wrapped around your upper arms. The moment was intoxicating, addicting, jagged motions as you searched for more of him, your body following the path which your lips had set as you pressed closer to him.
His arms wrapped around you, pressing your body flush to his as his lips started getting more insistent, dragging more from you as the environment came to you, until he pressed you against the desk in the middle of the room. Papers be damned as they fell, his attention solely on you.
Hands struggled to make a decision as they pressed and prodded against the other's body, drinking in the moment under a veil of urgency. His fingers wrapped around the hem of the shirt you were wearing, now marred and discoloured compared to a few days ago, pulling it from your body with your help.
His hands smoothed over your skin, swallowing once he cupped your breasts. He admired the fill of them in his hands before curling his fingers around the flimsy material keeping most of them hidden and reaching for his knife. He slipped the metal between your breasts, knife edge faced towards him as he quickly sawed through the material and watched as they spilled freely.
He watched for your expression as he pressed the knife against your skin, running it across the curve of your breasts, no remnants of fear or worry in your skin as your nipples hardened. Something to explore another day when he hadn't been hard just from watching you run the trial.
He quickly dropped the knife to the desk and harshly fought with the button on your pants, needing to free you of all these layers and feel the clench of you.
Once he had your pants and underwear around your thighs, he took hold of your hips, flipping you onto your stomach as if you didn't weigh a thing. He was quick to press against your backside, hardness grinding into the flesh of your ass as he pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder.
"Such an obedient little thing." He commented, fingers slipping under you to run through your slit and then slip into you. You closed your eyes at the feeling, a soft content sound slipping past your lips at the slow sensation of him touching you. "So good for me."
You whimpered softly when he retracted, stayed in place as you heard the zipper and shuffle of material. He quickly lined up to your cunt, hand pressed into your hip as he popped the head of his cock into you, fingers clenching at the feel of your cunt sucking him in. His hips jerked as he worked you open, jaw clenched at the tightness of you until he rested at the hilt, taking a breath as his hands slipped over your bare back, images and ideas swirling in his head until he found one he could settle on, fingers wrapping around the back of your neck to keep you in place before thrusting once, revelling in the sound that slipped past your lips at the sudden movement.
You always took it so well, sound slipping from your lips, that he always made a feeble attempt to silence at the start, perhaps just for the control of it all rather than the danger it posed when the sounds reached beyond the door. His fingers slipped from your neck and wrapped over your mouth before he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
"Wouldn't want them to come see what the commotion is about." He started, like he had done before, a little less conviction behind it every time. He didn't mind either way, but he did like the way the words made you clench around him every time. "Wouldn't want them finding you like this, would you?"
He would wager there was a part of you that did want it if judging solely by your reactions, but it was a subject yet to be breached once you were coherent, still he made the effort to laud the option??? Over your head while he pressed into your heat.
Your eyes clenched as he pressed into you, sensation baked into your veins with every movement of his cock inside of you, body craving more from him with every moment that past, more reminders, more memories, more cries, more of him filling you to your skull. Your body rocked into the desk, bare as the day you were born with his hand muffling your cries, a feeble attempt that was more for show at this point when you think of all the times you had cried out to him, and he had egged you on.
You felt like you were floating, not yet fully awake within your limbs but feeling the motions through a slight haze as the sensation returned to your limbs, all you could be certain of was the pressure between your legs and the way your stomach was tensing.
Your fingers wrapped around the edge of the desk, wetness gathering on your cheek at the prospect, at the way you needed to fall. His hand slipped from your lips, resting firmly at your hips as his own snapped into you with renewed vigor, chasing the same high you were moments away from experiencing.
"Jacob… Please..." You cried into the air, a ragdoll as you shifted on the desk as his hips snapped.
"Come for me, (Y/n). " He grunted, fingers shifting towards your shoulders and used the leverage to push you back on him. "Be a good girl for me... Come on..."
You could imagine that he didn't know the power his words had on you, in and out of the trials, or he did with the way you always abided. Your cries had lost all coherence, babbling nonsense into the air as you stood on the precipice, feeling the sudden spike when you fell into the abyss.
Your body tensed, thighs shaking as you clenched around him, body running through the motions while you screamed into the room. A few moments before he could physically move again, fucking into you now as he chased his own release, finding that it wasn't a few ways off as he came pressed into you, twitching as his warmth spread within you.
It was a few moments, and he pulled his cock from your sensitive cunt, feeling the high leak down your thighs. It was a beautiful sight watching the scene before him, the perfection of you obediently pressed to his desk and his high on your skin. You were his, and he would find it extremely hard to consider an alternative.
He pulled your body upright, letting you sit on the desk, exhaustion within your eyes, and he took the time to make sure you were alright. A glass of water pressed to your lips, soft touches running down your back. He would look after you as you look after the project when you are under.
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evilvvithin · 1 year
silent despair
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pairing : john seed x reader (i wrote it as f!deputy!reader but it turned out to be gn too) warnings : blood and injury | implied sex but not detailed | love hate | possessiveness word count: 2,497 summary: What would happen if John was the one to survive the collapse? ➤ AO3 link | masterlist
In the first moments of coming back to your senses, the mix of strong cologne and smoke hit your nose. The air seemed heavy, almost hard to breathe and you felt like suffocating. Taking a deep breath, a sharp pain shot through your ribs and made you yelp out in surprise.  "Finally," a familiar voice filled the silence and ringed inside your aching head.  Stars danced at the edges of your vision as you tried to sit up. As if a restless swarm of bees was inside your skull, causing it to vibrate uncomfortably. Arms and legs numb you had to look down at your limbs to make sure they were really moving when you told them to. They weren't. Your hands handcuffed to the metal leg of the bunk bed, you tried to wrestle against them with no luck. "Still eager to fight despite your situation, I see. Some things about you never change, deputy."
You felt venom in his voice, anger, hidden behind his kind and peaceful mask he called a face. He smiled widely as he walked towards you, squatting down to your level. 
"Shhh sh sh."
His eyes piercing through you, fingers trailing the handcuffs, the stupid smile on his face. The time stopped and your eyes gazed down to his shirt which used to be blue. Just like his eyes. Now it was almost completely covered in dried blood. Pushing away the thoughts of kicking your knee into his stomach for tying you up, you wondered what had happened, looking around the room you were in for any clues.
He noticed how you calmed down, how your eyes jumped across his chest and the walls behind him. Looking for his bunker key at his now bruised chest. Pulling out another key from his pocket, he freed your hands but grabbed your wrists immediately, squeezing them painfully. You hissed in reaction, but got the message - don't do anything stupid. You didn’t even plan to. You just wanted to know what happened as your own memory was failing you due to its fogginess. Checking your ribs for any wounds or source of the pain you felt after waking up, a loud explosion deafened you and the whole room started to vibrate, dust falling down from the ceiling. There was your answer to what happened. The pictures of mushroom cloud, fire and death blinked through your head. All the screaming, pain… your friends… 
"The collapse," John looked up, the same smile on his face still. "Joseph was right, you know? He knew the whole time… my brother…" 
The mask of the baptist started to fade away - he didn't have to pretend anymore. The smile slowly disappeared as his whole expression hardened, jaws clenched. His eyes glowing with rage, but there was something else.
Sadness. Softness.
Cursing through gritted teeth, he grabbed you by the edge of your shirt and forced you up against the wall, hand squeezing your throat right after.
"You killed them. If only you listened to them! We could’ve been - “ 
The pressure built up in your head from the lack of air and vision started to blur, yet you didn't try to fight his hand.
"Doesn’t matter. Tell me one reason I shouldn't do the same to you!" 
His voice was calm but still sounded like a yell to you. You started to half laugh half cough, making his eyebrows furrow even more in fury. He was killing you with his gaze, not his hands. In his mind his hands squeezed your throat hard. Knuckles on his hand white, he’d release the grasp so you could catch a single breath just to cut your wind pipe again.
Oh, he would do so many things to you. 
"Why didn't you? Before?" You coughed. "You had so many chances."
He sighed and let go of you by throwing you further into the wall, though not so aggressively as before to kick air out of your lungs. You knew he had the reply, knew why he didn't kill you when he had the chance. But he wouldn't admit it. 
Would you? Would you admit why you didn’t kill him when you had so many chances?
John knew well you chose to hunt his siblings down rather than him. Playing cat and mouse, but both of you were the cat.  Lots of unfulfilled threats that led only to one thing - the collapse. You being stuck with him in a bunker underground. 
The longer you tried to keep standing against the wall, the more your muscles burned. The desire to lay down, close your eyes again and forget about everything again was overwhelming but you were determined to not show any kind of weakness. Your coughing and laughing filled the room. Have you lost your mind? Are you really gonna be down here with John? It wasn’t like you could change it. 
You didn’t want to. 
The shirt started to stick to your skin where you felt the sharp pain before. Your fingers felt the wetness when touching it and you didn't have to look down to know what it was. 
Following John to the table across the room, you were sure your legs would fail you any step you took. He was watching you - was it a concerned look you saw on his face? Your blurry vision playing tricks on you? 
He was in fact concerned, watching every step of yours ready to grab your arm for support whenever you were about to fall. He didn't want you to know, he didn't want you to see his soft side. Not yet. He liked to believe he had none except for his brothers - he was lying to himself the whole life. He always had a soft side, buried deep inside him. Abandoned by his choice. Softness had no place in the life he lived before Eden’s Gate. No place in Eden’s Gate. It was a weakness and he locked everything making him weak deep inside. 
Till you showed up and made him weak. Vulnerable. He hated you for it, but at the same time admired you. You were untamed, wild fire that could make him both weak and strong and he realized rather quickly that capturing you like the others would not help him get stronger, no. You required a different approach. Approach that he thought he would never be able to do - to have feelings for someone, to feel vulnerable. 
The mutual feelings of you two, the connection of your souls and leadership - that’s what he visioned in his dreams. How perfect you two would be for Eden’s gate. At first, it seemed like a great plan, but the further John tried to make you join him, the more he started to care about you. Did he care about you more than about the project? No, he would never… He doubted himself in that question. Nevertheless he’d make everything work in the end. And he did, without even trying to. 
Grabbing bandages out of the emergency box, he waited for you to raise your shirt enough to expose the cut. Starting at your ribcage going down your belly, it wasn't deep but it was bleeding a lot.
"Just do it quick." 
Swallowing your pride, you let him circle you, touch you, wrapping the bandage all around your torso. Feeling his warm touch on your bare skin, you never realized how soft his hands could be. You believed all they could inflict was pain and torture.
"Want it harder?" 
The stupid smile on his face.
"Fuck you, John."
"You'll get us both killed!" John hissed  and caught your hand that tried to steal the bunker key from his neck. He started to wear it with him at all times since you found the spot where he hid it. And he was way more alert during sleeping than you thought. 
Saving your life and you still tried to get away from him, still fought him. Still… after all the days you two spent in close proximity. Or was it weeks? He liked it at times though. It spiced things a bit here under the ground, but he'd still rather receive obedience from you. Just like his followers in Hope County… but you weren't one of them. The knuckles whitened on his hand and you squinted as his grip became painful. The harder he held your wrist, the more you squeezed the key in your hand being as stubborn as you were usually, refusing to let go of it.
"Go then, do as you want." 
You almost lost balance and fell down at his chest when he released your hand. The tone of his voice was vile but the sparkle of hope that shined in your eye overcame everything else. You looked down at the key and hope was quickly replaced with a darker feeling - reality. John scoffed and murmured something to himself as the key landed back on his chest. 
You didn't want to die. Not today at least.
Warm breeze locked the naked skin of your upper body. The blanket must've slid down while you were sleeping. 
A breeze of fresh air… in a bunker? 
John's fingertips trailed up and down your arm softly, thinking he was gentle enough to not wake you up. His movements were slow, lazy. Your heartbeat raised a little and you hoped it wouldn't reveal you were awake. Your back turned to him, you laid still and your breath was shallow. His breath was warm against your skin. He seemed to be murmuring something to himself but you couldn't make a single word out. He was humming some kind of melody. 
All kinds of scenarios rushed through your head when he pulled the edge of your shirt down your shoulder. Pretend to be asleep no matter what? Then you'd be allowing whatever he planned on doing. Jump up and slap the soul out of him? Maybe, but you wouldn't know what he wanted to do… and mainly, why. 
Did you want him to stop? 
Did you want him to know you were awake?
The adrenaline rushed through your body as your mind was filling up with certain scenarios, making you change position in an attempt to hide it. John's hand retrieved and his murmuring stopped. You felt his gaze boring into the side of your head. Leaning closer to your face, his hot breath tickled your ear. If you turned around, you could taste his lips easily. Before you could do something you might regret later, the weight on the bed behind you disappeared as John walked away, silent like a cat. 
You were left alone with your cheek and ear burning, the gentle touch of his fingers still printed on your skin. It's been so long since you experienced any kind of intimacy, kindness in general. Past few months were nothing but an exhausting fight for your life and the lives of the other members of resistance. The few joyful moments that occurred? You were too tired to appreciate and enjoy them fully. Cursing yourself you didn't do anything when John was creeping above you, you played with the scenarios in your head for as long as sleep didn't take your consciousness away. 
"What did you do to Hudson?!" Blood was coming out of your mouth from John's punch, but the rage you felt numbed all possible pain. "You bastard!"
Him and his typical maniac smile. 
Everytime you two met before the collapse and fought each other, he had this smile on his face whenever you could've ended him. Laughing. Not really fighting you back. Almost like he wanted to die… or he didn't care if he did at least. Or he knew you couldn't kill him. He knew it and laughed at the absurd power he had over you. You hated him for it, you hated him because he was right.
"Hudson's gone now anyway, isn't she? What's all this about, then?"
Clenching your fists around the edge of his coat, half choking him with the fabric cutting into his throat, you stopped in your rage for long enough to think about what he said. You hated to admit it but he was right. 
He seemed to always be right.
Things that happened before the collapse? They were all meaningless now. What really mattered was this bunker, you, him and the danger levels outside. Were you truly angry about what he did to Hudson or did you just want a reason to start a fight with him? Did he want to start a fight when he told you, out of nowhere? 
Taunting, teasing, getting expected reactions from others just to remind himself he has power over them. Power to manipulate through emotions. Maybe he truly believed he was emotionless and nothing bothered him except his family - he lied to himself the whole time. He cared too much about you. He could've had you at any time before. Yet he didn't take you, no. He didn't want to take you, he wanted you to need him. To desire him. Give up to him. 
John grabbed your wrists to make you let go of his coat, his face unchanged. The smile… he won. He had all the reasons to smile - you were here with him, craving him, needing to feel the warmth of his body. The burst of emotions. There was no need to say it out loud. Letting your arms go limp in his hands, you leaned closer to his face. 
"Fuck you, John." 
Raising one of his eyebrows, the smile only grew bigger. 
"That's exactly what I was thinking," he let your hands go and pulled you closer by the back of your neck. 
You let yourself fall into the kiss - like a boat going down the river you didn't try to go against the stream at all. You still hated him but what you felt for him was growing stronger. Something you could not define with simple words. The iron taste of your blood filled your mouth and your tongue found his. The taste was somewhat hypnotizing, driving you further into the kiss. 
The satisfied grunt from John didn't surprise you a bit. You had an idea he'd like the taste of blood. That it'd turn him on. Violence in general. You heard the stories about Hudson and other Falls End people that managed to escape his bunker. You were there yourself after all, you spent more time with him than you'd like to imagine. 
It was all your choice - to let him live every time, let him get close to you. Let yourself fall for him. Let your lust win.
As the clothes on you both fell down to the ground piece by piece, you weren't bothered by the chilling air. You were on fire, you both were. Fire that needed to be put down and only one way of doing so. Everything about it was rough. Maybe you were still trying to kill each other but then decided not to, over and over again. 
Hate and anger being overcome by love and lust and it made you want to get lost in the moment forever. Get lost in John.
Your fingertips copied the edges of his scars, his skin still rough on touch from all the bruises that didn’t heal yet. The moans resonating within the thick concrete walls sounded like they were miles away from you - silenced by you replaying all your past choices that led you to this moment. 
Your nails clawed into one of his fresh scars causing John to whimper in both pain and pleasure. You didn’t do it on purpose. He knew. He felt the same joy, the same pleasure as you causing him to twitch and grasp onto you uncontrollably. It was like an out of body experience - like a bottle being constantly filled with water for years before finally overflowing and exploding. Exploding and being free. 
You both were finally naked in front of each other - no more lying about your feelings, no more hiding of your thoughts. No secrets. 
Bruises forming on the soft skin of your neck where John buried his head into, the sweat of your bodies becoming one. The jolts of pleasure shooting through your body, heavy panting, trembling. 
"I haven't forgiven you, John."
"I know."
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multi-fandom-imagine · 10 months
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Day 15:Handing their S/O a positive pregnancy test with a sprig of holly and a note reading ‘Merry Christmas’
Fandom: Far Cry 5
Character: Jacob Seed
Naughty or Nice
A/n: Au where the Seed family is not in a cult
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Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Jacob did his best to go over the paper work his brother sent him.His gaze turning to glance out the window, snow already on the ground. Hearing a knock on his office door pulling him from his thoughtz, he let out a grunt shifting his body in the chair spotting you walking into the room with a nervous smile on your face.
"Hey beautiful" giving you a tired smile his gaze remains on you.
Nibbling your lip, you swallowed thickly rocking on your heels. "I have something I wanted to give you."
Grinning for a moment, Jacob lent across his desk. A small twinkle in his eye. "What is it darlin?"
Taking a deep breath you pulled out the positive pregnancy test with a spring of holly tied around the test with a little note attached to it.
Grasping the stick, Jacob's eyes went wide for a moment though a laugh escaped his lips. Pushing away from the desk he quickly pulled you into for a soft hug. "You sure?"
Nodding your head your fingers cupped his cheek as a giggle escaped your lips. "Yea."
"I'm gonna be a daddy?"
Smiling you pressed a kiss to his nose for a moment as you felt him pull you in for a kiss. "Yea."
Holding you close, Jacob sighed letting his eyes close holding you in his arms. "I'm so happy, I promise I'll be the best daddy."
He couldn't have asked for a better Christmas Present than this.
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seedofjoseph · 10 months
hellbent (WIP)
Author's Note: After posting homebound (link), I immediately began working on a ficlet featuring the overprotective love interest trope starring John Seed. However, I've only picked it up again this week, so I'm posting this early on WIP Wednesday.
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed as a madman. You? All you knew was that he was mad. Wrath he called you, though it sounded like it suited him better. Especially during his last radio call.
“Wrath,” he screamed through the static. “Godammit, Wrath! Where are you?”
“Language, Seed,” you shot back, not being able to see if you’ve hit your target, but hearing the words had wounded him instead. “Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.”
“I’ll find you, girl,” his words were muffled, his mouth probably planted close enough to kiss the microphone. “Even if I have to burn down every dive bar and liquor store in this valley to draw you out, I’ll find you.”
“Thought you let me break curfew so that I could go bar hopping,” you smirked. And, while he couldn’t have seen you do so, he sure as shit heard it in your tone. “I thought you let me out so that I could indulge in my sins.”
“I did and you have,” he answered, the coolness of it making him out to be as inhuman as the receiver his voice was coming out of. “And now I’m coming to save you from yourself.” Before you could press the button to press his buttons, John Seed went completely cold as the receiver went silent.
Feeling only a little bit frustrated by his lack of fire on this chilly night, you finally dismount your bike and let it recline on the stand instead of your legs. After, you unfasten your leather jacket on your short walk to the rest stop entrance, feeling only a little bit heated. Then, taking in the neon-lit shelves and the yellow-stained floors, you cool off with the thought of a cold Coke.
The truth is that you didn’t set out to indulge in anything else besides caffeine tonight. And the lie is that you bask in the fire your wrath left in its wake. That is the lie you fed to John Seed through your shared frequency, the target you put on your back as you drove away from Holland Valley, from everyone you wouldn’t want to be in his crosshairs. And the truth was that businesses that you were a patron of were going up in flames.
So you sigh in sweet relief as the taste of the sugary drink elevated some weight off of your heavy shoulders. “Needed that,” you paid for the half-emptied bottled as soon as you made it to the counter. “Keep the change.” And you exit before the kid on the other side of it can lift his head and recognize you.
All you knew was that John Seed was mad and you wouldn’t bet a poor boy’s life on him not blowing a gasket along with the rest stop.
“That you, Deputy?”
The door slammed loudly behind you, but it’s a shouting human voice that startled you.
You shake your head frantically and walk back to your bike briskly. “Not tonight I’m not.”
The man is indignant and you can tell from the sound that comes out of his throat. Because you weren’t facing him. You couldn’t face him. Not after what happened the last time you did.
“It’s me,” you hear him hop out of the pick-up and bounce back on his boots like he’d lost his footing. “It’s Jean. But you called me Jaaawn,” he slurs like he’d forgotten how you speak. “Yes, Jaaawn. Fuck yes,” he spits your own drunken words back to you.
It’s like he’s getting the both of you shitfaced again. It’s like he’s in your face and up your shirt and in your pants again. Like you never shoved him off of you and locked him in the bathroom stall. Like the bar is still up and running and not in ruins after some Peggie recognised you stumbling out of it and gave John Seed the excuse to indulge in his wrath.
“I’d buy you a drink, buuut,” he stumbles between you and your bike. “But John made them all go BOOM.”
Jean didn’t look much like John Seed tonight, so that drink he’d bought you was strong enough to make him shape-shift before your very inebriated eyes. Though he stands at the same height and combs back the same dark hair with fingers covered in just as much ink, his eyes are more murky green than clear blue. And though he stands before you untouched by the collateral damage your indulgence has caused, you don’t hesitate to lay your hands on him and shove him to the side.
“I’m going sober,” you decline, determined to quit drinking Coke, too, and drive off.
“Least you could do is moan my name,” he spits. “My real name. While I'm fingerin’ your pussy. That was me, bitch, not John fuckin’ Seed.”
The whole of Holland Valley knew John Seed had eyes and ears everywhere. All you knew was that Jean’s slurred speech had summoned him and the empty rest stop you’d pulled into is now crawling by his cavalry.
“Oh, my God,” Jean tries and fails to find his footing and stumbles backwards into your bike. “Oh, my fuckin’ God,” he turns around and takes you in, eyes filled with fear. “Don’t let him kill me, deputy. Please don’t let him kill me.”
Your voice is steady as you instruct him to get inside, even as your heart is rattling the cage that is your chest. And your body shields the entrance, even if your soul threatens to make its escape. But you won’t let it or yourself get away. And you won’t leave another trail of fire in your wake.
“Wrath,” he calls you, but this sin burns brighter in his words than they ever did in yours. And he hops out of the van in a hurry, already heaving like he’d been chasing you on foot through the Valley. “How many more lives have to go up in flames before you’re satiated?”
“None,” you raise your hands in front of you, adding more distance between the Reaper and the two lives. “Not a single one. I’m done.” Then, you stretch your arms above your head. “I’m done, okay?”
You were far from done, far from having your eyelids ripped open, the furthest you can be from amazing grace. And his big brother would’ve called you blind still, but you needed him to see you as enlightened right now.
What your blind eyes do see is something strange in John Seeds eyes, something which resembled a comforting warmth and not a punishing fire.
“It’s suffocating, isn’t it?” His voice is horse like he’s been shouting, and your throat dries like he is right. You are suffocating. “Your wrath has set the world on fire and you’re the only one left to breathe in the ashes.”
The little air left between the two of you is enough for you to exhale: “Yes.”
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Chapter 55: Therefore, What God Has Joined Together, Let No One Separate
Summary: The proverbial wedding bells are ringing for Kit and Jacob, AKA two ginger freaks get married in their own bloody service
warnings: knife play, blood play, brief (and probably fairly unsatisfying) smut
Apologies once more for the nearly two month wait for another chapter. I hope this is worth the wait, especially since there are only 5 chapters left to go
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silverapplestock · 1 year
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Had so much fun doing this commission for @agamemgoth of Jacob Seed and their Deputy! 🥺💕 I miss drawing the Seeds 💖
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gaqalesqua · 10 days
There's blood on her face and a voice in her ear. There's waves and waves of hostile foes coming for her, and she can't even remember her own name
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felassanis · 2 years
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paradlselost · 5 months
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Sort of a dump, I was really debating on just publishing this as a WIP but I was halfway through the smut and decided to just finish it. Not my best, but I tried to go for a more canon accurate John, which means he’s a major freak in this sorry :/
I mentioned it in the fic but didn’t go too deep, I kinda love toying with the idea of a more selfish deputy - humanizing them. If I were to ever write a longer fic with more of an oc-ized version of the deputy would anyone read? Let me know.
I probably won’t post about John Seed or FC5 for a little while after this. I have ideas for a Black Noir (my bbg) fic and then a Father Paul Hill one from Midnight Mass cause I love religious trauma as y’all can tell. I do also like indoctrinated!deputy so maybe maybe eventually I write about that.
2.7k words
content warnings: mentions of cutting into flesh. smut — dubcon, choking, blood play (John being a freak sorry), dryhumping, oral (m receiving), fingering, debauchery in a house of God.
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She should’ve known from the start, when the crackle of her radio sounded, interjecting her music with his voice; that this request was nothing but trouble. But rage had blinded her, wrath seeped into every pore in her body, selfishness.
It was never the Deputy’s plan to become the symbol for the resistance, even after the blades of the helicopter stopped, and smoke and fire billowed out from the engine. Even after Dutch saved her and enlisted her help, and despite the stories from countless other resistance members, she only really had one prerogative; save her friends. 
Hudson, Pratt, Whitehorse. Trapped in the claws of the cult, it was her duty to get them back, and despite the help she had been giving to the resistance, those were the only three people she cared about.
He knew this, stalking her like a cat preparing to pounce, he watched every facet of her life from the moment she ventured into Holland Valley that he could. A selfish little thing, ripe for his obsession.
John Seed was a proud man, bold and brave as he had so eloquently begged Jacob to put in his song. His pedestal as a Herald inflated his ego, the knowledge that without him Eden’s Gate wouldn’t have prospered nearly as much fueled his narcissism, which is why he surrounded himself with only the peggies who would do anything for him.
He isn’t sure whether new members are supposed to pledge their lives to him and the cult, but it sounds so sweet when the floor pools with the blood of their atonement and he coaxes those little words from his new followers' lips. His tongue is coated in silver, he loves this new power, and she threatens to take that from him.
He knew she wouldn’t be as proactive if he crooned to her that he had a resistance member or two, and she would swing in guns blazing if he claimed to have Hudson right beside him. So, instead he played on her curiosity, that little nudge in the back of her mind that forced her to seek him out whenever he called. Like a moth to a flame.
“Fuck you, Seed!” Voice so filled with venom it might’ve burned a hole in the floor, he tilted his head at her profanity, a sadistic grin playing on his face.
Hope County was filled with little white churches, chapels with steeples that attempted to reach to the heavens above. She assumed they were much more lively before, now most were barren except on Sundays, when the peggies who could not fit onto Joseph’s compound would listen to him under random roofs of God.
This. He chose to be under the white ceiling specifically, to call her into the thing she had been fighting against. To hear her screams echo against the chipped painting that decorated the walls, for her blood to be stained on the old wooden floorboards.
Curiosity killed the cat. She was stupid enough to venture into his trap, falling to the ground when hit hard enough over the head, and now she was stupid enough to attempt to fight off the peggies that held either arm.
“Such profanity. You’re in a house of God, Deputy, mind your tongue.” He scolded her as if she was a misbehaving child, as if everything she had ever done could be chalked up to that. A spoiled rotten brat.
His fingers danced over the tools he had brought with him, his trusty tattoo gun being at the top, but an assortment of knives he also deemed fit for this occasion. Oh, the blood she would spill for him, he became giddy at the thought.
“Get off of me-! Woah woah woah- hey stop!” Yelping, she still attempted to fight off the peggies that held her arms, she shied away when he advanced toward her, tattoo gun in his hands. He had tried this before, she knew what he was doing.
“No one here to help you now, Wrath. Don’t try and fight, your atonement will hurt much less if you cooperate.” He was too calm for this situation, a practiced art he had been through hundreds of times. It was a skill, making people spill their most intimate secrets, a skill he had perfected.
The Deputy was a fighter, through and through, though John could understand Jacobs words. She was weak without her companions, without pastor Jerome stealing her from her atonement, or Nick Rye strafing his armed convoy, she was nothing now - and it was almost endearing to him.
With her hands bound, she resorted to spitting that same venom that she held in her words, marking his perfect face with her saliva. He grimaced, wiping it off his cheek before it trailed down to his beard, pretty blue eyes flashing with that same bloodlust that dictated his every waking moment.
It was shocking to even the peggies that held her when he grabbed her by her throat, pinning her to the ground and straddling her hips. His hands shook with anger - the same wrath that he deemed consumed her now making an appearance in himself. Two sides of the same coin, two heads of a snake.
Her head ached now, body feeling as though it was echoing. A second blow to the back of her head that surely would’ve knocked her out if the pain of his tattoo gun wasn’t keeping her grounded. She didn’t know how fast he had ripped her shirt, or how long it would take for him to carve her skin, but she was reduced to pained whines and pleas for him to stop.
And he relished in the noises she made. The blood that covered his hands and trickled down her chest wasn’t an unusual sight for the herald - but her being the one under him made it all the more exciting. His Deputy, his wrath, his perfect rival. The peggies that stood above him now didn’t matter, and what are they to him anyways? Expendable followers he could use, the Deputy was everything.
“Yes yes, c’mon, keep pleading…” How could he help it? Her eyes half lidded as she looked up at him, hands no longer bound by the peggies now loosely grabbing the wrist that held the tattoo gun in an attempt to stop him. She looked so pathetic under him, so why shouldn’t he grind himself against her when his pants were so uncomfortably tight?
Her words didn’t quite reach his ears, not as he waved his followers out - who hurriedly scrambled in embarrassment. The old church was silent, save for her soft sobs and his intense breathing. His hand still placed over her neck made her choke on her words, which only fueled his desire. He could crush her windpipe, her life rested in his hands, and maybe he would’ve if the nagging reminder that she was the only way he was getting into New Eden wasn’t playing in the back of his head.
His ticket, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun with her.
He removed his hand from her neck as he finished carving into her pretty skin. WRATH, her own personal scarlet letters. He hummed, looking down at her with lustful eyes, fluttering between hers and the blood that pooled on her chest and trickled down her body to the wooden floor below.
She hated the feeling that bubbled in her chest as the pain subsided, now only a dull ache danced with the look he gave her, how he rubbed the tent made in his pants against her. No doubt, a mark had been left on her neck - his handprint, a reminder. The world felt silent at this moment, when she should've pushed him off.
Selfishness. Prioritizing that small ache he gave her over what she should be doing. Finding anything to act as a weapon against him.
But she didn’t, not as his head lowered and she was greeted with his perfectly slicked back hair, shaking hands reaching to play with a strand. A soft grumble came from his throat, tongue lapping at the blood that trickled down the valley of her chest, tasting what he had drawn out of her.
“What are you doing-?” Her voice was soft, he barely heard it over the ringing in his ears. Too long had he been subjected to resorting to his hand when he thought about her, or messing up his silk pillowcases with his pretty ropes when she teased him over the radio. He had her under him, he wasn’t going to let her go now.
“Shh.” His voice was more scolding then he meant it to be, his tongue traveling from the blood he lapped at down to her budding nipple. He wasn’t gentle, and why should he be? After everything she had messed up for him, he felt it justified to bite down on her pretty flesh, pulling at the bud as much as he wanted.
He relished in the pretty, pained moans that fell from her lips, how her back arched into it. Two sides of the same coin, both reveling in whatever pain was brought to them.
The Deputy’s head tilted back, allowing him a chance to latch onto her neck as a vampire would, smearing the blood on his lips all over her pretty skin. He bit, marking her with his teeth over the forming bruises from his handprint. His hands, decorated in the crimson from his hold on the tattoo gun traveled down her body, painting her in her own red.
He slipped his hand below the rough fabric of her jeans, being met with a contrast, soft and delicate and slightly damp. A soft grumble left his lips at the feeling; which were still pressed against her pretty neck. He felt the way her breath hitched as he ran digits over her most delicate areas. Being so close to her neck, he felt how her muscles tightened and how her breath hitched in her throat.
Lifting her hips to meet his tattooed fingers, a small admission of need. She bit her bottom lip to suppress the noises that tempted to fall from her lips - not wanting to give him the satisfaction. They were still enemies, still rivals, at least to her. 
John on the other hand seemed to be on cloud nine, relishing in how she moved against his hand, grinding herself through the fabric of her underwear. He bit down once more, slipping her out of her jeans and grabbing her hips, sitting up and pressing his pelvis against hers.
“John- John cmon…” Head thrown back, panting as she grabbed at the blue silk of his top. He tilted his head down at her, a sadistic smirk playing on his features.
He always took what he wanted, no matter who it was, and the Deputy was no exception to this. To him, it was God's Grace that placed them both here, that gave him the opportunity to rut his hips against hers.
The bulge in his covered jeans met her underwear, fucking himself against her covered cunt. He leaned down overtop of her, panting against her ear. Hot breath on her neck, the sounds of his soft moans mixing with his heavy breaths, and of course his restricted cock grazing just over her clit every couple of thrusts, it was enough to make any girl's eyes roll back.
He stopped, only for a moment, but long enough for her to let out a needy whine, lifting her head to see what he was doing. Tattooed fingers worked the EG belt off, letting his pants pool at his ankles. He wasted no time once they were off, underwear meeting underwear as the outline of his dick was much more pronounced.
“Fuck fuck, put your head back. Fucking-… good girl.” He groaned out, one hand leaving her hips and grabbing at her pretty hair, pulling her head back against the cold wooden floor of the church. She ached, head pounding and echoing from the injuries earlier - but the feeling of him fucking himself against her needy cunt kept her grounded.
In this moment, she needed him, needed this feeling to not pass out.
He tilted his own head back, sweat casting a slick sheen over his skin. A hand dipped against the drying blood on her chest, gathering what he could over his fingertips before bringing them to his lips, sucking on the bloodied digits. He groaned around his fingers, muffling the moans that threatened to fall.
The head of his cock strained against the blue fabric of his boxers, hips thrusting sloppily against her as his hand tightened on her hips, leaving pretty marks in his wake. One thrust, another thrust, and finally another before white pooled at the head, spurting out of the tiny holes in his underwear.
Panting, he finally moved his fingers out of his mouth, cleaned off the blood and tilted his head down at her almost mockingly; he got to finish, the cum that leaked from his underwear dripping down onto hers, and she didn’t get to. He relished in that, that power he had over her.
“H-hey! Not fair!”
“Oh, Deputy. Come here, maybe I’ll let you get off.”
He grinned as he stood up, fixing himself before moving back onto one of the pews, watching her scramble over to him. He had her eating out of the palm of his hand as she kneeled in front of him. Her head pounded harder, eyes a little woozy.
“Poor baby, rest your head, sweetheart.” He teased, a sadistic grin on his face as she nodded and rested against his thigh, looking up at him with those pretty eyes of hers. He couldn’t help himself, not if she looked so pretty right there in his grasp. 
He tangled his fingers in her hair, watching her confused expression as he moved the blue fabric off of his legs, dick springing up as it was freed from the confinement of his underwear. Guiding her head over it, watching her part her pretty lips to suck on his leaking tip.
Milking his cock, swallowing the spurts of salty seed that spilled onto her tongue. She drained him for all he’s worth, looking up at him as he ran his fingers through her hair. He was soft and gentle in this moment, noises falling from his lips that told her how good she was doing. She shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be sucking off John Seed of all people.
He grinned as he watched her, once he was satisfied with the way she suckled on him, he grabbed her chin and pulled her off of him. Guiding her up to her feet, he let her loom over him. She wasn’t intimidating like this, he didn’t know if it was because he had just fucked her over their clothes or because she was relying on him for an orgasm, but she seemed almost adorable.
His lips found her neck once more as she leaned against him, nuzzling her head into his shoulder. He forced her to stand, to spread her legs to allow his fingers to feel the now wet fabric of her panties. He hummed in satisfaction, moving them aside and tracing a finger over her slick folds.
A soft gasp left her lips, grabbing onto his shoulder and attempting to move back to look him in the eye. He grumbled, forcing her in that same position as he bit down on her neck, pushing a finger inside of her at the same time. He loved the moans that fell from her lips as he pumped a digit deeper inside of her.
Another finger stretched her out, deep enough to hit those nerves that made her legs tremble. She whined, shaking against him and propping herself up as he continued to pump in and out of her. He pulled away from her neck for only a moment, watching the way she buried her face against him and laughing softly.
He added one more finger before her legs fully began to tremble, grabbing onto his shoulder. Pumping more, fully reaching those nerves, which caused her to spasm around him, her orgasm flooding around his fingers. She rocked against him once or twice, chasing her high.
“Look at you, Deputy, needing me. Did I make you feel good? Use your words.”
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inafieldofdaisies · 9 months
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Ship Art | John x Sabrina | The Diviner and The Baptist | Commission by @derelictheretic
“Kiss me, mercilessly. Leave no corner of me untouched.” — Beau Taplin
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[tags] @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @strafethesesinners @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @adelaidedrubman @voidika @aceghosts @madparadoxum @theelderhazelnut @direwombat @florbelles @corvosattano @unholymilf @nightbloodbix @josephseedismyfather @macs-babies
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swampbrick · 14 days
Come get your juice, FC5 fans!!
The prologue for “in place of hymns, i sing your name” is LIVE!!
Ship: (Eventual) John Seed/Female Deputy
Updates will be on no set schedule, but existent!! 🫶🏼
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lethalchiralium · 2 years
I Wanna Be Yours | Jacob Seed x F!Reader
a/n: i’ve been sitting on this one for literal months. felt ashamed by my friends for writing female readers often but now i don’t care because i do what makes me happy (for the most part). posting makes me happy and i love writing neutral readers but this one is old so don’t kill me. divider by @derelictheretic
warnings: SEXUAL THEMES!! MINORS DNI. cussing, illusion to smut but no smut.
summary: Jacob just wants her to tell him that she is his, and he can finally feel complete.
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Jacob stood in front of the stove, watching the soup simmer with his arms crossed. Another day snowed in, another fight with the Deputy. Why must she make everything so complicated? Everything was so easy when this first started - the love part was the part he found the hardest to deal with. He had to fucking win every argument but so did she, she fought just as hard and wouldn’t back down just like him; one of the things he loved about her. Why couldn’t she see that all he wanted to do was protect her?
Jacob almost froze when her hand grazed his stomach, moving to fit perfectly at his side. Her arm holding his stomach, the other rested on his back - her head rested on his arm. His hand reached for her head, gently smoothing down her hair. If he had enough strength in his heart, he would’ve kissed her. He would’ve pulled her into him, intoxicate her with his love and never let her leave his sight - that’s what he wanted. She made his words so complicated.
“I don’t think I want to leave you.”
The first words she spoke in a couple hours, even when she burned herself on the fireplace. And they made his heart squeeze uncomfortably - he never wants you to leave him here alone. “I don’t want to leave you.” She whispered like a prayer - the quiet ones like the ones he spoke as a child. His hand that rested on her head moved away, he turned to face her and she looked up at him with those tired eyes - the Deputy’s eyes. He wanted to see her.
Her name slipped from his tongue like a wish, so soft and subtle she barely caught it, his large hands settled on her jaw. She was exhausted - from fighting the cult, fighting with the Resistance, fighting with him - he wanted to take it off her shoulders. Kiss away the problems, let her tell him her deepest secrets; he knew she wasn’t much of a sharer though. He only leaned forwards, meeting his forehead with hers - a symbol of his trust and love for her.
“Let me take care of you,” The Soldier coaxed. “let me love you.”
“We won’t work,” She recalled one of the statements he made the day before. “We can’t work outside of this cabin, Jake.”
“But you don’t want to leave me because you love me?”
The Deputy bit her lip a little to stop her train of thought from becoming words spoken from her lips. So, she only nodded - the man nodded against her forehead gently. Her hands found themselves against his chest, his own moved from her jaw down to the hem of her shirt.
“Tell me to stop, Deputy.” His voice was small, so unlike him but she knew why. He was nervous. “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop, my love. If we do this, you can’t leave me. I’ll be yours - you’ll be mine.”
There was a beat, a pause, a breath - Jacob’s hands pulled her even closer, tugging up her shirt. She let him, she let him closer to her as his hands moved to settle on her skin right above her lower back. Her cheek settled against his, his beard scratching against her skin but she didn’t give it another thought.
“They’ll torture me.” The words left her tongue like acid, burning Jacob’s chest. “For everything I know, they’ll kill me for loving you. Or,”
“Or?” Jacob echoed, his fingers reaching up her back.
“They’ll kill you and I could never live with myself, so there’s two reasons why we can’t work.”
He paused, pulling her flush to his chest and pressed his cheek harshly into hers.
“We’re strong,” He answered, her hands moved up his chest to his neck. The shivers that went down Jacob were something to never be spoken of - but God, did he love it. “Let them come for me, little bird. They won’t touch me.”
The Deputy dryly laughed, kissing his cheek. “You’re so certain.”
Her fingers curled around his dog tags as he unbuttoned her pants, smiling into her ear. “I’ll rip all of their fingernails off, watch ‘em writhe in pain. I’ll peel their skin off, cauterize it,” Her fingers slipped the dog tags off of his neck, causing him to pause. Jacob leaned back, gazing down at his teary-eyed Deputy who wore his well-polished dog tags and his whole world collided with the Sun.
“I’ll crucify them before I let them take me from you.”
A tear escaped her eye, falling down her right cheek and Jacob’s hand reached up and flicked it away with his thumb. He ducked a little, placing himself centimeters from her lips.
“I just want you to tell me if you want me.”
His thumb grazed over her bottom lip, his eyes zeroed in on her face. Her eyes only gazed into his.
“I want you.”
Jacob has only ever ripped one shirt before in his life, but the way her shirt pulled apart so easily from his own hands as his lips met hers - the way it made a needy conversation turn into the elegant dancing of their lips. He felt weak with all of these feelings - the way she made him fall to his knees and kiss her bare stomach with a hunger like no other was terrifying. He was strong, but anytime he knew she was around, his body grow weak and he falls to his knees in worship of her and her body.
He’d ask Joseph for forgiveness later since he has been worshipping something other than His Word.
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Jacob laid her sleeping figure upon his bed, the one he hasn’t slept in the whole time they’d been here. His knee fell upon the mattress, pushing the blanket away as he pulled her into the middle of the red sheets, bringing his knees to straddle her feet before he moved up a little. He placed his hands beside her arms, lowering his body on top of hers and settling his head on her stomach - just like the countless times before.
She smelled like him now, he found it…distasteful. As much as he burned for the thought of her being his, she smelled like home.
He disregarded the thought as he kicked the blanket forwards, grabbing it with his hands and tugging it over his head, up to her collarbone. He was incredibly sweaty and hot, but that didn’t matter. She always grew cold sooner or later. Her hands settled on his cheek and hair, combing through it. Now he was enveloped in her scent, his heart rate calmed and his hands curled to rest on the outskirts of her upper back.
Exhaustion was creeping up the Herald’s back, squeezing her back a little. She tugged on his hair a little as a response, his eyes fluttered closed. God, did he love her. He would destroy everything in his path for one last taste, he would lay God’s body in a shallow grave for one last kiss. He was weak in her presence, but he knew that made them strong.
Copyright © 2022 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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some27-url · 2 months
[A Different Kind of Love]
Far Cry 5 • [Explicit] • [Graphic Depictions of Violence] ••Jacob Seed/female Deputy • Eli Palmer/female deputy•• Whump • Physical Violence • Brainwashing • Eventual Smut
Jacob's boots appeared in her line of sight. When he leaned down far enough to make eye contact she couldn't help but squirm at the sight of him hanging over her, looking like destruction personified. He was covered in soot from head to toe, though some had been cleared from around his eyes, and his copper hair struggled to peek out from under all the dust. She yanked frantically on her restraints. “Where's your first aid kit?” he asked, shouting like he was trying to reach her through a bad connection. “I'd like to stitch your goddamned head before you bleed out.”
“Eat shit,” she sneered.
Rook and Jacob end up in a bunker alone for the collapse. Hilarity ensues.
X x X x X
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seedofjoseph · 2 years
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Fandom: Far Cry 5
Relationship: Jacob Seed x F!Deputy
Rating: M (mature)
Words: 700
Author's Note: I've already confessed my preference for a possessive male love interest (link), so that's the romance trope I'm guilty of in this one.
Jacob Seed pulled back your leash the night you stepped foot out of his sight.
It turned out that his collar was tighter than you thought, as he tracked your scent down in spite of you splashing through every stream on your way down the Whitetail Mountains.
Under the full moon, surrounded by snarling Judges and challenged by his Chosen, you shivered. Then, bitting down on your thrumming heart with clattering teeth, you braced yourself for their Bliss bullets. Yet, none ever got to graze your gooseflesh that night.
"Hold your fire," you heard him howl before he manifested in the moonlight. "At ease," he lowered his hand, and the others lowered their guns with it. "C'mere," he called to you as if you were one of his Judges.
You disobeyed him, standing up as straight and as tall as your shivering spine allowed.
"C'mere," he waved you over as if you were one of his bitches. "Let's get you back home."
"I'm not going back into that kennel," you barked, voice breaking and chest heaving.
Under the moon, in the spotlight, your wet shirt clung to your skin, to the swell of your breasts and their perked-up peaks. And you only saw yourself exposed through his eyes, through the glare he gave his men as he grazed past them.
"At attention."
Because he could stand both straight and tall, he did, and all the others around him averted their gaze as he advanced toward you. With one last glower, he shot down the stares of the soldiers further undressing your form.
"I warned you, angel," Jacob Seed said softly, like a lullaby. "I warned you 'bout strayin' from the path. You must be fuckin' freezin'." He undressed, stripping the jacket off of his shoulders, and suspending it in the air, up at around your height. "C'mere," he called to you, like a song refrain you already knew.
Stepping into the open jacket, you sighed when its warmth was wrapped around your freezing shoulders.
"That's it."
And you gasped when you were gathered into his arms and your feet stopped touching the ground.
"That's a good girl."
With his arm around your sore shoulders, his hand squeezed your bruised bicep. With his other arm under both of your knobby knees, he turned around
"There a problem, soldier?" He raised his voice once more, directing it at the man who didn't divert his eyes from you, from his angel.
"N-no, sir."
"We're moving out," he began his trek back to the truck. Back home.
"Yes, sir."
You were halfway up the mountain and all the way up in Jacob Seed's lap when realization set in, seeping into your bones like the icy streams you crossed to wash off his scent: your collar was never coming off.
He words seeped into the base of your skull, his nose buried into the knotted hair at the back of your neck. "Did you think you were free?" He breathed you in, the ravenous rumbling in his chest vibrating through the back it was set against. "You've forgotten your purpose." And his words now seeped into your spine, into the pit of your stomach and bottom of your belly. "You've forgotten who you belong to."
When his tongue lapped up the salty sweat and fresh water running down the side of your neck, you tasted your own hunger on yours. And when you swallowed the scent that surrounded you, the scent that clung to his jacket, you also distinguished the dampness in your already wet jeans. And the musk marinating in his own.
Your seat was hot because Jacob Seed was hot. And the bulge he sat you down on was burning, not nursed by the friction forming between it and your bottom.
When his lips latched onto that strip of skin covering your jugular vein, you tilted your head to make room for his teeth.
His canines pressed against your pulse, and his hand came around to tighten around your throat. "Mine." As his fangs forced themselves into your flesh, you felt the pull of his leash and the squeeze of his collar. "You're mine."
You swallowed a scream and wound up your spine like a bow against his chest, your cushiony ass arching back against his hard cock. And he licked at your wound, winding the invisible collar even tighter and visibly marking you.
"You belong to me."
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